palms-upturned · 1 month
‘Exhaustion’, ‘panic’ as the displaced search for shelter in Deir el-Balah
May 8th 2024, 11:45 GMT
Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Deir el-Balah, Gaza
Events are evolving rapidly. People in Rafah are filling up the roads and evacuating from the city.
They are moving their stuff either by car or by animal-drawn cart, using whatever means of transportation available as Israel expands its intense bombing campaign. The bombing seems to be moving a little further towards central Rafah, as well as the western part of it.
People are pouring into central Gaza by the thousands, mainly to Deir el-Balah city.
The vicinity of this hospital – Al-Aqsa Hospital – is becoming very crowded, with many families looking for any small, empty area… to set up tents or whatever they’re able to construct.
Exhaustion and panic define what these families are experiencing.
‘Hamas will move northwards’: Israeli military spokesman
May 8th 2024, 12:25 GMT
Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesperson, said he expects Hamas to regroup and continue operating even after the Rafah operation, but that Israel will keep pursuing it wherever it goes.
“I want to tell the public so that they do not delude themselves: Even after we deal with Rafah, there will be terror,” Hagari said in an interview with Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.
“Hamas will move northwards and try to reconstitute itself, even in the next few days. In every place Hamas returns to, including in northern and central Gaza, we will return to operating.”
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henk-heijmans · 4 months
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Evacuees from London to a farm in Sussex are thrilled with new lambs, ca. 1940 - by Reg Speller, English
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
Good News From Israel
In the 11th Feb 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
A dog rescued in Gaza could understand Hebrew.
A volunteer US eye specialist has saved the sight of many wounded IDF soldiers.
50,000 volunteers show that they have “One Heart”.
Another breakthrough in the production of green hydrogen.
A startup used its own invention to save its business.
Three instances of proactive women entrepreneurs.
Israelis won international gold medals in skiing, kickboxing, windsurfing and jujitsu.
The Argentine President promised to move his embassy to Jerusalem.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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The photo (TY Sharon) is of Sabra fruit growing on prickly pear cacti in the Jerusalem sunshine last week. Israelis are called after the sabra because they are thought to be prickly on the outside and sweet on the inside. I think that you will find many of the news articles in this week's positive Israel newsletter are sweet on the inside.  So please have a look inside and below.
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huong1952 · 7 months
huong1952: The Evacuees
I am not content with this life,
Waking up in the morning, overnight
Children's cries heard, somewhere
A stampede,
Bare footed people running,
Babies in mothers' arms,
The old and infirm pulled in carts.
Once in my motherland, there was a war
which left a bitter after taste,
The residues of chemicals that burnt
Deeper than napalms.
Today I see a trail of evacuees
Zigzagging like ants under rains of leaves,
An emergency, a death sentence,
Running from nowhere to nowhere
In a caged plot of land.
No, I am not content with this life,
Going to bed at night, waking up alive
To the sound of explosions
Or right here, inside my heart.
Peace had become a dirty word soaked with blood.
Once in my motherland there were
Carpet bombings and revenge killings
By both sides,
Deadly rockets fell on trails of evacuees
Running from nowhere to nowhere
In a caged plot of land,
All in the name of peace.
I am alive, curse me! A survivor!
And I am not content with this life.
History brought back lessons of death,
But alas the hearts denied!
A life is a life,
A kill is a kill,
Intentional or not (who says not?).
I am alive
But the soul is gasping for understanding.
In this madness,
The human eyes are closed (not blinded),
Ears muffled (not deaf),
Hearts hardened like stones.
Only the earth, soaked with blood, moans,
When blistered feet of the innocents
Trample on...
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idrellegames · 11 months
I remain one of the few Ren stans- against the Clown Train and Veyer fans😅
(hey that rhymed!)
I'm sure you will have company once Episode 4 rolls around!
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confettininjabean · 9 hours
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my new Swtor Oc. Tiriza Rand.
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thelivingdeceased · 3 months
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omg !! pixel art !! of my silly novel about a child in wwii !! omg !!
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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British children evacuated from the bombing wave gleefully towards Lower Manhattan on their arrival in New York, July 17, 1940.
Photo: Daily Herald Archive/National Science & Media Museum/SSPL/Getty Images
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 5 months
how many colin allred campaign numbers do i have to block i have never not even once lived in texas 😭
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nostalblue · 5 months
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Map: © OpenStreetMap contributors
受入人数:Max 大人2名+子供1名(但し1家族限定)。
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steelycunt · 1 year
digging a hole, putting him in it,
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
Good News From Israel
In the 25th Feb 24 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
IDF soldiers can fly for free on Israel’s National Airline.
Some “amazing but true” stories from Gaza.
Clinical trials show Israeli ALS therapy slows cognitive decline.
Three Israeli ag-tech innovations that could prevent world hunger.
Europe is investing in Israeli green technology.
Israel had international success at swimming, weightlifting and 4 more sports.
