#equipoise au
cloudyinthecloset · 6 months
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A ChristmasPartyAU/XPAU festive sweater for my EquipoiseAU Nightmare! It took a while to make but I am so happy with the way that it turned out. He may not want to be there, but at least he'll attend any multiverse party in style~
Sweater lineart by @ofwishesandstars
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ofwishesandstars · 2 years
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Drew the boys of a friendo of mine!!, The equipoise twins in a levianthantale setting, they are a betta fish and a glass octopus
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susandsnell · 6 months
CHOOSE VIOLENCE: 12, 18, 22, 23
thanks so much maggie!!! sorry for the delay. hope you're well!!
choose violence ask game 🔥
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
pick any woman lmao. but i'm going to say i'm especially defensive of may welland from the age of innocence and amy march from little women. the former is hated for trying to put a stop to an affair her husband was having/protect herself from being left for another woman when before they ever got married, she told newland straight up he didn't have to marry her if he wasn't sure and his dumb ass was so indecisive he tried to have his cake and eat it too, and nearly ruined both their lives. as for amy, she's unjustly hated for the high crime of 1) being kind of bratty as a child and 2) having the audacity to marry laurie, who she loved, instead of jo who is a lesbian who did not/could not commit to him. Perhaps the view of this has been skewed by the 2019 flick where Florence Pugh is playing an 8 year old and a twentysomething, but it really says something that classic lit fandom will fawn over the most atrocious, insufferable men imaginable (Rochester should've roasted and I'll die on that hill) but if a little girl , a literal child, has an age-appropriate fit of rage once and argues with her sisters (do these people not...have siblings?), culminating in her destroys her sister's things and said sister is everyone's self insert character (except, conveniently, for her rejections/subversions of femininity GEE I WONDER WHY), that's apparently a bridge too far. Even if she's overall a sweet person and outgrows being, again, kind of annoying as a kid.
Also, does Carlotta Giudicelli from Phantom of the Opera count? (Let's go with the musical version here for argument's sake.) She's a bit of a diva, sure, but honestly she earned it and is iconic for it, and she literally just wanted workplace safety and to not be replaced by a significantly younger and skinnier performer based on someone in power's attraction to said performer, which is still a very real issue in the entertainment world! She takes no shit! She was kind of hard on Christine when she wasn't to blame but c'mon, I'd hardly be the most reasonable or understanding if there was a serial killer on the loose bumping off my coworkers who was constantly threatening my life and that of my partner, and had suffered public humiliation twice at the hands of said nutjob. And she then has to find her husband dead as almost an afterthought to the wider plot. TeamCarlotta, she did nothing wrong except be slightly rude under extremely upsetting circumstances. I think she was more disliked in past Phantom fandom than she is now, but c'mon. Feature her more in fanworks, she's a badass!
18. it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on… I can't answer 'women' twice, but I will just say as a generality deconstructing popular fic tropes. Really pick apart the horrific implications of what a Soulmates/Reincarnation AU looks like when equipoised against one's free will. Or heck, make it funny - There Is Only One Bed and this sonofabitch keeps kicking me. Just keep things fresh!!!
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores Ooh, tough one! Again, the cop-out answer is 'character's canonical flaws and worse moments, or their better points if they're worse characters' lolol, but I really in general get bummed when people shirk worldbuilding and cool concepts in service of the same handful of relationship tropes? Not to be one of those people who bitches about lacking gen while also not contributing gen content - I fully acknowledge myself I'm more into the relationship aspect of things, but whether it's the fullest potential of the Train in Infinity Train, the way the Force is deconstructed as some kind of horrific fate-controlling entity in Knights of the Old Republic 2, so so so so so much vampire lore/rules/mythos in any given vamp media and its fandom, I wish it was just acknowledged and played with more! You could even do so in service of ships/characterization if you're clever!
23. ship you’ve unwillingly come around to Another tough call! I tend to stick to my guns on ships and either end up liking them out of the gate and then that like can turn into total brainrot, or I just kind of dislike them and stay disliking them. If we're talking some real crack, I started as vaguely amused by Barbenheimer (the crossover ship based on the phenomenon) to getting surprisingly behind cracky content made for it. I'm sorry I don't have a more dramatic or satisfactory answer on this front, but as I said, I tend to stick around my early-formed opinions on ships, and most of them I approach from a neutral perspective to begin with and see if it's swayed by solid content, canon or fanon.
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, July 30th
ANGEL: You know what, you're fed, you're changed. I hold you, you cry. I put you down, you cry. What do you want me to do here? (The baby cries.) I'm a terrible father. I can't even get him to stop crying. LORNE: Yeah, well, it's getting a little tense - your vibe, that is. ANGEL: My vibe? What vibe? LORNE: Oh, just the incredibly anxious one that's been coming of you in waves ever since he was born. He's deeply connected to you. If you're wound this tight, how do you think he's gonna feel? ANGEL: Hey, he's not even a day old and he's got an enemies list. How would you feel? Wouldn't you be a little edgy?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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summer_of_giles | Fic: How Wars are Won by TheScholarlyStrumpet (Giles & Buffy, FRT)
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How Wars are Won by TheScholarlyStrumpet (equipoise) (Buffy & Giles, T)
mutual exclusivity by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, T)
In the Shadow by Tasseomancy (Spike/OC, Spike/Dru, T)
Settled by OC_Femslash (Maggie Walsh/reader, T)
Good Night by OC_Femslash (Buffy/reader, T)
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Spuffy + Amnesia AU by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Spuffy + ballet AU by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
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Into Every Generation by EllandrahSylver (Buffy/Spike, FR7)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Darla And Her Daughters Part 4 (complete!) by ILLYRIAN (Darla, Scoobies, not rated)
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Alternating Skies and, of course, the Hellmouth, Chapter 33 by Popsy (Buffy/Spike, E)
Something Blue, But All I See is Red, Chapter 1 by calikocat (Xander/Larry, T)
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Always and Forever Yours, Chapter 24 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, The Originals crossover, FR7)
Something Blue, But All I See is Red, Chapter 1 by calikocat (Xander/Larry, FR15)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Spike by A Herd of Bees (worksafe)
Artwork: Giles in The Harvest (finished) by hastilydrawnbuffy (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy being protective of Spike by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy/Spike by isevery0nehereverystoned (worksafe)
Artwork: A Buffy Reboot by myownbuffyreboot (Buffy, worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy Summers by sammidraws (worksafe)
Artwork: Venus — psyche and eros by spuffylesbo (Buffy/Spike, not worksafe)
