#even though I'm not active with this game anymore I'm still happy with this story
laylaylamode · 2 years
Hearing the voices of the Gods is hard enough, now recently orphaned Lunafreya and her brother Ravus are held hostage under an empire that plans to use them as tools. But Lunafreya isn’t bowing to them so easily; she’s dedicating herself to their downfall and to saving the world from their destruction.
Traumatized adolescent to rebellious teen to revolutionary young woman. Lady Lunafreya has plans of her own. (28k+ words)
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vilandel · 6 days
Hiya Vilandel! For the ask game; may I ask for 3, 7, and 8 for Eis please 🥰?
Oh, Solids and Rosettes son! Thank you so much for this, Lyra, he is happy to answer your questions 🥰
What is your favorite childhood memory? The first time I was on my ice-skates. It's a bit blurry, since I was only four, but I do remember quite a lot. I was nervous and I admit, pretty scared despite having ice magic. Ironic, isn't it. I was so tiny and I couldn't understand yet how I could be able to stand onto such tiny surfaces. Dad was with me. He was the one who helped me, who taught me the first steps. The first time, he hold my hands, explained to me that I shouldn't be an expert from the start, even though I'm royalty. I felt very secure with him. He also insulted some nobles that were there that day. I don't if the just watched, if they said something, if it was mean or not. But it certainly pissed my father off, as he told them he would sent a platoon of sea serpents at them if they would do say anything. It was funny, but it also made me happy, as it showed me that Dad has my back. Having Dad with me that day motivated me to continue with iceskating. Today, it is actually a father-son activity we love to share.
Who do you look up to? Oh. that's a difficult question. I have a lot of people I look up to. My parents, because I love them and I'm biased, my uncles Nozel and Asta, others... But if I have to choose, I think I look up to my best friend and cousin Loreleï a lot. I admire that despite her immense mana pool that matches her mother, aunt Noelle, she still decided that she wouldn't become a Magic Knight, like it was kinda expected with the immense mana she had, but doing what she loves and becoming a novelist. Society became more flexible with uncle Asta as Wizard King, but it wasn't just openminded just like that. Especially with stubborn nobles. Being a Magic Knight is considered one of the coolest things to be and a royal who neither just goes to noble circles, goes into politic with the parliament nor becomes a Magic Knight is sadly not something you see every day. Especially when you have parents and brothers who are all warriors. But Loreleï preferred to write books and she is a genius with the feather. It wasn't easy, but she fought through it. Of course, our family had her back, but I still admire her a lot for that.
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up? My family. My parents first, that is for sure. My uncles and aunts as well, be it the Silva families or the Black Bulls. Also our Vermillion relatives. And even though she doesn't live anymore, my grandmother too through the stories me, my sister and my cousins were told about. But I think my parents had the biggest impact. Mum and Dad always supported me, guided me, helped me in every way possible. I'm so grateful to have them. I know that their marriage was arranged and that Dad was a jerk in his youth (he is still a bit today), but I couldn't wish for any better parents than them.
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Hey guys. Sorry for being quiet for a month. Hopping on here to let y'all know that I do still have a pulse. Things have been... fine? I guess? Here's a bit of a wordy update on my situation right now, but the tl;dr is, I'm good, HE is still on hiatus, but I'll get back into the groove soon hopefully. Also happy holidays!
The mysterious and vague 'personal life stuff' is still ongoing, and I really don't know how long it'll be something that I have to deal with. I'm continuing to not elaborate because it is very much a personal life thing, but I can assure you that nobody's dying or anything grim like that.
On an only somewhat related note, my expendable income has shrank dramatically in the past few months, so I've been having to get a lot more stingy with what I spend money on. I'm not poverty stricken; I can still afford rent and bills and groceries and whatnot, I just gotta cut corners where I can so I can actually build up my savings.
What does this mean for Humanity's Endling? Well, it's... still on hiatus, technically. But really it just means I'm picking up more shifts than I'd usually care to, which means less time to actually work on it. If work were being done on it to begin with. I'm also cutting out my NSO subscription, which unfortunately means I will not be playing Splatoon 3 much at all anymore. Granted, I was kinda taking a break from it already, so it's not like I've been getting my money's worth of the subscription anyways. So if you were curious about my absence during this most recent Big Run, or the lack of a lengthy season observation/headcanon post like last time, that is why.
All of that said, it's not like I haven't been writing at all - just been hard focusing what creative juices I'm still able to generate given my situation on the accursed TTRPG I've mentioned in prior rambles, as that's an actively running thing that I kinda need to constantly pump stuff out for.
Speaking of which, I pulled a Super Mario Galaxy and wrote a whole ass children's book for the players to find as a lore thing. It was written with the intention of just being a normal children's book in a bubble, but when viewed with the context of the entire campaign thus far, takes on a completely different meaning. Which is to say, you don't need to know a damn thing about the campaign to appreciate the story - a theory I tested by having two people who aren't players read it.
One almost cried. The other actually cried. And when the players found it in our most recent session, one of them also cried, and we had to take a breather after the fact.
Not to pat myself on the back or anything, but I feel like that's one hell of an achievement. So I am pretty proud of myself for that. If you guys are interested, I might clean it up a bit and post it either on Ao3 as an original work or just straight onto this tumblr. It's only about 2k words, so it should fit nicely in a single post.
That's all I can really think of to say at the moment. Again, even though I might seem a bit quiet, I am still here. I take a peek at tumblr at least once a day to see if anyone's sent any asks or anything like that, so don't be afraid to toss something into my inbox if you have a question.
Oh, and for the anon who sent an ask suggesting me to upload what I have of Act II done already - I don't exactly plan my stories in a linear fashion, nor do I write them as such either. It's closer to me thinking of the major moments I wanna do, plotting out how to connect them, refining, refining, refining, rearranging, refining, scrap half of what I have done, rearranging, suddenly having an epiphany, scrapping another chunk... yeah, it's a bit chaotic. I see what you're trying to say though, and I do appreciate the suggestion, but it can't really be done with the way I go about writing.
