#farfetched ocs
soullesscoyote · 2 months
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I spent last night sorting out font size kerning and leading for these!!!!!!!
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p0rk-guts · 4 months
I caved. Impsona
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-❕I hate Vivziepop I simply enjoy indulging in bad cartoons peace and love xoxo❕-
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princess-triton · 8 months
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One of the rarest colored and finished illustration I managed to do lately. I couldn't go for a swim this summer and I missed it dearly
She's Newt, one of my Pokemon's OC, whom I really wish to introduce to you soon here :]
lil pre-sketch under the cut
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novaazurite · 4 months
Oh god what have I done
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Me when the other mephone oc (Azuare)
I made her before I made Mespace. And yeah I used the asset again, yell at me lmao
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shadowfear-art · 1 year
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Had an urge to draw human Diamond in the pokemon world and his pokemon, it's mostly bird themed.
A pokemon breeder turned grunt then experiences seeing horrors beyond comprehension caused by a legendary, makes him quit but does his own thing and becomes a villain boss himself.
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alastors-oc-sthuff · 2 months
Ash & Ember - Sesamoid Wiki
Sesamoid’s - and even Veilport’s - most eccentric duo, this otherworldly duo find themselves thrown into the human world against their wishes.
Now, armed with the mission - and passion - to support the humans they’ve both grown attached to, this dynamite duo push through to make their closet human friend’s dreams come true… While trying to better pass as humans and not cause any otherworldly, past-related drama… - Official Description
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True name: Ash
Likes: Humans, demons, fire, confidence, strength, music
Dislikes: Vampires, water, human rules
Sexuality: ‘Pansexual’ ‘Genderfluid’
Music Playlist: Ash’s Playlist
Species: Demon - Host
Gender: Fluctuates, currently presents as male (he/him)
Age: Immortal - mentally & physically 20
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Sesamoid
Occupation: Lead singer, performer coordinator, special effects coordinator
Family: Ember (symbiont, alive), Hellfire (father, deceased), Luna (mother, deceased)
Friends: Quinnton Huckley (best friend/‘boss’), Clodagh Huckley (mother-figure), Rue Cervello (close friend), Warren Webber (acquaintance), Piper Stubbs (acquaintance), Griff (acquaintance)
Enemies: Drain (rival/natural enemy) , ??? (natural enemy)
Official Description
The only child of the mighty Sire family and the top of his demon-kind, Ash’s authority got stripped from him when going against his family’s ways, alongside questioning their rules & moralities.
Run out of his realm alongside his symbiont Ember and finding themselves amongst humans, the mind-bonded pair were lucky enough to find a human family with a good heart to take them in and care for them, keeping the family as a permanent new-found home, as well as managing to bond with the family’s gothic boy, which in time developed into a close bond between the host and the boy.
Now, as years passed and the two got even closer, Ash took the mission of assisting the boy with his group of music-adoring humans, supporting the overall group in any way he can muster, either in a human or not-so-human way.
Despite his unfortunate past, is the incident as behind him as he claims? Has he even unveiled all of it, especially to his human family? Or, more-so, what is being hid from him that could disconnect him with the humans?
Going through many form, Ash took the decision to settle on a gothic form; messy black short hair with shorter scaled side bangs, red eyes, a lightly darker skin tone with a rather skinny and tall build, a spinal chord tattoo along his back, alongside a rather playful and flamboyant British accent.
While Ash formed his own clothes, the styling of the overall clothing was done by Quinn, who as well assists Ash when he feels like changing up his looks; often times wearing a black sleeveless crop top, black baggy pants that sport a gap which exposes the skin above his knees, the two pieces connecting with small but thick black pieces of fabric, black ankle boots with red laces and a red sweater he lowers down to his middle back which is supported by his forearms. When it comes to accessories, Quinn is once again to thank for Ash’s Phenex sigil pendant that hangs from the green necklace string that the host ties around his neck, as well for his red nail polish.
A hot-headed host, Ash’s impulsive and headstrong behavior has done both good and bad in the past, but he seems to struggle to see on how it can harm him again.
Seen to always carry a demeanor best described as fancy, it’s extremely rare to see the host in manner or pose that isn’t either fancy or elegant; shown to struggle to let go of the martinet side of himself, it is clear that Ash is working on adjusting it with the help of all those around him. To those he cares for, Ash wastes no time to care for them when they are in need, especially to Quinn and Ember.
