#feel like I'm just showing off my portfolio at this point lol lol
ghcstcd · 1 year
I was coming here to say that If You Draw Woman I Will Die but now you’ve shown me bismuth and <3
Biting him and you (with affection)
Also honka him :3c
Sometimes I do. I haven't drawn many women, but I hold many very near and dear to my heart. Most of the women I have drawn are oc's, but I am working on a design for Cumulus right now.
Some of these are up to a year old, and my skill has developed since then.
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cy-cyborg · 7 months
So I'm one of those writers that falls into the trap of world building super hard. I have so many projects I spent months or even years creating, writing lore, doing art for, all kinds of stuff, but never end up telling any actual stories in so they just end up going ultimately unused. One I'm working on right now is likely to fall into this category.
The thing is, I've recently come to the conclusion I enjoy world building more than actually writing in a lot of cases. Don't get me wrong, I still love to write and tell stories and make comics, I won't stop doing that lol, but I also really love making worlds and settings just because I can.
The problem is though, without a story to attach to these worlds, I don't know how to go about actually sharing them in any way. It's fun making things, but to spending so long working on something that no one will ever see is starting to feel... I guess a bit tiering. A few I tried to use little slice of life stories or comics as a way to share the worlds and settings, but they never actually stay slice of lifey. The big comic I'm working on right now, Voidstar, was supposed to be one of these and at some point it went from "cozy space slice of life" to "gay aliens get imprinted on by a baby dragon god and travel the galaxy to fight the government" Needless to say, Scope creep is a bit of an issue for me lol and nothing ever gets done. I also tried making websites on a few occasions or showing stuff off on my portfolio website related to the worldbuilding projects, but that didn't end up working for a bunch of reasons (mainly that my portfolio is on Wix and they're stingy with space for pages/uploads). I also tried World Anvil, and used to really enjoy that, but they've locked way too many features now behind frankly ridiculous paywalls, so It's not really worth it now. Not to mention it was really hard to make WA sites decently accessible.
All of this to say, I want to start sharing these worlds (if nothing else so I stop vanishing from social media for months at a time when I get hyperfixated lol) but I have no idea how. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
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freebooter4ever · 4 months
Hi I wonder
If/when you finish Geno’s sculpture will you be able to program it to move? Like animation?
I’m not familiar with 3d modeling
this is a very good question, actually! cause the easy answer is yes, absolutely. the more complicated answer is that the topology i've modeled is optimized for sculpture rather than animation, so to turn it into an animated character and get clean movement i would have to make some modifications around the sections that deform the most (shoulders, elbows, knees, etc). brief lunchtime course in topology under the cut :)
the topology or 'wireframe' of a character represents the polygons. and each polygon is defined by vertices which are the actual coordinates stored in the computer that tells it to render these objects!
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on the left is the sculpt that im working on, and on the right is the 'smoothed' version where the computer calculates a curved spline between points instead of a flat polygon (with certain specific case like where i've told it to 'crease' edges which will keep the sharp polygon line).
My goal in this sculpt (like the skate and the helmet and the gear) was to keep polycount as low as possible to give myself the cleanest lines in a way similar to how i process drawings. This means i have large shapes with as few polygons as i can get away with, so there's certain areas that have very very few polygons entirely. The biggest example of this is the back and the shoulder/arm connection:
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if i were topologizing this for animation the 'wireframe' lines would be concentrated where deformation happens. So when I raise the arm the shoulder would have enough geo to stay defined and smooth instead of stretching. right now if i bent his elbow it would cause this problem. luckily, im only planning to bend his elbow for a few poses in a final sculpt - so when i finish with the pose i will go back in and add whatever extra geo is necessary.
anyway the purpose of my sculpting with as little polygons as i can is to keep the silhouette as well as keeping it as clean as possible so that it'll look good in toon shaders. (you can see the 'active points' is under 4k' in the corner there)
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the best example i have of this is the face which is absolutely not done so dont judge me but its finally at a point where it doesnt look too terrifying:
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on the right is the quick sculpt i did just to get a feel for his face in 3D - this was done with clay sculpting and you can see even though i used the hard surface brush its made up of millions of little vertices so doesn't have that 'clean' look. the goal is to make the gray spaces between as flat as possible to make that toon 2D look in 3D. :)
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my face topology is based off which lines i want to 'show' as my 'drawing' lines and wouldn't necessarily result in good animation. geno's lips are driving me crazy - i have so many photos and still they aren't good enough. there's that bow shape on his bottom lip that i'm trying to recreate in geo and its slow going. i take a break from whatever apps or shit im working on, tinker with his lip shape for a half hour, and then go back to working lol.
here's an example of a hard surface object which doesn't deform (because if a helmet squishes thats....thats probably a very bad sign for the player) and so can be as high res as i want it to be to get the level of detail i want:
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why am i doing all this? i dunno im crazy. sometime in october a character artist from a big name studio told me my portfolio needed to reflect their 'style' more if i wanted to be hired there and my reaction was well fuck this im figuring out what my OWN style looks like in 3D. probably not the smartest career move. (ive spent 10 years in this industry and i have been a chameleon the entire time blending into everyone else's style. if im spending my own money on this i want it to be mine)
but, going back to the original question, my vision back in october was a beauty sculpt of geno in some action shot - on the ice with the puck or celly. and the sculpt would be crisp and clean and lit with sharp angular lights like how i draw (getting his cheekbone right is a must and makes me cry). and on a turntable. so thats the goal, no animation necessary, and its looking like i might get there in the next month. :)
the, uh, torso sculpt is cause i want to do an extra pose of him looking sexy in his locker stall with his armor gear and shit (pants ON though, you can see i have not sculpted past the waist :P). thats just for me lmao.
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 months
who would you say are the greatest actresses of all time?
Idk, it's all personal taste and my taste shifts a lot.
Call it cliche, I think it's hard to argue against Meryl Streep's range and versatility, the full portfolio she's put together, as it is--her reputation is absolutely earned. I also think she does something consistently well, which a lot of actors, I've noticed as of late especially, don't even seem to bother trying... Accents. I've seen Meryl do Italian, Danish, Polish, Southern, different Southern, whatever the fuck Margaret Thatcher had going on vocally, Julia Child's super distinct voice. I'm not saying she doesn't fall back on some standbys at points, but I think she knows she can because Meryl phoning it in is often still kinda better than a lot of her costars. She showed up for like 30 seconds to sing at Amanda Seyfried (and Meryl doesn't even have the pipes like that lol) in Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again and I wept so.
