#finally finished this bad boy at 3am
frogchiro · 2 years
Pierro x Khaen'rhian Princess is such a delicious concept sheesh! 😮‍💨 Really makes my corruption kink go brrrrr if I’m being honest here.
Pierro having you sit upon his lap and in front of a mirror as he teaches you how to pleasure yourself. His deft fingers are quick to work you up and over the edge. Showers your exposed skin with kisses and praise as you come down from your high, body still trembling from your release. He’s bound and determined to get you addicted to his touches and cock. All you need is him so behave and let him breed you.
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nonnie...nonnie this is what i needed in my life, THIS is my basic needs pyramid
also the potential this has?? the corruption, the power imbalance, pierro's sheer dominance...and his need to serve you, his princess, wait on hand and foot while the fire of the need to have you submit yourself to give burns bright in his chest,,
f!reader, smut, age difference, power imbalance, obsessive behavior, pierro calls reader nicknames like princess, pet; a bit of breeding kink, a/b/o-esque, virgin!reader, khaen'rhian princess!reader au, hints at pierro being yandere, reader and pierro are a feral happy mess
it all started one winter evening, while you just came back from your usual walk around the palace gardens. pierro never understood what exactly you saw in them, after all it's winter almost all year long here in snezhnaya, so it's not like the gardens are bustling with much plant life anyway and all what's left there are snow covered dead trees and whimsical ice sculptures, but he guesses that after hundreds of years of non-stop running with no place to call a real home he can somehow understand this little pleasure of yours.
he observed you from his place on the comfy couch he lounged on, a glass of golden whiskey lazily held in his hand as he watched you with hooded eyes while you chattered about the new ice sculptures that apparently somehow appeared in the gardens and the cute tiny birds you fed while you were there.
after quickly shedding the snow-soaked cloak and clothes and completing your nightly routine, you walked out of the bathroom clothed only in your silky nightgown and a fur-lined see through robe and shamefully pierro had to admit to himself that his cock jumped in his soft trousers as he watched your figure walk closer to him, a bright smile and the ever present twinkle in your eyes, the picture of innocence you painted made the blood in his veins burn.
the man let out a appreciative rumble when you sat in his lap and made yourself comfortable, nuzzling against his neck and beard, your own chirp being answered quickly with a lazy growl as his free hand wrapped itself around your waist, possessively squeezing the soft chubby flesh there, his other hand placing the empty glass back onto the low table so it could grab the skin of your thigh.
the hand squeezing your waist moved higher to the low, lacy neckline of your gown before pushing the strap from your shoulder. pierro hungrily observed the elegant lines of your chest being reveled, the delicious little 'sir pierro' you moaned out when his clawed fingers traced the lines of your cleavage down to your naked breast, tracing your nipple and lightly nipping your neck and collarbone.
as he kept ravaging your with the softest touches, your primal noises of growls, chirrups and purrs intertwining and making the most exquisite symphony pierro ever heard, the white haired man suddenly thought of something.
it never really occurred to him that since the beginning of your relationship-your journey hundreds of years ago, fleeing from the burning cursed debris that was your former country, your kingdom, you two never really got to officially get intimate with each other.
sure, since pierro finally gathered the courage to court you ever since you settled down in snezhnaya and he became a harbinger you had your fair share of warm, intimate encounters with each other like right now, but you never went all the way.
don't get him wrong, pierro loves you with all his heart, he loved you since the first day he saw you back in khaen'rhia when the king, your father, oh so graciously introduced you to him, a day he will never forget and cherish right up till death comes knocking at your door.
the way you smiled like an angel, the soft curve of your full lips like a dream, the way your lashes fluttered and a bright blush appeared on your cheeks was all pierro needed to swear to himself to never ever let anything ruin your innocence; and he did a good fucking job, even after so many years you still remained a perfect pure little virgin, the sharp watchful eyes of 'sir pierro' as you called him followed you everywhere, but could you really blame him?
even after all the trauma, all the bloodshed and losses you still were the same young woman he met all those years ago, always trying to see the best in everyone and every situation, your naiveness and kindness was cute to him but also dangerous in a flawed and full of sinners world like this so he swore to himself that he'll be your provider, your teacher, your protector. he'll protect you like he couldn't protect your kingdom. he loves you so so much it sometimes physically hurts him.
and now you're here, naked but warm as the big fireplace roared and shone brightly, beautiful golden and amber light dancing across your soft skin as one of your hands remained hooked back on pierro's neck, the other tightly grasping his hand which was busy gripping your waist and belly as he held you closely against his clothed chest, warm and soft against your naked back.
the man's other hand was busy between your legs, gently running his fingers along your slit, circling your clit, teasingly dipping his fingers inside your hole just to feel you clench before taking them out and repeating the process.
you never felt pleasure like this, this is after all the first time you and pierro went this far; maybe not all the way like you oh so desperately wanted, no, needed, but on the other hand you were secretly relieved. you were still a virgin after all and judging by the sheer size difference between you and your protector, the size of his...parts wasn't anything close to small either.
as he said it, he was 'only teaching you about your body and how to please yourself' but your thoughts were muddled by pierro's constant attentive touches. that, paired with his quiet rumbles of 'you're doing so good my princess' or 'keep your eyes open lovely little pet, just look at how wet you got when i stroked this spot, feels good doesn't it?' only managed to sent you right up to the heights of pleasure, brain pleasantly clouded with a mist of love, affection and the need to please your man, the same one who spend years protecting you and caring for you, loving you.
while you were getting lost in the pleasure, pierro's own selfish thoughts and instincts were roaring inside him. the need to corrupt you and your innocence, the need to own you, to make you his and his alone made him let out a feral growl and he sunk his sharp teeth in your shoulder, the surprised squeal mixed with a chirp you let out music to his ears and he didn't even care if he left a mark, in fact he hoped he did.
'will show them that this one belongs to me. she's already spoken for, little one needs no man beside me'
if he was a lesser man, he'd have mounted and fucked you the second your presented yourself so deliciously in your tiny see-through night gown, bred you so well that by the end of the night you'd be left a panting spend mess, cuddling him and surely pregnant with his pup, but alas, pierro is not a lesser man.
after all he's pierro, the jester, the man who commands the fatui with an iron fist and wears the mocking mask as a way to laugh in the face of gods, and that pierro has endless plains of patience and he refuses to rush things with you and possibly hurt you in the process, he thinks he'd tear his own heart out if he hurt you in any way, especially this way, when you should associate pleasure and warm intimacy with him in the best ways possible.
well, at least almost endless, since he can't wait for the day you'll be officially wed to him, the ultimate mark of ownership over you, you will be finally his and his alone until the end of days.
but these thoughts can wait, now he has to focus on you and your pleasure in the moment. he feels you clench around his fingers, wrapped around them like a vice as he keeps delicately rubbing over and over your sweetest spot, the little bundle of nerves send sparks of seemingly infinite pleasure through your body.
suddenly he feels you tense, a full body shiver running over you. a gasp of his name leaving your red-bitten lips as your orgasm washes over you, white clouding your vision as you feel almost as if you're floating.
pierro smiles lightly, another rumble leaving his lips, his instincts sated for the moment, pleased with knowing he satisfied his little mate. he slowly thrusted his fingers in and out of your pussy, not wanting to painfully overstimulate you and to slowly bring you down from you orgasm.
when your body finally relaxes enough for him to pull his fingers out and not hurt you, you slump against his strong chest and a multitude of deep, sated purrs makes its way from your chest as you close your eyes and nuzzle your partner, trying to get as close to him as possible, your feral instincts telling you that a strong male is present and will be able to protect you.
pierro picked you up as gently as he could and carried you over to your shared nest, the bed filled with all sorts of warm furs, pillows and fuzzy blankets you both carefully arranged to make your small safe space.
he laid you down before quickly climbing inside, ridding himself of his clothes in the process to allow himself to be as close to you as possible before snuggling against you as he felt your body slowly going lax, a small smile on your lips as you let sleep take you.
he watched you until he knew you were asleep before placing a soft kiss on your cheek and lips, your purrs mingling with each other indicating a happy couple.
yeah, he couldn't wait to finally tie the knot and make his princess officially his
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luckybunny555 · 11 months
Gwen patching you up after a mission
You and Gwen had just finished a particularly difficult and demanding mission, so when you both finally arrive to your apartment, she helps you take care of your bruises and scratches. You return the favor, taking care of her too
🕷 Gwen Stacy x Spider!GN!Reader 🕷
Warnings: mention of injuries, cursing, not very angsty, more like fluff actually, reader lives alone because I wanted to?? but not necessarily 18+, in my head it makes sense. SFW ofc
A/N: reader is kinda chaotic and clumsy?? because I was writing some HCs for this type of reader when I had the idea for this scenario so... it's kinda complementing my HCs post(that I haven't posted yet). Also, I didn't specify the relationship she has with the reader, so you can choose whether or not you guys are dating or something else, but it is romantic(cute feelings and kisses yay!). Proofread and written at 3am so idk if this is good but let's gooo.
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She might’ve never admitted it out loud, but Gwen loved being paired with you for missions. That was one of the ways she found to keep an eye on you and make sure you were safe during dangerous fights. The two of you had slowly gotten closer with time– you met her through the Spider Society, of course, and despite her attempts to keep her emotional walls up and high, you managed to find a way into her heart. And when you did? Oh boy, she could not let go of you.
It was her instinct to become more and more protective of you, given everything she's gone through. Besides, that's what happens when you feel a deep connection to someone. She wants to protect you, keep you safe, make sure nothing bad ever happens to her precious spidey. And you were very aware of that. It was obvious, from the way she would find any excuse and moment to casually touch you, to how she'd stand closer to you whenever Miguel's anger over some mishap in a mission was starting to get out of hand, or when she'd keep her gaze on you from a distance whenever you were up to some trouble, always ready to rescue you when needed. You could tell how protective she was over you, and it made your heart grow warmer each time she showed you.
But even with all the protection she could offer you, keeping you completely unharmed was a very difficult task. You were a free spirited person, guided by your curiosity and passion, and there was not a single person in the entire multiverse who could get you to settle down and chill out. In other words, getting into trouble was a daily occurrence to you.
You had a tendency to dive head first into danger, and your passion for your "spider-duties" and keeping people safe encouraged you to jump into action without second thought. And of course, your approach wasn't always successful. This time wasn't very different.
Miguel had assigned you both to a particularly difficult mission. This anomaly you had to contain was unlike your usual villains, which is why you were caught by surprise and unprepared. Even though it demanded more effort than your average missions, you and Gwen were actually able to knock out this unconventional villain, but unfortunately, not before it did a number on both of you.
The nasty wound on your knee that caused you to limp was enough reason for her to not leave you unsupervised for a single moment. She refused to let go of you when heading back to the HQ, carefully helping you walk as she slung your arm over her shoulders to support you. No matter how much you protested(not much anyways, because you enjoyed how close she was to you...) and tried to convince her your bruise wasn't that serious, she simply wouldn't listen. She had to make sure herself that you were fine, and she wouldn't rest until she took proper care of your injury.
"Gwen, it's not that bad! I can still walk, I'm just slower than-"
"Shut up, you got hurt and I'm gonna take you home to make sure you're fine. Forgive me if I don't trust your words, troublemaker, but with the frequency you get yourself hurt, I have reason to worry," she tells you in a scolding tone, but you know she's not serious, seeing the hint of a smile on the corner of her lips, causing you to chuckle.
"Aw, you're worried about me?" you tease her, your gaze fixed on her as she narrows her eyes at you, playfully pretending to be fed up with your attitude. You laughed to yourself.
After a quick word with Miguel to make sure everything went okay with the mission, she insists on taking you home. Even though she had some injuries herself, she pushed them to the back of her mind, focusing on making sure your wound was properly taken care of before she worried about her own.
So, once you crawl inside through your window with her help, you allow your body to fall on your bed, letting out a loud sigh as you dramatically throw your arms up and cross them over your eyes. Gwen lets out a chuckle while watching you, your playfulness soothing her nerves since you don't seem to be too affected by your bruised knee. At this point, she knew your apartment like the back of her hand, so she hurried to get the first aid kit you kept in your bathroom cabinet.
Coming back into your bedroom, she sat with her legs crossed on your bed, placing the box beside her. She positioned your legs over each of her thighs, sitting between them so she could take proper care of your knee.
"Use the Hello Kitty[or whatever character you'd like] band-aids this time," you say, jokingly pretending to be mad at her, uncovering your eyes to look at her.
"Oh, you think those band-aids are gonna cover this wound? Cute," she teases you, laughing as she takes a few items from the first aid kit.
"It's not that bad," you dramatically let your arms fall on the bed, causing her to look at you. She knew she could get overly worried at times, but judging from your expression, you didn't seem mad at her. "I mean, usually it's a lot less worse, though. But did you see that villain? They were huge!" she chuckles, listening to your rant as she starts to clean the big scratch on your skin.
You kept rambling about the mission, as you usually do, letting Gwen do her thing. And in the back of your mind, you noticed how nice it felt. Not the wound, obviously. But how gentle she was when taking care of you. You had kind of a taste for danger, whether intentionally or not, but you were glad to have someone so patient and caring to patch you up every time you needed. And you could handle her totally non-threatening scolds, neither of you taking it seriously, knowing it wouldn't keep you from getting yourself hurt again.
You also started realizing how attentive she was. I mean, she was very focused on your bruise, carefully cleaning it to prevent any infections. But she also seemed to pay attention to your whole rant, complementing your comments with her own experiences from the mission. Most people would've tuned it out now, or wouldn't be able to focus on both things.
Your talk started to slow down, and as you fixed your gaze on her, admiring her focused expression, you noticed your breaths getting deeper and slower. You couldn't help noticing how pretty she looked. The bedroom was only dimly lit, the lamp on your bedside table illuminating your wound enough for her, but you could faintly see her freckles, and her soft smile that had appeared during your conversation, and how her hair was covering part of her face, her head tilted, eyes on your bruise...
Realizing that you had gone quiet for a moment, she looked up at you with a curious expression. Her hands stopped cleaning the scratch on your leg when she noticed the way you were looking at her. You weren't aware of it, of course, but she felt her heart skip a beat in that moment. "Why are you staring at me like that, you weirdo?" she joked, letting out a nervous chuckle. You hesitate for a moment.
Propping yourself up on your hands, you shift closer as you keep your gaze on hers. Her breath hitches with your sudden movement, surprised and curious about your intentions. "Because you look really pretty," you confess, trying to ignore how fast your heart is beating. Her eyes slightly widen at your words, and you can see a bit of her tooth gap as her lips slightly part when she lets out a subtle gasp. You brush a strand of hair away from her face, allowing you to have a better look at her, and it sends a shiver down her spine. "Thank you for putting up with me, and always taking care of me when I get hurt. Which is often," you let out a low chuckle, admiring her eyes as you straighten your seated position, your faces only a few inches apart.
Gwen's mind went blank for a moment, thoughts clouded as time seemed to melt while she was seated in front of you, closer than she would've dared, but not close enough for her liking. Your words make her scoff, slightly smiling as she shakes her head, "Yeah, more often than I'd like." She drops the cloth she was using to clean your scratch, allowing her hands to rest on your thighs. "It would be great if you could be more careful, but we both know that's not gonna happen," she quietly laughs, her gaze traveling across your face, observing all your features, that she adores so much.
You giggle, shaking your head from side to side, "No..." a playful grin appears on your face, knowing this scene would keep repeating itself, in different ways and settings, but reveling in the idea that she'd still be there for you. "Good thing I always have my princess charming to catch me right in time, right?" you say, tilting your head slightly to the side, wrapping your arms around her shoulders as you bring her closer. The grin that appears on her face matches yours, and she can't help but chuckle at your choice of words.
"Yeah, you always do," taking one last look at your eyes, she says before closing the distance between you two. Her hands move towards your waist, bringing you even closer as she kisses you. Even with your lips connected, you can feel the both of you smiling.
When you two pull back, breaking the kiss, you notice the softness and admiration in her gaze. You can only assume your eyes express the same for her. Breaking the silence, she turns her gaze to your bruise once again. "Alright, stop distracting me now, your knee still needs bandage," she tells you, and you let out a loud sigh as you let you body drop on the bed once more, but unable to hold back your giggles as you continue to gaze at her.
She quickly finishes patching you up, placing a large band-aid on your knee before reaching out to grab one of the colorful pens you keep on your bedside table. She draws [whatever character you like] over it, remembering how you wanted her to use your cuter, but unfortunately smaller, band-aids. "Done, are you happy now?" she asks, teasing you.
Sitting up again, you notice her drawing on your bandage, which makes your eyes light up. To her, the look on your face was the equivalent to cartoon characters having stars in their big, wide eyes, and seeing you like that made her giggle. You quickly embrace her in a tight hug, only pulling back to pepper kisses on her face, causing you both to laugh.
"Thank you, it looks super cute," you say with a sweet smile on your face. Despite the darker setting, you could almost see a slight shade of pink on her cheeks. "Did you get any bad bruises too?" you ask, concerned about her state as well, even though she hadn't complained about any injuries.
She shakes her head, a small smile still on her face as her expression softens at your gentleness and concern. "Nothing a shower can't take care of," she replies, reassuring you. You nod, slowly pulling away your arms from her shoulders.
The two of you had gotten used to this. You enjoyed having company in your apartment, so you'd always invite her over, sometimes for a sleepover, and sometimes it would last a few days... You got used to her borrowing your clothes, eating your food, sleeping on your bed(because you refused to let her sleep on the couch, even though she said it would be fine). It was nice to constantly have her as a house guest.
So you get up, carefully as to not hurt your knee again, and make your way towards your closet, finding clean, comfortable clothes for her to borrow. Handing them to her, she gets up from your bed and plants a kiss on your forehead as a thank you, heading to your bathroom to take a shower.
While you wait for her, you notice the sounds coming from your stomach, and you assume she might be hungry as well. Since you have time, but not a lot of energy since you got back from a mission, you decide to make a quick and easy meal just for the two of you.
Right after her, you take a quick shower, feeling more comfortable and warm. You bring the two bowls with food to your bedroom, sitting down in bed with Gwen, your backs against the headboard as you turn on the TV to watch something while you eat.
Despite the intensity of the day, it feels relaxing to simply enjoy a simple meal in bed, right beside her as you laugh at the TV screen. For these few moments, there's no Spider duty, no problems that need to be solved. She could finally relax, knowing the both of you were safe and okay.
After a while, both plates finished and now in an almost laid down position, the tiredness from the day started setting in. A few yawns were let out by both of you as your eyes wanted to drift closed, but neither of you wanted to give in, enjoying each other's company too much to let your exhaustion get in the way.
Unable to resist any longer, and partially because you wanted to feel Gwen closer to you, you finally decide to turn off the lights. Laying down and finding a comfortable position, you wrap your arms around her, bringing her down to lay next to you. You gently hold her face, laying her head on your chest as your arms wrap tightly yet comfortably around her.
Gwen was a bit surprised by your actions. Of course you had already slept in the same bed before, but being this close to you? That's a new one. It took her a moment to really adjust to it.
She started noticing how softly you were holding her, even though your grip was tight enough to keep her close. It made her feel comforted and wanted. And when you started playing with her hair, oh, she melted under your touch.
Almost instinctively, she buried her head deeper into your chest, her arms wrapping tightly around your waist. You could tell what it meant for her to be held like that, so you placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, glad to offer her comfort in return for how caring and gentle she was with you.
Truly, it meant a lot for you too. You might be reckless, like, 90% of the time, but being able to witness this, to notice how all of her muscles relax while you're lovingly holding her, how her breath starts to slow down and get steadier with each second, it was like being bathed in sunlight. As you felt both of you drifting asleep, all you wished for was that this moment would last for as long as it could.
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tojjist · 10 months
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝘁 - 𝗝. 𝗘𝗴𝗼
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jinpachi ego x f! reader
tags: pwp, unintentional exhibitionism, semi-public sex, ego being an asshole, degradation, reverse cowgirl (kinda), mentions of masturbation (third person(s)), dacryphilia if you squint, marking/bruising, humiliation, unprotected sex, creampie, vaginal sex, slight objectification of reader.
note: this is my first ever fully-written smut so uh yeah forgive my lack of description and experience. also kinda rushed write it at like 3am in maybe an hour. Likes and reblogs are highly appreciated! minors, ageless & blank blogs dni
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“ego-san! eguhh—!”
your hips thrust; up, down. up, down. moving against his length. ego’s long fingers were digging into the soft skin of your hips, forcing harsher movement as your walls swallowed him whole.
“such a fucking slut,” he whispered into your ear, his breath hot against your sensitive skin. “taking my cock like a champ, that’s how you like it, huh? wanna get fucked ‘til ya can’t see?”
you don’t respond to his harsh words, too focused on the pleasure. your hips kept thrusting but you weren’t doing all the work; ego knew you wouldn’t be able to move on your own when he’s balls deep inside you.
but, jinpachi ego doesn’t take well to being ignored. if he asks you a question he expects you to respond.
one of his hands curls in your hair, harshly fisting it as he stops helping you move. naturally, your movements become sloppy and sleazy over his cock, still attempting to enjoy his length despite the way he’s gripping your hair and turning your face, forcing you to look at him.
