#gideon prime
namespara · 11 months
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"Or fight: we all make a stand. John, I am your servant. Tell me to stay and die, and I'Il stay."
G1deon joins the lineup of tlt fanart bc i am obssessed with these books and i love him. Undyingly loyal henchman that bloodies their hands for the person they would die for? (And is underappreciated?!?!) Sign me the fuck up!!! Look at him!!! Hes sad!!!
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tereziii · 2 years
I think about Pyrrha Dve and I want to scream a little. Imagine, being eaten by your best friend and then living in the back of his mind and in his body for thousands of years, during which you meet a beautiful woman hellbent on your destruction and let yourself fall in love, in fact you're ready to raise her daughter if she'd ask you to, but you and your best friend have to kill her. You spend 19 years thinking you killed your own child along with the love of your life, 19 years of guilt and grief. Your love comes back to you, you find out the child was never even yours and your love dies again. So does your best friend, and now you're stuck in his body without him. Then fast forward to Nona the ninth, you finally get the domestic bliss you've been waiting for in the form of Nona (a different person in the body that you spent a year watching your best friend try to kill) and Camilla (another one of devotion's casualties) and Palamedes (inhabiting the body of his best friend, just like you did for so many long years). And you make breakfast for them, and you do Nona's hair before she goes to school and you give her tons of adorable nicknames and you walk to work with Camilla and look for radio stations with music on them because Nona likes them. You bicker with the Warden over what food to buy, you roll your eyes with affection when they try and get you to stop smoking cigarettes. Sometimes, you talk to Warden and Camilla about moving to a half flipped moon, together with Nona, and living off the land; teaching them to farm, teaching them to wait. You're so close to the life you've wanted for so long. But slowly you can see Camilla, a woman you don't quite love but could see yourself loving in the future, get more and more lost in Palamedes, losing herself to her necromancer. And you see them both fall victim to that total loss of self and codependancy that you saw so many of your old comrades fall too, and you lose them both. Its completely done, and it's not something that can be undone, and you know they're never coming back. Now they're a stranger in a body you recognise, in a body you almost built a life with. And then there's Gideon, the child of the woman you loved, the child you might’ve raised in another universe, being the saddest girl in the world and a reanimated corpse, a puppet for the empire that killed her (and yeah, you guessed it! She died for her necromancer too). And then, just when you think it can't get any worse, there goes Nona. Nona, who loved being alive and loved to love things just for the sake of loving things, who just wanted a birthday with 10 dogs and her friends from school, literally dies in your arms. She falls apart while you hold her and is now in the unrecognisable body of someone who is the pinnacle of cavaliers being mistreated. They're all gone, but Pyrrha is still there, right where they left her. She remembers everything, she remembers that she was happy, if only for 6 months.
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Hey folks, I apologise but I am feral about Pyrrha's moral code. NONA SPOILERS AHEAD. When Cam asks to be trained how to kill, Pyrrha says. "If you want to learn how to kill, you'll need my necromancer for that?" That's because though Pyrrha more than likely has killed but she is not a killer. You might ask how can she be one but not the other? And it all boils down to a tiny moral distinction between the two. Before the Resurrection, Pyrrha was a cop, possibly an undercover cop, the folks who are supposed to catch murderers. Later, she creates the Cohort. She's specifically a spy. No matter what you've seen in the movies, a huge part of spy craft is to remain hidden, get the information you covert, leave no trace and be as unmemorable as possible. If you are detected, protecting yourself and the mission is paramount. The enemy might get killed achieving that. Yes, its killing but its killing out of necessity, self defence/survival. Then there is Gideon Prime. He is an attack dog left off the leash. He is a killer in the correct sense here because he does not kill out of necessity, he kills because he is told to. Pre Res he willingly nuked a city, murdering thousands of innocent people, because John told him to. He makes multiple brutal attempts on a scared innocent teenager's life because John tells him to.
(There's also the question of how many times Gideon has had to spill blood on John's orders and the possibility that Augustine and Mercy never knew. With regard to him attempting to murder Harrow, Augustine tells Ianthe and Harrow that the Saint of Duty gets his weird obsessions suggesting Augustine has witnessed this behaviour before; Im looking at the Commander Wake diabolical. We are later told, though Gideon finds it a hard responsibility to bare, it is not merely an obsession but a direct order. We are also told that Gideon once fought a city and the city lost. As the Saint's Pre Res memories have been tampered with, this mustn't be Melbourne but a different altogether meaning that's more innocents murdered by Gideon Prime's blade on the orders of John.) Pyrrha kills the necros in the cages as an act of mercy. Pyrrha was prolly more than likely fully ready to kill Wake when they were going toe to toe, in a bid to survive the game of ''its either her or me''.
Its a hair breathe of a distinction but it is an important distinction. And dancing on that gossamer thin knife's edge makes all the difference to Pyrrha. Pyrrha is not a murderer, and if she sees herself as one, she is not willing to give Camilla the tools to become one as well.
