#fuck muzan
scrimblyscrorblo · 7 months
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K hear me out right, demon giyuu au BUT
He’s his lil kid self running after his sister sacrifices herself and winds up freezing in a cold forest. Idk muzan takes pity on him or smthn? I hope
Anyways, he’s a lil demon kid who uses his blood demon art to create apparitions of people’s loved ones to lure them to the forest, convincing them to just be happy and join them there. Giyuu just doesn’t wanna be lonely guys
Big scary demon king told him to stay there and “make friends” and he doesn’t even remember why the frosty kimono around him matters so much but it still does
Anyway, tanjiro probably is the one to kill him and smells just the overwhelming sadness and fear in this kid, permanently stuck replaying seeking for others alone in the forest for a very long time
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lokh · 9 months
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its finally happened. all because i kept thinking 'bet they would quadrant vacillate'
theyre all a bit younger than canon (the hashira maybe around 16 or equivalent). kind of an alpha kids situation with muzan attempting to take over earth, where muzan is a mutant troll who can use his powers (maybe his blood???) to mutate and control others. muzan came from a null session and in search of the ultimate reward goes around stealing players (ie making demons). his search for a winning session brings him to earth
BUT WHO CARES ABOUT THAT. have black-red vacillating human-troll renkaza
detailed description and notes under the cut
notes and descriptions in first image:
akazas fetch modus is compass: have to face certain direction to fetch. at most basic thats probably four items, but it could go up to 360 for every degree (which he can definitely do) but imagine going smaller....
kyojuros fetch modus is charades: have to act out captchalogued item. if hes not clear enough then he'll fetch the wrong item. i just thought it was a fun nod to his liking plays LMAO
my attempt at their sprites lol. kyojuro bringing that camp counsellor vibe
naturally their strife specibi are fistkind and bladekind
sketch of hakuji as a candy blood troll before becoming akaza
kyojuro as knight of hope. never god tiers in the main timeline =) his planet is land of fate and blaze
akaza as maid of doom. hates the outfit and refuses to wear it. his planet is land of snow and fireworks. as hakuji definitely fits 'bard of life' more (the inverse)
small doodle of kyojuro and akaza sleeping. kyojuro is a prospit dreamer and akaza is a derse dreamer. i feel some argument can be made for prospit dreamer akaza but i like the contrast here lmao
kyojuro and hakuji as ghosts meeting in a dream bubble. i imagine they would be somewhat apprehensive about meeting each other
with akaza being a maid of doom, i imagined muzan might also be a doom player, which would make kagaya a life player! to be opposites =3c
muzan killed and turned hakuji in such a way that he became god tier. so when akaza blows himself up it counts as just and he dies for real
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sunhated-a · 7 months
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[ last sketches for the night. ]
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kokusfluffyhair · 7 months
Their Thoughts on Winter
(Demons can go out in the daytime/sunlight here)
+ It isn't his preferred temperature, but he can tolerate it
+ He doesn't want to show weakness, so he won't complain
+ He gets a little calmer when it gets dark earlier -- the less sun reminds him less that he can't do Sun Breathing
+ He likes to cuddle up at night with his s/o, and colder weather is good for that
+ But still, he doesn't like feeling cold when he's outside
+ His long, luscious hair helps keep him warm
+ He tries not to let the season change ruin his vibe
+ The cold air does dry out his eyes some, so he needs some eye drops for that
+ He likes it -- it keeps the riff-raff away
+ He's relieved when there are less crazy summer people on the streets
+ Everyone gets paler in the winter, so his own skin colour is less evident than in warmer months
+ He does get very angry that the sun isn't out as long
+ He wishes it could be colder but with long hours of sun
+ His little experiments aren't as productive as in the summer because he's always gritting his teeth about how it gets dark so fast
+ His patience wears thin easier and he kills more humans during the winter
+ If you're Douma or Gyokko, you probably get your body slashed in half more often during the winter
+ This one gets seasonal depression
+ He hates having to wear a coat or layers
+ He hates having to wear a hat to cover up that gorgeous hair of his
+ He complains a lot
+ He says that his bubbly personality needs the sun to give him energy
+ Because he gets depressed, he requires more intimacy with his s/o to get through the winter
+ The only joy he finds in the cold is working on ice sculptures
+ Still, the quality of the natural snow and ice is subpar compared to what he can create during any season
+ His first words are "fuck, man" whenever he walks outside
