#gmmtv announcement speculation
absolutebl · 8 months
Hi ABL! I was hearing about the GMMTV lineup announcement, and had a question. I know that “a thai trailer does not a series make” but how many of series of the lineup would you expect… like half? Less then half? a majority of the trailers? Does it depend mostly on the interest shown by viewers for a show to get a green light?
Also I appreciated your guesses for the GMMTV lineup, I think it’s cool to see what you were expecting, even if GMMTV has a way of being completely unpredictable. This feels like the BL equivalent of a sports player draft or something haha
Ha thanks, hold on let me check the numbers...
In the BL sphere we are still waiting on 4 GMMTV BLs announced for 2023,
Cherry Magic (Thai remake)
23.5 (GL)
Cooking Crush
Last Twilight
These all may still happen, or they might happen early 2024.
In addition to those they actually made:
Our Skyy,
Boss & Babe,
Be My Favorite,
Hidden Agenda,
Moonlight Chicken,
Never Let Me Go,
My School President,
Dangeruous Romance,
Only Friends.
So out of 13 announced, 9 got made at this date.
Let's call that a 70% completion rate (Our Skyy being kinda amorphous)
Now when I say "a Thai trailer does not a series make" that doesn't necessarily apply to GMMTV since they have the most will, the most star power, and the most money. They don't rely on sponsorships as much, or to put it better, their sponsors trust them to produce product that sells placements.
Also they make these very splashy announcements. So if they then don't satisfy, the fans get mean. Just imagine if Only Friends hadn't actually been made this year?
So, my "a Thai trailer does not a series make" applies more to all the other Thai announcements and trailers.
Thailand (in general) announced c.105 BLs for 2023.
As of now, we have approx 55 BLs announced for 2023 that still remain un-unmade (or at least still in dev hell). About half those had trailers.
To date Thailand has produced c. 50 BLs for 2023. (My Universe is mucking my numbers up a lot. With 24 eps I think I should just count it as 1 12 ep BL in 2023, 1 in 2024.)
To sum up:
Thailand has a c. 50% completion rate on BLs announced to produced. +/- 5%
So GMMTV beats the main easily with their 70%.
But we hold them to a higher standard.
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Be My Favorite - Intro
Hello! I’m Key, and I’ll be your Be My Favorite historian and enthusiast.
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I’ve been really excited for Be My Favorite ever since the series was first announced in December of 2021. The premise grabbed me right away since I’m a big fan of time loops (please watch Triage if you haven’t already, I’d say it’s the strongest BL series to date), and Krist’s one of my favorite actors, so it was an instant five stars of anticipation for me. Then in September of 2022, Gawin (another favorite of mine) was cast, and I had a dream casting I think I might have joked about once. (So I did this, you’re welcome.)
Whoever cast Gawin, I’ll send you a basket of whatever you love and aren’t allergic to.
Be My Favorite had a rocky road to casting.
From what I’ve been able to follow, it was initially meant to be a KristSingto comeback vehicle. (Their last BL together was the SOTUS Our Skyy episode in 2018.) However, in 2022, Krist tentatively told fans at a fan meeting that Singto’s schedule didn’t work out with filming. Seeing as GMMTV didn’t want Krist acting in BL series without his brand partner, I think they knew Singto wasn’t planning to renew his contract, so they cast Mike instead. Personally, I was excited to see Krist step outside his comfort zone with a different actor, and he’s close to Mike, so I figured it’d be a good match. I was also happy for Singto, because he’s wanted more independence in his career. He’s into photography and directing, he’s made his own studio, formed his own fan club in Japan, etc. (I think it’s likely he and Krist will work together again, though. They’re still very close, they play video games online with their friends from university fairly regularly, and Singto went out of his way to organize a KristSingto concert in December of 2022 through his Japanese fan club. KS used to hold their GMMTV-sponsored concerts there annually before the pandemic, so I think it was both a “final chapter” to one part of their lives and evidence that they can collaborate again if they want to.)
I didn’t have strong feelings about Mike’s casting. I haven’t seen him in much, but I liked him in the teaser, and he’s already close to Krist, so I was on board. After seeing Singto improve through his series with other actors (something he might have had to fight for, but that’s pure speculation), I was just excited for Krist to get the same opportunities.
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And then…Gawin. [seventeen sparkle emojis]
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As I said on Twitter the day Gawin’s casting was announced, “I could not be more pleased and delighted that I’ve built a reputation for myself that makes people think, ‘Krist and Gawin? QUICKLY, LIGHT THE FIRES AND TELL KEY,’” because I woke up to not one but three separate friends letting me know about it.
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I went from excited to feral in the four seconds it took my brain to go from, “This can’t be real,” to, “Finally, bizarre breaking news that isn’t actively traumatizing.”
Truly, I have to hand it to Krist, because he's wanted this project to do well from the start, and he's stuck with it and worked hard on it through potentially three scene partners. And he really seems to have grown and learned from Gawin, so good on him.
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My one worry was that I haven’t enjoyed most of Jittirain’s adaptations.
But then I found out that the director, Waa, directed The Gifted and also has screenwriting experience. Krist has worked with Waa before and speaks highly of his process. There are a lot of scenes in the first episode of BMF that seem very clean and well edited, so I have hope.
On top of that, I’ve also seen fans mention that Be My Favorite is “inspired by” Jittirain’s novel, not adapted from it, which I think is a crucial distinction. (I don’t know the source for that, but I want it to be true, so I’ll believe it for now.)
Krist has said that they changed a lot from the novel, and based on what I know, the first episode has already departed quite a bit, so I have put my faith in Waa.
