#genshin photo mode
cftych · 1 year
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solarisblossom · 2 months
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I'll admit that I didn't actually plan on taking pictures of Alhaitham, but then I saw his anime girl transformation and had to capture it
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snestendo · 10 days
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i raised an "i need him to uppercut me" and my friend raises in response "i need him to GERMAN SUPLEX ME"
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teafairyartandmore · 4 months
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My friends and I did our annual Lantern Rite Photoshoot. :D (This is already the fourth time TwT wow)
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Here is Lyney, who loses his hat. lol
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The only pretty photo I took from Wriothesley. (My friend has better ones fortunatly :D)
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alsoyooraiyah · 5 months
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trying to take refs of this guy again and gosh man there’s something abt this angle with him + that look…
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profjpg · 10 months
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alteredsilicone · 2 years
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The only game I play consistently aside from Warframe is Genshin Impact, when I get bored of WF, I switch to GI and vice versa.
Started playing it in 2020, so basically a year after I got into WF.
I try to stay away from the general fandom, especially on twitter so I just kinda vibe with my friends.
I play on the EU server and I'm a Tartaglia main and my favorite teams are freeze comps. If you play you can add me as a friend my UID is 712595102. ^^
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curierx · 1 year
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Some photos I took in the windblume event
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soldmoondoggie · 2 years
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Genshin Impact (Playstation 4 2020)
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spiceofvy · 1 month
🐙 here. again. How about Stray Kids as sugar babies? I don't mean that they're like, broke, but like if their partner treats them so much and so often that the sugar baby sugar parent jokes speak for themselves.
Anyway, who likes what kind of gifts; such as For-maximum-eyecandy-effect, being taken to events, cool tech, treated to food, that sort of thing. ...something around those lines, I mean, you're the writer so maybe you got a cooler spin on this.
Am currently unemployed and can't treat nobody rn but I feel the itch to be a sugar parent nowdays.
Hope you knock em dead ✌️
Spoiling SKZ with gifts
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cws: fluff, gender neutral reader, two sensual innuendos (hyunjin, jeongin)
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Chan: Noooo don't buy him things. He is the one that wants to spoil you instead. That's like his duty in the relationship. But he will wear anything and everything you buy for him. Especially if it's skzoo merch, but only if you also get something matching for yourself or else he will get it for you. Will pout and blush when you give him something but when someone asks him about it he will proudly tell everyone that you got it for him.
Minho: Shamelessly asks for things he likes but only he is 100% percent sure that you don't mind spending money on him and actually enjoy buying him stuff. Would totally love some expensive cat toys, or those treat dispensers that cats have to activate by pressing a button or solving a puzzle. Also enjoys being taken to super fancy restaurants, but he always insists on paying for the dessert. Once send you a picture of a fancy kitchen appliance as a joke and was very shocked when you actually got it for him.
Changbin: Our rich boy makes a challenge out of it. Who can spend more money on the other? Doesn't love to go out to restaurants but likes to get luxury takeout instead. Also enjoys a lot of expensive workout gear. Sends you even more workout pics afterwards. Answers any gift of yours with one of his own. Also shares every piece of food with you that you paid for and asks you to come to the gym with him so you can see him in the new gear.
Hyunjin: Less shameless than Minho, he wont straight up ask for things but instead sometimes just sends you links to stuff he likes. Especially likes being taken out to art shows or galleries. Or full shopping trips. Always models the stuff you got him afterwards for you. Especially when it's jewelry or perfume he wears only the jewelry and the perfume. Will totally tell the other boys that you paid for it, like the proud sugar baby he is.
Jisung: Mostly asks for food. Like snacks and (imported) candy. Ask absolutely shamelessly for it. Especially at food stands, picks like every different taste and makes you try it with him. Gets super happy about the good food. Also likes to be taken out to carnivals and theme parks. Prepare to pay and wear silly headbands and pose for all the photo ops. Also always buys you something in return.
Felix: Really enjoys being treated like that. Blushes dark red when you give him something and thanks you by plastering kisses all over your face. Especially like some fancy gaming equipment or lootboxes or genshin pulls. Totally shows off his new equipment to you and brags about it towards the others. Would never directly ask for anything, except for plushies. He gives them names and then treats them like they are your children.
