#favorite flowers
faiiryteethh · 1 year
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 8 months
i apologize Sun and Moon , i'm gonna change the subject for a bit i guess..
what are your favorite flowers or berries ? :) and i hope you're are all okay !
*sighs* "I like...violets and bilberries. Sun likes all kinds of flowers, his favorite berry is the cloudberry. Lunar likes tulips, and I don't know what his favorite berry is."
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lapetitebabydoll · 4 months
What's your guys favorite flowers, mine are gardenias, magnolias, peonies, and camellias!
I wanna know so I could put them in my garden hehe 🎀
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princesssarisa · 5 months
I wonder… What are the March sisters' (Amy, Jo, Beth and Meg) favorite flowers?
Well, Little Women has several references to roses throughout, so I'll assume that all four sisters like roses. Each sister also has her own portion of the garden where she plants certain flowers, so those specific flowers must be favorites too.
Meg I imagine likes pale pink or peach roses; "blush roses," which her sisters all wear as her bridesmaids. Old-fashioned and ladylike. She also likes heliotropes, myrtle, and orange blossoms, all of which she grows in the garden. Once she falls in love with John, she comes to love lilies of the valley too, because they're his favorite flower.
Jo doesn't care much for "sentimental" things (except in stories), but I imagine she does like vibrant red roses, as well as bright yellow sunflowers, which she sometimes grows.
Beth I think likes white roses. A white rose is associated with her recovery from her scarlet fever, after all. Meg picks it to place in her hands if she dies, but instead, after her fever breaks, they place it by her bedside to be the first thing she sees when she wakes up. She also loves "old-fashioned fragrant flowers": sweet peas, mignonette, larkspur, carnations, pansies, and southernwood.
Amy is probably disappointed that roses don't come in blue, but I see her liking red or pink roses anyway. She also loves the flowers she grows – lilies, honeysuckle, and morning glories – and she's mentioned to wear azaleas at one point in France, so she must be fond of those too.
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amone448 · 2 months
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“You were made to bloom,,🌻
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acepumpkinpatrick · 8 months
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dragonfury4250 · 8 months
I forgot I wrote this. Here's a screenshot of what happens in my notes app when the world has been too quiet for too long.
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orion-mp5 · 4 months
Pokemon Nuzlocke
So, because I hate myself and my mental health, I've decided to do a Pokemon Scarlet Nuzlocke, but my rules.
I have to google a list of pokemon in a certain area, assign them a number, then use a number generator to see what I get. The pokemon also needs to a marked female, marked to make it harder, female because ~Women~. I am aloud to use my starter, but I made sure to have her as a girl. I can catch a shiny, but unless it's a girl, I can't use it, and I can't use titan pokemon, that makes it too easy.
I will be documenting my journey on Tumblr, partly so I finally finish a nuzlocke, secondly because it just sounds fun to do.
I will also be using elements of my own background for her that will slowly be revealed, like some Poketubers who do it to spice up their runs.
And without further a due, my journey begins.
-------Day one, 1/23/2024-------
I get up from reading a book and head down stairs, my chaperone's Skwovet nagging me to move faster. I get to the kitchen, listen to info about the school my parents enrolled me in, let the director in so he can have a chat with her about my dorm situation, and grab my bag and hat to head outside. There I meet my special little starter Sprigatito, who I named Spider Lily, which is my favorite flower. (It's beautiful, and I want some, but it's poisonous like most lilies T-T) I also met Nemona and become her friend, because I don't know how to make friends, and she's loud and weird, so I feel like we'll get along.
I then two hit K.O. her duck before heading over to Poco Path. I didn't catch the Lechonk, for it was male and likely unmarked. Instead, I rolled for a ..... Yungoose. I hate Yungoose, and it's a rare spawn, so I rerolled so the intro doesn't last longer than the original HOUR AND THIRTY. So with a reroll, I got Tarountula. I caught one with the unsure mark on my first try (So my time thing was a good idea) and named her Crochet. Sadly, she's pretty weak, so leveling her up just resulted in A LOT of visit heals with Nemona... Still alive, but she gave me a couple panic attacks.
After having her kill her own kind and a bunch of pigs, I head towards the light house, but slip and fall off the cliff because I'm a clutz. My phone stops my fall, making my hands ache in the process, and see a giant red feathered lizard being harassed by a bunch of mean fire puppies, which were then scared off with a big roar bEcAusE iT's a BiG sCaRy LizaRd-
I gave it a sandwich my chaperone gave me -sorry Debby- to make it feel better and watch it power up and head into the cave. After trecking through, reassuring Nemona we're not dead, and running from Houndoom, we get outside and head for the light house. We meet Arven and I IMMEDEATLY want to be his friend, because look at him! He's cool! He then challenges me to see if I deserve Koraidon, who I will be calling Dr. Pepper.
