#fic idea: call of duty
duty-calls-for-booty · 5 months
Simon “Ghost” Riley feels like the type of boyfriend to have a rivalry with his girlfriend’s cat.
Those fuckers are fighting over lap real estate, the cat is leaving light colored hair all over his black clothes, pissing in his duffel bag.
Simon’s mean mugging the little bastard behind your back. Always silently pleased when he gets to scruff it and toss it out of the bedroom so you two can have alone time. “Accidentally” locks it in the bathroom at every opportunity.
You are incredibly frustrated by their refusal to get along.
It all comes to a head when you have to go away for a few days. You ask Simon to cat-sit for you, and despite his grumbling and bitching, he agrees to stay at your place while you’re gone.
When you get back, it’s clear that something has gone down. The blinds in the living room have been replaced. One of your potted plants is missing and another is in a new pot. The ceiling fan is sitting at an angle…But Simon is sleeping soundly in the recliner with the cat curled up purring on his chest, so at least it seems like they’ve worked through their differences.
Now you have to deal with your boyfriend hogging your cat.
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konigsblog · 29 days
i think about this a little too often...
synopsis; kidnapped by a ‘photographer’ who spares you no mercy.
photographer, kidnapper-könig thots™
tw/cw; rape, non-con/dub-con, dark fiction, sexual assault and assault, kidnapping, the dove is dead. dead dove: do not eat. 🔞
photo credits; x_bruisedpeach_x on x/🐦
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if someone had warned you that the sweet boy who had approached you down the street claiming to be a model photographer was in fact a violent man, who'd kidnap and beat you until you were unrecognisable and nothing but a bloodied mess on his dirty basement floor, you wouldn't believe them.
könig came across as calm and relaxed, he seemed sweet when you spoke to him, with a surprisingly quiet voice for someone of his size.
at first, he came across as threatening and intimidating as he towered over you and gazed at you creepily before finally speaking up, but after inviting you down the road for a coffee together to talk about his photography career, you had agreed eagerly to come around to his house to take some photos together and act as a model for him. you should've been alarmed from the start when a random, old pervert had asked to take pictures of you, but the thought and dream of becoming a model left you blind to any and all danger, falling for his depraved, immoral plan to kidnap a pretty little thing like you for himself.
when you stepped into his house, the atmosphere shifted suddenly and completely. könig no longer radiated a sweet, calm energy that you once knew of. instead, könig was no longer smiling sweetly, but instead a sickening grin curled the sides of his mouth with terrifyingly wide eyes staring into your soul, enough to scare you into silence. you choked on your words as könig began to inch closer before dragging you downstairs into his basement by your hair. his grip was tight, firm. he held your hair in his fist and would drag you, throwing you downstairs despite your wails and mortified screams. it's a shame that he lives in a secluded area, far from any other neighborhood or town, where nobody would hear your wails for help.
you were a vulnerable and naïve mess. he almost felt guilty and remorseful for this treatment when he threw his fist at you repetitively, seeing how you'd eventually come to take his beatings out of horror and terror, blood running down your chin from your split lip. you were too gorgeous for any other man and he worried someone would take you away for themselves. he didn't want people to recognise you from the missing person posters put up around the city, with your face plastered on all the pictures, so instead, he left your face swollen with marks, making sure that you were always bruised with a slap, punch, or spanking.
although one thing was true. not his attitude and the persona he put on, the façade of a kind-hearted boy. the truth was that he wanted to take photos of you, but not for modeling, for his own sick enjoyment, gratification, and pleasure.
the basement wasn't like any other modeling shoot you'd seen in movies or television shows. instead, there was a metal table that könig had strapped you down to, and one large camera recording the entire thing. you were stripped naked, your dignity stripped alongside your clothes. you couldn't fight it, not when you were weakened and understood what would happen if you cried too loudly and irritated him or distracted him for his work, or used your sharp nails and canines against him as weapons.
bare on his table, könig began to record despite the obvious discomfort and mortification in your wide, glossy eyes. the flashing red light left you ashamed, feeling too raw and exposed with your legs forced open and your puffy cunt for him to admire and grope. he'd pinch and clamp your sensitive clit, until you sobbed out painfully, only to be forced to take his girthy and lengthy size for hours on end until he had his fill for the day. although könig warned you not too weep too loudly, he desired the sound of your sobbing, to harden his already stiff cock.
nothing would stop könig from raping every hole you have, to use these videos and pictures for his own personal usage.
