#flowers for ronja
setdeco · 1 year
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JOACHIM BALDAUF, Flowers for Ronja, Allgäu, Germany, 2023
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katelfiredemon · 9 months
List of some movies that I enjoy and the books they’re based on which often have different vibes than the movie but both are equally good in different ways
Howl’s Moving Castle: The book is titled the same but has very different vibes (movie is more whimsical fantasy while book feels more like realistic fantasy if that makes sense) and also has two companion books in which Howl and Sophie make appearances! Book by Dianna Wynne Jones
Kiki’s Delivery Service: The book is titled the same but again very different vibes (Movie Kiki deals with depression and losing your passion and Book Kiki is cute little witch dealing with people’s problems in cute little witch ways) Book by Eiko Kadono
Stardust: Book titled the same but different vibes (movie is intense and life threatening adventures, book is more fun travel adventures and much slower paced) Book by Neil Gaiman
The Secret of Moonacre: The book is titled The Little White Horse (similar to Stardust the book is a lot slower paced and less life threatening adventures but just as fun and interesting as well as a lot of characters have more depth to them than in the movie) Book by Elizabeth Goudge
The Last Unicorn: Book has same name (from what I remember the book is almost word for word exactly like the movie) Book by Peter S Beagle
Ella Enchanted: Book has the same name (ok this one is a little more controversial. In my opinion the book has a lot more depth and is a lot more interesting in the world building and characters, and the movie is a horrible adaptation. But if you look at the movie as a completely separate thing it is still enjoyable and has fun songs and is a classic from my childhood) Book by Gail Carson Levine
Mary and the Witch’s Flower: The book is titled The Little Broomstick (I have yet to read it but I have just checked it out so I will make sure to update this once I’ve read it! I expect the book will probably have better world building as the movie was fun but didn’t have time to go into depth and the mechanics of the witch’s world) Book by Mary Stewart
Earwig and the Witch: Book titled the same (I also have yet to read this book but have just checked it out and will update later. I think it’ll probably be similar to what I expect with the Little Broomstick where it will probably show a more developed world) Book by Dianna Wynne Jones
Ronja the Robber’s Daughter: Technically not a movie but a tv series. Book has the same name (I also haven’t read it but have just checked it out and will update but I think the show was very well done story wise though the animation wasn’t my favorite and I expect that it probably followed the book fairly closely) Book by Astrid Lindgren
Avalon High: Book has same name and similar plot but characters are switched around (this is actually one where I like the movie a lot better. I feel like the book is extremely predictable and does exactly what you expect to happen while the movie switches it up in a fun way that I feel like also makes sense and isn’t just doing it for the shock factor) Book by Meg Cabot
Tales From Earthsea: One book from the Earthsea Cycle has the same name (I’ve only read the first two books and so technically haven’t gotten to the book that the movie has been adapted from but it’s on my list and I will update once I eventually get to it. So essentially I’ve read the prequels that lead up to the events in the movie and I’ve heard the movie is vaguely different but has similar themes and plot points to the book) Books by Ursula K Le Guin
That’s all I can think of for now but if you have any suggestions to add let me know and I’ll see if I’ve watched the movie and read the books and if so I’ll make an addition to this post!
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tiny-steve · 4 months
i was tagged by @lalalaugenbrot
1. Are you named after anyone?
my dad still insists i was named after my mom's wedding dress (by laura ashley). my mom denies it.
2. When was the last time you cried?
last time i remember was the other day watching ronja räubertochter, but i'm sure there must've been a silly little cry for no particular reason between then and now
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
i think back fondly to when i jogged regularly last summer and i still want to get back into it, but it's so cold and dark outside :(
5. Do you use sarcasm?
fluently enough to confuse the professionals during my autism assessment :^)
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
sounds vague, but: vibes? which probably boils down to a snap judgement based on style, physical features and demeanor (and a bunch of subconscious biases, i'm sure)
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i love a good happy ending. joe wright permanently altered my brain chemistry with that quote in atonement about how happy endings are brave. that being said, i'm a sucker for a happy ending that's not a perfectly glossed over romantic happy-ever-after, but grounded in what the characters truly need (and that might not be the kiss and "i love you" the audience is expecting)
9. Any talents?
i sure hope i'm a reasonably talented writer, although a lot of what i do professionally really boils down to communication, analytic skills and understanding how to build a compelling narrative, and that has nothing to do with innate talent.
