#fai: accidentally brushes their lips together
yououui · 2 years
'accidentally' kissing, brushing it off as not meaning anything - [gremlin voice] gimmie gimmie
Fai isn’t entirely sure how this strange familial habit started; the one in which they all huddle together to observe something that’s been pointed out, their bodies pressed together like they’re one big unit. But it happens quite frequently now regardless and Fai must admit, he likes the little moments.
This time, while Sakura is sleeping, Syaoran points to a deer grazing outside their window. “Wow, I’ve never seen one so close before!” He says in a hushed tone, just in case the deer might hear him through the glass and run away.
Fai appears over his shoulder to look out the window, too. “We have animals like this in Celes, too. They're much bigger there, though.”
Kurogane is last, bending down so he can see out the window, his chin nearly resting on Fai’s shoulder to get a good look. “Oh yeah, we have deer in Nihon. They look exactly the same.”
“Fascinating,” Syaoran says with an awed voice as he continues to watch the animal.
They stay like that for a moment—Fai over Syaoran and Kurogane over Fai—and watch in silence. They all seem enamored by the peaceful creature, which makes something warm bloom in Fai’s chest.
“Say, Kuro-sama,” Fai starts, curious about the animals in Kurogane’s home country. He turns his head to look at Kurogane.
And Kurogane, hearing his name, also turns to look at Fai.
Whatever Fai was about to ask is promptly cut off when, by sheer coincidence of positioning, their lips press firmly together. Fai’s not entirely sure if he could call it a kiss since it’s not like they’re actually kissing, but it makes his heart leap to his throat and his face warm all the same. They stay like that for a moment, both of them apparently too shocked to move (at least, that's what Fai is going to continue to tell himself), until Kurogane regains some of his senses and pulls his head back.
He peers down at Fai with an unreadable expression, but his eyes look a bit bigger than usual. More boyish and young, sparkling with something like wonder. Fai’s throat goes tight. Kurogane opens his mouth to say something.
“Aw, it’s leaving,” Syaoran says, apparently completely unaware of what’s happening right beside him.
Distracted by his sudden voice and reminded of where they are, both Kurogane and Fai look out the window and watch the deer trot away to find some other food somewhere else. The warmth of Kurogane’s chest against Fai’s shoulder suddenly disappears as he stands straight and walks away.
“I’m sure there’ll be more,” He says to Syaoran over his shoulder. “Maybe we can leave some food out for them.”
Fai stands straight to give Syaoran room to wiggle away and follow after Kurogane like a little duckling. “That would be great! I’ll ask what kind of food we should use next time I’m in town!”
Fai turns and watches Kurogane go, coldness seeping in through the window and chilling his back. He licks his lips—they feel weird, like they’re tingly and numb. Actually, now that he thinks about it, he’s not sure if he can feel his face.
Shoving down whatever it is that’s rising in his chest, Fai plasters on a smile and joins his companions. It was just an accident, after all. It wasn’t like it was even half a kiss. And if Kurogane could brush it off so easily, then so could Fai.
Still, try as he might, he can't stop thinking that Kurogane’s lips are much softer than he expected.
“Hey, do you remember when we accidentally kissed?”
Fai doesn’t ask until they’re in Clow, recovering from their fierce battle. Kurogane looks at him but doesn’t respond, instead waiting for Fai to continue with the question he knows is coming.
“Why didn’t you… I don’t know. Say anything?” Fai asks. 
Kurogane thinks about it for a moment and then shrugs his good shoulder. The other is still aching after the prosthetic was destroyed. “‘Cause I knew you wouldn’t want me to. Or you’d pretend like nothing happened, or…”
Kurogane shrugs again. Fai can’t exactly blame him because he’s right, that’s exactly what he would have done. He was supposed to be preparing to kill Kurogane back then, not kissing him. Or, worse, he would have given in to some of his temptation and broken Kurogane’s heart even more when he cut him off.
“How did you feel?” Fai asks next. “When it happened, I mean.”
Kurogane swallows and, under the warm light of the flickering oil lamp, Fai can swear he sees a light blush spread across high cheekbones. “I kinda just heard this screaming in my head.”
Fai grins, honest and true, his happiness growing to the point that he can’t hold it back. He remembers the look on Kurogane’s face when it happened and, with this new knowledge, can practically hear Kurogane’s nervous, freaked out scream at being suddenly kissed by the guy he was falling in love with like he’s a teenager in one of those manga series he likes to read. “Good screaming? Or bad.”
“Honestly, I don’t even know,” Kurogane tells him.
Fai laughs and this time when he kisses Kurogane, it’s purposeful and proper and he can feel Kurogane smiling against his lips. Even with how much he's been able to kiss Kurogane lately, his lips still do that numb, tingling thing, but he's fairly certain that won't stop any time soon.
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sereia1313 · 3 years
Hello, Hello! I hope you've had a wonderful day! I noticed that one of the ships you listed was SyaoSaku, so I had to hop over here to ask: 2 – Favorite trope? 3 – Canon or AU setting? 5 – Headcanon about them? 10 – Give a fluffy premise for them Q – Recommend a fic featuring the ship! (can be yours!)
I was hoping you'd ask about this ship! I included it because I'd just come across your reblog of the dance scene from the second movie.
2. Favourite trope This is also one of the reasons I love this series/pairing, but Syoaran being completely in love with Sakura first. And even being shy about it or having Sakura be completely oblivious. It's such a sweet way of creating the relationship and one I don't come across in many mainstream romance novels. Or Sakura taking care of him when he's sick and him becoming completely flustered about it.
3. Canon or AU This is always a tough one, especially with Clear Card being unfinished at the moment. I can't really decide because AU gives me the chance to experience the above-mentioned trope again, but the world of the Clow/Sakura/now Clear cards is so dynamic! And Tsubasa/Holic as well (gimme all the Fai and Mokona interactions!).
5. Headcanon about them They both go out of their way to find out as much as they can about each other in order to use it for their own selfish (albeit super sweet) needs. So Sakura will find out what all of his favourite foods are, then “accidently” cook too much of it for dinner and then mysteriously having extra to put in a bento box for Syaoran the next day. Or Syaoran goes through a haunted house by himself and memorize where the worst “scares” are, so when he goes through with her (because Tomoyo/Kero drags her into it), he can put himself between her and the props/actors. And they try to pass it off as completely accidental, but Tomoyo sees through it every time (and makes sneaky comments about it when she’s alone with each of them).
10. Fluffy premise After the first time, Sakura thought she’d imagined it. After the second time, she assumed it was an accident—a result of them walking next to each other. After the third time, she felt a blush start to creep up her neck.
Syaoran’s fingers kept brushing against hers.