“answer, sweerheart. wanna hear my little doll’s response, hm? don’t leave me waiting, whore.”
it was so astonishing how easily his vocabulary swapped. to him you were but a little fucktoy for him to enjoy. he didn’t have to make you feel good, which he did. you at least owe him an answer.
“y-yes, egoh-san,” you blabbered, barely able to keep your sanity together.
it is embarrassing; you’re a strong woman of a high position, yet the highest position you can get with this man is riding his cock like a slut. how he knew all your weaknesses you don’t know. jinpachi ego is a wonder and as much as you’d like to explore him, it’s clear he’s the only one getting any exploring here. you’re only there to serve, to drool and moan as he fucks you stupid.
but unbeknownst to either of you, it is broadcasted all over the blue lock.
you knew having sex right in front of the the controls was a bad idea. god, you begged him so much to just drop it and have sex somewhere else.
but ego insisted to do something he’s seen in some porno, sitting on his chair while you’re on top of him. the leather chair was whining under you two as you moved. you would have been worried about it breaking if you weren’t too busy getting fucked.
and now you’re both paying for ego’s selfishness. it was you, huffing and moaning, your breasts jiggling up and down as he had lifted the shirt off them. one every screen of every room. everyone was watching now.
and the boys? oh, they were devouring the broadcast. how could they not when your soft begs echo through almost every room of the pentagon shaped building?
seriously, these controls should be more complicated. yet one wrong move is all it took you and now 300 young men are watching you sob.
“ego-san—! ‘m close! close!!”
your tears weren’t many, but the ones that fell were fat, blurring your eyesight and arousing jinpachi oh so much.
“feels good-“ he groaned slightly at the way your hips move faster, teeth clenching agaist each other. “feels good, slut? ya like my c-cock in you— fuck-“
the way your face reddened and your moans became even more pitched was definitely the finishing line for most of the boys, watching as one of ego’s fingers rubbed at your pretty nipple, squeezing your breast then pinching the darker skin in the middle.
with a final sob, a final thrust, and a final breath, your release came. your head jerked back as your spine arched, moaning especially loud now. ego groaned as your gummy walls tightened around him, teeth clamping against the plush skin of your neck. he made sure to leave his mark on you; dark bruises on your neck as he bites so hard it almost draws blood.
one would be a fool to think that jinpachi was helping you ride out your orgasm. his name is ego. no one matters, not even you. he was only chasing his own release, wearing you out until his cock twitched under the pleasureful pressure, shooting white paint across the walls of your tight cunt. the lewd noises of skin slapping against each other remained loud, echoing across the monitor room as jinpachi rocked your hips back and forth until he couldn’t anymore.
“get up.”
“what?” you squeak innocently ant his harsh demand. you were barely just catching your breath.
“ya heard me, don’t make me say it again. get up.”
if there is one thing you learnt from being ego’s personal stress reliever, it’s to obey. no questions asked. he demands, you answer.
and you are one good lap dog. you allow him to mush and shape you however he likes because, for some reason, it felt so fucking good.
you didn’t have to be told another time, twice is a lot. you stand up without question, back facing jinpachi as you wait. was it anticipation or dread pooling in your stomach? you weren’t sure.
“bend over.”
his words were absolute. but this time you went rigid, not moving an inch.
“did you not hear me?” “ego-san..”
ego stands up, hand finding your head roughly as he begins to push it down. “when i tell you to bend over you fucking-“
he noticed it too.
there was a small red light, coming on and off, indicating that this is in fact getting recorded.
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simp4men · 2 years
Sturniolo Triplets x Reader 
Warnings: There is mentions of body insecurity and self image issues dealing with food. 
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It was currently 3am and you couldn’t sleep again. It had been an endless cycle of staying up all night and sleeping all day. No matter how hard you tried to sleep at a reasonable time your sleep schedule was fucked. You had your headphones on at full volume blasting music trying to drown the thoughts in your head. You were hoping that at least by now Nick, Matt and Chris were asleep or at least in their rooms so you could go down to the kitchen and grab yourself a bottle of water without being bothered. As you made your way to the kitchen you still had your headphones on so you couldn't hear the boys arguing. As you approached the hallway to the kitchen you saw the lights on and looked up instantly seeing the camera pointed in your direction. You instantly hid behind the door hiding yourself and removing your headphones. 
“Nick is the camera recording?” you ask from behind the doorway. “Yeah, we just about finished doing the blindfolded baking challenge. We just have to do a taste test” he says, walking in your direction. “Why are you hiding? Come try this cake with us” he says. You look down at the crop top you were wearing. “Uhh do you have a hoodie I can borrow please?” you ask “All of mine are in the laundry, hey Chris can Y/N use your hoodie?” Nick asks “Yeah sure” Chris says taking the one he was wearing off of him and handing it to you. You quickly put it on. “Thanks” you say finally entering the kitchen. “Wow you guys made a mess” you laugh “Have fun cleaning that up” you say going to the fridge and grabbing yourself a water bottle instantly taking a sip. 
“Will you try it with us?” Chris asks. You shake your head no. “I’m not hungry” you mumble 
“Y/N how can you not be hungry you barely ate today” Nick sighs 
“Just one bite, please for the video so you can tell the viewers how I did” Matt says 
You nod. Matt smiles and gets a piece of cake on a fork bringing it up to your mouth. You instantly grip his wrist stopping him. “Wait” you say. He sighs looking at Nick and Chris. 
“Just a small bite, Y/N I promise that’s it” Chris says softly rubbing your shoulder. You nod, grabbing on to Matt’s other hand as he brings the fork up to your mouth again. “Open” Matt says, holding the fork in front of your mouth. You hesitantly open your mouth and finally take the bite of cake into your mouth. You close your eyes and scrunch your nose while you chew, still grasping onto Matt’s hand tightly. “Water” you say as soon as you swallow. Chris grabs your bottle from the counter handing it to you as you take a sip letting the cool liquid get rid of the cake taste in your mouth. 
“Good job Y/N, see that wasn’t that bad right” Nick says. You shrug your shoulders in response 
“So how did I do?” Matt asks
“I give it a 7” you yawn playing with the hem of Chris’s hoodie on your body 
“You're tired, you think you can go to sleep?” Matt asks, squeezing your hand before gently rubbing his thumb on the back of it, grazing your knuckles softly. 
“I don’t know” you sigh “I am tired and I want to sleep so bad but it’s hard because I just end up finding myself overthinking and I can’t fall asleep no matter how hard I try” you cry out frustrated 
“Come here” Matt says, pulling you into a hug, your head instantly meeting his chest as you grasp on to his shirt tightly. 
Nick and Chris instantly join in, hugging you from behind. 
“It’s going to be okay, you're okay.” Matt shushes you while kissing your head. 
“Hey why don’t we all just sleep in my room, we can just put on a movie and talk until we all fall asleep.” Chris says while pulling away from you
You turn around in Matt’s arms with your back against his chest and head leaned back on his shoulder as you bring both your hands out in front of you to hold on to Nick and Chris' hands intertwining your fingers together. 
“You guys really are the best, I love you guys so much” you say 
“We love you too Y/N, we’re a team remember, and besides our sleep schedule is fucked too were all on the same page basically” Nick says 
You laugh and let go of their hands, and you all head up to Chris’s room leaving the mess in the kitchen for the morning to deal with. 
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clone-anon · 11 months
Hey, clone-anon <3 I absolutely adore you're writing. I hope you're doing well! Could I request Tech helping Reader who has severe insomnia due to depression/ADHD? Like Reader not going to bed until 4 am and then not getting out of bed until late in the day? They just can't seem to get themselves to go to sleep cause their mind is just...so, so overwhelming. Eventually, Tech notices this pattern and decided to try to help? Can be romantic or platonic <3
(Ignore me asking for this at 3am shhhhh)
I went with platonic Tech because I couldn't figure out another way to make an idea work. I hope this helps!
You were up. Again. Staring at the bunk above yours and mind wandering. Where were these thoughts going? Why couldn't your brain calm down? You took some deep breaths and closed your eyes. It was well past midnight and Tech was finally coming back to his bunk to sleep. At least you weren't the only person up. You looked over and his eyes met yours. You gave him a weak smile and even in the darkness you could see some worry on his face as he returned the smile and got into his own bed. You heard his soft snores several minutes later. While he might be up late, at least he could fall asleep almost immediately. You had to admit to being jealous of that.
This went on for many weeks. You struggled to fall asleep. You were grateful the boys let you sleep as long as you needed, but felt bad that your schedule was all over the place. They never made you feel bad, but they were all concerned.
One day Tech approached you as you were getting ready for bed.
"How can I help," he asked, unprompted.
You stopped brushing your teeth and turned to him. "Wif wha," you asked, toothbrush still in your mouth.
"You are not sleeping well. You are up later than I am. Something is clearly the matter."
You sighed and finished brushing. Tech stood there patiently. You walked toward the cockpit and sat down with him. You tried explaining what was going on. How hard it was to fall asleep and how your body felt tired all the time. You felt trapped in this cycle and simply making yourself get up earlier didn't ever seem to help you fall asleep sooner the next night, so you didn't know what to do.
"I am happy to help," he replied, "if that is something you want."
"I'm willing to try almost anything," you replied.
"While I am not always one for physical closeness all the time, I wonder if sharing a bed with one of us would help. Or perhaps a weighted blanket."
You started with the blanket. You were able to fall asleep a little sooner, but not much sooner. After a week of that, you decided you wanted to try sharing a bed with someone. When you approached Tech, he said he would be happy to.
He stayed up to his usual time, but worked while laying in bed with you. As it got later, he adjusted his position and you snuggled up against him. When he put his datapad down to sleep, it was just past midnight, but you were already tired. You felt his steady breathing and his warmth. He put an arm around you and pulled you closer. Your mind calmed and your body fell into sync with his. Before you knew it, you were both asleep.
The next morning, you woke up with him, feeling better. This continued and as time went on, your body started to calm next to his each night. Tech started putting his datapad away earlier, his body quieting next to yours and both of you falling asleep together. Whenever things got to be too much, he noticed and offered you space to talk about it or methods during the day to release your emotional energy in whatever way you needed. He liked going on walks with you and he liked getting into bed with you and listening to you as you softly told him what was on your mind. Being together helped soothe you both to sleep.
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corvus--rex · 8 months
A far softer than canon college au because holy shit let them rest
Ambrose Cusk has just finished his freshman year of college, the definition of a legacy admission at Cusk university, the biggest school in the state. He hated the highrise, off-campus, apartment his mother put him in, and he's decided to finally stand up to her and insist he be allowed to stay in the dorms this coming year. He just wants a normal college experience, and not feel singled out for his name and living space. His older sister Minerva backs him up, arguing for him when their mother inevitably says no, eventually wearing her down.
Ambrose waited until she was at her most distracted, knowing all about Cusk University buying and absorbing the tiny Aurora College, merging their campuses into one that practically spans the city. He also knew that part of the merge included rooming Cusk and Aurora students together and is looking forward to a roommate who doesn't automatically know who he is. Minerva helps here too, using her admin job at the university to make sure Ambrose doesn't get the preferential treatment she knows he doesn't want.
He wants it to be a surprise, so all he knows by move-in day is that his roommate's name is Kodiak Celius and that he's a former Aurora student. Kodiak is definitely a surprise. Ambrose had not been expecting his new roommate to be a grumpy cat in human form or for that grumpy cat to be that hot. He's pretty sure Kodiak could bench press him with no effort, and it's a problem. He wants to be wrapped up in all that muscle, badly, but he knows how Kodiak feels about him.
Kodiak does not like Ambrose at all. He thinks Ambrose is just a pretty prissy (he said prissy, not...ok fine, Ambrose is cute, sue him), moderately slutty, rich boy and he's not entirely wrong. Ambrose does seem to sleep around, mentioning new people every couple weeks, although he's considerate enough to not invade their shared space with those people. It's the personality Kodiak doesn't like, physically...hey, he can admit when he finds Ambrose pretty enough to maybe invade his dreams occasionally, but only to himself.
They can both admit (privately, to themselves only, no this does not include you, Minerva) they find their roommate cuter, prettier, hotter than they have a right to be, although they refuse to admit even to themselves that the initial attraction is anything more than that.
Most mornings, Kodiak is up at Satan's Asscrack, gone for the day before Ambrose even wakes up, except for Thursdays when he sleeps in with no class and nowhere to be. Ambrose practically tiptoes around their shared space, careful to not wake Kodiak and risk the grumbled insults inevitably thrown his way when he does.
One Thursday morning, Ambrose knows it's safe to move around normally since Kodiak was up until after 3am finishing a paper that wasn't even due yet, and is currently doing his best interpretation of a corpse. Ambrose catches himself watching Kodiak sleep, the permanent scowl smoothed out. He's cute in a way he isn't when awake, and Ambrose feels the small curl of something he doesn't want to admit to.
He decides he won't be late for class if he makes a brief detour, and Kodiak will be awake soon anyway, and makes a run to the campus coffeeshop and back before heading off to class.
Kodiak does wake up shortly after (before Ambrose has actually left the building) to the scent of coffee - 6 shots walked past a picture of sugar, his usual order - and a note:
I know you were up late working and thought you might like to start the day feeling a little more human. Probably won't be back until late, still have that group project to finish. Take care of yourself today. -Ambrose
He picks up the still steaming cup and thinks that his pretty, prissy, roommate might not actually be that bad.
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lover4st · 2 years
you should one where steve gets with reader (who’s a writer) and he’s trying to get them to go to sleep with him because it’s 3am
🦂 scrapoins >>>>
i see what you are doin @inaramisview
🦂 scrapoins for ever>>>>> 
The woman ignoring her fellow classmates, she was embarrassed. After all, she did just get rejected by the nerdiest boy in her school. Getting rejected was already embarrassing, but the dude no one likes confessing to her that he doesn’t even like her. Who wants her then?
You were just getting to your favorite part of the story you were writing. This was the climax, and it was going towards the falling action. You wanted to finish it now. I mean, you did so much writing tonight, so why not a little more? 
There was a sound from the right side of you. It sounded like a cup hitting the table you were situated at. You turned your head to get a quick glance at the hot chocolate that was placed. This was when you realized how tired you actually felt. 
It’s never something you notice until you aren’t focused on the task at hand that has taken you so long. The aching in your eyes made you want to reach up to rub your eyes to shake it off and try to continue writing. Until you felt a pair of arms wrap around your neck and drag down loosely and a head was nuzzled onto your own. 
“Hey babes. Whatcha’ doin’ still up? You need to get some sleepy time you lose leaf.” It was Steve, of course. Who else would be roaming around your house at 3am? 
“I’m writin’ me story,” nothing ever really makes sense when you’re tired. You finally reached up to rub your eyes and see how many grammatical and spelling errors on the screen.
“There is always tomorrow, love. This isn’t healthy.” You knew it wasn’t healthy. But you already had a drive to finish it. And it was sometimes rare to get it back. So, you need to jot down everything that just came to your mind. You don’t want to forget it. These thoughts are never going to go back to your mind.
“No,” you tried to move your hands back to your keyboard and try to do the same as your character you are writing about. Ignore people. 
“Nuh uh.” Steve turned around your chair and picked you up by your waist. You wanted to fight back so bad, but you were so tired you couldn't. Going limp in your boyfriend's arms. It felt so comfortable for some reason that your eyes immediately fell to submission from your body telling you that you were indeed exhausted. 
Before you knew it, nothing was going on. You felt yourself being placed on a pillow like surface with something propping your head up. Something was draped over your body, and you felt Steve’s chapped lips on your forehead before you heard your last thing for the night.
“Nighty night owl.”
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feuqueerfire · 4 months
Twinkling Watermelon Live Blogging
Came across some Tiktoks (I think the first one showed up on my FYP on my phone) about a deaf girl in school being tripped by a group of girls and a girl being nice to her and with a guy who's yelling at her for making fun of him but her not understand but then !! I found this Tiktok in the tags which has characters from this series and My Perfect Stranger who time travelled back in time to when their parents were teens! Not only that, the main guy in this is the son from 18 Again (aside: I've been Obsessed with this OST again for the past week this January), which this show kinda reminds me of even though that one had the parent turning young in current timeline rather than time travel. Then I realized that it's actually a really hyped show that everybody seems to be watching.
Anyway, been a long time since I watched a full-length kdrama that's not a rewatch (From Now On, Showtime! in June 2023), so I hope I love it. Again, bad timing because busy with school but the thing is, it's nearly always bad timing, so here it goes I guess.
Episode 1 (Jan 19, 2024)
It's 1:30AM and I'm starting this lol, I'm gonna just watch 15 mins and go to sleep so that I have something to look forward to/be excited about when waking up tomorrow
Do all these shows always start with something bad/scary happening so that it's used as a hook? I'm just remembering Psychopath Diary starting with this guy's worst day of ever which made me stop watching lol The events with this ingredient man seem like it'll turn sour
you're not gonna show me what the father answered smh will it be revealed at a critical, heart-wrenching moment in the future?
ahhh the fuckass landlady and her fuckass child i can’t believe the kid is threatening him with eviction if they do t cheat So did Eun Gyeol erase and put his own name again afterwards? idgi
From what I know about this show, Eun Gyeol goes back in time + makes some sort of music band? So I’m gonna assume his dad actually wrote this song or smth (turning his “I feel sorry that only I can play songs like this” untrue) and he used to be able to hear?
My current bad habit is wishing we could go back to grownup Eun Gyeol so that I could look at his pretty nice face. Like brooo pause on being someone who loves to look at pretty boys and focus on the story at hand
Girl we once again have: worst day of ever. house on fire, grandpa dead/injured, flashback to when his dad said he’ll save Eun Gyeol first to help save the others
I hate this girl’s guitare case so bad idk why the shape of it gives me the ick - anyway is she the girl who saw him crying in front of grandfather’s store? and is she gonna be his love interest?
oh it’s a cello case + it’s the brother’s gf (Eun Gyeol wouldn’t steal his brothers gf right?)
wait lol what’s happening i got so confused. + the weak hero class guy intro (not park jihoon), is he the landlady's kid all grown up?
oh lol anonymous busking
Well the random watching 15 mins and go to bed didn’t quite work out bc i did go to bed but finished the ep on my ipad instead of sleeping lol it’s like 3AM now rip
As I was watching, occasionally, I’d be like Oh that’s Shinwoo from 18 Again. Slightly wrong, the name was Shi Woo, but why do I remember even that fr?
No time travelling yet but a good start.
Was looking at the r/kdrama On-Air posts and it started off with posts w 100+ comments, then 200+, then 300+, and the final one has 800+ comments lol, did it blow up after the show finished airing or was almost at the end?
Episode 2 (Jan 19)
The secondary guy and the cello girl are both annoying right now but I assume they'll both grow, get better, etc. like firstly my guy why are you following around and stalking this girl T.T if he wasn't so overwhelmingly charming/endearing and we weren't seeing his side, it'd come off much creepier. and she's obviously like being forced to be in a strict schedule because of her family or whatever (wearing the pink dress while longingly looking at the black one lol) and she'll stop being the "ice queen" as time goes on, but idk I feel like there are characters who are kinda snobby but makes you like them regardless, whereas she's not quite hitting that for me
but him getting embarrassed about his open pants zipper and running away while covering his face was cute tho
hmm this older man (Yoon Dong Jin) was in a band in high school and he's the only one of the members who still does music... was Eun Gyeol's dad in this band perhaps? and was he the one who had the big accident to make him deaf?
This new band thing for Eun Gyeol happened so fast, tbh like no camaraderie? No getting to know the band members?
broo the landlady hit the dad's car? are we joking lmao
relying on a kid for interpreting serious matters is just So Much pls just write or text amongst adults
And also the father making his son say inflammatory stuff to the landlady (or the mother to that ingredient seller beforehand) instead of writing it on their own like cmon
okay at least they mentioned that there was a professional translator for the police convo, she was late but then again, c'mon let's use some writing utensils. they texted Byeong Ho when he was a kid
girl not this Mess in this band + the Eun Gyeol spilling his guilt and guts about the fire incident
The thing is I feel no desire to watch Eun Gyeol go back to this band. I want him to follow his dreams, do music, etc but not necessarily with these people - specifically that drummer guy agh
this fawking guitar T.T I knew Grandpa left it for Ha Eun Gyeol in his will
I knewwww I shouldn't have started this episode before finishing my important, pressing university lecture. Anyway I'm stopping at 42mins for now, hope I can do homework for an hour before coming back here lol. okay I did homework for an hour :)
Oh yeah, I forgot I thought the ice cream shop guy might've been grown up landlady's son but I don't think so anymore ig since when would he have hit the father with the car? + his name's Lee Chan (update: Yi Chan). I briefly thought he was the young father maybe but like him and Eun Gyeol are connected through the cello girl
oh wait, the tiktok I saw of the deaf girl falling and getting dirty water on some pretty, popular was in the current timeline? Idk why I thought maybe it was his mom in the previous timeline or smth
oh girl this girl gave the cello girl the shirt and then leaving, fuck don't say lesbians they're not lesbians you're just gonna get your heart broken but...
plsss not the rock band t-shirt making Yi Chan think she likes bands
oh does the deaf girl like Yi Chan or something? In the poster, Eun Gyeol and cello girl (Se Kyeong) are on one side while Yi Chan and newly introduced deaf girl are in the other side hmmm
okayyy the hyung is on Eun Gyeol's side
naurrrrr is this landlady gonna take a photo of Eun Gyeol holding a cigarette? my guy already drinks while underage, let's not get into this too
oh lol pls not a photo but thinking he's doing drugs with them
ahhh and then the landlady throwing it back in the father's face like okay okay some of these are correct (well he's playing at the club... but he does drink) but yikess
wait what happened to his mask?
oh fuck (father-son confrontation)
oh fuck again (when Eun Gyeol's saying he's not his father's trophy nor an interpreter nor an alarm nor an angel)
of fuck (not his father saying you should've told be more, should've convinced me but Eun Gyeol being like how? you can't even hear like D: girl)
oh fuck Eun Gyeol leaving without even saying sorry for the last part
I get him a little bit because it really is so suffocating to live under your parents' expectations and he had sooo much responsibility thrust onto him
he was about to smash the guitar?! girl
oh magic ooh~
girl he's selling the guitar? the grandfather's guitar? well i'm assuming it'll come back to him again but oh wow this really is a 16/17 year old (18 yo in Korean age)
Okayyyy so Yi Chan really is Eun Gyeol's father as a youngster? and the deaf girl is his mother? And the cello girl is maybe the woman who is the Viva Music grandfather's daughter? Because when we saw the woman move into the house with her cello daughter, we didn't see the daughter's face. So this Se Kyeong is actually the mother from when she was younger?