10. Where were you born?
small town
11. What are your hobbies?
doing stuff with my hands (other than typing), in essence: practicing the Gay Audacity of giving myself projects in areas i have zero expertise or experience in (currently painting flowers on my bathroom wall)
12. Do you have any pets?
leopold, my boy leopold
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
oh i was and still am a Deutsch LK bitch. i loved that class. i regularly fantasize about going back to school and being an even bigger know-it-all about Schiller
15. Dream job?
screenwriter. honest to god, i love that job. like, i'm enjoying my downtime right now, and i need it, and i'm grateful for it, and i WILL be straight back to complaining once i have to labor under capitalism again, but really i'm itching for the next project.
tagging @darkmistandodddreams @spatort @apaethy @focusfixated @the-thorster
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featherbutt · 7 months
I've been thinking a lot about zombie apocalypses from the perspective of someone being turned. So, enjoy zombie apocalypse polycule everyone.
Warnings: Zombies, apocalypse, both romantic and platonic angst, bite wound, blood, infection, decay, body horror, unwanted thoughts and feelings and urges (cannibalism, harm to a loved one), vomit
Background Info: In this universe, zombification is a slow process, and one retains their humanity for an extended period of time. This follows the point of view of Maria (she/her) through the early to middle stages of becoming a zombie.
Today was the day.
Today was the day I felt myself truly slipping into the virus.
It started out with a bite. I went out with Ronja to the woods and it did its best to herd the hoard away, toward a kill she put out for them. However, I suppose that there will aways be things that go wrong, and that was my unlucky day.
One moment, I was collecting the lumber I had chopped, the next, I was holding my bleeding arm to my chest, as Ronja wrestled a zombies face into the dirt, attempting to calm it with the dried flowers we brought for the undead. It told me to run, and run fast. I did.
In the weeks following, Nahlia did xyr best to keep me from attracting the hoards, but with the stinking scent of rot and decay from my wound, it was virtually impossible for me to continue my work outside. So, I remained inside, decorated in flowers that xe would grow.
Those nights we would check the progress of the infection, the decaying of flesh creeping up my arm and down my hands... It felt like I was attending my own funeral.
I watched them cry, I watched them mourn, knowing one day I would no longer recognize them as my lover and as my friend.
I could only hope they would do what they had to when that day comes.
Today, I woke up, and knew I was different.
I had a hunger. A painful hunger. It only grew when Nahlia kissed me on the forehead, a gesture so innocent, but so cruel.
I could smell her. I could smell how its skin was alive. The blood just under the surface. I craved to dig my teeth into it. To feel the blood rush into my mouth as I bite Ronja.
Immediately sickened by the changes within me, I ran to the window, heaving out what little food I had eaten the night before.
Nothing but meat.
It didn't take long for Nahlia and Ronja to figure out what was wrong.
Nahlia was the one who approached me this time. Xe always was out in the garden, tending to the fragrant flowers and the bees who roamed it. Even making, and accidentally wearing, flower oils. It made xem always smell so sweet. Sweet enough to hide the scent of xyr flesh.
It was calming.
"Maria? How bad was it this time? The... change."
Xyr voice was gentle, trying to coax me into telling xem where I'm at in loosing my sense of self, rather than assuming the worst.
I try to clear my throat after I had finish emptying my stomach, but my voice is still hoarse as I speak.
"Urges, Nahlia. Nothing I cant fight on my own yet, but... it disgusts me. I'm... I'm afraid. I don't want you to loose me. I don't want to hurt either of you."
"We know, love," Ronja said soothingly, applying flower scented oils to itself from across the room, as it didn't want to make this any harder on me than it already was, "we'll make sure you don't."
