#forgan’s post
forgan-forge · 6 months
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You are GAYYY
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t-hal-mothman · 9 months
ArtFight revenge on @forgan-forge !!
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Here’s chapter 1 of the Hundred Years of service
Chapter 1: I am General Sacris, and I hate this military...so much..
I am Sacris, I was a general of Great Braten Empire , and I hate this military, everything about it, it's terrible down to unit tactics, to it's ignorance and arrogance, and worse it's fucking officer corps are useless, and I mean it, need an example here, let me tell you about a battle of Sarrow's pass and then the time I let a genocide happen and cursed with hearing the screams of the innocent plagued my dreams since then.
I was stationed there to command the fort there, I brought with me, my training papers for the officers and the battle plan due to just guess we would get attacked by the Orc tribe of the Red eyes, the biggest tribe and greatest threat to us...well not really they wield sticks and stones basically how ever they are masters at close quarters combat,and even the elves know better and they are all about face to face unless they decide to shoot you with a bow.
either way I came in as most stared at me due to me being a Drackin, decedents of dragons as they say, well... one thing is right we sometimes have the temperament of a fucking angry dragon...yes I may have a foul mouth but there is a reason later on. I had requested a meeting of officers to introduce them to the idea of my tactic that quickly won me the rank from about a Lieutenant, leading a regiment of the 78th Line infantry to Major of the 31st Army, so I had set out the plans and of the officers named Richard Morrison, now Richard was a git and a arrogant one at that, you can tell by his fucking handle bar mustache he had said "What is this Drackin Nonsense, Firing by ranks, yes sure it may work against the elves and the Forgans, but not orcs, orcs will run at first sight of our defensive cannons and fire power!" now he while he is the same rank technically I am older then him by a hundred and fifty years older so what I tell him is this "Major Morrison, it is military law that you listen to the Senor officer correct??" he nodded, I smirked "And you are to do as he ordered correct??" He again nodded this time realizing his situation, "and guess what, I am old enough to have been your grandfather if I wished so or your father, for that matter even then I would disown you for your arrogance, so as an order you will train your regiments and make sure you don't let your time as MAJOR get to your head, am I clear Major Morrison?" He nods "Yes Major..." I smirk and turn to the others "Now get this down ASAP." I say calmly as I stand up and they exited and head off I sat down and looked at the map of the fort, it's very impressive and the pass is narrow enough that we can bottle neck the orcs and bombard them with artillery and even gunfire, and with the fire volley tactic I knew that this would get easier.
It was morning as I woke up earlier then others, most Drackin don't need that much sleep, as I got up got dressed and had my own breakfast I had packed, I patrolled the walls as soldiers saluted and or tipped their hats, I will admit one thing, these soldiers were much more mannered then their officers, makes me feel bad for the lads, but I can't choose who the major is, while Richard is a arrogant bastard who smokes his pipe all day and sits on his arse he does have one redeeming quality, enthusiasm...which can turn into arrogance as I said but he is at least enthusiastic about his men and the position of this fort. how do I see the fort, well it's position both is it's advantage and disadvantage, because while the pass is narrow, I can tell that if the enemy wanted to they could in all sense of the word, out last us, cause this fort is so far away from any city and the fact that we are in the middle of enemy territory that supplies in mass would be cut off, and we can't fight a long siege, while our opponent is technology inferior, that doesn't mean they don't have magic up their selves that could tear down theses walls, still I do hope that the fort's anti magic walls can hold at least, guess how long my hope lasted, two fucking hours later the Red Eyes arrived a force around ten hundred thousand orcs against our four hundred, now one may think, the odds are bad, and I agree they are, which is why I had the men patrol the walls and get up onto position on and in the walls and some took control of the canons, which I held up my hand as I used my binoculars to see the enemy, I could tell the Warcheif of the army was leading a fraction of the initial invasion force a expedition, luckily for us we had plenty of ammo for this force. to make long story short, the battle raged on for twenty four hours, all day! i am not exaggerating, that's forty thousand fucking rounds of bullets and we took around three hundred dead due to Major Morrison charging out when the orcs did a feign retreat I warned him it was a trap and told him to hold position and not to presume, but either to prove em wrong or to spite me what ever reason he charged out and got THREE. HUNDRED. FUCKING MEN KILLED! the daft bastard didn't survived, he should be glad cause I would have recommended him for court martial or a demotion, needless to say, he was surrounded and his men cut down. I had lots of paper work but we won nearly losing the battle but we won, I still got into trouble for it but they couldn't remove me of command they needed me so they just gave me a peaceful post. yes like that would help them win the war against the red eyes, be the major of the Colonial militia and 37th line infantry in Normanson a small town that apparently needs two regiments to guard it.