Seungmin: Was really shy when you started to buy things for him. But he actually enjoys being spoiled. Mostly baseball tickets and manga. Really impressed when you know a new release before him. Gets soft about those gifts and treasures them a lot. Always blushes a little when he gets something from you. Invites you out for dinner shortly after you gifted him something.
Jeongin: Really enjoys being spoiled, full maknae mode. Loves getting clothes and short vacations. But always pays you back afterwards. Models the clothes, and gets you something matching. Massage your shoulders on the beach you took him too. Surely only with the intention to spread sun protection on your shoulders and back. Don't mind his hands wandering lower, and his pretty new clothes landing on the ground.
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gamergirl-niffler · 4 months
Dating game that surprised me... A lot!
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Recently I started to play a mobile game called "Love & deep space" and I need to admit it - This game really surprised me.
When my ex-friend showed me this game, all I saw was: dating, pretty 3D, Korean looking men. I told her it's pretty and didn't think much of it because it wasn't out yet.
Few days ago while trying to get up from bed in the morning I suddenly remembered about this game and I decided to check if it's out. It was, so I downloaded it and started playing.
At the very beginning, the game was just a pretty looking game. I need to say that wasn't ready for the kinda limited but nice character creator (no possibility to change chair color & length - only available in photo booth option) and a voice modification option.
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Main character looks pretty!
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I just played through the story and my jaw honestly dropped when my game suddenly flipped to the side for a fighting section of the game
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I was not ready, BUT I quite enjoyed it. Fighting reminds me about Genshin on mobile, dodge, tap, tap, tap, be careful of your health, etc.
Fighting parts aren't THAT hard, but at the same time you need to upgrade your cards and add things to them to make them stronger. Pretty basic stuff.
There are lots of fight related activities that give really nice rewards and drop materials needed to making your team stronger.
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Game has three love interests
Xavier - The sleepy boy
Zayne - The doctor
Rafayel - The artist
Each of them have his place in the story, and each is so much more than he looks like at the very beginning.
I honestly love Rafayel, maybe because he is an artist... he is also a little annoying, but it's also kinda sweet. I have the most memories with him and the highest lvl.
Furthermore, I love how going through the main story isn't the only way to interact with them. The game provides lots of options to spend time with them and learn new stuff about them.
You can go hunt for plushies in a claw machine or play a game that is like tic-tac-toe but with cats and cards, or you can take a photo with them. One of my many favourite things, I mean LOOK:
(in order, I mentioned them before)
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I love it because in this mode you can actually REALLY change your MC's look, which is wonderful! You can change your hair length, color, change make up, outfit and add accessories. Also, you pick poses and background. You also can do pics of your MC, just him or couple pics or mix of everything!
Of course, the main story isn't the only thing, there are also plenty of 'side mini stories' that are unlocked by getting specific memories.
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I am a sucker for ASMRs, especially the ones with my favorite characters. I can spend HOURS listening to those.
This game has something similar! You unlock specific audios by obtaining the right memories.
There are two versions - the first version is more of a story thing so you can listen, but it has "subtitles" that describe what MC says and what is happening. You don't have to, but yeah, it's a bit hard to imagine what's exactly happening sometimes.
But the other version... ooooh the other version. It's made to be JUST listen to! No subtitles or anything, just... listen and enjoy what you hear
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In summary:
I really fall in love with this game. It's so much more than I expected it to be. It offers a lot of rewards and makes it easy to obtain decent cards without throwing your real money away. Sure, it's gacha game, but it's not as annoying as it could be. Sure, you still can spend money for it if you want extra features, but if you look for a game that isn't just about spending your money, it's a good pick.
Animations look nice, cards are pretty, voice acting is good, story is ok I'd say.
As for me, it's a good game! I am recommending it! A lot!
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cftych · 1 year
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solarisblossom · 1 month
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I forgot to post these when it was actually his birthday, but that's okay
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keyofradiance · 6 months
youve heard all about how ive hated change before, time to hear it again!