-----To be continued?-----
I ran out of steam lol. Anyways, I may continue this one, I may not. But I've got a lot of zombie ideas. Plus, I'm enjoying these characters. I'll try to post our notes on this as well. Let us know any thoughts or constructive criticism <33
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thesparkinthefire · 4 years
I am absolutely honored to be having these amazing tattoos!
Design, tattoo & video by IG elsetattoo
Tattoo studio: Bagatelle Tattoo in Stuttgart, Germany
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topmodelcentral · 5 years
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Ronja Manfredsson 
~ Scandinavia (Sweden 4) ~
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jessisdolls · 5 years
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lillahimmel · 4 years
Astrid Lindgren
I haven’t made a list about other materials in a while, so I thought I’d list some Swedish literature. Keep in mind that I’ll start with children’s books. 
Masterposts are too heavy so I’ll make a series instead! 
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Last edit: 2020 05 02
Pippi Långstrump (Pippi Longstocking)
“Tommy and his sister Annika have a new neighbor, and her name is Pippi Longstocking. She has crazy red pigtails, no parents to tell her what to do, a horse that lives on her porch, and a flair for the outrageous that seems to lead to one adventure after another!” 
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Alla vi barn i Bullerbyn (The Children of Noisy Village)
“In the tiny hamlet of Noisy Village, there are three properties, North Farm, Middle Farm and South Farm, and six children live there: Lisa and Lars and Pip and Britta and Anna and Ollie. They play and play, and have fun nearly all the time. It’s wonderful sleeping in the hay, getting dressed up and going to school – and having fun on the way there and back!“ 
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Nils Karlsson Pyssling
A collection of short stories about children and how in some of them they meet new friends in a fantasyworld. 
Except Nils Karlsson Pyssling, the book contains the tales I skymningslandet, Allrakäraste syster, Ingen rövare finns i skogen, Peter och Petra, Lustig-Gök, En natt i maj, Prinsessan som inte ville leka och Mirabell.
I skymningslandet (In the Land of Twilight) 
“Göran has an injured leg and he gets bored spending so much time in bed. But when his mother turns out the light at dusk, Mr Lilyvale knocks on the window and takes him to the Land of Twilight. Göran and Mr Lilyvale walk and fly around Stockholm when people from the daytime world are sleeping. Göran drives a tram and a bus. It doesn’t matter that he has a bad leg in the Land of Twilight. They eat candy that grows on trees in the park, play with bear cubs and meet a moose. They even visit the King and Queen in the royal palace. At the end of their journey each night, Mr Lilyvale takes Göran home just before his mother comes in and turns on the light.“
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Allra käraste syster (Most Beloved Sister)
“Barbara has a secret friend who lives in the garden. It's her twin sister, Ylva-li, and Barbara doesn't have to share her with her papa or mama or brother. What's even better is that Ylva-li calls Barbara her "Most Beloved Sister." Together, the girls bravely ride their horses through the Great Horrible Forest, where the nasty Frights live, to visit the Kind Ones in the meadow. The Kind Ones always give them cookies and caramels. And best of all, Barbara and Ylva-li go to the Most Beautiful Valley in the World, where the trees and the flowers sing.“
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Mirabell (Mirabelle)
“Six-year-old Britta very much wants a doll, but her parents can't afford one. One evening an odd little old man arrives driving a horse and cart. Britta opens the gate for him, and he thanks her by giving her a little yellow seed, with instructions to plant it, water it, and she'll see something very funny. To her astonishment, a doll begins to grow in her garden After harvesting, Britta learns that her new doll is much more special than she could ever have guessed.”
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Mio, min Mio (Mio’s Kingdom)
“With help from a genie, young Karl Anders Nilsson travels by day and night, beyond the stars, to reach Farawayland. There, his father the King, who has been searching for him for nine long years, tells him his true name is Mio, and lavishes upon him the loving attention he never received from his foster parents back in Stockholm. Mio learns of a prophecy that has been foretold for thousand of years. With his best friend Pompoo, and his horse with the golden mane, Miramis, he must travel into the darkness of Outer Land to battle the cruel Sir Kato.”