They’d been walking home together ever since he came back from Hong Kong. Even though her house was a little out of his way, he insisted on dropping her off every day. Sakura blushed more, her embarrassment mixing with guilt as she snuck a look at the boy next to him. She was fully capable of taking on anything that came at her but wanted to spend as much with him as possible, so she hadn’t argued when he’d brought it up.
The back of his fingers brushed hers again.
Sakura jumped, unable to stop herself from fully turning her head to look at him. He was looking straight ahead, his shoulders tense as his cheeks darkened in colour. Sakura’s eyes widened in surprise.
He was doing it on purpose.
Feeling her own cheeks heat, she looked forward, softly biting her lower lip. Words failed her as they continued down the street, the crunch of fallen leaves under their feet the only sound around them.
She struggled to keep the hand closest to him relaxed as she adjusted the straps of her bag with the other. Maybe she should do it back, let him know she didn’t mind. Or should she say something?
He reached out and grabbed her hand, his entire face turning crimson. Sakura squeaked in surprise, staring down at their hands, then up his face. He was still looking straight ahead, refusing to meet her gaze as he interlaced his fingers with hers.
A slight smile broke out onto her face and she gave his hand a soft squeeze, falling back into the natural rhythm they’d been in before. After a few steps, she felt some of the tension leave his body and her smile broadened.
“I like walking home with you.”
Q. Recommend a fic You know, I actually haven't read a fic in that fandom in years. I used to read them all the time when I first got into fan fiction but that was over 15 years ago and I haven't had the chance to read anything new yet. If YOU have any recommendations, please let me know!
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kanwriteseverything · 4 years
Iron Bullet Legacy: Chapter 2
Accidentally Lost
Torryn’s POV
Bright light. Overwhelming heat. Burning. My whole body is on fire... No, that can’t be right. It smells much more like firewood than flesh.
I blink into reality, careful not to make any sudden movements. Why the fiddle are there so many candles lit in here?
Where is here?
A mound of logs floats in the air by the far wall that isn’t very far at all. My whole body feels like it’s on fire. The brawl I got into with that fairy and its minions earlier must be the reason for it. Earlier… how long ago was that? How much time has passed?
When was the last time I asked myself so many questions I couldn’t answer?
There’s no one else in here, but someone, clearly out of their mind, had to have created this fire hazard. I sit up slowly, clutching the pain in my gut. The pain… it’s not nearly as bad as I remember. It’s coming back to me in pieces. I was on the trail to Westvale when that rogue fay ambushed me. It took a bullet through the wing, but one of the minions slashed my stomach before I got away. I bandaged it before passing out, but the gauze covering my injury feels more secure now than when I did it. Did that fairy come after me again? Fiddles, I don’t know. I need to find my bag before I look around.
The door creaks open as I scan the room, preparing to stand.
“Oh, wait, please, you shouldn’t move.” It’s a young girl’s voice, just above a whisper. “You’re badly wounded.” The candlelight distorts her features until she turns on the lamp in the corner. “You should continue to rest. How are you feeling?”
I clear my throat. “Did I...” There’s a sugary syrup on my lips. Honey?
She seems relieved as I form words, a small smile taking to her face. That’s when I see the dust, glistening in the light as it scatters from her chestnut hair.
This girl is a fairy.
“Did I have a bag with me?”
She glides over to a chair housing the things I recognize as mine. “Nothing appeared to be disturbed when we brought you in, but you’ve been unconscious for at least ten hours.”
We? There’s more of them, then... Alright, alright, calm down. Not all fairies are hostile. I’ve met plenty. This one doesn’t seem like a threat. Have I actually been in this place for hours?
How did I get myself into this situation?
She hands me my bag. I feel around for my weapon, maintaining eye contact.
“Do you have a name?” she asks.
I do. “Do you?” I capitalize on her turning away to tuck my gun into the back of my waistband, careful to keep it concealed. It’s loaded with iron bullets. designed for fay hunting, but I leave the safety on.
“I’m Lennox. I work here, and live here.” Lennox. Well, she seems harmless, but I shouldn’t let my guard down. A figure moves beyond in the darkness of the doorway as I toss my bag next to me on the bed. Glitter sparkles from the shadow as it breaches the lit room. It’s another girl.
Another fairy.
“How long has he been awake?” She talks to her companion, though her eyes remain fixed on me.
“I’ve only been here for a few minutes. I was just going to wake you.”
“No need. Couldn’t sleep,” she yawns. “Let’s try a lemon balm and mint brew. He seems to have responded a bit to the honey.” Honey. I was right.
Lennox reminds me of Fiona, right down to the soft, closed-eyed smile she gives me before whisking off to complete her task. “Please, don’t be afraid. We mean you no harm.”
The second girl looks closer to my age. Her hair is bleached to the color of snowfall, blending with the heavy fabrics of her robe and dress. “We mean you no harm.” She repeats the words of her junior with a harp like voice, not only gentle but bold. “I’ll explain everything we know.”
We. Just the two of them, or are there more? “Where am I, and who are you working for?”
“We aren’t working for anyone.” She takes a seat on the counter, legs crossed. There are rods on her fingers. Some kind of brace, maybe? “This is my home and my clinic.”
Her home and her clinic. In the middle of that forest I’d wandered into? Odd place to have a business. Wait. This is her practice... She’s the candle maniac, then?
“Lennox is my apprentice.”
Apprentice of what?
“How do I know I can trust you?”
She shrugs. “I’ve had seven hours to snap your unconscious neck.” It’s a fact, coming out of her mouth, not a theory. “If I wanted to kill you, or loot you, or harvest your organs, I would’ve taken the opportunity while you were unable to fight back, hmm?”
That’s quite specific. She makes me laugh a bit, provoking the pain in my stomach.
“You know, that gun you’ve got there isn’t going to do you any good,” she adds, hopping down to light a few of the unlit white candles. “After all, I took these.” She empties out the contents of her pocket onto the counter. The sound is all too familiar.
Iron bullets.
“So how do I know I can trust you?”
I lean back against the wall, pulling the empty gun from my waistband. “How did you know…?” How could she have seen it?
She rubs exhaustion from her eyes. “I found it in your bag earlier. Had to make sure you weren’t a salt smuggler, or anything. I replaced the ammo with some sage so I could divine it.”
Biscuits. I should’ve been able to tell the gun was empty. I would’ve been able to, but everything aches. My adrenaline is wearing off. I pull the magazine to find the plant she mentioned. How is she able to divine things? Is she a seer?
“What’s your name?” the faerie asks, resting her head on a closed fist, propped up on cabinetry.
“Torryn. You?”
“Sitara.” Sitara. “So, are you a radical? An insurgent, maybe?”