Viola Davis is just incredible, and probably more talented when you get down to the bare brass. She's another one who can show up and do in like 5 minutes what everyone else can't get done without a 2 hour movie (Doubt, where she out-acted Meryl). She can do vampy high soap theatrics (HTGAWM), historical epics (The Woman King), biopics (Ma Rainey's Black Bottom). She's just beyond, and if it wasn't for the insane racism in Hollywood she'd most definitely have more accolades than she does. It kind of makes you wanna scream when you consider the amount of roles she should have been in the running for against the amount she has been in the running for.
From waaay back when, I think that Vivien Leigh comes to mind for me as an Old Hollywood actress. Might be controversial, but I think that you have to remember that Vivien did not act onscreen that much, so we only have so much footage of her performances... But like? How ever much Gone with the Wind has a fuckton of serious issues, I think her performance was pretty groundbreaking in terms of the amount of time she had to carry, the difficulty of the character and her emotions, and the kind of edgy quality to it all. Then she's arguably BETTER in A Streetcar Named Desire. The slow descent into insanity? Please.
Nicole Kidman is actually up there for me, because I think that when she is on, she does some of the best like "put your camera on an actress's face and watch her fuck shit up" acting. Her monologue in Stoker where she just goes off in this low voice about hating her child and takes in this shaky breath? So so good. She can do all the vampy campy shit with movies like Practical Magic and Moulin Rouge, she can do weird as fuck shit (Birth, Dogville), she can be the villain (To Die For).
Anyway, these are just a few--I also love (the work of) Michelle Yeoh, Angela Bassett, Sophia Loren, Gong Li, Isabelle Adjani, Toni Collette, Olivia Colman, and many more. I tried to stick to people who've been working or worked long enough for me to feel like I got their vibe? There are obviously talented younger actresses, but I think it can take a while to prove your impact.
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tirednerd2012 · 2 years
The oldest sibling , especially when the youngest is going through something, is almost always forgotten. It isn’t purposeful or malicious most of the time, but it’s just a common response.
Joyce never means to brush aside Jonathan, it’s just an instinct after Jonathan became more ‘independent’ in a way with growing up and getting a job so early. Taking care of Will and helping her around the house. Then everything with Will and the upside down happening, it’s just solidified at that point. Jonathan would never blame his mother for it, but it hurts. And that hurt just builds up overtime.
Imagine it’s the smallest thing that sets off his breakdown too. Like after the upside down and Vecna’s defeat, they can all start to live normally again. Go back to school, be with their friends. It’s nice now that they’re all back together in Hawkins. Towards the end of the year, Jonathan gets awarded a scholarship or something to NYU for his photography portfolio. It’s a big thing and the high school is found this big award ceremony for the art program, his portfolio will be displayed and he’ll get the certificate. He really wants his family there, Hopper and El included obviously. Everyone is really excited.
Maybe it slips their minds, or maybe even Will or El have something earlier in the day and the celebration after that carried late into the night. (Tbh Will and El would most likely make it but angst Yknow) Either way, something happens where no one but Nancy ended up coming. She can tell Jonathan’s upset even if he tries not showing it. Every time someone walks in the room, he looks over all hopeful and deflates when he sees it’s not them. She tries her best to cheer him up, offers to take him to celebratory dinner like everyone was supposed to do, but he says he just wants to go home. When he does get home, seeing them all in the living room, he ignores them. Puts the certificate on the kitchen counter and goes right back to his room to lock himself in and blast his music in his headphones.
Joyce and Hopper wonder what that’s all about, see the certificate, and their stomachs just drop.
Okay, I have other headcanons I'm working on but I had to stop and do this one because I'm the oldest and I've had a much similar thing happen to me where everyone forgot my award ceremony in high school... I was class valedictorian and I was getting several scholarship certifications and all that mess and no one showed up. And my family had a house literally right down the street from my high school. I also didn't have many friends in high school lol. Before I dive in and hurt my feelings, I want to say I don't believe this would happen. I don't think Joyce would intentionally miss it and the twins sure wouldn't, but for the angst, let's just go with it.
But Jonathan having this huge moment. He's so excited and everyone is excited for him. But the night of comes and no one's there. I can't imagine El and Will not being there, but Joyce could get caught up with work and I can see Hopper not realizing the time and they don't show up. And he's devastated but he tries to hide it. Nancy says she's sure there's good reasoning, and El and Will just stand there and watch, both unsure about what to do. Nancy offers to take him to the celebration dinner, but he just brushes it off as being tired and asks to go home. Meanwhile Will is on the phone trying to call his mom's work and the house, but no one answers and he's irritated as he joins his brother.
El watches everyone come in the room full of Jonathan's work and tell him congradulations and say how proud Joyce must be of him and she sees a light in Jonathan's eyes die more and more with each one. So she grabs his hand and asks him to explain his work to her. He does, taking her hand and guiding her through the room and explaining, pointing out how pictures of her, Will and Nancy are his favorites. Nancy handles the people coming in, putting on a show about how yes, everyone is so proud of him. She knows they are but she's also upset for him.
Will joins in after attempting to call and follows Jonathan and El around as Jonathan explains his photography to them. Will knows all of it, but he notices the small smile on his brother's face as he goes into great detail about the inspiration behind the photos and why they're so special to him. He listens intently and then brings up the dinner again, telling Jonathan he deserves to be celebrated.
They do go out to dinner with Will's influence, but Will knows Jonathan is still upset about Joyce and Hopper. He tries to phone them again, but no answer once again. Nancy is fuming but she holds Jonathan's hand and brings up how excited he is for NYU. Jonathan agrees and El asks if she can visit him in New York, and Jonathan reminds her that she and Will are always welcomed. Due to the money they got from the government, Jonathan is able to get an off-campus apartment that's essentially paid for and Will and El are always welcomed there. He reminds them he's only a call away and Will says they know this, and tonight's about Jonathan, and he doesn't have to worry about the twins.