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Lillebror och Karlsson på taket (Karlsson on the Roof)
“Imagine Smidge's delight when, one day, a little man with a propeller on his back appears hovering at the window! It's Karlson and he lives in a house on the roof. Soon Smidge and Karlson are sharing all sorts of adventures, from tackling thieves and playing tricks to looping the loop and running across the rooftops. Fun and chaos burst from these charming, classic stories.“
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Rasmus på luffen (Rasmus and the Vagabond)
“Dreaming of a home of his own, Rasmus runs away from the orphanage and meets Paradise Oscar, a remarkable tramp who takes Rasmus along on his travels, where they encounter adventure from both robbers and police.“
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A fairytale collection, contains four short stories.
Sunnanäng (The Red Bird) 
“Two very different orphans, Matthew and Anna, are sent to live with the stern farmer in Myra. The work is hard; the food is scarce; the days are cold. But then Anna and Matthew follow the red bird to Sunnymead, where they find hope, sunshine, and in the end, freedom.”
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Spelar min lind, sjunger min näktergal (My Nightingale is Singing)
“Maria finds a miraculous way to bring beauty and joy into the lives of the poor and elderly who live in the poorhouse and to share some of her own love of nature with others.“
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Madicken (Mardie)
“Seven-year-old Mardie lives with her family; her Mum, Dad, little sister Lisbet and their housemaid Alva, in a big, beautiful house called ‘Junedale’, in a Swedish provincial town during the First World War. Mardie wants to be a good and well-mannered girl, but it isn’t always easy. The world is just so full of exciting things to do, try and explore.
Mardie is fearless and she often ends up in somewhat sticky situations that she has to use all her wits to get out of.  She climbs trees, flies aeroplanes and jumps off roofs. But more than anything Mardie is sensitive and has a big heart. From her privileged position she observes the world and notices all the suffering and injustices. She has an endless capacity for empathy and kindness. In that regard she practises what her Dad, the radical newspaper editor, writes about in his paper – solidarity with the poor and vulnerable.“
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Lotta på Bråkmakaregatan (The Children on Troublemaker Street)
“Look out -- here comes trouble! Jonas, Maria, and Lotta Nyman don't mean to make trouble, but because their idea of fun is to stick salami on the windows, keep the water running from the kitchen faucet until the sink overflows, and lower meatballs down through the chimney, trouble just seems to follow them.... With the Nyman kids around, anything can happen!“ 
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Emil i Lönneberga (Emil of Lonneberga)
“Whether he's teaching his pet pig to dance, being chased by a mad cow or wrestling a robber, Emil's adventures never stop. Hens, dogs, little sisters - and adults - all flee his path. But Emil doesn't mean to be bad, it's just that trouble - and fun - follow him wherever he goes.“
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Vi på Saltkråkan (Seacrow Island)
“The four Melkerson children are a little bit worried on reaching Seacrow Island, where their father has rented a cottage for the whole summer without even setting eyes on it. On the boat a man told Pelle, the youngest Melkerson, that the cottage’s roof leaks. They disembark in the pouring rain. Seacrow Island, however, turns out to be full of all sorts of wonderful surprises. Pelle loves animals, and here he finds Bosun, the most gigantic dog he’s ever seen, along with his irrepressible owner, Tjorven. Johan and Niklas meet Teddy and Freddy, two girls, as it turns out, who know all about boats and exploring. As for nineteen-year-old Malin, she falls in love for the first time. By the end of the summer, all four children and their father know that Seacrow Island is home.“
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Bröderna Lejonhjärta (The Brothers Lionheart)
“The two main characters are two brothers; the older Jonatan and the younger Karl. The two brothers' surname was originally Lion, but they are generally known as Lionheart. Karl's nickname is Skorpan (Rusky) since Jonatan likes these typical Swedish toasts or crusts. In Nangijala, a land in "the campfires and storytelling days", the brothers experience adventures. Together with a resistance group they lead the struggle against the evil Tengil, who rules with the aid of the fearsome fire-breathing dragon, Katla.”
