#girl twt is down so u get art here
maiooo-0 · 6 months
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jadeddangel · 3 months
I saw that u write poly stuff and my mind was inspired, maybe u could write something where adam and lute comfort reader because something happened and even a bit suggestive if u want:))
Lute x reader x Adam
"It's gonna be ok, beautiful"
Warnings: None
Art isn't mine and belongs to @.D4gm4rs on twt
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The bed was cold even though it seemed like Adam and lute had left hours ago ,although it had only been 30 minutes. It was your day off.. you had finally gotten a break from everything. You were tired of souls coming to you for help for all these things that you couldn't possibly help with. The worst part of all, though was there was this angel that wouldn't leave you alone, he had been pretty much stalking you. He was trying to get you to go on dates to try and get you to hang out with him.
You were hesitant to tell Adam and lute scared Adam would over react and that lute wouldn't leave your side; you can imagine how surprised you were when they just gave you some love and left for work. And so here you were, alone, still laying in bed, you just wanted to sleep and stay here forever..
You must've fallen asleep cause when you woke up it was almost dark. With a sigh, you got up, tugging out of the bedroom and going to the kitchen to get dinner ready. You paused seeing that there was already a bag of food on the counter.. it was your favorite, and it even had your favorite drink.. you heard the tv running in the living room. You smiled and walked to the living room seeing 2 familiar tuffs of brown and white grey hair. You reached over and covered Adam's eyes from behind him. "Guess who?" You snickered a bit. Adam hummed a bit. "Is itttt my pretty girl?" Adam guessed, tilting his head up towards the ceiling so you could see his smile. You giggled and leaned down, giving him a kiss. "mhm.." You hummed against his hips. You pulled away brushing his hair back out of his face, you tilted your head to face lute, "there's my pretty girl" you mused leaning closer to her and giving her an Eskimo kiss before kissing her forehead. Lute smiled a bit. "Hi there, baby.. how was your day?" She asked sweetly. You climbed over the back of the couch to plop in between them. "It was as good as it could get with me sleeping all day" you laughed a bit. Lute played with your hair absent-mindedly while Adam tugged at the baggy pajama pants you were wearing. "You know I really like this color on you but maybe we should just take it off hm?" Adam hummed slowly slithering his hands up your thighs til he was holding onto the waist band of the pants. "Adam I will literally never make you ribs again if you take those off" you said curtly opening your eyes a bit to give him a glare. Adam huffed and pulled his hands away, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting like a toddler. You sighed a bit but decided not to deal with it, "Adam will you get the bag of food? Please? I'll give you head in the morning I promise" you bribed knowing he was going to fight you if you didn't offer. Before you could even finish the word head Adam was already up and grabbing the bag excitedly, "deal!", Adam even went the extra fucking mile and started making your plate for you while watching the movie that was barely getting any attention.
The night was relaxing, you and lute took a bath together cause Adam couldn't be trusted not to start something. Then it was onto dessert, another movie and cuddles. As promised in the morning before work you gave Adam head before he left. And you know what maybe it was good luck cause that day wasn't half bad.
You didnt know what happened(Adam and lute beat the shit out of the guy and talked to your boss about easing up on you) but that didn't matter and as long as everything kept going well it was always gonna be a good day.
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lets-make-ensemble · 2 years
ensemble girls resources: a masterlist
always wanted to get into engirls but don't know how? already into engirls but curious as to where to get official art and all that stuff?
well look no further! this masterlist is made for you!✨️ ok i'll stop it with the advertisement talk
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❀ index!
cards (framed and frameless), transparents and cgs
official art
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translations are both one of the easiest and most difficult things to find with engirls, this being due to the fact there's not much translated content about it
there's already somewhat of an engirls masterlist regarding translations here !!! i don't have much to add about it,, if you can't find a specific story or something you're interested in using any of those sources, chances are it hasn't been translated yet, please have patience and stay up to date with the engirls eng twt acc to see if a translation is ever uploaded!
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—cards (framed and frameless), transparents and cgs
this one kind of depends on what you're looking for
for framed cards, i recommend the ensemble girls wiki, you just gotta go into the gallery of the character you want to see cards of and boom. most cards are there!! another option is the kimisaki database, which i'll explain a bit more about in the next point
for both frameless and transparents i recommend checking the kimisaki database right here, more specifically, in the card series (カードシリーズ) section; while not all cards are there since the database still is a work in progress, it's a good replacement for the old engirls database that was taken down a couple months ago (rip)
another source for transparent versions of cards is @/sevenarchive, if you look in the ensemble girls tag you should find various transparent cards, not all of them sadly, but hey! it's smth, at least
for cgs, there is a decent chunk of engirls cgs in @/engirls-cg's blog, while not all of them are there, it's the only public source i've seen that has engirls cgs
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—official art
most official art is found in the official engirls twt (@/ensemble_girls), though you'd have to look for it using keywords and stuff since the acc has A Lot of tweets,, some keywords could be:
2周年, 3周年, 5周年, 7周年; for anniversary arts
(ttm), (mm), (ck), (jk), (ro), (nk); for miscellaneous art the engirls acc has posted
though, @/nomorewhitepeople has uploaded some of engirls' official art under the #upload tag, if you check it you'll find a bit of official art and that stuff, i'm technically also doing the same but at a slower pace since i don't really like clogging up the engirls tag much
as far as i'm aware, there aren't any other sources to obtain official art
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by ost i mostly refer to sound effects and in-game music, that kinda stuff
for some ! story ost and sound effects, they can be found here, you can also find voicelines of some characters related to certain cards and stuff
for the special songs like the theme song, the rock band club song and the memorial song, you can find them on youtube and soundcloud!
