macleod · 9 months
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The United States is about to embark on an experiment inspired by one of the New Deal’s most popular programs. On Wednesday, the Biden administration authorized the creation of the American Climate Corps through an executive order. The program would hire 20,000 young people in its first year, putting them to work installing wind and solar projects, making homes more energy-efficient, and restoring ecosystems like coastal wetlands to protect towns from flooding. ¹
Rep. Joe Neguse, a Colorado Democrat, said the program should pay “a living wage” while offering health care coverage and other benefits. ²
There are plans to link it with AmeriCorps, the national service program, and leverage several smaller climate corps initiatives that states have launched in California, Colorado, Maine, Michigan, and Washington. The White House also launched a new website where you can sign up to get updates about joining the program. ¹
The American Climate Corps is an interagency partnership between AmeriCorps, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Departments of Labor, Interior, Agriculture, and Energy.³
Reviving the Civilian Conservation Corps is widely popular, with 84 percent of Americans supporting the idea in polling conducted by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication last year. ¹
¹ Grist, Sep. 20ᵗʰ 2023 ² Boston, Sept. 21ˢᵗ. 2023 ³ AmeriCorps, Sept. 20ᵗʰ 2023
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𓂀 𝕆𝕫𝕪𝕞𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕤 𓂀
I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.
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gearsandbranches · 5 months
Solar power - taste the sun
Without the sun, we would be (frozen) toast. That much is for sure. The sun directly or indirectly powers most forms of renewable energy: Without the sun, there would be no water cykle, so no water power. The differences in temperature and air pressure, set in motion by the energy of the sun, creates wind. And of course, we can use the sun in an array of ways to help us in our daily lives.
"The power of the Sun at the Earth, per square metre is called the solar constant and is approximately 1370 Watts per square metre (W/m2)." (https://www.sws.bom.gov.au/Educational/2/1/12, Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre). That is a lot of watts per square meters. The number differs by a few percent depending on time of the year and our actually elliptic orbit around the sun, but there is still a lot of energy to use.
We can use the thermal energy and the light waves of the sun to our advantage in the following ways:
Active solar heating uses solar collectors, water pipes go through a glazed or unglazed panel. The panel is dark coloured to absorb the most of the solar power. The water in the pipes is heated up and can be used for heating.
Passive solar heating uses the warmth of the sun without a panel, it is for example used in passive houses. The heat from the sun enters the house through big windows, the house is so well insulated that it keeps that warmth.
Daylight can be used as a source for light to avoid artificial lighting.
Concentrated solar collectors contain a parabolic structure that concentrates the solar rays in one point. In that point, there is a pipe containing water or a high temperature heat transfer fluid, for example mineral oil. The fluid will then as well be used to create stream for energy production.
Power Towers are... towers. Surrounded by mirrors that all reflect sunlight onto the receiver on the top of the tower. There is a tank containing either water, creating steam for direct energy production, or salt. The concentrated solar power is enough to melt that saltv (melting point is often at over 200°C) and it can be used to either produce steam for electricity directly or it can be stored for a few hours, making 24-hour energy production possible.
Photovoltaic can be used to produce electricity directly from sunlight. It is a pretty cool process, so I´ll explain it a bit more extensive. Photovoiltaic cells have two layers of silicon, a very common mineral, divided by an insulator. Silicon is a semiconductor, that is a material that normally doesn´t have free electrons, which make up electricity, but if you add a bit of energy, it frees electrons and makes an electrical current possible. Now, the two layers of silicon are also "doped" with impurities, the upper layer with, for example, phosphorus, which adds free electrons, and the lower layer with, for example, boron, which adds a slight positive charge. The upper layer is called n-type silicon, the lower layer p-type silicon. If the sun shines on the photovoltaic cell, it frees the electrons from the upper layer. They are naturally driven to the lower layer, which is lacking electrons, but there is an insulator between them. Add a cable that´s conducting electricity, lay it through your house, and connect the upper to the lower level. If the sun hits the solar panel, it frees the electrons, they are travelling through your cable, bam! Electricity! Since that was a bit complicated, here is a picture:
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(Source: Cosmos Magazine)
The perk about photovoltaic is that it is made from very common materials and that it can be put virtually everywhere. The downsides of it, and most other forms of solar energy is the obvious: It depends on the sun shining. Only pretty big photovoltaic panels work if it´s cloudy and there are places on the earth where the amount of sunlight varies strongly during the year. I, for example, am living in Sweden and the amount of sunlight hours (if they exist at all) during winter is so small and the angle of the sun so low that solar power just won´t cut it.
However, there are places on the earth where a lot could be done with solar power. Only a small part of the Sahara desert would be needed to cover Africa´s and Europes entire need for energy. Only a small part of Nevada would be enough to cover the US´s. Then of course, the question is how to transfer that energy and the whole power grid would have to be worked over, but sooner or later, we would have to do that anyways. There is a LOT of potential for solar power and the prices for it have gone down significantly in the past years:
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(Source: Peake (2018): Renewable Energy. Power for a sustainable future.)
