#forbidden oc lore
willaro · 2 months
👥: omgh Gallaxhar's family is so cute!!!!
Gallaxhar's family:
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Fun fact #2: Gax's mother worked in the government in some cool high position and didn't really saw her son - his father was a householder and inflated the family hearth out of nothingᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
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sae-mian · 4 months
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totally normal lore iceberg for a totally normal bnuuy :-)
(template here)
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steelsartcorner · 10 months
OC Hours: Tekka, Horizon Forbidden West
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An OC I’ve been thinking about and doodling for a year now, Tekka is a Tenakth from the Sky Clan territories who was a climbing scout. They left the clan in protest after their friend Kotallo’s ousting, and over time have collected their own band of misfits made up of disillusioned young Utaru and former Oseram delvers who snuck into the west and stayed. Their facial and body paints and clothing have changed over time reflecting the contributions of these additional cultures.
Tekka is no longer able to climb after a spinal injury that caused unilateral muscular atrophy in their left leg, requiring an assistive support device created by an Oseram forgewoman of the band in order to walk (bits of which are seen here on their forward leg and around their waist). They have proved a capable leader of their band of wayward souls, surviving in the foothills between Sky Clan and Utaru territory in the shadow of a broken machine Cauldron.
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i-missthesage · 6 months
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Amo with the scroll of forbidden Spinjitzu
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avallachs · 10 months
i kind of want to tweak zofeia's design a little bit. i need her to look a bit more bedraggled and pathetic #girlfail
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thesockwhisperer · 18 days
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My children (ocs), Shiro and Ezrin
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hostilecityshowdown · 23 days
tawlk about DDP and his men NOW
i like how this isn't even. immediately relevant to my fic writing process. anything for you however
my DDP muse is elusive as best but once again, mango sends me to the mines for coal /j he is, indeed... a collector of men. i want to talk about his relationships with women first, though.
my muse maintains his marital status with kimberly, and they're definitely a power couple. dallas is very good at marketing, very person-forward, front-facing. he truly cares about people and wants to help them and, for all he presents himself as being in the same camp as conmen, he'll screw himself to avoid screwing someone else - unless he knows they're privileged enough to survive, regardless. kim also cares about people and is especially protective of other women, but she's much more business and finance oriented than her husband. whereas dallas is hands on in harm reduction, kim takes a more broad approach with a focus on sustaining resources. dallas is the guy who'll sit with someone through withdrawal and kim is the gal who'll go full throttle on their insurance company for rehab coverage - but they'd both work together to shell out time, resources, and money for the people they're trying to help. if dallas didn't maintain a good relationship with his wife, she'd never let him near the diamond dolls, and if he didn't maintain good relationships with the dolls... i think kim would keelhaul him using his own boat. most of his self-promoting material featuring the dolls is meant to increase their visibility, too, not reduce them to props.
speaking of the dolls: dallas loves them and maintains professional relationships with them. kim is probably the anchor that keeps him from developing a familial mindset towards the women they employ, especially because of how young so many of them are. in my own headcanons being a diamond doll is never encouraged to be the end goal, and dallas and kim are always working to help the women in their employ achieve bigger and better. neither of them demean the work of escorts and dancers, though, nor sex workers for that matter, and if those are the professional realms the dolls want to work in because they enjoy them, dallas is going to be supportive (and highly protective). kim's a little more insistent on safer prospects or more mainstream forms of entertainment and athleticism, and likes training the dolls. everyone has to do their DDPY though, or else. /j
okay his men. let's try to be organised about this (top ten words spoken before disaster)
• the diamond studd
go read slater's headcanons, bye!- no okay. dallas is not unwise to the world of professional wrestling, but he knows an artist and innovator when he sees one. he knows he elevates himself by being beside and, sometimes, behind razor; dallas is there to jerk the curtains back and aim the lights at the stage for his studd. dallas also knows he helps keep him on course, focused and motivated, in shape.
