#guo ding
tofufei · 6 months
郭顶 《凄美地》 — The Fog Space by Guo Ding
凄美地: lit. desolate, beautiful land
不知疲倦的人啊,去到那个一切未知的目的地。 Thou who art untiring, go forth, towards that unknown destination.
translation under the cut
曾经我是不安河水 穿过森林误入你心 没计划扎营搁下了是非 一去不回 I used to be a turbulent stream. Meandering through the forest, I entered your heart by mistake. I had no intention to linger, yet discarding right and wrong, I stayed and didn't return.
如今我是造梦的人呐 怅然若失流连忘返啊 等潮汐来临 我就能记起 你的样子 Now, I am the creator of dreams. I couldn't tear myself away but the nagging feeling of loss can no longer be drowned out. Once the tide rises, I’ll be able to remember your shape.
我没看过平坦山丘 怎么触摸开花沼泽 I have never seen flat hills, How can I reach the blooming marsh beyond?
嘿等我找到你试探你眼睛 心无旁骛地相拥 那是我仅有的温柔也是我爱你的原因 在这凄美地 Once I find you and see myself in your eyes, The only thing that will matter is our embrace. This is the only non-violent part of me and the reason I love you, Here in this beautiful, wretched place.
曾经这里是无人之地 为何没留下有效地址 肆意的消息迷失在十月 没有音讯 This land used to be uninhabited. Why didn't you leave me an address I could reach? Shameless messages that got lost in October received no reply.
如今这里是风和日丽 等你再回来雨过迁徙 看夜幕将近 我又能记起 你的样子 Now, this is a place of sunshine and gentle breezes. If you'd return, it would be to a time when rain no longer falls. As night falls, I can finally remember your shape again.
我还记得平坦山丘 如今身在开花沼泽 I still remember the flat hills. Now, I’m drowning in the sea of marsh-flowers.
嘿 等我找到你试探你眼睛 心无旁骛地相拥 那是我仅有的温柔也是我爱你的原因 在这凄美地 Once I find you and see myself in your eyes, The only thing that will matter is our embrace. This is the only non-violent part of me and the reason I love you, Here in this beautiful, wretched place.
在这之前别说再见 我已再经不起离别 在这之前别说再见 我已经开始了想念 在这之前别说再见 请帮我停住这时间 就这样 别安慰 Please don't say goodbye before this, Another farewell is impossible for me to bear. Please don't say goodbye before this, I have already started to miss you. Please don't say goodbye before this, Will you help me stop time? Let us remain like this, don't comfort me.
嘿等我找到你望住你眼睛 心无旁骛地相拥 那是我仅有的温柔也是我爱你的原因 如此不可及 如此不思议 让我坠落在这凄美地 Once I find you and lock you inside my gaze, The only thing that will matter is our embrace. This is the only non-violent part of me and the reason I love you. Such is the height of folly, Impossible and indescribable. Just let me fall in this beautiful, wretched place.
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cpopjukebox · 8 months
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Painted Skin: The Guo Jingming Edition 画皮 (2020) Ding Chengxin as Xiao Wei, the fox demon
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 3 months
Link Click Musical update 145
(a random bunch from recent performances, part 1)
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⬆ Pictures from this time span, no particular info to add ^^'
March 15th: Guo Hongxu, Ji Xiaokun
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OH RIGHT I didn't show it here, not LC related, but look at this gorgeous Ji Xiaokun from around 2021:
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yeah okay, moving on
March 16th: Guo Hongxu, Shu Rongbo, Wu Hanglu:
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⬆ Theatre was doing an event for Qiao Ling's birthday. That's why they're looking around the audience.
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March 17th, noon: Ding Xingchen, Wu Yihan
I shit you not, there were zero pictures (only clips) from their LC performance, that day, only stage door ones 😔 So have Ding Xingchen in cat ears ✨one is from March 17th the other is quite old, I think the prop was brought by the same fan :>
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see ya in next part~
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saelterlude · 3 months
lc musical clip list pt.4! i'm calling this one, the birthday special!!
(pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.5, pt.6 here)
Why is this the birthday special, well because of this:
51. 28/02/2024, Happy BDay Guo Hongxu! I don't usually upload promovid but uhh he's so cool in this one so, here. Sidenote, Shu Rongbo is very hyper and cute this performance. And Qian Anqi's cute english plss i love her.
52. 03/03/2024 night, Happy BDay Zuo Yiping! Watch also, Cao Muzhi penguin walk across the table, Wu Yihan please watch your steps and don't poke other people's cake!!
(funny coincidence, I happen to watch a Santa Lucia/Mio Fratello clip of Cao Muzhi-Wu Yihan just a couple days before this)
53. 10/03/2024 night, Happy Bday Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan!! Hehe the way Qian Anqi knocks their heads together and insisted to sing them happy birthday is so cute. Wu Yihan said 'Happy Birthday' before their customary Guiding Light hug. And pls someone translate (or at least transcribed) the closing speech for me, there's a lot of laughing involved, I'm curious. Also, have this bonus stage door clip.
Some funfacts. Since last year they play in the same 4 musicals including Link Click and out of those 4 plays they shared 2 roles. Shu Rongbo played a total of 9 roles while Wu Yihan played 7. (Yes, I am at that level of hyperfixation)
54. 11/03/2024, HBD Teng Chunpeng! LMAO It's you, so of course your promo video would be great! His face during the sofa choreo though. And why are both him and Du Guangyi stomping and jumping on the table so hard. You menaces, please you're gonna break it. The couch trio is also looking cute behind them.
Moving on from the birthdays starting with this special one,
55. 11/03/2024 Valentine's day special, <- Official ver. Forgive my language TENG CHUNPENG DU GUANGYI YOU FCKING TEASE! YOU GEM OF A HUMAN BEING! Have this fancam with the superior angle.
(This makes Du Guangyi the first and only actor who have played all 3 roles in that scene. Congrats!)
56. Special Encore rehearsals/BTS! Special mentions to Teng Chunpeng's fashion sense, Wu Yihan's cute act, Ding Xingchen's falling wig, Zhang Jiahao's IDGAF mood, and Wang Minhui's violent tendencies.
57. 26/02/2024, when I say Cai Qi and Wang Minhui have the best dynamic, this is what I meant.
58. 29/02/2024, watch Ji Xiaokun and Guo Hongxu's "Oi!" "Oi."
59. 01/03/2024, Look at them stumbling through singing "Guiding Light" and it's a Wu Yihan-Shu Rongbo duo which means hug! Also Wu Yihan, why are you a menace at holding hands, this time with Zou Ziyue.