That's it from me. Happy Holidays. Play Cyberpunk 2077. It's a good game, I swear. Or Undertale Yellow if you own a toaster. It's me, I own a toaster. I played Cyberpunk on my brother's computer. Thanks, bro. Love you.
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rfaromance · 1 year
the thing is-- I would love to send some asks about saeyoung for the alphabet list, but canon already feeds us so well like... he feels fleshed out and realistic. I can use actual story details to learn more about him... Every time you have a headcanon it makes so much sense, like, of course that would be how he sleeps with mc (IN THE BED) and the nicknames he would have for them. that being said, let's start down the line for the rest of the letters you haven't hit yet! How about b, d , and e for the bunker gang so they don't feel excluded lol.
Canon is very kind to the Choi twins! We have a LOT on them. But headcanons are still fun for the gaps or to see how they interact with different types of MCs, etc etc.
I'm honored you think my headcanons make sense for Saeyoung, though! He is the love of my life >w<
B: Saeyoung is 100% banned from the kitchen. Saeran actually put up a sign saying "KEEP OUT" with a picture of Saeyoung on it. (He tried "Keep out Saeyoung" but then he insisted his name was Luciel, then 707, then Chilyoung, etc.) Vanderwood thought that wasn't enough and put up another sign in the kitchen itself saying "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK, BRAT." You blow up like, 3 appliances, and suddenly you're a menace to society who can't be trusted to pour a bowl of cereal.
D: Saeyoung is the type who “relaxes” by keeping active. He will pick dates that are adventurous and full of whimsy, if given the option. He'd want to go to a fair, or an amusement park, or an aquarium, or accidentally-on-purpose enter himself and MC into a paintball tournament. He has to lay low at times knowing his father is still a threat, but he can do exciting dates at home, too! Puppet shows with a star projector in the background! Video game tournaments! Cupcake Wars until Vandy catches them and chases them out of the kitchen with a broom!
E: Giving gifts!!! As much as he loves physical touch, he finds himself overstimulated more easily than he's ready to admit. And he loves telling MC how much he adores them, but he gets flustered easily too. However, this man really said "I'm going to build you a cute fire-breathing robot dog, and then a robot cat that's programmed to act like 707 so you never get lonely, and also a penguin robot for my brother that dispenses ice cream, and--" He's a gift giver, but he builds all his gifts. He loves tinkering to make creations that make people happy!
SE Saeran
B: Saeran enjoys baking moreso than cooking, but he cooks plenty! Sometimes following a recipe is a good way to dissociate as you stir and pour and measure for a while. He also knows that if he wants real food (for the first time in his life, tbh), he has to make it himself because Saeyoung is a lost cause in the kitchen. He actually has fun learning to cook simple recipes and testing both his culinary and dietary limits, but he won't admit it.
D: A date? With SE? That's just sitting on opposite sides of the couch, with him and his love interest eating their preferred snack (ice cream for him), and maybe watching TV or reading books or just doing their own thing. He's peak parallel play. Just existing in someone else's presence and not feeling tense and guarded... means the world to him.
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E: Quality time. SE is someone who's unfairly accustomed to being alone. He has severe abandonment issues and does not trust easily. So if he's willing to spend time with someone, just being in the presence of another while they read or do chores, that's the ultimate sign that he cares.
B: Vanderwood is the main reason anyone stays alive in the bunker. You can't survive on HBC and PhD Pepper, Saeyoung!! If Saeyoung's MC can't cook, then Vandy has to step up to the plate. They've been keeping the brat alive for this long, after all. They have a leopard print apron and do a lot of meal prep.
D: Oh lord. If you want Vanderwood to ever be vulnerable enough for anything resembling a date, good luck. They try not to get close to people anymore. Even after the agency is dismantled, Vandy still struggles to build connections, if only because he knows how dangerous it is to care about people. He knows how quickly & easily the people they love can be taken away. (That being said, Vandy would be into casual dates. Just going for walks or watching plays. Maybe hit up a museum. Just enough to feel close but also keep his lover at arm's length.)
E: Acts of service, for sure. They clean Saeyoung's place! They make sure he doesn't die on missions! They negotiate with the boss when Saeyoung is procrastinating! They make sure he eats more than chips and soda! Vanderwood will huff and puff about doing chores or looking out for others, but does it anyway. Do they actually mind, or is it a front? Damn tsundere. We see you let out a resigned sigh and a half-smile as you run errands.
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esteemedproblem · 11 months
Vriska & Terezi
[Plain Text: Vriska & Terezi]
When I first got into homestuck at 15 I was filled with so much hatred towards Vriska and this ship. People genuinely saying Vriska was without flaw and this relationship was healthy goals just infuriated us for some reason. Like we love flawed characters and awful fictional relationships because they are interesting to read! However, just at least back then, I could never find people who actually portrayed them with their flaws. They always just sanded them off.
However, now adays, it's just mildy annoying, and I can enjoy this fuckery. Both of these characters are flawed, and their relationship actively harms both of them, and that's interesting! It's tragic, it's fun, it's awful and beautiful! These girls ruin their own lives, each other's lives, and the lives of those around them in a horrid dance.
Terezi is entirely codependent on Vriska, even after her friends are hurt and killed and she is blinded by Vriska she hesitates at stopping her from causing more harm. Terezi is alone in a forest without a real lusus and I'd bet money Vriska was her first friend and first person to show interest in her so the idea of losing her is devastating. Even after all the things she does in game playing a part in the end of everything because Vriska wanted to be the hero and still spending the rest of her life looking for her. She seems incapable of getting as close with others as she is with Vriska. Mild friendships with bullying and games but never talking deeper and getting into a different toxic relationship with Gamzee.