Despite how he introduces and displays himself, Ash can and will be pants-shitting terrifying, enjoying to harm those he harms and treasuring the moments, especially to his natural enemies.
Shape Shift (🟥): Ash is able to shape shift his entire body to any human-resembling form he desires, as well as being able to copy someone’s form to perfection; in both instances, the voice is included.
Clothing Creation: Ash can create his own clothing to perfection.
Music Creation (Dormant, 🟥): Ash’s voice was possessed with demonic purity which made it possible for him to enchant those he sung to and getting his points and facts across better, but because of his lost of authority, now he simply able to render his voice perfect to the ear.
Fire Control (🟢): Ash is able to bend to his will active fire around him.
Higher Power (🟥): Ash can control his environment by breaking objects, bending objects and making objects float, as well as making the overall aura darker via lowering the active firelight around him.
Telepathy (🟡): Ash can communicate with Ember through his mind, thinking the words and establishing the connection via looking in Ember’s direction.
Time Freeze (🟥): Ash is able to freeze time in the area he finds himself him, being able to pick who shouldn’t be affected by the time freeze.
Demon Form (🟥): Just like other demons, despite their race, Ash is able to transform into his demon form, also referred as ‘True Form’.
Commutation (🟥, 🟡): Because of the bonding he and Ember share, the host is able to share his powers with the symbiont; Ember will be able to use the shared power but in a weakened state, unable to use the shared powers to their full potential.
The commuted powers (from Ash to Ember) are marked with 🔴, the shared powers they both use equally are marked with 🟡 and his own powers that are not shared but that he was born with are marked with 🟥.
Ash has no birthday, but a celebration for him is held the 31st of October, carried out by Clodagh and Sesamoid.
Ash had a last name (Sire), but he lost it once his authority was stripped from him.
Ash’s last name, much like other hosts, was his title of authority.
It’s known that Ash is best friends with Quinn, but it’s unclear if there’s something else going on between the two.
It is less known that he is close friends with Rue.
Ash has lived with the Huckley family for 10 years.
To this day, Ash still lives with them, mostly spending his time with Quinn but moves to the main house if needed.
Every time Quinn goes out, he asks Ash to mirror his appearance so he can see what he looks like.
Quinn finds it funny how Ash tries to avoid the task, hence why he keeps asking Ash to do it.
Ash’s sexuality is common amongst host demons.
It’s rare for it to differ, but it does happen; Ash’s sexuality is the most common one.
Apart for Ember, nobody knows the full extent of his past.
Quinn, Clodagh and Rue know more than the rest of Sesamoid do and they refuse to share it unless they have both Ash’s and Ember’s consent.
Ash was raised by his symbiont from the age of 1.000.
When a host reaches the age of 1.000, the host’s parents detach from their offspring and leave the commutated symbiont to raise and take care of said host, sticking around as material caretakers and not emotional ones. The only one to ever defy this nature was Luna.
While listed as ‘Family’, Ash shares no blood with Ember.
Ash is, currently, 4.000 years of age.
Ash cannot stomach human food, apart for Clodagh’s cooking.
Clodagh refuses to share how she accomplished such a task, labeling it as a ‘secret ingredient’.
Ash does eat burned/smokey objects; his favorite human objects to eat are eyeshadow and blush.
Ash dislikes kids and dumps them to Ember.
Host demons lack parental instincts with children that are not their own as well as children that are above 1.000 years old, even if their own.
Ash despises vampires to his core, listed as ‘natural enemy’.
Ash prefers firelight to any other form of light.
Instead of sleeping, Ash mediates as a means to recharge his spent energy.
He mediates for 9h. at the end of each day.
Ash has a preference to work on special effects & performances rather than singing.
Singing drains him emotionally.
He prefers Griff’s voice over his own.
He has more fun working in special effects & choreographic performances rather than singing, even if he does enjoy singing.
Ash rarely uses his demon form ever since 10 years.
It’s after affects harm him now.
Humans don’t like it; apart for Quinn, nobody else has ever seen his demon form.
Ash is the last of his bloodline.
When a host family is separated through realms, the older hosts of the family will slowly become dormant.
Ash is confused by human antics.
He cannot understand why humans shed tears during fictional events, but he doesn’t ignore it.
Sesamoid, as well as Clodagh, know who he used to be, some more than others.
People outside this group know nothing about it.
Ash and Quinn have fun teasing one another whenever they can or want.
