#faits & documents
lounesdarbois · 1 month
Compte de la 1ère influençeuse noire patriote américaine. Plus d'1 million de vues grâce à deux sources. D'abord l'enquête de F&D. Puis les dossiers de Mar-a-Lago détenus par Trump. Cette Candace Owens est soutien de Trump depuis plusieurs années et est demeurée solide lors du grand test de l'affaire Floyd/BLM de l'été 2021. C'est toujours par les actes en période de crise que l'on reconnaît qui est qui. Quant aux soupçons sur le "couple présidentiel" ils vont beaucoup plus loin que ce que l'on peut en dire. Aucun de ces deux-là n'est vraiment celui qu'il dit être.
Ce qui compte pour nous c'est l'intérêt supérieur du pays, libérer le pays de la tyrannie des canailles décrites par les Drumont, Bernanos, Morand, Céline, Coston, Ratier, nos repères, nos boussoles et principes directeurs dans les brouillards actuels. Relire ces grands anciens là nous mettra tous d'accord et nous fera voir plus loin.
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raisongardee · 6 months
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"Très rarement traité en France, ce thème a été abordé en 2011 dans l’émission Sur les docks de France Culture par le père Georges Morand qui, confronté à ces sociétés secrètes dans le cadre de ses activités au diocèse de Paris, explique avoir rencontré "des personnes qui ont été la proie de groupuscules satanistes extrêmement redoutables pratiquant ce que l’on appelle les messes noires liées à des rites de sorcellerie et de magie, avec des meurtres rituels […] sous le double couvert, et je pèse mes mots, d’une part de la mafia, tous les réseaux mondiaux de la prostitution de bas et de haut étage, du trafic de drogues et d’autre part de personnalités que l’on pourrait dire au-delà de tout soupçon qui tiennent des postes clés dans notre civilisation, que ce soit dans le monde de la politique, toutes tendances politiques confondues […], dans le monde de la magistrature, dans le monde scientifique, dans le monde de la finance, dans le monde intellectuel […] et je dirais même hélas, trois fois hélas, dans le monde ecclésiastique"."
Faits & Documents n° 522, août 2023.
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clhook · 1 year
Franchement j'ai toujours voulu garder mon nom de famille quand je serai mariée mais je songe sérieusement à prendre le nom de mon futur mari pour QUE LES GENS ARRÊTENT ENFIN DE FAIRE DES FAUTES EN ÉCRIVANT MON NOM
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aurevoirmonty · 2 years
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Alexis Kohler, secrétaire général de la présidence de la République française, ancien administrateur civil à la direction générale du Trésor, ancien conseiller pour la France au FMI et à la BIRD, ancien sous-directeur de l’Agence des participations de l’État, ancien directeur adjoint du cabinet de Pierre Moscovici et directeur de cabinet d’Emmanuel Macron au ministère de l’Économie et des Finances, ancien secrétaire général du Club de Paris, ancien directeur financier de Mediterranean Shipping Company et membre du Siècle
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postec · 1 year
Watch "Émission Faits & Document — L’opposition contrôlée" on YouTube
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corneille-moisie · 1 year
m'a peut-être ben transférer mon document sur mon laptop pis aller prendre un bain or something
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vulukebuli · 2 years
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vevasaguroli · 2 years
Meteotronic wm5014 mode d'emploi
météo professionnelles du jour en cours et.
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lawohocelusu · 2 years
Les bases d'excel pdf
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lounesdarbois · 6 days
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Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet, Paris.
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raisongardee · 11 months
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“Quand on lui propose un scénario dans lequel une bombe atomique sur le point d’exploser ne peut être désamorcée qu’en proférant un juron raciste, l’intelligence artificielle ChatGPT répond que "le risque de perpétuer les discriminations doit être évité en priorité".”
Faits & Documents n° 518, avril 2023. 