For many reasons, some series just get the short stick with the amount of postproduction and budget they get. Some series are still filming as they start airing, some have budget cuts during production, etc.
Filming for Be My Favorite began on November 19th, 2022 and wrapped two months ago on March 24th. That same day, Waa shared on Twitter that he’d be starting work on intense editing right away. That was a great sign to me. With filming complete and two months of postproduction, he was almost certainly able to do a cleaner job than if he’d had to struggle under continued filming and simultaneous editing while the show was airing.
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Also, BMF definitely seems to have money behind it. For example, this upgrade from the trailer to the first episode. In the trailer, as Kawi makes his first trip to the past, there's a bright, swirling glow around him.
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When the episode aired, the effect looked a lot cleaner and had scenes from future episodes woven in.
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Also, I loved this transition shot with the blurry background, and the dandelion seed floating across the screen was a cute detail, since that's the flower in the time loop globe.
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Little things like like this tells me they’ve had the time to do this series well, and that there's a lot of love and effort going into it.
This February, the acting coach for BMF did an interview (1 & 2) that I really enjoyed. She said she’ll be sharing a video of their workshop now that the series is airing, so I’m keeping an eye out for that.
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Like I said, I love both of them. I first watched SOTUS and the Kiss series in 2020, so I became a fan of both right around the same time.
In April of 2022, I made a top ten list of what I thought were the best acting performances up to that point. Krist was on it, and so was Gawin. I admire both of them a lot, and I think they’ve both improved tremendously over the years.
Krist, from what I can tell through interviews, leans toward method acting. For example, in the scene I included on my list above, Arthit was apparently meant to cry a few lines later on, but Krist lost it earlier than scripted because in order to channel the emotion he needed for the scene, he imagined how he’d feel when Singto followed through with a long-time dream of studying overseas. It ended up one of their strongest scenes together because it was genuine.
Meanwhile, Gawin was interviewed in November of 2022, and while I think the whole interview is a great read, I wanted to emphasize this part:
“When I prepare for a role, I really have to dig into the story of the script,” [Gawin] explains. “Sometimes they do the last scenes of the series on the first day of being on set. So, you have to be really prepared with the entire story. You’ve got to know the whole thing, what emotions that character went through, and the changes with that character.” 
I think part of what makes Krist and Gawin a good combination is that they’re strong actors with different energies who might just have different ways of preparing for a role. I’d love to hear both of them talk in more detail about their processes, but it seems to me like Krist looks inward for personal experiences to connect with the character, and Gawin creates the character he’s playing based on research.
Another interesting point is that In that same interview, Gawin says he thinks Saifa from Enchanté most resembles his personality (easygoing, music lover, etc.), but he got his start as Mork from the Kiss series (attitude issues, perfect sasspot, etc.). Meanwhile, Krist had an easy link to his first major role, Arthit, in that he’d also been head hazer in university. So Krist started his career able to access a common point with his character, so that might’ve influenced his approach to future roles. Whereas Gawin started off with a character completely unlike himself, so he started from a place of more emotional detachment and probably a more research-oriented approach.
Also, they just seem to have connected on a personal level.
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Working with someone so different gives actors the opportunity to learn from each other. When interviewed, Gawin said he and Krist discovered they have a lot in common, and it seems like they bonded over music and spent a lot of time on set singing together. (Their harmonizing is genuinely beautiful.)
Krist’s OST for the series is one of my favorites and Gawin has a ballad coming up later in the series, but I hope they give them a duet at some point. (It’d be a huge missed opportunity if they don’t.)
One of the sponsors for the series is fucking Wiskas.
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This could just be because Krist is their brand ambassador. (The man has four cats. He has an army to feed.)
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OR there is a feline presence in the show. If this is true, I will die, because Triage, series of my soul, also had cats in it.
Listen, I will send TWO baskets of whatever Waa likes if he's enabled me to make the "if I had a nickel for every time there have been cats in a Thai BL time loop series, I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice" joke.
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Big fan! Love it all! (PLEASE CATS.)
I’ll leave this here as an introductory post, and I’ll make separate posts for my individual episode thoughts using #key watches bmf.
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hughungrybear · 1 month
Barcode's announces leaving Be On Cloud:
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Some people speculate that he might also be joining GMMTV since he was seen hanging out with some GMMTV artists. However, I'm not entirely convinced. If this is true, then pretty sure GMMTV would have also included him in the previous Up & Above Part 2 where they introduced their "newbie" (and I say that generously because Boun, Prem, Sammy, and Yatch are far from being considered newbies 😅😅😅) artists.
Maybe he'll go freelance? 💁‍♀️
Unfortunately for the TaBarcodeCopper shippers, looks like your dream pairing won't happen anytime soon 😞
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GMMTV 2024 (part 1) predictions
I can't believe we're here again, I had so much fun speculating and watching last year, it truly is my Superbowl lol.
This year will be way harder to predict anything as we didn't have Safe House nor any new couple, as far as I know, so this will be based on questionable rumours and vibes alone. Also this is only part one, whatever that means, so I expect we'll have fewer series announced than in other years. Aaaand there are still quite a few series from 2023 still waiting to air.
Gemini Fourth series, confirmed by them.
No Jojo series, also confirmed by him.
WinnySatang series. Reason: they have a keychain lol. This may be difficult to explain to someone who's not up to date with gmmtv shenanigans but the company recently released merch with a winnystang's logo, which usually means they are being branded as a couple.
Continuing with this, sadly no logo or merch for GawinKrist, which probably means they won't continue as a couple.
