#festa songs
sweetshysuga · 1 year
En faisant rouler mes deux pieds, je vous fais face, vous que je ne peux pas voir. Comme toujours, je suis accueilli par quelques centimètres de tremblement. Je veux garder la basse à un bas niveau. Mon esprit est déjà en mode week-end. Je ne vois pas de voitures ouvertes, ni de bars ouverts.
Ce n'est pas trop mal, complètement seul sur cette route. Des cœurs de personnes qui flottent comme des îles. Une nuit qui semble ne pas vouloir venir. Nous marchons le long de l'horizon, en roulant, vers le point de fuite que nous avons fixé.
Quand nous sommes tristes, faisons du vélo. Laissons le vent souffler sous nos deux pieds. Oh, faisons du vélo, avec nos deux bras écartés librement.
Parfois, laissons les choses rouler toutes seules, comme les roues d'un vélo. Il y a quelque chose que je dois trouver, comme un goûter. J'ai l'impression d'avoir vécu pour ce petit moment. Sur les deux roues, tout n'est qu'une banale rêverie. Sentir le toit, sentir la vérité. Le miracle n'est pas loin.
Quel que soit le visage que je fais maintenant, ça n'a pas d'importance pour l'instant. Les choses qui sont vraiment précieuses ne doivent pas être vues avec des yeux. Je soulève mes pieds du sol. J'écarte mes bras comme cet oiseau. Je décide de rester à flot comme une île. Je danse au rythme du vent. Oui, c'est normal de pleurer.
C'est normal d'être triste quand on est heureux. Quand on est triste, faisons du vélo. Laissons le vent souffler sous nos deux pieds. Oh, faisons du vélo, avec nos deux bras étendus librement.
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razzygoat · 3 months
I wish we continued the gag of Prune Juice just appearing as an npc selling potions in other locations like he did in Legend of the Red Dragon right after the Triple Cone Cup update
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venomizedstar · 11 months
Its almost june and if none of the brazilians make a Festa Junina I will be very sad
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ultra-nohai · 5 days
Festa de Primavera
Festa de Primavera premieres today on YouTube at 2pm!
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bts-trans · 2 years
220613 Jung Kook’s Blog Post
제가 여러분들을 생각할 때 떠오르는 이 감정들이 너무 벅차서 가끔은 이 모든 것들이 사라진다면, 혹은 꿈이라면 어떡할까. 이런 생각을 한 적이 있어요.
그래서 그 내용들을 바탕으로 곡을 쓰게 됐고 곡 분위기가 너무 우울해질까 싶어 이쁜 단어들로 가사를 채워봤습니다.
오로지 여러분들을 위한 노래이고 이 노래를 만든 저 자신도 들어주시는 여러분들도 결국에는 더 희망적이고, 스스로 빛나고, 힘이 될 수 있는 그런 노래가 됐으면 좋겠습니다.
아미 여러분들 항상 감사하고, 앞으로 더 좋은 추억들 많이 만들어 갑시다!
나의 아미
When I think of you, I feel so full of these emotions that sometimes I wonder what I’d do if all of this disappeared, or if it was all a dream. I’ve had thoughts like that.
So, I wrote this song based on that idea. I thought that the song might feel too depressing so I packed the lyrics full of pretty words.
This is a song for you only. I hope that this song will end up becoming something that gives us hope, makes us shine on one another, and is a source of strength for both me, the person who made the song, and you, the ones listening to it.
ARMYs, I’m always grateful to you. Let’s make lots of even better memories together in the future!
I love you.
Trans cr; Aditi | Spot check cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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jmdbjk · 11 months
Take Two. My song of the summer.
Let's get it!
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[hits pause] Also, JK in his motorcycle pants in the Seventeen tiktok has brought me back to this:
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Thinking about JK tooling around Seoul on his motorcycle... my brain:
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Back to Take Two... Lesss gooooo!!!!
The opening bars of acoustic guitar conjure a road trip vibe... top down/sunroof open/windows down/wind blowing through my hair freedom to go where ever. Young forever.
Hearing all of their voices blending, harmonizing, and JIMIN! His background vocals, ad libs throughout are sending chills through me all the way to heaven!! AND HIS LOWER REGISTER! We got it all.
And all of them showing up in force does my heart good...
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I truly hope this vibe is part of their future music. I think it might because I can see Yoongi playing guitar while the rest sit and sing on these stools... a live performance is coming, I just know it!
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God I miss them so much.
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always-is-always · 11 months
Jiminie’s reaction to “Love Letters”
Love this!!
ARMYs are so awesome with their tech skills... 🥰
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catalise-comenta · 11 months
q!Cell is drinking by himself lol
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mikurulucky · 6 months
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Ok, hear me out...
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foreverwithateez · 1 year
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© fluffysunshine4 | do not edit. 
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sweetshysuga · 1 year
My You
L'été s'est déjà répandu dans l'air. La brise souffle déjà. La dernière vague de froid s'en va. Les jours sont de plus en plus longs. Mais mes jours continuaient de s'allonger, encore et encore. Je me suis baigné dans la douche du soleil et j'ai regardé le ciel nocturne.
C'était une nuit assez solitaire. En un clin d'oeil, l'obscurité s'est évanouie. Les souvenirs fleurissent sous la lumière du soleil avec toi et moi.
Toutes ces lumières sont colorées par toi. Tous ces moments sont précieux grâce à toi. Quatre saisons sont passées avec toi. Quatre parfums ont été laissés à cause de toi. Toutes les raisons pour lesquelles je peux rire. Toutes les raisons pour lesquelles je chante cette chanson. Je suis reconnaissant d'être à tes côtés maintenant. Je vais essayer de briller plus fort que maintenant.
