#endeavor agency arc
sugawara--san · 1 month
i can just picture deku and bakugou giving each other the "oh we're so gonna talk about that in the debrief later" side eye when they're at the todoroki house and someone says something awkward and totally not appropriate for guests
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here i fixed it
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compil · 11 months
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9 Favorite Story Arcs for BNHA's 9th Anniversary!
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bakugoutohell · 2 years
Day 4 of posting my fav panels from the manga
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Purely because of the way Nezu is just snuggling’ with Aizawaaa and no one bats an eye?? Like??? So cute holy shitttt ???
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str8upreview · 1 year
My Hero Academia Season 5: Anime Review
My Hero Academia Season 5 is one unique season covering three arcs. Joint Training arc, the Endeavor Agency arc (which connected to the World Heroes Mission movie), and the Meta Liberation Army arc/My Villain Academia which marked the beginning of Shigaraki’s true rise as All for One’s heir. Synopsis: As the students of UA Hero Class A and B hone their skills in battle by working in teams,…
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
Ranking MHA Arcs
Vs. Hero Killer Stain: A 9/10 arc. It had great tension, character development, character interaction, and villain. The friendship between Iida, Izuku, and Todoroki felt 10x more genuine than it ever did with Bakugou. The only thing I would change is maybe make Tensei not so virtuous. Maybe he made mistakes in the past or contributed to toxic hero society in some way. Perfect way to develop both Iida and Izuku
Shie Hassaikai: Again, just a great arc. Great villain and tension and love how the LOV are involved but aren't the current enemy. I love Mirio and his sacrifice for Eri was done perfectly, and him rejecting OFA made me love him even more. One of the only arcs where anyone cared about how Izuku was doing (love Iida and Todo forever). The only reason I'm putting it at #2 is Nighteye being a pretentious prick who pissed me off the whole time.
Battle Trial: One of the only arcs where Bakugou's actions aren't depicted as okay. Also calls out his behavior by making him lose because of it. Izuku's actions are recognized wholly, both what he did wrong and what he did right. Back when Momo was analytical and sharp. Also, evil Iida kills me every time. Just a pretty solid arc overall, good balance of tension and humor. There's only one thing I hate and it's that Izuku felt so guilty that he told Bakugou that he inherited his quirk
Meta Liberation: The only saving grace of season 5. The LOV was so well-written and Shigaraki's progression into a leader was so well done. I would have made it top three if it wasn't for Shigaraki's autonomy immediately being taken away by him wanting AFO. Kind of ruined the whole point of the arc
Entrance Exam: I had to make it top 5. It perfectly captures what made early MHA so great. It's so inspirational to everyone whose dreams have ever been discouraged. Some things could have been handled better which is why it isn't higher, but in general I love it
Sports Festival: I've talked about what I do and don't like about the Sports Festival before. There were a lot of good and bad things about it. Uraraka and Todoroki had great development, Izuku's and Tokoyamk's were okay, and Momo's was terrible. But what really keeps it out of the top 5 is the Bakugou pandering. It's the first arc that really starts to do this and it really ruins what could have been a really good arc
Hideout Raid: Again, the only reason this isn't higher is because it's so centered around Bakugou. If it wasn't just an arc pandering to him and his "development," it'd be a lot better. But I'm putting it at 7 because of the awesome fight between All Might and AFO. Easily one of the best in the series. And how that saved Bakugou was pretty damn cool ngl
UA School Festival: Gentle Criminal is tied for my favorite MHA villain with Stain. Not only is he relatable as fuck, his quirk is so unique. He was just so enjoyable. The festival was cute, though I felt as though this arc could have focused more on Eri's trauma. It's great that the festival was something for her to look forward to, but there could have been more done here. Also, Aizawa blaming his students for the other students being resentful and making them take accountability. Also, Bakugou being good at the drums for no reason
Paranormal Liberation War: As far as major arcs this one is okay. I feel like some parts of it were too drawn out, but it wasn't terrible. I liked Dabi exposing Endeavor, and Mirko chasing down Garaki like a bat out of hell was funny. Hawks' fight with Twice was also very impactful. BUT it also felt like a lot of the pros were useless. Like, Mount Lady struggling so much with Gigantomachia felt odd. She should have been more effective imo. I also wasn't a fan of how Midnight died in the manga, that felt unnecessarily brutal
USJ: This arc does a great job of introducing Shigaraki... And not much else. Like, I don't think it's bad at all, but it was a little boring. It does get points though for Tsu casually drowning Mineta, little moments like this make it watchable