Vriska. Where do you start. She was raised by one of the worst lusus, if not the worst. (Feferi's sucks but seemed to not give a shit as long as she was fed) Vriska, I'm sure since she exited grub form, he was forced to kill other children to feed her lusus. Befriended someone who idolized her, some asshole fish, some cute boy she was convinced was going to die without her help. She both thinks she is the most important person in the world and the worst if she is not constantly proving how cool she is. Kids with good self-esteem don't create a villain to kill to become the hero. She knows all her friends hate her or are angry with her, and this was a chance to change that. Even then, when she did become better, it was in a gross relationship with Meenah and then abandoned when she wasn't fun anymore.
These two kids are so incredibly fucked from start til finish. They never really get better or have an end to their story. Vriska is never seen again and never gets her starlight and praise that she worked so hard to get, and Terezi keeps looking for her when she might not even be out there anymore unintentionally ignoring all of her friends that are back on earth. They don't get their happy ending.
I would love for them to, though. My favorite ship flavor is probably moirails for them. For them to have each others back and work towards happiness and healing together and getting their chaos out in constructive ways that doesn't get them or the people they care about hurt. Feelings jams where they don't feel the need to impress each other anymore. No more trying to seem perfect and cool just talking about how fucked up everything was and how they're hurt each other without the fear the other would call them a loser anymore. They have such potential for hurt/comfort and a moirail slowburn just imagine it with me for just a moment.
I want them to have fun and I don't want them to change completely I just want them to heal and learn how to be a version of themselves that they can be happy with and doesn't get them justly killed. Is that too much to ask for?
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barbietoiles · 2 months
It's okay to feel sad sometimes, I admit I felt really empty for the whole month of march with the admins situations and etoiles not be well. I think right now it goes past me, the new interview was not great news but it didn't felt like a surprise. I think I'm just detached now, and new objectives are a good start for this! I mainly watch the French and the LA streamers but Foolish transitioned his content with famsmp and some variety, Tubbo has the tubbaton with lot of activities...
Etoiles have a monthly goal with the Zlan and the trivia training, so it feels like the channel is having a training arc, something we love everyear! It brings a lot of new games, guests and tryharding so it's very cool to watch! Before qsmp he didn't really streamed minecraft at all (except the speedrun for a past zlan) so a lot of viewers are happy to see him back on some variety ^^
But yeah I think it's harder with streamers that where relying of the server for content like fit, Philza, bagi, pac, bbh, pac... I guess them stopping/reducing playing on it feels more "brutal" since they mostly do qsmp. For exemple cellbit, etoiles and antoine always did a lot of variety and where not streaming that much qsmp these past months so it's easier to let it go when you watch them
Hope you'll get better in any case, I like seeing your French-learning adventures on my feed!!
I became detached very quickly, i think the feelings are coming back now though kkkkk. I know etoiles viewers were having a worried month, im glad hes back and that you all have your hearts more at ease 🫂 the admin situation still sucks, but we can continue to love lumi even if she wont be pomme anymore
Im excited for etoiles training arc, its my first time seeing it and i absolutely adore variety now thanks to him, and especially when its him doing it <3 i know nothing about zlan but im excited to learn and experience it!
Philza was my main streamer for a while and he was completely ok doing nothing but hardcore for two whole years (with a little origins smp interjection but well.. that died quickly), and everyone was completely ok watching it. I dont think phil and crows will have problems if phil stops playing but for the rest my heart aches :( pac, bagi, bbh, fit, their stories are all so good and its so unfair it ended like this, with admins being fired.
Thank you for supporting my french adventures, i will not stop learning it o7 i think my main streamers will be etoiles, baghera and aypierre now (i see pierre is having fun in stardew valley and ive never watched it but im interested!) and occasionally guill because i saw him play one (1) mc tournament and oh my god. The movements? Its so smooth?? Crazyyyyyy.... i hope that by zlan i can know a lot more french and not have to rely on subtitles so much o7
Thank you for this. I hope it will get easier for you too 🫂
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dire-kumori · 1 year
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Hmm... Good question XD. You know I am proud of my stories, but I have a hard time picking out individual lines I like best. But here are a few I like from Ever After (since that's the one I'm actively working on):
"The door slammed with the finality of a coffin lid."
(Maybe it's a touch cheesy, but I'm still happy with it.)
"Fredbear’s accusing black eyes bore into him from across the mattress, seeing straight through the lie he'd never voiced."
(This line didn't quite want to work at first and I was so happy when I finally felt like I got it right.)
“EVAN!” Elizabeth screeched, wiping the sand from her face and hair. “YOU GOOBER!”
(I just really had fun writing Ev and Liz being happy, goofy kids and I can actually hear Elizabeth's little girl scream every time I reread that line.)
(I sent this to my friend with limited context. He told me it made him giggle. It still makes me giggle.)
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I dunno if I have any 'wild' headcanons. I mean the FNAF fandom is pretty much held together by the popsicle sticks and glue that are crazy headcanons. Mine seem pretty tame by comparison.
A headcanon I do have that I haven't really done much with is that Mike actually has a different mother than the twins (and yeah, I do headcanon Ev and Liz as twins). In my version of events, Will had a drunken one night stand with Mike's mom when he was either still engaged to or newly married to Evan's and Elizabeth's mom. It did cause some tension, but ultimately Will managed to convince his wife to stay with him. However, she made it 100% clear from the get go that she wasn't interested in raising another woman's child. Will said that he was okay with that, but he had the presumptuous idea that she would change her mind because Michael is his son, his DNA, and she loves him so how could she not love his offspring as well? They fought about this expectation a lot and eventually the tension boiled over. William blamed Michael for the marriage dissolving, but since Michael grew up thinking that Will's wife was his mom, he never realized the true reason. Growing up, Michael assumed she left because of his bad behavior as a kid.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
You know what's funny is when I got that first comment from Kats on my fic, I'd already read and loved By Cain's Own Hand, and I had a mini freak out that Kats liked MY writing. Pretty much everything Kats writes breaks my heart in the best possible way.
