#first recom
theexaltedbride · 1 year
Redeemed Recombinants AU.
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A soldier's duty to disobey an unlawful order is greater than his duty to obey a lawful order. That doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to do. Especially when the survival of your species is on the line. 
Yet you have an imperative, and obligation, to resist any order which is illegal or immoral. If a government military enshrines that into its codes and laws, how can any good soldier, sailor, marine, and pilot, not do the same, even when acting as a mercenary?
Warriorship is never its own virtue in and of itself. Only righteous service gives a soldier's life meaning, not just the ability to take life. It must be with purpose.
Each of the Recombinants knows this in one way or another. The pain and doubts they may have had were all drowned out with more violence, with drugs, alcohol, sex, but it is always there. Each time they have to hear the sobs and pleas of the Na’vi, it only gets worse. How many times can you tell yourself its ‘for the greater good’, when you are committing the same acts you once enlisted to stop? 
“A Good Soldier exists to protect those that cannot otherwise protect themselves.” was what someone told you once. Can you even remember who it was? Did the RDA delete it from your mind, or did you invent it? does it even matter anymore when you’re given a brand-new body to live in?
We have to live with our sins because we only get one life to live. But what if you could get another chance? Would you do it all the same? 
Colonel Miles Quarich and his Recom soldiers will never see themselves as part of the Na’vi. But they are not human anymore. They all toe a line that makes them separate from their original species, just as they toed a line that made them forever stand apart from the civilian populace they once came from. 
Pandora is not their home, it is a second chance for humanity. But a second chance means being able to do better, to be better people. This is what eventually puts them into conflict with the RDA. The company is just doing the same things to Pandora that destroyed Earth. They couldn’t give less of a shit about saving humanity if they tried. 
The companies and governments may sell the lie that it was people enjoying a slice of pizza, having air conditioning, or a TV that killed Earth. Thats all bullshit. it was the megacorps, the greedy politicians, the fortune 500 billionaires cutting down entire forests, enslaving the poor in inhuman working conditions, and polluting the planet; all to make an extra buck and have another McMansion that they would never live in. They were the ones who fucked the Earth to death. Not average folk just trying to get by, who now have to pay the price for the avarice of the wealthy fat cats who did everything in their power to make sure nothing could be done to slow or reverse the damage, until it was too late.
Then they left the world so screwed up that the only option which followed was constant war over what little resources were left, and then taking the nearest habitable planet by force.
Now those same greedy bastards who ruined the mother world are doing the exact same bullshit on mankind’s last chance at survival. They know exactly what they are doing, the greedy bastards can only see the universe in the sense of ‘how can it make me richer?’, because that's all that matters to them. At what point does it stop? It only stops when someone stops it themselves.
The Recombinants could be the ones to put an end to it, more so than Sully and his people. The recombinants can give the humans of Earth, and any other newly minted Recoms, a third option beyond going native, or sitting back to die. 
All it takes is the courage to finally stand up and say ‘No’. 
This is the product of me enjoying the concept of the Recombinants way too much (and Recom Quaritch having way too much charisma and little redeeming moments). I don’t think I will ever do much with this, but perhaps someone else will enjoy reading it and do something with it if they enjoy it (you have my full blessing). Below I will include some random ideas related to this entire topic.
*Recoms escape with any scientists, engineers, soldiers, or civilian staff who is willing to come along and is sick of being corporate puppets and committing atrocities on the native populations of Pandora. They want to stop the violence, but don’t want to abandon all the scientific and social progress humanity has made, like those they see as going primitive like Jake Sully. Sadly, the RDA will seek more violence to keep this mindset from spreading to anyone else. 
*When the Recoms engage former allies they will give them one chance to disengage, or drop their weapons and surrender. Those who do are treated respectfully and given the option to join, or be sent back to the RDA with a few broken bones (to take them out of the fight for a while, since the rebels don’t really have the capacity to care for prisoners long term). Some accept, some are spies, and others don’t care, they are in this for the money.
*Recoms, humans (and maybe even Na’vi interested in technology) finding cave networks to set up secret hideouts to hide from RDA air patrols and hostile wildlife. Using a combination of skills and equipment from both species they make it livable and can seal off sections ot be breathable for the Na’vi or humans.
