parad0xm0th · 2 years
Your choice of character, 7a? :o
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Pluto comin in clutch! tsm!!
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vaicomcas · 6 months
CROWLEY: You have to understand, this isn’t just a hellhound, this is the hellhound.
SAM: That means what?
CROWLEY: Right after God said, “Let there be light,” he -- he made a whole bunch of things -- posies, koalas, hellhounds. He wanted The Creator's best friend, but the hounds were too vicious. So he planned on having them all put down, until along came our favorite fallen angel. He rescued one of the hounds -- a pregnant bitch named Ramsey.
DEAN: Why don't you just tell her to heel?
CROWLEY: I can't control her. No one can. She's loyal only to Lucifer.
This is from 12x15 (Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell)
I think the HC that he'll hounds end up in purgatory is correct gavien that they were created by God himself and just like Leviathans he decided to get rid of them
Agree, that would work. Though God could also put them in the Empty with the demons, if even Lucifer goes to the Empty when destroyed.
I do like your idea that they get all that forest to run in in Purgatory, so definitely I am taking your hc here.
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howtozuzu · 2 years
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Some pride art from a stream!
1. Me with polyam pride flag (and a smol trans)
2. Neyress with intersex and demisexual!
3. Ace with bi flag
4. Rune and Gavien with bi
5. Tabris with demiboy and lesbian!
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444names · 1 year
french and breton (tes) names
Adarwien Adictoisa Adile Alachesbra Alaste Alavan Alaye Alhibout Alinguer Almes Amberric Amette Amignycton Amouin Amurdesta Amyliande Ancou Anette Aninelagne Anthou Arberveu Arcie Arclam Ardet Arillodol Asabravart Ashhon Askine Astous Auget Ayannis Badic Baphin Bardau Barnoydat Barquebray Basitagne Bastin Bastonlyne Baubelia Beche Begallaux Belen Belesne Belierre Bennetine Berin Berois Bertrathe Biermane Billehard Billinniel Bindriaux Binguet Blaroux Bockhais Boiroult Boisane Boissie Boiste Bondre Bongtochel Borienne Bouine Bouithen Boult Bourt Brainic Brane Brellot Brogus Cadenke Cadid Calline Calyx Camar Canny Capter Carbelit Carelois Caronet Casteau Castier Cavarion Cenck Chandevan Channe Chara Charveren Chebele Chelleve Chemoralie Chenne Chever Chierne Chone Chouvielie Chrin Cillin Claires Clechant Clotte Cléan Colie Colmennea Colone Comsles Condle Coret Coulx Courierryn Couva Croyel Cômeranges Daidisteli Daimon Dairittien Dalaguefin Dallirbis Dassist Datte Debert Decound Dellet Demate Demili Desne Desteau Dette Deveale Dever Dieniet Ditte Donien Dorne Dozel Dreard Dregri Dremune Drochuythe Duaynarrya Dubine Dubuchalin Duchane Dughre Duham Dumelrir Dupic Duraberane Durolyne Dussachee Dutloncemy Ediget Edill Edorie Edrend Edwerenane Edwuline Elegel Ellier Eloye Elyzout Emenne Ensop Envalkone Eriste Eseyn Euish Eursèlette Evest Evetilena Evosper Fabbir Faine Faiste Falaira Falastanne Ferien Floel Flontithat Flostoy Forabin Francroue Frandrémin Frandyrie Frene Frégood Galanona Galcone Gamarciont Ganne Gardrel Gares Garia Garpo Garte Gassamb Gaudyctan Gavien Gavinoît Gavois Geois Geouier Gephna Giber Gilet Gillexand Gilon Gladest Glodes Gobervalle Gosierodi Gourrey Gregna Gryance Gucypper Guessara Guette Guidigoire Guinette Guitine Gustaurvic Guyerd Hafie Hammes Hardal Harsolon Haudregon Heaux Henctone Herique Hertard Hienett Hontmenne