#for those of you who have been around long enough and actually remember? yeah i mean that equius
Hi! I would fling myself off the roof for:
Number 3: "I want to taste you so badly."
Number 8: “Kiss me, I can't wait any longer."
Please! 🙏🏻
P.S. You’re one of my favorite writers and you do horny so damn well. So uhhh…thank you and please never stop! 😊
"I want to taste you so badly." additional tags: lovey dovey shit, petnames, drunk horny ian, public sex, they're tucked away in a hedge maze but the risk is still there, this got long somehow oops you can find a fill for #8 here :)
It’s Debbie’s wedding day. And as Mickey stands in this restored historical property that she and her bride somehow managed to score, he’s gotta give props where props are due.
This shit is fully realized. Fairytale but classy. Dreamy lights strung over stone facade. Fresh, color-coordinated bouquets in the middle of every linen-draped table. 
He apologizes - he was not familiar with her game.
Now that the ceremony and dinner are over, he’s got a lot of time to sniff everything out and appreciate it. Lots more elbow room, what with his husband off on the dance floor with his family, celebrating their first wedding that’s finally gone off without a hitch. A historical moment.
“We really gotta show up for her, Mick,” Ian had started saying at the mere whisper of a wedding date. “Make moves. After everything she did for ours.”
And even after his tease, “Alright, you put on the dress - I’ll start bawlin’ my fuckin’ eyes out,” Mickey had agreed. Of course.
And now they’re here. Everything’s come together with a lot of elbow grease and a little light florist-threatening where it may or may not have been needed. (It was. Debbie was more than fine with it.) Everything’s going according to plan, and that includes his husband’s drunk little shimmy over to him, Mickey clearly in his sights even before the music transitions into something slow and romantic.
The song change has something flashing in Ian’s posture, like he’s delighted by the fate of it all as he reaches his hand out for him, still a few good feet away.
Mickey has no choice but to give in, endeared as all fuck as he helps close the distance and is immediately wrapped up in drunk husband. Flushed skin… Nice cologne… Those big hands slip under his suit jacket and fully wrap around him. Pull him in close. “Hey there, handsy…” 
“I love you,” Ian murmurs into his neck, in a way of greeting. Sappy motherfucker. “Love the fuck outta you, Mick…”
Mickey allows it. Fuck anyone who’s got something to say - it’s not his fault they’re like this. He is gonna make fun of him a little, though. “Uh huh. Love you too, ya lightweight.” 
His own drink sloshes up the side of his glass - high enough to envision the table’s bouquet getting a whiskey bath. 
Yeah, he’ll just set this down real quick.
“Havin’ fun, huh…” He’s seen it with his own eyes. Has been enjoying it, actually, watching Ian tear up the dance floor and be stupid with the rest of the Gallaghers. “Gettin’ all sweaty…”
Ian hums, unbothered by this as he leans down to rest their foreheads together. “Could get sweatier…”
“That right?”
“Saw a room in the back…” He nudges his nose along Mickey’s. Brushes their lips together in suggestion as they fall into the slow, swaying rhythm of the love song playing overhead. “Getchya outta this suit…”
It’s a good idea, obviously. Mickey fucking loves this idea. But, “Told me to keep ya on a tight leash tonight,” he teases. “No funny business ‘til we’re back at the hotel. Remember any of that?” To further his point, he reaches behind himself, dragging those wandering hands back up as they start to drift downward under his jacket.
His response goes about as well as he imagined it would when Ian had proposed it this morning. “Who said that.”
“You, darlin’.”
“Mm. Mm-mm…” he denies, his hands beginning to creep back down the small of his back in spite of it all. “Not me…”
Mickey huffs out a laugh. Allows the touch just a little longer, but then corrects him again, before too much of this very good idea becomes a possibility. “Hang onto that, stud.” For later. Much later. When the song isn’t changing to something uptempo and just screaming for Ian to participate. “Go help Lip - poor bastard just pulled somethin’, looks like.”
With a great big inhale, Ian makes his displeasure known. “Come with.”
But, “Will in a bit,” Mickey counters. “Wanna check out back.”
“Out back…”
“Heard they got a statue of some naked dude out there.”
He can feel the smirk of suggestion that’s starting to creep across those lips. “Oh…?”
Gotta stop him before he starts up again. Distract him - ease back so he can look right into those heavy-lidded eyes while he sets the plan. “I’ll check it out - let ya know… Meet ya for another slow one soon…”
This seems to strike a chord in Ian’s wine-soaked brain. The deal of the century. And as if fate is reaching out its hand again, the music switches over to a song that’s got the inner circle shouting for Ian on the dancefloor.
“Go,” Mickey insists, kisses him back when Ian plants a quick one on his lips. 
Another kiss. “Okay bye.”
“Love you.” 
“Love ya.” One more. 
And then he’s high-tailing it back into the crowd, leaving Mickey to watch after him with a fond shake of his head. 
He picks his drink back up. Takes a sip, indulging in just a few more moments.
Damn, he loves that motherfucker.
_ _ _
It’s not that Mickey wants to deny his man - especially not when he’s all drunk and horny and love-struck like this - he’s only doing it because Ian asked him to. You know, before getting sloppy off pinot noir.
He’s in good hands in the dance circle, though. His opportunities to act up drop astronomically without his better half being there to touch up on. 
And all marble dick jokes aside, Mickey does actually wanna snoop around outside. So that’s how he finds himself here, a good unknown amount of time later, posted up at the edge of the garden’s miniature hedge maze.
He hears someone call it a labyrinth in passing, but it’s a fucking hedge maze. Labyrinths are supposed to have monsters and shit in them, aren’t they? Debbie probably woulda had to pay extra for that.
Mickey pushes it from his mind and takes another drag of his cigarette, watching the smoke drift up into the stars. It’s a clear night. Perfect weather. Real quiet out here too, most of the celebration locked away in the estate. 
It’s why he can hear the steps coming up behind him so easily, the stride and weight of them already getting his chest to swell with pleasant, familiar anticipation. 
It only grows when he turns around - when he’s met with Ian’s playful little grin as he stops in front of Mickey not to kiss him like he expects, but to pluck the cigarette from his lips, without a word, before making his way to the labyrinth’s entrance a few feet away.
Mickey watches after him. Feels that pleasant anticipation curl into something curious as Ian takes a drag, flicks playful arch of his eyebrow Mickey’s way, and then slips through the opening in the hedgeline.
An invitation to play.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Mickey pushes forward, eager to not let Ian get too much of a lead on him. As soon as he steps into the maze, though, it becomes clear that won’t matter at all.
Because right away, he’s forced to make a decision between left and right, with no signs of which way Ian just chose. 
Alright then, left it is.
“Ay,” he calls out, just on the off chance he’ll get a response. Shit’s twisty-turny in here. Tall, perfectly trimmed hedges that have gone dark green in the shadows stretch out before him. “Red…”
Of course Ian doesn’t answer.
He turns again. More choices. Right this time. “Gonna make me call a search party for your drunk ass…” he calls, only half kidding. 
Another choice - straight, left, or right. 
The stomped out cigarette keeps him on track - straight ahead - pulse beginning to quicken with his steps. 
Because this is fun, but he doesn’t know how long it’s gonna stay fun. Doesn’t know exactly how many more blind turns he’s got in him before things start to get a little too real. 
“Ian…” One more choice - he’s decided. One more turn and then if he’s not right in front of his husband he’s gonna make it everyone else’s problem. “Ian, if you don’t-...”
The rest evaporates into thin air as Mickey’s steps gradually fall off, all his determination leading him through the corridor and into a hidden resting place tucked in the middle of the labyrinth. It’s small - moonlit and flanked on all sides by the tall hedges. And in the middle…
Holy shit, there it is.
Mickey takes a careful step forward. Takes in the statue erected in the middle of the clearing - all the dips and curves of the pose - how he lounges back on one hand, the other raised to the crown of leaves around his head. 
It’s weirdly profound.
Strangely breath-taking.
Gets Mickey so caught up in the moment of it all that he doesn’t hear the footsteps behind him until it’s too late - until he feels the hand wrap around his arm and tug, gently pulling him around until he’s come face to face with the man he’s been searching for.
His mouth falls open and Ian helps himself without a word, pinot noir and hunger on his tongue. Mickey laps it up. Lets himself be eaten alive, heat rushing into his chest and his face and his-
Ian lets out a tasty little breath as Mickey shoves him away, light and playful with it, but still hard enough to get a few steps between them - room to breathe and size each other up.
And fuck, he looks like something out a movie. 
The shrubbery walls are tall, but the two of them are out of shadow’s reach, silver moonlight settling over Ian’s flushed face…his kissed, parted lips…how a couple bangs have fallen over his forehead…
Somewhere between the dance floor and here, he’s gotten his tie undone completely - has left it hanging and the first few buttons of his dress shirt undone, his suit jacket just begging to get pushed off his shoulders right where he stands.
Holy fuck.
If this is what labyrinth monsters look like, Mickey might not mind getting lost.
“You lookin’ for me…?” Ian smirks, and it’s crazy how something so normal can sound so slutty when he’s panting like that.
Now is the time for Mickey to stop this. Now is the time for Mickey to remind him that they’re supposed to be behaving until the wedding is over.
“C’mere,” he says instead, already rushing forward - already wetting his lips and parting them so Ian can lick right into his mouth again.
It’s sloppy. Handsy. Ian is drunk and horny and love-struck and it’s too hot to deny anymore. It was never gonna happen anyway. 
Dewy grass gets trampled under their dress shoes as Ian walks them backward without breaking off. Mickey can’t see but he trusts him - even like this - anticipates the sturdy marble before his lower back even slots against it. And then he’s trapped, blissfully, between the infamous naked statue and his husband’s crowding warmth.
“Fuck, Mick…” Ian breathes out. His fingers work at the knot in Mickey’s tie so he can loosen it - pop open the first two buttons of his shirt - tuck his fingers into the edge of his collar and then pull, burying his face into the newly exposed side of his neck.
It’s got Mickey lighting up, all the way from the tips of his toes. Of course he goes right for his weak spots. “Jesus Christ…” This statue better be good at keeping secrets.
Because Ian’s mouth is running, words and lips pouring over Mickey’s skin, “Need you, baby…” up and up and brushing over his ear, “Wanna taste you so bad…”
A shudder works up Mickey’s spine, even as he hears himself say it. “What, here?”
“Now.” His warm palm cups Mickey’s cock over his pants and starts rubbing just to prove it. “Right now. In here. Lemme taste you - I don’t wanna wait anymore…”
And Christ, he’s supposed to say no to that?
No fucking way.
Mickey reaches down for his belt, undeniably hard where Ian continues to give him attention. “Quick,” he insists, though. “People been goin’ in and out all night.”
That doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be a problem for Ian. He’s already getting on his knees - fucking up his slacks with wet grass stains - helping Mickey get his belt open and pants down just enough and fuck…
Fuck…Ian’s licking him up and swallowing him down right away, getting him good and sloppy like it’s the only thing he wants to concentrate on right now. His drunk ass really has been craving this.
Mickey lets his head tip back into the moonlight. Lets out a bitten groan from the tight, wet heat working up and down his cock. Feels his breath quicken as those fingers slip through the spit that’s dripped down to his balls, and then slide further back to start circling over his hole.
“Oh fuck,” he huffs out, his laugh breathy and surprised. “Fuckin’-...Jesus, Ian…you horny bitch…”
It’s affectionate, of course. They both know it. If anything, it just makes Ian lean into it harder, something low rumbling in his chest before he draws his hand back to spit in it - loudly - and then goes back to playing with his hole.
Yeah, he’s definitely a monster.
But he is quick, Mickey will give him that. They’re moving fast, the combination of time and Ian’s drunk, hungry mouth making things sloppy in a way they haven’t really been since they were teenagers. 
This is so much better though. Obviously. This is fucking perfect, nasty in that shameless way. That ‘you’re my husband and I think you’re so fucking hot and I’m gonna do whatever I fucking want to you because I know you’re just as into it’ way. Jesus, if his teenage self could see them now-
The sudden redirection has Mickey spinning - literally - gets him facing the statue, his arms coming to hold himself up in its lap as Ian tugs him backwards ass-first and-
“Jeeeesus…” Mickey’s eyes roll shut in pure, utter pleasure, reaching to hold himself up by the crook of the statue’s elbow as Ian’s tongue starts lapping over his hole like he’s got no time to lose.
They don’t, really. 
Realistically. No matter how time is going in and out in this fucked up little maze.
Anyone could make a turn at any of the four hedge breaks and walk right into this - Mickey, bent over in some naked statue’s lap, his ass completely out and being absolutely devoured by his husband while three fingers deep.
Another shudder runs down his spine, his toes curling in his shoes. 
Wait a minute, is that hot?
Fuck, he’s getting close.
It takes a bit of maneuvering, but Mickey finally gets his hand squeezed into the inner pocket of his suit jacket, freeing the things he’s hidden there just for this.
He gets the corner of the gold packaging between his teeth and then tears, carefully, only spitting the extra bit onto the ground once he’s turned over his shoulder and held the rubber within reaching distance.
It’s got Ian coming back to Earth a little bit.
Has him pulling away, his mouth and chin glistening in the moonlight as he blinks owlishly at the condom, then looks up at Mickey, then back down to the condom again, processing with heavy breath and stilled fingers.
Mickey can already hear the shit he’s gonna get for this later. All sorts of mess about how he said he’d keep Ian at bay but then brought condoms and lube anyway - in his fucking jacket no less. 
“Okay, but I was right to. Was I fuckin’ not?” he defends himself.
And Ian has absolutely nothing to say to that right now - he couldn’t possibly - instead he focuses on the task of wiping his face while standing and getting his pants open and grabbing the condom Mickey undid for him, unrolling it on himself as quickly as possible.
It’s all while Mickey gets the packet of lube torn open and put to work. Because suddenly time is very real to him. It’s slamming forward, the crickets seeming louder than ever but holy fuck, is he turned on. He might want this shit even more than the one who’s been slobbering after it all night.
So he hangs on, literally, going back to grabbing at the crook of the statue’s elbow as Ian slicks up the condom and then presses forward, sinking inside him perfectly.
Fuck yes…
“Oh god, baby…” he breathes out, and it’s shaky and right in Mickey’s ear - right where it sends tingles down his whole body.
Mickey bites down over his bottom lip, his nostrils flaring as Ian starts to fuck him against the statue. It’s just like everything else tonight. Good and greedy and sloppy, wine slurring the usual rhythm of his hips, but it doesn’t matter one fucking bit when they’re both this turned on.
It also means it’s gonna boil over quickly, both of them just a little too desperate to hold anything off. And that’s okay too. Mickey’s here for the ride no matter how it goes - how quick and fumbly and messy it is. Sometimes it’s more fun that way anyway. 
This is one of those times. This is Mickey falling forward into the statue’s lap again, reaching blindly above him for Ian, who swoops in to press his lips to the side of his neck, words slurring and heated and sexy. 
Mickey gets his hand in the top of his hair and he knows he’s fucking it all up - the gel is getting all over his fingers - but that doesn’t matter right now because the new angle’s got Ian’s cock rubbing up just right inside him, pleasure pooling and curling in his belly and drawing everything to a steamy, delicious boil.
“...m'gonna cum,” Ian moans and it’s one of the most romantic things they’ve ever done, Mickey thinks - fucking in this garden labyrinth - coming together under the stars and the watchful eye of some beautiful, fucked up little statue.
It’s definitely up there, at least. And Mickey’s not gonna factor in that he’s got marble cock and balls in his face as he starts to catch his post-orgasm breath.
From where he’s slumped on top of him, Ian buries his face right back into Mickey’s neck, his declaration winded and endearing. “Fuck… Love you so fuckin’ much Mick, oh my god…”
It’s enough to have Mickey buzzing - aftershocks and true, sometimes disgustingly obvious adoration.