En m'inquiétant qu'elle puisse disparaître. Inquiet que ce ne soit qu'un rêve. Je me tourne et me retourne, et je m'endors à nouveau. Cela peut-il durer éternellement ? Avec des émotions enfouies au plus profond de mon cœur, j'essaie de me réconforter et je m'enfonce dans la nuit, les yeux se fermant.
Une nuit plutôt solitaire. Les nuages sombres se dispersent avant que je ne le remarque. Gravée sous le rayon de lumière, la chaleur laissée par toi et moi.
Toutes ces lumières sont colorées par toi. Tous mes moments deviennent parfaits. Quatre saisons, encore une fois pour que la couleur devienne encore plus riche, encore une fois. Toutes les raisons pour lesquelles je peux sourire, toutes les raisons pour lesquelles je peux chanter cette chanson, c'est parce que je suis à côté de toi, alors je suis reconnaissant.
Je vais essayer de briller plus fort. Par une nuit étoilée. J'espère que tu dors bien. Brillant lumière violette. Je suis reconnaissant d'être à tes côtés maintenant. Par une nuit étoilée. J'espère que tu dors bien. La lumière violette brille. Je suis reconnaissant d'être à tes côtés.
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94erz · 14 days
"this is exactly what most solo stans think about their faves" true, but not all the members are in the same position. jungkook stans might prefer him to go solo, ok understandable. but he will still get the most lines and spotlight in the group so they won't really suffer. hobi stans are the ones who are the most entitled to this sentiment imo. 2seok are the ones who always get the least lines and screentime. but the thing is that we now know just how much hoseok wants to shine, how he thrives as a solo artist and how he tried to do as much as possible in the short time he had. i think seokjin will shine too once he returns but he's different in the regard that he doesn't have this internal push that is almost a need to perform and create, and he admits that himself. which is why yes i believe hobi stans are the most valid when they dread the reunion. jungkook will go from being a solo artist to being the main guy in a group. but we have grounds to fear that hoseok will go back to being a glorified backup dancer who is only known for having a heart shaped smile. we are not the same
I mean literally, when's the last time a ML fan had to worry about any of them getting 10 seconds or less in a BTS song? The answer is fucking never. Not even when the group was hip-hop oriented were they ever left with little to no lines in a song, so why the hell has that become the case for the RL? Why do I have to dread the potential that we'll continue to get songs where Hoseok has 6 seconds of a verse in a song???? Like that's become a thing and everyone's just totally cool with that for some reason...(we all know the reason).
He's also the lead dancer and yet is never allowed to actually be a central part of the choreo. I remember someone making a gifset that was essentially a timeline of when Hoseok gets a central part and the gap between the last and the most recent was YEARS, multiple YEARS, again, that's just become normal and no one cares.
Well I do, and fuck that.
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minglana · 5 months
hiiiiiiii <33333
27. three songs that you sing while drunk
im not a 'singing while drunk' type person😭but if i was, i might sing these songs:
send me a "three songs" ask <3
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sleepysmoon · 10 months
people say: i love u
but they said:
"I was happy being with you I breathe in your voice I stood up with your tears Do I deserve your love? The intersection of souls we've created over the years I am so grateful and happy to be with you Let's continue to be happy in the future" Take Two, BTS
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bts-trans · 2 years
[KOR/ENG LYRICS] My You by Jung Kook
Summer has already spread in the air
Breeze is already blowing
The last cold snap is going out
The days were getting longer and longer
But my days were still going on and on and on
I got wet in the sun shower and looked up at the night sky
It was quite a lonely night
In the blink of an eye
The dark faded out
Blooming under the sunlight
Memories with me and you
All these lights are colored in by you
All these times are precious due to you
Four seasons have passed with you
Four scents were left ‘cause of you
All the reasons why I can laugh out
All the reasons why I sing this song
Thankful to be by your side now
I'll try to shine brighter than now
사라질까 Will this disappear?
혹시 꿈일까 Is this perhaps a dream?
뒤척이다 I toss and turn
또 잠이 든다 And fall back asleep again
영원할 수 있을까 Can this last forever?
사무친 이 맘 These feelings dig so deep into my heart
달래어 보다 As I try soothing it,
밤에 잠겨 감긴다 I sink deep into the night, shutting my eyes
사뭇 쓸쓸했던 밤 *²It was quite a lonely night
어느새 먹구름은 흩어져가 In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds start to scatter
빛줄기 밑 새겨진 Etched underneath a ray of light,
너와 남긴 온기들 is the warmth from me and you
모든 빛은 네게 물들고 All these lights are colored in by you
나의 시간은 완벽해져 My time becomes perfect
네 번의 계절 또다시 Four seasons, once again
더 짙어지게 또다시 Growing even deeper, once again
내가 미소를 짓는 이유도 The reason I smile
이 노랠 부를 수 있는 것도 And the reason I can sing this song
네 곁이기에 감사해 Thankful to be by your side
더 빛나볼게 환하게 I’ll try to shine brighter, even more radiantly
On a starry night
Hope my you sleep tight
Shining purple light
Thankful to be by your side now
On a starry night
Hope my you sleep tight
Shining purple light
네 곁이기에 감사해 Thankful to be by your side
Translators’ Notes: *The English title 'My You' would likely be transliterated into Korean as "마이유/ma-ee-yoo", which could translate to 'my reason' as '이유' means 'reason' in Korean. 2. The Korean lyrics from this point onwards seem to emulate the English lyrics, as though a translation of them, but they do differ in small ways. Our translations have maintained Jungkook's English lyrics where possible.
Trans cr; Jungkook @ bts, Faith & Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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dailykoreanpop · 1 year
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[230430] ATEEZ’s Mingi @ Seoul Festa 2023 
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