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True name: Ember
Likes: Humans, demons, fire, quietness, gentleness, music
Dislikes: Vampires, water
Sexuality: ‘Aromantic’ ‘Asexual’
Music Playlist: Ember’s Playlist
Species: Demon - Symbiont
Gender: Male
Age: Immortal - mentally & physically 30
Status: Alive
Occupation: Special effects operator, Ash’s symbiont/right hand
Family: Ash (host, alive), Firestorm (father, alive), Flare (mother, alive), Burnout (sister, alive)
Friends: Quinnton Huckley (close friends/‘boss’), Clodagh Huckley (mother-figure), Rue Cervello (close friend), Warren Webber (acquaintance), Piper Stubbs (acquaintance), Griff (acquaintance)
Enemies: Drain (natural enemy), ??? (natural enemy)
Official Description
Ash’s loved and trusted symbiont, Ember’s loyalty and love for his host will never be broken nor questioned, despite the loss of authority he faced.
Run out of his realm alongside his host Ash and finding themselves amongst humans, Ember was quick enough to seek help for both of them, being lucky enough to find a human family with a good heart to take them in and care for them, growing fond of them when they assisted him with his sudden inability to speak, alongside their great care for Ash.
Now, alongside Ash, Ember assist the music-adoring humans the best he can, mainly in a not-so-human way; despite the hardships faced, Ember follows and obeys Ash without protests, yet questions his host’s impulsive actions as he hopes to guide his host to the right path for the unending future in the human world as the symbiont only has the best interest at heart and mind for Ash.
Ember knows some things are better left between him and his host, even if it means hiding them from the humans he cares about and hurting them as a consequence.
Going through less forms than Ash has, the symbiont decided to study Ash’s appearance and take inspiration from it; settling on long straight black hair with medium-length side bangs, green eyes, fair skin with a somewhat muscular and taller build, the same spinal chord tattoo along his back.
Unlike Ash, Ember’s clothes are human-crafted and hand-picked by Quinn; usually and nearly always wearing a v-necked short sleeved green shirt, black baggy jeans, black sports shoes with green laces and a black biker leather jacket he always sports unzipped. When it comes to accessories, Quinn is once again to thank for his red choker with a Buné sigil sewed to, as well for his green nail polish.
A level-headed symbiont, Ember’s opposite nature to Ash has saved his host numerous times and supported him twice as much, setting the host aside and helping him reason with himself, showing him how his impulsiveness can harm himself as well as others around him.
Seen to always and consistently carry a calm and rather alert demeanor with a gentle and faint smile, the only time the large man’s expression and demeanor shift to a more obedient one is when he communicates with Ash; show to consistently be loyal and caring of Ash, the symbiont clearly cares for his host more then he cares about himself, always keeping his eyes on him and protecting him the best he can. While he does care for his human group, Ember will drop all just for Ash, regardless of what it is, even if it’s himself and his own needs.
Shape Shift (🔴): Ember is able to shape shift his entire body to any human-resembling form he desires, yet needing to carefully study Ash’s appearance and taking inspiration for all of it.
Clothing Creation: Ember cannot create his own clothing and needs to acquire his own, whilst making sure it is inspired by his host’s current ones.
Music Creation (Dormant, 🟩): Ember’s voice was possessed with demonic purity, giving the same effects as Ash’s voice once had, but he has lost the ability to use it because of his loss of voice.
Fire Creation (🟩): Ember can summon fire, enlarging it, making it scalding or cold as well as making it burn at a faster rate.
Superior Power (🔴): Ember is able to control the heat in objects, as well as controlling the heat in the environment around him.
Telepathy (🟡): Ember can communicate with Ash through his mind, thinking the words and establishing the connection via looking in Ash’s direction.
Time Stop (🔴): Ember is able to freeze certain people in time.
Demon Form (🟩): Just like other demons, despite their race, Ember is able to transform into his demon form, also referred as ‘Pure Form’.
Commutation (🟩, 🟡): Because of the bonding he and Ash share, the symbiont is able to share his powers with the host; Ash will be able to use the shared power but in a weakened state, unable to use the shared powers to their full potential.
The commuted powers (from Ember to Ash) are marked with 🟢, the shared powers they both use equally are market with 🟡 and his own powers that are not shared but that he was born with are market with 🟩.
Ember has no birthday, but a celebration for him is held the 31st of October, carried out by Clodagh and Sesamoid.
Ember has a last name (sire), but he lost it once Ash was stripped from it.
