#festival do futuro
jukeboxcwb · 1 year
Posse Lula: Festival do Futuro terá shows até a madrugada
A programação musical tem início às 11h; o evento acontece na Esplanada dos Ministérios, em Brasília
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Foto: Divulgação
O ano de 2023 já começa com festival de música especial. Amanhã, dia 01 de janeiro, acontece a posse do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, e em comemoração, acontece também o Festival do Futuro.
Dividido em dois palcos (Palco Elza Soares e Palco Gal Costa), o evento acontece na Esplanada dos Ministérios, em Brasília, a partir das 11h, e reúne diversos nomes importantes para a música brasileira. Além disso, uma feira gastronômica funcionará ao longo de todo o evento.
Confira a programação musical abaixo:
11:00 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show Brasília de Todos os Ritmos
12h30 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show Kleber Lucas Convida: Clóvis Pinho, Leonardo Gonçalves, MN MC e Sarah Renata
15h50 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show Juliano Maderada e Banda
18h30 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show “Futuro Ancestral”: participações de Drik Barbosa, Marissol Mwab, Ellen Oléria, Fioti, Gog, Rael, Rappin Hood, Salgadinho e Gog;
19h40 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show “Outra Vez Cantar”: participações de Alessandra Leão, Chico César e Geraldo Azevedo, Fernanda Takai, Francisco El Hombre e Luê, Johnny Hooker, Lirinha, Marcelo Jeneci, Odair José, Otto, Paulo Miklos, Tulipa Ruiz e Thalma de Freitas;
20h55 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show “Amanhã vai ser outro dia”: participações de Aline Calixto, Fernanda Abreu, Jards Macalé, Maria Rita, Martinho da Vila, Paula Lima, Leoni, Renegado, Rogéria Holtz, Teresa Cristina, Romero Ferro, Zélia Duncan e Delacruz”;
22h50 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show BaianaSystem convida: Margareth Menezes
00h10 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show Gaby Amarantos convida: Aíla, Kâe Guajajara e Jaloo
01h10 (Palco Gal Costa) – Show Duda Beat convida: Almerio, Doralyce, Luedji Luna e Zé Ibarra
02h10 (Palco Elza Soares) – Show Pabllo Vittar convida: Lukinhas e Urias
03h10 (Palco Gal Costa) – Valesca Popozuda convida: MC Marks e Mc Rahell
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geekpopnews · 2 months
Gloria Groove anuncia shows na Europa; confira as datas
Gloria Groove na gringa: nesta segunda-feira (18), nossa eterna Lady Leste avisou que fará oito shows entre junho e julho deste ano em países da Europa. Confira as datas confirmadas! #GloriaGroove #FuturoFluxo #Turnê #Show #DragQueen
Nossa eterna Lady Leste não para! Nesta segunda-feira (18), Gloria Groove anunciou que fará uma turnê especial em festivais pela Europa nos meses de junho e julho deste ano. Confira as datas: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gloria Groove (@gloriagroove) No post que foi ao ar nas redes da artista, é possível conferir o nome de oito cidades. A primeira parada de GG na gringa será no…
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ocombatenterondonia · 5 months
Festival marca encerramento das atividades de 2023 do Programa Talentos do Futuro
Evento reuniu atletas, professores, familiares e amigos na Vila Olímpica A Secretaria Municipal de Esporte e Lazer (Semes)​ proporcionou um dia de muita alegria para as crianças e jovens matriculados no Programa Talentos do Futuro no encerramento das atividades para comemorar as conquistas desportivas do programa no ano de 2023. O evento, realizado na Vila Olímpica Chiquilito Erse, na manhã de…
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elysianhqs · 8 months
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Enquanto o show dos fogos de artifício brilhava no céu, a rainha consorte da França Anne Tudor suspirava para si mesma, satisfeita. O evento foi um sucesso. Semanas; não, meses de preparação para aquela abertura tinham valido a pena. Foram incansáveis os rascunhos de seu discurso de abertura do evento pelos quais ela se debruçou, até que chegasse em um que continha todas as palavras certas, com as entonações perfeitas. Sua filha, Tony (@princesasapatona), claramente demonstrava descontentamento com toda a Seleção, mas depois de nenhum escândalo ocorrido por parte dela ou das futuras pretendentes, sabia que ela compreenderia no futuro. Ela devia compreender: todos eles compreendiam algum dia. A própria rainha havia compreendido anos no passado. Observando os últimos fogos com um sorriso satisfeito no rosto, permitiu a si mesma que se sentisse orgulhosa não apenas dela, mas de sua filha, e da França. Olhava para o céu como se pudesse ver o rosto do falecido marido entre as estrelas, tendo certeza que ele estaria orgulhoso também.
O orgulho não durou muito. Não quando, nos últimos fogos que fechariam o evento, no auge da música que os acompanhava, brilhou em um destacado verde o símbolo dos Guardiões da Liberdade.
A música emocionante foi interrompida por uma alta sirene, e os pensamentos da rainha Anne ficaram paralisados. Sem mais felicidade, sem mais esperança, apenas pânico. Sabia que devia fugir, sabia que devia reagir, buscar pelos filhos, mas não conseguiu. As luzes verdes haviam já se apagado, mas seus olhos continuavam fixos no céu, imóveis. A rainha precisou ser removida à força, junto de todas as selecionadas. Ou quase todas.
Por outro lado, Corinne (@kevincostnerdafranca) tinha muito tempo de treinamento para não saber o que fazer. Imediatamente após o símbolo da revolução estourar no céu, a garota puxou Tony consigo pelo braço, pretendendo levá-la imediatamente para o castelo em segurança. Todavia, Tony percebeu que seu irmão, príncipe André (@andrc), não estava conseguindo acompanhá-las nem com a ajuda de seu próprio guarda. A verdade era que o choque da confusão havia desencadeado um ataque severo de asma no rapaz, que mais aparentava estar sofrendo do mesmo mal de ansiedade e paralisia frente ao perigo que sua mãe. Ainda assim, tomada pelo altruísmo, Tony desvencilhou-se da sua guarda para correr pelo meio da multidão desgovernada até seu irmão. No entanto, nunca conseguiu chegar até ele, seu caminho interrompido por uma força maior.
A selecionada de Rivièreclaire, Marceline Lefebvre, que contou uma história tão acalentada sobre sua família de comerciantes pescadores e uma paixão de anos pela princesa, agora encarava Tony com olhos determinados de quem sabia que havia uma missão para cumprir, ali e agora. Ela havia esperado estrategicamente mais afastada das outras selecionadas para que os guardas não conseguissem levá-la para dentro do castelo, e agora brandia uma adaga afiada.
TRIGGER WARNING: Sangue, violência.
Não houve hesitação. A lâmina atingiu certeira o tórax da herdeira francesa, sendo interrompida por tanto a falta de espaço para a movimentação do golpe por conta do fluxo de pessoas, quanto a reação de outros guardas por perto. Corinne chegou imediatamente após o golpe, conseguindo ser rápida em remover Tony da situação e levá-la para a ala médica o quanto antes, desesperada com a quantidade de sangue que escapava pelas feridas recém-abertas. Já Marceline foi arrastada para fora da confusão com o vestido laranja que fora tão elogiado agora manchado com o sangue da princesa, esbravejando os lemas da revolução antes dos guardas a apagarem para levarem-na para um interrogatório.
Tanto Cosette (@solbenoit) quanto Louis (@flowerbcy) assistiram de perto não a tentativa de assassinato, mas sim a colega ser arrastada para longe, tendo sentimentos misturados de raiva e… Confusão. Afinal, haviam sido comunicados que o símbolo iria ser exposto no céu daquele festival para causar descontento e instabilidade entre a corte para auxiliar futuras invasões e ataques, mas não sabiam de nada tão… Direto. Teria a (agora ex) selecionada agido sozinha? Será que havia diferentes ordens dentro da própria revolução? Como as coisas prosseguiriam agora?
Eram muitas dúvidas vindas de todos os lados, que inclusive vieram a ser questionadas em todos os jornais do dia seguinte; inclusive os independentes. As principais críticas, no entanto, eram voltadas à clara falta de reação da rainha e do príncipe, à incapacitação de todos os membros da família real francesa, às falhas de segurança do palácio, e à atual falta de comunicação e apoio por parte da Inglaterra. Havia sido recente, sim, mas o reino que até então posava como um dos maiores aliados do trono francês agora sequer vinha à público para prestar suas condolências.
Com toda essa tensão no ar, agora era ainda mais importante que a Seleção corresse nos melhores dos conformes. Os jornalistas da corte foram rápidos em anunciar que os machucados da princesa Antoinette Elizabeth, por mais agressivos que pudessem parecer, já haviam sido tratados e a princesa estava apta à continuar com a Seleção. Teria uma pequena pausa para a princesa se recuperar nas suas melhores capacidades, mas o evento teria uma segunda abertura oficial em breve.
A segurança havia sido redobrada, todos passaram a se sentir ainda mais observados. Mas o show precisava continuar; e continuaria, pelo bem da coroa francesa.
Mesmo que o drop tenha sido postado agora de tarde, o evento é oficialmente encerrado a partir das 23h59. Depois disso, turnos dentro do evento devem ser colocados em Flashback, mas podem ser continuados sem problemas.
Mesmo que não tenham sido citados, outros personagens também podem ter se machucado na confusão, mas de forma menos grave. As selecionadas em especial foram mantidas seguras.
POVs com relação ao plot drop podem ser postados marcando a central e com a tag #elysianpov
A vaga para selecionada de Rivièreclaire continua a ser aplicável: ela obrigatoriamente torna-se uma substituta da Marceline. Isso faz com que a próxima a vir tenha uma pressão muito maior nos ombros.
O evento da Seleção teve uma pausa de duas semanas para que a princesa se recuperasse, e os turnos até o próximo evento se passarão entre essas duas semanas. Enquanto isso, por mais que não esteja acontecendo os eventos pelo palácio típicos da Seleção (como encontros, jantares, entrevistas, bailes, etc), as selecionadas podem aproveitar esse tempo para estudar, se conhecerem, conhecerem outros membros do palácio, etc; só estão atualmente impedidas de saírem do palácio.
Os convidados foram aconselhados a ficarem dentro do palácio e não saírem pelas cidades nesse meio-tempo, mas, caso decidam por isso, não serão impedidos, só terão uma guarda reforçada.
Aos funcionários, esperem uma grande demanda de trabalho nas próximas duas semanas. Sem dó. Principalmente para os guardas.
Se tiverem dúvidas, a ask e as mensagens estão à disposição.
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sunnypromo · 10 months
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Depois do fiasco da primeira edição do festival, o criador do evento foi parar na cadeia e o público geral tomou pavor de eventos em ilhas paradisíacas e remotas, mas todo ser humano de sangue quente ainda ama o verão. Agora sob organização da SKco., o Sundaze Festival tem a proposta de unir culturas e gêneros musicais diferentes, trazendo as melhores bandas, grupos e artistas solo para a sua cidade. O lema é simples: vamos aonde o sol estiver. Com atos musicais diversos e de origem nos quatro cantos do mundo, o Sundaze Festival viaja de país a país seguindo sempre o verão, com palcos e experiências únicas, levando até você a chance de se refrescar. Siga a conta no Twitter para mais atualizações.
Sundaze Festival, Onde o sol sempre brilha mais forte.
A Sundaze é uma ideia de roleplay de festival que une a rp br com a krp br. Teremos bandas de todos os lugares do ocidente e oriente, grupos de kpop, e solistas de todas as nacionalidades. Todos serão bem-vindos independente da origem, e o único limite é a sua criatividade. Queremos acima de tudo deixar isso claro, pois achamos que é hora da nossa tag deixar diferenças e preconceitos de lado, e perceber que podemos conviver juntos no mesmo espaço.
Nossa proposta é a mistura de um rp de bandas e de idols, com personagens e histórias diversas dividindo o mesmo palco. Teremos espaço para compra de músicas e criação de álbuns, diferentes paradas na turnê e oportunidades para construir ou destruir a fama do seu personagem. Como um festival de veraneio, a tropicália e o bom-humor de um dia de sol segue o caminho das caravanas e aviões de país em país.
E nós queremos envolver VOCÊS, tag br, na criação do rp! Vamos dar um espaço para falarem todas as vontades de estilos de bandas, grupos, artistas e atrações que vocês sempre quiseram jogar e nunca tiveram oportunidade.
Para você que pensou em um conceito revolucionário, mas não tem a paciência de criar um roleplay do zero.
✶ ׅ ࣪Existe algum tipo de conceito que você gostaria de ver em uma banda? Seja em estilo musical, estilo instrumental, estilo de integrantes – conta tudo! ✶ ׅ ࣪Existe algum tipo de conceito que você gostaria de ver em um grupo de kpop? Do girl crush ao vroom vroom, o céu é o limite – fala pra gente qual o seu grupo dos sonhos. ✶ ׅ ࣪Tem alguma ideia de história para um grupo ou banda diferente, que você nunca viu ser feito, mas acha que iria casar com o Sundaze? Aqui é onde você deixa seus delírios febris correrem soltos, nenhuma ideia é doida demais. ✶ ׅ ࣪Existe alguma ideia de evento que você sempre quis jogar mas nunca fizeram? Luzes apagando, guerra de travesseiros, CEOs sendo acusados de corrupção, tudo vale! ✶ ׅ ࣪Como vocês imaginam a participação de staffs no rp? E se eles comandarem contas sociais de bandas, tendo seu próprio espaço para criar rumores?
Nossa ask estará aberta 24 horas para receber essas e outras sugestões!
Vamos reservar dois únicos espaços para uma banda ocidental e um grupo de kpop, para VOCÊ nos sugerir um ato musical completo. Tem algo em mente? Nós montamos um form pedindo todos os detalhes. 
Esse ato musical será ideia sua, mas ao fazer a sugestão você nos dá o direito de fazer as mudanças necessárias no futuro, ou presente, para transformá-la em um grupo/banda da COMUNIDADE. Caso sua ideia seja selecionada, uma vaga nele será automaticamente sua, e uma vaga extra está garantida para algum amigo seu. Entraremos em contato para conversar sobre as vagas dos ganhadores! Antes mesmo da abertura, essas quatro vagas serão marcadas como ocupadas, mas os FCs precisarão ser solicitados junto com a abertura geral de reservas.