60. 03/03/2024 day, why is there a piglet??? Why are you seasoning the piglet??? Why are you stepping on the piglet?? Why is the piglet bowing?? piglet??
61. 04/03/2024, Bai Zhuoming being extra sassy and playful on the couch makes me so happy. Of course Cai Lu also becomes playful in response. Typical Guiding Light mistake also causes Wang Minhui to crack.
62. 07/03/2024, Guo Hongxu putting up the wrong foot and stumbling on the sofa choreo.
63. 07/03/2024, same performance as above, Ji Xiaokun being annoying <3. When other pairs hug, they wrestle.
64. 10/03/2024 day, Mooom! Cai Qi and Wang Minhui are fighting instead of doing rock-paper-scissors again.
65. 09/03/2024 day, uuuhh Wu Yihan sitting on the counter like that with those lights and shadows during Guiding Light is creepy.
66. 09/03/20204 night, love me some Du Guangyi shenanigans, the way he just gives up on the handshake and walk off the table plss and him teasing Deng Xianling during the closing speech. Speaking of, she brings out the bat and forces their arms to form the heart. Then there's Bai Zhuoming being cute and the little shimmy dance he does.
67. 09/03/2024 night, bonus to the one above. Du Guangyi last minute adlib was unexpected but very enjoyable. Also, I love the contrast between his and Bai Zhuoming's tutting.
That's all for now!
Bonus clip with Bai Zhuoming! The song "Number 7" from "Fan Letter" musical is really good, I'm obssesed. But special performance where they're joined by their alternate cast? And his alternate cast is, Shu Rongbo? Even better!! They're kinda in their own world too. Here's a close up. Their voices go so well together!
(I swear they're playing something on that paper, and that makes it 3 musicals I know where they share the same role. Is it time I made a venn diagram?)
so at which point do i admit this brainrot is slowly but surely turning from linkclick focused to actor focused?
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tokumusume · 6 months
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if i had a nickel for every time a twink got tattooed with a mysterious text passed down for generations in a guo jingming drama i would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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[Extract: morality is in the eye of the beholder]
Cao Cao sits in prison and considers his options...
This was the first time he had been able to sit down and think. How long had he been on the run? Eight days? Ten? Time had blurred together during his mad flight and he had only been concerned with his own safety. Now his thoughts turned to his family, back at his hometown of Chenliu. Things should be relatively stable at the moment,  Pei County was fairly remote and the people had no loyalty for Dong Zhuo. His wife and children would be protected by his cousins, but for how long? Dong Zhuo was no doubt preparing to launch an retaliatory attack on his clan, it was not a matter of if but when. Their only choice would be to meet him in the open field. His Lady Wife could hold the fort for now, rallying his cousins and loyalists, but she was just a woman and they would never follow her into battle. His eldest son was still a boy. His cousin, Cao Ren, was reliable but lacked foresight. His Lord Father had plenty of gold but no backbone. If Cao Cao perished, everything would fall apart. His family would be slaughtered and his entire clan exterminated. 
For the first time since his mad dash from Luoyang, Cao Cao began to fully comprehend the avalanche he had set in motion. There would be war. Not isolated rebellions and skirmishes. Open war. State against state. Brother against brother. Fields would burn, cities would crumble, after nearly four hundred years of peace, the face of the Han Empire was about to change forever. It wasn’t just his own life on the line, it was his clan, the family name, everything his forefathers had worked for. 
The weight of such responsibility might have crushed lesser men, but it lit a fire inside him. If his mind had been a dark forest before, now he saw a clear, blazing trail. Every doubt and petty fear melted away into mist in the brilliance of that single, beautiful, unwavering line. Cao Cao felt calm. The obliterating, all-consuming nothingness you feel when you leap off a cliff towards a narrow ledge. You either made it or you didn’t. You either died or you didn’t. Once you were in mid-air, with nothing but heaven above and rocks below, there was no room for anything else. Cao Mengde would not fail because he could not afford to fail. He was going to get back home. He was going to drag his body to his doorstep, bleeding and broken, if it was the last thing he did. 
notes under the cut:
Wife < Guy: I wanted explore the attitude men (especially warlords) had for their families. This weird mixture of self-absorbed patriarchal values + a general confucian belief that he has a strong duty to protect his dependants. His main priority is for the primary wife and male heirs, (concubines and daughters are basically accessories.) His affection for them is strongly rooted in their usefulness in relation to him. It's might be love, but I didn't want to go too far and make it y'know, sentimental, but he is a human being and he is not as callous as he pretends to be.
Wife Guy: This was semi-inspired by historical events. Lady Bian (a 25 ish yr old concubine at the time) managed to rally his supporters and keep them together when Cao Cao was on the run from Dong Zhuo and presumed dead. Cao Cao was so impressed by her conduct he made her the main wife after Lady Ding divorced him (for getting her son killed). Han Women were allowed to own property and advise their husbands in politics/strategy albeit in limited ways. Lady Ding was very respected by Cao Cao and she even allegedly convinced him to vegan at some point.
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asiandramabuzz · 2 years
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Painted Skin: The Guo Jingming Edition (画皮)
Starring He Changxi as Wang Sheng and Ding Chengxin as Xiao Wei
Country: China
Release Year: 2020
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nemainofthewater · 4 months
Welcome to the 'Best Character with [X] surname' polls!
This is where I take several characters from different Chinese media (mostly cnovels and cdrama) and run a poll on which one is the 'best'. What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
NB: the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often they will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
If you can't find a surname, it's because I couldn't find enough candidates (at least 3 from 3 distinct medias) to compete. Feel free to submit candidates!
I will be posting several polls at a time, so do come back and check this masterpost to remember which polls are ongoing, who the winners are, and who's coming up next!
