kisses-for-you · 6 months
Preference: Dating them includes...
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Titans Characters X GN!Reader
Characters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Gar Logan, Conner Kent, Kory Anders & Donna Troy.
Dick Grayson:
- Him always worrying about your safety
- Helping him train the younger members
- Cuddling when there are no missions left
- Movie nights when you have the time
- Helping him cook
- Getting to know his soft side
- You being the only one that he truly opens up to
- Him teaching you to defend yourself because he doesn't want anything to happen to you when he isn't around
- Helping him to socialise
Jason Todd:
- You being the only one he truly trusts
- Fighting over stupid things
- Not speaking for days after because you're both too stubborn
- No one messing with you because they're afraid of him
- Him getting easily jealous seeing you with other people
- Him calling you "babe" all the time
- Calming him down after fights with Dick
- Make out sessions.
- Playing with his hair
Gar Logan:
- Video game marathons
- Cuddling for hours at a time
- Him making you breakfast
- Cute arcade dates
- Pranks
- It's either you pranking each other or pranking the rest of the team together
- Him always being there for you and vice versa
- Sweet kisses
- Being the couple that everybody loves
- Him noticing every little change in your attitude
Conner Kent:
- Him protecting you no matter what
- Helping him take care of Krypto
- Teaching him how to adjust to things
- Loads of cuddles
- Him being scared of hurting you and you having to reassure him otherwise
- Wearing his t-shirts around the tower
- Him making (or trying to make) you small gifts
- Him getting anxious if something happens to you
- Him trying to cook you something, which usually doesn't end very well
Kory Anders:
- Being there for her as she tries to recover her memory
- Inside jokes
- Being the badass couple everyone wishes they could be
- Her getting you gifts that remind her of you
- Listening to her talk about Tamaran and how life was there
- Cheek kisses
- Helping her with her powers
- Many hugs throughout the day
- Sometimes calling her 'Your Highness' just to mess with her
Donna Troy:
- Training together
- Her buying you small gifts that she thinks you might like
- Braiding each other's hair
- Staying up late drinking and laughing
- Going out for lunch
- Her always defending and protecting you
- Make out sessions
- Matching sweaters
- Taking care of her wounds after a fight
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galvanized-art · 11 months
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genderdryad · 1 year
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gar/garden flags!
lesbian - gay - bi trans - nonbinary - agender genderfluid - ace - aro
requested by @shinyeternatus! pls credit me if you use- thnx!
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Ten Greatest Moments in NBA History
10. Larry Johnson's four-point play (Game 3, 1999 Eastern Conference Finals)
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9. Magic Johnson's "junior skyhook" (Game 4, 1987 NBA Finals)
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8. Tayshaun Prince's chasedown block (Game 2, 2004 Eastern Conference Finals)
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7. Jerry West's 60-foot buzzer beater (Game 3, 1970 NBA Finals)
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6. Michael Jordan's shrug (Game 1, 1992 NBA Finals)
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5. Larry Bird's steal and pass (Game 5, 1987 Eastern Conference Finals)
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4. Gar Heard's "Shot Heard Round the World" (Game 5, 1976 NBA Finals)
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3. John Havlicek steals the ball (Game 7, 1965 Eastern Division Finals)
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2. Bill Russell's chasedown block (Game 7, 1957 NBA Finals)
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Willis Reed enters Madison Square Garden (Game 7, 1970 NBA Finals)
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sassy-john-watson · 11 months
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Landscape - Traditional Landscape An example of a small traditional partial sun backyard landscaping with decking in spring.
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bellarkesupernova · 1 year
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Flower Bed Landscape This is an illustration of a small, traditional backyard with decking in the spring.
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Garden Landscaping in Salt Lake City: You Can Trust Our Expertise for the Best Results
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It is a fact that gardens are a luxury that many people cannot afford. However, a small patch of garden can be made to appear spacious if the following home and garden landscaping ideas are carefully implemented. This can work well for small spaces or as a border or frame for a bigger space in your garden._
Bytendorp Enterprises Landscaping is the best place for you to get home and garden landscaping ideas. We aim to provide our client's with top-notch landscaping, which will assist them in creating beautiful garden landscaping in Salt Lake City.
Bytendorp Enterprises Landscaping provides the best services for Salt Lake City residents and business owners who would like to create beautiful garden landscaping. We offer you with home and garden landscaping ideas for your beautiful garden designing a world class landscaping.
Bytendorp Enterprises Landscaping is a specialist and we aim to provide Salt Lake City with top-notch landscaping. We want our valued customers to have beautiful gardens in their backyard and we will be happy to assist you in the process. Our team of professional landscapers is here to assist you in creating gorgeous garden landscaping in Salt Lake City.
Bytendorp Enterprises Landscaping is the best place for you for top-notch landscaping. We offer a wide range of services in landscaping, especially driveways and walkways. We provide all types of jobs whether it's a single family home owners or commercial projects.
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squirmhoney · 1 year
What about daemons daughter from rhea that was living in kings landing bc daemon abandoned her and at driftmark he tries to steal her away to go to dragonstone after she defended aemond and alicent but she runs away to kings landing and years later when they go to defend luke they walk into or hear her and aemond having sex and see that they have kids now and are married, daemon does something to anger her and aemond at the dinner where she wears green and sits next to aemond and maybe jace asks to dance with her and she has a look of disgust on her face constantly
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A/N: I felt like these requests were super similar so I put them together. The only thing is I didn’t write everything that was suggested because it just got so long. I hope you’re happy with it. It’s Velaryon reader but still with a relationship with Daemon. Also I age up the characters so they can have so many children as I don’t think of them doing anything until they are 18. Warnings: smut, oral (m and f receiving), squirting. angst. Just lots and lots of smut Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader (niece) x Aemond Targaryen Word count: 7.8k
Master List
In your Abandonment
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Abandonment was something you had become accustomed to growing up. First you had been abandoned by your father, being the only other person that knew what truly happened that night on Driftmark. The second time was by the person that you considered to be your second father, as Daemon left you at Kings Landing on a trip he planned for the two of you. You weren't sure which one hurt more, each came so unexpected.
At least when Daemon tricked you into a trip to Kings Landing, he had the decency to look you in the eye when he left you there. Years away from your family gave you time to dwindle on the reason for them leaving you. The one moment that stuck vividly in your mind being the time you defended Aemond on Driftmark, distraught on how he had been mauled by your brothers. Your mother had glared at you, a scowl evident on her lips as she looked at you with pure disgust. That was the first time you had felt a horrible pain, feeling as if a dagger had been shoved into your back and each time something happened it was them twisting it again.
You loved them but over time with not being able to escape the four walls of your dim room in the red keep, you started to despise them. A bile rose to your throat every time you closed your eyes haunted by the memories that were your family. You wept for weeks in that room unable to escape the torment of their voices you heard in your head, feeling your skin crawl as if there very presence was still with you. You had sent letters in the first few months begging for your mother to take you back to Dragon Stone or for them to at least write back to you.
Eventually after not hearing from them within the first year, the mere thought of them became a distant memory.
In your pain you found solace in two people, your uncles.
Aemond was of course drawn to you. How could he not be after you defended him so valiantly when he lost his eye. But after the incident he lost all his confidence and struggled to even talk to you.
It was Aegon that had approached you first, seeing your sad frail figure in the gardens and finding himself stopping as he towered over your frame. He saw something of himself in you that day, or that's at least what you believed, two broken souls neglected by the people meant to love them most.
"A drink?" Aegon asked, swinging the bottle of wine he had stolen in front of your face.
You peered up from your book with your tear stained face and puffy cheeks as you shook your head.
"It helps," Aegon added, taking a swig from the bottle. "Well sometimes."
"I don't think the queen would appreciate me getting drunk with you uncle,"  you told him, speaking so timidly he almost didn't hear you.
"So formal, call me Aegon. We are practically the same age,"  he chuckled, taking a seat next to you. "What the queen doesn't know won't hurt her?"
