#euryale will be mad at all of you
intrepid-fictioneer-7 · 4 months
I've come to the conclusion that, in my humble opinion, Higashide is the writer in TYPE-MOON who makes the best ships involving Heroic Spirits.
Which might sound really weird. After all, the central couple in Fate/Apocrypha is Sieg/Jeanne d'Arc, and it's a pretty divisive one. No offense to those who like it, but it's always a dynamic I thought made no real sense narratively and didn't have much chemistry. Sieg on his journey of self-affirmation and personhood didn't need a romance (except maybe with Astolfo, with whom the dynamic is much more fun). Jeanne, the historical figure who rejected a marriage proposal, wore male clothing, and whose famous nickname refers to her celibacy, getting into a romance just never vibed with me (especially when it felt like the parallels/relationship between her and Shirou Kotomine were far more relevant). Add to that the ending copying Last Episode without what made LE have a strong impact, and it makes the whole even less appealing.
But despite that, Apo is also the work where there is the surprising ship of Shirou Amakusa and Queen Semiramis of all people: the semi-legendary Assyrian queen credited with making one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world falling in love with the young charismatic Japanese Christian who rebelled against the shogunate and failed. It's a very strange crossover ship between two people who never could have met if not for being brought back and it somehow works in being endearing.
(Achilles and Atalanta kinda count I guess, but it's a one-sided ship with little reasoning, that I care so little about, and is eclipsed by the more compelling foils each get, Chiron for Achilles, Jeanne for a Jackie the Ripper-driven mad Atalante.)
Higaside having grown and improved as a writer by the time of FGO, what followed this growth was him not doing a repeat of Sieg/Jeanne, but writing better ships mostly involving Servants. Asterios the Minotaur and Euryale the Gorgon; last Byzantine emperor Constantine IX and fictional Popess Johanna; heck, you can even see the relationship between Mordred and Dr. Jekyll this way (it also works as simple close friendship). Being characters from usually completely different mythologies and historical cultures, there is care done to make it clear why they fall for each other and as a result these couples are very different from one another instead of being the same formula everytime. In a game where a lot of (female) Servants are made to fall for the last Master of Chaldea for sometimes very little reason, these are a breath of fresh air.
For all my problems with her, Sakurai does something similar, though her ships are usually people who canonically were together in their legends: Sigurd/Brynhild, Aslaug/Ragnar Lodbrok, Julius Caesar/Cleopatra, Ozymandias/Nefertari, Tomoe Gozen/Kiso Yoshinaka, etc. They can be one note and there is a repeated thematic tendency of hers of writing "inhuman woman discovering humanity by falling in love", but they tend to be very cute and I easily understand that these people are in love even beyond death, so I root for them to reunite. Higashide also has "canonical" pairings, but the results are more muddled here: Siegfried and Kriemhild are adorable as a divorced couple where there are clearly still feelings, no matter what the tsundere wife says. But Rama and Sita are just...there. I understand the point of their separation, but it's not very engaging and Rama essentially disappeared after the American Singularity, while Sita was yeeted to Arcade. A mark against Higashide, but not as bad as Sieg/Jeanne and overshadowed by the numbers of better ships he wrote in FGO.
And there's Orion and Artemis, where I'm split. Super Orion and LB Artemis was really good and poignant. Orion the teddy bear and ditzy Artemis are a realy bad joke that overstayed its welcome.
FGO prioritizes Master/Servant relationships, both because the last Master of Chaldea is a blank slate for players to self insert into, and also because human×Servant is the type of ship Nasu specializes in (Shirou/Saber, Rin/Saber, Kuzuki/Caster, Caren/Angra Mainyu, and to a lesser extent Bazett/Cu, Yukika/False Assassin, and Ayako/Medusa in FSN; Fate/Extra as a whole; Ritsuka/Castoria in FGO). But even there Higashide made better choices than when he penned Sieg/Jeanne. Charlotte Corday is a surprisingly well-done choice for her archetype, it seems like it's going to be another Kiyohime but no, he actually makes her a good character you get attached to.
And then there is Kadoc and Anastasia. Words cannot describe how much I love them, how their personalities clash and complement each other in the best way, how aesthetically good they look put next to each other, etc. And it's not even just that we got a MasterxServant relationship outside Ritsuka, though that helped.
Basically, Higashide has become my go-to source for good ships, especially intra-Servants ones where Ritsuka is not involved and characters are allowed to not orbit around their Master. Sakurai also provides in that last aspect, but Higashide is doing that and also giving that crossover flavor you see in things like that one Cartoon Network ad with Johnny Bravo and Velma, and that works really well for me.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 months
I’m so tired of seeing the Medusa victims post. She was literally just born like that. In the original mythology she and her sisters were born with snake hair. And Medusa with the power to turn people to stone. Can you please write a story about the original version of the myth?
TL;DR: The Gorgons evolved over time, starting as three sisters with serpents for hair and pertifying eyes, and monsters, before Ovid wrote that it was just Medusa, a beautiful woman who was turned into a monster.
So, myths are... funky. We can't really call any one version the definitive original because we can't really tell when they were made up, you know? However, we can look at the origins and history of a myth to see how it evolved over time.
At the earliest, the proto-Gorgon was a snakelike, boarlike, winged creature that showed up in the iconography of the temples of oracles, suggesting some kind of protective theme. It wasn't until later in the game that the Gorgons became multiple specific individuals. In fact, around this time the Gorgon is described as one of the many children of Echidna, mother of monsters, birthed to help in the Titanomachy and was slain by Athena.
Homer refers to a Gorgon whose head adorns Athena's aegis and is a creature of the Underworld. It isn't until Hesiod that the Gorgons are individualized and recharacterized as monsters of the sea, and they become three sisters.
So here, Medusa (aka Gorgo) and her sisters Euryale and Stheno were daughters of Phorcys and Ceto (a primal sea god born of Gaia and Pontus, and his daughter/consort/baby mama), who basically went around birthing all the sea monsters. Eventually the main conceit is locked down - three sisters, all of whom have snaky hairdos and petrifying peepers, but Stheno and Euryale are immortal, Medusa mortal. Weird, but maybe that's why she's the one of the three that got singled out for Perseus, since she's the only one that coukd actually be killed. Who knows?
It is about the time of Roman poet Ovid (of Metamorphoses fame and basically the writing that everyone in classical art looked to for their depictions) that the myth again evolves. Ovid drops Stheno and Euryale and just keeps Medusa, who explains the origins of by claiming it was Athena/Minerva who turned her hair to snakes after she and Poseidon/Neptune copulated in her temple (not even getting into the consensuality of it all, because the ancient Greeks didn't really give much of a fuck about that anyway). But, considering that most of the stories that portray Athena as not a very, shall we say, wise, wisdom god come from Ovid, who knows, really?
So we have Medusa the monstrous daughter of monsters, the mortal one amongst her sisters. Basically just another monster living her life and stone-atizing any heroes coming along to slay her until Perseus comes along with a crafty new strat.
Or we have Medusa the cursed woman lashing out and Perseus killing her.
Theoretically, if you wanted to sort of combine all these separate versions into one condensed version, it could be that all three sisters were immortal monsters, and Poseidon just ended up doin it with Medusa (which produces Pegasus and Chrysaor), and maybe Athena got mad that it was in her temple, or their watery affinity gave Athens some kind of flood. Or maybe the sisters Gorgons were killing too many heroes. Either way, Athena curses Medusa and makes her mortal, and eventually helps Perseus slay a monster and gets a cool new shield for herself with a stonifying face on it.
So, not really certain about how to write an actual story, but here's a look into the most basic of basics, and perhaps that'll encourage you to do your own research, since I'm just a lil guy who likes myths and not, you know, an antiquities scholar or professor/reliable source!
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caemthe · 2 years
Traveling without purpose.º
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My name is Euryale. I am a Goddess. It'll be one short life, but do your best to entertain me.
EURYALE, the Far-Roamer, that’s the name of the first heroic spirit that answers the call of the last Master of Humanity. A weak, sly, cowardly and whimsical goddess that is basically free thanks to her independent action skill as an Archer. She’s the type that thinks that, if you stay quiet, nobody will get mad at you. It’s not cheating if you don’t get caught, though she does feel regret on occasion. As an Archer, she doesn’t really know why she was picked to aid humanity as, despite her immortality and ‘perfection’, she’s an extremely weak existence. She only became a little bit sturdier as a servant after being borrowed cupid’s arrows.  
So, to any, it was easy to become worried and think that there was a mistake during the summoning process as the first servant to aid Chaldea was such a small and whimsical divine spirit. But not him, he could immediately tell that there was no better match for someone like him. Juanjo is louder and has an honest disposition. He appears to be brave whenever the circumstances are precarious but in truth he still can’t grasp the full picture. Due to his cosmovision, he thinks ‘As long as there is a path ahead, I can move forward’ which may sound poetic in paper but when applied to practice, it’s pretty reckless and careless. Still, because he’s the way he is, he’s someone that follows his heart and lives life without regrets.
If asked how he manages to work as a team with the Archer, he would say that it’s because they complement each other perfectly and that Euryale is far more reliable and earnest than she lets the majority see. What few know is that the two individuals are very similar as well. They’re both far-roamers struck by melancholy, wanderers that, purposely or accidentally, have traveled long distances. But, no matter how far they go, they’ll often be thinking of (the people they call) home.
The Master and Servant (or as Euryale prefers: The Goddess and her loyal follower) make quite the lively and easygoing duo. Their interactions and shenanigans lift people’s mood and makes others think: ‘Well, look at them! Things couldn’t be worse right now but neither of them look one bit troubled. Considering these are the two stuck around the longest... I’m sure everything will be fine.” Like sea breeze on a summer night, the goddess and her loyal follower both carry an air of melancholy and enigma. No one can really tell what they’re thinking but you can tell they’re free spirits that are either looking beyond the horizon or so lost in the moment to see the upcoming storm.
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My name is Euryale. I am the Second Sister of the Gorgons. It'll be one short life, but do your best to entertain me.