Aguardamos todos vocês onde a grama é mais verde! Até dia 28.
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xtasssy · 8 months
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. ֺ  𓂂 ⚝ ‎ ‎ con su creación en tierras británicas, ecstasy es un grupo de chicas ficticio bajo la compañía seminare, debutando en el 22 de septiembre del 2019. este grupo está conformado por 5 miembros femeninas: HERA, BAO, EVELYN, NABI y AMAYA.
debutaron con su single “world.”, un mini relato de sus vidas antes de empezar el proyecto ecstasy, y al final una introducción a este nuevo mundo en la industria musical. La canción “my world” fue mencionada "el himno del otoño" por la revista scOOp KOREA, por su gran instrumental orquestal con la esencia del pop. este debut dejó una gran huella, convirtiéndose en una de las canciones clásicas de su discografía y en la música coreana.
ecstasy tiene el propósito de que su música sea placentera y admirada por los oyentes, que su música de un éxtasis, ya sea por su instrumental o sus letras. al principio de su carrera muchos opinaban que sus canciones tienen una inspiración melancólica y un trasfondo oscuro y es algo que no se puede negar, pero esto se aclaró por su proyecto debut conceptual, una obra dividida en dos partes " . " (world. - heal.) que tiene el fin de salir de ese oscuro mundo, sanar y hacer el intento de positividad a la vida y llegar a aquel anhelado éxtasis. Esto cautivó a los internautas interesados en la creatividad y calidad que puede ofrecer este grupo de chicas al mundo a través de la música.
si dejamos de lado su discografía ecstasy se caracteriza por sus mínimas apariciones en premios, entrevistas, etc, ya sea grupal o individualmente, esto nunca se aclaró por parte de las miembros y quedó como una duda con varias teorias entre su fandom "amulets". Las únicas veces que ecstasy aparece es por la revista scOOp y festivales creados por rising records, como por ejemplo, el gran festival COSMIGONÓN, siempre es explotado de gente cuando ecstasy aparece dejando en claro el gran potencial y popularidad de este gran grupo.
en la actualidad con tres casi cuatro años de carrera, ecstasy es valorizada como uno de los mejores grupos globalmente, pero cada que pasa el tiempo sus pasados despiertan y crean controversias que podrán afectar su carrera, pero eso es ya ver el futuro...
( GENERAL ! )⠀⠀⎯⎯⎯ ⠀⠀。゚〄 ・
DEBUT DATE ⟩ SEP22, 2019
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( MEMBERS ! )⠀⠀⎯⎯⎯ ⠀⠀。゚〄 ・
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KIM “BAO” SAYEON⠀  ⠀  ⠀ ( 1997 )
KANG “EVELYN” YEONA  ⠀  ⠀  ( 1999 )
PARK “NABI”  ⠀  ⠀  ( 2000 )
EVANGELINE “HERA” LEE  ⠀  ⠀  ( 1998 )
CHOI “AMAYA” JIYU  ⠀  ⠀  ( 2002 )
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suikyounamegami · 7 months
Cool-B VOL.112 | Ooe, Hashihime × UrC - Pt.1
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como no hubo información nueva del juego en la edición de este mes y es un artículo corto, decidí agregar también las páginas de la colaboración entre Hashihime y Urc 😙
honestamente no pensaba escribir este post ya que estoy un poco desmotivada con esto de que el lanzamiento de Ooe se va retrasar 😞
pero bueno 😩
si están interesados, aquí lo tienen 🙂
Páginas 38-43
el artículo de Ooe trata sobre cómo pasan los personajes la temporada de otoño 🍂
comenzando con Oosaki
dice que, cuando se da cuenta es otoño
y cuando se da cuenta, ya es invierno ❄
que pasa los días de alguna forma…
Ariake / Otoño de 'apetito'
no tiene ojos para nada más que castañas, caquis y comidas de 'edición limitada' (comidas de temporada)
en resumen, en su cabecita no hay espacio para otra cosa que no sea TRAGAR
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Shinbashi / Otoño de 'apreciación'
se entretiene con música, películas y obras…
él solito... 😔
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seguramente en su ending terminará forzando a Oosaki a tragarse todas estas películas con él 😅
y Oosaki con cara de ¿qué es esto? ¿por qué estoy viendo esto? 🤣
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Aomi / Otoño de 'lectura'
parece que le gustan las novelas de temporada
Hinode / Otoño de 'sueñito' 😴
pareciera feliz de poder dormir más fácilmente...
(por qué Hinode duerme tanto...??? 😟)
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Shiodome / Otoño de 'vacaciones'
participa en algún festival raro
Takeshiba / igualmente, se va de vacaciones
disfruta de los puestos de comida y festivales en el pueblo
Toyosu / Otoño de 'relajación'
se queda viendo las nubecitas… ☁
Shijoumae / otoño de 'espectador'
observa el progreso de los pacientes que han regresado al sumo, el judo y otros deportes con una sonrisita
y Funeno es Otoño de 'poda'
tiene buena mano como jardinero, así que deja los árboles y los bonsáis bien bonitos 🌳
Páginas 46-49
la colaboración entre Hashihime y UrC trata sobre qué elegirían los personajes entre kaijuu / héroe, y pasado / futuro
comenzando con los personajes de Hashihime
Kaiju o Héroe, cual de los dos?
Tamamori, dice que la relación entre kaijuus y héroes es como el agua y el fuego 💧🔥
por lo que la única opción es el agua, ya que no quiere desaparecer
Kawase, no tiene necesidad de pensarlo y dice que un kaijuu
quiere desaparecer de un 'soplido'
Minakami, un kaijuu
no se convertirá en algo como un héroe, a quien le tengan que estar dando las gracias
Hikawa, por supuesto que un héroe
desarrollaría herramientas para mejorar a los héroes Tamamori-kun y Hanazawa-kun
Hanazawa, un héroe
dice que salvará a todos incluso si su cuerpo perece…
y Kaoru dice que un kaijuu
por que le parece interesante...
y pasamos ahora a los personajes de UrC
Pasado o futuro, cual de los dos?
Choutsugai, dice que es de mal gusto y que no le gusta ninguno de los dos, pero que si tuviera que elegir, elegiría el futuro (dice que volverá enseguida)
Shou-chan, pregunta que si se puede volver al presente, y de ser así, entonces elegiría el futuro
si hay un futuro infeliz esperándolos, le gustaría poder evitar ese camino
tan lindo mi Shou-chan 🥰
es un amor 😘
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Akira: también elige el futuro
iría y compraría materiales para hacer manga y los traería de vuelta al presente, pero...
no podría pagarlos porque los billetes son muy viejos
(los iba a comprar con billetes de los 70's 😅)
Juurou se queda pensando… pero al final no da una respuesta por pensar solo en las desventajas de elegir uno u otro
los posibles escenarios 'catastróficos'
que si Yomi esto... que si Yomi lo otro… ya sabemos  ̄皿 ̄
a Isshiki le parece divertido, y dice que el futuro
quiere ver cosméticos nuevos ya que está harto de los labiales del presente 💄
y Yomi dice que no puede elegir, ya que piensa que es mejor no saber nada más que el presente, y se disculpa por arruinar el tema
quedan pendientes las páginas 50-51 donde hay una conversación entre Tamamori y Shou-chan, pero las continuaré en una 2da parte 😫
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jartitameteneis · 8 months
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The Beatles y The Doors: Mitos y anécdotas de una relación oculta
En 1967, dos agrupaciones se impusieron en la industria musical de la época pero desde universos muy diferentes, casi opuestos. Por un lado, The Beatles sacó Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, un disco que revolucionó la forma de hacer música. Y The Doors, por su parte, debutó con un LP homónimo que iluminaba las ideas y sonidos que se venían gestando en la escena underground de Estados Unidos.
La relación entre los integrantes de estas dos míticas y disímiles agrupaciones tiene su punto de partida en 1965. Por ese entonces, Jac Holzman, el fundador de Elektra Records, se reunió junto a Lennon y McCartney con el fin de obtener los permisos para sacar un disco del tecladista Joshua Rifkin. Dicho álbum contenía diferentes reversiones de los Fab Four en el estilo de música barroca. A partir de su aprobación, quedó sellada una amistad entre The Beatles y Jac Holzman, que se fue afianzando debido al respeto y admiración que los de Liverpool tenían por el catálogo de la discográfica norteamericana.
Hacia fines de 1968, George Harrison estaba en una etapa de transición debido a las continuas peleas internas de su grupo y la decepción que sintió en su experiencia con el Mararishi durante su estadía en la India. Luego de telefonear a Bob Dylan, decidió pasar un tiempo en Estados Unidos, y por noviembre de ese año, presenció la grabación del futuro disco de The Doors titulado The Soft Parade. George disfrutó de las sesiones orquestales del disco, las cuales comparó con lo que su banda había hecho en Sgt. Pepper's.
La relación más fuerte y mítica que se dio entre las dos bandas se produjo en septiembre de 1968. Durante la gira europea de The Doors, Jim Morrison tuvo un colapso por drogas en Holanda, por lo que decidió quedarse un tiempo en Londres en lugar de volver a los Estados Unidos. En su estadía concurrió a las grabaciones de voces de “Happiness is a Warm Gun”, compuesta por John Lennon.
Hay dos anécdotas fuertes en relación a esto. La primera es que Morrison habría participado haciendo los coros en las frase "Mother Superior jump the gun." La segunda surge en la parte de la letra que dice "Like a lizard on a window pane” ("como un lagarto, sobre el cristal de una ventana") que parece hacer referencia al seudónimo de Morrison, "The Lizard King" ("El Rey Lagarto"). Todo esto nunca fue negado y confirmado del todo. Lo que sí se sabe es que Morrison estuvo con Lennon en el estudio durante el 23 y 24 de septiembre de 1968, y luego no volvió a regresar. Quizás por eso jamás ni él ni The Beatles estuvieron interesados en acreditar su participación en la ficha técnica del disco.
La relación de Lennon con los oriundos de Los Ángeles continuó. En 1969 participó en el Festival por la Paz de Toronto. John fue telonero de The Doors y elogió a la banda diciendo lo siguiente: “Tuve el honor de haber formado parte de un increíble festival junto a The Doors.”
Paul no quedo exento de las anécdotas fuertes. Su esposa Linda había realizado una sesión de fotografías con The Doors en 1967 y a partir de ahí quedó sellada una fuerte amistad entre ellos. Esto llevó a que, después de la muerte de Jim Morrison, The Doors le haga la propuesta a McCartney para que reemplace al cantante, quien la rechazó ya que por ese entonces estaba enfocado en los inicios musicales de Wings.
Más allá de estas historias queda claro que ambos artistas se respetaban mutuamente. The Doors tuvieron a los de Liverpool como una banda de referencia y respeto, y The Beatles siempre estaban informándose acerca de las nuevas tendencias musicales que surgían para no quedar desactualizados en su sonido e ideas.
La relación no fue aún más estrecha musicalmente porque los británicos se encontraban en un proceso de reorganización interna luego de la muerte de su manager y mentor Brian Epstein. The Doors, por su parte, pese al suceso y éxito que vivieron a partir de 1967, los continuos excesos de Morrison les generaron tanta mala prensa que fueron catalogados como “la banda más peligrosa de los Estados Unidos.” Esto también los llevó a perderse importantes festivales en donde podrían haber conocido a los grandes artistas de su tiempo.
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nepf-ufrj · 4 months
Entrevista com Tati Lopatiuk, criadora da Oficina de Fanfics da FLIMO - Festival Literário Mauro de Oliveira de 2018
Tati Lopatiuk é uma publicitária e escritora que, em Setembro de 2018, realizou uma oficina de Fanfics na FLIMO - Festival Literário Mauro de Oliveira na Escola Estadual Prof. Mauro de Oliveira em São Paulo, onde conseguiu, através desse evento, abrir espaço para as fanfics na escola pública.
Assim como a Tati, nós do NEPF temos como premissa levar a fanfic para todos os lugares, e as escolas são os locais onde mais devemos incentivar a leitura e o manuseio da nossa imaginação. Por isso, convidamos a Tati para responder algumas perguntas sobre a oficina e sobre qual a importância da fanfic para o desenvolvimento de futuros escritores.
English version here!
#1 - Primeiramente, muito obrigada por aceitar participar desta entrevista, Tati! Conte um pouco sobre você, de onde você é e com o quê você trabalha.
Eu quem agradeço! Eu me chamo Tati Lopatiuk, tenho 39 anos e trabalho em publicidade. Nasci no Paraná, e aos 25 anos me mudei para São Paulo, onde moro desde então. Sou redatora por vocação, e atualmente trabalho como Gerente de Conteúdo em uma agência multinacional. Sou casada há 13 anos e tenho 3 gatos de estimação.
#2 - Como você conheceu as fanfics? Conte um pouco sobre sua experiência com elas e de que forma elas te formaram até os dias de hoje.
Como alguém que lê muito desde criança, sempre explorei todos os gêneros literários ao meu alcance. Com a internet, tive contato com as fanfics quando comecei a gostar de One Direction. Até então, eu não escrevia ficção, apenas tinha meu blog onde escrevia em formato de prosa sobre assuntos do meu cotidiano. Foi só em 2014 que escrevi meu primeiro conteúdo ficcional, uma fanfic sobre o Daniel Johns (vocalista da banda Silverchair). Como fez um relativo sucesso na plataforma onde publicava, Wattpad, comecei a exercitar mais minha criatividade nesse sentido e não parei mais de escrever. Hoje escrevo romances regulares e fanfics também, principalmente envolvendo jogadores de futebol. Tenho 16 livros publicados de maneira independente, sendo que 5 deles são fanfics. Continuo consumindo muito do gênero, assim como tantos outros que gosto de ler, como romance, biografias e suspense. 
#3 - Para você, a fanfic é uma importante porta para o desenvolvimento da escrita de futuros autores?