Hubouthe Husson Illargere Illesdoria Inienearl Iniquete Iranr Jacau Jameletien Jamennak Janet Jarandurd Jeaudri Jeaut Jegre Jentysse Jeurysyse Jollemaste Joselt Joufulah Jousa Jowille Justleau Kinerrona Kipperse Labechris Label Labyriend Lacherinah Ladestic Lafay Lafriene Laigne Lailan Lailloell Lamben Lanne Larard Larfordyde Laric Larna Larrier Lascore Lasielouat Layet Laïden Lebre Lejeu Lenctina Lesene Lette Letthin Linettent Liravernot Locelairon Loishsling Lonstynaux Losevel Losin Luchiery Lucieroir Luille Lynot Lysimone Lyson Madil Magre Mairath Malivee Mandoric Manfirte Mangerd Mardouis Marne Marslette Maspervart Mathyr Mathé Maudd Maulvice Maxen Mazie Mazierais Melet Mellitin Menne Merther Mibervale Milvyland Miverrya Molatt Mondyn Monlac Monsimen Montaux Montin Munie Myote Médédéon Mélon Navaron Niette Noleda Nolordeste Nonelya Notia Nouarne Nynak Odasmate Odiffor Olaux Oliennoît Omfouiloy Operic Paptin Parie Pault Pelie Peria Pette Piene Pieun Pineyll Plabyn Poult Pourquet Pranne Prielle Prodana Prone Pronna Prosse Pujoite Queront Raisau Raules Reauber Reigueu Rierd Rivean Robinervie Rolarq Ronna Rosseau Roure Routhion Rovie Sabythnée Sandain Seberi Sertenaris Shelimie Shforiss Sillevyr Simona Sirriste Sopperion Sorelyne Spend Stayn Stinneaux Sursier Sébard Talarge Tanau Teperide Tharaneard Thence Thenne Thibausse Thiquene Tielle Tienne Toreaudon Trogeau Turge Tyrond Vairlain Valesciel Valoiry Vannerria Vante Velimich Velle Venistin Vervineux Vicalichau Viene Vilaurick Vilin Ville Vimorench Vineve Vinlys Vitais Vyridente Wigrolm Wodel Woontine Woorine Yeortiene Yeriques Yerrir Yonist Ystaildnau Yurnienfon Yvaline Zennar Zurycton Zylavelley
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telltalebatman · 3 years
sweats nervously
i made myself a general shippy playlist for all my bastard man/radiant woman ships
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kailisdays · 5 years
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Doodle dump
Art by @wolfafire
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Finished Line up for the Voided Minds cast!
We got (from left to right): Alexandrea, Nekros, Kelsey, Myalo, Jeremy, Choros, Kenos!
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penguiduck · 4 years
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Jaharaan Love: Chapter 3: To Expect the Unexpected
Read on AO3: Here.
[Reader x Four OC bachelors] A WWYFF.
You discuss with your companions what to do with Gavien after he tried to assassinate Runedis, discovering more about his purpose and reasons for coming after him in the first place. Afterwards, you make your way through the forest to Rilyus, underestimating the dangers that pose a deadly threat to you and your party.
It is a time of peace and prosperity for the world of humans. Although it feels wrong to you to think this way, you wish there were at least a little danger to appease the monotony. You crave adventure beyond the city walls, a purpose beyond a future of domesticity. You want magic and swords, dragons and demons, truths and lies. When the opportunity comes one day, you seize it. You never would have thought your determination, your appetite for excitement would bring you friendship and love so powerful that they govern your destiny. You change lives, striking interest and inspiration in the hearts of many. Who will win your heart in the end? [Reader x Four OC Bachelors] A fantasy WWYFF (Who will you fall for?) This is "Jaharaan Love" rewritten.
Let me know if you wish to be added to this tag list.