i'm not going to project scott hall's real life alcoholism onto a fictionalised muse based off fictional characters he played, but i do believe the diamond studd struggles with substance dependencies that could become addictions, and that dallas sees himself as a living preventive measure. he enriches razor's life outside his performance, subtly hooking him on collecting memorabilia and trinkets. dallas loves filming on his camcorder, razor somehow found himself creating a small collection of instant cameras. dallas always finds a pool hall wherever they go, razor developed some killer trick shots on the road. dallas's main leisure hobby is boating, razor isn't sure when he became a nautical map wiz, but he is. they frequent the same haunts when they revisit towns and regions, beating each other's scores on arcade games (dallas can't stop the studd's score on a specific sopranos pinball machine and it drives him nuts.) neither of them gamble without the other if they can avoid it. dallas has seen the studd at his absolute worst, his most vulnerable, and in the least flattering lights, and he does everything in his power to keep him far away from that place. he'll even tour around the country looking for a suitable assistant for him, recruiting person after person to find the perfect studdette. which is slater, of course.
• vinne vegas
repressed kinky trans man he needs to see flourish. next!
• scotty fl-
no okay. if the diamond studd is dallas's statement piece, vinnie vegas is the oversized wolfmutt dallas carries around as a purse dog. he loves this guy. when he first encounters diesel, dallas reads him as directionless. lost, repressed, but smart - quickly becoming a well known and trusted name in leather communities while trying, desperately, to hide the fact that he's trans and pre-medical transition. deeply passionate about indigenous issues and cultures, but woefully disconnected from his own. money-minded, but a big spender, yet never a debter. he has so much potential and so many crudely composed fake IDs, dallas decides he's going to help before diesel even realises he could use a hand. dallas and kim are the orchestrators behind diesel safely undergoing HRT and various gender-affirming surgeries, some of which they funded out of the country. dallas continuously helps him manage his basketball injury, which does disable him and would severely limit his mobility if not for extensive rehabbing and treatments. but dallas also forces diesel out of his comfort zone, making him a more confident performer, teaching him to play characters and develop gimmicks. vinnie vegas is only the initial developmental stage of the project that is diesel, and page works tirelessly on him.
this does mean their relationship is more one-sided initially, but diesel learns how to give back. he wants to, and returning favours in equal value isn't something that comes naturally to mister cool. diesel moving on from the diamond exchange and, quite literally, taking a name for himself and making it mean something is a massive source of both pride and grief for dallas. i think a small part of him wishes diesel stayed with him longer, and yet another part laments that razor and diesel will follow each other wherever they go, with or without him. he'll always be there when he's needed without hesitation, and he'll always be home base... but he does regret not being along for the ride, sometimes. that being said, dallas is one of the first of very few people diesel will go to for help, especially in an emergency
• scotty "the body" flamingo
sighs /j
page thinks of scotty as a raccoon more than a flamingo. he's always getting into Something, he has perpetual grabby hands, and he may look very pretty or cute but he can rip your face off without warning. he's a diva, a brat, and a sly manipulator; scotty masterminds endless scams, cons, and elaborative lies, and dallas facilitates the operation... within reason. he knows scotty can be something spectacular if he doesn't burn himself out before he makes it. icarus, but a flamingo-pink raccoon. he can tell scotty is incredibly talented, creative, intelligent, and curious, and he can tell he's severely self destructive. he knows he has untreated psychiatric issues, but he can't pinpoint exactly what the problems are beyond the manifestations of symptoms themselves, and scotty's misogyny and general attitude towards women mean kimberly isn't willing to cooperate with him at all. dallas's checklist of things he must provide in scotty's habitat reads something like this:
1. safe, controlled, supportive environments for scotty to explore and express himself
2. healthy stimulation, including encouraging and reinforcing replacing harmful behaviours with healthier and/or less harmful behaviours
3. safe socialisation where a) scotty will not be emotionally or sexually mistreated nor exploited, b) scotty cannot abuse nor mistreat others, c) scotty will have a higher likelihood of forming positive associations with mundane activities, and d) scotty can safely express dangerous and violent behaviours and thoughts, including his fixations on the "occult."
mister flamingo poses a special challenge for dallas, and he really does try to balance protecting everyone from scotty with protecting scotty from himself. his tenure under dallas's wing is the shortest out of the notable members of the diamond exchange, but scotty never forgets everything dallas did for him and the lessons he taught him. granted, he only listens to the ones that benefit his in-ring career, and he never reaches out to dallas for help even in life-threatening situations... but he doesn't forget. their relationship is always strained, yet mutually respectful, and scotty is always going to be closer with vegas and the studd. this is a whole other meta rant, but johnny polo and raven retain the memories of dallas's kindness (raven moreso than polo), and raven, at least, does eventually accept small doses of aid from dallas in the future. they never form a bond akin to dallas and scotty's, and raven is extremely avoidant of any opportunity for page to bring scotty up.