Ember’s last name was the same as Ash but with a lowercase ‘S’, as symbionts share their host’s last names once they commute.
Ember is the closest to Quinn and Rue, as he sees them as close friends.
Ember has lived with the Huckley family for 10 years.
To this day, Ember still lives with them, mostly spending his time with Ash as per usual.
Ember’s sexuality is common amongst symbiont demons.
It’s rare for them to differ, but it has happened; Ember is one of these rare cases as ‘Asexual’ is uncommon, while ‘Aromatic’ is the most common one.
Apart for Ash, nobody knows his past.
Ember raised Ash when the symbiont was 4.500 years of age.
When a symbiont reaches 4.500 years of age, a symbiont is shown their host and commutes with them once they find one another; the symbiont’s parents assist their child in raising their respective host for a period of 5 years, then detach materially and assisting emotionally from time to time.
While listed as ‘Family’, Ember shares no blood with Ash.
Ember sees Ash as his own son.
Ember is, as of now, 7.500 years of age.
Ember creates his own nutrients, which gives him feeling of always being full and never craving any kind of food.
Ember adores children and excitedly takes care of the ones that Ash dumps on him.
Symbiont demons are natural-born caretakers.
Ember despises vampires, less than Ash does, listed as ‘natural enemy’.
Ember prefers firelight to any other form of light.
Ember does not sleep nor does he meditate.
Symbiont demons need no consistent rest, rather they rest for 24h. once a month, a day in which a symbiont and their host cannot be separated.
Ember enjoys helping Ash on whatever the host is working on.
If Ash works on special effects, Ember assists with his fire and suggests where what should be put, when it should appear and how it should, etc…
If Ash is working on performances, Ember assists the best he can.
If Ash signs, Ember always encourages Ash and reminds Ash to take it easy.
Ember rarely uses his demon form ever since 10 years.
It’s after effects harm him now.
Humans don’t like it; no human has seen his form.
Ember’s family is still alive.
He is closest to his younger sister.
Ember is confused by human antics.
He cannot understand why humans shed tears during fictional events, but he doesn’t ignore it.
Sesamoid, as well as Clodagh, know who he used to be, some more than others.
People outside this group know nothing about it.
Clodagh taught him sign language.
Ember isn’t fond of pranks done to him nor of Quinn’s teasing, but nevertheless finds it adorable when Ash and Quinn do so between themselves.
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Here it is, the Wiki pages for the new-added Far-Fetched OC’s!
This is not fully finished and will change in the future as episodes comes out.
Hopefully you enjoyed this, even if it was long!
Excited to see more about them? Stay tuned for more!
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Outside conversation
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anarkhebringer · 3 months
Holds out hands
Stardew Valley Null Lore Please :]
Of course my friend, just for you I'll give you a lot to read. Spoilers for some heart event stuff with Shane and Mayor Lewis.
Okay so to start I guess I'll say what's the same with his official portrayal. He's still got hardcore trauma from humans capturing his family and killing them all except for him and experimenting on him because he's a fairy, but his emotions are slightly more present since Grandpa adopted him after he escaped, instead of him being kidnapped and smuggled a lot in his childhood like in his official portrayal.
He and Demetrius start off EXTREMELY rough because of it, when Demetrius got a bit too eager in expressing his interest in studying Null's magic and triggered a PTSD attack for him. He doesn't stay openly angry and suspicious of Demetrius forever, but it's still pretty obvious that he never forgives him or truly lowers his guard around him.
For less angsty lore, his cat Carl is always following him around, no matter if he's on the farm or talking to folks in town. It's an endearing quirk to the townsfolk, especially when Null openly converses with Carl since he can both understand and talk to all animals. If folks are lucky, occasionally they'll spot him talking to Carl and getting really sassy after Carl says (meows) something to him. "Oh, so I'm suddenly your waterboy, huh? I'll catch you a stinky bug to eat instead if you lip at me again, boy."
In terms of relationships, he eventually marries Elliott. He's also best friends with Sebastian, Shane, Penny, and Leah. He's got a decent relationship with everyone in town except for Pam, Demetrius, and Haley, and after he finds out about Mayor Lewis' secret involving Marnie and realizing that he's funneling most of the town's funds to his own pockets, he becomes a bit distant. He started off thinking something was off about the guy but he couldn't put his finger on why, but that assured him he wasn't being overly suspicious out of anti-human bias. He also is distant from Pierre for the same reason, though he doesn't hate the guy as much as he hates Joja. This section is subject to change as I play more.