Anyway a few years later after some decisive victories against small raiding bands against the red eye raiding parties, I was able to get command again and this time I had my own army, they said I could raise up what ever officers I could want and have, so I selected a few that took up my style of warfare and agreed to me, these were my favorite humans as I told them that I would get them men from all over the colonies, and that's what I did soon enough, I raised a force over nearly two thousand and three hundred hussars and lancers, about total of three thousand line infantry, and four batteries of artillery and even the new Dwarfen Gatling gun guns, suffice to say, I was prepared to march to war, so I did first taking the territories south west, however I would never raise or pillage any orc village.
other Major's or generals would raise and pillage the villages I conquer instead, I would do no such thing instead I would come and bring food, supplies and make sure they are treated equally, like the Drackin way of conquering does, we do NOT at all enslave or just straight out genocide, instead we peacefully integrate them and make sure they are happy, while happiness takes while we know that better then anyone, but that's why we have made ourselves known, anyway I keep this up as I also make sure militia are brought up by my choice to guard the village and help construct houses and or other things for immigrants and make sure the militia and or other jobs are open.
I was known to the orcs as the "Sarcosa Magata" or the Kind Conqueror in their language, which I guess I was...until I was at the capital, the biggest village yet, huts and shacks and a large feasting hall, sat on the hill as I saw the walls were made out of wood, however I knew I wasn't alone I was with another army I was under the command of Field marshal Jackson Taylor of the council, and he was more of the genocidal enslaving the empire needed, I convinced him to let me try to convince the Orc chieftain at the time, named Sorgash Bear Hugger, known to wrestle with dire bears, and even kill them with his bear hands, we met on neutral grounds.
I remember saying to him "Listen mighty War lord, I respect your warrior spirit and your will to protect your people but for your god and my god's sake please surrender peacefully and I can protect your people from Jackson Taylor, I do urge you to surrender, you fought honorably and gave me a hard time, so please as a rival I begged you to surrender peacefully."
he merely shook his head and said "Arca, dara, Sarcosa Magata." Which means "Live long Kind Conqueror" which meant he knew that would happen and he knew I wouldn't join, cause I guess he knew I knew about the returning Horde of the main force lead by his son Morgath the brave, so I returned and Jackson smirked "I told you so general, you can't reason with theses savages, now you face his son, while I deal with these brutes, ta ta~" he said by Fafnir the all father of all dragons and Drackins I hated him, if I could I would have drawn my revolver and killed him, but I couldn't not risking my clan.. he had them ready to be destroyed if I didn't help win this battle so I formed my lines, men on the base of the hill and incline of the hill while my artillery sat on the hill as my cavalry remain hidden in the flanks as his army advances, and then I gave the order, one order for the artillery which started the battle to make sure Jackson's sick twisted fucked up fun wasn't ruined, "Artillery open fire!", and with the loud boom of the artillery to try to cover the screams from the slaughter behind me in the capital, the battle began, and to this day, I wanted to lose so badly, I didn't want to have on My concision the title of Kind Conqueror when I prevented a army from saving their home from genocide..
the battle raged on I faced the son and while I won with the cavalry able to slam into the sides of the attack and my men well trained and disciplined we won because of my cavalry and men's training.
I remember how sick I was, how tired I was, how angry I was, because I was fighting for the wrong side, and this time I knew it, Morgath knew it, and instead of killing him with my pistol, I told him "Run, go flee while you can, no one of us will hunt you down, so please run, as far and fast you can," he didn't move until I roared at him "RUN!" and then he ran as my men gave no cheer of victory instead we sat at the hill backs toward the city as we dare not see it..
a few days afterwards, I was standing in front of the King and queen kneeling, the king was a 49 year old Human who had red and blue colored clothes of a royal alright, and the queen had wore purple dress that made her look fat if I am honest, the king spook in a voice which though to humans commanded respect we Drackin would think other wise "I King Charles of Great Barten Promote you to governor of the province of Sargoris and Martoris, on your home country and continent, congrats your clan must be proud" I rose and he put the badge of a governor on which was a rose with a shield behind it as he I gave a salute and merely said "Thank you sir, it's an honor sir!" no happiness and no crying fucking tears, It was my worst day ever and it was gonna get even worse when I got on bored of the ship called "Sarcosa Magata's Torta" meaning  "Kind Conquerors vessel" which stung hard and badly..
but as I said it was only getting worse....soon I realize I had some shit to deal with  
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hoanq2802 · 3 years
Phố guitar giữa lòng Sài Gòn lên báo Mỹ
New Post has been published on https://khachsanthanhdong.com/pho-guitar-giua-long-sai-gon-len-bao-my.html
Phố guitar giữa lòng Sài Gòn lên báo Mỹ
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CNN mới có bài viết giới thiệu về đường Nguyễn Thiện Thuật – nơi vốn được nhiều thế hệ nhạc sĩ miền Nam biết tới với tên gọi “phố Guitar”.
