colorpalettehelp · 4 years
Heeeey! could you make a neon color palette that don't burn my eyes? xD
Here’s a neon palette that I hope doesn’t burn your eyes omg
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Thanks for the ask!
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hey-color-palettes · 4 years
What about a Yule / Sabath color palette???
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#e29e62 || #c45f4d || #a0bc80 || #dde9e2 || #a2866e
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tangledbea · 4 years
Heeey... Where did u watched the new episode????
DirecTV last night and again this morning on the Disney Channel.
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toxikku · 4 years
This is just what I do, Gina. I emotionally destroy people.
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thegreenestofbeans · 5 years
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what’s that? a collaboration with my amazingly talented and super duper awesome friend, @ginyang98? heck yeah!! ^_^💙
this, of course, was made based on Gina’s Avatar AU (go check out her AUs, they’re awesome)!!! we’re both Louie fans, so of course we had to draw our little green bean 💚💚💚
sketch and color was done by @ginyang98 while lineart and shading was done by yours truly 💕 I’m so glad with how this turned out!!! (and sorry for being such a slow and terrible collab partner jhskfh) <33
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khionkhrayon · 5 years
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“Can’t start a fire without a spark, Scroogie..”
A collaboration with @ginyang98. Your drawing looks really great!! I very much love Scroldie drawings!! 😍😍😍 And thank you for having such patience with me for weeks to finish this.
Please keep making art! I really do enjoyed this and Im looking forward for more collaborations with you!! 😊😊😊
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I still wonder why Vex decided to disguise as an old man. Does this means he's really old and that in their species old man are bigger than the rest? Or is because he wanted to look completely different? I wonder whyyyyyy
I think it’s been said that their disguises were chosen because a latino boy, a girl, and an old person are the most likely to go unnoticed on Earth (I vaguely remember something along those lines being said on the livestream panel del Toro and some crew members did at nycc back in October, but I don’t remember the exact details so I could be wrong).
Based on that, I’d assume their disguises were chosen by the computer and given to them rather than the three choosing themselves what they’d appear to be.
I don’t have it on hand, but I think there’s this image where some 50s-style humans (projections?) are poking at Aja and Krel in alien/natural form.
So, hypothetically, a conversation could go as:
Aja & Krel: We’ve arrived at our new planet!  Cool!  Let’s check it out!
Mother (the computer): You can’t go out looking like that!
Aja & Krel: Why not?  There’s nothing wrong with how we look.
Mother: draws up projection of 50s-style humans to point out all the ways Aja and Krel don’t seem human (too many arms, blue, their eyes, etc.)
Mother: also, I have created these disguises for you based on data collected on the types of humans least likely to draw attention.  Aja will look like this, Krel like this, and Vex like that.
Vex: I don’t like this form!  It’s too unlike me!
Mother: Well, tough ;)
I do like the idea that old men in their species are bigger (as I do the idea that women are taller - that came up on a post a little while ago).
Tho, since Vex is a commander and a bodyguard, he could just be really really buff too.
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shuttheducktalesup · 5 years
McDuck vs. Glomgold: Twitter edition
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yo thanks @ginyang98 for this dank meme. the submission in the inbox didnt show the pic but i just reposted it here.
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donaldtheduckdad · 6 years
*Kicks the door, singing* Rising up! Back on the street! Feel MY TAKE TOOK MY CHANCES
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waveypedia · 6 years
“From the day we met, I knew I’d hurt you eventually.” Lena and Webby ¬u¬
“From the day we met, I knew I’d hurt you eventually.” - Lena and Webby
The city was quiet. It was peaceful, but the peace was eerie, like the citizens of Duckberg were hiding in their homes, waiting nervously for something to change. Waiting for a sign. To see if it was safe, or to snag a chance to escape.
Despite all that, a duckling was sitting on the marina, swinging her legs in the sea. Water sprayed away from her in clean arcs, disturbing the silent peace. Her hands rested on the ground, absently toying with the loose stones. To an onlooker from the streets, she seemed content.
But anyone facing her from the other way would see the silent, endless stream of tears that streaked down her cheeks and fell onto her skirt, the way her beak was crumpled to hold in the sobs, and the way her shirt and sleeves were stained with previous tears.
The quiet splashing covered the sound of quiet tears, and if anyone was looking, they didn’t notice.
The sun ticked across the sky, the only indication Webby had of the time. She didn’t remember where it had been when she arrived. She had tried to be strong. The family was trying to clean up the city, since no one else would. She had spent the morning at Fenton’s house, with Huey and Scrooge as they tried to relay what had happened behind the scenes to Fenton’s mother, who was a cop. They needed to get the information to the police so they could start helping them and so no legal troubles would come against the family, and she was their best bet. That’s what Huey had told her, at least. The oldest brother had been the most detached from the mess that went down a few days ago, and he was the most diplomatic.