Ouch. Neither. “I’m just a freelancer.” Well, if you were to define freelancer and bounty hunter the same way, that is. “What about you? Some sort of healer, or do you just like the challenge of keeping white clean?”
She blinks at me, then down at her clothes. “Oh, right. I forgot. Cleansing magick tends to strip the pigment out of anything the user comes in contact with.” She pinches one of the gypsy sleeves. “These were blue when I put them on, and my hair is naturally black.”
Even her irises are crystal clear, like the lake back home. What color are they supposed to be? “So, you are a healer, then?”
“Sort of... Well, not exactly. I’m a mage.”
A mage? “Is that supposed to justify the number of candles you have burning right now?”
She raises her eyebrows, gesturing around the room. “These? These are essential in creating the best possible conditions for magick.”
“And the best possible conditions for setting your house on fire.” I get a laugh out of her. “You really are a mage, then?” Which means Lennox is her apprentice in magick.
Following a sudden and aggressive amount of sparkles, a staff almost as tall as her appears in in the hand with rods and wires attached to it. It looks like tree roots and vines woven together, with a few vibrant flowers growing on it. Conjuration is an area of study in magick, I think, so I suppose she proves her point. It levitates once she lets go.
Sitara jumps in front of me as Lennox returns, tucking my gun into her pocket and winking at me. Lennox doesn’t notice, preoccupied with the steaming coffee mugs. She extends one to me. It smells quite nice. Earthy, but sweet. I don’t often have the pleasure of settling down with tea. Lennox sits in a chair sipping the other cup, while Sitara busies herself with the candles again.
“So, do you travel across the veil often?”
My first gulp of the brew lodges in my throat. First of all, why is this so sweet? Second— me? Across the veil? “What do you mean?”
“Do you come to the enchanted side often, for work or something?” Sitara slows down her words to accommodate my confusion.
I haven’t been to the other side in years. How did I cross over? I don’t remember seeing a tear in the veil. “This is the first time in a while.”
The younger fairy perks up. “North Haven is quite nice this time of year with all the festivities we celebrate.” North Haven? Geography has never been my strong suit, and I don’t even remember the last time I saw an enchanted map. “Are you a merchant?”
“His name is Torryn, by the way,” Sitara murmurs, “He’s a freelancer.” She cuts her off before the younger fay can ask the question queued in her open mouth. “You should get a few more hours of rest so you can open the practice in the morning. I’ll record everything in his care log.”
“You need to rest, too,” she protests, ultimately retreating, mug in hand, when she’s brushed off. “Goodnight Torryn!”
Sitara collapses against the door once she closes it. “Sorry, I just didn’t want her to see it. She doesn’t like being around guns.”
I understand. That’s why I usually stash it in my bag.
“This is the F3, right?” she asks, pulling it back out of her robe. How does she recognize it? “Is this the new A6?” She traces down the barrel to the trigger.
“No, that’s the F3A5. I haven’t picked up the 6 yet.”
She nods turning it over, inspecting it. “It’s much more refined than the 3. I’m surprised.” Her eyes blink a few times, as if to pull her back to reality. She nestles the gun back in my bag and points to my tea. “Drink all of that. Don’t slack. Healing wounds from the inside is important.”
It tastes like a literal cavity, though… but never mind that. How does she know about the F3’s? Fay do age slower than humans… but is she old enough to have lived during the war these were created for? “Can I ask what happened to your hand?”
A small smile takes to her face. “You can, but I won’t tell you.” She scribbles a few lines into a journal nearby before heading towards the door. “I’m sure the explanation you come up with will be better than the truth, anyway.”
“Drink that, and rest.”
I’m sure the explanation you come up with will be better than the truth…
Now I want to know even more.
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loxxxlay · 6 years
If your still looking for prompts, I absolutely loved "The little things" and would love to see your take on any of clamps reveals about Fai such as his favourite color or his sensitive hands from Kuro's perspective~
Sorry if you wanted something cheerful, because I am apparently incapable of writing happy things lmao. I hope you enjoy!! ^_^
TW - talk of self harm and suicidal ideation, because…. Well…. It’s Fai… and I’m writing it…. So.
It was late in the evening. Syaoran was still out, spending time with the friends he had gained on this world, Kurogane was buried in the newest comic he’d managed to score, and Fai was cooking or baking one thing or another–eager to read, Kurogane hadn’t quite listened enough to know.
He had just flipped a page halfway through the comic, when Kurogane heard a squeak from the kitchen, and a subsequent crash of metalware on the tiled floor. Sighing, he started to get up and see what had happened, when the mage danced into the room, waving his hand around like a child.
“Kuro-puu, look, I burned myself,” Fai whined, thrusting out his hand to see.
Indeed, there was a red rash marking Fai’s palms and the length of his fingers. It wasn’t a bad burn–but it had spread along the scar tissue comprising Fai’s fingers, and Kurogane knew that if left untreated the sensitive skin would sting intolerably later.
He inspected it for a moment longer, before glancing over Fai’s shoulder to the mess of a pan, an oven mit, and freshly baked cookies, scattered over the kitchen floor. Fai followed his gaze and joined him in staring at the mess, his lip clenched between his teeth. When Kurogane looked, the mage’s eyes were straining with tears, and though he was making light of it, it was clear the false cheer was a struggle.
Hoping to help him lighten the mood, Kurogane raised an eyebrow at him. “You burned yourself while wearing an oven mit?”
Pouting, Fai tore his hand away from Kurogane’s grip. “Unlike certain fake-ninjas, I tend to make use of both of my hands,” he said and smiled when Kurogane twitched. “But there was only one oven mit, so you can blame it on whoever bought kitchen supplies.”
Which, of course, was Kurogane.
Rolling his eyes, Kurogane stepped over the ruined cookies and filled a bowl with cool water. “Come here,” he said, and Fai obediently trotted over, eying the bowl. Kurogane submerged the mage’s hand in the water, setting the bowl on the counter and hoping Fai would stay put.
Then Kurogane began to sweep up the mess and salvage the cookies that might still be edible. He spent several minutes cleaning up, before noticing that Fai was oddly quiet and still.
Frowning, Kurogane glanced at him. “Are you alright?”
Fai blinked out of his stupor. “Hmm?”
“I asked if you’re alright.”
“Oh …” Fai’s smile strained, and he turned to cradle the bowl holding his burnt hand and angled himself away from Kurogane’s gaze. “I’m fine.”
Up until that moment, Kurogane hadn’t really thought anything of this, hadn’t really considered that there might be something going on. He should have, perhaps. Fai hated the way hot things felt on his skin, likely because of the way it enflamed the scar tissue around his fingers, and he always took care to protect his hands when cooking. For him to make a mistake now, to burn himself–well, it was rather unusual.
And there was the fact that Fai was acting strangely.
