#fertility homeopath
shahida04 · 3 months
Nayantara vignesh దంపతులకు కవల పిల్లలు? Married 4months back ! Dr.Satish...
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orphancookie69 · 4 months
Now Experiencing: Red Light Therapy
Red light district? No, not nearly as fun. Red Light Therapy. Therapy using lights the color of red. While upon my research this seems to be given a new set of legs in recent years, its not anything new by any means.
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Per usual, I like to start with my background to these things. I honestly had not heard about it before last year. As part of my fertility journey, and I will be linking this post to that, a Chiropractor who experienced fertility issues was told to talk to me who is also experiencing those "similar" issues. While this post is about Red Light Therapy and not Fertility, it is quite annoying that anyone who has struggles all of a sudden gets a say in my journey. Moving on, the chiropractor's husband offered red light therapy in their office.
I was as open minded as I could be in that meeting, but I am the type of person that needs to embrace an idea on my own level and pace. So I decided to get a book on Red Light Therapy and an at home device. My own pace was a little bit slow once my materials were in, we decided to take the last couple months of the year off so since the device was for the fertility struggle, I did not want to deal with anything fertility related on the break. New year came, and I jumped back in to the research phase.
I read a book, a more modernly written book, and modern books are so different from vintage or older books. While it was not a bad book, from the perspective I knew nothing about RLT, I do wish it was more informative. For reference, it is Healing with Red Light Therapy by Stephanie Hallett and is available on Amazon. The biggest things I got out of it was-dosage matters and it can heal so many things.
Let's start with tools, there are a variety of options. First off, there is blue and red and green light therapy. Secondly, there are small devices that are pretty budget friendly to the other end of large expensive devices. The book mentioned a couple of brands: Bionette, Celluma, InLight, iRestore, Joovv Devices, LightStim, LiteCure, LumiCeuticals, MedX Health Devices, Multi Radiance, Neurocare Systems, NovoTHOR light bed, PlatinumLED Biomax, Skin Inc Tri-Light, THOR Photomedicine LED Clusters, Vielight 633 Red and Neuro Gamma, and Virulite. Thirdly, there is multiple applications for light therapy: Allergies, Skin Care, Would Healing, Sleep, Pain Relief, Hair Regrowth, Athletic Recovery, Inflammation, Whole Body Wellness, Prevention of Oral Muscositis, Cold Sores, and Neurodegenerative. What did I order? I ordered Naviocean Red Light Therapy Belt from Amazon.
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If you are reading this, then you should take the time to continue your research and see if and how this can work for you. The right device is worth the money. So I am using the belt, that is linked above. What am I using this for?
Weight Loss: One would apply the belt to the desired area of weight loss for 15 minutes 3-7 times a week on a level of 0-4.
Fertility: One would apply the belt to the area of fertility for 15 minutes for 3-7 times a week on a level of 0-4.
Muscle Gain: One would apply the belt to the desired area of muscle gain for 15 minutes 3-7 times a week on a level of 0-4.
My booklet notes the following with treatments: Fat Loss, Cellulite, Skin Rejuvenation, Wound Healing, Plantar Warts, Muscle Gain, Recovery, Immune Health, Herpes Simplex, Chronic Fatigue, Sex Glands, Oral Health, Fertility, Pain, Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, Healthy Thyroid, and Inflammation.
So, I started with a plan to use the belt for 15 minutes for Fertility and 15 minutes for Weight Loss/Muscle Gain for 15 minutes. Not unlike scheduling 30 minutes a day to exercise, I can schedule 30 minutes a day for Red Light Therapy. On the weekends where I take a break from exercising, I try to allocate more time to work on Weight Loss/Muscle Gain on other areas of my body. The first steps of habit building are important for me.
Week 1: I noted my weight at the beginning of the week, did 5 days of exercise and waist training and dieting. I eased into my daily RLT and weekend RLT. I am shocked that it feels so warm after and so deep? To my surprise, my weight did not move in a negative or positive direction. Maintaining is not bad, but not gaining could be results in its own way.
Week 2: This week saw weight loss despite high fertility in my cycle throwing me off a bit. Exercise from Week 1 and Week 2 was consistent, but Red Light Therapy increased from 3 times to 7 times in the week. The previous week I was also waist training in the early hours of the day, but it was all too much so I decided to scale that aspect back for now.
Week 3: This week was half normal, half vacation. Exercise was down this week, and Red Light Therapy was down to 5 days (compared to 7 days last week). Even before the vacation, there was an increase in the weight number but I did not look at the breakdown to see if it was muscle or fat.
Week 4: Back from vacation, and some pretty amazing results to share. Despite a vacation, filled with amazing food, I lost weight from last week! Even my measurements were smaller compared to Week 2. Overall, I feel smaller and tighter and find areas healing in general quicker. Red Light Therapy this week will be 6 days this week, with exercise being 4 days.
I like how easy it was to use, once you got past how weird it kind of is, and how quickly you can see it working. Am I the weight I want to be yet? Not yet, but it helps to get one unstuck. Am I pregnant yet? Not yet, but I was early and almost did it on my own. Not to mention there are hardly very many thing that have no downside and all upside. Would you try this out?
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drhakimsadiq · 8 months
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Unani Medicine For Weight Loss - Hakimi Shifakhana's Clinic Discover the natural path with unani medicine for weight loss. Our time-tested remedies harness the power of ancient wisdom to help you shed pounds and achieve your fitness goals effectively and holistically. Try Unani Medicine for sustainable weight loss today!
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blairstales · 1 year
Scottish Historical Beltane/May Day
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Bealtiunn (Beltane) is a cross-quarter day, meaning it is approximately half-way between a equinox and solstice. Due to this, it was one of the four main fire festivals of the year, and a time when the veil between our world and the otherworld was said to thin. This was thought to allow fairies in particular to be extra dangerous.
"The first–called “Beltaine” in Ireland, “Bealtiunn” in Scotland, “Shenn da Boaldyn” in the Isle of Man, and “Galan-Mai” (the Calends of May) in Wales–celebrates the waking of the earth from her winter sleep, and the renewal of warmth, life, and vegetation. " Celtic Myth and Legend by Charles Squire[1905]
It was once a huge celebration that may even last a whole week, but it also served as a marker for when to start farming practices. For example, it marked when to sow barley, or put cattle out to graze.
Due to the pagan origins of the day, opposition towards May Day celebrations was not uncommon, and eventually led to it’s fall in popularity.
"In 1696 a number of persons were tried before the Kirk Session of Aberdeen and censured for celebrating May Day morning." Primitive Beliefs in the North-East of Scotland
For customs click "keep reading." ⬇
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May Pole
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May Poles are a pole that was raised on beltane and raised with a crown of flowers on the top.
