#even though she was born in the 1300s
riddlerosehearts · 5 months
i am so tired of seeing this screenshot about wish's ending reposted everywhere and used to make fun of the movie:
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and this is coming from someone who didn't even like the movie very much, but this is misrepresenting what happened. yes, there is a thing where asha wears a cloak resembling that of the fairy godmother and at the end star makes her a magic wand and the kids say she's like a fairy godmother, king magnifico does get trapped in a mirror, etc, and the movie was absolutely filled with easter eggs and references to previous movies--yep, when i saw the movie i did in fact take these scenes as just easter eggs! after all, think about this logically, if all currently existing movies in the disney animated canon were meant to take place in the same universe, and asha canonically grows up to be cinderella's fairy godmother, then...
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how can you explain such a drastic difference in appearance? how can you justify asha, a brown-skinned afro-hispanic girl with a face full of freckles and long brown hair, and this old white woman being the same person? you can't, because they're not!!!! if i recall correctly asha doesn't even wear that cloak at the end when they're calling her a fairy godmother, she just wears it during one scene when she's a fugitive and has to sneak around. also...
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the creators of the movie have directly confirmed that they were not trying to set up a disney multiverse and that it's not meant to be taken that seriously. rapunzel and eugene's cameo in frozen also wasn't meant to be taken anywhere near as seriously as everyone took it. neither were any previous cameos like belle in hunchback of notre dame or aurora in oliver and company (and if aurora being in oliver and company was canon, she'd be over 600 years old!). and, back to wish specifically, the little easter egg earlier in the movie where magnifico sees a wish bubble from someone who wants the perfect nanny to take care of their kids and says he's "poppin' that one" also doesn't mean the banks family from mary poppins canonically lives in rosas. the scene at the end where a boy named peter who wears all green and dreams of creating a flying machine goes to work with a girl in a blue nightgown whose wish is to fly doesn't mean peter pan and wendy actually somehow lived together in rosas and knew each other before the movie peter pan ever happened. it is literally impossible for all of these movies to take place in the same time period and universe, so it's a good thing that they, uh, don't, and were never intended to. please, if you don't like the movie, that's perfectly fine, but don't say disney is trying to create some convoluted multiverse and "MCU-ify" their movies when that just literally isn't true.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Hi, it's me again ahahha. I enjoyed your writing on Ikemen Prince with Baby on work~
Can you also do one for Chevalier and Clavis? 🥺😁
Ahaha I have to admit, this is something I've thought about from time to time. So, here's approx. 1300 words of Chev and Clavis as papas!
Chevalier stared down at the squirming little thing in his arms. It was the most ridiculous creature. Big, ice-blue eyes stared back at him intently, set in a face much like his own. “If I put you down, are you going to cry?” 
The baby - his daughter - burbled at him nonsensically and then grabbed at his cloak. She caught the fur and stuck it right into her mouth. 
Chevalier patiently removed the fur from her grasp. “What did I tell you? Only food goes into your mouth.” His strict voice belied the tender look in his eyes as he said it, though he did not realize what expression he wore when he looked at his daughter. “I wonder how any child lives to adulthood, sticking random things in their mouths.” He was very sure he’d never done that and there was no one around but Sariel to dispute him.
The baby did not have an answer for him, but she waved her hands in the air above her, reaching for his cloak again. 
He unhooked it and laid it against the back of the chair, safely out of baby-reach. Proactive strategy. Difficult when your opponent gave you so little to work with. “Now. I am going to read. And you are going to be a quiet good girl until your mother comes back.” Chev glared down at the little bundle of joy fiercely. 
“Ama-amamama ah?”
Chev paused mid-breath. “Did you . . . say mama?” 
“Ama-ahamama-aaahhhh!” She squealed at him and stuck her fist into her mouth to bite at it.
The king felt his face stretch into a wide smile. He,and he alone, heard the princess’ first words. Of course. It was a very common word. Mama. But he felt pride swell his chest. He couldn’t wait to see Emma’s face when she heard. 
“Now for your second word,” he told the little princess. “Paaa-paaa . . . paaa - say it.” His eyes gleamed with the ferocious inner light of a tiger teaching its young.
“Ahhh? Bluhbluh . . .” The baby squealed and then went back to sucking on its fist. 
“Paaa. P.” Chev formed the first letter slowly and repeated it several times. “If you can say mama, I know you can say papa. Stubbornness is not a becoming trait. Paaa-paaa.”
His daughter reached up and tried to grab at his chin, giggling and he could not help but laugh too.
Unnoticed in the doorway, Sariel stood with an armload of papers. He watched the king and princess with a gentle smile. Ater a moment, he turned and left as silently as he’d come.
The princes of Rhodolite assembled in the garden, their expressions ranging from mild concern to hostile boredom. There were tables set out with an array of bizarre foods. Tarts in an unnatural shade of purple, vegetables with some kind of dangerous looking red glaze, a drink that might have been tea if it wasn’t blue. 
Yves and Licht sat at one table, looking nervous. Luke sprawled disinterestedly on a bench. Jin leaned against a rose-covered arch with his flask in hand - probably the only safe drink at this gathering. 
Rio stood to one side with a tray in hand. It held little cups of what looked like pudding, but it was matte green and had chunks of something yellow jutting out of it. He wasn’t allowing anyone to take one off the tray - not that anyone was asking. 
Leon was gamely chewing one of the violently purple treats, much to Sariel’s obvious horror. Nokto watched from a shaded bench in the corner, clearly hoping for a reaction from the 4th prince. 
“This had better not be a waste of my time.” Chev was the last to arrive, he stepped into the garden and gave the gathering a frosty look. 
Clavis had called them here upon his return from Jade, and no one was quite sure if that meant he was about to prank them or actually had important information to share. With the 3rd born prince, it could go either way or even be both. He was unpredictable, dangerously so. Even marriage and fatherhood had done little to tame him.
Cyran, soldier and confidante to Clavis, appeared at the entrance to the garden right behind Chevalier. “Oh, I promise you this will be worth your time, King Highness.”
Chev’s lip curled, but he sat down and crossed his arms. 
A moment later, Clavis arrived. He was beaming, his smile wider than usual. “Thank you so much for attending my little garden party. I really appreciate it!” 
No one replied, though Jin crossed his arms, almost a mirror of Chevalier's posture. 
“I hope you’re enjoying all my homemade goodies. All from things I bought while in Jade.”
“That’s not the only reason you asked us here, is it?” Sariel’s dry, business-like voice did not sound amused or even faintly interested in ‘goodies’.
Clavis laughed. “Of course not!” He swanned around the gathering, his smile wide and unchanging. “I asked you to come because I made the most fantastic discovery in the Jadean markets.”
“A new medicine,” Leon said hopefully.
“New weapons?” Chev asked with his usual icy disdain.
Nokto smirked. “I hope you aren’t about to show us another nude folio. King Highness did not appreciate that last time, and Yves is still too young for that kind of filth.”
“I might not mind,” Jin hummed. 
“No! I’m a married man now,” Clavis put a hand to his chest. “I can’t imagine wanting to look at anyone but my dear Emma.” 
“So . . . what is it then?” Licht frowned.
“Cyran.” Clavis gestured imperiously. The soldier gave a little bow and hurried off, returning a moment later with something in his arms. Someone, in fact. 
“Well, there it is. The prince has finally lost what mind he had left,” Sariel sighed. “You didn’t find your daughter in the Jadean markets, Clavis.”
The baby in Cyran’s arms wriggled, trying to get loose. She was just old enough that she’d started to walk, holding onto things and as wobbly as a new-born deer.
Clavis laughed. “Of course not! But look at her shoes!” The baby wore a pair of odd looking little shoes over her chubby feet. They were white and pink, with a cute bunny face topped by loppy little ears and a puffy cotton tail above the heel. 
“Baby shoes.” Chevalier said flatly. “You brought us here . . . for baby shoes.”
“Yes! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find cute little shoes that fit those chubby little feet? But in Jade they’ve made these shoes with stretchy tops, see?” He pointed out the way the top stretched over the little baby foot. “And it has a matching headband!” Clavis took it out of his pocket and put it on the baby’s head.
His daughter giggled and grabbed at the ears that now hung down on each side of her adorable face. Her lavender hair stuck up at odd angles where the band had bunched it, but she didn’t seem to mind.
“She does look pretty cute,” Yves said into the awkward silence. 
Licht had a gentle expression on his face, almost tender, as he nodded in agreement. 
The baby wriggled until Cyran had to set her down, holding her two little hands in his big calloused ones. She took a few wobbling steps toward Chevalier, and gave him a big smile. “Uhhnn!” 
