#family reiki session
skye-yoga-blog · 9 months
Family Reiki, Healing Session
This is a great experience for any family or group-type setting.
starting with 3 people up to 5 can be accommodated at this special rate.
These Healing Sessions I do are highly frequent, due to all the Energy Healing modalities incorporated into the Hour. It will have you vibing on different frequencies but united with your group, you will feel the amazement of alternative healing, and the “why” so many are drawn to do it
Crystal Tones & Crystal Singing Bowls are made of high-purity quartz which creates a very pleasant aura with their sound and design. Their long-lasting, spherical tone spreads when the singing bowl is gently tapped or rubbed so that the energy can be felt in the entire surroundings.
Other Healing Modalities used in the session are Tuning Forks, Chimes, Vocal Toning, Crystals, Angel Light Healing, and Pendulums.
Private Sound Bath (3-5 people) By Appointment Only.
This is a great experience for any family or group-type setting.
starting with 4 people up to 10 can be accommodated at this special rate.
These Healing Sessions I do are highly frequent, due to all the Energy Healing modalities incorporated into the Hour. It will have you vibing on different frequencies but united with your group, you will feel the amazement of alternative healing, and the “why” so many are drawn to do it
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moongoddesss222 · 6 days
Your First night with your Future spouse 🌸🤍 +18
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Warning minors stay away
Pile 1 to Pile 3 .
Dm for paid readings and reiki healing sessions 🌸🤍❤
Pile - 1
I am seeing a lot of roses,there will be a lot of eye contact and firm grip . Heavy breathing on your neck and hands grabbing your boobs tight. Fucking your ass real hard, I do see you two panting very hard while being on bed. Will experience love for their first time and feel like heaven is on earth. Will start seeing yourself differently. Will Conceive quick and easy. You both will get very tired but still play with each other. In general will love sleeping together and cuddling.
Pile - 2
I see you guys will scream a lot and might use water and ice cream in the process. You will be seducing your partner. It will be teasing and quiet a show and will go the whole night. Your partner moaning in your ear will turn you on. You might not realise how much you wanted until you get it. They won't be undressing you fully and will leave the lingerie on. You two will equally spoil each other. I see a lot of feelings, breathing on each other. It will be like your soul mate and reconciliation of souls so divine that you could only explain. The sex is very spiritual um more like you two will realise it and feel complete.
Pile - ot of hugs and kisses and will go while watching a movie. Your fs will be pampering you a lot I actually don't see any sexual activity here for majority of you. Just enjoying in the moment. But doesn't mean you won't have a fun life. The best part is trust would be unbreakable between you two and a lot of understanding. Lust will develop slowly more likely will understand each other past. You won't let each other feel lonely also would have married due to family pressure or their might be issues in family. But girls you will find yourself lucky to get such a spouse this will be your pov later on. I see hickeys on neck, female taking the lead, sex in washroom, being friendly. Doesn't having much personal time and space and a lot of expectations. Your partner and you will have more joy in other sectors of life too. Also spirit doesn't wanna spill 18+ tea guys for you so dont worry.
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cupiddivinearrow · 6 months
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What is your 💫💫💫Starseed ⭐️ Connection 💫💫💫? PAC Reading
Website Link: (Still a work in progress. So please bare with me)
Hey, check out my website, "Cupid’s Divine Arrow" with this link: https://cupiddivinearrow11.wixsite.com/cupidsdivinearrow-2
Discord link: https://discord.gg/bsWTW7FKbg
(I offer reiki sessions, energy shields, general, love, career, past lives, etc readings, sigils, etc. at reasonable prices…)
Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe, in through your nose, out through your mouth. When your body feels calm, open your eyes and let your intuition guide you to your pile. It’s okay to pick more than one pile!
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Crystal of Choice:
Smoky Quartz
• Keep you grounded if you're doing spiritual work or meditating
• Encourage a deeper connection to the Earth
• Support feelings of peace and calm
• Help you work through personal fears
Healing Energy
Trouble going with the flow
Innocent, Pure
Magnetic pull to water
Emotional, full of love, guided by love
Self discovery, Finding yourself
Divinely Guided
Unexpected Discoveries
Gaia, Mother Earth, Earth
Animals of Significance:
love, prophecy, verbosity, mediation
Feminine power, spirituality, renewal
Chakras of Significance:
Crown chakra
3rd eye chakra
Heart chakra
Astrological Energies of Significance:
Pile 1, this group is a very intelligent group. This pile is big on change and exploration. This pile might often have a traumatic past that can be crippling to some.
This pile may also have REALLY BIG HEARTS and moves out of love, most of the time.
The experiences that this pile undergoes are the stepping stones on their path. This pile often goes through changes, are often healing from friends and family, loved ones, that betray them. It’s hard for this pile to trust.
Pile 1, y’all often tap into your intuition due to the inner knowledge that y’all have buried within, knowledge that’s meant to help guide the Earth through the knowledge gathered from past experiences. This pile is meant to keep moving forward, to push through the hardships that could break an individual.
Pile 1, you may be seen as pure, innocent, angelic. Have a fondness to being close to the water.
Overall, this pile has the inner knowledge to push through any hardship, learn from it, and rise up from the ashes like a Phoenix.
Pile 1, you are here, on Earth, to share with the world about Patience. The world is always on the go, maybe this pile too, and it may be a bit difficult to slow down and just be. Be still. Be patient. Wait. But the thing that Pile 1 wants to express to the world that even when there is confusion on your path, being patient and keep in your faith will help push things along. People forget that faith sometimes requires patience, even when things are unclear.
This pile is big hearted, full of love, and nurturing energy. A part of your soul remembers the peace, unity and love that it shared amongst its soul family before having came to Earth and it yearns to feel that again. So when people hurt you, it strikes deep. Because it’s not really here on Earth. Which is the karmic wound that needs healing. Earth needs to heal the parts that make them stir the pot that causes a rift in unity. This pile is meant to shine a light on what’s keeping the Earth so divided, so it can be acknowledged and worked on.
Earth needs to learn how to tap into that Universal love that we all have access to and learn how to truly be sorry to those that are hurt by the carelessness of others. The shadows, hate, wounds, separation, severing, wrongs, and sadness must be acknowledged to bring change. To bring peace.
Pile 1, you may become a bit irritated or impatient at the idea of having to wait and be patient. Especially when your soul remembers being able to manifest your desire without the need to wait, or being able to listen to your intuition then and know what to do and where you were going vs now, where your intuition may whisper to you or not, and you feel more lost than grounded. Try to remember that other planets move differently than Earth, as well as, any progress is still progress. You don’t have to know where you’re going or what’s going on to move forward, just try to listen to your instincts and take a step. That’s all it takes. And by doing that, you’ll also be teaching the Earth to do the same. You’ll be leading by example which will encourage others to do the same.
Pile 1, have y’all been feeling homesick lately? Is your soul remembering the times it had back home? Remembering the feeling of home? Just know that everything will be okay P1. Try to remember that you chose to come here to Earth and that you’re not alone. You didn’t come here alone. It’s time to fully give in to the human experience. Try to anchor your personality, your soul, and your spirit to the life you are living now. Whether you’re yearning for a place or person to find home, just know that this was your choice. Commit by putting both feet completely in and ask yourself how you can be more so? This has been a challenge for you Pile 1, and it’s one that you can overcome.
Pile 1, your soul is being called. It’s being called to connect with the Earth, with Mother Gaia. So often, we can get thrown in a rut; in a repeating cycle that leaves us moving on auto, doing the same things, over and over again, daily. This can cause our souls to start thirsting for more. Our souls were never meant to be stuck in a box. Limited. Stuck. Unsupported, alone. Stagnant. However, when we give ourselves permission to get in touch with nature and ourselves, it allows us to connect more to Mother Gaia, to Earth. To fill that void that we continue to try to convince ourselves will close if we just move, act, sound, etc a certain way. Allow yourself to listen to that little voice that tells you to go against the grain. It’s time to slow down and spend some time out in nature. Listen to yourself. Be still. Breath with Lady Gaia, Earth, the Divine.