“Love ya too,” he breathes out. Then, “Kinda wanna put my ass away though…”
A giggle tickles at his neck, Ian clearly entertained by his request. “Gonna come dance with me…?”
God… “Uh huh…”
It’s all he needs to say for the great weight atop his upper half to release, Ian finally granting them both enough room to pull up their pants.
They straighten themselves up with coy little grins at each other. While Ian re-ties his tie for him, Mickey tries to slick all that red hair back into something not obviously post-fuck. 
And this might actually be the most romantic thing they’ve ever done, he decides instead. Even when they both finally declare each other ready for the dance floor, but find themselves lingering at the different openings in the hedges.
Because wait…
“Fuck…” Mickey realizes. “How the hell do we get outta here?” 
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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walpu · 3 months
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I've got those requests almost at the same time jsrfwwxewe also I fucked up big time and accidentally deleted them but thanks god I've made the screenshots
I've been looking forward to writing something nsfw for him lmao
nsfw headcanons w/Aventurine
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characters - Aventurine notes - gn!reader, nsfw, subby!Aven. Somehow turned into a character study. Somewhat angsty but with a turn for hurt/comfort. No beta.
Okay, first of all, he's no virgin. But he's NOT a manwhore either. Like for some reason when it comes to the cunning characters it's always either he's a dickrider-pussydestroyer-900 or he's actually a fragile innocent virgin baby. Not the case with Aventurine, not on my watch at least.
I mean it's pretty much canon that the only moment he feels truly alive is when he's gambling so he won't seek sex for the purpose of filling up the hole in his heart. And I don't see him as a lustful person in general.
He has one-night stands from time to time though. Not particularly often but once in a while he feels a certain level of frustration and stress budling up in him so in order to distress without losing his cool he seeks sexual relief. For him it's a safe way to relax a bit without actually taking off the mask of a frivolous and confident man.
Also. He's very touch starved. Not even in a lustful way, he just wants to feel someone's touch. Someone on twitter pointed out that he's practically hugging himself on his e6 and I haven't been the same ever since.
And now look at his body language in almost every cutscene. He has his arms crossed and is generally pretty reversed. I think he doesn't trust people around enough to be in his personal space but when it's a part of the sexual act, it's just natural. He doesn't have to feel exposed. So yeah. This is another reason why he seeks sex.
Now do you remember what Sparkle said to him? About stripping himself naked for Sunday and all that? Yeah I feel like he gets comments like that a lot due to people's prejudice against Avgins. People are usually not this straightforward butttt the idea behind their comments is the same.
He may act unaffected as long as he wants to but I do think it messed him up quite a bit.
Due to his fucked up views on his own value and his sexuality he doesn't have a healthy set of boundaries with his partners, allowing them to be as mean and rough as they want. And I don't mean just kinky stuff, I mean genuinely uncaring partners who really don't give a shit about Aven's comfort. I think subconsciously he seeks people like this. In his eyes, it's better this way, otherwise he may crumble from a gently and caring touch.
So yeah. His sexual encounters usually leave him sore and exhausted. The initial feeling of relief washes away in the morning, leaving him more empty than before.
Okay now to the happier part because we are 466 words in and I still didn't say anything good or sexy.
If the two of you started your relationship as a fling then initially he would be surprised because of how observant and attentive you are.
"My, my, how caring you are. But don't worry about me, you're free to use me as you wish" he says in the same flirty tone as usual. And you just. Stare.
He acts like he's bored while you literally pry the information out of him and, well, he doesn't give you anything specific anyway so you have to ask questions during the whole prosses to make sure he's doing fine. Orrr you just set for something very vanilla just in case.
In reality he's a bit confused. Has mixed feeling about this. Being treated with such care makes it harder for him to hide behind his mask but it feels so nice.
And when he realizes that he has actual feelings for you he just. Stops sleeping with you lmao. If you have questions about this he'll find 2134144 excuses but in reality he just tries to figure out his own feelings.
If you started off as friends then he would not try to sleep with you until you start dating. At first he just doesn't want to mix up this dynamics. And when he catches feelings, he just tries to make sense of it. Plus since sex is not something entirely positive for him, he's just kind of... unsure how it may affect your relationship even if it's obvious that the two of you want each other.
Okay now the real talk. When the two of you are officially lovers be prepared to face his messed up views on his own sexuality. Will probably need a lot of reassurance, attention and aftercare to realize the importance of his own safety and comfort. Learns to value himself through you.
A very good lover, knows how to please you and wants to please you. His previous sex partners weren't important to him so he didn't go out of his way to make them feel good but with you it's a different story. Literally worships your body, pressing kisses everywhere. Especially likes your thighs. Kisses them, bites them, leaves marks all over them. Loooooves teasing them while keeping eye contact with you right before giving you oral.
I feel like he's a switch but leans towards being a sub. May dom if you want him to or, rarely, if he feels like it.
May look like a brat but is not actually a brat. Well, most of the time. He's a tease but still does pretty much everything you want without making you work for it. However, if he's in a playful mood, may get all cheeky with you. Says stuff like: "Oh, that's all? I know you can do better" or "My dearest, don't disappoint me, okay? You know I don't make deals that don't pay off" just to rile you up. He loves being tamed okay. He knows you won't hurt him so him being all cheeky and disobedient is actually a huge sign that he's comfortable with you and trusts you fully.
Worship his body and he'll melt. Like. He'll genuinely crumble.
Goes all worked up and needy and soft and completely submissive in your arms.
Loves loves loves edging you. And fucking hate being edged. And by "hates" I mean he will whine and sulk and beg you to let him cum already. Secretly loves it but won't admit. You know it anyway since he never tries to stop you, obeying your every command, like a good boy he is. If you tell him that you'll stop doing that if he actually wants you to he'll huff and admit that he's not actually against you being a meanie.
Loves marking your body and loves when you mark his. HOWEVER would prefer to leave/have hickeys on the parts of your bodies that are usually covered. Doesn't want to create any rumors and doesn't want to make you uncomfortable. However, if you're into this, he'll gladly cover your entire neck with hickeys.
Is actually very sensitive pretty much everywhere so it's quite easy to overstimulate him. Once again, he'll whine but would never be against it.
Has the pretties moans and is very loud as well.
Doesn't have a lot of stamina so if he tops and you're still not satisfied after he cums, he'll use toys to entertain you up until he is ready for another round. If he bottoms then please give him some time to rest. Andddd kiss all over his body so he would get worked up again as soon as possible.
Has a praise kink. And a bit of a degradation kink too actually. Don't just insult him, mix it up with a praise and boom he's ready to cum.
Loves aftercare. Both giving and receiving it. He feels extremely vulnerable after a sensual lovemaking session so please just hold him and tell him he did great.
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steddiehyperfixation · 7 months
don't you forget about me (part two)
(part one)
Steve doesn’t know how long they sit there in silence, waiting. It’s making him insane. The seconds pass too slow; the seconds pass too fast. His mind is a storm; his mind is empty. He’s feeling too much; he’s not feeling at all. He paces the room; he sits catatonically against a wall. He needs to get out of here; he needs to stay. 
He’s been here before, just barely over a week ago, tense and anxious and despairing and waiting for news. But waiting to hear if Eddie will ever remember him again really should not feel this much worse than waiting to hear if Eddie will ever fucking breathe again. Steve thinks there must be something wrong with him. He’s being selfish and stupid. His pathological fucking need to be loved is not what’s important right now. Eddie is alive and awake and okay and that’s the only thing that really matters. That’s the only thing he should really care about.
Steve’s pacing again now, yanking his hands through his hair as he does laps around the room until Eddie finally appears in the doorway. 
Eddie must’ve just cracked a joke or something because the nurse is laughing as she pushes his bed into the room and he’s got this adorable grin on his face. Steve’s heart twists in his chest and he nearly bursts into tears all over again because god does he want nothing more than to press a kiss to those dimpled cheeks. 
“Good news, boys,” Eddie announces. “My brain is fully intact.”
“There’s no physical permanent damage to his brain,” the nurse elaborates. “His amnesia is likely a result of psychological trauma and the temporary disruption of brain function from blood loss and lack of oxygen that occurred at the time of his injury. But there is no obvious reason why he shouldn’t regain his full memory, given time.” 
So there’s hope. Steve breathes a sigh of relief. 
“That is good news,” Wayne agrees. 
Steve asks, “How much time?” 
The nurse gives an unhelpful shrug. “Impossible to say. It could be anywhere from days to months, or even years. I’m sorry, there’s no way for us to know.” 
Years. “Okay.” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose. He can keep it together. He can. “Thanks,” he tells the nurse. “I, uh-” He makes the mistake of looking at Eddie who looks right through him, and Steve can’t keep it together anymore actually. “I gotta update the kids,” he mutters, backing his way towards the door. Wayne nods in acknowledgment; no protests this time at Steve’s excuse to leave.
“See ya, Harrington,” Eddie calls after him, casual, impersonal, like they're nothing more than acquaintances passing by each other in a high school hallway.  
Steve can’t get out of that hospital fast enough. 
He makes it to his car in record time, slamming the door shut and sinking heavily into the driver’s seat. A ragged sob tries to claw its way up his throat now that he’s finally alone, but he forces it back, staving off his breakdown for just a little bit longer. As much as it was an excuse, he really does have to update the kids. 
Steve fishes his walkie out of the glove box. “Code - whatever, I don’t know. Code Eddie,” he says. He doesn’t remember the kids’ system of codes, nor would he be sure which one this news falls under even if he did. 
“Is he okay? Is he awake?” comes an immediate, eager response from Dustin. “Over.” 
“Yeah, he’s awake, and he’s fine, except he’s got pretty bad amnesia. The doctors say it should be temporary, but right now he doesn’t remember anything since May of ‘85,” Steve explains, trying his best to keep his voice even.
“Steve, come pick me up and take me to see him,” Dustin demands, “right now. Over.” 
“Me too. Over,” Mike chimes in before Steve can respond. 
“And us,” Erica adds as well. 
Steve pauses for a second, both to steady his own breath and to make sure no one else wants to jump in on this too, before he reminds them, “He won’t know you, any of you.” 
“I don’t care,” Dustin says, bossy as ever. “Just come get me. Over.” 
“Jesus Christ, kid,” Steve mutters to himself. He sucks in another breath; it wobbles dangerously. He’s just about reached his limit on how long he can keep himself from falling apart. “I- I need a minute, alright?” he manages through the walkie. “Can you just give me, like, an hour? And then I’ll take you guys to visit Eddie.” 
Steve doesn’t wait for a response before he slams the antenna closed, tosses the walkie aside, and finally, finally lets himself shatter. That sob rips free from his throat, followed by another and another and another. Tears flood from his eyes; his nose runs. It’s an ugly, gross, visceral cry that leaves him exhausted and raw and aching to be held by the time the last sob shudders out of him. Drained and hollow, he craves the embrace of someone who knows him, someone who loves him. 
He sweeps up his broken pieces, wipes the mess of tears and snot off his face, and drives to Robin’s house.
“Steve, oh my god.” Robin pulls him into a hug the second she opens the door and sees the look on his face. Steve clings to her. “What happened?” 
“Eddie’s awake,” he mutters dismally. 
“Oh! Not the tone I’d expect you to deliver that news in, but okay.” Robin pulls back, looking at him with narrow-eyed concern and confusion as she analyzes his puffy eyes and red nose and swollen lips. “And you look like you’ve just been crying because…?”
“Because he doesn’t remember me, Rob,” Steve sighs. “He doesn’t remember anything from the past 11 months.” 
Robin’s eyes go wide now. “Shit,” she says, so plainly it startles a short laugh out of Steve. 
“Yeah,” he agrees. “Shit.” 
She asks him more questions as she walks down the hallway so they can talk in her room. Steve once again reiterates what was said at the hospital. 
“So you didn’t tell him you two were a thing?” Robin asks, closing her door behind them. 
“Of course I didn’t.” Steve flops back onto her bed. “I didn’t want to spook him.” 
She sits beside him. “You didn’t want to spook him,” she repeats, looking down at him with raised eyebrows, “but you told him about Vecna.” 
“Well, yeah. I just-” He lifts his arms to gesture vaguely into the air as he tries to explain himself. “I mean, imagine how you would feel if you woke up in a hospital and some random guy you’ve spoken to maybe twice was by your bedside telling you you’ve been in a relationship with him for the past 9 months.” 
“Uh, I don’t know, dingus, probably about the same as I’d feel if said guy told me I’d nearly died fighting some evil twisted creature from a hell dimension,” Robin retorts.
Steve drops his hands onto his chest with a huff, shaking his head. “No, trust me. He seemed far less surprised by that than he did to hear that we were even just friends,” he says, a bit bitterly. Tears are pricking at his eyes again as he looks up at his best friend. “You didn’t see the way he looked at me, Robin. All he saw was King Steve.”
Robin softens, snark replaced with sympathy. “That sucks, Steve. I’m so sorry.” 
Steve sighs in agreement that yes this really fucking sucks. He sits up and scoots back so that he’s slumped against the wall, hitting the back of his head against it. “I think I’m a horrible person,” he admits, just venting now, “because of course I’m glad Eddie’s alive and all I really want is for him to be okay, and I know the nurse said he should remember eventually, but there’s still some sick part of me that thinks maybe it would’ve hurt less if he had just died.”
“I don’t think that makes you a horrible person,” Robin assures him as she settles next to him, shoulder to shoulder. “I think you’re just grieving, and grief is weird sometimes.”
“It was one of the worst things I’ve ever felt,” he mutters, “when he looked at me without recognition. To see it on his face, just the- the absence of everything that we’d built. I’ve never felt so- so- I don’t know, it was like I couldn’t breathe. He just- he doesn’t know that I love him. He…he doesn’t know that he loved me...” 
Because that’s what it is, isn’t it? It’s not that he’s lost someone that he loves, it’s that he’s lost someone who loves him. Because Eddie’s not gone, just his love for Steve is, and that’s what’s tearing him apart. It’s the fact that there’s one less person in the world who loves him. It’s the fact that Steve’s got this big gaping hole inside of him that’s always made him so desperate to be loved, liked, wanted, needed; and his biggest fucking fear is becoming obsolete. He could probably trace it back to his parents, the first to forget him, the first to stop loving him, but the fact remains that now Eddie has fulfilled that fear too. Now Eddie has carved that pit a little deeper, a little darker, validating the voice that whispers within it and tells Steve that he is forgettable, unlovable, so easy to abandon and erase. 
“Well, I love you,” Robin tells him, like she can read his mind (which, at this point, she probably can). She slides an arm around his shoulders, hugs him close. “And I’m not going anywhere.” 
Fragile as he is right now, Steve falls apart again in her arms, and she holds him together. Because she knows him, because she loves him.
It’s a quieter cry this time, soft and sniffly. Whereas the last one wracked through his body and left him fatigued, this one flows from him almost gently, and when his tears finally subside and he lifts his head from where it had been buried in his friend’s shoulder, Steve actually feels a little bit better, a little bit stronger. Which is good, because he’s gonna have to face Eddie again soon. 
“Thank you,” he says quietly as he pulls away from Robin, wiping at his eyes and glancing at the clock on her nightstand. It’s definitely been an hour by now, probably more. He stands. “I have to go, I promised the kids I’d take them to see Eddie.” 
“Then I’m coming too.” Robin stands with him. “For moral support.” 
Steve gives her a grateful smile. “I love you so fucking much, you know that?” 
“Yeah.” She grins at him. “I know.” 
The nurses have changed his bandages and upped his morphine, so Eddie’s considerably hazy now but at least he can raise his headrest and prop himself up a bit without nearly blacking out from pain. He’s boredly flicking through channels on the shitty TV in front of him, alone since Wayne had to leave for work, when Harrington returns followed by a very unexpected group consisting of Robin Buckley and four strange children. 