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temeyes · 11 months
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i,, i don't know what possessed me,,
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tanked-up · 2 months
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“Friends with benefits”
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callofdudes · 2 months
Sports journalist Simon Riley who doesn't care much for the gossip of the sports industry and more about getting the gritty details of every aspect of his favorite pastime, football.
So imagine his utter joy when he's assigned by his management to write a bio on a famous football star who is flying from Scotland to England to join the team.
John is everything Simon is not, and having to spend so much time with him in order to write a report piece of the gossip and the story of his life makes Simon want to rip his hair out. John thinks he's kinda cute though.
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snootlestheangel · 6 months
AU where something goes wrong during an operation to expose one of the biggest criminal rings in the UK and Ghost ends up separated from the team
He's been shot, he's bleeding, he can't walk properly, and he's being hunted. He's pretty sure he's got a pretty bad head injury, too, and he's struggling to make it to the nearby road.
A kind doctor on his way home from a long day of work sees him staggering, and despite his ma's voice in his head telling him to not trust this man, the doctor takes Ghost to the hospital. It's a startling sight for the rest of the staff, seeing one of the ER doctors come back after having just left and he's being used as a human crutch for this beast of a man who's barely conscious now.
They examine Ghost's wounds and are working on prepping him for surgery when they begin to realize this isn't just a normal person: he's got some high grade gear on, and they soon start to believe he's most likely military. Which obviously stirs another can of worms for the poor medical staff, cause why is there a soldier stumbling around, clearly having been shot in the Scottish countryside??
The doctor that brought him in tells the staff he found dog tags around the man's neck. Everyone is happy, and he takes the tags off and leaves the room so he can mark the information down and hopefully contact someone that can help get their soldier back where he belongs.
Except the doctor notices something very wrong about the man's tags. So he tells the staff he can't mark the information down, but that he does know who to call.
When confronted about this, the doctor asks the staff, people he's worked with for years now, if they know who his younger brother is. And they'll all say, "Yes, we know his name but we wouldn't know his face. Why do you ask?"
"Because," the doctor says while staring at the strange man before him, "he has my brother's dog tags."
"But that's definitely not my brother."
What an awkward conversation the MacTavish brothers are about to have...
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mireyarowan · 3 days
Can’t quite figure out how to make the situation totally plausible - but was just imaging Ghost captured by the enemy and they’re torturing him for info. His shirt has been torn off and they spot an elegant script tattoo reading ‘MacTavish’. The enemy assumes he’s a proud Scotsman, since they know Ghost is SAS just not who exactly he is until they think the tattoo gives them that answer. Ghost hasn’t said a word yet, but would rather die than give any info on Johnny up, so when he does talk he perfectly fakes a Scottish accent.
Bonus - Ghost’s mic is picking all this up from where it was sloppily left on with his gear that’s piled in the corner and the 141 listening in to try and figure out a rescue mission with Soap losing his mind over listening to Ghost speaking in a Scottish accent and trying so hard to protect his Johnny.
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onebigfangirlworld · 5 days
Okay but mob boss John price forcing you to marry him because you witnessed him committing a crime and married spouses don’t have to testify against each other in court
( John’s been watching you for a while and thinks your the perfect spouse for him and it’s a total coincidence that you stumbled upon him shooting another man while walking your normal path that you take during your evening walks)
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kainalokanttarelli · 1 month
i need a security guards ghoap au where at first ghost only works the during the days and soap during the nights and they never meet. then they have to switch for whatever reason and soap decides to leave something nice for whoever is the new night guard (ghost) because he knows working nights can be hard and mostly boring so he leaves a waterbottle and a protein bar with a note saying something like "take care, nightperson -mr sunshine" or whatever and then they keep doing that until they meet and nice things happen to both of them :)
if you know something similar or want to write it please let me know i need it like oxygen
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eydi-andrius · 2 months
bad idea right?