"We are in the gardens, anyone could see us." You looked around, blushing at the indecent thought of drinking your sorrows away with Aegon.
"Well, we can go somewhere private." He wiggled his brows, taking your hand as he pulled you up.
Aegon found peace with you, enjoying your presence every time he felt the pressures of being the eldest son weighing on his shoulders. These times where you both escaped together, you found yourself finding some sort of enjoyment finally not being alone in the Red Keep.
It took Aemond a while to approach you, it only happening when he stumbled on you looking after Aegon in his drunken state.
You hadn't expected out of all the people in Kings Landing, Aemond to be the person that helped you drag Aegon to his rooms that night. While you had gotten tipsy that night, Aegon had got past the point of speech. Both you and Aemond having to drag him through the halls not saying a word to each other until you safely dropped Aegon into his rooms.
"Shall I escort you to your rooms?" Aemond asked, walking over to the door.
"I think I will stay and look after Aegon. I don't want him to choke on his vomit in his sleep," you told him, sitting next to Aegon's laid out body.
"Why are you so kind to him?" Aemond questioned, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you.
"Aegon has been there for me when no one has," you confessed, the alcohol making your lips loose. "I was alone and Aegon was a friend when no one else was."
"Well if you feel like having another friend, one that doesn't convince you to drown your sorrows but instead to talk about them, you know where to find me." Aemond's hand reached for the door, giving you a small smile as he turned to leave.
"Aemond." You made him halt in his tracks, looking up at him with the deepest sincerity. "Would you stay and be that friend now?"
Aemond nodded, walking back over to the chair opposite the bed. There you spoke, not about everything but finally you felt yourself able to open up about the pain that your family made you feel,  finally allowing it to free you in some sort of way.
You never knew when exactly it happened, maybe among the jealousy as the pair of boys fought over you, but you started to fall deeply for them. You confessed your feelings one night, after your name day celebrations. The suitors had been thrown on you, making you feel dizzy after all the dancing and chatter. When you finally escaped to your rooms with Aegon and Aemond, you realised there was no one else you wanted but them. The words spilled from your lips that night and both Aemond and Aegon reassured you with heated kisses and passionate touching as they took you to bed.
You married both of them a few nights later under the moon and the stars. Eventually you fell pregnant with your first child and you had to confess to everyone especially the Queen and King.
While the alliance between you and Aegon was a shock to Alicent's very core, she realised the advantages to it, not that she would ever admit that to you. She wasn't happy that you married the pair of them and did argue that you could only confess to one marriage to the public. Aemond never minded, he knew that he was in your heart constantly and beside you in your bed every night, who cares if people didn't know you were married. The suspicions were there anyway, the servants and knights seeing the way you clung to both of the princes.
You were happy, contended in life.
Until you saw a familiar face walking in the gardens of Kings Landing, one that you didn't think you see for a long time.
"Princess," Lord Vaemond greeted you, bowing slightly as he stopped.
You stood mouth parting as you found no words for a moment. "I'm so sorry Lord Vaemond, I had no idea you were here," you told him, eyes wide as you looked him up and down.
"I'm sorry that you have not been informed. I'm sure you'll be seeing your mother and brothers soon though," he told you, acting as if it was common knowledge.
Your stomach fell into knots as your face dropped slightly but you tried to cover it with a smile. "Important business I assume. I must get back to my husband, please do excuse me Lord Vaemond."
You were furious as you stormed the halls of the Red Keep, your guardsman trying to ask if you were okay but you just waved your hand at him unable to answer.
Once you reached your shared quarters, you were pointed into the direction of your daughters room by Ser Erryk. You nodded and gave him a quick smile before you stepped in. You were quiet as you closed the door behind you, noticing how Aegon read to Daenys, your daughter, a story. Her gentle snores relaxed you as you watched how Aegon pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before walking over to you.
He grinned widely taking your hand in his as he dragged you out of the room. Aegon could sense your tense body, he had seen all your emotions over the years and could tell how upset you were now. But he didn't dare question it in front of Daenys, not wanting to frighten her.
"My love," Aegon said, wide eyes looking at you with concern. "You seem unwell."
You yanked him into your shared rooms, slamming the door behind you to make sure you had privacy.
"Did you know?" You interrogated him, pushing against his chest with your fists. Your voice laced with venom and anger. "Did you?"
"Know what?" He asked, grabbing your wrists into his hands.
"That my mother is coming because of something with Lord Vaemond," you said, voice dropping at the thought.
Aegon could see the pain and sadness that still lingered there, body trembling and eyes brimmed with tears. "It might of been mentioned in one of the council meetings," Aegon confessed, trying to rack his mind back. "But you know how I don't listen to anything in there. If I had remembered, I would have warned you."
You pulled yourself away from him, shaking your head in disbelief. You felt that dagger back again, twisting it's way in your stomach now as you hauled yourself over a bucket. A sickening taste rose up your throat as you puked into the bucket, collapsing to your knees.
Aegon ran to your side as he stroked your back helping you get everything up. "This stress isn't good for the baby." He turned his head to the door voice shouting now as he called, "I need a Maestor, now."
The door barged open, Aemond sprinting in upon hearing Aegon's voice through the door.
"What is it? What's happened?" Aemond was quick to ask, running to your side.
"She heard her mother is coming and she's worked herself up over it," Aegon told him, still hovering over your frame with deep worry in his eyes.
It wasn't long before a Maestor came, prescribing you some herbal calming tea that could help with the sickness and stress. But he was quick to tell both Aemond and Aegon to get rid of the cause.
Not really much they could do when the cause was your mother.
Aemond slipped into bed beside you, hand resting over your bump as he tried to comfort you. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you."
You tried to push him away, wanting to be angry with him in the moment. Anger was easier than sadness, the latter just reminded you that you still weren't over the years of abandonment you felt.
"My love," Aemond sighed, pulling your back to his chest. "It is not good for you to shut us out like this. It is okay to be mad at us but please do not bottle up your emotions."
"Talk to us," Aegon chimed in, sliding in in front of you. His hand reached out to cup your face, thumb rubbing against the skin of your cheek.
"You can't make me see them again," you stammered, tears pouring from your eyes as you looked between them. "I won't do it. I wanted to forget about them like they forgot about me. Here is my safe haven and there very presence threatens to destroy that."
Aemond's hand rubbed up and down your arm, trying to soothe your trembling body. "We won't force you to do anything. You can do things when you are ready or not at all."
"The queen will make me see her." You shook your head at the thought, feeling like you were that little girl pleading for her mother to take you back to Dragon Stone. "I just know it."
"I will talk to mother," Aemond said.
Each day passed, your nerves erratic as you practically kept to your rooms scared for the arrival. When you did venture outside your quarters, you'd find yourself jumping into empty closet rooms at the sound of someone walking down the hallway. Your personal guardsman had started to find you very amusing, sometimes even hiding with you not to alert whoever was walking down the hall.
Today it happened on your way to the gardens, hearing the voices of chuckles from the around the corner and you scampered into an empty room. Your personal guardsman caught off guard, didn't follow you this time but did wait outside the door until the coast was clear.
The door opened slightly, Aegon's head poking in with a wide grin.
"What are you doing?" He jested, stepping into the room.
"Hiding," you stated, leaning against some old book shelves. "Clearly."
Aegon poked his head out, pulling someone into the room with him. It was Aemond who was shaking his head with a smile that matched Aegon's as he noticed you.
"This isn't funny," you hissed at them, fingers rubbing at your temples.
"This is kind of funny," Aegon joked, closing the door behind him.
"What's not funny is the stress that you are causing yourself," Aemond said, tutting as he walked up to you. "You are constantly looking over your shoulder paranoid that they will be there."
Aegon's body pressed up against your back while Aemond pressed against your front, both trapping you between them.
"Let us take your mind else where," Aegon suggested, licking at your neck as he started to grope at your ass through your dress.