Quirk Apprehension Test: The only reason this arc isn't lower is because of Izuku proving that he belongs at UA as much as anyone else. That was a great moment for him. But the QAT is quirkist and honestly just mean-spirited. Why would you humiliate a student in front of their classmates like that? Not to mention that Aizawa was blatantly singling him out with it. Just the beginning of Aizawa being a bad teacher
Provisional Hero License Exam: I struggled where to put this arc. Because honestly? It was good for the most part. I liked seeing how the kids each handled their tasks and opponents. Bakugou failed (I know I've said that this is undercut by Todo failing too, but it's still satisfying) and it really got into the nuances of rescue work. I liked it... Until Deku vs Kacchan Part 2. This fight ruins the entire arc for me. Bakugou fails because he couldn't stop being a dick for 2 seconds and decides he's allowed to take it out on Izuku? Then he trauma dumps on him while playing victim. And then coerces him into a fight. And then is rewarded from throwing this temper tantrum by being given what he wants (knowing about OFA). This was the arc where my feelings towards the series really soured. I really debated putting it at the bottom, but I didn't want to dismiss the good things about it so easily
Forest Training Camp: Only good thing about this arc was Izuku's fight with Muscular and his relationship with Kota. But after that it's Bakugou making bad decisions and everyone else having to suffer for them. I do appreciate Kota slapping Mineta though
Dark Hero: Just... So much potential. But it feels like we never really go below the surface with Izuku. This is supposed to be his arc and it barely focused on who he is. He should have spoken with the vestiges more. Also, while I can understand where they were coming from, 1A ambushing and then antagonizing him was terrible and Bakugou's bum ass apology was even worse. The only reason it isn't lower is because of my unhinged love for Lady Nagant. She's one of the best written characters in the series and I adore her. Unfortunately, it feels like Hori doesn't allow her to influence the overall story
Pro Hero: So this one is just... Weird. I mean, I don't think I hate it? The fight was pretty cool. I love seeing Hawks' quirk in action because his use of it is so creative. I don't like him and Rei being used to prop Endeavor's development though. I just don't think this arc was that good
Joint Training: So I mentioned this in a reply somewhere, but Bakugou's flawless win felt so unearned. He hasn't put any work into getting along with others and working with a team (all the "progress" he made was others- Izuku- doing the work for him). The fact that he didn't so much as struggle like everyone else was just bad writing. Momo losing even though she did put in the work to learn to strategize better and cover her bases just felt like a slap in the face to her character. Every time it feels like Hori wants to do right by her character, he ends up making it worse but had no problem propping Bakugou up every five minutes. I liked Uraraka being the unsung star of this arc, Monoma's team underestimating her and then living to regret it was nice. It's one of the only times the progress she's made as a hero is ever acknowledged. This arc didn't do a good job of making me care about Shinsou though, no substance to his character. Monoma was pretty entertaining
Endeavor Agency: Boring ass arc. It wasn't funny or entertaining and had zero character development for our main characters. Natsuo is antagonized for calling out Endeavor and poor Fuyumi gets yelled at by Bakugou in her own home for sharing her feelings. And then Izuku's bs "i tHiNk YOurE geTtINg REaDy tO fOrGiVE hiM." Like I love him but wtf is that line? Hori trying to force Endeavor's redemption down our throats
Final Exams: This arc is all kinds of bullshit. Sero takes a hit for Mineta and is incapacitated and fails. Yet Bakugou is continuously uncooperative, attacks him teammate, and is also incapacitated and passes? Not to mention it's all on Izuku to be the one to teach him how to work with others when that's supposed to be Aizawa's job. Every other match was also useless. The only one that has real development and interaction was Tododoki and Momo. Todo gets humbled and learns to stop acting above his classmates (even if he didn't do this with the intent of being harmful, he still did it) and Momo gets more confidence and agency. But no one else really learned anything or improved. This arc just proves how bad a teacher Aizawa is tbh
Remedial Course: I feel like this arc is evidence that Bakugou would suck as the main character. I was bored to tears during the entire thing. It felt like forced Bakugou and Todoroki interaction first of all. And truth be told I didn't know that kid was supposed to be mini Bakugou, I thought he was representative of Monoma. He was nowhere as bad as Bakugou was as a kid and felt a lot more chill. Also looked more like Monoma. Idk if this is how Hori wants us to see kid Bakugou or what but we know this isn't how he was. And then Bakugou gives him this whole lecture only to turn around the next arc and still treat Izuku like shit. Fucking hypocrite. Camie telling him to shut up was the only good thing about this arc (stan Camie)
And that's the list! I'm only doing these arcs because they're the only ones I've read/watched completely. I don't want to make judgements about the next three arcs without fully knowing what I'm talking about. Though the leaks for the Final War don't bode well for its ranking.