🌎 Closing Comment:🌎
Pile 1, you are being asked to take things slow… one day at a time. Maybe it’s time to start looking into the stars and crystalline grids, which provides stored information that contains ancient codes of wisdom that had been forgotten by humanity. These ancient codes will help Pile 1 to assist humanity with the vibrational shift that’s taking place. The crystalline grid are constantly having stars shower emanations onto it, and information sent back to it once things are balanced on Earth. Lastly, this pile’s vibration may be raising and it’s causing y’all to activate your energy body to its highest form: The light body, which will require this pile to move slow in order to integrate this change.
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Crystal of Choice:
Rainbow Moonstone
Represents inner clarity
Cyclical change
Connection to the feminine
It is a symbol of light and hope
Encourages us to embrace new beginnings
Closely linked to themes of femininity:
Divine Feminine
Divine Masculine
Innocent, Pure
Old Souls, Wise
Instinct, Impulsive, Spontaneous
Ice, Water, Emotional
Priest, High Priestess
Trust, Faith, Divinely Guided
Forward Movement
Completion, Ending of Cycles
Fate vs Destiny, Akashic Records
Saturn energy
Spiritual Warriors
Native American
Arctic/ Alaska
Cold/ Ice
Crown Chakra
3rd Eye Chakra
Throat Chakra
Soul, Divinity, Liberation, Creativity, Rebirth
Creation, Magic, Illumination
Polar Bear:
Power, Wisdom, Peace
Fire Energies
Some of you may want to check pile 1
Pile 2, **YALL ARE POWERFUL**!!!!! This is the pile that is meant to bring harmony and balance to the world. This pile has dedicated their lifetimes to bringing peace to the world. Y’all might not like big groups or need time to recoup after being in one. This pile may love being near water, or may need to. Some of you may be seeing 222 a lot, 888, 999, 1111. This pile may consist of those that may be on their twin flame journeys. Some of the people in this pile may be highly intuitive, which means you receive lots of downloads from the Divine/ Source/ the Universe. May be immature when it comes to communication, but stay in their heads a lot. May have a lot of love to give but may seem closed off. This pile may love to listen to music, or may be musicians and dancers, very artistic. This pile may also face a lot of trauma that they must heal from, to end unhealthy cycles so you can be reborn. This pile is helps the world to transition by spreading peace around the world through your life experiences that cause you to change and evolve. To grow without going dark. This pile is meant to make moving on and handling issues with Grace. To find yourself through lessons that teach you to let go of anything trying to hold you back and by doing the things you love, things that feed your soul. This pile is all about fairness and Justice through reflection and ascension. This pile is destined to have fulfillment. Y’all are or will be known for making life difficulties look easy. This pile is screaming Spiritual Warriors. You’re all about Faith.
As of late, pile 1, y’all may be letting things be for now. Not pushing anything, but learning to let things come to you. You came to Earth to teach others to do the same. You’re learning how to take the lead in your life. This pile may have a hard time trusting others to lead, as well, in themselves. Y’all might be having a hard time trusting in your actions. However, doubt is part of life. Every hero or leader has doubts, but they had to learn when to push through them. You asked to be here. You asked to undergo these lessons to ascend. You’re here to show Earth that just because something happens that doesn’t feel good, doesn’t mean it was bad or you’re living wrong. Social law vs Spiritual law. Which one matters more? Which one applies more? Care less what others think, and trust your instincts. So often people forget that Earth’s laws don’t apply to what’s meant to be. Now’s the time to help teach the Earth how to let go of control issues by ignoring the background noise, which sometimes, it’s our self sabotaging ways, and focus on your purpose.
Pile 2, have you been facing a lot of difficulties lately that’s been making you feel as if you’ve hit rock bottom? It’s time to love on yourself a little bit harder and have some compassion for yourself. As trying as it has been, please try to remember that situations in life are temporary. That nothing lasts forever and that diamonds are only formed under pressure baby! And you, pile 2, are diamonds in the making, if you’re not one already. So many people don’t realize that hitting rock bottom is a gift. A true blessing. Because the only way you can go is up. And the only way you can truly find out just how strong you are is by learning your fullest potential. Surrender to the alchemy of life. Don’t give up, you’re a Phoenix baby! Rise from the ashes and learn just how powerful you truly are. I bet you’ll surprise yourself in the end.
Pile 2, you may want to learn how to think like the Pleiadeans. You’re being called to learn how to let go of the situations in the past that made you feel bad about yourself. You’re being asked to see the bigger picture. What can you take out of those experiences? Have you tried to ask yourself what about those experiences that left you feeling down and out were a blessing? What did you learn? What was something positive you can take from your experiences. It’s all about perspective. “The glass half empty, half full” saying comes to mind. Just know, an old dog can learn new tricks, and it’s never too late for you to learn something new that could help change the future. Maybe you’ve been feeling inspired lately? The world needs more people that can see the big picture, artists, dreamers, inventors, & visionary thinkers. Trust in the vision that you have and follow through. It takes courage to pace a new path- have faith anyways. Trust that everything will work out as intended. Trust in yourself.
Also, Pile 2, some of you may already know that you’re a pretty strong empath, and for those that didn’t, well now you do... P2, it’s okay to keep some things for yourself. Y’all are so sweet, y’all make be overextending yourself, which can play a part on you feeling drained. So, P2, it’s time to start looking out for self more. It’s okay to take some time to self and to fill your cup. I mean, who’s gonna give you what your body needs and craves if you don’t? You gotta take care of you before you can help anymore. Being an empath, you can draw in others emotions and vibes, and it’s important to take the time to nourish yourself. And don’t worry about whether or not you have time to nurture yourself and do your life’s purpose. As long as you take care of self, the Earth will automatically receive the love that it’s meant to, because it’s literally surrounding you. All you have to do is BE. It’s time to take care of your energetic self. It’s okay, P2. The world won’t stop if you take some time for self, I promise.
🕊️ Closing Comments🕊️
P2, your soul is calling out to you to work on your perspective. It’s time to wake up. Yes, life can be hard. Especially when you’re feeling a calling to find a home, person or place where you feel at home, at peace. Your soul craves it because it remembers it, before all the difficulties of life on Earth. However, the difficulties we face can sometimes cloud of judgement and that’s all we focus on. Not realizing that all it is is a distraction. We’re a small speck of dust compared to what’s really going on out there. Time can be so fleeting. It’s time to see how our mindset affects our ability to follow our contract. Our soul’s experience is a flash compared to what’s really going on in the Universe. Take a moment to see the bigger picture. Find the strength to live on Earth with all your strength and keep pushing forward with great compassion and love from within. Don’t let life’s difficulties change you for the worse. You are a being of love. Try to remember to look at any experience with love in your heart, that’s the only way to truly move forward without allowing poison to warp our perspectives.
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Crystal of Choice:
Amethyst Crystal
aka “All Purpose Stone
Inner peace
Draws in love
Healing abilities
Assist in curing physical illnesses related to the head, lungs, pancreas, liver, stomach, muscles, and reproductive organs
Increase in Spiritual abilities
Cosmic Ancestors
New beginnings
Star energy; popular, magnetic
Needs to stay grounded
Unexpected Changes
Waters, Bodies of Water, Emotional
Forward movement
A shift
Creation/ Life/ Fertility
Greek ties —> Goddesses Artemis or Amphitrite
Egyptian ties —> Goddess Isis
Hunger for life, change, something new
Wish fulfillment
Masculine energy
Chakras of Significance
Third Eye
Animals of Significance:
Instinctual Energy, Independence, Regeneration
Fertility, Purity, Divination
Water, Creation, Emotions
Animal Deities
Divinity, Guidance, Wisdom
Astrological Energies of Significance
Mars energy
Neptune energy
Pluto energy
How’s it going P3!