"In here?" You turned to look at Aegon, only for him to catch your lips with his in a heated kiss. You shifted around, facing Aegon.
"Yes in here," Aemond whispered, fingers undoing the laces of your dress. His mouth hovered over the skin of your neck, making the skin prickle in delight until he finally smothered it in kisses. He started to make a trail, licking and sucking as he peeled your dress off of you, making his way down your back.
As soon as your dress was pooling at your waist, Aegon attacked your breasts, firmly wrapping his lips around your nipple. He used his hand to play with your other tit, pinching at your nipple, massaging the skin of your tit. You whimpered at the feeling, head leaning back into Aemond's shoulder as you did.
Aemond covered your mouth with his own, licking his tongue into your mouth to find yours as he gripped onto the back of your head to deepen the kiss.
It was Aegon that ripped your dress completely off of you, getting frustrated with the material between your bodies. His fingers instantly dove to your cunt, coating his fingers in your slick as he slid it around. He found your clit, pinching it which had you gasping into Aemond's mouth.
"You're so wet for us," Aegon chuckled, fingers finally sliding against where you desperately needed him. He circled your clit, moving slowly as he got you worked up. "Brother, you really should feel how wet she is."
Aemond hummed, hand sliding down as his fingers grazed the skin of your ass before he placed it betweeen your thighs. His fingers prodded at your entrance, teasing you with them. "She is so very wet, so easy for me to slip in." That he did, fingers slipping into your spongy walls with ease as you moaned out at the feeling.
With both of boys working on your cunt, you weren't sure how much longer you'd hold out. Aegon's free hand grabbed the back of your face, yanking you towards him in a heated kiss. His forehead rested against yours when he pulled away, eyes dilated with a deep hunger as he stared at you.
"I want to look upon your face as you cum on our fingers," Aegon confessed, quickening his fingers as they worked against you.
You held Aegon's gaze, as you felt your walls flutter around Aemond's fingers. "Oh heavens," you cried out, cumming hard without warning. Your hand grabbed a hold of Aegon's shoulder, both their bodies holding up as you rode out your orgasm.
"That's it, angel." Aegon's hands slowed down as he brought you in for another kiss.
Aemond pulled his fingers out of you, giving you a soft slap to his ass. "I think she's ready."
Aegon peered at Aemond over your shoulder, snearing at him. "Maybe for you brother."
Aemond proceeded to ignore him, pushing you down by your back, lifting your hips up as he carried you over to a table. He had you kneeling on the table, perfect height as your ass pressed into his crotch. You arched your hips back into him, rubbing your cunt against him and leaving a wet patch on his trousers.
"Needy little thing aren't you," Aemond mocked, grabbing your ass cheeks with his hands. He parts them slightly bending down to lick a stripe against your cunt, humming in delight at the taste. "Tell me, what do you want from me, wife?"
"Fuck me, please," you pleaded, arching your ass back into his face. "I need you."
His hand slapped your ass, soothing it over with a kiss. You heard him undoing his trousers, his cock springing up and hitting your slit. He rubbed it up and down, eliciting a whimper from you as it prodded against your entrance.
"Please, Aemond." You looked back at him, sticking your bottom lip out as you pouted.
He shoved his cock in, letting out a guttural groan as your walls clenched around him. He rutted his hips into yours, using his grip on your ass cheeks to fuck into you.
You completely forgot your whereabouts, lewd moans escaping your mouth as you grinded your hips back into him. Your eyes squeezed shut, hand grabbing the end of the table to ground yourself, so overcome with pleasure you found yourself slipping into the seven heavens with the way you felt.
"I think she's going to come again," Aegon teased, coming to stand in front of you. He gripped your hair, turning your head to look at Aemond. "I want you to stare at Aemond while you cum. He needs to see how he makes you feel."
Aemond stared down at you, eyes completely blown out and his mouth agape as he groaned. His fingers grazed your back, moving around your front till he reached your cunt.
"Look at you so brain dead as my brother fucks you," Aegon taunted, rubbing himself over his trousers. "Just desperately waiting for release."
His words rung true, your mind blank as you whimpered.
"Cum for me," Aemond demanded, feeling how close you were.
You were brought to the edge, your core clenching hard around him as you you came, pulling his own orgasm from him. His pace became sloppy as he spilt into you, hot cum painting your walls. His pace slowed down, slipping out of you as his cum dripped out of your cunt.
"Finished already, brother," Aegon chuckled, pushing his brother away to get behind you.
Aemond punched him on his shoulder to shut him up, having Aegon hiss as he massaged the sore spot on his chest. Aemond just rolled his eyes at his older brother, moving to the side of the room.
Aegon flipped your body over, back on the table so you could look up at him. He pulled you up, chest to chest as he kissed you. "By the time I'm done with you, dear wife, I would have fucked another babe into you."
You giggled, arms wrapping around the back of his neck. "That's not possible if I'm already pregnant."
He nestled his head into the side of your neck, sucking and nibbling on your throat. "You'll see what I mean," he whispered against your skin.
Aegon grabbed his cock, only yanking down his trousers slightly, his thick cock resting against your slit.  He rested his forehead against yours as his arm wrapped around your back, supporting you.
"Put it in for me," Aegon directed, guiding your hand towards his cock. Your legs wrapped around him, pulling him towards you as you centred his cock at your entrance. You moaned together as he slid in, feeling full again as your walls hugged him. "Gods, that's my good wife."
He gently placed you down back against the table, hovering over you as he did. He kissed you roughly, pressing himself deeper into you as he started to fuck you at an agonisingly slow pace. He lifted himself, breaking away from your lips as he watched your tits with a wide grin.
Your tits bounced for him as he fucked into you hard, making sure to come all the way out and back in. You were gasping, grabbing onto his hand as you gripped it tightly.
"Faster please," you begged, not being able to take the slowness anymore.
"I like it when you beg." Aegon leaned down, his lips turning up into a mischievous grin. "Do it again."
"Please, Aegon. I want it so badly," you pleaded desperately, holding onto his arms.
His hips started to pound into you ruthlessly, moaning into your lips as he rested on top of you. You were so lost in him, consumed by him as you started moaning obscenities from your lips.
Suddenly, the door opened, familiar voices pouring into the room. Your head snapped round to look, trying to wriggle free as you caught sight of your mother stood there.
Rhaneyera's mouth hung up, staring at the pair of you with utter shock. Next to her was Daemon, a scowl on his lips.
Aegon didn't stop his movements, holding you down with the weight of his body as he stared at Rhaneyera. "Sister," he chuckled, kissing the side of your face as she glared at the pair of you.
Aemond stood in front of the pair of you, pushing his way out and closing the door behind him. "We must not disturb the married couple," he said, the smirk evident in his cheery tone.
"Aegon." You looked up at him, wide eyes with panic. "Stop-" the sound of swords being drawn was heard "-stop now."
He peeled himself off of you, groaning as he quickly pulled his trousers up. You followed him scampering to get your dress back on, not bothering with the laces as you held it close to your body.
Aegon yanked the door open, covering your body with his as he stepped out.
The guards were stood between Aemond and Daemon, both with swords out ready to fight. Luckily Alicent stormed round the corner, the Queen stopping the commotion immediately.
"What is going on?" Alicent asked, standing by the side of Aemond.
"Your son defiles my child, that's what is going on," Rhaneyera shouted, gesturing to you and Aegon at the door.
"Children please return to your chambers," Alicent ordered, eyes following you all as you walked away. "It seems I need to catch up our guests on some matters."
Your heart was pounding out of your chest once you returned to your rooms, falling onto the bed in a heap. Aegon joined you, ripping away at your clothes that were still not tied up. He was still hard as he pressed himself against you, easily slipping in to your core as he pushed himself into you.
"Aegon, really," you gasped, hips arching into him. "After all that just happened."
"I still need to cum," he told you, pounding his hips into yours. "Besides I think if me and Aemond kept fucking you, keeping you so docile like this, there would be no second for you to have to worry."