Finished polls: Xing/Rong/Nan/Ren/Pan/Qu/Fu/Sui/Tan/You/Sima/Xuan/Chang/Xun/Shangguan/Jian/Qian/Shu/Xi/Yuwen/Cai/Sha/Yin/Ceng/Helian/Zeng/Lou/Mi/Ji/Ping/Tong/Tuoba/Ge/Murong/Hei/Niu/Tao/Si/Pang/Zi/Gongsun/Mao/Qing/Lian
There's only a certain number of hyperlinks that can be added per post, so the rest of the completed polls can now be found here
All the details of the individual polls under the readmore
An - posted 15/03/24 WINNER An Zhe
Bai - posted 28/02/24 WINNER Bai Fengxi
Baili - posted 22/03/24 WINNER Baili Qingmiao
Bao - posted 1/05/24 WINNER Bao Rongxing
Bi - posted 26/03/24 WINNER Bi Changfeng
Bian - posted 1/05/14 WINNER Bian Cheng
Cai - posted 7/04/24 WINNER Cai Quan
Cang - posted 23/04/24 WINNER Cang Jiumin
Cao - posted 8/02/24. WINNER - Cao Weining
Cen - posted 7/05/24 WINNEER Cen Xiao
Ceng - posted 8/04/24 WINNER Ceng Aiyu
Chang - posted 3/04/24 WINNER Chang Geng
Chao - posted 21/04/24 WINNER Chao Zi
Chen - posted 9/02/24 WINNER Chen Qingxu
Cheng - posted 10/03/24 WINNER Cheng Shaoshang
Chi - posted 19/04/24 WINNERS Chi Zhanggui and Chi Xiaochi
Chong - posted 25/04/24 WINNER Chong Ming
Chu - posted 12/03/24 WINNER Chu Wanning
Chun - posted 28/04/24 WINNER Chun Shen
Cui - posted 11/03/24 WINNER Madam Cui
Dai - posted 30/04/24 WINNER Dai Mubai
Dao - posted 20/04/24 WINNER Dao Mingsi
Deng - posted 27/04/24 WINNER Deng Kuan
Di - posted 16/02/24 WINNER Di Feisheng
Ding - posted 7/03/24 WINNER Ding Rong
Dong - posted 21/03/24 WINNER Dong Yi
Dongfang - posted 25/03/24 WINNER Dongfang Qingcang
Dou - posted 7/05/24 WINNER Dou Cheng
Du - posted 26/03/24 WINNER Du Cheng
Duan - posted 23/03/24 WINNER Duan Baiyue
Fan - posted 27/02/24 WINNER Fan Xian
Fang - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Fang Duobing
Fei - posted 20/03/24 WINNER Fei Du
Feng - posted 28/02/24 WINNER 'Other'
Fu - posted 31/03/24 WINNER Fu Yao
Gao - posted 13/02/24 WINNER Gao Xiaolian
Ge - posted 13/04/24 WINNER Ge Chen
Gong - posted 30/04/24 WINNER Gong Yu
Gongsun - posted 17/04/24 WINNER Gongsun Heng
Gu - posted 7/03/24 WINNER Gu Xiang
Guan - posted 17/03/24 WINNER Guan Hemeng
Gui - posted 29/04/24 WINNERS Gui Wen, Gui Yang, Gui Bai and 'Other'
Guo - posted 9/02/24 WINNER Guo Changcheng
Hai - posted 26/04/24 WINNER Hai Lanshi
Han - posted 17/03/24 WINNER Han Ying
Hao - posted 16/03/24 WINNER Hao Du
He - posted 22/03/24 WINNER He Xuan
Hei - posted 14/04/24 WINNER Hei Xiazi
Helian - posted 9/04/24 wINNER Helian Yi
Hong - posted 8/03/24 WINNER Hong Qigong
Hou - posted 3/05/24 WINNER Hou Bin
Hu - posted 6/03/24 WINNER Hu Tianying
Hua - posted 21/02/24 WINNER Hua Cheng
Huan - posted 6/05/24 WINNER Huan Xiaoyan
Huang - posted 20/03/24 WINNER Huang Shaotian
Huo - posted 25/02/24 WINNER Huo Xiuxiu
Ji - posted 11/04/24 WINNER Ji Xue
Jia - posted 18/03/24 WINNER Jia Kui
Jian - posted 4/04/24 WINNER Jian Buzhi
Jiang - posted 12/02/24 WINNER Jiang Cheng
Jiao - posted 27/03/24 WINNER Jiao Liqiao
Jin - posted 29/02/24 WINNER Jin Ling
Jing - posted 14/03/24 WINNER Jing Beiyuan
Jun - posted 28/04/24 WINNER 'Other"
Kan - posted 3/05/24 WINNER Kan Jian
Kang - posted 27/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Kong - posted 26/04/24 WINNERS Kong Xiu and Alexis Kong
Kou - posted 4/05/24 WINNER Kou Baimen
Lai - posted 5/05/24 WINNER Lai Zhongshu
Lan - posted 23/02/24 WINNER Lan Wangji
Lei - posted 12/03/24 WINNER Lei Wujie
Leng - posted 2/05/24 WINNER Leng Yue
Li - posted 18/02/24 WINNER Li Lianhua
Lian - posted 18/04/24 WINNERS Lian Yufan and Lian Qiao
Liang - posted 13/03/24 WINNER 'Other'
Lin - posted 14/02/24 WINNER Lin Chen
Ling - posted 6/03/24 WINNER Ling Wen
Liu - posted 16/02/24 WINNER Liu Qingge
Long - posted 23/03/24 WINNER Long Zhi
Lou - posted 10/04/24 WINNER Lou Yao
Lu - posted 5/03/24 WINNER Lu Guang
Luo - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Luo Binghe
Ma - posted 13/03/24 WINNER Ma Xiuying
Mao - posted 17/04/24 WINNER Mao Panfeng
Mei - posted 14/02/24 WINNER Mei Changsu
Meng - posted 29/02/24 WINNER Meng Zhi
Mi - posted 10/04/24 WINER Mi Chong
Miao - posted 23/04/24 WINNER Miao Renfeng
Min - posted 6/05/24 WINNER Min Yunzhong
Ming - posted 26/02/24 WINNER Ming Yi
Misc - posted 7/05/24 WINNER Gongyi Xiao
Mo - posted 18/02/24 WINNER Mo Xuanyu
Mu - posted 22/02/24 WINNER Mu Nihuang
Murong - posted 13/04/24 WINNER Other
Nan - posted 29/03/24 WINNER Nan Feng
Nangong - posted 25/04/24 WINNER Nangong Si
Nie - posted 15/03/24 WINNER Nie Huaisang
Ning - posted 19/03/24 WINNER Ning Yingying
Niu - posted 14/04/24 WINNER Niu Chunmiao
Ouyang - posted 5/03/24 WINNER Ouyang Zizhen
Pan - posted 30/03/24 WINNER Pan Zi
Pang - posted 16/04/24 WINNER Pang Yizhi
Pei - posted 20/02/24 WINNER Pei Ming
Peng - posted 29/04/24 wINNER Peng Sanbian
Ping - posted 11/04/24 WINNER Ping An
Qi - posted 22/02/24 WINNER 'Other'
Qian - posted 5/04/24 WINNER Qian Jin
Qiao - posted 10/02/24 WINNER Qiao Wanmian
Qin - posted 16/03/24 WINNER Qin Banruo
Qing - posted 18/04/24 WINNER Qing Ge
Qiu - posted 25/03/24 WINNER Qiu Congxue
Qu - posted 30/03/24 WINNER Qu Lingfeng
Ran - posted 22/04/24 WINNERS Ran Lin and Ran Yun
Ren - posted 29/03/24 WINNER Ren Ruyi
Rong - posted 28/03/24 WINNER Rong Changqing
