mudwerks · 1 month
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Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver (1976)
Italian postcard by Edizioni Beatrice D'Este, no. 20 162. Photo: Steve Schapiro. Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976).
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quillkiller · 8 months
nothing i love more than being pretentious and absolutely always correct about cinema
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steponremix91 · 1 year
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Angus (1995) dir. Patrick Read Johnson
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juniper-girl · 1 year
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Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in 7th Heaven (Frank Borzage, 1927)
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ivovynckier · 2 months
Joshua Bell plays the violin on the soundtrack of "Ladies in Lavender" (Charles Dance). British film composer Nigel Hess wrote the score.
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abr · 6 months
Grima Vermilinguo
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(Grima Rettilingua nella nuova traduzione de Il Signore degli Anelli; in originale Grima Wormtongue) è un personaggio de Il Signore degli Anelli nel Mondo creato dallo scrittore J. R. R. Tolkien. È consigliere di Re Thèoden di Rohan ma in realtà esegue gli ordini impartitigli dallo stregone Saruman.
Grima probabilmente non era un uomo cattivo. piuttosto un semplice di mente debole. Appare come un personaggio pieno di sfumature: odia Saruman suo padrone ma sta dalla sua parte per convenienza (un KAPO'), ritendo ineluttabile la vittoria di Mordor; inoltre non possiede la forza di volontà e il giudizio per resistere al potere dello stregone cattivo.
SIn qui le fonti.
Il mito serve come modello semplificato più comprensibile della realtà. Uso il profilo di Grima per caratterizzare gli antioccidentali tradizionalisti - non i bimbiminkia benecomunisti e i nazional-socialisti (quelli sono orchi, orchetti e troll): quelli passati al Lato Oscuro della Forza per occidentalismo frustrato.
I Brandi per dire: quelli che si ritrovano servi di stregoni e satrapi orientali per odio dei corrotti e woke della loro razza, ritenendoli pervasivi: da deboli invecchiati o codardi, ritengono l'Occidente già perduto e il Male da fuori quello minore (Feltri li definisce "bei pirla").
Fllm già visto qui ai tempi di Hitler (il quale a Mussolini stava da sempre surcazzo), costatoci carissimo.
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spaceintruderdetector · 10 months
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CineAction.088 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Initial reactions to low budget horror films are often as visceral as the themes and imagery that the genre explores and exploits. By the time David Cronenberg's movie Scanners was released in early 1981, the filmmaker had already received a host of reviews that questioned the purpose, meaning and morality of his three previously released feature length horror filmsi: Shivers (1975), Rabid (1976), and The Brood (1979). The criticism was particularly polarizing as it came at a time when the director was also considered Canada's most promising filmmaker. At a budget that was more than three times that of his previous fllm,^ Scanners would receive broad U.S. distribution, some favorable notices, and lead to more ambitious projects. For this reason the movie is considered to be a pivotal one in Cronenberg's career, even though many also consider It to be of lesser thematic interest.
26 cineACTiON
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abatelunare · 11 months
Libri che vanno letti 43
Può darsi che il nome di John Fante vi dica poco o nulla. Se ne fece un gran parlare nel 2006, quando uscì il film tratto da quello che credo essere il suo romanzo più conosciuto: Chiedi alla polvere. Io il fllm non l’ho visto (per principio), ma il libro l’ho letto. E vi posso assicurare che merita. L’avevo trovato nell’edizione Marcos y Marcos, se ben ricordo. Mi era piaciuto così tanto da spingermi a prendere il volume dei Meridiani Mondadori che ne raccoglie i romanzi e i racconti.
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Non vi so dire se raccolga proprio tutta la sua produzione narrativa. Sicuramente ci sono le opere più importanti. Se ve lo procurate non fate una cazzata. La fate se non ve lo procurate. Perché è uno di quegli autori che bisogna tornare a leggere. Sempre che si voglia imparare qualcosa, eh.