Manip: Buffy/Spike by l0veisntbrains (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Anya Jenkins - I Didn't Ask for This by SlayerVid
Fanvid: Faith/Angel - 3 Libras (A Perfect Circle) by Ella Rayne
Fanvid: Strong Enough by nessieomalley (a tour of Buffy's love life)
Fanvid: buffy the vampire slayer//madonna jump by artemisia subs
Fanvid: BTVS take a hint by *.Katscharmxo.*
Fanvid: Buffy Summers | Carmen by Buffyfandom
Fanvid: Buffy Summers || Therefore I Am by Tatiana Marano Edits
Fanvid: Angel - let me down slowly by Izzyc12 Cruz
Fanvid: Spike & Buffy - Vampire Heart by iloveskidrow
Vidlet: Faith || 7 Rings by Buffy&Angel (0)
Sims 4 video: Buffy revamped by SimpleSIMS (tour of Buffy's house in Sims 4)
Video: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Most Heartbreaking Moments by HoshiCircle
Resource: Faith Lehane scenepack S1 + S2 | Angel by Mouna is awesome (download link in description)
Resource: sad buffy scene pack by scenepacks (download link in description)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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On my 1st watch of the series & S7 is kind of… boring? by Kahli_Elliott
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Buffy Rewatch 2k22: 3.5 Homecoming by handsofabitterman
[Fic Recs & Rec Requests]
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Fic rec: Not Tonight, Honey (Spike, Buffy, Joyce, G) by Slaymesoftly recced by roseunspindle
Fic rec request: What are the best Spuffy (or Bangel, Fuffy, Sprusilla) fics by jules-slayer-of-the-vampyres
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Fic rec request: [Looking for Fanged Four and other fic recs] by AJ_Babe
[Community Announcements]
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I made a SPIKE page by sushibananawater
[Fandom Discussions]
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Buffy Summers: Class Protector is the best scene in the show by greatereremily
Dru turning Buffy by oveliagirlhaditright
buffy being the one to constantly inflict pain on spike in seasons 2-6 -> to buffy being incredibly sensitive to any pain or injury spike sustains in s7 by silvermars (anti-Angel)
thinking about Faith in Buffy’s body again, when she’s freaking out about Riley being on top of her … by bidet-of-evil
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What happened to the parents in Buffy? by American Aurora
Someone gives you money to create 'origin' stories for 3 characters in the Buffyverse by American Aurora
The Watchers Council - outside of Britain, are there more spread across the world? by American Aurora
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What’s your headcanon for Cordelia’s choice in the [Angel] season 3 finale? by ginime_
They could not have done a better job casting [Glory]. Clare Kramer is magnificent by dryerfresh
Did we ever learn why Anya was so scared of bunnies? by greenbeez
If you could write a appreciation letter to a character by sushibananawater
what was your first thought when you saw Dawn? by idk-whatever-13
IMO the parentification of Buffy over the seasons is so depressing and tragic by Mermaid_Marshmallow
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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project-ohagi · 4 years
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Keigo Takami ღ Hawks {Omegaverse AU}
Buy me a coffee!! <3
Fantastical visions of the future were few and far between - the hectic nature of professional heroism always managed to choke the life out of other, more selfish pursuits. Romance is considered within this category, for it seems to benefit none but those whose involvement is direct. Finding a mate under such conditions becomes an endeavour worthy of Hercules himself. The pain and fatigue were discouraging, and no-one kindled his interest - not even remotely.
Yet, instincts and unbearable yearning dictated his Omega's flight pattern. Although his heat wasn't in-bound, his heart refused to beat alone. To the contrary, its canary-song extended both encouragement and guidance to the love-lost and wandering Keigo: "In aeternum, find your forever."
Forever, huh? Who'd be willing to spend the rest of their life with me? Bet I seem a tad too cocky for an Omega, being the Number Two and all that. What does 'forever' even mean? I could do forever, without a doubt, but...who'd do it with me?
Naivety glimmered behind his eyes, as he contemplated 'forever'. What were his requirements for an Alpha? How could an equipoise be bridged between work and domestic life? Which mask would he choose if...if 'forever' remained elusive? Keigo's prior method of coping was simple, but effective: KFC and cry. While ultimately refreshing, in the moment, death always seemed sweeter. It never advanced into a viable option, but a dramatic flair was par for the course.
"-and that's the courting process of a Red-Tailed Hawk!"
Keigo's over-investment in daydreams and quandaries had apparently immunised him from any outside force, until that very moment. Sparing a glance toward the ground, he recognised the familiar figures of humans and...hawks?? Wait...there were falcons, too.
So many birds of prey...and they're all so well behaved. That woman...is she a Falconer? The Omega nestled within Keigo's soul soared at the mere thought. ...Is she an Alpha?
Little cooperation could be plucked from his mind, which knew wisdom from folly. However, despite its best adjudication, Keigo and his Omega (at this point, almost assumed to be two separate entities) decided against rhyme or reason. After all, if a bird squawks at you for submission, squawk louder to assert dominance. That tactic was flawless. Keigo puffed out his wings, swooping ever-lower, praying for even an ounce of attention. He received far more. At the instant of his descent from the heavens, the birds alerted you. Every syllable rolling from your tongue became jumbled, a crimson hue paining the canvas of your cheeks. This man...celestial, god-born...he was no stranger to your heart.
"Is that Hawks??" One of your students yelled, excitably. "What's he doing here?? We're nowhere near Fukuoka!"
"He does have wings, idiot." The venom-laced retort went unchecked - you were busy ogling those symbols of beauty and strength.
Subtlety wasn't an art you had perfected, but where was the consequence? Keigo certainly relished the experience, finding comfort in every sweep of your eyes, every compliment and feather-light touch. Had you asked permission? No. Did he care? Did he fuck. The opportunity for a congenial introduction had passed, and if honesty took the reins, How in the Fresh Prince of Hell do I approach this? KFC won't solve every dilemma. Think, Keigo! What would the Colonel do? How would he weasel his Kentucky fried ass out of this? Not like...I need her to like me, obviously, but I need to say something! She could be my forever...
Unfortunately, your avian protectors (whom Keigo had ignored and then forgot existed) deliberated among themselves for all of two seconds, settling on a guilty verdict and sentencing him to death. His crime? Fuck knows, who cares? Their shrill cries and fiercely-beating wings sliced through the mirage of tranquillity.
You sighed. "Hestia, Rhea, inside voices please. Juno, Asmodeus, you aren't menacing, so stop pretending to be. Why don't you greet him, rather than saying all that nasty stuff, hmm?"
"You can understand them?" Incredulity punctuated his words - how fortune must finally be favouring him.
The birds were indignant, but eventually resigned. Just one of hopefully many triumphs for Keigo.
"Yes, that's my quirk. It's confined to birds though, so not particularly useful." You smiled, failing to notice your students silently slipping away. "Oh, and eh...sorry. I didn't ask before touching you. Your wings are just gorgeous."
"Haha, nothing wrong with that. You've got good instincts." He mused, feeling his cleverly-constructed character melt away, bit by bit.
Strident melodies and the giggling of tiny cherubs played games with his ears. "About that...are you an Omega, by any chance? The news always says you're a Beta, but you don't have that scent."
"I am." He was too eager and willing to provide such information.
"You're an Alpha?"