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Synopsis: The plan was to lose your virginity at 30 in a one night stand, so there will be no string attached to mind afterwards. You don't plan to be married, nor to be in a relationship but you do want to feel what sex is. Little did you know that the man you chose that night seems to like you a little bit too much.
Simon “Ghost” Riley, John Price and Konig
a/n: if this becomes well-liked, I may continue it as a short series. And lol yes, this is my first story written for COD. 😩🤺
💀 Simon "Ghost" Riley
Simon is not a good conversationalist but he tried. Despite not replying much, you know he is listening to you. He even stopped you from ordering more alcoholic drinks and requested water when he noticed how you gradually became giggly and touchy. You don't even know how you understand each other, when he tilts his head to the side, you know he is asking for more details. Then, you looked into each other's eyes, understood what that meant, and did the deed until sunrise. You thought that would be the last of it. But then, something happened in your neighborhood, the officers called for a backup and you caught eyes with Simon. Since then, he never left your side. The action created a misunderstanding to people and thinking you two were together.
🍑 John Price
When you met Captain Price, he was such an easy guy to talk to. He has a deep, soothing voice that you liked and enjoy listening to the whole night. He was so thoughtful and asked you for another round when he noticed that your glass was empty. When you started slurring your voice, he insisted that you drink water. He did not stop you however, when you started moving towards him, inching closer, stroking his legs while you tell a story, leaning your head towards his hand when he fixed your unruly small curly hair that fell out of your bun. Long story short, you did the deed. From the car, to his doorstep, in his door and finally on the bed. You were able to leave his house, the next day, at noon, finally the fatigue catching up to him. You choose to sneak out and never make any noise just in case. Upon coming to your house, when you tried pulling out the key from your pocket, you noticed that in your keychain there is a simple ring attached to it. You tried so hard to remember when you received it since it looks so unfamiliar but shook it off when the hangover made your head hurt.
After half a year, you never met Price again but you do admit that every time you remember the ghost of his touch, you shudder and wants to feel it again. Anyway, you were minding your own business one day, when a man caged you in your shopping cart and whispered in you ear “What’s for dinner, dear wife? You owe me that after you left with no details to contact and find you. Hmmm?”
😈 Konig
You two caught eyes when you looked at the corner and a man was sitting there, sipping his drink, while his eyes were locked on you. Seeing how his eyes stare at you and the way you think his adam apple moved very sexily, you smiled at him, and he took it as an invitation to come closer. He sat beside you and at first, you were caught off guard when you heard his high pitched voice. You were expecting something deeper since he is huge like a dangerous bear. But the surprise were soon forgotten when you started talking and funnily enough, he was good in continuing the conversation. Either with his side comments or side puns, usually you don't really like it much, but when he did it, you thought it was cute and fun.
A bit of drink later, he started a somewhat suggestive joke, which you retorted with an innuendo joke. You two were just staring at each other at first, then you just found yourself at the bar’s bathroom, legs spread, panty shoved to the side and his tongue on you. Honestly, you can't remember that much, but when you closed your eyes from an orgasm, the memories seems to be patchy. You can't remember the details, but you felt when your head fell into a cheap bed and heard the creaking as he crawled and kissed your leg from your thighs up to your core. You woke up the next day, sore and barely able to walk. He was just too huge and he went rough once he found his pace and see how you're enjoying it.
Let's just say the bruises you saw on your neck before leaving were tattooed inside your head. You even promised that you will never do that again as you sneakily went out. Later that night, you prepared food for the stray dog you fed. He doesn't like living inside a home so you let him wander with a collar and your contact number. You went out to your backyard and called for him. You had to do it twice before you heard a bark from a bush and happily went over there and called for him again. As you come closer though, you quickly realized that your stray dog was not the only one there, in fact a familiar figure was petting your dog, who happily wags its tail, and when he noticed that you finally saw him in the dark, he barked and you realized you're fucked.
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duty-calls-for-booty · 4 months
Ghost and Soap are on leave during a fireworks display and Soap decides to distract them both from the stress inducing booms and pops by calling out the names of the elements used to get each color.
“That green one there, that’s Barium.”
“Strontium gets you red. You can even mix them like paints. The yellow is Sodium and if you mix it with Strontium you get orange.”