*Recom Rangers coming about as result of cooperation with the Na’vi, and applying the skillsets of both species to make them better able to use technology and the native biology of Pandora to their advantage.
*Scientists and botanists within the Rebel Recom hideouts working on medicines that can benefit the Na’vi and improve relations with them, while also experimenting with foods that both species could eat, and thus better share the land.
*Recom vs Recom combat as the RDA brings in crueler mercenaries to hunt down the rebels. The Rebel Recoms have to fight their own dark mirrors and see what they could have been if they’d lost their souls to corporate greed.
*Rebel Recom hideouts tend to be far more energy efficient and sustainable than anything the RDA makes. It is out of necessity (since they don’t want to be leaving smoke trails from burning oil or coal like the RDA does), and because they want to actually have a better start for humanity one day.
*Na’vi who join the Recom Rebels will be taught their ways, and learn more about humanity than just the negative picture the RDA gives by stripminning the planet. Some may find an enjoyment in the stories the humans brought with them (with some even comparing the Recoms to ‘Frankensteins’, it seems even aliens make the mistake of not knowing that name is for the Dr. not the creature). But music will be what truly starts to be shared among them, as it proves to be a universal language. 
*Sometimes the rebels will have to raid RDA facilities of convoys, and try to limit casualties as much as possible. They are there for the supplies, not to slaughter people. But the RDA will adjust the numbers to make the rebels less appealing to anyone who may have sympathies to their cause.
*Recoms tend to find cave networks full of oversized insects, and have to go in to clear them out to make it livable for rebel hideouts. There is a near constant stream of ‘bughunt’ jokes going on. Sometimes the networks can be too small for a Na’vi sized soldier, so a human volunteer will have to go in and clear out the remaining bugs before the cave is safe for habitation.
*Some Na’vi tribes end up siding with the Recom Rebels for a variety of reasons. Be it because they like the idea of a more reliable food source thanks to hydroponics, medications to aid those with disabilities (be it from injury, sickness, or from birth) among the tribe to live without pain or constant discomfort, or even be able to regain some mobility and independence. The rebels quickly end up being called the ‘Moonwalkers’ (much to the amusement of the humans and recoms) by allied tribes because they only ever want to walk freely at night, when they know there are less RDA patrols and drones out. 
*Not all such encounters with the Na’vi are wholesome. Many still remember what the Recoms, Humans, and RDA did to their lands, people, to the natural world. They still consider the rebels as enemies, even if they fight the corporation. The Rebels try to follow ‘only fire if fired upon’ rules of engagement, but sometimes things get crazy, and they have no interest in dying.
*Eventually, the Recoms might be given a chance to swap back to a cloned human body thanks to the transhuman level tech involved in avatar control and while some will take it, others wont. Their Recom body is their true self now. They are different than who they once were, and want to move on from that past to a better future.
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adoreeenina · 2 months
I Loved Her First
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Relationships: (Recom! Miles Quaritch x Avatar! Reader) (Past! Human! Lyle Wainfleet x Human! Reader)
Summary: The day Quaritch first saw you, he knew you belonged to him, but then HE came along and took you away. He thought he would have to live the rest of his life on what could’ve been.
What if he got another chance? Another chance to be with you?
(Warning:Explicit sexual conduct. Youngerwoman/olderman. Age gap. Pining. Trauma. Self harm. PTSD. depression, anxiety, fighting, profanity, physical assault, Body issues, mention of past cheating, romantic/sexual tension, insecurities. Falling in love. Redemption arc. Canon deaths (but not really). Romance. Smut. Jealousy. Mention of suicide. Love in first sight. Feelings being revealed. Reader adopted Spider and Kiri. Spider and Kiri are adopted siblings)
(Will update soon!)
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Showering with Lyle (Gym buddy edition) 18+
Someone asked for the shower scenes following my first headcanon for gym buddy Lyle I think it was @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed ? As I said in my first my headcanon, my piece was inspired by @xandy-toady and their works (please go check them out they are awesome). Gif was taken by @deactivated173845 Also I wrote this high so if there’s bad punctuation/ spelling just let me know and I will fix it when I’m sober
Contains mature themes so anyone under 18 DNI
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* For as eager as Lyle is to see you naked, when you get to the bathroom he sets you down and lets you undress at your own pace. That doesn’t mean he won’t stare while you do it though
* You were still a bit flustered from being picked up like you weighed nothing (man’s stacked what can I say?). “Can you turn the water on already?” You ask trying to distract him a bit to catch your bearings.