“Sorry,” Harrington announces their presence with an apologetic shrug, “I know you don’t know them anymore, but they insisted.” 
“Eddie!” a pudgy, curly-haired kid shouts before Eddie can even react, coming barrelling towards him and trying to hug him. 
“Ow!” Eddie yelps, pain flaring even through the extra morphine. “Fucking Christ, kid! Be careful!” 
The kid jumps back immediately, eyes wide. “Shit. Sorry.” 
“S’fine,” Eddie grumbles.
The kid looks at him expectantly for a moment before seeming to realize, “Oh, right, you don’t remember me. I’m Dustin.” 
“Ah, so you’re the guy I sacrificed myself for,” Eddie mutters, and Dustin looks a little sheepish. That means these must be ‘the kids’ Harrington had been talking about earlier. He surveys the group for a second. “Actually, I think we have met before,” he tells Dustin. “And you too.” He glances at a pale, dark-haired kid. The other two - a Black boy with a flat-top and a younger Black girl - look less familiar, though. “There was this, uh, open day thing at the high school for next year’s incoming freshmen; I talked to you about Hellfire.”
“Yeah!” Dustin’s whole face lights up, so bright and infectious it makes Eddie grin too. “Yeah, you did!” 
“So you guys joined the club, then?” 
This sparks a very animated conversation about D&D, the rest of the kids (Mike, Lucas, and Erica, as they soon reintroduce themselves) gathering around his bed now too to join in. It makes him feel a bit more like himself again, familiar, normal. Except, of course, for the fact that they’re not only talking about how they defeated Vecna in Eddie’s “totally epic” and “sadistic” campaign (adjectives courtesy of Dustin and Mike respectively), but also filling in more pieces of the story of how they defeated him in real life too. Still, it’s nice, fun. He totally understands how he could’ve gotten attached to these kids.
At some point, Eddie glances over to find Harrington hanging back and just watching them talk, fondly, wistfully. Robin whispers something to him and he sort of smiles, just a trace, and whispers something back. They seem close, intimate. Eddie wonders if they’re dating, and then he wonders why that thought makes him feel a bit sick. He waves them over. Harrington looks like he’s about to protest, but Robin gives him a Look and he allows her to grab his hand and drag him to join the crowd around Eddie’s bed. 
“So, what’s your deal, Buckley?” Eddie asks her. He doesn’t know her very well, they’ve only crossed paths a few times in the bandroom, but right now that makes her the most familiar person in the room to him. “Are you and Harrington a thing now? Is that how you’re involved in all this?” 
Robin wrinkles her nose and drops Harrington’s hand. “Ew, no. Definitely not.” 
“She’s my best friend,” Harrington says. 
Eddie snorts, doesn’t know why he finds that so comical. (He’s starting to get tired and it’s making him loopy. Or maybe it’s just the morphine.) “You've got a funny choice of friends nowadays, don’t you? Me and band geek Buckley and a bunch of nerdy freshmen.” He looks at Harrington with incredulous amusement. “Who would've thought, huh? Steve Harrington, collector of geeks and freaks.” 
Harrington doesn’t seem to find it as funny. He shrugs. “Yeah, well, it’s better than King Steve, collector of asshole bullies and shallow one-night stands.” 
“Yeah, ‘course it is,” Eddie agrees through another huff of laughter that breaks off into a yawn. “Didn’t mean it as a bad thing, Stevie. Was a compliment.” 
“Alright.” The barest hint of a smile flickers across Harrington’s face now, but then he’s looking away and corralling the kids and saying, “We should head out, let you get some rest.” 
And Eddie kind of wishes he’d stay.
(part three!)
taglist: @romanticdestruction @daydreamsandcrashingwaves @paintsplatteredandimperfect @hallucinatedjosten @mugloversonly @estrellami-1 @alongcomesaspider @thatonebadideapanda @tell-me-a-secret-a-nice-one @dragonmama76 @wxrmland @nuggies4life @sirsnacksalot @myguiltyartpleasure @marklee-blackmore @vinteraltus @sebastiansstanswhore @0happyeverafter0 @scarlet-malfoy (only tagged people who explicitly asked to be tagged; if you would like to be added or removed from this list please lmk!)
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onelittlespiral · 8 months
Hey dude, I'm just a lil bro looking for a big bro to take care of me in all sorts of ways but all I'm stuck with is my lousy nerd of a roommate. Could you help me out?
FML: Fraternize
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My roommate was… chill all things considered. I don’t know, he was just the random guy that I got stuck with when all my bros decided to move into the house and I needed someone to take the lease with. Scruffy, for sure. A bit out of shape. He said he used to play soccer in high school. Cute, but that was about it. Nowadays he was just getting his degree in English. Just a guy. But I didn’t want just another guy.
I tried to be friends with the guy, but he always just blew me and my boys off. He would just say he was too busy studying or playing some video game to come out to the gym with us or hang at the frat. I finally decided I was fed up. I needed my roommate to be more than a rando in my house. I needed a bro. And the fraternity had some resources to make that happen.
They usually keep this kinda stuff for pledges who start stepping out of line, but my buddy slipped me the files that they show to help guys get in line. I don’t remember if I ever saw them myself… what ever. It was a series of videos that promised to turn any guy into a bro in no time flat. So, one night, I put the tapes on when my roommate was home:
“Hey man, I’ve gotta watch these for class, mind if I slip them on?”
“No problem, I’ll just hang out in my bedroom.”
“Actually, it may be something you would like. You should stay. Here, you chill here and I’ll listen while I cook. I’ll make enough to split.”
I turned the first tape on and went to cook up some chicken and rice. In the other room, I heard the video beginning. It wasn’t long before I started hearing my roommate responding to the commands:
You are loyal to your bros.
“I am loyal to my bros.”
When you are around them you feel relaxed.
“When I am around them I feel relaxed”
The gym feels like your second home.
“The gym feels like my second home.”
The frat is life. You are made to be loyal to the frat.
“I am made to be loyal to the frat.”
They kept pushing him in the background while I finished cooking some food. When I walked back into the room, static filled the screen as my roommate stared into space, drool dripping from his mouth. I turned of the TV and he seemed to come to his senses.
“Hey, sup bro? Got the fuel?”
Already he was much better, “Yeah man, chicken and rice.”
“Hell yeah, gotta get a good workout in before getting my homework done.”
We ate quickly and started getting ready for the gym.
“Hey, bro, you think they are still taking new pledges? I’ve been meaning to apply to your frat!”
I was shocked at how quick the progress had been, “Yeah man. I’ll hook you up with my peeps tomorrow.”
“Sweet, let me finish getting ready and we can go.”
Dang those videos were quick. Even the way he carried himself was so different. This is the bro I needed.
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The week went on and we kept working out. I hooked my roommate up with the pledge master and he quickly started falling in with the bros. We worked out, partied, did almost everything together now. I gave the rest of the tapes back to my guy who gave them to me. He said he needed them for a few guys who had gotten a little hands-y with some girls at the last party. I was fine to get them back, I didn’t think there would be any more issues with my roommate.
The year flew by until it was time for spring break. I had opted to be my roommate’s big and done all the usual hazing and shit with him. Had to keep him on his A game, I wasn’t going to go east on him. The spring break frat trip was a rite of passage for the incoming pledges. As much as I wanted to go, I had plans to visit California with my partner. We were having a great time, chilling at the beach, shopping through souvenir stores, and hiking parks. But I made sure to get updates about how my roommate was enjoying his week. It was from one of these progress reports that I got word from the pledge master:
Hey, bro. Just letting you know. Your little bro was making some girls uncomfortable at the bar. Can’t have that causing issues for the frat.
Shit man. I’m sorry. Lemme talk to him.
Nah dude, it’s good. We have a protocol for these kinds things. Just letting you know so you aren’t surprised. We’ll make sure he won’t bother any girls again.
Thanks dude. Lemme know if you need anything.
Nah bruh, relax. Enjoy your vacay.
Well as long as they have shit handled. I went back to my vacation and forgot about the whole situation. I would give him crap for it when I got back. The rest of our trip was great. I didn’t hear anything more from my bros so I assumed it all went according to plan. I was eager to get back to my roommate and prep him for full brotherhood when I got back. It wasn’t till I walked into the apartment I knew something was awry:
“Sup, bro, welcome back.”
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A deep voice echoed from the balcony. He stepped inside and was greeted by a stranger. His arms were as thick as a football, his legs as thick as tree trunks. The smell of sweat, sex, and stale beer followed him into the room. He had a fresh tattoo on his arm with the number 86 boldly displayed. The stranger walked with swagger up to me, like he owned the place. As he approached, his musk only grew more intense. It wasn’t until I noticed the glasses it all clicked into place:
“Bro… is that you?!?”
“Bruh, who else would it be?”
My roommate stood proudly in front of me. He had been going to the gym steadily but no amount of protein powder could explain the progress he had made in a week. He was also easily 3 inches taller. And the smell. I don’t know how to describe it but he smelled… virile. Like just being around him was starting to get me excited. He certainly had never been like this before.
“Looking good, right? Like the new tat? Year of our chapter’s founding, 1986. After all, I am made to be loyal to the frat.”
That line made it all click together. The tapes. They said they would handle the situation, I didn’t know they would use the tapes.
”Speaking of which, dude. I can’t believe you flaked on the frat and went on a trip with your partner. You’ve got to be loyal to your bros.”
His scent, his words, my mind was swimming in a way it hadn’t in a long time. He stepped towards me, grabbing my head. I was pulled into his pit. I tried to pull back but a hand on the back of my head held me firmly in place. I felt so aroused and so scared as I was forced to huff the scent of pure frat bro. I was… fading. I couldn’t… resist… my… my… bruhhhhh.
“I think that you should sit through the next set with me bro.”
My mind was blank as he told me to sit down on the couch. Of course, I would do anything for my frat bro. He put on a video and sat behind me.
“They said we could watch this one together.”
The video whirled to life as my roommate held me in place in his lap. A flash of color and a brief intro played. It explained that it was the last in a series of videos for brothers who were trouble makers in the frat. This last one was the most extreme. I felt a wave of guilt, knowing I had betrayed my brothers and the chapter. I wasn’t sure what I did but I knew it must be bad. My behavior had to change.
You will conform to the standard set by the frat, whatever it takes. You will be entirely dedicated to the brotherhood.
“I will be entirely dedicated to the brotherhood,” we both repeated, in unison.
Good. Since you have proven you can’t be trusted with making good decisions, your brothers have decided to make those for you. You will become the ultimate frat bro.
“I will become the ultimate frat bro.”
Let’s start on the outside. A brother works out daily, at least. Strong muscles make for a strong foundation.
As I repeated the words, they became my reality. I had certainly never been a scrawny guy before, but this was something else. My muscles convulsed all at once, then seemed to shred and burst. My muscles ached as pecs, biceps, abs all were pulled out of my body. I sweat under the effort as legs bloated and toned, bloated and toned. My back stretched out and shoulders mounded on muscle.
Good bro. Now, a brother should be cocky, with a cock to match. All the other fraternities should know how superior we are.
‘Shiiit, no other frat could even come close. We threw the best parties, had the hottest girls and… fuck the hottest guys. With a bod like this, just about no body could resist.’ As those thoughts echoed in my head, there was a sharp pain in my balls as they started to swell. My cock snaked down my shorts, throbbing with newfound power and size. A moan escaped my mouth as my cock swelled thick as a beer can. Anyone would beg for a cock like this.
A frat bro with a cock like that just needs to fuck. Your libido keeps your mind so full that you hardly have time to pass your business classes.
My swollen balls began to churn as my cock came to life. As my mind was thrust into a deep sexual haze, any aspirations I had on my pre-law track were pushed out, draining right to my balls and slowly leaking out my cock. At the same time, I felt my roommate begin to shift behind me. I felt his cock press against the small of my back, throbbing as it was thrust into overdrive. He began slowly humping against my back, and I leaned back against that massive cock. I wanted to help my bro however I could. He wrapped his arms around me and slowly started jacking me off. My mind was in pure bliss as I was kicked into overdrive. His arms felt so warm and strong, and he was pushing all my buttons till I was thrusting into his hands.
The frat is a part of you. You live, breath, and sweat the frat. Everyone who meets you will know exactly what you’re about and submit to you, an alpha bro. You put the reek in Greek.
My mind processed for a second until the smell hit me from behind and I understood. My hormones shifted as sweat poured out. It was hard work being a fraternity brother, and everyone would know that. I worked overtime as the smell of straight frat filled my nostrils. The apartment changed in response, filled with leftover beers, used tank tops, and soaked underwear. Anyone who entered would fall into an immediate haze, the smell of bros clouding their mind. My mind was… so… slow. Just… needed… FUCK.
You will keep it simple, keep it stupid.
“I will keep it simple, keep it stupid.”
My head felt like it was filled with fluff. No thoughts, just instinct.
You will listen to your pledge master, follow all he says.
“I will listen to my pledge master, follow all he says.”
It was so much easier to just trust my bros. Whatever they said went.
You will live for and serve your bros, live for and serve the frat.
“I will live for and serve my bros and the frat.”
I would do anything for my bros. Gotta keep ‘em happy.
The frat is life.
“The frat is life.”
My roommate’s cock was still rock hard behind me. His grip was edging me as moaned for release. I could dedicate my life to men like him.
Thank you for your cooperation. There will be no further issues. Now cum.
And I did. Ropes shot across the floor as all the changes were set in stone. I was just another frat dude, struggling through Business classes and fucking through the night.
And with that the video ended. It took a sec for me to regain my senses. I slowly refocused my eyes and… fuck bruh my head is pounding. Musta partied too hard last night. Shit, I was drooling all over myself, lol. I mean, I’m hot but not that hot. And fuck, I made a mess. Bro, what happened? It’s already late, I’ve got to get ready to go out tonight.
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I was going to throw on a polo and some shorts when my roommate put a hand on my shoulder. This man must’ve got a double dose of whatever I got. Bro, he was on another fucking level. He pulled me in tight, cupped my ass in his hands, held my chin, and slid his tongue in my mouth. All at once, my world shifted as the fraternity’s motto rang in my head, I will be entirely dedicated to the brotherhood. An aching in my balls told me that I wasn’t going to make it out tonight. I had my frat bro… no, my big bro right here. And he will take care of his little bro. He pulled down his sweatpants and a thick rod popped out from the waistband. He gently guided me to his cock, the true source of his musk. Our scents mingled as my thoughts were consumed by sex. The salty taste of pre coated my tongue as the tip slid down the back of my throat. My mind faded as the smell of the frat filled my nostrils. I was lost in bliss as my bro started pumping, pumping down my throat. Gone was the nerdy roommate I had:
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There was nothing left but frat bro.
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astralis-ortus · 26 days
ways to say 'i love you'
✱ a bang chan headcanon
— an awkward phrase for him, so he resorts to showing his affection instead.
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w.count → 0.6k genre → fluff. pure fluff because i miss him :( warnings → very minor cussing (is saying ass includes as cussing?), just very domestic chan thingy a.n → again, i'm in my 'missing chan' hours and writing this at 2 in the morning was hopefully enough to lessen some of that feeling (it was not)(also this is absolutely not proofread)(who has the right mind to proofread at 2am AND after a crying sesh?)