(honkai ui edition)
really just a post discussing what i like and dont like abt the ui
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whys everything so sharp its soooo ugly
restructuring of the main buttons is fine (i will miss you valkyja tho) except for the little “important thing” button it feels off not being next to attack
new supply icon is much weaker
equipment to equip is a weird choice
of course the new elf button is elysia. its nice art tho
i get what theyre doing with the attack button but it looks out of place
the small buttons all look really good actually
the really transparent buttons make them feel smaller even the ones that got larger
dont like the new “click” noise. its like.. wet? i think the old one fit fine
the dark box for the notifs bar amount is super out of place
bar itself is pretty much unchanged so
ill miss the italic writing but i get why it was changed
captain lvl exp bar parts that are unfilled are really hard to see. like it goes all the way to the bp but barely looks that way
the new phone fucking sucks like its literally just a rectangle
the “new!” text is hard to read actually
text is just unnaturally small
old maxed stamina is much better
the orange notifs are abt the same
more hexagons please
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the weapon being visible is pretty sick actually
back and home should both have text like serious downgrade
you can click on the type the valk is and see the type chart which is super nice actually
i like the multiple indicators of type in the new character selection considering they replaced the old backgrounds
even more slants/italics killed.. so sad
smaller icons for the select is kinda annoying but i do get it
the outfit/photo/etc buttons being together out is nice
stigmata thing should be bigger its just a lot of blank space thats really ugly
clear guide/tutorial/appreciation mode buttons are really nice
i dont think shes centered anymore
the lack of crystals/coins/stamina bothers me.,you use these to upgrade/get characters why would you remove them
lack of boxes around the skills and battlesuit info is also really ugly
still doesnt seem to have easy access to gear/team plans
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casanovacandlequeen · 5 months
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I guess this is Genshin photography. lol games with a photo mode are sooo fun. (Also inazuma is so fun to look at like look at my picture of tsurumi island:)
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yuyinesque · 1 month
MYSTERY CAT. (or simply … indigo!)
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“simply… indigo? refer to me as mr. indigo; i’ll become an
universal liability if you refuse. i always get my way, after all.”
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𑁍 ﹏ sobriquets: mystery cat, spider-cat, indie, fish face, biscuits, indie kitty. mr. indigo, mr. meanie, bs, mijo, son, my son, puppy, mutt, little nimbus, baby blue/twinkie (via ichor 𖤐), little stray, pretty kitty, pretty boy, prince, young master (indigo), jophiel, anja, quidnunc, (big) lotto, lucky charm, gatito bonito, rich bitch, kitty, bell, pussy cat, alley cat, catnap.
𖥔 ﹏ additional photos: ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄.
𖥔 ﹏ general background: Ever seen one of these before? I’m sure you have. The Maneki-neko, also known as the Japanese “beckoning cat” is a benevolent apparition that bestows alms upon the ones who owns them. Usually you would see one of these statues in casinos or small businesses since these feline spirits tend to beckon in customers or good fortune, hence the way their paw lures in whatever their human desires. The left paw invites clients or customers, whereas the right invites fortune or good health; very rarely you’d find a maneki-neko that utilizes both of their paws simultaneously. Indigo is capable of shape-shifting from male, partially male (calico cat demihuman; calico catboy), or simply a norwegian forest calico cat. While his cat form is presentably female, his human/catboy form is not, as for he is a trans individual. A little more about him is that his own, the one he grants wishes to, is Illūnis, a malevolent apparition called a Rusalka. Despite her indifference towards cats, she saved him while he was just a kitten, for he was, no matter the AU, was on the brink of death. You can assume where he gains a few of his esoteric traits from; being raised by a homicidal spirit isn’t something you usually encounter.
