#fuzzy blue thing
piratekenway · 10 months
Puppet History talking about the Borgias right now and in the back of my head is this tiny little voice of yeah but where’s Ezio? what’s he doing right now?
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pumpkster · 1 year
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bluwus-art · 3 months
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i actually made alot more of them, so putting the rest under the cut!
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the kaito amalgamation was just me layering all of them on top of each other and laughing at how accurately he portrays how i feel when i get excited about a thing. and then of course .... me!
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bluuscreen-png · 4 months
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redraw <3 the lyrics have like no relevance to these characters anymore but oh well it’s cute
the original… it’s from 2019 i think
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BPD culture is feeling like violets are growing from your knees, like clovers are sprouting in your lungs, like dandelions are blooming around your nails. i want to be pretty, and nice, and smart and kind and funny and thoughtful and worthwhile and enough! but i’m just a weed!
i’m just a weed
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onlyarogue · 1 month
tag dump just ignore
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thedrotter · 2 months
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filler post !!! doodles of my dog ocs when i was 10 !!! + a redraw of this silly little doodle i did back then as well
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motherhenna · 10 months
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Wanted to show off my newly cleaned and organized room because ya girl has ADHD and clinical depression so this shit is a big deal for me lol. I'm guessing this is mostly due to the fact that I accidentally took two doses of my adderall the other day, and turns out 40 mgs is probably what I should have been on all along because wow I’m actually getting shit done now??
Anyway tho, I've found that one of my biggest issues when it comes to keeping things organized is "out of sight, out of mind"--ie, if something isn't visible to me, I often forget it exists. (Yes, I have a Masters Degree but have yet to fully comprehend the concept of object permanence, apparently.) So I've finally decided to do something about this! I'm in the process of labeling all of my drawers, cabinets, and storage containers so I can keep track of my shit. So far the labelled dresser drawers have worked wonders in stopping me from just throwing my clothes on the ground or stuffing them wherever. We'll see if this is sustainable in the long run
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
i think that my youngest (used her allowance to buy a green and blue toothbrush holder because it was dream and george) and dream (got all giggly about a blue and green fortnite shirt) would get along great.
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jennhoney · 1 year
I’ve never really cared about grades so my system of grading might be hinky but I think in the past year of tackling my health issues and recovery, or whatevery this epoch will be named, I’d give myself a solid B. But I do not want to make the phone calls I need to make. It’s not a phone aversion it’s just that it’s all little threads of follow up questions and I don’t feel mentally organized enough. Yet? Ever? I’m supposed to rest all day tomorrow after my lumbar puncture. Maybe I will make the calls then. I usually try to leave things better for the future but Ha! HAHA! Haaaaha! Get fucked tomorrowJennifer!
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a-s-levynn · 7 months
For me, your trademark image is shiny obsidian and cold water. When I think of you, I think cold, smooth metal or polished gemstones, and whales. I feel like those black sand beaches of Iceland and what not fit your vibe?
Like, think about the dark depths of the ocean, where the whales look small, and deep sea creatures reside. I'm not sure if this is making sense, but yeah. 🖤🗡️🌊
(and when I say cold, I mean in the sense water and metal are cool to the touch, but refreshing and electric. Piercing like blades. Nothing to do with your personality - you're a very warm and friendly person!!!)
🫶🏻😭 Whoa i mean.. this is.. words where are you when i need you?! Seriously tho i don't even know what to say other than just sitting in the corner and bursting with the feels. Where should i start with this..
Because all these make so much sense in the weirdest ways. The obsidian? Here is the funny thing.. It is supposed to be my birthstone or something like that? At least i know that i am supposed to have some sort of connection to it. Someone once made some calculations and that's what they said? I don't understand how these things work but that's a funny connection there.
Regardless of me posting more and more sea creatures in general. The deep waters where even the whales are small?You have no idea how many dreams i had of that place. It is a legit recurring dream i have since i was a child. There is an unreasonable, deep, unfulfillable nostalgia i have for it. And it is amplified so much since i'm in the dephts of the ST pits. It awakend it in a way it honestly surprises me.. I say unreasonable because i never lived close to the ocean, to be perfectly honest i only been on a beach of one once, at a very young age. Maybe that was the moment when my soul way lost in it.