After all heroic spirits are sent back to the Throne of Heroes, the downfall of Chaldea and the start of the Lostbelts, it’s no surprise that the first servant he summons again is Euryale, the Far-Roamer. But maybe it was due to the changes in the summoning mechanism, the current state of the world or even his more troubled mental and emotional state, who knows, but he summons Euryale as a Berserker, the second sister of the Gorgons. Despite her servant class change and change from goddess to monster, Euryale retains very little of her memories of Chaldea and her Master, but they’re very vague and almost abstract. But she can tell that the insolent and puny human that summoned her feels like home.
Not as fierce and bloodthirsty as Stheno, not as witty and intelligent as Medusa, Euryale was the Far-leaper of deafening cries. A strong, brutal, and terror-inducing gorgon. She was also the most ‘human’ of the three monsters. She still a divine and immortal being that despises humans but can show compassion if she develops a bond with someone. She isn’t the opposite of her Archer self as she still retains her slyness, ‘cowardly’ and whimsical nature, but she’s vastly different as well. Berserker doesn’t care if others get mad and simply speaks her mind. She always addresses the elephant in the room and does what is necessary to move forward (doesn’t matter if she has to deliver terrible news or crush someone’s skull to do so). 
Juanjo is far more reserved and has plenty of doubts during the lostbelts as there’s no ‘path’ anymore since his connection to nature and the cosmos has lessened significantly in the bleached earth. To that, Euryale says that if her master can’t move forward because there’s no path ahead, then she will simply have to carve one for him. So this more bellicose and pushy version of Euryale is the perfect match for Juanjo again and this is how he learns that there really is someone looking out for him (but if it’s Euryale, the holy grail or a greater force, he has no idea). If someone asks Juanjo how manages to work as a team with the Berserker, Euryale will come out of his shadow and say that it can’t be helped since her Master is hopeless so she needs to step up, but that he has a few good things going for him and he’s more brave and reliable than he lets the majority see.
Battling and more on Berserker Euryale
What makes Juanjo and Euryale a good team on the battlefield? Euryale, regardless of class, is a strong offensive heroic spirit (and particularly lethal when facing male enemies) that can’t be affected by mental attacks as she’s either a goddess or a monster. She doesn’t give the enemy much of a chance to attack before incapacitating or killing them. Juanjo makes good support to nurture and boost one’s strengths and keep one’s weaknesses out of the enemy’s sight (which is really convenient for Euryale due to how much of a messy fighter she is). They’re a surprisingly efficient and terrifying duo when it comes to raw offensive power.
And what do they fail at? They’re both carefree individuals that aren’t known for their smarts. They fail terribly at sneak attacks due to how noisy and unrefined they are and rely a lot on their instincts (Juanjo on the filaments that connect everything in the cosmos and Euryale on her instincts as an apex predator) instead of logic or wit. In other words, neither of them is good at planning nor knowledgeable at war. So they unintentionally make a really messy and somewhat careless duo on the battlefield. It’s worrisome but they have also managed to get this far so that’s a bit of a relief!
The Gorgons: Winged female monsters with hair made of snakes, large fangs like tusks, lolling tongues, golden claws, a deathly visage and bodies covered in scales. Depending on what side of them you draw blood, their blood can be the deathliest poison that can kill all living creatures or a potent medicine, the cure to all sickness. Finally, unlike Medusa, Stheno and Euryale were immortal beings, which means that the gorgon Euryale can keep fighting even if her head is cut or her body is destroyed. A long as her ‘essence’ is around, she’ll fight and produce her deathly screams. Berserker will continue fighting until her spirit core becomes unstable enough that it’ll be forcibly sent back to the throne of heroes. In other words, even as a servant, Euryale can’t ‘die’, but she can be temporarily put out of commission.
Skills & NP comparison: Archer - Berserker
Bloodsucker (np gauge)— Hard knuckles (increase own crits and gain crit stars)
Sirens song (charm)) — Gorgons scream (inflict terror to all enemies)
Whim of a goddess (arts) — Far leaping (quick)
Goddess gaze  (single target)— Death bellows (affects all mortals that hear her cries)
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years
Training from Ishtar and Medb (Asterios and Gudako)
Medb just looked at the woman, settled into her fluffiest coat as she, Gudako, and Ishtar sat quite happily in their corner of the facility.
Truly? The woman really thought she was on their level of being quite the maneater?
At her side, the goddess of Baraks or Uruns or whatever the hell that place was called giggled. The brunette through their master a rather charming smile as she batted those eyelashes.
“You think you can merely woo anyone? Master, do not be a fool! Being a leader has nothing to do with being a charming and attractive woman.”
Ishtar wasn’t really charming though. She was just very good at pulling her panties down, Mebd thought, eyeing the girl.
Give her one strong man and she’d probably sob.
Ah, to be so young and so very stupid.
Medb set her cup down and looked around.
Honestly, she wasn’t sure why she was participating in this conversation other than out of the amusement of hearing their master tell them both that she wanted to pursue a servant romantically. So long as it wasn’t her Cu or the other ones around here, it was allowable.
Hell, perhaps she would be more helpful if there was assistance given now.
Cu Chulainn’s bedroom location helpful…
Medb smiled at their master.
“Master, we may talk all you wish, but you need practice.”
“Practice?” Gudako stared at her.
“Ah! YES!” Ishtar looked around before motioning at the fluffy bull horned man in the corner. “Master, show us your stuff with Asterios!”
“Ah, Ishtar-“
“He’s a rather simple target,” Medb told her. “Perhaps Fergus would be better?” The Celt had a talent for giving in and flirting back. It may be good practice.
“I’ll flirt with Asterios.” Gudako waved a hand. “Watch and learn!”
The woman moved over to the man’s side, cuddling up as the man was trying to make heads or tails of something he was reading.
“Shhhhh,” Gudako cooed. She was blinking too much, leaning against him in a manner that could only be described as cringeworthy. Ishtar chuckled as they watched the disaster at work.
“Don’t talk anymore,” Gudako murmured.
He hadn’t talked at all, Medb thought, sipping at her tea.
The man frowned at her.
“Am I scaring you?” She averted her gaze, “I’m sorry. You just looked all alone. I thought you may want some company.”
Watching this was like watching war flashbacks, Medb thought, thinking back to the first time her daughter had attempted such a practice as political flirtation. Gods, but what was it with children attempting to play coy?
“She’s doing so well!” Ishtar whispered excitedly.
Medb stared at the woman.
This was clearly why Ishtar had been relegated to an archer. No woman like this could possibly make it as a rider of men.
This was good?
This was as good as Ishtar’s attempts at using any of the technology in Chaldea. This was as good as that damn pirate trying to sneaking childish junk into his room. Or as good as the golden archer and that pharaoh at being silent for a day.
Yeah. Good.
Uh huh.
Oh, but she was feeling some mighty pains as Gudako cuddled against the fluffy haired bull man and continued to attempt to say in a roundabout manner that she thought he was cute.
This was why there were no real children in Chaldea.
Mages were probably a dying breed.
Can’t flirt. Can’t fuck.
Can’t interact properly.
“I’m gonna go find some clothes for master!” Ishtar told her, rushing off. The bull man left a moment later, excusing himself from their master.
Gudako came back over and buried her face in her hands.
“I can’t do it.”
“I’ll say.”
“Asterios probably is creeped out.”
“Definitely,” she agreed.
The woman glared at her.
“What? Do you want comfort?” Medb snickered, “I’m not really comforting. You fucked it, now you gotta deal with it.”
Gudako groaned. “What’s bad is Asterios is actually really, really cute too. His face got all flustered and he tried to hide his face. Did you see?”
“I was distracted with your attempts at being cute,” she admitted.
“Ugh! I should have asked a boy!”
“Mhmm,” she hummed.
Reluctantly, she gave the woman a head pat. Just one. She didn’t deserve praise, but a bad experience could scare someone off of being smart with their future.
“Master,” Medb set her cup back down. “Why don’t you let me sell you off into a marriage of convenience? I’m very good at it.” She’d sold her own child before into marriage.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Oh, come on!” She’d find someone who would tie up Cu Chulainn and make him bow down. All of them! Oh, but she could have all the men here reeducated. She could turn Chaldea into New Connacht! They’d be able to-
Asterios was back.
Medb paused as the bull moved their way, tapping their master on the shoulder.
As the redhead looked, the man held out some flowers to her.
“For you.”
Gudako stared at him in stunned silence for a moment, taking in the sight before the bull glanced around.
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
“You are a good friend.”
Did… did this servant know how to speak?
She wasn’t sure she’d ever heard him bother before?
“Th-thank you!” Gudako blushed deeply, hugging the flowers a moment before one of those purple haired pixies they called Greek goddesses came barreling their way.
“ASTERIOS!” Euryale grabbed his arm. “COME SPEND TIME WITH ME!”
“Master comes too,” he told her.
The deathly look given to Gudako was fierce before the goddess smiled up at the bull man. “She’s having a drink with Medb. Maybe later?”
The cutesy smile and statement earned a sigh.
“Master should visit Asterios later.”
“Ah- I will,” Gudako promised.
The Greek goddess glared at her before tugging the bull man off.
Gudako stared at the flowers in her hands and blushed further. “…holy shit, he’s cute.”
“Master,” Medb shook her head. “You need more help than I can provide.”
Falling for flowers.
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voidsentprinces · 3 years
FGO is a mythological fanfic clusterfuck...
Prologue: You are an unassuming man or madam who briefly meets their classmate, Mash. And angers their tsundere superior in Chaldea. An organization made to stop the end of the world. The one guy standing around and dressed like “I am an evil villain”. Turns on Chaldea and all the people suppose to go get blown up before they can embark on their first mission. This explosion sends you flying into Fuyuki with your Tsundere Superior and your classmate turned servant. You are the worst choice to save humanity from the end of the world. But now the only option.
Storyline of Fuyuki: Ah, good to be back in OG Fuyuki. Except everything is one fire, most of humanity is dead, and you have to escort a tsundere superior around while your classmate learns how to be a servant. Everyone is evil except Cu Chulainn who is a wizard and is your drunk uncle here to impart wisdom and snark.