I three shot his Skwovet quickly, earning Dr.Pepper's pokeball easily. He runs off and Nemona and I climb the lighthouse to look at the scenery. Seeing it makes me grateful my parents decided to send me here of all places, it's absolutely beautiful! We head over to South Province Area One, which means I can get a new pokemon! I roll for encounter and I get.... Magicarp!
I head to the water and start fishing to get a marked girly, after catching 16 Magicarp I caught one with the Thorny Mark and named her Kitty and finally went to Los Platos, healed up, and got some more pokeballs. After leveling Crochet a little more I went to the South Entrance of Messagoza Nemona chalanges me to a battle and I wipe the floor with her using Spider Lily. And with that, I enter Messagoza, ending day one of my adventure. Thank you for reading, I shall post again tomorrow.
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forgettingcrowbin · 11 months
hi may i know your favorite flower \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
wanna draw smy~th for a fellow afterdeath enjoyer
AHHHH hello!!! My favorite flower are forget-me-nots, especially the blue variety! :D THANK YOU!!
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aliceaddsocks · 6 months
Her favorite flowers were those she clipped from others’ gardens.
She would receive shock treatments and head straight to work at Shillitos. Oot naboot today on the outskirts of Cincinnati, mashing Geocaching and Cemeteries again. Came out to see the Stone Dollhouse at New St. Joseph Cemetery. The Stone Dollhouse was a playable dollhouse grave marker for the stone carver John Keatings three children who died very young. You can find this and more on Roadside America .com to aid in your trekking for the weird and interesting. Also managed to pick up a couple geocaches at the same time- win!
The last of the day surprised me and made me sad I was out of favorite points. It’s rare that a micro will turn my head, but this one was all in the description. Do yourself a favor and read the bottom picture (I know- and smell this sound). It weirdly made my day.
Happy Hunting….
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Deltarune Headcanons | MC favorite flowers
So, I’ve been working on this series of Deltarune fics, in which flowers are extremely important. Ralsei and another character have a conversation over tea at one point about flowers and the superstitions surrounding some of them. The other person asks him what his favorites are.
That got me thinking about what everyone’s might be. So, I did some research and found what I think would be Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Lancer, Noelle and Berdly’s favorites. I also included my OC Síofra for fun.
Tell me what you think. I’d love to hear other interpretations :)
Kris: Poinsettias
I know, I know. A lot of people are going to say that Kris probably likes buttercups because of how important those flowers are to Undertale and by extension Deltarune lore, but just hear me out here.
Poinsettias typically come in red, with five, sharp petals that make them resemble little stars. They’re commonly used as a representation of Christmas. Their direct meaning is literally, “Be of good cheer.” In their childhood, Kris spent a lot of time over at the Holiday household. While we aren’t given an explicit reason beyond them going over to play the piano and occasionally prank Noelle, we can easily infer that they could be going over to get out of their house. One day, Noelle says that Kris just stopped coming over. While this is likely in relation to the Dess incident, it could very well also be when Asgore and Toriel finally split up.
Apart from their red color possibly being something Kris would like, given they are a symbol of Christmas, it’s not hard to imagine the Holidays having them decorating the house. Kris may have learned to associate poinsettias with safety, peace and an opportunity to play the piano.
Susie: Yellow dandelions
It’s a bit difficult to imagine Susie of all people liking flowers at all, but given the dandelions edibility, I would beg to differ.
Dandelions, as some might know, are edible flowers. They can be turned into salads, as all parts (the flower, the stem, the bulb and the root) are edible and actually decently healthy. Given the likelihood of Susie either having an unsafe home, or no home at all, it’d make sense for her to be in the outdoors often, and based off of the green area and forests around Hometown, it’s not hard to imagine a surplus of dandelions.
Yes, I am suggesting that Susie eats dandelions. It’s not much of a stretch if you ask me. She’s eaten weirder things literally on screen. Not to mention, they’re yellow, one of the core colors in her Dark World design.
But that’s not all. Dandelions have a beautiful and very fitting meaning when we think about rough and tumble Susie. They represent life after a harsh winter, rebirth and an incredible, inspiring strength. If that isn’t Susie, I’m not sure what is.
Ralsei: White roses
Maybe there aren’t flowers in the Dark World, though I do include them in the series. Either way, it’s not hard to picture Ralsei reading up on flowers from one of the thousands of books he no doubt has inside his castle.
White roses are very delicate and easy to mistakenly break. I can see Ralsei treating any flower with care, and he may have just the perfect gentle touch to keep a single white rose alive for a very long time. Perhaps he’ll press it into the pages of a journal when it begins to wilt. That way, it’ll last much longer.