soundcloud link for all 3 songs: ☆, the link leads to a playlist for all three songs
youtube links: let's make☆ensemble! (theme song); sacred gods above, droplet of a black moon (rock band club song); the days where you bloomed (memorial song)
the quality isn't the best, but it's the only public source where i've found the songs aside from bilibili and stuff,, also i haven't found the event and enmemo soundtracks in any public platform, so sadly those i cannot link them here. sorry!
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that's pretty much all ik about engirls sources and stuff, if there's else something u want to find but isn't listed here, feel free to ask!! oh also if there's smth u think should be added to the list pls feel free to tell me!
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yukikorogashi · 1 year
(shhh this is anon) BECKYYYYY TwT prances on in here with some tea and cookies for the sweetest bestie and the gal who deserves the world! ;3; I know I tell you this so much, but I will never tire of it, so I'm here again to remind you that you're hands-down one of the nicest, most talented, most INSPIRATIONAL people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting ;u; You never cease to amaze me with your exceptional skills in graphic design, art, writing... legit, basically ANYTHING you put your hands in, your efforts and the results are so phenomenal, and I will never not admire how you maintain modesty and continue to be SUCH a friendly sunflower of a person all the while! <3 You should be so proud of how far you've come and how hard you work always, Becky! But please remember to be kind to yourself and take those breaks that you desperately need, okay? <3 <3 Sending you all the love, always!
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POINTS @ YOU... 🥺❤️ IT'S THE BESTIE... IT'S BEST GORL SAMMY... THE BESTEST BESTIE BOO TO EVER BEST-- aaeuhaauwhae yeah I'm starting not to make anymore sense so just... rests my head against you like I always do now while I enjoy these lovely tea and cookies that you have also come to spoil me with!!! 😭❤️💕
But Lord help me because I keep switching between thanking you for once more spoiling me with all this support, kindness and love-- and apologising to you for the fact that I'm likely just going to repeat myself by loving you back awuehauwe! After all, it's just a never ending cycle of love between us, huh? With us both always being so ready to scream at one another like AAAAAAAAA ❤️💕❤️!!! No matter what the reason might be, no matter how we are feeling about something else... I just love that we both will always ALWAYS get to express how much we love each other, no matter auehawuhe. OTL ... S-So yeah, I will inevitably love on you again, the next time we get to chat, so I will TRY to keep this response short-- even though that just feels like a crime to me because GDI this amazing girl here needs to be told each and every time just how wonderful and loved she herself is! 🥺 ❤️💕
I don't know what I did to deserve a bestie as amazing as you. To know someone as incredible as you. and for her to think this highly of me like AAAAAAA??? I still sometimes can't help but look back over my shoulder, to check and see if there's someone behind me. WHICH DOESN'T MAKE SENSE IN THIS CASE BUT Y'KNOW AWUehwauH!!! Honestly, you-- without fail-- will always inspire and leave me in awe-- just from your existence alone.
You are not just a crazy talented writer and artist (As I mentioned many times before you, you are in my top 3 favourite writers, and if Danganronpa is real, you would totally be enrolled as one of the Ultimate Writers for the academy AEHAW!!! And gaaaah your art, your art will forever be one of the cutest, prettiest things- and honestly I cannot get enough of see your drawings too!!! So I count my blessings when I actually get the chance to see any of it!)... but also one of the strongest human beings I know. You always put others before yourself, and it blows me away just how much you do for others... including me. ;;
I can't thank you enough, for all that you do, truly. You have done, so, so much for me, when honestly-- I also just kinda... wanna gently sit you down and make sure you get a much needed rest and break auehawuhe (EVEN THOUGH I know you will be like "I'm fine! uwu" Like-- SHHHHH AWEHAWH!!!) !!! To see you happy, to see you excited, always makes my day. And I can't tell you how much joy it brings me just to see that from you. To just see you. 💕 To just see a joyous hello from you, and better yet-- share absolutely anything with me. Be it about anything RP related, or just what's going on in your own life!
I'm sending you so, so much love back your way, m'darling. Always and forever, okay? Me pretty much flinging every bit of love I can at you, even before some are able to fully form into ripe apple hearts AUEHAUWHE!!!
@falsiliar ❤️💕
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How about B, I, L, U, V for our big boi Theo? :3c
Sure thing, bub!! Theo hcs coming right up! 💙💙💙💙
I really hope you like them!!!! :3c
Fluff ABCs Template here for requests
Body -- What is his favorite part of her body?
Do y’all have any idea how hard it is for me to answer this letter without making this horny hours.