Once they get home, Jonathan lays the certificate on the kitchen table. Hopper and Joyce are in the dining room going over something, quietly, and he ignores them. The moment he walks in, Joyce remembers the award ceremony and how they missed it. She tries to talk to him, but he just walks in his and Will's room. El goes to her room after shaking her head at them but Will is the one that gets snippy. He looks at them and asks where they were, and reminds them how that night meant the world to Jonathan. Will also starts to see how Jonathan is pushed to the side a lot when it comes to him and El and it upsets him. He loves Jonathan so much and he feels guilty for it.
And Joyce feels just as horrible. Will walks back to his shared room and both Joyce and Hopper realize how much they messed up. Pits form in their stomachs and Joyce looks like she could cry. They both go to Jonathan's room and ask to speak to him alone. Meanwhile Will was trying to comfort Jonathan, who keeps insisting he's fine and tries to calm Will down. He assures Will he's fine and sends him away while he talks to Joyce and Hopper.
Joyce immediately apologizes and Jonathan tells her it's fine, but Hopper's the one to say it's not. They both got caught up with work and then had an argument, and they ended up forgetting about Jonathan's ceremony and it wasn't okay. He has every right to be furious with them. And Jonathan admits he was disappointed but not angry and when Hopper pushes again, Jonathan says he was angry, but he's used to it. He gets it. Jonathan has been on his own for as long as he can remember. He's taken care of Will, a house, school, held down a job, everything he needed to do. It's not Joyce's fault, Jonathan makes that clear, but it's just what they had to do to survive.
Joyce apologizes, agreeing that Jonathan's always been so independent and she's trying. Jonathan's taken care of himself and that's not fair on him. She doesn't want him to keep hiding his feelings, especially when he's not wrong for being mad. She apologizes over and over again, pulling him into a hug and telling him how proud she is of him and she always is and she's trying her best. Hopper also apologizes but Jonathan once again insists it's fine. He sees Joyce trying even more after that, but he doesn't want to hurt her by letting her know how badly she hurt him.
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pashminalamb · 1 year
Henlooo Belleeeeeee |ω・)ノ
I saw your reply on your other account (I hope you don't mind sending my reply here instead, tell me if it bothers you though! lol AND YESS OLIVER IS INDEED YOURS ;;) Thank you for asking how I've been doing lately <3 So far... It's honestly a mix of ( ; ω ; ) & (//▽//)
I'll elaborate the both of them separately
( ; ω ; )
We needed to have our OJT this semester at college (the reason being it's one of our requirements to finish)
I finished my Resume & portfolio for this during Christmas break so I can enjoy my holidays/new year better
I applied to one of my friend's companies and passed said requirements (a breath of relief for a moment)
It's been weeks now and I haven't received a single reply from any company to I've applied for an internship
I start to question myself "Oh no.. was my portfolio too bad? Was it the resume?!??" "Did I not pass the current standards inside the industry??" and the overthinking continues.
You know that one scene from the Blue Period where Yatora began to question his worth as an artist and slowly went spiraling into a dark void of emptiness?? (He once quit smoking and then he smokes again?) Yea... Minus the smoking part, I feel so--- ugh...
This is going to sound cheesy but, it's actually seeing that you noticed my anonymous asks from your recent last event (the 2.2k Follower special! OMGAHHHHHH Congratulations Oliver Belle!!!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯). I was the one who asked the Rin's (Being proud of him, how to guide the virgin reader, and having a hard time sleeping!!) (*ノ∀`*) The number of times my face went ////////// I was really debating whether to show anon or not c-cuz I'm too timid and...thefactthatIaskednsfwthingssometimesmademescreamontheinsidecuzAAAAWTHDIDIJUST... B-BUT NEXT TIME I WILL SHOW MYSELF NOT ANON!! >:3 I like how it's soooo easy to navigate through your blog here whenever I want to read the previous asksss!!!
ONE OF MY FAVORITE ILLUSTRATORS NOTICED MY MESSAGE!!!! This just happened recently. Y-you see, I saw this video where he explains how a good portfolio works and mentioned "You need to go ask experts, heck, your favorite artists even. Ask them if your art is up to standards or if should you improve this part or nah. Just go and ask!" after being so downhearted since no company still replied to me yet, I've already expected that I'll get the same treatment from h-him. But REALITY said "SIKE!" and a notification from him crossed over to whatever I was looking at that time. What did I do? I SLAMMED MY PHONE TO THE COUCH IN DISBELIEF AND MY FACE-- COMPLETELY FLUSHEDDDDD I-I F-FUEEEEEE??????!?!?????? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) OML A-AND HE SAID---
"Hello! I took a look at the link and you have more experience in working for others than me. I think that's one of the most important things that companies look at. Your art is already good (the colours are pleasant and the lighting is good, you are already familiar and knowledgeable with drawing basics so there's no worries about that!) so the thing that needs focus for portfolio will be the work experience and samples from that work experience ^^)
I CAN'T BELIEVE ITTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I'M JUST FLABBERGASTED WHEN HE CONSIDERED MY ART AS GOOD (and he even finds my colouring pleasant too!!! ;;;;;;; (/▽\*)。o○♡) IT MEANT A LOOOOOOOTTTTT TO MEEE considering what I've experienced from the last couple of days ><
OMFG I GOT RIN IN BLUELOCK WORLD CHAMPION!! My hard work finally paid off ;;; I'm currently aiming to reach his bond points to level 20 so I could listen to his voice lines (Godbless u Ucchi uwu) and apply what I've studied through self-studying the language. So far, I've decoded little bits from the in-game conversations during training sessions. Assistant-chan (us in-game) is patient with Rin and helped him run through sessions. There was this time when Isagi mentioned something about Valentine's choco causing Rin to frown (the game surprisingly have a face model ready for it too). There was also a time when Rin is casually being Rin while Assistant-chan brushes them off or played along which I find entertaining~ I think the game would be releasing your man and Sae too (considering that Sae's icon could be seen in Club Icons)
That's just about it for mee >< Oh yea! About the tag list you'll be making (if u do)... would it be alright to be tagged to sfw, nsfw, and yandere?? :3
Also!! From that one reblog you just posted, I'm currently assuming that you discovered fanfics when you were around high school
Hi mon ange <3 idm you messaging on either pretty, I just dropped my discord on the other acc - so that moots can feel free to text me :) Oliver has been giving me brainrots when i'm learning something new - and cause of that ao3 would be witnessing me creating a fourth work *sigh* so happy to see him in the latest chapters cause i have been waiting patiently for 6 months n over v.v Honestly, i get the anxiety around OJTs - very relatable understanding with Yatora's dilemma too cause he was worried if he was gonna get into a prestigious art school but here's something i learnt - having a positive mind with confidence and faith in yourself can go a really long way. Cheer up you're gonna do fine! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა Aw, thank you for participating in the event! and I hope you had fun playing honestly, i feel some of people n anons are nervous or embarrassed to send in nsfw asks - so I'll have to make some more rules while - there is no slut or virgin shaming on my blog and honestly, I may have ventured on something myself that I am too embarrassed about monsterfucking so... yeah - ao3 is gonna witness an abomination of a fourth book cause of the thoughts i have in my head... mixed with blue lock characters... Congrats Mino! I agree with you on this one, creators are actually thrilled when ppl ask them to review their work or to take a look at it cause ik when I do that, i am stoked and i try to help with what can be improved or places that needs tending to And you got Rin! you're not gonna believe it but the first draft I had of yandere rin was the whole choco fiasco, but then I changed the story line n something even more weird is when I made ghostface! Rin, the trailer for scream chapter 5 came out! n omg Aiku is getting released- I- T^T i will try downloading it (ik i'm gonna abandon it soon cause i did the same with genshin n obey me) And ofc ! I'll add you to the taglist when I release new works on ao3 :> As for the assume game, yes! i did discover fanfics when I was 14 - 15 (was on a quest for knb when i found it) - i began using wattpad n then i shifted to tumblr then ao3 ao3 was confusing for me to use at first n as I got older
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suneiaaa · 1 year
2022 recap!