And the metal or stone part makes sense in the way that.. not long ago i talked about that i have this issue(?) with processing feelings. And i sort of reflect or bounce back what others bring in that regard because that makes it easier for me to understand? You know.. just like when you touch cold stone or metal with warm hands it warms up? Yeah. That's.. wait.. that is basically how i see myself? And i'm just sitting here with this knowledge you put into my hands and it is so simple and i never really been able to put it to words. This needs some processing but wow.. thank you. I kinda made a selfdiscovery here thanks to you? For this alone i'm gonna be eternally greatful, let alone the kindness you show on a daily basis. 🙏🏼🥹🫶🏻
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fembutchboygirl · 11 months
For that ask game you reblogged a while ago- “how do the show love nonverbally” for wrightworth obviously! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
Acts of service. Loads and loads of acts of service. These two would do anything short of literal murder for each other and they still can't say the words out loud. I'm talking both pre and post relationship here; from Phoenix defending Edgeworth in an impossible murder case and Edgeworth super illegally pretending to be a defense attorney so Phoenix won't lose his case (though at this point he would insist he's just doing it in the name of justice, of course), to making breakfast for each other and just generally doing what they can to help one another up whenever they're down.
Trust is, generally, a pretty big deal — but I think for Edgeworth doubly so. So allowing Phoenix to help out with certain things is also in itself a show of affection. For example, let's say he's having a particularly tough time with a case. He made a mistake, and he can't figure out how to turn things around from there. This is a man who was raised with extremely high expectations placed on him, whose ability to never make mistakes (or rather, ensure they didn't show) was the minimum bar for him to be acceptable as a person, and whose attempts to ask for help would forever be met with disdain and scorn. However, he's been slowly removing himself from this upbringing for a very long time.
Who does he call to ask for help?
C'mon, take a guess.
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nosfelixculpa · 2 years
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Guess it’s over. Yes.
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! I have a couple weird blood-pressure-related questions, both for people with low blood pressure issues and people without
I already know from previous questions y’all have helped me with (and doctor reactions) that it’s extremely weird that my allergic reactions first raise my blood pressure for several hours before crashing my blood pressure, so I’m just leaving that out for these questions 1. Do you ever find allergic reactions affect your circulation? Specifically, making your hands and feet extremely cold?  2. Do you ever find if you are having unusually high blood pressure readings (if prone to low blood pressure), that it happens when your hands and feet are very cold? 3. Does your ability to produce body heat ever, like...stop working? Like you have a blanket over you but it just will not warm up at all, wake up in the middle of the night because even though you’ve got three blankets still over you and it’s 70 degrees inside the house you’re freezing and the bed just will not warm up? I’ve gotten around this by making myself a hot water bottle on days when I can’t warm up, but like, that’s weird, right? these questions brought to you by today’s Weird Medical Thing, where I appear to be having a mild allergic reaction but my fingers are so cold the thermometer* can’t read them and my toes are so cold they ache. I am wearing slippers, have two layers of blankets over me, and it’s 72 degrees in my house. This is absurd.  *sometimes when I feel cold I take my temperature to see if I actually am cold enough to have dropped my body temp (get a hot water bottle time) or am just feeling cold (put on a hoodie time)
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tx-828 · 2 years
i did have a lot of fun when my mom took us to disney world for halloween last year but the bad thing about disney world is they don’t have dr pepper anywhere. i had to settle for coke if i wanted a pop
afterward my granddad drove us home from the airport and we stopped at his house for dinner and he dug a dr pepper out of the back of his fridge for me and i tackled him with a hug i missed dr pepper so much
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peachydinosaur · 2 years
i made a onesie for Halloween today is SO warm to wear which has been a lil inconvenient bc i get overheated easily but it's started getting colder and it's so fuckin chilly in my room so be out is SO so so so nice right now. i am going to sleep in this and i am going to be so cozy warm
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