So what do we think? Agree? Disagree? Let me know!
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theetwinkleboy · 4 months
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bakugou's toothy 'i'm being a bitch' smile is my favorite thing
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pikahlua · 1 year
People thought this is bad wasn’t here during the overhaul arc and it shows talk about torture
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tera-vadai · 1 year
Romantic ships, canon or fanon, don't get in the way nor eliminate the friendships of a character (or, a character can be shipped with whoever you want and still have other friends) — A quick rant by a tired Shouto fan
I generally prefer to keep my opinions with myself and don't get involved in discourse, specially when it's about certain characters or ships —you know, the usual fandom-related stuff—, but oh my God, constantly finding complains and slander of a favorite character of mine while looking for positive and wholesome content is really tiring.
Of course everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and it's free to like or dislike any character for X reason, but this case in particular it's as if you like chocolate ice cream, and everyone around you complains and gives you a list of reasons why chocolate ice cream sucks and you should not like it, and instead should replace it with another flavor.
That is super rude, you know?
Ok, so getting on topic, in a story, a character is not —or should not be— limited to having ONLY two friends (one being the best friend and the other the romantic interest). A single character can have lots of friends (the more, the merrier, am I right?), and it's natural and completely normal that the way these relationships and interactions work in each of these friendships are going to be different.
Talking specifically about BNHA, Izuku CAN be friends with Iida, Ochako, Katsuki and Shouto at the same time (and in canon, he actually is friends with all of them, as well as with other characters). Also, not because he gets along with two of them means he cannot, or should not, do the same with the other two (when, again, I repeat, it's canon that they are all his friends).
Granted, the story hasn't done a great job at defining these friendships in a more detailed way (and as a consequence, some characters get constantly sidelined, specially in the movies), but that doesn't mean that you should go as far as to say that the friendship is inexistent. Not because the author has forgotten that two characters are friends (just saying that they are, but failing to show it), or has neglected said friendship (giving the impression that is only one-sided), you should too.
Also, remember that headcanons =/= canon content. You can headcanon whatever you want, but that doesn't erase canon facts (and that includes established friendships).
Lastly —and this goes for both sides of this discussion—, trying to justify a ship by claiming that a character must only be friends with a certain character/or a certain group of characters, and in the process, should not be friends with any other character (generally one from a rival ship) it's actually very toxic, and you only hate for the sake of hating. In real life you can be part of different circles of friends while having a partner (because if, out of jealousy, your partner starts to isolate you from your other friends, well, that's a very big red flag in your relationship).
Please people, you can like a character without having to discredit other to put your fave on a pedestal.
Let's try to spread positivity, not negativity.
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beybuniki · 2 months
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endeavor agency arc
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myheromedia · 11 months
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Respective comic style posters for My Villain Academia and Endeavor agency arc
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codenamesazanka · 8 days
I'm thinking. I'm thinking. it would be cool if all of my dislike and criticism of Deku's actions in this final war arc (and maybe before) was actually supposed to be the intended feeling. That he was supposed to be read as an arrogant little shit with no plan and failed at saving Shigaraki all along. Saving Shigaraki was his ego talking - him wanting to save that Crying Child, because it makes him feel good to be a Hero... in the easiest way possible. He pried open Shigaraki's lid with no regard for how questionable such an act is. He never understood Shigaraki at all.