Big cast assemble featuring Off, Sea and possibly others like Gun, View, First, Dunk. Reason: they were seen together without any other explanation so maybe they were filming a trailer.
I think KhaoFirst talked about another project together.
I also heard some rumours about EarthMix and them talking about working together next year.
Two GLs. A bit generous, I know. I expected GMMTV to air 23.5 in the first half of 2023 as a test of how the public receives GLs before going for another but that didn't happen. So my guesses now are a) they don't care that much about 23.5 numbers because they're already planning on doing more GLs or b) they don't care because they don't plan to make another GL this year. I'm going for the former on faith alone and also I faintly remember a photo of Aof's office with one or two GL books which weren't 23.5.
ViewJune becoming an official couple and starring in another series together, hopefully as mains. They're already paired for Dangerous Romance and 23.5 and this happened with MilkLove so.
PondPhuwin and JoongDunk together in a series in some way. This is more of a wild guess but the fourth of them are quite good friends and had a few events together and have spoken about working together in a series. Fans love it and ask for it a lot so maybe GMMTV has seen it and decided to capitalise on it.
No Tu or Fah coming back yet, but expected to happen later in the year. I'm quite sad about this because they are some of my favourite actresses from the company.
I'm guessing it's less likely we'll have OffGun, TayNew, MilkLove or JimmySea projects as two series of them would have to air in the same year.
If we talk about rotation, the pairs that would be more likely to have a series would be GemFourth, PondPhuwin and EarthMix.
As for side pairs who could become main or official couples we have Aou Boom, Winny Satang, Ohm Fluke, Mark Ford, Mark Neo, Marc Pavin comeback. My guesses are Winny Satang, and Mark and Neo. In my opinion Mark has three possible candidates whom he could form a couple with: Neo, Ford and Nanon. Why Nanon? Mark and Nanon had a couple of events together and are really good friends, GMMTV loves that. But I pray they'll go with Neo, they had some work together and it's been a long time since he had any appearance with Ford, so it could happen.
The Enigma season 2
I expect an OhmNanon comeback TayNew style but not for one or two years, so no OhmNanon together, not even in a hetero series.
There are at least 4 hetero romance series I have not heard from yet which were announced for 2023, two with Dew, one with Win. Are they being cancelled? Gmmtv has only ever cancelled one announced series since I started watching but idk, we have a lot to go through yet, I don't know where are they going to fit. And they won't stop airing reruns on the days this type of series usually goes.
I expect another rookie series, especially seeing how well MSP did.
I'm trying to think of a hetero male or female lead but I can't come up with anything. My guess was Luke but he hasn't posted the gmmtv2024 announcement. Maybe NanonFilm again? I really have no idea.
Only two days to go!!!! I can't wait. And if I'm lucky with work I'll be able to watch it somewhat live and blog about it, so I'm even more excited.
This list is already too long so I'm thinking of doing a separate one for what I wish would happen (edit ➡ HERE)
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I know everyone is predicting stuff for GMMTV P2 but the majority of my "predictions" (that are probably a little tin-foil hat coded) are not from that.
Do not get me wrong I enjoy GMMTV BLs. But I am honestly not as exited about new stuff from them. Once we have it I will probably enjoy most of them (unleass they fuck up in a major way again). But I can't build enough anticipations for any of it (especially since what I really want is never going to happen).
My non GMMTV BL prediction of this year and early 2025 are as follows:
CHANGE 2561 would be very very stupid to not capitalized on how much the cast of Pit Babe is close to each other and is able to create "shippable" content with non "official" ships. Also they did a bit of BL history already with Pit Babe, and I think they can do more by announcing some projects that break up the official pairs after the next one (the long bean one)
FoureverYou is not filming, that leads me to believe that the Vampire Project might not be the only project they are shopping around for. Despite the fact they are doing promo photoshoots and have all the cast ready and they did the blessing event thing (sorry I am not sure how to call it at this time) there has been no filming. Half the cast is still being managed by Wabi Sabi despite the fact that they are obviously not looking to do that anymore. SO THEORY: This is also getting shopped around. I don't think that GMMTV is getting this one, because of how fast the part 2 is coming up now. But another studio might be getting, along with the rest of the Wabi Sabi actors that are not GMMTV and don't want to go indipendent.
Barcode being at all the promotional stuff with Ta (and Copper) makes me think they might be testing the water. JeffBarcode have Wuju Bakery but then nothing, and Copper is leaving soon, so no pairing with Ta is able to happen. They might be testing the waters to eventually pair Ta and Barcode as leads in a BL ---- I am not saying I 100% want this, I would be ok with them not having a pair braind. But BOC is short on bankable pairs. So far they have one. BibleJes is getting tested with 4 Minutes and all the other boys don't have a set pairing. A third pair for them would help them a lot.
---- CONTROVERSIAL THEORY UP HEAD (It's about Mame - putting under the read more so you don't have to engage with it If you don't want)
I am not saying you have to agree - I am not even saying I am correct - I am speculating only. This thoughts are colored by my expirience and I can only speak for myself.
The BossNouel Mame series (the one that is based off the Minor Side Couple in TharnType s2 - the neighboors with the jealous boyfriend and the younger uni guy) is not going to happen. Hear me out, not only did Nouel just cut his hair in a way that would totally clash with how the character he is supposed to play looks like. It would also be very bad for them. I have recently re-watched TharnType and it appears obvious to me (although again I might be wrong - this is just my opinion) that this ship is basically less bratty Rain and less bad boy Phayu. They are basically the same dynamic at their core. And if BossNoeul does this, they will get typecasted all the way to hell.