Hey so I want to reflect about 2022 cause it's been one hell of a year. I do this for myself, but perhaps someone else is curious. I also want to bring back writing blog posts. I hope you'll excuse me if that's difficult and ends up being just a wish though, cause nowadays it's very hard to drop the phone and stop watching silly videos. I hate how our attention span goes off the window just like that. Actually let me make that a New Year's resolution: stop with the silly videos, thank you. The only reason I don't feel guilty about it is because I know it's the way social media is designed that manipulates our attention span left and right lol
In summary, I finished artschool, found my first industry jobs, moved into a new flat with my partner.
That was a lot of changes in a short period of time and I feel like I'm still recovering from/processing it.
In January, I was working really hard on the last 8 pages of Crow of Stone for one of my projects. That was the steepest learning curve up to that moment. From having to change the plot 7 or 8 times, to thumbnailing and scribbling, to storyboards, to handling critique and applying it, to being hella stressed out because perfectionism & still being unable to guess correctly how much information 8 pages can hold. Doing Comics Is So Hard, it's so much harder than you think!!!
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I also put myself in charge of putting together the InDesign document of the zine Crow of Stone was in and that was really stressful FUCK THAT!!!:) We sold our zine at Comic BCN a couple months later, that was also a nice experience.
Then I got a chance to catch my breath but not really because that project ending meant the start of the final project And I Did Not Know What To Do Yet
I focused on adding some more pages to Crow of Stone and make it to the deadline of the International Comic School Contest of Clip Studio 2022 that is very long to write so from now on it'll be 'CSP CONTEST'. That was very important to me! I had always wanted to participate. I couldn't make it during 3rd year (my classmate won though!!) and this year felt like my last chance. So I did that. I had already given up on the idea of making something new with the time I had so CoS would have to do! You can read it here.
We were also Kindly Asked to participate in another scolarship (?) contest and had to create several comic(al) strips as entry. That wasn't too bad even though it didn't go anywhere lol
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A NY WAYS, there went my time for the final project lol
It must have been April by this point. At first I wanted to create a storybook with my OC Neia but I struggled to give the story a... story.
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My brainstorming for a new idea started. And it was a bit desperate. What did I want to draw? Should it be a comic? What did I like to read? Should I make something according to my inspirations? Quick, what are my favorite genres? Tropes? And most importantly, what do I want to tell? Etc. 
Lots of little drawings ensued.
And I finally came up with something that I felt was 'me' enough, and cool enough, and worth exploring. Llamadas Perdidas (missed calls, or lost calls.). The plot is STILL very hard to explain so I will translate it literally below and make of that what you will...
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May. So my final project was pitching this whole thing. Thus creating a portfolio with the premise, plot, synopsys and sample pages. Just like with CoS, storyboarding was hard, thinking was hard. Time was almost up when I decided to pour all my energy into 6 pages. I was even finishing up the cover just a few hours before my deadline. 
That moment was fun, actually. I showed my work to my professor full of self doubt and wondering if it would be enough. He looks at me like girl this is fantastic sdhsjdhsjdh 
I had barely slept that day. On the way to school I found some broken glasses in a puddle and wondered, who could have lost their glasses like that? Flash forward and I'm home and I had taken a quick nap. And I can't find my newest, goodest pair of glasses. Before paranoia got the best of me I went outside and looked for them on the street (yeah I couldn't believe it either). Halfway to my school I gave up and went back home... And I found them before that: someone had left my glasses, intact, on a windowsill. On my fucking street. I had dropped my fucking glasses on my way home. Hah. I'll admit I cried a little bit.
June. As an extraordinary school thing, we were visiting a publisher's installations that day. When we met up with my teacher, for some reason, he said to me something like 'Thank GOD you're here. If you hadn't come I would have killed you. Are you nervous?'
And I said 'No?'
And he replied 'You better be'
Which puzzled me for a bit, but haha... During our meeting with the publishers they actually said 'Later we want to talk to X and Sun' and OH MY GOD was I fucking shocked (laughs)
Yes, they told me they Wanted To Publish Llamadas Perdidas. They saw my pitch and thought it was very cool. So I'll let you imagine the look on my face. Finishing school and already landed my first gig and as an author, no less. Man.
I spent several days being in a weird high and processing and I'll admit I haven't processed it yet. And thus I finished 4 years of art school.
I've written so much so from now on it'll be an actual summary.
Dealing with my first contract, panicking a little bit... On July I also received this good news: Crow of Stone had been awarded a runner-up prize in the Manga category of the CSP contest!
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This was really great!! I fucking loved reading the critique and checking the other entries and I felt very proud...!
Also!!! They contacted me from ANOTHER publisher to work on another comic project. Since comics aren't well paid I took the job too :^) Freelancing in Spain is also hella expensive like you wouldn't believe soo... No, but it's also a good project and I'm glad I'm working on it as well! Can't talk about it yet.