* “Alright, but you gotta tell me if the water temp is okay.” He seems to catch the hint so instead of oogling you he starts to undress himself. He takes a giant hand and turns the knob of the shower to turn it on. Just by the position you know the waters going to be freezing.
* You take off your pants first and spend some time staring at him instead. “You’re going to need to make it warmer than that. I don’t like cold showers.” His tail sways to the side and he adjusts the temperature a bit more, sticking his hand under the water to feel the temp.
* “More” you instruct as you take off your final garments. Lyle shakes his head but turns the water up more. “Greedy are we? No wonder why everyone complains about not having hot water.” He turns his head to see you and his breath catches.
* There you were in front of him with nothing to cover your body from his eyes. It had been a hot minute since he’s seen anyone naked, let alone someone as attractive as you. He knew you were smoking but you hid under baggy clothes most of the time and he was not expecting you to be so fine.
* He turns to face you fully, gesturing his arm towards the shower spray. “Ladies first” he gives you a smirk. It was your turn to gawk at him and you were taken by surprise. To say that he was huge was an understatement, he was *very well-defined*. Without all his clothes in the way, you could see why he flexes in front of the mirror. He was hot as hell.
* From his big biceps all the way to his calves there was so much muscle and all you wanted to do was run your hands over them. Even his dick was huge and you wondered for a minute if you got yourself into trouble by asking him to join you.
* Lyle startled you out of your thoughts, “I don’t know how much longer we’ll have hot water if you keep staring like that.” Your face heats up and you pad your way over to the water, sticking your hand out to check if it was warm enough. Lyle watched you as he leaned casually against the wall.
* He was trying so hard to suppress his lust so he wouldn’t pop a boner and scare you off. He wanted you so bad but could also tell that if he lined you up with his dick it would go past your belly button and then some. He wanted to make sure you had an out if you needed one.
* You step under the water fully and let out a big sigh of relief when the hot water touched your sore back. Lyle sent you a smile as he maneuvered himself under the water too. “Let me know if I’m crowding you alright?” You were at a loss for words with his dick being damn near face level so you just nodded.
* You tilt your head back and let the water run over your scalp as Lyle clears his throat. “I don’t want to rush you, but I want you so bad.” You look up at him and he looks torn and you get your courage back from earlier.
* “Why don’t you come down closer?” You ask, motioning him to kneel down. He does as you ask with no hesitation and he settles in on his knees. He was still taller than you at half his height but it wasn’t a problem for you. In fact, you found it quite hot.
* You grab one of his big hands and guide it toward your body placing it against your waist. You reach for the other one and bring it to your chest, splaying his fingers out to cover as much skin as possible. His hands are calloused but he’s gentle as he runs his hands along your skin. You bring your own hands up to his face and cradle him. His eyes flutter shut and his tail darts around you to wrap around the back of your thighs.
* You reach up to touch his face and remember just how tiny you are compared to him. One hand traces the tiny white dots covering his face and your other hand lands on his pec. His eyes open and he runs his fingers over your nipples, leaning down as he places a kiss on the top of your shoulder. The hand holding your waist goes around you and cups your ass pushing you into him further. Lyle was doing his best to be gentle and went slowly to avoid scaring you off.
* You move closer to him and while he’s distracted you take the chance to give his right nipple a tug with your fingers. Lyle jerks under your hands and you feel a breathy laugh against your neck. “Was that really necessary Short Stack?” You give him a quick peck on the side of his face, “I just wanted to see how you would react is all.” You feign innocence and feel his hand tighten on your ass.
* Lyle nuzzles your shoulder again but this time he opens his mouth and bites down playfully. When you moan and bring your hand up to his cheek he pulls away and whispers smugly “I just wanted to see how you would react.” Before you can sass back he lifts you up and lowers his head slightly to reach your chest. At first, it’s gentle kisses, but then it grows heavy and his hands are everywhere at once. It was honestly a bit over stimulating but you could hardly complain about how good it felt.