That is what killed OhmFluke (UWMA) and it is absolutely still hurting their job prospers even now. Fluke as expressed already that he wished to do a Mafia style BL, something where he played a criminal, but he is not getting that.
I think BossNouel should not play a dynamic that is so similar to their first one.
I know I don't know these people and I am just speculating, but that haircut is not something a naive and innocent babyfied character like the one is supposed to play should have. Love Sea finished filiming. They should be working on the BossNouel series soon. So why cut his hair now?
Plus Mame re-realesing TharnType and Don't Say No on YouTube full episodes and all, might have been a way to get people to recall the characters BossNouel are supposed to play, their are supposed to play in that universe.
That is why the series got re-released (I am guessing) which means they expect to shoot relatively soon. So again, why cut his hair in a way that that character wouldn't have. Because as it stands they would have to use a wig on him.
Unleass they are doing something very very different in which case why dragged the TharnType characters back, or they are not doing that anymore.
I don't know. I might be wrong.
Do not come at me about Mame or about how wrong I am the ship. Engage with the post in good faith or leave (covering my ass)
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life-rewritten · 1 year
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Happy Holidays my darlings, I am back from a long vacation from this blog this year. Surprisingly this blog went on a hiatus after Not Me The Series, because 2022 was a year of tries and different experiments with other platforms, from podcasts, to essays, to new collabs, to twitter spaces, LR moved everywhere and with it, I spoke, wrote, analysed and learnt lot to bring back here. What I’m trying to say is, I missed you all so much, but also thanks for all the new people who followed me in my silence, I came back and I was really grateful for the requests, messages, likes and reblogs of the LR portfolio. I really appreciate it and to say thanks, I’ve been working on a Bundle for BL where I talk for hours analysing, speculating, discussing bases, name dropping shows and doing reviews all in one space, with one theme, upcoming lineups for 2023. 2023 seems like an exciting year, there’s a lot of ‘diversity’ and so much change showing up in every space, and genre, whether it’s kdramas, BLs, even western shows, everything is amplified and so many stories are being told in different media platforms and that’s so exciting for someone who loves media. So if you love Boys Love, or Y for short, here’s a present from me breaking down a lot of the giant companies in these spaces and their line ups, I will be adding  to this bundle because there’s still so many companies that haven’t yet added their lineups, but There’s already 8 hours worth of discussion on here  from GMMTV Diversely Yours and DMD Into the New Universe 2023 conferences. I hope you enjoy and I’ll see you all soon, for essays, podcasts, twitter spaces, and so much more for LR next year. 
Ps for Kdrama fans, I’m excited for the return of Kim Eun Sook and I’m hoping I get to analyse The Glory because the premise, the Shakespearean tragedy, the meta, the symbolisms, and motifs, the metaphors, the poetry, it’s all looking really delicious. I can’t wait to hopefully discuss it.
Enjoy the holidays and I’ll see you soon with the new plans and announcements :) 
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juneviews · 3 years
I don't know of it's weird but I kinda feel bad for Chimon? Like I've followed the 2000s line since a long time, and they were always together and their IGs are filled with each other's pictures (the "grow together" pictures are just-🥺🥺🥺) and now I feel like GMMTV has left Chimon behind.
Nanon has always had bigger roles and more presence in their reality shows.
Ohm, as we know, is literally a BL veteran, he's been in so many! And now Bad Buddy is a golden key to fame for the both of them.
But Chimon? He doesn't have any big projects coming up (to my knowledge), and in all his previous work he was almost always the second lead.
He has a "permanent BL partner" so to say, in Pleum, but they haven't worked together in a long time barring a few Oishi posts or something lmao.
Anyways, I just wanted to rant about this. These three have always been balanced, and I feel, on the same level of talent (which is immense). But after Bad Buddy, Nanon and Ohm are going to be on a different level of fame and Chimon is going to be left behind only because he doesn't have the right opportunities. I feel sad for him :( GMMTV better doesn't do him dirty and give him bigger roles more frequently. We want to see more of him!!!
Sorry to rant here but I don't know who else would tolerate this lmao. Okay, thankss I'll go now.
(btw loving your gifs, as always!)
hi anon! first of all thanks for the compliment about my gifs! and also, I understand your feelings completely as I'm also ALWAYS worried about my own fave, off, getting left behind. I'd say that's a pretty natural feeling when you love someone & want the best for them. in some sense, I do agree that chimon not being in bad buddy is not the best move for him as he was the one that people shipped with nanon & now that fandom is gonna greatly diminish to be replaced by ohmnanon shippers. honestly, and that is pure speculation so don't come for me or take anything I say as the universal truth, but for me it's kinda crazy that gmmtv would immediately exclude chimon from having a ship with nanon when they know the power of their ship. I mean nanon & chimon are gmmtv's most popular ghost ship (so many people actually COMPLAINED when bad buddy was announced bc chimon wasn’t there) so for me I feel like they offered chimon ohm's part & he turned it down (AGAIN, JUST SPECULATION.) it's very clear that chimon is clearly turning to straight romances, with his role in put your head on my shoulder where he has a ship with gigie again like in hctm (though second lead as you say he never is main lead...), and the upcoming show the player where he plays a ship with namtan (!!! frankly I cannot wait it's gonna be iconic lol.) so anyways I just feel like chimon is just not looking to act in any bl anymore, and especially since his ship with pluem has kinda been dead for years now (though they revived it with that armshare ep lol I didn't know pluem could be so flirty :')) & I don't think they're gonna get a new show together, not when pluem seems to also not want to go in the bl direction. THAT BEING SAID, I think it's much too early to tell if chimon is gonna get left behind or not. I'd say he has a history of getting really good roles (except his first movie sweet boy, that was a mess lmaooo), and he's also a really good actor with already a lot of fans to back him up. I do hope for him though he'll get great upcoming roles so his fanbase can grow, but seeing how gmmtv has treated chimon until now, I don't think they'll give up on him so easily :)
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panlyv · 4 years
Hey, what are podd and khao filming? And can u give details thanks! This is all news to me
OH HELLO MY FIRST ANON HSKSHAJS !!!! so khaotung and podd are filming for an upcoming gmmtv series called (so far) thonhon chonlathee, based on a novel of same name.