ANYWAY losing my mind because my instinct was to respond with “her tears.” And then my brain was like. Minnie that’s not a part of the body…that’s not how any of this works…But let’s pretend for a moment like I am valid, shall we?
No cap, I die on this hill. And my answer comes in two parts. The first reason tears destroy him like nothing else is because of how much she feels for the van Gogh brothers tbh. I think Theodorus is very accustomed to their situation being seen through a lens of indifference, a kind of “oh well, what can be done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” especially. While he may argue that he’s used to it, he’s full of shit. It hurts every time–even more so because people are being dismissive about the person he loves most in the world (other than her, of course.) He’ll be silent for the most part, usually pretty stoic if those things come up, but the way her eyes glisten with tears just undoes him. He feels stupid to be so affected, but it’s something else entirely when somebody actually gives a damn. Somehow it's harder to keep his composure under that gaze...
The second reason is more about teasing. He can’t resist getting a reaction out of her sometimes, or seeing her brought to frustrated tears. That lovely blush overtaking the tips of her ears and face, to say nothing if it happens during nsfw hours. They make her face shine, a visible manifestation of all the emotion he tries so hard to deny–to run from–that it just moves him like nothing else. Where he can't find words or proper expression, she always does. Leonardo said once that a single glance at that man and you can tell he’s in love with art. And he was right, save that that kind of passion can be found in him again in moments like this. Alone, driving her to madness and pleasure.
It’s the part of him that belongs to her, and her alone.
Injury -- How would he act if she got hurt?
Lmao call Vincent instead of Theo if you actually want anything productive to be done about it.
I’m KIDDING mostly but to be honest I think he has a hard time hiding his distress when MC is hurt. If it’s something small he’ll try to play it off as mild irritation, muttering about oblivious hondjes and how she needs to be more careful. If it’s something like a bruise or a bandaged cut–maybe she bumped into something–he’ll just clumsily try to pat the pain away. Don’t try to hide it from him either because he has eyes like a hawk and will expose you. He’ll be a dumdum but it’s really sweet because he’ll be so gentle over such a tiny wound (it always amuses Dazai so much) that all the men will have to kind of hold back laughter. They don’t mean to mock the guy but he takes it so seriously it’s a little bit funny. Vincent is so unironically proud of him for being sensitive though and it’s enough to make a girl cry TwT
If it’s a very serious injury I am sorry but you are getting nothing but probably a panic attack from him. He doesn’t really do well with even the slightest suggestion of losing a loved one, so if she breaks a bone or experiences excessive bleeding–whatever the risk may be to her life–he is fighting to stay in control of his body’s response. He’s trying so hard to be strong for her, but he can hardly breathe and his vision is a little fuzzy and did they say she would be unconscious for a few days? Needless to say he’s a bit of a mess. Ideally, Vincent would do his best to help the guy stabilize while he waits for things to improve, but it’s touch and go for a bit there.
When she wakes up, he needs as much gentleness as she does in many respects. The stress attacks and constant distress have just resulted in so much tension and exhaustion, he doesn’t even have the energy for any verbal swipes at anyone. (I was going to say “he’s just a big puppy” but the irony hit me so hard I literally couldn’t finish typing the sentence). He just really needs lots of kisses and hand holds and promises she isn’t going anywhere, completely unprompted. Not to be emo (WAKE ME UP) but he really needs to be brought back to life slowly, in a way. He’ll get better with some time and assurance that she’s going to make it, but oTL hondje please, he can only take so many heart attacks in one lifetime.
Love -- How does he show her he loves her?
He does not.
I’m KIDDING but I stand by the fact that he’s more of a show than tell type of guy. He has a really, really hard time verbalizing everything that he feels, so I think the person he loves would ideally have to keep that in mind. He’s lowkey but very classy, imo. Gets surprise flowers every once in a while, buys groceries after work all the time if she needs things at home, always reliable with taking care of their finances (and in general). I feel like the thing about Theodorus is that he’s the quiet romantic; he won’t smooth talk or endlessly go on about love, but when she needs him? He’s there. Come hell or high water. When things are hard, when things feel impossible, when life just feels like one slap in the face after another–he’s warm and there and steady, leading her by the hand.
He's very proactive about just about anything other than expressing his feelings directly, so write that down--
Upset --How does he act when she's upset?
LMFAO catch him crashing at Vincent’s place tonight, no thanks murderous hondje ain’t it for me, sorry sweaty.
All jokes aside, I think he’s the type of guy who just has no idea how to handle it. I mean she’s the one that’s usually pretty stable emotionally, so when she isn’t it tends to be a big deal–the cause of her foul mood has got to be sizable. While he may be stymied upfront, will most likely go after the root cause of her distress and kill it with a hammer when her back is turned. Nobody upsets his hondje (unless it’s him) and gets away with it. The man has two modes: kill and more kill, and so he uses the second one as necessary in these situations.
That being said, it doesn't mean he's completely bereft of sensitivity. If it's a more sorrowful kind of upset, he'll try to make time for a lot of cuddling and pampering. Get her things she likes to eat/drink, rub her back gently, put on a movie she likes (even if it's boring to him). He hopes that some care and a few little distractions will be enough to calm her soon. He loves his hondje best when she's smiling, after all ùwú
Vaunt -- What is he proud of? Does he like to show her off?