Storyline of Orleans: Jeanne D’Arc comes back as Darth Vader leading an army of other historical villains including Elisabeth Báthory , Dracula, Marie Antonette’s Executioner, the Phantom of the Opera, and Darth Lancelot. You team up with Jedi Master Jeanna D’Arc as well as a younger for some reason dragonkin version of Elisabeth Báthory (just to make thing confusing), Marie Antionette, Motherfuckin’ Mozart, Kiyohime and Sigfried to stop her. Also dragons are everywhere. Darth D’Arc exists because Bluebeard wanted to give her catharsis.
Storyline of Septem: What if Emperor Nero wasn’t completely off his fucking rocker, came back as a fashionable wife, and has to fight previous Roman Emperors to get back Rome? Including a rotund Julius Caesar, an incoherent batshit Caligula, a young Alexander the Great and his hapless future successor who is an adult and just as confused as you, and Romulus. Whose death spawns Attilla the Hun as a space dressed waifu. And just to make their roles in history null and void. You enlist the help of Boudica and Spartcus to aid you. Also Jing Ke and mecha Lu Bu are there too.
Storyline of Okeanos: What if Francis Drake was a big tiddie pirate wife. Alright what if previously to your arrival she 1 v 1′d Poseidon and WON!? Alright now what if after getting her help, you fought Eric Bloodaxe, got trolled by Euryale to re-enact the myth of the Minotaur. But then the Minotaur turned out to be a good boi and joined you. Also Artemis carrying around Orion, Atlanta and David, King of Israel is there. So is Jason and some of the Argonauts but like just Medea and Heracles. Replacing the other Argonauts with Hektor from the Trojan War. Also you have to punch Blackbeard with Mary Read and Anne Bonny.
Story of London: There’s fog every where. You have to join forces with Traitor Knight, Mordred, Doctor Jeckyll, a kid Hans Christian, and Frakenstein’s Bride. Contending with Jack the Ripper, Mephistopheles, Hoienheim, Mecha Babbage, a bunch of Mannequins, and then the Mist of London just sort of summoned Nicoli Tesla and Darth Arthur to fight too. At the very end Tamamo no Mae and Sakata Kintoki arrive just to exit stage left immediately.
Story of E Pluribus Unum: Medb wants to fuck Darth Cu Chulainn but he’s not that interested. So she decides to fuck up Wild West America instead. Making Beowulf the Warden of Alcatrez, Fergus mac Roich the Heavy, and then kidnaps Rama’s Wife before mortally wounding him. Also she has to fight against Lion Headed Mecha Edison, Helena Blavatsky. The two of which are using  Karna, Son of the Sun as the Bouncer. You convince a germ manic Florence Nightingale to aid you, pick up a wounded Rama on the way, as well as Robin Hood, Billy the Kid, young  Elisabeth Báthory again, Geronomo and Nero who is trying to be an actress to fight them all. Also Scathach, Fionn Mac Cumhill and Diarmid are there too. But they just do things at random and Li Shuwen randomly shows up too.
Story of Camelot: What if the entire round table was just a bunch of psychopathic zealots who worthship the ground Arthur walked upon. And then got into a fight with Ozymandius and Nitrocris for the lulls while launching a magical tactical nuclear strike on the entirety of Crusader State Middle East. All the legends of Hassan is trying to stop them but Arash is there too. Tawara Tota is also there to distribute a shit ton of rice. Nothing you do here really matters. But Bedivere shows up to aid in the lackluster ending. Xuanzang Sanzang is also there.
Story of Babylonia: Not Enkidu answers to giant Medusa who is pretending to be Tiamat. Bringing about a massive army of demons and monsters to wipe out humanity in prehistoric Mesopotomia. Leonidas, Ushiwakamaru, and Benkai are doing their best to fight off the hordes. After three Demons go out like bosses before your arrival. Also young Medusa and Merlin are there cause why not? After befriending a woman in a tiger kigarumi, Quetzacoltal, Ishtar, and Ereshikigal. You find out defeating giant Medusa was a ploy to summon the real Tiamat and shit goes down. You eventually drop Tiamat into the Underworld where the First Hassan dewings her after which Ishtar, Ereshikigal, and Gilgamesh work together to defeat her. Ushiwakamaru is captured and comes back as an evil version of herself but with the aid Nekai and Quetzacoltal going out in a blaze of glory you defeat them all.
Story of Saloman: Every servant shows up to fight off Soloman and his Demons, turns out Soloman is the daemon Goetia possessing the corpse of Soloman. And the true Soloman is actually your acting director and base medical doctor. After your classmate sacrifices herself you defeat Goetia and Soloman decides he’s good for now and peaces out taking Goetia down with him and restoring humanity. Bringing your classmate back to life in the process.
But wait THERES MORE! The remaining Demons who survive the Goetia fight decide they’re mad they lost. So create some singularities to air out their grievances. Trapping you and the staff of Chaldea in a time space continuum until you hunt down and take them all out.
Story of Shinjuku: The League of Evil comprising of James Moriarty, Yan Qing, Darth Emiya, the Headless Horseman riding the Spirit of Vengeful Wolves, and the Phantom of the Opera take over 1990s Shinjuku for the fun of it. You have to enlist of the aid of James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes, Darth Jeanne D’Arc, Darth Arthur Pendragon, and Edmond Dantes. Turns out Moriarty that was your ally was actually the true Moriarty and the one leading the League of Evil was the Demon you’re looking for. Summoning the power of all Fictional Detectives you defeat Moriarty. I shit you not.
Story of Agartha: Welcome to the Center of the Earth. Where the vast open plains are ruled by Darth Francis Drake, Penthesilea, and Wu Zetian. You are joined by Astolfo who takes the form of a cute anime girl but retains his gender, Chevalier d’Eon, and a young Fergus. Fighting the Queens and their respective empires with the aid of...sigh, Christopher Columbus. Surprising no one, Columbus turns out to be the true villain and with the aid of Shahrazad and a Demon almost Colony drops the Center of the Earth on top of the actual Earth, Age of Ultron style. But the power of friendship you win. Also Godzilla Heracles is running around.
Story of Shimosa: What if just after or before the Warring States period: Ashiya Doman, Yagyu Munenori, Minamoto no Raiko, Tomoe Gozen, Mochizuki Chiyome, and Shuten Doji showed up to fuck everything up? Including corrupting Hozoin Inshun just to be absolutely asinine? You get the power of a time traveling woman using the legend of Miyamoto Musashi to get into shenanigans. Also obtaining the aid of Fuma Kotaro and occasionally a robotic mecha Kato Danzo. The Demon sort of just appears backing Ashiya Doman.
Story of Salem: The Salem Witch trials but if done like the VVitch in a horror film manner. Not so much about the battles but about the atmosphere. As you, your classmate, Robin Hood, Charles Henri-Sanson, Nezha, Mata Hari, and the witch, Cirice posing as Medea for a few seconds there. Have to pose as a traveling circus of storytellers and entertainers. While the suspicions of the towns people grow darker. Ghouls and spirits begin to haunt the night. There are executions and the Demon turns out to be the one you least expect. The soul of a child is used to open up a gateway for an Outer God and shit goes down.
But wait there is even MORE!
Story of Prologue: You’ve hunted down and killed the demons. And now the world is back to normal. When a new force arrives to take over Chaldea in your stead. One of those new arrivals brings along an army to slaughter Chaldea and activates the end of the world by way of Alien Invasion. You get out of there in the nick of time via a magical meguffin mobile and now have to track down Lostbelts. Each one controlled by a King, a Master who was your former colleague who previously got blown up and now is now revived by the Aliens, and their servant as well. Good fucking luck chuck!
Story of Anatasia: Russia is fucked. Russia is SO FUCKED! That its been stuck in an Ice Age since the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The Russians are forced to use a magic to turn them into anthropamorphic beings and have been surviving barely due to the machanations of Saleri, Ivan the Terrible, Anastasia Romonov, the Master of this Lostbelt, and a particularly sadistic fox woman. With barely anything to go on and running out of fuel. You have to venture out into the eternal Russian Blizzard to get the aid of one of the locals, Avicebron and Darth Atlanta to defeat Anatasia, Ivan, and tear down their cosmic eldritch tree to restore humanity in that sector.
Story of Gotterdammerung: You made it out of Russia and into the Netherlands, where it seems on the cusp of Ragnarok. You are immediately facerolled by Sigurd being possessed by Sutr. Who is under the command of a master there. Enlisting the aid of Napoleon Bonaparte you fight back against Frost Giants, Valkyries, and Sigurd. Also enlisting the aid of Brynhildr to do so. You also have to contend with a girl made up of several goddesses and Scatach taking on the manter of Skadi.
Story of S I N: Out of the frying pan and into the China if it never left or evolved beyond the Qin Dynasty. Except for the Emperor who has become a giant space base, artifical intelligence reaching immortality. After having close calls with mecha centaur Xiang Yu, Qin Langyu, an older Li Shuwen,  Lanling Wang. The Emperor sees you teaching peasants how to read and coloney drops a piece of himself on the village. You send Spartacus to punch to meteor...I shit you not. And with the aid of Mordred, Jing Ke, Red Hare, and Chen Gong. You impress Emperor Qin to come out of his shell and reveal his butterfly god form. Also the Master in this Lostbelt is actually a fucking vampire.
And that’s all I’ve gotten to so far.
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Session 8: Detect SUS
Just when you thought that everything is finally going smooth, just when your sixth sense has stopped tugging at your spine and anxiety subsided TERRY OF ALL PEOPLE HAD TO HAPPEN!!! It was like his hardware or whatever machine part got completely fried and he went off in the middle of the street which you had to immediately RETREAT FROM. Into a fishy looking alley following a questionable woman. The silence that Hayate’s spell conjured was unbearable due to how many thoughts you were able to hear buzzing inside your head like a disturbed wasp nest. You were mad as fuck already due to Terry’s unexpected temper tantrum because you’ve been nearly exposed because of him. But when the stranger that lead you to the alley has broke dads rings and actually did expose your true monster forms - that’s when you were truly scared. 