there's some men And some ladies for u. i love dallas and really want to write him more but he's so nuanced, such a smooth talker, so slick. half the time i feel like i'm building his muse atop the foundation of my L4D nick muse and throwing in elements of other muses, but not actually creating my own little ddp doll to play with from scratch... >_>
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marcr125x · 1 month
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“Hi there. My name is Powder & this is my pet & childhood friend Kuropi. We are residents of Monospace looking to escape our mundane world of eternal routine.”
Say hello again to the main protagonist of Forbidden Chroma: Powder. I’ve shown her off in a previous post before but now I have more detail on her & her pet who I have named Kuropi.
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Powder: Powder is a resident of Monospace who has been living their for as long as she can remember. However while many are contempt with living in a world of constant routine, Powder HATES it. Therefore she loaths her homeworld & everything about it except for her job site of Cafe Blanca. Powder wishes for an escape from her hell of a homeworld & one fateful day, she got her wish. Design wise I based Powder off of Omori, the titular character of one of my favorite indie RGGs, OMORI. However unlike Omori who is a dream world version of the game’s true protagonist Sunny, Powder is her own character with an introverted yet friendly personality who isn’t afraid to get a bit sassy at times. In Chromeria, she has a unique ability to use skills from all elements based on the Charm she equips which also changes her elemental affinities. This is of course mainly similar to how Arceus functions in Pokemon, as equiping it with a certain plate changes Arceus’ typing. There are 9 Charms Powder can equip for her ability, 8 for each of the main elements & one that is all elements combined that is first used in the final boss fight but can be aquired post-game.
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Kuropi: Kuropi is Powder’s pet who she has has since she was 5 years old. Since then, they have watched over Powder & protected her, especially after the mysterious dissaperance of her parrents. While Kuropi themself doesn’t like Monospace either, they do make sure to keep Powder in line so she doesn’t do anything too irrational or that get them arrested or even worse, executed. Their one exception to this was when they & Powder learned about the Rainbow Door that the 2 would discover leads to the world of Chromeria. I first made Kuropi via a random Picrew I found back in 2022. When I first came up with the concept of Forbidden Chroma a year later, I decided to use Kuropi as Powder’s companion, basing their design & personality on Kero, Sakura’s companion from the anime Cardcaptor Sakura. However, I wasn’t fully happy with their design so I used a different Picrew to re-design Kuropi before desiging them in Gacha Life 2. In game, Kuropi will act as a guide & navigator for the party. In battle, they would have a similar affect to that of the Navigators from more recent Persona games (3, 4 & 5), where they can assist by giving stat boosts, put up barriers & shields & even heal the party a bit.
These are 2 of the many characters I have made for this series. I hope you like them & I can’t wait to introduce you to more of em.
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local-omen · 2 months
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womp womp, jedi oc
hello this is senei li and i love her very much. she’s the head jedi healer in a mobile medical unit
basically she’s the main character in my feverish idea of a M*A*S*H style show set in the clone wars
here’s the pinterest board if you care: https://pin.it/2G9YWqu5t
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krokaxe · 5 months
10, 48, 49, 93 from the relationship asks for dealer's choice 👀
• OC Relationship Asks •
Well, @koilarist's Caledon has this long swathe of ink-drip hair that Supra is entirely enamoured by. He's the sort to brush and braid Cal's hair before bed time, or for any activity that warrants his hair being back. He's affectionate with touch; ribboning a piece of Cal's hair through his fingers is a common habit.
That said, Supra typically grows his hair out as he is freed from certain constraints; Cal is not immune to his thick, rich gold locks.
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I wish it would be something more poetic or memorable, but it really just be a stream of I love you and all of the attached nonsense.
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Cal melts for Supra's soft smile. Supra melts for Cal's snickers.
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My first thought would be that it would be Cal hurting his leg but no, it would be Supra. Supra's the more solid of the pair of them; lean and fortified with it. So it would probably be an arm around the waist/over the shoulder deal to help him out.