“Blue is the hardest color to make. It uses a Copper and has to be heated to a certain temperature. Too hot and it flares too bright and washes out the color. Too cold and you lose the intensity.”
Ghost basks in the familiar cadence of Soap’s voice, letting it soothe his anxiety. He asks questions intermittently to keep Soap engaged, let him know that he’s present.
It’s the most either of them have enjoyed fireworks in years.
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"You want the mask on, love?"
"I'll tell you when to take it off when I feel like it~"
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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femoso-seben · 5 months
Monster fic:
Human Shaped Monsters
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Blood bathed the soil. It spans decades, and at this point, there is no way either side could turn back, and strike a deal for peace. The humans who have been enslaved and the monsters who were belittled and forced into segregation for centuries.
Blood soil the hands of both leading sides, eyes shrouded by hatred and rage. This was a war to end either species… and the humans were losing.
Two decades before the start of this war there was a faction of monsters pushing for equal rights and humans siding with them. Not even that solidarity could bring both sides together. It started with peace and ended in the blood of an innocent.
The human resistance was shrinking and the leading factions began to divide a plan. A last-ditch for freedom.
It was a slow race, the first to be infected were the werewolves and other beastmen. It was a long wave of modification by a small group of scientists. They made sure it could jump to every other monster, the only free of it were, mermaids, gargoyles, and shadow beings.
They made it with no cure.
It was an overnight success. Their militaries begin to fall into smithereens. One by one they had to kill their own forces and burn their corpses. New fear spread across the monsters.
The humans leaked the information.
The fear of humans was raised again.
Switzerland was the only country that allowed humans and Monsters to live together, of course, there were some apartheid laws but in all of was far better than other countries where they were actual slaves, broodmares, pets, and cattle.
It was a painful year for the Monsters before they decided to come to a ceasefire with the remnant of free humanity.
They meet up in neutral territory, Switzerland.
Laswell’s wing folds flatly against her back as she looks over to see her escort, Task Force 141, and shadow company’s Graves. “Are you sure about this?” Price was in his wings folding.
“I don’t like making concessions to them but if they have a cure—“
“I doubt it,” Soap snears, “knowing that vermin they were trying to kill us off.” He grips the door his long nails scrapping the metal door, his tail swishing angrily.
“Kate Laswell,” a feminine voice calls out, they all turn to see a young human woman standing there flanking her side is a monster in tactical gear. Laswell walked forward and they followed after them.
“Are you part of the delegation?” Laswell asks. The human looks up.
“Well, I’m part of the… welcoming committee, we in Switzerland don’t want war.” The human smiles her dark auburn hair was pull back into a low ponytail.
“A bunch of cowards and weaklings,” Soap smears. The soap didn’t always hate humans, he grew to hate them. In his youth, he was to stay in love with one until another human took her. He watched as they destroyed the world, their corruption throwing the world into a near-constant war.
He hated them.
“What would Santana think?” The human girl asks, Soap found himself sneering at the human woman for being up his old love.
“She’s not here because of you-“
“That was far before my time.”
“You’re young,” Gaz notes.
“Well, this country is made up of refugees, our parents fought to be free.” The human said side eyeing the Harpy.
Gaz didn’t like humans, he had no fold memory of that human or that human in his mind where they showed their famed humanity. He has only seen their bigotry. His home was napalmed by war. He hated humans too.
“Why aren’t we needing at the capital?” Graves asks looking around. The sun was setting and he could see the beautiful landscape of Switzerland’s countryside.
“Too many people live there, too many anxieties. Here if war breaks out not so many people be hurt.” Soap snorts but looks around the air is smooth and clean, far less dusty than the battlefield.
“Mother Maia,” the human woman calls out. There in the setting Sun of a large building, what used to look like a big retail store was a woman taking down hung sheets.
“As Jezebel,” the woman’s sweet voice calls out. “Are these the monster’s delegates?”
“Yup,” the group stops in front of this strange woman. She was in all black, with no skin showing beside her hands. She didn’t look Muslim just… like a Victorian woman in mourning. It was nostalgic for Graves he couldn’t stop smiling, her dark veil covering her hair and face. “How are the kids?”