Ruan - posted 21/03/24 WINNER Ruan Nanzhu
Sang - posted 22/04/24 WINNER Sang Zan
Sha - posted 7/04/24 WINNER Sha Hualing
Shan - posted 19/04/24 WINNER Shan Gudao
Shang - posted 3/03/24 WINNER Shang Qinghua
Shangguan - posted 4/04/24 WINNER Shangguan Qin
Shao - posted 4/05/24 WINNER Shao Lin
Shen - posted 23/02/24 WINNER Shen Wei
Sheng - posted 4/03/24 WINNER Sheng Minglan
Sima - posted 2/04/24 WINNER Sima Yi
Shi - posted 8/03/24 WINNER Shi Qingxuan
Shu - posted 5/04/24 WINNER Shu Yanyan
Si - posted 15/04/24 WINNER Si Yilin
Song - posted 19/02/24 WINNER Song Lan
Su - posted 13/02/24 WINNER Su Zhe
Sun - posted 15/02/24 WINNER Sun Wukong
Sui - posted 31/03/24 WINNER Sui Zhou
Tan - posted 1/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Tang - posted 12/02/24 WINNER Tang Fan
Tao - posted 15/04/24 WINNER Tao Ran
Tian - posted 20/04/24 WINNER Tian Qi
Tie - posted 5/05/24 WINNERS Tie Yinyi and Tie Miansheng
Tong - posted 12/04/24 WINNER Tong Lu
Tuoba - posted 12/04/24 WINNER Tuoba Yan
Wan - posted 24/03/24 WINNER Consort Wan
Wang - posted 26/02/24 WINNER Wang Pangzi
Wei - posted 8/02/24 WINNER Wei Wuxian
Wen - posted 2/03/24 WINNER Wen Kexing
Wu - posted 15/02/24 WINNER Wu Xie
Xi - posted 6/04/24 WINNER Xi Ping
Xia - posted 11/03/24 WINNER Xia Dong
Xian - posted 2/05/24 WINNERS Xian Ge and Xian Qing
Xiang - posted 19/03/24 WINNER Xiang Liu and Xiang Nanfang
Xiao - posted 20/02/24 WINNER Xiao Jingyan
Xie - posted 21/02/24 WINNER Xie Lian
Xin - posted 21/04/24 WINNER Xin Ziyuan
Xing - posted 28/03/24 WINNER Xing Zhi
Xiong - posted 7/05/24 WINNERS Xiong yipei and Xiong Chumo
Xu - posted 25/02/24 WINNER Xu Da
Xun - posted 3/04/24 WINNER Xun Feizhan
Xuan - posted 2/04/24 WINNER Xuan Shen'an | The Empress
Xue -posted 11/02/24 WINNER Xue Yang
Yan - posted 19/02/24 WINNER Yan Wushi
Yang - posted 3/03/24 WINNER Yang Wuxie
Yao - posted 24/04/24 WINNER Yao Zhen
Ye - posted 10/02/24 WINNER Ye Baiyi
Yi - posted 9/03/24 WINNER Yi Bichen
Yin - posted 8/04/24 WINNER Yin Yu
Ying - posted 17/02/24 WINNER Ying Hecong
You - posted 1/04/24 WINNER You Huo
Yu - posted 11/02/23 WINNER Yu Ziyuan
Yun - posted 1/03/24 WINNER Yun Biqiu
Yuan - posted 27/02/24 WINNER Yuan Boya
Yue - posted 4/03/24 WINNER Yue Qingyuan
Yuwen - posted 6/04/24 WINNER Yuwen Xuan
Zang - posted 24/02/24 WINNER Zang Ming
Zeng - posted 9/04/24 WINNER Zeng Xiangdong
Zhan - posted 10/03/24 WINNER Zhan Yunfei
Zhang - posted 17/02/24 WINNER Zhang Qiling
Zhao - posted 1/03/24 WINNER Zhao Yunlan
Zhen - posted 24/03/24 WINNER Zhen Ping
Zhi - posted 14/03/24 WINNER Zhi Xiu
Zhong - posted 27/03/24 WINNER Zhong Li
Zhou - posted 2/02/24 WINNER Zhou Zishu
Zhu - posted 9/03/24 Winner Zhu Hong
Zhuge - posted 18/03/24 WINNER Zhuge Liang
Zi - posted 16/04/24 WINNER 'Other'
Zuo - posted 5/05/24 WINNER Zuo Ran
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tofufei · 6 months
郭顶 《保留》 — Deleting by Guo Ding
保留: lit. to keep, to retain; 被保留: lit. to remain, be left (over)
离开的第143天, 透过身体,整理囤积的数据,是遗产?是垃圾? 这些曾经在这里的,该保留还是舍弃? 我的身体,别人的灵魂,未完成的梦...。 143 days since departure. With my body, I sort through the data that’s accumulated: a dead person's legacy or trash? The things that used to be here, should they be preserved or discarded? My body, someone else’s soul, a forever unfinished dream…
translation under the cut
看见你在我眼前 不去猜想我们隔多远 当我夜幕中准备 只想让沉默的能开解 Seeing you right in front of me, I don't want to ponder the distance separating us. As I get ready in the darkness of the night, I only wish that the unsaid can give solace. 在不同的遭遇里我发现你的瞬间 有种不可言说的温柔直觉 在有限的深夜消失之前触摸你的脸 我情愿这是幻觉 也不愿是种告别 The moments I found you in our myriads of encounters, Were filled with tenderness beyond words. Right before the ephemeral night dissipates, I reach out to touch your face. I'd rather this be an illusion than a farewell. 已经忘了 你的名字 就在这座 寂静星石 怎么还有 你的样子 被保留 I've already forgotten your name. On this lonely and quiet planet, How come traces of you remain? 给我 一整个拥抱 好让我不至于 太潦倒 时间 过一分一秒 还是觉得相遇 太美好 Give me a wholehearted embrace, so that I have the courage to go on. Second by second, time marches on. I still think that our meeting was too beautiful to be true. 在不同的遭遇里我发现你的瞬间 有种不可言说的温柔直觉 当不远的蓝色渐渐显现这无边境界 我始终等待再见 只不愿再也不见 In our myriad of encounters across time, It was a tender intuition beyond words that let me find you. The blue approaches gradually and reveals the boundlessness of this space. I’ve always been waiting to meet again, that's the one thing I can’t compromise on. 已经忘了 你的名字 就在这座 寂静星石 怎么还有 你的样子 想形容你的句子 关于你所有心事 一眼能及的钻石 哪一个是你地址 I've already forgotten your name. On this lonely and quiet planet, How are there are still traces of you? Sentences try to describe you, thoughts revolve around you. Of those sparkling gems caught in my view, which one is your home address? 忘了 你的名字 就在这座 寂静星石 怎么还有 你的样子 我始终等待再见 只不愿再也不见 I've forgotten your name. On this lonely and quiet planet, How are there are still traces of you? I’ll wait forever to meet again, that’s the one thing I can’t compromise on. 真的忘了 你的名字 是在哪座 寂静星石 一直还有 你的样子 被保留 But I've truly forgotten your name. On that lonely and quiet planet Your shape has been preserved, Until now and forevermore.