Dưới đây là những dòng san sớt của Duncan Forgan, phóng viên CNN, khi anh tìm tới đường Nguyễn Thiện Thuật, để mua một cây đàn guitar.
Mở siêu thị guitar Duy Ngọc cùng đồng đội, ông Ánh đã chứng kiến biết bao thăng trầm của con phố qua thời kì, và không phải sự thay đổi nào cũng khiến ông yêu thích.
“Những tiêu chuẩn cứ trượt dài. Quá nhiều người làm guitar nhưng chất lượng không phải lúc nào cũng được đảm bảo”, ông Ánh vừa ôm đàn vừa trầm ngâm.
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Tôn Thất Ánh tại siêu thị. Ảnh: Duncan Forgan.
Những cây đàn guitar thủ công tại Duy Ngọc phải mất khoảng một tháng để hoàn thành. Với những cây đàn cao cấp hơn với phần sơn vẽ hay nhiều cụ thể tỉ mỉ, thợ cần tới 4 tháng mới xong. Mức giá dao động 200 – 1.000 USD (4,5 – 22,7 triệu đồng), một cây đàn chất lượng tương đương có giá tới 10.000 USD (hơn 227 triệu đồng) tại các nước phương Tây.
Xưởng của ông Ánh và đồng đội nhập gỗ từ những cánh rừng châu Âu và Bắc Mỹ để làm đàn. “Gỗ tại VN hay từ những khu rừng nhiệt đới thường không bền, dễ bị nứt”, ông giảng giải.
Ông Ánh cũng như nhiều nghệ nhân làm guitar khác trên con phố này rất kỹ tính trong công việc, điều này rất dễ hiểu vì họ “sống chết” nhờ tăm tiếng của chính mình. Họ phải gây dựng tên tuổi từ những ngày đường Nguyễn Thiện Thuật trở thành cái nôi của đàn guitar, sau khi VN thống nhất vào năm 1975 và Sài Gòn được đổi tên thành TP HCM.
Trải qua hàng thập kỷ, những nghệ nhân làm guitar được nhiều thế hệ nhạc sĩ kính trọng và hàm ân. Trong khi đó, thời kỳ mở cửa kéo theo dòng người nước ngoài tới VN định cư và làm ăn, từ đó những nghệ nhân làm guitar mở màn kinh doanh nghiêm túc. chứng cứ là họ có nhiều khách hàng hơn.
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Những tấm ảnh ông Ánh chụp cùng các ca sĩ nhạc rock phương Tây treo kín bức tường. Ảnh: Duncan Forgan.
Buôn may, bán đắt
“Họ tới từ khắp mọi nơi, từ Australia, Mỹ và Anh. Mới đây tôi còn có đơn đặt hàng từ Chile. Tại các nước phương Tây, đàn guitar thủ công có giá hàng nghìn USD, ở đây rẻ hơn nhiều nhưng chất lượng vẫn tốt”, ông Ánh cho biết.
Ông Nguyễn Văn Bình, chủ siêu thị Guitar Bình trên phố Nguyễn Thiện Thuật, không giấu nổi nụ cười khi tên tuổi của con phố đang vang xa. Ngay khi tôi bước qua cửa, ông chìa ngay ra một quý khách dạng photo của bài báo đăng trên một tập san guitar Mỹ.
“Kinh doanh guitar đang phát đạt, nhờ có báo chí và truyền thông đã đưa tin”, ông Bình nói.
Nỗi lo của người làm nghề
Có hơn 30 siêu thị guitar trên đoạn đường Nguyễn Thiện Thuật chỉ dài chừng 500 m, họ bán mọi thứ từ đàn guitar acoustic thủ công cho tới đàn điện tử, đàn cổ Mandolin hay những nhạc cụ dây truyền thống của VN.
Nhưng số lượng không đi cùng chất lượng trên phố guitar, đó là một trong những nỗi trằn trọc lớn nhất của những người đã dành 40 năm trên đoạn đường này để gây xựng và tiến công bóng tên tuổi.
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Bên trong một siêu thị bán guirtar. Ảnh: Duncan Forgan.
Theo ông Ánh, một số người “tới sau” đang làm đàn từ gỗ chất lượng thấp, quy trình sinh sản công nghiệp nhanh chóng, chỉ để có đàn lên kệ càng sớm càng tốt. Phí thuê siêu thị cao cũng khiến nhiều người lo lắng.
Ngay cả chiếc guitar tôi (phóng viên Ducan) mua với giá 250 USD cũng không khiến ông Ánh vui hơn.