Webby wasn’t diplomatic, but they needed her.
They needed her because she had been alone with Lena most of the time. Because she had the best chance of piecing together what had happened.
They were still reeling.
Webby had tried to be helpful, she really had. But every time she opened her mouth and summoned the happy memories of Lena, of her first real friend, who hadn’t even really been her friend, something bitter and bubbly rose in her throat and tears burst freely from her eyes.
Every memory felt like a fresh stab in the gut over an old wound. Memories that she had thought about the very day as that mess as happy and uplifting.
After the third try with Officer Cabrera, who was surprisingly gentle despite how Webby had seen her blow up multiple times, Huey awkwardly suggested they take lunch. She knew he and Scrooge would try and comfort her, and part of her longed for it. Part of her longed for their hugs and soothing words and to pour out the bile bubbling inside her.
But she couldn’t.
So when Officer Cabrera left to check on Fenton and Huey to get lunch, she ran.
Scrooge only turned his back for a minute, and she felt bad betraying her uncle like that, but she couldn’t stay.
She ran and ran through the city streets until she found herself at the marina, where she had been just a few days earlier, desperately convincing Donald not to take the boys and leave.
It felt like the worst thing ever then. That she might lose her brothers and her uncle, so soon after she gained them. But she powered through it, because she never believed they would really leave, and she had Launchpad.
And, even if they did leave, a small part of her reminded her that they would text, and Scrooge was her uncle now. She wasn’t alone.
But mostly, she had Lena now.
How ridiculous that seemed in hindsight. She was so grateful she still had her brothers and her uncle, but she had lost her best friend.
If she was ever her best friend to begin with.
Webby was usually perceptive, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. Granny had made sure of that.
But she was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice the awkward, hesitant footsteps approaching until a hand landed on her shoulder and a quiet, nervous voice asked, “Webby?”
Webby jumped back, and Lena did too, looking more nervous than Webby had ever seen her. Lena had always been cool and confident, even when they were in danger. A couple nights ago, she had seen Lena’s facade shatter, and it was almost as unsettling as when Magica haughtily informed her Lena had never been her true friend at all.
Lena’s eyes tracked over the tears on her cheeks and she clutched her hands in front of her chest.
Webby stood up slowly and faced the other duck, wiping her cheeks. “Lena,” she replied hesitantly. “Where have you been?”
After Magica had been defeated, she had simply vanished. They had searched and searched, but… nothing.
Webby had almost given up hope.
But here she was, standing right in front of her, with her familiar long black sweater, now torn and dirty, and pink hair. There were small cuts all over her, some of which had been hastily bandaged, but most were left to the open air.
Webby opened her arms and froze, not sure whether to hug her or sock her in the jaw.
Lena shrugged. “Around. Anywhere I wouldn’t be found,” she replied quietly.
Webby bit her lip. Behind her eyes, memories spun of days searching, of hope dwindling into far-fetched fantasies, of the identical disappointed and pitying look in everyone’s eyes when they finally gave up, and the stone that dropped in her stomach when she gave up.
“We looked really hard,” she finally replied.
Lena stared at her feet. “I know.”
Not sure how to reply, Webby let out a long sigh and turned to face the ocean again. While she had been talking to Lena, the sun had dipped below the horizon and was steadily sinking, casting  glowing amber rays across the deep blue water.
She didn’t look at Lena. She couldn’t. So she bit her lip and stared as the sun slid slowly below the inky waves.
But then she heard a soft sound, so quiet she wasn’t sure if she’d really heard it, or if she had imagined it.
Then it came again. And again.
Webby turned to look up at Lena who was staring out at the water as well. Her beak was trembling and tears were flowing from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, splattering on the rocks below. “I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I’m so sorry, Webby. I didn’t… I didn’t…”
Webby stared, unsure what to do.
Lena gulped and rubbed at her eyes before continuing. “I never meant to hurt you- well, I did, I knew I was going to have to hurt you, but I never really expected for it to happen. I tried to stop Aunt- Aunt Magica at the end, but I waited too long. She was too powerful.”
She fidgeted with her shirt. “I’m tired of hiding. I was going to leave, to steal a ship and run away to anywhere that would have me. But you’re here. I guess that’s lucky,” she laughed. “I can’t really leave without saying goodbye.”
Webby stared at her friend. She’s leaving. I just got her back and now she’s leaving again. For real this time.
Lena absentmindedly swiped on her eyes. “Webby, you were my only real friend since, like, kindergarten. My dad moved around a lot, and I was always too weird for everyone else. I stopped going to school in second grade. Then it was just me and Aunt Magica, and all she wanted to do was train me. I never had time for friends. These past few months have been horrible, but they’ve also been some of the best in my life because I finally had a real friend.”
Webby blinked. Lena was always her first friend, but she had never suspected she might be her first too.
“Were you ever really my friend?” she asked quietly.