Who's written some incredible fics based off of Kats' Silent Protector AU and my Paradoxical Reaper AU. I really love how they adopted those ideas and made them their own!
Okay, so they aren't fanfics, but Honey has written some REALLY cool ideas for the Lonely Children AU which I love to read over and again! I especially love this short snapshot they've written in their reblog of the Lonely Children thread.
I'm still vibrating with excitement over those short WIPs you tagged me in and I'll probably pass out from excitement when you post the final product!
I've had a lot of fun coming over to the FNAF fandom. In a short amount of time I've met a lot of really creative and cool people, including a few I haven't mentioned here.
And now for some non-FNAF fic:
My friend Rosi who I met in another fandom. Even though I'm not so active in the BNHA fandom anymore, I still have a soft spot for the crack ship Rosi and I came up with together and the fics they've written for that fic. Rosi does a lot of short and sweet fics and if you're into Ensemble Stars!, Critical Role, or Persona 4, I'd recommend you find them on AO3 (roserosa).
As for some of my favorite fics (not counting those written by the authors above):
Forever A Lost Boy At Last
at least we're together this time!
Dissatisfaction Brought it Back
Friends, Family, and Frights!
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martilyongabo · 4 months
may or may not have been apparent, but i've been replaying fe13 for the past two weeks during my uh, very limited free time. originally played it around 2013-2014, and so i don't recall much other than a very specific incident in the first act (which will be under the cut for spoilers!)
one thing that i've been doing differently is playing with all of the first gen units as much as i could! it was very much unlike EO where there's a wider space for player interpretation, since these characters are like, prepackaged with their own personalities! and given to us to play around with. admittedly it's taking a lot of effort + i'm going through the game much slower than i would with only one party (i.e. how i first played it & how i play EO), but a part of me feels a bit happier seeing these guys run around and interact with one another. [for context, i turned off the 3d sections so i mostly see them as little pixel children]
another thing that's influenced by my personal life is that i found myself loving the first gen a lot?! they remind me of my friends very much, especially given that my two main friend groups are currently merging while slowly absorbing other friends of friends into the circle. even though i feel really disconnected and often disagree with the game's main plot, i'm kind of happy that the shepherds kept me going.
[the drawback of this is that i'm reluctant to pair them even with the gay awakening mod. and even then, i don't feel as excited to start getting the children units anyway <:") in my head, they're like other guilds encountered in EO]
i get into spoilers now, and it's a lot more disjointed and ranty from here on out.
I have mentioned it in a past post but EMMERYN, I NEED TO TALK ABOUT EMMERYN.
this lady has been haunting me for the past near-decade. i recall playing chapters 9-11 in quick succession before, but i don't really understand why i kept remembering her when i literally forgot most of the conflict save for the very last chapter of the game. is it trauma? is it something else? i don't know!
tbh apart from feeling as though stp kind of felt a bit similar to the themes of fe13's last arc, i started replaying because I wanted to see what was up with my brain holding onto Emm. and after ch9, i feel a lot more upset at the direction the story took than i feel closure. sure, i understand where she was coming from. her pacifism is admirable AND she managed to protect both ylisse and her siblings, but man. it doesn't feel right that they killed her.
maybe it's just my stance as a writer coloring my view, but personally i don't like killing off characters because that writes them off of the plot. like real life, they can't do much anymore cuz they're dead (unless they're a ghostie, but to me that doesn't count as real death since they can still be an active force in the story). emm could have still survived; the writers could still proceed with the rest of the story with minor tweaks.
another thing that bothers me is her final speech toward the plegians. my wife noted that the "freeing from the cycle of pain" could have been strengthened if she denounced her father's war, especially since ylisse and plegia haven't explicitly made amends in the past 15 years. her country was the one that harmed theirs, and while it wasn't her who did that, it's like taking accountability as a ruler and recognising the harm done by her predecessor. and "see now that one selfless act has the power to change the world" is just... there's something about it but for me it's not hitting good. maybe i'll think about it more and return to it when i have the words, but for now it's up there in my mind.
the way emmeryn is handled also kind of extends my feelings toward the main conflict as a whole. maybe it's because of recent events too, but ooooh it doesn't feel like it's handled all that well. my wife knows how much i've complained about the dissonance between the actual political and human conflict and uh, the writing. like the ylisse-plegia conflict is so interesting but then it isn't as reflected or as utilised effectively in the way that the chapter scripts are written ToT one funny thing i could think of would be enemies saying "screw u, ur king screwed us over 15 years ago" and chrom could be like "?!?!? that was 15 years ago!" and he would get the response of "STILL." which isn't a very well-written exchange but it does kinda reflect the conflict a bit better imo.
idk! i'm trying to cope with "this is very camp" but it does not feel very camp. it's melodramatic yes but it's not camp ToT
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rivalsforlife · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I saw this going around a little while ago and wanted to do it myself mostly because it doesn't involve me having to answer about anything I did this year.
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
262,994, apparently
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ace Attorney! I have to admit I've been writing persona 5 fanfic for most of this year but am still undecided on if I actually want to publish that. if I ever finish it.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Rose By Any Name (by a margin of like 1000 kudos), Deep Dark Secrets, Childswap, The Catch-Up Game, Love Languages.
I am eternally going to feel a bit bitter that the first one is that high.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to respond to them all the time because I love the interactions, but then I started getting burnt out by school and now have such a massive backlog..... so I pretty much never do these days. I'm very sorry and I still read and really appreciate all the comments I get!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't write a lot of angst... and I definitely don't have a tendency to leave things on an angsty note. Maybe Need Not to Need which was in early disbarment era, or Left Behind, Looking Ahead because it's a missing scene in the middle of aai2, and Franziska ends it on the conclusion that she should prepare to not have Edgeworth in her life anymore.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Since I don't write a lot of angsty endings most of them are happy lol. Maybe The Opposing Council's Proposal because it ends on a proposal, which is a pretty happy event.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! Everyone's been really nice.