You couldn't help it as your lips turned up into a smile, his words amusing you. "I like that idea."
He pushed your legs, wrapping them around his shoulders to reach a deep angle, laughing menacingly as you moaned beneath him. Tears brimmed your eyes as he carried on fucking you, not knowing if you could handle the feeling anymore.
Within seconds you were cumming, your core pulsating around Aegon's cock. His lips hovered on top of yours, moans escaped both of your mouths as he came on top of you, filling you to the very brim. He held you there, not sliding out as he collapsed onto you. Both of you tried to catch your breath as you looked at each other.
"I forgot how good your cunt feels when you cum," Aegon hummed, unwrapping your legs to allow you comfort. "You could make any man cum within seconds with that cunt."
"My love," Aemond's voice called to you, sat on the other side of the room. He looked up at the pair of you and looked back down as he noticed Aegon's ass. "Brother, would you mind moving so I could look at Y/N?"
Aegon sighed, thinking for a second as he looked down at you. He moved, pulling you with him as he flipped your positions, still staying buried deep inside you. You sat up to look at Aemond, grinning widely as you clenched your walls around Aegon's cock making him groan.
Aemond stood up, striding over to you in long steps. He cupped your face with his hand as he reached you, giving you a gentle smile as his thumb brushed over your lips. "I'm going to go check on the little ones and then to training if that's okay with you? Aegon can keep your mind off of things in here." He pressed a soft kiss to your lips as you nodded.
Of course, Aegon had to steal the moment pressing his hips up to elicit a moan from you.
"Of course, my husband," you said, pulling him in for a deeper kiss.
Unfortunately, Aegon wasn't having any of it as he repeated his actions laughing as you broke the kiss to whimper in Aemond's mouth. Aemond glared down at him, shaking his head.
"Sorry, brother but you know you could always stay and join us," Aegon jested, fingers grazing the skin of your stomach.
"Childish," Aemond retorted, giving you a sweet smile as he walked off.
You turned to Aegon, slapping his chest as you scolded him. "Be kind to your brother."
The door closed behind Aemond, leaving you and Aegon alone.
"I was just trying to entice him," Aegon stated, rocking his hips up into yours. "I know how you like it when we both take turns fucking you. But you know I love it when I get you to myself."
"That you do." You smirked, biting down on your lip.
His hands gripped on your thighs, helping you go faster as you started to ride him. He stared admiringly at your tits as they bounced up and down for him. "Gods, you are so fucking beautiful."
Aegon loved reading to his daughter at night or even listening as you or Aemond did it. Pampering your children in love felt like it made up for the years of neglect he felt himself growing up. He also found he wasn't as great with babies and he didn't like to hold your son, Aenar, much, scared to not hold his head up right.
That's what Aemond was good for, cradling Aenar till he fell asleep. From the crib, Aegon could watch, cooing at him as he brushed a finger gently down his face.
"Brother," Aemond called from the door, stepping in to the room.
Aegon placed his forefinger on his lips as he hushed Aemond, closing the book he had been reading in his lap. He places a fallen strand of hair behind Daenys' ear and a gentle kiss to her cheek before he strides over to his brother.
"How is Y/N?" Aemond asked, opening the door for his brother.
"I must say I definitely exhausted her," Aegon said, very proud of himself. "She's knocked out."
They both walked together into your shared chambers, Aegon taking a seat by the table while Aemond made his way to the bed. You were curled up into the bed, gentle snores filling the room as Aemond approached you.
Aemond stared down at you, a frown sat on his lips as his fingers played with your curls. "She's going to hate me tomorrow."
"Why is that?" Aegon questioned, pouring two glasses of wine.
"Because mother wants us to show a family united tomorrow." Aemond shook his head. "Our older sister has also requested to see her daughter and grandchildren tomorrow. Apparently the king has approved it and there really isn't anything I could argue to get it stopped."
"Fuck." Aegon handed his brother a cup of wine.
"I was hoping she could just rest here." Aemond took a sip of the wine, turning to look at his brother now. His eyebrows furrowed, taking in the sight of what Aegon was wearing. "Is that Y/N's night gown?"
Aegon looked down at the gown and nodded. "It's super comfortable brother." He grinned striding over to the bed on the other side of you. "You should try it sometime."
"Aemond," you whispered, eyes fluttering open to your husbands' voices. You shifted your body, turning to him as you reached out your hand. "Come to bed, my love."
Aemond stripped himself of him clothes while Aegon slipped in behind you. Aemond pulled you onto his chest as he got in the bed, letting his finger trail over your stomach. Your hand reached back, pulling Aegon closer to your back as he wrapped his arms around your body.
Within moments you'd fall asleep like that, content in each others arms.
You were woken the next morning to kisses being pressed to your face as a hand snaked it's way between your legs. You were still so sensitive from your antics with Aegon that you hissed when two fingers rubbed against your clit. Your thighs instinctively snapping shut on someone's arm, looking down to notice Aemond between your legs.
"My love, it is so early." You said, opening your legs slightly to allow him entrance.
"I know but unfortunately today we all need to be up early," Aemond said, in his croaky morning voice. His breath fanned across your cunt making you hiss at the sensation.
"Why?" You asked, sitting yourself up on your pillows.
"I hoped to tell you after I brought you to pleasure," he said, cutting you off from saying more as his tongue reached for your cunt. He lapped at your folds, licking up the juices that rested there.
Of course you were wet already, having Aegon prodding his cock against your side all night left you like this.
He sucked on your clit, holding your hips down as you tried to grind on his face. You whined at his slow pace, your stomach already tingling from how over sensitive it was.
Aegon woke next to you, eyes peering to see what was going on before turning over for more sleep. You laughed at his reaction, shaking your head as you looked down at Aemond who was grinning against you.
You moaned as his tongue worked faster against you, arching your back slightly as you found yourself coming close to the edge. His hands reached up to your tits, pinching your nipples with his fingers. Within seconds your thighs squeezed around him, pleasure washing over you in a rush as you cried out to him. You were seeing stars as you gripped onto the sheets, feeling like you were about to black out.
Eventually you opened your eyes again, wincing when Aemond brought you a soft towel to clean you up. He was gazing down at you with a smile that was wavering as he opened his mouth to speak.
"I have to see my family, don't I?" You asked, face sinking at the thought.
Aemond nodded, sighing deeply as he moved to pick you up on. He lifted you up off the bed pulling you into him as he shifted positions, having you sit on his lap. You hid your face in his shoulder, tears escaping your eyes as you held him close to you.
"I'm sorry," Aemond whispered, fingers dancing up and down your back. "We all have to go to the throne room today but you won't have to speak to anyone there. However, Rhaneyera has demanded to see you and our children afterwards  and she went to father which of course he agreed to."
You felt another hand rub your thigh, realising Aegon must of got up due to your crying.
"I will be with you the whole time," Aegon said, trying to reassure you. "And Aemond will be standing just outside the door."
You lifted your head up slightly to look at them.
"Anyway you are a dragon, my love," Aemond told you, wiping the tears from your cheeks. "You have the strength of a dragon and courage. Do not let them make you feel any less than them because you are more than all of them combined."
Aemond's word stuck with you through the morning and while at first you felt as if you were going to puke from nerves as you walked through the halls, your stomach settled as you realised they could do you no actual harm.
You held onto Aegon's side in the throne room, eyes glaring over to the other side as you noticed your family. A part of you grew sad at how much your brothers had grown of the years, you barely recognised them. But even that thought turned sour, reminding yourself how that opportunity to grow up with your siblings had been ripped away from you.
As you glared at Daemon and Rhaneyera on the other side of the room, your heart filled with anger and hatred, for all the pain they had caused you over the years.
You were quick to return to your quarters after Daemon swung his sword through Vaemond, leaving your stomach in wretches as you almost hurled on the floor. You gathered your strength up in your chambers but still your skin crawled as you waited for your mother.