+ He's bundled up in so many layers but it's not enough for his skinny ass
+ He can see his breath in the air before anyone else does
+ Sometimes he pulls down his hat so far that it's almost covering his eyes
+ He doesn't understand how or why Daki is still not covering up and wearing skimpy clothes in this weather
+ His skin gets paler and it makes his birthmarks more evident
+ He gets bad dry skin in the winter too
+ Someone give him moisturiser and force him to use it, please
+ He wants to build snowmen and play in the snow but he always gets sick when he does
+ "Already?" he asks every day when it gets dark early
+ He's pretty tolerant to the cold
+ He likes having warm drinks and soups
+ If his s/o or best friend gets depressed in the winter, he'll feel bad and try to cheer them up
+ He would make candlelight hand-puppet shows
+ He loves to cuddle under blankets
+ He likes that he doesn't get as sweaty but wishes that the winter wouldn't last as long as it doesn
Daigo Kagemitsu
+ He hates winter even more than I do
+ He gets really cranky and angry when there's less sunlight
+ It reminds him of when it used to flood all the time and he gets anxiety from it
+ He's very sensitive to the cold but won't tell anyone
+ He looks like he wants to burn down the world whenever he has to walk in snow
+ He has a hard time waking up in the morning knowing that it's going to be grey and cold
+ This man really needs sunshine and he's struggling
+ He's invincible to the cold
+ But he's very sensitive to being wet
+ He's fine, as long as there's no dampness or freezing rain or snow
+ He gets sick when there's snow
+ He uses the cold weather as an excuse to cook more and experiment with food
+ He uses the oven a lot so he can leave it open and let the warm air come into the house
+ He gets tired when it gets dark early
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kakushino · 10 months
Hello🕴🏼I am an unsuspicious anon here to request headcanons of me pinning Muzan against a wall and making him whimper "oh, Flame Trashira~"
Wait, I mean-
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@flametrashira anons are stealing your boytoy
HCs? Have a blurb instead
NSFW under the cut, MDNI
You slammed him against the wall, his thighs knocking everything off the decorative table installed there. It was barely wide enough to hold a picture but it would have to do.
You ignored his protest, his body too weak to fight back against you as you untied the knot on his obi, yukata falling open revealing he wore nothing underneath.
You knelt down.
"What are you-? Stop it at once!"
You didn't listen. You were hungry.
A hiss left his lips as you took him in your hand. You licked a stripe from the base to the tip as it twitched in your grasp.
"You couldn't even wait until our bedroom? You're such a who-OH!"
You sucked his tip in your mouth gently, making eye contact. His face was flushed, sweat sticking his hair to his skin, his lips open as he panted.
His cock was fully hard by the time you inched down his length. As soon as you felt him bump the back of your throat, you swallowed.
An ungodly moan echoed in the hallway as he clawed at everything in reach, legs giving out, his full weight supported by the table.
And he could only call out your name, near reverently, while you took him down your throat.
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demonmew25 · 2 months
With the next season of Demon Slayer underway I really hope they animate Muzan saying this line 🤣😭
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like I don't even know if he actually says this in the manga I've not read that far but I want him to say it in the anime. It's so damn funny lmao 🤣😭
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saetoshis · 1 year
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oh my god
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a-lil-perspective · 1 year
Love how Muzan Kibutsuji, the demon king whose word is absolute, has no goddamn control over the upper moons. None whatsoever. They are rabble-rousers and very privileged and thus largely desensitized (except for Akaza who actually realizes he is indeed a subordinate and that makes him loyal af and super duper serious<3 Definitely Muzan’s favorite). And like. Mr. Muzan has been putting up with these decrepit motherfuckers for centuries and they have more or less been indicted for mere club vibes at this point and Kibutsuji just tolerates them lmfao. The scale of power is far less delineated. With the lower ranks it’s a totally different story.
Muzan with the upper six: (Upper 2 offering penance in embarrassment for inviting Gyutaro into the ranks who’s now dead, etc) “Douma. Keep your stupid eye. I don’t want it.”
Lower moons failing Muzan and begging for their lives with unbridled terror. The most brutal and grotesque massacre. Dismantling (literally) of the lower ranks. Enmu being an absolute sadist and so goddamn weird that Kibutsuji just lets him be lol.
Upper moons failing Muzan and Douma being lowkey shitheads, super nonchalant, running amuck, terrorizing Biwa woman (Douma), fighty fight with Akaza (also Douma), Muzan grousing. Ubuyashiki family. Blue Spider Lily. Will somebody do their job. Douma get back here.
