#filing this under favorite things that have ever been said about me ever
mockiery · 2 years
Your blog vibe:
It's 3am and somewhere a familiar song is playing. It's a familiar song, both comforting and also mysterious. You go in search of this song. The hallway is dark and the light isn't working.
But there is a room at the end and a light is on under the door.
You can hear the song louder now. You know that when you open the door you will be filled with joy as you are immersed in the song and the source.
You throw open the door and.... Well that isn't what you expected. It would seem the source of the song is from a strange cryptid who has just ripped into a bag of chips and accidentally dropped them all over the floor. The cryptid is crying and trying to gather up all the chips. They might be eating them directly off the floor. They swear up and down that they are an honorable being of majesty and that you just caught them at a bad time.
You move to help them gather up the chips and pat them on the shoulder. It's okay little cryptid. We still love you and you still bring us much joy. Keep singing the song and once you wipe the nacho cheese dust from your face you will dazzle us again.
this. this is the most validated i have ever felt in my life. i have been perceived. i feel seen.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 7 months
In your last post you said about Klaus getting turned on by watching the reader eat?
Could we have more on/about that in a separate one-shot if you have the time? 💕
One More Bite -Klaus M.
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I combined this request with another one I had gotten in my PM’s for Klaus’ mate giving him a blowjob when he’s in his wolf form, so fair warning on that.
If that is something that the original requester isn’t okay with and you don’t want to read this, send me another request and I’ll write something else for you as I understand you may not want to read something like this because it’s for such a specific kind of reader I assume (even though I am one of those readers).
Warning: Severe Warning on this fic! This fic contains Smut while our favorite Hybrid is in his wolf form! Blow-Job warning! Klaus becoming aroused by watching his Mate eat food. Also brief mentions of a school shooting when talking about the Scream movie series.
Sitophilia: Arousal involving food
Don’t Like=Don’t Read
Dead Dove:Do Not Eat!
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Klaus has no clue where it came from.
It started when he was in Alarics body in the lunch room, watching over his Doppelgänger and her friends was proving entertaining to him…until he saw her. Y/n was a friend of theirs that didn’t seem to be all that involved in their Supernatural affairs, blatantly ignoring them as they spoke about the immortal Hybrid that sat 2 tables away possessing their History teacher.
She was a beautiful girl, one of the sweetest the 1000 year old man had ever seen, he swore it was true with how kind and naive she seemed to be. Klaus felt the need to protect her and ensure her safety, swearing to himself he would leave her out of all of this but just as he was about to leave the lunchroom he found himself captivated by her once more. It took a bit too long to notice that he was staring at the girl as she ate her lunch.
Klaus had never really been fascinated by watching someone eat before and it was an odd thought all together, but he couldn’t deny his enjoyment at watching her…he also couldn’t deny the raging erection in his pants that he willed away as strongly as he could as he wasn’t in his pants or his body and he was Not dealing with that!
He had gone to the front office later that day, finding her file and reading as much about her as he could. Her name was Y/F/n, she was on the honor roll with mostly all A’s and a few B’s, he found her address as well as the fact that she is emancipated and living in that apartment alone. He looked more into that, finding out that her parents had died a few months prior (when Damon had released the tomb vampires) and she lived on money they left as well as what she made working in a movie theater in the next town.
He found himself hating the idea of his girl being forced to work a job on top of going to school and getting amazing grades, only to come home to an apartment all alone with no family and no real friends as that Scooby Gang doesn’t seem to be very close with her. Klaus can’t explain his feelings, his attraction, or why he wants to take care of her so badly but he knows he doesn’t want her working this hard so that she can be all alone and in pain.
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Klaus ditched Alarics body as soon as he was able and while his witches were dealing with the things he needed for his curse, he made his way to the next town and into the little movie theater. He walked into the theater and up to the snack counter where she was sat, reading something on her phone before jumping up as she saw him.
‘Good afternoon sir, what can I get for you to make your movie experience better?’ She asked, a smile on her face as if anyone could enjoy this job everyday. He hated seeing the dark circles under her eyes that she tried to cover with makeup, he wanted to see her in a comfortable bed, sleeping as much as she needed, wanted to watch her enjoy breakfast in bed with the knowledge that she didn’t have to go to work or school or do anything other than be with him. He found himself staring down at her as he imagined feeding her that breakfast while his cock was still buried deep inside of her cu- ‘Sir?’
‘Sorry, lost in thought there.’ He chuckled and she did as well.
‘I do it all the time, no worries. Can I get you something to eat?’ He looked as if he was considering it before responding.
‘Actually, I would love to get you something to eat.’ She looked up at him confused and he thought it was adorable. ‘Would you like to see a movie with me?’ She was shocked by this, clearly, and didn’t respond very quickly. ‘What time do you get done?’ He asked as if he didn’t know it was in 5 minutes.
‘Oh, I’m done in about 5 minutes. I have to get home and study for a test though-‘
‘Aw, let yourself relax a bit. Let me treat you to a movie, you can get whatever you want to eat, and you can pick the movie.’ The blush that spread over her face was adorable and he loved every second of it.
‘Really? Even if I pick a chick flick?’ He nodded, seeing a coworker walking out to take over her shift. ‘Okay, I want to see 5 Nights at Freddy’s…let me go get changed.’ Her smile lit up Klaus’ whole world and he smiled as he watched her walk away, her cute little ass nearly on display in the short skirt she had to wear as a uniform. Klaus only waited about 5 minutes for her to return after getting the tickets (and experiencing the man’s shocked face as he bought all the tickets in the entire theater so that they would be alone), wearing a dark tank top and fluffy pajama pants. ‘Sorry about the clothes, I was prepared to go home and get in bed.’ She explained but he waved her off.
‘Not a problem, next time I’ll wear pajamas too. I’m Nik, by the way.’ He teased, seeing her eyes light up at the idea of a second date.
‘Y/n, nice to meet you Nik.’
‘Alright, what do you want to eat?’ This was a dine-in theater, and while Klaus remembered when theaters sold popcorn, soda and candy exclusively, he found himself happy about the idea of providing his girl a good meal and getting to watch her eat it.
‘Oh, I’ll just get a small popcorn-‘
‘You just got off work, you must be hungry. Please let me get you a meal? Anything you want, if you don’t choose I’ll choose for you and I’ll be forced to feed it to you.’ He teased, wrapping his arm around her waist to test the water of how she felt about him touching her and to his surprise she leaned into his side, allowing his hand to stay on her waist. She was attracted to him too, he could practically smell it, and it made the Hybrid truly happy to know that his girl at least liked him as well.
‘Fine, okay. Hey Kyle, can I get an order of cheese fries, please?’
‘And?’ She shot him a teasing glare before rolling her eyes.
‘And a large order of chicken tenders with extra honey mustard. And since we’re bending this guys wallet, I’ll also have a large chocolate brownie milkshake-with extra chocolate sauce…I hope you like chocolate cause I won’t drink all of that, it’s huge.’ Klaus just grinned as he handed over his card. ‘Wait! You’re not getting anything?’
‘A bucket of popcorn too, please?’ He ordered and she stared at him as he paid for the wildly overpriced food. He carried the popcorn, allowing her to drizzle butter all over it along with salt before they went and found their seats, a girl bringing Y/n’s food about 10 minutes later just as the movie started.
‘I can’t believe there’s no one else in here, especially this late.’
‘Is this a popular movie?’ He asked, genuinely having no idea what it’s about. Klaus hadn’t come here with any intention of watching a movie, he just wanted to be with his girl so to him, the movie didn’t make one single fucking difference.
‘Oh yeah, it’s based on a horror game that I loved, plus Matthew Lillard is in this so I want to see it desperately. People really believe that his character is just Stu from the Original Scream a few years after he “died”. Which he 100% didn’t by the way.’ He could see how sure she was of this and enjoyed her dedicated belief to a movie she clearly loved.
‘How are you so sure he lived?’ He wondered and she turned her body to him more, ready to explain her theory.
‘Okay, so he was supposed to be the killer in the third scream movie! He was cast and everything but they had to scrap the whole plot. It was going to be based on a school shooting but that was right as Columbine happened so they changed the whole movie. Respect for them not doing that, 100%, but it proves that canonically he is absolutely alive. I don’t really get the connection to this movie, but if people believe it then why not?’ He nodded along, enjoying himself as much she seemed to enjoy these horror plots.
‘You’re a horror movie girl, aren’t you?’
‘Yup. Which is weird cause I used to be terrified of all scary movies but now I love them. We should have a horror movie marathon, clearly you haven’t seen the Scream movies and if you haven’t seen them, what else haven’t you seen?!’
‘Most of them, I’m not much of a TV watcher. I mostly just paint in my free time, I’ve seen a few though. The one in the mask who tries to kill his sister.’
‘Michael Myers, Halloween.’ She said, instantly knowing what he was talking about.
‘The Hick who has a chainsaw and wears people’s faces?’
‘Leatherface, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.’
‘The demon people, one of them has pins all over his head?’
‘Pinhead, HellRaiser. Truly an amazing movie, probably one of my favorite plot lines.’ He was amazed at how she knew every one of these from just the simple descriptions, he knew they were probably popular but it was so cute how sure and excited she was.
‘And the guy with knives for hands.’ Her eyebrows raised as he said this.
‘I’m going to assume you mean Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street as we’re talking about horror movies and not Edward Scissorhands which is a sad movie that ripped my soul from my body. It a great movie but it’s sad as hell. Why are people so mean to everyone just because they’re different?’ He shrugged at this.
‘People will always judge what they don’t understand, especially when it’s other people. It’s always been that way.’ He knew from personal experience and Y/n seemed to hear the emotion in his voice because she reached over and took his hand in hers.
‘People suck. Cheese fry?’ She offered, holding out the box and he took one, watching as she bit into a couple as the lights went down. He was thankful for his vampire vision as he leaned back into the seat and kept his eyes on her. She was fascinated by the movie but he was fascinated by her. Klaus watched as she ate, finally getting to watch her eat a meal that wasn’t a snack in a cafeteria. The idea that he had provided his girl food, a real meal (for seemingly the first time since he first saw her 3 days ago) was satisfying to say the least. He stared as she ate her fries, her tongue peeking out every now and again to lick the cheese from her lips, causing his cock to twitch every single time. The moan that came from her as she first bit into a piece of chicken had him fully hard and completely desperate, watching as her tongue licked the honey mustard from her finger, her lips wrapping around her thumb and sucking on it with a “pop” as she pulled it from her mouth. He was so lost in his thoughts as he watched her perfect little mouth, he didn’t even hear the words that came from it. ‘Nik? You okay?’
‘Hmm? Yes! Of course, I’m great…you’re so damn gorgeous, and it’s distracting.’ Her cheeks turned red as he said this and she couldn’t hide it from him.
‘You are really sweet…please tell me this isn’t some kind of weird joke.’ As she said this his mind was ripped from his fantasies, confused as to why she would think something like that.
‘What? That’s crazy, why would you-‘
‘You walked into a movie theater without a ticket, came up to the food counter and asked me out to then buy a ticket and buy me dinner. You’re either the oddest and luckiest man in the world considering I was finished my shift when you came in, or this was planned and someone put you up to it…I’m an 18 year old girl in high school on a date with a hot dude in his 20’s…you can at least imagine why I’m a bit skeptical?’ She looked sad and he hated that he had caused it…why is this girl getting to him like this?!
‘I’m sorry that you feel the need to be skeptical of someone asking you out. I admit, I planned to ask you on a date. I saw you yesterday and I thought you were lovely so I decided to ask you out, I thought taking you to a movie after work would be a nice idea, I also thought you would enjoy relaxing and watching a movie right after your shift-‘ A look of guilt overtook her eyes as she realized how much thought he put into asking her on this date and she felt horrible instantly.
‘Oh God…I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m a bitch! I-‘
‘No you’re not, relax love. It’s okay, I can see why you were questioning the situation. I want to take you out again, I enjoy you already and I admittedly enjoy feeding you.’ Her eyes widened a bit but she couldn’t turn more red than she already was.
‘Oh…okay? I-I can honestly say I haven’t heard that one before but it sounds nice to me.’ She joked as he reached out, picking up a French fry and feeding it to her, grunting as she wrapped her lips around the tip of his thumb to get the melted cheese off of his skin, taking her time a bit too much as she did this and Klaus couldn’t hold in his groan.
‘Christ Y/n, you’re going to be the death of me.’
Through the rest of their date Klaus enjoyed feeding his girl nearly all of the food he had bought her, her insisting he at least have some as well and he brought her home that night, pressing his lips to hers sweetly and deciding he liked that his girl blushed 90% of their time together.
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It was 3 days later that he found out why he was so desperate for this girl more than any other in his entire lifetime.
They had been texting almost all day every day along with him visiting her daily, Klaus getting everything ready to break his curse and actually getting it done with some help from his annoying elder brother (after he tried to murder him) before running off into the forest, his wolf determined to get where he needed to be.
It was the first time in 1000 years that Klaus could hear his wolf in his head the way other werewolves could. In the almost month he had been a Hybrid 1000 years ago he had gotten used to him being there and the curse had taken that from him.
As his paws slammed against the dirt, sprinting through the forest Klaus couldn’t help but wonder where they were going and he quickly got his answer.
“Mate!” The voice he had so sorely missed, growled roughly.
“Mate?” He wondered, having heard the term before but knowing that werewolves finding their mates was extremely rare. Maybe because they were so far out of time if Klaus’ mate being alive 1000 years after his human life was an indication. “Y/n is my mate…no wonder I’m so drawn to her!” A happy feeling was bubbling up in his chest as he realized he had finally found his mate, something he had hoped could exist for him since he found out soulmates were real for wolves.
“Need Mate! Need Mate Now!” The aggressive growl was almost concerning to him as his paws slowed to a trot when he arrived at the home he had been visiting his girl in for the last few days.
“She’s going to be scared! We can’t let her see us-Stop!” He snapped, feeling stupid that he was literally shouting at himself.
“Mate Knows! Mate Not Stupid!” His wolf snarled, sounding offended by the idea that she didn’t know who he was. He scratched at the apartment door and Klaus tried to control his body, to run back into the trees and away from her when the door swung open and his Mate looked down at him in shock.
‘I have to be honest, didn’t see this coming Nik. I mean I got the whole “Nik-Klaus” thing, Elijah told us all your real name but…what exactly do you want me to do with this?’ She asked, clearly entertained by him showing up in his wolf form. He whined, scratching at the doorframe which made her chuckle. ‘Okay, you can come in Niklaus-oh, okay.’ He walked into her apartment before she was even done speaking, hopping up onto the couch and staring up at her as if waiting for something to happen. ‘I seriously thought your interest in me was a joke when I realized who you were. Damon was making fun of me for falling for it…you’re actually into me, aren’t you? Cause I figure you being here right now means either you really like me or you plan to rip me to shreds in my own home. Which is it?’ She asked him and Klaus rolled his eyes, laying his head onto her lap when she sat down beside him on the couch. ‘Oh…good…I could get used to this.’
For the rest of the evening Klaus lounged on Y/n’s couch with her, watching horror movies from the extensive list that she had made of “Horror Movies Nik Needs to Watch”. He also enjoyed once again watching as she ate her dinner, or his personal favorite, watching her eat a pint of ice cream. God, he wants her tongue on his cock so badly, which she noticed as it was on display and larger than one would expect. To her credit, she ignored it for quite a long time, pretending it wasn’t there until the voice in his head made it physically impossible any longer. He was talking about all the different ways he wanted to bend her over and fuck her tight little cunt until she was begging him to stop, practically drooling over how her tongue peeked out and licked the ice cream off of the spoon, desperate to watch her lick his cream off of his hard cock which is around the time his member began leaking onto the blanket underneath him on the couch.
‘Nik?’ She questioned and he lifted his head from her lap to look up at her, as if pretending he hadn’t been staring at her this whole time. ‘Do you need help?’ He tilted his head as if asking her what she meant…she couldn’t possibly mean- ‘Do you need help with your…problem? It’s distracting and it seems to be getting worse.’
At this moment Klaus is happy that he is not just a vampire, but also in his wolf form and unable to show her how embarrassed he is with a look on (what would now be) his completely red face. He couldn’t stop the slight whine that escaped him before jumping down from the couch and trotting over to the door, scratching the wood and waiting for her to release him. “Let Mate Help!” That aggressive voice piped up again and he tried to shove it back down.
‘I didn’t mean I wanted you to leave, I…I mean if you wanted me to, I…it would have to be really fucking private, I mean if you ever told anyone I would skin you alive!’
Klaus suddenly felt his tail come to life, wagging around behind him like crazy as he released a small “yip” sound, moving back over and hopping up onto the couch again, nuzzling his nose against her cheek.
‘Ahh! It’s cold and wet!’ She was giggling and it was a sound that Klaus knew he adored from the moment he first heard it in the schools cafeteria. ‘I hope you realize that when you’re human again, I want an explanation as to why watching me eat gets you so worked up.’ She teased, moving from the couch to her knees. ‘Are all wolves cocks this big, or is it a werewolf thing?’
“Perfect Mate! Pretty, Perfect Mate! Need to Fuck Mate!” Klaus shook his head quickly as that thought came from nowhere, trying to keep his wolf from controlling anything else when suddenly his cock was enveloped into her hot mouth causing the pathetic sounding whine that exited him.
Her lips were stretched wide around his thick member as he now leaned back against the couch, wanting desperately to hold onto her hair but knowing that he can’t. He settled for one paw resting on the back of her head and couldn’t hold back the growl that burst from his chest, her tongue trailing over the head of his cock which nearly made him finish laughably fast.
You could have never convinced Klaus that this would be something that he wanted, in 1000 years the thought had crossed his mind, of course, but it wasn’t something that really got him off until now. Now, rutting into his mate was all he could think about like it was playing on a constant loop in his mind. As he looked down and saw her on her knees in front of him a content purr built up in his chest. He didn’t know how deeply he had longed for his mate, maybe if his wolf hadn’t been bound from him, he would have.
His thoughts were cut off by the choking noise that came from her as his large cock hit the back of her throat. “Perfect Mate! Perfect Little Tongue!” The growl that exploded from him made her eyes widen in fear before he was cumming in ropes into her mouth, her hand coming up to catch what leaked from her lips.