A little thing I wanted to incorporate into his storyline is him getting close enough to Penny that she gifts him a bouquet to confess to him after trying her best to save up, and as a way to both gently decline and honor her efforts, he makes the flowers into two flower crowns for them both to wear. It was a tearful hug on Penny's part when he did that, but she still left that hangout with Null with a smile because of his kindness to her.
Shane also develops feelings for him, and gets an equally kind and patient rejection. After Shane ends up kissing his cheek in excitement during the gridball game, and he freaks out and backs up, Null just pulls him into a one-armed hug and says they can talk about it after they get back to town. They do so, and yet again a friend leaves with a smile and a huge weight off their shoulders. It also helped that Shane knew about Null's culture being polyamorous and having a general lack of jealousy after being told one day, so there was no bridge created in their friendship since confessions don't affect Null like that and he values friendships equally.
For hobbies, Null is another tortured artist to add to the pile, and he's a masterful painter and musician. He frequently listens to music and/or sings to pass the time when he's farming or doing some foraging. A way he sometimes bonds with Elliott and his friends is by singing to them as he sits with them and they do their own thing, with him usually braiding flowers into Elliott's hair or making a flower crown/other accessories for Penny and the others. He also is a pretty dedicated nerdy gamer when he has a bit of free time.
Alright, this is enough for now, I took forever to write this. If anyone wants more details feel free to ask. Thanks for the ask, Floops!
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ms-cartoon · 1 year
.....Just jamming!
Alternative rock are the best rock songs in my book. It’s also one of Violet’s favorite music too!
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pinkiegiu · 1 year
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hey besties i'm here with my post of the month, enjoy griff from far fetched and farfetched ocs ok byeee
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nem0-nee · 2 years
Hi! I’ve been wanting to ask you, what does Sephira think of Eloise? It was meant to be an interaction but idek how to do those :’)
Btw I really love Seph’s personality and her design is super dang pretty! I can’t wait to see her redesign. I’m sure she’ll be beautiful <3
First of all, TYSM <3!! I'm so happy to hear that people like my floral fury gyaru 🥺 Second, I'm very sorry this took a while. I get mad busy around the weekdays ;-;
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Aight to get this started, have this idea that I thought was really funny 💀
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I can really see them getting lost for some reason. These two combined would lead into questionable events for sure. They need supervision, otherwise they're gonna microwave spoons together 💀
But anyway, to the point! No matter who it is, Seph would always try to befriend them, and Eloise is no exception!
"Eloise? I'd say she's one of my best buddies! As they say on the internet; we be causing mischief! 😎"
Eloise is definitely the type of person that Seph would like to get along with since she just matches her energy! Maybe they can microwave more eggs together /j
Additionally, Seph thinks her pranks are quite funny, Hell, she might even help her devise some schemes. Hopefully it doesn't go too far 😅
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But if she's the victim of Eloise's prank, then it's most likely that she'll sulk for the entire day, wondering how the hell she got bamboozled so easily.
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demonwolf5058 · 1 year
Here's my oc handling some of their bird pokemon!
Plus some more lil pokemon sketches-
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
so, the posts on this blog about facial difference inspired me to make an oc with facial difference- specifically strabismus and a port wine stain. she's pretty much become one of my favourite characters to draw and develop, ive taken care to make sure she doesn't fall into shitty tropes. however, i have had one problem- in the world she lives in, rebels like her cover their face most of the time. ive been really struggling on how to design her mask/covering in a way that doesn't feel shitty, and doesn't feel like it's trying to cover her facial difference. and i know that technically it's not as bad if she's not the only character who wears a mask, but i still don't wanna push it, if you know what i mean? so it would be awesome if you could give suggestions on how i could handle her mask. here's a reference of her for. reference, and some ideas ive had for masks. thank you for taking the time, and for this blog in general!
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[Image description: Traditional drawing of a light-skinned girl with pink straight hair, smiling. She has a large port-wine stain on the left side of her face, and her right eye goes inward. Around her are three headshot sketches;
first shows her in a bandana that goes over her nose with "bandana doesn't obscure FD but hides smile + necklace" written above, second shows a half-mask that covers only the right side of her face, with "early concept, feels tacky, shows port-wine stain but not strabismus :(", third shows a domino mask, with "domino mask, do I even have to explain? No-go" next to it. End image description.]