* A soft bite around your nipple pulls your attention into focus again as a loud moan leaves your throat. “Damn you make some cute noises.” As an act of retaliation, your hand lifts up and tugs on the tip of his ear which almost causes him to drop you. You think for a second that maybe you hurt him but then you see his mouth lift in the corners with a sly smile. “Is this how you’re going to be for our first? Feisty, I like it.”
* You each trade kisses with each other along with a few pinches and tugs here and there which cause both of you to moan into the other's mouth. At one point after a nice hard tug to his other ear he grinds you down onto his hard cock and you gasp in surprise. “Already? I haven’t even put it in yet” He teases and slides your body against himself again. You send a flustered smack to his forehead and he just laughs and squeezes you tighter in his hands.
* He arranges the both of you so his back is against the wall and straightens his legs out causing you to wind up in the cowgirl position resting above his dick. You don’t know where it comes from but you tell Lyle to give you his Queue and he complies, throwing the braid over the front of his shoulder. You grasp the braid lightly, inching your fingers lower as Lyle pulls your hips down harder into himself.
* You wind up a few inches above the tendrils covered by his braid. You look up and Lyle watches you with hazy eyes, not seeming to care that you were almost touching a major part of his biology. With Lyle still grinding into you, you hold the Queue in one hand and tilt it upward to look at the wiggling mass. You knew the purpose of the tendrils and what would usually happen if connected to another Pandoran species. Out of curiousness, you bring your other hand closer and let the pink limbs wrap around your fingers.
* Lyle’s eyes squeeze shut and his fingers are gripping your sides hard enough to bruise them. His mouth falls open and he lets out something that sounds oddly like a purr. One of his big hands goes up to your face, his thumb resting on your cheek while his other fingers wrap around the back of your head. His eyes open and the way he looks at you sends a shiver down your spine. “Short Stack, whatever you’re doing- keep doing it. Fuck you feel so good.” You gently start rubbing your fingers against the tendrils and Lyle immediately starts purring again with sharp breaths and deep grunts mixed in with it.
* You removed your fingers and position the queue to meet up with your nipple, or at least that’s what you planned to do before someone opens the door. Before you can turn your head to see who it is you just hear a chorus of: “Lyle what is taking- Y/n?!” You knew there were at least three of the other recoms by the mixture of voices you heard. Your hands fly up to cover your chest (even though your back is facing them) and Lyle snaps out of his hazy grinding fast enough to give you whiplash.
* He pulls you tight against his chest, using his large hands to cover most of your naked body, and lets out the loudest hiss you have ever heard. Lyle reaches out to his side and grabs the first bottle he can, chucking it against someone’s face judging by the sound of the impact. “Damn- Okay! Jeez! Sorry!” You hear the door slam shut and feel an immediate sense of relief. Lyle lets you slide away from his chest and makes eye contact with you. “I won’t let any of them bug you about this, they say anything and they’re dead.” You put your hand on his pec, feeling his strong heartbeat under your palm. “Well with the hell of a reaction you had, they might not say anything.” You send a hand up to gently slap his cheek and it breaks him out of his seriousness.
* “You just like hitting me don’t you Short Stack?” He grabs your wrist, tugging it to his mouth where he not so gently bites your forearm. He didn’t bite hard enough to draw blood but there’s definitely a Lyle-sized bite mark staying the night. He grabs his Queue with one hand and holds it up, a smirk on his face. “Now what exactly were you planning to do with this I wonder?“ You act confused “Hmm I can’t seem to remember. What a shame.”
* His confidence falters for a minute and he gets a knot in his stomach. Lyle starts thinking to himself ‘Shit, what if she got weirded out by the hair thing? Damn, I don’t want to-‘ and he’s suddenly shaken out of his thoughts by a warm tingling sensation taking over his whole body. He looks down and sees you holding the Queue to your breast and letting the tentacles wrap themselves around your nipple.
* Yeah, Lyle was *definitely* a tits man. He feels his chest begin to vibrate and realizes that he’s purring again. It was a weird sensation and it made him feel a bit self-conscious, but when he heard your little giggles he didn’t give a damn. He reaches one of his hands down to your pussy and feels around gently for your clit. When you gave a little shiver Lyle realized he found what he was looking for and started rubbing slow circles into it.