So that was a bit about solar power. We can hope that this will be a big part of our way to a better, greener, brighter future.
Source for pretty much all of it: Peake (2018): Renewable Energy. Power for a sustainable future. Fourth edition. Oxford university press.
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very-lost-hobbit · 2 years
My grandpa really was right when he said you need to clean house and switch up who forms the government at least every couple election cycles or so on all levels to stave off rot
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deltastark · 10 months
Environmental Test Chamber: What is it & How Does it Work?
Have you ever purchased a product that, after only a few weeks or perhaps your first usage, proved to be faulty? It can be due to some items being exposed to environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and vibrations that weren't anticipated or otherwise considered when they were being developed.
That's why the various environmental conditions to which the product will be exposed must be considered throughout the development and design process. But how to test them?
That’s where the environmental control chamber steps in. Environmental Test Chambers have been used for years for simulated environmental tests in industrial, automotive, electronics, aerospace, artificial intelligence, and medical research industries.
Today, we’ll explain an environmental simulation chamber and how it works.
What is an Environmental Test Chamber?
Before understanding the environmental test chambers, it is important to understand the environmental test and its applications. This test is simple; the idea behind it is used frequently in daily life, such as in refrigerators, which can regulate temperature to prevent food from going bad.
Environmental conditions and their changes affect every manufactured good. Finding the point at which the product is going to be harmed can be done with the use of environmental tests. So, what is an environmental control chamber?
An environmental chamber is a lab tool replicating particular environmental variables, such as temperature, humidity, and pressure, in a designated area or room. These environmental circumstances and the area are considered to assess the impact of these numerous aspects on products, supplies, or microorganisms.
Various sectors use environmental chambers to test materials, goods, and architectural designs in their intended settings. For example, a water-based environmental chamber is ideal when an item must undergo moisture, heat & cold testing or be immersed in water.
But How Does it Work?
The environmental chamber's underlying idea is that all conditions can be manually controlled using various mechanical procedures. For that, a walk-in environmental test chamber is always preferred. Typically, it is made up of four walls that are made of sheet metal, fiberglass, and an insulating substance.
In addition, stainless steel is frequently used to line the temperature and humidity testing chamber to prevent corrosion. Industrial dehumidification techniques control the humidity levels in the test chamber. They also use electric heaters and refrigeration units as environmental simulator chambers that simulate particular temperatures virtually.
To regulate heating, cooling, moisture & pressure, the chamber will thus include many components. Each chamber's precision and purpose are essential since environmental chambers must meet particular conditions. Sensors are added to detect and maintain variables like temperature, humidity, air pressure, and other components.
Chambers undergo frequent testing as well. To maintain an environmental chamber, regular calibration is necessary as well. The business can reduce the required maintenance and ensure the testing chamber operates according to industry standards.
Types of Environmental Test Chambers Used in Real Life
Depending on the purpose, environmental chambers provide a variety of uses. Here are a few instances of environmental simulation chambers in the real world:
High-Low Test Chamber
These are ideal for durability & reliability testing. It can be used for testing electric and electronic car components, PCs, or machinery parts.
Constant Temperature and Humidity Test Chamber
 These are the optimal lab conditions for the long-term consistency of variables, including temperature, humidity, and air pressure. They can evaluate the heat and cold sensitivity of equipment, food, and plastic items.
Salt Spray Corrosion Test Chamber
These provide the perfect conditions for testing a product's corrosion resistance, such as construction materials or naval components.
A Thermal Shock Test Chamber
These chambers test the performance of a product by implementing two extreme environmental conditions. They assess a product's resistance by rapidly shifting between these two conditions.
Final Thoughts:
Environmental control chambers are unsung heroes of quality assurance, cutting-edge research, and product safety. Although there isn't a universal chamber that can simulate all possible conditions, several more or less adaptable chambers are made to carry out specific testing. 
DeltaStark is one of the best environmental chamber manufacturers in Chennai, dedicated to building state-of-the-art chambers to meet all kinds of testing conditions. To evaluate the performance of different products and components under extreme conditions, we offer various temperature and humidity test chambers that imitate various environmental factors. To learn more about environmental chambers, contact the professionals at DeltaStark today!
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chanarie69 · 1 year
THE KIOSK OF DEMOCRACY PRESENTS "Il lago di Pietra" Works "Lake of Stone" is a project of observation and investigation that has as its focus on the territory of the Pertusillo Dam and its Valley (Val D'Agri)…..Here you can find a huge range of environmental issues: toxic waste dispersed in the environment, fish found afloat and the red algae phenomenon. But what is the truth about the chemical state of the water?" By Anna Barbaro - Italy www.facebook.com/kioskofdemocracy
Anna Barbaro ©
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anemicspaggg · 1 year
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Climate change has become one of the biggest challenges facing humanity in the modern era. From melting glaciers and rising sea levels to extreme weather conditions and increased frequency of natural disasters, the impacts of climate change are already being felt around the world, and they are only expected to worsen if urgent action is not taken.