Kurogane set down the broom and the dustpan to approach the mage from behind, and shoulders tense, Fai seemed to shrink into himself.
“Alright, spit it out, mage,” Kurogane said, planting his hand on the counter as he wrapped an arm around Fai’s waist. “What’s going on?”
Fai trembled with a sigh. He shifted so that his face was visible again, and there were tears brimming in his eyes, and a shy red glow to his cheeks. He didn’t insult Kurogane by smiling or laughing, as his body language reopened.
It was at moments like these, that Kurogane was so very grateful for what he had. That he could stand here and be a comfort to Fai, who would tell the truth and be sincere. It was more than he had once thought possible.
“I’m …” Fai swiped at his eyes with his uninjured hand. “I’m not good at talking about these sorts of things.”
Kurogane nodded. He knew. “Does it have to do with the cookies?” he asked.
Fai slowly shook his head.
“Then does it have to do with that?” he asked, gesturing to Fai’s submerged hand.
“Yes,” Fai said, gaze darkening.
And then it hit Kurogane like a wall of bricks, and his fists clenched, and he pressed closer to Fai, taking a second look at the reddened flesh of Fai’s fingers. It wasn’t a burn caused by neglect or carelessness or an accidental brush of heat against skin. It was a burn spawned of a very deliberate move to grab.
Kurogane took in a deep breath and forcibly uncurled his fingers to hold Fai’s shoulder. “Did you do burn yourself on purpose?” he asked, voice quiet and tight.
“No,” Fai said quickly. He bit his lip. “Well, not exactly.”
Frowning, Kurogane slipped a hand under Fai’s chin and forced the mage to look at him.
Fai’s neck bobbed with a nervous swallow, his shoulders turned inward, but his blue eyes met Kurogane’s without protest. He took a breath, before speaking. “Sometimes,” he said quietly, “I have these thoughts. I don’t act on them–I don’t even mean to think them.” He pressed his lips together and his eyes drifted to the broom and the dustpan behind Kurogane’s shoulder. “I just thought, ‘what would happen if I touched the pan,’ and I–I was distracted. I didn’t catch myself soon enough.”
The image of Fai deliberately reaching out and taking hold of the pan–of Fai’s own mind working against him–shuddered through Kurogane, reawakening pain in his phantom arm. Simultaneously he wanted to smother the mage in an embrace and grab him by both shoulders to shake some sense into him. He did neither. Instead, he inhaled and exhaled to soften his voice.
“Why haven’t you told me about this before?” he asked.
I thought you were better, he didn’t say.
Looking uncomfortable, Fai shrugged. “I didn’t think it was important.”
“You didn’t think wanting to hurt yourself was important?”
At that, Fai blinked at him. A small smile spread across his lips, even as a couple of his tears brimmed over to spill down his cheeks. “Oh no, no, I didn’t want to hurt myself,” he said in a rush. “It’s not like that.”
Kurogane’s frown deepened. “Then what is it like?”
“It’s …” Fai’s shoulders rose and fell with a breath. “I’ve been thinking that way for so long that I guess my mind has made a habit of it,” he said at last. “That’s why–I didn’t think it was important. Because I have those thoughts, but I … I don’t agree with them.”
For a long moment, Kurogane considered this, considered Fai’s serious gaze for any hint of a lie. Only when he deemed it truthful did he relax–slightly. “Unless you’re distracted,” he said.
Fai noted his shift in tone and smiled grimly. “Unless I’m distracted,” he agreed.
Relieved with the explanation, Kurogane released the mage’s chin and dipped the end of his finger into the water to check the temperature. It felt lukewarm now, and likely the necessary minutes had passed for most of the pain to have been minimized. Gently, Kurogane curled his fingers around Fai’s wrist and removed it from the bowl.
Fai’s mouth turned down at the corners in a pout. “It stings,” he said in his only half-serious, whiny voice.
“Yeah, I’ll bet,” Kurogane said. He dried it with the towel hanging next to the sink. “I don’t want you handling hot things when you’re cooking anymore. At least until we’ve figured out how to deal with these–thoughts. Just tell me what to do when you’re cooking, and I’ll do it for you.”
“Yes, Kuro-sama,” Fai said in a perfectly solemn voice.
Kurogane suppressed a smirk. “Watch the tone, mage.”
Eyes twinkling, Fai stuck out his tongue.
When Fai’s hand was dry, Kurogane steered Fai in the direction of the bathroom, where the first-aid kit sat in a cabinet drawer. As he was pulling out a case of cream and a band-aid to treat the burn, Fai said very suddenly, “Can we … not tell Syaoran-kun?”
With one eyebrow raised, Kurogane looked at him. “He’ll worry either way.”
“I know,” Fai said with a soft sigh. “But I told you, at least. Can’t that be enough for now?”
Kurogane looked over the mage for a while. Just moments ago, Fai had confided that he didn’t want to hurt himself, and as much as Kurogane worried about this new dilemma facing them, it was comforting–to see how far Fai had come. How far all of them had come. And he was proud of the mage for it. It was enough.
“For now,” he said and took the mage’s hand to bandage. “We’ll tell him you can’t cook hot things anymore because your hands are sensitive. Which is true.”
Fai smiled, bright and real, and he leaned into Kurogane’s side. “Thank you, Kuro-sama.”
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katymacsupernatural · 6 years
Sleigh Ride
Sam Winchester x Reader
1100 Words
Summary: Sam surprises the reader with a sleigh ride. Butthat’s not the only thing he surprises her with. 
This is for @thing-you-do-with-that-thing and @like-a-bag-of-potatoes 12 Days of Christmas Challenge. Today’s prompt: Riding in a one horse open sleigh.
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“Sam!” You giggled breathlessly as the man in question bent down, tying a bandana around your neck. “What are you doing?”
Making sure the bandana was snug, Sam leaned down, his warm breath trailing across the sensitive skin of your neck. “Something that should have been done a long time ago.”
Standing there, the hair on the back of your neck rose as Sam's hand slid slowly down your side, before his fingers intertwined with yours. “Are you ready?” He whispered, before picking you up in his arms. Without warning your entire world shifted, weightless as Sam held you tight against his chest, up in the air.
Without a struggle, Sam carried you down the hallway. Without your sight, you relied on your other senses, the coolness of the room telling you he had made his way into the garage.
Letting you slide down his long and lanky body, he steadied you against him, as you heard the door creak open. With his hand gently pushing on your head, he helped you inside, leaning in to buckle your seatbelt.
Sitting there,  you fought the urge to pull the bandana off as Sam started the car. “It's about a ten minute drive.” He started explaining.
“And I have to keep this on the entire time?” You asked, his chuckle your answer.
“Most definitely. Can't ruin the surprise.”