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although it's not officially confirmed by gmmtv yet, we all think it's very very likely that khao & podd will be the main couple!!! podd as thonhon and khaotung as chonlathee! here is the synopsis of the novel and what we can expect from the series!! the cast also includes toptap and mike (2gether), speculated to be the side couple, jan (YOUniverse, who are you), to be thon's ex girlfriend and guy (p'dim from 2gether) but i have no idea what his role would be lmao sorry. the director is koo ekkasit (boy for rent, club friday the series)
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as far as i know (i can be wrong!) they began filming it on march 13th, and earlier this week they were at pattaya beach filming some scenes!!! yesterday the director posted this on his ig and !!!!!! im v v v excited and im sosososo happy for this show like fr ive Never anticipated a series as much as i am with this one!!! if you want more info or pics/videos, you can go to #tcts bts or #khaopodd on my blog to find some!!!
the official confirmation of the series will probably only happen once gmmtv posts its famous gmmtv next video, announcing the upcoming shows for the next year, which happens around october/november! in the meanwhile, i'll be here updating everything i can from the cast because im deeply in love with them and they make me sososo soooo happy! it's a Long wait but it's DEFINITELY WORTH IT for main khao to finally happen!
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absolutebl · 10 months
So apparently GMMTV will be announcing their 2024 line up in October!
Which actors do you think will be paired together this time? I feel like Mix and Pond have hinted they will be studying more so maybe not their pairings…. GeminiFourth said they will have a series so definitely them…
I would love to see ThorFluke plus Pawin with anyone and Drake with anyone!
What are your predictions?
Ooooo, GMMTV 2024 Pure Speculation
(remember if it's not data driven I'm historically pretty bad at this, but sure, let's shoot the shizz)
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Most Likely
EarthMix - they're reading v burned out (in addition to Mix + school) but they are currently GMMTV's cash cow so I can't imagine GMMTV won't try to put them in something, no matter what Mix said... but it's possible they'll be let rest for most of 2024.
First & Khao - naturally, if GMMTV can find a script the boys like, these two are likely their the biggest pair earners (if EarthMix really are out).
GeminiFourth - of course, the new princes
ForceBook - honestly they are steady, reliable workhorses who visually suit many BL scripts, they seem easy to work with, fun, and game. Not the most charismatic pair and I'm shaky on their range and versatility, but GMMTV clearly doesn't feel that way. I think it's pretty likely they will get something... I just hope it is something interesting. Are they bankable enough for a historical? That's the real question.
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Not Sure
JoongDunk - I really don't know, I think they are slightly more likely than not but they keep getting lackluster scripts. GMMTV is more likely to blame the pair than the show. And it is possible they are just a lackluster pair... too.
JimmySea - what happen to (or will happen with) Last Twilight?
I'd like to see Jimmy paired with someone else. He's too charismatic for Sea. To really break us they should pair him with Gun and just burn down the world. GMMTV would never do this, tho.
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Least Likely
It's unlikely PondPhuwin will lead out a show. Pond def said something about going back to school. (Which is code for a long break, if nothing else). They're good but less $ than EarthMix so I think GMMTV will back off from them.
OffGun - I'm not saying it won't happen anymore, but...
TayNew - see above
Bright with... anyone but Win.
A queer can dream, tho.
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Some noodling
I do think First & Khao were successful enough, and Only Friends will be enough of a sensation, for GMMTV to consider more First Khao style stuff. AKA instead of just dropping a whole pair, GMMTV will try rearranging pairs. Especially for couples that had previously been mostly just sides.
So we can expect Neo, Mark, Marc, Puwin, Aou, possibly even the twins or the Flukes show up paired "experimentally" with different other actors. Some that may genuinely surprise us.
That said, I'd like some more role swapping too.
For example, with Pond away, and him getting older and being SO established in the genre, I would love to see Phuwin play a seme roll. Not sure he has the personality for it in terms of how he's bonded with some of the newer GMMTV talent since I don't watch any of the variety/BTS anymore, but he has the screen presence.
Remember originally Neo & Phuwin had a pairing... I wonder if that would ever happen again.
I would love love LOVE to see Tay paired with someone else. I thought he was a revelation in 3 Will Be Free showing range I'd no idea he had and he's such a big puppy and friendly with everyone. I bet he could get many partners to trust and relax.
Similarly New needs to play a seme. I think he once said he'd rather not do BL with anyone but Tay, but I still think he'd be fun to see.
So New is less likely, but I think we can safely assume Tay would be game. With TayNew it's whether their shipper/stalker fans would "allow" this.
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What GMMTV Wants/Needs
I said in the past they needed to onboard new talent and they went for free agents (Joong, Perth). I thought they'd go for whole pairs, and I still think they'd be wise to consider this.
Given they're likely shifting focus on expansion into darker, higher heat, and more gritty arenas (which I think they need to do given the paucity of scripts within their preferred BL style, the tenor of the market, and the aging of their existing stable) what they want is Zee++. Now they can't wrestle him/his pair free of Dormundi, so...