A fanfic é muito interessante para quem está começando a escrever porque permite que você parta de um lugar seguro: um ídolo ou personagem fictício que você já “conhece”. Grande parte da dificuldade de escrever uma história vem de precisar criar do zero, e com a fanfic você já parte de um ponto, ao ter mais contexto para os personagens principais. Além disso, as tramas das fanfics são mais próximas aos nossos devaneios cotidianos quando se trata da relação de fã: sonhar estar perto, viver uma história com aquele ídolo. Tudo isso colabora para que a escrita da fanfic seja relativamente mais fácil de elaborar, e assim se torna uma ferramenta valiosa, porque a partir do momento que você compreende que consegue, sim, escrever uma história, se sente encorajado a produzir cada vez mais. Assim, vai se aprimorando a cada nova fanfic, o que torna possível crescer e tentar diferentes gêneros e abordagens que antes pareciam impossíveis. 
#4 - Soubemos que você produziu uma oficina de fanfics, qual foi o processo para essa oficina ocorrer e onde ela ocorreu? Nos dê detalhes!
Em setembro de 2018, ministrei uma oficina de fanfic para os alunos da Escola Estadual Prof. Mauro de Oliveira, na zona oeste da cidade de São Paulo, durante o FLIMO - Festival Literário Mauro de Oliveira. O convite partiu da organização do evento, onde se buscava que os alunos pudessem expandir seus conhecimentos sobre literatura não só como leitores, mas como autores eles mesmos. A oficina teve cerca de três horas de duração, e a partir do mote “escreva você mesmo o livro que você quer ler”, trabalhei com os alunos o contexto histórico do gênero, trazendo exemplos de fanfics famosas, inclusive aquelas que nem eram vistas como tal, trouxe algumas dicas de escrita, falamos sobre plataformas de publicação e, por fim, encerramos com um breve exercício onde cada aluno escreveu uma sinopse longa da fanfic que pretendia escrever (ou já estava escrevendo). Finalizamos lendo juntos essas sinopses e trazendo nossas percepções sobre os pontos positivos e os pontos a melhorar nos projetos desses alunos.
#5 - Como foi a receptividade dos alunos com relação à oficina? E do corpo docente?
Foi uma turma muito calorosa, interessada e participativa. A oficina de fanfic foi a primeira a ter as vagas esgotadas assim que abriram as inscrições, e muitos alunos me contaram que “nem acreditaram” que a escola traria algo sobre o tema, que eles tinham como algo muito “só deles”. Todos os alunos fizeram o exercício final proposto, saindo dali já com um começo de livro, o que os deixou muito motivados e se sentindo valorizados. O corpo docente se mostrou muito satisfeito ao ver que “acertou” ao acreditar no tema, tanto pelo alto nível de adesão dos alunos como pela felicidade deles ao se verem tendo espaço para falar sobre seus sonhos e seus ídolos.
#6 - Você acha que essa experiência impactou de alguma forma o ambiente escolar e a vida destes alunos?
Acredito que sim. Para mim, a principal sensação que percebi vindo deles foi de validação. O tema fanfic não era novo para nenhum deles ali, pelo contrário, eles quiseram participar justamente para pegar dicas para começar a produzir ou melhorar a produção já em andamento. Senti que foi algo colaborativo, um momento em que criamos juntos, e isso fez com que se sentissem importantes. Afinal, era uma autora, adulta, falando com eles de igual para igual, trocando experiências e mostrando que existe valor no que eles estavam fazendo. Saímos de lá todos muito felizes e inspirados.
#7 - E pra você, o que essa experiência significou?
Para mim, foi uma troca muito interessante e uma reafirmação sobre o valor da literatura em minha vida. É muito significativo poder falar sobre o que nos move e ver que aquele nosso mundinho solitário que existe enquanto estamos escrevendo é algo muito maior, que muitas pessoas estão vivendo isso também, e que, mesmo cada um no seu canto, juntos estamos criando algo.
#8 - Quais dicas você daria para outras pessoas e/ou outras universidades que queiram fazer oficinas de fanfic?
Vale ficar atento nos perfis proeminentes das plataformas de fanfic para descobrir novos talentos que possam transmitir sua experiência com o gênero. Aliás, mesmo dentro da universidade é possível encontrar essas pessoas, então é sempre bom partir do ponto de que é um assunto que já faz parte do cotidiano desses jovens.
#9 - Por último, deixe aqui seus comentários sobre nosso núcleo e para nossos leitores do blog!
Fico muito feliz em saber que existem núcleos assim dentro das universidades, é fundamental entender que a fanfic é um gênero literário tão válido quanto qualquer outro. O fato da fanfic ser mais acessível, tanto em consumo quanto em produção própria, precisa ser visto como um potencial, e não como demérito, como tantas vezes encaramos por aí. No mais, agradeço o espaço e torço para que essa iniciativa cresça mais e mais. Público sempre vai ter, isso eu garanto!
Link para o perfil da Tati no Instagram: @tadsh
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adamthebcast · 1 month
onde: fonte dos desejos, festival de boas vindas. para: @3nightss
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Adam seguia o amigo enquanto analisava os arredores, meio cabisbaixo. Os perdidos ao seu redor pareciam animadíssimos para ter o seu desejo realizado, e ele tinha que admitir, alguns animaizinhos que ele estava vendo surgir a partir do nada eram bem fofos. Nem conseguia pensar no que ele gostaria de pedir, já que um futuro próspero para Final State provavelmente entrava na categoria "coisas impossíveis", vetadas pela Fada Madrinha. Com um suspiro audível, ergueu a cabeça para checar o que Derek estava fazendo. "E aí, Rex", chamou pelo apelido que costumava usar desde que eram pequenos, antes de... bem, tudo acontecer. "Decidiu o que vai pedir?", perguntou de forma distraída, analisando os arredores furtivamente. Aquele lugar era ideal, pensou, reparando que a maior parte do público atraído eram perdidos. Menor chance de encontrar alguém do próprio reino ou pior: alguém que viesse lhe perguntar como estavam as coisas. Sentiu um calafrio só de pensar. O risco de encontrar as outras pessoas que estava evitando – os perdidos do próprio conto, mas mais especificamente sua suposta irmã – valia a pena naquelas circunstâncias.
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braveisthename · 1 month
starter for @rcderick
at: festival de boas vindas; noite.
" Mãeeeee! " Merida resmungou, jogando a cabeça para trás. A história se repetia em quase todos os bailes: sempre na hora da valsa, Elinor começava a chantageá-la para que fosse dançar com algum rapaz, e não desistia até que a filha estivesse com os braços ao redor do pescoço de um possível futuro genro para ela. Nunca dava certo, claro! Merida pisava nos pés dos garotos ou os ameaçava durante toda a dança até que eles saíssem correndo. Não seria diferente ali, ela já tinha o discurso na ponta da língua enquanto a Rainha de Dunbroch a empurrava na direção de um homem alto demais para sequer formar um par de dança bonito com ela. Fala sério, pensou. 'É uma boa oportunidade para se conhecerem melhor!', Elinor sorriu para o rapaz e Merida franziu o cenho... Só então percebendo quem era o infeliz à sua frente. " Você. Ah não. " Resmungou, virando-se na direção da matriarca. " Qual é, Elinor! " A mãe não deveria estar feliz com aquela história nova, não mesmo. Ela morria na maldita versão! " Você não vai me convencer a gostar de você. E espero que não esteja tramando nada com a minha mãe também. " Voltou-se para o rapaz, cravando flechas nele com o olhar. " Posso não estar com o meu arco aqui, mas os meus saltos são bem pontiagudos. "
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jukeboxcwb · 1 year
Margareth Menezes será a nova Ministra da Cultura
A informação foi confirmada na tarde desta terça-feira, através do Instagram da cantora
Margareth Menezes confirmou que será a nova Ministra da Cultura no governo Lula a partir de 2023. A cantora baiana confirmou a decisão através de seu Instagram.
Além dela, foram cogitados também o ex-ministro Juca Ferreira, os atores Lázaro Ramos e Marieta Severo e a cantora Daniela Mercury.
Margareth Menezes, ícone mundial da cultura AfroPop, também será uma das atrações do Festival do Futuro, que celebra a posse de Lula em Brasília no dia 1º de janeiro de 2023.
Também serão atrações: Pabllo Vittar, Duda Beat, Gaby Amarantos, Martinho da Vila, Chico César, BaianaSystem, Gilsons, Maria Rita, Valesca Popozuda e Teresa Cristina.
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hqprythian · 9 months
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O crepúsculo banhava o Palácio dos Ventos em tons de ouro e âmbar, anunciando a chegada do tão aguardado Festival da Magia. O lugar, a alguns quilômetros da ilha suspensa, sempre recebia os futuros estudantes e veteranos em um banquete exagerado — a antítese do dia seguinte, quando a chegada dos pégasos trazia consigo a ansiedade e o medo.
Vestidos em trajes misteriosos e elegantes, alunos e professores se reuniam no amplo salão, envoltos em energia mágica e expectativa. Melodias hipnotizantes de instrumentos mágicos ecoavam, enquanto olhares se cruzavam sob decorações encantadoras. Entretanto, a tensão era palpável, especialmente para os humanos, olhados com desconfiança.
O vinho feérico, fatal para humanos, fluía em taças cristalinas, um testemunho do poder e exclusividade dos feéricos. Duelos mágicos reluziam, sorrisos afiados em uma atmosfera de teste de destrezas. Poções, ingredientes raros e artefatos eram vendidos, exibindo habilidades feéricas. O espetáculo de luzes culminou com danças sob o teto estrelado, risos e confiança enchendo o ar.
O Festival da Magia unia celebração e complexidade, exibindo poder, talento e armadilhas. Uma oportunidade para os humanos provar seu valor e conquistar respeito antes das aulas em ASCENDER. Sob magia e música, o festival desdobrava-se em um caleidoscópio, refletindo poder, orgulho e busca pela excelência eterna.
Duelos Mágicos: Os duelos acontecem entre estudantes, aspirantes ousados ou qualquer fae que tenha coragem o suficiente para participar. É uma ótima forma de mostrar suas habilidades e técnicas, mas cuidado... Embates no dia anterior a subida até Eternavéu pode ser um movimento arriscado.
Desafios de Habilidades: Os estudantes são desafiados a resolver enigmas, realizar feitiços e superar obstáculos mágicos para ganhar pontos que podem ser trocados por prêmios! Poções, artefatos... As opções de recompensa são sempre variadas e uma surpresa. Porém, é sempre bom ficar atento, pois nem todos os prêmios são bons agouros.
Apresentações de Talentos Mágicos: Estudantes e professores podem se inscrever para as apresentações e mostrar a que vieram! Talentos mágicos como ilusões, controle de elementos ou telecinese são constantemente vistos no pequeno palco montado no pátio do Palácio dos Ventos, com os participantes ficando mais criativos a cada dia.
Área de Experiências Mágicas: Um corredor inteiro de alcovas fica localizado na ala leste do palácio. Semelhantes a pequenas lojas, cada alcova traz experiências únicas para os participantes do festival. Estações com diferentes aspectos da magia, como poções, feitiços e encantamentos ficam a disposição daqueles que desejam arriscar experimentar o que os vendedores oferecem. É uma oportunidade e tanto para achar formas de melhorar (ou piorar) as chances de sucesso na subida até Eternavéu.
Mostra de Criaturas Mágicas: Criaturas mágicas e excêntricas do centro de treinamento são trazidas para a mostra. Os estudantes podem interagir e aprender mais sobre esses seres fantásticos, mas vale ressaltar que a segurança dos visitantes não é garantida! No último festival um aluno acabou perdendo um de seus dedos para um filhote de hipogrifo. Fiquem atentos!
Competições Esportivas Mágicas: É comum que os participantes se reúnam no campo oeste, onde uma estrutura similar a uma quadra de gramados fica localizada, e engajem jogos como o aéroquidro: uma espécie de polo onde pégasos se lançam no ar com seus montadores atrás de uma bola mágica com tacos, tentando cruzar o campo inimigo sem deixa-la cair. Outros esportes também são praticados no espaço, como xadrez élfico, corridas, escaladas, arquearia etc.
Feira de Produtos Mágicos: A maioria dos mercadores do reino se preparam para levar os melhores itens, mágicos ou não, para o palácio dos ventos. Dizem que a preparação é a chave para o sucesso então nunca é tarde para adquirir penas de escrever novas, tinteiros, caldeirões, animais de estimação, ervas e outros itens preciosos.
Banquete Mágico: O banquete é normalmente servido tarde. A ceia farta, repleta de alimentos, vinho feérico, doces, chás, pães e bolos, toma o espaço de várias mesas espalhadas pelo salão de jantar. A música toca a noite inteira, mas durante o banquete é apenas um som delicado ao fundo, permitindo conversas sobre os meses de descanso longe da academia e as expectativas para o próximo ano. 
Finalmente nosso jogo está aberto para interações! Usem a tag #prtstarter para postar os jogos de vocês!
Esse é um evento em duas partes, sendo essa a primeira. Por enquanto, está prevista para começar hoje às 21h e ir até as 00hs do dia 18/08. A depender do andamento das interações e desejo dos players, podemos adiar ou adiantar a segunda parte do evento.
Vocês estão livres para postar looks dos personagens com a tag #prtlooks. Lembrem-se que além de bonitos, é sempre bom estarem preparados para tudo.
Um pequeno disclaimer: nos duelos mágicos são aceitos apenas faes! Mas claro... Sempre há exceções. Personagens humanos podem brigar para entrar nessa também!
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keliv1 · 2 months
Como criar (e retratar) memórias em São Miguel Paulista?
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Cartografia Periférica – Histórias de São Miguel Paulista, mapa produzido pelo Passeando pelas Ruas e exposto na biblioteca – foto: Keli Vasconcelos
Keli Vasconcelos*
 Escrevo este texto de um jeito, digamos, pitoresco: em vez de digitá-lo, primeiramente eu escrevi, literalmente, à mão para depois montá-lo no note. Penso eu que esse trâmite se deu por conta da experiência vivida durante o Festival da Memória, promovido na sexta-feira, 22.03, na Biblioteca Raimundo de Menezes.
A ideia foi do coletivo Passeando pelas Ruas, composto por três historiadores, Philippe Arthur, Paola Pascoal e Renata Geraissati; e uma pedagoga, Paloma Reis, que há uma década se dedica a mapear por meio da Arte uma zona leste de SP tão rica de histórias e potências.