Suddenly you felt his hand reaching for yours, holding it tight as he continued to drive. “Here we are!” He exclaimed when you didn't think you could handle being in the dark any longer.
Reaching up to take off the bandana, he stopped you. “No, not yet.”
“Sam.” You whined, as he came around the car.
“You are so impatient.” He teased, but you could fill his hands working to undo the knot holding the bandana in place.
Once you could see again, your mouth hung open, amazed at what was in front of you.
You had felt the chill in the air, and now you could see the snow softly falling to the ground.  Trees lined both sides of the small parking lot, pine trees covered in a dusting of snow. In front of you was a small covered bridge, decorated with lights and garlands. Beyond, you could see horses and reindeer, and small buildings selling small trinkets. “Oh Sam, it's wonderful! You exclaimed, letting him take your hand and walk through the old fashioned covered bridge.
“Just wait and see what I have planned.” He told you, excitement lacing his words.  
“Hello Mr. Winchester.” An older lady exclaimed, coming up and shaking his hand. “Everything is set up for you.”
She guided the two of of towards the stables where a beautiful wooden sleigh sat, already hooked up to a large horse. A man with salt and pepper hair sat in the front, the reins in his hands. “Is that for us?” You asked, and Sam nodded, a nervous smile crooked on his face.
“You planned all of this?” You asked him, and he nodded. Cupping his cheek, you stood on your tiptoes, barely brushing your lips across his cheek.
After helping you into the back of the sleigh, Sam reached back down, taking the blanket and thermos the woman handed up. Tucking the blanket around the two of you, Sam turned to the driver, nodding.
The sleigh set off, a gentle pace across the snow covered ground, following a bath around the small farm, through pine trees. The snow was still coming down, dusting Sam’s mahagony hair, slowly turning it white. Reaching over, Sam pulled you snug against his side, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as the two of you enjoyed the ride in silence.
As the ride continued, and the trees grew closer and closer, you could literally feel the nervous energy rolling off of Sam in waves. “Sam, is everything okay?” You asked him.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t things be okay?” He mumbled, just as you passed through a thick patch of fur trees.
“You seem kind of tense.” You whispered, your eyes widening at the scene in front of you.
It was a small open area surrounded by snow covered pine trees. In the middle were hundreds of lights, carefully put together to form words. “Sam, look, isn’t that beautiful?” You breathed out, wondering who had taken the time and thought to put that together. Knowing whoever the recipient was was a very lucky girl.
“It is. What do you think of it?” He asked you carefully, his eyes never leaving your face to look at the words spelled out in glittery lights.
“I think that whoever this girl is that that sign is made for is very lucky.” You answered, before you began to put things together. “Sam, is that…. Did you..?”
He nodded, and you covered your mouth with your mitten clad hand. “This is really for me?”
“Yes.” He answered simply, and you glanced back at the lights spelling out Marry Me?
“Sam, I’m…. you went through all this trouble?” You asked him, knowing in a million years you would have never guessed this.
“Y/N, you’re the love of my life. Our lives aren’t easy, and I should have done this a long time ago. But I know that I want you in my life, forever. As my wife. So what do you say?”
“I say yes!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms around his neck, accidentally rocking the sleigh, making the horse nervous. “Sam, this is wonderful!”
“I’m glad you liked it.” He answered, all the tension immediately leaving his body. Smiling widely at him, you cupped his cheeks, marveling at how adorable he looked with his bright red nose and sparkling hazel eyes. This man meant so much to you, more than you ever thought anyone would. You couldn’t believe all the work he had gone through to make this even more special for you.
“I even got a ring, but I thought it could wait until we got back to the bunker, and celebrated with Dean, who’s nervously waiting to hear the news.” Sam explained, as the driver continued on, slowly circling back to the ranch.
“Is he excited?” You asked hopefully. You and Dean were close, but you were afraid he wouldn’t be happy about Sam getting so close to someone else.
“More than happy. He’s been telling me for weeks now that I’ve been waiting too long to do this.” Sam answered, as you snuggled deeper against him. “I hate to say it, but he was right. I should have done this a long time ago.”
“But I’m kind of glad you waited. Because today was perfect.” You whispered.
Sam/Jared Tags:
@a-girl-who-loves-disney @barbedwireandbubblegum @jared-padaloveme @mysteriously-lost @lenaabs @sadmac356 @sizzlingbearpolice @sortaathief @queen--glitch
Forever Tags(Closed): 
 @16wiishes @amanda-teaches @andreaaalove @angelsandwinchesters @anxuanpham @artisticpoet @atc74 @babydanixox @bambinovak @bea789 @be-amaziing @beltz2016 @benjerry707 @bish-its-me @bohowitch @boxywrites @bradygabrielle-blog @brooke-supernatural16  @brunettechick 
@buffytheangelslayer @camelotandastronauts @cantsleepian @cascar24 @castielhasthetardis @captainaudreystark @captainemwinchester @captainradicalpassion @chelsea072498 @clairese1980 @createdbybadappreciation  @criesateverything @crystal923  @darthdeziewok
 @delessapeace-blog @destiel-addict-forever @disneychic8 @dixonsvixon2017 @docharleythegeekqueen @dontslurp @dslocum89 @duckieburns @easelweasel  @edward-lover18 @emmazach @emoryhemsworth @emmysthougts @ericaprice2008 @evyiione @essie1876 @extreme-supernatural-lover @faegal04  @freddy-fuckboy-tammy 
@gabriels-trix @generalgoldfishldrm @ginamsmith @gloria1097  @goldenolaf25 @growningupgeek @haleyhay96 @hetsgrinch @hollandisstilinski @hunterpuff @iliketowrite02 @imboredsueme @impatient-witch @inlovewithbja @iriyelle  @ithinkimadorable-67 @iwriteaboutdean 
@jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @jayankles @jenna-luke @jensen-gal @juatanotherbandgirl @just-another-busy-fangirl @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @katelynbkool @keelzy2 @likesiriusly @linki-locks11 @li-ssu @littleblue5mcdork @livingasafangirl @loricwizardbluetoastedcake @love-untiltheresnoloveleft @lowlyapprentice  @mariahoedt 
@marvelandwinchesters927 @maui137 @mellowlandrunaway @mogaruke @moosesamdeancasbees @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @myplaceofthingsilove @my-squirrel-and-moose @nanie5 @naviwhite  @nerdybookwormsinger @ohgodjensen @oneshoeshort 
@padackles2010 @pancake-pages @percussiongirl2017 @pilaxia @pizzarollpatrol @plaid-lover-bay25 @jayankles @procratsinator @quiverhope @randomthings077 @ria132love @riversong-sam @rosegoldquintis @roxyspearing @sai-kida134 @samisimportant @sammysgirl1997 @sandlee44
 @sanity-is-overratedxp @saoirsewhittle @sgarrett49 @sgtbxckybxrnes @shamelesslydean @simplycheyenneautumn @spnbaby67 @spnbaby-67  @spn-dscc @starstruck-sugg @summer-binging-spn @superbadassnatural @supernatural-jackles   @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @tatortot2701 
@thebikiniinspector @the--blackdahlia @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @thoughtsoftheantagonist  @tokentransboy @trashforwinchesters @tunadean @upon-a-girl  @vvinch3st3r @walkslikesummeractslikerain @waywardmoeyy @winchester-writes @wonderange @zombiewerewolfqueen
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shadowedtalks · 5 years
Medieval Times Part 6
He smiled to himself at the look in her body language after he had left. "The reaction tells it all." he mused Quietly. The same look and feeling he had as a child when the captain found him. It made him nearly tear up as he realized how much the captain actually rescued him from what could have been. Should he have lived he had no doubts that he might have turned out just like the Fox or perhaps even a bandit leader or camp member.