Oh my goddddddd. Bih. If this man suffers from a cardinal sin, it’s pride I swear. Even if he’s Mr. Bad Mood Stink Face he will literally never say a bad word about her. There are so many people convinced he’s deadass got some kind of disorder because he has scary face, but also looks so delighted at the same time it's terrifying. Gets all puffed up about what a hard worker she is, how talented, how he couldn’t have done any of this without her. Even when he’s roaring drunk, now he just rambles on and cries about how much he loves her and Vincent and it’s beyond hilarious. Would throw down for her, would die for her, would steal a clown’s balloon for her–you name it.
She can do absolutely no wrong, so write that down.
Has a love hate relationship with showing her off (in the more blatant way) though because. Homewrecking. Does she look lovely in that dress? Undoubtedly so. If he sees one more gross lustful/covetous gaze directed at her though, he’s just gonna leave with her in tow. (He would throw hands but she doesn't like that.) Y’all know the whole Lord of The Rings’ “My p r e c i o u s” thing? That’s his vibe LMFAO. Depending on his mood he will either be like "hell yeah that's my wife you jealous bih, I'm the luckiest guy ever ik now buzz off" or he will just get more and more lowkey steamed until they leave.
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myelocin · 3 years
send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨💫 - @ryuiki
!!! u are the loveliest T^T as a show of appreciation im just gonna word dump an impromptu speech here ;w;
@xavestory - yk i always think story telling is already such a challenge with words but the fact that you can do it so naturally with art is just sth always worthy of an applause. not saying this bc im ur friend n u have blackmail material over me but im saying this as someone who has been ur fan before ur friend
@saetyrn9 - miss MAAM my LOVE MY LIFE amy TwT i love u!!! thank u for always writing the most beautiful pieces T3T im such a scatterbrained reader and often find it hard to immerse myself in words but u somehow have this way of just easing me in and having me float in this world from beginning to the end. and it NEVER stops at the end too. ur characters always feel human and i love u for that. what u've written have always lingered ;;w;;
@churoomiii - i appreciate u because at this point u are more than just this rando i found on the net. tq for sharing ur words and ur heart. (tear streaks down cheek)
@tsu-kiss - literally how do u come on tumblr to reblog 2 things every 2 weeks and still have the best aesthetic plz spare me tips my blog looks like a screencap from phub but emo version. thank u for sticking thru this whole time. ilu as big as the skies
@23soong - the part 2 to my part 1 in ayahuasca. cant believe it's a year in and we still find reasons to cry tgt whether it's 1pm or 1am. (crying emoji) (secret handshake)
@hvnlydmn - i still cannot believe u are a diluc stan but it's ok i will still support u. LMAO. ains how the hell do u have energy to have a full life outside of tumblr and still come here and keep ur blog up to date like i post 2 things every week and disappear for ten years. either way my liddle tumblr space always feels incomplete unless i see u around so thank u for being a part of this home TwT
@keisukesbaji - idk how else to preface this other than by saying helow mandy ur one of the ppl i will always remember when i think ab day 1 on this blog. u radiate so much joy and kind energy so thank u for constantly being here and constantly healing. i can't wait to cook for u
@prettyboykatsuki - HA. ARI. WOW. i can't think of love unless i think of your writing. so much of your wisdom and raw kindness bleeds into your pieces so thank u for all u do seriously. i WISH i can properly articulate how deep ur writing is embedded in my mf SOUL but alas pistachio nut brain i can only cry and clap again and again. but ily. u are wonderful. ily ily ily.
@mintchocolateships charlie!!!!!! u are such an angel. leading up to the last few chaps of aot i can never even think ab it unless i think ab u. ;;w;; i sincerely hope you constantly find joy and love all around and that it's there with u before u even think of getting up and finding it. levi feels incomplete without jenna in my head now LMAO
@gg9183 hey my day 1. wow. day ONE. it's nice to think we're in the same universe sharing this little corner tgt. u are the most lovely and im so thankful u let me in ur life ;;w;; i offer nothing but blurbs and the occasional poke on ur askbox but tq TwT
@acxciia i hope u know i genuinely think of u as ate kay in my head now LMAO. u are honestly the personification of the kindest form of love and im so incredibly blessed for u. + ur music taste?????? HAH ILY EVEN MORE
@amjustagirl nikki my love TwT resident big sister of this whole fandom u bring so much joy to this community. + all ur pieces??? IMMACULATE. i wish u the happiest every single day u are my whole sunshine and ily. 
@danibby i genuinely hope we meet one day just so i can give back to u and give u the biggest hug just to let u know how much i adore and appreciate u. let’s sit somewhere together and share some fruit and stories. ily times infinity ate
@neoheros rue!!!!!!!!! ur writing has always lived in this special room in my heart so thank u for continuously giving us gold. thank u for letting the most human part of love slip into ur words. u have no idea how much i look up to u.