Yknow early in Ep 2 when it moved from Eun Gyeol leaving the band practice to Yi Chan asking his friend for Se Kyeong's contacts + the hijinks with the cello performance, it really did seem like we went to the past/another dimension but I was like hmm maybe not.
ahhh indeed musician Yoon Dong Jin's high school band Fake First Love Memory Makers included Ha Eun Gyeol's dad Ha Yi Chan. I'm guessing the
so he really didn't know his dad could hear and speak in the past. I thought they knew
Okay, I'm glad we moved to the past! I'm excited to see how this goes.
Let's see if I can finish up my homework and other stuff for the day before I end up picking up ep 3. Hopefully the reddit on-air commentary + searching for this show's first week gifs keeps me busy for I crave the next ep.
Episode 3 (Jan 20)
lmaoo the “phone cal to Dong Jin’s gyubgeon was funny”
so Eun Gyeol is gonna take over real life Yoon Dong Jin’s identity? how will this affect the future?
lol he was running bc he needed to go to the bathroom? i thought lat ep he was being chased or smth
cryingggg i love the hijinks that happen at first when the person who time traveled or whatever doesn’t yet realize they need to act normal and go wild with the first interactions like with 18 Again turning into a teenager but claiming to be aging Shia’s father
plss Eun Gyeol staring so intently at his father
lol okay i was glad that these guys were just exceptionally dumb and being fooled by eun gyeol into believing he’s Yoon Dong Jin and that he didn’t successfully somehow fool everybody ever
ahh so true Eun Gyeol is like wtf my dad joined a band not for the music but for a girl and that girl isn’t even my mother !
I hope Yoon Chung Ah (the mother) gets some proper story as a youngin because she wasn’t there much as an adult and even when she was, it was like she just wanted the dad to be happy hmm
I fucking wish they were lesbians talking about Frida Kahlo lesbians sharing headphones
plssss his dad had told them that Eun Gyeol’s mom was his first love??? Eun Gyeol finding out so much about his father
ahh the mother keeping everything from them about her life and saying it’s a secret till they’re older
ah, Eun Gyeol talking about how he stopped being curious about his parents lives because he thought he knew enough…
oh shit he’s homeless rn
waittt so Yoon Dong Jin’s life is now changed fr since he joined a diff band and not this one
TODO: change Lee Chan -> Yi Chan
auuauauah Se Kyeong giving a ticket for the band concert she’s going to Yoon Chung Ah
how bad is the bullying/fighting gonna be for the other girls against Chung Ah? i wasn’t prepared for super bad bullying
okay Yi Chan and Chung Ah met but also Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong met and I’m hoping nothing romantic happens between them lol and also I don’t want him to get together with Se Kyeong’s daughter either as if through some sort of transitive property
Episode 4 (Jan 20)
ohhh Se Kyeong started doing cello to impress her mother and fill in the space of her dead daughter
ohh so that the Viva Music grandfather was her adoptive father
plsss not Eun Gyeol asking young Se Kyeong why her older self didn’t come to his concert nearly 3 decades in the future with her daughter
but wait her first love was also a “bandman” um so she ended up liking Yi Chan? maybe she meant her first love (Chung Ah) was a bandman lover
omg? Chung Ah’s flashback to some ripe strangling her or smth?
simultaneously thinking that Chung Ah and Yi Chan are cute while mourning Chung Ah and Se Kyeong. The girls won’t become enemies or something later, will they? Can’t handle another True Beauty tragedy
dang, somebody else trying to fuck with Se Kyeong so she thinks Eun Gyeol was sent by them?
ohhh her biological father…
but would he be the guitarist guy since the flower man already looks p old and like he had white hair when Se Kyeong was a teen?
pls Eun Gyeol hiding behind a tree is killing me so bad
lolll Yi Chan having to team up with Eun Gyeol to escape grandma’s wrath
lol getting tested by great grandmother on math. oh yeah i forgot he was doing reeeeally well at school and was supposed to be a doctor or whatever
wait wtf sudden realization that the hyung with the long hair and bad music and Yoon Dong Jin knower pretender is maybe Mr Viva Music grandpa? but he’s supposed to be at least a decade older than Eun Gyeol’s dad + he’s not Se Kyeong’s either dad so maybe not
Eun Gyeol watching his father and great grandmother sing and dance and remembering her and wondering about his joyous dad and crying ahhh family
they sleep the same way omg - Chung Ah’s stepmother chairwoman evil
not Chung Ah setting up her crush Yi Chan with Se Kyeong bc he likes her
I can’t believe Chung Ah’s ruining my lesbian ship dreams like this like Se Kyeong is literally waiting for you at the concert?!?!
bro Yi Chan is such a fucking menace why is he yelling Se Kyeong’s name in the middle of the street girl i’m embarrassed
no like I fully understand why Se Kyeong is mad as fuck even though in this instant it’s not Yi Chan’s fault that he’s there
not Eun Gyeol showing up to have his dad’s back about the band lol
So is Se Kyeong really not impressed by Yi Chan still? good I hope her “I hate band stuff” is real and true and that she and Chung Ah don’t like the same guy (ideally they’d like each other but)
ahhh Eun Gyeol has realized The Accident that his father was in hasn’t yet happened and will happen (this year)
Also, I really do wonder about Yoon Dong Jin like his band memory forgetter whatever disbanded because a member got into a big accident but he’s not even a member anymore
I guess now Eun Gyeol will be trying very hard to prevent his father's accident.
Fun Fact: I knew about 18 Again and Twinkling Watermelon sharing actors (and having kinda similar concepts) but apparently Youth of May also comes into play
Show: Father - Son
18 Again: Lee Dohyun (young ver.) - Shi Woo/Eun Gyeol actor
Twinkling Watermelon: Eun Gyeol's dad (adult Yi Chan) - Eun Gyeol actor
Youth of May: Eun Gyeol's dad (adult Yi Chan actor) - Lee Dohyun
Episode 5 (Jan 20)
Ahh Eun Gyeol previously being like fuck they remember that I wasn't there the day of the fire and couldn't help my brother and he also remembers that there was a time he was drowning and was yelling but his family couldn't hear
The dad has already hinted twice about having his voice taken away/losing sound in his life, how did Eun Gyeol not catch on?
I know people are often into bromance (people being me. I watch half these no-romance, intense bromance shows with either it being a BL in my mind or thinking one of them likes the other romantically) but are they into this bromance or are they put off by the incest? I don't really care this time, I'm more invested in the lesbians because Se Kyeong is literally in love with Chung Ah to me
I do love Yi Chan's pretty girl mannerisms, playing at being an innocent girl being perved on lmfao
Eun Gyeol talking about how the reason he travelled to 1995 is to stop the accident from happening to his dad and hmm I'm pretty sure that's not it. My guess/hope would be he doesn't change too much from the past, the accident still happens, things still happen mostly as they would've without him, but he gets to spend time with and see and understand his parents in a new way
I'm sorry I'm really supposed to believe what Se Kyeong feels for Chung Ah is not lesbianism? Miss girl doesn't give a fuck about saying bye to her bf, is thinking about how she's never coming back to Korea when her best friend asks but is searching for Chung Ah in the airport crowds hoping she shows up?
plss "How should I learn an instrument and sing in 3 octaves in 3 days? Should I give birth to a son and bring him somehow?" and Eun Gyeol just sipping his drink
and Oh Ma Joo inadvertently insulting Eun Gyeol by insulting Yi Chan by insulting his hypothetical son
aw grandma's dream being to see Yi Chan go to college
"Why are you being so nice to me/helping me out all the time?" "Well you saved me a few times in my previous life"
bro Se Kyeong is literally writing a letter to Chung Ah, how is this not gay? At least one sided?
Eun Gyeol's cheeks just going up every time he's complimented and unable to not smile - Gunwook core tbh
auuuu Eun Gyeol eats just like Yi Chan and has the same preferences and has grandmother being like ll y'all acting like you're related ahh reminds me of that ML with mother-in-law with the beef meal scene
oh, so the Se Kyeong coming back and being rebellious wasn't a dream. Was that also how it was in the present timeline and she was lying when she said she was there from 11th grade until her dad died? Because if not and she just randomly came back this time unlike the original time hmm I feel like Eun Gyeol's existence in this timeline hasn't influenced her enough to do all that
Anyway, she seems more fun and loose now, so does she actually like bands? she did a rock guitar motion in the middle there once... so does she actually end up liking Yi Chan? or would it be Eun Gyeol or smth
waittt this random guitar store called White Night's owner is Se Kyeong's biological father and will likely become Mr Viva Music grandpa okayyy bad casting but sure
ah, Se Kyeong caught on that Eun Gyeol very explicitly doesn't want her around Yi Chan
Girl, Se Kyeong's home life exploding rn?
I remember someone on a reddit on-air thread was like maybe Se Kyeong's daughter also came back in the timeline and just looks exactly like her mother and I was wondering if this did happen but hmm, doesn't quite seem like it because she already knows everything that Se Kyeong is supposed to
nooo I get why Yi Chan feels so wronged but don't yell at Chung Ah !!
Wait... his dad met his mom at 20 after going to a sign language class... I guess in the original timeline, Chung Ah just saw Yi Chan chasing Se Kyeong (while harbouring a crush from the bookstore incident) but Yi Chan didn't know her and this time because Yi Chan was escaping from Eun Gyeol, he ran into that other PE teacher who he had to run away from and thus ran into Chung Ah closet. And I guess if that didn't happen, Chung Ah wouldn't have given that concert ticket and that whole fiasco wouldn't have happened, neither with Yi Chan and Chung Ah nor with the jam session at the concert that Eun Gyeol stepped into.
Finally Eun Gyeol meeting his mom - Chung Ah!
not the meeting of all 4 of them in front of the ice cream shop
Insane ending, straight to ep 6 oof
Episode 6 (Jan 20)
damn, they sent Cheong Ah's mother away? D:
Her fuckass dad took her mom who knows where and brought in the stepmother fucking immediately? crazy
ah, her trying to teach Cheong Ah to speak (cruelly too) instead of teaching her sign language
and isolating her as punishment helllll
wait, so Cheong Ah doesn't properly know sign language because of this?
omgggg not the party where Se Kyeong played cello and Yi Chan had his zip open being in Cheong Ah's backyard where she's not allowed to attend
This would've happened regardless of Eun Gyeol interference right? So in original timeline, the mother must've liked the father for a longass time before properly meeting
omg Yi Chan making Se Kyeong wait to go apologize to Cheong Ah
but then being a dumbass bro what
the watermelon keychain + Viva La Vida belonging to Cheong Ah? girl everybody and everyone connected in this story fr lol
no she's fr playing with Yi Chan (convincing myself she's just going through it and doesn't like Yi Chan fr and there'll be no fight or sadness between her and Cheong Ah about liking him)
she doesn't remember how he knows her address?
ah fuck so scary, Se Kyeong really has a noose in her room
You know with the guitar playing and now skating, whenever it shows the bottom half of them doing the activity without their face in frame, I wonder if that's a stunt double or whatever?
fawk, if I wasn't rooting for Yi Chan + Cheong Ah out of principle and I didn't know that Se Kyeong is really fucking going through it and mostly just messing with Yi Chan, I would've really rooted for her and Yi Chan in its current form (her being bold as hell, showing up in a motorcycle and bringing tickets for a theme park date while Yi Chan is nervous and shy despite being a very boisterous boy with a very healthy dose of ego)
Eun Gyeol doing his best to 1) make sure his dad doesn't get into an accident and 2) ruin his dad's date with another girl
Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong antagonisms are fun
How would you react to somebody thinking you have a crush on your real father lmfao anyway brings me back to what the BL fans are making of this relationship
personally not really into fictional character incest either but otherwise, I would've actually been really into the bromance, it's so funny Eun Gyeol speedily catching Yi Chan in his arms while pushing away Se Kyeong while all the other guys go to save Se Kyeong
pls they all think they're dating or smth
and now Se Kyeong being like oh do you like me actually?
I actually really could be into Eun Gyeol and Se Kyeong too (have I said this about every single pair out of these 4 except Eu Gyeol and Cheong Ah?), they're funny in their antagonisms as I said
Also, she kinda reminds me of Beyond Evil Minjeong with this new personality
also I'm into noona romance lol but would def prefer that he's not in HIGH SCHOOL
damn, tough fight and Eun Gyeol leaving
Ah, as expected, if he goes back to 2023 now, it'd be to a very different time
oh I thought he was gonna get shocked from touching his electric guitar in the rain but mic works too
ah, so it has indeed been Se Kyeong's daughter? since the out of order phone rang? When Se Kyeong didn't know how Eun Gyeol knew her address, I was like hmmmmm but it seems too hard for her to know all the rest, so I thought no. I also thought she'd say I'm from the future when Eun Gyeol first confronted her about why she came back and he was like being like loll your reason can't be worse/weirder than mine
Episode 7 (Jan 21)
First thing in the morning, watching the next ep rip
Ah, people in the on-air thread were mentioning that the lugagge tag was Eun Yoo when she came from America in ep 3
Also, I wonder whether Eun Yoo knows that Eun Gyeol isn't supposed to be there? she's never properly met him in the present timeline. ig it'll be fun when they realize the other's from the future too? and then they'll fall in love, which is good bc I was afraid that Eun Gyeol was gonna fall for Se Kyeong here or smth and then settle for like lookalike daughter in the original present timeline who was obviously a different person
not Se Kyeong emulating her mother in a bad way toward her own daughter
hearing adult Se Kyeong talk about her first love being a bandman is so funny because like well first of all, you were in love with a girl: Chung Ah. also, it kinda makes me think that despite her saying her first love was a bandman who was bright as sunshine, cheerful, and manly, it's somehow not Yi Chan because like she mentioned the boy who started a band for her but didn't mention he's her first love. Makes me think it's Eun Gyeol or smth but they barely had any interactions fr and like I don't think adult Se Kyeong had met teenage Eun Gyeol
ah, she really is going back to stop them from getting married and getting together with somebody else instead (although... can't Se Kyeong just do the same stuff as original tl since she's in America? and even if not, her pretending to have a relationship with Yi Chan isn't gonna make it happen fr - although maybe she thinks that if she can get herself and Yi Chan in a relationship and bring Se Kyeong back, she'll get together with her first love easily)
loll the $1 bills never having been changed
okay indeed Se Kyeong's first love isn't Yi Chan
loll Eun Yoo's gonna think her first love was Eun Gyeol despite Eun Gyeol not having been there in Se Kyeong's original teenage timeline
omg Se Kyeong wrote the letter/note in the concert ticket envelope... do I go check to see what she wrote? Okay I rechecked and it's nothing super romantic, just saying she was surprised that "you" were into bands and an invitation to go to the concert with her. but guys my lesbian goggles are just...
Yi Chan and Chung Ah are really cute fr I'm like :] :D :) watching them
naurr Eun Gyeol leaving and not taking the guitar pick (do we think somebody else - Mr. Viva grandpa - gets it and gives him back to him as a child)
Se Kyeong never had a meal with Eun Gyeol or Cheong Ah, so her first love is neither of them - lesbian dreams crashing once again. but who knows, maybe there was an event at Cheong Ah's house where they snuck together to eat food
but also funny that Eun Gyeol doesn't even appear on Eun Yoo's list of who Se Kyeong liked - does she know Eun Gyeol is a future kid too?
oh lol she just thinks Eun Gyeol likes men but him liking men wouldn't mean Se Kyeong still couldn't like him.
Since they're father and son and we established they eat the same way, I'd assume Eun Gyeol can also handle spicy food since Yi Chan's eating it like it's nothing
All these fucking photos of Eun Gyeol staring at Yi Chan I'm crying, no wonder Eun Yoo is convinced that he likes him
Eun yoo saying Eun Gyeol makes her heart flutter somehow...
plss naught eun gyeol making money writing essays etc
auuuuu this is the part time to buy yi chan a guitar
oof yi chan realizing how he treated eun gyeol
naur Cheong Ah losing Yi Chan and Yi Chan getting beat up
ah, Cheong Ah and Eun Yoo meeting, in my head Eun Yoo will realize who Se Kyeong really loved is Cheong Ah
omg they really beat the shit outta Yi Chan and he's feeling so abandoned too
omg Ha Eun Gyeol going back to 2023 by trying to smash his guitar. I guess we'll see how his (+ Eun Yoo's) actions have affected the current timeline
They need to stop making the last scene of the episode sooo intriguing all the time smh I should really really really really do some homework and chores right now
Episode 8 (Jan 21)
aghhhh I'm starting ep 8 immediately, maybe I'll find some willpower in the middle there to pause and do some things I have to
Where's Eun Gyeol's bag? and he's also running away without his guitar
fuck kid don't be too happy, I don't think something good is awaiting you
oh waittt okay they're not too bad but I'm scared that the mother will not be Chung Ah...
but also in this universe, why does the dad not realize his son looks exactly like his teenage scam artist friend with the same name lmfao (ig he actually named baby Eun Gyeol after his friend who disappeared)
damn, he's even telling the story of his "dream" how is the father not being like haha. my son was my tutor back then. and is chill about it? how does he not remember?
okay I shouldn't think too much because how are Eun Gyeol and his brother born when their mother isn't the same - Se Kyeong instead of Chung Ah? And in that case, shouldn't Eun Yoo also exist?
okay, was that a dream and a glimpse into what it would be like but not fr what it's like? Anyway, does them getting married mean Yi Chan really was Se Kyeong's first love?
ohhh he's gonna meet Cheong Ah properly soon
ah Eun Yoo not remembering Cheong Ah
alskdfasl;kdfa;sdlkf jskldf ja;dklsf Cheong Ah seeing Se Kyeong-Eun Yoo be able ask for help and communicate with Yi Chan while she's not able to nooooooo
aksldjflksajflkasdfj passing by Cheong Ah and Eun Gyeol realizing just a bit too late and having guards stop him from following her as she calls her Mom
Se Kyeong's friend is Cheong Ah's step sister and theoretically Eun Gyeol's aunt. Also, what's that mom doesn't like you see the brother with the Attorny man? Is he gay?
god the evil stepmother and daughter and useless+evil stepson
auuuuu Eun Gyeol is here and signing with Cheong Ah but she doesn't know sign T.T but she does know Eomma sign lol
The father also seems evil if this has been going on for like a decade or whatever...
also is Yi Chan gonna find Eun Gyeol's guitar pick by any chance in the hospital?
stop wasting time with Yi Chan's galavant tale of 10 v 1, let me go back to Cheong Ah and Eun Gyeol
plsss "Yoon Cheong Ah found you" "Your friend Yoon Chung Ah?" "My friend Yoon Chung Ah?!" and her being like hmmm yeah! so true! we got close because she's easy to talk to! and he's like huh? isn't she hearing impaired? and Eun Yoo being like she is?!
laskdjfkl;sdfj so true Eun Yoo's dad is her mother's boyfriend (to be?) and she's pretending to be her mother T.T
Are we not seeing the Cheong Ah's dad and Eun Gyeol convo right now...
hehehhe so fun to have Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol both thinking like oh fuck is he my mom's first love and noooo she can't marry my dad and be my mom because they don't know the other is from their own timeline. i hope they figure it out before the end of the ep
pls Eun Gyeol falling for Eun Yoo thinking she's Se Kyeong - and Eun Yoo has also had slip ups thinking of liking Eun Gyeol
auuu not Eun Gyeol being mean to Eun Yoo so that Se Kyeong doesn't end up with Yi Chan but idk what being mean to her would even do, but rip Eun Yoo getting hurt because of it
They're both such rascals, it's fun
aghhhhh Yi Chan not getting to talk to Cheong Ah (was it true she said no or did the step mother just decide) and then missing Eun Gyeol as he goes to that same house...