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Ronja Rövardotter (Ronia, the Robber's Daughter)
“Ronia, who lives with her father and his band of robbers in a castle in the woods, causes trouble when she befriends the son of a rival robber chieftain.“
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littlewomenpodcast · 4 years
 write 10 faves from 10 fandoms and tag 10 people.
This is going to be tough! I have been tagged to these things before so I will try not to repeat myself.  Got tagged by @onceuponmystory
1. Luna Lovegood, Quite possibly my favorite female character in Harry Potter books. I love quirky and eccentric people and Luna just has it all.
2. Beast from Beauty and the Beast, I am talking about the beast in the 1991 animation, not that cgi beast filled-with-nothing-but-emotional-coldness in the live-action. Beast in the original animation is a complex character with a full arc (and I love my character arcs). Soulful eyes and fight me...Glen Keane did masterful work making the beast feel pain, love and sorrow without turning him into a joke and even though he is a beast, Keane kept him very human. He might even be the  most human character ever created. 
3. Hector from Coco, I just re-watched Coco.I have only seen it about 30 times but I am just phenomenally found of Hector. Maybe I have some sort of - Jack-Skellington-syndrome. I love his bonding with Miguel.
4. Friedrich Bhaer. Not a surprise for anyone who has been following my blog. I didn´t thought I could love  him more than I already did but after doing all this Alcott-research turned out I was wrong. We really need those adaptations with Friedrich´s backstory and hints about Louisa´s high-level germanophilia. 
Headcanon: with assistant of older Mr Lawrence Tina got to be the flower girl at Jo´s and Friedrich´s wedding. I wand my Bhaer! thy shall have thy Bhaer
5. Meg March. Let´s stick in Little Women. I didn´t like Meg at all when I was younger. I thought she was dull and boring. It seems that every time when I re-read the book again I identify with Meg more. I´v heard other people going through something similar. Maybe this tells something about our own maturity. 
6. Philippa Gordon, Anne of Green Gables. I recently made a post why I adore Philippa. She is so funny and genuinely laugh out loud when I read any chapter where she is in.  I wonder what it is keeping people from adapting Anne´s later years. How many times Anne´s younger years have been adapted. What about Anne in Redmont and Anne and Gil´s house of dreams. 
7. Miss Cornelia, Anne of Green Gables. Cornelia Bryant is another character who makes me laugh out loud. I was talking about this in an Alcott group that Cornelia is like Jo March as an adult AND Cornelia married an eccentric bearded guy!!! I love how devoted she was about women´s right to vote and how she made clothes for the newly-borns when no one else clothed them. Heck Cornelia deserves a film of her own. 
8. Just realized I broke the rules since this is supposed to be about 10 fandoms :D sorry Mattis, from Ronja the robbers´s daughter. How well are you guys acquit-ant with Scandinavian children´s literature. Mattis is Ronja´s father and the king of thieves (story takes place in the middle of a magical forest somewhere in Medieval ancient Sweden). He is feared and powerful and has a temper but when he is Ronja´s dad he is goofy and lovable. I love all the references that the story has to Swedish and Finnish forest folklore. 
9. Kurt Hummel, Glee. Kurt was really the only reason why I started to watch Glee. I loved him and Blaine together. Series did them dirty on the later season which sucked. Considering the time when the show just started running I though he was one of the best lgbtq role-model characters on tv. 
10. Since I already broke the rules what the heck, but seriously NOBODY talks about the side characters in AGG because the later books don´t get adapted. I freaking love Paul Irving. He was Anne´s favorite student for a reason and I kinda want to adopt him. 
I am tagging @shirbert-mileven444 @heroinicyfingers @firstaudrina and who ever wants to do this :D
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katelfiredemon · 9 months
Sadly I am not leaving work early enough to get to the library before it closes, so I shall have to pick up my books on hold tomorrow
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20 Questions
I got tagged by @teddylacroix, thank you beautiful! (plus happy *late* birthday wishes✨) and by @protectjaskier tysm sweetheart!
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag bloggers you want to get to know better.