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chan’s a busy man—but it was never a problem for him to make time for you.
be it on the days where his schedules were dictated down to the second, or even worse—when he’s constantly away, for weeks on end, performing in cities where your days were the exact opposites of his nights, he would always make it a point that you know the thought of you never once leaves his mind.
captioned ‘was going on a stroll and came across this park, heh’ as he sent you a picture of him going on a swing, or ‘look at this giant ass churro!! hahah you’d definitely love it here’ when he went to an amusent park with his members on his day off, thousands of miles away from you. your gallery easily surpasses the tens of thousands count, and it’s all from the way chan remembers you in his mundane, everyday life.
chan would also make a connection between you and the small things around him.
his chunky chrome hearts beanie? yeah, it’s the one you said turned him into the wolfchan plushy he gifted you. his earbuds? oh, you stuck a glittery star shaped sticker on the case so you wouldn’t take the wrong one. his laptop? it still made him giggle when he remembered how panicked you were when he told you the thing wouldn’t turn on, only for him to then realize he just forgot to charge it (and he had to appease you from leaving him on read by promising to call as soon as his rehearsal ends).
even when everything is technically his, chan couldn’t help but leave traces of you in his memories of those things—because for him, everything is better with a touch of you in it.
chan loves taking care of you, but he can’t decide if he loves it more when you’re the one taking care of him.
don’t get him wrong—he’d still try very hard to be the dependable one in your relationship. it’s in his blood, he can’t help it... but what power does he have when you adorably said that you’ve been learning on how to take care of his curls, and how you wanted to try the products that just came in the mail earlier in the day. he’d have no choice but to obediently sit between your legs, taking glances of your furrowed brows through the mirror across while your fingers were busy making sure his hair finally turned into the glorious curls you’ve always longed it to be.
if by letting you take care of him made your eyes turn into the brightest constellation of stars he’s ever seen in his life, then he will forever allow you to take care of him.
also, let’s not forget how chan loves his dose of physical touch.
constantly being away never made the trips any easier for him. if any, the periods of actually being with you made it harder for him to ever leave. imagine going from constantly having your gentle body heat around him, to not having them for an extended period of time? lord, chan would give anything just to be able to feel the way your fingers absentmindedly trace figures on his palm while you were reading your books away, like that one night when you stubbornly decided to accompany his all-nighter attempt at his studio.
chan direly needs your touch—he direly needs you.
and after everything you’ve done for him,
after everything you’ve went through,
chan finally realizes that there’s one sure way to let you know that he loves you.
so the next time you sleepily said you think you’re going to bed,
or when you text him a random meme along with an ‘i miss you’  text on a regular thursday evening,
he’d make sure he didn’t forget to tell you the line
“i love you.”
©️ astralisortus, 2024. | likes and reblogs are highly appreciated♡
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joelsgreys · 1 year
not a thing
Post Outbreak! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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part ii
summary: You and Joel had a private moment while Ellie was asleep. Or so you’d thought she was asleep.
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI. implied smut, but no actual smut. grumpy Joel, Ellie is a little shit.
Word Count: 1.5k
a/n: nervous to write for TLOU but still giving it a shot! poor Ellie for being subjected to what i am about to subject her to lol. Edit: holy shit, i did not expect this to get much attention. thank you all sm for reading, liking and reblogging!
It had been an incredibly stupid thing to do.
So, so, so fucking stupid.
You knew that.
And Joel knew that.
You two were supposed to have been standing watch.
Not to mention, there had been a teenaged girl sleeping close by, just mere fucking yards away from the two of you had been—
Jesus Christ.
Dammit, you and Joel fucking knew better than to be this goddamn stupid.
But neither of you could help yourselves.
It had been several weeks—actually, it had been several months since you two had been able to steal a private moment for yourselves. That moment would have been missed had you not somehow woken up in the middle of the night, only to find Joel wide awake, his rifle in hand as he stood watch while you and Ellie had slept. You’d offered to take his place for a few hours so he could get some rest too, but instead, a few minutes and many, many desperate, feverish kisses later, the two of you found yourselves on the other side of Bill’s old white and blue Chevrolet pickup truck, Joel’s jeans unzipped and your own jeans pulled down around your knees along with your underwear. He’d had you bent over, but still standing at a point where you could peek over the bed of the truck so that you could somehow keep a watchful eye out in between the moments of mind-numbing pleasure—both for any signs of potential danger and also for Ellie, who was passed out, curled up into a little ball in her sleeping bag and completely unaware of what her two reluctant protectors were doing behind the vehicle right next to her.
Your bottom lip was busted, bruised from biting down on it so hard.
The deal had been no noise, not even a single whimper, although you couldn’t remember how well either of you had stuck to that rule in the heat of the moment. It had been a quick fuck, just enough to give you and Joel some much needed relief from all of those pent up stresses and frustrations you two were carrying on your shoulders since Ellie had entered your lives just the week before. And just like back in the Boston QZ, Joel said nothing to you once it was over and done with.
It never hurt your feelings. It was just how things were.
It was some sort of twisted, fucked up unspoken pact the two of you had. 
Joel Miller fucked you, and then he just pretended like nothing ever happened, not until the next time he found himself buried inside of you.
It’s not like you expected Joel to return your feelings.
Hell, you weren’t even sure the man knew how to feel anything but anger, bitterness, and violence. 
Afterwards, Joel took you up on your offer to keep watch and slept for a couple of hours until sunrise came and had you both moving, packing up the truck and getting ready to continue the long drive ahead to Wyoming.
“She’s been oddly quiet,” Joel mumbled to you as he packed up the remnants of the small campsite into the bed of the pickup truck. “Go check on her.”
Obediently, you nodded and dropped the sleeping bag in your hands before turning away and walking over to where Ellie was sitting cross legged on the ground, her fingers mindlessly fiddling with a small, broken tree branch on the ground. “Hey,” you offered her a small smile. “It’s almost time to get going. You doing alright over here?”
She looked up at you and gave you a small nod. “Yeah. Just cold as fuck since we can’t have a fucking fire going,” she said, tossing a tiny glare over in Joel’s direction. “But other than that? I’m just fucking peachy.”
You chuckled and shrugged out of your worn out, brown windbreaker jacket. You draped it over Ellie’s shoulders before taking a seat beside her on the ground. She may have been a thorn in Joel’s side—then again, who wasn’t a thorn in Joel Miller’s side—but you’d warmed up to her fairly quickly. A lot quicker than your partner, anyway. He was still a work in progress.
“Did you sleep okay?”
Ellie nodded, clutching your jacket close. “Kinda,” she shrugged her small shoulders. “The ground was really hard and uncomfortable. I woke up a couple of times throughout the night and had trouble falling back asleep.”
Your smile faded ever so slightly. “Oh? You did?”
Noticing the sudden change in your demeanor, a small smirk crossed the girl’s face. “I knew you and McGrumps over there were a thing.”
You nearly choked on your own saliva as you nervously sputtered out, “W-What the hell are you talking about?”
Ellie raised an eyebrow at you, shooting you a knowing look as her smirk widened.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Ellie had caught you and Joel while you two were—fucking?
Mortified did not even come close to cutting it.
“Oh god,” You muttered, your face on fire. 
“I really hope you two are being smart and using protection,” she added teasingly. “What’s that saying? Wrap it before you tap it?”
“Ellie!” You hissed, glancing over your shoulder. Joel went about his business and it was times like these where you were actually thankful that his hearing wasn’t what it used to be. You turned back to her and quickly started trying to explain yourself. “Ellie, I don’t know what you think you saw but—”
“Oh, it was too dark to see anything. I heard you guys.” She jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. “Back behind the truck.” She paused, thoroughly enjoying every single moment of complete and utter discomfort she was causing you. “You know, if that’s gonna keep happening, I’m really gonna need you guys to find me a Walkman with some headphones. Noise cancelling headphones, please and thank you.”
You dropped your head into your hands and anxiously rubbed your face with your palms. “Fuck. I’m really sorry, Ellie,” Was all that you could say.
What else could you say?
Sorry you had to hear me getting fucked by my partner while you were laying just feet away in your sleeping bag?
“Sorry for what? For not being able to keep it in your pants?” Ellie giggled, slapping your knee with her hand in an attempt to get you to lighten up. “I get it. Nature. Hormones. Biology and shit.”
You lifted your face from your hands. “Joel can’t know,” You warned her. “Or he won’t be able to look you or me in the eye ever again.”
Ellie groaned in exaggeration, throwing her head back. “Aw, come on! I really wanted to see him squirm.”
“Me squirming should be fucking enough you little shit,” You laughed, shoving her playfully with your elbow. Once both of your giggles had subsided, in a more serious tone, you told her, “And for the record, we are not a thing.”
Ellie stared at you in disbelief. “Get out of here, you lying sack of shit! You totally are!”
“I know it’s hard to understand. But just because two people—” You trailed off, trying to choose your words carefully. It was more often than not that you had to remind yourself that despite what Ellie had been through and all she had seen, she was still fourteen. A fucking child.
“Bump uglies?” she suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.
You sighed. “Jesus Christ, please don’t ever fucking say that out loud again.” You paused briefly, running a hand through your hair. “But yes. Just because two people do what he and I were doing, that doesn’t mean anything. For a lot of people, it can be quite meaningless actually. It does not mean they are a thing. Me and Joel? Not a thing. Understood?”
Ellie blinked. “That’s probably the biggest pile of bullshit I’ve ever heard. Even before last night, I knew you two were a thing. Whether either of you admit it or not. I can tell.”
You knew better than to play into what she was saying, but the sheer curiosity got the better of you.
What had Ellie noticed about you and Joel?
“What do you mean?”
She shrugged, bringing her knees up to her chest. “I dunno. The way you look at him. The way he looks at you. He’s a guy who doesn’t seem to give a shit about too many things or too many people. But I know he does give a shit about you. He cares about you. Even if he might have a shitty ass way of showing it.”
You glanced back over at Joel and then back at Ellie, confused.
“And you can deny it all you want. But if there’s one thing that stone cold asshole cares about, it’s definitely you,” Ellie stated firmly.
Your mouth fell open slightly, unsure what to say to her.
“What the hell are you two yappin’ about over there?” Joel called, looking over his shoulder.
“Nothing!” Ellie practically sang, causing him to roll his eyes and turn his attention back to his task.
“Well then, get off your asses and let’s get a fuckin’ move on. Ain’t got time to waste.”
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reidmotif · 10 months
Double-Booked for the Night
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Summary: Reader and Spencer have been double-booked by JJ for a night of babysitting. What happens when the situation brings out some buried feelings from both parties?
Prompt: JJ accidentally double booked a babysitter for Henry. You both end up staying, and after watching the kids all night, he can't help but want you.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut/Fluff
Content Warning: Spencer POV, coworkers to lovers, oral sex (f receiving), dirty talk, he picks her up, heavy making-out, unprotected sex, shades of breeding
Word Count: 7.7k
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In my time at the BAU, I had grown accustomed to the many changes it had brought to my life. I’d been made part of a world where long hours, serial killers, and few hours of sleep were the standard, and despite what anyone had to say about it, I had yet to truly hate my job. There were times where I couldn’t fathom that this was my life, that I was being made to peer into the minds of prolific serial killers at any given day, and expected to come out fine after, but for every negative this job brought, there was always one overwhelming positive. 
My team.
 If you got me tipsy enough, though, I’d probably end up babbling about the girl I’d come to know in the years I’d been here. (Y/N). 
If you got me a little drunker, I’d probably end up whining about how in the aforementioned years I’d been here, we’d never made a move on each other, despite the obvious chemistry. Part of me just wanted to mitigate the tension that had been building for ages, pull her into some darkened hallway and  kiss her senseless. Unfortunately, I was aware of the consequences that would come from acting so rashly, and so for both our sakes, I held back.  
Thankfully, there were a thousand things to distract me from my crush on the agent, and one of those things was JJ’s adorable son. Apart from being his godfather, my known lack of  a relationship among the team caused me to become the resident babysitter for the Jareau-LaMontagne household.
 It was always wonderful to lend a helping hand to one of my closest friends at the BAU, and let her and her husband get out of the house once in a while, but it was even more of an added bonus that Henry was absolutely adorable, and had honestly stolen my heart. I’d make my way to JJ and Will’s house, opening the door to be greeted by the blonde boy, who was always equally as excited to see me. I’d grown fond of him, and genuinely looked forward to whatever time we’d end up spending together. 
Which is why, when I’d come around to JJ’s house on a Friday night at her request, it was a little staggering to not see a head of blonde hair running to cling to my legs, but rather the coworker that had been plaguing my thoughts everyday for nearly three years at that point. It took me a second to focus on the actual situation at hand, as I was momentarily stunned into silence over how she appeared before me. She looked so casual, her hair loosely strung about, with a big hoodie and yoga pants enveloping her figure. She looked cozy, and warm- a noticeable change from the professional work attire I’d become accustomed to seeing her in. It was nice. And it briefly stopped my brain for a second.  It took me about five seconds before I remembered where I was, meeting her confused expression with mine. 
“(Y/N)?” I started. “What are you doing here?” I watched her keep the door open, whilst I raised my own eyebrow. 
“Babysitting for Henry, what are you..?” She replied, knitting her brows a bit. 
“Babysitting for Henry.” I responded, a little incredulously. 
“But JJ asked me..?” She started, when I interrupted her.  
 “Will asked me.” I said, and she nodded knowingly, realizing what had happened. 
“They double booked us.” She said, with a chuckle. 
God, she was so beautiful when she laughed like that.  
“Yeah, they did, didn’t they?” I say, rubbing the back of my neck, a little self consciously with a stupid smile plastered on my face. 
I couldn’t help but watch the little crinkle that formed at the sides of her eyes as she smiled affectionately at my remark. She had this way of making my insides turn to goo with a simple look, and at this moment, that was exactly how I was feeling. The way my body reacted to her came about naturally, and it was almost impossible to keep under wraps, even in moments like this. She gave me an adorable grin, laughing with me about the absurdity of the situation. 
“I guess I’ll..  go then.” I say with a chuckle, looking down at her. “JJ and Will only need one babysitter, and you’re already here..” I reason, gesturing to her standing at the door. 
“Yeah, I.. suppose you’re right.” She says, giving me another one of her small smiles. 
“I’ll see you at work then?” I say, a little awkwardly. Her hands twitched as they approached the doorknob, and I could feel it again. The absolute strain that seemed to reside between us. The manner in which her gaze connected with mine.  The way she seemed to linger a little too close to me instead of the handle of the door. It was so obvious we were denying what we wanted from each other, and it felt so ridiculous. I could feel myself letting out a breath, stepping away before I did anything stupid, until I heard a barreling of little steps hurtling towards me. 
“Uncle Spencer!” Henry cried, pushing past (Y/N), who nearly toppled over as the boy sprang at my legs. I steadied myself by grabbing onto the frame on the door, my smile returning as I reached down to hug him. 
“Hey! Henry.” I say, ruffling the boy’s hair affectionately and bending down to meet his eye-level. “How are you doing?” 
“Auntie (Y/N) was about to put on a movie for us.” Henry says, smiling brightly and already attempting to tug me into the house. “Come watch!” 
“Aww, Henry.” I say, giving him a little frown. “I can’t, I’m sorry though.” I say, gently. “You should watch with Auntie (Y/N) though!” I say, smiling and looking up at her from my place on the floor. My gaze softened a bit as I noticed the unmistakable trace of blush on her cheeks, but my attention was quickly turned back to Henry, feeling another tug from him.  
“You don’t wanna watch with us?” He says, with the biggest puppy-dog eyes I’d ever seen. 
“Henry..” I start with an apologetic tone, about to explain that I really couldn’t impose, even if deep down,  I secretly wanted to, if not to spend time with him, but her. 
“You can stay, you know?” She interjects from above us, and I look up at her, displaying my confused smile. 
“Really?” I say, raising my eyebrows at her, as I stood back up to face her.  “You’d be okay with that?” I say, still keeping my eyes locked on hers. 
“I mean, I don’t think I’d not take up the offer of more help with him.” She says, chuckling a bit as she crossed her arms and leaned up against the door frame.
I looked at Henry once more, grinning. I asked him, “Would you be okay with that, buddy?” 