so is Cheong Ah's father like lowkey not evil or what? giving Eun Gyeol room and board to teach Cheong Ah sign?
also does Cheong Ah remember Yi Chan asking her if she knows someone names Ha Eun Gyeol?
oh he's a jerk nevermind fucker
Adult Cheong Ah teaching baby Eun Gyeol sign and now teenage him teaching teenage her sign
ah fuck him crying like his mom taught it to him as a child but now seeing that she didn't know how to sign when she was his age and was being treated this way by her family
pls my parents are... in another world right now
ohh Eun Gyeol basically being Cheong Ah's interpreter right now
pls the way Se Kyeong and Cheong Ah both know where Eun Gyeol is and now he's also enrolled in the other high school but the band doesn't know rip
plss Eun Gyeol going heart eyes over Eun Yoo but acting cold and mean smhhhh asshold
plsss not the fucking school band performance from first love memory makers at Eun Gyeol-Cheong Ah-Se Kyeong's school
oh wow I wish Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan weren't father-son or that I wasn't so icked out by fictional parent/child incest because this fucking I love you Ha Eun Gyeol song is crazy, it's like a confession scene
also so funny that apparently nobody has caught on that Se Kyeong is right there
lmfao I'm dying now he's like yes I'll come back to the band but you can't date Choi Se Kyeong because EYE like her
Episode 9 (Jan 21)
I took like a 30 minute break from this show to do some stuff that needed to be done before coming back here lol
aiaksdlfjaskldfjskadlf Eun Gyeol getting punched by Yi Chan instead of getting chosen omgggg
omg Eun Gyeol landing a punch on Yi Chan as well?
girl this is too much excitement for me
plsss Eun Gyeol cooing over hurting Yi Chan
This show lovessss a hair clutching fight
not the parallel running away now with En Gyeol and Eun Yoo (as Se Kyeong)
Eun Gyeol about Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong when she goes on about him using her as a shield/beard so that he doesn't have to come out about liking Yi Chan: Ajhumma was ahead of her time
Does Eun Yoo think now that Eun Gyeol probably did fall in love with Se Kyeong at first sight and maybe had smth with her mom and her mom's first love fr and is why she's easily being like okay :)
her kabadoning him so true
so true, what does somebody even make of this situation - new guy who comes in to help Cheong Ah gets in a fight with another guy from a diff school over a girl and said girl is actually supposed to be in the US
This is so funny because he's probably like I'm doing aegyo to my mom :) in his head but it comes off maybe romantic and Eun Yoo (and me...) are like aww he's cute
not the physical punishment at school
ahh Eun Yoo not knowing whether she wants him to be able to eat the food or not bc she's conflicted about whether she wants him to be the first love or not, esp because he'd be with her mother
and Eun Gyeol asking about the answer to his confessions omg
serenading Se Kyeong? who is it if not Yi Chan?
poor Eun Gyeol "Why are mom and dad both doing this to me?"
lmao now they're gonna be competing about Se Kyeong on stage - meaning they'll both serenade her? lol
paused the show to go read the ep 7&8 on-air thread and somebody mentioned Yoon Dong Jin being a possible first love for Se Kyeong and it feels really possible since he was that band's original guitarist. Other people are saying it's probably actually still Ji H wan (her bf/ex-husband) and she's just reminiscing about what it used to be like and it'll be ironic that despite trying to search for a new guy and forge a new path for her mom, she's still looking for her dad.
The fact that Eun Gyeol still thinks of Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong as Ajhumma
lol idk why I'm so endeared by Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo
Eun Yoo being like am I your two's toy? You can just decide whatever? at being told Yi Chan and Eun Gyeol aren't allowed to see her till the festival so true
Did Eun Yoo learning sign because of Eun Gyeol's hyung?
ah, Yi Chan saw Cheong Ah's drawing of him...
Eun Yoo is so real and true about "playing" with both Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan because they also keep playing with her
Also Eun Gyeol is kinda cruel fr for asking Eun Yoo to like him back/pass him the ball while he thinks she's Se Kyeong and as a ploy to get her away from Yi Chan. I know he likes her kinda a bit but still...
Are we supposed to think that they kissed? No right, because it wasn't even an angle kiss... Just that Eun Gyeol leaned in while Eun Yoo didn't?
Episode 10 (Jan 21)
Menace Eun Gyeol breaking up with his brother's GF and making it worse T.T
waitttt Eun Gyeol was breaking off with 4 of 5 of his hyung's GFs? girl mans is too much 5???
plsss not the "you grew up well" flashback just as they were gonna kiss
oh we really did get a kiss (even if it's close lipped and stiff)
al;skdfj;askdf not only did Yi Chan ask whether Chung Ah likes him but Chung Ah answered truthfully
oh Eun Gyeol's gonna think Yi Chan said both what he said and what Se Kyeong said... I guess that's okay? idk
The Chainwoman stepmother is just too much
I need Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo to find out that they're from the future soon pls
oh fuck Eun Yoo's friend committed suicide... why did Se Kyeong become SUCHHH a bad mother though tf telling her "don't let ppl say you became #1 because your friend committed suicide"
Ahh Eun Yoo really is in a very bad mental space
aw Chung Ah being like it's fine ik you like Se Kyeong, we can still be friends
Grandpa Choi isn't the one who's the helper that the guy sent you but he's literally Mr. Viva Music Grandpa
Dying at Eun Gyeol being alert at every mention of Helper now
alskdfj Yoon Dong Jin so funny
Oh Ma Joo the only person with braincells cuz I was like why are they running away T.T
Them getting beat up by the other band members for the 2nd time bc of Yoon Dong Jin, so funny
plsss soooo close to finding out that Eun Yoo sold the guitar to La Vida fuckkk he was even like oh could she be my helper??? aksdflaksdfj lkEun Yoo you should've saiddddd
Oh, Cheong Ah's Viva La Vida watermelon keychain comes from the painting by Frida Kahlo but I wonder how it relates to Viva and La Vida music stores
ah Yi Chan and Chung Ah so cute
ah fuck Eun Gyeol literally saying he's from the future and saying Se Kyeong's future to Eun Yoo, they musttt be getting closer to finding out about the other, right?
ahh Viva La Vida being told to Eun Gyeol by Yi Chan (adult) who was told about it by Chung Ah
It's sooo funny that Eun Gyeol approves so quick whenever Yi Chan does something for/gets something from Chung Ah. Like changing the band name and designs because Yi Chan said Chung Ah can design it. And now agreeing to watermelon stuff because he realizes Chung Ah taught Yi Chan about Viva La Vida
omg??? wait so okay the accident happened before the band festival... and the band also didn't go to the festival (meaning Se Kyeong's first love is someone else. and since Yoon Dong Jin also didn't go... probably just her Ji Hwan fr lol or she's making it up like some comments suggest)
The watermelon painting by Frida Kahlo is reminding me of Palestinian resistance as well.
Episode 11 (Jan 21)
I can seriously barely wait between watching episodes aghh
oh Kang Hyeon Yool beat up the gangsters for beating up Yi Chan, so that's how he ended up being injured too at the hospital
but what's this about Do Jin coming back... and maybe being stabbed in the back...
ohh Jindo dogs means gang members lol I thought it was a joke about him fighting with some real dogs when in fact he got beat up randomly or smth
oh damn, are these gangsters gonna try to get Yi Chan to get at Hyeon Yool('s weakness)? I'm gonna assume it wouldn't really work because it feels like it should be more ironic of an injury or smth
Not the girls urging Eun Yoo to keep Ha Eun Gyeol as a public option, as a humanitarian action lmao
plss every boy and girl falling over themselves for the same student is so silly but Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol being those said students and dating would be a slay
lolol Eun Yoo being jealous about Eun Gyeol readily receiving the flirting/compliments/gifts with a smile and threatening him for it
ooh Eun Gyeol can't handle spice
okayyy I was wondering if Eun Yoo was also like "Eun Gyeol's an old man. An ajumma. not my first love, my mother's" the way Eun Gyeol was thinking Ajhumma about Eun Yoo as Se Kyeong
Maybe the accident isn't actually related to Yi Chan? But Kang Hyeon Yool and the Jindo dogs gang? Because of the way this info is being framed
Aw fuck, Eun Gyeol trying to stop Yi Chan going to the rehearsal which is obviously sounding ridiculous to him as expected but also Yichan saying despite Eun Gyeol pretending to have been innocent, he can sense something impure going on with him... crazy
plsss Eun Yoo convincing heself Eun Gyeol is ugly and old now and being like "Reality hit I'm so put off now" but immediately rushing to get dolled up when Eun Gyeol comes
dying, they sent Yi Chan to some fucking mountain island while they'll go on a date to the movies afterwards, menaces frrrr T.T
but also can you just figure out the future 2023 thing rn pls like quickly
mourning my Se Kyeong liking Chung Ah theories while seeing Eun Yoo and Chung Ah conversing
lmaoo Chung Ah menace as well, saying it looked like Eun Yoo liked Eun Gyeol more before going abroad
Anyway, crazy that Eun Gyeol was like ah yes, to protect my father, I will send him to a high up rocky mountain surrounded by water wtf
ah shit Eun Gyeol straight up just saying the future stuff to Yi Chan, woah
but ofc Yi Chan wouldn't believe him but maybe after something happens to Kang Hyeon Yool during the rehearsal?
girl wtf what if your father didn't know how to swim yet???? or couldn't help you by fucking jumping from a mountain be fr like why are you causing accident-prone situations to prevent accidents I'm crying. It makes me nervous that indeed it will be because of Eun Gyeol that an accident will happen that makes Yi Chan lose his hearing
oh fuck the way the lights fell on the stage and nobody got hurt... does that mean Yi Chan would've been injured or somebody else would've been but since Eun Gyeol made them come down to hear Oh Ma Joo, that other person was spared too
T.T Eun Gyeol just hugging and clutching Yi Chan while crying
Anyway, I need somebody to call Yi Chan and tell him about the incident or to see them tell him and have him realize that maybe Eun Gyeol is telling the truth
ayo why didn't they tell him about the incident at school with the lights falling on stage bruh
Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo are just cute man
ohh I'm scared that they're legit having a rehearsal still
girl a fucking Squid Game reference and he's like hmmm ? and that's it?
girl, nawt Eun Gyeol fucking getting into a car accident on the way there tf
and yet he's still there to beat the shit out of that guy lol gj
ah fuck he thinks he prevented his dad losing his hearing but hmmmmm hm hm hm
Okay I should... finish up my 20 minute task for the day and then go to sleep. will that happen? I guess this document in the future knows better than I do right now.
Episode 12 (Jan 21)
Oof, ended up being like 40 minutes and now it's 12am but I'm a dumbass, so I'm starting next episode.
Awoo Eun Yoo waiting for Eun Gyeol but rip, can't blame him for running and not contacting her, mans got kinda run over by a car and still made it there for his father
Not only do they eat the same, they also dry themselves after bath the same
pls Eun Gyeol going back on the future thing with an excuse
I know we're supposed to be happy that the evil stepmother is being thwarted by the father but the way he treats his supposed wife is gross ew head of house blagh
oof, Eun Yoo's aversion to being a trophy and her being like you (and Yi Chan) are "hunting" and competing for me like ahhh so true, that's what I said
girl the way literally nobody wants Eun Yoo to choose Yi Chan for this contest, including Yi Chan himself even if he doesn't know it
Chung Ah's little gift ow
I can't believe Yi Chan's dream where he and Eun Yoo have a beautiful conversation while his son Eun Gyeol is ignored and pushed around is coming true lmfao
ah, so indeed it was her father who was her mom's first love
ah man Eun Yoo being mistaken as Viva Grandpa's daughter Se Kyeong and her not recognizing him...
Yi Chan changing the fucking song at the last minute I'm dead
ah Yi Chan moping about Se Kyeong but then going to see Chung Ah, yes!
ah fuck this Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol convo - hard for me to disagree with her is the thing but also the ending with they're from "different worlds"
Viva Music grandpa again without knowing it's him
good god so much rejection and angst
The Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo romance feels like A Lot from his side because like what are you even planning to doooo bro you're from different timeline but sure ig it's worth a romantic rain under umbrella moment
4 more episodes left ah
I'm scared to go check the tags because it'll be in November and like I don't wanna get spoiled yknow. Have to make sure to not look at a single gif after Nov 5th ig
Episode 13 (Jan 22)
They better learn about each other being from the future this episode!!!
I need to watch a noona romance one of these days is what I’ve realized. get some college kid with a noona/perhaps ajhumma fr cuz here he thinks she might be one but she isn’t and 18 Again was a fake noona romance lol
he saw the fucking luggage tagggg look harder dumbass!!
Im watching this in my bed in the dark on my ipad and the oh… the two of us are alone in this house… realization is killing me
air pod fuckkkkk find it out look at the luggage harder now that you’re taking it upstairs
is that how you’re supposed to put out fires?
im confused isn’t it a night with two moons right now? i guess not
but when is eun gyeol gonna fucking look at the anxiety meds in his pocket cmonnn
them referring to Eun Gyeol as Yi Chan’s son so funny
ahh Chung Ah saying I’ll manage it on my own, don’t you trust me? about Yi Chan to Eun Gyeol, she’s so cool
ahhhh Eun Gyeol started liking Eun Yoo after she came back from the US meaning it was her and not Se Kyeong. she’s so happy to hear it hehe
I saw gifs of Chung Ah with a cat
Yi Chan’s stalking habits never change
bro he’s just giving her back the anxiety meds? was nothing about 2023 meds suspicious
it’s Eun Yoo’s motorcycle why can’t she sometimes drive while he rides at the back
don’t throw anxiety meds away
ahhh Yi Chan confessing to and signing and singing to Chung Ah
ahh hug
finallyyyy they realize and with no help from their BRAINS just mere chance that they run into each other with their phones
Episode 14 (Jan 22)
It’s legit 3:15 I should just go to sleep but… but… they finally found out about the other time traveller
wow them finally talking about who they each are
ahh Eun Gyeol being like I already stopped the accident from happening and i think i came here to stop my dad from losing his hearing
ah the connection between them being Mr Viva Grandpa - Eun Yoo own real grandpa sekyeong’s father
cryinggg Se Kyeong just passing off BTS songs as her ideas
girl Eun Yoo learned sign language from some kid at the hospital who was charming… say it ain’t so (childhood meeting Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol)
heheh teasing Eun gyeol about being born just fine, perhaps earlier than expected
is the evil stepmother not done omggg
i need the step mother ripped apart limb from limb and every bone in the father’s body broken for turning a blind eye for a decade
Awooo Eun Gyeol clutching and hugging his mom while crying after he finds her locked in
the grandma comforting cheong ah
Okay finally Eun Yoo has learned about Mr Choi Viva Music Grandpa Se Kyeong’s father
Ah, the hyung Eun Ho connection has come in. Eun Ho being the hospital friend is nice
still haven’t discovered the Viva Music Mr. Choi connecting you two
ah man as expected, Yi Chan’s accident hasn’t happened yet. what was the dateee is it in a few days I saw a glimpse of a gif of Eun Gyeol sitting in front of Yi Chan lying on a road
Episode 15 (Jan 22)
woke up and started this fml
dang they fought Jindo gang during rehearsal day during original tl too
brooo insane that we got to see the accident incident
also there’s always been the feeling that one of Yi Chan’s songs was the unfinished song that Viva Music grandpa gave to Eun Gyeol to finish but that seems almost certain now with him begging the guy to listen to his unfinished song and being turned away
also even in that original tl, was that Se Kyeong who came back from the US to talk to her bio dad? whose shoes were that
what did Eun Ho tell Eun Yoo that Eun Yoo didn’t understand?
ohh Eun Ho and Oh Ma Joo
aghhh this evil stepmother
Cheong Ah’s father so useless to me for real. It’s good when Cheong Ah’s slapping the stepmom, not him after having abandoned Cheong Ah to her clutches for 12 years agh
also I can’t ever tell if she’s actually a stepmom or not
pls let this be the end of stepmom it’s already middle of ep 15
not everybody leaving bc of Chung Ah’s food tasting bad but Yi Chan scarfing it down anyway
ah so nobody got hurt on the car accident. i was afraid Eun Yoo was gonna get run over instead
ahh don’t go to White Nights to see grandpa right now Ma Joo, either you’ll be injured or Yi Chan who’s gonna follow you will be injured
oh fucking fuck fuck fuck
this is both “trying to prevent the accident doesn’t mean it won’t happen” and “he’ll lose his hearing by trying to save Eun Gyeol” because it’s the same fucking car in the same place even if not the exact same time And it was to save Eun Gyeol man fuck but this is what I wanted because it’s got the irony and pain but doesn’t take away the disability
oh don’t fucking kill me, Yi Chan saying in the voice recording that Eun Gyeol lied to say he’s Yi Chan’s son but Yi Chan felt like Eun Gyeol was his father and felt fatherly love
The I’m sorry dad as he’s holding his injured, bleeding body and crying
Awoo hurts
Episode 16 (Jan 22)
Oh fuckass okay stepmom and family aren’t ever done i suppose
Also, it wasn’t same car as og timeline my bad but this time the car really was coming for Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan intercepting meant even more
Hit and run fucker hopefully Eun Yoo remembers the car number
not a fucking montage of Yi Chan’s college life and band and stuff possibilities
Aw fuck I didn’t tear up even once so far this show except this montage got me like firstly Eun Gyeol wouldn’t be here anyway even if the accident didn’t happen but yknow the accident did
It’s like in the present day, things are still good for the family and happy even if there are strains and conflict because that’s just life so it wouldn’t be too bad to go back but it hurts to know Yi Chan and the possibilities that didn’t happen in order to make the current life happen
okay so indeed Yi Chan can still speak, though he can’t hear
this fucking grandma and Yi Chan scene cryingggg
I don’t like this fucking dad but he is trying and did make Chung Ah smile laugh
girl what the hell you fuck you can’t fucking take Chung Ah away abroad without telling her i’ll fucking kill you you fucker i hated you through the whole thing and now it’s multiplied
Eun Yoo and Eun Gyeol giving some advice to Se Kyeong and grandpa respectively
Awooo Yi Chan Eun Gyeol last convo
what about Chung Ah tho like she doesn’t know about Yi Chan and is gonna be taken away
Okay I did think they were gonna be well off because of the Cheong Ah family thing now but didn’t expect them to live at that house
Ah, this future feels so unfamiliar despite everything, like everything is good and better but idk if I like it because it feels unearned and not like Eun Gyeol’s life
like he’s the only person who is himself while everyone else had much different experience and life as his original timeline yknow
okay so the dad has to kinda know now that his son really met him in the past bc he literally found the song To You Shining or whatever that he knew Eun Gyeol had
oh yeah I don’t care about Ghost9’s members rip
can you imagine if an idol in a kpop band was caught leaving his performance beforehand chants of encore and going outside to kiss a girl aldjjdkajs scandal
Eun Yoo knew the Master person was her grandpa Viva Music man but couldn’t figure out Eun Gyeol was from the future??
Ep 16 Wishlists:
longer ep, just by 20 minutes
A last Eun Gyeol and Chung Ah convo?
A Chung Ah and Yi Chan convo, cmon
A bit more of Eun Yu's life after coming back
Yi Chan having more people around him, whether be his bandmates or Chung Ah. like his grandma was there and that's good but I wanted Eun Gyeol to see that this time, he was saying goodbye to Yi Chan with more people arround him as support than the original timeline
Possibly a (coded?) convo between Eun Gyeol and Yi Chan about the time travel and the cassette or whatever. Maybe I should see if there's anything on AO3 for this because this seems more fanfiction's lane. I think I'm also okay that they don't quite seem to remember him except verrry hazy possibilities but the dad finding the voice tape is what's making me want more. At least Eun Yoo knows and is with Eun Gyeol in this not-quite-right world
Not even all necessary, at least could've fit 2-3 in. It's good that we don't get every single thing wrapped up because shows that have a bit of stuff open-ended for speculation retain audience/fans well and there's also the aspect of letting the 1995 characters live their lives on their own, trust them to succeed and make it to 2023 well, theme that goes well with us not seeing everything. But it still feels a Little empty ig
Time Travel Concept:
I guess something that's weird about time travel shows is that Eun Gyeol (and Eun Yoo) are the same people before going but with certain experiences (over the course of a couple weeks) whereas the people they have come back to have had different experiences for 28 years.
I wish they weren't famous as a family in the future. I'm glad they still had friends and I'm happy that they had money from Cheong Ah's side but... idk they're just different people when you're this rich and this influential and this famous. I wish they lived in a different house by themselves, even if a big rich people one, and that Chung Ah still did art and maybe Yi Chan could've participated in the Jinseng Instrument stuff but had his main job be something else, whether it be the restaurant or something else. There could be some influence allowed, like Chung Ah is a chaebol and a respected artist, Yi Chan somehow did smth similar to now but on a smaller scale, and Eun Gyeol as an up-and-coming band member who is recognized somewhat but not as famous to be chased down the street by a hoard of school girls.
Anyway, in the end, I'm glad Yi Chan didn't keep his hearing because in the show, it would've kind of undermined tings. Things happen, accidents happen, Yi Chan losing his hearing isn't the end of the world, he still deserves love and family and oppurtunity and for the world to accommodate his needs. The way he lost it was also good because despite Eun Gyeol's attempts, it happened that day and to save Eun Gyeol. Eun Gyeol's stint didn't change this specific aspect but it still changed a lot of things in a good way, leading to his new life in the future.