9. Do you write smut?
Definitely not. It takes me like five minutes to work myself up to writing a kiss. I'm too squeamish about that kind of thing.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, and I feel like that's not something I'd be very good at doing. There's so much work involved and I haven't had any situations where I feel like characters from different franchises have to meet in order to express some aspect of characterization that they couldn't do otherwise, which would be my main motivation for writing one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! Plenty of my fics have been translated into Chinese. I had one person write an entire rec list for my works in Chinese before and was so happy about it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, I feel like I wouldn't be good at this either, I've always been the kind of person who isn't good at playing with others and would want to take control of the whole thing lol.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Narumitsu without question. It takes a lot to get me to actively care about romance, much less write it.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a PLvsAA canon divergence fic where everyone stays brainwashed for a much longer time (and Edgeworth also gets brainwashed) that I wish I could finish, but I feel like it's a lost cause at this point. I have an earlier version of that fic which went in a completely different direction and is less than one chapter away from being complete. There's also One Good Narumitsu Story left in me that I've had in my head since 2018, never been able to bring myself to write it, and am not sure if I ever will. I hope I do someday, though.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think one of my favorite comments I've ever gotten talked about putting effort into developing relationships and characters outside of the main focuses of the fic - Catch-Up Game being an example, even though narumitsu is the focus, I spent some time paying attention to Phoenix's relationships with Trucy, Maya, Iris, and generally tried to make it seem like the characters had their own lives outside of what Phoenix and Edgeworth had going on. That's something I still feel pretty proud of and try to keep up when I can.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS. I can't describe people very well at all, probably at least partially because my facial recognition skills are atrocious. I can't describe locations or settings, either. I sometimes feel like it becomes far too obvious that I rarely leave the house.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it's fine on a one-off but not extensively. Like with Klavier as an example, the occasional Achtung or pet name or whatever is fine, but when it starts to be longer sentences or full conversations I draw the line.
Overall I think the best way to handle it (in a hypothetical conversation between Franziska and Edgeworth, depending on if the POV character is Edgeworth or Phoenix):
a) If the POV character speaks the language (like Edgeworth), doing something like "Franziska switched to German, so Phoenix couldn't overhear. "I am speaking in German, but you are reading it in English.""
b) If the POV character does not speak the language (like Phoenix), saying "Franziska switched to German and started yelling at Edgeworth" makes more sense - when I hear a foreign language, at least, I wouldn't be able to repeat it afterwards, because my brain does not process the words like it would English words, so I don't think it should stay in writing either.
There are practical purposes too: I wouldn't trust google translate to capture any nuance, and don't speak any other languages, so I'd want to find someone who knows the language to translate for me, which can be annoying and inconvenient for them. Also, readability. I don't think a reader should have to open up a new tab to understand your fic, is the point.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior cats!! Way back in 2012 or so.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
The Catch-Up Game is still my favorite, at least partially because I got so much engagement while posting it that it was a lot of fun to go through comments on it. The narumitsu server talked about it a lot, and I'll forever be bitter that a rogue mod wiped those channels, because it's a really good feeling when something you write can inspire discussion like that. Also, I'm still satisfied with most aspects of that fic on its own - I reread a couple of chapters just the other day and was enjoying myself, which is always a win.
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I've been speed running the events on Lonely Devil on my side account for the past two days and while not all of them are great or sometimes even very fun I've found them to usually just be a good way to pass the time or get in a little serotonin after the mayhem that was ch 10-12 of Nightbringer.
Salty incoherent rant thoughts below, dni if you're just going to get mad at me for disliking this event. Thank
Now look, look;
I don't hate the idea of them dressing up as angels and acting more like they did as angels, I've seen them like that in the main story and it was fine.
This was not that.
I came in expecting a good time and instead I got a whole lot of very distressed and scared demons who had their autonomy taken from them while a gift from someone they trusted and cared for forcibly changed their mental state to the point they were actually not themselves anymore.
And I really didn't like a lot of the dialogue choices given. All of these boys are my best friends, hell they're like little brothers to me. So when I didn't really get the option to comfort them and validate their feelings I got rightfully upset. I'm immensely glad there wasn't any option to get romantic with them, though the way they were acting kinda implied they wouldn't have gone along with it anyway. Edit: there are actually options that allow you to get varying levels of romantic with everyone except Lucifer(I know he tries to flirt with us while testing how much of an effect the bangle has on him but honestly that was very unromantic to me because of how quickly it became uncomfortable for him)and I'm not sure how to feel about that since all the boys that allow it are in altered mental states. Being able to kiss Asmo felt very uncomfy to me(and not because I'm only romantically inclined toward Lucifer).
Honestly I feel like the most sincere interaction I had with any of them was when I had the one on one talk with Lucifer, and I'm not just saying that because he's my husband.
You don't get to show me a Mammon so distressed with his situation that he'd try to cut off his clothes with a scissors, and a Levi so scared he literally tells us he's shaking in fear and then only give me the option to be a right bastard or be insensitive with good intentions. And Satan. Listen, you know a situation is fucked up when someone tells you they're afraid to be calm. Beel and Asmo were honestly the only ones who didn't seem too bothered and Belphie was... he seemed the least distressed by the bangles affects once they'd activated but before then he was angry. And yet the game expects me to just be perfectly fine going along with the party preparations while my chosen family is distressed and under a spell that should honestly be called a curse.
I'm also not happy with Dia or Simeon but I'm not going to get into my feelings around that because this event made me mad enough already so I don't want to start any discourse around how mind altering bangles are absolutely a political situation that you can't just laugh off.
I will however say that this event is a really good look at just how different angel's are from what we usually see in Luke and Simeon, though that honestly just made me even less enthused.
Doesn't help the event ended while everyone was still under the spell's effect, so yeah, not an event I liked.