“The May Pole is up , Now give me the cup, I’ll drink to the garlands around it, But first unto those Whose hands did compose The glory of flowers that crown’d it.” “Faiths and Folklore: Volume 2,” By William Carew Hazlitt (1905)
It was also often decorated with flowers, leafy garland, ribbons, and more. Thought to be a fertility symbolism, with it came the queen and king of May.
"We may infer,’ says Frazer, ‘that our rude forefathers personified the powers of vegetation as male and female and attempted, on the principle of homeopathic or sympathetic magic, to quicken the growth of trees and plants by representing the marriage of the sylvan deities in the persons of a King and Queen of May, a Whitsun Bridegroom and Bride, and so forth. Such representations… were charms intended to make the woods to grow green, the fresh grass to sprout, and the flowers to blow. And it was natural to suppose that the more closely the mock marriage of the leaf-clad or flower-clad mummers aped the real marriage of the woodland sprites, the more effective would be the charm." Silver Bough 2 By F. Marian McNeill
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Dressing the Home
Due to the veil being thinner, all sorts of supernatural dangers were thought to be at play. To counteract that, people dressed their homes in flowers, greenery, and other decorations.
“To counteract their evil power pieces of the rowan-tree and woodbine, chiefly of rowan-tree, were placed over the byre doors, and fires were kindled by every farmer and cottar. “ “Notes on The Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland,” By Walter Gregor (1881)
It was not just leafy garlands, however, but flowers as well.
"In the country west of Glasgow it is still remembered how once the houses were adorned with flowers and branches on the first of May” “Essays in the study of Folk-Songs,” by Countess Martinengo-Cesaresco (1886)
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The very first thing many girls wanted to do in the morning was race out to collect the morning dew.
“COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. At Edinburgh about four o’clock in the morning there is an unusual stir ; and a hurrying of gay throngs through the King’s Park to Arthur’s Seat to collect the May-dew.” “British Popular Customs, Present and Past; Illustrating the Social and Domestic,” by T. F. Thiselton-Dyer (1876)
Depending on the area, where you would collect it from may change. It might be from a specific hill of grass or a specific type of trees.
This liquid, called may-dew, was said to have curative or beautifying powers.
"It was long an article of popular faith in Eastern and Western Europe , that a maiden , washing herself with dew from the hawthorn on the first day of May at daybreak , would preserve her beauty for ever, the operation being of course annually repeated.” “Faiths and Folklore: Volume 2,” By William Carew Hazlitt (1905)
“Till quite lately there was a belief in some parts of England that a weakly child would be made strong by being drawn over dewy grass on the morning in question. To effect a complete cure, the treatment had to be repeated on the two following mornings.” “Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs,” by James M. Mackinlay (1893)
However, the dew inside a fairy ring would have the opposite intended effect.
“May-dew from the grass was equally efficacious, except when gathered from within a fairy ring, as the fairies would in that case counteract the influence of the charm.” “Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs,” by James M. Mackinlay (1893)
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Egg Rolling
Egg rolling, something we trend to associate with Easter, was occasionally practiced on Beltane. Colorfully decorated eggs would be rolled down a hill.
"Egg rolling, something we trend to associate with Easter, was occasionally practiced on Beltane. Colorfully decorated eggs would be rolled down a hill." “The Folk-lore Journal, Volume 7; Volume 24,” By Folklore Society (Great Britain)
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Visiting Healing Wells
“Besides saining with fire, there was also saining with water, and Beltane was the great season for visiting “magic” or “holy” wells. The custom has by no means died out, the most notable survival being the annual “pilgrimage” to the Cloutie Well on Culloden Moor, near Inverness, which described elsewhere.” The silver bough vol 2
Visits to healing wells was a common occurrence for people on May day.
Two centuries earlier an attempt was made by the kirk-session of Perth to put a stop to an annual gathering on May Day at a cave in the face of Kinnoul hill adjoining the town. This cave was called the Dragon Hole, and was the scene of ancient rites of a superstitious nature. Other illustrations might be selected from the Folklore of May Day, but those given above show that the season was held in much superstitious regard. Accordingly, we need not be surprised that well-worship took its place among the rites of May Day, and of May Month also, since the whole of May was deemed a charmed time. "Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs" (in regards to Hone’s Every-Day Book on Edinburgh)
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Mock Human Sacrifice
During the quarter days, quarter cakes were eaten ritually. For Beltane, this was called bannoach Bealltain or Beltane Cakes.
"Beltane cakes were also made at Keith, being baked the day before. The upper side was watered with a batter, made of whisked eggs, milk, and oatmeal. Struan Michaels and Beltane bannocks were prepared in Ross-shire down to the close of the nineteenth century." “Primitive Beliefs in the North-East of Scotland,” by Joseph McKenzie McPherson (1929)
Exactly how they were eaten would depend on the area.
"In Caithness, within the last seventy years, each family in the neighbourhood of Watten carried bread and cheese to the top of a hill called Heathercrow and left it there. After sunrise, the herds might take away the spoil for their own homes." “Primitive Beliefs in the North-East of Scotland,” by Joseph McKenzie McPherson (1929)
For some, it involved a mock human sacrifice.
The boys would go out, kindle a fire, have a meal, and sing and dance around it for fun. After, someone would produce a bannock and divide it for the group.
"Towards the close of the entertainment, the person who officiated as master of the feast produced a large cake baked with eggs and scalloped round the edge, called am bonnach bea-tine—i.e., the Beltane cake. It was divided into a number of pieces, and distributed in great form to the company.John Ramsay, laird of Ochtertyre, near Crieff, the patron of Burns and the friend of Sir Walter Scott." The Golden Bough by Sir James George Frazer[1922] Chapter 62. The Fire-Festivals of Europe
One piece stood out from the others, and the person who picked it was doomed to be “sacrificed.” It was just a symbolized sacrifice and the group would act as if (but would not actually) throw the person into the fire.
“There was one particular piece which whoever got was called cailleach beal-tine—i.e., the Beltane carline, a term of great reproach. Upon his being known, part of the company laid hold of him and made a show of putting him into the fire; but the majority interposing, he was rescued. “ John Ramsay, laird of Ochtertyre, near Crieff, the patron of Burns and the friend of Sir Walter Scott." "The Golden Bough" by Sir James George Frazer[1922] Chapter 62. The Fire-Festivals of Europe.
Unfortunately for the poor boy, the victim would then be referred to as dead for as long as people remembered for the year.
“Similarly at the Beltane fires in Scotland the pretended victim was seized, and a show made of throwing him into the flames, and for some time afterwards people affected to speak of him as dead.” “The Golden Bough,” by Sir James George Frazer (1922)
Luckily, in other places, the sacrificed only had to jump the fire(typically either three or seven times), then that would be the end of it.
“….then lots are cast, and he on whom the lot falls, must leap seven times over the fire, while the young folks dance round in a circle. Then they cook their eggs and cakes, and all sit down to eat and drink and rise up to play.” Old Scottish Customs, Local and General by Ellen Emma Guthrie 1885
For others, it was not as dramatic.