Tive a alegria de ser uma das contempladas a participar da primeira mesa, que contou ainda com a pedagoga Amanda Silva, que falou de sua experiência dos Quadrinhos para quebra de estereótipos em sala de aula, no caso a Escola Arquiteto Luís Saia (já falei aqui), e da professora e futura historiadora Leticia Queiroz, autora do livro ilustrado “São Miguel Paulista, meu bairro, minha história”, que retratou com mais proximidade a Capela de São Miguel Arcanjo, patrimônio histórico não só de São Paulo, mas também do Brasil.
“Nosso objetivo com a intervenção com o uso das HQs da Mulher de Ferro na escola [a atividade foi em 2017] não era mudar o mundo, mas mudar o olhar em relação às questões de gênero e de raça na cultura pop”, expressou Amanda em sua apresentação.  
Vale também lembrar que Leticia Queiroz fez parte da RAP (Residência Artística Periférica), uma das ações do Passeando nesse resgate de memórias, resultando na publicação. “Antes, não entendia bem o que era aquela igrejinha em meio à praça do Forró (como é conhecida a praça Padre Aleixo Monteiro Mafra), depois da residência vi a sua importância e como precisa ser valorizada”, disse ela em sua fala.
E por falar do tema, após a apresentação de Amanda e a fala de Leticia, Philippe me perguntou da experiência que vivi como oficineira em 2019, quando promovi a ação de escrita afetiva e que também me ajudou a escrever “Alguns verbos para o jardim de J.”
Não contei apenas a história de Jéssica e Joia, as crônicas escritas em “São Miguel em (uns) 20 contos contados”, meu primeiro livro, mas falei da importância em criarmos e compartilharmos nossas vivências, experiências e descolonizarmos nossos conceitos, e reverberam futuramente.
Eu disse que quando (re) conhecemos como pessoas em nossas individualidades, consequentemente questionamos nossos territórios, nos vemos como (a) gentes no mundo e entendemos nosso passado, verificarmos nosso presente e podemos propor mudanças hoje para vislumbrarmos um futuro. Não é fácil, mas é um passo possível.
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As publicações feitas pelo coletivo, além dos livros que escrevi e de Leticia Queiroz. Quem participou recebeu um voucher de desconto oferecido pela ed. Hortelã, que publicou meu segundo livro – foto: Keli Vasconcelos
Falando em territórios, a segunda mesa tratou de passado e presente, com Rogério Rai, cicloativista do Pedale-se, Diógenes Sousa, Doutor em História, e Paola, do Passeando, que além de falar do mapa exposto na biblioteca, frisou outro trabalho produzido pelo coletivo, a digitalização dos trabalhos do historiador Paulo Fontes, que fez um extenso levantamento sobre a Nitro Química, fábrica existente no distrito de Jardim Helena, cujo material estava na biblioteca.
“Durante esse processo de pesquisa documental, além do trabalho de Fontes, encontramos muitos materiais que ele coletou, como recortes de jornais, falando da atuação das mulheres em S. Miguel para a vinda do Sistema Único de Saúde, a luta operária e expansão do bairro e até mesmo questionamentos sobre a fundação do bairro”, expressou ela em sua fala.
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Rogério Rai (Pedale-se), Diógenes Sousa (Dr. em História) e Paola Pascoal (Passeando pelas Ruas) – foto: Keli Vasconcelos
Já Rogério levantou várias questões sobre a mobilidade e também deu gancho para a relevância de S. Miguel para o país: “São Paulo não começou no Pátio do Colégio, começou aqui. E a Capela de S. Miguel não é importante só para São Paulo. É importante para o Brasil”, frisou ele.
Já Diógenes, que também faz parte do Bloco Fluvial do Peixe Seco, que também há 10 anos não somente leva o carnaval de rua, mas também mapeia os rios “escondidos” pela cidade, defendeu o acesso da população às pesquisas acadêmicas. “Nós como historiadores também devemos sair dos muros da academia e levar nossos trabalhos para o maior número de pessoas. Atividades como este festival, passeios de bicicleta, a pé, tudo isso é parte do processo”, destacou ele.     
Houve mais uma palestra, com o CPDOC Guaianás, coletivo de teatro Estopô Balaio e projeto Arte e Cultura na Kebrada, mas infelizmente não pude ficar.
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Agradeço demais ao Passeando pelas Ruas, à sempre solícita biblioteca Raimundo de Menezes e claro a todes que estiveram nesse evento tão potente e necessário.
Ururaí, como era chamada pelos indígenas Guaianás (ou Guaianazes) a aldeia que hoje é a São Miguel Paulista, agradece.
Mais fotos do evento (crédito - Passeando pelas Ruas).
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* Keli Vasconcelos (ela - SP) é jornalista freelancer, pós-graduanda em História Pública, arrisca-se no bordado, desenho e na poesia. Autora de “Alguns verbos para o jardim de J.” (romance, editora Hortelã 2022), “São Miguel em (uns) 20 contos contados” (crônicas, 2014), HQ “VooOnda” (online, 2021), além de participar de antologias. Mais pelas redes: Bluesky, X-Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Minus e Tumblr
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hqslegaciesarchive · 2 years
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A Semana do Salvador é o evento de maior importância em todo o reino. Todos os anos, durante uma semana, os cidadãos de Storydom se reúnem para homenagearem aquele que deu a vida para salvar os seus finais felizes. A recordação é constante, necessária e honrosa: sem Wyatt Charming, nada disso teria sido possível. Sem Wyatt Charming, os vilões estariam no topo, em seus reinados de vilania e tirania, machucando inocentes até os dias atuais.
É graças ao sacrifício de Wyatt na Grande Batalha que Storydom pode prosperar. Ele é o nosso Salvador. Acima dele, existe apenas Merlin, a Excalibur e os deuses; e mesmo estes prestam homenagem a Wyatt.
Até no Castigo os exilados são lembrados disso e precisam prestar as honras a Wyatt: No Dia do Salvador, todos os castigados precisam comparecer ao centro da cidade baixa  onde uma grande tela é instalada para que assistam às homenagens e ouçam com atenção os discursos da Hora do Salvador. Aqueles que não comparecem, são detidos e enviados para o Isolamento. É o mínimo que devem aos tantos inocentes que prejudicaram em seus passados.
Eventos acontecem todos os dias nessa semana tão especial, desde apresentações teatrais, feiras, shows, festas, e até bailes, mas os principais eventos são o Festival do Salvador no sexto dia, e o oficial Dia do Salvador no sétimo, que funciona como uma extensão do festival. Cada ano, a Semana do Salvador proporciona experiências diferentes. No ano passado, o Rei Arthur e a Rainha Guinevere se casaram durante a Semana do Salvador, em seu quinto dia. A Semana do Salvador é a única semana do ano que a lei do toque de recolher não se aplica em Arthurian! Merlin e o Feiticeiro são os principais organizadores do evento (porque todos sabem que eles foram os verdadeiros pais de Wyatt) mas é claro que os Charmings recebem o crédito.
Nesse ano, estaremos celebrando a vida e o sacrifício de Wyatt Charming, juntos, em dois lugares diferentes de nosso reino, e as figuras mais importantes do reino estarão presentes! Confira as atividades da semana do dia 24/07 ao dia 30/07!
No RP, estaremos jogando os dois dias principais, mas vocês podem conferir a agenda completa da Semana do Salvador aqui nessa página, a fim de mencionarem em interações e em geral saberem o que aconteceu.
No sexto dia da Semana do Salvador, o festival colore as ruas da capital de Storydom. Todos acordam cedo para atravessarem os portais de locomoção até Arthurian, afinal, independente de onde estejam — seja na Academia, em Undersea atualmente, ou na Nova Terra do Nunca — precisam chegar a tempo de acompanharem cada momento desse evento mágico.
No centro de Arthurian, erguem-se tendas para venderem produtos e espalham-se barraquinhas de comidas, bebidas e atividades diversas para todas as idades. É tão colorido, vibrante e encantador que você se sente contagiado por toda a felicidade do festival!  As crianças podem pintar os seus rostos em barraquinhas de maquiagens temáticas, e os adultos podem gastar os seus excals em souvenirs da Semana do Salvador. A música nunca para! Sucessos de Arthurian tocam durante toda a extensão do dia, e só param quando alguém tem algo importante a dizer em um microfone.
Confira algumas atividades específicas!
CORRIDA DE DRAGÕES: o festival é aberto com uma corrida de dragões! Encontre um lugar para se sentar nas altas arquibancadas da arena e se prepare para o espetáculo. Os Hoffersons e seus companheiros vikings sobem em seus dragões e dão um show nas alturas. Sua única reação é gritar, talvez de medo, talvez de fanatismo, porque essa gente é muito competitiva e no ano passado a asa de um dragão até bateu em alguém nas arquibancadas! Mas, nós prometemos, é seguro 80% do tempo. Astrid sempre vence, mas quem sabe esse ano não é diferente?
EXPOSIÇÃO DO FUTURO (MagiTech + Fantastic): a Semana do Salvador homenageia também aqueles que fazem Storydom prosperar. É graças a mistura de magia e tecnologia proporcionada pela MagiTech e o seu criador Jim Hawkins, e graças aos avanços da Fantastic, que Storydom se torna, cada dia mais, o reino do progresso. Em frente ao prédio da MagiTech, no centro da cidade de Arthurian onde o festival vem à vida, encontra-se a exposição do futuro. A MagiTech apresenta os seus futuros projetos, desde dispositivos até tecnologias novas a serem implantadas no reino. Você pode experimentar com os dispositivos, ser cobaia de protótipos e muito mais. Jim Hawkins sobe no palco estruturado no local e faz o seu discurso sobre o futuro da MagiTech e apresenta inovações às 11h, seguido pelo Gênio. Esse ano, a MagiTech em parceria com a empresa Fantastic traz uma tecnologia de tirar o fôlego: a Cabina dos Viajantes!
CABINE DOS VIAJANTES: Você já pensou em viajar no tempo de verdade? Mais especificamente... para o passado do nosso reino unido? Bom, aperte os cintos, porque hoje você pode! Em uma parte da exposição, encontra-se a Cabine dos Viajantes, que nada mais é do que um elevador no meio da rua. Tudo o que você precisa para se aventurar em uma viagem no tempo é comprar o ingresso. Ao entrar na Cabine dos Viajantes, você se depara com um elevador normal, mas ao prestar atenção no painel de botões, as coisas mudam... Cada botão tem as siglas dos reinos de Storydom (NPDM, NTDN, US, ART) e ao clicar em qualquer um deles, você é transportado diretamente para o passado! Isso mesmo. Para o passado de verdade! Então se você clica em NPDM, por exemplo, o elevador vai chacoalhar, ir de cima para baixo, você vai se sentir em uma montanha-russa... até que o elevador vai parar, uma luzinha verde vai se acender, as portas vão se abrir e você vai estar... no Velho País das Maravilhas, talvez no meio da guerra entre Mirana e Iracebeth, talvez em algum momento menos violento, mas ainda muito legal. Você pode explorar o reino como quiser, mas precisa voltar antes que a luz no elevador fique vermelha. Isso acontece em, aproximadamente, três horas. Você leva junto uma pulseira-relógio da MagiTech que cronometra o tempo para você e avisa quando a luz estiver prestes a ficar vermelha. Caso você não volte a tempo, ficará preso para sempre no passado! Mas isso é o de menos.
NPDM = leva até o País das Maravilhas antigo, quando Mirana e Iracebeth ainda tinham dividido entre Reino Branco e Reino Vermelho.
NTDN = leva até a Terra do Nunca antiga, quando Peter Pan, os meninos perdidos e a tripulação de James Hook estavam por lá. 
US = leva até Undersea antes de Ariel conhecer Eric.
ART = leva até a Floresta Encantada, em um reino aleatório, ou seja, nesse aqui os personagens podem visitar os castelos antigos de seus pais ou conhecer os vilões durante os seus tempos de soberania. É da criatividade de vocês!
Nada que acontece durante as viagens afeta o presente, então nem tente impedir que a Snow coma a maçã, nem chegue em seus pais vilões falando que você veio do futuro e que eles precisam se preparar, você não vai conseguir! A magia na pulseira integrada impede de revelar informações sobre o futuro ou de alterar o curso das coisas.
APRESENTAÇÕES DO CIRCO: antes de começar a falar desse tópico, os legados do Circo na Academia (ou seja, os que estão no RP) NÃO se apresentam nesse dia! É folga para eles. Durante a tarde, é possível ver apresentações circenses espalhadas pelo Festival! Onde você olha, alguém está fazendo malabarismo, mímica, contorcionismo, ou andando em cordas sobre a sua cabeça que você nem percebeu que estavam ali! Todos com roupas muito coloridas e extravagantes, é claro, além de maquiagens que mascaram seus rostos!
PASSEIOS DE DRAGÃO: encontre os Hoffersons na arena, compre um ingresso, e passeie de dragão sozinho ou com um amigo, admirando o festival lá das alturas! Vocês precisam estar acompanhados de um Hofferson, é claro, porque são eles que pilotam os dragões, e os ingressos para andar com Astrid e Stormfly são os que esgotam mais rápido.
FEIRA DA LITERATURA. A semana do Salvador homenageia tudo aquilo que faz o reino progredir e prosperar. A literatura, claro, é sempre homenageada. Acompanhe sessões de autógrafos com grandes escritores, como Anna Snoball, e fique sabendo sobre as novidades literárias no reino, como futuras obras de ficção a serem lanças e spoilers exclusivos sobre 50 Tons de Magia! Para os #nerds e #futurosdaOrdem, estará rolando uma sessão de bate-papo ao vivo com o Feiticeiro e Alice Kingsley sobre "mistérios da literatura de Storydom", que abordará tópicos como o sumiço do Narrador, livros em linguagens tão antigas que nem Merlin foi capaz de traduzir, lendas e mitos e profecias assustadoras. Estarão sendo servidos coquetéis e canapés para o público. Homenagens aos Dubois são feitas durante a Feira da Literatura, com estátuas de Belle e Adam erguidas todos os anos.
PARQUE: há alguns elementos de parque de diversão espalhados pelo festival! Ande de roda-gigante, compre algodão doce, ou tente o carrossel de unicórnios, que tem unicórnios de verdade que te levam para passear por aí! Ah, e não se esqueça dos PASSEIOS DE BALÃO! Alugue um e voe junto aos dragões no céu.