Lena sniffled quietly and took a moment to respond. “Well- um- from the day we met, I knew I’d hurt you eventually. Aunt Magica made sure of that. But that first day, with the messages in bottles - I never expected you to respond. Aunt Magica pointed Huey, Dewey and Louie out to me, when they left on their boat, and the messages were supposed to be for them. I doubted they’d take the bait, but it was fun while it lasted. And then you came, and Aunt Magica got so excited because she recognized you. And you liked me, and wanted to be my friend. You invited me into the mansion - and suddenly everything started speeding up. She’d been talking about getting revenge on Scrooge for years, but it never really felt like it would ever happen. Suddenly it was real and rushing towards me, and I had to betray you all.” She hugged her sides. “But we’re friends, Webby. I hope. Are we?”
It was bizarre to see Lena’s casual facade shatter into a million pieces right before her eyes. Webby shook the pieces of the old Lena out of her vision and took in the new Lena, emotional Lena, with no strings attached.
She stood up and offered Lena her hand. “If you want, we can be friends now. No betrayal. No Magica. Just us.”
Lena sniffled and grinned, accepting her hand. “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
Webby beamed, her first real smile since Magica had come. “Me too.” She glanced back at the sun just as it slid below the now-black waters. Her smile faded as the faces of her family flooded her mind, tired and worried. Her grip tightened on Lena’s hand.
Lena stopped drying her eyes and glanced down, worried. “What’s wrong?”
Webby sighed. “I’ve been out here for a while. My family is probably really worried. We should go back.”
Lena stiffened. “Maybe I shouldn’t go.”
Webby’s head jerked up to stare at her friend, who was avoiding her eyes and nervously fidgeting with her shirt. “No- you have to! I can’t lose you again!”
Lena blinked in surprise. “I won’t leave the city, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Webby set her jaw. For the first time in three days, everything was crystal clear. She knew exactly what she had to do. “No, you have to come back with me. They’ll be happy to see you, I promise. And you’ll need to see them sooner or later if we can still hang out like we used to.”
Lena hesitated, then nodded warily. “Okay.” Her grip on Webby’s hand tightened. “Let’s do this. For our friendship.”
Webby smiled and raised their joined hands in the air like they had just won something. “For our friendship. We can do this!”
This was so fun to write :P it was also weird, though, because Lena is so cool and calm and casual all the time, it was bizarre to write her breaking down. I hope I did it all right! The whole family is struggling during the aftermath, but Webby most of all, because she and Lena were so close. 
I tried to leave the ends loose so it can fit into canon, but for this story what happened is Lena tried to chicken out at the last second but Magica convinced her to stay, she revealed herself to the fam and then ran off. They defeated Magica and now they’re trying to tie up loose ends and stuff.
I’m totally not planning a fluffy sequel where Lena gets adopted oh no
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peachhoneii · 6 years
Hey! Once you get this you should answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, and then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is super cool!)
Gosh, I suck at these. I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. @donaldtheduckdad and @itsdetectiveliz because you two also sent me the same ask, so thank you all. It was very nice of you.
I like how much I like to read.
I like how much I love Disney ducks.
I like how much I love to write/improved in my writing.
I like how much I’ve improved in my personal organization.
I like that I am aware of the way my words/actions can affect my family/friends. I want them to know I respect and love them, and I want to be able to read the situation without them always having to tell me.
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ask-glados · 6 years
Donald Duck or Daffy Duck? >:V
”Ducks don’t make very good test subjects.They are excellent target practice for the Turrets, though.”
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hey-color-palettes · 4 years
Heeeey! could you make a neon color palette that don't burn my eyes? xD
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#eaa6d1 || #a2e29a || #f4f2b2 || #97dfef || #d9aaed
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Hey! Once you get this you should answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, and then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is super cool!)
1. Once I start liking something, I go all-in. I write fanfic in my mind and crossover it with everything, and I just love it for a few months before I find something new to be obsessed with. And I can get re-obsessed with things.2. I may not be able to read music for anything other than the violin (and maybe not that anymore), but I sure as heck can play by ear.3. I love fiercely and will protect my friends and family to the end. 4. I can make a lot of weird facial expressions and hilarious noises. 5. I actually don't have a bad art style.I can't tag, so maybe they'll see it in the tags. I'll put it here anyway, though. @DonaldtheDuckDad @Squorkal (I feel like I spelled that wrong) @meiloorun-notthefruit @jormundgandr @freshlyfallensnow @heythatsdeep @sioltt @ginyang98 @chainlocker @humanityinahandbag
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toxikku · 5 years
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here you go !
expression meme || x
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koizumi-marichan · 3 years
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Some commissions that i didn’t post due to laziness✨
First one for @ginyang98
Second one for @anachrolady
Third one for @strawberrry-sky
Fourth one for @poppin-jay
Commissions open
Buy me a coffee ☕
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