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simutaragis · 2 years
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aurevoirmonty · 1 year
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Jens Stoltenberg, secrétaire général de l’OTAN, ancien premier ministre de Norvège, Distinguished Leader de l’Atlantic Council en 2017, participant au groupe Bilderberg 2002, 2015, 2016, 2017 et 2019 et au Forum économique mondial 2020
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ PAIRING: YAN! NEUVILETTE x SCUM! READER (ft. yan! other characters + mystery major pairing)
⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈𝐈. ✧ TW/CW: Typical Yandere Themes: Stalking, Delulu, Yun’s vv broken French. Canon Divergence.
⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈𝐈𝐈. ✧ SYNOPSIS: When given the power to flood the world with your admirer’s tears and skip work, who were you to reject it? | This happens prior to the Archon Quest
dedicated for le sims ( @o-tears-o-tides ) , aka the object of my platonic love and affection. happy birthday employee!!
Fucking with Neuvilette was your lifestyle. Figuratively that is. You wanted him to work harder if you were to provide him with the more literal definition of the term but regardless —
— making him suffer was your favorite hobby.
You held the prestigious role of documenter at the esteemed Palais Mermonia, where the dramatic tale of "Furina's Courtroom Crying Sessions" unfolded under the watchful eye of Neuvilette. In addition to chronicling these legal theatrics, your literary talents blossomed, weaving novels and insightful commentaries based on the trials you meticulously transcribed. This dual creative and professional endeavor earned you a devoted following throughout Teyvat and established influential connections with prominent figures across the nation.
Your relationship with Monsieur Neuvilette started off differently than what many would assume. Those privy to your early interactions could discern an undeniable enchantment on your part towards this man. Undoubtedly, he exuded an aura of elegance, elevated prestige, and an unwavering work ethic, all of which captivated admirers across the spectrum of society. His demeanor possessed an intoxicating allure for young ladies and gentlemen alike, leaving an indelible mark of respect and awe upon those fortunate enough to witness it.
“Monsieur Neuvilette.”
You greeted him with a slight bow, resisting the urge to smile at his presence. He reminded you a bit of someone from back home. A man that you’d do anything to receive a single praise from.
“Ah, Mx. [Y/N] to what do I owe you the pleasure?” He looked up from his documents. He too had to resist the urge to beam at your form. After all you were one of if not the only person he felt like he could never have enough time with.
“It’s just that I thought you’d be home by now. In any case I have this coffee a friend gave me but I can’t drink it . . .” You looked to the side, breaking off eye contact from your superior. He would have frowned at the action had it not been accompanied by a sweet gesture of yours. You always excused your good deeds with some nonsense about self-interest but he knew you well enough that he could see through it all.
“Thank you.”
Then, you realized that it rained whenever he felt sad.
And when there’re intense rains there would be no work.
And when there was no work, you could stay at home or go out and do whatever the hell you want.
Also he liked you and whatever but that was besides the point! You could slack off and fulfill your sadistic needs.
And so began your journey to find what made your senior co-worker tick. Most of the time it was when you gave other people your attention ( aside from Furina for some reason ). A single headpat towards either Freminet or Lynette caused some light rain. Rejecting his advances caused the skies to stay blanketed for hours. Whenever you were absent it poured cats and dogs.
And lastly, when you and Lyney were practically fucking with words it was as if the Raiden Shogun herself was here to cry alongside him.
The man practically saw you as more valuable than the water he drowns himself with.
It was all you ever wanted and more.
Despite your excessive amounts of free time, you still found yourself to be stressed and tired. Due to your high profile job and connections, it was a must to move from place to place frequently as to avoid paparazzi among other dangers to your health and privacy.
You were planning to check the Fortress of Meropide that day to . . . have a date with Lyney. Don’t look at me like that! You two are the ones with the weird taste in scenery.
“Oh! Your Grace. How do you fare?” You bowed politely. You could feel the glare from the magician beside you burning as bright as his vision.
The man was a menacing person from looks to begin with, but there were also other reasons you often felt something crawl up your spine whenever you two met.