“It’s dinner, you know how the little werewolves get, so territorial. Then the gargoyles want to sit at the top. The dragons are trying to hord people.”
“Is Michael sweet-talking people for food again?”
“Of course, you can’t stop young sirens from praying on others, especially on crawfish night.”
“Crawfish? Damn now I’m hungry-“
“We’ll take your group to the meeting point and if you get their fast enough and back we might still have some leftovers.” The woman in black tease.
“C’mon, let’s hurry,” Jezebel said rushing the group of monsters.
“What is that place?” Ghost asks. There were monsters there? And a human talking so nonchalantly about them too.
“That’s an orphanage, government sponsored, that’s the head director, Mother Maia.”
“Is she a nun?” Soap asks. Jezebel cackles and turn to him.
“Nope she’s a former Sniper, before retiring only a few weeks ago.” A cold chill run down tje monster’s bodies.
“What was her name?”
“Something like the pale death.” The monster stopped walking Soap nearly ran back to that woman to kill her.
“Relax Johnny it’s a bad idea to kill her here.” Ghost said resting his stone hands on his friend’s shoulder. Soap bared his fangs but let his shoulder sag.
“That bitch has killed dozen of our men-”
“Hey,” Jezebel said, “you better be careful this is her boyfriend right here,” Jezebel pointed to the armed monster next to him. He was a humanoid monster, maybe a wraith… that would make sense at night he was the most powerful.
“Traitor,” Gaz glared at the shorter male who had a strange antenna coming from his helmet.
“C’mon, let’s keep going I’m missing out on delisting crawfish!” Jezebel practically jogged to the meeting point.
“Look at her, so carefree. Humans truly disgust me.” Soap whispers to Gaz who flew slightly above him.
“I know mate, they only care for themselves, and discriminate against those that differ from them.” The moment they got to the meeting Jezebel took off.
—————————— /\ ——————————
“Mother Maia?” The woman in black looks up and walks up to the group of monster. Walking into the giant old building. The inside was converted into a home.
“Yes?” She asks.
“They wanted to see the orphanage a little more,” assistant Andres said, his wolf tail swinging side to side.
“Of course come in—”
“That killer in in charge of our kind?” Soap sneers, walking up to her. His eyes widened she was quite tall for a human, 6ft.
A set of low growls ooze out from the back as a small group of five teenage boys stalked in, they were young Werewolf pups. They got in between her and him.
“Who the fuck are you pendejo?” One asks his accented English rolls off his tongue.
“She killed our kind—”
“You killed your kind! My parents were killed by cunts like you,” the Australian boy shouts.
Soap glared at the young boys in front of him. They were young, stupid, and weak. A few had missing eyes, and arms, and one missing a leg. In the order of monsters, they should be dead.
“Enough!” Mother Maia snaps loudly, pulling the young alpha back. She leans down. In a low tone, she said, “Go protect the other orphanage.” Soap frown, another orphanage? The young back sneered at him one last time and stalked off.
“Have some grace, most of them were maimed by the monster’s militia when their parents tried to flee. Most of their parents were either murdered in front of them or eaten.” A chill ran down 141’s back.
“Of course, we have some monsters affected by humans, but humans wouldn’t let a single monster live. These survivors or victims of you.” Mother Maia said setting the basket closed down.
“So, pale death-“ Graves walk over a smirk on his face.
“Killed anyone of them?”
“They are my children, don’t you know? Human pack bond with anyone.” She said in the same flirty tone as Graves. She clears her throat and looks at the greater whole, “where would you like to begin?”
“What type of monsters do you have?” Gaz asks looking around, he can smell a plethora of monsters, even prey monsters.
“We have beast men, harpies, mermaids, fairies, shark born, dragons, gargoyles, vampires-“ a group of bats came flying in and transformed small little kids running up to Mother Maia.
“We’re hungry.”
“Go to the kitchen.”
“How do you feed them?” Graves asks, there was about six of them the oldest no older than twelve.
“Donation of course, this country knows blood from monsters and humans are welcome. Of course, we have animals.” Graves subconsciously nods. “We have a few turned, they don’t want human blood.”
“We also have pray hybrids.”
“To feed-“
“No.” Mother Maia cuts off Price.