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roadkillfuneral · 5 months
hey whoever said that thing about gideon prime meeting wake and just knowing pyrrha would have loved her to death and musing about how much of gideon prime’s feelings were pyrrha’s soul rubbing off on his.
hey what the fuck is wrong with you . do you wanna fight in the yard bc I’m up at night thinking about this fucked up throuple and it’s your fault
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What we can take away from the whole soul melange, I-seep-into-you-as-you-seep-into-me happenings is that Pyrrha and G1deon together make a supreme butch woman.
Also it takes 2 people sharing one fleshy sleeping bag to match 1 Commander Wake.
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gideonnavtheninth · 11 months
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Is It Really Possible for an Emo Girl and a Country Boy to Be in a Relationship?
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freethefable · 10 months
Thinking about Pyrrha and G1deon during their myriad.
Imagining how Pyrrha sharing G1deon's body must have made him believe /they/ had misapprehended the lyctoral process because he's got gaps in his memory (from when Pyrrha takes over). [Shout out to G1deon attempting to kill Harrow as a mercy so she didn't have to go through what he did.] Pyrrha may have made an effort to put his body back where she found it when she phased in at first, but you have to imagine after a myriad and also people telling G1deon he did things he can't remember that she gave up doing that.
OR it's that G1deon remembers those time periods but it's just like he's in a dream state or that he starts questioning "that's really me? I'm doing that? I guess I am" because the other explanation is impossible/ has huge implications he probably can't bear to handle.
OR he's completely aware of it and they are kind of like campal in that they leave notes or what-have-you. Not sold on this one since I got the impression that G1deon didn't know from how Pyrrha acted.
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arcadiaak · 1 year
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I had a vision
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punkinspice-latte · 1 year
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Not that he needed the inspiration
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nona-gay-simus · 11 months
John, Paul and Perfect Lyctorhood
Here's the thing: I think One Flesh, One End is the wrong way to think about what lyctorhood is, or at least, what it ideally should be.
Think about it: John never had his "cavalier" die for his lyctorhood. And yes, the reason for that is because he tried to consume the Earth's soul and it was too big for one human. But more importantly: this was non-consensual and one way.
Presumably most cavaliers (besides poor Babs) choose to die for their necros, so that's a step in the right direction. And then we have Paul - the death of two people, melding of two souls to create a third. But at the same time Paul didn't really feel like "the best" of Palamedes and Camilla, and mostly felt like a stranger (despite the fact that they clearly have their memories). Maybe they are too new and still have to discover these parts of themself, I don't know but I think we can all agree we didn't like it and I think that's the point. Pyrrha said Paul is not the end but just "a step in the theorem".
Personally, I'm most curious about what Anastasia was doing. According to John, she "freaked out and couldn't get the soul all the way in" and that's why he killed her cavalier, but how reliable of a narrator is John? We know he has a bias and is trying to make himself look better so personally I think that if he isn't outright lying (and we know he's not above that) there's probably more nuance to what he admitted.
So I would like to pose the following theory: Perfect Lyctorhood is not about one person dying for the other, not two people melding into one. Instead it's a process of exchange where both people take a part of the other 's soul in themselves consensually. They are both split and whole at the same time. And I believe (hope) that is what Gideon and Harrow will achieve by the end of the series.
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slyandthefamilybook · 2 months
Mercymorn to John: it's because you always on that damn tablet
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quantumcartography · 6 days
Eventually I'm gonna do a deep dive on every name in the Locked Tomb series but I've been sitting on this dissection of The Emperor's chosen name for a long time and I want to put it into the world. So, here it is.
The Emperor John Gaius, His Celestial Kindliness, the First Reborn, King of the Nine Renewals, Necromancer Divine, our Resurrector, and The Necrolord Prime
“NOTE: He’s just some guy, you know?
NOTE II: Gaius was not the name John was born with. He picked it for himself circa Y100 of his reign.”
These two names have so much potential meaning tied up in them so buckle up.
First, the literal translations. John is a derivative of the Biblical Hebrew Yohanan which is in turn derived from the Yehohanan, which means literally “Yahweh has been gracious.” Gaius is a Latin name that likely derives from the latin gaudere “to rejoice.” This more or less makes the name say “Huzzah! God has been good!” Now, there is one other tweak to this. Gaia is the Greek personification of the Earth (Terra is the Roman equivalent) and if you slapped the Latin masculine ending on it, it would become Gaius. This does provide a tie to the planet Earth in his name (which is far more obvious in Gideon’s name of Kiriona Gaia) and would make sense if he picked it as a memorial to the dead Earth to which he could never return.
Next, modern social interpretation. John for a long time held the title of “most common name in the English speaking world.” I believe it’s since been surpassed by James, but it’s still up there. Gaius, funnily enough, was the Ancient Roman equivalent of John. It was one of the most common given names for so long that it became semi-synonymous with saying “some guy” similar to the phrase “Tom, Dick, and Harry” or “don’t know him from Adam.” These two names make his name something like “John John” or “Jon Doe” or “James Q. Public.”