* He watches as your mouth falls open and brings his free hand up, resting a large thumb against your lips. You made eye contact as you wrapped your lips around his thumb. Lyle’s tail was swinging wildly back and forth on the ground and he was honestly surprised he could even feel it at all with how much pleasure was shooting through his body. Before this, he never gave a damn about the stupid braid on the back of his head but now? He is sending mental thank yous to every god he can think of. He could feel each individual tendril move around your nipple and it was driving him crazy. The only thing he could remotely compare the sensation to was an orgasm but it was happening all over his spine and he could feel the tingling all the way down to his fingertips.
* Just as he’s about to speak he hears a loud pounding against the door. “Lyle,” He can hear the Colonel on the other side of the door. “I understand you may be busy at the moment but duty calls and I need you out in 5” He lets out a frustrated groan, his ears slanting back. He looks down at you with a frown.
* You were flustered once again, but this time you were also pretty damn horny and you mentally cursed out Quaritch in your head. You gently detach Lyle’s Queue from your skin and let out an exasperated sigh. Lyle follows your actions and gently places you back on your feet. He pushes himself against the wall to stand up while turning off the water. He grabbed each of you a towel and holds yours out to him. “Just so we’re clear, this is so not over.” You put a hand on your hip and say “Yeah no shit, I’m not done with you yet. Let's meet again tonight during lights out.” Lyle nods, “Sounds good to me”
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bunnyraptor69 · 1 year
I have seen others do this and I wanted to try, why? pinterest has been sending me these photos
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In case you haven't noticed, this was definitely Lyle's idea, Ja is in on it because he clearly likes the joke and Mansk is happy to be included.
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vlouette · 4 months
part 1
Finding Barty- kwiewi @kwiwrites
my heart broke into pieces reading that fic it's amazing, magnificent, wonderful, and heartbreaking 100% recommend
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Explain to me please what is the thinking of people who blame Spider for "betraying" the Sullys, but then when you point out to them that Sullys betrayed him first by abandoning him they turn around and say that "Jake and Neytiri had no obligation to care for him" and that Sullys "are not his family"?
The math isn’t mathing, buddy. How tf would you devalue characters relationships and then blame a character for not staying 10000% loyal to those who apparently don’t care about them 😐 if Sullys don’t owe Spider, then he doesn’t owe them either, it goes both ways, dumbass.
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skimwing · 1 year
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quaritch + punching the wildlife
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firestorm09890 · 8 months
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"Looks like I have enough."
Day 2 of definitely following the khtober prompts properly - keyblade
It's such a shame that the part of the fight where Zexion copies Riku's sword and then wrecks shop with it himself isn't a scripted thing and is completely avoidable if you're actually good at the game because it's cool as fuck and everyone needs to know it's a thing that can happen
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kikaikitai · 19 days
tonight's recom thoughts: if astrology is a way to sync with the soul's path, what happens when you take earth's solar system imprinted on a human's soul x pandora's system imprinted onto a recom? new path but with the original programming as a foundation. eywa's meat grinder
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Recom Ja!
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obscuriites · 2 months
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neteyamsyawntu · 6 months
It’s official: the So’lek x Recom series is going to be with my oc Natasha.
I’m fucking shaking I have so many ideas at once and it’s all falling into place so perfectly.
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I've just finished the most recent chapter of an AMAZING fic called Song of the Banshees by Anglotron on ao3, if I'm not mistaken the writer is @letsunity and, I gotta say it, it's incredible. Hands down one of the best Avatar fics I've recently read, and it just made me fall in love with Recom Quaritch. And yeah, it may be just fanon but it does makes me wonder how much of that "idea" James Cameron might actually use for the next movies.
Like, Quaritch's now much more than a villain. He's not even the "big" villain anymore. He's much more than Human Quaritch, and that has a lot of potential.
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And I just need it. I need the conflict. I want to see Recom Quaritch finding out about the wonders of Pandora, I want him to fall in love with it in the same way Jake did as in a somehow twisted karma's type of way. I want him to suffer by not knowing who he is anymore, and I want Spider to be his whole motivation. I want him to feel guilt over all what his past self did, and what he now self already did too (like Neteyam's death). And all thanks to Spider. Istg Spider has to be his downfall, my daddy issues crave them bonding how they actually deserve.