Do you wanna get married? No...I can't ask that. That's beyond stupid.
You nodded. "Yeah, both my parents are Alphas, so it was practically a guarantee. Don't mind the birds," You added, after noting a sudden stare-down between Keigo and Asmodeus. "they're...flighty."
"That one hates me, for sure." He huffed.
"He hates everyone, especially the people who get my attention. And...most male birds. He doesn't get to decide how I spend my time though, despite his best efforts." The gentle caress you afforded Asmodeus sent envious, yet calming whispers to his heart.
She'd be good with kids. Can I...can I make this work? Am I allowed to...? She's looking at me the same way I'm looking at her...
Was he a hostage, or a voluntary captive? What did it even matter? If this happiness, so pure and unbridled, was a vice, then hurry and cast him to the depths of Hell.
In aeternum...I think I've found forever.
[Word Count: 946]
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steroide kaufen in Deutschland
Zum nachweis von anabolika in drogentests sind hochentwickelte, hoch entwickelte und teure geräte erforderlich. In der tat gibt es einige missverständnisse über diese situation. Anabole steroide können im allgemeinen nachgewiesen werden. Wie bereits erwähnt, ist die prüfung von steroiden jedoch ein schwerwiegender prozess. Anabolika sind synthetische analoga von hormonen, die für den menschlichen körper spezifisch sind. Daher ist es schwer zu erkennen. Besuchen sie uns und steroide kaufen in Deutschland ohne probleme und komplikationen. Die zum nachweis von anabolen steroiden verwendeten methoden unterscheiden sich stark von den beim nachweis von medikamenten wie Cannabis und Methamphetamin verwendeten. Darüber hinaus sind die kosten für die verfahren und die ausrüstung, die zur bestimmung dieser substanzen verwendet werden, im vergleich zu den bei der bestimmung von steroiden verwendeten methoden recht günstig. Es gibt auch nur wenige laboratorien, die testmethoden zur erkennung von anabolika im menschlichen körper durchführen können.
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 Wahrnehmungsprozess von anabolika
 Der nachweisprozess für steroide kann durch viele faktoren beeinflusst werden. Dazu gehören art, eigenschaften, dosierung und verabreichungsart des verwendeten anabolikums.
 Art des steroids
 Die art des anabolen steroids, die vom menschen verwendet wird, ist zum zeitpunkt der entdeckung ein wirksamer faktor. z.b. die Testosteron Suspension wird innerhalb von etwa 24 stunden vollständig aus dem körper entfernt. Kommen sie und steroide kaufen in Deutschland mit schneller und sicherer lieferung in Deutschland. Nandrolon bleibt lange im körper. Daher ist es im vergleich zu anderen anabolika im test viel einfacher zu erkennen. Nandrolon gehört auch zu den steroiden, die athleten aufgrund dieser funktion vermeiden sollten.
 Dosis und dauer der anwendung
 Faktoren, die wahrscheinlichkeit eines anabolen steroids in tests erhöhen, umfassen die dosis und die dauer der anwendung. Besuchen sie uns und steroide kaufen in Deutschland mit schneller lieferung in Deutschland und Europa. Je höher das steroid, desto länger wird es in biologischen analysen verwendet. Weil die verwendung eines steroids für lange und hohe dosen bedeutet, dass das medikament stärker im körper involviert ist.
 Orale anabolika werden vom körper schneller verwendet und gereinigt. Daher ist es weniger wahrscheinlich, dass sie in den durchzuführenden analysen erkannt werden. Gleiches gilt jedoch nicht für injizierbare steroide. Denn die injizierbaren steroide haben eine längere lebensdauer als orale steroide. Dies bedeutet, dass das steroid länger im körper bleibt.
 Ein anaboles steroid, je resistenter gegen den stoffwechsel, desto länger bleibt es im körper. Beispielsweise bleibt Trenbolon für längere zeit im körper. Dies erleichtert die erkennung als ergebnis des tests. Kommen sie und steroide kaufen in Deutschland mit hoher qualität und sicherer lieferung inland. Anabole steroide wie Androl, Deca Durabolin, Equipoise und Parabolan können ebenfalls im test nachgewiesen werden, da sie nicht innerhalb kurzer zeit aus dem körper entfernt werden. Darüber hinaus können einige steroide aufgrund der fettlöslichkeit im fettgewebe verbleiben, dh im körper.
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cosmo-gonika · 6 years
Fourth Callout Reylos to Reblog!
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Hi everyone!
Reylos to reblog is back! The initiative has taken yet another dimension!! SO MANY FICS. I lost count of how many new authors there are to promote!
So, I am listing here only the people who have responded to my callout post. Please do not be mad if I forgot anyone (Disclaimer: if you didn’t give complete information, I couldn’t add the fic, sorry) If you want to know about the initiative, it is here.
Spread the love! Give kudos! Leave comments! Rec the fics and reblog the callout! ❤️
Modern AU Fics
Bedroom Hymes by @drnucleus
Crossfade @tickle-me-kylo
Say it with Sugar by @fettuccine-alfreylo
Remembering Sunday by @kkfangirl56
Coffee to go by @kattylovesreylo
Stay Low by @newerconstellations
To a degree by @kylohhh
It waits in the Woods by @daxwashere
Remedy by @nite0wl29
Carry you @novaebesols
featherweight by @hyperphonic
One way or another by @orkindofamazing
Deadbeat by @reylo-ology
The Hypnotist by @pandoraspocksao3
And I will captivate you, with everything I've got by @starry-sailing and @emerbear
Perfect Illusion by @winglessone
Secretary by @pennyshipsreylo  
Destin by @situation-normal
Her Killing Moon by @angelic-hellraiser
SAJU (사주): Four Pillars of Destiny   by @uselessh3rt
Gold and Honey by @cosmicforces
Send a Prayer Up Above   by @kylothevillain
Don’t feed the bears   by @riaria84​
Rules of Engagement for Sinners and Saints   by @black-eyed-suzannah-q
Getting Personal by @happilyeveraftereveryday​
I’ll be seeing you by @reyloandotherfandoms
Parenthood: To Our Children by @kpopandstarwarswhynot
Bed, Breakfast, and Black Magic by @corkazegarmistrza
Make a Splash by @reylocalligraphy
Fossorial   by @ohlookablibberinghummdinger
Inked by @kylosspaceprincess
Post TLJ fics
Conflicted: A Reylo FanFic and sequel Forgotten: A Reylo Fic by @kcmarsala
Songs of Innocence, Songs of Wisdom by @cosmo-gonika
The Connection Between the Stars @veggieheist
Rebuke and Reformation by @keatstreats
The Machine by @vespaer77
The Hand of the Supreme Leader by @disparatepeace
Destiny’s Force by @shaara-2
Ties that Bind by @phoenixsolo
Moral Ambiguity by @delia-pavorum
You’ll Be the One to Turn by @postedbygaslight  
Steady as We Burn  by @pacificwanderer  
Two Sides of the Same Coin by @resplendxntly
Star wars Episode 9 : The Fallen Knight by @therealkrkrause
Equipoise  by @spacecath
Justice, justice you shall pursue  by @noneforschiffy
Rise of a New Order by @forestelf86
Postcards from the Galactic Edge by @alicestill
Fear is the Heart of Love   by @thehappymediumsteapot 
How Soon Unaccountable by @thisgarbagepicker
Our Solo Bond  by @immortalpramhed
Recurring Dreams  by @calledalaska
Then, I defy you by @alliedreamsofthesea
Canon divergent
Emergence by @frozenoj
Post TFA fics
Strategic alliances by Wissixwe
Without a Dark Sleeve by @ewa-jednak-chce-spac
Alternate Universe/Tropes
The Sound of Water by @violetiris-ak
The two were accompanied by a girl by @red-applesith
The Premier and Her Liege   by @mrsvioletwrites
Til No Space Lies in Between by @drylesswrites
Caelum et infernum by @monsterleadmehome
No Light, No Light by @backinblack47
Heir to the Ashes of Alderaan   by @stargirlshalo
when the moon met the sun in the sky by @youtoreyourdress
Til No Space Lies in Between by @j-dryless
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writer-or-whatever · 6 years
09.02-09.08: Fics I Read This Week
this is coming two days late. i had it typed up on my computer and i just... forgot to post it? oops. anyway, last week i decided to systemically make my way through the cisco/barry relationship tag on ao3 (though i’m not done) so not only has that significantly lengthened this list but also it’s the first time i’ve read fics from The Flash fandom, even though i’ve religiously followed the tv series since it started in 2014. 