‘Fuck!’ She cursed after swallowing everything he had to give and looking up at him, as if an innocent little virgin who hadn’t just sucked his wolf cock into next year. ‘Do all werewolves cum that much?’ She giggled and he whined in response, leaning forward and licking her face. ‘I’m not doing that again until you prove how good you are in bed as a man first.’ She was teasing him but he nipped at her throat, catching the skin and watching a drop of blood rise to the surface. ‘Ow…shouldn’t you be out slaughtering innocent humans right now?’ He shook his head, which he’s sure looked like a dog shaking off the water after being in the rain. ‘But that’s what you were going to do before finding me?’ He didn’t respond to this, simply moving to lay down across her lap as she sat back on the couch. ‘It’s okay, I’ll still be here when you’re human again, go.’ He peeked up at her, from this angle the light made her look like an Angel sent from Heaven, as if a gift just for his devilish soul.
“Stay Close! Never Leave Mate! Never Again!” He really hopes that once he fucks his mate and makes her his that his wolf will calm down about her, he may be right but he’s intense.
‘Go Nik, I’ll be right here when you get back, I promise. I have nothing to do tomorrow, I will stay until you come and get me. When you do we’ll order take out and you can stare at me while I eat it.’ He sat up, making a questioning noise that he honestly didn’t know he could make. ‘I Promise.’ She insisted, jumping up and opening the back door towards the woods. ‘I won’t leave, I won’t open the door for anyone either. Get, before you get needier and decide to hump me in my sleep.’ He did as she said, leaving out the back door and taking one final look at her before he was gone, running through the woods as he had always longed for, every day of his immortal life since it was snatched away from him and for the first time in his very long life, knowing that he had someone to come back to.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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goldengleams · 8 months
storm the field | mark estapa
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In which storming the field isn’t so scary.
Inspired by last weekend when I rushed the field after my college’s football team won!! Hope you enjoy!
Today was one of the most exciting days on the University of Michigan campus. Michigan was playing Ohio State in football at home. Both teams were undefeated, meaning one would get their first loss of the season at the conclusion of this game.
You had gone to the game with a large group of your friends, including some of the members of the Michigan hockey team. You and Mark had become close over the past few weeks and all of your friends could definitely tell that there were some feelings between the two of you. Luca, Mark, and Ethan had joined your friends to tailgate and you had all entered the game together.
“Okay, I see an empty row!” Your friend, Lizzie, shouted back towards you as you all climbed the steps in the stadium. Four of your girlfriends were in front of you and the boys were behind you, meaning you’d be standing right next to Mark.
Lizzie waited by the end of the row so she could stand next to Ethan because they were friends from home. She gave your arm a squeeze as you filed into the row. Lizzie had been egging you on to make a move on Mark, but you had been reluctant.
In your mind, if Mark knew you liked him and didn’t return the feelings, you would be crushed. You didn’t want to be heartbroken by someone you called a close friend.
“Hey,” you said nervously.
“Hey, Y/N,” he replied sweetly. Mark flashed a smile at you, adjusting the hat he wore. You prayed that he wouldn’t turn it backwards or you’d be swooning for him in front of all of your friends.
“Did you want to switch spots to be near any of the other girls?” You didn’t want to ask that question, but you figured you should ask before you got your hopes up.
“Oh, uh, I’m good,” he answered. His hand came up to the back of his neck and he looked around awkwardly. “Did you want to switch?”
Oh god, you internally groaned. “No, I’m also good,” you said quietly.
“I’m actually glad I get to stand next to you, Y/N. Lizzie told me you love football,” Mark said.
You nodded enthusiastically. You had loved Michigan football ever since you were little, so it was easy to jump into conversation with Mark. If any of your friends were worried about you before, they could finally breathe knowing you were being yourself.
The game started soon after, with Ohio State taking a swift lead. Michigan attempted to score on their second drive, but they fumbled the ball.
“Shit, that’s not good,” you mumbled.
“Tell me our next move, coach Y/N,” Mark joked, bumping into your shoulder. The two of you had talked about your favorite football teams during the first quarter, conversation flowing easily.
“Well, since the people want to know,” you giggled, telling him which position members of the defense should line up in. You both laughed along as the rest of the half went by. Michigan trailed starting the second half of the game, and the mood in the stands was tense.
“If we lose I’m never hearing the end of this from my family, Y/N,” Mark groaned. As more of his teammates came to stand in your row, Mark had moved closer to you. You were practically tucked under his arm due to the lack of space. “Yeah, me either,” you laughed back.
Somewhere between the third and fourth quarters, when the game was tied, some of Mark’s teammates had joined you in your row. With the extra people, you had to move closer to Mark. His arm had settled around your waist, which you hoped was a good thing, but your paranoia won out and had you thinking otherwise.
“Mark,” you called, practically having to shout due to the screams around you. “Mark!”
He pulled his gaze away from the field to meet your wide eyes. “Your arm, Mark.”
“Oh, shit I’m sorry, do you want me to move it?”
You watched the confidence drain from his face and felt bad for asking. “No, leave it! Leave it, I just—”
“I didn’t do it by accident, Y/N,” he said, coming close to your ear so that only you heard it. Shivers went down your spine at his voice.
You nodded, trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach and focus on the game. There wasn’t much time left, Michigan needing a field goal to win the game. The whole stadium waited with bated breath as the kicker got set.
“You rushing if we win, Estapa?” You heard Rutger call to Mark. Everyone in the stands around you was eager with anticipation and had started to shift towards the aisles to storm the field of the Wolverines won.
“Fuck yeah!” Mark shouted back. “You gonna run, Y/N?” Honestly, the idea of storming the field with thousands of other people scared you, but the glint in Mark’s eye had you agreeing immediately. You shifted your attention back to the field, Mark squeezing you closer.
Sure enough, the kick was good, with Michigan winning the football game and remaining undefeated. You and your friends started running down the bleachers with the rest of the student population to get to the field.
You pulled out your phone with your right hand and started to record as your feet hit the field. Within seconds, you were surrounded by tons of other people, most of them taller than you and all trying to get their phones up to get the best video possible.
When you turned around, you quickly realized that your friends weren’t around you. Obviously, you knew where the exits were to get off of the field but it would take a long time with a crowd this big. You put your phone down to take in the crowd and orient yourself when you felt a hand pull yours.
You tried to jerk your hand away until you heard your name being called by a familiar voice.
“Y/N, it’s me!” Mark called. He grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him. You tried to ignore the backwards bar situated on his head, some of his blonde hair sticking out of the front haphazardly just so that you could exit the field before hearts appeared in your eyes. “We can head toward the exit, Ethan and Lizzie went that way.”
“Mark, you’re my savior,” you breathed. “It’s never a great day to be short, but today is an especially bad day.” Mark laughed. You agreed quickly to follow him and thanked him for finding you. You were both high on adrenaline, working your way through the crowd and cheering with everyone as loudly as could be.
“That was fucking insane,” you shouted. “Thank you for finding me!”
“Yo, Mark, over here!” You heard. Mark started moving you towards his teammates at the side of the exit. You made Mark stop before you left the crowd for a quick selfie together, both of you smiling wide for the camera.
“You two look like little otters!” Lizzie said. “Y’know, cause they hold hands all the time!”
You didn’t realize that you and Mark were still holding hands until she mentioned it, but Mark just squeezed your hand in response.
“We’ve lost another one, boys,” someone called and swiftly earned a slap upside the head.
“Hey, when you storm the field anything goes,” you laughed, trying to brush it off.
“Well, I’d hold hands with you any day, Y/N,” Mark said, getting your attention. “Thanks for storming the field with me.”
You felt your cheeks get hot. You looked down at yours and Mark’s shoes, trying not to get flustered in front of your friends.
“Maybe we could hold hands on a date? If you wanted to, of course,” he chuckled.
“I thought you’d never ask, Estapa,” you smiled, leaning up to give him a kiss, surrounded by cheers from your friends.
ANOTHER FIC???? Me when I’m on a roll 🤩🤩 hope you liked this one, I’m a bit sports fan so I thought this was perfect!! Please show some love if you enjoyed it, love you guys!!
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ivystoryweaver · 11 months
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Based on this request by @whatthefishh: “are you sure? once i start i don’t think i’m able to stop” + Steven Grant 🙈❤️
next | miniseries masterlist | my masterlist
In which you are a simpering mess for this adorkable man
Content: f!reader, Part 1: fluff, pining, bit suggestive, not beta'd - Part 1 can stand on its own, you do not have to read part 2 if you only want fluff
Word Count: 1.2k
Steven Grant is something else.
Apparently, he vandalized the toilets in the Egyptian wing of the museum.
And got sacked.
Disappeared for a month.
And is now in your office, asking for his job back.
He has some nerve.
The thing of it is, you feel for him.
That is to say, you feel badly for him. You also feel other things for him. Such as attraction. Really intense attraction.
Which is not okay, seeing how he is several steps below your pay grade, begging for your mercy (ahem, professionally) and you cannot show any favoritism in hiring...or re-hiring, in this case.
"I'll get on my knees and beg, if it helps," he lets out a jovial little laugh, his dark curls rustling against his forehead.
That sentence would have sounded absolutely pathetic coming out of any other man's mouth. But Steven Grant is something else. You almost ask him to repeat himself just to hear it again.
"You see...it's just that you're the only one who's ever really been kind to me," he earnestly explains, leaning toward your desk, elbows resting on his knees.
Dark eyebrows shift back and forth - his brown eyes wide and pleading.
"And...well, I'd hate to take advantage of your kindness - "
Please. Please take advantage. Ugh, your intrusive thoughts are not welcome at this meeting.
"But I'd thought you'd be most likely to listen - you see, I have a disorder - "
"Sleeping disorder, right?" You interrupt, glancing down at his file. As if you need his file. You remember every word he's ever said. One time, he inadvertently let it slip that he used an ankle restraint and that just sent you...
"Oh, that? Eh..." He chuckles nervously, straightening up and scrubbing his hand over the back of his neck.
This is the day you learn Steven is a system.
All intrusive thoughts and unprofessional desires aside, this is something you take seriously. Steven has a diagnosis now - one you cannot ignore, nor can the museum use it against him. True, the toilets have been vandalized...by his alter. Not by him.
"I'd tell you more about why it happened, but you'd think me absolutely mad," he concludes, willing to share with you about his alter, but not an ancient Egyptian deity. Not today.
"Hey, don't talk about yourself like that," you respond, your eyes shining with sincerity and compassion.
There it is - the kindness you regard others with at all times - the dignity. Everyone has a fair shot with you, everyone deserves to be listened to. Sometimes Steven wonders if you would make a better therapist than a museum supervisor. Or perhaps he simply adores talking with you. And looking at you.
"Thank you," he breathlessly utters, his eyes glowing with gratitude, "for listening to me, I mean. Not many people do...listen to me, that is."
"I don't see why not," you return warmly. "I always enjoy our conversations, Steven."
That's not all you enjoy about him.
"Thank you," he repeats, blushing.
"So...which job is it that you're interested in?"
"Oh! Well, I'll take anything you'll give me. I'll do anything, really. Just say the word and I'm all yours."
Is it hot in here? Are you sweating? Oh god, you're staring. Are you staring?
Clearing your throat, you attempt to move this conversation along before you spontaneously combust.
"I think we have an opening for a tour guide," you inform. "Might be a little better suited to you than gift shop clerk. And it's not under Donna's purview."
"Oh god, really?" He gasps, his shoulders straightening from their typical, cute hunch. "You'd really let me interview - for a tour guide?"
"Of course," you sweetly reply. "We just need to set up a time for you to give me a private tour and I'll see what I can do."
The affection and adoration on Steven Grant's face is something you need to see again. Especially if you can be the cause for it.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
"Are you sure? Once I start I don’t think I'll be able to stop," Steven confesses, standing with you at the entrance of the museum's Egyptian wing.
Nearly every word out of his gorgeous, kissable lips drives you to distraction.
Feeling uneasy at your silence, he barrels on, "Just don't want to talk my way out of a job, is all."
"No, of course you won't. Please, go ahead."
So he does.
He talks and talks and talks about everything you pass by. And not just the major displays, but the tiniest bits of pottery, cracked and nearly forgotten. But not by him. His brown eyes glow with intrigue, his hands gesture animatedly.
He knows everything there is to know, even going so far as to point out that one of the name plates underneath one of the smallest, dullest, frankly most insignificant display items - is incorrect.
How has this man been stuck at the gift shop counter with Donna condescending to him daily?
He's actually managed to distract you from your desires - from your silly crush - and really impress you, professionally.
"Have I done it, then?" He sheepishly questions, pressing his palms together as if supplicating, then pulling them close to his chest. "Have I gone on too long?"
"No," you breathe, with heartfelt conviction. "It was amazing. You're amazing."
His eyebrows shoot up as he pushes up on his toes eagerly. "Wow, really?"
"Yes," you nod fervently, grinning at him. "You're hired. Congratulations, Steven."
Squeezing his hands into cute fists, he nearly shakes with excitement. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" And then, as if all his puppy energy bursts out of him, he pulls you into a quick, but strong embrace. The heat of his body electrifies you utterly.
"Oh, god, sorry. That wasn’t professional at all, was it? No. Please don't tell my boss," he laughs, attempting to joke his way out of his blunder.
You're reeling. Where others see an info-dumping nerd, you see a man so eager to please. And so handsome. And smart. How is he single?
"D-don't worry about it," you finally stammer, realizing he's withdrawn his fidgeting fingers to his chest. "No harm done."
"Sorry, I just get...passionate. I mean..." He gestures around him, his eyes sweeping over the ancient relics he knows so well - though his eyes ultimately land on you. "It's all so bloodly amazing, innit?"
"Yes," you laugh, although not mockingly. "I agree, it is. And I think this display is best left in your hands, I really do."
Taking you literally, he holds his hands up for inspection, turning them over adorably before thrusting them out toward you. "These hands won't let you down, boss."
Steven is still holding out his hands so you extend your own for a professional handshake. "Welcome to the team. Or - welcome back, rather."
The warmth of his palm enveloping your own sends a wave of desire surging through you.
Steven holds on a bit longer than most people would, his gaze falling on yours. "Thank you. Really. You don't know what this means to me. I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you."
You could think of a few ways.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
All my fluffy babes feel free to stop here and don't kill me for taking this suggestive prompt and making it fluffy! My NSFW fans, continue on to part 2 ->
IvyStoryWeaver's 500 Follower Celebration
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Steven Grant-Centric stories
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Cherry Wine - Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Sometimes a glass of wine is all it takes to see someone who has always been in front of you. Or the one where Wanda is getting divorced, and you two are best friends.
Warnings: (+18), brief drunk making out, friends to lovers, lots of teasing and sexual tension, reader is a simp, semi public, a bit of roleplay, fingering (r giving), oral (r giving). | Words: 7.058k
A/N-> This idea has been on my drive for months, but I only finished it last week. Here it is, I think I've got all the warnings, but let me know if I'm missing anything. Good reading!
General Masterlist || AO3 || Wattpad
It was official. 
Exactly 3 hours and 8 minutes ago - and Wanda knew that because she was timing how long she could hold her breath under the short water of the tub - she became officially a divorced woman. 
She had just returned the cell phone with the lawyer's confirmation that all papers delivered had been read and the process was finished as she placed it beside the tub and was about to return to her childish challenge when the bathroom door opened.
You frowned at your best friend's posture, but there was a little smile on your lips. 
"You have strange habits, Wanda. I worry sometimes." You commented humorously, getting a weak chuckle from the other woman. You had two towels in your hands - one for body and one for hair - which you left on the sink. "Natasha said, for the twentieth time, that she's very sorry to miss the girls' day, but she's going to try to bribe Fury with bagels to see if she could switch her overnight duty to tomorrow."
Wanda nodded in understanding but said nothing about it. If she was one hundred percent sincere, although she also loved Natasha, you were more than enough. You had planned a surprise day with just the girls on the same day the divorce papers were filed because you figured Wanda would need company. She expected to arrive home from the court to do household chores that were sure to make her cry, but she arrived at the clean and organized place, a hot bath waiting for her and your companionship. 
"Are you ready to get out or should I leave the music on? You look like you're pretending to be a music video, and I wouldn't want to disrupt the creative process of the best writer in this country." You joke, and this time Wanda laughs with flushed cheeks.
"Stop it." She grumbles, but you just shake your head with a chuckle. "What did you say we were going to do anyway?"
"Cooking." You retort with one hand propped on the sink. "I know it's the only thing that helps you relax as much as writing, but since you hate writing when you're upset, Sokovian food will have to do." You reply and Wanda sighs heavily.
"Okay." She says. "Can you give me five minutes?"
You smile. "Honey, I'll give you all the time you need. Meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready." You said before leaving.
Wanda hugged her legs trying to get up the courage to leave the bathroom. Today would be a good day, she was sure. All the days around you were good, or at least, they were better than the days without you. These were not so common. Ever since the two of you met, so long ago in high school, you haven't been apart. Same high school, same college, same group of friends when you started your careers. While Wanda became a writer, you followed the same career as your mother and sisters in the medical field.
Today had to be a good day because Wanda had been needing these lately.
And while she was getting dressed, you walked casually down the stairs toward the kitchen.
Pietro called next and you put him on speakerphone as you moved to start getting the pans out.
"What do you need, my least favorite Maximoff?" You answered the call with a tease and heard laughter on the other end of the line.
"Please, everyone knows you are secretly in love with me." He returned, making you chuckle and shake your head. "Only that would explain why you lived at my house all the time in high school."
"Of course. And here I thought it was because your sister is my best friend, how silly of me." 
Pietro laughed, and before you could continue you heard two childish voices joining the call, and you left the pans on the countertop to look at the twins trying to fit into the camera view.
"And how are the cutest boys in the whole world doing?" You asked, making them smile.
"Aunt Y/N, Tommy and I got a new video game!" Billy said excitedly. "Uncle Piete gave it to us as a present!"
