#Deltarune headcanons
ariadnesweb · 2 years
it is canon that:
Noelle would mercilessly grind her Catz to get the right combination, eliminating all Catz that strayed from her path
Noelle has a morbid curiosity, and it gives her the determination to see scary and messed up things, like videogame creepypastas, despite her emotional response to cry and fear
I conclude that:
Noelle could complete an Undertale No Mercy route
Noelle would stream her No Mercy Playthrough and be an instant hit, because everytime someone dies, Noelle spends 5 minutes grieving the person she just killed
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icebitezart · 8 months
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Here's some headcanon designs I drew up for the Holiday family! In hindsight I should've tried to find a more unique outfit for Rudy, I doubt he just wears a white top like that, and I'm pretty sure that's just what he wears in the hospital, but I'm really proud of my designs for Noelle's mom (named Carol) and Dess!
I tried to take a less is more approach and combine aspects of designs I enjoy for both from other people, and I hope it turned out alright.
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tigerbears · 4 months
Ok, going to add to the "Trans Noelle antlers" discourse.
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First, disclaimer this is all just for fun and stuff not telling you that Noelle is or is not trans, just had some thoughts after thinking what causes antlers to grow.
Let's go through the debate cycle again.
"Noelle is trans because she has antlers." "Noelle is a reindeer and both male and female reindeer have antlers." "Male and Female reindeer loose their antlers at different times"
I want to add another step to that cycle.
"Would HRT affect when Noelle sheds her antlers?"
From this paper, testosterone lowers when male reindeer are about to lose their antlers, but those that are castrated (and thus dont have any T in their system) actually keep their antlers over the winter in the long run. The study also shows that hormones like estradiol are likely what lets female reindeer keep their antlers into spring.
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Now this can mean many things for Noelle. If Noelle is on HRT, she would likely have a similar Antler cycle to IRL female reindeers if she like cycled her hormones or something.
(Basically similar to how some folks try and change their hormone doses to match a menstrual cycle, except for Noelle this would be a yearly cycle and not monthly.)
Or, maybe Noelle doesn't cycle her HRT, and in that case idk what would happen. Maybe she'd lose her antlers later then male reindeer, but earlier then female ones. Maybe if its high enough it would keep her antlers for longer, or prevent them from shedding or something? Idk I just skimmed the article and I feel like I'm already doing to much to research a lesbian deer girl from a video game.
Even if Noelle was on puberty blockers, then she'd at least keep her antlers for the winter, like male reindeer without testosterone.
(Also, if Noelle was a deer and not a reindeer, then hormones/blockers would likely prevent her antlers to grow in the first-place once they've been shed.)
I have only just learned (in April) that this is inaccurate for deer. If Noelle was a deer and started blockers before growing antlers, the above is correct. If she started blockers after developing antlers, she'd still grow antlers, it's just they wouldn't leave the velvet stage and wouldn't naturally shed.
I have no clue what HRT would do though because I don't think scientists have injected male deer with estrogen. (COME ON SCIENTISTS DO IT FOR SCIENCE!)
Now I guess there's one more question, if Noelle is trans, would she be able to access HRT or puberty blockers?
Well, Rudy at least supports her identity, so he likely wouldn't have any problem with Noelle medically transitioning.
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If Mayor Holiday was transphobic, and had the authority to keep Noelle from gender affirming care like Hormones or blockers, you would think she'd also put her hoof down on her daughter presenting femme too. (and Rudy might have something to say if his transphobic wife tried to prevent his daughter from transitioning.)
Money likely wouldn't be an issue seeing as Noelle's mom's the mayor, (and has been for awhile) and even then the large ornate gate at their house makes me think that Holiday's are on the richer side.
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Only way I could see Noelle being trans and not on Hormones or Blockers is either if she for some reason didn't want them, or if Hometown is located in some transphobic country or municipality that banned trans-kids from accessing gender affirming care, and the latter honestly seems a little too depressingly real for a Toby Fox game.