Also i am super into Cisco/Barry/Caitlin fics but there are a whole two of them that i could find so if you have any please send them to me, i’m desperate and am going to have to write some of my own to fill the void. 
anyway, fics recced below the cut by fandom then by pairing, as always, with fics from the flash fandom at the bottom because there are very very many fics. 
Harry Potter Fics:
A Good Boy by bafflinghaze
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Draco’s work goes a little overtime. When Draco returns home, he finds that Harry’s gotten started without him—but only a little, since Harry is such a good boy.
Word Count: 1k
Gilmore Girls Fics:
The Best Of It by dollsome
Paris outs herself and Rory during a televised argument with Michele Bachmann. Peskiest of all is the fact that Paris and Rory aren't actually dating. A documentary crew wants to make Paris And Rory's Modern Stars Hollow Family anyway. Meanwhile, Rory goes slowly and quietly nuts. (And doesn't like Paris like that -- why would you even suggest such a thing?? Not that ... anyone did.)
Word Count: 73k
Notes: One of my all time favorite fics. It’s so good and so well-written and so fantastic and I’m screaming. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry--because you’re laughing so hard.
The Flash Fics:
((if someone has any more fics than the ones listed below, pls send them to me. i am desperate))
Equipoise by trufflemores
Barry gets sick.
Word Count: 3k
Notes: I love this fic and this ship. 
Guardian Doctor by LightningLemonade
Caitlin Snow is more defensive of her boys than even she knew.
Word Count: 366
cw: homophobic language
escapes, true love, miracles by spocklee
princess bride AU. written (late) for flashvibe week.
Word Count: 22k
Notes: Top ten favs out of any fandom, easily. I mean, my favorite movie as an AU and it does it justice and non-binary!Barry and just yes.
Heartbreak Hotel by RonnieandtheProfessor
Cisco and Barry go undercover to investigate a meta-human that's been only attacking couples that stay in a certain hotel. Barry struggles with the 'pretending' aspect of their mission, as his feelings begin to grow a little too real.
Word Count: 4k
once i have you, i will never let you, never let you go by coopbastian
Barry and Cisco respond to a meta-alert but one of them gets kidnapped in the process.
Word Count: 3k
Thunderstorms by fezwearingjellybananas
In which Barry does not like thunderstorms, but Cisco is there to support him
Word Count: 300
finding you by craptaincold
“Oh, don’t play dumb, Barold,” Lisa said. “Barry,” Barry said. “Barold,” Lisa said, “A little birdy tells me that you’ve got a crush on him.” Barry was about to take a sip of his coffee, but was pretty glad he didn’t make it yet, because he would’ve choked on it. “Excuse me? I- I don’t, what makes you think that? Did you talk to Iris?” “I didn’t, but I’m sure going to now.” Lisa smirked. “I’m sure she’d have so many embarrassing stories to tell about you.” She paused and rested her chin on her hand. “Plus, she’s pretty cute. Is she single?” “She’s engaged. Don’t even think about it.” Lisa sighed, dropping her grin to a pout. “I have a proposition for you, Barry. Cisco is a sweet boy, and there aren’t too many of those in this world, you know? I’d love to have him for myself, but I hate stepping on any toes,” she said, as if she didn’t rob people for a living, “So, if you don’t step up and tell him how you feel by the end of the month, I’ll be forced to nab him up.” “We’re already dating,” Barry blurted out, mind now a dumpster fire. Oh god, why did he say that? You’d think having superspeed would make him be able to stop himself from saying impulsive things. Word Count: 2k
The Person That You Were (You Cannot Find) by Ecliptic_Fiction
When it's four in the morning When it comes without warning And the Silence drags you down under the tide.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: God, I love this. They’ve got such a beautiful relationship. 