I just have to get used to these things in time-travelling shows where some people know about the magic while others don't, situations and people will be changed due to butterfly effect, etc. I guess I'm just unsettled by the fact that they have memories that Eun Gyeol does not and Eun Gyeol has ones they do not; that Eun Gyeol would've learned the guitar from somebody who is not Viva Music grandpa probably, etc. I'm trying to become less unsettled by the fact that they don't really remember Eun Gyeol because of magic and time logic or whatever and that they simply feel familiar to him.
As I was writing all this, I keep listening to You're Precious and My Song from the OST and ahh the You're Precious chorus really gets to me, feels like crying I don't get it the "ohhhh my love" literally brings tears to my eyes it has happened like 3 times now. and My Song is just so good in general.
In 18 Again, the father wanted to pursue basketball after high school but had to give up due to teenage pregnancy and the kids and came back to his teen self where (among many other things) he got to play basketball in high school with his son. In this show, the father wanted to pursue music but lost his hearing and had to give that up but his son came to the past and got the chance to play in a band with his father and got to do the school festival he originally didn't get to do.
I'm fucking obsessed with this sort of concept.
It's got a good storyline, hilarious yet touching. Light-hearted but with many moments of weight. Entertaining to watch because why did I watch eps 13 and 14 and one of the earlier eps (2?) in bed on my iPad. We got to spend time with the different characters and pairs and the friend group together and it was vry fun.
There could be many pitfalls with the time traveling and the disability rep. I won't say there aren't any because some of the time loop stuff is kinda wonky if you look closely but I think that makes sense. I was really afraid that they'd make Yi Chan's hearing come back but I'm glad it didn't; it's just something that has to happen to him for no reason the way these things just happen sometimes.
The characters were well crafted and the acting was great. I liked all of them and each had moments of humour or emotions or romance and it was good.
Also, good faces sorry to say I'm shallow. Chung Ah gorgeous, gorgeous girl. I didn't find Se Kyeong attractive but the actress is sooo beautiful and charming as Eun Yoo (I know some people found her somewhat annoying but I liked her a lot). Ryeoun was really attractive as Eun Gyeol; when I first saw him in 18 Again, he was more posed as a loser kid and I was wowed by Lee Dohyun's face but here, he's so pretty and nice to look at and at certain angles, reminded me of Cha Eunwoo's face too (and a comment in this specific tiktok makes me think that it's not because I only know like 5 actors and so draw parallels between him and CEW lol). Then there were some other good faces too like Yi Chan sooo cute and round my pretty + the Kang Hyeon Yool guy was beautiful as well.
Kinda slow paced, there were certain episodes where I was like nothing really happened and we weren't closer to completing missions or finding out info but I guess that's the point of the slice of life aspect in some cases; just watching the characters exist alone and together.
Ships: I think I liked Chung Ah & Yi Chan more earlier on while I liked Eun Gyeol and Eun Yoo more later on. I was into the ChCh romance from the get-go and thought they were sooo cute whereas EunEun were a more fun menace pair who I just liked to watch fighting before it gradually became a couple I shipped Very Much. Also a shoutout to my Se Kyeong (OG, not Eun Yoo) and Chung Ah ship, I can't believe Se Kyeong's first love was her husband instead of Chung Ah (cold ice princess girl who is curbing every guy as they fall at her feet keeps chasing the girl who isolates herself to protect herself. Se Keyong asking about the Frida Kahlo painting and trying to bond over bands despite not liking it herself).
Well crafted show, good acting, hit some feels and I expect some attachment to it (I'm rewatching and skimming certain parts as I write lol).
Rating: 7.5/10 for now, could change 0.5 higher or lower in like a month as I assess my feelings
Tiktoks & Edits:
Tiktok: the ones in the first paragraph are ones I watched before starting and then there are a few I liked today after finishing (I just went to the tag, so they're some of the more liked ones). Might be my favourite of the edits: gets the vibe of youth, coming of age, sparkling shining twinkling
Twitter: Pre-dating euneun I miss u dearly (Song: How You Get The Girl - Taylor Swift) (uhmm_j)
Twitter: #CHEONGCHAN: cutest parents (Song: Summertime - Niki) (kdramazi)
#EUNEUN : the way I loved you (@uhmm_j)
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paging-possum · 6 months
Coming live to you all from finals season! It hasn’t actually been that bad thus far, just very long and tedious on account of the fact that I’m an art major. The pro is that most of my finals will be done before actual finals week meaning that I get to rest while my STEM friends suffer! The con is that I’m ALSO a science major so I’ll have to suffer a little with them. The third, more sinister (positive) thing is that my only science class this semester is human bio and I learned half that stuff last year anyways so I won’t actually be struggling LMAO. Anyways. My comic. 
Got another very big burst of motivation this week because of my 3D class actually! I’ve been coming to the realization that I spend so much time meticulously planning things that it scares me out of just. Going and getting them done. The solution? Just jump right into it without worrying about it! So, instead of trying to power through the script before letting myself draw anything (which is the main thing I really want to get to right now), I’ve started thumbnailing the first scene since it’s the most solid part of the story so far and least subject to major changes! I recently edited it to fix up Lyssa’s conversation with Terry and cut out a couple characters who I didn’t think were necessary to the story, so it should be pretty smooth sailing to actually make those pages. It’s a much more exciting thing to work on in addition to working out some of the later plot threads- and it gives me a better idea of how long the comic will be in total. I was hoping to keep this one under 100 pages and it’s looking bleak given that the first scene is 25 pages (I AM TRYING TO CUT IT DOWN AND YET IT STILL LOOKS BLEAK) (I might just be underestimating how much I can fit on one page so we'll see) thumbnails
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There are MANY other projects happening this week. I have finals for 3 of my classes! All of them are art classes! My 2D final is a puppet about rabies so that feels pertinent to this comic! I also did some secret santa work (hi CAPE crew)(also applied to the dndads winter exchange just for funsies) and finished a hat, and somehow managed to get the wrong knitting needles three times and then send the right set of knitting needles to my house instead of my college address so the future of this sweater is a little in the balance but I’m also gods specialest little boy and capable of anything I put my mind to and also JUST realized that I can make incredibly strong instant coffee in the microwave in my dorm instead of having to go out and spend money on it which is financially saving me but forever dooming my body. I did that at 7pm. mistake .I think Im’ doing other stuff but its 3am and i cannot for the life of me remember. 
I REMEMBEREDB my friend who i mentioned in the first one of these PUBLISHED THE GAME SHE WAS WORKING ON!! AND YOU CAN PLAY IT NOW!!!! AND YOU SHOULD!!! https://fish-games.itch.io/value 
Things We Lost in the Fire by Bastille
Angus, the Prize-Winning Hog by The Toxhards
Spider Dance by Toby Fox
Spiderwebs by No Doubt
Running with the Wolves by AURORA
The Poppy Wars by R.F Kuang (not a song, but a very good audiobook! Enjoying it so far!)
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wid0wing4dummies · 1 year
hello old friend.
Boy has it been a wild ride since my last time I've written. A lot has happened in the last year. Some good, some bad and some confusing.
I mentioned Tanner in my last post that I wrote so I guess I'll start there. Looking back on that particular moment - I can say that I was self destructive. I went out for Halloween by myself to drink my sorrows away. I was sad, lonely, alone, and with the lingering feeling of not wanting to get my sad on anyone. I should have used that energy and put it into something else, but you live and learn right? I walked right into him after he ghosted me a few months before. I can say now that I was looking for affection and love in the wrong place because he definitely didn't deserve me. But I can honestly say that we reconnected and it felt like no time had passed as we walked arm in arm down the street. I met him again in the bar and he said he's be back. The spoiler alert is that he didn't come back and I proceeded to get drunker by the bar. I then texted him around 3am and said I had had enough whiskey and I was going home. He then offered to walk me to my car which resulted in my one and only one night stand in my life. It felt good to feel something besides pain and sadness and He definitely stroked my ego that night but it was probably a blessing in disguise. As we walked I talked about my upcoming job interview and that I needed my hair cut. I wanted a week after our rendezvous and scheduled a appointment for him to cut my hair. When I showed up to my appointment he looked like he had seen a ghost and told me that my appointment never got scheduled. He then proceeded to ignore me via text the rest of the night. I made my peace with the moment and took it as a learned lesson and never contacted him again. I have random run ins with him through the magic of social media, my phone tends to send me push notifications for info that I don't particular care for. But there definitely is a nail in that coffin.
I finally went back to work and I've gotten two promotions in the same year. It's so flattering and the money is definitely worth all of the bs I put up with on the daily. But I can't help but feel like I'm falling into the corporate America trap. I was poorly trained for the 3rd time. But I do enjoy what I do on the daily, especially when I understand how the system works. I am struggling with school. I have such a deep wish to be finished with my degree but it seems the closer I get, the further it is pulled from me. I'm trying not to get discouraged but I can't help but feel like I'm not moving forward fast enough.
My toxic trait is swiping on dating apps. I can openly admit that to myself. It isn't the communication that is a green light for me but the dopamine I feel knowing that someone finds me attractive. (Becoming widowed definitely puts a strain on your self esteem.) On a lonely night, I found myself swiping on Tinder and ran across a gorgeous man with the most beautiful striking eyes. Brad, 38 (1) - Married, Geeky, Poly, Soft Dom. Our conversation was and is as easy as breathing. We talked throughout the night and into the mornings, most - if not every day. He introduced me to a Polyamorous lifestyle. I poured over books trying to get an understanding of this type of relationship. The more I read, the more I liked the concept. I am able to explore my sexuality, work through my fears of being someone's one and only, and have the feelings of companionship. He is smart, funny, doting, loving, and an amazing friend and lover. I never feel like I can't have any type of conversation with him and I feel respected, cared for and listened to. He honestly has taught me that I am so worthy of being loved and taken care of - Whether it be emotionally, mentally, or sexually. It's mind blowing to think that It's almost been a year and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Somewhere along the lines - I felt incomplete. Brad makes me immensely happy. But in the back of my mind, I know that he can only partly be mine. He has a wife and a son to share his time with. And as expected, I am lower down on the totem pole. He makes a huge effort to never make me feel that way, but it is the reality. Through my self reflection I realized that I think the dynamic that would make me the happiest is to have a nesting parter alongside my partner. Someone who understands the lifestyle but would have more time for me (For lack of a better way of explaining this.) Being a wife was a very large part of my self identity and for the right person, I would consider marriage again.
So Back to the dating scene I went with the approval of my beloved and a came across Steven, 37. (2) I joked over dinner with Brad at one of our favorite restaurants that if I could clone him, I would marry his clone. Well I think the universe heard me because I feel the exact way about Steven with a twist. He is also nerdy, a avid traveler, outspoken, sweet, and respectful. They both give me the warmest feeling inside but Steven is a little more scary for me. (For lack of a better way of describing it.) He is a very recent divorcee who is in the same predicament as I am: We both have a married partner. And the more time we spend together, the more smitten I feel. And it is happening fast considering that we have only known each other since August. We spend evenings together cuddling talking about everything and anything and it feels like he is filling a void that I haven't felt in a while. Hopefully things continue this way because my heart could not feel more full. I do struggle with guilt some days, but for the most part everything still feels great. And as long as I continue to feel great, I'll keep moving forward.
I'm exhausted but I needed a mental mind dump. I'll try to write again soon.
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toribookworm22 · 1 year
Artist Deep Dive #1
Hey, guys! I finally finished my very first Music Library entry featuring Halsey!
Here are my final results:
Favorite Song:
killing boys
(Runner Up: 929)
Final Album Ranking:
1. If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power
2. hopeless fountain kingdom
3. Manic
For more of my in-depth information on this week-long process, I've posted each album review below the cut (mostly because otherwise this would be a post of insane length).
I'll be starting a new one soon, most likely, because this really was a lot of fun.
~ toribookworm ❤️
First Song I Remember Hearing: Control or Colors
First Song I Loved: New Americana
Have I Deep Dived Before: No
Playlists Featured On: She May Be Little But She Is Fierce, Apple Red As Blood (Maybe That's Why He Likes The Taste), Let The Anger Gnaw At Your Bones Just A Little
Time Stamp:
First Listen: 12-11-22
Subsequent Listens: 12-12-22, 12-13-22, 12-15-22, 12-18-22
Final Decision: 12-18-22
Songs Added: 12/16
1. Drive
2. I Walk The Line (such a wonderful cover)
3. Gasoline
Lyric Contenders: Strange Love
Sonic Contenders: Hold Me Down
"But we don't feel like outsiders at all." - New Americana
"Bouncing off the exit signs I missed." - Drive
"You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece." - Colors
"With his educated eyes and his head between my thighs." - Coming Down
Lullabies: Coming Down
Bangers: Castle, New Americana, Colors, Control,
LGBTQ Honorable Mention: N/A
Added: Castle, Hold Me Down, New Americana, Drive, Colors, Colors pt. II, Strange Love, Coming Down, Haunting, Gasoline, Control, I Walk The Line
hopeless fountain kingdom
Songs Added: 15/16
1. Sorry
2. Angel On Fire
3. Heaven In Hiding
Lyric Contenders: Devil In Me
Sonic Contenders: Don't Play
"Every single one's forgotten in laundromat machines." - 100 Letters
"With the same damn hunger to be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all." - Strangers
"I'm faded away, you know, I used to be on fire." - Angel On Fire
"I won't take anyone down if I cry tonight." - Devil In Me
Lullabies: The Prologue, Sorry, Good Mourning, Hopeless
Bangers: Eyes Closed, Heaven In Hiding, Walls Could Talk, Bad At Love, Angel On Fire, Devil In Me
LGBTQ Honorable Mention: Bad At Love, Strangers
Added: The Prologue, 100 Letters, Eyes Closed, Heaven In Hiding, Alone, Sorry, Good Mourning, Lie, Walls Could Talk, Bad At Love, Don't Play, Strangers, Angel On Fire, Devil In Me, Hopeless
Character Songs: Lie, Walls Could Talk, Angel On Fire
Songs Added: 16/19
1. 929
2. you should be sad
3. killing boys
Lyric Contenders: clementine
Sonic Contenders: Dominic's Interlude
"Because in my world, I'm constantly having a breakthrough, or a breakdown, or a blackout." - clementine
"I'm so glad I never ever had a baby with you." - you should be sad
"Soft and slow, watch the minutes go, count out loud, so we know you don't keep 'em for yourself." - 929
Lullabies: clementine, Forever... (is a long time), Dominic's Interlude, finally // beautiful stranger, More, 929
Bangers: I HATE EVERYBODY, 3am, Without Me, Alanis' Interlude, wipe your tears, I'm Not Mad,
LGBTQ Honorable Mention: Alanis' Interlude
Added: Ashley, clementine, you should be sad, Forever... (is a long time), Dominic's Interlude, I HATE EVERYBODY, 3am, Without Me, Finally // beautiful stranger, Alanis' Interlude, killing boys, More, 929, wipe your tears, I'm Not Mad, Be Kind
Character Songs: Finally // beautiful stranger, killing boys, 929, I'm Not Mad
If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power
Songs Added: 16/16
1. Lilith
2. you asked for this
3. Nightmare (Reprise)
Lyric Contenders: 1121
Sonic Contenders: people disappear here
"I cannot take it, I love it, I break it." - Girl is a Gun
"You could have my heart and I would break it for you." - 1121
"she's mean and she's mine." - honey
"A moment to say I don't owe you a goddamn thing." - Nightmare
Lullabies: Darling, 1121, Ya'aburnee
Bangers: Easier than Lying, Girl Is A Gun, you asked for this, honey, The Lighthouse, Nightmare, Nightmare (Reprise)
LGBTQ Honorable Mention: honey
Added: The Tradition, Bells in Santa Fe, Easier than Lying, Lilith, Girl Is A Gun, you asked for this, Darling, 1121, honey, Whispers, I am not a woman I'm a god, The Lighthouse, Ya'aburnee, Nightmare, Nightmare (Reprise), people disappear here
Character Songs Acquired: The Tradition, Lilith, you asked for this, 1121, Ya'aburnee, people disappear here
1. Eastside - benny blanco, Halsey, & Khalid
2. Eastside (Acoustic)
3. Life's A Mess - Juice WRLD & Halsey
1. So Good (Stripped)
2. So Good (Orchestral Version)
1. 1121 (John Cunningham Demo)
2. honey (John Cunningham Demo)
3. Lilith (John Cunningham Demo)
1. Without Me (ILLENIUM Remix)
2. Graveyard (Acoustic)
3. You should be sad (Acoustic)
4. Alanis' Interlude (Stripped)
5. Without Me (Stripped)
6. Graveyard (Stripped)
7. 3am (Stripped)
8. You should be sad (Tiesto Remix)
9. Be Kind (Stripped)
1. Colors (Stripped)
2. Colors (Audien Remix)
1. Castle (The Huntsman: Winter's War Version)
1. Alone [feat. Big Sean & Stefflon Don]
1. I am not a woman, I'm a god (Gazelle Twin Remix)
2. I am not a woman, I'm a god (On-U Sound Remix)
3. I am not a woman, I'm a god (Underworld's Drift Mix)
Final Album Ranking:
1. If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power
2. hopeless fountain kingdom
3. Manic
Favorite Song:
killing boys
Runner Up: 929
New Character Songs Acquired:
• I Walk The Line
• Lie
• Walls Could Talk
• Angel On Fire
• Finally // beautiful stranger
• killing boys
• 929
• I'm Not Mad
• The Tradition
• Lilith
• you asked for this
• 1121
• Ya'aburnee
• people disappear here
• So Good (Orchestral Version)
• Graveyard (Acoustic)
• Graveyard (Stripped)
• Colors (Stripped)
• So Good (Stripped)
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nighttimewrighter · 2 years
Oh, Mary
Summary: A short John Shelby x Reader one shot, in which their youngest daughter may or may not have tried their talent as a hairdresser
Warnings: None, just remember english isn´t my native language (maybe not prrof read I´ve wrote this around roughly 2-3am).
Have fun and stay safe darling😙🥰
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It had been a normal morning in the Shelby Household.
It had actually been quiet the beautiful morning.
But it HAD been.
Because as (Y/N) Shelby had finally finished getting all the Shelby kids out of bed and ready for breakfast she wasn´t able to find Mary. 
The youngest daughter. She had only turned four a couple of weeks ago and was only to be described as Johns apple of the eye. The little girl had a truly stunning smile and beautiful hair, framing her face that resembled her mothers so much, it could have been a copy. John always had said that she looked like an angel… but had the personality of the devil himself.  After all, she was a clever little wicked Shelby.
And exactly that had been the reason for (Y/N)s worry when she wasn´t able to find the little girl.
Asking Marys sisters first, they all didn´t know where she had gone either, neither did her brothers. So desperate, (Y/N) asked one of the nannies, who immediately freaked out as well, so they didn´t know either! Like mad women the three raided the house, already having bad thoughts and anxiety climbing up her spine, (Y/N) finally found something.
On the bathroom floor, right in front of the mirror laid her sowing scissors, almost gleaming mockingly at her. Perfectly placed at the edge of the countertop in front of which stood a little chair. All around lay, what (Y/N) could only prescribe as a battlefield like scene, a dozen of little Marys beautiful locks. Scattered around and torn to shreds. (Y/N) looked around in shock finally spotting her youngest daughter, who stood in the midst of all, smiling at herself being completely proud of her handiwork. Finally noticing her mother, the little girl turned around. “Mommy Mommy!” She beamed up at her, throwing her arms around in the air, all excited. “Look look what if done!”
John would literally have a heart attack once he´d see this! “Oh, Mary!” Not yet able to decide whether she should scold the little girl, or laugh at the situation, she had to slightly snicker and picked up most of the hair.
As she picked up most of it, she went out into the hallway again, telling the nannies that she found out what had happened. So they wouldn´t worry anymore.
Mary followed her mother curiously and (Y/N) was finally able to examine the work of her daughter in the daylight.
It looked hideous!
One side was completely shaved off, while the hair at the back of her head had almost stayed the original length and the one on the left was only half cut off.
It was truly a shame what happened to Mary's hair, but (Y/N) couldn´t stop herself from slightly grinning. She could very vividly remember the day she had done exactly the same thing to herself...and her little sister as well. Her parents had been furious but it was one of her core memories of joy. Nearly every girl goes through something like that after all.
Carrying the little girl on her hips, she walked past the two nannies, who immediately gasped in shock! They definitely had expected something bad… but this? They silently stared in shock for a couple of minutes, before they were able to look at their mistress...would she be angry with them? But when they saw her slightly smiling, they had to snicker themselves. It definitely was funny!
Especially the way Mary herself was so absolutely obvious to what she had actually done.
“What’s so funny here? Do you mind sharing the joke?”  Suddenly a voice beamed behind them and /Y/N) turned around. “John!”  She exclaimed and smiled at him. “Dada! Look look!”  Little Mary began to struggle in her mother’s arms, who finally let her down.
John, not expecting what would come, held out his arms, lifting her back up. But then it hit him. “What the fuck!?”  He immediately looked at his wife, who was silently scolding him for the swearwords.