I think that something close to the second one would actually be kinda fun (no irony or sarcasm). If we're talking about a story where everyone wears a mask, having the character with FD wear one that covers everything except for the FD is actually subversive! I never thought I would say that, but it does feel like it is.
Not sure how strict of a design should it be, but a diagonal - her bottom right to her top left - mask would be nice!
I tried to write down a detailed description of what I mean but it was coming out rather overcomplicated, so I hope you're okay with me doing a few demonstrative sketches; a diagonal and rather-silly option, an idea for the bandana with a drawn smile and the kind of tie that would show her necklace, and an idea for the half-mask but with an eye with strabismus painted on the mask.
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So here are the suggestions! I haven't drawn in a while so my skills are kinda rusty, but I hope it conveys the concept! My personal favorite would be the first one - I know it barely counts as a mask but then again, in comics it's common that someone is unrecognizable when they wear a pair of glasses, so maybe it's not as farfetched haha.
The second one would be totally fine by my standards, but I'm assuming that her necklace has some kind of significance in the story, so maybe she could cross it at the back and tie it in the front instead for it to be more visible (or wear the necklace over it even?).
I think that doing something like on the third drawing above would be okay if there are also a lot of moments where her actual strabismus is shown. In general, I think that the idea of a character with a facial difference wearing a mask just to paint it on the mask is kinda silly, and I feel like it would fit her character. But for something like that to work, she would need to have the mask off often. If you choose to do that, I suggest your first time showing her to the viewer is with her mask off, both for the usual reasons I mentioned before but also because strabismus is often used as a gag in art. For me, seeing a character wear that kind of mask with no context would be kind of eye-rolling - but seeing a character with a crossed eye put on a mask with the same exact kind of eye, go and join their friends at doing rebel things? That's actually something new!
I enjoy that your character seems to be on the rather joyful and happy side, I like that :-) (smile emoji)
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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bumnyrabbit · 23 days
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k so twitter sucks kinda should i start shit posting homestuck art on tumblr
my hcs are so farfetched that they look like ocs atp here's some pepsicola
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pokeask-star-sending · 8 months
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Star Sending Event Info
Welcome to the Pokeask community’s first Star Sending Event. Basically, this is a Holiday Exchange (AKA, Secret Santa) with a little twist: It’s in-character! Write up a wishlist for your characters and in exchange receive another blog’s character’s wishlist - one which you either draw or write your character completing their gift as best they can.
This is not a full fledged event with a location your characters must attend, interact with others, etc. You only need to do three things: Write your character's wishlist, fill the sign-up form, and do your piece for who you get!
Continue reading for info on how to participate!
Important Links
Intro P.1 | Intro P.2 | Info Tag | Wishlist Template | Contact Info SIGNUP FORM TO PARTICIPATE
Continue reading for rules and other necessary info!
These are limited to Pokemon OC blogs or ask blogs!
One entry per PERSON.
The form to apply is found above, just make sure you read the full document first.
Do not expect to send or receive more than one gift (But you can choose to provide more than one should you be inspired)!
As part of your entry, you can submit multiple Wishlists for your characters, with one list each. This gives your Sender multiple options to choose from. More lists does not guarantee more gifts to receive. 
Senders may do as much or as little as they like with their submission, as long as it meets the minimum requirements for the post.
Feel free to reply to your Sender’s submission as well, and use it to kickstart an interaction!
You MUST keep your Recipient a secret.
Do not share with anybody that is also participating in the event. 
This event focuses around character interactions.
Politely, I ask you don’t join with the sole intent of getting free art or writing pieces. While I ask for effort in submissions, the main goal is to spark little interactions between the characters from different blogs!
Assume all dates are done under the Eastern Standard Time Zone. We do not have exact times because our team is doing this within our availability and have life priorities outside of the event.
Our application period starts from now, and runs until the 3rd of November. 
Wishlists will be distributed on the 4th or the 5th, depending on availability and any extra organisation needed. 
You may start working on your submission as soon as you receive your Wishlist!
We will be checking in on submission progress on two separate WIP dates; the 25th of November and the 15th of December. This will be to make sure you’re on track with your submission.
 A verbal update is sufficient for the first Checkup, but we expect something more substantial by the second Checkup. 
If no update is received a backup entrant will be assigned to your Recipient. We will have one final Checkup on the 10th of January for unsubmitted posts.