But, returning to the fic, pls read it. It's just wonderful, and it explores the whole "I'm Quaritch, but I'm not actually him nor I know if I want to be him either" thing I feel Recom Quaritch has going on perfectly. Big and honorable mention to the author on making Quaritch actually naming his ikran cupcake a thing
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The Spider tag is a fucking MINEFIELD I just opened it to see if there were any good posts I needed to add to the queue and I scrolled for less than a minute and saw a post saying Lo’ak shot first and Lyle Wainfleet was justified in shooting Neteyam in self defense (not true and also INSANE TAKE) and a post that said Spider saying “don’t hurt her” and Kiri saying “don’t kill him” means Spider didn’t think Quaritch was capable of killing Kiri (W I L D) skskskskksks ya’ll need JESUS, especially that first post. 
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Guys... GUYS?!
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Also Prager.
Also this means yeah Lo’ak had a much bigger hand in Neteyam’s death than just getting him to go with him for Spider...
I gotta go put this on a goddamn t-shirt or something.
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naavispider · 1 year
QUARITCH BITCHING ABOUT JANINE??? I’m a huge sucker for drama PLEASE we need to know what the sais about her 🤭🤭🤭
(Quaritch snuck off to the bathroom after leaving Spider on his face link to Janine, dragging Lyle with him because they are teenage girls at heart)
"Who the hell is this woman?" Quaritch muttered angrily. They were in one of the ship's bathrooms, and he'd just left Spider alone to his face link with Janine. He may be pressed about it, but he wasn't going to invade Spider's privacy.
Wainfleet made a noise of agreement from where he was leaning against the hand dryer. "She's getting too involved, that's her problem. It's nothing to do with her."
Quaritch nodded vigorously. "Spider is fine. He doesn't need some random lady sticking her nose in."
"She's too attached," Lyle agreed.
"Do you think I made the wrong call?" Quaritch asked suddenly. Perhaps allowing them to talk wasn't a good idea. "What if it makes Spider worse?"
Lyle grunted. "I don't think you need to worry about that, boss. The kid's already pretty screwed up."
It was true. For the past few days, Spider had retreated into himself more and more, barely responding when talked to, not eating, and preferring to spend his time just staring out at the ocean. He hadn't interacted with anyone or anything unless forced to. It was starting to concern the whole squad.
"Hmm," Quaritch said noncommittally.
Wainfleet eyed him carefully. He knew what the colonel was thinking. "She's at Bridgehead... You are here. He knows he can talk to you."
Quaritch didn't look convinced. "Does he? The kid hates me."
Lyle frowned his disbelief. "That's not true. He hates what you're doing, sure. But it sounds like you're the first person he's ever had that's gonna put him first. He's not an idiot, he knows that."
Quaritch sighed, placing his hands on either side of the sink and staring at his recombinant reflection. "He better. The last thing I need is some Na'vi-sympathiser medic whispering lies in his ear." He turned to look at Lyle. "You know he's never even asked about Paz?"
Lyle took this in, trying not to react evenly. "He's been through a lot recently..." he responded rationally.
"For Christ's sake Lyle, that's his mother! Don't you think he'd want to know something about her? That he'd be even the slightest bit curious?"
"Maybe the human traitors told him about her?" Lyle suggested.
"No," Quaritch turned back to the mirror, adamant. "He's projecting, that's what he's doing. He wants a female influence and he's getting it from her."
A moment passed before Lyle responded next. "Do you think that would be a bad thing?" he asked carefully.
Quaritch closed his eyes, groaning. "I don't know, man."
"Look," Wainfleet began, hoping to offer some solace to his best friend. "This Janine has taken a liking to Spider, and he's clearly done the same back. They're friends, and we ain't gonna change that. So what if the kid wants a female influence? It doesn't change how he feels about you. You're still his old man whether he likes it or not."
"Yeah," Quaritch said, to reassure Lyle he was listening. He ducked his head lower, pressing his chin to his chest over the sink.
"You got this, boss. He's gonna be grateful you let him call her. So go out and ask how it went. He'll come around."
Quaritch stood to his full height, and turned to Lyle - his best friend for years. He nodded.
"Thanks, Corporal."
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