“Nhìn chung kinh doanh đang tốt, nhưng tiền thuê siêu thị dần tăng cao và đắt đỏ. Nhiều người đang cắt chỗ này đắp vào chỗ nọ. Chúng tôi từng làm việc và chơi nhạc cùng nhau, giờ ngày càng ít – thật đáng hổ thẹn”, ông nói.
Phạm Huyền
Theo: https://khachsanthanhdong.com/
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Amazing Golf Bag Organizer
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Golf Club Organizers 14pcs 1set Clip Power Holder to Protect Iron Putter on Bag . and club/grip saver, but way over price just for a piece of plastic tubing. Standard and Putter size golf tubes sold separately; Keeps your clubs protected and separated; Provides easy . Golf Club Organizers 14pcs 1set Clip Power Holder to Protect Iron Putter on Bag Would you like to tell us about a lower price? 10x Bag Golf Ball Tube Golf Bag Tubes Clubs Tubes DIVIDER for Golf Bag Includes Pack of 10). 5.0 out of 5 . 3Pcs Golf Bag Clip-On Putter Holder Golf Organizer Putter Clip Ball Marker . Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Tenflyer Golf Bag Clip On Putter Clamp Holder Putting Organizer Club Ball Marker Would you like to tell us about a lower price? . These tubes make it very easy for you to take clubs in and out of your bag without the shafts getting tangled. Buy Player Supreme Golf Tubes/Dividers, 14-Pack, STANDARD, 1 1/4 Dia. at Walmart.com. . The tubes are great quality and the right length for my bag. Free Shipping on orders over $35. Buy Player Supreme Golf Tubes/Dividers, 14-Pack, JUMBO, 1 1/2 Dia. at Walmart.com. Masters Golf Bag Tube available at American Golf Free UK delivery on . Purchase 3 for 2 on selected accessories and get the cheapest item free. top and forcing the tube tightly into the each separate slot in the bag, the tubes dont move. Shop for golf bag tubes online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Bag tubes are designed to separate your clubs in your golf bag. . Masters Golf Putter Holder Attaches to Your Golf Bag Better Than Bag Tubes . I thought of an ingenious use of velcro, but the cost and effort involved without knowing the. Pride Sports Tube Club Protectors provide organization for all of the clubs in your golf bag Keeps clubs separate for easy removal and replacement. . They fit snugly and your clubs slide out of the tubes more smoothly than . **Online prices and sale effective dates may differ from those in-store and may vary by region.
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I purchased these garage storage hooks/units from Home Depot. They are . Garage Storage Design Ideas, Pictures, Remodel, and Decor page 2 Golf Room. Suncast. 17.5 in. x 32 in. Golf Organizer. Complete storage for two golf bags; Easy to use leveling feet; Durable metal construction. $ 69 00 /each. Quantity. Shop our selection of Sports Equipment Racks in the Storage & Organization . New Home-it Golf Bag Sports Dual Golf Storage Organizer Golf Organizer. Buy Suncast GO3216 Golf Organizer: Golf Amazon.com FREE . Golf equipment organizer; For home storage of golf bags, clubs, and . Customer images The hardware is coated (painted?) and that coating tends to get into the threads. Buy Monkey Bars Golf Bag Rack, Large: Cabinets & Storage Systems Amazon.com FREE . Sold by: Home Essentials Depot
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See all customer images. Organize your closets, garage, bath and kitchen with our selection of storage and . Whether you need to organize your home, office, or garage, Menards has the . Cart and drawer storage and storage cubes and drawers are multipurpose storage . collection, but you can also use them to display knickknacks and photos. Find a great collection of Storage & Organization at Costco. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Storage & Organization products. Find a great collection of Garage Storage Racks at Costco. Enjoy low warehouse prices on name-brand Garage Storage Racks products. Products 1 40 of 4429 . Home Clothes Rack Shelves Closet Storage Organizer Coffee. Product TitleZimtown 65 Portable Wardrobe Home Clothes Rack Shel .