However, in a supernatural basis, Cal would go for the bridal carry. Koil will know what I mean when I say wings and fire make for urgent manoeuvres.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Writer’s First Line
Got another tag for this from @sarenraegalpaladin! Thank you!!
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven’t written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have. 
I have, alas, not written quite ten new pieces since last week’s post of this, lol, but hopefully I’ll get to work through more of the touch prompts I’ve got in my inbox soon. <3 Soooo, this time I will try to weed out all of the ahhh... things masquerading as works in “progress” instead of just the completed stuff, lmaooo.
And again, I might fudge a few of these and give a few lines bc... chewing noises, I love context. I’m pretty sure most, if not all, of these are going to be SWTOR though, lol, so instead we’ll go by characters.
Yes. You’ve seen parts of most of these. No, I haven’t made like... any progress on them at all since you have. x,D
Annndd since I just did this one lately I willllll... leave the tag open. Feast if you wish, dear writers, upon mine open tag to share your works upon creation.
1. in dreams, hopes to die (Tyr, the KOTFE 5 year gap - dream/hellscape)
“They want someone to blame for their defeat. They choose you.”
Despite the exhaustion that has him on his knees, a dry chuckle slips out of Cipher Nine. “So be it then,” he growls. “It wouldn’t be the first time…”
2. exit strategy (I lied, no context for this one because I’m evil and idk if I’ll ever finish it kdfnladsf. There’s a plot, but the purpose of this was to silence the Voices, y’know?)
“Sir, if you don’t mind… Why, exactly, are we going through all of this effort for… y’know..? I know the Republic-”
3. one night in the rain (Tyr x Shara, base game)
Nine’s still humming to the fading band as they move down the dim-lit hall glowing faintly in the strip of red lights lining the base of the walls and mixing with a roll of thunder outside over the city.
4. if i told you to run, run, run (Cee x Oli, KOTFE Chapter 1: The Hunt)
“Oli, try it again!” Her voice crackled through the static of the failing comms.
5. together (Rhyst & Savosta, also the KOTFE hellscape xD I need to finish one of these at least... [roblox oof])
None of this is real. Rhystyl struggled to pull in a steady breath and closed his eyes tighter. There is no emotion. There is peace.
6. requiem for the father, for who i might have been (Tyr & the Minister of Intelligence, Rishi Imperial Agent class mission)
“I do believe that concludes our business.” The old man’s voice shook Tyr out of a daze of distant nights in the rains of Dromund Kaas interwoven with a fog - settled both as only the other week and far too many decades beyond him in the past all at once.
7. a goodbye melody, my apology (we don’t talk about this one either, this is another one that just shhhh. I’m writing it not to finish it but to get the Voices to shut up and leave Tyr alone for 5 minutes.)
“Tyr, where are you?”
The holo flickers as blaster fire rages in the distance. Tyr hisses through his teeth, blaster rifle lax against splayed legs. The Commander only allows the distortion across his features for a moment, but Theron’s heart jolts in his chest.
8. on the business of war (Tyr & Savosta, the Makeb mission. Arguably a complete enough stand-alone piece, but I want to do... more with it.)
“Commander.” Tyr straightened a bit further in salute as the holo flickered back into focus. “I understand there have been… complications on your mission.”
9. the rise and fall of empires (Rhyst & Savosta’s first collaboration on Ilum)
“Do as you will with the survivors, Jedi. But Malgus’s stealth fighter is ours.”
10. “disturbia looping in my head” (I never gave this a proper title, oops; Savosta, Rhyst & [eventually, if I ever remember to finish this] Tyr on Ziost]
“He’s never leaving… I’m going to hear him forever!” Master Surro was quieter than both arguing parties, but her words almost burned, far more than Beniko’s icy anger or the troubled storm of Shan’s guilt - an eclectic brew growing and churning around them in the Force, all agitated by Vititate’s unnatural influence.
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Nex Grant
And if you go, I wanna go with you And if you die, I wanna die with you
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sidereon-spaceace · 8 months
🖋️Adstrum, go!
(send me a 🖋️+ OC and I'll tell you about that OC)
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They've got some redeeming qualities! like um. like. uh. will make potions if it'll make Things easier
more seriously, current Adstrum is a re-work of the character I played in my First Ever Tabletop Game- a shy Tiefling Wizard who totally didn't have A Past™
It was a lot of fun to come back to the character, look at the setting that I was gonna be playing in and going "what can I change here"
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peapod20001 · 10 months
Hnmgmgmf how many guys....I don’t talk about really...