(Insert something plagiarized from Shadow of Roserade's video on UT/DR's queer joy.)
Now, dispute all this arguing and stuff I think there's one factor we're ignoring here; we're assuming that reindeer monster biology and IRL reindeer biology are analogous.
We don't know how monster reindeer antlers work. Maybe all reindeer monsters have them, but they don't shed them so we cant use antlers to determine if Noelle is trans. Maybe AMAB reindeer monsters grow antlers, their permanent, and Noelle got hers before medically transitioning meaning she'd need like "antler reduction surgery" or something to remove them when she's older.
All the above theorizing means is that if Noelle has a similar antler cycle to IRL female reindeer, it doesn't mean she's cis because HRT can affect that.
There's no way to confirm if Noelle is or is not trans unless like more concrete evidence shows up in later chapters, like estradiol tablets in Noelle's room or something.
The most we've got is unused sprites for Noelle's room in queen's mansion that show pill bottles (Shown earlier in this post). This is still not enough as we don't know what these pill bottles are. They could be anything from anti-depressants to medicine for Rudy! (also the fact the sprites we're never used.)
TL;DR, there's no way to tell if Noelle's trans or cis, and trying to track when her antlers shed is futile as HRT would likely effect that.
I'm still going to pretend she's trans though as I love the headcanon for no particular reason. (spoiler alert, the reason is I'm trans!)
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bookof-xreaders · 1 year
Could you do berdly x autistic!reader headcanons? plz 🥺
mod clown lore: there is a good chance that i am autistic. who knows for sure, though. certainly not me! anywhosies, enjoy!
berdly x autistic! reader
i mention this is pretty much everything i write about him, but i hold the firm belief that he'll defend you to the ends of the earth.
berdly defending you would likely be him arguing with someone and refusing to give up until the person harassing you just got too annoyed and left.
he's your knight in glow-in-the-dark armour forever <3
berdly will help you get any accommodations that you need at school for sure-- he's definitely not afraid to talk to the staff.
you guys could spend hours infodumping to each other about special interests.
especially dragon blazers, if you enjoy the series too. there would be discussions until 3am about theories the two of you have and lore that no one else cares about.
he always keeps a few stim toys in his backpack because they help him stay focused during class, and he's happy to share with you.
he would probably gift one to you at some point
i feel like it would be this one. fun fidget toy and also looks like a game controller? it's perfect!!
if you are non-verbal or semi-verbal, berdly would try to be your voice and make sure your opinions are heard-- "they asked for no pickles" but to the extreme.
be careful, though. he might get a little over-excited and end up drowning you out completely. he's trying his best.
the two of you would also enjoy parallel play and support swapping-- doing different things but still doing them together, and helping each other
if you need tone tags, berdly would make sure to use them. both in text and face-to-face conversations.
all-in-all, berdly would be very supportive, and would love you no matter what (as long as you're a gamer /j)!
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scenicphoenix · 20 days
Deltarune AU/headcanon where the red heart and Kris situation is more like being handcuffed together. Both are stuck, stuck to each other, and they are being forced to work together by a higher power.
The red hearts personality depends on who is playing the game at the time, and Kris notices that change in personality constantly. Sometimes they get along well enough and sometimes they despise each other. Sometimes they are both eating moss
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thelivingsin · 5 months
i personally think asriel is the only one kris trusts the most. like sure they may have created the fountain to show undyne (and toriel) what they've been telling her all this time, they want her to know what's going on. but do they ever mention the SOUL's existence to anyone? have they ever told anyone the one and only thing that's put them in wherever they are in the present? i don't think they have. not even to anyone in their friend circle. so i think they'd tell asriel e v e r y t h i n g when he gets back because he's where they'd feel most open to.
of course we have more chapters yet to be released so this might change.