Henry nodded excitedly, already pulling me into the house with his little hands. “Auntie (Y/N) put on a movie for me.”  He continued adorably, a bounce in his step as he guided me to the couch. 
I smiled at Henry as he led me to the living room, some children’s movie I didn’t recognize playing on the screen. I could hear (Y/N) following us after closing the front door and as I sat down, she smiled at me again. 
“It’s actually kind of a miracle you showed up when you did.” She says to me, a light giggle escaping from her lips. “I had no idea how I was going to get dinner out  and watch him at the same time.” She explained, as Henry made his way next to me, getting comfortable. 
“Ah, you know.” I say, shrugging and laughing nonchalantly, opening my arms to allow Henry to lean against me. “Always happy to help. Especially if it involves this little guy.” I ruffled his hair and heard a little chuckle against me from the boy, as I kept my eyes on her, flashing her a soft smile.
Henry grinned at that, as he excitedly started talking about the movie that was playing, wildly gesticulating as he attempted to explain what I’d missed since I’d entered the room. I nodded, but out of the corner of my eye I saw (Y/N) enter the kitchen, presumably to prepare Henry’s dinner. I heard and saw her rustling about the kitchen in small flashes, and a small smile graced my face at the sight of her. It was silly, but I rarely got to see this side of her. She looked so calm and laid-back, and it was a welcomed change, one that brought a certain warmth to my chest just from the look of it. 
I watched her for a few more moments, before turning my full attention back to Henry. I listened to him, nodding like I totally understood everything he was saying, even if he was talking fifty words a minute and stumbling over his speech every step of the way. Regardless, I loved him. Loved spending time with him, and that was only made better when I saw (Y/N) approach us in the living room, plopping down next to Henry with a plate of lasagna. 
“Okay, I know Mommy doesn’t usually let you eat in front of the TV.. so this’ll be our secret, okay?” She said, a playful glint in her eye as she carefully handed the plate to Henry. “But you gotta promise me one thing.” 
Henry nodded excitedly. She spoke with mock seriousness to him, pursing her lips and nodding. “You gotta promise me you’re gonna finish everything off your plate, alright?” It wasn’t even a question, as Henry nodded, happily agreeing with her, and digging into the food she’d brought. She sat back, looking satisfied with herself.  I couldn’t help but smile to myself at the sight. She was always kind at work, and it wasn’t surprising that she was good with kids, but I never expected her to be this good. She fit into the role naturally, and it sent a feeling of endearment through me as I watched her speak to Henry. 
Henry ate quietly between the two of us as I watched the TV, but in actuality my mind was completely focused on her. The softness in her actions towards Henry, the tenderness in her eyes as she dealt with him. It was truly having an effect on me, and in a moment of weakness I allowed myself to get wrapped up in a fantasy involving her, me and a child of our own. It was insane! I’d never even kissed the girl before, but watching her like this made me desperately long for a situation in which we had a family together, a concept I had been yearning for privately, only exacerbated by the wonderful woman in front of me. 
It seemed I’d gotten a little too lost in my thoughts, because I felt Henry tugging at my shoulder, and I blinked, realizing he’d been trying to get my attention for a few seconds now.  “Uncle Spencer!” He whined, and I looked at him with a stir. 
“Ah, sorry Henry! Got really into the movie.” I say, feeling my cheeks heat up a bit as I ran my hands through my hair. “What’s up?” 
“Can you help me wash my hands?” He asked, in his little voice, and I laughed a little, nodding. 
(Y/N) took his plate from him, smiling at me and mouthing a ‘thanks’, which I returned with a smile of my own and thumbs-up, as I took Henry to the bathroom. I led him there, opening the door and watching from the door frame as he stood on the kiddie-stool, washing his hands for the full, recommended twenty seconds. I’d taught him well. When he finished, he wiped his hands on the hand towel and leapt off the stool, running past me. I rolled my eyes fondly, because as usual, Henry had left the bathroom light and door open. I closed both for him, walking to catch up with him, and before I’d even entered the living room, Henry was sitting on the couch, already back to watching the movie that played in front of him. 
I came near him, ruffling his hair. “You all good there, bud?” I asked, and Henry nodded absentmindedly, clearly focused on the TV instead of my words, and I chuckled affectionately at his total and complete disinterest in me, now that he could watch TV uninterrupted. 
“You okay if I go help out Auntie (Y/N) in the kitchen real quick? I’ll be right here.” I said, reassuringly, but Henry wasn’t even paying attention, so I smiled and walked towards the kitchen, beckoned by the sight of (Y/N) washing Henry’s dinner dish, her sleeves rolled up and her previously open hair now pinned back. 
I approached her and leaned against the counter, smiling a little dumbly as I watched her, until she looked up at me, sending me a confused grin. “What are you smiling about, Reid?” She asked, a playful lilt in her voice as she continued scrubbing away at the dishes. 
“Ah, nothing.” I responded, but she looked up, rolling her eyes with amusement. 
“You know we’re both profilers, right?” She shot back, raising an eyebrow and smirking at me. “I can tell when you’re not exactly being truthful.” She paused, before taking a second to properly look at me. “Come on, spit it out.” 
I took a breath, shrugging and turning my body to face her as she kept her gaze trained on me. “It’s really nothing, I just.. I guess I’m surprised by how good you are with kids.” I say, not trying to let on how much tonight had actually affected me in regards to my feelings about her. 
She raised her eyebrows, letting a giggle fall from her lips. “What, you think I’d suck with them or something?” She said, biting her lip a bit and I felt my heart turn a bit at that. Even though I was aware she was joking, I felt the overwhelming need to comfort her, to make my intentions more than clear. 
“No, no, (Y/N).” I say, shaking my head and chuckling. “I just meant- you’re so thoughtful at work, of course you’d be good with kids. It’s a no-brainer. But I don’t know, seeing it in front of me was just..” I took a breath, smiling. “This may be totally weird to say, but you’d make a great mom.” 
I watched her reaction, fearing I’d maybe crossed a line by saying so, but she smiled shyly, purposely keeping her eyes off me as she asked, “Yeah? You think so?” 
I kept my eyes on her, adoringly observing her as I nodded. “Yeah, no. I know so.” 
I watched her bite her lip as she kept her view away from mine, and even in the dim lighting of the kitchen, I saw a light blush fill her cheeks. She looked up at me, an innocently amused look on her face. 
“Thank you, Spencer. That means a lot.” She responds, starting to dry her hands with a dish towel off the side of the sink. As she reached forward, she shifted herself a bit closer to me and I watched as she rubbed off the water droplets on her skin with the fabric. I could physically hear her swallowing as our proximity to each other was brought closer, and I couldn’t help but watch her lips, slightly red and swollen from biting on them all night. It was a habit of hers I’d noticed since we began working, and tonight, it was driving me fucking crazy. I wondered what it’d feel like to have her lips against mine, to run my tongue over the plumpness of them. I imagined pinning her against the counter right here, kissing her until we both forgot our names and lost our breath in each other. I shakily exhaled at the thought, and at that moment, she looked up at me, and seemingly caught me in the act of staring, except she didn’t move away. We exchanged glances for a beat, and I was beginning to contemplate leaning in, repercussions be damned, but in a twisted turn of fate, we heard a little voice calling out to us in the other room. 
“Auntie (Y/N)! Uncle Spencer! The movie’s over!” He called out, starting to run into the kitchen with the remote. (Y/N) laughed nervously, moving away from me to pick up Henry in her arms. I stepped away just as fast,  going back to leaning on the counter as I watched her cradle the boy in her arms, and I could physically recognize the feeling of affection filling my body as my eyes were fixed on her. If she noticed, she pretended not to, turning her entire focus on the boy. 
“You know what that means, right, Henry?” (Y/N) asked, cooing a bit at the boy. “It’s time for bed, alright? Let’s get you upstairs.” 
“Can Uncle Spencer come too?” Henry asked, looking at me. The boy was clearly a little more tired now that it was later in the night, but he was quite clear in his demands. Henry then looked at (Y/N), his eyes big and wide. “Did you know Uncle Spencer can read me a whole story without the book?”
(Y/N) only laughed at that, looking between me and the boy. “Can he now? I guess he’s just going to have to join us for bedtime, right?” She looks at me, raising an eyebrow and I nod, beaming a little coyly. 
“Eidetic memory, remember?” I say, smirking at her. 
She makes an amused sound at that, nodding knowingly. “How could I forget?”
 She sighs softly, still supporting Henry in her arms. “Okay, let’s get you to sleep, bud.” She says, kissing the top of his head,, beginning to walk towards the stairs, looking back at me and motioning for me to follow. 
I smiled at the gesture, and again, I could sense my heart yearning for a future in which this was our life. It was ridiculous, and yet as the night progressed, my imagination only continued to go wild with the possibilities of a reality where we were each other’s. I continued to walk with her, until we reached Henry’s room, which she slowly turned the knob to. She walked in, keeping the door open for me as I trailed behind her, closing the door. She laid Henry down in the bed, looking at me. 
She ran her hands down her thighs, beaming gently at me through the low light of Henry’s bedroom. “I’ll.. um. I’ll leave you here with him?” She asked, keeping her voice low. I felt a moment of disappointment flash through me, secretly wishing she’d stay, for us to spend more time in this bubble we’d created for ourselves tonight. I know I wasn’t crazy, I know that she had to feel it too. But, at the risk of seeming clingy, I nodded, permitting her to leave the room. But a little voice protested, sitting straight up in his bed and tugging at her hand back to him. 
“No, no!” Henry whined. “I want Auntie (Y/N) and Uncle Spencer here.” 
I could hear her pause, before looking at me with a subtle, surrendering expression in her eyes. “Okay, okay, Henry.” She says, sitting down in his bed next to him.
 She smoothed over his hair, and Henry looked at me expectantly. I exchanged a quick, covert look with her, implicitly making sure she was okay with all this, and she nodded, even repositioning herself to allow me more space on the other side of Henry. I slid in, moving around until I found a more comfortable position. The three of us attempting to squish into the same, child-sized bed resulted in a slightly tight fit, but it was cozy, nonetheless. (Y/N) had adjusted to be slightly leaned on her side, her hands now lazily playing with Henry’s hair, brushing the hair away from his face. I observed her affectionately, sensing a familiar warmth suffuse me yet again, as I beheld the domesticity in front of me. She made eye contact with me, still keeping her fingers running through the strands of the boy’s hair, smirking softly at me. 
“You know.. I think someone promised us a bedtime story.” She murmured quietly, a touch of whimsy in her voice. 
I chuckled softly at that, breathing out a little harder out of my nose. “Okay, yeah. Right.” I took a breath, and tried to recall something to recite off the top of my head. I decided on a classic, Alice in Wonderland as I felt its longevity would allow Henry ample time to fall asleep. She seemed pleased with this too, relaxing into her position on her other side of Henry, watching me as I began. I started to speak, my tone low and soothing, and in about twenty or so minutes, I could hear the soft breathing of the boy slow down and I gazed upon him, but quickly realized that (Y/N)’s fingers had stilled in his hair too, and in a moment of realization, I became aware that not only was Henry asleep, but so was she. I allowed myself to stare at her sleeping figure, marveling at the way strands of her soft hair gently placed themselves around her face in a way that framed her delicate features perfectly. I swallowed, wishing more than anything that I could lean over, brush over the wisps and kiss her forehead, but I held back, opting to gently push her awake. 
“(Y/N).. hey.” I breathed out softly, keeping my voice to a low whisper so as to not wake Henry. “Come on, you don’t wanna fall asleep here.” I brought my hand to her shoulder, rubbing it softly to stir her awake and she did, blinking herself awake. She realized where she was and yawned, and let a soft giggle escape her lips. 
“Ah, I totally fell asleep, didn’t I?” She mused, keeping a hushed voice. 
“Yeah, you did.” I replied, watching as she woke up slowly, waiting for her to get up. 
“You’re good at that. Getting him to sleep, I mean.” She said in return, keeping her attention on me, never once diverting her eyes from mine. She paused, seeming to consider her next words carefully, before following with a gentle addition, “You’d make a great dad.” 
I tensed at the words, feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment and the sheer need to reach over and grab her by the shoulders, as if to alert her that, ‘Yes! I would! And I want that with you!’
Instead, I softly chuckled at her words, swallowing down my affection and nodding. “Yeah, I guess.”
She released a quiet breath, starting to move off the bed as slowly as she could. “We should get out of here. JJ and Will will be home soon, and we can go home.” She replied, in a faint voice. 
I nodded, already beginning to shuffle off the bed and joining her at the door. I watched her give Henry one last look, before opening the door. She held it ajar for me and I walked past her quietly, and as I did, she followed, closing the door with a gentle click, and releasing another exhale. 
“Thank god.” She said, smiling a little brighter now. We walked down the stairs, and she allowed her voice to raise as we got further and further away from Henry’s room. “It takes me forever to get him down. You’re like.. actual magic.” She continues, nudging my shoulder. 
I fidget with my fingers, feeling a little bashful. We approached the living room again, standing in the middle of the room as we continued talking. “Yeah, no. JJ and Will have been asking me to babysit since Henry was three. You learn a lot.” 
She gleamed at that, nodding. “Regardless of how you figured out how to do it, you were still a huge lifesaver tonight.” She remarked, adding to her statement in a soft voice. “Thanks.”
 Her eyes met with mine. I gave her a smile, making eye contact with her again. I’d always loved her eyes, they were always so big and expressive. They just contained so much emotion, and I’d grown to love watching her when she was happy, or excited, because those emotions were so clearly reflected on every part of her face. But right now, as I looked into her eyes, they expressed an emotion I’d become very accustomed to seeing tonight, and found myself precariously losing my will to deny.
And there it was again, that tenderness, that affection, and just the absolute craving to be with her, in every sense of the word. She bit her lip, and in an instant it was made clear to me that perhaps my sentiment to overlook the possible aftermath of giving into the desire that plagued us was shared, because she moved a little closer to me, her eyes moving from my eyes to my lips. I swallowed.
“Tonight was.. fun.” I murmur, eyeing her lips in a similar manner as she had.
She nodded, silent, before releasing a shaky exhale. “It was .. fun. Yeah.”  She responds, her voice barely above a whisper. 
We were barely speaking, and yet in that moment I felt entirely breathless in her presence. I wanted to say something, anything, but any thought of mine completely died, because as soon as I even attempted to open my mouth, she surged forward, planting her lips on mine. I was momentarily stunned. She kissed me once, then twice and then slowly pulled away.  I instantly missed the feeling and warmth of her mouth against mine, wanting nothing more than to pull her against me again. She, on the other hand, looked mortified, her lips parted and her complexion flushed.
“Oh god, Spencer.” She started, a little frantic. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me, and we can forget-” 
I finally gave into what I’d been yearning for the whole night, not even bothering to respond to her apologies as I pulled her back against me, bringing her face closer to mine in a heated, passionate kiss. I could feel her happily sigh into my mouth, and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth, and she only responded more enthusiastically to that, her arms wrapping themselves around my neck. I took the opportunity to lean down, placing my hands on the back of her thighs, never once letting my lips leave hers. I heard her moan slightly into my mouth at that, and I couldn’t help the smirk that formed on my face. I’d wanted this for so long, and with the way she was reacting, I could tell the lust I felt was mirrored in her as well. 
I laid her on the couch, finally letting my lips leave hers to take a breath as I positioned myself above her and grinning wildly, She looked equally as excited, already trying to pull me back against her. 
“You have.. no idea.. how bad I’ve wanted this.” She murmured, in between breaths, attempting to kiss me yet again. 
Before I kissed her, I leaned down, letting my lips brush over the shell of her ear, lowly whispering, “I think I have a clue.”