There’s Doug, and Mark and his wife Lisa and their daughter Trixie and then there’s Joseph and Graeme and THEIR daughter
and then there’s Meghan and her husband Peter and there’s also Meghans sister Logan and then there’s Eddie (non Rox affiliated) and his twin Harry
and there’s Al’s cousins Quentin and Percy and Olivia and Ryan and Sheldon (renamed 2 of em) then there’s Carmen and Rodrigo and Maria
and then there’s Eliana’s sisters Luna and Estrella and then I never fucking talk about Adam’s half siblings and there’s Pierre and Adalene and Lucas I never talk about nor do I talk about Ayo
and the Harper harpy twins Symphony and Melody and Fanny and her bf Aiden and then there’s Ambrosia and Serendipity and Morus and Chintzy and Nellie and Flossie
and then Blondee’s OTHER kids Mia Chloe Lila Amarie Blitz Lightning Tyler and Pearl and then there’s Kibi and Bailey and then Anona London Charmaine and Lorraine
and then you got Kyle and Stormi and Piper and Robin and then Phoenix and Michael and Ava and then that trio of reapers that used to be Carolinas parents but they aren’t anymore and then there’s Fleur and Budgett and Dawn
and then Andres and his dad Wolfgang and then Florence and her dad Félicien and I HARDLY talk about Louis and Pinot and Rex and Beau Bubba and James and Frankie
and I never fucking talk about Goose’s brother Trip or their parents Lolli and Pop and I NEVER mention Blondee’s brother Andy
and I’m slacking on Jane content and Genevieve is so ignored by me and I also ignore Chaz and Kandy and Steve tag is lacking and then there’s a ghost girl that hangs round as well as Dahlia and then a fucking weird hand guy I can never draw
and then 2 DIFFERENT fucked up hand people based off of lust and then others based off the 7 deadly sins then there’s the unnamed bisexual clown and aromantic clown and then another one based off of a jester
and then there’s Wren and Antony and Kyles older twin siblings then there’s Nick and his siblings and Needy and their daughter Nat and then Ellie and Landon and their dad Teuflisch then HIS siblings Gabriele and Frances and then HER wife Evelyn and THEIR kids including but not limited to Blanche Diamond and Tittle
and THEN there’s a magic fam and then there’s those skeletons and that one witch lass with the fur coat and the fitness bug lookin chick and then Dixie and tbh Max and Ozzie and Jr and Emi and Graci and Charlie and their Dad and their mom
and then Tercero and Alexis and Shiho and Paulo and Job and Dakota and Georgie and Kolten and her bf Joka and his lil sister Adie and then Rex’s other baby daughters Mila and Kiera and Bubbas children and their family that’s also hallows family and then Winnie and Noels lil sister and actually Noel and Elodie and tbh Al and Nina and John
and THEN there’s Jammy and Dread and Rosey and the other littler one and Daphne and Blair and their mom who is Ben’s sister and then HER husband and I honestly don’t really talk about Charlotte and Thomas and I’m slacking on Ben and Belle content and then there’s other circus peeps I can’t FUCKING name and other REAPERS and CLOWNS and DEMONS and...!
Yea. There’s a lot. There’s still more I’m sure.
Take your pick
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yaminerua · 11 months
Been reminiscing a lot on old OCs I had when I was a lot younger and trying to remember them all and I was amused to remember that my actual first Naruto oc I made as a kid is not the main one I’ve used for years but was actually originally a TMM character I put into a Naruto AU. Eventually I changed his name and made him into his own character (who was largely just a sasuke copy anyway lol) but it’s wild that he started off as one of the TMM aliens first
he ended up just becoming a background oc once my second oc became the main dominant force in my mind but with all the nostalgia over TMM lately and thinking about my old OCs in general I was remembering things I hadn’t thought about in years;;;
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warlordfelwinter · 2 years
me to erazara after spending my entire commute rotating him in my head and thinking about how fucked up the dracthyr must be waking up 20k years out of touch and being chased out of the only home they've ever known into a world they don't understand:
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