MEANWHILE my partner and I were LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO MOVE IN TOGETHER!! Barcelona is so fucking expensive and it was straight out impossible to find anything decent. Even in the suburbs. So it sucked for a while... but eventually we decided to live in the small town we live in now. And we could find something pretty quickly :') And we moved in in August!!! WAHOO big lifegoal achieved :')
Fall. I've become a freelancer (oh god finances are such a headache...) and have been working on my 2 comic projects mostly. It took a while to adapt to like working everyday but I'm proud at how hard I've been working. Llamadas Perdidas is definitely the most difficult because I want to get it right/so many demons to fight and so much to learn. I'm also happy about the commissions I've been taking and love the style I developed. In December my art school and Clip Studio invited me to have a small panel at Manga BCN where I talked about Crow of Stone. I was honored & happy, especially since I met with my professor (the same I mentioned before) and he was very happy to see me and encouraged me a lot!
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That's about the major events that happened. My reflections? This year has been the steepest learning curve by far and also my most successful. I hope I can grow as an author and artist and keep flourishing. Also I literally just want to pay my bills with my work lol so there's my hopes and dreams. I haven't had much time to draw for myself, planning and drawing comics is super time consuming. But I didn't want to force myself too much and properly adapt to my new life (deadlines deadlines...deadliens...dead aliens...)
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Videogame wise? I played Earthbound. It was the greatest thing I'd played in the longest time. Definitely a highlight. Triangle Strategy was cool too, but I hate Roland with all my heart. Xenoblade 3 was a good game but a disappointment story-wise. I had genuine fun being hyped for it, and playing too, though. So as we say in Spanish 'you can't take away the time in which I've been dancing'. Endwalker was fine though I like Shadowbringers a bit more x) OST wise this year was super fantastic. There were more games but I forgor. Oh yeah, Paper Mario was being great but it broke on me :( Also I became addicted to Eve and blame myself for not discovering him before. It's my fucking jam I admire him a lot.
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To wrap up.
Wish me luck, I'll be working on comics all year, head full, want to maybe try streaming with the mic on,aaaaahhh thank you all for supporting me ESPECIALLY those who have been there for YEARS those who have commissioned me and just. Thank you! Happy New Year 2023, manifesting good mental health for all of us.
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 year
noooo dak what are u doinggg?? at least the hollywood party empress of hollywood had a good time despite getting stood up (and yes ! carlos-roxy moment !!! hell yeah!)
i was gonna ask about unreleased btr songs and if ur gonna include roxy writing any of them! but since thats already answered with shot in the dark (almost forgot that song existed tbh lol) are there any non-btr songs that you feel roxy wouldve written? maybe in her pre-btr days? (with as much/as little spoilers you wanna share of course....)
dak... :(((
at least our girl is pretty good at making the best of bad situations as long as her friends are around to help! (there's another fun roxy-carlos moment next chapter, by pure coincidence)
i was like super worried no one would remember shot in the dark bc it kinda sucks tbh i understand why it wasn't released... but i felt it worked out situationally and since rox isn't feeling 100% its def not going to be the best song she's ever written! with as little spoilers as possible, there will be non-btr songs written by miss roxy but as we saw in the last chapter, gustavo isn't thrilled with the idea of her either marketing herself to other producers as a songwriter or even simply offering up her songs to other artists. in order for this to happen, she needs to have some sort of conversation with him about that and a launching point where she thinks her songwriting talents are going to be more useful elsewhere than in rocque records... yikes!
as i kinda talked about in one of our previous asks, i am certainly not a songwriter so i wont be including anything of my own writing more than maybe a few fudged or changed lines by roxy here and there which will ultimately end up being polished as she writing process continues (like what was happening with "halfway there" last chapter).
also! there's a whole wealth of unreleased btr demos listed on the fan wiki and available for free on youtube that i've been exploring. i don't really think that any of them will end up in the story just because they're not as well known - if known at all - as the songs on their albums. plus i'm going to do my best to work in at least a few of the the songs on albums 2 and 3 that didn't make it into the show... but you never know! i've still got soooo much to write before this story is over!!
as for her pre-btr days... we all know she was in a band that broke up due to the other members taking some of her songs and trying to pass them off as their own... and she did submit a 15 song portfolio at the beginning of this story to her boss who ultimately decided not to do anything with it... hm... i wonder if that'll ever come back...
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tuiyla · 2 years
hope you don't mind my (way, way too long) input as a Klaine Fan™️ - you don't have to post/answer if it's too much for you, I just wanted to share my thoughts - but I feel like Klaine was one of the few things that Matthew Hodgson didn't completely fuck up. in almost the eps he's written, the Klaine parts have been relatively okay and even good in some cases.
I know Glee, Actually is a dud for the most part but I really enjoyed the Blaine/Burt/Kurt family dynamic in their portion of the episode. it could've been better, since our fandom was expecting the mature conversation about Blaine's cheating that we were promised in 4x08 instead of that being overshadowed by Burt's cancer diagnosis, but I blame that on Ryan Murphy (since he admitted to including Burt's cancer storyline as a way to cope w/ his own father's death from cancer) and not on Matt Hodgson. for what he was given to work with, the man did a pretty decent job with the Klaine storyline in that ep and I was more or less satisfied with it.
I'd say that Transitioning was even better. IMO it was by far Klaine's best episode in season 6, because it completely did away with so much of what bothered me about their storyline in S6 (namely Sue's interference in their relationship + the way that she was used to mock fans) and instead it went back to the roots of why they loved (and liked) each other in the first place. plus it included a bunch of fun callbacks to the episode in which they had their first kiss, which I really appreciated. somehow it even made me feel okay with Blainofsky, and that breakup scene in 6x07 was what cemented to me that Karofsky really had grown and changed into a better person and that there were zero malicious intentions in his relationship with Blaine. I'm honestly impressed that the same clown who wrote IKAG managed to pull off an episode like that.
it's kind of odd that Matt did such a good job with Klaine in his eps while completely fucking over everyone else in the same episode (see Glee Actually and the Bram wedding 🤮 compared to Klaine's sweet family storyline), and even in IKAG Klaine got a whole-ass duet while Brittany stayed mute and wasn't allowed to talk to her girlfriend. he gave Kurt and Blaine the best in his eps and didn't give that care to anyone else on the show. hmmm...y'know what, I've solved the mystery - maybe Matt is the evil Klaine anon 🤪
(but then again, Puppet Master exists, so maybe everything I've just said is completely invalid and Matt Hodgson is just the worst as a whole...two decent Klaine eps are not enough to make up for all the atrocities he's committed 🥴)
This is much appreciated!