"While the fire was blazing, a common meal was partaken, part of which was offered to the spirit of the fire." “Primitive Beliefs in the North-East of Scotland,” by Joseph McKenzie McPherson (1929)
After making and kneading a bannock, the boys would bake it on a flat stone placed on embers. When it is properly baked, they divide it to the same number of people there is in the group (trying to keep the pieces the same shape).
"They kindle a fire , and dress & repast of eggs and milk of the consistence of a custard . They knead a cake of oatmeal , which is toasted at the embers against a stone . After the custard is eaten up , they divide the cake into so many portions , as similar as possible to one another in size and shape , as there are persons in the company ." PERTHSHIRE . In Sinclair’s Stat . Acc . of Scotland ( 1794 , vol . xi . p . 620 ) British Popular Customs, Present and Past; Illustrating the Social and Domestic
Only one piece is selected and covered with charcoal until it is completely black.
That done, all the pieces are placed in a bonnet, and everyone is blindfolded to pick out a piece. The person who is holding the bonnet gets the last.
Whoever was unlucky enough to pick up the black piece is the symbolized sacrifice and must jump the fire three times.
“The boy, to whose share the black piece falls, is obliged to leap three times through the flames, at which the repast was prepared.” Statistical Account of Scotland, 1794, XI. 620, Witchcraft & Second Sight in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland
For others still, they would take a bannock, face towards the fire, and break a piece of the bannock while throwing it over the shoulder as an offering of protection. The request was different for each throw.
‘This I give to thee, preserve thou my horses,’ and ‘This to thee, preserve thou my sheep,’ and so on. After that they use the same ceremony to the noxious animals, This I give thee, O fox, spare thou my lambs! This to thee, O hooded crow! This to thee, O eagle!’ When the ceremony is over they dine on the caudle.” “Primitive Beliefs in the North-East of Scotland,” by Joseph McKenzie McPherson (1929)
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The Beltane fires were man’s response to the attack of the powers of darkness which were believed to be abroad with peculiar force at this season. “Primitive Beliefs in the North-East of Scotland,” by Joseph McKenzie McPherson (1929)
A large heap of old thatch, straw, or other materials were piled. Traditionally, this was done on a hill.
“To the south of the Forth several sites are known to have been specially associated with Beltane fires. In Lanarkshire two such sites were, the hills of Tinto and Dechmont. “Tinto, indeed, means the hill of fire. It was used for beacon-fires as well as for those connected with nature-festivals, and was well adapted for the purpose, being 2335 feet above the sea, and 1655 feet above the Clyde at its base. Though not nearly so high, Dechmont hill commands a splendid view over the neighbouring country. Early in the present century a quantity of charcoal was discovered near its summit hidden beneath a stratum of fine loam. The country people around expressed no surprise at the discovery, as they were familiar with the tradition that the spot had been used for the kindling of Beltane fires. In Peeblesshire, too, the Beltane festival long held its ground. Folklore of Scottish Lochs and Springs
For some, this would serve as the need-fire; which was a purification fire that was lit by friction.
"Tein-ēigin, neid-fire, need-fire, forced fire, fire produced by the friction of wood or iron against wood." Carmina Gadelica, Volume 2, by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900]
It was a saining practice done on quarter-days, when there was some sort of calamity, or just when someone needed extra luck for an especially important event. It was considered bad luck to bring fire out of the house or gift any to someone on the day. For Bealtane, two fires might be lit, and cattle would be driven through to purify them.
"When the sacred fire became kindled, the people rushed home and brought their herds and drove them through and round the fire of purification, to sain them from the ‘bana bhuitseach mhor Nic Creafain,’–the great arch witch daughter Cranford, Mac Creafain, now Crawford." Carmina Gadelica, Volume 2, by Alexander Carmicheal, [1900]
After, the ashes would be scattered, sometimes with yells to “burn the witches.” The intent was to destroy and scare off the forces of evil, which would allow the area to become fertile.
“The fire in consuming them destroyed the powers hostile to man, purified the air, and allowed man and beast and vegetation to thrive and become fertile.” The circumambulating the fields with blazing branches carried the virtue to areas a considerable distance from the bonfire. “ “Primitive Beliefs in the North-East of Scotland,” by Joseph McKenzie McPherson (1929)
It would work in a way, too. The ash would fertilize the soil, helping to make it healthier for the coming growing season.
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Another significant ceremony, as showing the adoration of nature, was the combat between winter and summer which took place on May-day (Laa-boaldyn); the latter, which was represented by a young girl, decorated with leaves, being victorious, and thus typifying the victory of Nature’s reproductive power. The Folk-Lore of the Isle of Man by A. W. Moore[1891]
"On the night preceding it, i.e. Beltane eve, witches were awake, and went about as hares, to take their produce (toradh), milk, butter, and cheese, from the cows. People who believed in their existence were as earnest to counteract their machinations. Tar was put behind the ears of the cattle, and at the root of the tail; the animals were sprinkled with urine to keep them from fighting; the house was hung with rowan-tree, etc., etc. By having a churning past and a cheese made (muidhe ’s mulchag) before sunrise, the Fairies were kept away from the farm for the rest of the year. If any came to ask for rennet (deasgainn), it should not on any account be given to them. It would be used for taking the substance out of the giver’s own dairy produce.When the day arrived, it was necessary, whatever the state of the weather, though people sank ankle deep in snow, or (as the Gaelic idiom has it), though snow came over the shoes, to get the cattle away to the summer pastures among the hills (àiridh)." Witchcraft & Second Sight in The Highlands and Islands of Scotland
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John Duncan’s “Riders of the Sidhe” (1911) “The artist here represents the fairy folk “setting forth on a Beltane eve in a kind of ritualistic procession, carrying symbols of their faith and power, and their good pleasure dowering mortals with spiritual gifts.” E.A. Taylor; Art. Some Pictures by John Duncan in The Studio, Vol. 80 (1930)
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Herbs usually play an integral role in spellwork. Here are the most commonly used herbs for spell casting to keep on hand.
AMARANTH (Cockscomb): To repair a broken heart.
ASAFOETIDA: For protection from disease.
BASIL, SACRED: To protect body and family.
BASIL, SWEET: To get rid of bad luck and attract love.
BAY: For wisdom, protection, and psychic powers, manifestation, spells jars, has homeopathic properties. Can make tea with it.
BETHEL NUTS: To increase mental and spiritual powers.
BLOODROOT: To avert evil spells.
CAYENNE PEPPER: Something with a bit of a bite that every witch needs, this spice does well as a cursing or banishing agent, or as a addition to any spell to speed up results.
CATNIP: To make the most timid person fierce and powerful.
CEDAR: For purification and healing.
CHAMOMILE: To make others more susceptible to your thoughts and ideas and more willing to please you. used in love, healing and stress reducing spells, but can be used for luck and gambling.