“What happened here!?”
“I cut my hair daddy! I look beautiful now! Just like Momma says when you cut yours!”  
Mary happily ruffled her hair and smiled at her Father lovingly, who in return couldn´t stay angry at a sight like that.
“Don´t worry John...every father of a little girl has to go through this...and oh so much more!”
(Y/N) had to grin again, as she ruffled his own hair. “And besides….we will always love our little Mary. Whatever haircut she chooses next… right love?”
“Next!? Why would there be a next time! I´ll ban all these scissors out of this god damn house meself if I have to!”
Only laughing (Y/N) nodded her head, returning to setting the table so they could finally have breakfast. Sure he would. But they all knew how well keeping a Shelby from what they want works. And their kids definitely were Shelbys.
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
soon-to-be father
Summary: In which Gojo proclaims that he will be a father soon.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x female reader
Word count: 993
Content warning: spoiler warning (reference to Volume 0 - mentions of Yuta and his OPness), slight suggestive themes but not too bad
A/N: Idk, I was bored at 3am. Didn’t expect this to become this long.... Also, I don’t exactly remember if Yaga already had a kid or if I just made that up in my head (I do know that he is a divorcee though), so let’s just pretend he has a kid in this one lol
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Filing written reports about curse incidents to submit to the elders ruling the jujutsu world was a tedious task. Nonetheless, it had to be done by every jujutsu sorcerer working for Jujutsu Tech.
Returning to the office with a newly filled cup of coffee in your hand, you sat down after putting your warm beverage on the desk. Work was waiting for you, so naturally you got back to writing these reports as soon as possible. You were determined to finish all those reports. Not gonna work overtime today, you thought while writing away your findings about recent curse activity. 
Not much time passed after someone burst into the room loudly. You didn’t even need to confirm with your eyes – it could only be that person.
“State your business, Satoru. I got work to do, unlike you”, you shot at him.
“Woah, so rude! I am wounded,” the man exclaimed and clutched his chest as if he was in pain. “I came here to tell you the good news!”
The tall man settled down on the couch in the office.
“Guess who is going to be a father soon?” Satoru’s voice rang across the room.
“Is it principal Yaga again?” you asked without looking up from your papers once. “Nope, nope, nopeeeeee,” being the obnoxious person he could be, Satoru made sure to pop the ‘p’ of the last one particularly loud. “You are absolutely wrong on this one. Though I suppose I can understand where you are coming from,” he added, waving his hand.
“Guess again, guess again,” he demanded excitedly.
Finally, you shifted your gaze from your lame reports onto the white-haired sorcerer.
“It’s definitely not Nanami,” you stated matter-of-factly as you made your way to him to join him on the couch – the idea of working flew out of the window. You knew how your colleague viewed marriage and romantic commitments as jujutsu sorcerer. Who else could it be? There weren’t many male people involved in the jujutsu world with a connection to you or Satoru-
“I swear, Satoru, if you were going to tell me some higher-up will be father, then I will have you know that I am not interested in this information in the slightest.”
You pulled a grimace and made a gagging noise.
“No, no. Literally ew,” he suppressed a gag as well, “I may have a rotten personality – which you love, I just know – but I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m not that much of an ass.”
“Gosh, Satoru, just spill it already. I can practically see your tail wagging, begging me to ask,” you sighed. Now even you were curious.
If Satoru hadn’t worn a blindfold, there would have been a bright glint from his cerulean eyes. A million-dollar-smile spread on his face, pride emanating from his body.
“It’s me! I am going to be a papa!” He clapped enthusiastically.
Your jaw dropped. Wait what?
“Hold up, wait. What did you just say?!” you burst out.
“I said what I said!” he exclaimed. Was it possible for a grin to be even wider?
“Enlighten my confusion? When did that happen? Did I miss something, like something super important you forgot to tell me?” you asked, bewildered.
“Oh, you didn’t miss anything at all, sweetheart,” the man in front of you replied oh-so-casually, “I’m gonna be a dad and you’ll be the mommy.”
Thousands of emotions flit across your face. The way your level of confusion shot up by a million times clearly amused Satoru to no end. You wanted nothing more than to punch him in the gut if this turned out to be some sort of prank. Mommy?!?!
Nevertheless, you tried to play along: “Too bad I don’t remember consenting to be your girlfriend or anything of the sort.”
A delighted laughter filled the space, “Well, you didn’t exactly turn me down either, just now.”
“If that’s how it’s going to be, I will just say I have no recollection of ever sleeping with you, let alone being pregnant,” you retorted triumphantly.
“Do you remember Yuta?” he suddenly asked.
“Yeah, like I would forget the precious bean I jokingly called my son, who only narrowly escaped the fate of being executed in his teenager years because his own power was too great and deemed dangerous by the old stick-up-the-ass people we call superiors,” you said flatly.
“Yeah, exactly that Yuta. I am very pleased to tell you that I’m adopting a new one! Meaning you have to help me raise him. Well, technically he will be my student...” Satoru started explaining. “...but you don’t sweat the small stuff,” you finished his sentence. He beamed at you, praising you for how well you knew him and all that stuff.
Well, duh. A new student, huh?
“So explain. What’s the deal with this one?” you asked.
“You see, this boy – his name is Yuji, by the way –  is also facing execution because he swallowed a special grade cursed object,” Satoru revealed dramatically.
“Then... if he is facing execution, that means the special grade curse incarnated but you cannot exorcise him on the spot for some reason,” you theorized, putting two and two together, and the man next to you confirmed your theory.
Satoru clarified further, “You hit the nail on the head. The poor boy seems to be the vessel of Ryomen Sukuna. I managed to postpone his execution until he consumes all twenty fingers though. He will be the third first-year student, so you have to help me!”
“The Double-Faced Specter, huh...” you mumbled to yourself, then your gaze was directed at Satoru, “to me, it sounds like you’re being troublesome again, you ass.”
“Oh please, I know you love ‘troublesome’,” he teased you.
“Yeah, I do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t put up with your sorry ass.”
“Ouch. Will you raise our son with me, though?”
“Oh hell, yeah. Count me in.”
Yeah, work could wait.
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vad-hander · 3 years
• Pairing: Jaebeom x reader
• Genre: smut, fluff
• Warnings: established relationships, dom!Jaebeom sub!reader switched positions, teasing, orgasm denial, unprotected sex
• Words: 10k
“My kink is you wearing these jeans and a dress shirt, why’d you make me suffer from orgasm denial in the past 4 hours?” you moaned quietly to not make anyone else hear it in case someone was behind the door. “I didn’t know you were this needy.” he smirked pecking your lips quickly. “Want to see?” your hand landed on top of his palm, trying to slide it down to the center of your body.
Youngjae’s generous invitation for Jaebeom & you to visit his musical made you more excited than you ever thought it would. The two of you just got out of a 14 days quarantine you had to undergo after returning to Korea and this was meant to be your first post-quarantine event, let alone the fact the two of you haven’t been anywhere in what felt like ages.
You watched Jaebeom put his tight black jeans on, which itself was an event for you. He didn’t let happen too often with wearing baggy pants but you never really cared what he wore, you never even had the thought of commanding him on what to wear and what not, but the view of his legs wrapped in a black jeans material gave your body and ecstatic shock wave making your core throb from a single glance. Before meeting Jaebeom you never thought the view of someone’s legs could make you feel the things you felt but the reality of being in love hit you every time you caught yourself finding things that were normal to you regarding other people but were filled with sexiness when it was about Jaebeom. These thoughts always gave you a mental reminder you never were in love with anyone as much you were with him. The slight smirk on your lips was caught by his stare and he turned around to face you, moving his, actually long, legs towards you.
“What’s up with the smirk?” he gifted you a smile trying to lightly pinch your cheek by sliding his middle and index finger over it. “You’re ready?”
“Yes boo.” the nickname made Jaebeom smile wider and his hand slid onto your neck, gripping lightly to move your head closer to press a small kiss in the corner of your lips.
“You’re cute.” he smiled letting go.
“The urge of taking these pants off your legs is making me act up.” you joked making him chuckle.
“We can’t be late, you’ll have to wait.” Jaebeom slid his hand down your shoulder to intertwine your fingers and pull you to come with him.
“I know you’re lying, nothing would stop you usually. You don’t like me?” you mixed up a dramatic and cute looks making Jaebeom laugh at your obvious bad acting.
“You know this was bad, right?” you simply nodded chuckling lightly agreeing with him.
“Want to punish me?” you gave it one more shot getting a disappointed nod from your boyfriend.
“Now don’t expect to peacefully go to bed when we get back home.” he pecked your lips for the final time dragging you to go to the exit.
The musical was good, you liked going to theatres the only issue here was the fact you barely spoke Korean, and at first Jaebeom was trying to interpret a little but soon he gave up due to all those people around you constant staring and hissing. “It’s okay, you’ll tell me after it’s over, let’s see if what I guessed is any close to what it actually was.” you chuckled allowing Jaebeom to rest in his sit to fully focus on his friends acting.
A staff came crawling over your raw just a few minutes before everything ended asking you in a polite manner to follow him backstage and you two, excusing yourselves and bending as low as possible, exited the hall to a light corridor. The room was completely empty and Jaebeom took your hand in his. You held onto his fingers tightly appreciating him seeking for contact at any giving chance you had. Touching and any form of informal interaction was something you held back from doing due to Jaebeoms status in life. You always planned to pull the staff or the friend card if someone suspected anything and in order of doing it successfully you needed to act accordingly, you always acted accordingly. The only person to break the rule was Jaebeom and there was nothing better in life than feeling the adrenaline run through your veins when in a sudden move he’d take your hand or pull you in for a light kiss. You loved these moments and you lived for these moments. You lived for the moments when you could tease him to the state where he could barely hold himself back, to the state where he dragged you to the bathroom multiple times to bend or kneel you down to release the tension in his pants. He rarely acted bold but when he did he drove you insane. Light moves of his thumb over the skin on your palm were like the moves of a match on a matchbox, striking sparks down your core but he seemed casual about it.
“I think he’ll want to go to eat after this, will you want to go with us?” he drew your attention to his face.
“If I won’t go, you’ll come back late, I’ll be asleep already and then you won’t keep your promise, and your promise is the only thing I could think of through this whole time.” you said quietly in case the man that was leading you spoke English aswell.
“No, I would keep it even if I’d come at 3am.” light chuckle of his whispered tone was interrupted by the staff that finally told you to come into the room to wait for Youngjae.
“I wish we could go on other dates too. I’d like to see Jinki, I like him a lot.” you commented looking at all those posters hanging all over the walls.
“I’ll ask Youngjae about that.” he chuckled and pulled you to seat beside him. “So are you coming?”
“Did you agree with him to go without me?” you squeezed your eyes suspiciously.
“You’ll be bored, that’s it.”
“I won’t be, I’ll eat deliciously and then I’ll just stare at your beautiful side profile until you’d want to go home and get your beautiful profile deep between my legs. I won’t understand you two for the most part anyway, you can share your little secrets calmly.” you booped him on the nose finishing your sentence cutely.
“The more you say things like that the less I want to go anywhere except for going home and getting on top of you.” Jaebeom grabbed your neck moving you closer.
“That’s what I told you in the first place. My kink is you wearing these jeans and a dress shirt, why’d you make me suffer from orgasm denial in the past 4 hours?” you moaned quietly to not make anyone else hear it in case someone was behind the door.
“I didn’t know you were this needy.” he smirked pecking your lips quickly.
“Want to see?” your hand landed on top of his palm, trying to slide it down to the center of your body.
“No, no, no.” he moved back suddenly. “Don’t turn me on like that, don’t. Youngjae will come any second and I don’t want to have a boner in these tight jeans.”
“Well, not good for you.” you chuckled trying to get from Jaebeoms grip, and he only let go of you when he licked into your mouth multiple times.
Jaebeom was obviously right about the dinner and now the three of you were sitting at the private booth in the restaurant not too far from the place where you watched the musical. The food was good and it was the greatest gift you could receive in the time being. You were slowly running your eyes over Youngjae and Jaebeom, not really having much to add to the heated conversation they had. Mostly, due to the fact you barely could catch up on what they were saying, but as long as the food kept you occupied you were good. Inner urge to fish your phone out and just entertain yourself while scrolling was something you fought harshly, finding it a tad bit inappropriate and disrespectful. In search of things you could entertain yourself with you remembered your teasing game, which wasn’t initially a game, it was just your pure will, but since Jaebeom denied you, you had no other option left other than tease him to the state where he wouldn’t be able to fight back anymore.
Placing your chopsticks back to their designated place when you finished eating you sat back a little moving your legs closer to Jaebeoms. You bumped your knees accidentally , getting a warm smile from him before turning his attention back to Youngjae. Thanks to the seating with chairs Youngjae wasn’t able to see your legs and you were able to quietly put your palm over Jaebeoms knee. Your featherlight touch drew his attention back to you.
“You’re good?” his tone changed 180 from a casual one he spoke to Youngjae with to a caring sweet one when he spoke to you. A smile lit up your face and you guessed you looked like two disgusting idiots to Youngjae, you really didn’t want to be the annoying girlfriend that ruined the bros hang out.
“Yeah.” you pouted slightly and expected Jaebeom to give you a light peck, because he always did when you pouted, but he just nodded a quick no, saying sorry with his eyes. You moved a bit more closer to Jaebeom, resting your head on his shoulder, blinking blindly with your eyes running over the room. None of the boys paid any attention to what you did, so you just rested for a couple of minutes, listening to the words that left their mouths. The moment Jaebeom relaxed his body, that he tensed up the second you touched him, you knew it was the time to make him tense up again. Your hand lightly ran over his knee and it took all in you to hold back from chuckling at how fast Jaebeoms reaction to it was. He didn’t stop you and he didn’t give any visible to Youngjae reaction, so you just continued stroking his knee calmly, feeling him get used to and chill under the touch. Running your fingers up his leg you felt Jaebeoms hand on your thigh, gripping lightly to signal for you to stop. He still acted as if nothing was happening under the table, so you had to just bite your cheek to not draw attention. Jaebeom’s fingers ran up your bare skin, with the robe-like dress you wore he easily snaked his hand up without lifting your dress up, rubbing with his thumb your sensitive skin. The light touches of his fingers mixed with the feeling of cold metal from the rings he wore send warmth down to your core. You dug your nails into his thigh through material of his black jeans, trying to stop yourself from reacting too vividly.
“It’s your birthday?” Youngjae asked in English drawing your attention to him. You lifted your head from Jaebeoms shoulder, moving your head around confusedly trying to get yourself back together from those pleasures feelings.
“Huh?” you were taken aback by the sudden question and it showed on your face.
“You had your birthday a couple of days ago.” Jaebeom said with a slight smile on his lips from your reaction.
“Yeah, yeah. It was my birthday.” you ran your eyes from Jaebeom back to Youngjae.
“I have a gift.” he said in a cute tone, reaching out to his bag to find something.
“What?” you exclaimed excitedly. “You didn’t have to.” Youngjae straightened his back expanding his hand towards you. There was a small box that said ‘Gucci’ on it. “No, I can’t take it!” you exclaimed taking the box out of his hand. “What’s in there?” Jaebeom asked Youngjae the same question in korean for him to understand.
“Open.” Youngjae simply commanded and you pulled the top of the box up, revealing to you the gift wrapped in paper with a Gucci sticker on. You laid the box on the table to rip the sticker off and finally see what he got you.
“Thank you so much!” your hands revealed to your curious eyes a pretty card holder. “Look!” you exclaimed shoving it in Jaebeoms face. “This is nice.” you smiled at him and he nodded lightly taking the holder from your hand to check it out “Wow, Youngjae, thank you so much.” you ran your fingers over the material of the holder before letting go of it. “Can I hug you?” you asked politely in Korean. Youngjae nodded gifting you a light chuckle, before moving to stand up. You moved your chair too, noticing how Jaebeom moved his hand from your thigh to the back of your chair. His hand ran through your spine when you stood up and with Youngjae expanding his hands towards you there was no time for you to react to your boyfriends movements, hugging Youngjae tightly. “Thank you so much, you really didn’t have to.” you spoke in Korean again, using up all of your skills and knowledge for the sentence.
Right when you felt like the hug took longer than the both of you intended, you felt Jaebeoms fingers on your elbow, pulling you back to him. He coughed in his ordinary manner making you chuckle at the absurd display of jealousy and possessiveness as if you and Youngjae were showing any affection towards each other at all. Youngjae let go of you quicker than you expected, making you fall back into embrace of the guy that suddenly was in the mood to mark his territory. You felt his hand on the back of your chair again, lightly tapping your shoulder. You gave his knee a light punch as if telling him to stop and with Youngjaes silent chuckle they began talking again.
“Oh, I need to go, Coco is waiting for her walkie.” you heard Youngjae speak, turning your head to see Jaebeoms reaction.
“Yeah, you’re right, it’s pretty late.” he checked his lock screen “ I guess my pup is in need of a walk aswell.” he chuckled referring to you and Youngjae made a loud throaty laugh, making it die quickly when he noticed your death stares towards Jaebeom.
He kept his little game even after you paid, getting up and leaving he patted your head and said ‘let’s go’ with tapping his knee as if you were an actual pup. Jaebeoms face lit up with happiness when he heard Youngjaes laugh and you played along sticking your tongue out and bending your hands for two seconds when Youngjae turned away gaining an approving smile from Jaebeom, rolling your eyes at him afterwards.
Jaebeoms hands landed on your waist the second his feet entered the elevator behind you. His hands pushed you to turn around and before you could even see his face expression in the elevators mirror you were facing Jaebeom. Your eyes ran over his face noticing how he really tried hard to keep it expressionless. You smiled lightly, biting your lower lip. His hands were glued to your waist and you ran your hands up his, resting them over his neck.
“What?” you asked and he opened his mouth to answer, but the sound of the elevators door closing made you jump in his hands out of surprise and Jaebeom chuckled at your reaction.
“We didn’t press the floor button, did we?” he said letting go of you to do so. You nodded lightly and Jaebeom pulled you to his chest hugging tightly. You rested your head on his chest, snaking your hands over his warm body. “Where’s your gift?” he asked you suddenly making you realise you left it in the car.
“Da-a-mn.” you growled into his chest and Jaebeom’s hand squeezed your neck lightly.
“Are you tired or what?” he said, turning around when the elevator came to the needed floor. You chased after Jaebeom, catching his extended towards you palm, walking with holding on to his hand with both yours. He punched in the passcode to your door, pulling you to walk in with him and letting go of you to close the door.
You stood in front of the door watching him take his shoes off expecting Jaebeom to pay any attention to you, but he just walked forward, turning around to take a look at you. “Why you’re standing?” he made a real surprised face expression looking you up. You frowned, quickly taking the shoes off your feet. Walking in a quick pace past Jaebeom who was still standing and watching you, you punched him lightly into his side with your elbow, getting a light chuckle from him. Jaebeoms hands grabbed you by the waist mid-action, pulling you close to his back. “Needy.” he murmured into your shoulder, giving it a light bite.
“I thought we had an agreement.” you tried to push him off, but Jaebeoms grip was obviously stronger.
“I can’t even tease you for a second?” he chuckled lightly, caressing your stomach with his fingers. “You had fun through the whole evening and I’m not allowed to do it for a slight moment?” he whined to make you feel bad about your behaviour “That’s selfish.” Jaebeom turned you around in his arms, resting both of his palms on your cheeks. “Since when are you selfish?”
“Since when the only time I’m allowed to rule is when I’m teasing you in front of someone because you don’t like to pay attention to me in these circumstances. All other times you act like an insufferable dom, there’s nothing I’m allowed to do.” you sighed, licking your lips.
“I’m not... that much of a dom...” he said sounding like he might’ve doubted it himself.
“You are...” you nodded lightly and Jaebeom bit his lower lip with an apologetic grimace on his face.
“I’m sorry but I guess you should’ve told me two years ago you don’t like it. What took you so long?” he sighed lowering his hands back to your waist.
“I never said I don’t.” you tilted your head to the side, resting your hands on Jaebeoms broad shoulders.
“I see.” he chuckled lightly trying to contain his smile making the cute little face expression you liked so much. His cuteness made your heart clench at the same time with making your entire body warmer.
“So what?” your hands slowly made their way over to his stomach, caressing it with your fingertips.
“You wanted to rule, so rule.” Jaebeom suggested. You stayed silent to see his further actions but he just stood calmly staring back at you. “Come on, my patience won’t last forever.” he teased.
“Let’s go.” you grabbed his hand, pulling him to walk behind you towards your shared bedroom.
Entering the room, you noticed how the lights from the streets of Seoul were blocked by the black-out curtains that were weighing on the ledge. The only light in the room was coming from the side where the curtains weren’t properly closing the window. Small glimpses of light jumped over the walls from passing-by cars. You loosened your grip on Jaebeom’s hand, letting his fingers naturally slide from yours. Your eyes were too focused on the light, and when you didn’t move for quite a while, Jaebeom moved behind you. You felt his fingers move your hair away from your shoulder, feeling fresh air run up your neck. He leaned in closer to your ear, resting his fingers on your shoulder. Jaebeom’s lips left a kiss at the base of your neck making you shiver immediately. His touch was intoxicating to you, no matter how much time had passed, you still were getting goosebumps from whatever he said or did to you.