The typical morning for her lord fallowed the dawns arrival. Hearing she would be needed for another call that evening before she was dismissed of the afternoon, she went to find him. With a call for this evening there was something she had to return beforehand. She stood there at a door knowing he was on the other side with some others, taking a breath she moved opening the door looking at those from the evening shift settling in for bed, relaxing and just otherwise hanging out. She scanned them all quickly spotting him among the crowd as slowly she stepped forward soft murmurs about her presences was about the room but most didn't care of her being there. Once she got to him, she lightly tapped his shoulder for his attention.
Kaiser, having had his mind elsewhere, jumped at the sudden tap and he reacted by standing at attention until he saw who it was letting out a deep breath of relief. "By the gods you scared me. Do you need assistance?"
She shook her head no then moved pulling a cloth out to hand it back to him it fell away to show the food he had given her several hours prior. Moving she put it in his hands not allowing him to reject her action and then put her other hand on his shoulder. 'I can't take your food. Thank you however.' She hoped she was able to communicate that with her gentle touch an head nod, then let her palms drop from him back to her sides and moved to turn around and leave the room. She would find a place to rest alone perhaps before tonight. She had come to the decision that no matter how hungry she was she couldn't take food from another. Even if it was given or offered to be shared. She would get her own, earn it, hunt it if she must. She just couldn't make herself to take someone else’s. He would need it more then she anyway. That much she knew; here she couldn't fight or do anything. He however was burning way more energy in a night then she was in the 5 days she had been there for already.
He looked down at the food he had given to her being returned to him. He took it back but He was confused to say the least. ‘Clearly she doesn't eat enough. Yet she refuses food.’ He thought to himself. He figured he couldn't change her mind and he couldn't leave here to go find her until his shift was up to start. Though he made a mental note which direction she went, figuring her would find her during the changeover. “Pride can be your undoing.” He whispered towards her though she was long gone by now’
It was her own feelings of feeling like she was taking what wasn't hers to have. An unyielding compassion she had for others having been born from her past. She couldn't let him go hungry because he felt bad for her. She could shoulder it just fine, just as she has for a while now she couldn't bare someone else attempting such a thing either.
She wandered aimlessly for a while she did however find herself something to eat. It wasn't special a cinnamon mini loaf that was being sold to staff and guests. She slipped in the crowd bought a part for herself and slipped away again. Finding her way back to that large oak tree, this tree easily becoming her chosen staple of a time to just get away even with in her confines an area of peace. She climbed its branches ate quickly her bread and soon found herself comfortable enough to doze off the sun warming the air around her in the shade. Letting one of her legs dangles as she slept peacefully this time. She didn't have too long before she would have to be up again but for now it mattered not.
The evening came to quick for her liking an she awoke as the sun began to fall. She escorted her lord back to his chambers after supper was hosted. Staying at his request. Biting her lip in silence as her night began miserably. Then left once he was done with her. She couldn’t post out in his room like normal she needed to step away this time.
She wandered seemingly in a daze as she swayed just slightly as she walked her head swimming round and round with her thoughts till she was stopped by a pail blue light appearing in her path before her face. Its calming light clearing her mind an her daze for this moment.
Holding her hand up the will of the wisp landed and absorbed into her palm. Delivering its message too her from the master Fay of the forest. He granted her request and will meet the sprite at the forest edge to return her home. On the condition that she too appears before him to receive judgment on her request. It was an easy enough of a request she just had to make sure she couldn't be spotted as she got over the walls this time. An she knew exactly how to accomplish this.
She had a small window of time till the meeting. She got her head somewhat together and hurried off to the young sprite. Getting too her, she relayed the good news as the sprite jumped for joy running to cardinal and nuzzling into her chest for a moment looking up too her.
Cardinal spoke softly to the sprite and wrapped her in her cloak as they melted away into the shadows as the bright nearly full moon was blocked by cloud's an when the light returned both cardinal and the sprite were gone having vanished all together.
Over the wall facing the forest to the east cardinal’s form slinked in quickly to the tree line no more than a soft white glowing streak across the gap into the tree line vanishing again from eye sight in the seconds it took to blink once.
There under the safety of the tree’s cardinal set the young sprite down who now had taken the form of a Kit so cardinal could carry it safely. Once the sprite was down on the ground another figure appeared from the greenery the thick wall seeming to part from him as he glided along. She remained bowed as the sprite returned to its normal form and rushed over to the master fay at his beckoning seeming to vanish into his glow.
"Ah.... The stolen child. Retuned safe without so much as a scratch and a new shifting form taught to them for a low profile. I heard many tales about you. You do well to live up to your name in the forests. I have also heard an see What those nasty humans do to you as well. And lastly what you do to protect those from forests much like this." he spoke as she kept low to the ground with her head bowed.
"You have strange gifts... some taught from those you helped, most natural from your birth… But you are chained by humans. Your light suffocated. Your true goal of messenger to Inari Lost at your accidental abandonment... so your full power is muffled and lost to your ability of use… You suffer so much at the hands of another, so sickening, tainted by those un worthy of your light. Humans grasp, claw, starve, beat and use your body for their own greed. They don't deserve you.... You belong to the forest. I know you know but your chains hold you in place. Makes judgment sad on you... Because even in your home you know you’re not worthy to gaze at me when it should be I." he rambled on she could feel his presence circling her round and around.
"You’re a disgusting creature right now... But gain your freedom an I know you will glow beautiful. As many like you do every full moon at your calling." he moved kneeling before her small form as his hand lightly ran over her head brushing her ears and fur back with his movement.
"Dearest silver fox. Your heart is pure, I’ll see the sprite home myself. Kill your chains when you’re ready then come home child, the forest is your home." then the master fay vanished all together his warmth from his hand lingering on her for a good while.