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littleredrogue-blog · 7 years
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I have a million and one gene and lore projects whats two more. Here’s Gavien and Vagabond my newest dergs. (Though I’m still paying for Vagabond) Gavien is a ever changing negotiator, no one is entirely sure who he really is. Vagabond is a mercenary/assassin and if you are on his list, you wont be alive much longer. The two end up in Sylvesti’s lair after an interesting turn of events involving a gang of mirrors and a gang of infected dragons. The pair end up staying with the clan, still taking contracts, but helping stem the infected spread.
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parad0xm0th · 4 years
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*finally finishes Lilith’s ref sheet* Damnit i don't like this drawing
oh yeah im on art fight as Voiidedminds
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naehja · 7 years
Ace Attorney and familial dramas
Miles Edgeworth  = Has lose Father + Mother (+ adoptive father but seen what this man has done to him)
Apollo Justice = Has lose Father + Best Friend + Adoptve Father. He don’t know who is his mother. Has a adoptive brother. Has also a half-sister (Trucy) but don’t know that he has one.
Trucy =   Has lose her grandfather, and her biological Father.  She don’t know where is her mother or who she is.  Has also a half-brother (Apollo) but don’t know that she has one.
Klavier Gavien = has lose his brother (I think that Kristoph has been executed) and probably parents.
Franzeka Von Karma = Has lose both Parents. She has still another sister and also a niece since Manfred has mentionned a granddaugther
Athéna Cykes= has lose her mother. Her father is never mentioned.
Maya Fay= has lose her sister and mother (father never mentioned)
Phoenix Wirght= His family never mentioned.
Pearl Fay = His mother is still in prison?  His father is unknow. She has still Iris but she don’t know that it’s her big sister (or she knows?). She has lose her other big sister (but Dahlia didn’t love her anyways).
Simon = Has only his sister (and Athéna)
Ace attorney is full of familial dramas
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nguyenhafood-blog · 6 years
Từ xa xưa, các bà nội trợ đã quen thuộc với các công thức bổ dưỡng từ thịt gà giàu chất dinh dưỡng, giàu chất đạm nên thường được được sử dụng để chế biến các món ăn ngon như gà nấu tiêu, gà nấu lagu hay gà nấu pate…Thông thường các món ăn này thường được thưởng thức nóng với bánh mì hoặc bún tươi. Sở dĩ nhiều người chuộng các món ăn từ thịt gà vì chúng chứa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết cho cơ thể, giúp tăng cường thể lực và cũng cực thơm ngon nữa.
Hôm nay Công ty Thực Phẩm Nguyên Hà xin giới thiệu một sản phẩm cũng có độ ngon và Hot không kém các công thức quen thuộc trên đó là món “Gà viên nấm bào ngư”.
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Thịt gà được lựa chọn từ những con gà ta thả vườn nên thịt vừa chắc vừa bổ dưỡng. Sau đó được tẩm ướp cẩn thận với hành tím băm nhỏ, ớt bột, muối, tiêu xay, bột ngọt và chút đường. Cuối cùng được trộn với nấm bào ngư băm nhỏ, nặn thành từng viên nhỏ đẹp mắt. Các bạn thử tưởng tượng vị thơm béo của thịt gà quyện với vị nấm bào ngư bùi thơm chắc chắc đây là món ăn hấp dẫn cho dịp đầu năm này.
Thêm một điểm “siêu đặc biệt” là các bạn có thể sử dụng nhiều cách để biến tấu món ăn này. Không phải tất cả các sản phẩm được “viên tròn” chỉ có một phương pháp là “chiên” đâu nhé! Chúng ta có thể xiên que để nướng với một số loại rau củ tẩm ướp hoặc dùng làm thành phần chính trong món lẩu nấm. Chỉ nghĩ đến đó thôi là “bao tử” của mọi người đã không chịu nổi rồi, phải không nào?
Món ăn này phù hợp với các bữa tiệc nhỏ thiết đãi bạn bè vào những ngày cuối tuần. Hoặc có thể sử dụng để làm “món ăn chơi” cho các bữa tiệc BBQ. Hay chúng có thể sử dụng để làm nguyên liệu chính cho các món súp dành cho các bé nhỏ. Sự đa năng và dễ dàng sử dụng của món “Gà viên nấm bào ngư” này làm xiêu lòng các bà nội trợ khó tính khi lựa chọn các món ăn bổ dưỡng cho gia đình mình vào những dịp đặc biệt hay đơn giản chỉ là món ăn chính trong các bữa ăn hàng ngày.