Chev regarded her with an arctic glare. “Uncle. Chevalier. It’s not difficult to say.” 
“Uhhhn! ‘Val . . . ear!” The tiny princess pulled a hand loose from Cyran and waved it toward Chev. 
“Aww that’s so cute! But your name is too long. I bet she can say mine.” Jin crouched down to put himself at baby level. “Come on little bun-bun. Come to uncle Jin.”
Nokto chuckled. “Not even a year old and she’s bringing royalty to their knees.”
Chevalier stood. “I do not have time for this.” He stepped carefully around the baby and then walked briskly back toward the palace. It might have been easy to miss the gentle look he gave the child over his shoulder. Certainly, the gathered princes were too occupied to note it. 
Clavis looked entirely pleased with himself as the rest of his brothers tried for the baby’s attention. She loved being the center of things, and for once, he did not mind yielding the spotlight.
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quitealotofsodapop · 17 days
The idea that Nez Ha's primary reason for tracking Wukong down in s3 in Slow Boiled was because Wukong was pregnant for like... 1300 years is amazing. Wrlang does find out the details about the pregnancy later... after Yubei is born and they all are collectively carted off to Lao Tzu's lab for both Yubei's first check up and a very, very overdue one for Wukong since the never even let anyone except for Guanyin even check the baby before and, well, stone monkey pregnancies are high risk, Yubei's especially so since she was so overdue and Wukong had been through so much stress throughout pretty much her entire development with only the short 500 years he had been isolated or a few short years with the Pilgrims after the Journey as a potential exception.
sequel to.
Potientially world-ending fire being reforged can wait a minute, Nezha needs to know if Wukong put himself and his baby in such danger all those years ago!
Wukong: "So... are you still mad at me for the Map-?" Nezha, nearly on-fire with anger/worry: "Of course I am! But the fact that you handled the Samadhi Fire while with child and didn't seek out help afterwards worries me far more than your reasoning for reforging it!" Rest of the Gang: "Aww." Nezha: *angry little kid face* >:(
And Nezha gets tied up with the gang's shenanigans for the rest of S3, especially since Wukong is possessed by LBD, and Red Son and Mei need guidance on their fire abilities.
I'm loving the idea of Erlang, who's had a clue that Wukong has been pregnant for so many years, only to find out cus Wukong and Yuebei went to Lao Tzu for a post-natal check-up. He's just chilling in Heaven, doing military drills, senses Wukong is in the Realm and sees-
Erlang: "Baby!" Celestial Soldiers: "Huh!?" "Where!?"
Erlang quickly zooms over to finally give Wukong that congratulations card XD
Baby Yuebei gets startled by the sudden appearance of a tall man with a dog and gets so scared that *ZAP!*.
Erlang: *hair smoking from Yuebei's lazer eyes hitting him square in the face. Completely speechless* Wukong, quietly panicking: "Oh... oh you know how I was as a newborn. I shot lazers at your uncle too." Macaque, delighted smile: "Good aim on her though." *pets Yuebei's head* Yuebei: *rubs eyes tiredly*
The Heavenly General ain't even mad. The little lady is super dang cute, and according to her parents; ate the bone demon that was causing trouble on earth a while ago. Someone like that would be valuable to have as an ally to Heaven.
MK and Macaque are also still super protective of Wukong right now - so Erlang quickly gets hissed/glared out the room by the Monkey King's family.
Erlang wonders if he should tell the rest of Wukong's old allies about the little one's arrival?
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getvalentined · 11 months
Okay so while I'm 99.999999% sure that BoTW and ToTK take place on their own timeline (I've even figured out where the divergence must have occurred for the events in those games to take place as they did and wrote a spoileriffic post all about it), there is at least one other option. Maybe two.
Spoilers and 1300+ words of lore and theory nonsense under the cut.
There are some things I've noticed that, when put together, form a very interesting possibility. It's not nearly as solid as the concept of this being an entirely different timeline altogether, and separately these things don't mean much of anything. Viewed together, though, they do seem to point in a fairly distinct direction.
Key points:
The Depths are full of massive ancient fossilized tree roots
Hyrule as a whole is heavily populated with the remains of absolutely enormous fossilized tree stumps
The Koroks exist, but the Kokiri don't
The Rito exist, as do the Zora
These Zora can live in freshwater or saltwater without suffering negative effects
Ganondorf refers to Sonia as being Hyrulean, not Hylian, in spite of Hyrule as a kingdom being founded by her and Rauru
Triforce imagery already exists back in that time period, to the point that Sonia has it tattooed on her body
This...may actually be the far-flung future of the WindWaker timeline.
Points 1, 2 and 3:
In WindWaker, the Deku Tree created the Koroks out of the Kokiri so that they would survive in some capacity after the Goddesses flooded the world. They traverse the world dropping seeds in the hopes that the trees born from those seeds will take root deep enough to join together and recreate land.
The Depths are full of ancient fossilized trees. Hyrule is covered in their remains. The Koroks travel the world for reasons unknown. The Lost Woods contain both a Lake Saria and a Mido Swamp, which we can say are just shout-outs to previous titles—except that Urbosa mentions Nabooru by name in BoTW, meaning that she existed. And if she existed, in the capacity that we know her from Ocarina of Time, then Saria existed. And yet the Koroks exist, and the Kokiri don't.
Points 4 and 5:
In WindWaker, the Rito used to be the Zora. They were magically evolved over time because they couldn't survive the flood, there was something wrong with the water. In Ocarina of Time, Zoras appear to be strictly freshwater entities; there are oceanic Zora in Majora's Mask, but that's either so far back on the timeline that Hylia and Demise haven't landed yet, or it's an alternate timeline altogether. In BoTW and ToTK, the Zora are very clear that they can survive in basically any water. They've tested this. They know they'll be fine no matter what.
Rito and Zoras in BoTW and ToTK have very, very similar body shapes, with long torsos and long arms and short legs, very limited sexual dimorphism, and expression of features similar to multiple different real-world animals that live in their respective environments. Teba is a harpy eagle, Kass is a sapphire macaw, Revali is a Steller's jay, Penn is a pelican; Mipha seems to be a false killer whale, Sidon is a hammerhead shark, King Dorephan is a blue whale, Yona is a devil ray.
Unlike the Rito in WindWaker, these Rito are literally just birds. They don't have to go earn their wings, they grow flight feathers at certain levels of maturity just like normal birds. Unlike the Zora in previous titles, who seemed to age at a rate on-pace with Hylians, the Zora age similarly to some some rare deep sea animals—coelacanths, for instance, reach physical maturity around 40-60 years old. (Reminder that coelacanths were also assumed to be wiped out, leaving behind only differently-evolved relatives.)
If we assume that the Koroks' mission was successful, then the Zora could very well have come back into being intentionally, the same way that they became the Rito in the first place. Some remained as Rito, while others chose to branch off and recreate what they used to be, using magic and careful breeding to make sure that they wouldn't die if the water turned against them again. Likewise, the Rito changed alongside them to become more suited to the changing environment, until they reached a point where they don't even remember that they came from the same place. (EDIT: Lending further credence to this possibility, the Stormwind Ark literally looks like two seahorses swimming side by side. Not birds. Nothing airborne. Seahorses.)
Points 6 and 7:
The existence of the Triforce as a holy symbol and the use of "Hyrulean" to describe someone of Hylian descent indicates that Rauru and Sonia didn't create Hyrule as a place, but organized it as a nation. The land of Hyrule already existed, it just wasn't under anyone's rule. Rauru and Sonia, with the power that they possessed, were able to organize the land on which they lived to create a kingdom—it was already called Hyrule, they just took control.
This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever in any context that I can think of outside the WindWaker timeline, where the destined bearers of the Triforce and the Hylian royal family haven't existed for ages. One of three points in the timeline where Ganondorf was killed, not just sealed away. (The other two being Twilight Princess and ToTK.) Until this point, Ganondorf is always the same Ganondorf. He's the same person as he was in Ocarina of Time—the Triforce of Power made him immortal, that's why all anyone could ever do was seal him up. The Master Sword is the sword that seals the darkness, not the sword that destroys the darkness.
There's a really interesting bit in the Twilight Princess manga that, while I know it's noncanon for the games, lends a lot of credence to the idea that Ganondorf in ToTK is the first time that Ganondorf has been properly and truly reincarnated.
Trigger warning for mention of suicide, and spoiler warning for the Twilight Princess manga.