@shinchiro i cant believe u like issei out of everyone in hq girl what did he do to deserve u. slander to ur lover aside, u are such a kind person im so thankful for u. thank u for letting me peek into u and issei’s world but as well as urs. my whole heart, always miss xin makki can have the crumbs leftover
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hyunubear · 2 years
hello! so continuing my comment… i just don’t get the lack of interaction sometimes. sure there are people i message on a daily basis who are dear friends i can freak out with, but sometimes a girl wants to reblog some hot pictures with an all caps freak out and get some replies. sometimes i do get replies and im like cheers im glad you agree with me… but idk?? does this even make sense? bc you can’t force it either. however, at the same time i know people who are into the same artists i am see my posts/are following me…so maybe it’s just me lol. perhaps i need to start a kpop club and host weekly meetings so i can reach my ‘daily kpop freak out with likeminded people’ needs
i also don’t want to sounds ungrateful because people interact with my writing and that is so 🥰🥰
(hopefully i don’t regret sending this. i’m sending this quite quickly and not really thinking about it too hard)
no no i get it!!! you don't need to feel bad or regret this or anything. in gerenal i totally agree that interacting with others (particularly in kpop bc thats the only fandom ive ever been active on tumblr in) isn't the same as it used to be.
it's also no secret to anyone that people just aren't rbbing and sharing content (especially original content; art/gifs/fics etc) as much. i think at least to some degree it comes down to the fact that there aren't as many active tumblr users around. everyday on twitter I see new accs who are looking for moots who say aren't new to kpop and only new to twt. there's a good chance that a lot of them are migrating from tumblr. another thing. in ur ask u talk about rbbing in all caps and expecting replies/interactions. im not 100% sure if im assuming this right (bc i can't think of any instance of u doing that with my posts) but if you mean rbbing and adding comment under the post and not in the tags, i gotta say that's a pet peeve for a lot of ppl. I did check ur archive and noticed that you're not new to tumblr and I only have been active in kpop tumblr so that might be exclusive to kpop tumblr but yeah. i know a lot of CCs especially don't like it if u add onto their posts. in extreme cases i've seen ppl get blocked for this or get vague posted about lsijdfjsd. for me personally that's not something I'd get too mad about even though I understand where CCs are coming from. it can be a bit annoying especially if its something that could've been said in the tags. so if that's what you meant by not getting interactions, this might explain it.
but even going back a couple of years when kpop tumblr was at its peak, i remember how weird the interactions between big accs and smaller ones were. i was so confused by it all for so long i couldn't understand why there are so many rules like only sending anons unless ur mutuals, only tagging and dmming ur mutuals, not adding to posts, etc etc. there was a time when big accs on here were treated like GODS(whether that was a good thing or not is another can of worms entirely). they'd get thousands of notes on their posts and get hundreds upon hundreds of asks and usually they were funny so the interactions (I mean asks and replies) were so fun! u could send anons or just read the ones posted and it was hella fun and some of them would turn into memes.
#i feel like no one else remembers any of this bc most ppl from those times have left tumblr#but sending asks was the primary way of interacting with other kpop stans#ppl would send memes on anon. ask weird questions that the reciever could answer in a clever way. anons would ask you to rank random things#and discourses#oh my god discourses#they were a gift and curse#it would start with one acc or one anon and then everyone would start talking and discussing#moots would have public discourses through rbbing each other's post abt the subject and adding onto them. whether to agree or disagree#and these would get heated up!!!!#anons would join and sometimes it would take days until ppl forget about it and the subject died down#and as annoying and dumb some of these discourses were they were a huge part of fandom experience#and they were fun a lot of times#idk maybe all the funny ppl have left tumblr#bc it wasn't just the acc receiving the ask who had to be funny. the anons sending had to be too skiflsdj#like i remember thinking at some point some of these accs must be sending the anons themselves bc how well thought of and funny the ask-#-and the answers were! they were too perfect and almost choreographed. but 99.9% were real and genuine#and its really sad that we don't have that anyore#even these dumb ask games that I myself role my eyes at when i see them on my dash used to be fun#anyway!!! thank you for humoring me and sending this!!#I LOVE INTERACTING WITH YALL SKHDFKSDH#and i love ranting as u can see#and my askbox is always open if u ever wanna scream in capslock at me!!!!#ask#anon
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yumenosakiacademy · 3 years
hot take but while most of the stuff in the boycottgensh!n tag, like xinyan’s backstory/her being described as scary looks-wise, sumeru, lack of darker charas (n the few there r r misrepresented [see: xinyan]) n the hilichurls thing r Legitimate n should b Acknowledged n talked abt n r Bad, some of the things r Reaching or hav some stuff behind it:
apparently flora’s original model was of an adult in the beta but they changed her to a kid n 4got to remove ulfr’s (tht 1 “p*do npc”) dialogue. also apparently as of a few days ago, his dialogue abt flora was removed, it seems? it took me 2 secs to look tht up bc i remembered smth was up w it. ppl rly dont do research huh.