Replaying this so I could make my list accurate for all the boy's interactions hasn't changed how I feel about the event, but I did find out that choosing options that just go along with everything like none of it's bothering mc at all gets you more positive reactions the more the boys are under the affects of the bangles. They're justifiably upset with MC acting like none of this is an issue before the bangles take affect though, which I appreciate but choosing those options means you don't see how the boys actually feel(Levi doesn't admit to being terrified, for instance)which I have conflicting feelings about.
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wanderingwolpertinger · 7 months
finished Six of Crows yesterday (yes I skipped shadow and bone entirely the opening exposition was annoying me buuuut I'll go back later. Blame my friend she said I should start with SoC) and I haven't started Crooked Kingdom (no spoilers please!) however I wanted to dump my thoughts for a bit (I probably ended up being overly critical so if this is your fav series maybe scroll by lol)
-the characters were the highlight of the story for me, super well executed banter. Tie between Kaz and Matthias for fav POV. (Kaz's backstory was especially well done, the way it influenced his actions throughout SoC was very natural)
-worldbuilding/lore was pretty easy to follow even though I did not read S&B or watch the show. magic system is pretty cool, excited to see it fleshed out in S&B
-not sure how I feel about how ship-happy this series is (maybe the author was trying to outrun ship war potential idk). possibly makes more sense when viewed as a series? (will have to update my opinion later) but overall having every main pov character paired off somewhat sappily by the end of book one was ehhh? I'm not opposed to romantic subplots but I felt they may have held too much influence in the main plot here.
-hrrmmm love me some GrimDark (not) (ok not when it's not done very impactfully imo) (mmmm let's not explore the ethics of casually taking lives for more than 0.5 seconds) (yes it's a fantasy book but still) (particularly Jesper's pov was ... odd) (he seemed to have issues with his actions but also didn't?) (maybe it will make more sense upon reread)
-Standard Heist Plot (no notes) (yes to explosives)
-ok back to the crit. one of the reviews in the front of my copy compared SoC to ASOIAF (haven't read it but I know enough to verify) and like yes actually it really did feel somewhat like aggressively PG-13 Game of Thrones. (I dunno this is more of a personal gripe with authors feeling the need to inject the sexual exploitation of women into their fantasy novels in order to be more Realistic) (especially when it's minors) (bleh)
-idk a lot of the side worldbuilding choices felt like something an edgy 14 year old would choose because they were Dark ™️
-however props for character design, the appearance/physicality of each of the Crows was wonderfully distinct
-not in loooove with the ending. It sets up book two nicely yes but kinda gave me KOTLC cliffhanger flashbacks
-sort of feels like this book is a sanitized adult fantasy novel with de-aged protagonists (could be being unfair here) and a YA plot
-no actually the number of times Nina's breasts are mentioned is absurdly high, the heck was up with that
-so Matthias being a ex-witch hunter = bad (duh) cause he was going to send Grisha to their deaths. Ok makes sense. Now tell me why Kaz/Inej/Jesper killing somewhat indiscriminately is not really addressed in moral terms beyond "necessary"? (Actually ignore this one for now I would need to do a reread before I have full thoughts on this) (But there will be thoughts)
-overall, I had a good time reading this book. Yeah I had problems with it but some of that could honestly stem from the fact that I am not 15 anymore and have different taste in books. (ok ok also I am actively comparing this with Lockwood and Co and I feel that series took equally dark topics but explored them much more maturely) (and honestly also Mistborn. That series also had dark worldbuilding but didn't linger on what it didn't have to?)
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the-irken-pony · 1 year
I don't know if someone already asked you this question but I'm kinda new here (this fandom). How did you get to know Henry Stickmin and what made you get hooked on that character and the game? Btw, I like your theories about the game.
I admit I've had a long history with Henry, though I wouldn't say I joined the fandom until a lot later. (Long post incoming lol)
My first introduction to Henry was the flash version of Escaping the Prison, which an old friend at the time showed to me when I was a kid.
I liked the game a ton for its humor, enough so that I would look it up on my family computer to play it. It was at that point that I discovered that there were more games to the series, with the same wacky humor that I loved Escaping the Prison for. I returned to the website from time to time to see if there was another entry in the series, and if there wasn't, I'd either do something else or play one of the existing games. I wasn't "in the fandom" at the time, but I was enough of a fan to return to the series again and again.
I have more specific memories of my first time playing Infiltrating the Airship and Fleeing the Complex--more specifically, how I felt at those times.
When I saw the intro for ItA, I immediately got the sense of a more serious tone, or at least a more serious plot. There were no policemen making fun of Henry being in jail, there was no Henry reacting to a goofy mayor's news report with dollar sign eyes. There were people with stern looks on their faces talking in low, serious voices about a criminal gang. But despite its more serious intro, the rest of the game was fairly goofy and lighthearted.
Fleeing the Complex was different in this regard. While there were goofy moments and goofy routes, there was also a lot more of the seriousness in this game than any game in the series before it. You had the genre-breaking character that is Dmitri, you had a bona fide partner in crime to Henry in the form of Ellie, you had the unsettling Complex Waltz song play as Henry was cornered with no viable means of escape for the first time before saving himself from being thrown off a cliff and making a quiet escape in the Presumed Dead ending, you had "Ellie will remember that." I will NEVER be able to experience watching Reginald betray Henry and drop him to his death for the first time ever again.
That moment was the first time I actively wondered what would happen next. Fleeing the Complex was also the first time I looked up fan art for the game (people shipped Rosemin even back then btw).
While I did come back to the series again and again, I did join the fandom a bit late--January 2021. I had the game for longer, but I played part of the collection (not up to Completing the Mission yet) and then dropped it for a few months, only returning to finish it in late December-early January. My first Completing the Mission ending was Revenged, just to satisfy that curiosity that dug at kid me's mind. (I did get 100% completion as well.)
After that, I poked my head into the fandom to see what fan art people were making for it. Just reblogged a couple posts, made a couple of my own, that's it.