This pile may be into the arts, such as music, dancing, drawing, etc. Some of you may be seeing 111s and 222s a lot. Some of y’all in this group may be intuitive. Some of y’all may have had to move on from things that could’ve left you broken. This pile might have a hard time balancing their emotions and their thoughts. Some of you may be feeling a bit pessimistic or depressed? Some of you may be thirsty for life and might be needing a change? Some of you may be dealing with some people in your life that are deceivers, liars, out for self, and it may be keeping you in a distorted energy. Some of you may be heavy in your masculine energy right now, whether you’re a man or woman (I go off energy, not gender). Some of you may be trying to juggle life, career, or relationships, especially after an unexpected change. Some of you have been manifesting a change in your career or hoping to receive a gift that would be a wish fulfillment. If any of this resonates, then this is your pile P3.
P3, after a long and challenging time, the world is officially undergoing a shift. And that’s thanks to y’all doing your part P3. However, I see you’re having a hard time seeing past the difficulties in life and finding that spark again. It’s okay to focus on your spiritual growth, but you must also remember to live in the 3D. You may be feeling like you recently hit rock bottom. You need to remember that it’s okay to be spontaneous. It’s okay to surrender to pleasure and joy. You really need to focus on filling your own cup back up again. The Universe doesn’t want you drowning for love and fun, but to live! To find that spark that motivates you to keep moving forward. This world will drain you if you let it. Stay focused on moving forward, P3. I guarantee, that your manifestations and wishes are just around the corner. That’s a promise. Also, try to remember that life isn’t a race. It’s okay to relax and enjoy the moment. Enjoy the process. Have no regrets when looking back. You’re so much closer than you know P3.
Awwww P3 🥺🥺🥺 One word. Balance. It’s time to find balance. Some starseeds that come to Earth have a harder time living in it. Some starseeds have a hard time balancing their life out with their spiritual side, finding it easier to be part of the Earth than to worry about other things. This battle between the spiritual and Earth is called Transcendence vs Immanence. Most starseeds feel more comfortable with transcending. P3, you came to the Earth to show people how to balance out the 2. You need to learn how to BE in the world P3. Because you have a hard time having boundaries, it may be hard for you to BE in this world. You’re beings of pure, unconditional love. So you see the good in people, which often leaves you taken advantage of. Some of you have been relationships that you may partake in may tend to be a bit unhealthy, and this happens a lot. Some of you are here to learn how to love while in a separate body. P3, it’s time to learn how to love yourself and establish healthy boundaries. You are full of all the love you need and require. Maybe some of you are in a codependent relationship, or maybe some of you are in relationships where you give more than what you get and it’s draining you. P3, it’s time to establish healthier ways. If you lose yourself in relationships, it’s time to maybe, take some time to self and focus on loving yourself and getting to know yourself better.
Some of you may be Golden Children, aka Children of the Sun (I also heard Ra). Children of the Sun are suspected of being highly intuitive and gifted, but often are treated in a not so nice way on their journeys. Some of you may need to heal your inner child from trauma, and some of you may be expecting or will be expecting soon, and it could be a Child of the Sun. To help bring these intuitive children into the world to nurture and guide. Also, some of you who have trouble upholding your boundaries are a bit of a people pleaser and this is causing you to pour salt in your wounds, while adding on more. You’re not meant to be everyone’s cup of tea. You’re not meant to please everyone. The person you should be concerned with pleasing is yourself. Stop giving away your power. Embrace who you are and who you were meant to be. It’s okay if everyone doesn’t understand you. You weren’t meant to be placed in a box (society standards). Embrace the weirdness. Your uniqueness. It’s what makes you shine.
The life lesson you came here to learn P3, is that anything that is unaligned in your life must go. It’s time to question everything that you know and virtually scan what is acceptable and needed in your life, and what isn’t… or who. The shift that is occurring will be doing the same for the world. Society, the World, how people think…? The Unseen will start to be seen. Everything will start to change, or it will not survive. So you must make sure you’re doing your part. Yes, it may be difficult, but it is necessary. It’s time for the world to be reminded how the Universe operates, which isn’t based on what society is pushing today. It’s time to dismantle the ways and beliefs that are no longer serving. It’s time for you to trust in what you need to do and take the baby steps to make it happen.
P3, it’s never too late to learn something new. To change your perspective or goals, your career, or the relationships in your life. It’s time to step into your role and be a visionary for the planet. You decide what you believe… what you follow . And the decisions you make today could affect the wellbeing of the planet and its species, so it’s important that you get a different perspective than the one you’ve had. It’s time to open your mind and dream a new world. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. It takes alot of courage to take the path you’re being called to take vs the easier one. Trust that what you’re about to do will be successful, just hold firm. Doors are opening for you P3. You have the Midas touch right now. Your thoughts are extra powerful right now, the planets are aligned and the timing is right. The Universe has your back P3. All of your hard work is about to pay off, just keep going! Especially since now is the time to work on moving towards your dreams abd ACHIEVING those dreams. If you feel like you’re being called to shake things up and make some big changes, NOW’S the time to do it. Effortless changes are about to happen for you, if it’s not happening already P3.
Some of you may want to check out P1 if you were called to do so.
P3, it’s time to remember that you’re not alone, it can just feel that way when you’re not balanced in the 3D & 5D. You’re being called to check in with yourself more, and to start practicing honing your gifts. It’s time to step up. You came to Earth with a double mission. To grow as a soul and to assist in the shift to raise the consciousness of the world. Some of you in p3 may have many unique gifts that you do or don’t know about that has yet to fully be uncovered. Move towards your being called to do, whether it’s a creative project, a passion, or an adventure. It’s time to step up and leap. Also, some of you in P3 need to take some time to reach out to family or friends, or go on a friendly walk with a someone to gather your energetic resources. As an old soul, sometimes starseeds feel the need to isolate or be alone. But we’re humans. We’re beings that require group interaction and closeness. Find the balance, P3.
⭐️Closing Comments:⭐️
P3, if you’re working on any projects, just know this pile whatever it is has great potential to be successful. Don’t give up. Be like the Mintakans who saw the light in everything and everyone. There is potential in humans and situations, just gotta train yourself to see that. Try to have faith P3, and know that EVERYTHING and everyone are working out to the highest potential for all those involved. Also, try to figure out any unconscious thoughts and patterns you have and bring them to light. If we don’t face what is needed to addressed, they have a tendency to show up. So deal with whatever you’re not dealing with P3, before you’re made to by the Universe.
Children of the Sun
✨ And that concludes this reading! ✨
🕊️🕊️🕊️ Blessings!🕊️🕊️🕊️
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whorrorbellee · 9 months
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(sponsor!dark!Eddie Munson x recovering!reader)
Oh how I've created the most deliciously terrible pairing, so many warnings and red flags.
if you are under the age of 18 I will make out with you dad >:0 don't make me do that
Eddie Munson is 5 years sober and horribly famous, reader is 60 days sober and has never heard of the bands he's in :) 29 year old Eddie , 21 yr old reader. Fem reader. ALSO STEVE THE ARMY GUY is not STEVE HARRINGTON
Warnings: drug use, addiction, drug addiction, alcoholics, sex addicts, sexual assault(not eddie),power play, the act of thirteenth stepping( becoming involved with newly recovering addict),abuse, victimisation, reader hates herself, reader is suicidal,Gaslighting and manipulation
It's 1994 and you stop smoking, you chew gum instead, sipping dark roast coffees when you crave them.You stop drinking too, stop doing drugs, you're totally clean now and you get tattoos, thousands of them (well you have maybe more than 20) you've been clean for less than 60 days.