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dangermousie · 1 month
Let’s do a Goofus OR Gallant verdict for filming dramas because why not. I might make it a regular thing actually because I love being a judgy bitch.
Take a look at these photos of Victoria Song and Ding Yuxi in the currently filming Fight for Love, the adaptation of Mo Shu Bai’s amazing Mountain and River Pillow:
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Verdict: Goofus!!! Oh God.
They are both so unutterably (but I will try to utter anyway!) wrong for the roles! The sole drama I liked Victoria in was Ice Fantasy directed by (surprise surprise) Guo Jinming, who has an almost Li Muge level of getting actors who usually can’t act to act. Ice Fantasy came out in 2016. It’s 2024 now. But also her usual vibe is all wrong for the FL and she ain’t exactly an actress of any range so…
And Ding Yuxi. First and before discussing his suitability for the role, what the FUCK has the man done to his face? The amount of fillers in those cheeks makes me wonder if they can be classified as organic matter any more. I used to find his looks very appealing because he did not look cookie cutter like so many celebs but I guess the pressure got to him. And now he’s like a male version of Peng Xiaoran - a formerly stunning and unique looking star who had work to look as forgettable as possible.
But also, he’s so wrong for the role. He is (was?) a better actor than Victoria but this role needs someone a hell of a lot younger looking (the whole point of the arc and the tragedy is that his whole family is killed in battle when he’s not even an adult - it hits because he takes on everything when he’s on that cusp and has to grow up in a trice. He has little experience and is the baby of the family. No, I am not saying to cast a 15 year old but DYX, especially this new plasticized DYX who looks like he’s on his second wife, is just all wrong - especially since there is a certain intense/vulnerable duality which is vvvv internalized and he lacks - if you want to think what this role would need is someone like Liu Haoran or Wu Lei or if they couldn’t afford them, Zhang Yao.
Anyway, my favorite web novels continue to get awful adaptations. About the only one of my faves that looked good was The Prisoner of Beauty and we all know what happened there.
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gwendolynlerman · 2 years
Non-English songs that I listen to
To celebrate 4,000 followers (😯, thank you so much!!), I have decided to post a list of non-English songs that I listen to. Most of them are in my target languages, but I like some songs of which I don't understand a word 😅
Lejla by Elvana Gjata ft. Capital T and 2PO2
السيّدة النّصر/Doña Victoria by Raja Meziane
مية و خمسين (Miyye W Khamsin) by Nancy Ajram
يا حبيبي (Ya Habibi) by Mohamed Ramadan & Gims
Յարխուշտա (Yarkhushta) by Sevak Amroyan
30 dies sense cap accident by Els Amics de les Arts
Ara, aquí, present by Blaumut
Heroïnes de la fosca nit by el Diluvi
Història d’Espanya (explicada pels espanyols) by Brams
Huracà by Sense Sal amb Txarango
Jennifer by Els Catarres
Semblava que fossis tu by Els Amics de les Arts
Sóc d’un país by Brams
Telepàtic by Minova
Tornarem by Lax’n’busto
Un secret que t’havia de dir by Brams
La Tita Eun Vacanse by Le Digourdì
Alien by Louane Emera
Alors on danse by Stromae
C’est la vie by Khaled
Chez nous by Patrick Fiori
Dès que le vent soufflera by Renaud
En chantant by Louane Emera
Je te déteste by Vianney
Je vais t’aimer by Louane Emera
Je veux by ZAZ
Je vole by Louane Emera
Jour 1 by Louane Emera
La Marseillaise (It’s the French hymn, but I love it 😂)
La vie est belle by Indochine
Maman by Louane Emera
Papaoutai by Stromae
Sur ma route by Black M
Tous les mêmes by Stromae
Tu vas me manquer by Maître Gims
Vois sur ton chemin by Les Choristes
Terra by Tanxugueiras
Epona by Eluveitie
99 Luftballons by NENA
194 Länder by Mark Forster
Atemlos durch die Nacht by Helene Fischer
Auf uns by Andreas Bourani
Copacabana by IZAL
Die Liebe lässt mich nicht by Silbermond
Drei Uhr Nachts by Mark Forster, LEA
Feuerwerk by Wincent Weiss
Geboren um zu leben by Unheilig
Ich lass für dich das Licht an by Revolverheld
Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwie by NENA
Ist da jemand by Adel Tawil
Je ne parle pas français by Namika
Legenden by Max Giesinger
Leichtes Gepack by Silbermond
Nur ein Herzschlag entfernt by Wincent Weiss
Nur für dich by Wise Guys
Sag mir was du willst by Clueso
Schon okay by JEREMIAS
Traum by CRO
Übermorgen by Mark Forster
Wer kann da denn schon nein sagen by Feuerherz
Wir sind frei by Berge
Όνειρό μου (Oniro mou) by Γιάννα Τερζή (Yianna Terzi)
D’Aon Ghuth Amháin by Seo Linn
Non mi avete fatto niente by Ermal Meta, Fabrizio Moro
Non è vero by The Kolors
City of the Dead by Eurielle
作勢裝腔 by 張韶涵 Angela Zhang
倒數 by 鄧紫棋 G.E.M.