Klaine (+ Burt) are the saving grace of Glee, Actually for sure, and I think Transitioning is okay for what it is. Haven't watched it in a long while but like, it was alright, and I agree that the Klaine parts were good, even. I'm not sure if there's a reason he did a surprisingly good job with Klaine - I forgot to make this point earlier, but I genuinely believe he's just a bad writer. That doesn't mean he doesn't have good moments, but by putting together his portfolio we can see that there's a theme of completely butchering, well, theme lol and characters for the sake of stupid punchlines or just some random ass plotpoint. I think he's the type of writer who's annoying because they think they're being sooo clever and funny.
Anyway, so whatever the reason may be, I agree with you and I appreciate this perspective. I think he can tap into some good stuff, like the NY stuff in Glee, Actually, while also getting carried away with his own BS. I think it could be fun - well, cathartic at least to properly go through his stories and examine why exactly he's a flop. Except for IKAG because, ugh, shuddering at the thought. And you know I do feel like disclaiming that this is all just about his work 😂 He's probably a decent dude, whatever, I've just had anons trying to make things personal with him and I don't believe in that. I'll leave the man's character alone but I will maintain that he's a shit writer with occasional good moments, and credit where credit is due his handling of Klaine was okay and even good in places. Maybe that's because he is EKA 😌
But yeah, Flopson is still a flop but he gets a "not as much of a jerk bad writer as he could have been" badge. Nothing will ever fully redeem him but he didn't completely suck in his handling of Glee lol. And hey, an actual Klaine discussion instead of whatever EKA is, yay 😂
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literaticat · 3 years
An agent likes my illustration work and is interested to see my author-illustrator ideas but I feel I'm taking too long to get those together and get back to them and feel concerned they will lose interest. Should I update them that I'm still interested and explain or just leave it? Or should I see if they would take me just as an illustrator for now?
I think absolutely update them. Don't make it sound like you are freaking out or anything - just a casual, nice email. Like:
"Hey there, just checking in. You'd expressed interest in my work _____ (at X conference, on twitter, whatever), and I wanted to let you know that this has not fallen off my radar. I'm still working on putting together some author-illustrator ideas to show you.
I'm also open to illustrating for others. If you would like to look at the latest version of my portfolio, here's the link. I'm aiming to be in touch with that other material around ____ {the end of summer, or whatever eta -- setting a time-frame might help you get on the ball!}. If you'd like anything else in the meantime, don't hesitate to let me know. Best wishes!"
I think that will leave the door open if they want to have a convo about whatever else, such as just-illustration, etc.
Here's some real talk: There is an illustrator that I am super keen on, that I feel like I have been chasing/stalking for YEARS at this point, who has never sent me material despite my BEGGING (at least it feels like begging to me!). I don't know if they are nervous or too busy or overthinking it or hate me or what, but I think about it ALL THE TIME. Probably TOO much, maybe they are just scared of me! LOL. Point being, it's all I can do not to pepper them with notes - I've had to restrain myself to only check in rarely because I don't want to freak them out, and I would be THRILLED if they would write to me. So, if this agent is anything like me, it will make their day to hear from you. Do it!
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diviinedogs · 7 years
❣️hoi, what was art school like? I'm planning to go myself (and my family is pretty passively aggressively turning me down), but I just want to know what skills do you learn? What is the experience? Thank u for your time! Ur blog and art are amazing btw
hI I think it really depends on the school but I can give like the idea of two of them since I went to another school for precollege to see if it was something I’d be interested in majoring in! C./C/A and I went to Ri/.ngli./.ng and my parents are actually letting me go back to school now so hopefully I’ll be back there in Fall c’: also thank you for liking my stuff!
this ask is gonna long because I know I’m gonna ramble so I’m gonna call the schools C and R so I don’t have to do the slashes all the time! C’s experience was a specific  1-2 month course so it’s nothing like actual college at R so feel free to skip down to it, I just thought it was important to add since it was my first experience at an art school
and after I talk about the schools I’ll say what stuff’s good to include in your portfolio, of course this is based on my experience but for the most part it helps in what you should try strengthening 
I did animation at C, which was 2D in the morning and 3D in the afternoon. I did precollege the summer before my senior year cuz it’s like the college experience before college so you do get the feel of how it is being on your own, and I wanted to see if I was good enough to pursue something art related. At this point, my parents were on the fence about the idea, so it would help them too. And C’s in California, so I had a bunch of relatives who could show me around and who I could stay with during the weekends
experience wise, the teachers and TAs I had were really nice, so in 2D it was stuff like learning Principles of Animation and the first thing we did was a flipbook animation I think? and then it went to looking at scenes from movies for inbetweens and character sheets and we all worked together reanimating a quick scene from a movie. In the end, we all chose a really short scene from an animated movie to study and reanimate for our final
while in 3D, it was just learning around Maya and doing animation exercises each day with it, eventually working your way up to a mini film (nothing’s completely rendered though! just models), other than that it was pretty much the same as 2D
so basically, I learned the basics and they were really helpful, but to be honest I felt a bit lost with how free it was, you basically had to learn everything on your own with the teachers just checking your work. I was really good at 3D but it... wasn’t fun for me lol so I decided that after this I’d want to stay in the 2D realm of things
now for R! My parents were worried about the starving artist myth and all that, so they would absolutely not let me do Illustration even though that’s what I really wanted, so I chose Game Design and I was like hey I’ll deal with it or like maybe I’ll like it. If not, I could always try convincing my parents to let me switch my major. 
the way things work at R is that all the majors are put into categories, so Computer Animation, Game Art, and Illustration are all the Media Arts majors. All Freshman take basically the same type of classes and things start breaking off around the second semester of freshman year. Eventually you like see no one outside your major lol
and lET ME TELL YOU........ R HAS A VERY HEAVY WORK LOAD, so you gotta be prepared for that. I think just about all art schools are like this, but R’s very strict on it.  Manage your time wisely, there’s a lot of times I’ve seen people pull all nighters just to finish all their assignments. I was really bad at managing my time too, so when I go back I need to be more strict on myself. It’s better to do things early and relax than relax until last minute and have anxiety hell. Not many of the teachers are about how much homework you have in other classes. Also, it’s good to not do things last minute because then you can relax earlier and scanners and place you go to take photos aren’t crowded.
and trust me, your teachers will know if you did something last minute, and they can tell whether effort was put into something or not. 