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vermwerm · 1 year
very normal queenkaard headcanons 2/2
Subservient: prepared to obey others unquestioningly Less important; subordinate He has suspicious knowledge of chemicals He likes cats, and cats like him He strictly calls those off brand spiders (aka daddy long legs) “harvestmen” and refuses to use their more commonly known nameHe likes the number 34 for no particular reason He writes 7s like i do, weirdly He gives very “stick to the question” answers, a lot of people have constantly given him the “i dont care” when he adds extra information about a topic after answering someones question. He would smell vanilla extract and chug it The first few times Queen complimented him, Rou took it as a joke and awkwardly laughed it off bcuz he genuinely believed (technically believes) he didnt deserve such a thing from someone so superior to him If he had sugar tolerance he would love apple pie with vanilla ice cream He constantly has nightmares about when he almost entirely turned to stone He likes to ice skate, and he wears very specific figure skate shoes or whatever Rou, to try and desperately find purpose, makes it so that he can just be used and discarded at Darkners/Lightners leisure, Que tries to get him out of this habit, but occasionally(read: a lot of the time) he slips back into this habit of just being this useless object thats only there for a minimal amount of things He loves candles, his favorite scents are pumpkin and linen Hes very bad at typing, bcuz he has long nails Oh right i forgot to add on this list, that he has long nails, theyre naturally black :) He can wink but in the unsettling way He hates the words failure and mistake, theyve been used so often to refer to him he hates the way it comes out of peoples mouth He ironically likes the word error, not when referring to him but he likes the way its said and spelled Ok but what if he purred?? Is that too cringe? Well too bad i already have too many headcanons He uses mint flavored toothpaste cuz hes boring Im gonna slap a “you tried” star sticker on his big ass fucking forehead Rou would either have a very flowy silk gown or steal queens clothes to go to bed, no inbetweens Why do i imagine this senario where swatch gets all up in rous face but bcuz king is a fucking dickhead he has a flight or fight response and punches swatch He is very starved for positive affection… so when Que complimented him for the first time he put it off and saw it as a joke yes, but he started wanting to hang out with her more because of said compliments (also he had the biggest crush on her, like he still has the feelings too, but theyre just dating now yippee!!) Yeah he has mommy issues He immediately got tired of the “trans-parent” joke, in general he just doesnt like puns (skill issue) He always gets really happy when Queen compliments him He had this short period of time dating Queen where he would kind of just exist as a yesman to everything Him and lancer both would like the rainbow slug (if you know you know) He can draw, if you peaked in his sketchbook itd be entirely bugs and a lot of Queens He loves iridescent fabric and when he finally decides to sew he likes using the fabric he has to make outfits that fit the iridescent clothing he already has (i hate this wording what the fuck) He kind of likes, sea salt and vinegar, chips He hates the fat on meat and has to spit it out or else he will lose his appetite He sometimes just soaks in a bathtub for too long, i also imagine his weird slime skin is sponge like. Ok maybe ill remove the sponge aspect that was a joke brought on by the question of if he could mold Child rou gives “mom i frew up” vibes His voice claim is the vocaloid voicebank Kevin, a good song is UNCANNY by GHOST/Ghost and Pals :) He probably calls spoiled milk “vintage milk” Rou probably did that bobbin lacing thing, but he dropped that hobby in his 20s
Queen is very warm at all times,very huggable She can cook and is very good at it She loves mistranslated shirts, and has set out to get as many as she can I do maybe fully believe that she would half ironically half unironically call Rouxls “babygirl” Queen has. Good posture Yeah she does his makeup She gives Rou, forehead kisses, or just in general a lot of positive affection She makes the best food, ever She paints Rous nails sometimes She very much constantly compliments Rou My biggest flex is unintentionally predicting AI art /hj; i think that Que cant properly create art and can only really copy or take parts of other peoples art and mash it into one, she can also perfectly replicate art. She draws like a printer too She very easily gets tricked by optical illusions I feel like she would say “holy fuck, holy fucking fuck, that body of yours is absurd” to Rou at least twice
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kawia-renka · 2 years
Can I request Berdly with kind extrovert!S/O who love games like he does but also slowly helps him be more humble and fun with his peers??
