#for ren
princemick · 1 year
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yuki shirt design mockup!
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starswake--archived · 3 years
1 and 1a
OOO thanks sm for sending one in cat !! I think I'll do this for Ren :)
1 +1a. What’s the most fun your oc has ever had? What made it fun to them?
I'll divide it up into two different times for Ren, prior to his introduction in the storyline and then within the storyline itself.
Prior to His Introduction
The way Ren seems to find fun in things is if it's something particularly new from what he isn't used to. His background with his family doesn't really allow him to fall out of line super often, having to stress on being the primary caretaker of his family. So if there is a chance where he is able to step away from his family duties, then Ren will be guaranteed excitement and fun (well, when you manage to calm him down from his worries anyways lol).
Though, I think the last time Ren had any fun (that was memorable anyways) was when he was a kid, all carefree. He used to run off to the neighboring woods to go make mudpiles and play with bugs with his friends at the time lol
During the Storyline
Literally any mission where he gets stuck with Machina he would consider it fun. He considers his gift to be a Dreamscaper a curse because he thought for once, at least in his dreams, he can rest easy and not have to worry about taking care of someone else, only for the job of the Dreamscaper to be exactly that. There's a long period during his job where he had to do it alone, too, so it feels nice to know that there's someone else shouldering the burden, and he also finds Machina refreshing when it comes to the missions (even if Machina is kind of a mess on the missions).
oc adventures
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handle-with--care · 3 years
Every Turn (Will Be Safe With Me) || Tris&&Talon (Drabble)
Tris stacked the last of the chairs in a tower at the edge of the room with a wave of his wand, clearing out the last of the space in the music room; and then nodded to himself, satisfied, as he lapped the space he’d freed up.
He surprised himself, let alone Talon, when he’d offered to teach him how to dance for the Gala - the basics, of course, because he doubted anyone was intending to break out into a Viennese Waltz in the middle of the floor - but as the decided day had crept closer he’d found the knot of tension in his stomach unwinding.
Talon was his friend. He was teaching his friend the basic steps to a waltz, the same as he would have taught any of his other friends if they’d asked. Tris himself had a couple years of lessons under his belt, courtesy of the alternating summers he’d spent with his Aunt Katerina, and he’d even considered offering for Esma, so they could practice together before attending the Gala as friends.
He was a little embarrassed to admit that he’d changed his mind on that particular offer, after thinking about it more. Esma was a good friend, and usually fun to be around; but he was also five feet and a single inch of barely contained energy, and even clumsier than Tris could be. Better that his feet were spared; he didn’t know how much dancing he and Esma were likely to do, anyway.
Talon, on the other hand, was likely to get offers left and right throughout the course of the evening; and Tris ignored how it made his chest go tight and uncomfortable to think too hard on Talon dancing with other people, and moved over to the piano, checking the spell that would let it play a simple enough rolling melody for them to practice to.
Talon’s just your friend, he reminded himself sternly; and almost jumped out of his skin when a voice greeted him from the doorway.
“I feel like I should say again that I’ve not done anything like this in years. I apologise in advance for any tripping or foot-stepping that may occur.”
Tris shot Talon a brief, teasing scowl for how he’d startled him, before it slipped in favour of a smile and he turned fully to face the other boy.
He looked nervous, silver-grey eyes guarded the way they always got whenever he came close to talking about anything to do with his past; and Tris half wished he’d extricated Artemis from the nest she’d made of his spare school robes and brought her with him.
She’d have been a distraction, of course, but a good one. One that would have put Talon at ease in a way Tris struggled to himself, socially awkward as he was.
“Well I promise not to tell anyone you end up dancing with about how terrible you were before you let me teach you. Can’t let your reputation of being irresistible be tarnished so soon after you’ve decided to make it your defining feature.”
The teasing had Talon huffing at him in protest, but it also had most of the tension melting from his shoulders, and he moved the rest of the way into the room, setting his satchel down on one of the stacks of chairs; and Tris set the piano to playing, a simple, rolling one two three, one two three that would help them to keep time as they practiced.
He closed a little more of the distance between them, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows.
“You’ve had some lessons,” he prompted, and Talon nodded, eyes flicking between Tris’ face and the newly exposed skin of Tris’ wrists and forearms.