 I heard another soft moan coming from her at my words, and I felt a wave of pride knowing I’d done that to her. She was the one under me, moaning for me like that, and it only spurred me on further. I promptly moved myself closer to kiss her again, letting both of my hands rest on either side of my face as I hovered above her, fully losing myself in the action. We continued at this, feeling our hunger for more grow. I began to let my hand trail down to her hips, slowly bringing my hand under her hoodie, feeling a shudder as my hand met her warm skin. It took nearly everything to not rip it off her, but in an unanticipated shift in circumstances, we heard the telltale noise of the front door knob moving from its locked position, signifying that JJ and Will had gotten home.
I lept off her, her body imitating my movements, instantly moving away from mine and I almost immediately yearned for her touch again, but I understood the dire situation we’d found ourselves in. She brushed over her hair, attempting to make herself look as normal as she possibly could. I took in her state, hair in disarray, her skin reddened and her lips swollen. I had a sneaking feeling that I most likely mirrored her disheveledness, and took a breath, silently begging that JJ and Will wouldn’t notice, and even if they did, they didn’t comment on it. We heard the footsteps of them approaching the living room, and (Y/N) stood up to greet them. 
“JJ, Will.” She said, smiling. “Henry’s all asleep and put down.” 
JJ smiled at her, hugging her gently. “Oh, thank you so much. Was he good?” She asked, laughing a bit. 
“An angel.” (Y/N) responded, smiling. 
As JJ’s eyes met mine, she raised an eyebrow. “Spencer, what are you doing here?” She asked, with a confused look, before Will spoke up behind us.
“I thought (Y/N) couldn’t babysit.. I called Spencer.” Will said, a little sheepishly. 
JJ looked at him, her jaw dropping a bit. “No, remember? I told you, (Y/N) wasn’t but then she could.” 
The two of them laughed a little apologetically as they realized their miscommunication, turning to face me and (Y/N). 
“We’re so sorry guys. We didn’t even realize..” JJ started, but (Y/N) interrupted her. 
“No, no. It’s okay! Spencer was a huge help.” She says, smiling at me. 
“Yeah.” I responded, nodding and affirming her statement in an attempt to alleviate any guilt JJ or Will might’ve felt about the situation (not trying to reveal how secretly pleased I was with it). “(Y/N) made the time go by faster than usual. Don’t even worry about it.” 
JJ sighed, smiling and nodding. “Thank you. It was nice to get out of the house tonight.”
“It was  no problem.” (Y/N) responds. I can tell she’s trying to play it cool, to end off the interaction before JJ looked at the two of us for a little too long and realized what had conspired in her and Will’s absence. “So.. uh. It’s late.” (Y/N) breathes out. “And I love your kid, JJ, but I’m ready for some well deserved sleep.” She said, with a little smile. 
JJ nodded, knowing the feeling all too well. “Yeah, get out of here.” She said, playfully waving a hand at (Y/N), then me. “You too, Spencer. I’m sure you’re tired too, even if you’re too polite to say so.” 
I rubbed my neck with my hand, chuckling softly. “Yeah, yeah.” I replied, trying to fake tiredness to match JJ’s expectations of what I’d be like after a night of watching her kid. However, I was probably the furthest thing from tired. My mind was racing with the possibilities of what had just occurred with (Y/N) just now, and how badly I wanted to do more. The sheer desperation I felt for her was absolutely ruining me, and honestly, I had very little willpower stopping me from just taking her hand and dragging her out of the house, and kissing her right outside on the porch. Thankfully, before that could happen, (Y/N) started walking towards the door and I followed behind her, attempting to look as normal as I could. 
“Goodnight!” She called out, opening the door. 
“Get home safe!” JJ responded, watching as we both left and closing the door behind us. I took a breath, turning towards her and exhaling. The night air was a lot colder than the warmth of the house, but even then I could feel how hot my body was becoming, absolutely begging for her once again.
“So..” I started. 
“So..” She responded, and then suddenly spoke up. “Do you need a ride home?” 
I blinked in response, understanding the implicit request in her words and biting my lip at it. “Yeah, I do.” I responded. 
“Great.” She responds with purpose, grabbing my hand with a need I’d never seen from her before. It thrilled the hell out of me to know she was just as eager as me, and longed for me with the same fervor. Her gaze was intense as she led me to her car, and in a split second, I decided I couldn’t wait an entire car ride to taste her again. I quickly pinned her against the war, and I could feel her let out a noise of surprise before I dove in for another kiss, taking delight in the way she pressed against me instantly, giving into the kiss. She demonstrated her enthusiasm, nearly moaning into my mouth and I laughed, shushing her in between kisses. 
“(Y/N)!” I said, whisper-yelling. “We’re right outside JJ and Will’s house. Someone’s gonna hear us.” 
She pulled back, breathing heavily and looking at me with a glint in her eye. “Well, will you hurry up then and just take me back to your place?” She retorted, playfully, diving in for one last kiss. 
I nodded. “Gladly.” I took the car keys from her, grinning wildly. 
“Hey! It’s my car!” She said, trying to grab the keys back, a hint of amusement in her tone. 
“I know a faster way back to my place. Wouldn’t you rather get there, than argue over who drives?” I say, feeling a surge of confidence as I cockily raised an eyebrow at her. 
She rolled her eyes, but I could sense the fondness in the expression as she basically ran to the passenger side, opening the door. “Drive fast. Please.” The desperation in her tone heightened my arousal and I wondered if it’d be possible to just give up and have sex in the backseat of her car, but I quickly let go of the thought. I’d wanted this for so long, and when I fucked her tonight, I was going to take my time. I was going to savor her, worship her for everything she was. 
It took ten, painstakingly long minutes for us to reach my apartment, and less than three to stumble to my apartment, all over each other like a pair of horny teenagers. It was like we were magnets, unable to get away from each other for even a second without thinking we couldn’t live without the other. I responded passionately to each and every one of her advances against me, kissing her fervently against the wall, up the stairs, before finally leading her to my bedroom. We fell into my bed in a tangle of limbs, and I breathed heavily over her. Ultimately, we found ourselves once again in the same position we’d been in on JJ and Will’s couch, with me on top of her. I looked down at her, finally taking a break from kissing her to cradle her face with my palm, still holding myself above her body. 
“Did you mean it?” She asked, softly, biting her lip. 
“What do you mean?” I respond, starting to move my lips gently down her neck, testing out different points of sensitivity. I wanted to kiss every inch of her bare skin, to feel her in every way. I could feel her body squirm and tense as I let my lips linger on a particular spot between her ear and neck, beginning to lightly suck there until I heard a quiet moan coming out from the girl in front of me. 
“The thing about me being a good mom.” She spoke, in between moans and happy sighs. “Or was that like, flirting? For sex?” 
I suddenly retracted my position from her neck, making her whine a bit but I quickly placed a hand under her chin, forcing her to look at me. 
“(Y/N), I cannot express how devastatingly real my feelings are for you. You’re- you’re perfect. And I wish I’d said it a long time before tonight, if I knew we could’ve done this much earlier.” I looked deep into her eyes, hoping my words and the intensity of my gaze could properly convey just how sincere I was about this, about her. 
Her lips parted, and she let out a soft exhale, and then allowed the corners of her mouth to turn upwards in a smile. I smiled down at her, once again recapturing her lips in a kiss, almost as if to seal the deal between us. She reciprocated, before pulling back. “I meant it.” She admitted softly. “I’ve always thought you’d be a good dad.” 
I could feel myself blushing at that, moving in for another kiss. I was enthralled by her, addicted to her taste and the way her lips moved over mine. I felt like I could do forever, but a slight mewl alerted me that she wanted a bit more than that.
“Spence, kissing is really, really nice. But if you don’t fuck-” 
I quickly understood, beginning to kiss the expanse down her neck, already moving my hands under her hoodie and grabbing at her breast, squeezing the soft and supple skin through her bra, eliciting the sweetest sounds from her that only served to embolden me. I slowly moved to remove the pieces of fabric between us, and as soon as she registered the shuffling of her hoodie, she eagerly reached out to begin undoing the buttons of my own shirt. She paused, letting me pull off the hoodie and I leaned back, admiring her, all laid out like this for me. I ran a finger against her jawline, and watched her shudder at the intimacy of the action. 
“You’re so beautiful.” I whisper, physically unable to take my eyes off her. I could tell it was affecting her, as she looked shy under my gaze, a light tinge of pink now dusting her cheeks as I spoke the words. 
“Thank you.” She says, in a similar tone to mine. She leans up to kiss me again, and her fingers are working my buttons. I let her, shrugging the shirt off and pressing my bare chest against her. She was just so soft, and warm, and I truly couldn’t get enough of her. I moved down, kissing the swell of her breasts and moving my fingers back to unclasp her bra, slipping it off her and immediately attaching my mouth to her nipples, moving my hand to rub at the other one. I watched her mouth drop open, her face contorting with pleasure, moaning out my name. I continued my ministrations for a moment, before beginning to kiss down her stomach. I could feel the tensing of the muscles, her happy sighs and light moans indicating to me I was doing a good job at pleasing her, and at that moment, it’s all I wanted. 
I began to slip down her sweatpants, reveling in the way she lifted up her hips, kicking off the clothing. I kissed near the hem of her underwear, teasing her by lightly tracing my finger near where a wet patch had formed against them. 
“You were so good today, you know that?” I murmur, letting my breath hit her clothed core. I pressed a chaste kiss against it. “So fucking good.” 
I hear a desperate moan from her, her hips jolting against my face, begging me for more. I nod, using my fingers to slide down the fabric, watching in fascination as her glistening folds were revealed to me, and in an almost primal way, I let my tongue dart out, licking a fat stripe against her. She immediately shuddered, nearly closing her thighs around me from the intense euphoria she was experiencing. I hooked my hands underneath them, holding her open and tasting the hot flesh against my tongue, enjoying the way she tasted against me. I had never felt such a burning need for anyone in my entire life, and I’m sure she could tell by the way, given the way I was absolutely devouring into her, my tongue continuing to move against her like a man starved, lapping up whatever I could. I wanted it all. I began to feel her thighs shake uncontrollably against me, and her moans reverberating around the room as her volume got louder. 
“Please-please! Spencer. Holy fuck. Please don’t stop, please don’t-” 
I let my tongue dart harshly against her clit, and her begging fell into a string of incoherent whimpers and praises for my mouth, making me chuckle slightly. It seemed to do her in, the vibration of my mouth causing her moans reaching a peak they hadn’t this entire night, and a tension leaving her body as she looked down at me with glazed eyes, breathing heavily. I drank her arousal, feeling the entirety of her arousal coating my lower chin. She moaned at the overstimulation, but I could only focus on how fucking good she tasted. 
I moved up against her, giving her another kiss, before I felt her moving, tugging me off her. 
“Something wrong?” I asked, knitting my brows and biting my lip. 
“I need you inside me. Now. Please.” She said, the intensity of her desperation going straight to my cock as I nodded quickly. 
“Okay, yeah.” I replied, quickly beginning to undo my own pants and pulling my cock out of the confines of my briefs. I gave it a few strong tugs, before moving above her again, rubbing the head of my arousal against her folds. She moaned at the feeling, before it died out into a silent scream as I moved inside of her with no warning. She screwed her eyes shut, before moaning out, “Fuck. You feel so good.” 
That was all the incentive I needed, beginning to buck wildly against her watching as we both lost ourselves in the pleasure we were giving to the other. As she whimpered, I moaned out at the feeling of how well she was taking me. I leaned down, whispering into her ear. “You’re so good.” I moaned, feeling a particularly strong clench against my cock. “I want you so badly. I wanna make you mine.” I groaned, barely getting the words out as she tensed against me, clearly nearing her second release of the night. 
I could feel the twitch of my member inside of her, feeling the arousal fill up in the pit of my belly, my breathing getting heavier and faster as we both reached our peaks. 
“Take me.” She moaned, desperate and needy. “I’m yours. Make me yours.” She said, nearly screaming out the words. 
My hips snapped harder against her, a primal growl coming out of me as I heard the words. “Is that right? You wanna be filled? You want my cum inside you, then?” 
“Yes, yes! Spencer, please- please! I need it!” At her last beg, I groaned, feeling myself expel inside of her, feeling myself come inside of her. A few moments later, her walls spasmed against me, soft whimpers and moans leaving her lips as she convulsed against my cock. I thrust lazily, working both of us through our orgasms, before gently rolling off her, and kissing her forehead, then her cheek.
“You’re so amazing.” I whisper to her, as she gives me a dazed smile, clearly fucked out but elated. A thin sheen of sweat covered her, and it only served to make her look even more radiant in the light of my bedroom. 
“You too, doc.” She said, a teasing quality in her voice, as she shifted herself closer to me. I opened my arms up to her, letting her lay her head on my chest, and I could feel her breathing relax and slow down as she settled against me, closing her eyes. 
“Goodnight.” I murmur, kissing the top of her head one final time. I began to close my eyes, ready to fall asleep like this, before I heard her voice again, soft and light. 
“Spence?” She mumbled, half-asleep as her lips brushed the bare skin of my chest. 
“I really like you.” 
I laughed at that, feeling a bloom of absolute adoration fill my chest. “I really like you too.” I sighed, closing my eyes once more. “Sleep.” 
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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, groaning as I realized it was JJ. (Y/N) was still asleep in my arms, and I shifted our positions slightly, careful not to wake her. I answered the phone in a low tone. “JJ? What’s up?” 
JJ’s voice came frantic from the other line. “Spencer?! Spencer. Oh my god. Did (Y/N) get home last night? I’m here at her apartment, and I don’t see her car in the parking space and-” 
I internally groaned, realizing I was going to need to explain her whereabouts without revealing what we had done. “Erm. JJ. Don’t worry.” I responded, trying to seem nonchalant, keeping my voice down. “I’m sure she’s fine.” 
“Don’t worry?! Spencer, where the fuck is she?! Did you see her go home or-” 
I interrupted her, sighing discerning that JJ wasn't going to take a vague answer right now. “She’s with me, okay! It’s okay. She’s with me.” 
There was a beat, and then I heard the smile in her voice. “She’s with you?” 
I rubbed my forehead, letting out a low groan. “She is.” 
JJ’s voice, now growing excited erupted in a fit of giggles and laughs. “Oh god, I owe Will twenty bucks now. I knew it would happen eventually, but I never assumed all it would take would be one night spent together!” 
It was my turn to be confused, knitting my brows. “Sorry, what?” 
JJ responded simply, her coyness over the phone giving away everything. “Let’s just say we knew we were double-booking last night.” 
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hello again! thank you so much for reading. as usual, likes, reblogs, feedback are all appreciated. i cannot say thank you enough. <3 p.s . thanks for everyone's help on the poll!! i hope this satisfied everyone's want for a long smut fic, haha:3
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modmad · 2 months
Hey Mod, I don't know what's going on that hurt you, I feel like I missed something that's happened, but I can tell from what I did see that it didn't just hurt you, but scared you and made you feel a Lot of doubt. I've also seen a lot of messages pouring in with support, and I want to share mine.
I have hypermobile type EDS, fibromyalgia, and a whole bucket's worth of faulty wiring in my brain. And I've always had stories to tell but I never felt I was good enough to share them. If it's because I can't focus enough to get through nanowrimo, or because I can't manage the focus and time towards drawing as a hobby, or the fact that an excessive amount of either for me leads to my hands wanting to shut down. But you? You *inspire* me. Your stories, all the ones I've seen, read, experienced in some way or another, they're so good. And you're open and honest with your fans about your own health, and of course, we support you and always would rather you rest and feel as best you can, instead of pushing out something and working yourself too hard. But all of this is to say that. I think I would have given up on my own stories if I hadn't found you and yours.