“Are you coming up with a grand plan to torture me?” he chuckled into your neck, running his lips up to your ear to move his face forward and rest his cheek against yours. Jaebeom’s hands snaked over your body, intertwining your fingers. He hugged your body tightly with both his and yours hands. You closed your eyes relishing the moment, rubbing your cheek lightly against his. You felt his lips on your jaw, leaving light pecks and *maybe* signalling you that you’re slow at giving him what he wants you to give him the most. You weren’t able to open your eyes though because Jaebeom’s light pecks turned into tiny sloppy kisses that just forced you to rest your head against his left shoulder, allowing him more access to your sensitive skin. With each feel of his lips on your neck, with each little sound he made when his lips met your skin you felt how your body relaxed more against his and you felt how your heart was trembling as if it was the first time he touched you at all. One of his hands left your waist only to rest against your cheek the next moment. His hand pulled your head by the neck to the side, holding on to it. Jaebeom’s lips moved back up to your jaw, nibbling on the spot under your ear. His light actions forced a moan escape your mouth, a moan that got you back into reality and got strength back into your feet.
“Wait.” you tried to tell him normally but your voice was weak and sounded more like a moan.
“Yeah?” he stopped drawing his attention to you. You turned around in his arms to face him properly. Thin laces of light ran over Jaebeoms face, giving you an opportunity to see his beautiful features for the nth time. You felt your heart clench when your eyes landed on his lips, unconsciously raising your hands to caress his cheeks. One of your hands slid down onto his neck, hooking it around it to hold on. Your free hand ran a line up his nose with your index finger, feeling how Jaebeom’s hand held tighter on your waist.
“I love you.” you sighed, pulling his face down closer to yours.
“I know baby, I love you too.” his tone was soft and low, you could barely hear him, he was practically murmuring. Jaebeom rested his forehead against yours, allowing for you to decide on what you’ll do next.
Moving your hands back to Jaebeoms face, you pulled his face a tiny bit closer, finally intertwining your lips. The kiss that you were waiting for for the whole evening quickly changed from a soft and slow one into something passionate, something that took both of your breaths away. Jaebeom’s hands ran up and down your side, making your head go dizzy every time he squeezed your butt before running his hand back up, pushing your body harder against his. He had to pull your face from his when it felt like the both of you could lose consciousness from the lack of air in your lungs.
“I still want to take these pants off your legs.” you murmured into his lips, pulling him more towards you.
“I won’t protest.” he chuckled and guided you towards the bed. You gave in, because its what you usually did. You obeyed and listened to what Jaebeom said and you both enjoyed it very much, but he said it’s up to you tonight and you weren’t planning on giving that completely up.
“Sit down then.” you demanded, and Jaebeom chuckled at your serious voice but obeyed diligently, walking with you to the bed. He didn’t break eye contact, sitting down and running his tongue over his mouth. Jaebeom sat down in an arrogant pose, spreading his knees but crossing his ankles. He switched his body weight to his hands that were keeping him up behind his back. “Move.” you commanded him with your hands, showing for him to crawl deeper onto the bed. He listened again, straightening his long skinny legs in front of you. The bulge, that was always visible through tight material of his pants, drew even more of your attention to it now that he was slightly turned on. You pressed a knee into the mattress of the bed, and Jaebeom lifted his body on his elbows, expectant of what you’ll do. You quickly got to his lap and Jaebeom’s hands quickly found their place on your thighs. “What should I do with you…?” you smirked at him, placing your hands on each side of his head.
“You pick, I don’t know.”
“I’m drowning in the ocean of possibilities, I should’ve prepared myself.” you chuckled lowering your face in front of him.
“Want to switch it up?”
“Never.” you kissed him, slowly rocking your body against his. A low groan escaped Jaebeom’s throat giving you a boost of confidence you never knew you needed. You broke off the kiss, moving your lips to his neck. The feeling of your wet mouth made him groan again and the vibration that escaped his throat and passed to you through your lips settled down in your core. You felt your insides clench and the only thing you could think about from now on is how good he’ll feel inside of you.
“Remember you told me once things you liked about me?” you moved back up to his face to be able to see his eyes.
“Of course I do, it was last week.” his hand ran up your waist.
“I want to do the same thing.” you licked his lips, slowly running your tongue over his mouth.
“Can I?” you asked out of habit.
“You know you can do anything you want, baby.” he let go of your leg, finding your face to caress your cheek. “Don’t make me feel bad with questions like that, now you’re making me believe I’m a conceited bully who’s keeping you in slavery.”
“Not true.” you opposed “One of the things I like about you…” you began slowly “…is the fact that you can control me but respect my views and needs at the same time.” your lips landed on his cheek. “You’re caring even though controlling and I have no idea how you’re doing it like that and to be fair that’s super sexy. But this is not what I wanted to tell you.” your lips found his once again.
“Okay, okay.” he chuckled, pulling you closer.
“Promise to just shut me up and just fuck me if I’ll get too sentimental, okay? I don’t want to be a crying mess.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you, you were grabbing onto my thigh through the whole evening I can’t even think straight right now, I want you.”
“I’m sorry.” you chuckled “But now I just want you to know that I’m so glad you asked me to stay with you when the rent at my place was due and I wanted to go home. I’m so glad I didn’t protest too much to stay at your place with you two years ago and now I’m here with you in this bed, and I love you so-so much. Fuck…” you sighed feeling that you already were emotional. This wasn’t even what you wanted to tell him in the first place, but now that you began you weren’t able to stop yourself from saying all those things. “We probably wouldn’t have lasted long if we went long-distance, I would’ve sulked and missed you so much.” you sighed and smiled lightly at him when you saw his cute little smile. “This is not even what I was planning to tell you. I wasn’t planning to make myself sob.” you chuckled and Jaebeom’s warm fingers on your cheek made your heart clench once again. “I love you a lot, I don’t want to ever not be able to tell you that I love you.”
“I swear, you won’t.” Jaebeom reassured you when you weren’t expecting him to speak at all. “Don’t cry. We’re good, no, we’re great. I love you, and you love me. We’re almost never fight, we’re on the same page, we’re there for each other. I don’t want to let go of you, in fact I want to build a family with you, I told you that. Baby, remember how you told me earlier you wanted me? Come on, show me, don’t cry, you’re upsetting me. I’m the insufferable dom, obey.” a smile lit up his face “I’m ordering for you to rule me, even though this sounds weird to say it like that.”
“I’m sorry, I think I’m just tipsy from what I drank at the restaurant. I was ready to fuck with you in that waiting room and now I’m on top of you and what am I doing? Sobbing.” you chuckled.
“Come here.” Jaebeom said seriously, pushing your hair to your back from hanging in front of his face. His hands pressed you towards his head, making you two kiss. Jaebeom’s lips moved quickly demanding the access into your mouth swiftly. You found balance by each side of Jaebeom’s shoulders, pressing your hands into the mattress. Jaebeom’s hand ran up your neck with a featherlight touch, going back down. His thumb began caressing your collarbone, sending shivers down your spine. Jaebeom’s other hand left your waist as well, sliding towards inner side of your thigh. He ran his hand under the hem of your dress, drawing circles over your bare skin. When his hand was right at the line of your underwear, he ran his fingers over cotton material of your underwear, lowering his fingers and running them up and down your clothed heat. “Do you feel better?” he asked running his fingers past the thin material of your underwear to touch you there.
“Wait.” you moaned into his mouth and he let go of you the next second. “I didn’t tell you.”
“You’ll start crying again, I just got you back.” he sighed.
“No, I won’t now, I just want to hold you back for as long as possible for you to cum harder, do you want that?”
“Baby…” he made a throaty sound.
“No, you have to say it with words, that’s your own rule, follow it.” you smiled making him clear his throat.
“Yeah, I do.” Jaebeom’s hand squeezed your thigh.
“Good. Don’t touch me unless I’ll tell you to. Should I tie you up?” you crooked your neck to look at him from the side.
“No, no, I’ll obey.”
“I hope so.” you felt Jaebeom let go of you, resting his hands on each side of his body. You leaned in to kiss him, softly moving your lips against his, he kissed you back, yet being able to not boss you around. He waited patiently for you to slip your tongue into his mouth, sucking on it lightly. “Mmmh.” he forced a moan out of you with the way his mouth was moving. You pulled back and Jaebeom lifted one of his hands to push you back down, but stopped himself half-way, dropping his hand back on the mattress. “Good boy.” you chuckled. “You know that I love your lips, right?” he nodded, mumbling quiet ‘yes’ afterwards. “I can’t hold back from kissing them all the time.” your fingers ran over his lower lip “And you’re always making me struggle, always forcing me to cry from want. Always making me beg for you. Why do you like me begging for you so much?” you asked rhetorically, kissing him again. Your lips moved slowly to his jaw, getting closer to his ear. “You know when I like your lips the most?” you sighed into his ear.
“I can probably guess.”
“Okay, guess.” you moved back to see his face.
“No, you tell me.” he quickly replied.
“When you get them between my legs.” you exhaled.
“Yeah…” he moaned in your ear “Do you want me to do that now?” you felt your insides clench at the unexpected suggestion. Temptation was way too strong and it took all in you to kindly decline it.
You moved your body a bit lower, now properly resting your lower part against Jaebeoms groin. Your fingers landed on his neck, stroking it lightly up and down. Softly touching his lips with yours, you snaked your fingers behind his neck, trying to wrap your hands around it. “Just taking a look at your neck is making me clench. I’m obsessed with your neck, its so thick, I can barely wrap my hands around it. And your Adam’s apple is moving so sexily every time you swallow.” you paused and he swallowed “Baby, yes, like that.” you whispered when Jaebeom’s Adam’s apple bobbed under your thumbs. “Can I bite it?” you paused to hear a reply from him but quickly changed your mind “Whatever, I’m going to bite it anyway.” running your lips over his neck mindlessly, you found a spot you liked to bite onto so much, tasting the skin, pulling it lightly between your teeth. Your tongue lightly nibbled on the bitten spot, right before your lips sucked in air, leaving red mark on his neck.
You moved your head back, eyeing the red stain you left. Your hands landed on his chest, helping you to find balance and Jaebeom’s hands landed on your hips, reminding you of the no-touching rule. You found his hands with yours, pulling them from you, moving them up, and then making him lower them above his head.
“I’m sorry, I won’t do that again.”
“Too late.” you stated. The only thing that came to your mind that could hold his hands in place was the belt that he had in his jeans, so you tried to hold both his hands with one of yours, expanding the other one to undo his belt somehow.
“You want to tie me up with my own belt?” he made a weird sound.
“Yeah, there’s nothing else I can come up with.” you smiled at him apologetically.
“Come on, I’ll be good, I won’t touch you, I swear.” he begged but you knew it was only to last up until you actually touched him and made him wait. You shook your head no, signalling for Jaebeom to lift his butt a bit, for you to be able to get your new handmade leathery handcuffs from his pants. “Baby…” he sighed.
“I know you’re not good at controlling yourself, i need something to ensure myself you’ll obey.” Getting the belt in front of his arms, you freed him to properly put it around his arms with both of yours. “Wait, we need to take off your shirt first.” you realised that you won’t be able to do that if you’ll tie him. Your hands got back to his chest, running your fingers over to where his buttons were already unbuttoned. You played with his yin-yang necklace that was peaking and teasing your eyes through the whole evening, unbuttoning more of the buttons on his shirt. Getting more access to the skin on his stomach, you pulled the shirt from under his pants, finally finishing with those buttons. You let both halves of the shirt lie down on Jaebeom’s sides. Your hands ran over his chest, lowering your head to plant a kiss on his abdomen. “Do you want to know how much I love your stomach?” you forced him to lift his shoulders off the bed, to let you pull the shirt off them. “Or your shoulders?” you tossed material to the side, getting your attention back to the belt. You wrapped it around his hands, forcing him to pull them back up, passing it in between his wrists afterwards, fastening the belt over it. He pulled lightly to test it, and it held his hands in place, making him drop his head back on the bed disappointed. “Pretty.” you said more to yourself than him, running your fingers from his shoulders to the waist of his jeans. “Even prettier down here.” you mumbled under your breath, squeezing him through the jeans. His body jerked in response, and you chuckled lightly because he pointlessly tried to free his hands. “You won’t mind if I’ll lick your stomach, right?” you asked, lowering your face in front of his abs. You extended your tongue, lifting your eyes to watch Jaebeom’s face expression. He bit down onto his lower lip, watching how you lowered your head, making your tongue meet his stomach. His body made a wave from the sensation. You began drawing small circles over his toned muscles, making your tongue move between every cube of the six-pack. Your chest was moving against his cock, stimulating Jaebeom even more, forcing a low groan out of him. “You know you can tell me what you want me to do?” you kissed a line up his stomach to his chest “I’ll consider your suggestions.” you got your tongue back out, sliding it up his chest to Jaebeom’s neck. You crawled over him, giving you an ability to properly look him in the eyes. “Do you have any?” you licked your lips, lowering your face closer to his.
“No, I’m good.” he coughed lightly, lifting his head from the bed to kiss you. You shot your body back up, pressing his shoulders back down to bed with your palms. “Come on.” He growled disappointedly.
“Weren’t you good just a second ago?” you chuckled. He shielded his eyes as if he was suffering from pain, lifting his head up to look at the bed behind him. “I know baby,” you ran your fingers from his armpit to where his hands were held hostage “it’ll hurt your pride if you’ll beg me for something, but I promise, you won’t die from that.” your hands ran back down, stroking lower, getting through his sides to the waistband of his jeans. The band of his underwear was showing from under his pants, letting you know the brand he wore. You ran your fingers over the band, getting them under it to run back to his left side. You noticed how Jaebeom’s hands grabbed onto the bedsheets above his head, fisting them harshly. “Sure you don’t want to try it?” you moved your hand away, only to drop your fingers over his crotch. Your fingers ran up and down lightly, stroking him with subtle motions. His hips twitched under you, trying to lift them and get more friction which you obviously weren’t about to give him. “No, this is not what the deal was, isn’t it?” you moved your hand away and Jaebeom stopped.
“I’m sorry.” he mumbled under his nose, turning his head away to close his eyes once again.
“The more you break the rules, the longer I’ll take, you get it?”
“Yeah.” He sighed. You got your hand back, palming his crotch slowly. Getting your face once again on the same level with his, you finally kissed him, making a low moan, when Jaebeom bit your lip due to your hands stronger stroking. You moved away to breathe in air, getting your free hand to stroke Jaebeom’s cheek.
“Be a good boy for me? Can you be good for me?” you mumbled into his lips “Just be good, don’t you want to cum?” you pecked his mouth but instead of replying he moaned quietly as a reaction to you squeezing his cock in your hand “you really should start using words.”
“I’ll be good.” He said with his mouth only, giving you an idea of how difficult it is for him to even be under you.
You using same words and tactics as he usually did probably gave him an idea of what it felt like from your side, when he’d rule you and made you be his submissive, when he’d make you speak at the peak of orgasm with the condition of not letting you cum if you didn’t. The difference was that Jaebeom had real issues with begging, he didn’t quite like the idea of begging for anything, so Jaebeom crying and moaning for you to let him cum was something you’d pay for to watch, and you were about to get a free ticket to that.
You tried to undo the button on his jeans with one hand, but you failed miserably, sitting up and undoing the jeans properly with both of your hands. He lifted his hips immediately, predicting you to take off the pants. You decided not to do it the way he wanted it, unzipping the zipper, and just unfolding his jeans to the side, allowing his bulge to get free. The only thing that now divided your palm from his cock was the thin cotton of his underwear. You stroked him multiple times, giving him more pressure than before. You felt Jaebeom’s thighs tense up under your legs, twitching yet again from your hand. You paid all of your attention to his member that was poking the underwear making a droplet of pre-cum smear over the material, soaking it. Your hand left Jaebeom, getting a light whine from him, only to hear him groan a second after, when your hand snaked under his underwear, finally making you meet his warm cock. You stroked him, moving your hand up and down, squeezing him lightly at the base.
“Don’t stop, please.” His voice sounded high-pitched. “Baby, I beg you…” he sighed and you got your hand tighter over him, squeezing more “Yeah, like that.” He sighed again.
You watched his face expression, his eyes were shut tight, small droplets of sweat were forming over his forehead. When your hand wrapped tighter around him he squeezed his eyes in pleasure, making a wave with his body. You weren’t quite sure if Jaebeom was already on the edge, but he acted as if he already was, so you had to let go of him just in case.
“Why?” he asked angrily.
“Did you try to trick me? Did you want to cum?”
“No.” he sighed. “You wouldn’t let me anyway.”
“Right, and now, I’ll have to be even more strict with you.”
“Y/n, come on… I understood already.”
“Understood what?”
“That it’s hard to play by my rules.”
“But I was just doing what you told me to do, I was just making you feel good.” you replied. Your hand ran back down to his cock.
“I want you.” he sighed “I want to get inside of you, I can’t with the teasing.” His voice sounded tired.
“Baby, I only began.” You chuckled and got rid of any contact you had with Jaebeom. He shot his eyes open anticipating what you’ll do next.
Your hands landed on the belt of your dress on your waist. You pulled the ribbon, making the material of the dress fall on both sides of your body, allowing Jaebeom to see your underwear. You felt his eyes land on it immediately, eyeing your underwear, stopping his eyes on your breasts. He paid more attention than expected to your half-see-through garment, lowering his eyes down to your stomach and lower to your clothed heat. You lowered your head too, trying to see what drew his attention, noticing how your underwear was soaked from all the rubbing against Jaebeom. You lifted your eyes back up meeting Jaebeom’s hungry stare.
“Come here.” He commanded and for a slight second the tone of his voice made you want to do it. “Please.” He sighed when you shook your head no.
You pushed the dress off your shoulders, tossing it somewhere to the floor, next to Jaebeom’s shirt. Crawling over his body, you rested yourself against him, wrapping your hands over his neck, hugging his waist with your legs. You felt the phantom of his arms around your body, and your heart cried to feel him around you, but the strength and power you had in your arms right now was way too poisoning to let go of. You intertwined your lips with his, kissing him passionately from the first second. You rocked your hips slowly towards him and Jaebeom did everything in his power to press him against you in return. You twitched when Jaebeom dropped his tied hands on your back, immediately squeezing bare skin of your back with his fingers. You moaned at the feeling into his mouth before you could even understand what he did. He just lowered his tied hands to hold you in place because he had every possibility to do so. You didn’t tie his hands to the headboard of the bed because your bed didn’t have bars, you didn’t even expect he’d do that. His hands burned the skin on your back with the sensuality they gave you. He squeezed and caressed and just held and pressed you closer to him, as if there was any more space for you to get closer to him. You kept kissing him for a minute or so, enjoying the feeling of his hands on you, the feeling you didn’t realize you missed so much until he touched you. The kiss became a mess from all the feelings the both of you felt and gave to each other and you put it all in you to let go of his neck and get his hands from your back to move them back above his head.
“Baby, please.” he made a loud cry leaving you surprised. “Didn’t you like me touching you, don’t you want me to touch you? Please, let me.” he begged now and your insides clenched at the view.
“Don’t make me feel bad.” you moaned into his mouth, sitting up once again. You slid down his legs, getting your hands to the waist of his jeans. Now you pulled the material slightly down and Jaebeom lifted his hips to allow you to do what you wanted. You moved lower taking his jeans down his long limbs, freeing him finally.
Now that the both of you were left in your underwear, you had no intention of not having him inside of you. You dropped his jeans to the floor, crawling back up his legs.
“Bra on or off?” you simply asked, allowing him to pick.
“On.” his reply was quick and you nodded with a light smile on your face. You pulled your underwear down first, tossing it to the side, before your fingers pulled his by the waistband, with him bending his legs and helping you to get rid of it. His pulsing cock bounced up to his stomach, giving you an idea of how turned on he was. Even in the dark room you could see how engorged it was signalling to you that Jaebeom was about to struggle badly. You stroked him a few times, getting a sense from the way he felt and acted you had to be careful. Lifting your hips you guided his cock to your coated with want entrance, sliding him up and down your slit. He jerked his hips up, crying breathlessly at your actions. You felt the entire of your body clench from just the feeling of him being this close. You lost control and allowed him to enter more, causing a loud moan from the both of you. You moved your hips back up because it wasn’t something you planned to do this quickly, getting a low cry from him once again.
“Baby, please, let me get inside of you.” the loud moan that escaped his mouth when you teased him against you once more gave an idea that he possibly could be on the verge. You sank down on him slowly, squeezing your eyes in pleasure. Jaebeom was breathing heavily, and when you jerked your hips up only to sit back down with a quicker speed the room filled up with a low loud groan from Jaebeom that lasted for at least 10 seconds. You never heard him make that sound before and on the second move of your hips you clenched around him. You definitely weren’t expecting from yourself to get to the edge this quickly but it really never took you long to cum when it was Jaebeom, so you really didn’t have to be surprised. “I’ll cum if you’ll do that once more.” his eyes were squeezed and he barely contained himself.