Toward the end of the manga, during the final battle, Link is losing. Link is going to lose. He comes to the realization that he can't kill Ganondorf not because Ganondorf is stronger than him, but because he's just one part of a whole—and Link and Zelda make up the rest of it. Link realizes that he doesn't have the right to kill Ganondorf, because they need each other to exist. He was chosen by Din for a reason, like Link was chosen by Farore and Zelda was chosen by Nayru, and even if nobody knows why Din allowed that to happen that doesn't make it the right of one Goddess' champion to kill another. Ganondorf refuses to accept this, and kills himself so that he can finally be swept into the reincarnation cycle along with Link and Zelda, rather that just living forever and meeting new versions of them again and again. He demands the opportunity to reset and do what he wants without the fetters of his previous attempts weighing on him, with a promise to return someday and take what he deserves.
Ganondorf dies at the end of WindWaker, and it's very possible that he wouldn't be reborn again until the time period where Hyrule would be revived. Ganondorf is the destined bearer of the Triforce of Power—and Rauru is the Sage of Light, but he very clearly serves as a stand-in for the Triforce of Courage, while Sonia presumably stood in for Wisdom until Zelda arrived. At that point, given that Zelda is the destined bearer chosen by Nayru in order to bolster her ability to interface with Hylia (or to house her outright), any protection that position could have granted Sonia was lost, and Ganondorf was able to kill her where he couldn't have killed Zelda.
Do I think this is the case? Almost certainly not. Do I think it's possible? Absolutely.
The other possibility is that Ganondorf in WindWaker succeeded in his wish to reset the timeline and undo everything and the Goddesses took advantage of the wish and rolled it back so far that they removed the Triforce from the timeline altogether in the hopes that Ganondorf would never come into being at all. This new timeline would thereby be the result of that, but there's not much to indicate that beyond the fact that the Imprisoning War is literally the events of Ocarina of Time without the Triforce or Link, down to Zelda watching him kneel in front of the King of Hyrule and ask for allegiance, then telling that king that Ganondorf is obviously evil. I swear it's almost word for word. Zelda. Don't be racist.
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 1 - Dream
Dream x Reader Hob 
It’s not good, but I really don’t have the time to write lately, I’ll try do to better for the next stories this month. I also want to write more about this pairing later. 
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Y/N Y/L/N was born in the 1300s, and she expected nothing from life.
Yet she loved life, she would have liked to see everything, hear everything, do everything, and for that she would have liked never to die.
One night she was discussing it with some friends, saying it was ridiculous to have to die, when there was so much beauty in the world, so much possibility.
           "It's decided." she declared proudly, holding the glass of wine she had stolen from a neighbour's cellar. “I will not die !”
           “You are funny, Y/N. Even if you couldn't die, you are a woman. It would be hell for you.”
           “Nonsense ! It was much harder before, and I'm sure it can only get better. One day, women will be equal to men, and I could do whatever I want ! You just have to wait a bit, and I'll be there to see it !”
           "If you say so."
           "Excuse me." then said a man who had approached. "I thought I heard you had no intention of dying."
Y/N and her friends were silent, to stare at him. She might have been scared, wondering if he was going to mock her or take her for a witch, but the stranger seemed different from the others.
Almost inhuman. Dreamy.
Very proudly, she replied that it was true, that she was going to live forever, which made him smile.
           "So let's meet in the village pub, a hundred years from now, Y/N Y/L/N."
           "Very well ! I will be there !" she proclaimed, not realizing he knew her name.
It was strange for her to discover that she did not age, and that she could not die. She hadn't thought it would work. For a hundred years, she hid to avoid trouble, before going to the pub, where the stranger awaited her.
           “... You are not human.”
           "And you're still alive." he noted, as if he was surprised.
           "Of course, why not ?"
           "I thought you would have wish to be dead by now."
           "No way, I don't want to die at all ! I was a bit lost and scared, but that doesn't mean that I'm not happy. I just have to adapt, find out how to do it. Are you going to help me ?”
           "No. This is your life. I only want to talk with you, once every hundred years, to find out what has changed.”
He didn't give her his name. Obviously, he wasn't there to talk about himself, but only to see how Y/N was going to live her endless life.
That changed a bit during their second meeting. She had a lot to say to him, and he listened with great interest. It was during this period that she was burned for witchcraft. People seemed to believe that the fire was the cause of death, but it was actually the smoke, which suffocated her very quickly. That remained painful. Coming back to life was painful too. After several 'deaths', she learned to be more careful.
Y/N had travelled, visiting several cities and countries. She had met many people, first not daring to approach them since they were going to die, before deciding that it was not so bad.
           “Not so bad ?” asked the stranger, raising an eyebrow.
           "Well, even if I wasn't immortal, they're going to die, so they might go before me anyway, and I'll be sad. So even though I know I'll lose them at some point, I can enjoy their presence while they are there. It would be stupid not to talk to them just because it's not going to last."
The stranger looked impressed. He still didn't give her his name, but they stayed in the pub very late, before parting for another hundred years.
Things were a little easier. As she predicted, although it wasn't perfect, women were gradually gaining more rights. She had several jobs, relatives, a few lovers.
But in a corner of her mind, Y/N often thought of her stranger, looking forward to their next date. It was probably stupid to feel that way for an inhuman being whose name she still didn't know after all this time, but if they never got close, she wanted to at least believe they were friends.
She told him on their fifth meeting, a little shyly, not knowing how he was going to react.
Secretly hoping that he would tell her that he loved her more than just a friend.
Instead, her stranger turned very cold, his face taking on an angry expression.
           "You dare. You dare to imply that I need you, that I have attached myself to your company in this way."
           "Yes." she said, surprised. "Yes, I dare."
           "So I have to go, to prove you wrong !"
Following him down the street, Y/N tried not to cry, shouting to him that she would be there in a hundred years, waiting for him, and that if he came, it would prove that they were friends, that he liked her, that he cared.
It was a real slap in the face when she waited for him all day, and he didn't come.
Maybe he was a lot angrier than she thought. Maybe she wasn't that important to him. Y/N stayed anyway until closing time, when she learned that the bar was soon to close for good, bought out by property developers to make housing.
           “But... This is where we always meet !” she cried.
           "You and your friend who didn't come ?" asked the bartender.
           “It's... I don't know if we're friends. We had a fight the last time we saw each other. It was my fault. I have no way to contact him, we always meet here. If he comes back next time…”
           “You can wait for him in front of the building, or somewhere else. And if you're not friends, then he's an idiot. No one would wait all day and freak out thinking they would never see the person again, if they weren't friends, and a good one. Maybe even more."
He gave her a wink with a sad little smile, before offering her a last drink and cleaning the bar.
Y/N didn't know if she would want to wait stupidly in front of a building, so she simply found another bar, leaving a clue to the location of the first, in case the stranger passed by, looking for her. We never knew. Even though it might sound silly, Y/N wanted to keep hope alive.
He would come back, at least to see if she was still alive, even if he didn't stay long.
Reading a book while sipping a beer, she still didn't look up when someone entered the pub. She had been doing this for hours and her neck was starting to hurt.
The person approached the table before stopping in front of it. Y/N could feel being stared at, but she took the time to finish her page before looking at him, ready to ask what they wanted.
No sound came out of her mouth when she saw her stranger.
She had wanted this moment so badly for two hundred years, imagining what she would say, what she would do, but she was so surprised, so happy, that she sat there not knowing how to react.
It seemed unreal. He was still as beautiful and mysterious as before. Maybe a little paler.
           "You... You're late." she managed to articulate after a while.
           "I am sorry. I know it's rude to keep friends waiting."
           "Oh. You don't have to... I know I offended you last time saying that."
           “My reaction was deplorable.” he replied, sitting down. "I'm not used to humans getting attached to me. Or that they want to be my friends.”
           “Have you ever had any human friends ?”
           "No. I'm not even sure I ever had a friend. On the other hand, I had a few human lovers.”
           “I had hoped...”
           "Yes ?"
           "No, nothing."
They remained silent for a while, visibly embarrassed. Y/N couldn't figure out what he wanted, but he was there, he didn't hate her, and he accepted that they were at least friends.
A raven then tapped frantically on the window with its beak, staring at the stranger.
           "... Matthew thinks you want to be more than friends with me."
           “Matthew ? It's his name ? He is smart... I mean... It's okay if you don't want to, forget it. I'm just glad to see you once every hundred years. You know, even if it's not the only reason, our meetings make me want to continue. Not just because you're the only person I have around me that's not going to die, it's... I always look forward to seeing you. It was tough when you didn't come last time, but I get it."
           "You came." he noted with a small voice. “And you found a new place to wait for me. Nobody had ever done that. I would have liked to come but I had an impediment. I am sorry."
           "Not your fault."
           Now I'm gonna do something I should have done a long time ago, according to my raven, my librarian, my sister and everyone I've talked to about it."