"Yes, because they were very well-behaved on the trip, and they promised they'll remain just as quiet while I'm driving home." Pietro advised, rubbing his forehead lightly and making you smile.
The twins were spending the weekend with their uncle on the other side of the state, and you had asked Pietro for a few extra hours because of girls' day - which he promptly agreed to, because besides adoring his nephews, he figured Wanda needed some break.
"What time are you getting on the road?" You asked.
"After lunch. We should get there around six, and with any luck, those little boys will fall asleep halfway, right, kids?" Peter tried, but seeing the way Billy and Tommy were jumping around excitedly, that seemed far from the truth. You laughed at Pietro's tired expression. "Hey, how's Wanda?"
Before you could answer, Wanda had come downstairs - her hair slightly damp and her posture relaxed as she put on a sweatshirt set - she looked good. Quiet pretty.
"Y/N?" You blinked in confusion, realizing that you were staring and hadn't said anything for a long moment. Clearing your throat, you picked up your cell phone and turned to Wanda - who smiled at the sight of her brother and children - and approached.
"Mom, look at our new video game!" The twins started talking quickly, and you smiled as you watched Wanda's face light up as she spoke to them. You left your cell phone with her and went to organize things in the kitchen.
After a few minutes, Wanda ended the call with 'Love you, see you all later' and a nod, and then approached you, sliding the cell phone into the back pocket of your pants.
"Don't put it away, we're going to need it." You warn, putting down the plates you took from the top. "I need to look up the recipes online, I have no idea how to cook anything, Wands."
"That's what I'm here for." She retorts with a smile, taking the plates from your hands. "Everyone knows that following recipes is like cheating."
"That doesn't make any sense." You try but she just shrugs her shoulders and moves to leave the dishes on the countertop, and you laugh, seeing that this argument you will not win.
Except that, many minutes between jokes, touches, and playful nudges - from grabbing an ingredient before Wanda can, gently pushing your shoulders against hers when she was measuring something, or tickling her when she goes to reach for something on the highest shelf - whatever Wanda was cooking sure wasn't going as planned.
"There's something missing." She commented thoughtfully as she tasted the seasoning, and you crossed your arms as you leaned your back on the countertop beside her.
"Sorry, miss we don't need a recipe, did you say something?" You teased playfully, and she rolled her eyes with amusement.
"Okay, Y/N, renowned chef from nowhere with impeccable skills in making instant noodles and ice, can you please check the ingredients for me?"
"Hum, I didn't sense much sincerity in your request, but I will overlook it because you are cute." You joke, and since you are distracted by picking your cell phone out of your pocket, you don't notice that despite her shy chuckle, Wanda's cheeks turn pink.
With the recipe, it was definitely easier to finish lunch. And the food was delicious. You and Wanda took the dishes into the living room - because it was a quiet day, and since the kids are not here, you could do it just today - and turned on the TV. 
Wanda wasn't even surprised that you had sorted out her favorite sitcoms, but she was certainly pleased. You were good to her. Always so good to her. And now, watching you out of the corner of her eye as you giggle at one of the jokes on the television, Wanda has to remind herself that she shouldn't feel her heart racing this way. It's not how friends feel.
"When do you have to go?" That is the question she lets slip almost four hours after you both have finished lunch. The dishes were carried into the kitchen by you at some point, and this must have been the only time you guys got up from your empty cushions besides bathroom trips. Wanda thinks that her anxious brain came up with this because she hasn't heard a word of the episode since she stretched out her legs on the sofa and your hands began to massage her feet.
You raise an eyebrow at her, surprised at the sudden question.
"Are you kicking me out, Maximoff?" It's ironic and humorous, and Wanda giggles, letting her head fall back on the couch as she looks at you.
"Of course, I'm so tired of relaxing and having fun all day." She retorts in the same tone making you smile. However you stop your caresses to check your watch, and Wanda regrets asking.
"I have the night shift, so I should leave before Pietro gets back with the boys." You mutter before returning your gaze to her. "But we have enough time to bake some cookies for them."
The suggestion makes Wanda smile. "Can we bake a pie too?"
You laugh, pushing her feet gently to get up. "Anything you want, sweetheart."
Wanda must have the flu. You always use affectionate nicknames, but now, it makes her heart skip a beat. She follows you into the kitchen lazily - even a little hesitant - somewhat confused about her own reactions. You don't notice anything.
Baking is different for you two - you are better at it than she is. Wanda helps with the dough though, and you have fun when you need to wash your hands in the sink, several playful pushings until you're done. 
"Now we wait." You say as soon as the last tray of cookies is in the oven. Wanda decides to sit on the floor, her back resting on the countertop behind her, and you laugh at the scene, but sit down beside her, both of you staring at the cookies baking. There is a moment of silence, just your quiet breaths. Wanda hugs her legs and you sigh. "How has it been today, sweetheart?"
Wanda knows you are asking about the divorce, precisely about the absence of Vis around the house now. But to be fair, it's not as if he used to be around anymore anyway. And that is exactly what she tells you. Despite offering you a hum of understanding, you complete with a quiet "I'm sorry."
She raises an eyebrow. "Why? You never liked him."
You let out a short chuckle, looking at her with almost surprise. "I'm sorry you're going through this, I mean. And that you're sad. It doesn't matter how I felt about him."
Wanda nods, resting her face on her arm. "I'm not sad, Y/N." She murmurs. "I'm somewhere between relieved and angry. Probably both."
"Yeah, I'm sorry." You repeat and Wanda lets out an almost impatient sigh, turning her body toward you.
"You know what, Vision is no longer my husband. You can be honest, okay?" She practically accuses, and seeing your confused and surprised expression, she completes, "About him I mean. You two never got along. You don't have to hide what you really think about him anymore. You can be honest, I won't mind."
"Wanda, I really don't think that talking shit about your ex-husband is the appropriate thing-"
"Stop it." She cuts off gesturing a bit. "Vision was all about the appropriate thing, remember? So please, Y/N. Let's just, for today at least, be honest. I need this."
You sigh, looking at her with some hesitation. "Promise you won't be angry?"
"I promise."
"Even if I'm mean, or rude?"
Wanda laughs. "Yes."
You giggle too, but then let out an almost excited exclamation. "Okay, I've kept these things since college when you first met him, but let's do it." You stated in a fake serious tone that made Wanda chuckle slightly. Theatrically you made a thoughtful face and cleared your throat before beginning. "Okay, first of all, Vision was the most idiotic guy you could have chosen to marry, and these are the reasons: He is crude, hugely arrogant, and manipulative. I always hated the way he talked to you. He treated you as if he were somehow smarter or more talented, and he was never either." You began to state and Wanda's eyes widened slightly. "And also, he couldn't read the room. I lost count of how many times he made you uncomfortable with some inappropriate comment. And the worst part is that he didn't have the slightest clue that you were bothered because even though he was with you, he seemed to know nothing about you!"
Wanda swallowed dryly, watching you vent. The worst part was that you were right about everything, and she remained silent as you opened up:
"And that was just the beginning, you know? You two started going out, and he didn't even know the basics about you! And then you got engaged and he bought you a really expensive ring and all I could think was 'what a stupid guy'. You don't even like blue, he could have spent less on a red stone and Wanda would have loved it even more." You comment and Wanda lets out a chuckle that you share. "And then you got married, and the party was beautiful I admit, but he drank too much and almost ruined what was supposed to be the best day of your life."
"Thanks for moving the cake, by the way." Wanda muttered remembering the day clearly, and you laughed, nodding.
"It didn't get any better after that, Wanda." You continued. "He was a terrible husband to you. He didn't go to any of your events, and I know that because I was at all of them. And remember the twins' anniversary and the wine accident? The jerk was more concerned about a damn bottle than an injured son. It was a good thing I already knew how to do decent bandages." You joke about the last part, but Wanda can't give you more than a short laugh. 
You keep listing - days and more days when Vision was a terrible father and husband - and you keep being right. But mostly, you were the one present in her life all the time. Attending her writer's publicity events, at family parties, gently picking the kids up from school, caring for this family as if it were your own. Wanda feels a lump forming in her throat. She wants to cry, especially if it means you are the one going to hug her.
Noticing her silence, you interrupt yourself mid-statement, looking at her with concern.
"See, Wanda, I knew I shouldn't have said anything!" You declare seeing the tears in her eyes, your face almost desperate. "I take it all back. Forget what I said, it was insensitive and foolish to say it at this moment."
Wanda gives a tearful laugh, shaking her head. "No, Y/N, don't worry." She says trying to push the emotion away, "You're right. Vis was an idiot, but that must mean I am too for believing him." She declares sadly and you deny frantically, but Wanda looks down at her own lap. "Maybe all of this is not for me, you know? I'm just not a good wife."
"That's what I mean, Wanda." You begin as you raise a finger to her chin, making her look up at you. Your hand doesn't pull away, fitting comfortably on her cheek, and it takes all of Wanda's mental control not to lean in or melt at the touch. "He made you feel like you weren't enough when he should have made you feel like you were everything." She knows she is blushing, and she knows that because your hand is on her face you are feeling the warmth of her cheeks. So she thinks it best to smile and nod, pushing her face away before she loses control of her own body.
"I have an idea." She declares because she doesn't want you to think she has rejected your touch or that she is angry, and is getting up. "Vis has carried most of his things away but left a bottle of wine from our wedding. I'm sure it was the last shot to try to make me feel guilty, but he's not going to have that victory. I want to drink that whole bottle with my favorite person, which is you."
Wanda didn't see the silly grin you had on your face because she was getting the glasses and the bottle from the cabinet under the sink. You checked on the cookies before you got up and Wanda brought the items to the countertop behind you.
"The saddest part is that your wedding wine is terrible." You commented, making her laugh.
"I know." She says as she opens it. "But it will have to do. One sip for the symbolism of the moment?" She asks, making you chuckle before nodding.
But time aging has improved the drink. You and Wanda share a surprised look as you taste the cherry, hum of satisfaction after the first sip.
"While it's not bad, I can't go to work drunk." You warn as you return the cup to the countertop and Wanda laughs, shrugging.
"More for me then." She says and turns your entire cup over in a single gulp, making you giggle and shake your head. 
You go into the living room to get your cell phone, and when you return to the kitchen Wanda is sitting on the countertop. She has given up on the glasses and decided to drink straight from the bottle.
"Natasha apologized again, and said that the attempted bribe ended up getting her an extra shift." You say as soon as you read the message from your cell phone, and Wanda lets out a hearty giggle.
"Damn, now I feel bad." She retorts. "I think I'll save some of my pie for her."
"My pie you mean." 
Wanda laughs, rolling her eyes. "We split the work!"
"Yeah, yeah, you can take five percent credit." You tease as you move closer, leaving your cell phone on the countertop next to her where you stop. 
"Five percent?" She repeats with false indignation.
"And I'm being generous."
Wanda lets out a short laugh, pushing your shoulder playfully but you are looking at her in a way that makes her legs go weak. Your cell phone vibrates the same second Wanda starts to lean in, and it breaks the moment completely.  She decides to take another long sip while you check the message.
"It's Harley. She wants to know if I can come in early because an appointment popped up." You count as you type. "Sorry, Wanda, but you just lost another hour with your favorite person."
Wanda chuckles. "You're never gonna let that one go, are you?"
"Not a chance." You retort with a mischievous smile, looking at her for only a second before you go back to typing. 
Wanda takes another long sip of her wine, and the next words are coming out before she can hold them back, "How come you never got married?"
You blink confusedly away from the phone at the sudden question, but you shrug. "I don't know. I guess I haven't met the right person yet."
Wanda is no longer smiling. She thinks she should, though. It would be the appropriate thing to do: smile relaxedly for a casual conversation with her best friend.
"Not even Harley?"
You chuckle at her phrase, putting your cell phone in your pants pocket, and she makes a surprised face. "You haven't heard? I think Natasha was waiting for the opportunity to tease me in the most efficient way about it." You begin. "We haven't been going out in almost a month now. We were doing well, I think, and I thought about asking her to be my girlfriend during a picnic. I set up a romantic date at the Municipal Botanical Garden, even took her to see a butterfly exhibit. And guess what? She fell in love with the flower girl."
Wanda stared at you in shock. "Sorry, what?" she asked, but you laughed, shrugging.
"There was a woman supervising the exhibit, a biologist. When it was over, Harley took my hand and said `Sweetheart, this has been lovely, but we can't go out anymore. I think I just found the love of my life because of you." You recount. "I particularly think it was a funny way for the universe to say it wasn't meant to be."
Wanda let out a nervous laugh, "Oh my god, I'm sorry." She said but you chuckled, shaking your head.
"Don't worry, I don't think it would have worked out anyway." You say. "Sorry for not saying anything too, I guess I ended up blocking that humiliation from my memory and forgot to tell you." You joke, making her laugh. You reached over to pick up the bottle she had left between her legs. "A sip of courage to face a twenty-four-hour shift." 
Your next sip of wine was miscalculated, and you downed a few drops, laughing at your own clumsiness. Wanda definitely must have been very drunk to be noticing the drop running down your chin, blushing as she realized the urge to taste it straight from your skin. 
And maybe because she was drunk, she thought it was an incredible idea to do exactly what she wanted. 
While you were scanning the place for a cloth to dry yourself, Wanda wrapped her legs around you before you could move away, ignoring your confused giggle as she pulled you closer by the shirt.
Your question about what she was doing turned into a gasping sigh when her lips met all the drops of wine falling between your chin and neck. You closed your eyes tightly, tensing up at the same moment, your hands gripping the counter as you try to keep your balance.
Wanda pulled away, licking her lips and her eyes so dark you couldn't see the green as you opened yours and faced her.
"There you go. Delicious." She spoke in a hoarse voice, and her gaze went down to your lips at the same moment. 
"W-what are you doing?" You stammered affected, your face burning and your heart racing. Wanda threw the consequences out the window, her brain screaming at her to kill this curiosity that had existed since high school, and she did. She closed her eyes and broke the distance, meeting your lips in a firm and deep kiss.
You choked in surprise, pulling back. Wanda blinked, mortified, and suddenly very sober. 
The apology died in a groan as you grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her for real the next second, tongue and teeth and with all the passion you had hidden for so many years. She matched the intensity, and as your mouths pressed together, her hands went to the back of your neck and yours went down to her thighs, encouraging her to wrap herself even more around you.
In the kitchen, all that could be heard was the sound of panting breaths and moving lips, until one of your hands went boldly inside her blouse and when your palm wrapped around her breast, Wanda gasped in a whimper, arching her body toward you. Something changed in you at the sound, your kisses grew harsher and your hands began to mark her. Wanda felt like she was burning from the inside out, so many years of buried feelings surfacing all at once and all she wanted was for you to release the hot knot in her belly.
Just as she felt your fingers work to pull up her blouse completely, the oven alarm beeped and awakened you. 
Wanda grunted at the lack of your lips, but you were stumbling backward in shock, and she had to hold onto the counter to keep from falling when you did, one hand on your chest and one in your hair, your breathing as out of rhythm as hers.
"Fuck, what we were..." You started practically panicking, only now noticing the wine bottle that fell on the counter with the movement, and exclaimed sweatily as you rushed to grab the item and a cloth, frantically preventing further mess. Wanda was busy trying to control her own breathing and ignore the waves of arousal and alcohol in her brain. 
But as soon as your gazes met again, she began:
"Y/N, don't panic." 
But you grunted, shaking your head. "Wanda, we're just-"
Your speech was cut off by the sound of a car parked in front of the house.
"Oh, no, no, Shit." You muttered to yourself, and Wanda almost took it personally, but she could barely think about anything really, every cell in her body begging you to kiss her again when you moved closer again. But you were only trying to help with her messy appearance, letting out a gasping sigh as you raised your hands to smooth her hair and caught a glimpse of her swollen lips from the kiss. "God, so pretty..."
Wanda felt her face warm but you swallowed dryly, shaking your head and pulling away with a grunt. She would have complained but you adjusted your clothes and turned off the oven, and before she could comment, the front door was opening and lesser beings rushed into the room.
She heard your quick excuses about being late for work, and the promise of cookies in the oven was enough for neither Pietro nor the boys to question your hasty departure.
Wanda would have run after you, but she thinks her legs were still a bit wobbly.
You haven't spoken to Wanda in four days.
That's a record that impresses anyone who is part of your life - even Dr. Cho, who until last week though you were married to Wanda so many times she saw you leave the hospital for some family engagement with them. It was embarrassing to clarify that you were just a friend of the family.
You had a few. None like Wanda. And maybe that's why you're avoiding her.
The kiss hasn't left your mind since it happened. You had been running on automatic for days, and basically hiding at work to avoid the Maximoffs.
On the fifth day, Natasha had enough.
"This place is not a hotel, Y/N." She reminded as soon as she found you in the empty locker rooms again. You grimaced as you arranged the sheets on the bunk bed.
"But this has my name on it." You justified, gesturing with your head to the labels on the lockers. 
Natasha crossed her arms.
"The lodging is for on-call doctors. You were on call days ago. You have your own apartment, stop running away from your girlfriend."
You blush deeply and look away from the bedding in an attempt to hide it. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." You mutter, but Nat gives a dry laugh.
"Please, you've been working here for ten years, and for ten years Wanda has been making lunch boxes for you. Suddenly, she gets divorced and you start eating snacks from the machine and hiding in the dormitories. What, Vision finally found out that you were sleeping with his wife?"
“Nat!” You exclaimed embarrassed, but the redhead laughed and shook her head. "Don't say that! You know very well that Wanda and I, we never..."
"My god Y/N, you're still sleeping here?" Someone interrupted, coming to Nat's side. You sighed loudly at Harley, clearly arriving for her shift still in normal clothes and the lab coat inside her bag. "Did something happen to your house?"
Natasha smiles mischievously, leaning on the door. "That's what I'm trying to find out, and I'll bet you fifty bucks it has something to do with the hot Milf."
Harley raises an impressed eyebrow, her hands busy opening her own locker.
"What about Miss Maximoff?" She asks but you're sighing loudly and putting the covers away before walking away.
"Go mind your own business, Romanoff. And a good day to you two." You say as you leave in irritation.