Your parents are so proud of you, and you've broken up with ‘him’? So you've got everything ahead of you and nothing to lose. You're living with your parents, back at home, you don't hear the drunks outside,they don't knock on your door and beg. The mail comes and it is never bad news. You thank your rich mum and dad. You pray every night that they are telling the truth when they say how far you've come, but deep down you know they aren't, back at home already and your degree hasn't even finished yet.
You're a failure.
They've spent so much money on you, you want to pay it all back, hospital bills, expensive rehabilitation, one of the new ones, with green tea and yoga and celebrities who have phones you put in your pocket, the one your dad has for work.
You have crystal healing therapy and draw your feelings in big white open rooms with hundreds of plants, and half the time you think to yourself.
‘i'd rather he hit and shout at me all over again before Rachel stands up and hums incredibly loudly at the back of my head for another session of reiki healing, in fact i'd rather be back to lying on the streets overdosing if she prescribes a fucking hug. Id rather have a fucking! stomach pump if she tells me i'm worth it! One more fucking time.``
But you're out now, stuck in the New York suburbs with assholes who take prescription drugs and drink green smoothies and walk tiny dogs and listen to music that makes you want to cut your ears off and shove them down someone's throat.
Your parents buy you a car to get to the NA meetings. It's thirty minutes away. In a church.
You remember going there on Sundays with your family, fresh faced in babydoll dresses and tiny little white socks, with your pink pocket bible and you'd get pancakes with sweet syrup and fresh fruit and your nan would scoop up all the foam on her coffee and let you taste it when your mum turned a blind eye, bitter and milky.
But this is different, you've done this all by yourself.
’Step 1: Admit your life has become unmanageable’
Okay, so it's your first college party right? And you're freshly 18. You've never drunk (the sip of your dads beer doesn’t count) and you're dressed well; slutty. Your roommates pulled something out that's low cut? You're a hundred percent sure it's a nightgown at this point. And you've got boots and a brown matte lip and you look at yourself in the mirror and think.
‘Is this what it's like to be popular?”
So anyway, you show up to this party right, you-look-so-fucking-hot. And you meet this guy, well you meet “him”, He's cute, a little flirty. He makes you smile and he smokes weed. And remember you've never drunk or done any drugs, but you really like him and any common sense gets thrown out of your pretty little head, so you do a shot and smoke.
You end up in his bed that night, he's pressed against you whispering poetry into your ear, you swallow air and cry and you've never been deeply religious because you did give that boy a hand-job in the church graveyard when you were fourteen, so it's not like you're totally a prude or anything because your roommate's dress hangs around your waist as you lose your virginity to him, and all you ask is,
“Is this what heaven feels like?”
You're light and airy.
You wake up in the morning and leave and you start going out every night trying to catch him at the bar that doesn’t ID, you see him with other girls-he leaves with other girls, hunched over in the back alley. Sometimes it's you, in his car, in the bar toilets, in his house, you don't leave for days, your mind is constantly foggy and he is on the phone to his friend talking about drugging the same girl over and over, but you want it so badly so it can't be you, right?
So you start buying off him and suddenly all of your trust fund is gone and your owing him favours, your on his bedroom floor high as a fucking kite you see color's and your pretty sure your on acid, you don't actually know? But it doesn't matter at this point because you’ve convinced yourself he's in love with you.
You've missed all your classes this week because you're too busy getting pounded by the guy that gives you drugs for free and then he stops whispering poetry into your ear and you are actually like together, because you got kicked out of your apartment and you live with him now.
There's no point going anywhere, your mind is foggy, you've lost so much weight and you don't actually know what's going on at this point, he tells you what you need, his friends come and go, he must have hundreds of them because they all look different.
He gets violent, but it's during sex first, he slaps your face and apologises because he's ‘just trying to keep you awake’ he swears. He buys you flowers the next day, and chokes you that evening, it becomes a vicious new cycle.
“Here I bought you chocolate” is cheap shit, but he carves his initials into your skin that night because "you fucking belong to him”
Then he tells you to sleep with his friends and you do. He laughs and calls you a slut and kicks you. “Anything for fucking drugs this girl”
His friends snicker and you sleep with them, the list of sins gets longer. Then one night after a year when your parents get redirected to the place you've been staying because this Christmas you haven't called to say you're coming back and also that expensive ivy league school just sent the third check back as you had dropped out.
They find you outside on a road away from his place, red foam out your mouth, eyes rolled back and bruised all over, your naked and your hair is knotted at the back, so you're rushed to hospital, you never tell them what happened, so they don't ask, no police report is filed, he gets away with what he's done.
What a Christmas gift you think, your mother says its a Christmas miracle and tells all her friends that you've basically been reborn. Your dad is distant like always, and you drink cranberry juice instead of wine at Christmas dinner, everyone pretends that everything is fine.
You think you were set up to fail from the start.
And yeah, you could say your life has gotten pretty unmanageable.
The doctor says you're lucky your parents found you, you had your stomach pumped in the ambulance, but you don't remember much.
Just pain, and a pure black sky.
And you start to miss him, it's been two weeks and he hasn't tried to contact you to apologies like he usually does and you think of the first night you met and how it felt like heaven, and how you couldn't move and speak and it was like you were trapped in your own head and how it didn't feel at all that nice, and how he was whispering ‘it's going to be alright, im just taking care of you’
And you're heartbroken all over again, but you're not allowed to drink so you wallow in your sadness sober, which is actually ridiculously boring and because you're sober you can't make drunk mistakes like kissing random old men or spending hundreds of dollars on a stupid bag, because drunk you would take a knife and stab him right in his heart so he knew how it felt.
You start to wish you died that night, because tattoos are fucking expensive and also you cant get yourself to cover his mark because that would mean someone else would see it there and everything would be true.
So you sit at home and think and cry and cry some more, and then you pack for rehab.
But rehabs over now, and AA, NA, SAA (because sleeping around for drugs is actually considered a sex addiction? And not prostitution? yeah right!), that's your life now, you're fully booked and sober.
It's five pm. You're driving an old Honda accord in silver because your dad thinks if you get drunk and crash the car it won't be a loss of money, have a little faith, your mum hands you three dollars to buy a coffee because apparently coffee is incredibly expensive now.
You pull over and buy a pack of cigarettes, you lean against your car, you breathe in the bitter death and think.
“Is it a sin to smoke next to a church?”
It can't be right?
You check your watch, five twenty five.
A black Chevy truck pulls up to your left, it actually looks ridiculous, its custom so whoever owns it is either extremely rich or stupid and poor.
Metallica blasts through the speakers, it's so loud you can't hear yourself think. The car door slams as you inhale the last of your cigarette. You look up for half a second, but you find yourself gazing at him for a second too long.
He looks back, he nods and smiles at you.
You scoff, stamping out your cigarette.
He follows you into the church.
Eddie's famous, stupidly famous. Old men know who he is famous, and hot women.
Eddie is famous as fuck and rich and an addict.
You know how it starts, smoke a bit of weed in high school, drink a couple of beers. One minute you're trying cocaine for the first time and the next your manager is hand cuffing you to your bed-frame because you have a tendency to get drunk and fuck and destroy the hotel room.
So yeah maybe Eddie spiralled out of control on tour and passed out on stage and then decided to get in the passenger seat with his friend, and take control of the steering wheel, and well you probably know the rest right? you've heard it all before, you've seen it in the papers.
Okay so not exactly that.
On parole for a year, Licence revoked for two. Three years in and he starts making music again, four years sober and all he has is an extreme nicotine addiction, an over customised truck, and bandmates who hate him. But that's rock and roll baby, all the stars nearly kill their friends.