It wasn't until the afternoon that your mother arrived, your guardsman opening the door to let her in. The silence lingered in the air for a while as the servants poured you wine and plated food on the table.
Daenys toddled over to Rhaneyera, poking at the end of her dress. Your mother gleamed at her, leaning down towards her.
"And who you might be?" Rhaneyera asked, reaching out to stroke her hair.
You were quick to pull Daenys away, placing her on your hip as you gave a tight lipped smile to your mother. "This is Daenys," you introduced, stroking your daughters hair. "Named after the dreamer that-"
"Saved us from the doom of Valyria," Rhaneyera finished, hand stroking against your face. "I'm guessing you named your son Aenar as well after her father." You nodded. "You were always fond of the stories of old Valyria as a child."
"If it wasn't for that dream, none of us would be standing where we are today." Your eyes welled with tears at your mother's soft touch.
A hand pressed to your shoulder and your attention was brought to Aegon. He wrapped an arm protectively around your back as he smiled down at you. "My love, shall we sit."
Rhaneyera retreated a hand from you, scowling at Aegon now. "May I speak to my daughter alone?"
You looked up at Aegon who was opening his mouth with a smirk evident on his lips.
"Husband." You cut him off, handing Daenys over to him. "Please take the children, I will talk with my mother alone."
"Are you sure?" Aegon asked you, eyes wide with concern.
You smiled up at him, nodding. Aegon pressed a long kiss to your forehead. As he turned to his sister staring, he reached down to your lips giving you a heated kiss. He stared at his sister as he slowly broke the kiss and finally departed the room.
Rhaneyera reached out grabbing your hands as she looked at you with fear in her eyes. "Return with me to Dragonstone," she whispered, pulling your hands up to her chest. "You'll be safe there from my brothers, I assure you that."
You furrowed your brows and laughed, confused at her reaction. It took you a second to realise what she meant by it.
"I chose to marry Aegon and Aemond," you told her, ripping your hands from her. "It was me that confessed my love to them first and it was me that convinced them to marry me."
"Why?" Rhaneyera asked, squinting her eyes at you.
"Because I love them."
"Because they've been there for me when no one else has," you shouted defensively, stepping away from your mother. "Because when I was alone here and lost, they comforted me through it all. Through all the pain and sadness."
"This can't be," she protested, holding onto a chair for support. "They turned you against me and married you to Aegon so they could-"
"No." You pointed your finger at her, shaking your head. Tears brimmed at you eyes as you tried to ignore the lump in your throat, swallowing it down. "The only person that turned me against you, was you. You when you conspired with your husband to leave me here. You when you ignored every single letter I sent begging you to take me back to Dragon Stone."
You brought your hand to your mouth trying to hold yourself together.
Rhaneyera just stared at you completely speechless.
"Aegon comforted me on nights when I would lie sobbing in my beds. He'd tell me jokes and take my mind off of the pain I was feeling," you confessed, hands reaching over your swelling stomach. "Aemond listened to me when I needed someone to talk to, reassuring me it wasn't my fault you abandoned me. That it wasn't something I did."
"I'm sorry." Rhaneyera stepped closer to you to reach out to you. "I am truly-"
"Get out," you shouted, flinching away from her. "You have seen me and my children but I do not need your apologies or an explanation for why you did what you did. I made my peace with it and I am happy here. This is my home now, Aegon and Aemond are my home."
"I see," Rhaneyera said, walking towards the door. She looked back at you for a second, a shared look of pain in your eyes as you stared at each other.
But you turned away, looking anywhere but her.
Dinner was no better than you thought it could be. Every time your name was mentioned or a comment was thrown your way, one of your husbands would defend you mercilessly. A wide grin spread on your face at how they protected you at all costs. Luckily you missed the commotion, returning to your chambers once the king had been sent to bed.
When you reached your quarters, you helped put your children to bed, hoping that they didn't feel you had neglected them after the last few nights. But Daenys smiled at your presence, curling up to you as you told her a story.
Then you returned to your own chambers, hoping it wouldn't be long before your husbands were back. Your servants undressed you helping you into the thin night dress you picked out. A dress that was practically see through in the candle light.
You sat on the bed, waiting for your husbands to return.
Both of them stormed in together, smirks on their faces as they stepped in. They were both laughing together, something you hardly ever saw.
"Husbands," you called, directing the attention towards you. "You seem to be very happy, should I be concerned?"
Aemond was first one to greet you, yanking your body towards him as he gripped the sides of your face. He gave you a searing kiss, mouth practically sucking yours.
"Let's just say we defended you gallantly against your family," Aegon boasted, heading straight for the wine on the table.
Aemond wasn't letting up as he pressed you down into the bed, hands grabbing at any part of your body he could get to. "I need you," Aemond told you, parting your legs so he could push his hard on against you.
"Take me," you directed him, helping him out of his clothes. "I want to show you both how proud you've made me tonight."
With your help, Aemond's clothes were peeled off in moments and your night gown was ripped apart in his hands. He held your thighs down to the bed as he climbed above you, cock prodding against your entrance. Without warning he shoved it in, making you gasp in delight as he bottomed out. Within seconds he was pounding into you furiously, not caring that he hadn't prepared you like he normally did.
"Aemond," you whimpered, your cunt squeezing him for dear life.
"I'm not going to last long," Aemond grunted, head resting against yours to look at you. His hips snapped into you like never before, pushing you to something you never felt before. "Gods, this cunt is gripping me so fucking much."
His cock was hitting a certain spot inside you, making you unable to speak as only whines and whimpers fell off your tongue. You felt something overtake you as your pussy clenched around him, a sensation you had never felt before as you squirted on his dick. It sent him over the edge, his cock squirting inside of you, filling you to the very brim.
Aemond collapsed on top of you, nestling his head in the crook of your neck as he relaxed.
"What was that?" You asked, not knowing what had just came out of your body.
"I don't know," Aemond said, kissing your neck. "But I liked it. Maybe we should make you do it again."
You giggled, wrapping your legs around him instinctively.
"Do what again?" Aegon questioned, peering around the bed to look at you both. He already stripped down most of his clothes, only his night pants.
"Just our wife's spectacular cunt draining me of my cum," Aemond jested, rubbing his cock up and down your folds.
"Time to move, brother." Aegon tried to push him but Aemond slapped his hand away.
"You had her all of yesterday, I think you can allow me to have her the rest of the night."
"You were more than welcome to join yesterday but you didn't so-"
"Would you both stop," you laughed, pushing Aemond up slightly. "You can share." You crawled to the end of the bed, forefinger motioning for Aegon to come to you. "Come here."
Aegon pressed his lips onto yours as you felt Aemond start to toy with your ass. You broke your kiss, biting down on your bottom lip as you looked up at Aegon seductively. You positioned yourself, back arching with your ass stuck out for Aemond and your head at the end of the bed as your hands reached out to Aegon.
"Now let me show you how proud I am of you," you whispered, pulling Aegon's cock out of his trousers.
Your licked at his head, tasting the salty pre cum there as you hummed in delight. You opened your mouth, taking him in as you started to suck on him, hand stroking the parts you couldn't manage.
Aemond positioned himself behind you, sliding into you again. The pleasure of his cock pushing into you had you moaning around Aegon's cock. Aegon moaned at the sensation, your mouth now vibrating around him.
Each time you needed breath, you'd pull away an attachment of saliva from Aegon's cock connecting to your lips. Aegon's hand gripped onto your hair for support, almost taking over as you took more of him.
"Fuck, Y/N," Aegon hissed, staring down at you completely entranced by the way you looked.
Aemond started to hit into you faster, hand reaching down between you as his fingers found your clit. He circled your sensitive nub, knowing how you'd moan out, practically screaming around Aegon's cock.
You grabbed onto Aegon's hips, taking him fully down your throat. You gagged every so slightly but never let up, allowing him to fuck your face as he thrusted himself in there.