But your escape from your colleagues is short-lived. Before lunch, when you've seen a few lovely patients that have improved your mood a bit, Natasha appears in your office.
"Hey, can I ask you a favor?" She asks leaning on the door, while you are checking the upcoming charts.
"Not if it's related to me staying in the dorm." You grumble grudgingly, managing a small laugh.
"I have found spiritual peace for that matter." She says mysteriously, and before you can clarify, she continues, "I'm going to take a little while at lunch, Maria and I are going to go over some adoption stuff. Do you think you can take over some General Practice patients? I can swap Pediatrics with you later."
You looked at your calendar before confirming, and Natasha smiled in appreciation, muttering that you were the best before you left.
In the afternoon, you were almost considering telling your long-time friend about what happened, but soon realized it was all her plan when you read Maximoff's name on the next appointment form.
In shock for a good few seconds, you almost considered faking a faint or escaping out the window, but both actions seemed very childish to you. 
It was just Wanda. Your best friend of a lifetime. You could have a conversation with her.
With trembling fingers, you pressed enter on the computer for the next password call and stood up to spend the next few minutes rehearsing exactly what you were going to say.
All the words went awry when Wanda's upset face came into your field of vision.
"H-hey." You greeted hesitantly, resisting the natural urge to break the distance and approach her, wrap her face between your hands and ask if everything was okay as you had done a thousand times. And Wanda missed that.
"Hi, doc." She greeted with a slight tease as she closed the door, you swallowed dryly wiping your soft palms on your pants.
"W-what are you, um, doing here?"
"Well, I figured if I made an appointment with the boys, you would have moved on to someone else. Given the way you're avoiding me." She replies without any ceremony, and you lower your head in shame, shifting the weight of your feet. "So I had to ask Nat for help."
You let out a humorless laugh. "Great plan." You mumbled before looking back at Wanda - who had taken off her coat. You cleared your throat. "Well, why don't you start by telling me what's wrong, Miss Maximoff?" You ask and Wanda tilts her head slightly, seeming to decide whether she was going to go through with this little theater or leave the room. Fortunately, she chooses the former.
With a soft sigh, she leaves her coat on the support besides the door and unhurriedly takes off one at a time the sandals she was wearing.
"I've had such a tough few weeks, Doctor." She begins, your eyes catching every movement of her hands taking off her sandals and causing your breath to hitch to the dark tingle that takes over her green irises. "With my divorce being finalized, I've been so stressed."
"That...I'm sorry to hear." You manage to say in a hoarse, affected voice, watching Wanda gently pushing her sandals to a corner of the room and starting to work the buttons on her red blouse in a tortured slow manner. Your heart leaps as you begin to see more skin. "W-what are you doing..."
"Oh, doc, I should be more comfortable, shouldn't I?" She asks with a false innocence that makes you swallow dryly, half her buttons open now. "So you can check me properly."
You choke softly, your face burning but your gaze mesmerized on the woman in front of you, who sighs softly as she removes her blouse, letting it fall down her arms to the floor.
Of course, in so many years of friendship, you had seen Wanda in lingerie a few times. But never like this. Not with her deliberately offering the image to you.
Your brain short-circuits, and she bites her lip, a hidden little smile as she watches your reaction.
"All this stress has left me so sore in so many places, doc..." Wanda begins, approaching in slow steps that make you hold your breath, the image of her cleavage covered only by a black bra making it impossible to concentrate on anything if not this. "Can you help me with that?"
You nod frantically, licking your lips to try not to look like a complete mess.
"W-where does it hurt, Miss Maximoff?" Your husky question makes Wanda smile even wider. She moves her hands to yours and pulls the first one until your palm is over her covered breast, drawing sighs from both of you.
"They are so sore since you touched me in the kitchen." Wanda confesses in an equally affected sigh, and you resist the urge to close your eyes, gasping a little. "Kept missing the feel of your hands around me, playing with them. It makes me tingle, unable to sleep. And thinking about that makes another spot hurt."
You blinked a little confused because of the liquid lust in your brain, but Wanda wasted no time in guiding your other hand to her belly and pushing down until it slid into her pants, past her panties.
You sighed deeply as you felt her wet pussy, instinctively squeezing her breast and making Wanda close her eyes tightly, her hands going to your shoulders for support.
"Fuck, Wanda." You grunt but Wanda is throwing her hips against your hand gently, urging you to start moving inside her.
"Please doc, only you can help me." She declares, and you shudder at the meaning behind her words, not resisting the temptation to slide your fingers through her folds, collecting and spreading the moisture that only seems to grow and makes Wanda whimper. "In-in-side, please... I need..."
You interrupt her with a kiss, overpowering with ease because Wanda is twitching at the feel of your fingers. She tries to match your hungry, intense kiss, but as soon as you push two fingers inside her cunt, she moans loudly, hands gripping your shoulders tightly to keep herself from sliding to the floor.
You hum in approval, your body burning with desire at the sensation of the soaked and tight walls of Wanda's pussy squeezing your digits. When she can no longer kiss you back because you have begun to thrust harder inside her and she can only rest her forehead against your shoulder, clinging to your body to keep from falling to the floor as your free fingers stimulate her nipple, you whisper in her ear, "You have such a greedy pussy, Miss Maximoff. Taking my fingers so well, so wet and tight for me. You know If you wanted this, you could have told me sooner."
Despite the closeness of her orgasm - Wanda could feel her legs wobble, the knot in her belly tightening, and waves of hot heat spreading throughout her body - she managed to retort:
"Would you have...helped me...if I had asked you before?" She said between breathless moans, and you almost flinched at the hidden meaning behind the question. But instead, you switched the rhythm until Wanda began to whimper, her hips moving against your hand in search of relief. 
Leaving Wanda's breast, you moved your hand to her face so that she would look up at you. Dark, dreamy eyes with very red cheeks. Wanda was absurdly beautiful, a mess on your fingers.
You make her cum before you say what you want. And she has to close her eyes for it, and you swallow the deep groan she lets out as she gets deliciously tight in your fingers, and soaks your hand with her juices.
As she recovers, you wrap an arm around her and draw patterns on her swollen clit.
"Look at me, Wanda." You call out in a whisper and wait until she does. "I would. Any time."
She swallows dryly, lowering her gaze to your mouth. "Even when..."
"Any time." You interrupt as you assure, sliding your fingers inside again and making her choke on her own breath. "I've loved you since high school, Wanda. If you had told me how you felt, I would have said the same. I would have kissed you in your dorm room, or at the church door. It could have been me screaming when the priest asked if anyone had anything against that union."
"Dorogoya..." Wanda starts out affectionate but turns into something like a whimper when you curl your fingers inside her. "Y-yes, just like that... chert vozʹmi, eto tak khorosho." she gasps in her native tongue, and you smile with a wave of pride in your chest as you watch her roll her eyes to the back of her head.
"Do you realize how many times I wanted to fuck you in that kitchen, Maximoff?" You continue, appreciating the way Wanda throbs in your fingers. "Or on your couch. Or my bed, when you and that asshole were fighting and you were going to cry on my shoulder?" You question, fingers stroking harder now. Wanda whimpers, shaking her head. "He never knew how to love you right, Wanda. Fuck you until you couldn't remember your own name. Good thing best friends know each other so well. I know exactly what you need, pretty girl."
Wanda was about to complain about the lack when you suddenly remove your hand from her pants, but you are kissing her hard and spinning her around until she is placed on the table. Your hands work to push her garment out of the way, and Wanda grunts when you break the kiss with a tug on her lips, only to feel her whole face burn when you start to get down on your knees.
Of course, she knows what you're going to do. And of course, you know that she has never received this before. You learned about it in a very awkward conversation on girls' night out, where Wanda had to confess that she was the only one in the group who didn't know what it felt like. Nat and Monica were too drunk to remember, but apparently you - from the victorious smile as you kissed her legs now - remembered very well.
Wanda tensed in anticipation, and you kissed her thighs before looking at her.
"Relax, Maximoff. You'll love it." You say trying to reassure her, but Wanda swallows dryly.
"You don't have to." She murmurs embarrassedly surprising you a little, "If you don't want to. Vision used to say it was weird and even unnecessary and I understand if you-"
"Oh, baby, you have no idea how much I want it." You sighed in solidarity. Ten damn years without decent sex. It had to be a joke. "Trust me, Wanda. I'm going to make you feel good like no one ever has."
She smiled shyly, and you kissed your way up until Wanda jumped softly with the first kiss against her clit. Your original plan was to go slowly, but as soon as you had a taste, your eyes rolled and you dove in.
Wanda cried out in pleasure and a little surprise, her hands gripping the table tightly.
“Oh, malysha… that feels-ah-really nice.”  Wanda gasped with her eyes closed tightly, her hips trying to match the rhythm of your mouth. Your tongue moved masterfully, in and out in a breathtaking rhythm as you spread her last pleasure all around. Wanda cursed in Sokovian as you sucked on her clit, arching her back and squeezing the table until her fingers turned white.
She was close, so tight in your mouth that you could feel how ruined your own panties were, but you didn't stop - grabbing her thighs to keep her open and continuing to eat her out even after she came hard in your mouth.
"Chert vozʹmi, dorogaya, eto slishkom" She babbled in ecstasy, falling with her elbows on the table, her whole body spasming deliciously. But you kept licking hungrily until her rambling words turned into cries of pleasure and she came again even more intensely.
You would stay there forever if you could, but the appointment time alarm began to sound and you grunted impatiently.
Licking her clean, Wanda blinked affectedly before she felt your hands wrap around her and help her stand properly, your lips dancing on hers and turning her into an even bigger mess as she felt the mixed taste on your tongue.
"Go on a date with me, Miss Maximoff." You say between one kiss and another, and Wanda chuckles softly.
"Is that an order, doc?"
"It's a request." You clarify even though you know she is only joking. "One that I should have made the second I laid eyes on you."
Wanda blushes, smiling shyly before kissing you again, slow and deep.
"I would have said yes." She confesses breathlessly. "Before or now. I didn't know, Y/N. If I had known-"
"It's okay." You interrupt her before she gets more anxious, kissing her mouth once or twice. "We have all the time in the world."
She smiles in agreement. "My place or in yours?"
You rub your nose against hers gently. "Is there a difference?" You retort getting a giggle in return.
You helped Wanda get dressed between kisses and stolen touches, and even after she left, your heart was still pounding inside your chest.
Wanda loved you back. And even though you had been friends for years, part of you felt that your story with her was just beginning. It was somehow terrifying. The possibility of screwing things up, of course. Good thing you would have your best friend by your side.
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When The Girls Talk Boys | Spencer Reid
Add yourself to my taglist! | Here’s my masterlist!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff!
Author's note:
Words: 2.051
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*** BOYS ***
She was beautiful. Everything was beautiful about her. The way her eyes lit up as she talked to JJ and Emily, and how her lips always curled up into this adorable pout-smile she always did when someone said something a little too inappropriate for work. 
Watching her from across the bullpen had been my favorite thing to do ever since I met her. The first few days, that was all I did. I just watched her from across my desk or as she made herself a cup of coffee. Even when we were in the field, all I could really do was list off any and all facts I knew about whatever was happening. I couldn’t bring myself to actually talk to her as I would get too nervous. 
That was until she asked me to go see a screening of Alien Girl, without subtitles. I think that might’ve been the moment I fell in love with her, but I didn’t quite know it back then. One cinema date turned into two, turned into three, turned into dinner dates and after-work drinks or pre-work coffees and breakfast. After two weeks of going out on casual dates, I had finally dared to kiss her. 
Knowing fraternizing between co-workers is strictly prohibited, the two of us had decided to keep it under wraps. From then on, we had been strictly professional when we were at work, however, the second we were alone, we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves. Every night, she and I found ourselves, kissing and touching like no one else. 
Every day, I fell more and more for  her. 
“You have been awfully chipper lately, pretty boy,” said Derek, capturing my attention. 
I shrugged, returning to my file as though I hadn’t been staring at my co-worker for the past ten minutes. “Eh, it’s the sun,” I dismissed him, not wanting to attract any more attention than I already have. “The beautiful weather we’ve been having lately tends to boost serotonin levels. It improves your sleep, synchronizes your biological clock and lowers stress levels.” 
While I was ranting off factoids, Rossi joined the conversation. “I think it sounds more like there’s a woman in your life,” he suggested whilst dropping another file on my desk. 
Rossi and Morgan both tilted their heads and raised their eyebrows, neither of them really believing anything I was telling them unless it involved a woman. Of course, they were right, but I couldn’t tell them that. 
“Who is she?” Morgan asked, noticing my faltering. 
Sighing, I shut the file on my desk and turned to my co-workers. “Fine, there is someone,” I told them honestly, capturing their attention, along with my boss’. “She’s… just amazing… You know how someone can just take your breath away with one look?” Morgan, Rossi and Hotch all nodded their heads slowly. “I don’t really understand it, to be fair… It’s-It’s just… I don’t know.” 
“Well, that’s a first,” Rossi chuckled. 
“So, who is this woman?” Morgan wanted to know. 
I fought my instinct to look right at her. If I did, they would most definitely figure it out. They were the best profilers after all. So, instead, I grimaced and turned back to my file. “I-I can’t tell you… It’s kinda new so I kinda want to keep it to myself for now. Don’t wanna jinx anything.” 
All three of my co-workers chuckled as they patted my shoulder or simply shook their heads as they left me alone to get back to work. As I let my own words simmer in my mind, I looked up to find her already looking at me with that gorgeous smile on her face. 
It did make me wonder if she, herself, talked about me the way I just talked about her. 
Watching Spencer from across the room was one of my favorite things to do. I just loved how he furrowed his brows in concentration or how his tongue would poke out as he wrote something down. I hated not being able to touch or kiss him whenever we were at work. But I also did know that this was for the best. 
“You’re daydreaming,” Emily pointed out, capturing my attention. 
I let out a chuckle. “Yeah, a bit tired, I suppose.” It wasn’t a lie. Last night, Spencer and I spent a lot of time together, cuddled up in bed, just talking. And kissing. And touching. All things we couldn’t do when other people were around. 
“Ooh, who kept you up last night?” JJ questioned, having heard part of the conversation. There was a teasing in her tone that I had used on her myself whenever I would ask about Will when they first started going out and I was the only one who knew. 
Shrugging, I turned away from the girls, ignoring the way my cheeks were heating up. “No one– it’s…” I couldn’t lie to them anymore. I had to say something. Something that would get them off my back, something that would allow me to gush about Spencer without them knowing who I was talking about. “It’s kinda new, so I don’t wanna jinx it…” 
“We got a new lover alert?!” Penelope exclaimed as she passed my desk, catching onto my last words. “Tell me everything!” 
I fought the urge to glance across the bullpen towards Spencer, who was talking to Morgan, Rossi and Hotch. No one was supposed to know about us. No one could know how we’d gone on several dates and how we’d kiss and touch each other in ways that weren’t very appropriate at work. 
“I–” I inhaled a sharp breath, thinking about what to tell them and how to tell them. “He’s a sweetheart, you know? He’s a gentleman…” I bit my bottom lip to keep myself from continuing, but then did anyway. “In and outside of the bedroom.” 
The girls all gasped in surprise. “Y/N!” Penelope exclaimed, capturing Spencer’s attention. I locked eyes with him for a split second, which wasn’t enough to alert any of the girls. 
“He’s all I’ve ever wanted and I think…” I pressed my lips together. There was no way I could ever admit to what I’m truly feeling for my co-worker. “I think I might be falling in love with him.” 
The girls’ jaws dropped while their eyes widened. Their reaction sent a rush of heat to my cheeks, forcing me to hide my face in my hands. I couldn’t believe I was admitting all of this to my co-workers during work hours, even. 
“Oh my God!” Penelope cooed, holding her hands to her heart. 
“What’s going on?” Morgan asked as he joined, hearing his favorite girl’s exclaims. 
“Our little Girl Wonder is in love!” she shouted loud enough for everyone in the bullpen to hear, including Spencer. 
Morgan’s eyebrows raised. “Are you now? Who’s the lucky fella?” 
Shrugging, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “It’s–I’m… It’s kinda new. Don’t wanna jinx anything.” 
Something shifted in Morgan’s facial features, like puzzle pieces fell into place. Rather confused, his eyes flitted from me to Spencer and back. “You… You’re in a new relationship?” he asked me, to which I nodded very slowly as I was trying to grasp onto what he figured out. “And so did you…” he pointed at Spencer. 
My eyes widened ever so slightly as they flicked towards Spencer, my lips pressed together tightly. “Y-yeah,” Spencer responded nervously. “Can happen, right? I-it’s a coincidence…” 
Morgan hummed suspiciously while Emily narrowed her eyes as well. “But it’s not a coincidence how you’ve both been staring at each other since you guys entered the office…” 
Exchanging quick glances, Spencer wordlessly told me he wanted to tell them and while I agreed, I also didn’t want them to win. But I also knew I wasn’t going to win against my co-workers. They were the best at what they did after all. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I told them, shaking my head and crossing my arms. 
“Oh, come on, y/n!” JJ whined, followed by a chuckle. “You’re in love with him!” 
My eyes landed on Spencer again as his eyes softened and his lips curled up into a smile. “You’re in love with me?” he asked, ignoring everyone else around us and the fact that I was still trying to dismiss their suspicions. 
“I–” I tried to get myself out with some little white lie, but looking into Spencer’s honeycomb eyes, my insides completely melted and my walls came crashing down. “Yes,” I squeaked. 
The most beautiful smile tugged Spencer’s lips upwards and I couldn’t help but mirror said smile. Albeit the setting wasn't’ the most romantic, the moment felt kind of sweet. 
“Nawwww!” JJ, Emily and Penelope called out. 
I rolled my eyes at them, though I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. “This is kinda awkward.” 
“Is it, though?” Spencer asked as he took a step closer towards me. He was quick to grab my hands and pull me up to my feet. 
Chuckling, I looked up at him. “It is when you don’t say it back, honey,” I whispered, scrunching my nose. 
“I’m in love with you, too, baby.” 
A wide smile spread across my cheeks as I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him deeply. The shivers the feeling sent down my spine caused me to forget about everyone else around us. It wasn’t until I pulled back from him and Hotch spoke up that I realized where we were. 