“Uh, yeah. I mean, when I was a kid, I think the lessons stopped when I was like twelve. I don’t remember a lot.” He shrugged a shoulder, and the walls were slower to rise, the tiny glimpse into his past more easily given than previous ones; and Tris committed the fact to his memory, another puzzle piece to add to the picture of Talon he had thus far, and closed the rest of the distance between them before he could fully retreat behind the eyes again.
“Do you remember how you’re supposed to hold another person?” Tris held out his hands, and Talon immediately flushed bright pink, suddenly unable to look Tris in the face; and Tris caught his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt to suppress the endeared, amused grin threatening to spread across his face at how easily flustered the other boy was.
Tris couldn’t really talk, equally easy to reduce to blushing and hiding his face when flirted with, especially when the culprit was the boy now stood before him; but Tris hadn’t cultivated something of a reputation for being charming and confident, praise rolling off him like water off a duck, a sharp tongued flirtation and offhand self deprecating comment always ready on his tongue.
Talon’s movement was a stutter-stop, his hands lifting, before he took a gentle, uncertain hold of Tris’; and the shorter boy smiled up at him, trying to make sure his expression conveyed as much fondness as amusement, before carefully leading Talon’s left hand to rest against his back, high enough that the join of his thumb and first finger cradled the base of Tris’ shoulder blade.
The brunette looked like he’d stopped breathing, a little, eyes wide; and Tris felt his own breath catch in his throat, before he resolved to shatter the moment threatening to stop them in their tracks, and stuck his tongue out at Talon.
Talon blinked hard, startled; and then offered Tris a mock scowl, before sticking his tongue out at him in return, and then cracking a warm, broad grin that pulled at the corners of his eyes.
For a moment, even as Tris’ nerves faded with the broken tension, he felt a little like he’d made a misstep; like he should have let the moment stretch out, let whatever had started to happen finish by itself. It might have been good; could have been great, if he’d let the tension linger, let Talon’s mind work through it-
Or it could have gone terribly, and Talon could have spooked, or Tris could have spooked, and things would have been awkward and difficult in a way things hadn’t been with Talon so far. In a way so many of Tris’ attempts at social interaction were, and he was still riding the high of how easy it was to talk to Talon, he didn’t want to ruin everything so soon by being...
He swallowed and centred himself, pulling his mind out of the spiral it was threatening to get trapped in, and focussed on the boy in front of him.
“So, for anything very formal, you hold the other person like this, so long as you’re the taller, and the one leading. I don’t imagine there’s going to be a lot of very formal dancing, so,” and he moved Talon’s palm down his back to rest instead at the dip of his spine, in line with his waist, stifling a shiver at the drag of warmth through his shirt, “like this will probably be more appropriate.”
Talon nodded, the gesture a little rushed, while his hold on Tris’ hand tightened.
“Right,” he said, voice curiously rough; and it was only when Tris set his free hand on Talon’s shoulder, completing the position, that he really noticed how little space there was between them.
They weren’t quite chest to chest, but Tris could still feel Talon’s body heat through the inch of space, and those startling eyes of his were very close now, close enough that Tris could better pick out the silver flecks amongst the grey that made them so bright and remarkable, could better see the long spill of his eyelashes, could even see how the white streak of his hair was consistent all the way to the root, and it made questions flood his mind, how did that happen, was it natural or magical, would he tell me if I asked, would it make him shut down again, could I bring him back out of it if it did-
And he took a breath, and focused again.
“Do you remember the basic steps of a waltz?” He asked, patient and encouraging, smile spread across his face; and after a moment Talon nodded, and they started to move.
It became quickly apparent that Talon did, instinctually at least, know what he was doing. They moved easily around the room, turning in wide circles with Talon’s hand pressed firmly against Tris’ spine as he led him; and for a moment, Talon even took them in a series of sharp little circles that had Tris’ vision swimming, and giggles bursting out of him as he clutched at Talon’s shoulder so he wouldn’t pitch over due to the dizziness.
“Okay, asshole, so you remember some of your lessons,” he laughed, tugging reproachfully on a lock of Talon’s hair with the hand on his shoulder; and Talon’s voice took on that low, rumbling purr that indicated he was going out of his way to flirt.
“Oh, you’ve seen nothing yet, Karenin.”
It was all the warning he got before Talon spun him out by the hand he had a hold of, and Tris laughed, surprised and something close to delighted before Talon reeling him back in; and then they were chest to chest, Tris’ hands resting on Talon’s shoulders while the older boy had an arm wrapped tightly around his waist, holding him close while they still rocked from side to side, a vague mimicry of continued dancing.