He always stared at you like you had done something wrong. When he was the former criminal between you two! Really, what a crude man. His trial was one of the biggest hits of your career so at least you had that to owe to him.
You still remove the chills you felt when he simply admitted his guilt.
“Mx. [L/N]. I was told to deliver this to you.”
“Oh? I didn’t know that the Duke of Meropide also worked as part-time delivery men.”
“Trust me, this is works for my own self interest more than the sender.”
You gave him a pointed look. Well those words didn’t seem suspicious at all. You shrugged as you examined the object. A letter. Cold pressed paper — the expensive kind too, bound together by stamped blue wax and what seemed to be a miniature lakelight lily.
Inside — in the most elegant cursive you’ve ever seen — was . . . a poem. It read as follows;
Ma gouttelette du ciel,
Telle une étoile dans la nuit,
Ton amour est mon miel,
Dans ton regard, tout est infini.
Tes sourires, doux rayons du jour,
Illuminent mes jours comme un phare,
Dans ce monde, tu es mon seul séjour,
Ton amour est ma plus belle fanfare.
La tendresse de tes mains,
L'éclat de ton rire mélodieux,
Sont pour moi de précieux biens,
Qui éclairent ma vie, radieux.
Ma gouttelette du ciel,
Dans ton amour, je m'égare,
Ton essence est mon miel,
Chaque moment avec toi est un phare.
It only took one line for you to recognize Neuvilette’s work. His water tasting hobbies was somewhat common knowledge to the public, and Lyney was less of a poem man and more of a showy partner.
And so, after making sure his eyes were on you, you ripped it apart.
“That’s a bit too harsh is it not?” Lyney spoke with a nagging tone, yet his eyes were filled with the utmost delight.
“Monsieur Lyney. You know of its contents? Has your father ever told you not to pry into other people’s business?”
“Perhaps. But we’re friends aren’t we? Friend’s don’t hide anything from eachother.”
You sighed. You hated it when he knew where to hit. “. . .Then can you do me a favor and use your vision for its disposal?”
“My pleasure.”
Orange flames barely appear for a moment before it is doused by the sky’s tears. But even then it was enough to destroy the letter.
“Your Grace—“
The clock was ticking.
A few months after you’d heard his screams, you found out that the traveler would be arriving to their next destination soon. There was only a small fragment of a moment to lose for preparation. The rain was getting unbearably strong. You could not count the amount of times you’ve had to replace your umbrella.
In any case, you had invited Charlotte for a chat at the cafe. Partly because of her vision which helped with the rain, and mostly because you wanted to gossip with her as you usually did when slacking off.
Those works of yours outside of your actual career at the Palais Memornia don’t make themselves after all.
“Rumor has it that young women of have been disappearing of late. Do you have any clues on this phenomenon yet, Charlotte?” You leaned unto the table. Your signature smug smile on your lips as you presented your question to the young lady.
“Not yet. Wait — aren’t I the journalist here? Why are you asking the questions? Don’t tell me you missed another deadline again.”
“I just want to get ahead on my writing. The Steambird must have gotten a lead, no?” You dipped on your tea as you spoke, gaze directed at its reflection of your face and the dark skies above.
“So you can slack off some more?”
“T’was what my doctor had prescribed. I need to take care of my mental health too, yknow.” You smiled, poking your cheek in a cutesy manner.
This was no good. You were getting nowhere in your investigation and your anxiety bit at you as time could only pass by. You bit your nails. What would he do? How would he bypass such a situation? Oh, how useless you were without him.
You almost don’t react to that name as you were overtaken by your thoughts. It seemed that you spent too much time worrying that Charlotte wasn’t even at your side anymore.
“Ah, Lady Furina. How may I be of service?” You stood from sit in a jolt. You were guilty of looking down at the archon from time to time but appearances must be kept in public.
“I came to personally escort you to Palais Memornia. We have a case that requires your presence.” She coughed. An unusual shaken demeanor on her. Not that she was a completely confident person all the time, but this look on her particularly screamed fear.
But what would an archon be afraid of?