CINNAMON: For spirituality, healing, and cleansing. For prosperity and success, protection, love
CLOVE: For cleansing, protection, and money.
CLOVER: For money, love, and good luck (especially a 4. leaf clover!).
FIVE FINGER GRASS: To ward off evil by hand; protection from physical harm and violence.
GARLIC: For healing and protection (especially against vampires!).
GINSENG ROOT (Sang Root): Carried by Chinese as the strongest protection from all kinds of evil.
GINGER: For money, power, and success.
GREEN HELLEBORE: Purge The premises of evil influences.
HELPING HANDS: To help you with your plans and give you the help you need in any situation.
HIGH JOHN THE CONQUEROR: To keep away confusing thoughts and for success in business and love; attracts money.
JEZEBEL: To make your wishes come true.
LAVENDER - Used to enhance clarity and protection, bring love, and encourage fertility, sleep. Lavender is also great for any mental health needs
LIFE EVERLASTING: For a long, happy, peaceful life.
LOVING HERBS: Bathe in a tea from the herbs and be met only with pleasantness wherever you go for the day.
LOW JOHN THE CONQUEROR: For good luck and success in all personal matters.
MANDRAKE ROOT: To gain power over others.
MARJORAM: To keep away evil influences; for protection, love, and healing.
MINT : Used to lure love, ward off evil, enhance wellness, and draw in money.
MOJO BEANS: For good luck.
MUGWORT: Used in spells for divination, astral travel, working with the spiritual realm, and receiving prophetic dreams. Place inside your pillow to reveal your future in your dreams. (Make dream pillows with mugwort, balsam, marjoram, rosemary, and lavender)
MULLEIN: To bring about gentleness in others.
NIGHTSHADE: To see ghosts.
ORRIS ROOT: Powdered orris root brings love between two people if sprinkled on the clothes by one who desires the love. Also called Queen Elizabeth root and fortune-teller root, it was the original psychic pendulum. Tie a 13" long piece of white thread to the root and then ask "yes" or "no" questions while holding the end of the thread. The root will swing back and forth or circle for "yes;" for "no" it will remain motionless.
PEPPERMINT: A favorite for the treatment of digestive issues, this herb is ideal for cleansing and protecting. Peppermint is also a great addition to any luck spell
ROSE: This flower is the symbol for beauty, marriage, sexuality, divine love and all kinds of relationships
ROSEMARY: To improve your memory but also used in protection and love spells, good health, preventing nightmares.
RUE: To keep from being deceived in love.
SAGE: For protection and wisdom.
SANDALWOOD: To enable you to see the true light in all things and not be deceived by others.
SMALLAGE ROOT: Rub iton a person who has been a bad influence for you to end all their power over you.
SOLOMON SEAL ROOT: To gain wisdom.
STAR ANISE: Carry as a special good luck charm.
ST. JOHN'S ROOT: Good for dieting; chew to keep from being hungry (it tastes like chocolate. Hang the plant over your bed to dream of your future mate.
THYME: For healing, enhance psychic powers, attract loyalty, affection, and a good reputation, but we most often bathe in an infusion of thyme for constant flow of money.
WILLOW: For love and divination.
WISHING BEANS: To make your wishes come true.
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homeo-care-clinic · 10 months
How Does Homeopathy Helps in PCOD/PCOS ?
PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disease) or PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that affects approximately10- 15% of all women, which are very commonly found in day-to-day practice and increasing nowadays. It interferes with their fertility during the reproductive years. There are multiple (‘poly’) cysts (small sacs filled with fluid) in the ovaries, on either side or both sides.
PCOD is caused by hormonal imbalance i.e. altered hormones.
1) Raised level of Testosterone:
A higher level of male hormone (Androgen Hormone). Normally androgen hormone is present in small amounts, but if the level increases then it leads to restricting the ovaries from releasing an egg (ovulation) during each menstrual cycle.
2) A higher level of LH Hormone: –
A higher level of Luteinizing Hormone disturbs the ovulation during the menstrual cycle.
3) Raised level of Prolactin:-
Prolactin levels of between 30 ng/mL and 200 ng/mL are considered moderately high. This level of prolactin in the blood can have many causes. Conditions related to raised levels of prolactin include pituitary disorders.
4) A higher level of Insulin: –
The excess level of insulin affects the ovaries by increasing androgen hormone thus affecting ovulation.
SymptomsOther signs includeIrregular menses or No mensesHair fallExcess hair on face, Chest, Stomach.DepressionHair ThinningAnxietyWeight GainDifficulty in getting pregnantAcneMood swings
Homeopathy works on regulating hormonal imbalance, regularizing ovulation as well as maintaining a normal menstrual cycle. Homeopathy helps to treat other signs and symptoms also.
Homeopathy treatment varies from patient to patient. Homeopathic treatment is based on the extent of the problem, physiological and mental health of the patient. Homeopathic treatment is a holistic treatment. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary studies both the mental and physical condition of patients before giving any medicine. In PCOS there is careful observation of symptoms and regular follow up.
Dr. Vaseem Choudhary has been treating PCOS with homeopathy treatment for many years. Dr. Vaseem Choudhary is a well-known homeopathy doctor in Pune. His treatment is safe and doesn’t have any adverse effects on the patient. Homeopathy treatment for PCOS varies from patient to patient. Patients with PCOD may experience some complications like Difficulty in getting pregnant (Infertility) and another bleeding from the uterus can be successfully treated with Homeopathy.
A complete approach at Homeo Care Clinic is harmless. So, it’s very easy to completely get rid of the side effects of conventional medication, as homeopathy treats the root cause and thereby regulate hormonal imbalance and treats PCOS.
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zildelaaw · 11 months
🥤Daily Detox Drink🥤
So I'm all for doing as much as you can that's beneficial for your well-being that isn't medicine. That said, homeopathy is not the answer to every medical condition and you should definitely consult your doctor before integrating homeopathic remedies to your health regimen. I am not a professional. Please, dear Lord, don't take my word as gospel.
Anyway, here's a budget friendly detox drink with a bunch of health benefits. You can find the ingredients at your local supermarket. Nothing fancy. This isn't really a cure for anything in particular, just a general keep-you-healthy beverage. 👍 Health benefits per ingredient are listed at the bottom (plus, if you're interested, the magickal properties as well).
Turmeric powder 15ml
Apple Cider Vinegar 30ml
Ginger (chopped) 1 tbsp
Black Pepper 1 tsp
Lemon Juice 60ml
Honey 30ml
Cinnamon (chopped or powdered) 10ml
6 cups WARM water (not boiling!)
Dump all the stuff in the warm water and mix it round. Store it in the fridge. This makes enough for a week's supply, ingested daily in the a.m.
Here's what it should look like once bottled. I tried to make it look palateable. I warn you now, it is not. It IS, however, good for you.