           "What ?"
           "I'll kiss you.”
She didn't have time to understand what he had just said, her stranger was already next to her, his hand on her cheek and his lips against hers.
More than friends, as the long-dead bartender had said. A relationship of seven hundred years after all.
All she had to do was get a name now.
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meliissa-art · 2 months
Sakha's ancestors
Before I start this post, I want to recomend you this video. Perhaps you can watch it as you read this, as I think it could make it easier for you to understand Sakha's history:
Ok, now lets begin!
Even though Sakha/Yakutia has been considered as an outsider by the other Siberian tribes for a long time, she actually does have her roots around the Lena River.
Sakha herself was born after the Yakuts, as we know them today, started living in the Lena Basin, but they originated in the Baikal and that's why she was called an "outsider". The name "Yakutia" is, in fact, the name that Evenki gave to her, which means "outsider" in her language.
That's why Sakha hates being called "Yakutia".
But that is not all. Actually, her first ancestors were already living around the Lena Basin, even before the arrival of Evenki herself!
Sakha has many ancestors, including:
Syalakh (4500 BC) : Coexisted with Yukaghir, the oldest among the Paleo-siberians
Ymyyakhtakh (1700 BC): This culture wasn't around for that much time, compared to others.
Ust-Mil (1300 BC): This was a culture that was spread across the Lena and other areas of Siberia. I must say Yukaghirs were also around, so perhaps Yukaghir influenced Sakha's ancestors as well.
Kurykan (600 AC approx.): This would be Sakha's "dad", her closest ancestor. This was a tribal society that was living in the Baikal. During this time, the First Turkic Khaganate was on its peak.
Kulun-Atakh: This was a culture that coexisted with the Sakha in the Lena Basin, but eventually was absorbed by them.
Once the Mongol Empire started to expand, some tribes, including the Kurykans, were pushed towards what we call today Siberia. The Sakha started to originate and migrate towards the Lena, where they would finally "settle", and Sakha, my OC, was born.
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maitaitiu · 1 month
paint me a picture OCxCanon week 2024 Day 5: come closer.. Pairing type: romantic (childhood friends -> lovers) Canon Character: Lillie Kukui-Burnet OC: Shinon Yanagi Fandom: Pokemon Wordcount: 1300
AO3 link
CWS: facing a phobia
Synopsis: Shinon and Lillie find an injured baby shroodle, and set out to help it. Unfortunately, Shinon is still deathly afraid of poison types.
“It’s okay, Shinon… See, he won’t hurt you.”
“I know that.” Shinon snapped back, her voice a good few tones higher pitched than it would normally be, “I do. It’s just. Agh.”
Lillie was unfazed by her girlfriend’s uncharacteristic attitude, but Shinon still felt terrible. But she just couldn’t get her heart to stop racing. She was terrified, and she felt stupid for being so terrified, which made her feel humiliated, which just looped back around into making her anxious! It was an awful loop, and she could not find a way out of it.
She looked down at the subject causing her fear. A tiny, tiny shroodle. With a graze on its face. It was upset from being hurt- and cornered by two humans that towered over it- so one of the two young women needed to hold it still so the other could clean up the scrape and put a biodegradable bandage on it.
Lillie had it in her hands already, and the little shroodle was relatively calm, but Shinon could tell it could sense her nerves, which were making it nervous in turn.
All she had to do was reach out with the medicinal wipe and clean the graze, and then put the stick-on bandage on. It would be so easy.  
But… but…
“Lillie, what if it spits poison?” Shinon breathed, feeling sweat beading on her forehead, “What if it’s poisonous to touch?”
“I’m fine, and I’m holding it,” Lillie said gently, “And if it does do anything that could hurt us, we’ve got plenty of medicine and supplies to make sure we’ll be okay.”
Even though her girlfriend took her concerns seriously; even though she never ever made fun of her, Shinon still felt like she should be embarrassed about being so scared.
“Come on,” Lillie murmured, and took Shinon’s hand in one of hers- holding the shroodle with the other- “Come closer… it’s okay. I promise.”
Shinon held her breath as her hand was slowly guided to rest on top of the shroodle’s head. Its short fur was soft. Its body warm. And nothing happened.
After a minute, Lillie’s hand steadily returned back to holding the pokemon, and still, nothing happened.
Shinon let out that breath.
And then it moved. Just slightly. Stretching out its tiny front paws.
In an instant, with a sound that was reminiscent of an electric surge, Shinon was ten feet away, sitting on the grass with wide, terrified eyes as her heart thudded violently in her throat. And then she blinked, breathed, and realised how utterly stupid she was being. And lay down on the grass, curled into a tight ball, unable to fight off tears born of a mixture of genuine fear and humiliation.
Soon, though, she felt Lillie’s hand rest on her back.
“It’s okay,” her girlfriend murmured, “I promise it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not! I shouldn’t be so scared! It’s just a tiny little guy!” Shinon cried, “I don’t… I hate this…”
Lillie’s hand moved to her hair, and Shinon focussed on the sensation of her hair being caressed. It was calming. Soothing. And eventually she managed to stop crying, and sit up.
“I feel so stupid.” She said quietly, her voice still shaky.
“That’s okay,” Lillie smiled, and leaned forward to kiss Shinon’s forehead, making both of them blush profusely, “This reminds me of when we first met, but… in reverse.”
Shinon managed a laugh, “On the bridge? With those spearow?”
“Yeah! I’m still scared of those things… but you were so cool going out there… I definitely had a crush on you right from then.”
Shinon choked on a breath as she laughed some more, “What?!”
“Seriously! You were so brave, and it was so kind of you to do something so crazy for someone you didn’t even know… didn’t help you were super cute, too.”
With a gentle shove, Shinon shook her head, “If you thought I was so cute, why didn’t you ask me out ‘til four months ago?”
“I was shy!” Lillie exclaimed, cheeks red, “I was scared you’d say no!”
“According to Hau… and Penny… and Gladion… and literally all our friends, I’ve apparently been hopelessly in love with you since our teen years. So, was it only not obvious to you?” Shinon grinned, “I’d have thought you’d be more observant. Your parents being pokemon researchers and all.”
“Oh, shut up,” Lillie snorted, “Why’d you never ask me, then?”
“I was too busy being the main character of the universe,” Shinon’s response was dry, but she was still smiling, “Y’know… all those adventures in Area Zero… all that weird shit in Kitakami. Did I tell you there was straight up a zombie apocalypse there?”
“Yes, you did.” Lillie rolled her eyes, “Many times. Every time you see mochi, actually…”
“It’s not that often!”
“Every time,” Lillie repeated, “Without fail.”
“Ughhh… you’re so mean to me.” Shinon dramatically flopped down to rest her head on Lillie’s lap, feeling a lot better already.
“Yes. I’m terrible.” Lillie sighed, playing with Shinon’s hair, “So awful that I care about my girlfriend… And listen to her stories even though she’s told them a million times.”
“I’m a great storyteller.”
Shinon watched as Lillie’s face scrunched up for a second, and just barley fought off another bout of laughter at her girlfriend’s unenthusiastic response.
“You’re better than me, though.” Shinon said, with a smile as Lillie looked back down at her, “Hey. Why don’t I try and hold the shroodle. You tell me a story while we’re fixing it up. To distract me.”
“Because you’re such a good listener?” Lillie teased, and Shinon stuck out her tongue in response, “It is a good idea. Are you sure you’re okay, though?”
“Yeah. I feel better. Let’s just go for it while I’m not feeling ready to implode.”
Shinon let Lillie pull her to her feet, and they walked back to the shroodle, who was still sitting in the place they’d left it, watched over by Shrimp, Shinon’s jolteon. It seemed a lot calmer, too. Perhaps Shrimp had spoken to it, explained what was going on.
The two young women settled themselves in the grass once more, and with a deep breath, Shinon picked up the shroodle and placed it in her lap.
“Okay,” Lillie said, getting one of the wound-cleaning wipes ready, “You’re doing great, both of you. Shinon, did I ever tell you about the time Nebby stole a malasada straight from Hau’s hands?”
“I don’t think so?” Shinon replied honestly, her voice a little bit clipped from stress.
“Right… well… it was in Hau’oli city, I think only a couple of days before you came to Alola…”
Throughout the mundane but still funny tale of Nebby’s malasada pilfering, and Hau’s subsequent experience of all five stages of grief in a matter of minutes, Shinon managed to remain focussed on simply picturing the story while Lillie fixed up the little shroodle’s injury.
By the time the story was done, and the graze had been all patched up, Shinon was still nervous of the tiny pokemon, but she felt a lot lighter, too. She always liked hearing stories from Lillie, who was genuinely a great storyteller- though she never gave herself enough credit for the way she could weave words into vibrant mental images, and wholly absorb anyone into the world of a memory or fiction.