Eddie goes to NA and AA meetings every week, technically he's forced too but he likes listening to rich white mens sob stories, how they were bankers by day and coke addicts by night, because it's so tragic how they cheated on their wives with strippers, boo hoo! Eddie likes to play a game for sympathy, someone tells their sob story about losing a dog because they were drunk and Eddie talks about how his friend was in a coma for half a year.
And so Eddies pulls into the church hall parking lot, and he notices the young lil thing leaning against her car inhaling a cigarette like it's her job, and she dressed somewhat weirdly. In Fact she looks so out of place, she's wearing beige but not in a cool 90s grunge way. More in the way that her mum dressed her this morning, her mum being rich and suburban, married her husband for money.
He switches the truck off, and metallica fades out immediately. He steps out the truck, the car door slams, he stretches, his chest aimed for the sky and he looks at her. He nods and sends her a cheeky smile.
He waits for her reaction but she stares and scoffs , stamping out her cigarette, her eyes roll and she pulls the sleeves of her overly expensive knit jumper down.In the colour of beige, but the store probably calls it caramel coffee creamer or gingerbread cookie fall and even worse cinnamon roll icing, coconut shredded chocolate. Or if it's even higher end, sand one. He follows behind her. Noticing her stained black converse, bloodied, scuffed.
Her mum had definitely dressed her.
The church hall is cold, it always has been.
There's a circle of chairs in the middle of the room, and a table with coffee cups and cheap plastic wrapped muffins, there's four men in suits in the room they’re sweating and you make eye contact with what you think is your mom's friend, she looks away quickly, and then there's the weird army guy with a sign in sheet that your pretty sure came to your high school to warn you about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.
You tell him your name and curl up on a plastic seat with a cold cup of coffee. You sip carefully, staring ahead as the curly headed freak pulls up a chair to your right.
“Nice sweater”
You raise an eyebrow and look him up and down, he's wearing a black fitted shirt and blue jeans covered in tattoos.
“It's my mums” you stare at him in the eye, “can you tell?”
“Where are your clothes then?”he points to your chest and meets your eyes.
“I don't know, probably in a skip somewhere rotting, like everything else”
He grins, “You're so cynical” he looks over to the woman next to him “How are you doing today Joan? How are the kids?”
Joans face flushes, and stares at your face,” Oh Eddie, i'm doing fine thank you, Heathers graduating college soon, only a couple of months”
“They grow up so fast, huh”
There's a moment of silence, Eddie leans back in his chair smiling, the business men talk about stocks or money or whatever they actually do, and the big army guy sits down in a chair, his legs spread, muscles bulging.
“Hello, I'm Steve and i'm an alcoholic!"
“Hi Steve” we chant back.
“It's been about seventeen years now, since i had a sip of beer, and i've been thinking, seventeen years, that's nearly a high school graduate, my soberness could drive, next year it could join the army, and every day i think to myself what is this for? myself ? My wife? My kids? “ he sighs
“No, being sober is for myself, i've owned up to my actions, i've accepted god into my life, i've made amends, and now? I go for dinner with my wife and while she has wine I have soda, my kids party and I can pick them up safely, and help them, but I'm happy to help.”
Steve goes on for what seems like hours, but you keep your eye on the clock and only minutes pass, you don't actually know what he's trying to say but you nod along anyway.
“We have a newcomer today, you've probably noticed her. So be nice, why don't you introduce yourself darling?”
You say your name, and they chant it back at you, they wait for you to speak.
“I got out of rehab like a-week ago, and all I could think while being there while they braided my hair and made me pick weeds out of bushes is how I would've rather died from my overdose than be there.” you pause, and the room fills with a flood of sympathy, it's thick in the air, there's a shuffling of feet.
“And like, everyones been telling me to own up to my actions, like it was my fault? Like I went to college and then decided to get hooked on drugs?” you smile but your eyes don't.
There's a scoff on your right, you look at him.
“oh sorry did you want to say something?”
“Look sweetheart, we’re all here for a reason, part of recovery is owning up to your actions” Eddie smiles softly like he's just said the biggest revelation ever .
You nod at him, “yeah i guess you're right, next time someone loads me up with ketamine and rapes me i’ll remember it was my own fault” you stand up straight coffee knocked up and on the floor.
“because I was asking for it, right?”
You drag your chair painfully slowly and it scrapes along the floor, making that awful sound.
You rush out of the building to your car, slamming the door and hitting the steering wheel. You look over at the truck on your left and contemplate.
Fuck it
You get out the car, keys in your hand and you scrape them along his car door , in jagged edges.
Shit. You panic. Can you go to prison for this? you've just vandalised a seemingly harmless guy's car.
“Did you just key my truck?” He's behind you, and you turn to see his face.
“No” you shake your head.
“I just watched you do it, why are you lying?” he questions
“Because ,I-” you sigh“ i've got to much fucking anger and i don't know what to fucking do with it” your lip tremors.
“Im stupid. So fucking stupid, and yeah everything is my own fucking fault, i could have filled a fucking police report, but i was so fucking naive, i found him in a club the next night and slept with him again, and suddenly i'm lying in my own filth waiting to die because ive been rotting away in his apartment for god knows how long, so he loads me up with drugs and leaves me on the side of the road and i think, this is it i'm finally going to fucking die. I'm twenty one and my life is already fucked.”
The wind howls, and the parking lot lights flicker on as it gets darker.
You look up at him “I'm sorry i keyed your car”
“It's fine, i'm stupidly rich and hate it anyway” Eddie mutters.
You smile.
“I want to be your sponsor”
“Huh?” your eyebrows raise "after I keyed your car?"
‘Yeah and well it's me or Joan, and Joan just speaks about her kids so, I'd be helping you out ”
“Joans actually my mom's friend”
“Oh, I get it,” Eddie sighs, fiddling with his keys.
You pause, looking at his brown eyes, you think about what they would've looked like blood shot.
“Can I get your number then? Because Heather was a real bitch to me in high school so i'd rather not hear about her success story”
A/N: hello I got bored and started writing, and this i what I wrote, i am terrible at proof reading by the way so I will give you a kiss if you tell me all my mistakes xxxx
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dasenergi-diary · 1 month
Tonight I will be performing my first Reiki session since 2000. Once upon a time I was preparing to perform reiki as a career. I had all the tools I needed, pamphlets made, a web page, the credit card machine, etc. And then Covid happened.
As I am diving back into my notes from 2020 I came across the below. It explains what reiki is and how one of my sessions usually works.
Dave (Das Energi) been a practicing Buddhist, meditating regularly for over 15 years. He has identified as a healer since high school when he would give massages for fun to friends and family. Through his hugs and touch, Dave transmutes negative energy into positive.
Dave had his Kundalini Awakening experience in 2014. Since then he has connected to his global soul family including shamans, witches, healers, and the divine. He is a beacon of light and love, guiding others on their spiritual path. He is a Kundalini Reiki Master and also a Level II Usui Reiki Practitioner.
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a combination of two Japanese kanji characters: "Rei" meaning universal spirit and "Ki" meaning life force energy.  During a Reiki session, the Reiki practitioner connects with the universal energy source and places their hands on or above the recipient with the intention to encourage emotional, physical, or spiritual well-being.
Reiki is not a massage but rather a healing technique of "laying hands" which has been used for thousands of years across several cultures and continents. Most people find Reiki to be relaxing, however sensitivity to energy differs from person to person.
No two Reiki sessions are exactly alike. A session will begin by discussing the recipient’s intentions for receiving Reiki and if they are experiencing any discomfort either physically, emotionally, or spiritually. This information will be helpful in guiding the practitioner during the healing.
The recipient and the practitioner will then ground their energies with the Earth, and breathe together so that their energies are in sync and harmonized.