The root cause of climate change is the increase of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. These gases are mainly a result of human activities such as burning fossil fuels for energy, industrial processes, deforestation, and agriculture. Additionally, other human activities like transportation, waste disposal, and energy consumption contribute to the release of greenhouse gases, which in turn leads to global warming and climate change.
One of the most apparent impacts of climate change is rising sea levels. As the polar ice caps melt, more water is being added to the ocean, which in turn increases the volume of water. This results in the flooding of coastal areas, damage to properties, and displacement of millions of people worldwide
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rakhiwellnessbooks · 1 year
Questions that Remain About Plastic Pollution After Brahmapuram Fire
For the longest time, I used to take pride in being someone hailing from God’s own country – Kerala. The greenery, backwaters, beautiful flora, and fauna are like nowhere else. If Kashmir is paradise, Kerala is God’s abode. Was it really so? Was everything all right in God’s empire? I was sitting on my balcony sipping my coffee, enjoying the picturesque beauty of the land opposite my house in…
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kyreniacommentator · 1 year
Crisis? What Climate Crisis?
Thoughts from Arthur A Wisley…. A Load Of Hot Air The other day I was chatting with my visiting Martian friend about climate change – currently a hot topic. Don’t think of me as mad as my friend. He comes from Slough and works there with thousands of other “Martians” for the well-known confectionery company, Mars.  He has, though, other-worldly views on things. “The results of the COP 27…
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nitw · 1 year
did i ever tell you guys about how i once cosplayed a very fem character (pre-t but after coming out) to a con and one of my school teachers was part of the group, and i talked to her about how i don't actually dislike wearing dresses/feminine outfits but cosplay is one of my only outlets for doing that while i still look more like a girl, because it's such a different environmet where it's less about people perceiving ME as a girl and more about the character role i'm tapping into?
BUT THEN MY TEACHER TOLD ME "i get that, but honestly? i've been watching the way you walk around the con, and even in this cosplay, from your body language and vibe alone you make it SO clear that you're a dude. i don't know if you're doing it consciously, but you have a masculine way of moving"
and now every time i worry about how well i pass i think of this. such a small thing but it genuinely stuck with me
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newpurity · 2 months
It's been said that society must be reflected in humans. It must stole one's soul scrumble it empty and cram and stuff it with "useful features, unique commonness, desiers, fears, wishes"(changing only slightly due to different environmets).
Or else it shall stop existing. What's in you that is actually yours? Is there anything or are we just reflecting?
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389 · 1 year
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Title: Adoration Artist: Pauline Curnier Jardin Year: 2022 Keyword: Environmetal Design, Film, La Biennale di Venezia - 59th International Art Exhibition Institution: LIAF – Lofoten International Art Festival Location: Venice Link: DROMe, Pauline Cunrier Jardin, LIAF– Lofoten International Art Festival Design of parlor wall painting / murals with Pauline Curnier Jardin for “Something Out of It” Casa di Reclusione Femminile della Giudecca (women’s prison) presented by LIAF – Lofoten International Art Festival. Preview exhibition in Venice, April 18–24. Photos by Tania Innocenti
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x: "poor lab safety" this "hazardous work environmet" that, fucking live a little
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juliapark13 · 1 year
Hello! I love your blog!!! 💕
I was just wondering what did you mean when you said that Jikook can't support each other publicly like they've been doing with the other members lately? Do you think they're being extra careful? What do you think has changed for them to become so quiet after so many loud moments (especially in 2019...that was their loudest imo).
I miss them very much, and I'll admit that sometimes I go back and forth with them, wondering, hm, am I wrong? Have they broken up or fallen out? But I remember all the times people doubted them and then we got BTS memories content and they were all over each other, so... Jikook is an endless "wait and see" I think.
Hi, thank you!
Yes exactly, the reason is they are being extra careful now. With other members they have nothing to hide, so they can be free with them.
2019 was the Jikook year, they were bold and loud, but we all know what happend then. Pathetic and jealous people mass emailed Bighit to stop the business gay performance. I think Jungkook and Jimin realized then that people are cruel and they don’t have to try to show everyone what they mean to each other. They started to post on SM less and less, but on the other hand since 2020 they also didn’t care what people say, they were very domestic and their body language was impossible to hide anyway. They stopped being so loud, but sometimes they wanted to test their boundaries more (hickey,…).
In 2022 jikook’s White day photo was leaked, Jimin’s email was leaked, in 2023 Jungkook’s privacy was breached, they are being stalked and so on. Since the military is coming and they are going to be in extremely homophobic environmet, they are being careful and they rather aren’t posting anything with each other. Also nowadays they get massive amount of hate even after simple interaction, but I hope they don’t see it.
I personally never go back and forth with them, I never doubt them and I believe they are 100% in a relationship and nothing has changed between them. Everytime we see them, it just proves it. Even them being extra carefull can’t hide it.
If you want to support them, you have to trust them and you have to be patient, because we won’t see them until military. But after (not soon after but later after) things will change.
Btw it’s totally different than the ‘privet couple’ made up out of desperation non-existent thing.
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Lunar: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Blood Moon: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skepetons are much more environmetally friendly
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