Now for classes, I’ll talk about just freshman year since that’s probably what’s most helpful to you right now and since I was made to drop out by my parents I’ll probably be repeating like the second semester of that rip.... anywAY
so, R starts you with foundation, so figures classes, 2D design, drawing (this one’s perspective! so important but rip everyone forgets everything after that semester so I should probably start studying perspective again)
the figure classes at R are sO GOOD............ you improve a lot with those, a few weeks into it I was thinking about the figures I had in my portfolio and was just like...... fuck these are so shitty how the hell did the school accept me.... of course the experience depends on the teacher, but I loved my figure drawing teacher he was really cool and good. He did demos at some point every class to where we would all just hover over his shoulder and watch him draw while he explained what he was doing. You i
2D design I hated because like...... abstract... it’s supposed to help you work with compositions and such but I really don’t understand abstract and execute it properly so that was a really difficult class for me 
drawing class is just doing still life and perspective exercises, you don’t really get to the fun part till second semester, I forget the other exercises but I remember that towards the end there was one where you designed a car (like a fun spin on it like.... I think mine was a firefly styled car? yeAH)
other classes were Film & Narrative (so studying films, it was cool) and Writing Studio, which is just like a writing class, they don’t really apply to skills/experience in art so I’ll skip over those
second semester, you still have Figure Drawing, but there’s more of a focus on stuff and you get to draw animals too (sadly no, no real animals come into the classroom. You work off of projections and then there’s a field trip to a big cat sanctuary)
drawing II gets fun because you finally get to use photoshop for your still life and assignments, the assignments get more fun like the Tro/./.ja./n Ho//rs/e assignment. Like you could either do the actual one or draw a similar scenario, I’m totally blanking out on what I did but one of the examples was like a giant wooden mouse with cheese and in the back were cats watching the actual mice. Anyway, it had even more of a focus on compositions and colors. 
Another assignment was designing a character’s room. It could be any character, but you couldn’t have anything that gave away their name. People had to be able to guess who the room belonged to just by looking at it. Sounds hard, but fun. If the character you chose had like a specific style from the concept art of where they’re from you’re free to use that too! I did Kida from Atlantis and one of my friends did Greg Universe’s room, so she got to imitate SU’s background style which was cool to see!
3/D desi/gn was............. super difficult to me, I almost failed that class >w>;;;; because it was woodshop type stuff and polymer clay depending on what you wanted. However, every assignment you did would lead up to the grunt assignment, which was like, you had three designs of things that would be possible grunt level monsters, and you essentially pitch a game idea to the class and they pick the best. SO again, modeling especially with actual clay is hard for me but it was a great experience when it came to designing and stuff. There’s more but I don’t want to get into all the assignments
3/.D design differs based on what major you’re in, and you only get it if you’re doing one of the Media Arts majors, but I’m pretty sure for the most part they’re the same?
if you major in Game Art or Animation, then you also take traditional animation, which was really fun but tbh...... I only knew how to do animation because of me being at precollege at C and then like learning stuff on my own, you were really left alone a lot, which is the same for some of the other classes. They’ll help you if you ask, but if you don’t then you can’t really get helpful feedback. Again, it depends on the teacher. The one I had was really nice and I frequently went to her for help.
so despite how some assignments/classes were hard for me, I really loved R and I’m excited at my parents giving me the option to go back, I just need to do a portfolio again >w>;;;; R’s a really good school with a lot of great resources. All of my issues came from problems with people (not teachers just other students) there and I’m not gonna get into those cuz personal lol
OKAY SO for portfolio tips
still life
ANIMALS, it makes you have a better understanding of anatomy and stuff
try to have a mix of media in there, like I mainly do digital but still have some traditional stuff to show that you know how to use those
I would keep figures realistic and not stylized so they can see that you have an understanding of them
depends on the school I think, but R strictly says in their guidelines to not do fantasy stuff like unicorns and dragons
NO FAN ART.......  you can have it but you need to be really, really vague? if that makes sense, like people shouldn’t be able to tell it’s fan art
have what you’re applying for in your portfolio, so like depending on what you want I’d add concept art stylized stuff or character designs 
you gotta have your best work in there, like some people like having okay/bad work to show how much they improved but that’s a bad idea, if you don’t think something’s good don’t put it in for colleges to see 
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diary-iguess · 6 years
J: nothing bad it was just really hot and i changed clothes twice
wake up 7 o clock for my interview, eat one piece a bread and some orange juice
ace di interview
dem tell me fi fill out the application twice
some yout try sell me a jelly candy
it cant open, but eventually does
Monique forwards
i meet her friend in the painting studio and we go get a box lunch
i sit down and eat the food
im sweating my life away
R: pepper?
J: before meeting the hustling yout, i left my portfolio in the hr office so mi did have to go back for it
no it's just hot af inna kingston
and i was wearing a long sleeve shirt
Paige seh him nah fwd fi di shoot
Thevrtistisjvmvicvn is sitting next to me, but i'm talking more than he
me a wonda how he can go school in full business attire and not become a puddle of sweat
Yanah appears and asks if she can have something nutritious
on campus
like a shake
Juice immediately says no dawg
Juice is working on a mythological drawing, but the paper he's using is trash and i tell him so
he says something about how it will still sharpen his skills and i said he needs watercolor paper if he's going to mix it with watercolor
is my story interesting?
i'm interested in telling a good story
R: I'm more interested in your friend's names
J: thevrtistisjvmvicvn said he wants to be a curator, but hasn't curated any shows yet
i tell him do that shit
R: Thevrtistisjvmvicvn, Yanah, Monique and Juice
I actually fucking love Juice
Now i know there are places I can't say that out loud
J: i ask my father if he can pick me up because Paige nah forward
he replies hmm
lmao have you seen the film?
my phone is dying and i have no credit because the tuck shop only selling $500 credit today
*back to the story*
i'm telling you this from my laptop
R: What parent says "hmmm"? was this a text?