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bcofl0ve · 8 months
No Priscilla pretend they wide the release because of the rave reviews but in reality they are scared of taylor Swift lmao 😭 they are lucky that filmupdates kiss their asses because a fair tweet would it be that they are scared of taylor, but i hope they lose box office to The Marvels lol, there is no guarantee from the film itself that needs to keep changing the date, it's because they are failures. Elvis didn't change the date with a bunch of movies on their tails lol because when you have a hit in your hand you know you have a hit 🤷‍♀️ Hope the rave reviews of festivals from rich critics who kiss sofia ass (that is why the rave) makes people cope because i know the audience will find the film boring, maybe not everyone but well, who wants to watch a film about Priscilla that at the end of the day is another film about Elvis, a shame but this film is not very necessary LOL It's not a biopic for her, the marketing and title is bait.
i mean a lot of the reviews have talked about how the plot centers her not him (it starts before she meets him!) so i think saying it's not a biopic for her is kinda silly. it's a movie about her life. based on her book about her life. it is by definition a biopic whether you personally like it or not. and...is any movie necessary? that's a weird bar to set to me when i feel like a whole fuck ton of great movies wouldn't get made by that standard.
and like...i get what you're trying to say with "if you have a hit you have a hit" but it's...taylor swift. they aren't the only movie shuffling around bc of her release date and it's not just some random other feature film that they're scared of. it's an *event* that is going to overrun movie theaters, i say with love as a swiftie who plans on going! if it happened to be elvis (2022) or bikeriders in this situation i would've thought it good for them to move too.
i don't disagree that any sofia coppola movie is more of a hit with film critics/fllm heads than it is the general population of movie goers, but idk my take with box office stuff is that if it's great i'll celebrate and if it's not i won't let it get to me/will ignore it. i refuse to be the film equivalent of those music artist stans that are completely chart obsessed and freak out if something doesn't go like they wanted. that goes for priscilla *and* any future austin or kaia projects. i'm here to love the ppl i love and support their victories! not hyperfixate on worst case scenarios and things i can't change.
i say all of this with love bc i think it's fine for us to disagree civilly and i mean, i'm sure you knew i would when you sent this haha. hope my spiel here makes sense at least even if you personally feel differently.
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varnanfilm · 11 days
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boomerissimo · 3 months
Anthony Edwards: Goose di Top Gun si è salvato da solo
Anthony Edwards, un passato difficile 🛑 La forza di superare gli abusi, video racconto 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇩🇪 🇮🇱 🇨🇳 translation on site👇 #boomerissimo #anthonyedwards #er #topgun #fllm #cinema #UnoCinema
Eroi finché si vuole sullo schermo, ma nella realtà bambini vulnerabili come tutti. La storia di Anthony Edwards è stata quella, drammatica, di milioni di ragazzini. E’ la magia e la maledizione di cinema e televisione, associare in modo indissolubile il personaggio a chi lo interpreta in una sorta di transfer involontario delle qualità dell’uno verso l’altro. Anthony Edwards, “Goose” –…
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ivovynckier · 8 months
Tim Morrison's trumpet in John Williams' soundtrack for "Nixon" (Oliver Stone).
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
LOTR The Two Towers - Extended Edition - The Last March of the Ents
here he is mad at my husband. sees it though.  and they sat there in tn and waited saw the bait. saw it in thier parts.  and saw dave a put it there was the tree that left...and tons missed it was accross teh street with bill.
and now watches in france.  tons dont get it.
Hera Zues
we see it and why are not dumb and sense it no.  we get it saw it.  and higher ups and infight. its in fllms but scans.  light ones.  and yeh we put it there in his nands. where he needs it and we need it we shrink and use it ok we become stupid damnit. ok
the Ent ok Venom and almost messed up good he is there we know him and he is a giant has a name and no not the Odin name.
we konw who he is ok
She Venom
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noticiasenmichoacan · 7 months
En Morelia continuará el fomento a la cultura y la lectura en los jóvenes: Alfonso Martínez
 Asistió el alcalde a conferencia titulada “Violencia escolar” e impulsada por el SNTE  Se realizó como parte de las actividades de la II Feria Internacional del Libro y la Lectura de Morelia (FLLM) Morelia, Michoacán.- “En el municipio de Morelia vamos a seguir trabajando mucho por la cultura, por la lectura y por ustedes, jóvenes”, aseguró el presidente Alfonso Martínez Alcázar durante su…
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