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Buy products related to golf bag organizer products and see what customers say . Not only does it organize everything perfectly, it looks very nice in our garage. Buy products related to golf bag rack products and see what customers say . Golf Bag Organizerits a good deal after all by Neil E. Schore (Davis, CA USA). Amazon.com : Golf Organizer Rack : Golf Bag Accessories : Sports & Outdoors. . Very easy assembly and good value. Read more. One person found this. Golf equipment organizer; For home storage of golf bags, clubs, and . Bound Golf Log Journal Personalized Professional Scorecard Holder Great gift for any. Store your golf equipment and accessories in this well-designed golf organizer. The attractive organizer features sturdy metal construction. Great for any space. Amazon.com : Metal Two Bag Golf Organizer : Sports & Outdoors. . No more bags leaning in the garage corners, and really nice to have everything together. Results 1 24 of 25 Golf Ball Holder Pro with Quick-Draw Release (Black) . Stealth Golf Cooler Bag Makes Great Gift for Any Golf Fanatic. See Style Options. Amazon.com : Single Golf BAG Organizer- Golf Bag and Equipment Organizer- Rack/shelves- Keep Your Golf Gear in One Place. Two Basket Shelves for . October 14, 2018. Verified Purchase. Easy to assemble and works great! This is the. Results 1 24 of 844 Find great prices and discounts with free shipping and free returns . Founders Club Premium Cart Bag with 14 Way Organizer Divider Top. Amazon.com : Home-it Golf Bag Sports Dual Golf Storage Organizer golf organizer . It is fairly sturdy, good room for two bags and assorted stuff on the shelves.
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Product features roomy compartments large enough to hold two golf bags, 3 wire baskets for storing balls, tees, gloves and 4 metal hooks for additional storage. Buy Two Bag Golf Organizer on Amazon.com FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. Results 1 24 of 844 Shop a wide selection of golf bags at Amazon.com. Find great prices and discounts with free shipping and free returns on eligible items. Carry the golf bags designed for dedicated golfers and developed with insights from Tour Players, Caddies and top amateurs. Titleist golf bags are available in a. , Phil added that once we empty out our bags, its a good idea to inspect . If you have a stand bag, make sure to check the carry strap as well as. All Scotty Cameron Putters Select Futura Concept X Putter Selection Guide . The new Titleist 818 hybrids allow you to take dead aim like never before. with the highest quality materials and our commitment to constantly push the standards of golf club manufacturing. . No Tour player would play off-the-rack clubs. Results 1 60 of 5453 Golf Equipment : Free Shipping on orders over $45 at Overstock.com Your Online Golf Equipment . Black Metal Golf Bag Organizer. Shop golf sets, clubs, bags and golf cleats at prices you can afford. FREE shipping on qualifying orders. Big 5 Sporting Goods gets you ready to play! Take your golf game on the go with Titleist golf travel bags. Whether youre looking for a large or small bag, find the right golf travel gear at Titleist today!
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/amazing-golf-bag-organizer
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Gambling Advertising Agency in Tre-Forgan #Betting #Advertising...
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Gambling Advertising Agency in Tre-Forgan #Betting #Advertising #Company #Tre-Forgan https://t.co/TS8dyHIPoQ
Gambling Advertising Agency in Tre-Forgan #Betting #Advertising #Company #Tre-Forgan https://t.co/TS8dyHIPoQ
— Marketing Agencies (@adagenciesuk) February 16, 2019
from Marketing Agencies http://marketingagencies.tumblr.com/post/182846904674 via IFTTT
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forgan-forge · 6 months
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“Let time pass”
Loki listening to Mobius’s voice :(
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golfsport-news · 7 years
Nach dem Longnose Schläger Clubmaking im 20. Jhd.
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Mit der Verabschiedung des Longnose Schlägers und des St. Andrew Schwunges übergibt die Schlägerindustrie ins 20. Jhd. Das neue Design des Schlägerkopfes fand nun eine ästhetischere Form nach dem hässlichen und knolligen Bulbus der Transformationsperiode. Bis 1920 hatte ein typischer Kopf eine untere Krone und einen breiteren Körper. Die Hälse verjüngten sich sanft in den Kopf und die Gesichter waren fachmännisch gekrümmt, wobei einige mit einem harten Schutzeinsatz in der Mitte der Schlagfläche versehen waren.
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Schnell war klar, dass die Tage der Familienmanufakturen gezählt waren, große Namen wie Forgan, Morris und Simpson waren entweder verstorben oder im Begriff, in die Konkursverwaltung zu fallen, Industriegiganten wie Spalding, Wilson und Macgregor- Companies, die bereits die amerikanische Bevölkerung in der boomenden Sportbranche belieferten, übernahmen die Produktion. Die neuen Produkte waren nicht unbedingt billiger, aber innovatives Design traf clevere Marketingstrategie. Der 1927 legalisierte Stahlschaft war gleichzeitig auch der letzte Sargnagel der kleinen Manufakturen. Wenige, wie Swilken, Ben Sayers, George Nicoll konnten sich noch mit Einführung des Stahlschaftes behaupten, aber der schottische Stempel war nichts mehr wert, die Produkte nur noch im lokalen Markt vertreibbar und nicht von den Top Spielern der damaligen Zeit unterstützt oder promoted.