You knew you’d be able to hold back once you maid up your mind on it, you had a great teacher who trained you for two years, but you weren’t sure he’ll last as much as you wanted to. You got your hips back up, quickly sliding down his length, clenching on purpose this time. Jaebeom shot his eyes open, even though he couldn’t focus his vision for a few seconds for sure. “Take this fucking belt off my hands. Let me fuck you, I beg you.” he was finally there to beg and you wanted to tattoo these words into your brain, they were like music to you.
“No, baby, we had a deal, I’ll fuck you and you’ll just be under me to enjoy.” you smiled at him and stopped everything you did.
“Don’t, no, don’t stop, please. I beg you, I beg you, I swear, don’t stop.” he began mumbling quickly but it was too late now, that his orgasm disappeared for the second time.
You slid down, leaving wet trail of kisses over the lower part of his stomach, fighting in your head if you should take him in your mouth or not. You left a few red marks, licking and kissing them afterwards, deciding on not giving him head, you weren’t sure he’ll last long with the feeling of your tongue on him.
“Ready to cum?” you asked him when you felt like he calmed enough to take more teasing.
“Yes, please ride me. Baby, please.” You began moving your hips slowly, getting into much quicker pace in no time. Your nails were digging into the skin of Jaebeom’s shoulders now that your body found some sort of pace that he tried to match with his hip thrusts. “Fuck.” he mumbled under his breath, fisting the sheets vigorously. “Free my hands, I’ll get deeper inside of you, please, let me fuck you. I don’t think I can do it like that anymore.” he moaned again and this time you almost missed a slight twitching of his cock that signalled that Jaebeom would cum in the closest minute.
You just stopped. You even let him leave you empty, watching his cock throb and pre-cum drip down its side. “It hurts, baby, I swear it does. Please let me cum. Y/n…” he squeezed his eyes again only to shoot them wide open and look at you “what do you want me to do? I’ll do anything. I just need to cum. I’m in pain right now, I swear, it does really hurt, I’m at my maximum, please.”
“Move closer to the headboard.”
“Huh?” he looked as if he didn’t hear you “Yeah, okay.” he said in a second, probably working out what you told him to do. You lifted your body off him to let him freely crawl backwards.
“Sit up.” you watched him reach out his hands to the headboard, grabbing it and pulling his body up to sit. He left his hands above his head, holding on to the wooden material and watching you. You crawled up and reached out behind Jaebeom to get pillows from behind him, allowing him to sit more straight.
One of your hands hooked around his neck, leaving couple millimetres between your faces. Your other hand found his cock under you, guiding him to slide inside of you immediately. He gasped into your mouth and you leaned in to kiss him, rocking your hips steadily. You closed your eyes in pleasure, pressing Jaebeom’s body closer to yours with both hands. You broke off the kiss, resting your head on his shoulder. Your hand moved to his waist, holding on to him there. Jaebeom’s little whimpers and cries into your ear made you closer to the edge and you were trying to contain yourself but your clenching just took Jaebeom closer to the edge. “If I’ll free your hands, promise you won’t flip me over?”
“I won’t.” he replied way too quickly making you doubt if he even understood what you said.
“Did you hear me?” you stopped moving and he tensed up.
“I did, I won’t, I promise, just move.” you nodded in response, biting down on your lower lip and beginning your moves again.
You moved your hand to his cheek, caressing it with your thumb. Jaebeom stuck his tongue out for you to kiss him and you gave in, crying silently into the kiss when you lowered yourself on him more than before. Your other hand let go of his neck, crawling over to his tied hands, trying to undo the belt with one hand. It took you longer than expected, and the second Jaebeom heard the sound of it being undone, he roughly freed his hands, making you startled by how quickly he got the belt in his hands, throwing it into the dark of the room. You felt his hands on you the next second, Jaebeom roughly but carefully at the same time got his palm onto your face, pressing your mouths into each other’s. His other hand found your hipbone, grabbing onto it to move your hips quicker and deeper. Your arms were chocking him with how strongly you wrapped them around his neck, but Jaebeom wasn’t really noticing it, being focused on where you connected, making you roughly sink on him and get back up. His mouth let go of yours, trying to kiss a line down your neck, but you noticed him lose the rhythm that he just built up and you knew he’d cum this time for sure.
“Cum, baby.” you moved his head back up to yours, kissing his lips slowly. You purposely clenched around him multiple times, finally feeling his seed fill inside of you. His hips jerked up and he made many tiny noises you never heard before. You waited until he calmed himself down.
“I’m sorry…” he rested his head against the headboard and you lied down on his chest. “I should’ve let you cum first.” you chuckled, leaving small kisses over his chest. A couple of minutes later, when he partially normalised his breathing, you felt Jaebeom rub your shoulder for you to lift your head up. “Come here, I can’t leave you like that.” his hands pulled you closer to his face, kissing your lips quickly. His fingers stroked your sides and his leg hooked around yours, letting you know he’ll flip you over. You didn’t protest knowing he’s only doing it for you.
Now you were in your usual position, feeling his lips move down to your neck, sliding his cock out of you, making you feel empty. Not for long though, as his lips trailed down a line of kisses, his hand got to your breasts, pulling them out of your bra without undoing it. You moaned at the cold sensation he left on your nipples with his tongue and you arched your back towards his body. His hand slid down your stomach right to your entrance, rubbing his palm against it. He moved his finger deeper, making your lube and his cum mix more inside of you. Teasing you multiple times he moved his finger over to your clitoris, rubbing it in circles against it. You whined and Jaebeom’s moves became stronger and quicker. His tongue was swirling over your collarbone, entering you at the same time with his finger.
Next few minutes went in agony, you were trying to squeeze your thighs, and held onto his hand strongly to stop him from doing what he did and make him do it quicker at the same time. Your body was going crazy, your hands were roaming all over the sheets, trying to find something you could hold on to. He stopped kissing you and moved his body away from yours, only keeping contact where he worked with his fingers.
“Jaebeom!” you moaned expanding your hand to his face, and he leaned in to peck your lips quickly moving away afterwards.
His hand left your body and you opened your eyes in disbelief. You didn’t think he’d try to play now, and the only reason he could’ve let go of you is to tease you. You watched him angrily but he didn’t look up at you, he slid his body lower, only to get his face in front of your entrance. You felt your heart tingle, getting a sense of what was going in his head. He spread your legs wider, lowering his head in front of you. The slight feeling of his tongue on you made you jerk your hips up, and he grabbed your hips, moulding his fingers into them to keep you in place. Making a couple of light motions he went all in, running his tongue quickly over the spot he knew was the most sensitive, he ran his tongue down, sticking it inside of you, sliding it flatly back up. Your hands grabbed onto his head not being able to take it you just wanted him to let go, but he didn’t pay any attention to that, sucking in your last cells of sanity. It didn’t last long, with another vigorous lick he pushed you over the edge, not stopping your body from arching closer to him. Jaebeom pressed small kisses over your thigh waiting for you to at least get back into reality. When your breathed more calmly he moved back up, resting his body next to yours. His hands snaked over to your waist, pulling you to lay over his chest.
You closed your eyes trying to calm yourself down and find any strength to tell him anything, but you failed, only finding it in you to rub your face against his chest and hug him tighter.
“See, that’s a tiring job to take over me in bed, you should’ve listened when I told you I’m doing it for you.” he chuckled, brushing your hair behind your ear. His fingers tried to lift your face up to face him, and you let him do it.
“I liked it.” you sighed quietly and he smirked.
“So now I can just rest for the rest of my life while you do the job?”
“No, I liked it, but I guess being a pillow princess is still better.” you smiled at him and a throaty laugh escaped Jaebeom’s mouth. “I won’t give that up to you.”
“Good.” he nodded.
“It’s just better when you’re under.”
“Is it though? You rarely cum that hard.” you chuckled finally feeling more alive. You found balance on your elbows, watching his face expression.
“You teased me forever, that’s expected.”
“Oh, come on, you could’ve just said ‘baby, there’s something about you riding me, that made me lose myself completely, I thought I’ll go crazy if I won’t touch you’.” you furrowed your eyebrows. Jaebeom’s palm pulled your face closer to his.
“Baby, there’s something abo…” he began repeating what you told him with a slight smirk, before you slapped his shoulder.
“Back off.” you sighed, trying to get away from him to take a shower.
“You know I’m bad with words.” he hugged you from the back, pulling your back to rest against his chest. You laid back, resting your head on his shoulder. Jaebeom kissed your cheek, playing with your fingers. “I can write you a song to tell you everything.” he mumbled gifting another kiss to your jaw.
“You know when you need it, you’re doing perfectly fine with expressing yourself.” you made your hands intertwine.
“You know that this goes right back at you, but just because you did so much I won’t fight with you about it.” you made a cute sad face expression and he sighed “Okay…it’s crazily sexy what you did, I didn’t think you’ll actually have the stamina to finish it off the way you began. But you did… and it really pissed me off when you teased me and I couldn’t just do it my way… but yeah, it all washed away when you made me cum. Nice for a change, would never let you do that regularly because you under me is just another type of pleasure.”
“Yeah, insufferable dom, I told you.” you bit down your lip to prevent yourself from laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” he let go of you and you took it as a chance to get up.
“I’m going to shower first!”
my first got7 fic, I hope you liked it! please let me know 🥺
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autistic spencer with executive dysfunction request
It's not so bad at work, where everything is constantly in flux in the field, and there are schedules and deadlines at the office. Spencer has a pretty good system of post-its and index cards and planners and whiteboards to keep track of his tasks and get them done. Sometimes it feels like a miracle - but he gets them done.
Home, though, is a different story.
At home, Spencer doesn't have time to put together fail-safes and create solutions to his messy brain, and as a result, it's utter chaos. It's the reason no one on the team has ever seen his apartment, and when he gets shot in the knee, it only gets worse.
It takes four hours to work up the courage to call someone when it happens.
"This is Derek Morgan."
"Morgan, it's Reid," Spencer says into the phone, wincing at how small and shaky his voice sounds. "Could-- I mean, are you busy?"
"Not at all, pretty boy. What's going on?"
"Do you think you could come help me?"
"Are you at home? The famous Reid Residence that no one's ever gotten to see? Hell yeah, I can come help you. Did something happen?"
"I fell. And... I can't, um... I can't get myself back up."
"I'm on my way, kid. Hang tight."
"The door is locked and I can't get to it to unlock it. I already called the super. He lives on the ground floor and he'll give you a key if you show him your credentials."
"Got it. I'll see you soon."
As he waits, there's nothing Spencer can do except look at the state of the room around him and picture the other rooms, the dishes piled up in the sink in the kitchen, the empty refrigerator and freezer full of otter-pops, the disastrous bathroom and the mountain of laundry in his bedroom. Finally, he starts doing physics problems in his head so he can stop worrying about it.
"Reid?" Morgan calls when he unlocks the door.
"Living room," calls Spencer. He's sprawled in the middle of the room, crutches having fallen just out of reach, and nothing nearby to grab onto.
"Okay, I've got you," Morgan says, helping to lift Spencer up and carry him to the couch, then picking up his crutches and leaning them next to him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Spencer shakes his head. "I'm fine. Just embarrassed."
"You don't have to be embarrassed, kid. It happens." He looks around the small apartment. "I guess it's been hard getting the chores done while you're laid up like this, huh?"
It's a perfect out, but Spencer isn't going to lie. Surely, this won't be the last time Morgan sees his apartment.
"It's always like this," he admits. "I have a difficult time with tasks and motivation... and keeping track of time... and impulsivity...
"What do you mean?"
"It's called executive dysfunction." Spencer shrugs. "I have a hard time starting tasks, and finishing them. I procrastinate, or I get distracted, or I mean to do the laundry and then spend six hours reading about butterflies instead. I can't force myself to get groceries, but I go to the store at 3AM to buy popsicles because that seems like the best use of my time. It's why everything's a mess, and why I usually don't let you guys come over here. So you don't see what I'm-- what I'm really like."
"But at work?"
"I put all my energy into doing what I have to do. I plot everything out - when you see me with all the cards and notes and boards, those aren't just for the case. They're for me. And usually the case takes all my attention, and nothing else matters anyway."
"That's why you don't eat or sleep," Morgan surmises. Spencer just shrugs again.
"Anyway, thank you for helping me," he says. "You don't have to stay, though. I'm sure you have things to do, and I need to take a nap."
"I'll stay with you till you fall asleep, pretty boy," Morgan promises, and helps Spencer get comfortable on the couch.
When Spencer wakes up a few hours later, his apartment is spotless and there's a note from Morgan on the counter.
I know this doesn't fix your brain, but at least you can start fresh. And if you ever need help again, you know I'm just a phone call away. Anytime.
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
Benny Watts/The Queens Gambit imagines - From Pawn to Pen Part 4
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AN: I’m sorry I missed posting last week. I’m currently going through a hard break up and it’s really taking a lot of energy out of me so I struggle to write at the moment. 
Overall Summary: You’re a young journalist for Chess Review, with a love for chess and a desire for knowledge. One day at a tournament, you come across the famous Benny Watts...
In this chapter: You return to Boston for the week. 
(PART 1) (PART 2) (PART 3)
Pairing(s): Benny Watts x Fem!reader
Word Count: 1,940
Warnings: Some strong language
You smiled as you looked at the copies of ‘Chess Review’ on the racks. 
Your first front page piece for Chess Review. 
They had used one of the pictures of Benny that you had taken at the hotel and you were pretty proud of your photography skills. 
You picked up a copy and took it inside to pay for it. 
On second thought, you picked up two so you could mail one to Angelie. 
You left the store quickly after and started to walk back to your apartment. 
Boston was busier than you had remembered and you finally had some time to sort out the apartment after your article went down well with the big man. 
You opened the door to your apartment and put down your groceries on the kitchen counter top. 
The last tenant hadn’t left the place in too bad a state, just a carpet stain here and there and a broken lamp. 
You had bought some paint to redecorate your living room and bedroom since it seemed too boring after where you lived in Paris. You had spent the last couple days painting and then you finally left to go check out your title page. 
The books that Benny had given you were still on your small two person dining room table where you had left them when you first got back. You looked over at them and furrowed your brow as you thought about whether you are actually going to bother to read them or not. 
Your phone started to ring and your frown disappeared when you realised it was probably Angelie. No one else had your number besides your work. 
“Hello?” You answered it, taking the phone off the wall as you leant beside it. 
“Miss (Y/L/N)?” You’d recognise that voice anywhere after listening to it so much over the last tournament. 
“Benny Watts?” You asked, almost in shock. 
“Have you read those books I leant you yet?” He asked, not even bothering to confirm it was him. 
“It’s been four days.” You told him flatly. 
“You could’ve easily gotten through at least two of them by now.” Benny challenged you which caused you to shake your head (even though he couldn’t see). 
“You know, Benny Watts, I do have a life to live.” You defended yourself to which Benny found amusing. 
“So, you’re back in Boston since you picked up this phone.” Benny changed the subject completely. 
“How did you even get this number?” You asked, genuinely curious and a little worried. 
“You really think Chess Review won’t hand over your telephone number to their favourite US chess player?” 
“You got it from Beth Harmon then?”  You teased the boy to which he responded with a dry laughter. 
“Ha Ha. Very funny.” Benny retorted, “If you’re in Boston, it means you currently aren’t working. Fancy an educational trip to New York City?” 
“Benny, I told you. I’m not coming to New York.” You reminded him about how you declined previously when he asked. 
“Come on, just for the weekend? We’ll play some chess, do some tourist shit and eat some food?” Benny asked, trying his best to persuade you Benny Watts style. 
“I’ve also told you before that I don’t play.” You felt a small bubble of excitement in your stomach as you considered going to New York but you quickly squashed it down. 
“What are you afraid of?” Benny asked. Deja Vu. 
“Why are you pushing this?” You closed your eyes as you let your head roll back to press against the wall. 
“Because I see that same light that’s in Beth Harmon, that’s in every decent chess player when you see a chess board.” Benny confessed to you. 
“I’m sorry, Benny. You’ll just have to find someone else to play with. I don’t want to be apart of this little game.” You hung up the phone with a sad sigh before Benny could respond. 
You found yourself looking at the books again. 
You picked up Benny’s and you opened it...
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“I’ve been waiting all day for your call.” You half scolded Angelie as you answered the call. 
You heard Angelie’s laughter through the phone and it made you home sick. 
“Je suis désolé!” Angie apologised. “This new project has me so busy, constantly on set, costume changes, make up changes, redoing scene..!” 
“It sounds awful.”  You chuckled, 
“It is! You wouldn’t understand... You’re just a big time American journalist.” Angelie pouted. “Anyway, how are you?” 
“I’m okay.” You lied. 
“Menteuse!” Angelie called you out. “Tell me the truth. What is bothering you, Mon Cher?” 
“Benny Watts called me today.” You had filled her in on the tournament with him once you had first arrived back in Boston and she had already previously told you off for not taking his offer to New York. 
“He did?!” Angie gasped. 
“Yes, he did. He got my number through work and called me to ask if I had read the books he gave me which I haven’t because it’s been less than a week since. the tournament.” You explained. 
“That boy is in love with you, I am telling you now.” Angie was always the hopeless romantic type. It’s how she has had her heart broke so many times. 
“The boy wants to play chess with me to assert his masculine dominance over me and boost his ego with an easy win.” You argued. 
“You are always so negative about men! You hardly know this one!” Angelie groaned. 
“He’s Benny Watts. That’s all I need to know.” 
“I think you should go to New York and meet with him.” Angelie told you. You hadn’t even informed her about the fact he asked you again. 
“I think I should stay here and enjoy my first weekend off in six months.” You shook your head at the idea. 
“(Y/n), you only live once and how many girls are invited to New York by the Benny Watts?!” 
“Probably quite a lot.” You knew Angie was only trying to hype you up but you couldn’t help but knock her down. 
“Even if that is so. You could probably get another article out of it. Benny Watts and his life in the big apple?” Angie suggested. 
“I’m sure ‘LIFE’ has already done that piece before.” You pushed another idea aside. 
“Trust me, (Y/n). You need to stop being so afraid of the unknown and who knows, maybe you’ll enjoy yourself?” Angelie had had enough of the negativity from you at this point. 
There was a sudden knock at your door. 
“I’m sorry, Angie. Someone’s just knocked on my door, I’ll have to call you back.” You looked over at your front door and wondered who it could be. 
“Ça va. Call me back!” She told you as the knock occurred again. 
“Je t'aime.” You hung the phone back up on the wall and went over to your door. 
You opened it and you felt your face go white at the sight of who stood there. 
“Jesus, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Benny Watts. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked him. 
“Well,  you wouldn’t come to me so I came to you.” Benny shrugged. 
“You can’t just stalk someone. This isn’t okay. This isn’t cute!” You were bewildered. 
“This isn’t stalking. It’s simply coming to Boston to visit a friend.” He defended himself as he stood out in the hallway. 
“I wouldn’t call us friends, Benny.” You scoffed. 
“Ouch.” Benny put his hand on his heart. 
You went to close your door on him but Benny stopped you. 
“Wait.” He pleaded. His cocky demeanour suddenly dropped. “Look, I know this is weird but I really wanted to see you.” Benny started to explain. 
“I––” He cut you short. 
“–– This isn’t some game. I just want to help you. I want you to play chess again. I want you to play with me.” Benny stayed with his hand against the door and his foot in the gap as he spoke. 
“This is crazy, Benny.” You told him, your eyes locked on his as you felt your heart race. 
“I know.” Benny stepped back. “I’m staying in the hotel down the block. I’ll be here all weekend. If you don’t want to see me, then don’t. But if you change your mind. I’ll be around.” 
You watched him back away from the door and head back down the stairs. 
Benny fucking Watts. 
You rushed back to the phone and dialled Angelie’s number. 
“Bonjour?” She answered, 
“You’ll never guess who was at the door.” 
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You ended up tossing and turning all night. 
You caved in at around 3am and started to read Benny’s book again. 
You finished it by the time the sun was rising. 
You had a cold shower to wake you up at around 9am and then you stared in the mirror as the thoughts racked your brain. 
You walked over to your chess set that rested on the dresser top and you took it over to your bed, opening it up. 
You set up the board and stared at it.  
You picked up the queen. The same queen that Benny had held in the photo you took. 
You caved. 
You dressed and did simple make up before heading to the hotel that Benny had told you he was staying. 
“I’m looking for Mr Benny Watts.” You asked the elderly lady at the front desk. 
“He’s staying in room 306 but I’m almost certain I saw him leave about an hour ago for breakfast.” She informed you. 
You thanked her then sighed. 
You left the hotel lobby and started down the street. There was plenty of places to eat around the hotel, you almost considered just waiting in the lobby for him to return. 
Then you saw it. 
Through a window of a small diner. 
The famous black hat. 
You pushed open the diner door and walked towards the booth where Benny was sat. 
He had his back to you but he didn’t seem surprised to see you when you sat down opposite him.  
“Morning.” He greeted you as he munched on some pancakes. 
“I won’t play chess with you.” You stated. “I won’t play chess with you but I will spend the weekend with you and you can talk about it.”
Benny remained silent as his brown eyes watched you carefully. 
“I finished your book.” You told him. “I'm ready to learn.” 
Benny placed his knife and fork down, picking up the napkin beside his plate to wipe his mouth. 
“Great.” He nodded, interlinking his fingers above his food as he elbows rested on the table.  “Let’s begin.” 
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