The only problem was, the little shroodle had seemingly enjoyed the story, too. And as with most young pokemon, storytime was a precursor to bedtime. And it had fallen asleep in Shinon’s lap.
And now the two were faced with a new problem, as both felt it would be mean to move it and risk waking it up.
For now, they’d just have to resign themselves to their fate.
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An overview of Uru's life
In the two years since I awoke as a parallel Neanderthal, I've managed to puzzle together a vague timeline of the main events having happened so far in my life. Here it is!
Word count: 1300 Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
Early Life
I was born to a cave with around twenty members, somewhere in central Europe. It was not during one of Earth’s cold periods, but it wasn’t painstakingly hot, either. We experienced winters and summers, though colder than the ones we see today.
My first clear memory is of being Chosen by the Megaloceros; the Giant Horned. Those of us who were Six-Eyed – with a sixth sense – what we today would call mediums – would at some point in their life be chosen by a spirit to make sure others would know, too. I was no older than five when I followed His call into the forest and He showed me the secrets within. This meant I would bear His mark for a while; visible for those around me, so the right actions could be taken.
My mama was equal parts horrified and delighted. It is a great honour, being Six-Eyed, but also horribly taxing. She took me to our Six-Eyed and hen confirmed it. I was taken in to be hem apprentice, to learn the craft by hems hand: hen was my teacher, a second parent, my biggest supporter.
Sometime during my early childhood mama died. I was taken in by sher sister, who's daughter – Dahlia – was only a year older than me and a dear friend.
Young Adult
We don't have a concept for teenager; either you are a child, or you are an adult. Although a Six-Eyed apprenticeship is somewhat of a gray zone, I was considered grown into a young adult when I was about 13.
It was becoming clearer with every day that I had truly been made for the spirit world: my eyes, the same rare blue as my mama, were weak, and I suffered pain and fatigue more often than the others of my cave. This wasn't truly a problem; even if I hadn't been Six-Eyed, I found great joy in preparing meals and skins, fletching, telling stories, singing and caring for the young. I was also decent at medicine, and although one never finished the Six-Eyed education, my mentor became my equal around the time I became grown.
Around my fifteenth or sixteenth year, my mama's sister-child – practically my sister – fell in love with a man of another cave. They were smaller than us, less than ten members, and were eager to have sher join their group. Their Six-Eyed had recently passed as well, and with me being a young child-bearer on top of that, they were hoping I would join, too. Dahlia would leave no matter what, and there wasn’t much there for me without her. My teacher was growing old and would soon pass, and though I had respect as hems successor, I had few friends.
I accepted.
My new cave was further south, and a bit of travel – I’m not sure how much, but likely around a week or two. Here I made friends with the group; a more tight-knit community than the one I came from. Dahlia soon bore child.
The group had three hunters; one of them was Ichor, who, after a few months of me living there, approached me and suggested a mentorship. This would not be of the sort I had with my Six-Eyed teacher; this would be that of a Guide and a Guided. He would teach me of their ways, and their prey, and things he knew that I did not.
It was bold of him to ask such a thing from his Six-Eyed, but I was lonely, and he was kind, and I welcomed a warm body to share my furs. We became increasingly close – I befriended his mother, the oldest member of the group. We would joke about our weak eyes together.
The Spirit
Dahlia soon bore another child, once sher first black-haired young son was weaned. I stood vigil at the baby’s naming; sang, and danced, and drummed. It was exhilarating. That night I felt a presence: a spirit I had not felt before. It warmed me, comforted me in ways I can’t describe.
It wouldn’t be long before I felt the presence again – and again, and again, and again. It began communicating with me, in staggered, halting words I barely understood. I called it Ancharond; the unknown spirit.
We would soon move to our winter cave. It was my third year of living with this group, and Ancharond came to me more and more often – comforting me, so I was rarely alone. But I could not rest. Something was starting to awaken inside: a call, a need, something was missing. I told none of this, except Ancharond, who knew my deepest thoughts and inmost feelings. Often I would sit at the cave’s entrance, and though no tears left my eyes, my soul wept.
And then came the fateful day where Ichor passed. He had hunted to a rhinoceros; both prey and predator had fallen. I was crushed. He had been my anchor, my truest friend, my closest companion. When his spirit passed, it took part of me with it.
It became too much. I held Dahlia’s youngest child in my arms and wept for all the children I had not given Ichor; all his children I would never bear. I was angry. I was heartbroken.
I went in the stillness of night, creeping past the watchful fires of the guard, and left no belongings behind.
The Journey
I was nineteen and with no clue where to go, or where I was going, except that I was heading westward: toward the sunset. It would be a long, grueling journey – as a lone person, I would struggle with finding food, and I needed rest far more often than I would like. I learned to use a spear and sling, as well as better ways of trapping small game, but survived mostly on the plants I found on the way. There wasn’t much energy in them; I was always eating.
On this journey, Ancharond became a close companion. Slowly, our conversations became more understandable, more clear – and one day, they showed themselves to me in their entirety: a tall, black rabbit walking on its hinds. Its eyes were black holes, its front paws ripped apart by pale, snow-white human hands. It spoke with a voice within my head; it walked without a shadow. It was a terrifying sight, and I feared for my life the first time I saw them.
They told me we were the same; that I was Ancharond; that Ancharond was me.
I didn’t believe them. How could I be a thing like that?
It was on our second meeting like this that they realized something was wrong. They were quick to comfort me; the rabbit was not their true form – it was simply my brain attempting to make sense of it. I asked to see their true form; they obliged.
Ancharond: a strange amalgamation of beasts, with the upper body of a human, the hind legs, ears and muzzle of a rabbit, and tail of a fox. The most important, though, are the antlers that rest upon their head: large, black things speckled with stars.
They smiled shily that first time I saw them as such. I couldn’t stop staring. Antlers, like my own guide, like the Great Horned – I was touched. I was honoured.
With their guidance I adopted a young wolf pup. It was an accident in truth: I had felled a deer with a lucky throw of my spear, and had to be quick in harvesting its meat. A wolf, delirious with sickness, came upon me – I slayed it in my terror. Later I would find its pup, wandering, alone.
It wouldn’t be long before Ancharond, the unknown spirit, became Encharond; the known spirit.
I am still on this journey; still walking, still seeking. I know not what I’m looking for. I know only that I must survive.
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shoami323 · 9 months
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Gilbert Bennett (1286-)
Traits: Calm, Tender
Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Gilbert was born in an obscure district of a town called Winderburg in 1286. His mother was a prostitute, not known by any name, who abandoned her son soon after giving birth to him. Luckily, he was found - naked, crying and dirty - by the Bennett family, who decided to adopt him.
The Bennetts were a newlywed couple, who, unusually, loved eachother very much. Unfortunately, all of their children seemed to die and they were heartbroken by every single loss - that's why Gilbert's appearance seemed like a blessing to them and they did everything they could to make his life good.
Gilbert grew into a gentle, kind and tender young man, in contrast to his big posture, which resulted in many people being afraid of him. But his loved ones knew that once you got used to this big softie, you just couldn't resist getting even closer to him. He loved nature, especially water and all of the water-related activities, which included fishing and swimming - or rather he tried to swim, but he never really learned it right.
One day in 1299, while spending time at his beloved lake, a girl approached him. She seemed a little younger than him, with her lanky posture, as well as fairly small face, covered in freckles. With a friendly smile, she introduced herself as Matilda Fernsby. She told him that her family's cow ran away from a shed and asked him for help with searching for it. Gilbert, being a kind soul he was, agreed without much thought. When they found the cow, healthy and unharmed in any way, Matilda gave him a big smile and hugged him tight, thanking him for his help. She wasn't scared of him, she was just thankful. And that's when Gilbert already knew.
He was going to make Matilda his wife.
During next year, their friendship became stronger and stronger, and eventually it blossomed into a beautiful romance. Gilbert loved everything about Matilda - her long red hair, full red lips, even the gap between her teeth. She was always so energetic and funny, and she loved gardening. With her, you just couldn't be bored. Apparently, she felt the same way about him. And well, that's why they got married only a year after their first meeting, in first months of year 1300. Gilbert finally got what he dreamed of - Matilda as his wife.
Due to being Bennetts illegitimate child, he couldn't inherit their farm, but his adoptive parents already grew so fond of him that they couldn't just let him go away with nothing. So they bought him a small piece of land on the island located next to Winderburg, not far away from the sea that he could fish in.