With the feeling of your moans and the wetness of your mouth, Aegon came undone easily. His cum hitting the back of your throat as he spilt his load in your mouth. He pulled out, allowing you breath for the first time as cum dripped from your lips. He reached down using his hand to clean up your face, only to have you suck the remaining bits off of his fingers as you stared at him.
"With the way you're acting, I am going to get hard again," he admitted, pressing a soft peck to your lips.
Aemond quickened his pace, cock hitting into you unforgivingly. You were a wreck, eyes falling closed as you came undone. This time you weren't sure you could hold up, practically collapsing on the bed as Aemond held your hips up. It wasn't long before he came, his cum leaking from your hole when he pulled out.
You were exhausted, thinking you could last long. At last yesterdays antics caught up with you and you found yourself barely able to move.
Aemond pulled you up as Aegon peeled the covers up. Both of them together helped you get into bed as they slipped in beside you. Before they could say anything, you were asleep curled up in your favourite position.
And for a moment Aegon and Aemond shared a knowing look with each other, completely happy in their bliss with you. Both of them cuddling into you as they fell asleep beside you, finding solace in your warmth.
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cptrackham · 10 months
I am, at my CORE, a Black Sails fan, and more recently a TCW and codywan fan, and now I see there are pirate era AUs and LORDS is there no MERCY IN THIS WORLD -
But, now I know it's a thing, can I just share how important the Clone Troopers as a maroon colony is to me?
Men and women born and raised on plantations and colonies to defend the men that own them, to work the land and produce materials they're told is more valuable than they are, until they realise, this isn't worth the cost anymore
Men and women who choose their own names to distance themselves from what others had decided they were, to choose who they want to be. Sly Fox, hot-headed Boil, never-forgetting Echo. Some names are reclamations of the language of their oppressors - Coeur de Lion, Cody Lions. Rex, King.
Men and women who flee to find land they can call their own in the turbulent Caribbean, a land they call GAR/Guard/Garden, a reminder to not just defend, but to grow
They are not mindless slaves. They are people. And they will build their own culture.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Little Duck P2
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Media TMR
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating SMUT
After all the work was done and dinner devoured the boys began their fun plans for the evening, lighting up the bonfire, sharing gallys moonshine gars, wrestling in the sand all the usual boy business.
After a while of wondering and chatting, I found myself back where I wanted to be.
“Hi, you okay?” Newt asked
“Sleepy” I whined as I crawled into his lap as he leant against the log 
“Sleepy? You've barely done anything all day?” 
“I was busy in the garden shed wasn't I? 
“I suppose so” he smirked, “comfy?”
“Very comfy” I smiled 
“Good, cosy little duck” he cooed giving my cheek a secret kiss “How quiet do you think you can be?” he whispered
“Why?” I asked
“No reason” he smirked slipping his hand under my shorts as secretly as possible he wasted no time moving his fingers to stroke my clit and slip inside me two fingers moving in and out mercilessly while his thumb rubbed clockwise circles on my clit I did my best not to moan secretly opening my legs a little wider for him and leaning my head against his shoulder 
"Uhh" I gasped feeling a jolt of pleasure rush through me
“Nice and quiet little duck, else all the boys will come over wanting to watch you cum” 
"Maybe that might be fun,"
"Fun? You know they won't stop watching they'll want you on your knees for them." He smirked
"you'd protect me, just to keep me all to yourself"
"Humm you know me well little duck" He smirked speeding up his fingers 
"Uhh newt slow down"
"Why? I want you to cum. you can cum if I go slow"
"But it's too much"
"too much? Liar. you just don't wanna cum so hard you squirt through your cute little shorts"
"Maybe, but I'd rather just go to bed nice and early tonight"
"As soon as you cum, well go to bed" He smirked 
"Newt please" I whined as his hand sped up again but that was enough for me to clamp my hand over my mouth to hide my screams as my hips bucked up high and my back arched as the pleasure rushed through me aggressively digging my nails into his thigh as he kept going letting me ride it out 
"ohhhh yeah, what a good little duck" He cooed kissing my neck slowly with his hand and pulling it away licking his fingers clean I quickly tugged my hoodie down to hide the wet patch that formed in my little shorts "Go on go to bed I'll be there in a couple of minutes 
"Okay" I smiled
I got up and did my best to hide everything as I ran off through the glade back to my little shed house close to the dead heads, the moment I closed the door I fixed my bed from this morning, slipped off my hoodie, my shorts, my bra and my panties sitting on my bed naked waiting the few minutes until the door opened, newt quickly shut the door using a tie from the garden to knock the door by wrapping the door handle around the wall 
"Shall we?"
"Hell yeah little duck" He smirked as he crawled into my bed throwing his hoodie and shirt to the side as he pulled me into an intense kiss grabbing my breasts as he did fondling them as we kisses hard, he pulled away from my lips kissing down my neck and chest he pushed me down flat and took my nipple between his lips biting slightly before sucking hard 
“Uhh newt!” I gasped
“Quiet little duck.” He cooed as he swapped to the other nipple sucking rather hard on it flicking his tongue across the hard nipple while his hand came down one gripped my ass hard and the other slipped inside me fingering me with such aggression I did my best not to scream. I pushed him away a little and unlaced his pants tugging them off him and taking his hard erection in my hand making sure to stroke over him before I began to jerk my hand “uuhhhh! Bloody hell little duck - uhhh come on I love your sofa hands but we both know I want more then that” he smirked 
“You wanna more you better pay up” I smirked 
“Alright” he smirked grabbing my hips and forcing me down on my bed he forced my legs open and immediately burried his head between them holding my thighs open as wide as he could his lips found my clit kissing, and licking it slow at first but he soon began making out with me even sucking on my clit as his hand came and slipped two fingers back inside me often thrusting them in time with his sucking I had to hold the pillow over my head so I my gasps and screams wouldn't be heard as he was so merciless with me never giving me a moment of resbite. But as I glanced down at his smirking face as he caught my eye I noticed his hand had left my thigh to jerk himself off as he ate me out so I pushed him back and crawled over stroking my hand over his erection to replace his own and taking him back in my mouth “uuhhhhhh! Ughhhh! Bloody hell little duck! Uhh not to hard I'll cum!’ he whined pushing me away “I think you've wound me up enough today” he smirked pulling me into his lap “come on little duck”
“If you insist” I giggled pulling him into a kiss as I moved slightly so he slipped inside me and we both moaned into each others mouths as I held his shoulders and began to ride him he grabbed my ass hard digging his nails into my sore skin as I bounced faster and faster his hips often thrusting up to keep me in time and to make sure I felt good too I pressed my chest to his own as I bounced desperately getting faster and faster where I was getting desperate he could tell i was so quickly shifted us so I could lay in my back and he began ponding me so hard I was biting in his neck trying not to scream
“Yeah? That feel good little duck? You like it better when I fuck you?’
“I thought you liked when I ride you?” 
“I do, but you've been teasing me all day, we both need something a little more intense” he growled rubbing in my clit as he got even faster by now I knew I was close I could feel it building inside me 
“Uhhh newt please!” I begged and I suddenly hit my orgasm like brick wall luckily I covered my mouth with my hand as my back arched and I squirted down the bed newt kept going as the same pace almost unable to stop as I rode our my orgasm and suddenly he pulled out and came across my stomach
“Shuck-” he groans collapsing in the bed with me as we laid covered in sweat exhausted gasping for air, slowly but surely as we relaxed we cuddled up wrapping our arms around each other and pepering kisses as we got nice and cosy under my blanket
“Newt?” I asked as I nuzzled into his chest
“Why do you call me little duck?” “What?”
“Why do you call me that? You don’t call anyone else that? You barely use my name”
“Ohh… uhhh I don’t know”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“I don't know I've just always called you little duck? I can't really explain its just even before I knew your name when Alby pulled you out the box I just kinda knew I called you little duck so that's what I call you. It’s like the president in my head for you, when I think of you I think little duck” He shrugs 
“Does it bother you?”