“I’m gonna need to see you two in my office,” he said sternly, though the ghost of his smile still resided on his face. 
Sighing, we smiled at each other before following Hotch to his office. I didn’t let go of Spencer’s hand until we reached the office. The two of us listened to what Hotch had to say and filled out the forms he needed us to. Once we were done in the office, Spencer and I exited and made our way to the breakroom. 
“Are you okay with everyone knowing?” Spencer asked when he shut the door while I started making us some coffee. 
I smiled up at him. “Yeah, it feels freeing, kind of? Means I can just talk to the girls about you without having to hide who you are.” 
Tucking his hands into the pockets of his pants, Spencer made a beeline towards me. “You talk to the girls about me?” he asked, a slight pink tinting his cheeks. I simply hummed as I grabbed at his sweater to pull him closer. “What do you tell them?” 
“That you’re a sweetheart,” I replied and kissed his cheek. “That you’re a freak in bed,” I kissed his jaw with a mischievous smirk plastered on my face. “That you’re my lover.” I kissed his nose. “And that you’re all I need.” I finished my answer with a kiss to his lips. 
“We probably shouldn’t be doing this at work,” he mumbled but leaned in again for another kiss anyway. 
A knock on the door startled the both of them into releasing one another. Morgan peeked his head inside. “All right, lovebirds, Hotch wants us all in the briefing room.” 
Nodding our heads, Spencer and I walked out of the breakroom together and joined the rest around the round table. Spencer kissed my knuckles before taking a seat, allowing me to take one on the other side of the table. It was better for us to sit apart, anyway. At least then, we could refrain ourselves from constantly touching each other. It had been our way of keeping us a secret for so long. 
We had been able to go without anyone finding out for longer than I had anticipated. But with our co-workers knowing, it felt as though a weight had fallen off my shoulders. I loved Spencer and I loved how everything we did was ours without anyone knowing. But having it out into the world, I didn’t have to be careful with every glance, every touch or what I wanted to say to him. 
From now on, I could say what I wanted to him, I could hug him if I needed it without any suspicion. 
From now on, I could love him openly and loudly. 
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Everything taglist: @calamitykaty @littlemissaddict @n0wornever @wanniiieeee @unnowhatthisistbh @Jassy122
182 notes · View notes
toji-girl · 3 months
for hire | s. hanma
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synopsis: Being a model was harder than you expected, trying to get an agency to hire you seemed to be the main issue that is until you meet the infamous Shuji Hanma.
wc: 2k
tag: dark content + 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + not beta read + repost from my old blog + your model name is vixen + blow job + consensual picture taking + noncon video recording + I think that's all + reblogs & comments are appreciated + for kinktober '23 | I've posted this before but it's one of my favorites I've ever done so I'm reposting it!
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Everything inside you was exhausted, worn down to the bone really, no matter how many modeling gigs you applied for every single one rejected you for one reason or another after you finally got your career up and running only for it to come crashing back down it felt like. 
However, things really never seemed to go the way you thought because as soon as you were about to click the ‘apply here’ on the screen your manager called to deliver more bad news that you knew was about to be said, you almost didn’t answer. 
“Shuji Hanma wants you to model for him! Jewelry of the sort and maybe some lingerie if you’re comfortable with that!” Her voice crackled from her high-pitched squeal, no hi or hello like usual. 
Your eyebrows pinched together in confusion, was this a joke? It has to be because there is no way she was serious, the Hanma wanting to photograph you? There has to be some sort of condition or something to this whole thing. 
“It’s not April Fools.” 
She tutted and shook her head clicking the video chat button and leaning back watching your face pop up with a look of uncertainty. “I know that, I’m serious. I guess he saw you in a file.” 
You stared back at her and stood from your couch heading straight to your bedroom unable to wrap your head around it still. “I haven’t been able to get any job for months and now Hanma wants to photograph me?” 
“Yes, how many times do I need to tell you this? I sent you everything over via email and it was signed off by him, not his assistant.” 
If you had to count how many times you’ve read the email you wouldn’t be able to give anyone a correct number, by now you memorized it and were able to recite it when you did your daily tasks. 
Dear, Vixen. 
That’s the name I was given by your manager and after seeing the pictures she sent over I knew I had to have you in front of my camera, everything you need will be delivered to your house Thursday evening. Please show up at my studio the following night at seven p.m. sharp, and a car will be there to pick you up. Wear one of the outfits and sets when you arrive. 
Thursday night you sat on your couch bouncing your leg up and down waiting for the knock to come on your front door, the thought of wearing only jewelry while Shuji took photos of you made your stomach curl into itself, not to mention your nipples tightening against your shirt. 
You’ve seen plenty of pictures of him plastered all around, and he’s very sexy, but you also know he was part of a gang growing up, something he was sure to boast about, and the thrill of being with a bad boy was enough for you to send him an email back stating you’d be there. 
A knock pulled you from your thoughts, quickly you got up and made it to your front door in record time to grab the box from the delivery person with a grin as you scribbled your name and took the package inside, once the door was shut you stared down at feeling warmth flush through you. 
Just as quick as you stood up and you sat back down leaning into the cushions and tearing into it, the thin paper that kept the clothes and jewelry intact you were careful about taking them each out and laying them on your couch wondering if you should call your manager but didn’t want her to ruin the moment so you decided against it. 
“Oh, my.” Your mouth dropped open seeing the diamonds shining under the harsh light of your living room, your fingers stroked them watching them glitter as you moved to the other set, most were earrings, necklaces, and a few bracelets but it mostly seemed to be sets of them. 
You moved from the jewelry to the clothes carefully to unfold them to get a better view. “No way in hell.” You muttered to yourself looking at the crotchless panties paired with a see-through bralette, soon enough more fabric joined the pile and it was a bunch of lacy and silky and frilly outfits, one skimpier than the last until you were wondering what the point of the last outfit was. 
The different colored fabrics along with the jewelry boxes sat on your couch overnight and all day until six pm the night until you were quick to pick the one that didn’t show everything you had to offer, with your trench coat on and shoes you stepped outside looking for the car Shuji sent. 
Shuji was demanding even in his email. You noted he only used please once, and you knew he was a man who was used to getting what he wanted whenever he wanted, your blood fizzled in your veins as the car pulled away from the curb driving into the heart of the city. 
You watched out the window growing excited at the prospect of this launching your career, it could either make or break it so you were down to do whatever Shuji told you to do at this point, and it didn’t help you find him extremely attractive and with his tattoos, you wanted to know if he could punish you. 
Thoughts of his open palm striking your bare ass melted away when the car stopped in front of a highrise building, it looked modern and sleek with dark tinted windows and a bright sign on the side but from here you couldn’t make out whatever it said. 
Soon you were shuffled into a small room by yourself which screamed expensive, everything was bathed in a maroon and gold aesthetic and the couches you were sure cost more than the whole building you lived in, so you opted to walk around the room instead while ooking at the million pictures on the wall until you you heard a door click and heels on the floor. 
You turned to come in direct contact with Shuji, his strong cologne overwhelming you as he peered at you through his glasses sizing you up as you almost swallowed your tongue nodding at him. “Yes, and you’re Shuji Hanma?” 
“The one and only, let’s get started. What are you wearing under the trench coat?” 
He turned on his heel and walked through the double heavy doors guiding you into his studio which was different than his waiting room, the room was modern and sleek with hints of gray and white peaking out from the dark colors. “One of the outfits you sent.” 
“Good girl, now let’s get started, are you wearing any of the necklaces?” 
His use of ‘good girl’ made your cheeks pool with heat as you looked over at the couch he was referring to, you made your way over on slightly wobbly knees and sat down taking your coat off. “I am, yes.” 
Shuji turned around from his desk to look at you with his camera in his hand, his shirt now unbuttoned midway as he listened to you. With long quick strides, he stood in front of you, towering really as he bent at the waist hovering above you. 
You could smell the whiskey on his breath that fanned over your face, he grinned as his fingers touched the jewelry lifting it up off your neck, Shuji was sure to touch you but barely. “I’ve seen your other shoots, and those poor bastards didn’t know how to capture your beauty.” 
“Oh?” You squeaked unsure what else to say, the proximity of him being this close and his smell all you could think about what he looked like under his clothes. He nodded and stood up again to help put you into position. 
He crouched down in front of you snapping a few pictures before another change, this time you were bent over with your ass on full view. “They make these heart-shaped plugs for that cute hole of yours, would you be interested in that?” 
With the choice of underwear he could see everything you had to offer and it made him twitch with wanton desire, did he stalk you a bit before this after seeing your file show up on his desk a few months ago? Maybe. Something about you called to him and he was a greedy bastard who wanted what he did and he always got it. 
You’re so cute and fell into his trap letting him lift your hips up so he could graze his hard-on against you, or when he needed you in a different outfit you let him dress you like his own personal doll. “This is the one, and after I’ll give you payment for your time.” 
Shuji set you on his desk this time, showing off the bracelet you wore, your hand resting on your breasts as he stared at them. “Can I give you something as a thank you?” You asked once he put everything away except for one small video recorder but you didn’t know that. 
“Thank me?” He asked with a chuckle as he sank down on the couch watching you meekly walk over to him, his presence made you want to submit and do whatever he said it was to do, not only did he make you feel like the only girl in the world but the touches left you wanting more. 
You dropped to your knees still clad in his favorite outfit rubbing his thighs with a shy nod. “Yeah, you know for helping me with this? You’re so big and everyone knows you, you helped me a lot.” 
Shuji chuckled darkly as he patted your head like a dog with a smirk. “Then get to it, you were very obedient and listened well.” He watched you unzip his pants before glancing at the camera making sure it was angled to get the whole thing, it wasn’t for anyone else to see but himself. 
He would use the video later to jerk himself off in his bed before calling you to see if you were busy, but for now, he was going to let you blow him or whatever it was you were going to do, you pulled his cock out after taking his belt off. Shuji’s cock matched him, pretty as hell. 
It was on the slender side but still had enough girth to make you feel full and the length to bully your g-spot, your eyes went into the shapes of hearts you were sure as you wrapped your fingers around his shaft giving him a few experimental jerks before lifting yourself up more off the floor to suck on his head. 
Shuji watched you fully now, his eyes trained on your lips wrapped around him and the pretty diamonds glittering as you hollowed your cheeks out letting your spit dribble down making a mess, he groaned when you took him to the back of your throat gagging. He wanted more and fast, so with his hand on your head you let him control everything. 
His studio was filled with wet sucking sounds and you moaning around him like you were getting pleasure from this, your hands cupped his balls making it messy and sloppy, the sloppiest you’ve ever done for any guy in your life, your drool covered your chin and tits now making them shine under the light. 
He was quick to move his hand to cup the back of your head thrusting his hips up further gagging you lewdly, the way you sputtered around him made him grin. “You can handle it, you’re doing so well for me.” 
With his praise you amped up your performance making out with his flushed head and tapping it against your tongue while looking up at him, the shy reserved woman he first met was nothing like the woman you are now sucking his cock like there was no tomorrow. 
His balls tightened when you used your spit to jerk him off while bobbing your head up and down sitting on the balls of your feet to suck him in deeper until you heard him groan deep in his chest. “Such a good little cock sucker, might make you my professional one.” 
Little did you know when you pulled away swallowing it all he got it on video, he leaned in capturing your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Need a new job?” 
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trashforhockeyguys · 28 days
Vienna Wait For You -9- William Nylander
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Avalyn sat in the green room of the studio, leg bouncing up and down, sweat gathering at the nape of her neck. She’d never been this nervous, but that’s because she’d never had so much to lose before. She was getting ready to out her parents, and immediately following her lawyer, Mr. Jefferies was going to file the lawsuit. After today she’d be free for the first time in her life. 
Jackson sat next to her, refusing to let her do this on her own. She was grateful for him in more ways than she could ever put into words. But all she could think about was the text she sent William earlier this morning, requesting that he tune in to her interview. It was the first time she’d asked him to watch an interview of hers. The first time she wanted him to hear what she had to say, because today would change everything. 
“It’s almost time,” Jacks said from his spot next to her, “Are you ready?” 
She was shaking where she sat. Feeling more like she’d vomit with every passing second. She wasn’t afraid of what her parents might do to her, but more afraid of what they would do to the people she loved. William included, because she did love him. God above, she loved William. 
“No,” She admitted shakily, “But I have to do this.” 
“It’s not too late to bail and just go upstate,” He reminded her, “They can find another way to fill the time slot.” 
“No they can’t,” She shook her head, “This has to be now or it’ll never happen. They didn’t announce that I was doing this, so my parents have no idea, they’ll be blindsided, which is what we wanted, remember?” “I’m just saying, there’s more than one way to do this.” 
“Not with them, there isn’t.”
She swallowed the thick lump in her throat when they came to retrieve her. This was going to happen, now there was no more putting it off. No more trying to find another option that wouldn’t potentially wreck her career. She would wreck it all, if only it meant she would finally be free. 
“Today we’re joined by none other than Hollywood’s favorite young starlet, Avalyn Bradshaw Kreitzbrg.” 
She took a deep breath before plastering on a nervous smile as she walked onto the stage, waving at the crowd a little as she did. She made her way to the seat left open for her, taking another deep breath as she sat down. 
“Thank you for having me,” She said, voice still a little shaky. 
“Now this comes as a shock to all of us, but you’re releasing a tell all memoir today,” the interviewer stated, “You managed to keep this under wraps for, as you said in your book, years. And I have to say, there’s some pretty shocking things in this.” They held up a shiny new copy of her book. 
Avalyn nodded, not making eye contact with the book that would wreck everything, and yet put it all back together again, “Yes, it was incredibly important for me to be able to tell my story in a way that meant I still had privacy while doing it. And that meant keeping it a secret from everyone, so I could tell my truth.” 
“Now, in this book, you say some incredibly harsh, and might I say, damning things about your parents. What does this mean for your relationship with them?” 
Avalyn sat up a little straighter, “I’m hoping it means I can finally be free of them. For years I’ve been nothing more than a source of income for them, not their daughter. I’ve been treated with very little respect, and never any love by them. But that doesn’t make doing this any easier, because they’re still my parents. They gave me life, but that doesn’t mean I should let them control every aspect of it.” 
“You write about being in a fake relationship with Jackson Portland, which comes as an absolute shock to most of the world,” They continue on, “Can you tell us more about that?” 
“We’ve been best friends since we were little,” She shrugged, “But when my parents decided it would be best that we act like a couple, he and I went along with it because it was just easier. We’d be safe with one another, you know? We could protect each other from the world and anyone else seeking a relationship. It was the safest option for both of us to continue the ‘relationship’ as we got older. I only disclose it now with his permission, so we can go on being best friends, but not have to make out with each other every time there’s a camera on us.” 
The interview continued on. They asked more questions about her parents and their treatment of her. Asked about Jackson some more, because he was always a hot topic. Off stage, you could see him smiling at you, beaming with pride at what you were accomplishing by doing this. 
She continued on, spilling her secrets and her pain in front of the audience, and the thousands of people tuning in the second it was announced she would be on the show, very early this morning. She was risking it all, yet Avalyn was strangely happy about it. 
“I want other people in my situation to know that they aren’t alone,” She said at the end, “I want them to know that there is an out, even if it seems like it’s impossible, and that there is freedom. You just have to be brave enough to take the first step towards it.” 
“Thank you so much, Avalyn Bradshaw Krietzburg everyone!” 
She let out a deep breath as she walked off the stage and into Jackson’s open arms. No matter what happened, he would be her family, him and his parents loved her as if she was their own. 
“Let’s get in the car and head upstate, yeah?” Jacks said, kissing the top of her head. 
“Sounds amazing,” She breathed out. 
Because for the first time in years, she felt like she could truly breathe. Felt the massive weight lifted off of her shoulders, and a new life was going to begin. She had two weeks before she had to be back in Toronto, two weeks where she could lay low and just live. 
So she and Jackson headed out of the studio, greeted by hoards of screaming people, and got into the town car before starting the drive upstate. Rose promised to meet them there, saying her family was dying to see both Avalyn and Jackson again. Truthfully, Avalyn was dying for some of the normalcy her family somehow managed to maintain on their little homestead. 
Her phone started ringing half way there, William was calling. He was one of the few people to have her new number. 
“Where are you right now?” He asked frantically. 
“On my way to upstate New York.” 
“I was really hoping you’d say on your way back to Toronto,” He sounded deflated, “How long will you be there?” 
“A week, maybe more,” She replied. 
There was silence for a moment. There was so much she wanted to say, and he had plenty to say himself. But he didn’t know how to articulate any of it. Avalyn didn’t know how to tell him that she loved him, and that they could give this a try now that her parents were out of the picture.
Avalyn could only imagine how furious they must be. Not only losing their best client, but knowing that their other clients would follow because of how they treated their own daughter. She suddenly became very glad she ditched her old phone this morning so they couldn’t call her and harass her. 
“I wish I could see you,” He admitted softly. 
“I have tickets to your next home game,” She told him happily, hoping he’ll see the admission for what it was. 
A declaration of love. 
“Oh you did?” He questioned, “Are you coming with Jackson?” 
“Yes, but only as friends,” She replied quickly, “He is bringing a date.” 
“So you’re really free then?” 
“I am. Finally,” She smiled as she breathed out. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you were doing this?” He questioned. 
There were, in truth, a lot of reasons why she didn’t tell him. The biggest being that she was afraid that something would happen and the plan would fall through. And then she’d be worse off than she was then. But the plan went off without a hitch, and Mr. Jefferies called to say that he filed the lawsuit just after she left the studio. 
“I’m sorry,” She sighed, “But I couldn’t tell anyone, just in case somehow word got back to my parents. God, they must hate the world right now.” 
“They don’t matter anymore,” He replied, she can hear the hint of his smile, “You’re free.” 
“I’m free,” She repeated, a smile spreading across her face. 
“I wish I was with you,” He admits softly. So softly you almost don’t even hear him. 
“I wish you were here too,” You reply almost dreamlike, “But I’ll be back in a week or so. Just enough time for some other scandal to take over and all of this will be water under the bridge.” 
“I love you.” 