As part of the above, PLEASE keep a line of communication open with us! We will be understanding if you find you cannot complete your gift and there is no judgement towards you should that occur. We want the event to be as fun as possible!
Wishlist Template | Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 | Example 4
Wishlist Due Date: November 3rd
Five Wishlist items per character, max.
As part of submitting your Wishlist, you MUST make sure to include some kind of visual reference for the characters that you are submitting lists for.
Wishlists may be posted publicly, and posting them is even encouraged! Tag them under #pokestarsending2023. 
Wishlists are allowed to be farfetched, abstract, or even impossible to complete in-canon if it is in-character for your OCs to request such a thing.
If you’re unsure what this qualifies as, check the list examples or confirm with a mod!
In the case something your character would ask for is something you as the blog owner does not want to be completed for plot or story reasons, please leave a note written OOC stating so!
Lists can be written in-character, out-of-character, by a different character on the blog, or just a simple bullet pointed list.
As everything is completed in-character, do not expect the Sender to complete any wishes in a proper manner if it doesn’t seem fit for them! 
The period for posting for submissions will start on the 24th of December and ends on the 31st of January.
We ask that you send your submission to be checked over with us to make sure it meets all requirements. Once approved, you may post!
If you require more character info about your Recipient, you may ask us to ask for you while keeping you anonymous!
Remember: It is your character that is completing what is requested on the Wishlist. 
Your character does not need to be able to fully complete a gift item from your Recipient’s list, if it isn’t realistic for them (i.e. their Wishlist asks for Technology and your character is a Wild Pokemon, which may be unrealistic or abstract). HOWEVER, there should still be effort put forth by your character in providing the gift.
Try to keep the tone positive and heartwarming, unless you receive permission from the character owners for your submission to take on a different tone.
Post by @-ing your Recipient, and include the tag #pokestarsending2023! We will be reblogging all submissions.
If you are unavailable to post your piece during the submission period, please let us know! We can post it for you on our blog.
Writing minimum: 600 of words minimum.
600 words is the minimum we ask of a writing submission to make sure enough is put into describing the gift and/or gift giving process. If you find yourself struggling to meet the minimum, please reach out to us with your WIP so we can can help review it with you.
In the case you plan to write the Recipient as part of your submission, we will inform you if the person receiving would prefer you not to write their character in your submission. 
Instead, try focusing on other details: How would your character prepare the gift? What process do they take in doing so? To what lengths do they go? Also, make sure you describe the gift itself and how it’s delivered to its Recipient.
Art Minimum: Either a coloured full-body, or a half-body with a background (at least three props).
Must include the character of the Wishlist. Including your own character is encouraged.
Comic Minimum: Clean sketch, 3 panels.
Must include character of the Wishlist. Including your own character is encouraged.
The minimum requirements may change if we feel they need to be adjusted. We will announce any changes, and by the submissions drawing period, we will have finalised them.
Final Notes.
Questions and constructive feedback are always welcome and never stupid! We are happy to clarify anything. Be it through the messaging system, or ask. You can also contact us on discord for any further communication; please see the contact page on the Star Sending blog for more info!
If you are stumped in any way of participating, you are free to ask for help or feedback from the team!
To make sure you have read everything, I have included a little passcode requirement in the form. What was your first pokemon game? (Non-mainline games are valid)
Make sure to reference examples and templates to aid in your submission!
Thank you for your consideration in participating! I am just one person with some friends, hoping to run something nice for this community, and I sincerely hope I can do my best for you. Every effort to make this as great as can be is hugely and humbly cherished.
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 months
Okay so
tw: limbless angel depicted in art Came across another thing with Ronove, it seems he's been getting a lot of attention from certain artists, and this little comic right here?
-> Take a peek
First of all, goddamn Ro.... Second, g o d d a m n n nn Ro.... So while it wouldn't be too farfetched for him to do that to an angel of his choosing because he literally hints he does stuff like this anyway, remember...MC's/Our limbs are safe. I for one like him sitting in the chair and just staring and it seems they removed his blindfold and I wanna know what his eyes look like... Fun fact tho, before the game was released Ronove had my eye on him for the longest because of his design. Same reason I like Belial too because his eyes are completely covered. I have a thing for characters with covered eyes...(cough mr.villain cough) I think I might even make an OC honestly about that. But yes, wanted to share this unhinged fanart because it is infact the dark content I sometimes dabble in. (also right now playing Slow Damage so I know I'm about to run into some shit.)
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