天亮以前說再見 by 曲肖冰
我的歌聲裡 by 曲婉婷
是他不配 by 孫盛希 Shi Shi
淒美地 by 郭頂 Guo Ding
蓋亞 by 林憶蓮 Sandy Lam
裝醉 by 張惠妹 aMEI
諷刺的情書 by 田馥甄 Hebe Tien
陽光宅男 by 周杰倫 Jay Chou
Yuve Yuve Yu by The HU
Бадола by Альбина и Фати Царикаевы
Жить by DJ SMASH, Полина Гагарина & Егор Крид
Ищи не ищи by Ирина Круг
Когда рядом ты by Винтаж
Май by Клава Кока
На Титанике by Лолита
Не любовь by Ханна
Не пара by Потап и Настя
Небеса Европы by Александр Рыбак
Прованс by Ёлка
Прогулка by Земфира
Я свободен by Кипелов
Štefan by Hrdza
Hvala, ne! by Lea Sirk
20 de enero by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Abrázame by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Adiós by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Como un par de girasoles by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Cuéntame al oído by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Cuídate by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Deseos de cosas imposibles by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Dices by Selena Gomez
Dulce locura by La Oreja de Van Gogh
El 28 by La Oreja de Van Gogh
El mismo sol by Álvaro Soler
El universo sobre mí by Amaral
El último vals by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Él no soy yo by Blas Cantó
Geografía by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Hacia lo salvaje by Amaral
Inmortal by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Jueves by La Oreja de Van Gogh
La esperanza debida by La Oreja de Van Gogh
La playa by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Llévame muy lejos by Amaral
Marta, Guille, Sebas y los demás by Amaral
Más by Selena Gomez
Mon amour by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Moriría por vos by Amaral
París by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Pop by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Puedes contar conmigo by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Rosas by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Sirenas by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Soledad by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Te necesito by Amaral
Un año sin ver llover by Selena Gomez
Un mundo mejor by La Oreja de Van Gogh
Vestido azul by La Oreja de Van Gogh
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 2 months
Link Click Musical update 151
(a random bunch from Shanghai musicals multiverse)
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⬆ from Ji Xiaokun's weibo, with Guo Hongxu >< text says 'Happy Chinese Valentine's Day ❤' (it's an old pic from 'Flames' musical set)
I've accumulated a bunch of vaguely LC musical related photos posted by the cast. The actors perform together in different musicals ('Shanghai musicals multiverse') that's why you may recognise them from lc stage but they'll be wearing different costumes. I find it fun to notice the connections so here they are~
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⬆ Qian Anqi (she released these as photocards to celebrate reaching 4k weibo followers)
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⬆ Wu Hanglu with 1)Teng Chunpeng 2) Wang Yifei 3) Zhou Bobo, Du Guangyi, Teng Chunpeng, Yu Mengying (+idk who's the lady in glasses)
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⬆ all from Yu Mengying 🙏 1) Teng Chunpeng, Du Guangyi, Cao Muzhi, Wu Hanglu, Zhang Zhiwei, Wu Yihan, Shu Rongbo, Zhang Jiahao, Wang Minhui (+the technical crew in last pic) 2) Bai Zhuoming, Guo Zhenyan, Wu Hanglu, Zhu Hanbin (no idea who's the 3rd lady in last pic) 3) Wu Hanglu, Shu Rongbo 4) blurry Zhu Hanbin ><
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⬆ from Zhu Jiayan with Wang Minhui, Zhang Jiahao, Deng Xianling and Cai Qi
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⬆ very old photo of Zhu Jiayan and Ji Xiaokun (they play in long-going 'Flames' musical together)
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⬆ stage door photo of Ding Xingchen and Guo Zhenyan (I found it by a total accident)
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Oh! Since people were worried about him bc of his sudden health break, here are sd pics from LC noon performance on March 30th. He's back and he's stunning 😌🧡👌
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Okay this one has nothing to do with Link Click except the actors >< but is super interesting (for me at least) and it makes sense to mention it I promise! So there's a musical version of 'The Brothers Karamazov'. And since it's like a restart/s2 of this play, they're doing quite a lot of promo.
3 actors from 'The Brothers Karamazov' were invited to a Shanghai Fashion Week for a brand collab, and look who's here!
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indisputable fashion icon Teng Chunpeng (LC CXS & eldest Karamazov brother)🌟 but also...
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Zheng Yibin 🤍 who acts as Lu Guang in the upcoming Link Click Dance Musical (yes, another one) and also as the youngest Karamazov brother ><
Second reason I bring up this musical is the other actor for the youngest Karamazov >>
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it's Shu Rongbo 🥺
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What I'm saying is Brothers Karamazov is the link between Link Click musicals, with two Cheng Xiaoshis and one Lu Guang >< And I think it's just neat that they know each other and have a history of working together ^^
*tcp is also starring in 'Love Begins', the same play as Zhao Jialin - QL's actress from dance musical
*Brothers Karamazov's plot is very accessible to grasp bc it's based on a famous russian novel by Dostoyevsky that's why I know about it. Also bc it's dramatic and sad af and the actors look gorgeous so I just had to learn more ><'
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It was sth different this time, but I hope it was fun for you ^^ bye bye
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saelterlude · 4 months
Link Click Musical clips list pt.2. (pt.1, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6 here)
guess who finally learned to navigate bilibili? me. which means i can finally start tracking down moments/clips i (vaguely) remember but has since lost. yeay :D
starting with this beloved trilogy (yes, these are three consecutive Wang Minhui-Cai Qi performances):
23. 09/12/2023, Where Wang Minhui pushes Cai Qi off the table,
24. 10/12/2023, Cai Qi retaliates,
25. 20/12/2023, and finally they both try to push the other off the table only to fail, mess up the rock paper scissors, and can't stop laughing.
And others like,
26. 02/12/2023, bonus to the trilogy above where Cai Qi fell off on his own for no reason.
27. 29/01/2024, Cao Muzhi's birthday, which has so many good moments from him breakdancing(?) to fighting over the mic until both Zhu Hanbin and Xian Dongyue fell from the table, and Cao Muzhi sang the wrong lyrics and confuses Zhu Hanbin (for more context, check out shimmeringweeds reply! thank you!).
28. 29/01/2024 bonus, Cao Muzhi try to math how to cut cake 16 ways. Zhi Bowen suggested cutting 8 slices then cutting it horizontally lol.