The woman introduced herself as Audrey and was also wearing a disguise that she dispelled afterwards as a.. “show of trust” and even offered her own rings for sale. Neither you or Terry had any trust towards the bunny person but... - "I dont think we have much of a choice here" - you say with a furrowed brow. Mr Bones steps in to support your claim. - "I agree. I think these are our best bet..." The skeleton looks pointedly at the rings, then back up at Audrey's face, waving his hands in a 'no-no- im good' sort of way. "I'm fine, though. Uhm.. I won't be purchasing anything"
You couldn’t trust Audrey... but you were all out of options. If only you could somehow make sure that the rings she’s offering aren’t a trap and wouldn’t outright kill you on the spot. OH! Maybe this could work. Hayate and Terry’s voices get muffled when you focus on the spell you want to cast.  Putting hands behind your back you cast Detect Magic paired with a Subtle Spell. You didnt want anyone to see you’re casting this. Especially not Audrey or the gorgon girl Euryale. You feel 3 translucent golden rings appear on your pinkie finger for a short moment. They glow and break apart leaving faint sparkles and the place around you... is bare of magic. As it should be, you were told but its still an odd sight. The only exceptions were your travel companions and the rings in Audreys paws. You look at them more closely and... they weren’t trap rings. - "I'm sorry. I hope you understand why I’m suspicious and see our situation here. We have just arrived and.. you seem like you're experienced in plane jumping but we, its our first time.." - you quickly mumble out slightly under your breath
and feeling shame over how quick you were to accuse this person of having evil intentions. 
However part of the weight that has been pressing on you from all directions has left you alone and made you able to exhale in relief.
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
@kieraelieson @pizza-box-raccoon
Kiera showed me Noal the Gorgon and I love them already. I’ll start with some stuff about Gorgons and then ask questions XD
By Gorgon, I’m guessing you mean Medusa. She was the only one of the three to have snakes for hair and who could turn people to stone when she catches their gaze. The three Gorgon sisters -Medusa, Stheno and Euryale- were either born of either Keto and Phorcys or Echidna and Typhon. The latter is more well known and accepted (I believe?)
Echidna and Typhon are the mother and father of all monsters. Typhon is LITERALLY the baddest of the bad. He’s not cool in any way. While Phorcys and Keto were the gods of the largest sea creatures. Keto means ‘whale’ and Phorcys means ‘seal’. So idk how they link to the Gorgons??? But they’re there!!
Out of the three, only Medusa was mortal. Stheno and Euryale has either very little or very little myths about them. I think they also had snake tails? But they definitely didn’t have the hair or stone powers.
Medusa wasn’t born different, she was cursed by either Athena or Aphrodite and Athena. She either... did adult things with Poseidon in Athena’s temple and that made her mad OR she bragged about being beautiful THEN did the adult things with Poseidon after saying that she was prettier then Aphrodite herself.
Some say it was all Poseidon’s fault; but most people just say that Medusa is a bitch/dumbass before the whole ‘murder by stone-eyes’ thing. Lots of people do like the “Poseidon is bad guy” thing though.
Gorgon blood was also said to be either extremely poisonous, or the best healing thing ever. If you got blood from their left side of their body, it was instantaneous poison. If it was from their right, it was super healing blood. Athena apparently gave the healing blood to Aesculapius which is how he became popular with the gods and brought him immortality after some politics happened- Anyway, it was the Gorgon’s blood that helped him out with that (in some cases since not everyone agrees)
ALSO Heracles AKA THE GOD THAT DISNEY GOT WRONG BECAUSE HERCULES IS THE ROMAN VERSION OF HERACLES got a lock of Medusa’s hair to give to Sterope to help save a town, as it had the same abilities as her eyes. 
People used the appearance of a Gorgon (more then often just Medusa though), either by stone head or painting or carving it didn’t matter, to try and ward off evil. This was popular in Chinese and Hindu and maybe another one that I’m forgetting- as well as they also had similar things on shields and amulets and on doors and stuff.
I think Medusa popped up in one or two Egyptian stories too but I’m not 100% sure on that one.
So I guess my questions are:
Is Noal a type of Gorgon like Medusa?
Does his blood have healing/poisoning powers? Do people know of this if so?
Can his hair turn people to stone when he can’t see them? Can they if he tells them to? Can they if it’s cut from him?
Are there Gods that interact with the world in his world? Do any like/dislike him?
Parents? Of some kind? Or a curse?
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diardiarmylove · 4 years
Chaldea Weekly apparently starts now.
Ever since Proto arrived, he noticed that she absolutely did her best to make him as strong as the rest of his fellow servants.
He remember asking the Caster beside her to give her something to be mad about, which confused him.
He later realized the anger is actually to boost her Servants ATK power.
She also introduced him to UNO while taking a break from farming materials.
He lost to her, but she reminds him that it was only him she taught of his ways, not even her best man Dia and Emiya knows her waes.
Ever since Amane got to summon Euryale and Asterios at once, she’s seen them absolutely inseparable. It was really cute.
Siegfried has this small smile when he arrived. Oh! It’s that small human. They hit it off once back on the first singularity, they’d hit it off again.
Emiya wants to know the individuals testing his rite in the kitchen baking from 12 AM onwards. (@green-spear-of-causality I blame you for this, its stuck on your followers now, we just enforce em) He still hasn’t caught Lancer or Amane (or both) on act of midnight baking.
He has caught Amane kneeding dough for Pasta once. But Master was so busy he couldn’t disturb.
To be fair tho Amane makes good Carbonara.
He wants to know the recipe now.
The frequent Servants that Amane Rayshifts with are: D’Eon, Mash, Brynhild and Emiya, and her Caster bro, who is automatically linked to her so she can’t be afar from him.
On that Note, she leaves Valkyrie to be responsible adult, along with Sieg and Martha.
She can’t entrust it to Cú, knowing him being mischievous himself. But he helps, especially with Teach being a creep.
They team to; Avoid Teach from being scratched all over by Atalante Alter; keeping Diarmuid away from female staff, with the very big note of adding Teach in the list; and keeping the peace and avoiding to disturb Da Vinci or the Doctor.
Diarmuid, who drinks his respect wahmen juice, does his best to keep his fellow servants, majority being ladies, away from the creep of Chaldea. And Proto Cú, who doesn’t wanna disappoint Master, keeps Teach from the remaining female staff, since Dia can’t do that.
One time he pursued Brynhild, he almost got himself burned, and Valkyrie kept spraying him with holy water.
Teach trying to pursue Martha was a bad idea.
Tarasque and Sieg team up to tie him to one corner. Tarasque being the intimidation tactic.
“What was the word Master used to describe him?”, Martha sighed, as they watched Teach struggle.
“I believe it was ‘That one neck beard that never left his mother’s closet’”, Euryale perked behind Asterios. The Father Rome had Teach in a choke hold, during this. The servants swore they heard the Doctor snicker as Euryale finishes that line, being the cultured swine he is.
Yesterday was when he tried to touch Mash. Amane had every sword in the book pointed at Teach, with Mash behind her, Emiya almost thought she’s imitating UBW.
He wouldn’t dare touch Master, not when he knows that Caster who’s always by her side is more than he lets on.
Teach was by then released of being her servant.
Sorry boi, if you were somewhat decent She’d keep ya and buff ya like she does to Diar, but that’s bias.
By Sunday, Amane got Sieg and Proto Buffed and Emiya is close to his second ascension.
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opheliancano · 4 years
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    ❝  and there's nothing like a mad woman         what a shame she went mad         no one likes a mad woman         you made her like that ❞
Andromeda: Talk about your character’s relationship with their siblings (if they have any).
Ophelia does not have any biological siblings that she knows of. She had adoptive siblings, but never had a particularly close relationship with any of them, as she was treated more like a nanny than a daughter. Once she left her hometown she never had contact with them again. 
Asclepius: Talk about your character’s morality. How do they decide who is morally good and who is not? What does “good” mean to them?
Ohhhhh god. This is... a good question, with kind of a complex answer I’m not sure I can put well into words? Which is kind of funny, because as a fury, Ophelia is all about justice, and she thinks that she has a good moral center. But it’s also unquestionably been warped by her own personal experiences in her human life, like a distrust for authority figures/law enforcement and the belief that following human rules do not automatically equal being a good person. She has very much her own moral code which she holds others to, in whether she deems them a “good” or not. I think it honestly just comes down to vibes, as kind of ridiculous as it sounds. She gets a feel for people and decides off of that? Which... is not the best method probably, consider how easily Ophelia could probably be manipulated. She’s one of those people who subconsciously looks for the good in others, and wants to believe it, even if she herself isn’t aware of that fact. So it’d be more easy to fool her into believing someone is good when they’re not than it would an older fury, probably. 
Atlas: Talk about how your character deals with their “responsibility” to either side of the war for the veil, if they are aware of it.
I think Ophelia sort of views herself as above it all? She’s definitely aware of it happening, has seen the power struggle between the gods in the near-century that she’s been a fury. But the way she sees it is that however it shakes out, it doesn’t really concern her? Her job is to protect the human world against these creatures the gods created to be their soldiers. On one hand, the elimination of the veil and subsequently all the supernatural creatures of the world would make it infinitely safer for humans. On the other hand, would Ophelia be considered one of the creatures that would cease to be? She was created as a sort of checks and balances to keep others from running wild, but still created into something other none the less. The question of what would happen to her should the veil fall is unclear, and while it troubles her at times, since it’s out of her grasp, she’s done a pretty good job at shoving it down and ignoring it. Her job is what matters, ultimately. 
Charon: Talk about your character’s greatest fears.
It depends on what type of fear you’re looking for, honestly. If we’re talking global scale, it’d be that something happens to herself and the other furies, and then there’s nothing left to enact justice in the mortal world. But as of right now, that doesn’t seem like much of a possibility, so it’s more of a worst case scenario type fear. On a personal level, deep down she’s concerned that she’s not particularly good at being a fury. Ophelia is aware of the fact that she has a lot of feelings, sometimes too many, and is concerned it can conflict with her ability to serve her leader properly. As much as she likes to comfort Alexios that he’ll find his footing in this new life he’s stepped into, that it only takes time and practices, there are sometimes when she wonders if that’s true. She has enough righteous fury to cover the planet and then some, sure, and when she acts out her role as a harbinger of justice, there’s no feeling like it. But sometimes the waters can get muddy, where her own emotions get involved and she’s not quite sure what the right decision would be. And she worries that she’s failing in her duty.