Deku has the potential to be a great hero. When Yoichi and Kudou talked about his great qualities, it was because they can sense the seed of it at his heart. But it hadn't been cultivated. He does have a drive to save, but it was too early to call it that. He does believe everyone has the same heart, but he hasn't actually come to that conclusion himself. That's why they needed to speak about his own feelings for him. He's 16 years old and thrown into a war. How can anyone have proper development and meta-cognition in such a scenario?
I'm thinking. It was Stain who spared Shigaraki and told him he sensed the seed of a warped conviction inside of him, when all readers saw at the time was an erratic manchild. But Stain was right. Shigaraki's conviction grew and developed and became such a noble desire, but 'twisted' - A Hero, but for the Villains.
Deku just had the high of his life. What if he's about to enter the lowest? He failed to save someone. Society is getting rebuilt and where it goes from now on is absolutely crucial. He's "quirkless" again - that personality is gone so who is he now?
I'm thinking. There's a reason why his agreement with Overhaul hasn't been resolved yet. I'm thinking Compress and his vigilante ancestor's dream of reform can't be just ditched like that. I'm thinking how Deku can fail so incredibly at not realizing why Shigaraki stayed the leader of the League all through the end, and how Shigaraki tells him 'ganbare'.
I'm thinking about Shigaraki, and how he's a fair guy. But he's a Villain. He sensed Deku's intention, understood just how sincere it was, and can respect that. And the guy did just helped heal his childhood trauma. And thus, he's holding Deku responsible for making sure his destruction is permanent, and leaves with a semi-sardonic 'do your best'. I think that's actually just like him.
I'm thinking about Uraraka and Shouto getting two sad looking panels in this semi-celebratory chapter where All Might calls Bakugou and Deku the greatest Heroes. They were the two who actually considered the suffering their Villain went through. They acknowledged the whole of their Villain, their agency and desires, and they supposedly saved them. But there's no celebration for them. Maybe it's because they've seen the truth and can't be unaffected.
I'm thinking about Spinner, who saved Deku from a teammate at the camp raid because he believed in Stain who believed in Deku to be a true Hero. And then Spinner became Shigaraki's most devoted friend and Shigaraki left a message to him, via Deku.
I'm thinking maybe Horikoshi got out all the battle shonen stuff they wanted out of him and now he can do his own thing. He sucks at fight scenes and great at character writing and darker material.
The issue to this thinking is that this hope is sooooo dangerous. I had a similar thought that Endeavor, after the Touya reveal, was going to get some brutal atonement. I thought post-Jaku would be a really cool chance to examine the issues of Hero Society, and that Tartarus being recognized as a human-rights violations would end up somewhere. I loved what I felt was the subtly realistic built-up of the Heteromorph arc, and I still love it, but then it ended up the way it did. I thought AFO's tragic backstory getting revealed could be awesome. I've clowned myself again and again. I guess this is the latest clowning.
And none of this actually saves Shigaraki or brings him back. Rather, his death and last words is pretty much required for this brutal realization and haunting on Deku and the story.
Worse, this all has the potential to make me think Deku is interesting. What am I doing to myself. 🤡
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sugawara--san · 1 year
love endeavor agency arc sm because god i love my trio
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filipinoizukuu · 5 months
what comes next though? (MHA ch. 413)
// major spoilers for mha ch. 413 since its leaks, so please stop reading if you arent quite caught up. i havent written one of these in a LONGGG while lmao.
ANYWAY, with all that being said.... this week's leaks huh?
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We saw it coming a long time ago, we speculated it to hell and back, we made aus and fics, and now it's finally here. The conclusion we've reached and the one that's been hinted at since the release of Heroes Rising in 2019:
bnha is going to end with deku giving up one for all and becoming quirkless.
(LOTS of words under the cut -- youve been warned.)
