#glucose level
agnihothealthforall · 3 months
Welcome to my Kachin Diabetes Solution Review. My inbox is flooded with email messages regarding doubts and uncertainties about Kachin Diabetes Solution. Almost 60% of the people requested to share my reviews about Kachin Diabetes Solution. The main reason which compelled me to write this Kachin Diabetes Solution review is because of the uncertainties prevailing regarding the trustworthiness of the product. Let’s go in-depth into the program. Kachin Diabetes Solution is the ultimate system for learning scientifically proven methods for reversing and eliminating type 2 diabetes safely, naturally and permanently. It’s based on wisdom from ancient people and the ways they lived their lives, and it is designed to stimulate the pancreas with clinically proven, natural methods that reverse type 2 diabetes and the effects it has had on your body thus far. It is 100% natural and focuses on making simple adjustments in your diet, physical activity and lifestyle to lower your blood sugar, lose 50 pounds, increase energy levels, improve insulin resistance and of course, get rid of type 2 diabetes once and for all. So, if you’re tired of taking pills that only mask the symptoms, pricking yourself daily and seeing your condition worsen despite your best efforts, it’s time to look into tackling the root cause, which is what you get with Kachin Diabetes Solution.
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ktempestbradford · 3 months
Adulting sucks, but being an adult has its bonuses. For instance, last night I was craving Pizza Hut breadsticks. (Not just any old breadsticks or garlic bread, those specific ones.) I didn't even want pizza. (Not that I would eat their pizza, ew.)
I looked at the delivery app and went: I can't just order breadsticks, I should get a salad or wings or something, too.
Then it hit me:
Yes I effing CAN order just breadsticks!
Why? because I'm an adult and it's my money and no one can stop me.
And so I did.
That's what it means to be an adult.
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aboutmercy · 4 months
diabetic children of gaza i am always thinking of you. ya allah make it easy for them.
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thescoopstroopers · 1 month
i got my blood work back and i have to get tested to see if i have diabetes i hate it here...
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deathinfeathers · 2 months
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Sip, sip, sip on her iced matcha latte! Adam's got his tall order of taro with extra bubbles and whipped cream waiting for him on his desk.
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fooltofancy · 5 months
diabetes troubleshooting my beloathed
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suculentt · 1 year
let's play "is this symptom caused by chronic illness #1, chronic illness #2, chronic illness #3, depression, anxiety, autistic overstimulation, or just plain old stress?"
i rarely am able to figure out the answer.
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im hungry. but i cant eat. i miss cookies.
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gatheryepens · 1 year
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March 20th and 21st, 2023
48/50 and 49/50 days of productivity
Happy happy Tuesday all!!! I hope everyone is having a good evening/afternoon/morning today. These past two days have been fairly productive, yesterday in biology we did a trial run for our pag and it went really well we only need to make a few minor adjustments. I also had my driving lesson yesterday which went really well! Today I did a lot of maths revision mainly practising integration because it is quite difficult and I started and completed a past paper. I also had chemistry today and the stuff we are doing is really confusing me…
Tasks achieved:
Chemistry past paper
A2 integration
🎧 Young Blood - 5SOS
QOTD - favourite animal
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sedlex · 1 year
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And this is what happens when a girl addicted to cookies doesn't get anything to eat for... an undetermined amount of time, all the while walking for hours and being super duper stressed.
They have almost as many pouches as they have belts and nobody got a snack in there?
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amtrak12 · 8 months
Man everytime I start thinking 'huh, maybe I can do NanoWrimo this year', I look at my Lucifer WIP and I feel utterly exhausted. :/
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naomiknight-17 · 10 months
Getting Billi to eat consistently continues to be an issue. The appetite stimulant stopped working. We've started rotating the kinds of kibble we give her to try to keep her interested, which seems to be working a little
Ordered 2 new kibble flavors that are arriving this afternoon, we'll see how she likes those
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concubuck · 2 years
Glucose test
To Dr. Stripper's credit, when Alastor introduces the alternate he's brought along to his obstetrician appointment as "Alastor, the probable father," she only spends about ten seconds staring between their faces in mounting confusion before she decides to simply accept that this is a thing that's happening and nods.