Chronos: Talk about how your character deals with their past.
Sad and soft immortal hours baby. That’s basically it, to be honest. She’s very reminiscent, and can get hit with bouts of nostalgia by even the littlest of triggers. It’s not something she tries to run from or even suppress, unless caught at an ill-opportune time. Ophelia probably has the healthiest coping mechanism of any of my characters, because unlike the others, she doesn’t try to pretend like those feelings don’t exist, but embraces them willingly.
Circe: Talk about how your character deals with betrayal.
She’d be heartbroken. And vengeful. Ophelia naively believes that she is a good judge of character, that the people she surrounds herself with are good people at their core. Like mentioned above, her soul wants to believe in the decency of people, even when her head tells her otherwise, which is how she could almost easily find herself falling into the trap of trusting someone she shouldn’t. So long as they don’t have a neon I’M A EVIL PERSON sign over their head, she’s usually open to giving people a fair chance. To have someone betray that trust would absolutely be a crushing experience, and greatly damage Ophelia’s faith in herself and her ability as a fury; that she would become so blind as to be fooled, when she is suppose to be acting as a hand of justice to judge the character of those around her. Depending on the betrayal, and just how deep of a wound it inflicts, it could set forth a chain reaction of her questioning every decision she’s ever made in her life as a fury, and no longer trusting her instincts. And there would absolutely be hell to pay. In the literal sense. Don’t cross someone capable of dragging your ass to the Underworld for eternal torment. 
Eros: Talk about your character’s love life, and how they see “love.”
Ophelia is a romantic at heart. I honestly believe she’s one of those people who could fall in love with anyone, because that’s just the type of heart she has. She’s had two serious relationships, both of which happened in her human life, that she put her heart and soul into in a way that hasn’t happened since. She’s had flings and relationships over the years of her immortality, and I think a part of her has fallen in love with each of them a little bit, all in different ways. But ultimately, none have been to the degree of her second love. As of right now, her girlfriend from her human life was the love of her life, and she still looks back on those memories in fondness and longing. At the same time though, she’s not crippled by it, and it hasn’t keep her from experiencing those emotions again with anyone else unlike Lykaon’s stubborn ass. She’s open to it, basically. Romanticizes it. 
Euryale: Talk about someone’s death that would hit your muse the hardest, or their greatest loss.
I don’t think Ophelia’s been exposed to much death, really. Not at least in terms of physically witnessing it. The one that hit her hardest would be the death of her first love, a soldier boy who died in World War I, but even then it almost seemed... unreal? That because there was never a body to bury that came back, she didn’t really have to acknowledge it. The same thing with her second love, the woman she knew in Chicago. Though rationally Ophelia thinks her to be dead at this point, under the assumption she lived out a normal human life, she never had to witness it firsthand. When or if it actually happens, I imagine it’ll be a sort of a reality shock. I could honestly see her even trying to travel to the Underworld to bargain with the furies for the soul of the person, if it’s someone she particularly cares about, or at least trying to seek permission to walk them through their passage into the afterlife. Losing any of the other furies would absolutely break her, but fortunately, their species is immortal with no known methods of killing them yet. 
Hektor: Talk about how your character deals with something that is out of their control.
There is very little Ophelia feels like she cannot control, in one way or another. Thus, when faced with such a problem, it perturbs her like nothing else. When something is truly, completely out of her hands, her method of dealing with it is to just ignore it. If she chooses not to acknowledge it, then it can’t affect her, right? Right. Excellent logic there.
Lamia: Talk about what other species your character would be/wants to be.
She’s very happy to be a fury, and I don’t think Ophelia would willingly trade it away for anything else. Despite the doubts she might have on whether she’s particularly good at it, she’s very grateful that Megaera gave her this gift, and would not give it up for anything. That being said, if I had to pick something else for her, when I was first playing with her character model I had her as a vampire. I think it would be interesting to mix in her strong sense of justice with a creature that’s less morally-aligned than furies are, especially one that has to feed on others to survive. Ophelia would probably be one of those vampires that’s constantly at war with her own nature, and yet using her compulsion as freely as she uses her mental manipulation currently. In her mind, she’d see herself as the hero of the story, but whether that would align with what others would view as “good” is... an interesting idea. 
Lethe: Talk about if your character would rather forget certain memories or hold on to them.
Ophelia would not give up any of her memories, not even the bad ones. Again, she’s very nostalgic by nature. Her thought process is that without the bad memories, the good ones would not hold so much meaning. You can’t experience true happiness without experiencing true sadness first, and all that type of philosophy. 
Medea: Talk about your characters thoughts on redemption, and if they think they need it or are worthy of it.
She is a big believer in redemption, though with her role as a fury, she does not think herself in need of it as Ophelia already views herself as on the right side. 
Philotes: Talk about your character’s best friends and what friendship means to them.
Again, undoubtedly the furies. @selaxamin and @alexiosflorus, in particular, although that’s easy to say when they’re the only other ones currently in the group right now. But even with others, I think it’d be true. Sela was the one that took Ophelia under her wing when she first became a fury, fulfilling the mentor role that Ophelia now serves as for Alexios. There’s few who she looks up to so reverently as Sela, and almost no one whose opinion she values more. And Alexios she’s almost completely adopted as her son, at this point. Outside of the furies, a few friends that she’s made that she’s already beginning to care a great deal for (or will come to care for) would be @silaskyun, @ajaxgriffin, @leonidaskaratasos, @winterdupont, and maybe @atlasxrose. Ophelia has never had a problem making friends wherever she goes, because the display she puts on most of the time is that of a charming, kind young woman. 
(The) Phonoi: Talk about your character’s view on murder.
Mixed. Unjustified murder is bad, obviously. She doesn’t have to be a follower of Tisiphone to know that. But at the same time, a murder can be justified. Like someone acting in retribution for a wrong. So long as it’s justifiable, or she can reason it, then Ophelia can condone it. There was actually a meme I answered on this scenario, where she walked in on Atlas committing a murder, and honestly it’s pretty accurate to how she would respond, especially if it were someone that she cares about. You can read it here if you want.
Ponos: Talk about what would make your character emotionally break.
Again, I feel like betrayal would be pretty high up there. But also, like previously mentioned as well, witnessing the death of someone she cared about. 
Tartarus: Talk about your character’s view on retribution.
It’s her whole thing, baby. What she’s been put on this earth to do. Retribution is a big part of who Ophelia is, to the point where if she witnesses an injustice happening, she cannot rest until she corrects it. It does not matter whether it happens to her, someone she knows, or even a stranger on the street. She cannot abide by immorality that harms others unnecessarily, and if the person that was wronged is unable to enact justice themselves, then she will be the one to do it. 
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mavenlockwood · 4 years
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 ❝  they told me all of my cages were mental      so I got wasted like all my potential      and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad      I have a lot of regrets about that ❞
Andromeda: Talk about your character’s relationship with their siblings (if they have any).
For the longest time Maven thought she was an only child. And as long as she had her mother, that was fine to her. But after her mother died, and it really set in how miserably alone she was, finding out she has a half-sister was like being thrown a lifeline. Because of her trust issues, Maven has a hard time forming deep connections with most people, but family is on a different spectrum for her. She’s got the mindset of “if there’s anybody I can rely on, it’s my family”. She’s honestly kind of built @xrowansmithx up in her mind as the end-all solution to her loneliness, to the point of projecting almost all of her need for affection and love onto the idea of her sister that she has. It makes her absolutely desperate for Rowan’s approval at any given time, and she’s really putting so much more effort into building a relationship there than she ever has anywhere else. But at the same time, that kind of projection is what’s led her to keep from revealing the truth thus far. As long as it just remains Maven’s secret, she can live in the fantasy world of everything good that could be, and doesn’t have to deal with the possibility of being rejected.
Asclepius: Talk about your character’s morality. How do they decide who is morally good and who is not? What does “good” mean to them?
I took an alignment test awhile ago and unsurprisingly (to me), Maven came out as True Neutral, which I feel like is dead on accurate for her. Her morality is honestly pretty flexible and depends on what’s going on in the moment, there’s no specific set of rules someone has to follow other than like, very general things. Like not being a murderer. Or an asshole for no reason. Of course, she breaks her own standard on that last one all the time, and no, Maven does not consider herself to be a good person. But at the same time, she doesn’t really hold being “good” in high regard? It’s not as if she scoffs at them or anything, unless they’re the type that won’t even jaywalk, but also a lot of the time the most fun she has is when around people that are not particularly good, like her. Unless you’re just a straight up evil person, Maven doesn’t really care all that much.
Atlas: Talk about how your character deals with their “responsibility” to either side of the war for the veil, if they are aware of it.
While she isn’t aware of the war right now, Maven would unquestionably be on the side of PRO VEIL, all caps. She cannot imagine her life without magic, and the idea of losing it is one of the scariest things imaginable. Quite frankly, I’m not sure she’d want to live if she couldn’t be a witch. Even just the idea that someone would want to take away the magic from the world is nearly unfathomable to her.
Charon: Talk about your character’s greatest fears.
Like mentioned a bit above, losing her magic is definitely up there. But at the same time, I don’t think she’s really aware that’s a thing that could happen to her? So like, in a theoretical reality it’s a big fear. But in terms of things she’s currently afraid of right now, it would definitely be rejection. Getting attached to people, letting them in, only to have them really get to know her and decide they don’t like what they see. It’s easier to pretend like being alone is her choice, instead of because other people have decided she isn’t worth the time or effort. It’s sort of a vicious cycle of pushing people away out of fear, then getting upset when they take the cues and leave. And the biggest one would be with Rowan, which is why she hasn’t told her about their relation yet. If she gets rejected by who she views as her only chance at family left in the world, Maven might would legitimately die. But @kieratandanu gonna be pretty high on the list too pretty soon enough.  Or, even worse, that it was only a ploy to manipulate her the entire time.
Chronos: Talk about how your character deals with their past.
By ignoring it as much as possible. Her go to method for dealing with things is simply to not, and shove it as far and as deep as possible inside of her. Is this healthy? No. Will it most likely eventually explode from all the pressure? Yes. Does she know both these things? Yes. And yet, that is a problem for future Maven. For current Maven, it usually works well enough, thanks.