White roses also are a symbol of innocence and love between friends. While he has seen a lot, Ralsei certainly shows a sort of naivety in Chapter One, especially in the battle with the Spade King. He is also clearly very affectionate toward both Kris and Susie, and his care and love for them both is spelled out rather obviously.
However, these aren’t entirely pure blooms. They also symbolize silence and secrecy. I love Ralsei dearly, but his behavior through Chapter Two has been rather suspect. Not only did he stay silent about The Roaring until the very last second, but he’s clearly keeping things from us the player, shown by his, “That’s why, Kris,” when we return from watching the Susie cutscenes. I adore him, but he certainly has secrets.
Lancer: Squash blossoms
You may know the reasoning of this one already, especially if we have the same taste—no pun intended—in books.
Squash blossoms are here less for their symbology and more for, like dandelions, the fact they’re edible. While it isn’t dived into as much as it could be, Lancer is clearly not treated well by Spade King. Unlike Susie, he clearly can afford food, as he’s the son of a literal king. Like her, however, he expresses that he didn’t get anything to eat for breakfast apart from the treat he and Susie share at the bake sale, and later the piece of Dark Candy they pick together.
Squash blossoms don’t require any preparation and can be eaten straight from the garden. They’re also apparently very good when fried. Surely I can’t be the only person picturing Lancer enjoying fried food, right?
An interesting end note though. While I chose these not for symbolism, they apparently were a symbol of status in some indigenous tribes, which I find endlessly interesting.
Noelle: Hellebore
This one relates partly back to poinsettias, but more so because hellebore is also called by another very particular name, a Christmas rose.
Not only do these lovely flowers bloom in wintertime, but they sum up Noelle rather well if you ask me. A symbol of peace and tranquility, but also anxiety and fear.
The latter two are easier to explain. While it’s not specified in game, it’s likely Noelle suffers from some form of an anxiety disorder. She’s constantly nervous, stammering over her words, worrying she said or did the wrong thing, apologizing and letting others talk over her. Hellebore clearly displays this, but that isn’t why I chose it for her.
Hellebore, as stated above, symbolizes peace and tranquility. For Noelle, Dess was a sanctuary. A place of peace, serenity and tranquility, where she didn’t have to be afraid that she was going to do everything wrong. Picturing Dess and a young Noelle together in the snow. Dess tucks a hellebore flower into Noelle’s hair and then one into her own so they can match. Noelle smiles, touching the petals, then finds the courage in her to get to her feet and go to join the nearby Kris, who’s trying to build a snowman.
Berdly: Elderflowers
I think I have a thing about picturing characters eating flowers. I didn’t mean to, I swear-
Elderflowers are what come before the far more well known elderberries, which are commonly eaten by bluebirds, which Berdly openly describes himself (and Kris) as. While I don’t imagine Berdly eating the flowers, I can picture him enjoying the berries. He’d probably memorize the scientifics behind them just to rub your nose in it.
All jokes aside, these flowers also have a beautiful meaning when in relation to him as a dynamic character. Rebirth and renewal. Redemption, if you will. Berdly really won the fans over in Chapter Two with his character arc. These flowers can show that easily, and they’ll make a nice snack later on too.
Síofra: Primroses
I promise that this has more than just the fact the fae like them-
Primroses bloom at night, and it’s truly a magical experience to see (or in my case feel) one open up under the stars. Síofra, while not explained in their backstory post from before, treat the night sky, primarily the stars, as their religion. I can say with confidence that they may believe that primroses are blessed by the night in some way.
These flowers also can be placed on one’s doorstep to gain the approval of the fae. Síofra would certainly appreciate that, and they might end up stealing it too, but that’s beside the point.
These flowers also can relate back to The Song of the Lightwalker, which is spelled out in their backstory post. They literally say, “I can’t live without you.” Meanwhile, the Lightwalker’s song says how, “She shall die for whom she loves most,” which is easily pulled in with the flower’s symbology.
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faiiryteethh · 11 months
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engraved-darkness · 8 months
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Takes me to see flowers, and always makes sure I have my favorite flowers in my vase at home 🌻
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My Favorite Flower Photos for 2022
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princesssarisa · 7 months
What are the favorite flowers of the Disney Princesses?
Some of these have basis in canon, others are just my headcanons.
Snow White: Yellow daisies.
Cinderella: Lilies.
Aurora: Wild pink roses.
Ariel: Coastal ice plant flowers
Belle: Roses, especially red or pink ones.
Jasmine: What else? Jasmine.
Pocahontas: Sunflowers.
Mulan: Magnolia flowers.
Tiana: Water lilies.
Rapunzel: The sundrop flower.
Merida: Thistles.
Anna: Sunflowers.
Elsa: Snowdrops.
Moana: Hibiscus.
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thebeautyjoythings · 11 months
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