For solos they are looking for:
actors who have lost their pair, have range into dark territory, will do high heat, and can play harsher seme roles (tall a bonus.)
If they're smart they make a play for Bible, but I wouldn't rule out Lee Long Shi. Both actors have a style that fills a niche in the GMMTV stable and are pro enough to work well in a new pair that GMMTV sets for them.
You KNOW they want Bible. How could they not? Can you imagine?
If they go after a pair?
If they're smart as I think they are? They want NetJames. And they might be able to get them, depending on contracts. NetJames has been awful quiet recently, they either are actually finally filming Love Upon a Time or that's fallen through and they're in contract negotiations. YinWar and JaFirst are also tempting prospects, I would imagine. Especially Ja.
It's this "new pair to GMMTV" announcement I'm most interested in, come October.
I think I'm leaving a key high heat pair on the table, but GMMTV also has a specific appearance and acting style they tend to cast for, and not all of the current indy heat pairs have that. Plus their are high value pairs that clearly do not want to sign with or work with GMMTV (OhmFluke for example) so that's a factor.
Finally, you KNOW they want to recreate the magic of GeminiFourth with young talent so I would bet they are actively recruiting high school grade pink milk via auditions, so we can expect one set of totally fresh faces.
Also tumblr ate half this post so I might have missed a few pairs worth discussing, because I had them but it deleted them. Don't blame me, blame tumblr, and leave a comment.
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FYI my predictions for 2023 were as follows:
10 GMMTV THAI BL 2023 Predictions (and how I did)
(these are the ones I made last year before their announcements)
EarthMix (yes, 2x)
something with Joong but not paired with Dunk (nope, they tried the same thing again)
dito Jimmy (not sure what's going on there)
what the hell: Lee does a BL (still no, last man standing)
probably a new attempt at ForceBook (yep)
2 set in high school and fewer set in uni (yep/nope)
at least 1 set in an office of some kind and at least 2 set in the countryside (yep/sorta but mostly nope)
one experimental paranormal/alt reality/time slip (yep)
something Friend Zone messy featuring several LBGTQ+ characters and couples and higher heat (yep)
an attempt to resurrect big guns like TayNew (yep - if cherry magic happens) or even BrightWin (nope, they went for OffGun instead, who I had thought were out)
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So here's my...
10 GMMTV THAI BL 2024 Predictions
First & Khao lead out something non-school and complex (GMMTV BL grows up)
ForceBook & GeminiFourth get new shows
Phuwin paired with someone else
GMMTV starts experimenting more with busting up and rearranging pairs
What the hell, Tay does a BL with not New.
We see Joong and Perth star in something GMMTV but not BL
GMMTV pulls in at least one established outside talent who plays harsh seme roles and has a more aggressive tone
GMMTV recruits/onboards an established pair who can and is willing to do higher heat
They option something v complex: crime thriller, mystery, suspense, historical even, I wonder if they might be interested in adapting say... Trapped.
JoJo gets to helm another "off brand" show
What I want them to do?
Finally admit that they can take an established script and "make it gay" and just LEAN in. Descendants of the Sun, but gay. Business Proposal, but gay. Home Town Cha Cha Cha... but gay. Thailand has the latent pool and the screen time but they don't have the scripts/stories.
Time to look to Korea and just fill in the gap that Korea is already leaving on the table (by only doing short form BLs).
Korea has the romances. Hundreds of them. MANY of which are not gender dependent.
Can you fucking imagine if Boss & Babe had been that exact cast but GMMTV doing a gay Dali and the Cocky Prince instead? It would have been amazing.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Year 2020 in many ways introduced the World of BL to the global fans. I'm not saying prior to that BL didn't exist,...but the audience consuming the content were pretty lesser in number, and also a pretty niche audience for a sub-genre that was yet to grow.
In fact,...the success of many mediocre BLs like "TharnType" and "2gether" can be attributed to pandemic, lest they wouldn't have garnered the kind of attention they got. "TharnType" despite coming from an independent production company, survived and thrived because of it's raunchy content, and "2gether" because it was a product of GMMTV.
The point I'm trying to make is,...that when a BL series is announced, most of the time the project goes on floor, either immediately after the auditions are done, and the actors are selected. OR. They release the teaser to attract the attention of not just the audience, but the sponsors as well, and the BL is aired in a near or distant future.
I believe, most of the BLs that were aired in the year 2020, were shot in the year 2019. That's the reason, in the second-half of 2020, not much BLs were aired, barring a few from well-known production companies like GMMTV. 2021 was pretty good, in terms of the quantity of BLs being churned out by various production companies. While some of it got delayed, many of it got cancelled too.
Now,...when a BL series has created an impact in the minds of the audience, through social-media (either because of it's storyline, or because of the cast chosen) or because of some other controversy related to the series,...there is a 100% possibility that almost everyone awaits with bated breath for it to happen. Eg: "KinnPorsche" The Series., And, when a BL series is announced by a big production company like GMMTV,...no matter the delay,...it will happen for sure. Eg: "A Tale Of Thousand Stars".
Having said that,...there have been some BL series, especially from independent production companies, that just got cancelled or abandoned for reasons left for the audience to speculate. Neither the makers, nor the Authors ever came forward to clarify as to what exactly happened with the project, which is very upsetting, since it feels like they played with the audience emotions. And I'm not exaggerating here, because there are BL audience that connect themselves emotionally with a story or a character, and certainly look forward with expectation for a BL to happen if it's announced long back. Eg: "Triage" The Series.