29. 31/01/2024, Zhu Hanbin gets his revenge(5) and slaps Ding Xingchen's ass, tbh in general he was pretty aggressive/energetic this performance
30. 08/01/2024, a pretty chaotic and fun one of Bai Zhuoming, Wu Yihan, and Qian Anqi. Voice cracks, giggles, missed lyric, false steps, we gottem all. Even Zhu Jiayan and Zhang Jiahao were cracking. Highly recommend.
31. 10/12/2023 night, thank you shimmeringweeds for finding this clip. Du Guangyi poisoning someone (Teng Chunpeng) for the first time. Bonus for Deng Xianling sitting up in concern and offering Du Guangyi something to drink too. (Also, double failed hearts and singing the last line of guiding light together!)
32. 05/01/2024, Smol Rongbo!!! And Wang Minhui (for there to be smol there gotta also be big) some other stuff also happens like Xian Dongyue aggresively pushing Shu Rongbo's legs off hers.
33. Wang Minhui's 5 minutes vlog, we got glimpses of other scenes, the cast messing around, a tour(?) of the set, and snippets of other songs.
34. 07/01/2024 day, short one of sulky Wang Minhui, very cute 8:)
35. 23/11/2023, Overall, pretty tamed performance but the curtain call? Really chaotic. Wang Minhui messed up Director Li Haolin's name, which I realized is even funnier bcs right before that he messed up Guo Zhenyan's name and Cai Qi gotta intervene. Man cannot focus lol.
yea I waited until we got a clip of this livestream to post this pt.2
36. Faith of Friendship, <- Official, here's a subbed ver. Cai Qi and Wang Minhui did a good job, singing about their first meeting and basketball. The choreo is also really cool and the song too. Got sad when you remember Wang Minhui once said his Lu Guang has witnessed Cheng Xiaoshi's death.
37. Words Can't Convey My Love, this!!! Shu Rongbo as Chen Xiao being absolutely flustered, (trying) and failing to confess to his crush is so cutee with Wu Yihan trying to wingman in the background. The ending is so funny too lol, with Shu Rongbo running away and Wu Yihan shouting at him. The song is good, the choreo is good, Shu Rongbo's voice is also really good.
Nothing related to Link Click but I went on a Wu Yihan binge so have this bonus clip of him being cute in the Love Musical
Enjoy and byee. pt.3 in end of march? mid march? whenever I got a long list of clips I like. Definitely gonna put a 10/03/2024 clip in pt.3 bcs Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan bday, and also 11/03/2024 bcs Teng Chunpeng bday.
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bizarrequazar · 7 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 29-November 04 (part 1)
previous week || all posts || following week
This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
I've had to split this week into two parts because I hit the hyperlink limit. This post covers October 29-November 01, November 02-04 can be found [here].
10-29 → Net-A-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from Rising with the Wind. [subbed video] Caption: "Keep broadcasting and recording, 📷 hidden cameras record Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon starts work and prepares!" BGM is a violin cover of A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of behind the scenes footage from the Rising with the Wind cast reveal photoshoot taken back in December 2021. Caption: "Listening, sensing, everything is guided by the wind. Watch Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon firm up his faith and set off in the wind." BGM is Fog Space by Guo Ding.
→ Gong Jun posted two photo ads for L'Oreal, announcing a livestream with them for the following day. This was reposted by L'Oreal.
10-30 → Gong Jun posted a promotional video he did for Deeyeo.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a cast poster.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ Gong Jun posted a promotional poster for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Regarding investment, Xu Si has his own rules. 😎 Tonight at 19:30 #Rising with the Wind# will see Xu Si play in the workplace." This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, "All-powerful masters compete with each other, investor Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon is here!" It was also reposted by Deeyeo and GXG.
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→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of footage from the photoshoot for the above promotional poster. Caption: "Gear up and fight against the wind! Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon has entered the game"
→ L'Oreal posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted the show's airing schedule.
→ The Instagram posted a photo of a book.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted the airing schedule for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon’s office venture capital planning, please check it ✉️ Control the risks and watch the drama with ease. Remember to lock in on iQiyi and Dragon TV on time, and work hard with Xu Si to hold the torch against the wind."
→ Gong Jun posted three promo posters of Xu Si to his Instagram, caption: "Xu Si starts today!!!!!!" He also posted four to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "He's coming, he's coming! Xu Si starts work today 😎"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a fancam-style video of Xu Si. Caption: "Pay attention, this man’s name is Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon, don’t forget to give him your time tonight!" BGM is Baby by Mike Candys.
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for L'Oreal. [full recording]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted three gifs of him from that day's L'Oreal livestream. Caption: "Dear princesses and princes, do you understand what I mean?"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a mock-up ID profile for Xu Si. Caption: "With a gentle appearance and neat deeds, Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon, the youngest executive director of Baoxing, is indeed extraordinary! Work starts today, and Mr. Xu’s workplace only has favorable conditions."
→ Rising with the Wind premiered! English subs: [iQiyi] [YouTube] (iQiyi is recommended as some of the audio is replaced on YouTube due to copyright.)
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin of himself in Paris, transitioning into clips of Xu Si. Caption: "Xu Si Simon + suit = ?" BGM is slowed remix of Dilemma by Kelly Rowland and Nelly that was used by his studio the previous week.
→ Gong Jun posted a gif and a still from the first episode of Rising with the Wind. Caption: "I would say that I'm the God of Wealth" This was reposted by Gong Jun Outdoor Office with the added caption: "Repost this Xu Si Simon, money will come from all directions 🫡" It was also reposted by 361° and the Rising with the Wind Weibo.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from the first episode of Rising with the Wind.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo made a post announcing that the show's premiere had hit a 5000 popularity score.
10-31 → Gong Jun posted a promotional video he did for Fresh.
→ Gong Jun's studio made a post announcing the show's premiere reaching a 6000 popularity score. Caption: "A shopping mall is like a chess board. He who knows the game survives, and he who masters the game wins! 'Rising with the Wind' has a popularity value of over 6,000 on the iQiyi site! Thank you all for your support, let us continue to compete in the shopping mall with Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon."
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo made a post about the 6000 popularity score. Later in the day they posted another one for 6500.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted behind the scenes clips of Xu Si with a dog, adjusting his tie pin, and with Jiang Hu.
→ Gong Jun posted a video of himself in hair and makeup answering questions as Xu Si. Caption: "Si’s literature (referred to as Siwen" (pun with Xu Si's English name) This was reposted by his studio, added caption: "Study Xu Si’s literature seriously 🀄", by the Outdoor Office, caption: "The body is not intact, the body is not intact (today’s freshness!)", and by the Rising with the Wind Weibo.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted four wide angle stills of Gong Jun and Zhong Chuxi's characters.