A 2000-year-old stone box was unearthed on Jerusalem’s Pilgrim Road.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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In Israel, we're slowly seeing the country emerge from one of the darkest times since the Holocaust. Evacuees are returning to their homes in the South as the threat from terrorists in Gaza is being eliminated. The transformation from darkness to light is reflected in much of last week's news. The dark days of displaced Israeli families have been made a little brighter thanks to donations and kind hosts. A wounded Fauda TV star has been able to see the light of day after being discharged from hospital.  A Hamas terrorist emerging from a dark tunnel shaft with a bomb was seen just in time. And from the dark despair after seeing Hamas murder his wife, a brave, stateless Bedouin and his nine children can have a brighter future as permanent residents of Israel. The usual weekly Israeli medical breakthroughs give brighter prospects for ALS and PTSD sufferers, heart patients, and pregnant mothers in Brazil. The winter sun is shining on Israeli agricultural innovations with climate-resistant seeds, plant propagation breakthroughs, and sun-dried tomatoes on the vine. Meanwhile, Israeli technology is revolutionizing the taking of photos in poor light. Finally, Israel celebrated some shining sporting results; a 2,000-year-old unique stone box, found near the ruins of the Temple in Jerusalem, is now seeing the light of day; and an Israeli fashion designer played the Israeli National anthem Hatikvah in New York, to accompany the showing of his Autumn collection, aptly entitled "Illumination of Hope".  Let's hope that the rest of the world also "sees the light". The photo (TY Sharon) is of an illuminated Jerusalem street during the Shaon Horef (Winter Noise) festival.
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lakecoded · 9 months
i think maybe we don't need forest fire merch. i think maybe we don't need to sell merch for a forest fire.
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thisismenow3 · 1 year
I feel like this site is good despite itself/management
As someone who lurked on tumblr for over a decade before being forced to create an account so I could follow more than the most recent posts of the people I follow on here, I joined this site in truth at a weird time. And something I’ve realized with the way stories of management almost tanking the site but being prevented from doing so on to the current situation is that tumblr and it’s staff and management are kind of like my mom. She’s remarkably progressive for a white woman in her 70s, genuinely, but at she can still be shitty. She supports all the rights to autonomy and protection for lgbtqia and women and non white people but refuses to change how she talks about things cause “people should just know I don’t mean anything bad by all the other stuff I say and do.” Like calling anyone with East Asian heritage ‘oriental’ or talking about how “it makes me so mad cause all lives matter,” despite me pointing out that by saying the last one she’s misunderstanding the point of Black Lives Matter ain’t to treat everyone well, it’s to have some decency and treat black lives like they matter as much as white lives to the system. There’s plenty more, like my mom deciding years ago to start taking her frustration at her life in her early 60s and the state of mine out on my disabled partner, has lighting her and refusing to ever acknowledge her repeated wrongdoings despite long periods of estrangement and reconnecting due to good behavior and my partner having a horrible family she had to cut ties with. But we’ve finally gotten to a good place where she treats my partner at least as good as the average mother in law (and sometimes better!)… but that’s more because her dementia is obvious now. But she remains a way better parent and person than any of my uncles and their wives, easily.
so in a weird way I’m seeing my ability to actually love my mom and my cousins who always left me hanging but now need some catharsis in the OG tumblr users talking about redditors and the tumblr staff/management. The company behind this site has many problems over the years, and it’s a cop out to say they are at all good now, but damn it if they ain’t somehow failing their way into running the site better than the people behind twitter and Reddit
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rjzimmerman · 2 years
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Excerpt from this New York Times story:
As the United States struggles to protect its citizens against the worsening effects of climate change, returning survivors to their homes after hurricanes, wildfires and other disasters has emerged as a particular failure. Money, it turns out, is not the problem. Instead, agencies are hamstrung by rules that often make little sense, even to the officials in charge.
The result is a growing class of displaced Americans, a version of domestic climate refugees, scattered across motel rooms and trailer parks, an expanding archipelago of loss.
After a disaster, the two agencies chiefly responsible for helping victims are FEMA, which focuses on emergency shelter and limited home repairs, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which funds long-term rebuilding. But those programs were designed in an earlier time before climate change made disasters more frequent and severe, and they are impeded now by a lack of planning and coordination.
That breakdown is reshaping many American communities: Without affordable options for permanent housing, many survivors just leave, hollowing out cities and towns.
The approach is “re-victimizing disaster victims,” said Garret Graves, a Republican congressman from Louisiana.
Biden administration officials say they’re trying to improve the patchwork of post-disaster housing programs. FEMA has a working group focused on housing, and the White House has asked Congress to create a permanent program to pay for home rebuilding.
The consequences are far-reaching: Some 35 million homes, almost one-third of the nation’s housing stock, are at high risk for disasters, according to the data firm CoreLogic.
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atasteforsuicidal · 1 year
condo life has really desensitized me to fire alarms in that I'm like, "ehhhhhhh I can afford to wait 20 minutes for the fire department to show up and make the we are investigating please stay in your units announcement."
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