She held her spot for a few minutes longer then finally looked up and started a small trot back to the walls of the castle. She has heard the judgment many times, some days they asked her to forgo her chains and leave with them at that moment, then there are others that tell her to come back when they are dead and gone. Both are always so tempting but she wouldn't right now she wasn't strong enough. Jumping onto the wall with ease once she was close to it once again, it’s grand size much larger now. In this form she was so light so free and agile a jump like this was nothing, like she was flying as she soared up to land gently with no noise. But she was so small too but she felt so incredibly powerful like this. She walked along the wall for a moment absorbing the glow of the moon. As her silver fur gave off an almost incandescent and Translucent glow. Looking along the wall she spotted that familiar face. 'Kaiser' she thought with a head tilt as her bright green eyes locked with his as she jumped down from the wall vanishing into the shadows. Gone just like an illusion of the light.
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sereia1313 · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 121 characters
#y’all eat up steven king’s writing but hate harass and bully fanfic creators that write dark fiction just like he does???
My Top Posts in 2021
Hello, Hello! I hope you've had a wonderful day! I noticed that one of the ships you listed was SyaoSaku, so I had to hop over here to ask: 2 – Favorite trope? 3 – Canon or AU setting? 5 – Headcanon about them? 10 – Give a fluffy premise for them Q – Recommend a fic featuring the ship! (can be yours!)
I was hoping you'd ask about this ship! I included it because I'd just come across your reblog of the dance scene from the second movie.
2. Favourite trope This is also one of the reasons I love this series/pairing, but Syoaran being completely in love with Sakura first. And even being shy about it or having Sakura be completely oblivious. It's such a sweet way of creating the relationship and one I don't come across in many mainstream romance novels. Or Sakura taking care of him when he's sick and him becoming completely flustered about it.
3. Canon or AU This is always a tough one, especially with Clear Card being unfinished at the moment. I can't really decide because AU gives me the chance to experience the above-mentioned trope again, but the world of the Clow/Sakura/now Clear cards is so dynamic! And Tsubasa/Holic as well (gimme all the Fai and Mokona interactions!).
5. Headcanon about them They both go out of their way to find out as much as they can about each other in order to use it for their own selfish (albeit super sweet) needs. So Sakura will find out what all of his favourite foods are, then “accidently” cook too much of it for dinner and then mysteriously having extra to put in a bento box for Syaoran the next day. Or Syaoran goes through a haunted house by himself and memorize where the worst “scares” are, so when he goes through with her (because Tomoyo/Kero drags her into it), he can put himself between her and the props/actors. And they try to pass it off as completely accidental, but Tomoyo sees through it every time (and makes sneaky comments about it when she’s alone with each of them).
10. Fluffy premise After the first time, Sakura thought she’d imagined it. After the second time, she assumed it was an accident—a result of them walking next to each other. After the third time, she felt a blush start to creep up her neck.
Syaoran’s fingers kept brushing against hers.
They’d been walking home together ever since he came back from Hong Kong. Even though her house was a little out of his way, he insisted on dropping her off every day. Sakura blushed more, her embarrassment mixing with guilt as she snuck a look at the boy next to him. She was fully capable of taking on anything that came at her but wanted to spend as much with him as possible, so she hadn’t argued when he’d brought it up.
The back of his fingers brushed hers again.
Sakura jumped, unable to stop herself from fully turning her head to look at him. He was looking straight ahead, his shoulders tense as his cheeks darkened in colour. Sakura’s eyes widened in surprise.
He was doing it on purpose.
Feeling her own cheeks heat, she looked forward, softly biting her lower lip. Words failed her as they continued down the street, the crunch of fallen leaves under their feet the only sound around them.
She struggled to keep the hand closest to him relaxed as she adjusted the straps of her bag with the other. Maybe she should do it back, let him know she didn’t mind. Or should she say something?
He reached out and grabbed her hand, his entire face turning crimson. Sakura squeaked in surprise, staring down at their hands, then up his face. He was still looking straight ahead, refusing to meet her gaze as he interlaced his fingers with hers.
A slight smile broke out onto her face and she gave his hand a soft squeeze, falling back into the natural rhythm they’d been in before. After a few steps, she felt some of the tension leave his body and her smile broadened.
“I like walking home with you.”
Q. Recommend a fic You know, I actually haven't read a fic in that fandom in years. I used to read them all the time when I first got into fan fiction but that was over 15 years ago and I haven't had the chance to read anything new yet. If YOU have any recommendations, please let me know!
32 notes • Posted 2021-07-02 04:57:38 GMT
Tied To You
First prompt for the @sesskag-annual-falloween-event!
Title: Tied To You Trope: Red String of Fate Summary: Kagome agrees to help Shippou with a school assignment, unaware it will change her fate forever. Links: A03, Dokuga, FFnet
Sneak Peek:
Shippou let out a cheer and wrapped his arms around her neck, peppering her face with kisses.
“Thank you, Mama! You’re the best!”
She laughed, his excitement infectious and pulling her out of her foul mood. “Just promise me that you’ll get another tail out of this.”
He struck a determined pose, then sat in front of her, grabbing both her hands. Kagome tucked her feet underneath her as she watched him chant under his breath, his tiny claws drawing symbols on her palms. The sensation tickled and she forced herself not to twitch, her hands beginning to glow before a single string wrapped itself around her finger in an intricate bow.
Blue eyes widened as the string curled and twisted into the air in front of her, moving like a snake before flying towards her hut. It wrapped itself around the posts of her front door, creating a tangled mess of thread, barring anyone from moving in or out. Kagome watched the string turn from white to green before catching fire.
A protest was on the tip of her tongue as the ashes fell to the ground, the wood of her hut left untouched. The string then turned a brilliant shade of purple, the wind swirling the ashes around the charred end, lifting it into the air and blowing it west.
Kagome felt a tug on her finger—like holding onto a kite—urging her to stand. She frowned slightly and got to her feet, Shippou’s eyes watching her intently. She couldn’t see the end of the string, but it felt attached to something. Her heart squeezed, feeling like she was on the verge of something important before Shippou’s chanting stopped and the string faded altogether.
Blinking, Kagome looked down at her hand and found it bare.
32 notes • Posted 2021-09-02 19:04:57 GMT
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Discord Drabble Nights September 2021 Banner by the always lovely @cakeit0n. Also available on Ao3, Dokuga, and FFnet.
Kagome ran her fingers through her hair, combing out the last of the tangles. They'd been fortunate to come across a hot spring—the first one in weeks—and she'd indulged longer than normal.
"Sorry for the wait, everyone, we can get started now—" She frowned as she looked around, flames from their fire causing shadows to dance around empty spaces.