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nerosdayinanime · 9 months
wait. random idea. Pathetic(blame candy) muzan & kokushibo are exes from Centuries ago and he has Complaints hed like to talk about w him but all hes getting to now is Nakime. hes so sick of his bullshit and just enduring it and goes to kagaya like 'i have to kill kibutsuji. ill help you kill him & the other upper moons just PLEASE im so sick of this shit. i need to kill him' 'well you arent killing me so ill give you the benefit of doubt-'
since they broke up he's hacked at the curse to the point he can snap it Whenever without muzan noticing, he finally did so & went to kagaya bc he can Feel shit's gonna pick up soon. he has his memories but he Ignores Them bc hes ashamed and kinda projecting it onto muzan. he has to kill muzan to kill his shame kinda fucked up coping mechanism yk?
the hashira try to kill him On Sight together but he calmly deflects everything while explaining hes working with them to kill kibutsuji. reluctant acceptance with the note from kagaya giving him a pass. most of them fully believe its a trap tho.
koku seeing tanjiro & his earrings and starting to approach, giyuu already has his blade lodged in his neck as a warning/threat & tanjiro staring at him in shock like 'HUH?? THE MAN FROM MY DREAMS?? HES A DEMON NOW? WAIT WHATS HE DOING HERE-'
#allied kokushibo au#he gets to have a conversation w tanjiro (giyuu watching like a fucking hawk) about his brother & sun breathing and all that- nezuko and her#conquering the sun- koku agreeing that of any demon she deserves to have the sun's blessing. not fuckin *muzan*. he'll want his grubby#little hands on her as soon as he finds out. You. practice sun breathing Right Now you have to be Ready for this.#kokushibo#tsugikuni michikatsu#kny spoilers#<probably need to add that since this is like Entirely surrounding the final few arcs#he talks to tomayo&yushiro and shinobu and gets in on their plans. maybe stop shinobu from her suicide attempt & deals with douma himself#leaves more than just tanjiro and giyuu to fight akaza#i dont remember how kaigaku's goes isnt zenitsu the only one? if so he can keep that thats his atonement whatever for jigoro#nakime however is going to have much more of a Time defending against like 4 hashira at once#yadda yadda less casualties happier ending. koku not knowing what the fuck to do now. stop the need to Eat People to live obviously but what#the fuck. he still hates himself. all the tereible shit hes done and for What. does he kill himself? walking into the sun seems like a good#way to go. fitting yk? but if he becomes fully human like nezuko did what the fuck does he Do. just. Live? after all the shit he did? no..#cool at the beginning but the ending has many questions#i do think he'd want to kill himself but i also think he'd be scared to see his brother in the afterlife. in canon it feels like a spur of#the moment Explode Yourself bc the emotions were overwhelming in the moment#or maybe its been way too long since ive read the manga and this shits ALL out of character#whatever it was funnie at first but then i put too much thought into it#def wanna see somethn with him & tanjiro talking about how theyre connected#kny manga spoilers
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choso7 · 1 year
I know Nezuko is burning aizetsu
But why like this?😨😰
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littlwstar1 · 3 months
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Look at him,look at his face.
Just look,he is the cutest demon in the world.
After Muzan of course
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xxlady-lunaxx · 8 months
WAIT NO- | {Kokuzan}
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Theme: Silly fluff
Note: Kokuzan are dating in secret! (Only naki knows btw) - Idea by le amazing @GiyuuTomioka9374 (on wattpad honestly unsure if she has tumblr :>)
"Okay, remember. Keep. It. A. Secret," Muzan ordered, his hands on Kokushibo's shoulders as he looked into his boyfriend's eyes—or at least the two in the middle.
"Yes, I know, we've been through this 1000+ times, Master," Kokushibo sighed. 
"Yes but I need to make sure you-" Muzan started. But then the demons started arriving and he quickly stationed himself above the platform Kokushibo stood on. He gave the demon a warning glare and then cleared his throat. "All of you are lacking in your missions," he said, raising an accusing eyebrow. 
The demons all lowered themself in a bow, silent. Kokushibo did the same and waited for Muzan to continue. "I must assign all of you to more missions because clearly you assume that you'll have enough time to finish all of them now." 
Nobody spoke, all waiting for him to elaborate. 
"Very well," Muzan said. "Kaigaku, as you are new to our ranks you must learn most. I will have you take care of two villages per day."
Kaigaku nodded, his throat tight with fear. Kokushibo had been terrifying to encounter as a human but as a demon, when Muzan had even more control over him.. 
"Nakime, you must continue searching for the demon slayers faster," the demon lord ordered, turning to the biwa woman. 
"Yes, Master," she said, her hair splayed out as she mapped out the locations of those in the corps.
"Douma, stop paying such attention to your cult members and eat them for strength in the times to come. Akaza, you must locate the Hashira as Nakime is doing with the demon slayers. Find them and kill them now." Muzan paused, wondering what to make Kokushibo do.