Tris stopped breathing, was barely conscious of it as he stared up at Talon and swayed with him, keenly aware of how he could practically feel the thud of Talon’s heartbeat where they were pressed together; and there was something weighted about the way Talon looked back at him, about the hyper focus of his gaze while he held Tris flush against him.
There was something brave in those eyes for a moment, something that looked like he was about to take a leap, and he opened his mouth, fingers fisting in the loose fabric of Tris’ shirt over his hip-
And Tris watched that bravery flicker and die, before Talon offered him a soft, warm smile and loosened his hold on him.
“So what’s the verdict? Should I be walking into the Gala with a warning sign hanging around my neck?”
The frustration that flooded Tris’ chest was immediate, left an acrid taste on the back of his tongue; and he stifled it before it showed on his face, forcing the feeling down.
It wasn’t fair. He couldn’t be annoyed with Talon for not taking a leap of faith, for not trying when he wasn’t certain how it would end, when Tris himself had been doing the same, pulling back before he crossed the line between being friends and...more. He didn’t even know for sure that that was what Talon had been about to do, that he hadn’t completely imagined that look on his face, hadn’t misunderstood what he’d seen in his eyes; and even if he had been right, it still wasn’t fair to expect Talon to make the first move.
He didn’t even know how he’d react if Talon did. He’d never done this shit before.
Tris took half a step back, enough to be out of Talon’s arms, and pretended not to see the way Talon made an aborted move to reach for him when he was gone.
“I think everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. I’ll make sure there are still ice packs on hand just in case, though.” He heard the strain in his own voice, saw the flash of concern in Talon’s eyes; and he moved back over to the piano, stopping the spell and pulling his sleeves back down, seeking the comfort of having his hands half covered with wool.
He took a breath, and then turned back to look at him; and focused on the fondness that welled up in him when he found Talon watching him closely, looking like he was uncertain whether he should be concerned or hurt by Tris’ forced distance.
Tris cocked his head, eyes going soft, and willed himself to stop being so unfair and ridiculous, instead falling back on the ease of teasing the other boy.
“You’ll save one dance for me, right? It’s only fair, after I offered to practice with you and risked having you stomp all over my poor feet.” Please don’t look so worried. It’s stupid. I’m just being stupid.
Talon was quiet for a long moment that seemed to stretch out between them, before he replied softly.
“You can have as many dances as you want,” he promised, that familiar roguish grin pulling at the corner of his mouth even as his eyes remained soft, and careful.
Tris bit his tongue, bit back the what if I want all of them? and instead stepped back over to Talon, bumping their shoulders together when he was close enough.
“And steal you away from your adoring public? I could never.” The smile he shot Talon finally felt right, finally sat right on his face; and he saw the relief in Talon’s face, leaned against him a moment in a silent apology for worrying him. “Maybe I’ll monopolise you for two or three. Stage a rescue if all the attention gets overwhelming.”
Talon scowled down at him, and Tris grinned back at him, before reaching to wrap his fingers around Talon’s and squeeze gently for a moment.
The taller boy tangled their fingers together in response, squeezed back as he looked down at him; and Tris pulled a face at him, before smiling and stepping away, toward the door.
“Try not to get in trouble between now and the next time I see you, Firadel. I know your whole house has a reputation to live up to, and all, but I’m a little invested in you keeping your nose at least relatively clean.” 
It earned him a particularly long suffering look, before Talon smiled back at him, and then offered him a dorky little two fingered salute.
You’re wonderful, Tris thought helplessly, heart caught in his throat, studying the broad, charming grin spread across Talon’s face. You’re funny, and clever, and so, so nice to me, and I have no fucking idea what to do about it. 
He rolled his eyes at Talon, stuck his tongue out at him, and then disappeared out of the classroom, certain beyond a doubt that he was utterly fucked.
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misfame-blog1 · 4 years
ok i’ll be on @cheatgod 
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cleverwitched · 5 years
i should stream hocus pocus when i’m off work
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adscambodia-blog · 6 years
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padthedemon · 7 years
Player 1 meets Player 2
Padraig had wandered into a house party and with a few drinks in him, was having a fun time. There was a sort of gaming tournament for Street Fighter 5. It was really just that if you win, you get to keep playing and take on the next person. So far, he had won 10 matches in a row.
"Anyone next?" He asked with a big grin on his face flashing his sharp teeth.
