#free fonts
luvtism · 6 months
hi !! i just wanted to know what font you used on the hatsune miku directory? thank you ^__^
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hi! its the porkys font! i love using it a lot , its so pretty... heres a few others i use a lot
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I got all of these from DaFont! You can also install them in IbisPaint & your PC !
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pudrida · 3 months
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𓈒ིུ ✿˖ 𓈒ིུ ✿˖ 𓈒ིུ ✿˖ 𓈒ིུ ✿˖ 𓈒ིུ ✿˖ 𓈒ིུ ✿˖ 𓈒ིུ ✿˖
1. AquilineTwo ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2. Byron
3. Essays 4. RomanAntique-Italic
5. RomanAntique 6. OldNewsPaperTypes
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justaphantomhuman · 3 months
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The ghost language includes the sounds "CH", "SH" and "TH". In order to access these sounds from the font, a capital letter "C" (for the "ch" sound); a capital letter "S" (for the "sh sound); or a a capital letter "T" (for the "th sound) must be pressed.
A capital C, S, and T, will always result in a "ch", "sh", or "th" sound respectively.
Hope y'all enjoy!!
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todayontumblr · 6 months
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kayleerowena · 8 months
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i'm doing a project based on early 1900s halloween cards right now, and i didn't feel like hand-lettering everything, so instead i spent 4 hours pulling letters from old cards and making them into a font. free to download if you want it!
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strifesource · 5 months
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𝖿𝗋𝗈𝗆:   𝗌𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖿𝖾𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲    𐄂     𝗌𝗎𝖻𝗃𝖾𝖼𝗍:    font   pack   six
all  of  these  fonts  are  for  personal  use  only  and  are  not  optimized  for  commercial  use  without  a  license.  you  can  download  the  pack  by  joining  my  server  <3
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pikafleetsyolo · 5 months
ever wanted to use the alphabet from sonic prime but were sad about having to do it all by hand, or the fact that there were still some characters that were undefined?
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i have taken the liberty of jotting down the characters that we DO know of and made up the missing ones, alongside some punctuation!
if the missing characters are ever discovered, i'll make a new version of this font. this is just a "current" version for funsies.
the spacing is a tad wonky due to the size of the characters, but all you really have to do if you're using it for art stuff is use a couple extra spaces.
feel free to use it in whatever you'd like! credit is appreciated if you do end up using the font ^^
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cupidzone · 6 months
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below are 10 of my favorite fonts to use for graphics! these in particular are script / handwritten. none of these fonts are mine and credit goes to their rightful creators. feel free to like / reblog if you found this useful♡♡♡
blastmith | gloss & bloom rich jullietta (free demo) | loveletter no. 9 high performance (free demo) | olive lovely valentine | hey august
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velvetcloak · 4 months
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free handwriting font (but not limited to) for digital journaling
get them at my ko-fi shop
do let me know if you encounter any issues!
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missfortunates · 2 months
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     𝜗  ﹒  the fonts i use  ◞◡◡◡◡  🦢
   ♡  ᥲ ᑲ ᥴ ძ ᥱ 𝖿 g һ і ȷ k ᥣ m ᥒ ᥆ ⍴ 𝗊 r s 𝗍 ᥙ ᥎ ᥕ ᥊ ᥡ             
   ♡  𝙰 𝙱 𝙲 𝙳 𝙴 𝙵 𝙶 𝙷 𝙸 𝙹 𝙺 𝙻 𝙼 𝙽 𝙾 𝙿 𝚀 𝚁 𝚂 𝚃 𝚄 𝚅 𝚆 𝚇 𝚈 𝚉
   ♡  𝚊 𝚋 𝚌 𝚍 𝚎 𝚏 𝚐 𝚑 𝚒 𝚓 𝚔 𝚕 𝚖 𝚗 𝚘 𝚙 𝚚 𝚛 𝚜 𝚝 𝚞 𝚟 𝚠 𝚡 𝚢 𝚣
◟   ͜ ͜ ͜ ͜  i use the fonts in a 𝚘ᥒ𝚎 𝗍𝚠᥆ 𝚘ᥒ𝚎 𝗍𝚠᥆ sequence changing the font every new letter  ﹒   ೀ
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꒰⠀✎⠀﹙my divs r NF2U !! the fonts are F2U w/o creds !!﹚
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letraspal · 1 year
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*Disclaimer: this font was created inspired by the covers of the trilogy, please keep it only for personal use and for your beautiful fan-made projects
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thecodecoven · 3 months
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Constant Surprises (Balgon) / Ocean Eyes (Black Wano) / Make It Up (Galgine) / Call Your Name (Manky) / West Coast (Onefifth Black) / Tokyo Story (Qastars) / Moonlight (Rottaries) / Cry For You (TT Nooks)
¡Esperamos que les guste este font pack! Lo pensamos especialmente para usar en títulos de tablillas o edits. Pronto subiremos un tutorial para aprovechar al máximo las fuentes en sus códigos.