I hope whatever is going on sorts itself out, I hope you're able to keep telling your stories. At your own pace, in your own way. I think you deserve to be happy. If there's anything we (your fans, especially those of us too awkward to come off anon, whoops,) can do, to help in some way? Even if it's silly videos or cute cat pictures or whatever it is that could just help you smile. We're here. We love you.
woof. I woke up to so many messages I can't even read them all in one go I'm getting too emotional- I do feel I owe an explanation so I'll explain what happened under the cut but all you guys need to know is I'm okay, I got through it, I love you, and you're so important to me and I'm so grateful for all the messages that have asked me to stay.
tw for suicidal thoughts and all that
yeah so I have the bad morning of all mornings: was introduced to the fact there's this one character (Mr Puzzles) on a very popular youtube that. resembles RGB. incredibly strongly. like. I don't want to link to it just look if you want to. Anyway at the time I thought it had just dropped (seems to have been around for 6 months actually), and having commented on it I immediately got an inbox full of hate mail.
My website, meanwhile, had locked both me and my web designer out of it, and- already in a bad state of mind- I went into full on panic/paranoid spiral of 'they have hacked it, and they are going to delete any proof that I was here before them.' This of course wasn't true, and we have since recalimed control of the site (don't know what happened there but hey. it's fine???? haha. ha.)
On top of this my father has terminal cancer of the pancreas, which is horrible for everyone already but it means that- at some point this year- I am going to be the only person with an active income in my house. I am disabled, do not make a lot of money, and the cost of living is skyrocketing. Combine that with months of Despair at the world right now, with the multiple wars, genocide, corruption and AI and the loss of control any of us have over our IP or lives and I just decided it was time to end it all.
I somehow remembered this was a bad idea to act on immediately (hard during a period of entirely irrational thought) and instead went for a very long walk, crossed the bridge I could have jumped off and during that I came out of the worst of it. I then came back home to so much love online I felt deeply ashamed for ever contemplating it, and I cried a lot. My nose is still puffy and now my feet hurt! lmao
Anyway. Yeah. There's your context. I am not going to stop hoping, making, or living. I am prone to moments of weakness and this was one of the worst of them and I am still here, thanks in a large part to all of you. I might need you in the future to defend me against this, or people who take our ideas, but I hope you know that I will do the same for you. We need each other, and to be there for you I need to be here at all.
also fuck Mr Puzzles
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wqnwoos · 7 months
“oh my god, i’ve literally been looking for you everywhere!”
your sentence wouldn’t come as a surprise to minghao if he actually knew who you were. but one look at you, beaming at him under the dim bar lights, tells him everything: he’s never seen you in his life.
and somehow, you seem to be convinced that the two of you are best of friends. you’re sliding onto the empty bar stool next to him — not too close, not enough to make him uncomfortable, but close enough to make it seem like you guys are here together. and you’re not. because he came with jun and dino and soonyoung, who are currently in the midst of the crowded dance floor.
slowly, after one long look — just to be sure — minghao speaks. “i’m sorry,” he says, finally. “do i know you?”
you don’t even answer the question, you just start laughing: clearly, you’re absolutely wasted. “don’t be silly,” you giggle, and it’s kind of the best sound minghao’s ever heard, but that really isn’t his priority right now.
you wave the bartender over before he can stop you. “hiiii,” you sing, to the slightly bemused dude behind the counter. “can i get — ”
“water,” minghao chips in quickly, casting a concerned eye over your swaying body. “get them some water, please.”
it doesn’t take long, and yet in the short space of time, your energy completely fades. one second you’re bobbing your head to the thumping bass; the next second, your eyes are drooping, and you look moments away from slumping over the counter in exhaustion.
“are you good?” minghao says, sudden alarm seeping into his voice; he does not want to be responsible for someone passing out, and so he twists open the water bottle, handing it to you and watching dubiously as you gulp it down.
“did you know,” you announce, once you’ve finished, “that cows have best friends?”
(minghao doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it really wasn’t that.)
still, he can’t help the amusement that exudes from his voice. “oh, yeah?”
“yes!” you say, with sudden, renewed enthusiasm. “someone told me they feel sad when their best friends aren’t around, too. isn’t that just cool?”
“sure,” he humours you, partly because your excitement about this is kind of sweet, and partly because he’s glancing around the bar to see if anyone’s looking for you. “hey, did you come here alone?”
you wave a vague hand to your right. “i think karina and jaehyun are over there. somewhere.”
your indifference is both entertaining and a little concerning. “okay, can i call one of them for you?”
you pout — you actually pout. “i haven’t told you about the seahorses yet!”
and minghao doesn’t know whether to laugh or not, because this is one of the strangest predicaments he’s ever been put in, but there’s something about you — he can’t put his finger on it. he just knows that you look gorgeous, even drunk under shitty lighting, and something that feels suspiciously like butterflies churns in his stomach when he looks at you.
but you still seem a little drunk, and so minghao orders you another water, opening the bottle for you again. he watched as you drink it down, idly wondering whether the sparkles in your eyes are from the alcohol, or if they’re always there. (he thinks he’d like to find out.)
you let him call karina then, and when she picks up (“oh my god, finally, ___, where have you been?”) minghao finally learns your name. he repeats it over and over inside his head; he’s going to remember this one.
“i guess you’re a little more sober,” he notices, a few moments after hanging up with your friend — he can tell, by the clarity dawning in those pretty eyes, and the embarrassed smile that takes over your face.
you drop your face into your hands, as though you’re recalling what you’ve said. “oh my god,” you groan into your palms, “i am — i am so sorry.”
he really can’t help the laugh that spills from his lips. even your embarrassment is endearing. “you’re fine,” he assures, trying to restrain his smile. “i had a great time, actually.”
your face is still twisted into a mortified grimace, and your words trip over each other, garbled in your flustered state. “i — i mean, thank you, but i really — oh my god.”
“i was thinking,” minghao says, waving your phone — it’s still in his hand. “you could tell me about those seahorses. over coffee, maybe.”
you look at him with wonder in your eyes — “i mean. are you sure?”
“i’m sure,” he replies, the smallest of smirks pulling at his lips, “if you are.”
you say yes, and minghao thinks he hasn’t smiled this wide for a while. and just as he’s finishing typing his number into your phone, a girl he can only assume is karina appears.
there are hurried goodbyes, and a quick promise from you to text him — which you clinch by linking your pinky with his, and that only seals it for him. it’s early, and maybe the few sips of alcohol have gone to his head, but he thinks something special is going to happen.
and when he hears your hushed, humiliated whisper as you leave (“rina, i told him about the cows.”), he thinks the something special has already happened, and it’s hit him out of nowhere. like a tornado. or a hurricane, or a comet, or you.
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an / requested by anon and the prompt was SOOO cute i giggled reading it but i feel like i fucked it up writing it 😭 i rewrote it three times and it still doesn’t feel right GAHH
perm taglist: @n4mj00nvq @eoieopda @som1ig @glowunderthemoon @wondering-out-loud @graybaeismytae @hannyoontify @sahazzy @dokyeomin @icyminghao @smilehui @nicholasluvbot @lvlystars @immabecreepin @hanniehaee @kokoiinuts @astrozuya @doublasting @yepimthatonequirkyteenager @qaramu @weird-bookworm @phenomenalgirl9
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hg-aneh · 8 months
will you ever come back, or is this an indefinite hiatus/straight up dipping?
i don't know
all the i miss yous are making me want to come back but ik i would just be terrified and motionless as soon as i do
Vent-ish Rant downstairs
CW: Pedophilia, Antisemitism, Suicide, Ableism, Harassment, Bullying, all the important words except for murder basically
i want to fix things in private with the people who hurt me so things can be okay and I don't out them for being wieners
but i also want everyone to know who hurt me, yet I'm aware it's not the right choice to make. social media outrage barely leads to anything, specially where minors are concerned
hell,now that i think about it, considering the fact that they genuinely don't believe people older than them are allowed to have feelings, I don't even think talking would be the right move
it's scary, its fucking scary
fuck. the whole thing started with a person mocking the way i spoke about crowley telling me to stop babying him because i was a legal adult and shouldn't be speaking like that
i had just turned 18 and the person was only a year younger than me
like when it's gone to that point and shit is that fucked up, what can one person even do
i remember i laughed about it back then but truth be told, every single little thing I've been told and that I've listened to coming from the people who hurt me has fucking destroyed me as a person
I looked at my older Discord messages, from before this whole mess started. I was so fucking happy and shameless with my joy, now look at my sorry ass
i just.
it's crazy that i have to go around masking in social media of all places because there are people that take such offense to me being cringe that they legitimately turn into high school mean girls
it's crazy that there are people who claim I'm something i am not because they want to make me look bad in the eyes of their little circlejerking friend groups so they can feel like the hero of the story
it's crazy that empathy goes completely out of the window when an account is big, that people don't see human beings as human beings when they're behind a screen
"just log off lol" i am a lonely shut in motherfucker due to my autism (that, surprise surprise, hinders my ability to socialize), you do not understand what you're asking of me, specially while being in this country and at this point in time where I'm actively craving to kick the metaphorical bucket, at daily risk of doing so, and what basically is house arrest for my own safety and well being
(aka, avoiding to physically yeet myself into upcoming traffic or buying something to actually seal the deal)
thus far I've been accused of antisemitism, pedophilia, being too self-centered (which. bro, the reason why i talk about myself is because it's the one thing i can comment on without being scared of some random person coming to tell me "NuH uH" about it out of nowhere or worse, having their feelings hurt because I don't agree with them 100%), proshipper (which, to those people, the word implies wonderful labels such as "incest apologist" "pedophile" (again) "abuse endorser" among other things) ((sidenote, I'm on neither side on that particular discourse. my friends from both sides know this. I would elaborate on my stance if this wasn't already long enough, but it is, so I'm leaving it at an "I don't care, you do you, but please leave me out of it")), being... mean... because i blocked someone...? (this one is just. that's how the second wave of hate started btw. yeah, because i blocked someone. holy fuck), and there's probably a handful of other things I haven't seen yet. fuck it, there's probably someone out there calling me a zoophile because of my catboy au
My friends who I will not name because I don't want the high school mean girls crusade to get to them, have helped me stash out evidence for all of the accusations and bullying.
fuck, they were the ones who let me know about it on the first place, both actions for which i am eternally thankful for because it means I can defend myself properly should the occasion arise (dios no quiera)
I've already had to make a post on Xitter responding to the antisemitism and pedophilia claims, in which, for the latter, i had to reveal extremely personal information for the people who started this to give me respite if only for a while
and. ugh
What I'm trying to get at with all of this is. it's. coming back is scary. i want to but at the same time I don't think I can take this shit anymore
I wish I had people defending me like this when the harassment started because I'm a spineless little bitch who'd rather talk things out and at least be neutral with people than clap back and tell them to stop being stinky
but what's done is done and now i just gotta figure out how to fix my head before i do something stupid
this is not the full story obviously, I'm cutting off certain details as well as more personal depression stuff to not make this bible longer than it already is
TLDR: I need a hug, idk if I'm coming back, I probably will cuz I can't say no to people, and some teenagers are horrible
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bedsyandco · 10 months
joe burrow x hughes!sister part 2
summary: blurb where yn hughes goes home to Michigan and brothers who want answers.
note: WARNING this sucks! I always feel like sequels of things are worse than the first part, but I tried my best for ya! <3 it's more centered around the siblings than Joe. He's not in this, lol.
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You stand on the front porch of the lake house, with your suitcase, and give yourself a moment to breathe. You would much rather go to your parents' house, have a nice meal, take a nap. But if Jack texted one more time, you were gonna lose your mind. You thought doing this as soon as possible would be better.
As you enter the house, you walk towards the living room where all three of your brothers were sitting, all of their eyes trained on the TV screen, where they were playing a video game.
"Hello," you say, and only one pair of eyes meet yours.
"Hey," Jack says, unbothered, still focused on the screen.
"It's me...your sister" you say slowly
"Yeah, hold on one sec," Jack says, and you scoff, and Luke stands up to hug you.
"This is why you're my favorite," you say loud enough for the other two to hear.
"You're not allowed to have favorites," Quinn says
"Yes, I can. Mom's not allowed to have favorites, although we all know that if she did, it would also be Luke," you say, and Luke smiles sheepishly.
"Doesn't feel good being ignored, does it?" Jack asks, referring to his 100 texts going unanswered.
"I wasn't ignoring you, I was simply delaying my response," you say and Quinn smiles. That was such a you thing to say.
After hugging both Quinn and Jack, you take a seat on another couch and look anywhere, but their gazes.
"You guys really need to learn how to use sunscreen," you say, glancing over their red faces.
"Don't change the subject," Quinn says, using his older brother voice and you wince.
"What do you wanna know?" you ask
"Was it Joe in your post?" Jack asks
"Yes, it was Joe." You answer
"Are you guys dating?" Quinn asks
"Yes, we are dating."
"How long?" Luke asks
"About 8 months, we only recently made it official," you say
"8 months!!?" Jack yells, you wince.
"It was casual for like 6 of those months," you defend.
"How did you guys even meet?" Quinn asks
"A mutual friends party, we hooked up. A few weeks later, we ran into each other again, hooked up again, exchanged numbers, one thing led to another..." You trail off, and your brothers faces range from disgust, shock, and a little bit of intrigue.
"When were you guys in Michigan together?" Jack asks, and you wince again.
"Remember when I asked if I could bring a few friends to the lake house a couple of weeks ago?" You ask, and Jack's eyes bulge.
"That was him? You brought Joe here?," he asks and looks around the room as if he sees it differently now.
"Can you calm down? It's not Jesus, Jack, it's just Joe" you say
"Way too many J's in there," Luke says offhandedly.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Jack asks, a little hurt obvious in his tone and you actually feel bad.
"Because it wasn't serious, I wasn't sure if it was gonna last. Besides, Joe and I enjoyed being in our little bubble for a few months. I never meant to hurt you guys, I'm sorry. Could I have told you in a better way than posting about it on Instagram?yeah, probably, but I honestly didn't know how to tell you I had a boyfriend, never mind that it was Joe Burrow." You say
"Oh my God, you're dating Joe Burrow," Jack says as if it just sunk in.
"Do mom and dad know?" Luke asks
"Yeah, I told mom the first time it happened." You say and Jack's head snaps in your direction.
"Mom's known for 8 months?!" Jack asks, and Quinn just claps him on the back, hoping to calm him down.
"Are you happy?" Quinn asks, and you smile.
"The happiest I've ever been," you reply
"Then I'm happy for you," Quinn says, standing up to hug you.
"Yeah, me too. Doesn't matter if it's Joe Burrow or regular Joe on the street, as long he treats you well." Luke says and wraps you in another hug.
Jack stands up and also pulls you into a hug.
"So uh, when can we meet him?" Jack asks against your head and you laugh.
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loveinhawkins · 10 months
Steve doesn’t think anything of it when he says it.
He’s lying on Robin’s bed, squished between a diverse collection of childhood teddy bears. Robin’s sat opposite him up by the headboard, her feet knocking against his knees; she’s massaging Pond’s cream into her elbows, and the room smells of cocoa butter.
Steve breathes in leisurely.
He thinks back to just a few months ago, when he’d first gotten the job at Scoops Ahoy—when he’d found out that his only co-worker was going to be a Robin Buckley: who the hell is she? he’d thought with a familiar carelessness, an echo from his junior year. Before the monsters. Before…
“Hey, Robin,” Steve begins. The words come slowly, like he’s wandering through the thought. “Do you ever think that, like… that it’s kinda crazy, y’know, how we ended up here?”
Robin pauses in her massaging. She gives him a dry look. “This is a pretty standard Sunday evening for me.”
Steve snorts. “Not like that, dickhead.”
Although maybe it is like that actually.
Maybe it’s about how he now watches Murder, She Wrote in the Buckley’s living room without Robin’s parents batting an eye; how they said he could join them for dinner beforehand, and then he kept showing up earlier and earlier to the point where him and Robin just spend the whole day together, and it’s never awkward, there’s no quips or whatever from her dad about them secretly being together; and maybe it feels sorta like a fairytale in the best way; maybe he feels a little like Laurie except he doesn’t want to propose to Jo.