the thing abt the voiceline where paimon n aether discuss if kaeya is lighter under his eyepatch n paimon says “what if ppl call him ‘pasty eye’!! tht’d a bad nickname” or w/e is just talking abt tanlines. they’re like “if kaeya has his eyepatch on 24/7 cuz we’ve never seen it taken off does tht mean he’d  hav an embarassing tanline in the shape of an eyepatch lmao tht’d make ppl laugh at him” (see the 6th point down for extra on this)
kaeya being described as “exotic” was ANOTHER odd translation by m!hoyos english staff (of fucking course) n has been addressed here in this twt thread. they meant he looks like a foreigner, basically, which makes sense as khaenriah is a special place tht isnt too like, known abt within teyvat (they also described dainsleif’s clothes as odd, iirc) so his clothes r prob a bit odd/special-looking to mondstadtians n, to quote the twt thread “he’s the only dark-skinned chara in a german-based region-- he looks like a foreigner.” the word in the og CN used was a word tht could apply to any1, n has been used by CN ppl to also just refer to americans in general b4. 
also iirc i’ve seen some ppl say it’s possible he could b south asian or smth? the webtoon n iirc a few others of his chibis portrays him as a bit darker but some other media of him just has him as a tan shade (see: his main art, bday art, kfc chibi, etc) so it’s like ??? is he black or darker asian or? there’s a possibility he’s just a Tanned Character, like the girl from nagatoro who isnt meant to be non-japanese she’s just tan from swim club but his webtoon/4koma appearances make tht seem like tht’s not Likely, but, at the same time, his main pose art n various other arts give off tht impression? like, it’s 50/50 w his art. in some he’s darker in some he’s just tanner. make of tht what u will.
there’s also the possibility tht diff artists (there r multiple who work on official gensh!n art) see him as different ethnicities hence the difference in skin shades. but idrk abt tht so tht’s just a possible speculation. i also cant remember all of his official arts n chibis so. yea.
but if he rly is just a “Tanned Character” tho then tht makes aether n paimons talk abt his eyepatch more reasonable bc it’d b the 1 area where he’d b Lighter due 2 no sunlight with which to tan it with.
“ugh look how much lighter xinyan is in her game model smh! [screenshot]” it’s the game’s Rly Fucking Weird Lighting System. the lighting gets rly bright a lot of the time n isnt the best lighting system ever but so long as ur in a place of decent lighting w a good angle the skin tones dont get fucked up as much. but certain angles rly can make skin lighter yes even for the already pale cast it makes their skin near fuckin paper white. dragonspine makes this worse by being light AND muting colors. some1′s already extracted the model’s data tho n shown tht xinyan’s model is the same skin color as her official art n there’s been other posted screenshots tht show she looks not as light in other areas of the world map n stuff. it’s Just The Lighting. this also goes for kaeya, n see the 4th point abt the whole debate abt his skin color bc he shows up lighter n darker in places idrk whats up w it.
while barbara’s fans r weird esp bc they’re mostly adults, idols all the time even irl have fanclubs n stuff. it’s just tht barbara has 2 constantly interact w them tht’s kinda iffy. but even arthur (is tht his name idrc) the megafan isnt like “huff huff i wanna touch barbara my idol my muse” he Does wanna try to do nice things for her bc hes a superfan but it *is* creepy n comes off tht way bc in his adoration of her he’s basically become a Stalker yikes. tht being said rabid fans is Typical, even if they r a bunch of adult guys. hell, a lot of idols in anime (tht arent Exclusively Idol Animes) hav the common gross stereotypical otaku fans who r usually adult guys who hav all their merch n shit. it’s a Trope. also the adult fans arent portrayed in a Good Light n every1 hates them in canon.
lisa, kaeya, n the perfume lady’s flirting r all fanservice. yea. don’t got much 2 say on tht. it’s Debatable if the travelers r minors tho esp bc they’re over 500 yrs old n im not going 2 get in2 tht.
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sebuntease · 7 years
Question tag
We were tagged by: @koneko14
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Admin Kenvy
Nickname: Jun. THE ADMINS CALL ME THAT ESP ADMIN CIARA (hiiii btch) Starsign: WHAT IS A STARSIGN?! OH IT’S THE ZODIAC LOL STUPID. I’m an Aquarius yeah man~ Height: i SRSLY dunno
Time right now: 9:56 pm Last thing googled: “WHAT IS A STARSIGN?” Favorite music artists: SEVENTEEN, YG ARTISTS, SPECIFICALLY 2NE1 AND WINNER. UP DHARMA DOWN, I CAN’T REMEMBER EVRY1 KALOKA Song stuck in your head: Smile Flower/Laughter - SEVENTEEN Last movie watched: UZUMAKI Last TV show watched: Weekly Idol Bigbang’s ep What are you wearing right now: An oversized grey t-shirt and a red pajama shorts lol When did you create your blog: I’M NOT REALLY SURE IF IT’S AUGUST OR JULY BUT I’M PRETTY SURE IT’S ON THE 11TH OR 12TH oh wait lol JUST BETWEEN THE TWO I FORGOOOT t_T What kind of stuff do you post: SEVENTEEN SCENARIOSSS, seventeen related stuffs~ Do you have any other blogs: Is my personal acc counted?? Do you get asks regularly: I think not regularly, but when we’re active Why did you choose your URL: bcs the blog is sebuntease. HAHAHAHA Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (I ASKED THEM ABT THIS AND THEY SAID THIS LOL) Pokemon team: idk sht abt this im sorrrry Favourite colour: BLACK WHITE BLUE & RED (ppalgae~~) Average hours of sleep: 5-6??