She stiffened as she reached out with her reiki, worried she'd missed an impending threat. Strong youki responded, caressing her aura as Sesshoumaru stepped out of the trees.
"They have moved on, miko."
"What? Why?!"
As if to answer her, lightning crackled across the sky, darkness turning to daylight before thunder echoed in the distance.
"They have sought shelter."
Kagome cursed under her breath. "They could've let me know!"
"You seemed to require extra time in the spring, we have been on the move for some time."
Blue eyes widened, realization dawning on her. "You waited until I was done?" A single nod of his head had her lips curling up into a soft smile. "Thank you."
He shrugged a shoulder. "Consider it payment for protecting Rin during our last encounter with Naraku."
She shook her hands in front of her, about to deny his claim, but her words were cut off as rain began to pelt them from above.
"So much for the hot spring," Kagome groaned, the icy water quickly soaking through her clean clothing. Looking around, she tried to figure out which way her friends had gone but the electricity in the air was dulling her senses.
A tug at her wrist had her stumbling over tree roots, Sesshoumaru almost dragging her through the forest.
"Hey, w-wait!"
"There is no time, the storm draws nearer, and you are vulnerable."
"It's not like you're immune to lightning."
He gave her a backwards glance, his gold eyes gleaming in the encroaching darkness.
"Are you certain?"
Kagome didn't answer, instantly intrigued. "Are you?" Another flash of lightning streaked across the sky above them and she heard him hiss through his teeth before wrapping an arm around her waist.
And then they were darting through the trees.
She yelped and grabbed hold of his haori, her protest muffled against his breastplate.
"I can still walk!"
"We do not have time for you to stumble around like the monk when he is under the influence."
See the full post
33 notes • Posted 2021-09-13 03:25:21 GMT
10 ♠️!
10♠️ - A fluffy scenario for SessKag
Oh man... I literally have half a notebook full of one shots of them. I'll give you a snippet of the one that's been running around in my head the most lately though. I have a feeling this one might end up as more than one chapter (I'm sorry this took so long! I was only planning on giving you a snippet and then I got started and couldn't stop lol).
Kags and Sess happen across each other in her time (she never went back through the well) and end up exchanging numbers. Sess is away on a business trip and Kags is at a friend's house for a girl's night. Said friends have been wondering/bugging her about this "mystery guy" she's been texting on the regular. Kags denies he's anything special (just that he's the brother of her ex), but they don't believe her, so they steal her phone and send "I miss you" to him. Kags is horrified as she watches the icon that shows he's replying/typing something appear and disappear multiple times before disappearing completely. She's worried and is trying to mentally come up with a response but then gets distracted by her friends and forgets about her phone. She goes home that night, slightly tipsy and falls asleep, only to have her phone ring in the middle of the night.
Kagome jerked awake to the sound of her phone going off, fumbling in the dark to silence the offensive noise. She eventually found it under her bed, stuffed in one of her shoes. Clearly she'd had more to drink than she thought. Closing her eyes to the bright light of the screen, her thumb managed to find the small green button.
"This better be important," she snapped, having to clear her throat halfway through. Silence greeted her on the other end and she was two seconds away from throwing her phone at the wall before a low voiced rumbled in her ear.
“I apologize for the late hour.”
Blue eyes shot open as she gripped her phone with both hands. “S-Sesshoumaru?”
“I…forgot about the time difference. I should have checked before—”
“No no! It’s fine! It’s not like I’ve got anything planned for tomorrow anyway.” Propping her phone between her shoulder and her ear, she reached for the glass of water on her nightstand, downing half of it before crossing her legs under her. “How’s your trip been so far?”
“Tedious. But that is to be expected.” A stagnant pause stretched between them and Kagome physically winced. She knew this was coming. She should’ve just explained that her friends were the ones who’d sent the text in the first place. He was probably calling to tell her to lose his number.
“Look, Sesshoumaru,” she said, not wanting to prolong an awkward situation. “About earlier…”
“I must apologize again. I was pulled into a meeting before I was able to respond to your message. It appears that those in charge here are more incompetent than I initially presumed.”
Kagome couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips. “That’s two apologies in one night Sesshoumaru, are you sure youhaven’t been drinking?”
A soft chuckle sounded in her ear and suddenly her chest felt tight. She would miss that sound, when he inevitably told her never to contact him again.
“You seem to have that effect on people, miko.”
She opened her mouth to ask what he meant, then bit her lip to stop herself. She had to stop this. She didn’t want any more memories between them to reminisce about—any more reasons to miss him for real.
She cleared her throat and tried again. “I’m sorry if my text from earlier—well—I wasn’t the one who sent it. We were talking about you, and they misunderstood the situation and thought I was too scared to…confess, so they thought they were doing me a favour.”
Silence greeted her again and she pulled her knees into her chest, hiding her face as she stifled a groan. She’d had such a great thing going with him; he’d even been the one to suggest exchanging numbers in the first place. When had she started looking forward to talking with him every day? Checking her phone for notifications under his name?
Her friends were so nosy and always seemed to come the wrong conclusion. They assumed the worst with Inuyasha without understanding the complexity of his relationship with Kikyou—though she was still trying to figure that out herself, even after the well had been closed for five years. And now they’d gone and done the same thing with Sesshoumaru.
Why couldn’t they let her figure things out for herself?
“So, your friends sent the message.”
Kagome nodded, then remembered he couldn’t actually see her. “Yes.”
“And yet you did not amend the statement in the hours following.”
“I-I…” Her head shot up, her eyes widening as his words sank in. “No… No, I didn’t.” Why hadn’t she? Sure, she’d been distracted by Yuka’s sudden outburst, but that didn’t account for the remaining time she’d spent with her friends. Or how long she’d been home afterwards.
“Was it untrue?”
Kagome bit her lip, her hand tightening around her phone, the answer already clear in her mind. She could lie. She could pretend that nothing had changed and that it was just her friends overstepping. But she refused to be dishonest when he’d always been truthful with her.
“Then it is irrelevant who sent it.”
See the full post
63 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 05:06:02 GMT
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Sereia's SessKag Week 2021 Posting Schedule
Rainbow Road!
Leafy Lark [A03 | Dokuga | FFnet]
Murky Magic [A03 | Dokuga | FFnet]
Crimson Conspiracy [A03 | Dokuga | FFnet]
Ivory Innocence [A03 | Dokuga | FFnet]
Sapphire Summons [A03 | Dokuga | FFnet]
Carrot Confusion [A03 | Dokuga | FFnet]
Periwinkle Pinings [A03 | Dokuga | FFnet]
Look for updated links each day!
To see the full list of SessKag Week 2021 Prompts, click here.
***Special shout out to @sagemcmae for the awesome chart idea, see her schedule here.
127 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 04:15:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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