cw: self-esteem issues
To Lean On by Ecliptic_Fiction
Tears prick at Barry's eyes at the sight of the man before him, and he can't help but smile at the thought of spending forever with him. "I do," he whispers, squeezing Cisco's hand gently. Word Count: 5k
Where Do You Go (When You Think Of Me?) by Ecliptic_Fiction
Thank God for Francisco Ramon- the saviour of the Flash. Word Count: 3k
...so could we by coopbastian
Cisco is having a hard time on the fact that Leo implied that he and Barry are a couple. Word Count: 1k
What really matters by Saluzozette
It was late at night when Cisco's voice broke the silence in the room. Barry was on the verge of sleep, curled around his boyfriend, his nose buried deep into his hair. Cisco's back was warm against his chest, their fingers glued together and really, the speedster had rarely felt as tired, comfy and happy as he was right now. His mind was already drifting away, but he acknowledged the other man's plea nonetheless. “Barry?” Cisco's voice was alert and very much awake. Far from the comfortable stillness that had filled the bedroom for the last hour. Why wasn't he asleep already? “Hum...” The speedster mumbled, trying to sound a little bit less out of it than he actually was. “I'm gonna do it.” Word Count: 4k cw: graphic descriptions of violence, homophobia, mentions of neglect and abuse
sweet creature, sweet creature by buckybunnyteeth
Cisco wakes up to the quick warm feeling of lips pressing against his own. or Cisco needs Barry to know that he loves him ... without saying that he loves him. Word Count: 3k
It's Not About Winning by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
Cisco wriggles his wrists in his restraints. In the grand scheme of things – or at least as far as kidnappings go – this one isn’t so bad. Sure, the ropes might be chafing his wrists and the blindfold might be messing with his balance, but his discomfort is at a solid three out of ten right now. Just a day in the life of Central City's premier superhero couple. Word Count: 5k
Vows and Promises by daydreamingstoryteller
Barry has made the decision to sacrifice himself to stop the Dominators' attack. But Cisco has some scores to settle with him before he can leave. Or. Another Invasion AU but with Secretly married Flashvibe Word Count: 1k
'Fake' Dates & Not-So-Shitty Acting by twelvexclara
When Caitlin and Julian need someone to go undercover for an event, they ask Barry and Cisco. The thing is, the situation is more complicated than you think. Word Count: 2k
Stars in Hiding by Neuqe
"It is getting rather confusing for all parties involved, and Cisco would prefer if his life did not resemble this much a 90’s situational comedy" Barry and Cisco decide to keep their relationship as a secret. It is not necessarily the best idea. Word Count: 5k
We will find each other by Neuqe
Cisco accidently vibes Earth-2 and learns something new about Reverb. Word Count: 1k
swimming in the sunlight by VolunteerFieryDantooinian
Cisco can feel it, he can fucking feel what almost happened, he almost lost him- But Barry came back. It took a month, but he came back. It scared the hell out of him. Then again, he had a habit of doing that. Title from BøRNS's American Money, which is a total Barrisco song tbh Word Count: 1k
You Love the Limelight Too by PoliticalBloodTea
People won't stop flirting with Cisco. Barry is not jealous. He's not. Word Count: 3k
Decelerate by trufflemores
3.12. Barry and Cisco cuddle after Barry phases the train. Word Count: 1k
That Would Be Enough by UpsideAround
Soulmarks weren't supposed to change. Soulmarks didn't change. Fate must have hated him, because Barry's soulmark had been erased once when he was eleven, and brutally slashed out when he was in his twenties. Word Count: 2k Notes: I love this so much, tbh
Duration by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
“Hey! So,” Cisco says, pulling out the dark blue package from his shopping bag, “I was thinking we could try this tonight.” He tosses it to Barry and tries his best not to blush. The slogan ‘Last Longer. Stay In The Moment’ stares back at him in big, white letters. Or: in which Cisco buys Barry an endurance enhancer, and Barry is not amused at all. Word Count: 1k
Trademarked Kisses by aldergroves
(The first) five times that Barry and Cisco kiss. Word Count: 1k Notes: NON-BINARY CISCO!!!!!!!!!
Mach 1 by RedelliaValentinos
"Can I ask you something? It's just out of curiosity," the boy spun the chair around. Harry gave a hum of approval to go ahead and scooped up his coffee mug. Nothing this kid could possibly say was going to interrupt his consumption of caffeine. "What would happen if Barry went Mach 1 during sex?" Word Count: 838 Notes: Harry isn’t the only one who choked on their coffee because of this.
Another One Gone by superallens
6. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” Word Count: 873 cw: major character death Notes: only read it if you want to cry
Locked in the closet by graveltotempo
Hartley and Snart get locked in closet and accidentally get a first row view of Barry and Cisco going at it Word Count: 2k
Insomnia by VenezuelanWriter
Barry can’t keep losing so many hours of needed sleep because he’s too busy feeling like this: hollow inside, weak and anxious. Word Count: 2k
All That Glitters by dancesontrains
The glitter had settled all over his cowl, so he was still breathing it in, and he began to remove it. Might as well remove the already unzipped jacket too...and the trousers, what if they had the particles on them? Clearly whatever was in them wasn't good for him, he could tell that much. Why else would he blurt out something like that to his friend? Word Count: 2k cw: rape/non-con elements
Work by coopbastian
prompt: “I’m singing along to this song and you can’t stop me, so either deal with it or join me.” Word Count: 623
The Hysteria Games by st4rlabsforever (omaken)
Barry and Cisco discover Pokemon GO. Naturally, everyone loses their minds. Word Count: 2k
Gold and Metallic Red by Mikkal
No one can know he likes painting his nails. And, so far, it’s working. No slip ups. Of course, up until recently, he didn’t have a superhero for a best friend. A superhero best friend who can vibrate through walls and forgets sometimes that it’s rude to not knock, damn it, Barry! Word Count: 815 Notes: You can read it as gen if you want, tbh.
So No Memory Remover Machine? by Magicaltally
Team Arrow ships Barrisco, and even if they're not in Central City that won't stop them from playing match makers. Word Count: 1k
Forbidden by unsernameinuse
Dr. Wells has rules about romance in the workplace. No one agrees with him, but especially not Barry and Cisco. Word Count: 808
Ransom by pennflinn
Inspired by the tumblr post, "Imagine Cisco getting nabbed by a villain and they want him to call the flash and he has to explain why he’s saved in his phone as 'Bae.'" Cisco is kidnapped and held as ransom for the Flash, who he has yet to confess his feelings for. Things get awkward fast. Word Count: 1k
It was just a dream by demflashvibefeels
Barry dreams about something terrible Zoom could've done. Good thing Cisco was around Word Count: 194
Side Effects by trufflemores
There are complications when Barry and Cisco share a bed. Word Count: 965
Whenever you need me, I'll be there by PunkyRaticate
Cisco and Barry have been dating for a few months now and when they finally get a day to themselves they're pretty stoked. What happens when Mrs. Ramon decides to call and invite her son over to his folk's house in the middle of their Mythbusters binge-watching session. He agrees to it and now he wishes he hadn't. Word Count: 2k
Ride or Die or Fake Dating by Ihateallergies
Barry needs a favor from Cisco. Word Count: 3k Notes: ICONIC
Barry and Cisco's Love Story by VenezuelanWriter
Cisco recovers from his past relationship with Barry's help and they finally get to a place where they can be together. (I recommend you reading the first two stories for the series before reading this one so you enjoy it even more) Word Count: 7k cw: past relationship abuse
Protection by Neuqe
Barry and Cisco get kidnapped before their date night. Cisco is pissed off for multiple reasons. Word Count: 2k
Vibe-y Patronus by LadyOrpheus
prompt: hey how about flashvibe with barry helping cisco get more comfortable with his powers? Or Barry helps give Cisco the proper motivation. Word Count: 1k
Whoever The Flash’s Stupid Little Heart Desires by TwirlsWrites
At this point, they're just glad that they know there's a way to wake him up. Unfortunately, finding out who exactly Barry's heart considers to be his one true love is a lot more difficult than one would have thought. Word Count: 2k Notes: I fucking LOVE this fic
Cisco Keeps Getting Flowers From A Secret Admirer - You Won't BELIEVE What Happens Next! by TwirlsWrites
“Cisco, look,” Caitlin said, pointing at the Cortex computer. Cisco stepped closer; there was a single yellow flower with a ribbon tied around the stem. “Huh,” Cisco muttered, picking it up, “It has my name on it.” the soft red ribbon had ‘Cisco’ scrawled on it. “Well don’t grab it, what if it’s a trap?” Caitlin said, rushing over.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: The title is a little eh, but the work is AMAZING!!!!!! TwirlsWrites is an iconic writer. 