For those who are a little lost; the basic premise of the ending we are hurtling towards is that Kudou (the 2nd user of ofa) has a plan to take down Shigaraki. With AfO dead and gone + Shigaraki becoming so powerful he is essentially invincible -- theres no other choice for the heroes other than destroying him inside out; the plan being the equivalent of charging a battery so much it explodes.
the way they're going to go about this is by essentially, feeding Shigaraki bits of One for All until he's given all of it -- then allowing the vestiges of the previous wielders to create a massive revolt similar to what SnS did until they can successfully tear him apart from inside the "quirk realm" and shut him out. Kudou volunteers to go next since danger sense has already been taken, and if Shigaraki uses gearshift again after Deku already used it twice, Tomura's body will likely shutdown and receive twice the backlash Deku does when he uses kudou's quirk.
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(sidenote: funny as fuck that deku only understood once kudou equated the strategy to bkg throwing papers at him. bro stupid af.)
its a sensible(ish) idea. one that seems plausible given the context of the last hundred or so chapters with heroes like Hawks and SnS having their quirks revolt against both AfO and Shigaraki in a way that makes it clear that its not uniquely OfA that animates the souls of peoples quirks. Its inherent. Quote, Nana Shimura, "romantic" even.
(let it be known though that i think hori absolutely did not plan on delving into this plot point as much as he is now. ill explain in a bit, but heroes rising was 100% a major factor of why he moved in this direction.)
That being said, the conclusion of the plan (and subsequently, the major plot of bnha) is as follows: Deku gives up One for All to Shigaraki. One for All unites with All for One within Shigaraki and destroys it in one final clash between Yoichi and his brother. The break in the barrier of Shigaraki's hatred will part, letting him find the consciousness of Shimura Tenko behind it after years.
Shigaraki dies, taking OfA and AfO down with him,
and then Deku is quirkless once more.
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Sad conclusion aside for now, I firmly believe that no matter what way you look at it; Deku was always meant to end the story without a quirk. Given some of the original drafts of bnha where Deku was never supposed to be given a quirk in the first place, this is clearly unsurprising. What's more is my favorite piece of information relative to katsuki and deku's character development:
the fact that heroes rising was (one of the) ideas for the original ending of bnha.
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a refresher for some of you: heroes rising is about class 1a going to the isolated village of nabu island and defending it against an upcoming big bad villain named "nine" with a quirk that is essentially a scaled down version of all for one. katsuki and deku eventually resolve the conflict together via brute force by deku giving katsuki ofa, them rushing in while the quirk is transferring and both of them have it, and then ultimately defeating nine at the end. the movie then of course circles back on deku losing one for all, undoing that consequence by saying the transfer never completed bc ofa chose him over katsuki and they all move on to the endeavor agency arc with katsuki remembering absolutely nothing of the final battle.
many fans often misunderstand one of horikoshi's quotes about the movie in that it was, without a doubt, the original ending of bnha. for the sake of accuracy, that is not what horikoshi really said; what he ACTUALLY said was something closer and to the tune of of how it was "one OF the endings" he planned on using for bnha, but his original idea for how the story ends "has not changed one bit."
obviously disregarding the cop out where ofa sticks back to izuku in order for the series to continue as normal; this can only confirm that bnha was going to end with midoriya izuku quirkless whether katsuki was involved or not.
so what's different this time?
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its hard to figure out how far horikoshi had planned the ending of bnha with heroes rising's prototype conclusion in mind. if heroes rising never pulled through and horikoshi had planned on bnha ending with the shared ofa transfer and katsuki continuing deku's legacy -- then that means katsuki wouldve died an early death because of all might's confirmation that only quirkless people can hold on to one for all without dying young, meaning he either intended on katsuki dying soon after the story ends or only planned that plot point after heroes rising was released.
the plot as well of heroes rising's conclusion cannot have been thought of all that early on because of ANOTHER tidbit of information that changes perspective of the entire series: in that,
bakugou katsuki was never supposed to be a major character to begin with. (keep an eye on this link; i reference this interview a LOT)
he was not supposed to have an arc. he was not supposed to become a major focal point of the series. he was not meant to be the hero he is in the story today. bakugou katsuki was not written with the intention of being a major narrative this late into the story -- instead originally only existing as a character that deku would surpass within the first few arcs.