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These are some of the benefits when the ingredient is ingested:
Turmeric - boosts your metabolism, aids with symptoms of hayfever, depression, inflammation, high cholesterol and osteo-arthritis. Also helps with the build up of fat in the liver and mild itching. It has strong cleansing properties, along with encouraging prosperity, love, spiritual growth and wisdom.
Apple Cider Vinegar - helps regulate blood sugar, good for gut health (bloating & indigestion), helps with relaxing leg cramps, helps ease coughs & colds, aids with high cholesterol and increases energy levels. Strong cleansing and banishing properties, enhances romantic connections, encourages prosperity and intution.
Ginger - relieves nausea, vomiting and headaches, reduces inflammation, eases joint pain and symptoms of osteo- and rheumatoid arthirits, menstrual pain, risk of heart health and high cholesterol. Helps regulate blood sugar, boosts your immune system and gut health, and helps improve brain function. It's also said to have anti-cancer properties. Ginger encourages vitality, protection, love and romance, healing, prosperity and psychic awareness, and courage.
Black Pepper - good for gut health, eases symptoms of inflammation, depression, and helps regulate blood sugar levels. It also aids in brain function, collagen production, nutrient absorption and dental health. Similar to ginger, said to have anti-cancer properties. It encourages emotional strength and opens spiritual pathways; promotes healthy personal power, self worth, courage, stamina, and self control.
Lemon Juice - rich in vitamin C, anti-oxidants and citric acid (preventing kidney stones). Aids in hydration and digestion. Used to call in longevity, purification, unity, uplifting, clarity, friendship, happiness, rejuvenation, awareness, love, fidelity, new beginnings, cleansing, and protection.
Cinnamon - Packed with anti-oxidants. Helps reduce inflammation and protects against heart disease, as well as regulates blood sugar levels. It is said to aid in neuro-degeneration like in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease, have anti-cancer properties and aid in bacterial and fungal infections. Can be used to draw money, protection, stimulating psychic powers, success, lust, love and to raise vibrations.
Honey - Another anti-oxidant gold mine, helps regulate blood sugar and blood pressure levels. It's overall great for heart health and cholesterol and can soothe a cough and sore throat. Honey is symbolic of fertility, community, prosperity, diligence and work ethic. 
To make a greater use of the esoteric properties, you can integrate this into a larger ritual/ spell.
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nymfaia · 1 year
     while the steppe people have general knowledge of homeopathic medicine and natural remedies, it’s fairly safe to say that due to most of the tribe’s insular way of living (with all but the kha shunning most outsiders and tourists) that their knowledge of the topics are limited to their own ruminations and concepts.
     are most of them aware that sex can lead to children? yes. they see it in their karakul and in the other creatures in the wild with shorter gestations than themselves. they know one leads to the other, even if they aren’t aware of the specifics or scientific reasoning behind it: to them, it is a blessing from their gods, and a lack of conception simply requires prayer.
     birth control or other methods of preventing pregnancy is foreign to most of them, however. with the high rate of mortality among their young adults, wanting to limit their fertility is probably anathema to them. with the nadaam, intertribal conflicts, and acts of god culling their population, it’s always considered a boon for children to be brought about more than a hinderance. the most “birth control” they probably practice is the pull-out method.
     as a result, cirina and magnai are both ignorant to the eorzean (and other parts of the realm) methods of contraception. with being more travelled and having visited places such as ishgard, alta has begun to wrap her head around the idea of family planning.
     however, with her only exposure to biracial people being the hyur & elezen, she is still quite ignorant to the myriad of possibilities that can occur when other races interact. having come from a place where raen & xaela, two halves of the same coin, rarely met and procreated, the concept of races with even further differences being able to produce children does not occur to her ( or cirina, or magnai, not that they often come around as many races as alta does. )
       with all that in mind, alta will absolutely sleep with a peen-having partner of another race without any fear of pregnancy… and cirina would sleep with h.ien without much fuss to what outcome may occur, either. as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss… until it’s not.
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mediaevalmusereads · 2 years
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Red Clocks. By Leni Zumas. Little, Brown and Company, 2018.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: literary fiction
Part of a Series? No
Summary: In this ferociously imaginative novel, abortion is once again illegal in America, in-vitro fertilization is banned, and the Personhood Amendment grants rights of life, liberty, and property to every embryo. In a small Oregon fishing town, five very different women navigate these new barriers alongside age-old questions surrounding motherhood, identity, and freedom. Ro, a single high-school teacher, is trying to have a baby on her own, while also writing a biography of Eivør, a little-known 19th-century female polar explorer. Susan is a frustrated mother of two, trapped in a crumbling marriage. Mattie is the adopted daughter of doting parents and one of Ro's best students, who finds herself pregnant with nowhere to turn. And Gin is the gifted, forest-dwelling homeopath, or "mender," who brings all their fates together when she's arrested and put on trial in a frenzied modern-day witch hunt.
***Full review under the cut.***
Content Warnings: abortion, blood, gore, animal death, references to domestic violence, infertility, references to cannibalism
Overview: I put this book on my TBR list after Roe was overturned in the United States, and I’m only now getting around to reading it. When I did pick it up, I finished it in the span of one day, and that’s perhaps due to a number of things I liked: the short, vignette-style chapters; the lush, evocative prose; the sympathetic yet flawed inner lives of the protagonists. There are things I feel like I can criticize - such as the lackluster story of the female Arctic explorer - but overall, this was a well-written novel that really resonated with me as a reader interested in reproductive rights. Thus, it gets 4 stars from me.
Writing: Zumas’ prose is very literary in that it combines lyrical descriptions with a kind of experimental, loose structure. Some readers may be put off by this style, but personally, I found it incredible engaging and it held my interest, perhaps because I find the topic of reproductive rights more meaningful when driven by emotional, human stories (as opposed to debates about power and statistics). Zumas has an incredible talent for writing emotion, and I felt like I could understand what each character was experiencing without being told “XYZ happened” and “this character did this.”
I do think, however, that the little snippets of the life of the Arctic explorer, Eivør, were under-developed. These snippets occur between each chapter, and most are only a few lines or a paragraph. While I do think they added to the tone and setting of the novel, they didn’t really do much for me in terms of the themes of the book. If Eivør had been another character in her own right or her life was much more strongly about rejecting motherhood, I think it would have fit in better, but as it stands, the snippets felt a bit like filler.
Plot: The plot of this book follows four women in a small Oregon fishing town as they try to navigate issues of motherhood and womanhood in a world where abortion, IVF, and adoption by single parents have been banned. Over the course of the novel, we watch Ro (a single woman in her 40s) struggle to conceive a child using artificial insemination; Susan, a mother of two who is trapped in an unhappy marriage; Mattie, a teenager faced with an unwanted pregnancy; and Gin, a “witch” who lives on her own and distributes remedies to the local women.