Then two days later I discovered Copperright I returned to the tag for more. Then I made more posts. Got more attached to Copperright. Reblogged more fan art. By mid-to-late January, I was into it enough that I created my first long analysis: the post about Reginald Copperbottom and Terrence Suave. (It's a bit cluttered, admittedly, but it's one I'm still happy with overall.)
As I continued to stick around in the fandom, I realized that there was way more to the game series to dig up and theorize about, and as I continued to do so it eventually became my personal niche in the fandom. The series wasn't just the silly stick figure shenanigans flash game series for me anymore, it was a story with lore pockets all over that I wanted to dig up.
I admit that I'm not fully sure why I latched onto this series so hard when I've read, watched, and played other series with much, much more lore and worldbuilding, but I think it may be because of that surface-level simplicity that finding info to piece together and theorize about so appealing.
Well, that and a healthy dose of childhood nostalgia.
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icharchivist · 9 months
sorry for turning you into a gbf account and never asking about a3
omg it's fine no need to worry!!!
i've been a gbf/a3 account since 2019, switching between the two once in a while depending on when the hyperfixation really kicks in. Sometimes the fixation fades off a bit and the other one ends up being the one i focus the most on, but therefore there's no "turning" my blog into a gbf blog, it's been there all along as well ahah
to be quite frank when the nonnies started coming, i wasn't deeply fixated with Granblue anymore at that point (i have phases where i'm more or less fixated), but the conversations have been so fun it ended up making me even more excited about the game and made me look forward to playing the game more in more.
i am glad to be in a situation in which i can talk about gbf a lot!! there's really a homey feeling about granblue that never gets old to me and i love that this whole situation made me even more excited to discuss it than i've been before that.
(especially in preparation for the banger events like the latest one released)
as for a3, i always love talking about it <3 it's true though that i haven't been focusing on it much these days, especially since i didn't catch up on the story ever since the English server closed, so it's been a while i've actually consumed a3 stories, in comparaison.
and the fact i talk a lot about granblue doesn't stop me from talking a lot about a3 once in a while (esp when i start to point out the VAs they have in common ahah)
and i do think that with granblue having more adult themes in general it is also a bit freeing to talk about without filter because the game itself doesn't have filter. a3 is really more on the fluff side or deep character studies, which is great and makes me happy! but i'll never get the same brand of unhinged with a3 than the one i have with granblue as a result.
i'm up for conversation still! and either way if i'm in a mood to talk especially a lot about something, you'll see me do so ahah
but there's no need to worry or be sorry about it ;D i'm genuinely having so much fun this way.
I mentioned it before but i haven't seen this much activity in my inbox since 2017 at least, and it genuinely brings me a lot of joy that there is this camaraderie in the inbox about granblue. I love that this became a place we can come and joke around. I feel like an innkeeper who enjoy a good time with the regulars. Ladiva style if you will.
it makes me happy so there's genuinely nothing to be sorry about ;D
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Tumblr media
This is primarily a fandom blog, currently focused on BNHA, previously active in BBC Sherlock.
Here you'll find fandom things, headcanons, rambling about fics (and writing in general), occasional meta, as well as other miscellaneous things I find interesting.
AdventureOfTheDancingGirl on AO3. Writing updates are tagged: dancing girl writes. twt: @/dancinggirl221b
@seeyouafter a collection of my thoughts and various ephemera related to my ongoing tdbk epistolary fic "See You After"
@ordinaryoffensivemagic various content related to the manga/anime 葬送のフリーレン (Sousou no Frieren)
Notes and helpful tags:
Asks are open if you want to chat. Give me an excuse to talk about my writing notes or headcanons if you want to make my day. Anon is usually on but be kind. There is a real human on the other side of the screen.
Replies are tagged as dancing girl asks. If you want to say hi but don't know what to say, feel free to check out the ask games tag.
🏷️Tag Index:
I have a comprehensive tag index that I finally updated but these are the tags that I'm using most often these days:
💜Personal Tags:
dancing girl rambles - random thoughts, generally not fandom related
dancing girl writes - tag for my fics and general thoughts on writing (previous tags: my writing - this one has mostly Sherlock stuff, writing updates)
also: see you after fic, sya writing log
dancing girl's reblog themes - sometimes I go down a rabbit hole and reblog a bunch of related posts. It's a fun time.
🩵General writing & fandom stuff
on writing, writing reference, fandom life, AO3 tips, tumblr tips
💚BNHA Content
dancing girl’s bnha thoughts - includes my personal reactions, headcanons, misc. thoughts related to bnha
bnha fanfic - includes my fics and others I recommend
I use the tag bnha for all my hero academia related reblogs. spoilers are tagged bnha manga spoilers
Chapter reactions/thoughts are tagged with the chapter number as bnha xxx,  see also: bnha meta (not all meta is mine)
images: bnha manga, bnha anime, bnha art (for my favorite bnha fanart)
Multi-ship friendly but TDBK is my OTP. (that being said, a lot of my reblogs with "ship" tags are purely for organization purposes and many can be viewed as platonic.)
I just want a happy todofam au so I made a tag for it (other favorite AUs: fantasy au, winter au, childhood friends au)
The ladies of this series don't get enough love so I like to highlight them with the tag bnha girls
Todoroki Shouto tags: shouto loves cats, sleepy shouto, todofam, shouto art, shoutocat, strawberry shouto-cake, shouto birthday
Bakugou Katsuki tags: dynamy, sleepy katsuki, katsuki comfort, bakugou family
Other commonly used character tags: class 1a, origin trio, remedial squad, dadzawa, eri-chan (If you're searching for someone specific I generally just tag the character’s name as it shows up in AO3’s tagging system) 
misc collections: 2023 bnha xmas sketch
💛BBC Sherlock
Main tags: sherlock, johnlock
Sherlock Fic Recs - Mostly BBC Sherlock universe. Most of my own Sherlock fics are under the My Writing tag
BBC Sherlock: sherlock meta, series 4 theories (also: season 4 theories), sherlock parallels, mirrors
Original Canon: acd canon, AStudyInCanonBookClub, acd parallels, sherlock analysis
see tag index for additional tags and other fandoms
🧡Misc. Tags (not fandom)
mental health, reminders, encouragement
otterly adorable, cute animals, beautiful things, reasons to smile
bookish things, reading log, quotes
💭Random Facts:
I share my birthday with Dabi and Burnin'
My username is a play on the Sherlock Holmes story "Adventure of the Dancing Men".