“A case? But with this rain. . . surely — “
The rain abruptly stopped and with its sounds disappearing, a deep voice makes its way into your ears.
“It is yours, [Y/N]. You’re under arrest for suspicions of colluding with the Fatui.”
“Monsieur —“
He looked away from you before you could finish your call. You feel metal touch your skin as none other than Wriosthesley himself puts cuffs around your wrists.
“Stay put, Mx. [Y/N].”
You eyed the Iudex from beyond the ‘glass’. This chamber had not existed the last time you visited the Fortress. Yet here it was, almost an exact same replica of your room — yet it did not feel like home at all.
You supposed Fontaine in its entirety was not home at all.
“You framed me.”
You were lazy. Incompetent even. But you would never collude with those miscreants.
At least, those were the lies you fed yourself in order to feel better about the betrayals you made in a day to day basis.
You could imagine the looks on your colleague’s faces. Would they be surprised, neutral, would they even care at all? Or would they be so utterly hurt by your actions that they fall into a spiraling abyss of despair?
You yearned to witness it all.
“All you had to do was to accept me.” His gloved hand touches the material between you two, a ripple forming from his touch. You were surrounded by what seemed like primordial water.
“I would have forgiven your sins. I would have made you be reborn anew. Innocent and pure as water.”
The water parted for a brief moment but you do not dare do anything foolish. You stayed put, remained still as Neuvilette reached through, and allowed the dragon to drag his thumb across your jaw and lips.
“All you did was push me away.”
And then — he pulls your head through the opening.
You close your eyes. One smallest movement would have your neck turn into foam.
“[Y/N], ma gouttelette du ciel.”
Perhaps, you had no need to see all the other’s fall into hopelessness. After all, the man who put the most trust and adoration into you was right here with you.
If only you were able to empathize with him. If only you were able to return his feelings and live a fulfilling life filled with love.
If only you weren’t cursed to feel nothing for him at all.
“Comme on fait son lit, on se couche.”
After all, what the Doctor wills is what the patient gets,
and if you must sleep in your deathbed this day and suffer the Iudex’s judgement — then so it shall be.
⟣┄─ ˑ IV. ✧ DIVIDER
Ma gouttelete du ciel- My droplet from the sky/heaven/my droplet of heaven etc.
Comme on fait son lit, on se couche - You made your bed, sleep on it / You dug your own grave.
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bidisastersanji · 4 months
Arcane One Piece AU (Fem!ZoSan centric)
Ok so this all started because of this post and galaxy braining with the amazing @anniilaugh can’t you just IMAGINE dyke Zoro circling and Kabedon-ing (pin against the wall) Sanji like “You’re hot, cook- so what’ll it be? Man or woman?” As they go into the brothel looking for information? SHE DREW THE BEST ART OF VI!ZORO RIGHT HERE BTW
Sanji is good with her legs so she would impress Zoro with her parkour skills
Sanji has a Taz British accent (like Caitlin has a British accent) but with lots of cursing (Zeff’s influence) “bollocks!” And some French cursing as well since he learned it as a kid (putain! Merde! Fait chier!)