Circe: Talk about how your character deals with betrayal.
It really just cements the idea of not trusting people for her. She’s already paranoid by nature of the intentions of others, so to have someone get past all of that, close enough for it to be considered a betrayal and then do exactly what she was afraid of... it wouldn’t be pretty. And probably would end up sabotaging all her other relationships as well in the fallout as a chain reaction. Please don’t do this to her. Or do, and sit back and watch the burning wreckage as she promptly starts throwing matches on all her bridges out of fear and paranoia. Better to kill something by her own hand than let someone else make a fool out of herself again.
Eros: Talk about your character’s love life, and how they see “love.”
Love is a neurochemical con job. But seriously, Maven is not a fan. It’s a pretty terrifying concept to her, which her mother had a pretty heavy hand in influencing. Though she had the best intentions and was only trying to protect her, Maven’s mom was really the one to instill the idea that love is a dangerous thing that can ruin people. She spent years witnessing first hand how much her mom suffered after her dad left, how bitter and broken and resentful it made her, which shaped Maven’s adolescence. And not only that, her mom was always quick to remind her that people were always out to use others, and even when they tell you they love you, they really only love something you can give them. Such lessons have stayed with Maven her entire life, and still effect her to this day and how she approaches relationships. Whenever she feels herself getting too close to someone, warning alarms go off in the back of her head, and she usually begins to either self-sabotage, or simply take off running for the hills and ghost. Because of these habits, she’s never actually been in love before, but she’s ruined things herself several times where she could have been. Which really is ironic, considering how goddamn afraid she is of being alone for the rest of her life. It doesn’t help that she doesn’t really see why someone would want to date her in the first place, which just makes her all the more suspicious of someone’s intentions.
Euryale: Talk about someone’s death that would hit your muse the hardest, or their greatest loss.
Right now it would 100% be Rowan. Not only would she be losing a friend, but idea of a family that she craves so badly. But there are a few that are working their way up that list too. Her greatest lost is undoubtedly her mother.
Hektor: Talk about how your character deals with something that is out of their control.
She very much has an, “alright then, fuck it” attitude when it comes to things she can’t influence. It’s weird, because on one hand she hates the loss of control, but on the other hand it’s almost a get out of jail free card? Like, whatever happens, happens, so she’s not responsible for that. It’s sort of like when you’ve stressed yourself out about something so much, that you just hit a mental wall, and suddenly nothing matters anymore? You just accept whatever your fate is to come, and the idea that it can’t be blamed on you because you had no control. Doesn’t make the outcome any less shitty when it goes poorly, but it’s a small consolation that at least it isn’t her fault specifically. That’s how she deals with it.
Lamia: Talk about what other species your character would be/wants to be.
Nothing, honestly. Maven is glad to be a witch and would not trade it for the world. If she were forced to choose, she would pick perhaps a phoenix or kobalos — not that she’s aware of either of those species right now. They both have different ties to things she already possesses and holds valuable, fire magic and nature manipulation. Also the ability to mess with someone’s head would be pretty cool, don’t judge her. Still, she’s very happy as a witch, and would not willingly change to anything else.
Lethe: Talk about if your character would rather forget certain memories or hold on to them.
It depends on the memories. She’s not one of those people that’s like “even bad memories build character and are worth keeping”, she’s not that philosophical. There are so many things she’d willingly forget if it were possible. But at the same time, there are a handful she would hold onto, if only for bittersweet nostalgia, even if they hurt. It’d definitely be on a case by case basis and not a blanket statement.
Medea: Talk about your characters thoughts on redemption, and if they think they need it or are worthy of it.
Redemption is sort of a joke concept to her, it doesn’t really exist outside of TV shows and books. People are who they are, good or bad, and usually aren’t too interested in changing their nature. It’s more of a fairy tale to Maven. Does she need it? Eh. She could be a better person, certainly. But to be redeemed? That’s a tad dramatic. Besides, being better requires an energy she doesn’t have, so she wouldn’t even really want it regardless. She’d probably laugh in the face of anyone that tried to entice her with the idea of it.
Philotes: Talk about your character’s best friends and what friendship means to them.
Maven does not have many friends, and none that she would call a best friend yet. Honestly just the fact that she’s actually making friends at all is a step in the right direction. Back in New York it was basically just her and her mom. Friendship is... complicated. Less terrifying than romantic relationships, but still not safe. Not to sound like a broken record, but all of her trust issues really do lead back to her mother, who sort of isolated Maven from everyone else to where they really only had each other. It wasn’t a Mother Gothel situation where it was done maliciously, she had good intentions, where she was under the idea that she was the only person she was certain would never act to hurt Maven. So she never really encouraged Maven to seek outside friendships, something that makes it hard for her to reach out and form them nowadays. That all being said, once someone gets past all her walls, there is VERY little she wouldn’t do for those she cares about. Her loyalty and protectiveness are second to none of her other traits, and she really is a Mom Friend. The people she feels that protective closeness with so far would be @eliastaylcr, @avxvidalis, @casperhahn and Kiera, obviously.
(The) Phonoi: Talk about your character’s view on murder.
Uhhh bad? Which would legitimately be her response if someone were to ask her that question. It’s really not something she’s thought much about, because she’s never been in a position where it’s been particularly relevant to her. That being said, it is something I could see her being pushed towards for the right reasons. Not sure she knows if she’s capable of it, but she definitely is under the right circumstances.
Ponos: Talk about what would make your character emotionally break.
Honestly too much. She prides herself on being tough but really she’s just like,,,,, 10 different emotional traumas and mental illness stacked in a trench coat that is one bad day from crumbling at any given time. Her goal is to project that she’s handling her shit better than that though.
Tartarus: Talk about your character’s view on retribution.
Not going to lie, Maven is petty. Most of the time it’s just low level theatrics, like being purposefully annoying such as she is with Alarick. Let the punishment fit the crime, and all that. But greater offenses absolutely require greater retribution, and I think it’d honestly fester inside her like an infection until she felt the situation was rectified. She’s kind of like a fury, in that regard. Except to Maven it’s less about justice and more about getting even. It doesn’t matter to her on whether it was technically “justified”, or if she was actually the one in the wrong, if it was a strike against her or someone she cares about, she will not just let it rest. She’s very stubborn and singular about what details are relevant to the story at hand. In example: it doesn’t matter that her friend is the one who started the fight, if you punch them in the face, she’s going to hit you back with a right hook. And maybe a kick.
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daftydrafty · 4 years
For the character ask game >w> 1, 34 and 42 for Rheia? I couldn't narrow it down more than that xD
Thanks for the ask, @anika-writes! :D
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
I had actually forgotten what meaning Rheia's name started with. Thankfully, Husband has an amazing memory for this stuff. I had wanted her name to reflect the Greek Myth origin that was the basis of her entire lore. Being a Demi-Gorgon from the Gorgon Euryale.A slight alteration of the name "Rhea" the Greek Titan of the Earth and mother to all the Gods. Which is fitting, as Rheia was the start of all the Lore that eventually became this trilogy and the world it takes place in.
Her middle name, DeMaren, means literally "Of Maren" which is her Mother's name. All Tomarbin are named after their mothers.
Evryali is her clan name "Evrya" was the first daughter born of the Gorgon Euryale. "Li" was from Evrya's middle name "Lianne" that her father chose. Though Tomarbin are primarily matriarchal and place most of the remembrance on the Mother's line, they do not dismiss or ignore the father's influence.
Non-Lore reason for Evryali is for This Song, Xenakis - Evryali
Mostly because I found it compellingly insane. Hypnotic, frantic, and wandering all over the place in my head. Which, again. Fit the entire concept of a race of wanderers born equally of the Gods of Order and Chaos. Which I believe was only introduced to me by Husband, which he found in the first place because “Evryali” is a Romanized version of “Euryale”.
34. Does your character have favorite foods? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snacks, etc)
Tea. Rheia is ALL about tea. It's her way to wake up, what keeps her calm throughout the day. In the evenings, she likes sweet wines and strong liquors. As for foods/snacks? Citrus and melon. Whether by themselves or baked into sweets, she loves them.
42. Is there anything in your character’s past that they regret, haunts them, or they wish they could change?
Boy, howdy! That's actually a main plot point for Book 1 (spoiler, kinda). A suppressed memory is revived, showing Rheia being more or less accidentally killing an entire mob of humans after the death of her cousin.She regrets the actions she took that lead to her cousin's death. Regrets that she took lives, even in self-defense. And regrets more that the shock had blocked those memories, including those of her fallen cousin, entirely away.
whew. That was a lot. But fun! XD Hope y’all enjoy the madness that is A) my world building and B) how much of the world-building came about because of this one character and my bone-deep fondness for Greek Mythology.
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rockinrpmemes · 6 years
GREEK MYTHOS: [the ”unsung”] headcanon meme!
Send me a Greek figure(s) & my muse will answer them as honestly as they can !! BONUS: They will give an explanation WHY.
WARNING: Dark & Triggering themes.
Ananke: Do you surrender to the predictability and circle of life, or fight it?
Andromeda: Have you ever been wrongly punished because of something your sibling said or did?
Ariadne: What nightmare would you escape if you could, and what dream would you love to wake up to instead?
Asclepius: Would you heal anyone that needed it, no matter who they were?
Atalanta: Do you want mindless admirers that are insincere but fuel your ego, or worthy competitors that make you better through challenges?
Atlas: Do you feel you must carry the woes of others on your shoulders because you can, and they can’t?
Äte: Is it better to be blacklisted and shunned for being yourself, or included and liked so long as you give into the herd?
Bellerophon: If you could have any creature (real or not) as your loyal comrade to go on adventures with, what would it be?
Cassiopeia: Name a time your rude vanity has cost you everything you held dear.
Charon: Would you extort/bribe people for a service that only you can provide?
Chiron: How would you inspire young minds to think for themselves and love the arts in the face of crudeness & filth?
Chronos: If you could visit any moment in time, would you disrupt the stream of universal history if it meant a better life for yourself right now?
Circe: What animal or beast would you change your worst enemy (or greatest annoyance) into?
Dysnomia: Do peace and civility unnerve you because you feel more alive in disorder, rage & madness?