Your heart soars with his admission, because you know he means it. You can feel it in your very bones, and know once you’re back together again, nothing is going to stop you from seeing him. You yearn for him. 
“I love you too, Willy.” 
You can practically see him smiling behind your closed eyes as he replies, “It’s so good to hear you say that.” 
“It’s nice to finally feel like I can say it,” You admit to him, “I’ll be home soon.” 
Because although Toronto wasn’t truly your home, it felt as if it was. The city had taken up residence in your heart, along with the rag tag group of boys and men that made up the hockey team. Your cast and crew had become your family in a way that you hadn’t expected. You were ready to go back to them, after everything blew over. 
“I’ll be counting down the days.” 
You blush, unable to stop it. You feel utterly undone by the blond on the other end of the phone. In utter shambles at the thought that you finally don’t have to hide away. Your relationship can be shouted from the rooftops of Toronto if you wanted. It’s everything you ever wanted for yourself. To be free and have someone that truly loves you.  
“I’ll see you soon, Will.” 
“Don’t do anything else crazy before I see you again,” He laughs. 
She found herself wishing she could save that sound so that she could go back and listen to it whenever she was feeling down. Because nothing made her smile like he did. She ached to be near him, but knew she needed to be off the grid for a little while, just until things settled down. 
“I promise. I’m just going to be hanging out on a friend’s farm for a little while.”
“Good. I have to go, but I love you Ava.” 
“I love you too, Will.”
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aranarumei · 5 months
the anomalous agate (epilogue)
for anyone who has no idea what this is about, go here for part one
for those who do, here's the ao3 link
there's a lot I want to say. the first, I guess, is that this isn't quite over—like I've mentioned many times before, I still have a bonus scene that's all hanzawa to tashiro. but this, here, is the end of the anomalous agate as it exists in seigi's pov, and as a case in the case files of jeweler richard.
out of curiosity, I found the longest case I could think of in the first two volumes of cfojr—case 2-3—and checked the word count. it totaled an approximate 21k, and with this epilogue, my case reaches the same total.
this is by far my favorite fic that I've ever written, so I could talk about it forever (I really might). but here, I won't say any more, and leave the epilogue under the cut:
case 2-x: the anomalous agate (epilogue)
Richard had always liked to read during his downtime. Rather than keep a stock of books in Jewelry Étranger, he liked to cart them back and forth from his home. Once, when I asked him if he’d ever considered purchasing e-books, we spent the next hour discussing the value of physical versus digital media. There were a lot of arguments for either side, but after analyzing the various pros and cons, Richard admitted that he just preferred the sensation of flipping pages and having the weight of a book in his hands. I tried to imagine Richard scrolling pensively through a tablet in his downtime, and the image was so jarring I almost apologized for asking about e-books in the first place.
Still, one of the cons we’d discussed about physical media was the fact that it took up way more space. Despite that fact, it felt like Richard always had a new book in his hands. I’d never seen his place, so I could only imagine that he lived in a palace with a sprawling library. Or, more realistically, a luxury apartment with a room the size of my apartment allocated for his books.
Most times, the things he read were texts about jewels that went entirely over my head, or books so thick that they were similarly impenetrable. Sometimes they were both. Today, though, Richard was flipping through the pages of a thin book with an illustrated cover. It was a deep blue color, and though Richard’s hand obscured some of the illustration, the blue of the sky was dotted with golden stars—almost like lapis lazuli.
This was enough to pique my interest, and I had downtime in spades, so I sidled up behind him.
From his relaxed position in one of the red armchairs, Richard glanced up at me. I must have successfully conveyed I’ll pace around the room unless you entertain me with my face, because the corners of his mouth quirked upwards.
It had to be an awkward angle, looking up to see me leaning against the back of his chair and unrepentantly staring, but Richard made every move with elegance. I watched the way his hair began to fall away from his face as he tilted his head, opening up his expression into something a little more unreserved.
“What book is that?” I asked. 
“Le Petit Prince.” 
Le Petit? Sheepish, I said, “My English isn’t that great yet…”
Richard raised an eyebrow. “It’s French,” he said, and though the words themselves weren’t laced with malice, I could read the obvious Surely, Seigi, by now you must have learned enough English to distinguish it from other languages in his expression. “The translated title would be The Little Prince. I was reminded of it recently, so I’ve been rereading portions.”
I peered down at the page Richard had open. Sure enough, though I recognized the letters, none of the words made any sense. “What’s it about?” 
“Many things. But there was a particular scene…” He thumbed through the pages until I saw a simple illustration of a fox and a boy dressed in green. “The novel deals with a lot of things—it has a lot to say about the world, but one of my favorite moments in the travels of our titular character is when he meets the fox. The fox asks to be tamed by the little prince—here, he explains what it means.” Without hesitation, Richard translated the French before me into Japanese. “‘But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.’”
“It’s an interesting word, isn’t it?” Richard said. “The fox defines it first as ‘to establish ties,’ but it’s still a peculiar way of expressing friendship. More truthful, perhaps.” He smiled. “Either way, I was reminded of the complications of your troublesome client.” 
There was only one person he could’ve been referring to—the one who’d bought blue lace agate earrings just the other day. I wondered if Richard had remembered the book because he’d seen the same bit of Tashiro’s green hoodie that I had, or because the cover had reminded him of lapis lazuli. But these musings took only a moment; I was stuck on the word tame.
It wasn’t something I’d ever heard used in the context of friendship, but the idea clicked with me. The word evoked a kind of dependency that I felt keenly. I glanced towards Richard. A tamed creature becomes unique, huh? If it was me… Richard couldn’t be anything but a prince.
“What’s on your mind?” Richard asked. 
I’d only recently put my foot in my mouth by comparing us to a married couple, so I refrained from trying to make comparisons. Instead, I chose to bring up a different curiosity of mine. “I was just thinking about how quick Hanzawa’s last visit was. I wish I could’ve heard him explain his choice a little more…” 
Richard set his book to the side. “The blue lace agate?” 
“It wasn’t even something you’d mentioned, so…” 
“I think that was Hanzawa-san’s way of showing initiative,” Richard said. “And it was a rather perfect stone for him. I was not needed for his choice in the slightest.” 
“That’s not true,” I said. “I—there’s no way what you said was unimportant.” 
Glossing past my words, Richard continued his speculation. “I’d mentioned, then, that agate is often dyed to enhance its visual appeal—judging by Hanzawa-san’s reaction to the word ‘truth,’ I’m inclined to think this is somewhat of a sore spot. But what it did tell me was that he was sincerely considering the jewel as a reflection of himself.” 
“…You really know everything,” I said. I’d run into Hanzawa twice, but Richard’s understanding of him matched mine.
“Not everything,” Richard said. “Agate is not metamorphic like lapis lazuli, but its banding pattern demonstrates a subtler uniqueness and complexity. I would think that choosing a naturally colored type of agate, which carries these qualities inherently, was a matter of pride for Hanzawa-san.” 
Pride was really the perfect word—I suddenly remembered Hanzawa’s words about needing strength to be anomalous. To be happy as you were… like Mami-san had expressed, it was certainly a hard thing to do.
“Maybe not everything,” I allowed, “but seriously, you’re spot on. I talked with Hanzawa a lot more than you did, but I didn’t make any of those connections.” 
Richard straightened up in his armchair, obscuring his face from my view. With a sigh, he said, “In this case… I have something of an unfair advantage.”
“Unfair?” I asked, leaning to get a better look at his face.
“Hanzawa-san and I… I believe the expression is, ‘cut from the same cloth?’ That’s the way we are. It makes me feel ill-suited to speak to him, and I suspect the feeling is reciprocated.”
“I don’t think you’re alike at all, though,” I said, studying the mild discomfort on Richard’s face. 
He looked back up at me, curious. “Why do you think so?” 
I wracked my brain for an explanation. If anything, I felt it was Hanzawa and I who were similar, but I couldn’t say why. I could see glimpses of Richard in Hanzawa—something about the grace they made look effortless, but it wasn’t enough for me to truly compare them. Finally, my gaze strayed to the cover of The Little Prince, and I blurted out, “You’re a prince, and he’s a fox.”
As if to prove me wrong in an instant, Richard laughed, his lips curving into a foxlike smile. But even as he did so, he looked like a beautiful, otherworldly prince who could have traveled to many planets before the two of us could meet. “It isn’t that literal,” he said. “Fox or prince; they tame each other the same.” 
Well, I thought, drinking in the visage of the beauty before me, I’m probably not smart enough to be a fox, anyways. “Maybe there’s something you haven’t noticed yet,” I said like the fool I was. “Tell me more about the book?”
After some hemming, hawing, and a promise of milk pudding from yours truly, Richard agreed. He opened the book at the beginning and translated the words before him in a smooth, beautiful tone.
My weight braced against the back of his chair, I closed my eyes, and let his words wash over me.
…If I was ever in Kyoto, maybe I’d get him some kitsune senbei.
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guillemelgat · 1 year
Hey hello I made a thing! As perhaps a few of you know, I have spent the last half a year being completely unhinged about Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin books, and I’ve always been particularly interested in the character Stephen Maturin and his relationship to Catalonia. I saw that there was a lack of stuff about this part of his identity, and, being me, I felt the need to fill it in the only way I could: compiling music and yelling about it for thirty pages. Hence this playlist.
You really don’t need to know anything about these books to listen to this playlist. You also don’t need to know anything about Catalan (I hope). Catalonia and the Catalan Countries in general (including Valencia, the Balearic Islands, and parts of southern France, Aragon, and Sardinia) have a really interesting musical and literary tradition, and I wanted to make that more accessible, so I put together a few songs I liked, translated them, and wrote a bit about each of their significance, including the most important cultural tidbits I could. Some things don’t translate super well, and I hope my Catalan followers will forgive me for trying to adapt them more for English-speaking audiences than perhaps would be preferable; I usually don’t choose to do that, but in this case I wanted to open the door, and not to intimidate people.
Now that that’s out of the way, here is a link to the PDF of the liner notes (graphic design is my passion, as they say): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MUpRM84W8aypznEIrt0eA1jG5OxaRZvz/view?usp=sharing
Under the cut I’ve included the ephimera and unnecessary commentary that you know and love, feel free to read or ignore it as you will
These roughly follow the order of the songs and are varying levels of seriousness
If you like "Sant Joan, feu-lo ben gran" then I'd highly recommend listening to the whole Tornaveus album. I almost included the “Stabat Mater de Sudanell” and the “Goigs de Sant Julià de Lòria”, which are both from western Catalonia, and they also have more cançons de pandero, in perhaps a slightly more traditional style. A lot of the other songs have interesting cultural commentary in them, especially on feminist topics, and they’re very well-researched because literally one of the members of the group is basically the ethnomusicologist of Catalan music at the moment. Anyways, if people would like the liner notes perhaps next time I’m home I’ll scan them, they’re in Catalan and English and very well-written. Also note the legendary Lluís Llach song which has been turned into a polyphonic piece lol (and I did not include the “Goigs de la Nostra Senyora de la Llibertat” but tbh that might have been a mistake on my part) (Blorbo side note that I think this fits Stephen’s childhood very well which is mostly why I chose it)
“L’Hereu Riera” is one of my favorite Catalan folk songs I love it so much and if you want to hear the Catalan version (as opposed to the Valencian one included here) and see the dance and also see a cobla, I am including a link to this version by Germà Negre which is tragically not on Spotify. I chose the Valencian one because (1) Al Tall and (2) I think it fits The Blorbo better (specifically I was thinking of his fiancée who dies before Book One who idk if anyone ever remembers shdjfhskf). That being said, Stephen would probably know the Catalan one (and almost certainly not the Valencian one). Also, on a memey-er note, Hereu Riera bisexual king and literal icon <3 love how he has to remind his girlfriend on her deathbed that actually he'd technically be interested in both her sisters AND her brothers if he wasn't so into her that he never wanted to marry anyone else
I literally did put in Roger Mas just so there would be at least one person with a Lleidan accent, #diversity win
Many points about the “Cançó de pandero de l’Urgell” and “Jo no canto per la veu” so here we go:
I put these two songs in mostly because I got very obsessed with the cançó de pandero from Alcarràs (which is a great movie that came out last year about a farming family in a village near Lleida that is winning all the awards atm). Anyways, since Carla Simón has been too busy winning things to put up the gotdam soundtrack, I did a bit of digging and it turns out that it was written for the movie?? By her brother??? It's excellent and very anticapitalist and you can listen to it here and see the trailer for Alcarràs all in one! (Includes English subtitles)
The original “Canto per un amic meu que per mi daria la vida” is probably from a Valencian cant de batre, although I could not get any confirmation on that. But regardless everyone should listen to Pep Botifarra's version of it, which I would literally marry if it had a physical form it’s so so good. (I posted it here back in ye olden days but it's been long enough I think I can post it again)
Valencian music side note because I can’t stop myself: the second pair of verses in the "Cançó de pandero de l'Urgell" (starting with “vos esteu ben acotxada…”) are sung by Miquel Gil, who is a very famous Valencian traditional singer, anyways you should listen to this version of him singing “Del Sud” by Obrint Pas (you want to go down a Valencian music rabbit hole so so bad)
I firmly believe that Stephen would canonically be obsessed with Ausiàs March, and the fact that he has not yet recited any of his poems is Patrick O’Brian’s biggest failing in my eyes. Anyways I have more thoughts but I’m saving them for other posts shdfjsd
If you read this before listening to the playlist please just listen to "El testament d'Amèlia" and follow along with the lyrics in real time before reading the blurb, it's such a good experience to let that song hit you as it comes. I won't say more than that but you'll get it when you get it. (Also obligatory listen to Marala they're so good <3)
From the Càntut album, I also quite like the songs "El pomeró" and "El divino vull cantar", and Càntut in general is an incredible resource, it's a database of folk song field recordings from northeastern Catalonia.
Brief pause to scream about the fact that Maria Arnal and Marcel Bagés WERE ON NPR??? AND NO ONE TOLD ME???? Anyways link in the sources section, also they're great and you should listen to their whole discography
As the #1 Roba Estesa stan blog on Tumblr, listen to Roba Estesa. And Ebri Knight. And El Diluvi.
I chose this version of "La presó de Lleida" because I like it but here's a more traditional one sung by Joan Manel Serrat, another Catalan legend. Here's another one in Catalan rumba style with Sílvia Pérez Cruz singing, the sound is a bit wonky but it's also one of my favorites. The Valencian version of this song is called "La presó de Tibi" and El Diluvi have done a very explicitly anti-monarchical rendition of it (the Balearic one is "La presó de Nàpols").
I'm sorry for never putting the Sílvia Pérez Cruz version of "Corrandes d'exili" but if you want it here it is. Also note that the statue of the Virgin in the poem is a reference to the Virgin of Montserrat, it literally all goes back to her shfjkshdf (also apologies for being very bad at Christianity and Catholicism, if I mistranslated things let me know)
Okay so I have a whole essay to deliver on this that I've been holding inside for the past like two months or so, I apologize in advance for my excessive pedantry on the topic.
In Master and Commander, Stephen delivers this speech:
"‘Then I must tell you that on Sunday mornings it is the custom, in that country, for people of all ages and conditions to dance, on coming out of church: so I was dancing with Ramon Mateu i Cadafalch in the square before the cathedral church of Tarragona, where I had gone to hear the Palestrina Missa Brevis. The dance is a particular dance, a round called the sardana.’"
I hate to be a hater but it is very, very unlikely that anyone would have been dancing a sardana as far south as Tarragona in this time period. The sardana as the symbol of equality and brotherhood emerged in the Renaixença and would not yet have been a thing; Stephen could well have heard sardanas in Ullastret, but they would have been a more typical folk dance, and not anything like the way they're described in the book. It's very ironic, then, that they've become THE Catalan music style for Aubreyad readers, but hopefully this playlist can change that a bit :)
(also sorry for being a sardana-hater on main, someone bring me to dance a sardana and maybe I'll feel better)
Songs that didn't make the cut: La cançó del lladre, Rossinyol que vas a França, La balanguera, La gavina - I'm always happy for more recs!
Originally, this list was also going to include songs in Irish; I quickly realized that I was in over my head with that one, but the working list of songs is here (may be subject to changes so save songs elsewhere if you like them!). Also I would add "Fé Bhláth" by Imelda May and Kíla if it was on Spotify but alas it is not; and "Amhrán na Leabhar" which I have not had time to add but was kindly recommended by someone. I'd love it if someone was interested in actually doing a proper playlist for Irish though—it's a gap in my knowledge that I'd love to start filling.
Aaaaaaand that's a wrap. I hope. Final comment to say thank you to everyone who voted in the cover image poll, turns out you all won :) (Pirineus did win and take the cover of the liner notes though)
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alimaybankkk · 1 year
lipstick stains and promises 1
——————————jj maybank————————
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summary: being stolen from by your own boss, you sneak into your workplace to retrieve the money. however, you’re later put into a bit of trouble when a coworker shows up.
warnings: robbery???? kind of???? police, beer, super flirty jj omg i would have caved, anyways enemies to loverssss
pairing: jj maybank x kook!reader
a/n: jj is so fucking flirty i cant omg. so basically this chapter has much backstory and a lot and a lot of flirty jj. there’s a bit more to be discovered about reader in part two sooo just get ready for that 😭😭 enjoy
a dull light flickered outside, a tumbleweed orange glow that grabbed my attention, blood running cold as i found myself darting to the window.
it was nothing but a street light, and i felt embarrassed.
but paranoia is fine when you’re doing something you shouldn’t be, right?
sneaking into the place you work at without permission could get me fired.
not that i needed the money anyway. but my parents came from a long line of business, and until i was old enough to work for them, they’d forced my adventurous self into the country club, working as a bartender.
it was okay, i’d met a few friends since i’d gotten here. my friend from school, harlow, had already worked there for a few months before i came, so there was at least one familiar face.
i’d become friends with a few other girls who might switch out with me during my shift or waited the tables full of kooks and kooks only.
i loved that the place where i worked had no pogues. i was a kook vs. pogue believer, and til the day i’d die, i always would be.
it was great to not have to worry about the annoying, selfish things roaming around the country club. none of them had enough money to afford a membership, so they weren’t even allowed on the premises.
except for one.
and he happened to be my least favorite; mr. jj maybank.
he was the most stuck up, cockiest, idiotic boy i’d ever met, and he surely represented the pogues with his sharp jaw held high and a disgusting grin on his face.
the other girls i worked with swooned for him, including harlow, but i only scowled her whenever he was brought up.
maybank was a muscled boy, an athletic surfing pogue who seemed to carry a devilish smirk wherever he went. it was my least favorite thing about him.
yeah, i hated jj maybank with everything in me.
from his sweet dimples to his toned abs, nothing seemed to appeal me. i tried my best to see him the way my other coworkers did, but every time i tried, i only hated him more.
anyway, jj was a waiter at the club, and he sucked at his job. he was a pogue, after all, on figure eight and snapping mean comments at people who attend the club.