Lucky number: 10 (YASSS) Favorite character(s): Wang So (Lee Joon Gi)  How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. IT’S SO HOT IN HERE IN THE PHIL GUYS. Dream job: Singer/Anything related to Psychology Following: i follow 275 peeeople
Admin Kate
Nickname: (i don’t really have one lol cuz my name is literally just kate and then my surname ;_;) Starsign: capricorn. Height: smol.
Time right now: 11:20am Last thing googled: mingyu smut (yes i search for smut everywhere.) Favorite music artists: SO MANY OH MY GOD UHM OKAY, SEVENTEEN, BTS, THE 1975, ATL TPR, HYUNA, DEAN, JUST SO MANY MORE LIKE ITS CRAZY. Song stuck in your head: Mama by BTS (hoseok’s solo asfhasg) Last movie watched: The smurfs. Last TV show watched: hwarang.
What are you wearing right now: a grey shirt that admin erika gave me on christmas (my fav) and denim shorts. When did you create your blog: August 11 or 12 IDFK IM SORRY IM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON. What kind of stuff do you post: we are a seventeen blog dedicated to write works of fiction about the boys. Do you have any other blogs: other than my personal, nah. Do you get asks regularly: YES?? AND IM WE’RE SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING SKJDFLJFSDG Why did you choose your URL: idk?? Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Slytherin. *smirks* Pokemon team: iDKKK Favourite colour: my favorite color is mint green, and just saying but my favorite shade is black. Average hours of sleep: REALLY RANDOM IT DEPENDS AND I DONT REALLY COUNT IT M SORRY KJSDFJLDG
Lucky number: I REMEMBER IT WAS 7 OR 8, i was always told it was either one of these two idk why.  Favorite character(s): ANIME? DRAMAS? CARTOONS? WHICH ONE? THERE ARE SO MANY THAT FUCK I MIGHT JUST FILL THIS WHOLE THING UP. How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. I SWEAT LIKE A PIG. Dream job: Anything doing performing arts, but i’d love to just dance. or sing, i just love it so much kasjdhjdfa but honestly, a really stable job is what i need aagh  Following: 1,082 people wow, thats alot. 
Admin Erika
Nickname: I HAVE THREE NAMES (incl erika) AND MY NICKNAME IS BASICALLY THE ACRONYM OF MY NAMES + SURNAME Starsign: Aries Height: THAT,, IS A REALLY PERSONAL QUESTION AND A REALLY DELICATE SUBJECT I REFUSE TO ANSWER i don’t even know the exact measurement but i guess u could say im smol smolest in fact compared to the other admins jkaSdhjkhfe (but if u see admin ciara she looks smoler (our height’s just have a teeny tiny lil difference) and really fluffy and adorable but u didn’t hear that from me shh)
Time right now: 2:07 am
Last thing googled: hair color trends (admin kate and i were looking for hair colors that might suit her)
Favorite music artists: THERE’S A LOT okay, SEVENTEEN, DEAN, SF9, HEIZE, FT ISLAND, ONE OK ROCK, SCANDAL (it’s an all-girl jrock band, not what you think it is lol), ROOKIEZ IS PUNK’D, LING TOSITE SIGURE, ALL TIME LOW, SLEEPING WITH SIRENS, PARAMORE, THE NEIGHBORHOOD, THE 1975 i think there’s more but these artists are whom i really like Song stuck in your head: Pour up (DEAN x ZICO YEAH MAN) Last movie watched: Psycho Pass: The Movie ( I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING IT AND THE ANIME SERIES. BOY, MY MIND WAS FUCKED EVERY FUCKING EPISODE THE PLOT TWISTS, THE CHARACTERS, THE DIALOGUE, THE STORYLINE, EVERYTHING OH AND ALSO THE DEEPNESS IT JUST MAKES U THINK ABOUT LIFE like i donteven think about it enough ugh IM CRAZY FOR THIS ANIME Last TV show watched: can’t remember if it was Psycho Pass (WATCH IT FIRST BEFORE THE MOVIE) or Gravity Falls (binge-watched it and spent hours watching and reading conspiracy theories lol) What are you wearing right now: An Ottawa Senators sweatshirt ( Candian ice hockey team) and shorts When did you create your blog: i.. don’t remember SORRY HAHAH What kind of stuff do you post: i like writing imagines, angst, fluff anything just not smut i can’t really write that sht lol Do you have any other blogs: just my personal one Do you get asks regularly: in this blog, yeah,, i guess?? I LOVE Y’ALL SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING REGULARLY I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY AND I GET ALL SHY SKDAKJD Why did you choose your URL: Admin Kenvy thought of it so idrk? haha Gender: Female Hogwarts house: not really fan of the series IM SORRY i had like two book cover versions, both completed given to me (they all got lost idk where they went sorry hp fans y’all prolly wanted to kill me) and for some reason i couldnt really get into it IDK BUT IT’S NOT LIKE I DON’T LIKE READING I LIKE BOOKS YES I LOVE READING Pokemon team: didn’t play pokemon go (the idea of opening the gps on my phone gives me the creeps it just really bothers me so much) but IM A BIG FAN OF THE OLDER VERSIONS I STILL PLAY IT WHEN I HAVE TIME USING AN EMULATOR ON MY PHONE Favourite colour: black, gray, blue, Average hours of sleep: 3-6 hrs i have a messed up sleep sched there are times i sleep 15+ hrs and there are times i don't sleep at all lol