Echidna: Do you feel as if whatever you produce is destined to be hated by others?
Enyo: What would be your war-cry if attacked?
Eris: Is it better to plot someone’s downfall directly, or watch them undo themselves by their own hubris?
Euryale: Name a death in your family that could (or has) wreck(ed) you utterly.
Gaea: What part of the planet/nature has the most power to inspire your creativity?
Galatea: Have you ever felt yourself falling into a romance and behavior that was out of character for you?
Hektor: What does it feel like to watch order and civility crumble before your eyes, even after you’ve taken the high road?
Horkos: Do you think liars, cheaters, and vow breakers deserve to be exiled and never given a second chance?
Lamia: Would you suck the life out of the innocent if it meant eternal beauty and youth? 
Lethe: Is oblivion better than suffering the same memories over and over?
Leto: What would it take for you to lose your dignity, composure and self-respect?
Limos: Are you filled with an endless ache and hunger to fill yourself with things that can never truly satisfy you?
Medea: Do you believe rehabilitation works, or are you forever tainted, with no chance of purifying your dark impulses?
Melampus: Have you ever heard or felt an animal’s message and understood it better than human advice?
(The) Melissai: Do you believe the “sweet life” can only be achieved by hard work, positive affirmations and perseverance?
Menthe: Have you been villainized by the acts of your attackers, only to be blamed for your own victimization?
Midas: Can you “have it all” and truly be happy?
Momus: Do you think mockery & nastiness are the only ways to get through and break down someone’s faults?
Philotes: Do true friends and loving, platonic bonds really exist?
(The) Phonoi: *Excluding* battle and self-defense, when can you excuse murder?
(The) Pleiades: Is it better to be famous, cherished, adored and serving as an inspiration to the miserable, even if you can never mingle among your “fans”; or is it better to live a hard, ordinary life as long as you are among “real” people?
Ponos: What laborious act or stress would it take to finally break you? 
Pothos: Name a time you desired a person so bad you couldn’t take it anymore.
Psyche: Name a time your faith and patience overrode your pain and fear, and lead you to succeed.
Rhea: What/Who gives you the safest, gentlest, most comforting feeling in the world?
Stheno: Is violence the answer in response to a sibling’s demise?
Tartarus: Do you think that people should take responsibility for their mortal sins and be tortured for them?
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
A Naive Gudako (Gudako, Solomon, CasGil, Merlin, etc)
Gudako could feel the sweat dripping down her face as she gently pulled at the block. She could feel the eyes upon her as she moved it.
This kind of thing? It required precision. It was a level of assholery that no servant had ever achieved. It was a level of skill and pure madness that would have made all the Berserkers go insane.
Those around her may call her mad for this. They may think that she was inhuman for what she was accomplishing, but the pure elation to be unlocked from such a thing… She could already see Kid Gil and Saber Lily nearby, hands to their mouths as they watched in horror and astonishment.
A centimeter…
A millimeter…
Madness achieved, the block from the tower was out. She had successfully pulled the outer blocks from each level of the lower seven levels of the tower out, twisting the tower around enough that whomever poked at the blocks now would be at greater risk of knocking the tower down.
“That’s… That’s not even right,” Kid Gil murmured. The tone was like that of a mere mortal coming across a god.
She would know.
She’d used that tone before.
“How did she do that?” Saber lily whispered, moving slowly forward as Gudako happily set the block atop the tower and settled back onto the couch.
“I’m just that good at tumbling tower,” she told the two. Her eyes went to Euryale. “Your turn!”
The goddess looked at the tower, face paling.
She’d won this.
Gilgamesh Caster threw the door open, sending the tower crumbling and the others to relieved sighs.
So much work!
Damn it all.
“We need to speak about Solomon.”
“He’s fine,” she dismissed, waving a hand. “Just keep him away from Merlin.”
She had access to Solomon’s bank account and had set alerts. He couldn’t spend too much on the magician’s blog.
Perhaps she could reset the tower in its precarious state from before?
“Solomon thinks you are unknowing that Merlin is Magi*Mari.”
The others glanced to one another, pausing alongside her at that.
The king moved to the bar nearby, pouring a glass of beer and nodding. A swig of the drink and he was replying. “It would seem he came across Merlin’s false identity. However, he thinks that you are unaware.”
That didn’t make any sense.
“Gudako, we’ll ah- We’re gonna go take a nap and maybe do some reading.”
Kid Gil grabbed Saber lily and booked it.
Euryale yawned, nudging at Asterios and heading out as well.
“How the hell would I be the last to learn his identity?”
The king shrugged. “Perhaps it is the innocent and sweet nature that Solomon seems to believe that you possess. He truly believes that you have never so much as kissed anyone, after all. It’s not a great leap to believe that you would miss the obvious.”
Oh no.
She needed to explain a few things.
“Can you clean this up?” Gudako motioned at the blocks as she hurried for the door. “I have to talk to Solomon.”
“I’m not- GUDAKO!”
She shut the door behind her as she got into the hallway.
She needed to inform Solomon of a few things immediately.  
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bolontiku · 5 years
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"Fate" Part 5
Work Drabbles
Hebe & the Gorgon
Steve nearly ran off the edge at the end of the corridor he had been following, there was barely enough light, if he squinted he could see just enough to keep moving.
He shimmied along the narrow edge, following it down, a sigh of relief leaving him as it finally panned out to ground. A flicker of light caught his eye and he snuck along, crouched low.
"You had no right!"
"You were about to die! This is the thanks I get for coming to your rescue?!"
"I had it handled!"
Steve leaned his back against the wall, peeking around the corner and catching a glimpse of Hebe standing next to a fire.
"Hebe... Why have you not come back? You belong here."
She shook her head, coils of chestnut hair dancing with the movement in the light of the fire causing Steve to watch in amazement. "Euryale!" She cried out turning away.
Steve scrambled back as a woman stepped into view, towering over Hebe, claws clicking along the stone ground, she was covered in scales and reached out with clawed hands. Steve watched in amazement as the air around her shimmered and she shrank to a smaller woman. Soft pale skin, though her hair remained as snakes, she caught Hebe's arms softly.
"Sister, we miss you, have the graeae not told you? We have sent them many times..."
"Euryale, unlike you and Stheno I only have a small amount of life to live, and I want to live it! I cannot stay here." Both women stared at each other before they heard a yelp followed by a commotion, Steve stumbling and falling onto his hands and knees in front of them. "Steve- Stheno wait!!!" She cried out.
Steve huffed as he was jerked upright and claws wrapped around his neck. "Heyyy Hebe."
"Keep your eyes down," she demanded as her Euryale growled.
"Who is this?!"
"He is a dead man!"
"He has done nothing wrong!" Hebe shouted stomping forwards and pulling him from Stheno's grasp, "he is not here to kill us!"
"But it is his task is it not?" Came another voice. The three sisters looked over to where the graeae suddenly stood, "Lachesis gave him three tasks, he did not defeat neither the Charybdis nor the Minotaur, he was sent to deal with the gorgon as well... Hebe, he was supposed to kill all three."
Steve heard her whimper, "its true," he said stepping forwards looking at the woman that had brought him here, "the Charybdis was nothing but a mechanism and we found the Scylla was a tool to defend women, why would I kill them?" He asked frowning, "the Minotaur was a beast, but who wouldn't go mad stuck in an endless labyrinth? I didn't get a chance to deal with it though," he wished he had, "Hebe's sister," he looked over his shoulder at her, "I believe was the one who dealt with it."
"She had to defend herself, not that you were any help!" Euryale seethed.
Steve looked at Hebe as she pulled away, "y-your a gorgon?"
"She is our sister Medusa, why she continues to go along as this 'Hebe' is beyond us, she belongs here with us!" Euryale bit out pulling her from Steve and behind her.
Steve grunted as the two sisters came at him, both shoving him further from Hebe. Cool hands caught his arms and he turned to face the graeae.
"Now you know why Lachesis sent you, will you kill for her freedom?"
"Steve, go!" Hebe called out, he watched as Euryale grew, his blue eyes moving down to the ground. "Its okay, I will be fine. Please go!"
"How can you say you love her when you want to imprison her here?!" he asked.
"How dare you presume to know our sister?!"
"She has scars!" He cried out, reminding himself to keep his eyes from theirs squeezing them shut, "she has faced the worst that men have to offer, do you think I don't know what she meant by 'not without her permission'?!" He growled stepping towards them.
"Steve-do not meet their gaze!" Hebe warned.
"I can’t imagine her having to live through that, the lashes it must have taken to cause those scars-"
"And you would want her to go back out there and face that again?!"
"SHE CHOOSES IT!" He cried, "not because she wants to face the ugliness that the world is but besides it! She chooses to see the beauty in it! She carries a bow, a sword, and a dagger. She has learned to defend herself, she also owns her own boat! Did you know that?!" He asked anger boiling, "you are the ones that don't know your sister! She must have spent countless hours alone, drifting and enjoying the sun on her skin! God she is beautiful, not because of her looks but because she cared about a total stranger, no... I don't want her to go back out there and face the world alone."
"What are you saying then?"
"Either you go with her or I will."
Quiet reigned over the small group.
"They would hunt us."
"You can beat them. Hebe will show you how, you can't live your life in fear locked away!" Steve pleaded, "I will stay."
A clawed hand caught his jaw, "you would stay and defend us?!" He nodded, Stheno he guessed, "men always say such things lightly,” her voice carried bitterness and hatred.
Blue eyes snapped open and he met a cold grey glare, "I don't."
"STEVE!!" Hebe's shout reverberated throughout the cold room.
Steve held still, the woman in front of him softening, the sharp claws on his jaw dropping and he let out a breath he hadn’t realized he'd been holding.
"You are brave."
"This is why I had him brought here."
Hebe tore away from Euryale, "Lachesis! Take him away! Please?!"
The woman smiled catching her in her arms, cooing softly, "little Hebe, I have watched you grow and face hardships others would cower from. You faced all of it and still chose to continue." She pulled back holding her face in her hands, "you should take your sisters and go with him."
Hebe pulled back, "what?" she asked shock evident.