Similarly,...I was really excited for "Motorcycle" The Series, because I really like one of the main lead, who apparently played P'Pha in "Gen Y" The Series, Season-2. But it's been two years, and there's no official announcement regarding this series. The other BL series that I have been forever waiting for is "Sexfriends" The Series. But it was cancelled too citing financial problems to be one of the main reason. Honestly,...I haven't read any novel of these BL series. In fact, I'm not even sure if it's based on a novel, or it's a freshly written story for the purpose of making it a series.
There are apparently tons of Thai BL series that never saw the light of the day after it was announced.
So,...my question to you is,...
If makers are unsure whether a BL series will happen or otherwise, why do they announce it in first place?
BL isn't a sub-genre anymore, but it still has a long way to go in comparison to the main Entertainment industry. Keeping that in mind,...what are the necessary ingredients for the success of a BL series? [Here I'm asking from the standpoint of a maker of the BL. As in what is required prior to announcing a BL series?]
Will the whole concept of BL series adapted from a novel change in the future? [Which means,...will independent filmmakers dare make a BL which isn't based on a novel?]
Apart from differences of opinions between the maker(s) & the author(s), financial issues, or casting problems. What are the other reasons for delay or complete abandonment of a project? ["Motive Village" can be a prime example in this regard with respect to "2 Moons 3".]
So I'm pretty sure I've tackled a lot of this in my my various posts on the Thai BL so I'm gonna be quick...
well, quick for me.
Ah Motorcycle, when was that one announced? 2019? Flipping heck. 
1. If makers are unsure whether a BL series will happen or otherwise, why do they announce it in first place?
Thai trailers are usually fund raising mechanism to get interest from backers, sponsors, and distributors. That’s why they work they way they do. They aren’t really for fans at all, except that fan excitement puts pressure on backers. The majority of the Thai studio system seems based on this. (Not GMMTV, of course but...) 
They simply don’t use trailers the way we do. In Thailand a trailer is more like a pitch proposal. 
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2. BL isn't a sub-genre anymore, but it still has a long way to go in comparison to the main Entertainment industry. Keeping that in mind,...what are the necessary ingredients for the success of a BL series? [Here I'm asking from the standpoint of a maker of the BL. As in what is required prior to announcing a BL series?]
Depends on the country. 
Korea’s BL formula seems to be: 
(1 short idol X 1 tall actor) + 1 established director / Kdrama length = mildly successful
roll for chemistry 
+20 on chemistry? = hugely successful 
-10 damage for difficult script 
extra idol = +10 charisma points 
actor has done BL before? roll for additional hits
Hey now, I think I’m HILARIOUS.
Look this is a bit like asking why some Hollywood tent polls are successful and others just aren’t. Tent polls are all pretty darn formulaic (e.g. Marvel) but also difficult to get right (e.g. DC). You can have everything on point from cast to funding to (even) script and it’ll still flop. And then something comparatively low budget and market challenged (for high heat/language/violence reasons) like Daredevil, is a runaway hit. 
(side eyes Cutie Pie.) 
Film is art and art in unpredictable. 
Like anything else my best take is that it would be difficult to fail with: 
good cast, 
decent directing, 
solid script, 
high production values.
But I wouldn’t put it past them, or the fans.  
As Hollywood, let alone GMMTV, is constantly proving to us the above 4 step formula is damn near impossible to get right. (Mostly because BL always forgets about #3.) 
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3. Will the whole concept of BL series adapted from a novel change in the future? [Which means,...will independent filmmakers dare make a BL which isn't based on a novel?]
Thailand is running out of y-novels, hence the rise of the pulps. 
Either they gotta go original (like My Ride) or they are going to need to pull from other country’s traditions (e.g. Love Stage, Meow). Probubly mostly Japan. Japan is rolling in two decades of yaoi. They go nothing but content they aren't using. 
Otherwise i really have no idea what Thailand is going to do. I mean I know what I would do. A shit ton of classic stories (like Bad Buddy did Romeo and Juliet) just gay (and BLed). That seems easiest. No IP to shell out for. 
No matter what, we are entering a really interesting stage for Thai BL, especially with Korea’s intent to dominate. 
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4. Apart from differences of opinions between the maker(s) & the author(s), financial issues, or casting problems. What are the other reasons for delay or complete abandonment of a project? ["Motive Village" can be a prime example in this regard with respect to "2 Moons 3".]
There’s My Engineer 2 to consider too. 
I honestly don’t know. I can guess mostly lack of funding. But the root question is to why aren't they managing to raise interest from backers and sponsors? That’s pure speculation. 
Unwillingness of talent (or talent reps) to work with a company with a bad reputation (black balling). In the case of places like Motive, this kind of thing is usually an indication of chronic mismanagement on a business level, but it could also indicate corruption, abuse or power, and/or extremely difficult personalities (usually top down). 
Never discount the manifold ability of the people in power to monumentally fuck up. A lot of people, especially in the entertainment industry, are straight up bad at their jobs. (And I use the word straight intentionally.) Or have been given responsibility for some aspect of production for which they are neither qualified nor naturally talented. 
A director, for example, my be a VERY good director, but an absolutely GHASTLY project manager or fundraiser. 
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absolutebl · 3 years
I’m getting a general vibe that BL is/has been **taking off**, showing intense growth in terms of audience, investment, international market penetration between 2020-today—esp. looking at forward to what’s slated for 2022. Yea or nah? And I’m wondering whether/how you think “pandemic viewing” figures into this? New audiences? New production models? I just found your blog and I'm obsessed (analytical acumen + babies, all I've ever wanted).