Even though I'm not active in the Sherlock fandom anymore, I decided to keep the same username because dancing is part of my IRL identity and I didn't want to keep track of a separate account. Also, Mina is my dancing (alien) queen so the name still works.
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ofsgiathan · 1 year
my activity's still gonna be hella sporadic for a while but for a completely different reason. even though we're not moving out or anything for now i still had stuff that i'm needing to do to keep myself occupied so i won't have anymore emotional meltdowns anytime soon.
so i got some unexpected ( but good ) news this morning and i'm still trying to process everything. long story short, i was given money to help fix my car that's been unworkable since ... like ... november. needless to say it triggered me having an emotional meltdown because i wasn't expecting it. so one of my best friends and her boyfriend is going to come over today to try and get it going via jumpstarting it or something so i can go to valvoline and get the oil changed. then once i get the oil changed i'll be able to set up an appointment to get the tires rotated and front brakes replaced because they're in desperate need of getting replaced.
i'm hoping to get everything done by the end of the week so that way i can find a way to get the money i need for both january's rent and internet ( + a few other bills ). not only that but i'll be able to go and actually visit my mom.
i promised myself that i'd work on being optimistic and positive. i know i'm allowed to have bad days but i also know that i'm allowed to be happy, too. i know something good will come up in due time.
but any donations towards bills and food would be greatly appreciated. and i honestly have no idea how much it's going to cost to get the car fixed. it might be a lot or it might be a little. idk. i might have money left over to go towards rent or some other bill. it's one of those wait and see kind of things. i also have two commissions up and running right now as well so there's that! down below are ways you can donate:
paypal: link cashapp: $SH1NAN1GANS
any donations would be great. i honestly couldn't care less about buying manga, books, video games, and whatnot right now. those are wants and not needs right now. money for food and bills are needs. and i'll show proof if need be as well.
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audiovisualrecall · 2 months
I miss the days of writing out rps and stories with friends, even if I've always been bad at sticking with something and would get bored or stressed out or too busy at times. I miss that fandom culture thing, forum boards for big role play story games. I miss the active primeval fandom (family). I miss when even stevetony fandom was more active than it is. I haven't been able to participate in any events due to lack of spoons and time, but I miss when there were like 20 stories in the bb/rbb events and tons of bingo fill posts. I miss when I had the spoons and time and motivation to participate, too. It just seems so exhausting to try, now. Or uncomfortable.
Maybe I cringe more than I should at the thought of doing things that I used to like, even tho I'd never put down anyone else for it. Idk. It's like how I can't really play pretend at all anymore I used to make up these epic story games with friends and with my younger cousins when we were young. At some point they didn't want to play anymore, and I felt self conscious about being x age and playing pretend crawling around as a cat and chasing bad guys and saving the day and whatever else we did, I stopped because no one else wanted to play, and I beat back the urge to play pretend and tried to make the boring adult talking thing interesting to me. And then my sister had a kiddo and as he got big enough to play, I realized I couldn't do it anymore. I'd lost the magic. I felt self conscious, uncomfortable, even though you're supposed to play with kids, I cringed, I tried anyway and it was like there was a semi-opaque wall between me and the story games he made and I tried to participate in. We played hide and seek a lot when I wasn't good at playing at star wars. That was fun, until people would comment on me being his playmate and paying attention to us and I became self conscious and uncomfortable. I didn't want to sit around talking about boring things when me nephew wanted to play, though! So we played anyway, but the magic of playing pretend is lost to me. And then my cousins had little ones, a whole gaggle, and after initial awkwardness for them meeting new people, I was instantly their playmate, and I didn't mind or care what others thought, it was fun, and with so many of them running around, everyone else was playing on and off, too. But I still couldn't play pretend, much. I was happy to be the jungle gym and had 4 or 5 of my cousins' kiddos climbing and jumping on me and to tickle them and chase them and be silly, and race toy cars around with them. But the stories where you grow up and you can't touch the magic anymore? Yeah, I Haye the stories because for me they're true, and it's not because it's inherent but because social pressure made it happen.
Somehow the way I can't imagine participating in fandom, in ways that would longterm make me happy, because I get self conscious or exhausted, it comes from or is the same thing that cost me the ability to play pretend. I used to write stories all the time,too. We're they any good, who cares, but I enjoyed it, and I wrote a lot for them. Original and fanfic. Now 'I'm not a writer'. I can barely make myself make art sometimes but at least I still feel I'm an artist, it's who I am, that's not changing at least. I don't write much, though.
I guess it's a potent mix of depression and social anxiety, intersecting with adhd and autism, and being a busy adult who has to work, that just leaves me... nothing. I do a lot of nothing, sometimes. Sometimes I do something, a bunch of somethings, I make some art, work on a project, I read a book or a fanfic or a few, I interact with one or two friends online in some capacity. I'm bad at my job that doesn't help anything, and rsd brain hates that. I have lots of hobbies, and projects half started, I buy things and enjoy things.
But I don't do certain things that I know used to bring me joy. Some because tbe internet has changed, and the old things don't work or exist anymore. Some because I can't get myself to. I'm tired of being tired, I'm tired of not having any real friends, I'm tired of not reaching out or talking to friends I know I have if only I did just that. I can't, though, I'm exhausted, talking sounds so exhausting, uncomfortable. I overthink everything I type in a message to a friend. I overthink everything in general. I can't get myself to reply. And then I forget. And time passes and it becomes Hardee and then impossible to. For me.
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