Zumas seems less interested in telling the reader what happens than she is showing the reader various impressions of the protagonists’ emotions, and personally, I liked it better than your traditional dystopian novel. Zumas doesn’t put power and government at the center of these women’s lives, but instead focuses on their inner lives and what challenges they face in a post-Roe world.
As a result, this book perhaps hits a little differently today than it would have at the time of publication. Reading it in 2022, the “dystopian” elements are less a product of imagination and more a reflection of the very real reproductive rollbacks we’ve been seeing in the United States. The “Pink Curtain,” for example, calls to mind the recent discussions surrounding restricting women to travel for abortions; the claim that less abortions would mean more available babies for adoption - while seemingly farfetched in the novel - was actually said by a US lawmaker this past year. All in all, the scary similarity to today’s world makes this book feel less “speculative” than something like The Handmaid’s Tale, and perhaps that’s why I took to it so readily.
Characters: There are quite a few characters in this book, so for the purposes of this review, I’m going to focus on our four protagonists: Ro, Susan, Mattie, and Gin.
Ro was incredibly sympathetic in that she was desperate to have a child and was irritated by all the judgments put on her regarding her age, marital status, and income. Reading her perspective made me understand how earth-shattering it could be for one’s life to go in an unexpected direction, and I think her story was an important look at what a post-Roe world would mean for (potential) mothers who were not your typical young, married, upper-middle class white women. I did get annoyed by her when she began to feel resentful of Mattie’s pregnancy, and I got the sense that she was almost entitled at a certain point - but this was a very real and understandable flaw that doesn’t necessarily come from a place of rationality, and it made Ro a bit more realized as a character.
Susan was also sympathetic in that she was presented as both a loving parent and a parent who felt trapped by her kids and her marriage. Reading her perspective illuminated the pressure that many women feel to present themselves as devoted wives and mothers, and after reading about how Susan’s husband is absolutely useless, I was rooting for her to find some happiness away from her family. Susan also has some flaws in that she can be judgmental - especially of Ro - but again, it’s a very human flaw, and though I might be irritated as a reader, it also meant that Susan felt like a real person.
Mattie was perhaps the perspective that tugged at my heartstrings the most. At age fifteen, she gets pregnant and seeks an abortion, going so far as to attempt to escape to Canada and avoid arrest when visiting underground, unregulated providers. Her perspective was filled with fear, and I think it would be hard to look at someone like Mattie and tell her to just have the baby - so much was at stake, including Mattie’s future, and I desperately wanted her to be okay in the end.
Gin was a very intriguing perspective in that her role as the “village healer” was an interesting callback to the days when women’s local knowledge was in conflict with male institutionalized knowledge. Gin seemed to have a cure for any ailment, including unwanted pregnancies, and her failure to finish school just hammers home the gap between knowledge and education, as well as the history of women taking care of other women. But what I really liked about Gin was her rejection of the “normal” world and her insistence on living her life on her own terms. Even in her more grumpy and eccentric moments, I took a liking to her, and I think her trial was an important lynchpin that tied many of the book’s narratives together.
TL;DR: Red Clocks is a eerily prescient look at a post-Roe America, focusing on four very distinct women as they navigate the nebulous category that is “womanhood.” While the prose style and organization might not be to every reader’s taste, I think the more impressionistic look at a post-Roe world makes for a great emotional impact, and I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the effect that a rollback on reproductive rights might have on individuals.
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Natural Treatment for Varicocele Without Surgery natural treatment
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Varicocele, a condition characterized by enlarged veins in the scrotum, can cause discomfort and infertility in men. Many seek alternatives to surgery due to its invasive nature and potential complications. Fortunately, several natural treatments, including homeopathic remedies, offer promising results. This article explores effective methods for varicocele treatment without surgery, focusing on natural and homeopathic options.
Understanding Varicocele
Before delving into treatments, it's crucial to understand what a varicocele is. Varicoceles are similar to varicose veins but occur in the scrotum. They develop when the valves inside the veins malfunction, causing blood to pool and the veins to enlarge. This condition can lead to pain, swelling, and reduced fertility in men.
Natural Treatments for Varicocele
Dietary ChangesA healthy diet can significantly impact varicocele symptoms. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, helps reduce inflammation and improve blood flow. Incorporating fiber-rich foods can prevent constipation, which is essential since straining during bowel movements can exacerbate varicocele symptoms.
Herbal RemediesSeveral herbs are known for their vascular benefits and can aid in best varicocele treatment. Horse chestnut extract is one such remedy, renowned for its ability to strengthen veins and reduce swelling. Ginkgo biloba, another effective herb, improves blood circulation and reduces vein inflammation.
Exercise and YogaRegular exercise, particularly activities that enhance blood flow, can alleviate varicocele symptoms. Yoga, with its focus on gentle stretching and improving circulation, is particularly beneficial. Poses like the shoulder stand and the fish pose can help reduce pressure in the scrotal veins.
SupplementsTaking supplements that support vascular health can be beneficial. Vitamin C and E, zinc, and selenium are known for their antioxidant properties and can help reduce vein inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, are also effective in improving blood flow and reducing inflammation.
Homeopathic Medicine for Varicocele
Varicocele treatment in homeopathic medicine offers a variety of remedies that can treat varicocele symptoms effectively. These treatments aim to address the root cause of the condition and provide long-term relief.Homeopathic medicine  for varicocele.Homeopathic  medicines reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation while improving vein health. Homeopathy targets the underlying cause, offering natural and effective long-term relief from varicocele symptoms.
Lifestyle Changes to Manage Varicocele
In addition to varicocele natural treatment and homeopathic remedies, certain lifestyle changes can help manage varicocele symptoms:
Avoid Prolonged Standing or SittingStanding or sitting for long periods can increase pressure in the scrotal veins. Taking regular breaks and moving around can help alleviate this pressure.
Wear Supportive UnderwearWearing supportive underwear, such as a jockstrap, can help reduce discomfort by providing extra support to the scrotal area.
Stay HydratedProper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy blood flow. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help reduce the risk of blood pooling in the veins.
Varicocele can be managed effectively without surgery through various natural treatments and homeopathic varicocele treatment. Dietary changes, herbal supplements, regular exercise, and specific yoga poses can all contribute to reducing symptoms.varicocele natural treatment offer targeted relief and support vascular health. By incorporating these methods and making essential lifestyle changes, individuals can find significant relief from varicocele symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.
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utkrashhomeopathic · 3 days
Unraveling the Side Effects of Homeopathic Treatment for PCOD/PCOS
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), also known as Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD), is a complex hormonal disorder affecting millions of women worldwide. It manifests in various symptoms such as irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne, and fertility issues. With the rising popularity of alternative medicine, many women turn to homeopathy as a potential treatment option for managing PCOD/PCOS. However, concerns about the safety and efficacy of homeopathic remedies linger, particularly regarding possible side effects. Let's delve into this matter and separate fact from fiction.