“Come I’ll show you the barn,” Mother Maia turned and led the group. There in the back was a large barn, it smelled like a barn.
“Lenard,” Mother Maia calls out, a figure jumps down and a young gargoyle appears, “we’re bringing in some guess, go tell Jin.”
“Jin isn’t gonna like this… not these unknown predators in his camp.”
“I know but go tell him,” The gargoyle nods and flies off.
Mother Maia turns to them, the veil is getting annoying, and the strange clinking sound as she walks. “Don’t eat anyone of them, I’ll kill you.” Her tone turns from sweet and welcoming to cold and cruel.
She opens the barn.
Screams erupt.
There was many cattle hybrids. Sheep, goats, alpacas, llamas, cows, and even some deer. They all backed up and only one thing approached a small girl screaming.
“Get out!” She shouts. She was a stout girl? And from the marking of her fur, honey badger.
“Do they have to be here?” A new voice asks in the arms of Lenard was a boy, Jin. The horns said it all along with the one wing, dragon. This was his hord.
“Quit,” Mother Maia said, silencing the barn.
“As you can see we have farmed more prey species since they don’t want to be killed or eaten. We’re leaving now,” she pushed everyone out and close the barn after Lenard who climb back onto his perch.
“So…” Price smiles blowing out his cigar smoke, “that’s his castle and hord?”
They begin to walk far into the fields small predictor hybrids poke their heads up and watch them leave before going back to playing. They walked for a few miles to the ledge of a cliff down below the ocean.
“We don’t have any big trees, so most of the Harpies live on the cliffs in huts, down below in our seaways are Merfolks and shark borns. Of course, as you see another gargoyle and in the water an eastern dragon born.” Gaz eyes widen seeing the little harpies flying around. It reminded him of home.
“Priscilla,” Mother Maia calls out, a young woman in her early Twenties or late teens walked up. Gaz thought she was human at first until he noticed her feet. She was a wingless harpy. Gaz felt feather’s raising anger boiling under his skin. She inched her way closer Gorgyle behind her.
“Since Harpies are communal and the boldest of the youth train the harpies to fly, but since Priscilla had her wings ripped off most of the young harpies don’t fly.” Mother Maia said.
“We can!” One shout, from the cliffs their small heads and raptor eyes glued on them. “We just… don’t want to.” The little boy said shyly.
“And in the small brush forest we have the smaller pray species and a pack of werewolves.”
“A pack?” Soap asks, “there’s more than one?” Mother Maia nods.
“We have five they like doing mock battles to see who gets five feet of territory into another’s back, it’s all friendly games they come together to defend this area when needed.” Soap couldn’t help but smile, maybe if he was younger this would be a great place to create a pack.
“I can teach them how to fly,” Gaz said mindlessly staring at the cliff where there were probably over 20 harpies. All the young children and the oldest were younger than him, they wouldn’t survive if they couldn’t fly.
“Really?” Priscilla said her shoulder feathers raising in excitement.
“We’re staying here a few days.” They two turn to another Maia for an answer.
“You have to ask Baihu.” Pricilla cringed and sighed, “As the most senior member of this community and the oldest, it’s your duty.” Pricilla nods.
“Alright let’s go asks him, c’mon.” She begins to walk to the cliff Gaz following suit.
“Isn’t it a little cruel to have a human looking after a monster?” Soap ask.
“Not at all my counterpart is a monster taking care of humans, his hord.”
“This seems too perfect.”
Word count: 2.2K Would you be interested in this being a full fic?
Inspire by @bluegiragi @gremlingottoosilly
taglist: @kkaaaagt 
Part 2
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 9 months
Don't mind me having a brain rot of Ghost visiting the orphanage where Jade volunteered in and having one of the fluffiest day of his life.
Ghost during his off-duty time because he was injured. Bored Ghost contacting Jade to relieve his boredom, then her inviting him to visit the orphanage she used to be a part of. Ghost being reluctant saying that he's never dealt with so many kids at once and that he's bad with kids. Jade saying to him that kids have this magical effect on people so Ghost obliged.