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Matilda Bennett (née Fernsby) (1288-)
Traits: Excitable, Child Of The Nature
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Matilda Fernsby was born in 1288 as a second child of peasant family. Unfortunately, her poor mother died of childbed fever only 10 days after giving birth to her. Soon after, Matilda's father remarried to another woman.
Her older brother, Henry, died of tuberculosis when she was only 5 years old. That's why for most of her life, she was her younger half siblings idol and main caregiver, next to her stepmother. She did as much as she could for her family, and that included cooking, cleaning and caring for the animals and garden. It wasn't an easy thing to do for a girl below the age of 10, but she never regretted doing it all. She loved her simple, village life, even if she rarely got any time for herself.
One day in 1299, while she was tending to the garden,her little sister Eleanor walked up to her, tears rolling in her eyes. She admitted that she opened a cow's shed about 15 minutes ago and now, the cow was gone. Though a bit angry, Matilda reassured her sister that it's going to be alright and went out to the woods to find the lost animal.
Unfortunately, she didn't knew the woods well and she was a bit afraid of searching on her own. That's why, when she saw a boy sitting on the lake's shore, she walked up to him and asked him for help. She didn't really expect him to agree, but he did, which already made her warm up to him a little bit. When two of them finally found the animal, Matilda was so thankful that she just threw herself in his arms, not even thinking about him for a second. And when she felt his big, warm arms hugging her close to his body, something hit in her mind. Her 11th birthday was approaching fast, and she was aware that her father will soon begin to search for a good husband material for her. But she already knew.
She knew that if she was going to get married, she wanted it to be with a guy similar to Gilbert.
During the next year, the two of them got very close. Actually, they were so close that when Gilbert proposed to her, she didn't waste a second to accept his proposal. She already grew to love his big, green eyes that gave a curious look to everything they seen and calm, kind and sweet personality.
The two of them were married in January, 1300 and settled on a small island next to the sea shore.
That's the first post! I decided to make a little introduction to our founders, who we'll be following in next posts! I won't be doing editing and posing, simply because I can't do it right now and I don't really have a motivation to learn. But maybe soon enough, I'll learn something. I hope you'll be following me even without it!
See you soon! ❤️❤️❤️
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thnxforknowingme · 1 year
A World to Rediscover
Pairing: Kurtbastian Rating: T Word Count: 1300
Notes: Posted for @kurtbastianarchive's “The First Time” Anniversary Event day three: Based on Existing Fan Content. I’ve loved this gorgeous piece of fanart by @bardicious ever since I first saw it, and thought it would make a great premise for a fic. I took a crack at it by writing this one-shot. I hope you all enjoy, and please go check out @bardicious' fantastic art!
The audience in the massive theater hummed with pre-show chatter. Sebastian sort of wished that he’d stopped at the bar back in the lobby, but knew his sister wouldn’t approve of that if word got back to her.
Not that Addison was likely to tattle on him, or even notice what he was doing at all. No, his niece was enraptured by every detail of the room around them, alternating between poring over her Playbill and darting her eyes up towards the curtained stage.
Sebastian, bored, finally interrupted her reverie when she flipped to the page with all the cast bios. “Which is the one you have a crush on?” he teased.
Addison immediately blushed, whacking his hand away when he reached for the program. “Shut up, Sebastian.”
He smirked. Fourteen-year-olds were so easy to rile up.
Finally the lights dimmed, the crowd quieted, and the overture began to emanate from the orchestra pit. Sebastian tried to remember the last time he’d been in a theater like this - not since college, probably. He’d lived in New York for over a year now, but generally stayed away from Broadway. He was only here now because he’d offered to take his musical-obsessed niece to a show as a birthday present. He was her only uncle, so he won the title of “best” by default, but he knew that this would endear her to him significantly.
Sebastian didn’t know much about the show, and he didn’t bother to pay much attention as it unfolded in front of them. Even if he were into musicals, this one seemed particularly thin on plot and heavy on spectacle.
Partway through the first act, a new character was introduced amid a song, stepping onto stage in a burst of light and smoke. Addison gasped, leaning forward in her seat, and even Sebastian himself was caught off guard by the striking silhouette. 
Then the figure on stage opened his mouth to sing and the spotlight hit him, illuminating his face.
Sebastian’s heart stuttered and his eyes widened as he had two simultaneous reactions - recognition, because even though it’d been ten years, it was hard to forget a voice like Kurt Hummel’s; and attraction, because holy fuck. His character’s costume bared his biceps, with black fabric wrapped snugly over the strong lines of his muscles, and his expression was delectably cocky as he belted out his verse.
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.
Sebastian continued to ignore the plot of the play, but now it was because he couldn’t keep his focus off of Kurt Hummel, who was all grown up in all the best ways. He felt like his brain was going to short-circuit with this information. He hadn’t thought about Kurt in years, and this was a hell of a way to run into him again.
During intermission he went to the restroom and splashed water on his face. He stared at his damp reflection as theatergoers bustled around him, and tried to get a hold of himself. He didn’t want Addison to get suspicious that something was wrong.
He managed to get through the rest of the performance, his eyes glued to Kurt every time he was on stage. He realized at some point that Kurt’s bio must be in the Playbill - maybe it would hold some clues as to what he’d been up to over the past decade.
When the curtain fell, Addison gripped his arm. “We have to get autographs!” she said urgently.
“It’s late,” he argued - he still had to shepherd her all the way back to her home in New Jersey.
“Sebastian,” she pleaded. He’d told his sister not to have her kids call him ‘uncle’ - it made him feel old. He’d only been fifteen when Addison was born, so they’d always been on a first-name basis. “This is my birthday present,” she insisted.
He sighed. “Yeah, okay, fine.”
As they made their way to the stage door, Sebastian considered his options. It wasn’t every day that he was faced with the specter of his past, a reminder of his high school mistakes and their collateral damage. He’d grown a lot through the course of college and adulthood, and it made him cringe to think of some of the things he’d pulled off as an attention-seeking teenager. He still liked attention, admittedly, but he’d found less destructive ways to pursue it. He wondered if Kurt still hated him, or if he even remembered him. He wasn’t sure which of those options was worse.
There was no avoiding him, though - he wasn’t going to let Addison push her way through a crowd of theater freaks by herself. And he had to admit, he was a little curious to see how good Kurt looked up close.
The actors came out and greeted their fans, and Sebastian and Addison inched closer to the barricades. Kurt seemed popular amongst the fans, smiling for photos and signing one thing after another. His bright smile and easy gestures were a radical departure from the villainous character he’d been playing. It wasn’t until Sebastian saw the contrast that he realized how well Kurt had acted on stage, completely embodying a person so different from himself. Sebastian wondered if this, now, was the real Kurt, or just another mask put on for the fans. Sebastian tried to imagine what a “real” Kurt could look like - how had he changed over the past decade?
Finally, they reached him, and Addison held out her Playbill desperately. “You were amazing,” she gushed. “I love your song, I’ve been playing it on repeat for weeks!”
“Why thank you,” Kurt said his voice sending an odd jolt through Sebastian’s body. Kurt’s Sharpie slid over the glossy paper as he signed his name. “And have you -”
He stopped speaking when he looked up at Sebastian, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. Sebastian’s heart thumped in his chest with their sudden eye contact.
“Do I…know you?” Kurt asked slowly.
Sebastian grinned wryly. “You did once.”
Realization dawned in Kurt’s expression, his jaw slackening. “Sebastian Smythe,” he muttered.
His tone was all shock, and no derision. Sebastian’s grin widened.
“You were really good up there,” Sebastian told him.
Kurt blinked. “Um, thank you.”
It was chaotic around them, the crowd jostling behind Sebastian, actors and audience both shouting to be heard. A young woman at Sebastian’s shoulder thrust her Playbill in Kurt’s direction.
“See you around,” Sebastian said, irony twisting his voice. Kurt laughed, seemingly still in disbelief.
Sebastian put his arm around Addison’s shoulder and they turned away, fighting their way back through the crowd.
She pulled away from his embrace as soon as she could. “Do you know Kurt Hummel?” she demanded.
Sebastian shrugged, starting down the sidewalk. “I competed against him in high school.”
“What?!” she exclaimed, trailing after him. “You have to tell me everything!”
Sebastian stifled a laugh. “I invited him and his boyfriend to a gay bar.”
“What?!” Addison practically screamed, reaching out and grabbing his arm.
“Calm down, or people will think I’m abducting you,” he said, glancing around the busy street. 
Addison let go of him and continued to walk in a daze. “I can’t believe this…” she said.
They passed through Times Square, the streets LED-bright, buskers and scammers milling around the thinning groups of tourists. “So,” Sebastian said. “You liked the show?”