The recipient will then lay down, fully clothed, on a massage table and be encouraged to close their eyes and meditate or notice any bodily sensations that may arise during the session. The Reiki practitioner will then conduct a body scan, feeling if any of the recipient’s chakras are out of alignment or an auric cleansing needs to be done.
The Reiki practitioner will lay their hands on the recipient’s body and follow their intuition laying their hands on several bodily locations. It is important to note that Reiki energy will flow to other parts of the body. For example, if the Reiki practitioner lays hands on the recipient’s feet, the energy may travel to the recipient’s lower-back, or if hands are laid on the stomach, the energy may travel to the neck. The Reiki energy knows where it needs to go, even if neither the recipient nor the practitioner is aware.
During the final moments, the Reiki session will be closed with a brief sound bath. The practitioner will then seal the energy field and ground the recipient back to the Earth with breathwork again.
Everything is energy. The physical body is electrical and so are our thoughts and brain functions. Our thoughts form energy patterns and create emotions that affect our aura/electrical field. Our energy field interacts and influences everything around us including other humans, plants, and animals; even the food we eat is affected by the energy of the person preparing it. We are surrounded by energetic fields and it is common for people to unconsciously draw on the energy of others around them, affecting their emotions and vitality.
When there is an imbalance in the body, it is stuck energy. Energy must always move, and when it cannot, it will find the weakest part of the physical body where it will manifest itself into some type of challenge.
Reiki allows the universal life force to flow through us so that a heart-mind alignment can occur, releasing lower energy vibrations like fear, worry, anxiety, stress, anger, and disappointment. It brings balance to emotions, thoughts, biological processes, energy centers, and helps to reduce pain, inflammation, and stress within the body. 
For Reiki to do the best work you will also need to be a participant in the healing process. You must be open to the healing energy to flow within you. The Reiki practitioner is only a facilitator of healing, and it is the positive intentions of the recipient that affects the outcome most dramatically.
Everything in the universe is made of energy, therefore Reiki can be performed on everything in the universe. Most people use Reiki to clear their own energetic blockages, but it can also be used on our beloved pets when they need a boost of positive energy or as an alternative to using sage to clear our homes of negative energy (ideal for those sensitive to smoke or smells).
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cosmicdream222 · 3 months
Hey Girl ,
Firstly I wanna say this before asking any question because I really really mean it ..... Thank you so much for giving us all our answers whenever we ask . Your answers are really helpful. Thankyou so much really form the bottom of my heart for your guidance and support .
So I'm curious about ....... When we affirm we do that so we can change our beliefs about it and we also do the same when we listen right ? For listening we include subliminal,aff tape and all so ...... What could happen if we listen to aff tape , subliminal , even so so relax while we are doing our affirmation sessions or doing psych k sessions. But what if in our background there is so much noise or toxicity ... So is that toxicity also gonna enter in our subconscious with our affirmation or with aff tape because I think we increase volume to a fixed point but some times there is so much going on that have nothing to do with you or just pure bullshit and I'm worry if it goes in my mind and I affirm that it not goes in my mind what i hear but i also hear aff tape so my mind questions and I don't have proper answer so what do you think ?
( i count all those psych k , affirm sessions , aff tape things because in those activities as much as I know we are so so relaxed and our subconscious is wide open . As relaxed we are , we easily communicate with our subconscious ) .
So what's your take on it ??????
Aww thank you for your kind words, I’m glad to help 🥹❤️
I totally get this because regardless of your living situation, just existing on planet earth is exposing us to negativity, limiting beliefs and toxicity from every angle, starting from before we’re even born. We’ve always been exposed to so much negativity, which is why any adverse childhood experiences or trauma is not your fault, it’s the result of the collective negative beliefs that came from society, media, your family, and all those who came before you.
Everything unconsciously manifests until we start to take control and decide we’re not gonna let those old patterns stop us anymore. When you decided you’re gonna be the creator of your reality and manifest your dream life, you’ve set the intention and made the decision that that’s who you are now.
It’s like you’ve placed your order on the cosmic Amazon site and all you have to do is sit back and wait for your package to arrive. You’re using affs and subs and all that to comfort the overactive human mind that is saying it’s not gonna happen. Your higher self already knows your success is inevitable.
Yes there might still be negativity in your environment, but those are just messages from the old story. You’re choosing now not to identify with them, that’s not your story anymore. They are only successful if you let your human mind run wild and start doubting, spiraling, and pull you back to the old story.
That said, I know being in a negative environment makes it 1000x harder because you are fighting off even more toxicity on top of everything else. I know many people can’t control their living situations, but you can try to limit your exposure to fear mongering news, violent TV shows, mindless social media scrolling, and the like. Protect your mind in any way you can.
I love using subs for protection and flushing from negativity. ★Harmful Affirmations / Intensions Shielder & Protector ★ This is one of my favorites. It’s a morphic field frequency with no affirmations used, to flush your mind of negativity and protect you from it in the future. It’s only a minute long and can be looped as many times as you need it. No headphones required but the binaural panning is really satisfying with headphones 😅
Also there is a sub maker who has made a lot of unique protection subs that include reiki, morphic fields and other combinations. She released some a few weeks ago (the first 2 in the playlist) my bestie & I listened to with the intention of getting her out of a toxic living situation. Within 2 weeks she had found an even better place to live, moved out and blocked the person, so I really think the subs helped! I made a playlist of her subs specifically for removing negativity and toxic people.
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galtx · 2 months
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GALTx eNews: We Are Turning 23!
Twenty-three years ago, a small group of dedicated Greyhound enthusiasts got together at Stoneleigh P in Dallas and Greyhound Adoption League of Texas was born! Please join us to celebrate our birthday and the 4,000 hounds we have helped find forever homes over the years! We will be at the Conner Pavilion at Lake Park (600 Sandy Beach Road, Lewisville, Texas, 75057) on April 28, 2024, from 11:00 to 2:00.
Admission is only $10 per person and children under ten get in free. The state park also charges a $10 per car parking fee. Our birthday party entertainment includes:
Greyhound nail trims for $10, first come, first served;
Reiki by Suzanne Burke, ten minute sessions by appointment for $10;
Animal communicator;
Hound contests;
Vendor shopping, including LePope Designs, Sandy Bohannon, Beth Rodney, and GreytStore staples;
Volunteer recognition;
Caricature paintings of your hounds by Mary Beth Gibson, $35 for one hound or $50 for two hounds in the same painting;
No mess paintings by your hound for $10;
Raffles, $5.00 for 3 tickets (not available via PayPal); and
and a live auction!
With the purchase of a $10 cup, beer is free. We'll provide hummus for humans and cake for the hounds. You can bring your own picnic lunch or pre-order lunch from Mezes and More starting at $10 per person. Admission tickets are available in advance on our website or at the door, but you need to pre-order lunch by noon on Saturday, April 27, 2024. When you order your admission tickets, please also order your beer cups, reiki sessions, nail trims, paintings, and other extras.
As always, our volunteers make our events "greyt" and we need your help. Please click here to sign up to volunteer for the event. We have lots of different opportunities, something for everyone.
If you would like to give a birthday gift to help us welcome more hounds to the GALT family this year and in the years to come, you can give either to our Facebook Birthday Fundraiser or on our website. Thank you and we can't wait to see you there!
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Honestly, it sounds like your empathy level is dialed really high and it allows you to pick up on things outside the physical realm.
I don't want it.😂 Some of my family members don't want it either. It's creepy no matter how many times our parents tells us, they're dead they can't do anything to you.😒 How do they know? Did they ask them?🤣
For Chris & others, spirits exist for both humans & other animals. I've been visited by former pets. It's nice to know people & animals you've loved are still there with you after they've gone on but I don't like being visited by the spirits of those I don't know.🤣 I know you want someone to talk to but why me?😂
You might want to investigate finding an advanced Reiki master to visit and see if they can help dial down your sensitivity. Sometimes if your Crown chakra is too wide open then stimuli is just going to be pouring in with no stopping it. I know sessions with my Reiki master really helps to move attached energy off of me that's effecting me too much. They can also help teach you how to close off those open chakra on your own.