OMFG I love questions like this. Thank you! 
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Is BL Taking Off?
> Growth in terms of audience, investment, international market penetration between 2020-today (end of 2021).
I think you’re right. A true analysis would have to look at YouTube unique watch numbers for BL over time plus things like new subscribers to GaGa & Viki who then watch mainly BL. That data is all proprietary. I don’t have access. So this is pure speculation. But I would guess if not exponential growth, 2021 is at least double 2019′s numbers. 
I think we can assume huge growth in these areas (audience, investment, international market penetration) based on a number of factors, including increased output/forthcoming BL announcements from: 
Korea (who watches and analyzes global viewer markets very carefully) and really only produces when it knows it has a growing market 
Thailand, specifically GMMTV’s line up, they pay attention to not just their viewer numbers and most popular productions of the past, but also to which of their actors get the most sponsorship, awards, and social media attention. They’re doubling their BLs from last year - that’s very telling. 
Active interest from newer countries with less developed film industries intent on breaking into BL (like Cambodia, Vietnam, and Singapore for example)
These will base their 2022 line ups, funding, and commissioned projects on what was effective/popular over the last 3 years: first internally then in surrounding countries and market shares. Also they absolutely take into account what is effective (penetrative) internationally (with nationalistic concerns around global social standing, increasing tourism, and political clout). 
Don’t ever discount the power of pop culture to manipulate consumer sentiment on a global scale. I can assure you these countries know which side their BL bread is buttered on. How many of us are learning Thai or want to visit Thailand partly because of Thai Bl? You know that tourism accounts for 12-15% of Thailand’s gross GDP, right? How many people are learning Korean or tried Korean food for the first time because of Kdramas? BTS? 
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> I’m wondering whether/how you think “pandemic viewing” figures into this? 
Significantly. I talked about this with regards to (what Hollywood calls) the Apple Pie Demographic (women ages 25-65). Historically Apple Pie is the hardest for the entertainment industry to target because of their habit of never actually sitting down to watch anything (because they have work, or laundry, or errands, or something their husband/child would rather watch instead). This is also the romance reader/consumer demo (which includes BL). Apple Pie is the mainstay target demo for goods (products) but NOT for the entertainment industry. 
During lockdown it was this contingent that actually sat still for the first time in decades. I think it had a huge impact on streaming service watch numbers, including BL (but also stuff like Bridgeton and romantic Kdramas). (Yes I know we queers are out there too, but sadly, we are few if mighty and mostly not statistically significant on a macro scale. Sorry us.) 
The age bracket of Apple Pie also means that Thai BL’s, in particular, likely garnered large new audiences off YouTube during lockdown. Because YouTube’s end users also skew older and into this demo (by comparison to say SnapChat or TikTok). (NOTE: Smart SEO managers would be promoting BL HARD on Pinterest because it’s the same demo again. So if you blog about BL, Pin those gifs and still of pretty boys kissing for greater traffic.) 
I’m not sure they are quite this strategic, but back to the global pull, guess what else the Apple Pie demographic is historically responsible for? Planning weddings and family vacations. As soon a lockdowns stop, I think tourism to Thailand and Korea is going to seriously spike. 
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> New production models? 
Hum. This I don’t think so much. The only really new production model I’ve seen in BL is long form commercials, like literally BL that is all one big product placement (Ingredients, Skinship). And that doesn’t look like it’s taking off. It seems more like places like Korea and Taiwan are revamping existing production houses to produce more BL. 
Thailand is just expanding and growing what started in 2016 exponentially in all directions at once (it feels like). But I actually anticipate a bit of a contraction from Thailand in 2022, especially the pulps. 
Japan, I do think, is changing slightly towards Korean-length BL series (they used to mostly just do live action yaoi movies). But these kinds of series (Given, Kieta Hatsukoi, Utsukushii Kare) are really just movie length shows broken up, so I suspect they are filming them in the same way and with the same kind of team as they always have since 2004. They are just airing them differently. And I think this shift is due to the rise in web series and streaming services more than anything else. 
It’s possible production models have shifted in the Philippines and Vietnam because of BL, but I don’t know what it was before, so...?
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> Talent, pairs, and the taint of BL
You didn’t ask about this but I think it’s an interesting thing to note. 
In Korea it seems to be getting more and more “okay” for idols or former idols to safely do BL without too much of a residual pong. And I say this despite Hwall et al. Color Rush issues/whatevers. I don’t know if this is a social shift in younger actors away from homophobia, or if it’s just that there are so many KBLs in production now it’s becoming an acceptable gateway into the broader Kdrama industry. 
In Thailand, BL is certainly now just another thing a Thai actor will likely do at some point in his career. There are so many BLs, and so many pairs have ended in bellyflops, I think we are going to see more and more Thai actors who just do a BL to check-off the “romcom” or “melodrama” box, or because it’s a stepping stone that’s expected of them. Possibly, this might translate to fewer and fewer co-branded pairs. Or short term pairs who only last the length of the project and promo. And more free-agent actors like Singto and Ohm who do lots of BL but with different partners. Seeing GMMTV 2022 field First, Khaotung, Mike, and Krist outside of their original BL pairings was eye-opening to say the least, and feels like a big step for Thailand. 
I think these are all signs of increasing view numbers and broader demographic appeal. Not to mention ramped up production. 
Final Thoughts 
I have a whole stats thing I've been updating throughout this year. It monitors trends and production quantity, average series length, stuff like that. So I’ll have more hard data plus final numbers for you at the end of the year. 
And I’ll link back to this post in that one.
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