𖥔 ﹏ trademark notables: Innately calls people “dear” when you’re concerning or confusing him (or becomes more polite in general). Nabs jewelry or any shiny material (whether it's his owner’s or something from an expensive store). Has purplish dark circles underneath his eyes considering that he doesn’t get a good amount of sleep due to his insomnia. Consumes unhealthy amounts of sugar, and I don’t mean confectionery. I mean sugar. Sleeps in the most unconventional places to feel hidden and safer. Doesn’t enjoy kids much (lacks the patience) but will risk the moon for the elderly. Ears are always in airplane mode in cat (boy) form, especially when he’s in public. Walks around with a gold coin, consider it a lucky one if you will, though if people tend to test him, he flips the coin (heads meaning whoop their ass, tails meaning flee. unfortunately for him, it nearly always lands on tails). Taps his fingers on his lips when he’s giggly, excited, or ecstatic, though if he uses one hand it indicates that he’s nervous or overthinking. Sleep talks and either spouts suggestive or ominous messages. Knows one too many things about most of the individuals of any given AU. Always in the lap of a highly attractive male in cat form. Comedically, he has a job EVERYWHERE… tired of seeing him in every little shop with a wink or straight-faced peace sign.
𖥔 ﹏ genshin notables: He’s a dendro-bearing resident of Liyue, quite the charismatic and memorable one at that. As a kitten, he used to live in Snezhnaya with his previous owner, Dottore, who not only captured him for personal experiments, but thrown him out when he was no use to him anymore, leaving him in the Snezhnayan snow. Because Illūnis was also once a resident of Snezhnaya, she found the poor thing and took him in as her own. Regrettably and reluctantly, of course. Once Illūnis became the Sentinel of Liyue, naturally they would have to reside there, specifically in Lone Cloud Pavilion. Indigo acts as Illūnis spiritual messenger, so he’s quite literally all over the map. He knows… everything and everyone because of this. Anyway, the citizens of Liyue (besides Traveler and Paimon, of course), have no way of knowing that this gift-giving kitty and this narcissistic catboy is the same person, so you can assume that his reputation varies. He’s much more adored in cat form, but as a human, people were weary of him; he enjoys both reputations, however, so he didn’t do anything. Not to mention that he gets custom-made collars from Ningguang, and he uses false visions he wears depending on the form to keep his existence a mystery.
𖥔 ﹏ atsv notables: Uhhh… anti-heroic spider-cat who will save the world if you keep your children on his taxes. Anyways, N/A for now.
𖥔 ﹏ jujutsu kaisen notables: Uhmmm… a human-born grade two curse who is also a sorcerer for the intel, benefits, and thrill. Anyways, N/A for now.
𖥔 ﹏ yandere au notables: As a yandere, he’d be the possessive and manipulative type, which is practically a given since these traits are in his character. Just not in an extreme degree. Growing up with Illūnis alters his empathy and basic perspectives. For example, stalking could simply be his way of “checking on” someone and manipulation are just as mere as white lies. While he’s not a murderer, he’s not against making scenes look like a simple accident if needed. But first, he’d stick to blackmailing, for, as we know, Indigo is great at finding out every single thing about a person. This could also seem obsessive towards his darling; he knows things about you that you couldn’t even address at the moment since you lacked the proper insight. But he didn’t. A better reason to keep him around, no? Anyway, as I said before, he could get eliminating, but if he has to kill, he’d get something else to do the work for him. He has a voracious, cannibalistic mother after all, so it’s best for his victims to not get too testy. He would also be a self-indulgent yandere, which is the type that prefers to be worshipped incessantly by his love interest. This could also lead to an obsession. If you squint, of course. Indigo is quite the arrogant kitty.
𖥔 ﹏ birthday: april 29th.
𖥔 ﹏ age appearance: twenty (20).
𖥔 ﹏ zodiacal big three: taurus ☼ | scorpio ❍ | libra ⇡
𖥔 ﹏ race, ethnicity, nationality: asian, japanese, nationality varies depending on the au.
𖥔 ﹏ sex, gender, sexuality, pronouns: female, trans male, uranic, he/him.
𖥔 ﹏ mbti: entp-a (the assertive debater).