This is the first time Alastor's brought his alternate along to an appointment. He wouldn't have thought to do it if Cal hadn't asked to come—he feels deep in his bones like the pregnancy is HIS problem, something for him to deal with alone—but he's glad Cal's there. Somehow it makes the whole process feel 50% lighter.
Rut has left Cal a wreck—bouncing his leg in the waiting room as he tries to hold himself together through his mounting arousal, nearly snarling whenever somebody touches Buck to check his blood pressure or—God forbid—press a stethoscope to his belly; but nevertheless, Alastor can tell just how delighted his alternate is to be a part of this process. He's practically radiating joy at every little update, the baby's size, the position. When Dr. Stripper diffuses his alternate's burst of possessiveness by offering to let him listen to the baby's heart through the stethoscope, Alastor half expects him to faint with glee. This is the happiest appointment he's ever had.
It's also one of the longest ones. Amongst a whole host of horrible health complications Alastor had no idea existed two months ago, apparently it's also possible to temporarily develop diabetes while pregnant; the point of this appointment is for him to take a glucose tolerance test to check whether he has. Standard procedure at the end of the second trimester. He had to fast for eight hours before the test (he'd scheduled it for the morning), get his blood drawn, have a sugary drink, wait an hour, and get his blood drawn again.
"—And you can screw in the restroom while you're waiting," Dr. Stripper says casually, like she tells telling expectant couples this several times a week, "just don't use the wheelchair stall. If you suck, do NOT swallow. It can skew our test results."
They fuck over the toilet.
(It's going to be a hard adjustment when his alternate's rut is over and Alastor has to go back to spending hours a day begging strangers to ask him for sex.)
On some level, Alastor expected the test to come back declaring he did have gestational diabetes. As miserable as the rest of this experience has been, it would be the cherry on the top for him to be unable to eat normally for the rest of his pregnancy. But no, he's given a clean bill of health. He can eat anything he wants—"Just don't overdo it," Dr. Stripper cautions. "You're at the high end of weight gained for 28 weeks. At your height and starting weight, it's nothing to worry about yet—but you'd be surprise how many people take 'eating for two' to mean they can double their portions. Keep in mind that the second person you're eating for is a lot smaller than you."
Alastor nods and smiles politely and throws this piece of advice into his mental incinerator.
She advises them both on what they probably want to be doing during the third trimester—touring hospitals or meeting with midwives or doulas, depending on their birthing preferences; making a back-up plan in another ring, since he'd be at 38 weeks during extermination; attending birthing classes. She seems impressed by how interested Alastor's alternate is in being involved in all of the above activities. Given Alastor's century of experiences around the common American male, he supposes Cal probably is more enthusiastic than most fathers-to-be; but he can't help but wonder how much of her surprise at Cal is just when taken in contrast with Buck's historical underenthusiasm.
"Sometime between week 30 and 32 we'll want you in again for your third sonogram, to make sure the baby's horns haven't come in at a shape that makes carrying to term or vaginal birth dangerous," Dr. Stripper says. "And after that, I'll want you in for checkups every two weeks until the last month, when I should be seeing you every week."
God. Imagine scheduling something every two weeks, and actually doing it. Imagine doing something weekly. Who's the alien she's talking about who has that much energy? Alastor can't remember the last time he did anything that consistently.
But he dutifully schedules the appointments, records them down in his phone, adds triple alerts to minimize the odds he'll forget them, and hopes his alternate will help him remember.
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amazingmars · 1 year
the way you can fuck up one part of your insulin pump and go 12 hours without insulin before anything registers as Wrong. and then the way you can only fix it by borrowing supplies meant for a future pump change, leaving yourself without insulin for a 3 day period in the future so you don't spend 3 days without insulin now. does anyone else experience this. how do you deal with the horrors of it all.
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neonpigeons · 2 years
anxiety is so stupid why am I freaking out like. I'm just sitting here
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phayoon123 · 1 year
Night Time Hypos
Returning from Thailand to the UK I have noticed an increase of night time, early morning, around 1-30am hypos. why is this happening I am not quite sure.
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