Lachesis laughed softly, "he loves you, it is new but it is there. He can protect you, give you and your sisters a life that could not be possible here. Here you and your sisters would die."
Euryale pulled her from the other woman’s arms, "sister.. You should heed her, Lachesis has always had the best intentions for you."
"What of you and Stheno? You heard Lachesis, you could come with me?"
She laughed looking at her sister who let Steve go, "Medu-Hebe, Hebe... We can barely face the world as it is. Where would he take us? No, you have always been the one to face what we could not." 
“This is why I cannot snip her life thread?” Atropos asked stepping into the light, Clotho behind her, “sister Lachesis, no wonder, you are clever!!”
Lachesis chuckled holding her hand out to Steve, “please, take our little Hebe, she does not deserve the ending others wish upon her.” She said smiling at him gently as he put his hand in hers. The woman placed Hebe’s hand in his and he stared at it, realizing how much smaller she looked.
Steve nodded, “I will, I promise to take care of her.”
Lachesis smiled as Hebe stared at their joined hands, “what do you say little one? Will you go with the warrior?”
Steve looked over at her, if she chose to stay he would stay as well. Deep brown eyes met his, “I think before I say he should see what I truly look like.”
“What you look like doesn’t matter Hebe.”
She pulled her hand from his and stepped back, Lachesis’ hand on his shoulder stopping him. Steve watched as the air around Hebe shimmered and she looked at him, nothing had changed. He looked over at Lachesis confused, “somethin’ gonna happen?” he asked.
Atropos burst out into a fit of giggles as Lachesis grinned broadly, Hebe stared dumbfounded. “Now Hebe, look and see what your man looks like in truth.”
Hebe watched as the facade the graeae had wrapped around him slowly disappeared, Steve looked down to find himself in hie suit and sighed in relief. he looked up and met Hebe’s gaze, “alright?”
She stepped towards him and reached out, hand stopping and inch away, before he nodded and she ran her fingers over the dark blue suit. She smiled, she had never felt such fabric before and it was sturdy under her fingertips.
“Your friend ever wear something like this?” he asked catching her hand.
Hebe stared up at him, “no,” she answered with a smirk, “he wears less.”
Steve pulled her forwards, “permission?” Hebe nodded and he dropped his lips to hers, both closing their eyes as the world beneath their feet shifted. Her lips were soft and pliant against his, just like her body pressing against his. He didn’t want the kiss to end, but a familiar voice cut in.
“He just... appears out of thin air?! And with a hot girl?!” Clint cried out, “you have no idea the crap we have been going through to find you!!” he huffed, “no seriously. Bucky hasn’t spoken to me since you disappeared three days ago, where the hell have you been?!”
Steve moved to answer when the large brunette wrapped around him, causing him to stumble back a few steps. “Tony, kept pestering me about a vacation..” he laughed clapping Bucky on the back, “alright buddy.”
“Asshole!” he shouted sending him reeling with a punch. “Whoa...okay..okay..” he backed away as Hebe stepped in, sword at his throat.”
Steve laughed as she spoke, “not without my permission!” she growled in warning.
“Hebe...” he gently touched her hands and nodded when she looked at him, “these are my friends.” He looked around them, how had they gotten here? That had to have been the graeae, Hebe was looking around, stepping by his side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “Lets do introductions yeah?”
A/N: There it is, the end!! To those that have been sticking with this one, thank you so much. I had fun with the myths and playing around with them and hope this was as fun for y’all as it was for me!!
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Work drabbles
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Steve tags:
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made-nondescript · 5 years
Medusa and her blind gf notes
So like, you know that blind gf that the internet gave Medusa? I fell in love with the concept a bit. And did some research. I don’t have a ton, but I thought posting about it might help me sort things, yknow?
How Medusa became a monster
Medusa (name meaning queen or mistress) was one of three gorgon sisters, and the only mortal of the trio. She was described as absolutely stunning and frequently had to turn down suitors. In a surprising turn, Medusa did not marry and rather dedicated herself to Athena, the goddess whom she held in highest regard. Doing so meant celibacy.
From this point, there are two-ish versions of what happens. 
In one, Poseidon sees Medusa as an excellent opportunity not only to sleep with a beautiful woman, but also to greatly disrespect Athena. So, he rapes her in the temple of Athena that Medusa tends. Medusa is distraught, justifiably upset with what happened, mad, and a little lost. She turns to Athena.
Another fork in the road here. Athena can either find fault with Medusa, and essentially punish her for disrespecting Athena’s temple, or she can take pity on Medusa and turn her into a monster so that another act of aggression like that never happens again. 
The other story states that Medusa accepted Poseidon’s advances and did, genuinely, allow him to deflower her in Athena’s temple. This version portrays her as noncommittal and morally corrupt.
I’m partial to the first story, though I’m not sure which motive on Athena’s part I prefer. The victim blaming version is rather inconsistent with Athena’s usual portrayal as a goddess of strategically war; you’d assume someone capable of battle planning could also figure out that it wasn’t Medusa’s fault a god raped her. On the other hand, I like this version because I feel like it makes more sense later on in Medusa’s character arc.
After being transformed into a monster, Medusa is upset and angry again; she does not initially take well to being a monster of legend. After awhile though, she learns to use her position as an outlet for much pent up anger. I suppose this works well regardless of Athena’s motive, so I might be wrong for slightly favoring the other! 
Medusa’s sisters
Exceptionally little is known about the other two, immortal gorgons Stheno and Euryale. The former is the strong one, known for being very violent and independent, while the latter is the more agile one, known for her loud cries. Both sisters were not initially monsters, like Medusa. They were supposedly transformed by Athena for standing with Medusa. (This is another reason that the victim blaming motivation works better, because why else would she transform the sisters for defending Medusa?) Both sisters took better to their change in roles than Medusa, according to some sources I read.
Other than that, there is nothing known about them (aside from some additional appearance info that’s not relevant here.) I like the idea of the two being a little dumb (Medusa is sometimes called the brains of the trio) and being very attached to Medusa. Depending on the tone I want, I could have the sisters being a little too interested in Medusa’s love life. 
Speaking of tone, the conflict.
One idea I’ve had for the conflict is hinged on Athena blaming Medusa for the rape. In this version of this theoretical story, Athena becomes angry that her punishment for Medusa is not having its intended effect after the Blind Girl shows up and begins a relationship with her. Athena, then, takes some sort of action. I have scarcely an idea of what would happen subsequently. 
Alternatively, Perseus could come to the island that the gorgon sisters share, perusing Medusa’s head. Blind Girl is not exactly thrilled about that prospect and begs him to stop. Again, not sure what happens from there.
The blind girl
Little is known about blindness in ancient Greece except that it probably sucked and was often used as a punishment for an offence against a god. For my purposes, I think that she wouldn’t be super popular because people would fear that kindness towards her was a slight against whatever god she offended. Now, I’m not sure if I’d have the girl do something against a god, but I thought it would be neat of Medusa and her could bond over their shared position outside of regular society. As for how she reached the island, maybe she was thrown there and left to die? Or maybe she was just wandering and ended up there or something. 
That is all I have! Sorry for the long post. 
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“Heroic Spirits across through time, I ask of you. Entertain my thoughts, I ask of your wishes! What are your wishes?” (Ruler!Reimu to Cu, Euryale, Ibaraki, Kiyo, Thor and Fate!Patchy :D)
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The berserker stared at the Ruler addressing him, before giving a sigh and turning away. He said nothing for a couple seconds, before finally speaking up. “My wish… Hah! As if I could possibly have a wish. I’m just here to do as Master says, and nothing more. My purpose is to fight for Chaldea, nothing more, nothing less.” 
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“My my…You wish to hear of my ‘wish’ ? ..Fine, fine. I suppose I can entertain you for now. My wish…My wish is…” She looked to the ground, the sly look on her face fading into a sombre look sadness. “..My wish is to not be lonely- No, scratch that…To never be lonely ever. Here at Chaldea, I guess it’s already been granted, no? I, Stheno, Master…oh, and that Useless Medusa, too..we’re all here.” The goddess sighed, before shaking her head. “Jeez…not everyone would be allowed to hear such a delicate confession from me- You better pay me back at some point, Alright?!”
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“Hmph! Don’t take this lightly! For an Oni like me to divulge such sensitive information…” She huffed and crossed her arms, her face scrunching up slightly. “But…I see no reason not to entertain you for now, Ruler. I, Ibaraki have but one, simple wish! To be reunited with Shuten Douji, and to see her smile!.In life, that was my only wish- and it was on my mind up until the moment I died. Does this satisfy your curiosity?” 
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The mint-haired berserker smiled softly, her eyes narrowing slightly as she stared at the Ruler before her. “Your clothes…ah, how nostalgic.” Kiyohime sighed wistfully, fanning herself lightly with the fan she held. “My wish…My, it’s simple, yes.” She smiled in a way that seems wholesome, but also seems to be hiding something ominous. “I wish to make a world where lying is impossible.That is my one true wish.” With a quiet giggle, Kiyohime turned to leave. “Will that be all, Ruler…?” 
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“Oho? Mighty Curious, aren’t you?” The golden haired man put his hands on his hips, grinning widely. “But very well-! I shall answer your question at your behest, Oh mighty Ruler! I, Thor, have a simple wish…though some could call it selfish, I guess? Hah! I care not, in all seriousness! I simply wish to as Heroic and Mighty as I can be…and as I once was! Would you fault me on this wish? Would you dare so that I, The Mighty Thor, am misguided?” Some would definitely say so, Thor. Your madness enhancement sometimes steers you in the wrong direction. “I shall leave that to you, Ruler! Ha ha!” His laugh was bellowing, but not at all malevolent. 
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“Urk-” The caster froze up at the sight of the ruler servant, beads of sweat starting to form upon her face. “Ah..M..my wish, huh…?” Patchouli coughed, outright refusing eye contact. “I wish th..that…I, uh…” There was another, obviously faked cough. Was it bad for her to be at Chaldea? Would she get mad? Did they even know each other? All these questions and more flooded Patchouli’s brain as she quickly thought up of something. “I..uh, Wish for the happiness of humanity, o..of course!” Well, that’s a lie. She only made that up just now! As someone who let herself get summoned for kicks, does she really have a wish?!
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