“No, I think it's cute”
“I do too,” he smiled giving me a little kiss “Now I need to get back to my hammock”
“Awwww” I whined as he sat up
“I’m sorry little duck” he cooed giving me a kiss “But you know I’m not back in my hammock by lights out alby will turn the glade up looking for me”
“I know, I just wish you could stay and cuddle some nights”
“Soon I promise” he reassured giving me a sweet kiss before he got himself dressed “You get to bed”
“I will, goodnight Newt”
“Goodnight y/n. Sleep well little duck” He smiled before he headed out and off to his own hammock.
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gretahayes · 1 year
more core four repair shop au thoughts;
the fixing shop gives very much cosy small candy shop vibes despite it being like...two stories tall and a mix of a woodworking station, a metalworking station, a forge, a car mechanic, a tech store, a tailor store, a toy store, a library (tim and bart like to read and go through reading material fast, so they figured they may as well), and a sort of bakery.
(it's only a bakery when kon keeps everyone else out of the kitchen (yes they have a kitchen, keep up) for long enough to bake successfully. if he succeeds, you get whatever new recipe he tried out that day, or the old reliables. the old reliables come out when he's having a busy or rough day and wants something low-effort and comforting.)
(also, he doesn't sell what he bakes. he gives them out. unless you've got three hours to argue over paying, you're getting it for free.)
it's got a big winding staircase leading up to the second storey and just like a hole. smackdab in the middle of the store, so they can lean over the railing and yell to each other
it's also much bigger on the inside than the outside. how? magic. (when the core four says this, locals laugh and take it as a joke. it is not a joke. they now owe zatanna a favor)
new branches are constantly being added, and new stuff. one day they picked up crocheting and suddenly there was crocheted stuff for sale. anita popped by and for a few days, second hand kid toys/clothes were offered.
it's not a cafe but they've got a good coffee machine, a lot of mugs, the Good Coffee™, and all know how to make good drinks. if you've got a few bucks to spare, it's heavenly.
tim fixes cameras sometimes :) he's had a lot of cameras through his lifetime and marvels at antiques, well-loved cameras, and newer models all the same.
cassie fixes weapons! cosplayers and people who just have weapons on hand come to the shop, drop it off, and a day/week later their weapon is fixed.
if you come when cissie's visiting, she'll help you with your bow.
traya visits with flowers and is a very chatty and helpful salesperson for the day until she's got to go back home. she also refuses to "sell" stuff without collecting any money.
bart knows how to do almost everything so he does a lot of the work, but it keeps him busy and there's a lot of different stuff to be fixed so he never gets bored.
when asked by the titans or the jla members they're related to/mentor them how it's going, they usually only tell the hero stuff, which is wild because Small Town Nonsense, so the justice league is like oh my God???? are you guys okay over there?? are you sure you don't need help??
they're like no we're living our peaceful cottagecore dream literally fuck off??
justice league: you got dismembered yesterday??
core four: the demon was just a scared kid, plus they gave us our limbs back, it's literally fine.
justice league: we don't think-
core four: we're about plant a garden. fuck off.
the titans at least visit Sometimes (dick, donna and wally obviously, but they won't object to a visit from kori or vic or gar) so they know the core four are happy and mostly vibing so they don't have many protests.
sometimes they've got baby heroes their shop, jai and irey poking around, damian petting their emotional support dog (her name is buddy. she is not a trained emotional support dog but she is very good at listening. she's part golden retriever and part princess of hell. don't ask.), assorted speedsters and arrowfam teens coming and going.
their town (and shop because they've got an alien, a speedster, and a demigod. it's a cauldron of magic) is sort of at the point where the dimensional barrier is sort of...thin? so sometimes they've got other versions of baby heroes in their shop, just chilling until they can get them back home.
on one notable occasion, they've had a teen mar'i, a toddler jackson hyde, a pre-teen cerdian and robbie, and a six-year-old chris kent all at the same time. that's the most like parents they've ever felt.
tim knew they'd all end up crashing in one bed so he just bought like...an alaskan king size bed in one room then regular beds in the others. he was not going to lie to himself.
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genderdryad · 1 year
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gar/garden pronoun flag!
pls credit me if you use- thnx!
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 months
The days we have at night
Garfield Logan X Male Reader
Request - Garfield Logan x poison ivy male reader, Gar being absolutely mesmerized by how beautiful reader looks.
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Garfield is patrolling the city alone and it's a slow night. He is on the roof and he starts to look down and not many people out tonight. Then he heard a loud noise coming from the laboratory owned by Lex Luthor. Garfield transformed into a cheetah and starts to run towards the laboratory. He noticed the fire on the tenth floor, then he transformed into a hawk and starts to fly. Once inside he transformed back to himself.
He walked towards the vault and you turned around. He is smitten by your looks and he gives you a small smile.
“And who are you?” You asked.
“My-my… my well my…”
“Do you have a stuttering problem? You do know they have therapy for that” You said.
You start to walk away then he starts to follow you.
“My name is Beast Boy! But I have to take you to jail” Garfield said.
You smiled and he likes your smile.
“Sorry, but that won't happen. I hate that big companies don't use their resources to help people. So I'm taking it so I can help people” You said.
“What’s your name?” Garfield asked.
You used your powers to control the plants from the lab. Garfield transformed into an animal and starts to rip the plants apart, but you managed to escape. He runs outside to try and find you but you are far gone.
“Damn!” Garfield mumbled.
You got away and you go to your hideout. Garfield can't stop thinking about and that was the first time he met you.
Days and nights went by… Garfield kept hoping he would run into you. He doesn't know much about you, the only thing he knows is that you can control plants. Then he starts to think about how to search for you.
“Dick, can I use the bat cave computer to do research on someone?” Garfield asked
“Yeah, sure. Bruce is away so he won't be back until next week but I will let Alfred know that you will go to the bat cave” Dick said.
“Thanks!” Garfield smiled.
Hours later… Garfield went to the Batcave and starts to do research. First, he looked up Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley aka Poison Ivy. She is connected to you then he clicked on your profile. He starts to read your profile and it's kinda long, your picture is on the screen and he takes a picture of it with his phone.
“Who is that?” Dick asked
That made Garfield jump and his heart is racing.
“You scared me!” Garfield said.
“Sorry,” Dick said.
“That is Y/n. I'm trying to find him” Garfield said.
“Why?” Dick asked.
“Why are you here?” Garfield asked.
“I thought you would need my help, but I guess not. Looks like he went to Arkham Asylum a while back but -” Dick said
“I’m done. I got what I need but thanks” Garfield said.
He walks away and Dick turns off the computer. Garfield went home and he is looking at your picture and he hopes to find you again.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
Garfield knew where all the bad guys hang out, but he couldn't just go in. So, he asked for a favor from the bartender and he agreed to it. He told Garfield where you will be next and Garfield knows the place. He starts to get ready then he starts to brush his hair. Now, Garfield puts on cologne that he stole from Dick because he always buys expensive brands. He left and headed to Gotham Botanical Garden and He is feeling nervous.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“To stop you from stealing,” Garfield said.
“I didn't steal anything. I'm just here to take what is mine” You said.
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” Garfield smiled.
“I thought you were going to arrest me,” You said.
“I’m here alone. I have been trying to find out because I really like you, Y/n. I was hoping we can get to know each other and stuff” Garfield said.
“Wow, I didn't expect this to happen,” You said.
“It took a while for me to find you. So?” Garfield said.
“Okay, I will go on a date with you,” You said.
“Awesome!” Garfield smiled.
You used the plants to tie him up.
“What are you doing?” Garfield asked.
“I will still go on the date with you, but I couldn't risk you stopping me from stealing,” You said.
You walked by him and took his phone from his pocket. Then you typed in your phone number then put it back in his pocket.
“You should put a code in your phone,” You said.
“Bye, Y/n” Garfield smiled.
You walked away but eventually, the plants let him go.