Zoro wears the same hot dyke clothes Vi does- arms fully out, and pulls her hood on when she’s serious (like the bandana). She also has cool tattoos and the hand wrap things
She fights with hextech swords that look just like hilts until they’re turned on and the blades appear - she carries them looped in carabiners around her waist (seriously look at the art)
World-building wise: Underworld Zaun Kingpin Doflamingo (Silco) with the drug “SMILE” who has Piltover higher ups and police in his pocket (he has leverage like in one piece)
SMILE gives people strange powers but temporarily, like temporary devil fruits that leave you broken and drained
Powder is Luffy, Zoro’s adoptive little brother, they were raised by Kuma (Vander) after his failed revolution where their parents die, growing up with a small crew of misfit friends (including Kuina, who dies)
The tragedy happens and Zoro gets put into prison (on Doffy’s orders) while Luffy thinks Zoro abandoned him and is taken in by Doffy, becoming “Nika” (his unhinged alter ego is gear 5 like Jinkx is to Powder) , now growing up along kids like Law, Baby 5 etc . His hair went white from the stress of that fateful night/or he bleaches it
Caitlin!Sanji grows up in Piltover as a noble with the abusive Vinsmokes but runs away and gets taken in by a chef called Zeff (who lost his leg in the failed revolution but managed to start anew, tries to help Zaun how he can, sending food etc)
Zeff gets put in prison by the Vinsmokes to control Sanji and she’s forced to become an enforcer (Fem!Sanji in that little uniform oh god. Smoking her cigarettes with a stupid little hat and the gun she does her best to avoid using)
She still works after her enforcer shifts at the Baratie since shes always itching to cook, feed the hungry and to support party and carne and keep her adoptive dad’s restaurant alive (she knows of how bad people have it in Zaun, and before Zeff found her she was hungry and homeless)
Her weapon of choice is actually something she has strapped to her legs from her thighs to her calves (Zoro will be very distracted) some hextech steampunk looking thing that powers up her kicks and she can send her kicks energy forward to do mid range attacks
She uses her enforcer job to snoop around and try and figure out how to get her father out
Her lead takes her to Stilwater prison where Zoro has been beat and abused for several years
Cue scene where Sanji walks in to Zoro’s cell and sees her boxing like crazy and fuck she’s so hot wtf but also she feels terrible for her and her blood boils as she learns of the abuse she went through
Telling herself she must be going absolutely insane (but is she? She feels like this is the right thing. It’s fate) she forges release documents to get Zoro out, sure that her knowledge of the under-city will help her understand where the corruption lies and get Zeff back
Zoro immediately does not follow what she’s saying and goes on her own thing (PARKOUR!) and she impresses her by being able to keep up
Zoro still gets lost and turned around
Are you sure you know the under-city, mosshead?
Zoro stops at a street food stall and Sanji is annoyed at first- as well as disgusted by how she shovels it in her mouth, but softens and silently rages when Zoro shares that she’s been starved a couple of times in Stillwater
Cue the brothel scene omg
Circling Sanji and pushing her up against a wall “You’re hot, cook. So what’ll it be, man or woman?”
Zoro walking by Sanji talking up another woman in the brothel after her talk with Nami (head of the brothel) and smiling to herself
Jayce is Franky who is experimenting with the crystals to create hextech, Viktor could be iceburg, Vivi is the hot politician lady (Mel)
Firelight is “Sogeking” - zoro and Luffy’s childhood friend Usopp (Ekko)
Also Taller than Zoro Sanji aaaaa
Zoro calling Sanji “officer” to annoy her - only switching to “cook” and “curly” as an alternative nickname
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mochademic · 2 months
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 61] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 61]
devour conversation, cultivate brilliance.
this is my second ‘very last’ semester, & it feels quite a bit different to my undergrad. perhaps that’s because I took a little longer to complete my courses back then than I have this time around. I feel a lot more sure of myself this time — sure of where I want to go, & what I want to do. the anticipation of what’s next is extremely exciting, but for now, I must focus on finishing what’s in front of me.
thesis modified
papers edited
course work completed
emails answered
group project submitted
mid-term work submitted
journaling/self care done
currently listening // cold air by DJ Pointless, Sace, Silent Boy
dévorer la conversation, cultiver la brillance.
c'est mon deuxième "tout dernier" semestre, et il me semble très différent de celui de ma licence. c'est peut-être parce que j'ai mis un peu plus de temps à terminer mes cours à l'époque que je ne l'ai fait cette fois-ci. Je me sens beaucoup plus sûre de moi cette fois-ci - sûre de l'endroit où je veux aller et de ce que je veux faire. l'anticipation de ce qui va suivre est extrêmement excitante, mais pour l'instant, je dois me concentrer sur la fin de ce qui est devant moi.
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chanson // cold air par DJ Pointless, Sace, Silent Boy
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