ACAMPAMENTO: às 18h, todos atravessam os portais e se encontram na praia de Seatopia, em Undersea, o território atual da Academia, para um acampamento. Não é necessário pagar a entrada e todos recebem uma barraca mágica P (para até duas pessoas). Caso desejem uma barraca mágica de tamanho M ou G, precisam trazer de casa.
Como são as barracas mágicas? Um bom exemplo são as barracas de Harry Potter. Elas são pequenas por fora, como barracas de acampamento normal, mas possuem magia de expansão, ou seja, por dentro são muito maiores e podem ter até banheiros, quartos e chegarem a ter cozinhas. As que são oferecidas para todos são a de tamanho P, que possuem: uma cama de casal e um banheiro compartilhado, além de eletricidade básica. Mas caso a família seja rica (ex: os Charmings, Adormecidos, Fantastics...), com certeza eles têm uma barraca G, que é basicamente uma casa inteira dentro da barraca, com direito a todos os tipos de tecnologia.
Durante o acampamento, as atividades serão:
Jantar: o jantar começa a ser servido às 20h e não tem hora para acabar. É um banquete tão grande e com tantas variedades que ele parece não ter fim. Todos podem se servir de comidas e bebidas à vontade.
Cinema aberto da Briar Productions: durante o jantar, uma telona no centro da praia, na área do palco, exibe o sucesso Phillip e o Beijo do Dragão 2. Todos podem assistir e, é claro,
Show da virada com Naveen, participação especial de Ariel Triton, Sebastião e a Orquestra de Storydom: às 23h começa o show da virada. Apresentações musicais durante uma hora até a contagem regressiva para o Dia do Salvador.
Contagem regressiva para o Dia do Salvador e queima de fogos mágicos à meia noite: faltando 2 minutos para os ponteiros do relógio marcarem meia noite, o show da virada é interrompido e a contagem regressiva começa. Todos juntos contam cada segundo até a hora zero, e quando chega o momento, fogos de artifício mágicos* organizados pela Ordem iluminam o céu. O Dia do Salvador chegou!
Prepare-se para o Dia do Salvador na parte II...
*fogos de artifício mágicos = são basicamente desenhos que se mexem no céu, em forma de fogos de artifício, para serem assistidos. Os fogos retratam a grande batalha, Wyatt derrotando Malévola, uma imagem de Wyatt, e entre outros acontecimentos marcantes.
Outras "coisas" típicas de acampamentos, como fogueiras e outras atividades, também estão presentes! Só não julguei necessário descrever tudo.
TAGS: #lhqssaviorweek #lhqslookbook #lhqssaviorweekstarter
Já podem postar os looks e começar a interagir também a partir da postagem desse post!
Duração da primeira parte do evento, à princípio, podendo haver alterações caso queiram um pouco mais de tempo nela: até 04/08, 23h59.
Essa parte é mais descontraída! Vocês podem perceber que eu não fiz nenhuma narração característica porque tudo estará sendo guardado para o grande Dia do Salvador, ou seja, a parte II, além de contos exclusivos que vão saindo ao longo da semana que vão revelar surpresas e plots chocantes! 
Eu comentei em asks, mas o código de vestimenta para o Festival do Salvador costuma ser trajes exagerados, bem coloridos, bem extravagantes. É uma festa, uma celebração, então é normal que eles se vistam assim!
Podem interagir com NPCs diversos. Com exceção dos vilões do Castigo, todos do reino estão presentes, até o pessoal de Undersea como o Rei Tritão e as fadas de Pixie Hollow.
Espero que gostem do que foi criado aqui! Essa parte foi feita para vocês se divertirem bastante! Enquanto podem...
51 notes · View notes
alexthebordercollie · 4 months
To Love at all is to Love Entirely
Chapter 3: Bibliophile
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Warning contains alcohol and references to alcoholism.
︵‿୨ - January 10 1951 - ୧‿︵
A couple of months passed and the weekly tablas had become a major part of Bruno’s day-to-day routine. He found himself leaving his tower more and more often as he spent afternoons with Camilo pouring over scripts and doing silly voices, cracking jokes. His Sobrino reminded him of himself in a few ways. If only he could have been so confident when he was that age. Maybe then people would have liked him better. Though with his powers he doubted it.
Every day the walk down the stairs seemed to get a little shorter. He couldn’t tell if there were fewer stairs or maybe he’d just gotten faster. Living in the walls had worn him down over time. He was always rather agile. Good for running away. His first few days back in the tower had been more exhausting than he was prepared for. The stairs had gotten so long. That said they were already pretty long when he left. He looked back out at his room as he stood at the top of creaky wooden steps leading up to the curtain. The tile floor in the center had more color and life than he remembered it ever having. The stairs were sturdy and in much better repair. Certainly, they must have gotten shorter? These rooms always did tamper with one’s sense of space. The small enclaves that dotted the stairwells had developed smooth stone arches and he’d slowly been making use of more of them. The sign that sat in the center of the room, carved in stone, still taunted him every day though. No matter how homey the room became.
“Su futuro espera.”
He wished he could smash the blasted thing with his bare hands. What he once found funny and atmospheric as a child now felt like a bitter insult. He hadn’t used his powers since the house was rebuilt and his life was all the better for it. He hadn’t been to the vision cave. He didn’t want to see it. Perhaps he could ask Luisa for a favor later.
Bruno rested his face in his hand and drummed his fingers along the table. Saring blankly in frustration. Carlos attempted to dart under his drumming fingers occasionally. At least someone was having fun. Día del Encanto was coming up that weekend and Camilo wanted to do some kind of special performance for it but the inspiration was alluding him.
“We could do one on the town's founding.” Camilo suggested.
Bruno noticed his mother out of the corner of his eyes as she headed for the front door. He could have almost sworn he saw her flinch at that suggestion but her stoic expression made it unclear if she’d even heard them. She was always quiet and reserved when this festival came around. There were lots of parties in the Encanto. Holidays, birthdays, whatever have you. His mother helped organize every event and Día del Encanto celebrated her and the council especially. She was a near-mythic figure to this town. A saintly woman whose many blessings protected them from a wicked world.
She hated this festival. She never said as much but he knew she did. She didn’t like to talk about his father much. Not directly. He could think of nothing more insulting to her than to see his sacrifice represented by a silly story for kids. No matter how tasteful or buried in layers of metaphor.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Bruno replied as he flipped Carlos onto his back with his fingers and tried to imagine him dressed as his late father. His stomach churned at the thought.
Camilo followed where Bruno’s eye line had been and watched Mamá leave for the day. No doubt to assist with festival preparations.
“Oh, uh, maybe you’re right.” Camilo replied as if he may have realized how inappropriate the suggestion was as it had left his mouth.
Camilo looked down at his hands for a second before perking back up with a new idea.
“I know! A meet and greet!”
“Perdona?” Bruno lifted his face from his hand with a confused shrug.
“Kids in town keep asking if they can pet the actors, maybe we could do that. Get a little area set up where kids could come feed and pet them.”
Bruno snatched up Carlos defensively. The rat let out a startled squeak as he was pulled close to his human padre’s scruffy face. The thought of a bunch of hyperactive children pulling little tails and whiskers. What if one of his niños got squished or worse?
“Oh, no. Absolutely not. The safety of our troupe is my first priority.” He insisted as he sat back and folded his arms.
“Venga Tío, We’ll supervise. It’ll be fine.” Camilo attempted to cajole him. Bruno wasn’t having it.
Bruno stood firm. Or sat rather. Arms crossed and hoping he looked sufficiently stern.
“You let Antonio play with them.” Camilo gestured to his hermanito who was doing homework laying in the sun in the middle of the courtyard. A capybara lay beside him listening to him explain basic arithmetic. Bruno could have sworn the math problem he was on sounded harder than the ones he was given at that age. Had the assignments gotten more difficult? Or was he just getting old?
“Antonio is gentle, I trust him.” Bruno clarified. “Most kids his age aren't Antonio.”
He very well meant it too. His sobrinito was a uniquely sweet and gentle boy who had utterly charmed Bruno every time they talked. That boy could convince him to murder and he would do it without a second thought. Antonio was too good for this family. Perhaps he was biased. He remembered being a shy little boy who escaped to the comfort of his own animal companions.
“Well we’ve gotta do something.” Camilo grumbled. “Everyone else has something they’re doing for the festival.”
“Not Luisa.” Bruno reminded.
“Luisa saved the town from a rockslide last week. What have you done for anyone lately?” Camilo snarked.
Bruno drummed his fingers along his arms anxiously. Camilo sounded like his mother. Bruno hadn’t really been contributing anything of importance besides helping his sister with dishes and sweeping the courtyard every evening. Casita tended to help with the latter activity. He really was a waste of space at the end of the day. Taking up a room in the house, eating their food, and contributing nothing besides something to laugh at.
No, what was he thinking? Camilo was a child. What right did he have to talk back to him like that?
“I said no Camilo.” He replied sternly after recollecting his resolve.
Camilo sat back frustrated. He crossed his arms and mirrored Bruno’s face back at him.
“I said no Camilo.” He mocked.
Camilo was a good boy. He really was. He liked to push Bruno’s buttons. He didn’t respect him. Why should he? Bruno vanished for years. He gave up any scrap of authority he may have once had in this family years ago. If ever he had any to begin with. He wondered sometimes if perhaps he was a touch bitter. Bruno escaped his mother’s overbearing pressure while he watched his sisters' children suffocate for years. Sure his sisters tolerated it, as did their husbands, but he had escaped it. If only Camilo knew what a cold comfort that was.
Bruno scrambled internally trying to calm himself down. Looking for a witty retort that might defuse the tension. Mirabel beat him to it.
“Go easy on Tío Bruno. He’s been having a rough time of it. Maybe you two should just relax and enjoy the festival this year.” Mirabel soothed as she passed by.
She pinched her primo's cheek and he deflated back into himself.
“Don’t treat me like a kid.” He whined.
“Well stop acting like one and I’ll stop treating you like one.” Mirabel teased.
She shuffled through her bag before brushing a lock of hair behind her ears and heading out the door.
“Where are you going?” Camilo called out to her.
“To hang out with some friends, what’s it to ya?”
“I didn’t know you had friends?” Camilo grinned.
Mirabel stuck her tongue out at him before heading out.
Camilo smiled mischievously. “Off to go play con tu novio.” he chimed.
“Her what?”
Bruno’s heart nearly stopped.
“There’s a boy at school she’s been hanging out with all week. She says she doesn’t like him but I know better.”
“S-she didn’t say anything to me about any boy.” He stammered out. He worried about Mirabel. Boys could be cruel. She could get hurt, heartbroken even, or worse, married.
“Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock…”
“Well of course she’s not gonna say anything to you and Tío Agustín. You’d just embarrass her in front of su enamoramiento.” He sighed as if it was obvious.
Bruno stared back at him with puffed cheeks and crossed fingers.
“Girls need to take their time with these things.” Camilo spoke as if he were a wise weary sage enlightening Bruno on the mysterious ways of women.
Bruno freed his breath with an exasperated sigh. Thinking back to the many times Pepa had fallen hard and fast only to flee to the mountains to avoid drowning the village. Suffice to say he wasn’t sold on Camilo’s insight.
“Oh, and you would know all about girls wouldn’t you?” Bruno replied grumbling dryly. “Have you ever even kissed a girl?”
Camilo flushed hot red “I’ve kissed a girl!” He flustered out, his voice cracking more than most teenagers would. A downside to being a shapeshifter.
“Oh yeah how many?”
“More than you.” He shot back.
Bruno leaned back again and stroked his scraggly beard. The kid had a point. Bruno had never kissed a woman. Never planned on it.
“Mira sobrino.”
Bruno stood up from the table and fiddled with his ruana for a moment as he thought. He’d been a bit spooked from watching tv in town after his enthusiasm started getting on the nerves of his neighbors. He’d barely had much time to really enjoy the art form despite how hard he’d fallen. He’d seen bits and pieces of the medium long before getting the chance to experience it firsthand. He'd seen it in visions as a kid. His dreams were often influenced by visions of the future. In his sleep, he could watch all the television he wanted though the programs were far more disjointed. “I’ll go see what’s on tonight. See if I can get some inspiration.” He tucked Carlos under his collar and ruffled Camilo’s hair with his hand. “If I can’t come up with anything maybe we can just sit back and enjoy the festival, eh mijo?”
“Fine.” Camilo pouted. Camilo enjoyed putting on a show. He’d been looking for opportunities to try and push the limits of what they could do with their tiny little stage. No doubt Camilo was hoping he could do something to market themselves to more people. Bruno lacked such ambition.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
That night Bruno made his way to the little bar facing out onto the plaza. The Martinez family had set up a television for the town to enjoy in their downtime. They had purchased it to share with the town after the crack in the mountains made trade expeditions substantially easier.
Their family had a talent for making aguardiente and lived closer to the fields but had set up a little spot in the middle of town. Every day one of their kids would be there serving drinks and helping Julieta pass out food. It was a comfy spot for folks to unwind and catch up after a long day of work. On rare occasions, Senor Martinez would go with some others into the nearest city to sell goods. He'd stock up on things they couldn’t make in the valley. The trade crew used to make these trips twice a year, now they were going once a month. Agustín was on the trade crew. Clumsy as he was Agustín had a talent for finding his way back to the valley. A task that was easier said than done. It was a wonder how he always managed to come back in one piece.
He remembered when his cuñado had to bring little Mirabel to the city to get her first prescription. He’d spent all day in his vision cave worrying over his sobrinita. Julieta burnt dinner that night. The stress had been worth it though to see her come home with those adorable round-rimmed glasses. The memory was bittersweet. Mirabel was so young, she barely remembered the adventure. Barely remembered him.
He looked over at the bar where the television sat. A large wooden-looking box with a staticy gray screen. It was playing a telenovela. Bruno had visions of them and seen them in dreams but he'd never gotten to watch them for real. They were a new medium. His curiosity was nearly outweighed by the stress of possible social interaction. Especially since he hadn’t been to the bar since a vision of crop failure angered the Martinez family enough to scare him away a dozen years ago. Rocco had been rather charmed by Bruno’s tablas. He'd invited him to come and drink with him sometime. The evidence suggested that old vision had been forgiven. With the added temptation of the new television, Bruno had been a bit more accepting of Rocco’s hospitality than he likely would have been otherwise. Though they still barely spoke. Mostly he just came for his shows.