but then katsuki cried, and deku apologized, and then opened his big fat mouth, and then told him a secret he didnt even tell his own mother -- and suddenly bakugou katsuki was not just another footnote in deku's story, but a legitimate character that grew and created one of the most loved (and hated) character turnarounds in shonen history. he started of as a literal EXTRA before snowballing into the very same character horikoshi decided would defeat all for one, the original scariest antagonist of the entire series. someone not even ALL MIGHT could defeat.
but circling back, yeah. heroes rising was definitely not the ending horikoshi thought of first, nor was it the ending he thought of last. ultimately, it was simply another route he couldve taken into wrapping up deku's fate into what it was (probably) always meant to be:
deku was gonna lose one for all no matter what.
it's kind of fitting, honestly -- for this to be the ultimate conclusion to the series. it makes the most sense, since what sent deku down this path so many years ago was his mother apologizing to deku for being quirkless; as if being quirkless meant he was born inferior to those who had quirks. people, after all according to deku's famous beginning monologue, are not born equal.
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Even still, i thought to note: deku never stopped wanting to be a hero. we all know this, obviously. this was his driving force -- but then when you REALLY think about the implications, you have to ask. what the heck was deku even planning to do?!
he had ideas. he had hope. he wrote notebooks for the future and thought of his costume for being a hero -- but not once do i remember him writing about his hero experience as if he was suddenly going to develop a quirk. he was planning on saving people quirkless -- an extremely interesting motivation especially when he couldve so easily chosen to walk the path of being a doctor or engineer instead if he wanted to save people so badly. its a story about conviction, about doing the things you wanna do in the way you wanna do it no matter what ANYONE else says and hey wait a minute that sounds familiar
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it doesnt quite read that way at first, especially because of how izuku almost listened to all might about "being realistic" when the first met and nearly gave up on becoming a hero entirely, but izuku is a lot similar to katsuki in the sense that no matter what gets in his way -- he is determined to achieve his dreams in the way HE CHOOSES, and not the way that is more "convenient".
even when you look at just his name, "deku" in the way that uraraka had interpreted it (dekiru -- "you can do it!") and the way deku reexplains it to katsuki in deku vs kacchan 1 ("the deku that doesn't give up!") you can so easily tell that deku from the very beginning has only ever needed the slightest push to pursue being a hero, quirk-or-not-be-damned. hell, we even see a glimpse of this possibility in the sports festival race when deku absolutely DECIMATES not just bakugou but also TODOROKI (as well as every single other damn student participating in the festival) with nothing but robot scraps and his balls of steel. it just so happens that until the promise of one for all, no such encouragement or push was ever given to deku in his pursuit of heroicism, most especially in comparison to katsuki who had been receiving praise and validation for his goals his whole life.
i'd argue that deku's conviction is even stronger than katsuki in a way no other person seems to recognize (except maybe katsuki himself). katsuki had received only positive feedback and zero competition for his goals growing up while deku received nothing but discouragement. both of them kept the conviction of being a hero for TEN YEARS; neither wavering til the day of the sludge incident.
that aside; what comes next?
we know the story after that. deku gets his quirk, he goes to school, he fights, he drops out, he fights some more, and now he's standing before shigaraki tomura with every quirk of one for all unlocked and over twice the power that all might had in his prime -- fully knowing he's about to lose EVERYTHING in order to defeat shigaraki.
this is deku we're talking about. he doesn't care. he knows the implications and what that will mean for his dream -- but his goal right now is in front of him. his goal is shigaraki, consumed by hatred, threatening to take down the world izuku loves most into a pit of misery and decay because society failed people like them. does he care? probably. will he refuse to give up his power if it means not saving the world and fulfilling one for all's purpose? absolutely not.
deku has made all might's quirk his own, but one for all does not belong to him. it belongs to yoichi. and kudou. and bruce and nana and all of the other users who built that quirk for generations in hopes that one day, someday, someone would be able to yield it all and bring down the monstrosity that created it in the first place. deku will not hesitate, but also deku knows what he will lose.
i have... a few things i dislike about this.
Admittedly, i do think that this is a better resolution than the simple brute strength approach of Heroes Rising. For one, while i do love heroes rising with my entire heart and soul, i firmly believe it would not have been a satisfying conclusion to the core lessons and teachings bnha tries to impart throughout the story. simply outnumbering and outpowering afo/shigaraki would not be enough to close yoichi's story and one for all -- much less the story of shigaraki himself as tenko, the boy consumed by hatred.