Estas fuentes no nos pertenecen, sólo las compilamos para ustedes. Da like o reblog si lo encontraste útil 💖
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chappelroans · 8 months
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@charlottesmatthews asked for font recs, so here they are! these are a few of my favorites
shrikhand | retro signature
red velvet | old london
nouvelle vague | lemon milk
indie inline | authentic
avenir next | billy ohio
chapaza | futura pt
*as always, when downloading from sites, be sure to use antivirus software to ensure safe and secure files!
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codyvondell · 1 year
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After nearly a year of creating these best free y2k fonts videos, I figure I should make my own contribution to the collection. my new Y2K / space age display font 'Googi' is now available on Etsy, and free for everyone over on my discord server ‍ https://etsy.me/3UvDwrh / https://discord.com/invite/nHxb3THqU7
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maluyoongi · 1 year
oi galerinha, eu fiz essa pack aqui e queria saber se vcs gostam de coisas nesse estilo
podem deixar mais sugestões de idols aqui embaixo e de álbuns também q eu procuro as fontes e trago de grátis pra vocês😎😎😎
link aqui <3
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s-aturning · 1 year
𝖠 𝖡 𝖢 𝖣 𝖤 𝖥 𝖦 𝖧 𝖨 𝖩 𝖪 𝖫 𝖬 𝖭 𝖮 𝖯 𝖰 𝖱 𝖲 𝖳 𝖴 𝖵 𝖷 𝖶 𝖸 𝖹 - 𝖺 𝖻 𝖼 𝖽 𝖾 𝖿 𝗀 𝗁 𝗂 𝗃 𝗄 𝗅 𝗆 𝗇 𝗈 𝗉 𝗊 𝗋 𝗌 𝗍 𝗎 𝗏 𝗑 𝗐 𝗒 𝗓
𝐀 𝐁 𝐂 𝐃 𝐄 𝐅 𝐆 𝐇 𝐈 𝐉 𝐊 𝐋 𝐌 𝐍 𝐎 𝐏 𝐐 𝐑 𝐒 𝐓 𝐔 𝐕 𝐗 𝐖 𝐘 𝐙 - 𝐚 𝐛 𝐜 𝐝 𝐞 𝐟 𝐠 𝐡 𝐢 𝐣 𝐥 𝐤 𝐥 𝐦 𝐧 𝐨 𝐩 𝐪 𝐫 𝐬 𝐭 𝐮 𝐯 𝐱 𝐰 𝐲 𝐳
A̲ B̲ C̲ D̲ E̲ F̲ G̲ H̲ I̲ J̲ K̲ L̲ M̲ N̲ O̲ P̲ Q̲ R̲ S̲ T̲ U̲ V̲ X̲ W̲ Y̲ Z̲ - a̲ b̲ c̲ d̲ e̲ f̲ g̲ h̲ i̲ j̲ l̲ k̲ l̲ m̲ n̲ o̲ p̲ q̲ r̲ s̲ t̲ u̲ v̲ x̲ w̲ y̲ z̲
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