A few neighbors of his chatted merrily. A man whose name always escaped him tried to get his attention and engage him in their conversation. “Eh, if it isn't Bruno Madrigal! Here I was afraid we’d scared you off hombre. How're things in la casa Madrigal?”
“Oh fine. I’m just here to see what’s on tonight.” Bruno gestured to the TV in a way that implied he didn’t really want to talk. The two drunk men shrugged him off and didn’t seem to take offense as they returned to their chatter.
“Sí, dale mi amigo.”
Baby steps.
He looked around for a moment as he took a seat by the television. He always sat closest to it. A seat most people didn’t take as it wasn’t particularly comfortable to watch from so close and at such an odd angle. Not to mention you could hear the rumble of the family's little gas generator in the back room which most folks found unpleasant. He liked being tucked away in the corner. It felt more private, just him, the TV, and the hum of the generator. He could see a hint of someone in the kitchen. A woman it looked like. Gabriella he figured. She was never a fan of his. She’d hated him since they were children and one of his rats made its way into her book bag in the middle of class. He couldn’t sit for a week after that incident. He stopped bringing his rats to school though. Which he supposed was the point. School was a nightmare without his companions there to comfort him.
He laid his head on the bar on top of his crossed arms and stared at the screen absentmindedly. He tucked Carlos’ head back down under his collar when his furry companion tried to get a good look at the TV. It would probably be better for him to stay hidden if Gabriella was serving tonight.
“You look like you could use a drink.” Came a woman’s voice. Unfamiliar, strange.
His eyes fluttered upward at the stranger though he didn’t move. Merely peering up at her from behind a curtain of black curls that refused to stay in his ponytail.
The woman standing over him placed a shot on the bar beside him. She was tall a little taller than Pepa even. Curvy with a low-cut, puff sleeve, top that showed off a bit more of her shoulders than his mother would have thought proper. She had a mole on her collarbone and long mahogany curls that fell in waves from a high ponytail. Most notable were the pair of glittering golden brown eyes smiling back at him.
He looked at the shot for a minute. “Oh no, no gracias.” He replied, pushing the drink a few inches away. He had a bad history with alcohol and no plans on reigniting that love affair. The woman nudged it back over to him.
“You look like you destrozado.” The woman insisted cheekily as she hoisted herself up to sit on the bar beside him.
The sudden proximity of her rear to his nose forced him upright in his seat.
“Who, Bruno?” The man whose name he always forgot chimed in. “He always looks like that.”
His companion added. “Oh yeah, man always looks como borrego degollado.”
Bruno glared at his neighbors as they laughed. The strange new woman laughed along with them and he couldn’t help but ask.
“Do I know you?”
The woman blinked at him for a moment before laughing again. “I hope not! Otherwise, I’ve set a new record with how quickly my reputation precedes me.” She joked. Twirling her hair into warm ringlets around her finger. She had a laugh like jingling bells. Her flat round nose crinkled up when she smiled.
Bruno stared blankly as he ran his fingertips along the counter. His eyes darted back towards the TV a few times. She was obstructing his view of with her... curves. The woman looked over her shoulder at the TV before sliding back down off the counter.
“I’m new in town.” She explained as she straightened out her fiery red skirt. “Mi hermano and I are sort of, nómadas.” She paused a bit as if looking for the right word.
“Gitanos?” He wondered aloud before immediately regretting it.
The woman stared at him for a moment. Bruno had a bad habit of blurting out unfiltered observations which had gotten him into trouble before. The woman jiggled once more like bells and he relaxed again.
“Oh no. Though I’ve met a few and let me tell you they do not disappoint.” She smiled wistfully as if recalling a fond salacious memory. Her stormy eyes had a glint of some worldly, primal, mischief that made him uneasy.
Newcomers were rare in this town. If Bruno didn't already have a hard time talking to people he knew... Bruno eyed the shot next to him. Maybe one drink wouldn’t hurt.
The woman turned back to him and held her hand out. “Me llamo Jacqueline por cierto.”
Bruno downed the shot faster than she could speak then stared at her extended palm. He took her hand in his fingertips, giving it a gentle awkward shake.
“Uhm, Bruno. Bruno Madrigal. But... you’ve probably heard of me.” He replied shyly.
Jacqueline seemed surprised by his odd mannerisms but didn’t seem to dwell on them much. “Oh I’ve heard of los Madrigals. People around here never seem to shut up about you guys.”
Bruno waited for her to ask about his powers. He knew it was coming. She’d ask for a vision and he’d have to decline. It was ok. He was braced for it.
“I’ve seen the little tablas you put on for the kids.” She nodded out towards the plaza where he usually set up his theater. “Funny stuff. You and the boy have some real talent.”
Bruno was astonished. Camilo shapeshifted at those performances, and this woman made no comment. “M-mi sobrino Camilo.” Bruno introduced. “He’s a funny kid.” He rang his ruana through his hands. Gently. Just feeling the fabric in his palms. He could feel a warm flush come over him though couldn’t tell if the buzz was setting in or he was just happy.
“He wants to do some kind of big performance for the festival this weekend but I’m at a loss for ideas lately.” He explained. “I thought I’d see what’s on tonight to try and get some ideas.”
There was a glint in the woman’s eyes he couldn’t quite place. He flinched as she slammed a palm on the counter.
“The library! Go read. What are you wasting your time here for?”
Bruno stared wide-eyed. His hands crinkled up near his face. “I-I can try the library tomorrow.” He stammered out dumbfounded. A strange suggestion to make so aggressively.
Jacquline cleared her throat and brushed a stray brown lock from her face. She leaned on the counter cooly and gestured to the TV with her plump red lips. The opening credits were playing for a show Bruno had seen before in visions. Sua vida me pertence. He'd seen a number of shows like it in green silence. Many he knew didn't exist yet. He'd been so excited to get to finally hear the dialogue outside of his dreams which he knew he couldn't trust to be fully accurate.
“Your writing is so much better than anything you’ll find on that caja idiota.” Jacquline tried to flatter him.
That’s what his mother called it too.
“I dunno, I think it’s an underappreciated medium.” He defended.
“Oh don’t get him started!” One of Bruno’s neighbors complained. “He’s been obsessed with the damned thing since we got it!”
“It’s going to change the way we tell stories. It’s the way of the future!” The other man mocked. Marcello, he thought, though he wasn’t sure. “Knowing his luck, it'll be the downfall of mankind.”
Bruno grumbled under his breath and looked down at his hands.
“Hey just because you idiotas lack imagination doesn't make him wrong.” Jacquline protested.
Bruno looked up again. This woman was full of surprises.
“Oh no. Bruno is never wrong. He’s just bad luck.” The one whose name still escaped him replied ominously.
Bruno got up from his seat. “I should go.” He mumbled.
“Wait!” Jacquline grabbed his hand as he turned to leave. She gave him a pleasing smile.
“Ignore them. Come, sit, have another drink with me. I’d love to hear your ideas.”
She really didn’t know, did she? Baffling, she hadn’t heard of what he could do. He knew he should probably decline the offer. He promised his mamá years ago he’d stop drinking.
“Ah, s-sí. Por qué no?” He stammered sweetly.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
His neighbors groaned and left as he and Jacqueline spent the rest of the night chatting away about the future of media. He tried to sound speculative of course. No need to ruin a good thing. Though sometimes he let slip a tone that was a bit too definitive. Did she really not know? It was hard to tell. She either didn’t know or didn’t care. Either way, the conversation was deeply refreshing. A few shots got him looser and more open than he’d been in a long time.
He got so distracted talking about writing and acting he lost track of time and missed dinner. He crept in the front door quietly after most of the family had gone to bed. Julieta was still in the kitchen doing dishes. Had he been a bit more alert it might have struck him as odd she was still up. He tried his best to be quiet, but Casita protested as he fumbled over the threshold. They rattled their floor tiles irritably. He put a finger to his lips to shush the noisy house but a kitchen cabinet waved in his direction to get his sister's attention.
Julieta looked up from the sink to the fluttering cabinet then over to Bruno.
“Traitor.” He hissed to the floor tiles who rattled indignantly.
“Bruno? There you are.” His throat ran dry as his sister made her way over to him. He should have tried to just walk past but froze up and missed the chance to maintain the distance.
“I was worried when you didn’t come to dinner.” She said as she took in the sight of him.
He tried to look at anything but her face. “Oh, lo siento. I was just watching television and lost track of time.” He insisted from behind a curtain of hair as he started eeking away. Hugging conspicuously close to the wall as he tried to get around her into the courtyard.
If she wasn’t suspicious before she was now as she leaned closer to get a look at his face. Her brows knit together and she rested her hands on her hips. Catching a whiff of him.
“Have you been drinking?” Her voice was trying to be stern but the shock and worry beneath the accusation made him wince.
“Who me? No, no I would…” He waved a hand dismissively as he continued to dig his grave deeper. “Psh! Why would I be doing that huh? I would never.”
He chuckled awkwardly as she continued to stare at him. Julieta was a sweet and non-confrontational type. She didn't need to be loud or aggressive. Her disapproving pout was all she needed to have a profound effect on him and Pepa.
“I-I’m just gonna go to bed now…” He stammered before scurrying off to his tower before she could say much else.
︵‿୨ - January 11 1951 - ୧‿︵
The next morning his hermana kept shooting daggers at him as she set out their breakfast. Bruno grinned sheepishly at her as he went to fill his plate.
“Thanks for covering for me.” Bruno whispered to her. It was apparent his mother hadn’t learned of his drinking.
Beatrice peeked out of Bruno’s breast pocket to sniff at his plate. The young mother's, rather large, adult children had been smothering her that morning. She'd opted to accompany Bruno for the day for a breath of fresh air. Julieta glared at the rat and grumbled.
“Eat your breakfast, you need it.” She scolded. He knew she didn’t like him feeding her carefully prepared meals to his pets. The edge in her voice implied she thought he might be hungover. Honestly? Bruno felt fine, at least not much worse than usual. He really wasn’t a morning person and adjusting to the family's schedule again definitely wasn’t easy.
Bruno took a seat at the end of the table opposite his mother. Occasionally sneaking a bite or two of his breakfast to Beatrice when Julieta wasn’t looking. She had started setting aside some grains for feeding his pets like she used to before he left. His rats, however, had grown spoiled and fat on her cooking and he couldn’t help himself. Beatrice especially was so sweet and tender. She was one of his younger rats and was always so gentle and shy. He couldn’t help but spoil her.
His mother shot him an angry glare as she sat down and began running through the itinerary for the day.
“Bruno.” She barked as he nuzzled his pet. Her voice startled Beatrice back into the depths of his pocket. Bruno sat upright and gave her his full attention.
“Sí Mamá.”
“I hope you enjoyed your outing yesterday.” It wasn’t a question. “Dolores says you were busy making friends in town.” His mother seemed torn between praising and scolding him. “So busy you couldn’t make it home for dinner. Or let anyone know you would be arriving late.”
“Right, perdón, I just, we, I got talking about the entertainment industry you see, and, and… I lost track of the time.”
His mother raised an irritable brow. “Well since you had such a relaxing evening I was thinking you could take over Agustín and Félix’s chores for the day so they could have some time off.”
“Oh, gracias but that really isn’t necessary.” Félix insisted. Bruno’s cuñados both seemed uncomfortable with the prospect of being used as a punishment.
“Nonsense.” Mamá insisted. “You are both wonderful, dutiful sons who do so much for this family. You deserve some recognition for all the hard work you do.” She looked down at Bruno from across the table. “Some of us could use to learn from you both.”
Agustín looked to Bruno with a pained expression as he mouthed the words “Lo siento.”
His mother continued to go around the table reminding everyone of their obligations for the day. Pepa had work to do in the fields and Isabela would be joining her as had become the norm. Luisa had a construction project to assist with on the edge of town, though her daily workload had notably decreased. Camilo was babysitting for the Marquez family after school and Dolores would be helping Antonio with homework after doing a sweep of the town for a pickpocket who’d become a recent menace.
“As for you Mirabel, I would like you to accompany me to today’s council meeting.” Mirabel nearly choked on her orange juice.
Bruno had more or less tuned out the rest of the day's plans after his mother had finished reprimanding him for his absence at dinner. This got his attention though.
“Who me?!” Mirabel fumbled out in disbelief. Seated directly next to the matriarch.
Mamá took her napkin from the table and reached over to wipe a drop of juice from her nieta's chin.
“I’ve been giving it some thought.” She explained carefully. “And I think it would be a good way to put your talents to use.”
Bruno noticed the look that flashed briefly on her face as she pulled her hand back. That little flicker of doubt. She had always been harsh but it still hurt to see her confidence so shaken since the house had collapsed. Those little flickers worried him.
“That is if you think you can handle it.” She clarified gently.
Mirabel looked dumbfounded around the table. Agustín took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze while Bruno gave her a pair of encouraging thumbs up. Mirabel would do well on the council. She was caring and observant and a far better communicator than most of the family.
“This is great. You’ve been asking for more responsibility. I think this job is perfect for you.” Her father reassured.
Mirabel opened her mouth to speak only to be disrupted by a disgruntled Pepa.
“Mirabel? Really Mamá?” She griped, a small cloud forming overhead. “You’re going to put una bebita on the council?”
“Pepi, mi amor.” Her husband soothed. She shrugged his hand off his shoulder and crossed her arms at their mother.
“I won’t be around forever.” Mamá answered slowly and carefully. She didn’t seem very comfortable acknowledging it out loud but was keeping her cool. “Someone has to be ready to take my place someday.”
“Yes, one of us!” Pepa challenged as she gestured to Bruno and Julieta. “Mirabel is a child Mamá.”
Bruno screwed up his face. Slightly disgusted by his sister's attitude. “Like you ever wanted a spot on the council.” He chastised. He was happy for his sobrina. It was about time she got a proper role to play and he didn’t doubt for a minute she was the best choice.
“We all know you didn’t.” Pepa rolled her eyes. “I assumed Julieta would be next.”