J: yes
i knowwww
can't even K me
my shoes too big for me, so i stand on them instead of wearing them for a bit
Juice is playing music on his phone and one of the songs is from frank ocean's second project that he released the same time as blonde
my mind is blown
R: That must be some song
J: Yanah returns from the tuck shop with water still disappointed that there is no health food available
more mindblowing that he released two projects at once
i tell theartistisja that i like doing projects with many layers of meaning and process
i talk about my ananse storybook thesis and how i want everyone to know ananse is a deity and amina blackwood meeks taught me that
i say something like "yea, she's rad"
i talk about how the first time i met easton lee, i believed someone when they joked that he was 100 years old
and hoped that he didnt remember when i asked him if it was true
im dying laughing rn
my cousin invites me to sit and do work together at starbucks later
my father sends me a message "M is here, please call her through K-dollasign"
R: googled Easton Lee
J: lmao what did you find? he and my grandmother are friends
they're both legendary chinese-jamaicans
R: I can see he's definitely chinese-jamaican
J: yes and so is my grandma lol
R: author, poet
not bad
J: but no doubt their swagger is enwrapped in their proximity to afro-jamaicanness
wow he's 87 this year
or 86?
M is my grandmother
i message K-dollasign
"i heard grandma M is here"
he replies "makes sense"
but intonates that he was not previously informed
i try to decode my father's message and K-dollasigns response
"makes sense"
he must be referring to Shutterbug's wedding
the same one i wasn't sure i was invited to
are you going?
J: wait nuh man
R: lol
J: okay so i reach home, turn on my laptop
charge my phone
i frantically whatsapp my relatives
fb message uncle Macbook to get in touch w grandma
i try to search the internet for clues as to when this wedding will be
my sister says i should just ask Shutterbug if i can come
so i do that
uncle Macbook replies me with a different number to call, i call, get grandma
she says "no, no, no, you can't come to the wedding, the guests have already been counted and there's too many"
my heart sinks
i say, okay, well i can still see you today?
my cousin Carlton who wants to go to starbucks has arrived at my house
R: woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
J: i try to devise a plan with Carlton and grandma and my dad all talking at once to pick grandma up and she says something about not wanting to be stranded and i say we would never let that happen to her
the phone isn't working very well and at some point my father has the phone
i return to my whatsapp messages on the laptop and Shutterbug has replied!
"hey, we were overcapacity a few months ago, but there's some space now. if you can make it on sunday, please come"
i tell grandma what she said
"okay, but how are you getting there? and where are you going to stay?"
i had not thought of this second part
the wedding is in mobay
on a beach
just sleep on the beach and get dressed in someones room in the morrow
J: i quickly say "aunty Rose's"
and she has already said she's very busy today and the plan to see me nah work out
"see you in mobay then!"
okay bye grandma, i love you!
"i love you too sweetheart"
now i have to whatsapp aunty Rose and see if she will shelter me
and K-dollasign to see if i can drive with him
R: funny at points but not a bad day
J: Carlton still deh yah a try reach liguanea fi get some food
the story did not get resolved yet
it wasnt a bad day just long af
R: wait what
J: let me try summarize
R: Well I mean, between Yanah's Healthy snack Crisis and the Wedding Snafu, I thought the day was sealed with you tryna get aunty Rose
J: I was also supposed to meet Pearl at starbucks for 3pm
when Carlton and i pull up to starbucks, Rose a walk up deh too
R: 'the hell? Starbucks is a spot now?
J: that's the culture of the company
im like baffled as to both my grandmother and father asking me if starbucks is an appropriate place to link and do work together
that's how they've been selling the place for at least the last ten years
i order a tall strawberry and cream frappe w coconut milk and Carlton is very excited to get a pumpkin spice frappe, no latte because he doesn't want to burn his tongue
yesterday Pearl showed me a video she edited featuring this black guy with ginger hair, Souffrant
Souffrant appears before us in starbucks and sits at our table
i'm supposed to edit my own video with Pearl's color correction advice, but i'm still trying to figure out my travel situation
before we went to starbucks, we walked to tastees and my mom replied to my frantic messages about grandma and the wedding with "ur not paying attention to what i tell u"
there's like a whole thing where i'm trying to get my cousin Jazz's number to ask if i can go from kingston to mobay with him because K-dollasign is unavailable.
aunty Rose says of course i can stay with her and of course she has Jazz's number
resolve dat, so mi have a place to stay and a drive
there are several unrelated phone calls that need to be made but mi still nah no credit, so i borrow Souffrant's phone
then the next chapter is me, Carlton, and Pearl trying to walk to sov after i finally finish editing my video.
i take some really dope shots of the sunset
pause for incoming illustration
R: i mean
make hay
all of the birds with 1 stone
J: -picture of sov-
R: this is sov
but its sov
J: it's the golden sunset reflecting off the walls
then we all go to kfc and then i try look for some shoes to wear to the wedding, but then mi nuh even know if it's really a beach ting, but never fear, my likkle sister is here to whatsapp me the link to the wedding info website the couple set up!
it's a garden brunch affair ting
so we think to go to lee's instead of payless and when we reach back in fronta payless di people dem close
so now i will go to the thrift store tmrw to cop a whole new fit from the dress to the shoes.
when i reach home my father is going to the airport and grandma (dad's mom, not the one i was tryna see earlier) asks me to come with them which i would have done anyway.
driving back from the airport, grandma's bajan soca music continues to play in the car, but it seems louder now without dad's voice. i try to talk to grandma about herself. i ask about high school. she says, "do you expect me to remember 50 years ago"
i'm like yes of course
she said
i was head girl"
of course! i say
and she was also in charge of sports such as running
the drive back home is very slow because grandma cant really see in the dark
when we finally reach home and i lay inna mi bed, mi wonda why mi so tiyad
and now i know why
thanks for tuning in, this has been an appreciation for the life we live, by Jeana like jeans pants
totes forgot the best part where K-dollasign pulled up on Carlton and me in traffic when we walked back to the plaza to get to the car
then another man pulled up on us and Carlton cuss me jokingly bout how i know everyone and we probably see someone else weh mi know
R: like bloodcleet jeans pants
yea, cause clearly you're a superstar
beer people, links and visits
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