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Der Trend setzte sich weit in das 20. Jahrhundert fort, der Kopf immer raffinierter, aber nicht wirklich verbessert. Eine Verfeinerung war die Einführung von Laminat oder Sperrholz.
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In den vergangenen 600 Jahren wurden unzählige Holzarten kombiniert, auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Gewicht und entsprechender Wetter- und Beschädigungswiderständen, die aber gleichzeitig einfach in die gewünschte Form gebracht werden konnten. Persimon (Kakibaum) entwickelte sich nach Hartriegel, Apfel, Buche, Birne und anderen Hölzern als die beste Wahl. In Amerika war es in Hülle und Fülle vorhanden und besaß alle notwendigen Qualitäten, jedoch war auch Persimon noch anfällig gegen die Einwirkung von Wetter und Golfspieler. Das führte zur Einführung des laminierten Kopfes in den 1940ern.
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Obwohl der Persimon Kopf aus kosmetischen Gründen weiter Verwendung fand, wurde sein Versagen schnell klar, das gelieferte Holz wurde in der Qualität immer schlechter … … die natürliche Trockenmethode konnte dem immensen Bedarf nicht mehr gerecht werden. Mikrowellenbehandlung oder andere Techniken, die den Trocknungsprozess verkürzen sollten, versagten komplett. Größer noch als das Problem der Lieferung war der immer noch immense Handarbeitsanteil am Endprodukt. In den 70ern war der Golfschläger voll industrialisiert und es entwickelte sich ein “klassischer Schlägermarkt”. Viele der meist guten Golfer verweigerten den neuen Trend und spielten mit klassischen Golfschlägern, die oft bereits schon vor 20 Jahren hergestellt worden waren.
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An diesem Punkt trat der kleine Clubmaker wieder in den Markt ein. Der einzelne Mann mit ein paar Maschinen und detaillierten Kenntnissen des Golfspiels aber mehr noch seiner Kunden konnte Schläger an die genauen Bedürfnisse anpassen, etwas, dass der kommerzialisierte Schläger einfach nicht hergab. Kleine Manufakturen erschienen, wie achtzig Jahre zuvor. In den frühen siebziger Jahren wurden Vereinigungen gebildet, um Informationen zu den kundenspezifischen Anpassungen zu teilen. Nicht nur sollte der Kunde ein qualitätsgerechtes Produkt kaufen, sondern auch seine individuellen Parameter berücksichtigt und entsprechend angepasst wissen.
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Eine dieser Vereinigungen in den frühen 70ern war die Professional Golf Club Repairman Association, dessen Gründer Irv Schloss war. Irv bildete die Vereinigung zum Nutzen des Spiels und um der Inkonsistenz und den Marketingtricks der Industrie zu entgegnen. Ein Kreis schloss sich. An diesem Punkt hatte ich das Glück eine Clubmaker Ausbildung bei Irv Schloss zu beginnen, bekannt gemacht wurde ich von Bernard Cooke, meinem Mentor und gutem Freund von Irv Schloss. Sehr bald schätzte ich das Genie des Mannes.
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Mit Ingenieurqualifikationen entwickelte Irv Maschinen und Werkzeuge, um jedes handwerkliche Problem in der Herstellung der Schläger und der Anpassung an den Kunden zu überwinden. Die Ideen, von Irv Schloss vor 50 Jahren entwickelt, haben sich bewahrheitet und sind auch in der Industrie angekommen, Custom Fitting ist zur Norm geworden, natürlich mit moderneren Maschinen und Methoden, aber die Philosophie bleibt die Gleiche. Es kann durchaus behauptet werden, dass die Industrie von einem Genie wie Irv Schloss in diese Richtung gezwungen wurde. Tipp von der Redaktion: Habt Ihr schon mal überlegt, einen eigenen Golfschläger unter fachmännischer Anleitung selbst zu bauen und dann damit eine gepflegte, stilvolle Runde zu drehen? Wenn ja, dann solltet Ihr Euch das Angebot von Bill einmal genauer anschauen und noch heute "Nägel mit Köpfen machen"! Schaut Euch mal das Angebot an! Weitere Infos gibt es auf Bill´s Homepage. Euer Bill Knowles von GolfArtStories UG Click to Post
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guithallsop · 6 years
Ultra Lithium to acquire Forgan Lake Lithium property
The 256-hectare lithium property consists of 16 units located in the Thunder Bay Mining District in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. The Forgan Lake lithium property is comprised of one
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Ultra Lithium to acquire Forgan Lake Lithium property was originally posted by Energy News That Matters
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fairstionlybaker · 6 years
Ultra Lithium to acquire Forgan Lake Lithium property
The 256-hectare lithium property consists of 16 units located in the Thunder Bay Mining District in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. The Forgan Lake lithium property is comprised of one
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This feed powered by J & A Business Solutions
Ultra Lithium to acquire Forgan Lake Lithium property was originally posted by Energy News That Matters
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exposingillusions · 6 years
A visit to Lake Samsonvale offers tranquillity not always found at the region’s busier destinations making it an ideal spot to soak up some nature away from the crowds.