Berdly With A Kind And Extroverted S/O, Who Helps Him Be More Humble And Have Fun With His Peers
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❝ Yay, a request with Berdly! :D
*realizes I do not know how to write him*
... oh
But yes- thank you for sending a request! It was fun! My first time actually writing something about this epic gamer :] ❞
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• it's pretty clear how you and Berdly became friends. You both enjoy games, you're kind, extroverted. And while he isn't really introverted, you being more outgoing does help with befriending people.
but *ahem*
• As his partner and player number 2, you wanted to help Berdly become friends with your classmates. It's no secret that some of your classmates, were not very fond of him.
• The problem is... Berdly, didn't really want to hang out with his classmates?
• I mean, why would he want to? He has his smarts and grades much better than most of his peers. Plus, he's not entirely alone, he still has you.
• But after seeing some of his classmates having fun together and just being silly, he realized that maybe spending some time with others, wouldn't be so bad. Especially after he saw you there. You were hanging out with them? And having fun??
• After that, he came up to you and mumbled somethings. You couldn't understand most of it but from what you were able to hear, an idea came to your mind.
• Berdly just wants to hang out with his classmates!
• You started planning some meet up with a few of your classmates. You know, one step at a time.
• You talked with Berdly. A lot. You've had many discussions about topics to discuss and things not to say. Berdly seemed confident in his skills, but in reality, he was actually a bit... Worried.
• But with you by his side, everything would be alright!
• It was going okay, but thanks to Noelle and... Kris? And Susie?? He actually had a lot of fun???
• And who would've thought, Berdly had a ton of fun and was already looking forward to the next meeting. Of course, he didn't say that, but it was pretty easy to tell by his smile.
• Oh, and at the end of the day, he thanked you. No comments boosting his ego or slight complaints. He just wanted to thank you.
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unicornlovers10 · 1 year
Kris has a shirt that says "Gamer Enby" on it. It's one of their favorite shirts (Kris has a bunch of favorite shirts).
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krispyykrab · 2 years
my headcannons are correct <33
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use any of these except the last one if youd like (the last one is my art and id rather it not be reposted)
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ariadnesweb · 2 years
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What if Ralsei's Light World Form is a tuxedo, huh?
Take some inspiration from Queen's Palace...
Still nerdy, but not copying Noelle's school uniform + sweater vest combo...
His scarf becomes a bow tie!
Looking Smooth!
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tigerbears · 9 months
Last night I had a dream that Berdly had a daughter, and she came out as trans... This is now my post-game headcanon. Berdly totally asks Noelle for help because she's also trans.
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bookof-xreaders · 2 years
So I have seen some of your headcanons of Kris's (S/O) following Kris into the dark world but if it is possible can you make a fanfic where Kris's human fem (S/O) invites Kris to her house to study, only for her room to become a dark world. I'd imagine the (S/O) would become a princess/have a princess class inspired by Anthy's dress from Revolutionary Girl Utena specifically the one from the movie. (Sorry if this post is long btw)
Sorry for taking so long on this! I had to do some research, so I hope you don't mind! Along with Anthy, I also based her powers off of Amy Rose (Sonic) and Princess Peach (Mario).
I just realized this was from June, so I apologize deeply!
Kris Dreemurr x Fem!Reader: Floral Princess
Upon landing in the dark world, the both of you realized how it looked like a kingdom. This kingdom looked like it belonged in a television series marketed at girls, more than anything.
However, the kingdom obviously had elements from your room. The castle itself looked more like a giant plastic toy than a castle.
Even though you were presented with this, Kris couldn't see much. You now had roses on your head, which seemed to constantly shed petals.
Once they were able to get out of the way of the roses, they fully saw you. Your outfit looked oddly familiar, probably it was from a video game or show you liked?