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Understanding Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine founded on the principle of "like cures like." Practitioners believe that substances which cause symptoms in a healthy person can treat similar symptoms in a sick person when highly diluted. Homeopathic remedies are prepared through a process of serial dilution and succussion, which proponents claim enhances their therapeutic potency while minimizing side effects.
Debunking the Myth of Side Effects:
One of the most pervasive myths about homeopathy is that it is completely devoid of side effects. Critics argue that since homeopathic remedies are highly diluted, they are essentially inert and incapable of producing adverse reactions. However, this oversimplification fails to acknowledge the nuances of individual responses to treatment.
While it's true that homeopathic remedies are generally considered safe when administered properly, it's essential to recognize that they can still elicit reactions in some individuals. These reactions are often termed as "aggravations" or "healing reactions" in homeopathic practice. They may include temporary exacerbation of existing symptoms, mild headaches, or digestive disturbances. These reactions are typically short-lived and are seen as part of the body's natural healing process, rather than as adverse effects of the remedy itself.
Navigating Individual Responses:
It's crucial to understand that each person's response to homeopathic treatment is unique. Factors such as individual constitution, sensitivity, and the specific remedy prescribed can influence the likelihood and nature of any side effects. Additionally, the skill and experience of the homeopath in selecting the appropriate remedy and dosage play a significant role in minimizing adverse reactions.
Moreover, homeopathy is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatment for PCOD/PCOS. In such cases, potential interactions between homeopathic remedies and prescribed medications should be carefully considered to prevent any adverse outcomes.
The Importance of Informed Decision-Making:
As with any form of medical treatment, it's essential for individuals considering homeopathic therapy for PCOD/PCOS to make informed decisions. This involves consulting qualified practitioners who can provide personalized guidance based on a thorough assessment of the individual's health status and medical history.
Furthermore, maintaining open communication with both homeopathic and conventional healthcare providers ensures comprehensive care and minimizes the risk of potential complications. By taking a collaborative approach and integrating evidence-based practices, individuals can optimize their treatment outcomes while prioritizing safety and well-being.
In conclusion, the notion that homeopathic treatment for PCOD/PCOS is entirely devoid of side effects is a misconception that requires clarification. While homeopathy is generally considered safe when administered by qualified practitioners, it can still elicit individual responses, including temporary aggravations of symptoms. By understanding the principles of homeopathy, navigating individual responses, and making informed decisions, individuals can harness the potential benefits of homeopathic treatment while minimizing any associated risks. Ultimately, the key lies in striking a balance between alternative and conventional therapies to achieve holistic management of PCOD/PCOS.
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deepikashomeopathy · 6 days
Natural Remedies to Cure PCOD and PCOS: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover natural remedies to cure PCOD and PCOS with Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy. This comprehensive guide explores effective homeopathic treatments, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to balance hormones, improve menstrual cycles, and enhance fertility. Embrace a holistic approach to manage your symptoms and achieve optimal health naturally.
Visit Us :-
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Natural Remedies to Cure PCOD and PCOS: A Comprehensive Guide
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Discover natural remedies to cure PCOD and PCOS with Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy. This comprehensive guide explores effective homeopathic treatments, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications to balance hormones, improve menstrual cycles, and enhance fertility. Embrace a holistic approach to manage your symptoms and achieve optimal health naturally.
Visit Us: https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/pcod-pcos/
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homeoclinic82 · 1 month
Unlocking the Power of Homeopathy: Discover the Best Ear Infection Treatment in India
In a world where modern medicine dominates the landscape of healthcare, an ancient form of healing quietly offers an alternative, promising relief and holistic treatment. This is the world of homeopathy, a medical practice that embraces the natural capacity of the body to heal. My journey into understanding and appreciating homeopathy, particularly in the context of ear infections, has been both enlightening and profoundly beneficial. Here, I unveil the essence of homeopathy, its principles, and its potent efficacy in treating ear infections, revealing why it might just be the best treatment option available in India.
Understanding Ear Infections and Their Causes
Ear infections are a common ailment, particularly among children, and can cause significant discomfort and pain. Medically referred to as otitis media, an ear infection occurs when a virus or bacteria invades the middle ear, the section of the ear just behind the eardrum. This invasion leads to inflammation and the accumulation of fluid, creating a fertile ground for further infection.
The causes of ear infections are multifaceted, including factors such as upper respiratory infections, allergies, and the anatomical structure of the Eustachian tubes. In children, these tubes are shorter and more horizontal, making them more prone to blockage and, consequently, infection. Environmental factors like exposure to tobacco smoke or high levels of pollution can also increase the risk of developing ear infections.
Advantages of Homeopathic Treatment for Ear Infections
At Dr. Khurana Homeo Clinic, the merits of homeopathic treatment surpass mere effectiveness. A key advantage lies in its remarkable absence of side effects. Unlike conventional medications such as antibiotics, homeopathic remedies are gentle and non-toxic, ensuring safety across all age groups, including infants and expectant mothers.
Furthermore, homeopathic care is inherently personalized. Each patient's unique health profile, emotional well-being, and individual traits are meticulously considered by our practitioners. This holistic approach guarantees tailored treatment plans that address the root cause of the ear infection, delivering precise and efficient solutions.
Additionally, homeopathy emphasizes preventive care by enhancing the body's natural defenses. By fortifying the immune system and addressing underlying susceptibilities, our treatments work to diminish the likelihood and severity of future ear infections, offering enduring relief rather than temporary respite.
Best Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Infections
Several homeopathic remedies have been identified as particularly effective in treating ear infections. Among these, Belladonna is often recommended for the early stages of infection, especially when symptoms include a sudden onset of high fever, redness, and throbbing pain. Pulsatilla is suited to cases where the pain is less intense but accompanied by a thick, yellowish discharge, and the person feels better in the open air.
Another remedy, Chamomilla, is favored for its ability to soothe intense pain that may cause irritability or restlessness, particularly in children. Silicea is beneficial when an ear infection leads to persistent fluid buildup, offering a solution to encourage the drainage of this fluid.
It is crucial, however, to consult with a qualified homeopath who can prescribe a remedy based on the specific symptoms and overall health of the individual. This ensures the selection of the most appropriate remedy, maximizing the chances of a successful outcome.
Safety and Side Effects of Homeopathic Treatment
At Dr. Khurana Homeo Clinic, we value the safety profile of homeopathy as one of its most compelling features. Through meticulous dilution, homeopathic remedies contain minimal amounts of active ingredients, significantly reducing the likelihood of adverse effects. This quality renders homeopathy particularly appealing for vulnerable groups like children and expectant mothers.
Nonetheless, responsible use of homeopathy is paramount. While adverse effects are rare, they may occur if remedies are wrongly chosen or improperly administered. Consulting with our skilled homeopaths ensures precise remedy selection and usage, mitigating any potential risks.