“Are you kidding me?” Addison exclaimed, shooting him a toothy grin. “I loved it! Thank you so much, I’m sorry I yelled.”
Sebastian smirked, slipping his hands into his pockets. He felt energy coursing through his veins, the endorphin rush of the bizarre rollercoaster that the evening had turned out to be. He’d enjoyed the musical a lot more than he’d expected. “Well,” he said to Addison, looking over to see that she was still clutching the Playbill with Kurt’s name scrawled on it. “If you’re that big of a fan…how would you feel about going again next week?”
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odd8ball · 2 years
Turning a Mary sue disease into a supernatural anomaly Alexandria's Genesis or Angel's Genesis
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Warning signs: the child never grows hair, no menstruation, light blue or grey eyes. They show little interest in toys and do not need to eat.
Pree teen ailments: Around the age of 11 or twelve a child born with grey or light blue eyes will begin to darken into a deep purple color and the child will become anti socal yet also show signs of great leadership. They may become sad for reasons they cannot explain and feel threatened by every adult who does not also have purple eyes. They may trust you if your purple contacts are convincing enough. They may make friends their age but this is rare given thier withdrawn nature. More common are tag alongs who worship the ground they walk on. Weather the afflicted likes them back or not can very.
Teen stage ailments: Thier skin will shine like a glittery china plate. This is where the reality bending nature begins to take root in the world around them despite the constant sadness and withdrawn nature they will be perceived as perfect by their peers. This always results in bullying or idolization, when asked why the people around them do it they will only answer "she's too perfect." Further questioning from adults is not recommended as you will begin to act in the same manor unless the child is out of your sight. In this stage teenagers begin to see through reality and into the space beyond. No matter the education they will know more than anyone about the world. Even if what they claim shouldn't be true or isn't true it will be treated as fact.
Late teen stage porcelain cracks: around 18 or 19 reality itself will bend to make them happy. They may hide cracks in the glossy sparkly skin leaking purple light. At this point the cure is no longer an option and they have started to break out of the human shell they hijacked in the womb. Not all of them chose a mate but most do around this time even if the person in question was never interested. Their bullies may die due to ridiculous circumstances or begin to love them with no real change.
The separation: after the whole town has given them a happily ever after they will live out any fantasy they desire at the expense of anything in the way. The human shell has fully died and cracks begin to worsen. Though it is not perceived in the moment to anyone, even the afflicted. Once the being inside has lived out every possible fancy the human shell flakes away entirely leaving behind only pink, purple and white flames in the shape of a person made of screaming faces. While this appearance does very depending on who you ask what is consistent is wings and a halo that stabbed the fabric of reality.
The Genesis: once the halo pierces the sky the being is sucked into reality through the spikey light from the halo. From there reality will reset and the afflicted will be born again with no sign of Alexandria's Genesis beyond the deep purple eyes. Once the formerly afflicted reaches maturity she will fall for the person who was originally chosen as a mate. No matter the gender of the mate or quality of the relationship a baby will be born with Alexandria's Genesis and the cycle will start anew. If the afflicted is a man he may will a baby into existence with the mate or go through a normal birthing process depending on the mate he chooses.
History: The possession ailment Alexandria's Genesis started with with a girl named Alexandria on the 1300s, a priest recognized her as a member or the purple eyed people who spread across the north. It is unknown where these people came from but some say they manifested after a flash of light in Egypt. It is unknown what these beings are or how to stop them but a general rule is to just let them play out their fantasies and eventually they'll move on.
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My Top Ten Books of 2022
I read more than 100 books last year, and I thought it would be a useful exercise to list my top 10 favorites that I read for the first time if only so I can reflect a little and gush about my passion for books.  This is in the order I read the books; most of these books are so different it would be really hard to put in any real order (warning: it’s an eclectic list):
1. She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker Chan: This was the first book I read in January of last year.  It’s set in the 1300s in China; I remember it being advertised as similar to Mulan, which doesn’t really do the story justice, other than that the main character is born a girl, but lives as a man and becomes a military general. It was so much more than a Mulan adaptation; and it is quite dark. In particular, I loved the dynamic between the two main characters: they are on different sides of the war, but two sides of the same coin; they both don’t quite fit into society’s expectations of gender.  
2. Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi:  Gyasi is probably my favorite author I discovered this year; both Transcendent Kingdom and her other novel, Homegoing, are absolutely amazing and I cannot recommend either enough.  Transcendent Kingdom is about a neuroscientist who is also the child of African immigrants who is studying the science of addiction.  The story reflects on how her family has been impacted by addiction and the immigrant experience.  The prose is absolutely beautiful and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this story since I finished it.
3. Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler: I cannot believe I waited until last year to read Butler; her writing is as impressive as I’m sure you’ve already heard.  There’s not much I can say about Parable of the Sower that hasn’t been said a million times (all deserved), but I will say that I usually hate dystopias, even vaunted ones such as 1984 and a Brave New World. I read Parable of Sower fully expecting to hate it as well, and left simply blown away (and somehow even oddly optimistic about the future of humanity.)
4. The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich: This is the third book I’ve read of Erdrich’s and my favorite, though I’ve loved everything she’s written.  This story is based on the real life story of the author’s grandfather.  The story involves several characters living in reservation in North Dakota and their fight to lobby for their rights land and their identity.
5. Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid:  Look, I’m not going to try to justify this; I just love hockey and I love rivals to lovers and I love hockey romances and this one is the creme de le creme; it was written specifically for me.
 6. The Locked Tomb Series by Tasmyn Muir: I read several fantasy series last year, and I liked plenty of them, but the Locked Tomb is the one I can’t stop thinking about.  The characters are all super weird and unhinged and awful and I adore them all.  Their relationship dynamics are problematic and toxic and ridiculous and juicy.  I cannot succinctly describe the plot in any way that would make sense. I cannot wait for the final book.
7. Young Mungo by Douglass Stewart: This book gutted me; I rarely cry while reading books and I had to put this down so I could lie in a ball.  It’s a coming of age novel about a young queer boy coming to terms with his identity in set in Glasgow in I think the 1990s.  If you choose to read this book, please look up the content warnings, it is not in any way an easy read, but it did have a surprisingly hopeful ending, even if I was crying.
8. The Falling in Love Montage by Ciara Smyth: This is another surprising addition to the list; I am no longer really the target audience for YA, and I had pretty much sworn off YA romance after disliking a few others. But, I decided to pick this up on a whim and I’m so glad I did.  It is a very sweet wlw romance and coming of age story, but what really stuck out to me was the main character’s struggles with her mother’s early onset Alzheimer’s and how that affects her life.  I read plenty of very good wlw romance (Deliliah Green Doesn’t Care and a Restless Truth are two more I’d highly recommend) but this one stood out.
9. The Narrative of the Life of Frederic Douglass, American Slave by Frederic Douglass: I have read a good number of historical fiction novels which show the horrors of slavery, but while many of those are very very good, I didn’t really realize the extent to which none can really compare to reading a first hand account of the experience until reading Douglass’s work.  Like everyone, I learned about Frederic Douglass’s life, but sadly was never required to read anything he wrote in school.  He is an amazing writer and storyteller and a truly remarkable person.  Everyone should read this book at least once.
10. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: I had read part of this book in high school, but never actually sat down and read the whole thing.  I’m not usually a fan of horror, and I was worried it wouldn’t be my thing.  However, I shouldn’t have put this off so long.  Mary Shelley truly is the mother of science fiction and Frankenstein is an unforgettable experience. 
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soffiisims · 9 months
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My name is Solja. I was born in the year 1284, just before the third Crusade in Karelia, or so is written in the parish register. I live in small village we call Niittumaa (Meadowland). We have our own village church, where we go to hear the Watcher's holy word on every Sunday and Saint holiday.
I live with my father Erik, my mother Kerttu and my little brother Matti, who is going to settle in our family house after my father has passed. I'll move away in a year or two with Mats, my soon-to-come husband. We're getting married this summer. My father chose him for me.
A man of the Watcher, a monk called Brother Benedictus, is going to be present at our wedding. He has been living in our village for some time now. I think he is from the main land. I've heard he has met the Pope too, but I'm not sure, if that's true.
Life is precious and good here in Niittumaa. Our community is not big, but we are fond of each other. All though I don't really like Mikael Mikonpoika, a man who runs an inn in his house. He is very unpolite and grumpy all the time. I don't think he is very nice to his wife either. I won't express my disgust towards him, because condescendence is a sin.
My father's little brother on the other hand is very respectable figure in the village. He own a water mill down by the river. I have three young cousins too and I love them very dearly. Little Ingrid is only few moons old! My father's sister is only couple years older than me and she lives with my uncle's family. My mother's brother is learning to be a man of a church and he is an apprentice in Brother Benedictus' hosue.