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What is Reiki Healing
History of Reiki
The shortest version is Dr. Mikao Usui from Japan developed Reiki in the 1920's, Reiki translates into Rei meaning Universal and Ki meaning Energy.
It is said that Dr.Mikao refers to Reiki as healing energy. It has been used for many years and has gained much popularity over the years.
What can Reiki help with
Reiki is considered a meditative practice that promotes
Reduces stress
Reduces anxiety
Reduces chronic pain and inflammation
Can speed up the healing process.
What happens during a session of Reiki
The treatment will be given in a peaceful and private setting or at your own home. The client will sit or lie on a comfortable chair, sofa or bed fully clothed.  There are two ways in which the therapy can be delivered.
1 -Hands off therapy
2- Hands on therapy
If you are suffering from pain in a particular area, the practitioner will hold their hands just above the area, while this takes place an energy transfer takes place,.  The client may feel tingling, heat, coldness are the main feelings reported.  The practitioner will hold their hands in a particular position until the energy subsides, they will move on to other areas of the body ,moving through the Chakra's.  Some practitioners use crystals to aide the Chakras and also for distance healing.
A session will last around 30-45 minutes, the number of sessions will vary from person to person depending on their client's needs and the outcomes they with to achieve. 
Reiki is a non invasive therapy and can be used as a complementary modality with your current treatment plan with your GP or health care practitioner.
No reports of using Reiki alongside other treatments including medications is extremely unlikely to encounter any negative effects or any side effects of any sort. Consult your GP before agreeing to engage in any complementary therapy and Reiki should not be used in replacement of current treatment.
Reiki has a gentle nature and can be help clients to be calmed, relaxed and soothed.
What to wear at a Reiki session
Clean, loose and comfortable clothing, bring a pair of socks as shoes are removed.
Removal of necklaces
After a session of Reiki
It is advised to keep hydrated as the energy being received by the client also helps the cells in the body to regenerate, water will help replenish them
Go for a walk
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Very many people experience relief and may cry for a few days, this is normal. Let it out and let it go.
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About Helen
Helen Monaghan B.A (hons) has an active interest in Holistic and Alternative Medicines since 2006, where she started making her own chemical free, natural, and organic skin care products for her friends and family.
Since then, she has studied hard to become the best in her field of natural health and self healing.
Helen has worked with many other professionals across the globe where she has helped them to complete books that has inspired thousands of people across the planet and today she brings with her new ways of living,  using her knowledge and expertise where she encompasses a variety of different healing techniques.
This year she has created her Online Store and the Academy of Self Mastery self help learning centre, so that many more people have access to her natural health and wellbeing products, whether it be skincare, mini course, e-books or other ways of being and staying healthy.
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healingpendulum · 2 years
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Do you feel stuck?  Are you beset by chronic health issues that seem to get very limited benefits from traditional Western Medicine?  Does talking to doctors make you feel like you’re slowly going insane?  Are you tired of living with physical and emotional pain?
My name is El (she/her) and I’ve been where you are today.  For 15 years, I felt like I was beating my head against the wall because no doctor could figure out what was causing a myriad of my debilitating symptoms.  After giving up on traditional medicine, I’ve started a new journey when I discovered medicinal dowsing with another practitioner who helped me manage my symptoms.  Eventually, I was able to diagnose myself* with a rare genetic illness called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which was subsequently confirmed by traditional medical practitioners.  After years of struggling to come to terms with my diagnosis and learning to live with my condition, I turned to energetic healing and eventually received my certification from the Academy of Energy Healing.  As a Certified Energy Healer and Certified Reiki Master, I was able to use and hone my newly found skills on myself, as well as my numerous friends and family.
And now I’m ready to bring the good vibes to you through the Healing Pendulum!  All my work can be performed remotely online or by phone - my long distance healing is exactly as effective as in person sessions.  My rates are negotiable and by far cheaper than what traditional Reiki healers charge ($200/hr) because my methods are highly efficient.  Healing Pendulum is a new venture and my sole purpose is to bring less pain to those who suffer.  My practice is agnostic to any specific creed or spiritual practice and I welcome anyone who is sincerely seeking help.  Please drop me a message or an ask if you’re interested or have any questions.  May the light always be with you!
*I have a Ph.D. in Molecular Genetics, but I am not an MD
Legal Disclaimers:
Complementary healing arts, such as Reiki, do not require licensing by the State of California.
Energetic healing is not a substitute for medical treatment or medications. Any of my suggestions should not be taken as diagnosis or recommendations against the advice of a licensed medical professional or a mental health professional.
A specific outcome cannot be guaranteed by a complementary healing arts practitioner.
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skye-yoga-blog · 10 months
Group or Family Reiki, Healing Session
This is a great experience for any family or group-type setting.
starting with 4 people up to 10 can be accommodated at this special rate.
These Healing Sessions I do are highly frequent, due to all the Energy Healing modalities incorporated into the Hour. It will have you vibing on different frequencies but united with your group, you will feel the amazement of alternative healing, and the “why” so many are drawn to do it
 This is a great experience for any family or group-type setting.
starting with 4 people up to 10 can be accommodated at this special rate.
These Healing Sessions I do are highly frequent, due to all the Energy Healing modalities incorporated into the Hour. It will have you vibing on different frequencies but united with your group, you will feel the amazement of alternative healing, and the “why” so many are drawn to do it
0 notes
reachlovenheal · 1 year
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In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and caught up in the chaos of daily life. From work deadlines to family obligations and social events, it can be hard to find a moment of peace. However, finding inner peace is essential for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Here are some ways to find peace in the midst of chaos:
Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and focusing your attention on your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to let go of distractions and worries and find a sense of calm in the present moment. You can practice mindfulness through meditation, yoga, or simply taking a few deep breaths and focusing on your breath.
Take a Digital Detox Technology can be a significant source of stress and distraction. Take a break from your phone, computer, and social media to disconnect and recharge. Instead, spend time in nature, read a book, or engage in an activity that brings you joy.
Simplify Your Life Sometimes, the chaos in our lives comes from having too much on our plates. Simplify your life by prioritizing your commitments and focusing on what’s most important. Say no to things that don’t serve you, delegate tasks to others, and make time for self-care.
Engage in Physical Activity Physical activity is a great way to release stress and tension from your body. Find an exercise or activity that you enjoy, such as running, yoga, or dancing, and make it a regular part of your routine.
Connect with Others Sometimes, finding peace in the midst of chaos means reaching out to others. Connect with friends and family, join a support group, or seek out professional help if needed. Talking to others can help you gain perspective and find a sense of community.
Practice Gratitude Gratitude is the practice of focusing on the positive aspects of your life and being thankful for what you have. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re grateful for, whether it’s your health, your relationships, or the beauty of nature. Focusing on gratitude can help shift your mindset and bring a sense of peace to your life.
Set Boundaries Boundaries are essential for protecting your time, energy, and well-being. Learn to say no to things that don’t align with your values and goals, and set limits on how much time you spend on work, social media, or other activities.
In conclusion, finding peace in the midst of chaos is possible, but it requires intentional effort and self-care. By practicing mindfulness, simplifying your life, engaging in physical activity, connecting with others, practicing gratitude, and setting boundaries, you can find a sense of calm and balance in your life. Remember that finding peace is a journey, not a destination, and it takes time and practice to cultivate inner peace.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
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lunarrosespirits · 2 years
Join our Samhain Event!
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Hello everyone!
We'd like to announce our Samhain Events! We have a few fun events coming up in the month of October for everyone to enjoy.