And maybe it’s that the whole thing is just insane: that the entire goddamn trajectory of his life somehow took this wild turn, has made him land here, of all places, and he doesn’t even mean it in an asshole kind of way.
He means…
“Guess I’m just… just thinking. Like, it all kinda worked out, y’know?” Even as he says it, he knows it’s a risk—because they’ve not talked about Starcourt, not really, they’ve just talked around it, but this hardly counts, right? It’s just a joke, it’s just… “Yeah, I, um, got my head knocked around, but, it, uh, it meant I ended up here, so.”
He wants Robin to laugh—or at least, he thinks he does.
She doesn’t. She just goes very still.
He feels something twist in his gut; she’s got this way of looking at him, like he’s accidentally said more than what he thought he did.
Robin crawls forward, clumsy and urgent. She grabs hold of his wrist. He feels the grease of body lotion as her thumb moves in tiny circles against his skin.
“That didn’t need to happen,” she says so seriously, and for some reason that’s almost the thing that does it, the thing that almost gets him to break on a slow Sunday evening in October, because whenever his stupid brain brings him back to July, to blood and pain and a deep, unimagineable fear, he tries to remember how it felt: how he laughed through it with Robin in a bathroom stall, and it would almost be enough to soothe the sting, that he could endure it, could endure anything so long as he could have this, please just let me have—
“We could’ve had the most boring summer of our lives,” Robin says, with a smile that’s a little sad, a little wistful, but always kind. “And I still would’ve…”
He hears them again, those words he’s been clinging to.
Listen to me, Steve. It's shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you.
“It just would’ve taken longer,” Robin finishes. Her eyes dart all over his face, and he suspects that he knows part of what she’s seeing: the ghosts of bruises. “Okay?”
For a moment, Steve can’t speak. “Okay.”
Robin shuffles up next to him, sitting right on top of one of her bears—“You’re squishing him,” Steve points out, to which Robin just snorts—and then she’s hugging him, maybe tighter than he’s ever been hugged before.
He lets his head fall forward and breathes.
They break apart eventually. If there’s a wet patch on her shirt, Robin doesn’t point it out—just says there’s cake for dessert, and she doesn’t move back to her spot, so her elbows are practically always in danger of catching Steve in the ribs.
And God, Steve tries to believe it: that he could have all of this without… That he could’ve always had it.
He tries.
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wosoluver · 2 months
We don't talk anymore - Part 2
Claudia Pina x childhood best friend!reader
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Different people reach the high of their careers at different times.
You couldn't complain though. From playing with the boys in your neighborhood, to playing for a first division team in England, you had come a long way.
And now at just 23, you were being transferred to Barcelona.
Yes. The same team that had turned their back on you years ago.
In truth you took the hard hit of being separated from your best friend and your family, as an opportunity, to work hard enough to make back home.
And here you were. Making your way to your first training with the team.
Your heart pounded in your chest, anticipating to see those beautiful blue eyes, always paired with a grin.
You thought about reaching out, but decided against it. What were you supposed to say? Hello? Remember me? I'm coming home?
And it's not like she didn't know you had been signed by her team. She could have reached out too.
Unless, something you refused to believe, she had completely forgot your existence, and didn't recognize her own childhood best friend.
You took a deep breath walking in, you went around the locker room, introducing yourself and Alexia took you under her wing immediately, trying to make sure fit in. Apparently you were a bit early.
"Y/N?" - You heard as you turned around.
Seeing her eyes shining as you did.
"Clau." - You said it on a quieter tone.
She immediately hugged you. Initially you didn't hug her back. Blame it on shock or blame it on hard feelings. But eventually you gave in.
"You two know each other?" - asked Jana.
"They are best friends." said Patri.
The only one there who had actually heard about you. Many, many times.
Like Piña she started very young on Barça, around the same time. They instantly became friends. She spent many nights wiping Claudia's tears, while she mourned the loss of her friend.
"I've missed you more than anything!" - She said already emotional.
"Long time no see hm?" - You said trying to break the awkwardness.
"I watched you play all the time on my tv." - And you instantly let the wall you were trying so hard to keep up, down. Offering her a smile.
"I did the same! I'm sorry for not reaching out.
I know it's stupid, but I thought you might have forgotten me..."
"There's not a day that went by where I did think about you."
You heard someone clean their through.
"You guys can talk more later yeah? We have some training to do." - Said Alexia kindly.
"I'm Patri! Piña's second best friend." - Said Guijarro with a big smile as you
all walked out for the field.
You couldn't remember the last time you had so much fun playing. You remembered how it felt to play as a kid. Remembered why you fell in love with the sport in the first place.
"Ets boníssima, Y/N! Welcome to Barça." - Alexia, said giving your shoulder a squeeze.
"Moltes gràcies." - Giving her a bright smile.
"Hey wait up for me!" - Claudia yelled as you were all going in to shower.
"You're better than I remembered."
"Well the girls at Tottenham were a lot harder to play against, than the boys from back home." - You both let out heartfelt laughs.
"I'm sorry I left you behind."
"Stop! You didn't. You were following your destiny."
"I felt so powerless, not being able to demand they brought you along."
"Well I took the longer way here."
"You made them regret not choosing you. You proved them wrong. You played until they couldn't ignore you anymore!"
"You make it sound more glorious than it actually was."
"I told you, we would make it."
"You saw potential in me, before any team could."
You two finished getting ready.
"Do you need a ride home?"
"That would be nice."
"Okay. Patri you're giving Y/N a ride!"
"You offered me a ride? As a passenger in someone else's car?" - She really hadn't changed.
"She won't mind."
"I don't mind." - Said Patri joining the two of you on the way to the car. - "The english league had nothing on your defense, Y/N. You needed better competition."
As she said that you completely understood why they became close.
And once again, you made your way home together. As if you had never been separated at all.
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teddyfalls · 2 months
WHY WON’T YOU BE MY GIRL? — conrad fisher
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PAIRING. conrad fisher x conklin!reader
SYNOPSIS. conrad asks you to go to the beach with him late at night so that he can teach you to surf and things lead elsewhere.
WARNINGS. fluff but angst if you squint, ooc conrad, shy reader, fem!reader (implied), you/yours pronouns used
TEDDY TALKS. hi!! this is my first fic posted on here so i hope you guys enjoy it. it’s also dedicated to my best friend and the moon to my sun <3
masterlist. | who i write for. | divider credit: @cafekitsune
this fic is based on “why won’t you be my girl?” by william hinson.
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THE NIGHT HAD FALLEN FASTER than you had fallen in love. It wasn’t a new thing by any means—anything Conrad did made you fall even more head-over-heels for him, even if that was near impossible. But tonight, it felt different. It felt like the love had come anew.
“Are you coming then?”
Even his voice sounded like honey. A perfect melody mixed intermittently with the midnight wind, like his voice was made to make you fall in love with him right then and there.
“To the beach?”
You ask, wondering why on Earth he was asking you to come to the beach with him at nine at night, just days after you’d gotten to Cousins. Conrad had been in a far better mood, that lovely light-bringing smile on his face, his past teasing demeanour at its full potential. Yet something still felt… off with him. Like something was toying with his mind, but you didn’t want to ask. Didn’t want to ruin his mood.
“Yeah, the beach. Obviously. Do you— d’you not want to come?”
There was a hesitance in his words that you wanted to point out, but your mind didn’t dwindle on it for too long.
However, you did stay silent for a moment, causing him to tilt his head to the side in mere confusion. It didn’t take him long to figure out that you had sensed the hesitation within his voice, and his eyes softened their glare.
He rested his hands against the smooth side of his surfboard, which was completely light blue in colour and reflected the moonlight against its surface.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just thought it’d be nice to offer, you know? Take you surfing like you asked last summer.”
That brings a smile back on your face.
He remembered.
You nod rather eagerly, and he smiles back—all teeth and lips, a complete sure smile that never faltered. It made you so glad to see him like this, no darkness behind those eyes, just a sparkle in them. A sparkle that only seemed to appear when he was with you.
It took you both only a couple of minutes to get down to the beach, the wind running through your hair making Conrad’s look rather neat compared to yours. It made him laugh quietly watching you spin against the weight of the wind to try and get it out of your face.
He stopped just before the crux of the ocean, where it swam up against the shore and licked the sand with its cold waters. He wanted to actually try to teach you before you got in the water, knowing it’d be safer for you that way (and knowing Steven would have his head if he put you in harm’s way).
As he planted his surfboard in the ground beside him, he held a hand out for yours.
“Oh? You want this?” You say with a laugh. “You’ll have to come and get it!”
And with that you took off, running down the beach and kicking your sliders off on the way, looking back at him.
He laughed wholeheartedly, yelling as he watched you run off.
“There’s no way I’m running!”
Even though it was dark—being nighttime and the time when you would usually be watching a movie with your mother and Savannah—you could still see his face lighting up with not just the moonlight, but with a happiness that you hadn’t seen in a long time. Happiness that you knew no matter what that he deserved more than anything.
Despite his words, the moment you’d stopped to turn around to see if he was following, he took off too, running after you with sand kicking up behind his feet.
He managed to catch up with you quick enough, hands reaching for yours blindly as the moon hid behind a cloud for a second. The moment he touched you, you’d dropped the surfboard you were holding and let it clatter to the ground as the moon came back out, coating you both in a glittery shimmer of moonlight. His hands were still clasping around your wrists when you moved one of your hands to manoeuvre the hair from his eyes, wanting to see that sparkle in a closer proximity.
“C—“ you began, but he cut you off.
“I think I caught you.” He says, breathlessly. Practically panting into your face, his eyes search yours, that smile on your face fading to something of a miniature grin. A knowing one.
“Yeah?” You whisper lightly.
“Yeah.” He mutters back, eyes flicking momentarily to your lips. His hands flex around your wrists, letting them go once his mind had returned to what he was actually doing.
Looking like he had more to say than just simply that, he gulps. Your Conrad—the boy you’d liked since, well, forever had you wrapped around his finger. Yet he was the shy one.
“I wanted to, ahem, ask something,” he manages to get out, a cough between his words, voice still low in the moonlight as he starts to make space between you, all too well conscious of the minimal amount of it from beforehand.
“Ask away, Conrad. I’m here.” You say, voice equally as quiet, if not more.
“Why won’t you be with me?”
You look extremely confused, so he presses on.
“Why won’t you be my girl?”
With that the proximity between you immediately minimises again, his breath fanning against your face in quick, short intervals. You look into his eyes, almost pleading him to say something, to break the silence before you have to do it yourself.
The hands by his sides move, almost in slow motion, but then it’s as if fireworks explode in your mind and you can’t help but let your body move without willing it to do so, letting your body have a pure mind of its own as you move even closer to him. He lets your bodies easily become one, hands coming up to cup your face as if it’s second nature.
Then he’s pressing his lips against yours and it's like nothing else in the world exists anymore. The more he tilts your chin up into his the more he smiles, and you smile too, and those fireworks feel like they’ll never cease to exist.
You’re the one to break it. Break the silence and the kiss, panting rugged breaths as his hand moves a strand of your hair from your eyes, just as you had done for him.
“I will.” You whisper, holding onto his wrists now.
“I will be your girl, Conrad.”
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⌗ teddyfalls
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genericpuff · 2 months
Since Lore Olympus is ending is there anything you personally still admire or like despite its many flaws?
Some of those iconic S1 panels still stick to me like glue. They're the ones that I think of most when I think of "old LO" and I think that goes for a lot of the more reminiscent critics as well.
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That said, I also really like (and now miss) Persephone's actual sense of integrity and personality. She's never had much of one outside of liking Hades, but there were a lot more hints of something more back in S1, such as her love for studying and schooling, as well as her confidence and veracity in dealing with Apollo.
Like, this is 10x more intimidating than any of the S3 scenes of Persephone being "wrathful"-
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And it's in every other confrontation throughout S1 that we see Persephone actually standing up for herself. She still hasn't come far enough to be open about the assault, but she's at least not taking his shit. She threw a plate at him y'all-
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But now in S3 it's like her personality has been scrubbed and replaced with a Karen. She doesn't have integrity anymore, she's just a bully, and to make matters worse, she's not even bullying Apollo, she's constantly hiding from him. And that's when the narrative even bothers to remember he exists, most of the people she's 'standing up to' in S3 are people who have zero power over her (so again, not 'standing up to', bullying and threatening.)
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Apollo called her a brat back in S1 and now she's actually playing the part.
So yeah, I still like Persephone's personality back in S1, at least the stuff actually concerning her that didn't revolve around Hades. I love seeing her have a school life where she dreams about what she'll do with an income. I love seeing her just being a normal girl with her own personality and values. She hasn't been allowed to be that for a long time.
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izzyspussy · 10 months
re: those fic ideas always going around about roy bidding on jamie at the next for the children gala
i like imagining sheryl is out for fucking blood this time. she lost jamie that year, then he wasn't there the next (two?) year(s), so now she's fucking determined. she's going to get him god damn it.
so sheryl bids like £6k or whatever, and then keeley as a sort of nostalgic thing bids £8k, and then sheryl bids £10k and there's no bex this year so it seems like maybe that's going to be that, but then roy bids. (he would have stayed out of it if keeley kept bidding, she is an acceptable winner.)
and roy. he's not lazy, obviously, but he hates tedium, he hates repeating himself, he hates attention except for what he wants attention for specifically lmao, and he's got plenty of money to burn. he has something to get done and he wants it done quickly and decisively. so instead of doing normal bids like a normal person, whatever sheryl bids he fucking doubles it.
so he bids £20k. she bids £25k. he bids £50k. she's getting frustrated, she's not into paying this much, but she's fucking determined!! she wants him!!! so she bids £51k. roy bids £102k. everyone's like.... bro omg.
jamie up on stage is like that's so much fucking money. hey, rebecca? hey? that's so much fucking money, actually. that's enough. call it. he gets it, he won. that's so much fucking money. (and like it's part genuine, that really is SO much fucking money, and jamie may be rich now but he grew up poor and that is a lot of fucking money!! but also it's a great excuse to wrap this up, to say okay roy won it's over! and get down.)
and rebecca - slightly shell shocked tbh, but also kind of reading how eager jamie is to get down - is like okay yeah he won that's it. a date with jamie tartt sold to roy kent for 102,000 fucking pounds. and she sends jamie on his way, and there's a lull between him and the next person because everyone is sort of stuck here.
because obviously, no one in this room knows why roy bid, nevermind why he would bid so fucking much. they don't know he didn't necessarily want to win so much as he wanted to make sure no one else did. they don't know he's been haunted by the joke he and keeley made back then ever since he figured out why it was so upsetting to jamie - even though, to be perfectly frank, jamie hasn't figured that out himself, and anyway it didn't make a lasting impression on him, like, it honestly was not that big of a deal in reality, but you know roy kent, any chance he gets to feel like a bad guy he's taking it. so to the outside point of view, roy wanted jamie so bad he was willing to spend £102k to get him. which is honestly a wild bid from anyone, nevermind a) a man and b) a man who could just ask jamie to hang out whenever he wants.
jamie goes right over to him as soon as he gets down from the stage, and he thanks him, and roy tells him he's just making up for last time, and jamie hardly even remembers what he's talking about but it's really fucking nice of him to even care, so he gives him a hug and he says thanks again, not just for this, and roy says he's been fucking honored, and jamie tears up and calls him a prick because they both know he knew that would happen if he said that, and roy does his sinister little laugh because he meant it but he did also do that on purpose, yeah.
and then jamie's like move i'm gay to whoever is sitting next to roy so he can take that seat, because roy just paid £102k (and made quite the grand gesture) so his date with jamie starts right now and goes for as long as roy fucking wants it to thank you very much.
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