You and I Were Meant to Be (Ain't No Doubt About It) by spoopy_dragons
Francisco Ramon was born with the name "Flash" scrawled across his wrist. The story of Cisco Ramon falling for someone besides his soulmate, but maybe, just maybe, it'll all work out in the end. Word Count: 4k
"Are we soulmates?" by supercala_docious
Cisco started to get memory-flashes of him and Barry as a couple. Word Count: 927 Notes: I love, love, love this
we can work from home, oh, oh, oh-oh by buckybunnyteeth
“You’re not gonna electrocute me are you, dude?” A different, much more pleasant shock goes through Barry’s body when a warm weight settles on his lap. Barry’s head snaps back up and he feels his jaw drop at the sight that greets him. Cisco has plopped down into Barry’s lap, miles of beautiful brown skin on display as he is wearing only a pair of very short yellow shorts and a smile. A smile that is curved around a grape Sucker. Word Count: 1k
Sledgehammer by Neuqe
Barry gets hurt and the heart monitor is betraying him or the one where Caitlin is the smartest of them all. Word Count: 3k Notes: I love this and Caitlin and Barry being brotp is canon.
Laundry Day by RedBowBuddha
After Cisco and Barry move in together, Cisco is worried that it was a bad choice for their developing relationship. Barry sets out to prove that it was a perfect choice. Word Count: 4k
((find my other weekly fic recs here.))
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cloudyinthecloset · 3 months
I really enjoy @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck's pygmy sanses sooooo My version of Nightmare, Equipoise!AU Night, as a lil pygmy sans!
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Some facts about this lil guy
Aequilibro Tantibus
Rescue pygmy, too weak/damaged to survive in the wild
Protected by his brother, Aequilibro Somnium
Loves mushrooms, likes to forage but exhausts quickly
Short heavy tentacles, takes a lot of energy to move, rarely used
Tentacle tips wag when happy
Cloak stays ON, hood stays UP, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE
Zen vibes, soft squeaks, quiet purrs
Able to shadow sneak, but eyelight is always visible
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ofwishesandstars · 2 years
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I’ve been real in heckin’ love with some boys lately, the night and dream are from the Equipoise AU on twitter! and of course below in the shippy art is Eventide who i own <3
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fitnessromania-blog · 5 years
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Ostarine este un SARM popular, folosit de culturiștii pentru a dezvolta masa musculară și pentru a crește energia și rezistența. De asemenea, această substanță este în curs de cercetare pentru a inversa distrugere musculară și alte boli musculare. Iată un review despre această substanță interesantă, modul de acționare și beneficiile sale.
Ce reprezintă Ostarine?
Ostarine (MK-2866), cunoscut și sub numele de enobosarm, este un modulator selectiv al receptorilor androgenici (SARM) SARM-urile precum Ostarine stimulează receptorilor androgenice, care se află în mușchii și în oasele. Spre deosebire de steroizii tipice, SARM-urile au acțiune asupra țesuturi specifice, fără să au efect negativ la organele interne. Datorită siguranței sale și beneficiilor garantate, SARM-urile au devenit niște produse foarte populare atât pentru sportivi, cum și pentru fitness entuziaști.
Mulți sportivi și culturiști spun că Ostarine are capacitatea de a oferi mărire masei musculare și de a îmbunătăți performanța. Pe baza mecanismului său de acțiune, Ostarine este mai sigur decât steroizii.
Ostarine și alte SARM-uri sunt cercetate pentru capacitatea lor de a îmbunătăți serioase boli musculare. Ostarine a fost inițial dezvoltat pentru a trata boli musculare și pentru a preveni pierderea musculară.
Mecanism de acțiune lui Ostarine:
Nu este un secret faptul că SARM-urile măresc masa musculară – acesta este motivul principal pentru popularitatea lui Ostarine. SARM-urile vizează în mod specific mușchii și sporesc procesele anabolice, economisind în același timp organele de reproducere. Printre numeroasele SARM-uri sintetizate, structura lui Ostarine pare să ofere câteva avantaje. Oamenii de știință încearcă încă să înțeleagă de ce, în speranța de a descoperi noi și chiar mai eficiente medicamente selective pentru mușchi.
SARM-urile sunt de interes pentru comunitatea medicală, deoarece ar putea fi eficiente în tratarea diferitelor stări fără a genera efectele secundare negative ale steroizilor. Ostarine este în curs de investigare ca o modalitate de a trata o varietate de boli musculare, cum ar fi osteoporoza, cancer, și hipogonadism.
Beneficii potențiale lui Ostarine:
-          Stimulează masa musculară
-          Promovează arderea grăsimilor
-          Menține sănătatea oaselor
-          Menține sănătatea inimii
Beneficiile lui Ostarin pentru culturism:
Având în vedere dozele mai mari și obiectivele diferite ale comunității de culturism, beneficiile raportate ale Ostarine apar ca o imagine extinsă și exagerată a efectelor raportate în studiile clinice. De exemplu, pacienții cu cancer au câștigat 2 - 3 lbs după ce au luat 3 mg pe zi timp de 4 luni, în timp ce culturistii au raportat o creștere de 6 - 8 kg de la aproximativ 25 mg / zi în timpul ciclurilor de volum.
Bazat pe review-uri culturism, Ostarine ofera toate beneficiile steroizilor, fără efectele secundare Majoritatea utilizatorilor consideră că este un medicament curat, deoarece îi ajută să crească masa musculară pură și să ardă grăsimile cu efecte secundare minime. Un culturist a comparat rezultatele tratamentului cu Ostarine cu doze mici de steroizi cum ar fi EQ (Equipoise), Primo (Primobolan) sau Anavar (Oxandrolone).
Care brand să alegem?