Next: the strictly biblical interpretation. The most obvious link here is to the book of the New Testament, John 3. This is a letter by one of the many biblical Johns to a man named Gaius concerning some pretty mundane church business of the time and thanking Gaius for looking after some poor missionaries. It’s honestly a supremely drab book of the bible and doesn’t really get into doctrine or legends or exciting apocalypse stuff. It’s just a letter from a church leader to a rich patron. If someone more versed in Biblical history and literature can shed some light on this book, I’d be very thankful.
Next: some name associations. Being two of the most common names in history, we kinda have a wealth of options to pick from. Saint John the Apostle was the one who actually walked with Jesus and was the brother of the Apostle James with whom they made up the Boanerges, the Sons of Thunder. John of Patmos was the likely author of the Book of Revelation and maybe the same as John the Apostle (but probably not.) The author who wrote about the apocalypse seems pretty fitting. Gaius was also the praenomen (given name) of the two Caesars responsible for the death of the Roman Republic and the birth of the Roman Empire: Gaius Julius Caesar and Gaius Octavius who became Caesar Augustus.
Julius Caesar is definitely the most well known Emperor of Rome/salad inventor and also second dictator for life (Sulla was the first so Caesar can’t take that title.) He was an incredibly popular general who was part of an alliance of three figures (him, Pompey, and Crassus) to increase their own power, wealth, and standing. When Crassus died, tensions formed between Pompey and Caesar until Pompey had the senate recall Caesar from his war in Gaul to be removed from command. Caesar knew this would lead to his execution at the hands of his rival so he made his own play, marching his troops into Rome (an act tantamount to sacrilege) to try and capture Pompey which spoiler he didn’t. It sparked a civil war that raged all the way around the Mediterranean for four years and left Caesar as the de facto ruler of the Roman Republic up until an unfortunate accident in the senate where he fell into knives 23 times. He had it coming. This idea of attacking his enemy before they have a chance to attack you only to have your enemy slip away is a notable parallel.
Gaius Octavius had been named as Caesar’s successor in his will and would go on to become the first proper Roman Emperor. He used the newfound power from his great-uncle’s death to form a new three person alliance (him, Lepidus, and Mark Antony) and hunt down Julius Caesar’s assassins and rake in treasure while cementing their political power. Surprise surprise though because Caesar Augustus (the name given Gaius Octavius after he became the Emperor) managed to politically, militarily, and psychologically out maneuver his two fellow rulers and within seven years he had metaphorically put Lepidus in the ground and literally put Mark Antony in the ground. Now, while in life Julius Caesar made a lot of moves to imply that he wanted to be the king of Rome, not least of which was modeling himself as descended from the gods and enshrining himself alongside them as equals. Augustus doubled down on this by starting a massive and complex propaganda machine to make himself equally divine, even within his own lifetime and immediately afterwards.
Both of these men led the Romans into civil wars that ravaged the empire. Both of them committed acts of sacrilege in the ancient world to further their political games of revenge. Both of them lied, cheated, stole, killed, and manipulated to gain more power and remake the world to be what they wanted. They were geniuses who may have even had good intentions and put an end to a long period of political instability, but through blood and steel and no small part vengeance.
Now I would be remiss if I didn’t address the elephant in the room that is Homestuck. I will say that my adoration of The Locked Tomb series has sent me down innumerable rabbit holes. I have researched paper manufacturing, the magnetic forces of Jupiter, Catholic prayers, polygenic phenotyping, Ancient Greek and Roman poetry, national anthems of nations of the world, and the psychology of Among Us. But the rabbit hole that is the MS Paint Adventures Wiki is one too daunting for even me. But in any case, I have no doubt that these characters sharing a name is no coincidence.
Lastly, the use of a Hebrew and Latin name makes this fascinating marriage of opposites. To massively understate it, Romans and Christians did not get along for a long time. Obviously now, the Catholic Church is seated in Rome, but for a BIG portion of the early Christian ministry, the Romans were the ones who captured them and set them on fire or crucified them or other fun and exciting means of execution. More than that, an apostle to Jesus’ monotheistic peace-loving and merciful message being linked with two deified and bloody conquerors of Ancient Rome does create this interesting tension. This tension is something very interesting in modern Catholicism as well as the Locked Tomb’s Empire.
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fluffylord · 3 months
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Pyrrha: *reading a recipe* Beat 3 eggs. Gideon Prime: At what, hand to hand combat?
Pyrrha: It has to be!? 
Nigella: Both of you, get the fuck out of my kitchen!
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linearao3 · 2 years
I am thinking hard about Kiriona Gaia and how close the Divine Highness AU is to what John would actually have done if he’d found his only child before Commander Wake exited an airlock with her? We know he made her impermeable. We know he gave her titles and honors and spiffy clothes. Is there a reason he wouldn’t have had a ball in her honor? John, who loved Hollywood Hair Barbie, wouldn’t try to host a ball, like in Cinderella (the version with Brandy)? And the Third House would totally try to get with her. Harrow knew. Harrow knew Gideon and John, and Harrow knew.
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(illustration by @/exmakina)
"The whole series is about the atrocities of love, in part, but I think she would've had a healthier relationship with Annabelle Lee and maybe wouldn't have murdered every lifeform and planet in the Solar System trying too hard to eat the rich." - Anonymous
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