NAME: Elanor. It's really my given name btw and I love my mum for agreeing to use it for me in the end (only two people in all this time got the reference; yes, I am counting lmao)
NICKNAME: Ela at home, Elli at work and @jaskiers-right-foot gave me my new favorite: Lumineer. I'll have to get used to that still ✨
ZODIAC: Sagittarius sun ♐ (scorpio moon and gemini ascending, I'm a fun mixed bag ngl lmao)
HEIGHT: 164 cm aka 5’4” (lol, just like both my taggers) ie smol bean filled with all the emotions all the time
LANGUAGES: German, English duh, a small barely remembered Latinum should be in there too, some Spanish and Dutch, plus, since October I have German Sign Language (DGS) as my minor at university.
NATIONALITY: boring German (my paternal grandmother is Italian tho)
Favorite Season: don't ask me that?! I can't choose. (late spring and late summer)
Favorite Flower: lavender, lilac, and hibiscus and roses (and jasmine and...)
Favorite Scent: lavender comes first place every time but lilac, honey, ~rose and chocolate are pretty nice too
Favorite Color: red. Then all orange/yellow you can imagine. Then blue. Then lilac and green. The rainbow pretty much [*hah! GaAayy*.jpg]
Favorite Animal: hhhh. Rabbits because I still miss my Ronja, very much so. But also Elefants and Kolibris
Favorite Fictional Character: atm Jaskier and Geralt lmao James Kirk and Bilbo Baggins and film!Thorin and Sam Gamgee and Katsa (& Bo) and Taako & Lup and...
Coffee/Hot Tea/Hot Chocolate: 1. Tea 2. Chocolate 3. Coffee
Average Sleep: atm 5 but the goal is 8-9
Dog or Cat Person: more dog than cat (I never learned cat body language but I adore them just as much as dogs)
Number of Blankets: one, maybe two in deep winter
Dream Trip: New Zealand (lotr!!) Japan (I loved karate as a teen) Hawaii, Maui (to revisit)
Blog Established: this my witcher blog on the 3/4. January 2020 (but my main should be around...2014 ig?? Idk anymore)
Followers: I'm still baffled in the best of ways that y'all are right now 1605 (on my main I have precious 215)
Random Fact(s): I love baking and knitting and feel so Granny like for that sometimes. I always overbuy on wool in the autumn to prepare for the holiday season. I wish I could send everyone cookies all of the time.
I tag @jaskiers-right-foot @jaskierist fkkoolo! @the-winter-witcher @starrose17 @not-so-silent-back-up and everyone who feels like it.
I'm sorry I am half asleep now and can't think of more of you lovely people to tag lmao
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featherbutt · 7 months
Ok, because this and the related post is on queue, Ill do my best to link the post this is about later. Feel free to remind us!
Anyways, enjoy the notes on our zombie apocalypse and the characters so far, grabbed directly from our note pad :]
Warnings: Zombies, apocalypse, mentions of bites, loss of humanity, unhealthy eating behaviors, blood and rotting flesh.
Nahlia (xe/xem/xyr) is a genderfluid butch who is dedicated to calming the zombie hoards with the sweet smells of honey and flowers blooms, which overwhelm that of meat, blood and flesh. Xe is in a romantic relationship with Maria and Ronja.
Maria (she/her/hers), a transfem pansexual, was a lumberer and carpenter. However, one day she was bit by a zombie, and has been slowly loosing her sense of humanity. She is in a romantic relationship with Nahlia and is metamour and best friend with Ronja.
Ronja (it/its/itself) is a bigender sapphic who spends its time hunting and herding hoards as well as animals. This allows it to keep everyone safe and fed, including the hoards. It is in a romantic relationship with Nahlia and is metamour and best friend to Maria.
Zombies are infected by a virus spread through saliva into another's body. The body begins to rot, starting wherever the introduction point is and extends from there. The mid point is when the mental changes begin. Craving meat, fresh or not, cooked or raw. Even living. When someone becomes violent and restless around the scent of living flesh is considered the last stages. Its unclear if one retains sense of who they were before.
To calm zombies, strong scents are used to mask flesh. Humans prefer using sweet aromas.