"And you," he said, turning to his secret boyfriend. "You have been doing well, it doesn't matter. Just continue as you're doing."
Kokushibo nodded, not having expected this though. Muzan clapped his hands and Nakime plucked the strings of her instrument, taking the demons to their locations one by one. And then it was just Kokushibo and Kaigaku. Muzan, not having noticed Kaigaku, turned to Kokushibo and started to speak. "Alright, let's go now, Kok-" he paused, noticing the last demon. "Nakime!! Take him to the first village! Now!" 
Nakime did as she was told, but not before Kaigaku looked suspiciously at his superiors. 
Kokushibo sighed, although a bit amused. "Right." 
Both demons went to the office of Muzan's and sat down on the couch, talking quietly. Muzan kissed Kokushibo and said, "I don't think any of them noticed."
"Kaigaku might have," the multi eyed demon said. 
"Most likely not." 
They dropped the subject there and continued on talking.
As weeks past, Muzan and Kokushibo continued hiding their relationship. Nobody seemed to notice it, yet, except Kaigaku who's eye was starting to pick up things as he focused more. He didn't say anything, though, deciding he didn't want to get in trouble. 
Muzan kept calling the uppermoons for meetings checking up on their missions and such to make sure. He seemed to be planning some big attack on the demon slayer or something because he was suddenly focused on their training. But this also gave him away more as he favored Kokushibo over the rest of them and constantly tried complimenting him in a way that he appeared to find subtle. 
But subtle was probably a description of what he was not.
Muzan would say things such as, "All of you are so weak. Take over Kokushibo's examples, he's a lot stronger than most of you and he barely trains!" or "Kokushibo exceeds every single one of you. I'm beginning to think I should kick all but him out of the upper ranks." And so on. 
Most of them were used to this but Kaigaku, who was used to being the stronger one, noticed it was more favortism than truth. The demons were all getting a lot stronger but Muzan either didn't notice or just cared more for Kokushibo. And most likely it was the latter.
Kaigaku decided he couldn't take it anymore. 
On their next meeting, Muzan gave them their daily rounds of "You are growing so weak" and "Kokushibo is better than you's" before moving on to a plan of defeating the Hashira and Ubuyashiki in a week's time. Kaigaku studied his lord and the Uppermoon who'd turned him into a demon closely. He found their eyes constantly meeting and Muzan's gaze lingering on Kokushibo throughout the whole discussion that he didn't know how the other demons hadn't found out yet.
At the end of the meeting, as Muzan started to wave them off, Kaigaku turned to Nakime to tell her to stop. Nakime did but Muzan didn't notice, taking Kokushibo's hand into his own. Kaigaku smirked as Muzan tilted himself up to kiss the Uppermoon. 
Kaigaku cleared his throat and Muzan's eyes widened, turning to his demons who were staring at him, shocked. "So.. are you two dating?" Kaigaku asked, his arms crossed.
"Wait, no-! That's not it, I was, uh," Muzan stuttered, scrambling for a response.
Douma said, a confused smile playing on his face, "Were you going to kiss him?"
"No!!" Kokushibo and Muzan said at the same time, both of them looking flushed. 
"But you two keep staring at each other so much during the meetings," Kaigaku pointed out. "I'm sure you are dating."
Nakime stifled a smile and Muzan, wondering how the fuck he hadn't realized they were still there, shook his head rather violently. "I don't.. I don't do dating. It's.. it's not something demons should interact with."
Kokushibo raised an eyebrow, deciding he didn't care if people knew. "We are dating," he admitted. 
The other uppermoons gasped as if they hadn't known—Nakime pretending and Kaigaku out of amusement. Muzan grumbled and turned to Nakime making her teleport him away. Kokushibo sighed. "Right, I'll be on my way." 
Kaigaku smirked. "Have fun with your boyfriend!"
{Word count: 990}
Anything under 1000 words is short imo even if it's 999 ;x; sorry it's short and shitty, I had no ideas but wanted to finish 😭
(pt. 2 here)
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a1tie · 1 year
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lesbianasfuckwomen · 7 months
Tanjiro struggling to keep upright in his 1 inch high heels: Yeah... I don't think heels are for me Inosuke walking flawlessly in 6 inch heals: WEAK
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askmuzan · 7 months
hey did you see the new fic by flamey abt you? highly recommended
What did that delinquent write now?
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krikidilly · 8 months
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AHH! Niseru demon slayer edition! Plus one possible au ;-}
Fucked up experiment demon that is just the most. Pathetic thing! Still a symbiote type creature but is a little more vampiric and all in your body than just being a brain ghost like usual Niseru.
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