Throughout the month we're going to be hosting a challenge and giveaway!
Mod Lilac, Mod Hua, and Mod Moon Lily will each be posting a short introduction for a new spirit that hasn't been posted in the shop before on our Discord.
Throughout the month, we invite you to make picrews on what you believe the spirit looks like based on the information we post. This is a great opportunity to learn to listen to your intuition as well.
Each mod will pick 1 winner, and the winners will be able to choose 1 prize from that mod's list of prizes, found below.
Mod Lilac: Divination Reading, Reiki Session, crochet commission, an RA
Mod Hua: Rune or Oracle Reading, Custom Candle, Spell Jar, an RA
Mod Moon Lily: Tarot Reading, a companion drawing, an RA
Finally, from October 30th to October 31st we're going to host a movie streaming event - please join us in watching some not so spooky movies, this will be a great opportunity to watch with your companions and spirit family members for some bonding!
A poll will be forthcoming on the Discord so we can all vote on the movies. Please stay tuned and look forward to these events.
Thank you for all of your support! ~The Mod Team
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Accepting applications for RYT 300Hr certification
Calling all Yoga lovers, body art healers, Life coaches and emerging Yoga Instructors   We are very excited to announce that Bend it like Buddha Yoga school is now accepting applications for the Yoga Alliance accredited RYT 300 Hr yoga training cohort starting on April 4th!    We want to personally invite you to upgrade your skills by joining the advanced 300Hr Advanced Vinyasa & Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training along the gorgeous beach coastlines of Algarve, Portugal! During this hybrid 20 days yoga program, you will go deeper into yoga philosophy, alignment, mudras, learn how to facilitate sound healing and cacao ceremonies, how to facilitate Usui Reiki healing sessions and practice daily advanced pranayama. Highlights:-Daily advanced Vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga practice twice per day AM/PM or healing practice such as cacao ceremony or Tibetan bowl sound healing journey.-Traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga lessons with Intermediate series postures;-Advanced Vinyasa sequencing and postures;-Advanced accredited Yoga Alliance RYT 300 yoga teacher training course 300-hour certificate in Ashtanga and Vinyasa-Daily philosophy classes: Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras meditation, heart healing intimacy exercises, inner child shadow workshops and profound Breath Work journeys-Acro, prenatal, kids yoga, Partner yoga, sound journey, traditional Kirtan Mantras, alignment, anatomy, trauma informed yoga therapy training, daily hands-on adjustment practice-Learn and practice how to teach advanced and tailored Vinyasa and Ashtanga classes each day 6 AMAZING BONUS:-Eight-hour Ayurveda therapy massage certificate;-Four-hour workshop on trauma-informed yoga principles;-Four-hour Nada yoga workshop, sound healing facilitator training, and cacao ceremony facilitator: best tips and recommendations for beginners and seasoned practitioners of Nada yoga / sound healing and cacao ceremony and learn how to conduct and hold space during your sound healings and ceremony for your future students.-Six-hour Usui Reiki level 1 training and certificate: if you have level one or two already, you will receive the next level training and attunement for the level you are at.-Learn how to facilitate and plan a breathwork journey for groups and practice advanced pranayama imparted by the Father of Modern Yoga Krishnamacharya, a student of BNS Iyengar based in Mysore, India.-Four-week yoga business lifestyle coaching: post-graduate support, weekly live training, accountability, and implementation labs to inspire you to take massive action to launch your micro yoga-niched brand to attract your dream students. Learn how to market your workshops and retreats utilizing the effective Online Yoga Challenge model taught by Bend it like Buddha Yoga school founder L. Farrah Furtado E RYT 500.The world is in great need of incredible yoga teachers, now more than ever, and it is RYS 200/RYS 300 Bend it like Buddha's  purpose to impart the practice for sharing it, with as many people as possible to awaken, heal, and move beautiful souls into their dharma and purpose as we enter into the most pivotal spiritual transition on Earth in human history! Learning and successfully implementing this innovative and nuanced yoga challenge framework is a must for all yoga teacher entrepreneurs in order to survive and thrive in today's competitive yoga noisy world full of distractions...Together as a yoga family, in friendships, also fun, and in community support, you will thrive as you create a positive ripple effect on the planet. Through sharing yoga, you are all sowing fertile seeds of hope, good health, joy, and inner peace into a world in desperate need of hope and healing. Join this movement that is happening within the Bend it like Buddha yoga community to receive training and support while helping as many people as possible, through the profound and powerful practices of yoga, meditation, and pranayama Hurry, very limited spots!Namaste [email protected] for more info.....#yogateacher #yogaforlife #yogateacher300Hr #reikicourse #meditation #yogamom #yogaworkshop #Yoga #yogientrepreneur #yoginilife #yogalover #portugalretreats #healing #portugalyoga #yogateachertrainingadvanced #RYT300Hr #retreatalgarve #portugalyoga #vinyasayoga #transformation #meditationretreat #ayurvedamassage #yogaportugal #algarveretreat
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neptunes-sol-angel · 1 year
Stand out, and book the entertaining and insightful 'Fireworks in Space' ($20.23) reading for a friend who's curious about the new year. Purchase a holistic stocking stuffer like one of my reiki sessions for someone who may need a boost in creativity, relaxation, or self-love. Beat 23andme in occultic style by purchasing a 'Supernova: The Reckoning of Your Generational Curse' reading for the family. Or treat yourself to a cool self-related reading like 'The Andromeda', 'The Wall-E', or 'Pandora's Wardrobe'.
For booking Information or to see what other services you can get as a cool gift for someone (or yourself), come on over to www.theindigopriestess.com .
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the list:
schedule next week
water the plants
buy swifter pad replacements
return last remaining two books
send off packages that need to be mailed
buy palo santo and sage
send off contracts that need to be signed
handle invoicing for those contracts
find textbooks for new semester
balance budget
make vision board for this quarter
book flights to visit the kids
Review contracts that T has finished and send them off
Make milestone tracker for T on IG engagement
Send two more emails for volunteer doula opportunities for T
Create caregiver profiles for N family
Call Mamita
Sit and think about when to head to ASPCA to adopt
Schedule appointment for fingerprints for CASA-Gal
Have CASA-GAL forms notorized
print all CASA forms
scheduling specific:
GB and BB — Prenatal Session #3 in person
Caregiver interviews for N Family
Reschedule N family connection call on caregiver updates
LT — Monday morning call to schedule PP visits now that baby has arrived
L via VD in the East Village — email to confirm next visit after illness (in person postpartum)
SB — Postpartum visit, induction scheduled (1/11)
MB and JB — follow up to see if they want to bump return visit to start of February
BL and DB — postpartum visit, check in to ask which apartment works avoid Monday AM, Tuesday afternoon (3-4p), Wednesday (11a-2pm) — open on Thursday and Friday
FF in FiDi — Postpartum visit avoid Friday
KC — Prenatal Session #1 (virtual)
LJ — follow up via email or text to see how she’s doing as baby’s arrival nears
JY — check in to see what the update is on admission to hospital
NS in West Village — Check in to see how NICU discharge date is coming along and schedule first visit
SS and PV — sleep shifting two days, check in to schedule
SIX Broadway with Nia
Reiki healing session
Pilates (2/3 times a week)
Soulcycle (2 times a week)
Running (3 times a week)
Yoga (1 time a week)
Decide on window to visit kids
Knitting group meet up
Add all training sessions for CASA onto calendar
Add all MET training sessions onto calendar
Add exams and quizzes for January and February onto calendar
French Tutor (2 times a week)
Ballet (2 times a week)
Day to pop in to check on ceramics that were fired over Christmas break
Confirm scuba trip dates and confirm location via PADI
Tumbling class either this week or next week
Aerial hoop class for next week or week after
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