Anyway, I have rumbled long enough. I'll have to go to warm up the sauna for the evening. Today is bathing day and we'll wash away the dirt from our skin. My father is very proud of our sauna. He build it with my uncle. They build one for him also. Not everyone has their own sauna!
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1326 - New Love on the Horizon
Stone Family - England
The year started with Ellen Stone aging up into an infant :)
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She looked a lot like her mother but her eyes and skintone were the same as Isaac's. The family were bigger and bigger each year and Clementia shared with Isaac her new dream: opening a flower shop.
They already had the farm with animals and crops, but Clementia's passion had always been flowers and she was really good at making flower arrangings. So they decided to have a new focus on life besides having more children :)
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Driftwood Family (Tome's side) - Ireland
Kelly gave birth in the first trimester of the year and they had a baby boy: Fergus Driftwood.
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A few weeks later, Conall Driftwood aged up into a toddler and, by the end of the year, Fergus Driftwood was an infant as well. Both of them were the healthiest :)
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Fergus was the perfect combination of Tome and Kelly: he had his father's skintone (Tally's skintone) and hair (Reynilda's hair), but he had his mother's eyes :)
Driftwood Family - Ireland
This family didn't have a good time this year... the good news were that Payne Driftwood aged up into a gorgeous teen.
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But, he couldn't enjoy it for so long because Tally were feeling weaker and weaker every day...
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The last few weeks of his life he grew old so much that even his hair went completely gray. Until one day, he passed away peacefully in his home.
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Tally Driftwood lived a beautiful and long life with the love of his life: Reynilda and all of his children. Even though he passed away peacefully, he had one last secret to share with his older son around, Payne. Tally told him everything about the agreement that he did with the witch years ago when the Great Famine happened and Reynilda and Denis died. Tally made Payne swear that he would protect Joyse and Aubray, his younger sisters, from the witch and keep the whole family safe.
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And Payne vowed to stay true to that promise until his last breath...
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Bucket Family - Germany
Sophie Bucket gave birth to Dietmar Bucket at the middle of the year, but Dietmar wasn't made for this world because he wasn't fully grown yet, so he passed away as soon as the labour ended.
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The good news were that Fabian Bucket aged up into a toddler :)
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García Family - Spain
Ermel and Alberto were more in love everyday and, one day, Ermel announced she was pregnant :)
Alberto were really happy about it and proposed to her immediately.
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By the end of the year, Juan García, a healthy baby boy, was born in the household :)
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Marriages [1]
Alberto García & Ermel Zymmer
Births [3]
Fergus Driftwood: 1326 -
♰ Dietmar Bucket: 1326 - 1326
Juan García: 1326 -
Birthdays [5]
Ellen Stone: 1325 -
Payne Driftwood: 1311 -
Conall Driftwood: 1324 -
Fergus Driftwood: 1326 -
Fabian Bucket: 1324 -
Deaths [1]
♰ Tally Driftwood: 1282 - 1326 (44 years old), by old age
1300s: Start | Next
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the-element-siren · 2 years
Darklina Prompt
TVD/SAB fusion crossover
Tell me that Klaus and Aleksander wouldn't be best friends and the ultimate wife guys. Assume that Ravka is Russia, Shu Han is China, and Fjerda is Norway, the Mikaelsons' birth country. Also, assume that Grisha are a very rare subclass of witches. So the show/book technically is guessed to be set around the 1700s, so this starts about the 1300s when Aleksander created the Shadow Fold. Assume that the Mikaelsons are traveling through Ravka for the first time.
After creating the Shadow Fold, Aleksander wanders for about a decade in very bad state. He's depressed, barely using his powers so suffering a case of wasting sickness, and is alone. One day, he wonders onto property just recently bought by a Fjerdan born family, the Mikaelsons. He gets a job on the estate as a gamekeeper and starts to notice things about the family.
He and Lord Niklaus form a friendship, each seeing something in other. Aleksander gains enough of Klaus' trust that he tells him that he and his family are vampires. Aleksander doesn't truly believe him at first until Klaus shows him proof; his speed and vampire face. At first, it takes a moment to process this new information. Aleksander takes a few days to truly process this before sharing his own secrets with the Mikaelsons. They embrace it, they had already liked Aleksander. He was a good worker, always willing to help with an odd favor or two, and didn't have to be told to not try anything with Rebekah despite her attempts.
Aleksander teaches them all about Grisha and actual events that lead to the Shadow Fold's creation. They in turn, teach him all about the supernatural world that they came from, how they became vampires, and their Mikael problem. One day, after viewing some of Aleksander's shadow tricks, Elijah comes up with a solution to benefit both parties. They will buy some land in their name but allow Aleksander to create his sanctuary in secret and if Mikael comes for them, Aleksander can use his shadows to contain him.
One hundred years later, Mikael sets foot in Ravka. During that time, Aleksander's sanctuary has been created and he has been able to help hundreds of Grisha. After some prodding from Rebekah, he also takes in orphans from overcrowded orhpanages. All of them are educated and the otkazat'sya children are taught not to fear Grisha and help them. The surrounding villiage becomes an example of unity, made up of otkazat'sya and Grisha who live in harmony, though the Grisha are an open secret but still secret.
When Mikael does come, he is discovered quickly by some heartrenders, who are able to send messages to Mikaelson estate very quickly and thankfully, unnoticed. When Mikael arrives at the mansion, he quickly finds the family in the library with Aleksander. Before he is able to do anything, he is paralyzed. Secret chambers with fabrikator soundproofing, even a vampire can't hear through them. Aleksander uses shadows to subdue him and one of his heartrenders even manages to get his plans out of him. The shadows destroy him quickly and painfully, and the Mikaelsons are finally free.
I'm assuming that they overthrow the Lanstovs, though I'm not sure who they put on the throne, Aleksander or Klaus. But the other stays on as their main advisor. Caroline is a fabrikator and one of Aleksander's best. Also, Klaus has an extremely obvious crush but Caroline is resisting. She thinks he's not serious and that she and Tyler are meant to be together. Aleksander is supporting it but won't force Caroline into anything she doesn't want. Skip to events of the canon. I want to say that Caroline and Genya are best friends and take Alina under their wings.
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acciomvses · 1 year
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(  CEMRE BAYSEL,  TWENTY  )     ⸻     the  tri - wizard  tournament  has  brought  in  a  few  new  faces  to  the  corridors  of  hogwarts  and  while  they  are  here  she  has been  known  to  listen  to  just a girl  by  no doubt  on  repeat.  NEHIR ULUSOY,  the  student of durmstrang has  made  hogwarts  their  home  for  the  next  coming  months  and  if  you  ask  the  sorting�� hat  ,  they  will  tell  you  that  they  can  be  CUNNING  ,  INDEPENDENT  and  RESILIENT  but  their  friends  will  tell  you  that  they  are  also  NARCISSISTIC.  people  have  been  whispering  with  the  talk  of  you  know  who  and  i  think  if  it  comes  down  to  it,  they  will  side  with  the  dark. ⸻      (  samantha  ,  25  ,  pst  ,  she/her  ,  no triggers  )
stats can be found here. 
nehir was born to a prominent pureblood family with roots in turkey that pre-dates the 1300s before the ottoman empire was even established 
her last name ‘ulusoy’ actually translates to ‘great lineage’ or ‘noble race’ which explains why many of her ancestors and current family members tend to have high positions in government and military
nehir’s father is currently a politician in the magical community. he is known for his conservative views and values pureblood status similar to salazar slytherin’s ideals
nehir wants to follow in her father’s footsteps and become a politician when she’s older. she can be charming but has an uncontrollable temper that she’s well known for
from a young age, she and her older brother were taught important skills such as combat training and weapons usage in their family’s stronghold in rural anatolia, turkey
even though nehir learned alongside her older brother, her family still treats her like a little girl and this is part of the reason why she’s so eager to prove herself and sometimes falls into a rage
she likes being intimidating to others and doesn’t allow herself to be vulnerable around anyone other than her older brother 
she always feels like she’s being underestimated by the people around her because she’s a woman and likes girly things
coming into hogwarts is an exciting adventure in her mind because she hasn’t seen much outside of her home in turkey and durmstrang. even though she’d never admit it she has lived a pretty sheltered life up until this point
it’s odd for her to meet so many people with different viewpoints than her own. it has started to make her question her own upbringing 
personality-wise she can be standoffish and cold to people she doesn’t really know. but to her close friends and her older brother she can be childlike and playful. her rage comes out when she’s being underestimated and when she doesn’t get things to go her way 
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