Fără îndoială, cele mai bune SARM-uri pe piața sunt GOLD SARMS. Acest brand oferă produse cu calitate 100% pură și cu ingrediente active, care asigură rezultate garantate. Dacă doriți să vedeți rezultate rapide, fără efecte secundare, comandați acum Ostarine de la GOLD SARMS! --: http://goldsarms.com/
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter - Sunday, October 17
Dawn: What time is it? Tara: Almost seven. God, I just closed my eyes for a minute.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Slay Behind Me Come What May (A Different World crossover, Rona, T)  by Vashti (tvashti)
Lightning and Thunder (Buffy/Giles, T)  by TheScholarlyStrumpet (equipoise)
I've Been Thinkin' (Lindsey/Spike, E)  by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
Other Witch (Faith/Reader, M)  by Bonniebird
Impressions (Tara, M)  by scaetterling
Chiaroscuro (Buffy/Spike, E)  by kats_meow
A Job Well Done (Buffy/Giles, M)  by TheScholarlyStrumpet (equipoise)
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My love (Giles/Reader, NR)  by thatdepressedgorl
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Meet Me at Midnight Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, M)  by Dusty87
Damaged at Best Chapter 15 (Tara/Faith, T)  by BuffyBot3000
Cordelia C. & Buffy S. - Comfort (AU Fanfic) Chapter 2 (Cordelia/Buffy, T)  by cassiopeiaxneptune
You Can't Fight Fate - But You Can Bitch About Him Chapter 9 (DCU crossover, Buffy, NR)  by Hermione2be
Through The Fire, Together Chapter 4 (SPN crossover, Buffy/Dean Winchester, NR)  by DeathRaeBeam
He's a Friend from Work Chapter 9 (MCU crossover, Buffy/Spike, NR)  by DeamonQueen
Getaway Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, M)  by chaoz
The Valinor Trail Chapter 22 (Tolkien crossover, Dawn, T)  by curiouswombat
Careful What You Wish For Complete (Buffy/Spike, E)  by JWS1993
The Thirteen Chapter 16 (Multiple crossovers, Buffy/Angel, M)  by StorygirlSidhe
What Should Have Been Chapter 2 (Tara/Buffy, M)  by Susan19
slambat Chapter 2 (Tara/Buffy, T)  by slambat
The Tiger is Out Chapter 34 (Buffy/Spike, M)  by Hannah
Angel and Devil at Law Chapter 5 (Cordelia/Angel, T)  by Aragorn_II_Elessar
Awakening Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E)  by LBdress87
Shadow Over Hellmouth Chapter 38 (Tara/Buffy, E  by Tuxedo_Mark
Say what you mean Chapter 1 (Faith/Buffy, T)  by Tellhulla
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You Learn Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, Adult)  by bramcrackers
Somewhere In The World Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC17)  by Nik84
Unfavorable Odds Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, R)  by bookishy
Touching the Fire Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, NC17)  by GillO
The Right Call Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG13)  by Sigyn
Time Is a Funny Thing Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, PG13)  by EstellaX
Like Mother, Like Daughter Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, PG13)  by Amina
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The World is Small, The Universe is Huge Chapter 29 (MCU crossover, FR18)  by Hermionetobe
You’re Going to Need Something Stronger Than a Drink Chapter 1 (Multiple crossovers, FR21)  by ShadowMaster
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: trick or treat  by sunnyhellcalifornia
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Willow  by girl4music
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Once more with feeling-3x15 Consequences  by Nerd Subculture
[Fandom Discussions]
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How did Spike and Angel sleep together?  by spikeverse
Jasmine vs. The First  by Moonshine71
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Lorne's line in Epiphany, A Cop out or not a Cop out?  by BtVS fan
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How would an appearance of Buffy in season 5 of Angel affect Spike...  by omgtehvampire
Buffy Challenge: Day 15 - Fave Male Villain!  by switcheroo1987
Confessions that can get your BtVS card revoked  by CoconutLanceSweets
Why is SMG so absent from the bloopers?  by ofzeusnotobtuse
Why is this show so hellbent on ending relationships in the most destructive ways possible?  by full_onrainstorm
Crazy Idea - We don't need a BtVS reboot. We need a gritty, HBO series about a slayer in 80's NYC...  by HansJSolomente
Hollywood poor. Depictions of being broke on TV.  by barre_chord_reality
First viewing of Angel  by pyromps
When She Was Bad umpteenth rewatch  by rredundant22
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Spike  by hello-nichya
Top 5 Buffy episodes/moments  by liciapocalypse
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slaterhurst3-blog · 5 years
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Equipoise ist der populär verwendete Markenname für das veterinäre injizierbare Steroidhormon Boldenone Undecylenat. Folgen der Inanspruchnahme von Steroiden. 1. Selbige Kunden sorgt derbei, daß Unterlagen langsamer bei unserem Hirn ankommen. Wer zuviel Körperfett mit sich herumträgt, leidet an gesteigerter Aromatase-Aktivität, da diese u. a. Erkenntnisse der modernen Ernährungswissenschaft zu dieser Zeit nichtsdestotrotz nicht von Rang & Namen. 4. Drei andere Inhalatoren sind in der Schweiz weniger bekannt: der Easyhaler mit 500 Hüben, der Inhalator Ingelheim plus der Aerolizer mit Einzeldosen in Kapselform.
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In kontrollierten Untersuchungen wurde bei übergewichtigen Personen im Großen sowie Ganzen übereinstimmend ein statistisch signifikanter gewichtsreduzierender Effekt gefunden. Der Leib arbeitet nach demselben Schema. …die Mehrheit der Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, über die du im WWW und im Geschäftsverkehr stolperst, sind absoluter Bullshit. Lyle McDonald war ein Bodybuilding Coach wie auch Autor, der selbst Body Builder in ihrer Ernährungsweise coacht. Sie können nicht zu einer Gewichtsreduktion und Krafttraining dem Recht entsprechend in den United States Ephedrin kaufen. . Diese Substanz ist für die Gabe prestigevoll, den Testosteronspiegel im Körper zu optimieren, damit die Nutzer sämtliche damit verbundenen Pluspunkte erfahren sollten.
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lentilwave3-blog · 5 years
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Bei den Olympischen Spielen 1988 belegte Dagmar Kersten mit der DDR-Mannschaft den dritten Platz plus erreichte den akzeptieren Platz in der Einzelwertung des Mehrkampfs. Er macht auch ausdrücklich, daß im Training der Weg das Ergebnis wird. Einige Steroide, wie gleichfalls Equipoise oder jedoch Trenbolon waren im Zusammenhang mit der Veterinärmedizin alleinig legal. Sie befinden sich in den Zellen wie sogar in dem Leib. Auberginen musste jedermann garen, kochen und backen oder grillen, irgendwer müsste sogar sie schnell in der Mikrowelle kochen. Erst in den ersten fünf Lebensmonaten habe sie geringfügig Sprudelwasser in der Lunge. Hierbei waren besondere Insulinnadeln mit dem Durchmesser von Null,45mm wie auch dieser Länge von 12mm genommen. Sie kann selbst keinen Berg mehr besteigen, abzüglich den “Lift” zu nehmen! ] entsteht spontan bei der Hydrolyse von Sarsa- parillosid, dem Glykosid aus Wurzeln der in Mittelamerika heimischen Lianen Smilax ornata und S. aristolochia. In der Prostata wird Testosteron durch die Reduktase zu 5-Dihydrotestosteron, dem aktiven Androgen der Prostata, reduziert. Die beiden letzten Testosteronarten werden derart genannte Depotsteroide mit einer äußerst langen Wirkungsdauer von rund zwei Tage.