You met Garfield at the carnival. When he saw you, he couldn't stop smiling at you. He did stutter a little bit but you want to get to know him. While walking, he gently grabbed your hand. He is happy that you will let him hold your hand.
“They do sell veggie pizza. Do you like vegan food?” Garfield said.
“Yeah, I have tried a few vegan foods. It's hard to find a decent place in Gotham” You said.
“I know what you mean,” Garfield said.
You and Garfield start to eat the vegan pizza. After that, you and Garfield went to play a few games. You and Garfield get in the bumper cars and you are having fun with him.
Later, you and Garfield went to play basketball. You tried to win a plush shark but you lost
“Don’t worry I will win it for you” Garfield smiled.
You watch him play and he did miss the first shot. But in the end, he did win the plush shark for you.
“Thanks. You are really good at basketball. And I'm having fun with you tonight” You said.
“Me too, Y/n. I'm really glad you said yes to the date. I was so nervous to ask you” Garfield smiled.
You and Garfield are smiling at each other. Later, you and Garfield sat down by the grass to watch the fireworks. He moves closer to you then you felt his lips on your lips. You start to kiss him back and he has his hand on your thigh.
“Do you want to be my boyfriend, Y/n?” Garfield asked.
“Yeah,” You smiled.
He starts to kiss you again.
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taxonomytournament · 1 month
Taxonomy Tournament: Results of Round 3
The three biggest landslides were Nudipleura (sea slugs) beating Conidae (cone snails) (72.73%, 248 to 93 votes), Isopoda (isopoda/pillbugs) beating Branchiopoda (fairy shrimp...) (74.27%, 150 to 433 votes), and Polycladida (marine flatworms) beating Gastrotrich (aquatic microorganism) (74.35%, 200 to 69 votes).
The three closest matches were Lepisosteiformes (gar) beating Siluriformes (catfish) (50.71%, 243 to 250 votes), Sirenia (sea cows) beating Didelphidae (opossums) (50.46%, 321 to 327 votes), and Eunicida (eg. Bobbit worm) beating Sabellida (feather duster worms) (50.37%, 206 to 203 votes).
The biggest landslide among Mammals was Caniformia (wolves foxes bears seals) beating Whippomorpha (cetaceans and hippos) (73.27%, 414 to 151 votes)
The biggest landslide among Saurians was Corvides (crows) beating Accipirtiformes (hawks) (65.6 % 289 to 551 votes). The closest match was Serpentes (snakes) beating Gekkota (geckos) (55.43 % 398 to 320 votes)
The biggest landslide among fish was Orectolobiformes (whale sharks...) beating Squaliformes (dogfish, cookie-cutter sharks...) (70.48 % 413 to 173 votes)
The closest match among Arthropods was Hymenoptera (ants and bees) beating Lepidoptera (butterflies) (52.41 % 247 to 272 votes)
The closest match among Molluscs was Sacoglossa (solar-powered sea slugs) beating Stylommatophora (garden snails...) (59.54 % 234 to 159 votes)
Round 4 starts tomorrow!
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sakosai · 6 months
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— a gender related to spending your days in the middle of nowhere inside your cottage overgrown with nature, cats, dogs, and peacefulness.
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Pronoun suggestions:
Coined by The Presence!
Day 9-10 of @adorness’ event! Theme: free space
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mac-and-thefox · 9 months
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Listen to the Bees
Rain steps out of the abbey doors and squints into the morning sun coming over the stone walls and through the massive willows surrounding the courtyard. He stands for a moment in the warm glow, absorbing the sounds and smells of spring officially underway.
He breathes in deeply, letting the scents of flowers, berries and fresh morning dew wash over him. Through all those wonderful fresh smells that represent growth and rebirth after a particularly long and cold winter, he notices a particular scent lacking in the air. One of pine, sage, and freshly tilled earth. The scent of one particular gentle earth giant.
Rain saunters across the stone courtyard, skimming his fingers over the water in the tall fountain in the center before making his way to the heavy wooden door on the other side that lead to the fields outside the abbey walls. It's hidden well behind a curtain of English Rose brambles, Wisteria blooms, and ivy. Feeling through the vegetation, Rain finds the heavy wrought iron handle and pushes through the stone doorway.
Leaving the Abbey behind, Rain wanders following his nose until Mountain's scent starts becoming more prevalent in the spring air. He follows that trail of pine and earth, coming upon a massive field of tall grass and wildflowers. Rain winds his way through the tall grass, Mountain's scent becoming stronger until he comes upon the earth ghoul sprawled out on his back among the wildflowers, eyes closed from the sun with a lazy, satisfied smile on his face.
"Hi Tadpole, I was wondering when you would make it out here to find me this morning," Mountain says contently, eyes still closed. His tail snakes out and wraps around Rain's ankle.
"You knew I was coming?" Rain asks bemused, sitting down next to Mountain in the grass and softly stroking the spade of the tail wrapped around his ankle.
Mountain hums an affirmative and reaches up to a small basket on the ground near his head.
"They told me you were looking for me, so I thought I'd gather up a few things to have a little breakfast in the field with you." He offers Rain a small container containing mixed berries and some granola with honey.
Rain looks at the food in his hand and then looks over at Mountain, still smiling lazily at him from the grass.
"Mounty...who is 'they'?"
Mountain sits up and shakes out his shoulder length chestnut waves.
"The bees, Rainy. They told me you were looking for me as I was leaving the greenhouse earlier,"
Rain blinks and processes how that is supposed to work. Mountain talks to...bees? Is that some weird earth ghoul magic?
Mountain watches Rain's thought process manifest on his face and gives a small laugh. He scoots closer to the water ghoul and grabs his hand, threading their fingers together.
"Between the gardens, the greenhouses, the orchards, and the produce and grain fields, I'm in charge of caring for a pretty sizeable amount of acreage, Water Lily."
Mountain gestures to the fuzzy bees flitting around the Wood Anemone and Chicory blooms sprouting behind his ears and around the base of his antlers.
"The bees tell me what areas of the grounds need more of my attention and magic so that I can prioritize those areas and delegate the rest to the other earth ghouls and the siblings,"
Rain reaches out tentatively with a finger as one of the bees leaves Mountain's antlers to investigate him. It crawls curiously around the top of his pointer finger for a moment before deciding that Rain is indeed not a flower and flying off to find more blooms.
Mountain trills softly at a particularly fat bumblebee as it drones around his ear, clumsily bumping into him before crawling into a newly sprouted Bluebell flower, it's round, fuzzy behind hanging out of the opening as it tries to wriggle it's way to the nectar at the center.
"We have the Abbey hives that supply the honey we use in the kitchens, but with our hives plus the wild hives that thrive outside the abbey walls, we don't have enough space in the gardens to grow enough pollinator plants to sustain them and everything else."
Mountain straightens up a bit and gestures around him and Rain at the field they are surrounded by.
"This field is full of wildflowers that are also pollinator plants. I personally take special care of it to ensure that the bees have enough resources for themselves and to help keep the Ministry grounds thriving."
Rain looks around and recognizes some of the flowers from his many conversations with Mountain. They are surrounded by Cornflowers, Yarrow, Poppies, and Cow Parsley, to name a few. He listens in and can hear the low hum of honeybees all over the field flitting from plant to plant gathering nectar to take back to their respective hives.
The two ghouls sit relaxing in the sun, sharing their berries with granola and honey produced from the abbey bees. They watch the grass and wildflowers sway in the breeze and Mountain tells Rain which areas he has to visit today as the occasional bee comes up and nestles in the earth ghoul's hair, buzzing softly in his ear before departing.
Later, Rain makes his way down to the lake for an afternoon swim. As he sits on the dock stretching and removing his shirt and pants, a honeybee appears in his vision. Rain smiles and holds out his pointer finger, allowing the bee to land and rest a moment. It looks up at the water ghoul and vibrates, giving off a small buzz.
Rain trills softly back "Tell Mounty I said hello."
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For @sovaghoul and @littlemoon-beam
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