“he’s hot when he gets mad,” harlow laughed while whispering to us girls on our lunch break one day, causing a fit of giggles.
“hell yeah,” said my friend, aniah. “want him to put me in my place.”
i straightened my lips into a tight line, disgusted by what they were saying. “you guys know he’s not that cute, right?”
but they obviously didn’t, because they stared at me with confused looks on their faces.
to jj’s face, i had to be nice. that’s who i was, and how i was raised. i would never be caught saying something terrible to someone.
about someone, sure, but never to their face.
anyway, i snapped out of my daydream and creeped into my boss’s office, looking at the dates on his calendar.
not that they mattered, but around here, being ahead of everyone else meant great things.
scoffing as i realized i’d gotten distracted, i opened the drawer of his desk cautiously.
there were files and papers and folders and other things miscellaneous, but i focused on the one folder that mattered.
it was at the very bottom, i knew, and i stuck my hand quickly under the rest of the pile to grab it.
inside of it was $10k, and i didn’t take the time to count it; i just stuck it into my pocket.
feeling successful for i had not been caught, i cleaned up my tracks and began to back away from the desk when suddenly i hit a surface behind me.
i spun around, heart dropping at the sight of jj. “fuck my life,” i thought.
“what’s goin’ on?” he asked teasingly.
i stuck my hands innocently into my pocket, giving him convincing glares. “you’re swift, there, maybank.”
“same with you, princess,” said jj. i rolled my eyes at the nickname, something he called me a lot. it was just short for “kook princess” which didn’t make me too happy either. “ now ‘m gonna ask again, what’s goin’ on here?”
was jj maybank interrogating me?
i laughed nervously. “nothing of your business…”
“‘m sure it’ll be my business when i tell boss what you were doin’ in here, stealin’ his money,” he tsked.
“fuck you!” i randomly exclaimed, hand flying up to my mouth when i realized what i’d said.
jj only laughed, taking no offense. “you wish.”
i gagged at the thought of his statement.
“so tell me, what’s that little money got to do with you, huh, princess?” he asked, mocking me with a baby voice.
when he was up in my face, i took the chance to slap him across the face, which he laughed at and swayed. “not that it is your business, maybank, but that money is actually mine.”
“damn, princess,” he laughed. “didn’t know you had that in ya.”
“i got a lot more.”
jj turned away, then asked, “so, how’s that money yours?”
“boss took it from me. are you writing a novel or something?”
“thought i’d include it all in my report when i tell ‘im.” he laughed.
i only shook my head slowly. “you tell him, and i’ll be sure to tell him what went down in the janitor’s closet with you and that touron.”
he went quiet.
i scoffed at his weakness and spun on my heels, making way for the door.
“y’know ‘m only kiddin’ with you, right, princess?” i heard from behind me.
i rolled my eyes and turned around. he took it upon himself to continue, laughing. “ i mean, ‘m willin’ to help you, if ‘m bein’ honest.”
“yeah right,” i said.
i stared at him, trying to see through him, but it was as if he held up a wall. i swallowed. “fuck it, sure.”
jj beamed, grabbing my arm and helping me out of the room. “i can walk!”
“gotta make sure you’re all safe there, princess.”
he led me to the bar where he snatched a bottle of beer and i rolled my eyes.
“so, princess,” jj started, “how do you need me to help?”
“ i don’t know, jj! you’re the one who suggested your help in the first place.”
he only laughed and offered me a beer.
i made a face. “who would drive, then?”
“princess, y’got no clue what ‘m capable of.”
once more, i rolled my eyes in annoyance. he just laughed, amused. “so, still want to know more about the money. when did—”
suddenly, police sirens sounded. jj shot me a glare as he rubbed his hands together excitedly. “i guess this is what i’m goin’ to help you with…”
i gasped as he took ahold of my wrist, leaving behind his slightly sipped beer. shivering at the touch, disgusted at a pogue’s fingers on me, i let myself trail behind him as he took me into an alley in the back.
there i saw a red motorbike, blue stripes dazzling at one part. jj grinned, keys hanging in his hands. “there she is…”
thoughts were racing in my head. “how did they find us?” was one i blurted aloud.
“ ‘m gonna explain everything in a little bit, princess. just get on…” he climbed into the bike and moved my hands to rest around his waist from behind, and i slid on.
immediately as i was sat, he excitedly revved the engine, and then we shot forward down the alley.
blue and red danced along the road ahead of us, the highway. the highway jj was headed for.
i was screaming, i think, as he almost did a wheelie. he laughed and flipped off a cop car that was still many yards away.
“jj, what the fuck!”
he only laughed.
eventually, he took me to the cut. it was so disgusting, i thought, to see the trash upon trash in the houses i would hate to live in.
one of the worst ones, an old fish shack on the marsh, was jj’s destination. i knew this as he pulled into the grass, immediately hopping off of the bike and putting the kickstand down.
sirens still sounded, but from the corner of my eye, i watched as the cars passed the house. we were safe, i thought.
jj reached out a hand for me to grab, which i couldn’t deny. somehow, i felt so much higher off the ground on the bike, and his help was worth a thanks.
“don’t want princess scrapin’ her knee…” he said, letting go of my hand after what felt like far too long.
“is there anyone else home?” i asked.
jj’s friends were ruthless, the only somewhat okay one was pope. kiara was my sworn enemy, who i’d established this hardship with in 9th grade.
anyway, jj shrugged his shoulders but said, “no.”
i looked down as i followed him into the house.
“the chateau..” he said, referring to the house. i looked at him, raising an eyebrow, but he didn’t look at me.
“now explain,” i demanded as i pushed him into the couch. he laughed as i tapped my foot impatiently.
“okay, princess. whatever your majesty requests.” he laughed, but at the straight expression on my face, he sighed. “i’m a pogue, sweetheart—i work way more jobs than you do. and the thing about it is, i need it to survive. you don’t. i know that. anyways, one of my jobs is a security worker. i just monitor cams from security systems in houses, nothing to spectacular. this week our team hasn’t been feeling well, so i’ve been filling in for them. so, as i fill in for them, i have to go and check out disturbances. and boss, being the rich man he is, has a security system i have to look over. such a fuckin’ kook, man. anyway, i recognized a pretty girl on the cams, and i thought i’d for sure report here whenever someone broke in. they knew it keep backup. when i arrived, i turned off the security system, but i also forgot that sends a signal for backup. i didn’t mean to make this worse. just wanted to help. probably going to get fired, man.”
i stared at him blankly, processing his words for what felt like hours. he couldn’t read my expression. “left the kook princess speechless, huh?”
i didn’t respond, just took a deep breath and closed my eyes, grounding myself.
“you did what?”
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lyntergalactic · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
i was tagged by the ever lovely @oakashandwillow
1. How many works do you have on AO3? uh... are we counting works i've orphaned over the years? if not, 16 over two accounts.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 41,118
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently, it's all star wars all the time, though there's probably going to be a one piece fic out of me soon. other fandoms i've written for include dragon age, naruto, and stranger things.
the rest of the ?s are under a cut to save space!!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(i promise you that) we're marching on | naruto fic, sakura-centric gen
the long and short of it | witcher fic, geralt/eskel, bonus fiberarts
the unexpected series | stranger things fic, steddie, rule 63!steve with surprise baby
quid pro quo | star wars: the clone wars fic, rex/echo, smut
the will to carry on | stranger things fic, abandoned wip, rule 63!steve
5. Do you respond to comments? i try to! i don't always have the spoons for it tho
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? surprisingly, it's not the fic that's all about grief and recovery. it's a star wars drabble, changing of the guard.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? the joke answer is quid pro quo. (because it's smut.) but most of my endings tend to be content or hopeful if not happy, so this is hard to quantify for me.
8. Do you get hate on fics? not as of yet, but given i write cloneshipping i'm honestly just bracing for it to happen at some point
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? indeed i do. i currently only have one smut thing uploaded, so idk if i can say anything for certain about trends, but given my wips... emotional sex and smut as character studies seem to be my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? nope. not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? nope! thankfully, i've heard horror stories
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i think one that no longer exists was once translated. (i had a sad habit of deleting or orphaning things i was less than pleased with when i was younger. i know better now.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? ahaha yes but none of it i'm going to mention by name. all my co-written fic happened in middle school with IRL friends.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? i'm a filthy multishipper this question is like asking me which of my hairs i like best
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? oh man. definitely the will to carry on and the couple of stranger things wips in my wip file. not that i don't love the stories anymore, but certain parts of the fandom annoyed me right out of any inspiration or desire to touch anything related to said fandom with a twelve foot pole.
16. What are your writing strengths? i like to think i'm good with characterization and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? writing anything longer than 3k words max lmao though that has been improving lately and i have high hopes for the sev fic getting finished
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? there... there is a whole can of worms here that this question opens for me and i don't think anyone wants my ramble about dialogue, other languages, conlangs, dialects, and the effects of having been in anime fandom for so long so. this is not getting answered other than with a shrug
(unless someone wants the ramble in which case i will happily oblige)
19. First fandom you wrote for? teen titans cartoon when i was a wee thing. it was a self-insert fic that was less than a page in ms word, single spaced :')
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? this is such a cop-out answer but i genuinely don't think i can pick a favorite. maybe ordinal, just because i'm still super proud of having finished it and what i did with the characterization at missing scenes? but augh i want to put more here too
i'm tagging @bisexualdinahlance, @bilbosmom-belladonna, @cacodaemonia, aaaaand @cabezadeperro but no pressure if you're not game :> and if anyone wants to do it but isn't tagged /points to eyes /points to u
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zablife · 2 years
Selecting Books with Tommy
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Part of my Corrupt a Wish challenge.
Request: Going to a bookshop and selecting books for each other. Requested by @runnning-outof-time
Warnings: threat with a weapon, Corrupt a wish reminder: If you think this story has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention. Proceed with caution.
You removed your glasses and rubbed your tired eyes. The fine print in front of you melding together into one giant blob. You didn’t complain about that or the crick in your neck though. You were perfectly contented to stay in this cramped little records office for the rest of your days if it meant protection from the Shelby family. You’d been on the run from their vengeance far too long before your father finally agreed to settle in this small town under assumed names. 
Despite his steadfast loyalty in his ten years as their bookkeeper, your father had been wrongly accused of stealing a great sum of money. His adamant refusal he would ever do such a thing went overlooked and Thomas Shelby decreed your family owed a debt. While your father worked to secure the money, Tommy took you as collateral. The family was enraged when you managed to get away from the house where you were being held. No one made a fool of the Shelbys and lived to tell about it which is why you were so careful now. 
You’d become a different person several times over to avoid suspicion, changing your name, your clothes and hair, even the glasses were an unnecessary addition used to make you look differently than what the Shelbys would have remembered. You cursed the uncomfortable frames daily, but felt something must be working because they hadn’t found you as you worked to save enough money to move abroad.
This evening, you filed a few more documents before locking up the office. The evening sky was just turning from purple to deep blue hues as you turned the key in the lock and you shivered at the chilly autumn breeze that blew through your hair. Absently dropping your key ring, you bent down to find it in the dark and touched the hard tip of a boot instead.
“That was rather clumsy,” a deep voice rumbled from above your head. You froze wanting to scream, but kept quiet. Taking your keys in hand, you rose slowly to see Thomas Shelby standing before you brandishing a gun. “Now that I’m here aren’t you going to show me your collection? I hear it’s fascinating,” he said with a wink. You gulped, realizing he meant the private papers of the citizens of the town. He may have found you, but he didn’t have to know about your father or the people who had been protecting you. Inside he could find all the information he would need to ruin the lives of everyone you’d come to care for deeply.
“That wasn’t a request,” he said taking you by the back of the neck harshly and forcing you to reopen the door. You took in a ragged breath as you tried to make your hands work. It was difficult as they were quickly becoming numb from cold and fear. You wondered if you might still be able to run, but the thought of trying to move your legs seemed impossible. All you could do was succumb to his demands. 
When Thomas heard the lock click open, he kicked the door in harshly with his boot and steered you inside by your shoulder. His grasp was tight and you heard the leather of his black gloves tighten and crack beside your ear. You grew dizzy as you imagined that same hand sliding around your neck. He tossed you into a chair as he brandished a folder from his coat pocket, flipping through the pages carefully.
“Would you like to know what I have here?” he asked eyes flicking to yours suddenly. You gulped, looking at him with wide eyes as you gripped the chair under you for support. 
“Wh-what is it?” you asked timidly. He was toying with you now, savoring his victory over you.
“It’s my favorite work of fiction,” he said with satisfied nod. “In the past two years you’ve been three different people, love. You’re a clever girl.” He began to approach you slowly, gun ready by his side as he moved a lock of hair from your face. “But not nearly clever enough.”
“What are you going to do to me?” you asked searching his ice blue eyes for a hint of mercy. You could have sworn he cared for you once and you wondered if you might exploit that once more to save your father.
“That depends on your cooperation, doesn’t it? You see, now comes your turn. You’re going to show me your favorite book,” he said raising you by the crook of your arm to a standing position and gesturing toward the rows of records. “I have a feeling your father’s paperwork is in here somewhere and I’m going to find it. Then when I’m done with you, I’m going to pay him a little visit,” he said with a snarl.
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seireitonin · 7 months
Nina helping Toby talk to his Mom
(Because it’s Halloween weekend and confronting your past is scary. Also be warned this is long)
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“Hey….Nina can I tell you something?” Toby asked seriously as he entered their upstairs bedroom and looked at her with his syrup colored eyes.
“Yeah? What is it?” Nina asked nervously, thinking he was mad at her.
“I snuck into the police station by my childhood house” He replies monotonously and blankly as he looks at Nina the same way.
“Huh?! Why?!” Nina’s eyes widen with confusion.
“I keep…seeing this woman’s face in my mind since my mind is used to the Slendermans influence and sickness. The amnesia is wearing off and it has been for four years now. She…looks like me. Brown hair, pale skin, high cheekbones. I assumed she was from my past.” Toby starts to explain in his raspy, tired voice as he sat down next to Nina on the bed.
Nina gently puts a hand on his shoulder as he continues.
“So I snuck in and stole all the records from…well I guess it’s my old case. My first case. My first kill. My father….I took all of it to see if I could remember who this woman was.” Toby pulls a case file out of his dark blue jacket pocket. “I looked through it. All of it. All the memories came flooding back into me. Connie Rodgers. That woman is my mother, and according to this file….shes still alive.” Toby looks away not wanting Nina to be able to see a trace of emotion on his face.
“Tobias…” Nina trails off and Toby starts to speak again and looks back and Nina.
“Honestly, I remember thinking I killed her in that fire. I remember how bad it ate at me.” Toby pulls an old family picture of himself, his father, his sister and his mother out of the case file. “God, this was taken when we were still a family. Looking at her in this picture, brings it all back. I remember how my mom smelled. Like warm cinnamon. It was one of my favorite things about her. I remember how gentle she was when she held me. She couldn’t do it often though. She worked a lot and…..when she wasn’t doing that….homeschooling me. Taking me to the hospital for checkups. Defending me from my “father” when he got too drunk.”
Toby won’t show it on his face but he feels so miserable thinking about this. He’s gritting his teeth and squeezing the blanket under him. Talking about this. Nina finally speaks.
“She sounds lovely Toby. I can see why you loved her so much. You look a lot like her, too!” She smiles softly at Toby, trying to lighten the mood.
“Still….alive. Thank God. She lost her whole family in one night. Lost her home. And now…her son is an ax wielding murderer that’s taken countless lives.” Toby shakes his head. “Fuck.”
“Do you…want to visit her?” Nina asks hesitantly, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Huh? Did you not hear what I just said?! You think I can face her after the shit I’ve done?! Huh?!” Toby starts to get angry. Not just at the suggestion, but at the thought of his mother seeing him as a violent man. Like his father.
“Yes! You can! You have the ability to do something I can’t do! Say sorry to your mom! Hug her and….just say you’re sorry and you love her.” Nina looks away as her eyes fill with tears. “I can’t do that, Toby. “
Toby lets out a sigh and tries to calm down. “The last thing she saw was her son murdering her husband. How could I ever face her after that, Nina?” He asks her with furrowed brows.
She grabs his face with both of her hands and looks him in the eyes. “You killed her abuser. Your abuser. Not much of a husband. He deserved what he got. The last thing she saw was…you protecting her. The last thing my mom saw? Me killing her….”
Toby puts his hands over Nina’s on his face and runs his thumbs over them. “What if she thinks I’m just like him? Someone who hurts people?”
“Weeeelllll- I guess you can’t change the lives you took. But you’re not your father. You’ve never hit a woman you loved. Not your mom. Not your sister. Not Clockwork when you were with her and now not me. 29 years old and you’ve never raised a fist to any of us. Even on your worst days. You’re not perfect, but you’re trying. So no, Toby. Don’t you ever think that for a second.” Nina softly reassures him.
Toby nods. “You know I wouldn’t hurt you like that, right? Even when I’m not…myself.”
Nina nods back. “I know, Tobias.” She smiles warmly at him.
Toby takes his hands off Nina’s as she removes her hands from his face. Toby grabs the case file and finds his mother’s current address and closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath.
“Come with me, Nina.” It almost sounded like a demand as he said it with furrowed brows and a raspy, monotone voice.
Nina raises an eyebrow, waiting for the magic word.