Nếu ai là fan của mì tôm thì đừng quên đây là thành phần “không thể bỏ qua” trong món mì của các bạn. Hơn thế nữa, các tín đồ của món lẩu cũng nên “liệt kê” món ăn này trong nguyên liệu chính của mình luôn nhé!
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Thành phần: Thịt gà 40%, cá tra/ basa 30%, nước 6%, tinh bột khoai mì 6%, nấm bào ngư 4.5%, tỏi 3.7 %, tinh bột lúa mì 3%, đường 3%, muối i ốt 1.5%, bột lòng trắng trứng 0.7% và một số nguyên liệu khác.
Qui cách: 50viên/gói, 500gr/gói
Xuất xứ: VIỆT NAM
Hướng dẫn sử dụng: Không cần rã đông. Có thể chiên vàng chấm với tương ớt hoặc MAYONNAISE, xào hoặc nấu lẩu.
Có thể chiên ở 170-175 độ C trong 2-3 phút.
Xào chung với các loại rau củ.
Nấu sôi nước lẩu, thả gà viên nấm bào ngư cùng lúc với các nguyên liệu khác, nấu trong khoảng từ 3-5 phút là dùng được.
Thời gian sử dụng: 18 tháng kể từ ngày sản xuất.
Ngày sản xuất, hạn sử dụng xem trên mặt chính nhãn sản phẩm.
Cách bảo quản: Bảo quản ở nhiệt độ < -18 độ C hoặc ngăn đá tủ lạnh.
Lưu ý: Không sử dụng sản phẩm khi có mùi hôi và vị chua.
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444names · 2 years
common forenames + pizza varieties BUT excluding "z"
Afric Africal Afruce Afruck Afrutt Aldedon Aldell Aldendon Alderiust Aldet Aldeus Aldonton Alenton Antericion Antonte Antosaltik Ardenneth Ardeus Arladwict Arlan Arlana Arlatt Arlec Arlentefan Arlepersch Armagi Armalton Armaltoni Armana Armaren Armaroford Armata Arred Arricaggi Arrick Arrius Arrod Arromanard Augliana Auglie Auglif Auglittron Augus Aveget Avegeth Avericciao Babian Babias Balcolby Balkena Balton Baric Bendrichi Benet Benick Bolad Bolan Bolmon Brahad Brelden Brenetrod Brennitan Briccias Brick Brilik Brill Brinter Broforich Broitan Brosa Brosauce Brosty Bulgo Bulgogion Bulgogne Caggiona Cagion Calatt Calcolby Calitt Cance Cantoman Caphaell Caphalton Capoln Capricalen Capugus Caritt Carius Chadwin Chadwitana Chael Chamien Chastana Chawaii Cherlatt Chery Cheth Ciantefank Ciast Ciust Coladon Coladoni Colataggi Colatana Colenarina Colie Colith Coricalm Corschel Corschic Dalcoln Dalcolon Dalinghet Dalmon Daltonitt Damie Damienni Damienniao Danaran Dangduck Daran Dardediman Dardenese Darel Darghellon Darias Daric Darich Darict Darin Darith Darlad Darlec Daron Darrena Darroitt Dericius Dewict Dewin Dewith Dewtomalm Dewtoni Dewyord Diend Dienet Dieniccian Diese Diestan Dilien Dilif Dilinto Dillitan Dillittron Domaggi Doman Domen Domenne Dorden Dordeus Doriyatt Dormalton Dormattrod Dorni Edict Edisonte Eldel Eldell Eldeni Elviegogi Elviena Elviennick Elviese Elvinghick Erian Ericcilik Ericin Ericion Erick Erill Erintomal Eritagi Fricana Frichas Fruciank Frucott Frutt Fungducias Galatt Galtoman Galton Garenni Garica Garichalto Garlad Garoden Garterlin Gastona Gastus Gastylec Gavie Gavien Gaviennes Gavince Gavingduce Gavinwood Gericana Gerlend Germaggi Grahal Grahaston Grell Hadon Halante Halcolen Halentonto Halik Halith Halmon Haltomagi Halton Hamien Hancolitt Hanpie Hargher Harosatona Harwita Hayded Haydened Haydennet Heritana Hermarron Herse Hunty Isacalento Isaii Isauce Issaias Issaii Issauce Jacalkente