Even though you were both surprised that a dark world opened up in your room, Kris insisted that the two of you met up with the others. They didn't fully know if the group would be in this dark world, but it was best to find out!
On the way, the both of you discovered your abilities. Most of the time, your abilities activated by accident.
Your joy controlled wind, either making it a light breeze or a strong gust. Your anger lit caused things to burn, and pure rage could set things on fire.
After making you laugh, Kris was flustered from the sight of wind flowing around you. Full roses fluttered around the two of you, and Kris swore there was a pink tint to their surroundings.
During one fight, you summoned a weapon to defend Kris. This would only occur after Kris has been downed. + If the Player did a Weird Route, the weapon would be a sword similar to the Sword of Dios (as seen in Revolutionary Girl Utena). If the Player did not do that, the weapon would be a hammer similar to Amy Rose's Piko-Piko Hammer (as seen in Sonic games).
Thanks to your hammer, you're able to propel yourself (and others) off the ground with a single hit. This has been used in fights where launching someone at the enemy was required. + Ralsei does not like your hammer. Mainly because he was launched with it.
If you encountered Noelle or Ralsei in the dark world, they would make a lighthearted tease about your Princess and Knight in Shining Armor appearances. Even in a different plane of existence, you somehow managed to compliment each other!
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dogydayz · 2 years
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ive seen a lot of trans Noelle headcanons and while those are totally valid I've seen some folks say that she /has/ to be trans because she has antlers, so I just wanted to point this specific factoid out to folks because I love animals (Toby knows a lot about animals too it seems, he's based design choices on actual animals and makes many jokes about very specific animal things, like the Pipis, so this design choice was purposeful in that he knows very well that Noelle would have antlers). However, to supplement this, we don't know her mother's design yet, and we've seen Rudy before, and his antlers are actually abnormally small in terms of a reindeer's antlers, so I'm lowkey hoping that Toby pulls a quick one on us and gives her mom some fuck-off massive antlers. People could hc her parents as being trans from that detail, but those design choices could still be entirely biologically possible. However we do have an actual character who is flat-out implied to be trans, the lion barista working at the cafe, who may or may not be the same lion character from Undertale who had wondered if they'd look good in a dress like Mettaton does. They have a very big mane like a male lion, but are referred to as a woman or at least feminine in presentation, so they're either A) a trans lady lion or B) a potentially intersex lioness like the ones we see in the real world, the ones that grow manes and often act more like male lions, yet are interacted with by other lionesses as female lions (and yes, most of them tend to be lesbians lol). Either option is very cool and very interesting imo!
anyway dumb headcanon shit lol
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mystykmarigold · 3 months
ok ok ok i have a hc that kris is not only part monster, but w.d. gastors only child but they were adopted so young they have no clue
That's... pretty interesting! I probably won't adopt the hc myself, but it does give me ideas.
Like... what if they didn't get adopted? What if they stayed with their scientist dad and got to do science stuff with him?
mmmmmmm au ideas
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stinkylittleanon · 2 years
My favorite aroace headcanons!!
This is just a list o’ characters I headcanon as AroAce!! I won’t go into anything too specific about how I headcanon their AroAce experience to be, but if you guys wanna know you can send in a request!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Zane (Ninjago) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Lloyd (Ninjago) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Papyrus (Undertale/Deltarune) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Sans (Undertale/Deltarune) (Actually canon!!) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Tim/Masky (Creepypasta/Marble Hornets) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Ticci Toby (Creepypasta) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Frye (Splatoon) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Marie (Splatoon) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Agent 4 (Splatoon) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Happy Masks Salesman (Legend of Zelda Series) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Donnie (ROTTMNT) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Raphael (ROTTMNT)  ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Ibuki Mioda (Danganronpa) (Bi-oriented, I’m not gonna erase the bi rep !!) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (Danganronpa) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce L/Lawliet (Death Note) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Matsuda (Death Note) ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AroAce Mello (Death Note)
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