The area is accessible from sunrise to sunset with all the facilities you’ll need to celebrate a family occasion or merely enjoy an outdoor lunch. You’ll find BBQs, picnic tables and playgrounds at both McGavin View and Bullocky Rest (named as this was once a resting point for bullock teams travelling the Old North Road).
McGavin View
Bullocky Rest
  Fishing in the lake is said to be world class provided you have the appropriate permit. Members of the Lake Samsonvale Water Sports Association are allowed to operate paddlecraft but there is strong talk that this will soon open up the public. Swimming is not permitted as Lake Samsonvale is the primary water supply for Moreton Bay and north Brisbane.
For hikers there’s a 4.2km (one way) bushwalking trail that links Bullocky Rest to Forgan Cove. Bird watchers and photographers will delight at the range of water birds.
    Whatever activity you choose, as you gaze upon the calm waters of Lake Samsonvale, spare a thought for the once thriving community that called this land home.
  Tukuwampa was originally home to the Garumngar people but was later given its official name, Samsonvale, by William Joyner who in 1845 leased approximately 400 square miles of land south of the North Pine River, extending from Moreton Bay to the D’Aguilar Range. Mr Joyner died two years later aboard the ‘Sovereign’ when it was wrecked near Stradbroke Island. His widow, Isabella, moved from Sydney to continue working the land. She later married John Griffin, owner of Whiteside, the adjoining run north of the river, and the two stations began to operate as one. Three generations of the Joyner family resided in Samsonvale for 104 years until 1945.
Home of the Joyner family at Samsonvale, photographed by Henry Gold. Image courtesy of Moreton Bay Regional Council, Image ID 375192.
  These large runs were soon subdivided into 160 acre plots selling for the price of 2 shilling 6 pence bringing an influx of settlers consisting mainly of English, Scottish, Irish and German immigrants to work the land.
In 1870 Henry Gold established his property on the banks of Kobble Creek. Being centrally located he housed and operated the Samsonvale Post Office and the manual telephone exchange. He also provided land for the school, church and cemetery. The Gold family became one of the most prominent in the area occupying the region for 106 years.
During World War II an army camp and three airfields were established in the area. The Winn family volunteered 250 acres to the Women’s Land Army, whose purpose was to train women in farm work so they could continue the work of the men who had joined the services.
When Australian Paper Manufacturers selected Petrie as a proposed site for operations, their need for vast quantities of water, combined with population growth in the Redcliffe and Pine regions, inspired discussions about the region’s need for a dam. As a result Pine Rivers Shire Council dammed Sideling Creek to create Lake Kurwongbah and the Australian Paper Mill began operations in 1957. The mill eventually closed in 2013 and will soon become a university precinct.
  It was quickly realised that Lake Kurwongbah would not meet the future demands of Brisbane’s water requirements and planners secretly undertook further surveying around the North Pine River with the view of creating a much larger dam.
In 1957 one of Samsonvale’s property owners discovered a caveat on his land title warning that the property was marked as a site for a future water storage scheme. Word spread among other land owners who checked their titles and found the same caveat. A public meeting was called and residents were advised that 98 properties would be affected by the proposed dam with construction estimated for 15 years’ time. Due to the long lead time and concern about the project’s effect on property values the State Government offered to buy the affected farms and half of the region’s pioneering families departed.
  The Government eventually decided that the project was too big for the Pine Rivers Shire Council and brought in Brisbane City Council to manage it. BCC failed to honour previous agreements by refusing to acquire any remaining properties until the project was due to begin.
The families who chose to stay because their land was only going to be partially affected received their resumption notices in 1971 and found that their whole properties were to be resumed, in contradiction to what they were initially advised. Owners were offered inadequate pay outs (with the excuse that their land was not worth much since it was due to be resumed) which barely covered the costs of purchasing property elsewhere. Many families suffered through drawn out legal battles for some form of satisfactory resolution.
  North Pine Dam (also known as Lake Samsonvale in memory of the community) opened in 1976 at a cost of $20 million. Sealed roads were built to provide easy access to the dam but an oversight caused Basin Road to cut in half a well preserved Aboriginal Bora Ring system. Later, Aboriginal groups lobbied to protect what remained but the water board rejected the proposal.