Jade telling the kids, "We have a new friend today. Meet Mister Simon!" Only for the kids to call him "MISTER SALMON???" instead. Jade trying to stand up straight as she died laughing inside while Ghost just 🧍
The younger kids asking for piggy back rides on Ghost's back and shoulders. Jade telling them to take turns but Ghost found out that he could lift 5 children on his shoulders and arms, proceeding with giving them the ride of their lives like they're flying in the air because of Mister Salmon's height.
One of the kids crying because Ghost ran too fast and became too afraid. Ghost putting them down but the kid kept crying. Ghost not knowing what to do, panicking inside, only for Jade gesturing to him to give the kid a hug and rub the kid's back.
Ghost who was hesitant at first, but deciding to hug the crying child, having a realization of how big his body actually is compared to a kid, that he hasn't hugged such a vulnerable, fragile kid in a such a long time (or never, even), rubbing the child's back in a soothing manner, whispering, "it's okay, you're okay now. Shhh."
Ghost not knowing what to do when other kids started to hug him as he hugged the crying child. Jade secretely taking a photo of him being surrounded by kids.
Ghost seeing two kids fighting for toys and somehow he ended up making it a push-up and sit-up competition. Ghost having to stick a band-aid on one kid as they were too excited and scraped his knee.
One kid being prideful and saying to him that he could give Mister Salmon a piggyback ride. Mister Salmon squat-walking as he followed the kid from behind.
Them playing London Bridge Is Falling Down with Jade and an older kid as the bridge. Ghost having to crawl on his four to fit the kids' heights and somehow gets caught on the bridge. The kids laughing as he looked absolutely ridiculous crawling in all fours as they pointed at Mister Salmon and Miss Chacha being the bridge. Ghost and Jade blushing profusely as they hold hands.
Afternoon nap time, Ghost having to soothe a crying kid, eventually sleeping on his arm and Jade helping him tuck the kid to bed.
Ghost looking at Jade as she softly sings a lullaby to one of the kids whilst thinking that she used to be one of the kids. Ghost thinking of how she could still keep the softness when she's the exact opposite during missions.
Ghost and Jade having a downtime together drinking tea while being tired af because he didn't remember dealing with kids was this draining.
Dinner time as Ghost helps Jade and the other caretakers prepare food. Mister Salmon spoon-feeding a younger child because they were very highly energetic. Ghost having a kid throw up on his hoodie as Jade scrambles to clean his hoodie, only for Ghost to tell her it's literally nothing compared to what he's witnessed during his deployments.
Ghost unexpectedly feeling happy that day as he dropped Jade off in front of her house. Jade saying that he's not bad with kids at all, in fact, he was so good with them. Him thanking her and saying he wouldn't mind coming along for the next time.
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senmiyaazx · 6 months
"Soap, I'm in. Give me an update." You call out.
There wasn't any response.
Confused, you try again. "Soap, you there?"
Still nothing.
You were getting increasingly confused and a bit worried. Maybe something happened to Soap? No, that's impossible. He made sure to clear the area before getting into the CCTVs. In fact, the camera was pointed directly at you, letting you know he was indeed watching.
Then, you realized something.
With an exasperated sigh, you spoke once more. "Johnny, how copy?"
Finally, his voice spoke out from the radio.
"Got it. You're good to go, sergeant." You could practically hear the grin in his voice.
Despite his silly antics, you couldn't help but smile a little.
"Since when did you two get so close?" Price asked. Nobody responded.
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callofdudes · 3 months
Dropping more things that are worming around in my brain.
College Student Johnny who moves from Scotland to England for a scholarship opportunity with the football team of a college he's just got into.
Moves into an old rebuilt flat going for cheap and settles down there. Johnny believing in spiritual things starts to notice the little odds and ends in his house. The laundry suddenly folded on his bed when he leaves the room and comes back.
Dishes rearranged and the stove on at random points at the night. Weird things start to happen and Johnny learns the history of the old Riley home that was burnt to the ground.
Johnny who tries to make peace with the spirit of a sorrowful young boy now a vengeful man who threw himself into the fire with his family.
Spirit Simon who clings onto Johnny and practically claims him, liking having him. He's possessive of Johnny and wants Johnny only.
Johnny who tries to go back home to visit his parents for the summer break but Vengeful spirit Simon won't let him get far. Johnny will not be leaving him...
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