Jacapolon Jacapriao Jachad Jaciana Jacius Jareldet Jaren Jarghi Jarghict Jarterius Jarwin Jonese Joneth Kenara Kendenden Kenese Kennese Kenton Keveget Kevegeth Kevego Kevendenet Keverret Kevery Kingduck Leider Leidich Leidison Leiforse Lennetrod Lincal Lince Lingduck Linton Linwooden Linwoodet Lucian Lucolan Lucolby Lucole Lucolian Lucolmona Lynwooden Lynwoodena Maggiosty Magion Malank Malian Maliana Malken Malmon Malto Marghick Marius Maroita Maroston Matagi Matfeatagi Maton Mattylen Maxwel Maxwelden Meapoloni Measty Meatt Menasty Menneastus Menneth Meric Mericaphad Merich Merina Meritt Merladwitt Mermagion Merofork Meroforsey Merosa Merschicin Mican Micapolby Michas Naphadwith Naron Neaprius Nediccius Netroded Netta Newict Newitpien Newyorden Nolana Nolanterse Nolby Nolen Nolenesey Nolik Nolitarell Pekimaggi Pekimchick Perichic Perict Peroforse Persey Piesey Pordenton Quata Quataydeus Quatfeata Quato Quaton Quatoni Quatt Quattron Quatty Quinte Quinwood Raphalm Rapolec Rapologi Rapricker Rapugus Reiden Reideth Reidimch Reiforter Rordenton Rorni Rorter Ruciaocin Rucius Rucolmon Ruttron Ruttrosaii Rutty Saladden Salatan Salen Salton Saton Sattija Sauce Scoladdel Scolif Shadden Shadon Shamie Sichi Sicionte Sidiman Stagi Stance Starret Sterian Stersey Thaell Tidenni Tidison Tikkacin Tobian Tobiao Tobiaocion Tomen Tonita Trena Trendopie Tretaydell Upsiccill Upsick Upsiden Upsidiccin Vanastagi Vegettrod Venese Verlif Versey Waladden Walattron Waliao Walien Walif Walik Walken Waltid Waltidison Waltik Weldeus Wellon Wesey Westo Westus Wilin Wilith Wince Wincolan Wintylec Wyakimana Wyakimatt Wyakimchi Wyakinwood Wyatana Wyatfeasto
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telltalebatman · 5 years
im bored, so while im waiting for my rice to soak imma do the oc’s beloved asks i reblogged last night bc i wanna. talk about my SHIPS.
im gonna do pinnguin (oz and charlie), sorcione (mac gargan and frankie) and gavien (gavin reed and adrien; they’re a dbh ship and their fic isn’t gonna be finished anytime soon, but it throws like 80% of canon out of the window, starting with racism.)
oz’s answers are gonna be in cursive mac’s are gonna be bolded gavin’s are gonna be underlined
1. How did you and your beloved meet? it was a typical, dark gotham night, some time before i revealed my presence to brucie-boy. i was perusing salvatore maroni’s hospitality, and i was relaxing in his private vip lounge at one of falcone’s bars... when she walked in. gorgeous. antsy. radiant. the bouncer was giving her shit, so i stepped in and lied about her being my friend. blasted idiot thought i’m maroni’s private chef, so he didn’t protest. and then... it was a fun night. i tried to get the location of frankie’s brother out of her... except none of us knew i’m looking for him. what? macchio never gave me actual orders, just told me to find the fucking moretti bastard. i was sure i’m searching for her father. she was sure i’m searching for her fake fiance, angelo fortunato. it was a mess, and she wanted to stab me. ...jesus fucking christ. i met her on tinder. i sure love being a normal man.