-----End of Notes-----
We're still fleshing this world out, but we have more ideas, characters and more in our noggin. Feel free to send us an ask about it or reblog with your own ideas, questions or constructive criticism <33
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appelssiini · 4 years
Thank you for tagging @all-razzle-no-dazzle !! 
Name: Noora
Nickname: i dont really have any :( my mom and closest friends call me Nooruska when they want to be sweet
Zodiac: Capricorn, Libra rising
Height: 5’4  
Languages: English and Finnish (i want to learn spanish tho)
Nationality: Finnish 
Favorite season: autumn propably
Favorite flowers: i’ll just say forget-me-nots coz those are the only ones i know lol aaannd whatever maitohorsma is in english koska sait multa horsman, se rentun ruusu on...
Favorite scents: rain, summer, upcoming fall, sauna, coriander
Favorite colors: electric blue, silver
Favorite animals: eehhhhh guinea pigs are fun, cats too and dogs. im boring
Favorite fictional characters: eeeeeehhhhhhhhh Jack Sparrow? Jack Bauer + Tony Almeida + Chloe O’Brien (yeah im binging on 24 so that explains, basically whatever show/movie im watching at the moment)? i suck at this eehhh Ronja Ryövärintytär!!!!!! 
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea all the way. anything chocolate-y makes me puke
Average amount of sleep: eight probably
Dogs or cats: both!!
Number of blankets: one in the summer, two in the winter
Dream trip: at the moment just about anything would do, but generally i just really want to drive around UK (too bad the traffic is on the wrong side there’s no way i’ll ever drive there)
Blog established: hooo boi my guess is 2012 or 2013
Followers: 450-something babies 
Random fact: most of the time i suck at being social and my social battery runs out reeeaally fast. unless there’s alcohol involved
I’ll be bothering just my dear @teenangeloutsider heeheeeh
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willnill · 4 years
i got tagged by @bong-drinker so i guess i’m doing this now, such is the law of the internet.
1. Name: william
2. Nickname: jam/jam-jam, unofficial dj name is bruise “easy” lee
3. Zodiac: cancer
4. Height: 183cm / 6″
5. Languages: swedish, english and some spanish
6. Nationality: sweden
7. Favorite season: spring and summer
8. Favorite flower: elderflowers
9. Favorite scent: nag champa, freshly cut grass, petrol, salt water
10. Favorite color: olive green, black and pink
11. Favorite animal: cats, rats, opossums, raccoons, pigs, cows... oh, and dinosaurs!
12. Favorite fictional character: snufkin and little my, data (from star trek), godzilla, ronja the robber's daughter, the doctor, mononoke, gollum, bernard black
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee
14. Average sleep: 5 - 12 hours
15. Dog or cat: oh they’re both great, but if i had to choose i’d be lying if i said i didn’t prefer cats
16. Blankets: why yes please, bury me deep
17. Dream trip: the arctic, the faroe islands, mexico, the indochinese peninsula, japan (the punk scene of tokyo, but mostly the countryside)... and space?
18. Blog established: 2013 i think
19. Followers: 400 something
20. Random fact about me: i have both an overwhelming fear of and asexually amorous attraction to the sea
i’ll go ahead and tag some of you, as is the custom: @jjdamn @vanjalen @frogsandfurbies @bloodmoses @familytumor @skostirr @sakrogoat @majesticbullshit @pontuspma @anarcho-succulents
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topmodelcentral · 6 years
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Ronja Manfredsson 
~ Sweden (4) ~
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seafoodblog-blog · 7 years
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Eine Weile standen sie schweigend da und lauschten dem Zwitschern und Rauschen, dem Brausen und Singen und Plätschern in ihrem Wald. Alle Bäume und alle Wasser und alle grünen Büsche waren voller Leben, von überall her erscholl das starke, wilde Lied des Frühlings. "Hier stehe ich und spüre, wie der Winter aus mir herausrinnt", sagte Ronja. "Bald bin ich so leicht, dass ich fliegen kann."
Astrid Lindgren: Ronja Räubertochter
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