𖥔 ﹏ likes: bubbles. brain-training (sudokus, anagrams, crossword puzzles, chinese checkers, etc.). honey garlic salmon (reminds him of illūnis and circe). traveling & nature walks or sprints w/ xīn’yuè. taking the longest naps. studying finance/economics, he is a lil’ financial adviser. numismatics!!!!! sitting in laps (‘specially, and only, in the laps of a pretty man). MONEYYYYY WOOOOOO. the elderly, so sweet, so quiet, LIKE JIHANE sometimes. socializing. lipstick (really, it’s a guilty pleasure). gossiping about everything, everyone, doesn’t matter, even matter isn’t safe. dangling earrings, jingly jewelry (often steals jihane’s). icicles! chandeliers (‘minds him of icicles). any self-care methods. physical affection, greatly. words of affirmation, mmh. jewelry or anything sparkling (crystals, keychains, aluminum foil, icicles, etc.). winter!! catnip. journey walks/exploration walks. controversial debates. blumei, best child/puppy ever. kittens, much better than real children. chin/ear scratches. valentine’s day. mmh, fish, but please cook it. why would he want uncooked seafood? diadems & crowns. being called handsome. nami from one piece; y’all sleep on her. kenma from haikyuu; sleeping. nose kisses. bird watching. people watching. romance k-dramas. writing in cursive. yoga!! frankly and secretly? dogs; very energetic like him but they get too loud. puppy/bunny-coded characters. treasure hunting. birthdays, but his.
𖥔 ﹏ dislikes: citrus fruits. spending money cuz be fr. lack of attention/affection. children (kittens are much more tolerable). crying in front of people. pimples.. gross. oversleeping/overexertion. PAIMON, SHUT UP FOR ONCE (genshin au). unnecessarily loud people/music. judgmental individuals (hypocritical ass). hyperactive individuals, what even is zolene. beer, tf? little miss goddamn yashmi-noir (as if she isn’t an upcoming favorite; she’s still an ick tho like maju). over-socializing. too much authority. spicy foods; zolene why. his insomnia. fucking inazuma (genshin au). puppies??! especially if they misbehave?!? seething hot days. FOXES (“they’re catlike freaks despite being another mutt classification… the contradiction is humiliating. y/n, have you seen a tibetan fox? it’s not safe for work”…). needy fucking individuals and they don’t even be cute with it (spider-man au). practicality. unapologetic individuals since he’s ironically apologetic. GREEN, ironically… easter (unless there’s money in one of those eggs). uncooked fish, why does sushi exist, he may ask? the aftermath of a goddamn sugar rush. forest clearings. baths, but knows it’s mandatory in human form too. the fourth of july, LOUD. unnecessary sleepless nights or nightmares. unrequited love. flower crowns, mightest well give him the real thing. & emhalo plants… ew.
𑁍 ﹏ quotes:
About Us: Mystery Cat ୨୧ “Why is the title so indistinct? Mystery cat? Really? What does a man have to do to free himself from this tree? Induce his ethanol intake? Please, a flea could come up with something better.”
About Sentinel Illūnis ୨୧ “Selenic Sentinel number three… What did she do this time?… Nothing? You just believed that I’d know of her? Unfortunately, yes, but we’re not on speaking terms at the moment. She frightened me with her behavior, then—… Huh? Oh no, she didn’t try to eat me. She simply has the audacity of a toddler, feeding me raw fish straight from the sea like I’m some sort of animal. I’m… still trying to wrap my head around the situation before I wrap my hands around her neck. *long sigh* …Really, how dare she?”
About Ichor ୨୧ “Really, Illūnis speaks entirely illy of that woman; never a green flag. He’s a Dao, a malicious earth genie who has also created the Selenian race. Again, don’t question me. I know everything. Tokyo—Ichor is a conflicting individual much like their nymph acolyte. Except be has the personality of that sun mutt but knows things even Illūnis has trouble comprehending. Horrifying, isn’t it? An aspirational man…”
About Gojo Satoru ୨୧ N/A FOR NOW.
About Zhongli ୨୧ “A dignified man he is… *long, dreamy sigh* … I’ve always prided myself on the simple fact that I’m well acquainted with him. Though unfortunately, greed runs wildly in my veins *purrs a bit* … this acquaintanceship is entirely dissatisfying. Traveler, he will become my next plaything.”
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yuyinesque | translate with permission & peruse without theft
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