Bruno drummed his fingers on the table awkwardly. She had a point. Julieta was the responsible one. He and Pepa had always assumed it would be her though their mother never directly addressed the issue before. If people disliked his advice before he shuddered to imagine how much worse it would be if he had any real authority. Pepa of course was already a ball of nerves without the added responsibility.
“Julieta has enough responsibilities as it is.” Their mother defended her position.
“Honestly Pepa I really don’t mind.” Julieta insisted as she reached past her husband to pinch her daughter's fat cheeks. “I think Mirabel will do wonderfully.” She insisted with a kind of love in her voice that their own mother had rarely managed for them.
Pepa took a deep breath and sighed. Félix put an arm around her shoulder. The cloud over her head dissolved as she considered her words.
“Mirabel is young, Mamá. Doesn’t this seem like a lot to put on her?” Pepa clarified. “Especially given…” She trailed off. Bruno knew what she meant. Mirabel had always been given pretty minimal obligations before. This would be a big change for her.
“I think that should be up to Mirabel to decide, don’t you think?” He piped up timidly before Pepa could finish her thought. He looked over to Mirabel who seemed thankful for his reassurance.
All eyes at the table landed on Mirabel. She looked down at her hands for a moment. “I think,” She looked back to her Abuela, “If you think I’m ready, then I’m ready to give it a try.” She finally finished.
“You have my full confidence mi vida.” Mamá insisted with a smile.
Bruno couldn’t help but beam with pride as his cuñado started gushing and smothering his daughter in kisses. Mirabel was a clever, empathetic, girl. She helped his mother organize the reconstruction of their home. She was a natural-born leader and he knew she’d take to the job with her usual fervor. Camilo cheered his prima with playful hollering while others clapped. Dolores smiled brightly at Mirabel between the hands that protected her ears from her brother’s onslaught of noise. Pepa seemed to settle down and gave a tired smile. He understood his sisters' misgivings. While Mirabel’s giftless status had made her life challenging it had also afforded her a level of freedom. A childhood none of them ever got to have. He wasn’t surprised Pepa wouldn’t be eager to see that come to an end for their sobrina, but Mirable wasn’t a child anymore. It wouldn’t be long before she was done with school. She had a life to prepare for. As long as Mirabel was happy with this decision Bruno would support her to the best of his abilities.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
Eventually, most of the family funneled out of the house. Either off to school or sent to do work in town. Bruno was quick to get a start on the extra chores around the house while Agustín and Félix were off. His mother didn’t want him to leave the house today. She didn’t say as much. It wasn’t hard to guess. He was fully prepared for a quiet day with the house mostly to himself.
“So what held you up last night?” Agustín asked as he and Félix cornered him at the edge of the courtyard.
Much to his chagrin, his cuñados had decided to spend their free time pestering him.
“Nothing important.” Bruno muttered as he kept his eyes on the floor while he swept. “What about Mirabel, eh?” He attempted to avoid the conversation he knew was coming.
“AH! I’m so proud of her.” Agustín cooed. Félix elbowed his ribs.
“Sí, we’re all very excited.” Félix agreed. “You know what else is exciting?”
They were committed today, weren’t they?
“Claro, claro.” Agustín shook himself from his dreamy-eyed state to regain his resolve.
“I just got caught up chatting at the bar and lost track of time.” Bruno replied flatly as if it wasn’t news. It was though. He rarely spoke to anyone outside the family and it was no shock that people would be curious. Especially a pair of extroverts with nothing more important to do with their time.
The pair of friendly busybodies made juvenile hooting sounds as the tiles under his feet shook him upright.
“Bruno making friends in town?” Agustín cheered in disbelief. “That’s a new one.”
Bruno strangled the broom handle as his shoulders worked their way up to his ears. “It’s really not that impressive. She’s new in town. She didn’t know any better. I’ve probably already scared her off with my rambling anyway.”
Bruno tried to scurry out to a patch of floor further from the wall so they wouldn’t surround him as easily.
“You spent all night chatting up la señorita and think you can get away with leaving us in the dark?!” The shock in Félix’s voice would have felt condescending had it come from anyone else.
Of course, he couldn’t escape as the men both materialized in front of him to continue their inquisition. Bruno stumbled back a bit as Agustín crossed his arms and nodded in enthusiastic agreement with Félix.
“Tell us everything hombre.” Félix demanded.
Bruno stammered a moment and wrung the broom handle hard enough to turn his knuckles white. He was sure most of the color had already drained from his face. Beatrice peeked her head out of his pocket and made eye contact for a moment. Her glittery little beads were reassuring.
“Pues... she uh. She’s new in town… I think I already said that. I don’t think she knows what my gift is yet. That’s probably why she was willing to talk to me…”
“Sí, but what’s she like?” Agustín clarified.
Bruno looked back down at the floor again and continued sweeping. “Well, she smiles a lot. She’s very loud. Kind of pushy actually.” He thought back to how oddly insistent she was that he visit the library today.
“I was going to just watch some television for ideas for mis tablas but she said I should stop by the library if I’m short on inspiration. She was weirdly adamant.”
Félix and Agustín shared some kind of unspoken exchange Bruno couldn’t interpret.
“Interesting.” Agustín put a hand on his shoulder. “This woman wouldn’t happen to have long brown hair and blue eyes, would she?”
Bruno froze up a little but tried to keep moving as if he wasn’t startled. “Umm... More gray really but sí…” Of course, Agustín would have gotten a look at any newcomers in town. New folks weren’t a common occurrence. Having been one himself, once upon a time, he was often in the business of keeping track of people coming and going.
“Jacqueline! You won over that belleza!”
“You’ve met the new folks?” Félix asked. “I only heard about them yesterday.”
“I make a habit.” Agustín explained pridefully. “They’re travelers from what I hear, just passing through. But, I’ve seen Jacqueline and let me tell you that woman es muy bonita and a real firecracker.”
“She has a real jingly little laugh.” Bruno muttered absentmindedly as he thought back to their conversation. “Like bells.”
Félix and Agustín stared at him dumbfounded. Bruno realized the words that had just left his mouth. He could feel their eyes boring holes into his back while he swept. After a moment or two, he relented and looked back at them to see his cuñados holding each other with the glitter of barely contained excitement in their eyes.
“Our little Brunito is all grown up!” Félix teased.
Bruno groaned and thumped his head against the end of the broom handle. “It’s not like that.” He protested though he doubted his in-laws would listen. Why did no one in this family ever talk to him like an adult?
“Oh relax, we're only teasing.” Agustín reassured as he wrapped an arm around Bruno’s shoulder.
“Seriously hermanito you don’t have to act cool with us. If you like this girl then we’ve got your back.” Félix insisted.
Bruno did not in fact like Jacqueline. At least not the way they were implying. He didn’t think so anyway. There seemed to be no evidence to him of such a thing and past experience led him to very much doubt it. That said, she was nice to him which was refreshing. She let him talk and didn’t condescend to him. So that was a plus. It would be nice to talk to her again, he supposed. Maybe enjoy having a new friend for as long as that lasted. She likely wouldn’t be in town long enough to grow to hate him.
“Not to mention I think señorita might be interested in you too from the sound of things.” Agustín chirped as he continued to pull Bruno in closer and invade his personal space.
“I doubt that.” Bruno replied dryly.
“You said she wanted you to stop by the library right?” Agustín asked.
“Yeah…” Bruno eyed him quizzically.
“She’s trying to get more time with you. She’s been staying with Señor Robledo.”
Señor Robledo was an elderly man, or Diego as Bruno used to call him, older than Bruno’s mother in fact. He was one of the few people who were consistently kind to him growing up. An old friend of his father's and a founding member of the town. He was Bruno's teacher growing up before retiring to run the local library. He always seemed to appreciate Bruno’s love of reading. His home was attached to the library. A small two-bedroom space with a little kitchenette and washroom which he used to share with his daughter. Ever since she passed away, nearly twenty years ago, the spare room had become commonplace to put people up for the night should there be a need. The kind old librarian was one of Bruno’s few friends for a long time. That is until he had to give him the bad news about his daughter. Bruno hadn’t been to the library since then.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go to the library.” Bruno replied sadly and he pulled free from Agustín’s grip. “Besides, I've got a lot of chores today, and I’ll probably see her around town. She’ll change her mind sooner or later anyway.” His words began devolving into rambling before Félix yanked the broom from his hand.
“She’s inviting you over! Go get your girl mi amigo. We’ll cover for you.”
Bruno stared wide-eyed as he wrung his hands together. “You two aren’t going to leave me alone are you?”
“Mis hermano you spend too much time at home as is. We can’t just let you pass up an opportunity like this.” Agustín replied.
“If tu madre has a problem with it she can take it up with us.” Félix added.
It wasn’t just Bruno who caught on that his mother was being overbearing. Bruno thought it over for a moment, pacing slightly. He had enjoyed his chat last night with Jacqueline. Maybe that had been the alcohol talking. He wasn’t interested in flirting by any means. Maybe if he entertained this woman it might get his increasingly pushy family off his back for a bit. Ever since Mirabel cornered him with the tables de ratas it had become increasingly obvious his family was looking for excuses to get him to socialize. While he was going out every weekend he was still greatly more introverted than the rest of his family, and most frustratingly, people tend to assume you lack a life if you aren’t leaving the house. His mother was the one exception. She seemed more than content with him floating about Casita like a hungry ghost. Just as long as she knew where he was.
“I guess I could go see what she wants…” He replied hesitantly.
“That’s more like it.” Félix cheered as he slapped him on the back hard enough to send him fumbling slightly.
“We’ll finish the chores today. Just be sure to fill us in when you get back.” Agustín insisted as he went to grab the dustpan from the corner of the room.
Bruno left the house with an awkward little wave to his overbearing cuñados.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
He wasn’t looking forward to visiting the library. Perhaps he could just do something else with his newfound free time. He could just lie... No... He was a terrible liar and he knew that. Besides, Agustín would probably talk to Jacqueline later. Maybe she wouldn’t be there and he could just go back home. Perhaps he could actually do the thing she recommended and look for something to read for inspiration. Though he kind of doubted there would be anything interesting he hadn't already read. The town didn’t get new books near as often as he would have liked.
He barely paid much mind to the greetings he received as he made his way through town. He still habitually hunched over and stuck to shaded areas. He had no reason to sneak. Still he preferred to draw as little attention to himself as possible. He missed his hood. His old poncho had a hood and Mirabel had decidedly not given his new ruana one. He understood why, much as it frustrated him. He stood outside taking in the modest dusty building. It had been decades since he set foot in this place. It still looked the same. He didn’t. He had started tying his hair back every morning to keep it clean. With his new ruana he could no longer hide behind a hood. He wore more color, nicer button-downs and trousers. His eyes were heavier than once they were.
He eyed the door handle wearily. He didn’t want to see the old librarian. Sadly the man never left the building so it seemed unavoidable. Was it really worth it just to get Félix and Agustín off his back?
A cloud of dust flew from the open window and knocked Bruno over as the breeze blew it into his face. Fumbling and coughing, blinking dust from his eyes he tried and failed to maintain his balance. He let out a startled yelp as he hit the ground despite himself.
“Lo siento! Are you ok?” called an unfamiliar voice.
Bruno rubbed the dirt from his eyes and squinted up. A face hung out the window looking down at him. As he focused his vision against the burning glare of the sun he caught a glimpse of dirty blond hair that shimmered gold where the light hit it. As the man's face became clearer Bruno regained awareness of himself and his pathetic state on the cobblestone.
Bruno leaped up to his feet and brushed off the dirt. “Oh no, me? No, I’m fine, just fine, I just, I mean,” Bruno forced his incoherent stuttering to a stop and shrunk in on himself as he made eye contact with the stranger.
The man in the window blinked at him as he leaned over a heavy pile of old books. A stack which was no doubt responsible for the dust cloud that had so rudely assaulted him. “I didn’t realize there was someone at the door. I would have been more careful otherwise.”
“Oh, no pasa nada.” Bruno insisted as he tried to play it off cool. “People don’t notice me all the time.” That was a failure.
Bruno was able to get a better look at the stranger now that the light wasn’t obscuring his vision. The man appeared around his age if he had to guess. Then again folks in the Encanto tended to age rather gracefully thanks to his sister's cooking, so perhaps his judgment was skewed. He had a round chubby face with a set of half-rimmed glasses that looked like they were threatening to slide off his relatively flat nose. His dirty blond hair fell in little feathery layers and stuck out occasionally at odd angles. Most notable however were a pair of stormy gray eyes that seemed unsettlingly captivated by what they saw.
“I noticed you.” The man replied.
Bruno stared back at him cluelessly. There was a moment of silence before the stranger seemed to collect his thoughts. He adjusted his reading glasses and smiled politely.
“You’re Bruno Madrigal. I’ve seen the little tablas you put on for the kids in town. It was a very endearing introduction to the local culture.” He chuckled. His laugh was warm. Bruno could feel that warmth in his chest.
“You’re the other newcomer in town I take it?” Bruno asked.
The man looked back at Bruno, the glint of his glasses in the sun making his eyes shimmer. “So you’ve met mi hermana I take it?”
Bruno nodded. This was Jacqueline's brother. That made sense. They had the same plump lips and wide flat noses that crinkled when they smiled. Though this man's voice was warm and soft as opposed to the loud jingle of his sister. The man slipped back inside. For a moment Bruno’s heart sank a little, only to be startled by the door nearly smacking him in the rear.
The man gestured inside. “Well don’t let me distract you. You must have come here for a reason.”
“Oh, uh, sí, sí.” Bruno stepped inside nodding graciously to the stranger. “Where's Señor Robledo?” He asked nervously.
The stranger held a finger to his lips. With a coy smile, he pointed to a lump in the corner behind the desk. The old man had fallen asleep in a rat's nest of blankets. Bruno would have almost worried he’d died had throaty snoring not occasionally punctuated the silence.
“Me llamo Wilfredo.” The strange man, Wilfredo apparently, introduced himself. “Consider me the new librarian as long as I’m here.” he explained.
Bruno nodded.
He looked about the cramped library. The place was in greater disarray than usual. Cleaning supplies were strewn about. Tall stacks of books sat in the available floor space next to half-empty shelves.
Wilfredo closed the door gently so as not to wake his sleeping housemate. “I hope it’s not any trouble.” He apologized. “I’ve been reorganizing things since I got here.  No es por ofenderte pero, this place looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in ages.”