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Person oder hingegen Familienmitglieder Therapie. Somatropin dient selbst folglich, den Körperfettanteil zu regeln plus nach harten Trainingseinheiten zu regenerieren. Wird das Sexualhormon in zu kleinen Mengen ausgeschüttet, wächst ein Kind weniger wie Gleichaltrige. ➥ Hypothalamus: Dieser Hypothalamus ist ein Segment von dem Zwischenhirns, das ausgewählte Effekthormone bildet. Unsterblichkeit, Reichtum, ein Leben in Paris und Gutscheine von den Haute-Couturiers waren das Mindeste, was sie von dem Leben erwartete.
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cloudyinthecloset · 6 months
Hi I had a question about it your edipose au! Are nm and Dream a couple? and if pick a flower that represents them what would you pick/or what's their fav flower
Thank you for your question! In my Equipoise!AU, Night and Dream aren't technically a couple, they're in a poly relationship with Cross and then they each have their Marked. But I love Dreammare so much that I smoosh them together all the time lol So sure.
Their favorite flower are apple blossoms because it reminds them of their mom, but if I had to pick a flower that represented them I'd go with pansies! Pansies represent thoughtfulness and in Victorian flower language can mean "you occupy my thoughts" or "thinking of you". They can also symbolize remembrance and nostalgia, which fits the E!Twins very well.
Purple pansies are associated with royalty, dignity, grace, and sophistication which fit Night really well, but they also represent sadness and longing so could be an ode to the time that Night spent separated from Dream and his overall negativity. Yellow pansies represent hope, optimism, and the essence of positivity, so obviously it's perfect for Dream.
The Midnight Glow Pansy or the Lemonberry Pansy are the perfect combination of colors for the E!Twins.
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cloudyinthecloset · 27 days
Reposting this from Twitter for Mother's Day! I would love to answer questions about Feelings and the AU if anyone has any~
In honor of Mother's Day I wanted to do a little thread about #EquipoiseAU Nightmare and Dream's mom, the Tree of Feelings.
The Trees of Balance were equivalent to the primordial gods of Greek mythology, the first deities that represent the fundamentals of creation. The Tree of Feelings might have had a true name eons ago but it was lost to time far before sentient life and civilizations emerged, so she goes by many titles across various cultures, including Mother Goddess of Equipoise, Bringer of Balance, and She Who Is Equilibrium. To the village and it's people she was the Tree of Feelings, and to Nightmare and Dream she was simply Mother.
She never intended to get attached to them. They were meant to be nothing more than expendable pawns, things that existed only to protect her from harm, mindless soldiers to do as she commanded. Of course, being the embodiment of all emotion, her creations inherited her capacity to feel and emerged as endearing little balls of pure energy with limited sentience. She tried not to let herself care about them, tried to remind herself that they weren't truly alive without souls, that they would perish someday to keep her safe, but she found as the centuries passed that she couldn't deny her own feelings forever and she did, in fact, love her little creations.
She loved them enough to ask the other Trees to give them true life, to gift them with souls and magic so they could exist beyond their primary purpose. She loved them enough to let them go, freeing them from the burden of immortality so they could grow and learn. She expected them to leave her - but they didn't. They stayed not only as her Guardians, but as her children, as irrevocably attached to her as she was to them. No matter how far they went, no matter what they did, no matter what the village gave them, they always returned to her. She was their Mother, and they loved her.
Her form hindered her ability to dote on them physically, she could only do so much with roots and branches and leaves, but she tried her best. She shaped her roots into curled nests filled with her soft leaves, she moved her branches to help them climb safely, and she covered their wounds in her sap to heal them. The one place she could truly interact with them was in their dreams, but it always felt woefully inadequate to her.
She didn't blame them for seeking what they needed elsewhere, but she also couldn't deny the jealousy that would well within her when they spoke of the villagers hugging them like she couldn't, cuddling them like she couldn't, loving them like she couldn't. She couldn't resent the villagers, not after they embraced her children with open arms and souls, not when they protected her just as fiercely as her sons. Josiah should have been her competition, he should have been a threat, and yet he wasn't. He took care of them when she could not, he protected them when she could not, and he always brought them back to her safe and sound. She cared for him and his village, just as he and his village cared for and protected her. It was not at all what she expected would come of the lumber camp at the edge of her woods, but the mortals pleasantly surprised her, and she was grateful for it.
And they would continue to surprise her, in very unpleasant ways.
They came for her fruit, and her beautiful sons did their duty to her. They guarded her as they were made to do and they suffered the cruelty of the mortals in return. Their fragile bodies bruised and broke under the onslaught of the greedy mortals, and she felt their pain as keenly as if it was her own. Time and time again they fought for her, keeping her fruit safe at the expense of their own bodies and minds. Time and time again the villagers wrapped them in bandages and brought them home, and time and time again she mourned the fate she gave them.
They took her precious children from her, spirited them off to treacherous and dangerous lands, scared and alone. The distance made her ache deeply, a pain she had never experienced before, and it only became worse as she felt their agony at the hands of the unforgiving mortals. Her sweet Solaire was terrified, hounded and badgered by the masses, manipulated and gaslit by the King, and she could not help him. Her dear Lunaire was suffering, beaten and shunned by the masses, violated and broken by the King, and she could not help him. Her children returned to her shattered, fragile and splintering, barely holding together. Even with all of her power, with all of her divine glory, their pain was a kind she could not reach, she could not heal. All she could do was be, and try, and hope that they would heal with time.
And just when it seemed they could not hurt her and her children anymore, they came for the final time, bringing fire and axes and hate. Her son, her darling Lunaire, already so broken by these terrible mortals, stood alone to fulfill his destiny and give his life for her. Oh how she tried to protect him in turn, how she tried to save him from the merciless wrath of the mortals, how she tried to keep them both alive- but she needed Guardians for a reason, and she was helpless to stop the inevitable. Before they cleaved her trunk in two, before they took her fruit, before they started the beginning of the end, she felt her son dying. He laid, battered and bleeding, across the same roots that had cradled him as a child, drowning in agony and guilt. He told her he was sorry, and all she wanted to do was reassure him, to apologize in kind for failing him, but she was gone.
It takes a century for Nightmare to sleep again, but when he does he hears her. Soft and distant, like a dream in a dream, an illusion he assumes is created from his grief and trauma. He dismisses it, and continues to dismiss it every time he sleeps after that, to save himself the soulache. She is dead, and as much as it pains him to remember that, it is true. He failed her when she needed him the most, when he was meant to do the one thing he had been made to do, and she was dead because of him.
Nightmare doesn't dwell on it again until Dream brings it up, not long after their reunion. His brother mentions hearing their Mother while he sleeps, tears gathering in his sockets and bones rattling, and Nightmare takes pity upon him. He holds Dream close and tells him that it will get easier with time, that the grief never truly goes away but it lessens, it becomes more bearable, more manageable. Dream's acceptance is reluctant but absolute- he follows in his brother's footsteps and learns to disregard the achingly familiar voice in his dreams.
Nightmare does not hope for her return, not until the Procedure, not until he awakens cradled in her warm palms, free from his broken body, listening to her forgiveness, and realizes that she has been with them this entire time.
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