→ Dragon TV aired a short segment to promote Rising with the Wind where they talked about Gong Jun rising to fame because of Word of Honor. This included showing a clip from Word of Honor that included Zhang Zhehan.
→ Gong Jun's studio made a post about the 6500 popularity rating. Caption: "The latest business news! 'Rising with the Wind' has a popularity value of over 6,500 on the iQiyi site! Thank you for your support, let us accompany Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon to listen to the stories of the years and watch the rise of the national trend."
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Xu Si.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Gong Jun interacting with dogs as Xu Si vs out of character. Caption: "When it comes to treating dogs… our main focus is "Gong" and "Si" clearly! #Xu Si is afraid of dogs, what’s that go to do with Gong Jun#" Fan Observation: The second dog shown, which appears for the majority of the video despite having nothing to do with RWTW, is wearing a little orange backpack with an orange keychain.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Xu Si. Caption: "The OOTD has been delivered~ There are deep social routines in the workplace, and dress etiquette is inseparable. Don't worry! This will take you into Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon’s wardrobe to find out what’s going on!"
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of behind the scenes clips from Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Take a short break from the busy workplace, come back to school to recharge your batteries with Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon" (Oh buddy I'm trying.)
→ Yang Yang posted three photos of himself and Gong Jun from the L'Oreal livestream.
11-01 → Tangle Teezer posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Hogan posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, advertising their livestream with him that evening. (1129 kadian) This was reposted by Gong Jun's studio with the added caption, "The balance of Chengdu, the original intention of Shanghai, and the vision of Milan are inspired by the city's creativity, and the changes in style and color are given exclusive meaning. Let's walk into the story of @ Gong Jun Simon and the three cities."
→ Hogan posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun talking about Chengdu, Shanghai, and Milan. Fan Observation: He says about two thirds in, "I hope you will always stay true to your original intentions," almost exactly quoting Zhang Zhehan from the concert hug. He also said this again during the livestream that evening. 🥺
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a character profile of Xu Si.
→ Tissot posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Hogan posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, advertising the livestream that evening.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted behind the scenes clips of Gong Jun at a bar, at a gym, and looking at Jiang Hu's phone.
→ Gong Jun posted two selfies. Caption: "Post a few selfies to see your strength, who cares?" This was reposted by the Rising with the Wind Weibo and his studio.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a "vlog" from Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Professionalism is synonymous with him. Let’s see how Shanghai financial man Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon runs a business (gets water thrown at him)."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of Xu Si. Caption: "Master the art of language and your career will be smooth. Learn how to speak with Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon, even if you are splashed, you can still speak through the water!"
→ Gong Jun appeared on a livestream for Hogan.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted two promotional stills of Xu Si.
[part 2 of this week]
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replying to @caozihuanismyson
"If that was love, Cao Pi didn’t need it. Didn’t want it. It was better to be indispensable than cherished. He needed to become something that could not be left behind. Something that Father could not live without." my jaw just fucking dropped #i love this. im in love. holy shit#HE NEEDED TO BECOME SOMETHING THAT COULD NOT BE LEFT BEHIND SOMETHING THAT FATHER COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT#(im screaming louder so people in the back can hear)#(jk there's no one in the back cuz it's san guo on tumblr.com but still)#💀#thank u op i have ascended#also all the little details of ang trying to make up for father's absence for his lil bros..... when pi wiped his tears my heart broke#that part where cao pi imagined ang's last moments? holy shit i've never thought of it that way it's genius and horrifying#(ok i need a moment)#also............... i'm going insane about the part with fish and jade#and cao pi describing cao cao's expression of love towards cao ang as painful#and wanting to put him in his mouth like how soldiers keep their precious things safe#i thought this was going to be about ang's tragedy .... but it turned out to be about that and the horror of pi's existence#thank u for the meal op i'm so grateful
thank you so much, this is such a nice comment to wake up to!!!! it makes me so happy to have such dedicated readers who catch every single detail ;u;
Cao Ang has been my blorbo for a long time because he is a fascinating contradiction. he achieved nothing and did nothing of note, but seems to have left a significant impression on those around him. Cao Cao expresses regret for him on his deathbed. Cao Pi talks about how he should have been the rightful heir. Lady Ding was willing to disobey the most powerful man in the empire in order to get the smallest measure of justice for him. His death always struck me as, well, a feel-good narrative told by a guilty conscience. Cao Cao could have ordered any one of his bodyguards to give up his horse, but he didn't. It makes sense in the coldest, most logical way. Why lose an able-bodied fighter for a brat? You can always make more. I came up with a bunch of scenarios of what "really" happened, but in the end i realised it doesn't matter. Cao Cao still left his son to die. the horror comes from the ambiguity itself. I also wanted to explore how his actions would impact the remainder of his children. They realised overnight that they were all disposable and no one was safe. the real tragedy doesn't come from Cao Ang's death, but his father undoing all his hard work. Ang tried his best to give them love, curb their worst impulses, and foster good relationships between them, only for his father to stick them in the Sibling Royale. Climb to the top and uproot all your competition. ect. ect.
But I am an optimistic person and I believe true love can pierce the veil and save the day and all that. Cao Ang's ghost continues to haunt the narrative and in the end, he manages to effect his brothers in some way. Cao Pi comes to realise that, hey, this kinda sucks, actually. i think we're emotionally stunted and perpetuating the cycle of violence. maybe i don't have to trample all my brothers to preserve my own life. maybe i shouldn't become exactly like father. hmm much to think about. Cultural Context, for those interested:
funerary practices are not historical, but based on the modern shangdong ones i've experienced.
"putting your child in your mouth" is an expression of helpless tenderness. the full phrase is "i want to you hold in my hands, but i'm afraid of dropping you. i want to hold you in my mouth, but i'm afraid you will melt." i wanted to show this conflict within cao cao, the warlord vs the man. how his ambition corrupts him. ultimately, cao cao does not put his son in his mouth to protect him. he consumes him instead.
the opening scene is based on Cao Pi's poem "Traveling on the city wall." His poems are notable for being very emo, he talks about feeling isolated and unfulfilled despite having every worldly possession. I decided to connect it with Cao Zhi's (ahistorical) bean poem. the metaphor is less profound, but what can you do? he is the lesser poet after all ;))) .
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