Lucky number: idk heh Favorite character(s): THERE’S A LOT IT’S HARD TO NAME THEM ALL I WATCH ANIME KDRAMAS MOVIES READ BOOKS MANGAS ASHGDD How many blankets do you sleep with: just one,, are there even ppl who sleep with more than one?? don’t you just choose a thICKER one if it’s really cold????? Dream job: i have nothing in particular, but just a stable one that i like doing and one that i can use my skills (if i even have those) on to help other ppl ESPECIALLY IF IT PAYS WELL LOL I NEED TO FEED MYSELF AND MY FAMILY AND BEING A FANGIRL IS EXPENSIVE ESP IF YOU’RE IN A MULTI-FANDOM Following: in my personal blog, i just follow Tumblr staff and what17says for translations of what seventeens says lol (im sorry i don’t really use tumblr often i mostly use fb and twt hehehhe)
Admin Ciara
Nickname: Pat, Pat-pat (just call me Ciara) Starsign: what da ef is with that starsign? Just simply put Zodiac. anyways it’s Sagguittarius Height: It’s 5″1 i know it is not much but for me it is good enough. And people don’t believe me that my height is 5″1( MOSTLY MY FRIENDS THEY SAY THAT I’M JUST 4′11). IT’S 5″1 BISHES (IF U EVER READ THIS) I may be smol but i will fite you if you hurt my friends and fam
Time right now: 2:26 pm Last thing googled: Default. (LOL we, admins were together when we searched for that freakin default) The default in Basketball Favorite music artist: IN KPOP; SEVENTEEN, BLOCK B, EXO, GOT7, ASTRO, CNBLUE, IOI, RED VELVET, SF9, KNK, KARD NCT U,127,AND DREAM AND SO MUCH MORE. I could name artists from a-z, 1-9(names with 1 to 9 like; high4, sf9) OUTSIDE OF KPOP: Troye Sivan, Sam Smith, Krissy, The Weekend, Alessia Cara, Daya and more Song stuck in your head: Oh nana by KARD. That song is to die for lol. Whenever i play that song, people always ask for the artist’s name and the title Last movie watched: Uzumaki Live Action. I JUST WATCHED THIS WITH THE OTHER ADMINS AND IT WAS DISAPPOINTING AF. THE MANGA VERSION IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER. the movie was gore but not gore enough. I don’t recommend it to any of you. 
Last TV show watched: It’s Showtime. It’s a TV show here in the Philippines. What are you wearing right now: A black sleeveless shirt with three white stripes LOL. For the bottom, i’m wearing leggings with  that ripped effect but it is not .( People always get trolled whenever i wear this leggings, they’ll check it out- whether it’s ripped or not)
When did you create your blog: I think it was around September or October.  What kind of stuff do you post: I don’t post anything on my personal blog lol, But I re-blog with that acc. But with this blog, I post our replies to your fan mails. I might post a smut anytime now LOL Do you have any other blogs: Yup, aside from my personal blog, I have 2 more but I forgot the e-mil and the password LOL Do you get asks regularly: With this blog yes (just keep it coming hoes) Why did you choose your URL: It wasn’t me who chose that Gender: Female Hogwarts house: A potterhead right here. Whenever I play a quiz to know which hogwarts house I am, i always get Slythrerin. I even tried the one in facebook for the profile pic framing, i got Slytherin. Slytherin it is Pokemon team: I don’t play pokemon go. MY answer is same with Erika’s so just read her’s Favourite colour: Black, Purple, Violet, Lavender, White, Burgundy And some shades of blue Average hours of sleep: 10 (nap and sleep at night, combined) I can sleep for 20 hours non-stop. (for the Filipinos out there: Kahit tulog ako ng tulog hindi ako tumatangkad. Kaiyak bes)
Lucky number: idk Favorite character(s): Where? K-DRAMAS? MANGA? MOVIE? STORY? ANIME? There are lots and I don’t remember most of their names How many blankets do you sleep with: one, This should’ve been; How many pillows do you sleep with?; How many stuff toys do you sleep with? If those were the questions, my answers would be: 5 pillows and 10 stuff toys(no one’s too old for stuff toys) If you think otherwise, FITE ME. (i agree with Erika on this one.) Dream job: I’d like to have many jobs.But for now, I want to be a GEOLOGIST. You’d be able to go to diff places and i think it’s exciting. It’s also one of the most needed jobs in the country and the salary’s not too bad. Following: Most of the follower of this blog( about 300 of the followers, that’s not even half of the followers, i didn’t know we’d reach 1k) but lately I’ve been lazy so yeah.
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