2. What’s your favorite thing about your beloved? everything. everything. everything. (her heartbeat.) (her smile.) (still everything.)
3. What’s your least favorite thing about your beloved? the fact she nearly died because me and vicki were indebted to the black mask who wanted me to find their other debtors is definitely... up there. does her family count? because i hate her family. her husband. who’s not me.
4. What’s a typical day like for you? charlie wakes up first, and waits for me to wake up and make her breakfast. then... we mostly do nothing, except for walking our dog and getting groceries. it’s a nice, calm life. oh, no, frankie’s gonna kill me if i tell you. she’s very strict when it comes to her secrets. i’m not ratting her out... but i will say we have busy schedules. i follow her wherever she goes and watch her back when she negotiates. i’m her shadow. protective shadow. at this point i’m more of adrien’s housekeeper than a bodyguard, but it could be worse. so - she leaves for work and i... do stuff around the house. sometimes i cook. mostly she cooks though, she’s way better. i still sometimes act as her bodyguard. oh, and sometimes i help june out with the cop stuff. sometimes i miss being a cop... but not too often.
5. What’s your greatest fear? losing her. losing her. losing her. (in my nightmares, batman doesn’t find elliot on time and her heart is lost.) (in my nightmares, spider-man lets her fall into the river and catches me instead.) (in my nightmares she notices the shooter before i do, and takes the bullet instead of me. her blood is on my hands and she dies before even knowing she’s dying.)
6. What’s your fondest memory involving you and your beloved? as a birthday gift for me, charlie bribed the mayor of gotham into completely renovating the cobblepot park. she... didn’t have to do it. i accepted the park as a ruin, i accepted it as a metaphor for myself and my life... but she took it further. she fixed it. rebuilt it. gave it a new life. the day we married. i never thought i’d ever... marry anyone. and yet, there she was - my blushing bride. my... wife. someone who always waited for me, and refused to give up on me. when she first sat on my face. yes, i know, this sounds like the stupidest answer possible - but that was when she finally understood she’s beautiful and that i meant every compliment i ever told her. so... yeah.
7. How good in bed is your beloved? she’s a pillow princess, through and through. she is fantastic at handjobs though. oh, and when she rides me? mmm. she’s great. what? i’m not gonna talk about our sex life in detail. frankie’s great. i’m great. our sex is great. you know how they say that french women are great in bed? adrien’s french. and she’s a woman. and she’s great in bed. so... yeah.
8. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? charlie made me realize i love being kissed on my jaw. cheeks. uh, corners of my lips. it drives me crazy, i love it.
9. What’s your idea of a perfect date? a long dinner at a restaurant, then some opera, and a long walk. of course, all while my beloved wears a tight, knotted crotch-rope under her clothes. i like seeing her squirm. a bank robbery, then some burgers, and then turning on a movie and instantly forgetting about it, ‘cause she’s already taking her clothes off. i’m a normal, well-adjusted guy. a candlelit dinner... followed by the sweetest of desserts, aka adrien’s pu-
10. What’s something you would like to tell your beloved that you’ve never told them—and why haven’t you told them? i don’t regret destroying harvey dent. i still think mutants are... weird. i kind of regret giving in to my hatred of her husband. (dent is a good man, and charlie feels sorry for him; and she sees me as a changed man.) (she’s a mutant, and her family dragged her through hell because of it.) (it ruined my career.)
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parad0xm0th · 4 years
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Monster forms+ shenanigans with ocs
also that moment when the two people ur dating also happen to be eldritch paradox monsters and have taken over the kitchen at 1:47 in the morning because they remembered they didn’t need to sleep anymore
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parad0xm0th · 5 years
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another one of my art fight characters! by VoiidedMinds 
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