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roomeight · 7 years
Gralex OTP Prompts
For @gralexx <3 <3 <3 
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses? Alex, but only sweet ones, and only after he’s brought him tea in bed.
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?Alex never sleeps naked because he loves wearing shorts too much. Graham absolutely hates the shorts Alex wears but will never tell him.
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol? Alex is tol, Graham is tol too, but acts smol when he is next to Alex. Alex always defends Graham in fights because Graham has a sharp tongue and it gets him in trouble all the time, but Alex is the human equivalent of Xanax so it all shakes out in the end.
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms? Graham-ham. He’s also afraid of spiders and flip flops.
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive? Alex is v. dominant, but Graham is very flighty and Alex has to chase him into bed.
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener? Alex is a great listener. Whenever Graham goes on tangents he nods and agrees with Graham because he thinks Graham knows everything and is much cooler than him.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes? Neither. Graham can’t stand Alex’s laid-back style (shorts) and last time Alex wore one of Graham’s shirts he spilt very expensive wine on it and Graham didn’t speak to him for a week.
28. Who is the book worm? Alex, because he’s always reading books about space. Graham has lots of unread books he’s bought and put on shelves and then covered in hats.
29. Who is the better cook? Alex, except for the fact that everything he cooks has cheese on it and when Graham tried to be vegan for a week it nearly killed him.
31. Who is more affectionate? Out of bed—Alex. He’s more subtle than Damon though. Think quality over quantity. In bed—Graham.
36. Who is the social media addict? Graham. Alex is too busy being on television and asking Graham if he looks sexy in the mermaid suit he had to wear during his interview.
32. Who likes to have really long (deep) conversation? Both do, but Alex gets very melancholic about the “good old days” whereas Graham will go on about the perfection of P. Shelly’s nose and how folk was just as important in the cultural zeitgeist as punk was.
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent? Alex is the fun parent and the responsible parent because he’s very good at reeling Graham’s sass in while simultaneously having a glass of wine in one hand.
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy? Both are lazy. Remember, Damon is the one with a third testicle.
48. Who loses stuff? Alex loses Graham and Graham loses himself.
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unfinished-notes · 7 years
“Sometimes like a match, you cross paths with someone and something bright within you lights up. But after the matchstick leaves the matchbox, nothing short of a consuming obsessive fire can get it to light up again. Of course, this is at the cost of a fiery death that only takes away everything”
-excerpts from a book I’ll never write #20
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vakariansmonocle · 8 years
ren is so wholesome & pure & good and I love them & being w/ them so much
like they're so good
why are you so beautiful my love wh y
put it on my fuckin tombstone what u r my death wtf
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uminoiru · 8 years
@xcapainxurbanx you freakn vegan. 
RENNN !!!!
I love you. I still forget you’re older than me and get sad when I don’t see you at school but you still talk me which is really surprising. You’re a great friend, and honestly you’ve helped me embrace myself more a bit?? Idek.it might’ve been because of how chill you were about yourself and how you didn’t really seem to care much for what others said and just,, idek. But I know you’re one of the factors as to how I was able to embrace my aceness more and for that I thank you. You’re a really great friend, and I appreciate having you there and letting me rant and gush to youuu. 
Anyway I’m happy to have you as a friend for this long and i hope your day has been well to you 💗 and if not I hope tomorrow is better. 
You’re a great friend and person and I hope you dont ever think otherwise. 
I still ship #Renma you guys are cute :’)
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queengurako · 7 years
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“ A croire que, par fanfaronnade, elle refusait de se faire aider et suscitait des obstacles pour s’enorgueillir de les surmonter. Cette perversité était bien dans sa nature. Quand je l’entreprenais sur ce sujet, elle biaisait en souriant d’un air mystérieux, comme pour me dire que, si elle devait obtenir une revanche sur son destin ce serait avec ses propres armes. ”
— La Divine, Michel Peyramaure.
A little doodle of my OC.  I also wanted to draw nude. Colored version would be later.
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rail-habilitation · 8 years
You are a good person and a good friend.
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ya-boi-hawkeye · 8 years
Before becoming the resident Den Mother Ren would do bicep curls with Rey and Jess. When asked why he didn't just use weights like everyone else he said that this way was more fun for everyone involved.
They’re so short, they could kick their lil’ legs while he does them!
And really, it is more fun for everyone involved this way.
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roomeight · 7 years
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Gralex aesthetic . made for @gralexx​ <3 <3
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