Toby rolls his eyes and finishes the sentence blankly. “Please.”
She playfully nudges his arm with her elbow. “Well since I love ya so much, I guess I can clear my schedule!”
He smiles as bit, standing up and taking her hand, leading her to the shitty pickup truck he stole. Nina has put stickers all over the inside, so it looks like a Lisa Frank project. Toby just lets her. Why not? It’s not like it was super nice or anything. Plus he looks at them and thinks of her when she’s not there.
As Toby carefully drives them to the address, Nina turns on music and talks to get his mind off it for a while. Not saying much back, but listening.
They finally reach their destination. A small house in the suburbs. Not to un similar to the kind Nina and Toby grew up in.
“Ready?” Nina asks, cheerfully.
Toby nods, and gets out of the car, Nina following him. He stops at the door. Nina holds his hand and he squeezes it tightly. If Toby could sweat, he would be sweating so bad right now. Nina plants a small kiss of the side of his cheek.
“It’ll be okay.”
Toby finally knocks. They hear light footsteps in the house. “Coming!” That voice. His mother’s voice. He refuses to show it, but he wanted to sob right there. He never thought he’d hear her voice again. That he’d recognize it again.
Connie opens the door, and her eyes widen immediately.
“Mom?….Its me its-“
“Toby?!” She says in complete shock, her eyes as big as saucers.
Toby stays silent, scared that she was gonna slam the door in his face and call the cops.
“Toby!” Connie wraps her arms around him and cries into his chest. “Oh God Toby! You’re alive!” She sobbed so hard and loud into his chest, she wasn’t holding back at all.
“You…you’re okay. You’re okay.” Toby wraps his arms around his mom tightly as he speaks, relieved. This almost didn’t feel real. Hearing his mother say his name and hold him. He couldn’t hold back anymore. He stars to cry as well. Not a lot. Not loud. But he does.
Nina watches on as silent happy tears fall down her face. She’s never seen Toby be so affectionate. So emotional.
After a few minutes, they pull away. Connie, through sobs, speaks. “Please come in, both of you!” She basically pulls Toby inside and Nina follows.
Connie pours the three of them water as she tries to calm down. Connie sips it slowly with slightly shaky hands and takes deep breaths between each sip.
“Uh..I’m sure you have questions.” Toby breaks the silence.
“Of course I do! Where did you go?! How are you surviving wherever you are?! What do you do for a living?! Whose car is that?!” Connie rapidly asks questions, nervous, anxious, curious.
“Mom hold on! I-“ Toby let’s out a breath. “I’m going to explain everything but you have to promise me two things. Don’t freak out. Don’t call the cops.”
“Oh, God” Connie then switches out her water for red wine. “That’s a sentence a mother wants to hear.”
“Hey now I see where you get your sarcasm, Toby! And the fluffy brown hair! And the pale skin. And the-“ Toby cuts Nina off.
“Thank you! Nina that’s enough of that.” He says with an irritated look on his face.
“Sorry!” Nina goes back to being silent letting them talk.
“Mom…remember that one time you kinda saw me commit a bloody, violent murder?” Awkward. “Well I kinda do that. Often. And by often I mean every day. There’s a Eldridge being that takes over my body and mind and makes me kill people and that’s what you saw that night when I uh you know…”
Nina looks at him, cringe decorating her face.
Toby puts his head in his hands and groans, looking back up and keeps talking, wanting to get this explanation over with.
“Then uh when I burned down the house-“
“Okay let’s skip that part. Where have you been staying for the past 12 years? Especially with your CIPA. How are you getting the proper examination?” Connie asks getting ready to pour another glass of wine at his answer.
Nina holds back a laugh knowing Toby has to explain how an eyeless demon who eats human organs has been nursing both herself and Toby.
Toby glares and Nina and speaks to his mom. “Oh uh.. there’s this guy and he lives near us and he’s been giving me regular check ups.” He keeps it as vague as possible.
“Is he licensed?” She raises an eyebrow.
Toby clears his throat akwardly. “Kinda…”
“What do you mean kinda?! It’s a yes or a no!”
“I mean can humans posssesed by demonic beings get licensed? I think he’s close enough to being licensed anyway…” Toby looks away akwardly as his mom’s face twists into one of horror and confusion.
Nina holds back more laughter.
“Nina, I swear to God, I will make you wait outside!” Toby says embarrassed.
“Can we please go back to the demon possessed not doctor please?!” Connie says in shock.
“We can not! He nurses me and that’s all I should share for your safety!”
“Okay…fine. Where have you been staying?” She prepares another glass of wine for this answer.
“Uhhh….would you believe me if I told you I used to live in a mansion full of other killers and people who can’t go back to normal society from age 19-24 and now I have my own cabin in the woods?”
Connie responds by drinking her wine quickly with wide eyes of shock. “That’s the most normal thing you’ve said thus far. Okay enough about that. If I think about all this too much I’ll freak out. Who’s the pretty girl?”
“Oh- this is my girlfriend Nina!”
“Hi Miss uh…what should I call you?” Nina knowing the name “Rodgers” was her deceased husband’s last name and her abusers as well.
“Just Connie is fine, dear” She smiles softly at Nina.
“Hi Connie!”
Her face turns serious. “Is Toby… treating you well?”
“Yes! Yes! Of course he is. He’s soooo moody sometimes but he’s also really sweet! He’s the best boyfriend a girl like me could ask for!”
Connie smiles and puts her hand oh her chest, letting a deep breath out. “Thank God. He’s not like his father. At least I did one thing right.”
“What do you mean by that, Mom?” Toby asks, confused.
“I failed you Toby. I failed you and your sister.” Toby’s breath hitches at the mention of his sister. “If I tried a little harder to get away from your father. Maybe Lyra would still be here. Maybe…you could’ve grown up normal-“ Toby cuts her off.
“No! Don’t say that! Don’t ever say you failed me! You did your best! And when Lyra died…you were the only one in the world who loved me. It’s because you and Lyra loved me so much that I was able to not turn out like him. I’ve carried that love with me even when I couldn’t remember you! So just don’t say that okay? It’s not true. You were a victim just like I was. I understand that now.” Toby looks away and Nina holds his hand, silently supporting him.
More tears stream down Connie’s face. “Thank you Toby. I really needed to hear that.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself. Me, you and Lyra….we were all trying our best.”
“Okay. Tobias.” She nods.
“Toby…helped me out of a toxic relationship of my own. He’s…wonderful. Besides all the murder stuff- you should be so proud! When I needed him, he was there for me. If you didn’t teach him empathy and compassion then maybe I’d still be stuck. I know we don’t know each other, but…. I love your son. You didn’t fail at all.” Nina reassures her.
Connie hugs both of them. “It feels so good to have family again.” She says through sobs.
Toby and Nina hug her back, both of them teary eyed. Toby reuniting with his mom and Nina having killed her mom, feeling motherly love for the first time in years. She had forgotten how good it felt and she started to cry alongside Connie. Toby trying to hold back and failing. Letting out a few cries too. Again, not for too long.
After a few minutes, Toby looks outside, and notices it’s getting dark. “We should go.”
“I know you can’t stay Toby, but I wish you could.”
“Me too, Mom. But for your safety I can’t.”
“Will you come back to visit? Don’t leave for another 12 years.”
“Of course. At least once a month.”
“Before you go, here”
Connie hands them 2 plates of food for the road.
“Oh my God my beautiful son is alive! Prickly beard and all!”
“It’s not-ugh it doesn’t matter. I’m glad you’re okay. Despite everything.”
Toby and Nina walk towards the front door, leaving.
“Toby! I….I love you.” Connie says from the living room, watching them go.
“I love you too, Mom.” Toby smiles at her.
Before he walks out of the door he asks a final question. “Can we visit Lyra’s grave together soon? Her birthdays coming. I think she would want us to visit her. I’ve missed so many of her birthdays. I’m gonna have to get her something nice to make it up to her.”
Connie nods. “Yes of course. Of course we can.”
“See you soon, Mom”
Connie waves goodbye as Toby closes the door.
“Awe! That was nice!” Nina says sweetly to Toby as he meets her at the truck.
“If you tell anyone that I cried, I will never forgive you!”
“If you get me a milkshake then my lips are sealed.”
“Ugh fine. Let’s go”
“There’s my moody Toby!”
They get in the truck.
“Thanks for…suggesting that we see my mom and all that. And for coming with me. I don’t think I could’ve done this without you, Nina.”
She places a soft kiss on his lips.
“You’re welcome Toby! I’m sure that was healing to the inner child n stuff!!”
“God you and that spiritual shit! You’ve gotta stop hanging around Jane.”
“Uh no way!”
They drive off together, happily.
It’s good to have family again.
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pccyouthleader · 1 year
Hedgehog Hodgepodge: A Story of Espionage, Confusion, and an Evil Plan Gone Haywire
Chapter 6: International Man of Mystery
Shadow made his way to Tails’ lab, intent on asking the crafty fox to design something for him. During the melee that took place earlier, Aurora’s communicator had been shattered, and he felt personally responsible. He reached the lab and gave a firm knock on the door.
“Uh, hey Shadow!” said Tails when he opened the door. He stood fidgeting with a stylus and looking apprehensive. Shadow’s relationship with Sonic’s friends had never been very “warm and fuzzy.”
“Tails,” acknowledged Shadow. “May I come in? I have a little project I’d like you to undertake.”
“Sure,” said Tails, stepping back to let Shadow by. “Let’s head over to the workbench where CC is.”
Shadow pulled out the broken communicator he had slipped from Aurora’s bag when she was checking on her mother. He handed it to Tails, who let out a brief whistle.
“This thing’s been through the ringer!” he said, turning it around in his hands. “What happened?”
“It belongs to Aurora,” replied Shadow. “It sustained major damage during a, uh, scuffle.”
Tails narrowed his eyes at Shadow. “You broke it, didn’t you?”
Shadow simply nodded. 
“Well, that’s no problem! What do you want me to do exactly? I’m not so sure this much damage can be repaired,” Tails said, noting it had missing parts.
“Can you make a new one for her?” asked Shadow.
“You came to the right place!” replied Tails. “I’ll make a her one with all the latest technology! I’ll even make it her favorite color!” Tails was getting excited thinking of the possibilities.
“Good,” said Shadow. “Spare no expense. When can I pick it up?”
Tails thought a minute. “For Aurora? I’ll have it ready for you by 4:00!”
“Sounds good,” replied Shadow with a sly grin. He knew that fox would fast track anything for Aurora.
When he turned to leave the lab, he saw the award Aurora had mentioned earlier. It stood in a glass case near the exit, so he walked over to examine it. The trophy stood about a foot tall and was shaped like an obelisk. It’s jet black shell was like none he’d ever seen. The certificate lay flat on the shelf next to it. The trophy looked legitimate enough, but the award certificate was very suspicious. Several words, including Tails’ last name, had been misspelled.
Shadow walked back over to Tails. “Aurora mentioned that you had never heard of the award committee that gave you that prize.”
Tails nearly jumped out of his skin. He had already engrossed himself in the task of building her new communicator. Plus, Shadow had a way of startling everyone.
“Yeah, that was a new one on me,” he replied, embarrassed. Clearing his throat, he continued. “The committee just stopped by one day with the award… two rather strange-acting guys. They said they had seen my work at the Global Automation Fair.”
“Strange-acting in what way?” Shadow asked, crossing his arms.
“They just seemed kind of… jumpy, I guess. They didn’t really have a whole lot to say. The whole ordeal was over in five minutes.”
“Hmmm…” came the reply from Shadow. “May I look more closely at the trophy?” he asked.
“Sure,” said Tails, shrugging. Why was Shadow so interested anyway? 
Shadow walked to the display case and opened the glass door. The trophy’s dark surface somehow bore a leathery look. Placing his hand around it, he was taken by surprise to feel the relic begin to warm under his touch. Withdrawing his hand, he called to Tails over his shoulder.
“Have you noticed anything odd about this trophy?”
“Geez, he’s obsessed…” Tails muttered under his breath. “Nope,” he said aloud, hoping Shadow would leave him to his work.
Closing the cabinet, Shadow turned and left the lab, deep in thought.
“Is he always so… mysterious?” asked CC when the door closed.
“That’s Shadow for you,” said Tails. “You never really know what to expect.”
“Hasn’t he been both friend and foe to your group in the past?” CC was searching her internal files for memories of Shadow that she had gleaned from others.
“Yeah,” said Tails, “but I think his feelings for Aurora have solidified the friendship part. According to Sonic, it’s very likely that Shadow is in love.”
CC was intrigued, but saw that Tails was once again trying his best to concentrate on the new communicator. She filed the conversation away for another time.
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agentmmayy · 1 year
may music rotation
this month might not have been a super great month for music but from what i found it was a FANTASTIC month for lyrics and summer-esque songs!!!!!!!
back home - mila ziska: this song is so melancholic and sweet and it embodies the spirit of summer so cleanly. ‘harvest all the seeds i’ve sown pick the fruit once you come back home’  ‘i have this force within me it pulls me like the ocean tide’ and ‘oh growing up is a strange thing it’s like it happens over night’ i’ve been here for centuries. i’ve been here for days. i am every age i have ever been but i still know nothing. i am old and i am young and i am trying to come home. i want to go home. all stories are about coming home!!!!!!!
also this song is formally VERY similar to ‘the best day’ by taylor swift so that of course made it hit even harder
quarter life crisis - isabel dumma: talk about bop!!!! the chorus is amazing and so so so accurate and then the bridge??? ‘floatin’ ain’t the same as swimmin’ i know i ain’t drowning but breathin’ isn’t livin’ 
vagabond - overcoats: THIS song. this song has been the one i’ve played most this month because one it’s an absolute banger and second of all it read me for filth and the lyrics are so beautifully crafted and honest and pure and delivered impeccably. it’s a sweet, slow melody and coupled with the lyrics it reached into the depths of my soul and pulled out everything i can’t say and put it into this song like 
‘i’m just learning how to make peace with feeling small’ ‘but i might drive off if it gets too hard’ ‘there’s always a sunset that i wanna run into’ ‘i’m searching but i’m not lost’ and my all time favorite lyric that put me on the floor when i heard it the first time- ‘i’m a growing tree a few missing leaves i can’t shelter you don’t sit under me’ HELLO????? 
anyway, i am a HUGE fan of the overcoats and i am so proud of them for their success and for their new album!!!!! which is where this song is from but have i been able to listen to it yet? no i keep playing this song on repeat 
fireworks - JOSEPH: now for ANOTHER song that read me for filth. lately i’ve been feeling this exact way since all my friends and people around me have reached certain milestones in life- such as getting married, settling down, etc- that i haven’t and i’m left even more alone and bereft. but THIS SONG said that’s okay!!!!!!!! this song understood!!!!!! it said i’m not alone feeling this way!!!!
every lyric absolutely sent me through the roof but these especially:  ‘all these long songs might be no good for me’ ‘how long will i wait to be happy all my friends ask me’ ‘what if i’m wrong wrong to think there’s more to this story’ ‘an act of faith even though it hurts to shut that door am i holding out forever?’ ‘am i headstrong or foolish every night waiting for lighting to strike whole you’ve got blue skies?’ and my favorite- ‘i wish i could just flip a switch and accept your kind of muted bliss’ WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! once again HOW did they put it into words!!!!!! this song has such a special place in my heart. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve not only listened to it but also screamed along and cried to it 
also, JOSEPH always creates the most compelling and just fun to listen to songs and this is no exception!!!!!!!!! the harmonies are delicious and the music dropping at certain points is incredible and the beat has me dancing around the room. filed right under beach music! 
waves crash - JOSEPH: ok yes another song that turned me inside out and shook loose every embarrassment and fear and secret that i kept hidden and turned it into a song that said it’s okay!!!!!!! i understand!!!!! you are still worthy!!!!! 
again, every lyric is a masterpiece. ‘i’m a tall tall tree reaching up in the breeze’ *crying* i AM a tree!!!!!!! ‘i’m a limb of goodness in motion’ you’re getting emotional over nature comparisons? THE TREE AND OCEAN METAPHORS GOT TO ME OKAY. speaking of oceans in this, the chorus is insane. ‘waves crash clouds break yet here i am ashamed of all the cracks trying to glue the right mask in place’ shut up!!!!!!!!!! it’s a ballad. it’s everything. the vocalizations made me cry. they are cries. it sent me to my knees 
wild uncharted waters - jonah hauer-king: i saw the little mermaid in theaters recently and boy was i NOT prepared for eric to sing but honestly????? best song in the movie and on the album. idk if it was the euphoria of hearing it for the first time or the sheer surprise but this song is a banger. 
‘all i ever wanted was the open sky and sea’ SO REAL. ‘now i am on the shoreline but i am still lost at sea’ ‘in my mind your melody goes on stronger than the undertow’ ‘when your eyes outshine the horizon line’ ‘now i’m right here on the shoreline i’m right where you left me’  how am i supposed to live laugh love in this situation!!!!!!!!!! do i even need to say it!!!!!!! 
look back - dora jar: so delicate!!!!!!!! had my attention right from the jump. the imagery is spun with each lyric and metaphor (more ocean metaphors!!!!!) and the overall tone of grief and determination and love. ‘but i think i saw your memory washed up on the sand i let it stick to my skin traced it with my hand’ wtf. it has such strong apocalyptic vibes. not necessarily apocalyptic in the strict sense that the entire world has been destroyed and is suffering but apocalyptic in the sense that one person’s world has been destroyed whether by their own volition or not
bonus songs:
tunnel vision - imani graham: poignant!!!! ‘am i to blame for your bad habits oh i wish i said something but ignored all my needs’ ‘I stumbled through the chaos but found what I believe in tripping on the eggshells that you placed underneath me’ WHEW! 
also formally reminds me of both ‘want want’ and ‘anywhere with you’ by maggie rogers
red wine supernova - chappell roan: this song is weird and i love it. i also love everything chappell roan produces, of course, but i really love how clever she is with lyrics and ‘you said you like magic well i got a wand and a rabbit’ BLEW MY MF MIND also her vocals are insane 
all the stars - mree: the album and and the title got to me okay? i love how groovy and gentle this is
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