Conclusion: Choosing the Best Ear Infection Treatment in India
At Dr. Khurana Homeo Clinic, we understand the importance of carefully considering the merits of various treatment options for ear infections. Homeopathy emerges as a standout choice, emphasizing personalized care, safety, and sustainable wellness. Its proven efficacy in addressing ear infections, combined with its gentle nature and lack of side effects, positions it as an appealing solution for those seeking natural remedies.
In India, where homeopathy enjoys widespread recognition and practice, individuals benefit from a wealth of experienced practitioners and a deep-rooted tradition of holistic healing. By partnering with a skilled homeopath and embracing an integrative approach to health, patients can harness the full potential of homeopathy and uncover the optimal treatment for ear infections.
Source by- https://articlescad.com/unlocking-the-power-of-homeopathy-discover-the-best-ear-infection-treatment-in-india-105578.html
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aurahomeopathydr · 2 months
 Aura Homeopathy Clinic's Natural Approach to Women's Health
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Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus that often appear during childbearing years. While they may not always cause symptoms, their presence can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and fertility issues. Homeopathy doctor in India offers a holistic and personalized approach to managing uterine fibroids, emphasizing the body's natural healing potential.
Understanding Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or myomas, vary in size and can affect women in different ways. Their cause is still largely unknown but is believed to involve genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. Managing fibroids effectively requires a comprehensive approach that addresses these multifaceted causes.
The Role of Homeopathy in Managing Uterine Fibroids
Homeopathy treats uterine fibroids by focusing on the individual's specific symptoms and overall health, rather than just the fibroids themselves. This natural form of medicine aims to restore the body's balance and reduce the size and impact of fibroids without the need for invasive treatments.
10 Best Homeopathy Medicines for Uterine Fibroids
1. Calcarea Carbonica
Ideal for overweight individuals with heavy menstrual cycles and fibroids. It helps in reducing excessive bleeding and supporting overall hormonal balance.
2. Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris
Highly effective in controlling heavy bleeding associated with fibroids, especially when bleeding is accompanied by pain that extends to the hips.
3. Fraxinus Americana
Known as a specific remedy for uterine fibroids, it is used when there is a sensation of heaviness in the uterus, with bearing-down pains and enlarged fibroids.
4. Phosphorus
Suited for women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding with fibroids, especially when blood is bright red and accompanied by clotting.
5. Trillium Pendulum
Recommended for severe bleeding with fibroids, where the bleeding is bright red and accompanied by faintness and dizziness.
6. Sepia
Effective for women with a history of miscarriage, bearing-down sensations, and a feeling of heaviness in the pelvis due to fibroids.
7. Ustilago Maydis
This remedy is used when fibroids lead to dark, clotted menstrual bleeding and significant discomfort during menstruation.
8. Sabina
Indicated for women who experience heavy menstrual bleeding that is bright red and mixed with clots, often improving with walking.
9. Bellis Perennis
Useful for treating the discomfort and pelvic pain associated with fibroids, especially when the pain is relieved by continued motion.
10. Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum
Best for large fibroids with heavy periods and pelvic pain. It is particularly effective for women who feel depressed and overwhelmed due to their condition.
FAQ on Homeopathy Treatment for Uterine Fibroids
Can homeopathy shrink uterine fibroids?
Homeopathy can be effective in managing symptoms and in some cases, reducing the size of fibroids by addressing the underlying hormonal and systemic imbalances.
How long does it take for homeopathy to work on uterine fibroids?
The duration of treatment varies depending on the size of the fibroids and the individual's overall health. Some may notice improvements within a few months, while others may need longer treatment.
Is homeopathy safe for treating uterine fibroids?
Yes, homeopathy is known for its safety and minimal side effects, making it a suitable option for long-term management of uterine fibroids.
Uterine fibroids can significantly impact a woman's quality of life, but managing them doesn't always require invasive treatments. Aura Homeopathy Clinic is committed to providing natural, personalized solutions to women's health issues, including uterine fibroids. Our approach focuses on the whole person, aiming to restore health and balance with the gentle support of homeopathy. By choosing the right homeopathic remedy based on individual symptoms and health conditions, we empower women to achieve better health and well-being.
Aura Homeopathy Clinic, a leading center for holistic and natural health care. Managed by Dr. Abhishek Kasana, the website offers visitors a gateway to exploring comprehensive homeopathic solutions tailored to various health issues. It highlights the clinic's expertise in treating chronic and acute conditions through homeopathy, which is known for its gentle and side-effect-free approach. The site provides insights into the clinic’s methodologies, success stories, and detailed service offerings. Users can easily access information, schedule consultations, and even read educational content to help them make informed decisions about their health care options.
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Is Homeopathy in Australia Effective for Recovering from Health Challenges?
Reputable clinics of Homepathy in Australia, employ qualified and experienced homeopathic practitioners to deliver holistic treatment including women's health, men's health, and kids' challenges such as PANDAS, ADHD, TANTRAMS, Autism, and more. 
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Well-known homeopathy clinic focuses on addressing the underlying causes of health problems instead of only treating their symptoms. Their treatment process and organic medicine made of plants and minerals encourage the body's healing processes to re-establish equilibrium.
Is Homeopathy Treatment Effective for Recovering Health Challenges?
For instance, women's bodies undergo several changes during their lifetimes. They treat PCOS, Endometriosis, Thyroid challenges treat issues with irregular menstruation, fertility, menopause, and more to keep women fit during their hormonal changes. 
A respectable homeopathic clinic and physicians with a focus on personalised physical and mental health by analysing the detailed history of the patient's life and special events, emotional ups and downs, and many other factors. 
Expert homeopathic practitioners offer safe and efficient care and also use a kind and encouraging approach to recover fast without side effects. 
They make patients feel comfortable and confident in their treatment journeys by taking the time to listen to them and by giving them tailored attention and guidance. 
They are an invaluable resource for people seeking the best possible health and well-being because of their holistic approach and knowledge.
Benefits of Visiting Well-established Homeopathy Clinic:
Well-established homeopathy clinics, promote the body's healing capabilities without the use of harsh chemicals or negative side effects, they employ natural remedies like plants and minerals.
Homeopathic physicians treat each patient as an individual, for their particular needs and symptoms.
Using a holistic approach, they promote general health and well-being by addressing the underlying causes of health problems as opposed to only treating their symptoms.
Homeopathic medicines have been used for centuries and are thought to be safe, efficient, and have little chance of negative side effects.
Experienced doctors at homeopathic clinics take the time to listen to their patients and offer tailored advice and support in a welcoming environment.
Overall, search for a well-established and authorised homeopathy clinic locally to get a dependable treatment with ecological medicines to get the best results without any side effects.
Check their success portfolio online, ratings and reviews from their clients on social media and evaluate whether the clinic employs qualified practitioners.
Finally, visit a well-known homeopathic clinic by following the given steps. Get the cost-effective, safe, and supportive care that makes them an invaluable resource for people who are looking to achieve optimum health.
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