“No lo hago.” Bruno chuckled as he started scanning the stacks of books. They were sorted by genre. “I’d believe it.”
Bruno found a stack of fiction novels and knelt down to skim the spines as Wilfredo returned to his cleaning. Some of the books were in better repair with unfamiliar titles. Usually, when the town bothered to buy new books it was practical things. Things his mother and the council thought valuable. He hadn’t seen anything new in the fiction section since he was a child.
“Me encanta el tablas de ratas, por cierto.” Wilfredo’s voice disrupted his trailing thoughts. “You’re a clever writer from what I’ve seen. Such a cute little idea.”
Bruno smiled to no one in particular. He grabbed a book from the stack. Wilfredo was in the next aisle over and couldn’t see his face, but he smiled anyway.
“It was mi sobrinas idea. You know how creative niños can be.” He was in no hurry to add that he’d been playing such childish games in private for decades with his many pets.
“She sounds like a clever girl.” He replied.
“She is. She’s brilliant.” Bruno turned the book over in his hands though could barely focus as a proud toothy grin consumed his face. A thought occurred to him as tender Beatrice poked her head out of his front pocket. Sniffing the unfamiliar binding in his hands.
“You’re not put off by the rats?” Bruno asked. “Most people are. Even folks who like the plays usually teach their kids not to get too close to the stage.”
“Nonsense really. Rats are highly intelligent animals and a lot cleaner than most people realize.” Wilfredo seemed mildly offended by the ignorance Bruno assumed of him.
“Al fin alguien lo entiende!” Bruno exclaimed in relief. He went and plucked out another strange book. “You like rats?”
“I like learning. I read a lot” Wilfredo clarified.
“So would you say you're, una rata de biblioteca?” Bruno inquired coyly.
“Perdon? Was that a pun?” Wilfredo seemed playfully stunned by Bruno’s audacity.
Bruno's short-lived confidence left him when, to his surprise, Wilfredo removed a book from the shelf that separated the two of them. The man eyed him with mock suspicion through the crack in the books. The adorable way his nose creased over pouty lips only made Bruno more nervous as he stammered back.
"Uh, yeah, Like, y'know cause you like rats, and reading, ratón, rata, and you're a librarian..." The pun didn't need explaining but he couldn't help the disorganized stream of consciousness that tumbled out. "A-and you're a bit too big to be a mouse, don't you think?"
Did he just call him fat? That wasn't what he meant. Wilfredo placed the book back on the shelf once again obscuring his face. The once comfortable barrier was now a source of anxiety as he worried he had just offended his new acquaintance.
"You're lucky I have a fondness for wordplay or I might have taken offense to that." His voice sounded teasing, but not angry. Bruno let a faint relieved sigh escape him. A smile crept over his face. Pepa always hated his puns.
There was a brief comfortable silence before Wilfredo poked his head around the corner. Inspecting the book Bruno was currently cradling. “Gracias.” He breathed. “I was worried my contributions to this place would go unappreciated.”
Bruno looked back down at the book in his hands. The condition was immaculate. It was heavy and felt good in his hands. Somehow it seemed sensible to him that such a beautiful book could only belong to someone like Wilfredo.
Bruno’s heart nearly skipped a beat as Wilfredo stepped over the stack of books to stand over his shoulder. Inching closer to get a better look at the cover. “This one’s a favorite of mine. I’ll miss it when we’re gone.”
Bruno took in Wilfredo's melancholy expression through the corner of his eye. Too nervous to turn his head and risk brushing his face against his new companion's cheek. He looked back at the book in his hands. “You’re leaving this behind?” Bruno asked as the melancholy infected him too.
Wilfredo stepped back and shook his head sadly before plastering on a fresh smile. “We can’t just take advantage of your people's hospitality without contributing something in return right?” Wilfredo insisted. “Mi hermana… We’ve fallen on some hard times and needed a place to stay while I wait on a job I have lined up in Cali.”
“That’s a big city.” Bruno mused. “I don’t think I could handle living somewhere so busy.”
“I used to teach at Del Rosario in Bogotá.” Wilfredo laughed and leaned against the bookshelf. “I assure you I’ll be well within my element.”
His dismissive response made Bruno feel small. “If you’re such a big city, big shot, professor how’d you end up broke in the middle of nowhere, uh?” Bruno’s reply was a bit snarkier than he intended.
Wilfredo stopped smiling as he looked down at Bruno. A lump formed in his throat as he worried he’d said something he shouldn’t have. This man was tall. Only about as tall as Agustín but wide as Félix. Bruno had always been short and scrawny. In the brief pause as he collected his thoughts Wilfredo seemed to tower over him. He felt like a giant. Utterly dwarfing Bruno. Eclipsing him in his shadow. Wilfredo examined him ever so slightly before replying.
“It’s complicated. Mi hermanita and I are wanderers. It’s just what we do. I wouldn’t expect someone like you to understand.”
He wasn’t sure how, but somehow, Bruno felt he had struck at something delicate. Something that was better left untouched. Wilfredo ran a hand through his hair as he smiled shyly. His eyes cast aside. Bruno’s eyes darted about as he thought of some way to change the conversation.
“Dia del Encanto is this weekend.” He blurted out awkwardly. He scanned the gray slates as their eyes reconnected. Bruno found himself eagerly looking for something else to take in. The gray slates made his chest tighten. Wilfredo wore an earthy green cardigan with a light green v-neck with red trim. The red trim reminded him of Jacqueline's fiery skirt.
“Sí, I heard.” Wilfredo replied softly. He seemed to notice that Bruno was falling in on himself. “It sounds like fun but I’m not sure if a small-town festival is really suitable for a big city, big shot, professor.” Wilfredo replied with a playful jab.
Bruno felt an inexplicable disappointment sink in. He hugged Wilfredo’s favorite book to his chest. Had he offended him? “Alright you got me.” He chuckled awkwardly. Trying to hide how profoundly this man affected him. “It’s just, mi familia expects me to go and I’m sure it would be more fun with you there.”
Why did he say that? Meirda! Just shut up. Talk about something else. Anything else. Why did you say it like that?!
Wilfredo laughed heartily. His nose crinkled when he laughed. “I suppose I can take time out of my very busy schedule to spend time with a new friend.” He teased.
Bruno forced an awkward laugh as he considered his exit. He drummed his fingers along the book's binding.
“I should probably... uh, hmmm.” Bruno waved the book in front of him before pulling it close to his chest again.
“Oh, bien, sí.” Wilfredo scurried over to the desk and quietly shifted through loose papers as he asked Bruno for his library card only to learn Bruno hadn’t used it since he was a child. Library cards had always been largely a formality for him. The old man sleeping behind the desk has always trusted him to return his books on time. Wilfredo simply jotted down a note of the book's absence allowing Bruno to scurry out without further complications. Bruno was grateful for the leniency. He'd feared he might just asphyxiate if he spent any more time in that library.
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
The last few minutes of their conversation played on repeat in his head the whole way home. Things were going well. They were getting along. Then he had to open his big stupid mouth and make things weird.
He hadn’t even paid attention to the book he’d checked out. He just needed an excuse to leave. He flipped open the cover to read the preface as he trudged along. It was a collection of short stories and poems. The perfect thing to inspire the kind of short plays he wrote for the kids in town. Albeit some of the titles sounded a bit inappropriate. A few cynical titles regarding god and politics did catch his eye. He couldn’t help but imagine how his mother would have reacted had she caught him reading such a thing as a child. It wasn’t until he neared the Casita that he remembered he had failed at the objective he’s been set out to accomplish. He didn’t even see Jacqueline at all today. Félix and Agustín would be expecting a report when he got home. He looked down at the handsome book in his hands. He really should go help them finish the chores. Especially considering he would have spent all day inside had it not been for them. He wouldn’t have met Wilfredo. Then again…
Bruno found himself a comfortable spot nestled in the roots of a kapok not far from home. It was a comfy spot he used to hide when he was young. The sunlight cast beautiful little shadows on the pages as he read. Félix and Agustín had expected him to be gone for a while anyway. Surely they wouldn’t mind if he took his time getting home. As long as he got back before dinner what was the harm in taking some time out to read? Beatrice made herself cozy in his lap sniffing each new page as he read.
“Did you like him?” Bruno asked as he scratched the top of her little head. She leaned into his touch and rubbed her back against his palm.
“I liked him too.”
︵‿୨ -❇- ୧‿︵
It was Beatrice who first noticed Alma making her way up the hill to the Casita and alerted Bruno. Seeing his mother he scrambled quickly to find a leaf or stick he could use to bookmark his page before hurrying home. He snuck around the back of the house and through the side door on the patio that led to the kitchen.
“Making it home just in time today, eh?” Julieta teased as he snuck in.
“You say that like there’s a curfew.” Bruno chuckled awkwardly.
His hermana passed him a tray of food. “If you’re going to skip out on your chores you can at least help set the table.”
Bruno carefully set Wilfredo’s book on a shelf next to his sister's cookbooks before taking the tray to the dining room. Julieta was still annoyed with him after yesterday. It’s not like he didn’t know why.
“Did you have fun with that Jacqueline woman I’ve been hearing so much about?” His sister asked cooly as she assisted in setting the table.
“Agustín told you about that huh?” Bruno replied sheepishly. “He seemed to think something was going to happen.”
“Did anything happen?” She raised an eyebrow.
Bruno looked back at his sister somewhat baffled. “Well no.” He replied as though he thought that was obvious. “I didn’t even see Jacqueline today.”
“Then why were you gone all day?”
“She wasn’t home. I ran into her brother instead. He recommended a book and I got distracted reading.”
Julieta sighed and tutted. “Bruno, what am I going to do with you? You need to stay focused. Mamá was so worried about you yesterday when you didn’t come home.”
Bruno tugged at his ruana. “I know.” He didn’t mean to cause their madre distress. He had such a bad habit of doing that.
Just as they finished setting the table Agustín came waltzing in cheerily with a bloody hand. The bite mark on the back of his hand was rather grizzly and Bruno wondered if Agustín had simply lost all ability to process pain over the years.
“Brunito, just the man I wanted to see!” He chimed.
Julieta noticed the blood on his hand and rushed over to investigate. “Ay! Agustín what did you do!?”
“He didn’t listen to me when we were cleaning Antonio's room, that's what he did.” Félix explained as he reached over to grab a morsel from the table to pass to Agustín who nibbled gratefully.
The unidentified animal bite quickly disappeared leaving only a stain on the edge of his sleeve.
“So Bruno, your chat with la senorita bonita, cómo te fue?” Agustín grinned cheekily. Julieta groaned and ran out to the courtyard to call the family to dinner.
“Oh, yo no.” Bruno replied, “I mean, I didn’t... like we didn’t have a chat 'cause she wasn’t home.”
“Oh.” Agustín seemed half surprised and half disappointed.
“C'mon man, we risked la ira de tu madre and that’s the best you got?” Félix replied irritably.
“Hey, I wanted to stay home.” Bruno raised his hands defensively. Then he thought of Wilfredo’s book and rushed to the kitchen to grab it while he filled his cuñados in. “I should thank you both though.” He explained.
He rushed back with his book and a smile that was maybe a little too wide. “I did meet her brother Wilfredo at the library though. He’s been reorganizing the palace and donated a bunch of new books.” He showed them Wilfredo’s pristine collection of poems and short stories. Pulling the book away protectively when Agustín tried to grab it to get a better look at the title. “We had a really great chat. He's a university professor. Did you know that? And he likes rats, what are the odds am I right?”
Bruno looked up from the book he was enthusiastically admiring as he realized he was starting to ramble. He stared awkwardly at his cuñados dumbfounded faces.
“Bueno, it’s great to see you haces amigos.” Agustín replied optimistically.
Félix rolled his eyes. “You’re too old for this hombre. You’ve got a shot at a beautiful woman and you spent your day reading and talking about tus ratas?”
Bruno wrapped his arms around the heavy leather-bound book and held it to his chest. “I mean, she wasn’t home. What was I supposed to do?” He tried to laugh it off but Félix’s words hurt.
“Go find her cabron!” Félix insisted as if it were the obvious answer.
“Go find who?” Camilo asked as the rest of the family began to funnel in for dinner. His sobrino’s voice nearly made him jump. He was certainly not interested in talking about his dating life or lack there of with his mischievous nephew. He would never hear the end of it.
“Your tío-” Félix began. Bruno rushed to cover his mouth before he could finish the sentence.
“It’s nothing important.” He laughed awkwardly. “Your Pa and I were just talking about boring grown-up stuff. Nothing interesting to speak of.” He insisted unconvincingly. Camilo stopped piling on his plate for a moment to stare at his uncle quizzically.
Bruno could feel eyes burning through him.
Dolores nudged her brother aside to fill her plate, “Leave Tío Bruno alone hermano. It’s none of your business what he does with his time.”
Dolores was a lifesaver.
“Lo que sea.” Camilo huffed as he took his seat. Félix and Agustín followed suit and Bruno reached over the table to fill his own plate. “As long as you finally came up with something for the festival.”
Bruno sat down and opened his mouth to reply before the sight of Mirabel and his mother shuffling in caught his eye. They were in some manner of heated conversation. Not angry, just very involved. Poor Mirabel looked a bit frazzled, to say the least.
“How was your first day with the council Mirabel.” Bruno asked gently.
Mirabel turned to look at him as she sat down with her plate. She brushed some stray hair from her face. “Oh, uh. It was great. It’s just a lot to take in is all.” She sounded breathy and flustered. Had his mother really been cracking the whip that hard today?
Mamá seemed pleased however as she praised Mirabel. “Mirabel did wonderfully. Very attentive.”
He wondered if his mother noticed how frazzled his sobrina was.
“Uhm, perdón! Tío Bruno!” Camilo snapped his fingers at him impatiently.
“Be respectful Camilo.” Pepa scolded.
Bruno returned his attention to Camilo who had sat down beside him at the end of the table.
“El festival?” Camilo asked irritably.
“Oh, no actually.” Bruno replied. “We’re not doing a show for the festival. I decided to go with un nuevo amigo.”
The whole table went silent.
“¡¿Estás bromeando?!” Camilo huffed. “Now you decide to have a social life all of a sudden?!”
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