Back in the 1870s when Henry Gold was first clearing his land he had the foresight to conserve three acres of original Hoop Pine which he fenced to prevent damage from cattle. The BCC agreed to preserve this area which is one of the only surviving Hoop Pine forests in South-East Queensland. It is now called ‘Gold’s Scrub’ and is located near the lovingly maintained Samsonvale Cemetery on the opposite bank to Bullocky Rest. A persistent climbing plant, Cat’s Claw, began to spread among the native Hoop Pines but after several complaints the Commonwealth Government allocated $75,000 (more than the Golds were offered for their entire farm) for volunteers to clear the pest.
  In the words of Ken Gold from his book A Boy from Samsonvale … “And so we can sum up this North Pine project as having a profound effect on a large area of land and the people who lived and worked on it. City people can bathe, wash clothes and cars, drink and cook, water their gardens and fill their swimming pools because a community profoundly disturbed made a significant sacrifice.”
Inspiration for my Lake Samsonvale image – from the ‘Land and I’ series
While North Pine Dam is a necessity for the region, I was deeply moved by the many stories I read of the people displaced by its creation. I’ve visited Lake Samsonvale a number of times without realising the history that lies beneath it and wanted to create an image to show people that there is much more to the lake than its calm surface. It’s a compelling thought that under the lake sits rusty remnants of generations of lives and that these treasures occasionally surface when water levels are low. I wanted to include the fisherman going about his pastime seemingly unfazed by the houses rising from the waters in front of him.
The houses in the image are all preserved historical houses photographed at Old Petrie Town. Included are notable properties such as the Kriesch family’s slab barn which was an original Samsonvale property, and Yebri House from the Petrie family’s homestead.
I invite you to share your own stories, photos and experiences of North Pine Dam and the Samsonvale community in the comments below so we can create a living history of this serene place for future generations.
  Further reading:
Samsonvale : a history of the Samsonvale district by A. J. Gold
A boy from Samsonvale : an autobiographical account of the life and times of the community of Samsonvale from 1932 to 1980 as seen through the eyes of one of its citizens by Ken Gold
Old Petrie Town
    This project is supported by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) which is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Moreton Bay Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.
The Stories of Lake Samsonvale – from ‘The Land and I’ project A visit to Lake Samsonvale offers tranquillity not always found at the region’s busier destinations making it an ideal spot to soak up some nature away from the crowds.
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High Jump Fan Construction in Tre-Forgan | Specialist High Jump...
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High Jump Fan Construction in Tre-Forgan | Specialist High Jump Builders #High #Jump #Fans #Installation #Tre-Forgan https://t.co/5MqM6D343Z
High Jump Fan Construction in Tre-Forgan | Specialist High Jump Builders #High #Jump #Fans #Installation #Tre-Forgan https://t.co/5MqM6D343Z
— High Jump UK (@highjumpukz) August 12, 2017
from High Jump UK http://highjumpukz.tumblr.com/post/164101643118 via IFTTT
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alienvirals · 7 years
Are Aliens Avoiding Earth?
File photo – Crystal Graham, wearing an extra-terrestrial costume, waits in line for her turn in the UFO costume contest in Roswell (Reuters).
Even with all of the advancements in modern technology, we still havent made contact with intelligent life on other planets. But what if our attempts to communicate have been ignored?
In 1973, a radio astronomer named John Ball came up with a possible theory as to why aliens if they do exist havent gotten back to us. Balls Zoo Hypothesis as it came to be known, posits that alien civilizations exist, and the most highly developed of them have been communicating. This elite alien club has come upon a mutual agreement to leave those deemed primitive or lesser life forms alone, only to be watched from a distance. Earthlings, therefore, did not make the cut with the galactic cool kids.
So assuming these aliens exist, under what circumstances could they all agree to keep us in the dark? A Scottish astronomer named Duncan Forgan has the answer.
I was interested in this theory because it is so difficult to test in a scientific fashion, Forgan told FoxNews.com. The Zoo Hypothesis relies on us being unable to observe other aliens, so a failure to observe aliens can be used both as evidence for and against the hypothesis at the same time!
UFO over St. Louis? Strange light over Gateway Arch sparks debate
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/
The post Are Aliens Avoiding Earth? appeared first on AlienVirals.com - Latest Alien & UFO News.
from AlienVirals.com – Latest Alien & UFO News http://www.alienvirals.com/are-aliens-avoiding-earth-4/
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jistnews2016 · 7 years
Three Bright Sparks Nursery Nurses 'force-fed Toddlers'
Katie Davies, 32, Christina Pinchess, 31, and Schelbie Forgan, 22, are all on trial. Three nursery nurses are accused of cruelly force-feeding toddlers in their care. The trio were allegedly exposed by whistleblowing student on work experience. Davies, Pinchess and Forgan 'emphatically' deny allegations made against them. This post first appeared on Jist.News click link
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