Still, this new ending that horikoshi has laid out leaves me with more questions; as well as large expectations for how izuku's character will close out. its complicated, because deku's evolution and development is subtle and intricate in a way i havent seen from other shonen protagonists and i worry about doing it justice.
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but most of my problems have to do with bakugou katsuki.
(aint that the truth)
i know i mentioned that bakugou was never intended to be a major character, but i want it to be known that that was only in the beginning. season 1, maybe even season 2 -- but horikoshi had said it best himself in that bakugou katsuki, against his permission, had gained a life of his own and inserted himself into the very grain of mha's story. you cannot deny this.
he is the series deuteroganist inarguably. one of the most beloved characters and one of the most attentively-written development arcs in the whole series. katsuki in and of himself embodies major themes in bnha that make it so that ditching his development and impact last minute after defeating all for one would reflect poorly upon the conclusion of the story itself. he and deku are intertwined in arcs -- even if they do have separate paths at the end of the day. katsuki is the one izuku told about the quirk. the one who followed izuku during the paranormal liberation arc. the one who understands one for all and is determined to learn about it more than anyone else barring all might and deku himself. the one who is closer to izuku than anyone else.
it can't be over for their arc, no matter what way you see it. friends? rivals? hero partners? what comes next, when the smoke clears? what comes next when izuku gives shigaraki hell, like katsuki told him to?
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katsuki's atoned. we accept that, have known it since chapter 285 and have continued to know it until the iconic apology in the rain. that's not where katsuki stops however, because we know that its not all about begging for izuku's forgiveness nor atoning for himself. its about catching up to izuku -- the last words he uttered before shigaraki crushed his heard say it all.
"can i still catch up to you, izuku?"
since the moment katsuki died, we've been given a metric ton of material to read through what he and izuku have become in the story. firstly, the point of katsuki being the person closest to izuku. what does this mean? what does that say about katsuki? is he supposedly the person izuku loves the most? the person izuku believes in the most? i'd argue these two criterion would easily fit his mother or all might a lot better -- not his childhood friend turned bully turned rival turned barely-friend. katsuki sure as hell didn't believe he was the person closest to izuku before shigaraki brought it up as evidenced by the fact that he let IIDA bring deku back to UA -- and neither does izuku as far as i bet. what was shigaraki's intention?
katsuki heard that statement. he hasnt said anything, but he definitely heard it. its an open end that is left entirely unanswered PRECISELY because katsuki fought afo on his own and izuku is about to tackle shigaraki without katsuki by his side. if it was heroes rising's ending wherein they would both fight shigaraki and take him down together -- then that statement would easily be answered by how their strength and bond is the one thing that gave them an upper hand in the final battle. other than that... i'm not entirely sure how they're going to have katsuki and izuku acknowledge katsuki's brief "death" and Tomura's reasons thereof.
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But fine, lets ignore that for the time being and move on to what happened when Katsuki came back.
katsuki answered izuku's cry for help. he came back to life in the last moment to save all might when izuku was too busy fighting tooth and nail to win. they are the penultimate example of two sides of a hero; the win and save. not one without the other. every single parallel thus far between izuku and katsuki have always been to draw attention over and over to each of their stubborn convictions to win and save under all might's tutelage.
katsuki has chosen to prioritize winning and fighting over saving and rescuing over. and over. and over. and over again. at every single opportunity from the very beginning of the series. in usj, in sports festival, in the final exam, every choice he's made up until --
chapter 285 - bakugou katsuki: rising.
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he chooses to save izuku in this instant. as he says, his body moved on its own -- or in other words, he felt like how izuku has always did since the sludge villain incident. this is bakugou katsuki catching up to midoriya izuku. its katsuki realizing that he needs to save so deku can win, and actually being okay with that for once. it's a major turning point in his character that clearly tells even horikoshi that there's absolutely no way katsuki can go back to being a side character within the plot of bnha after a development like this.
and then, after this instance, we notice it happen again and again. katsuki choosing to save to win instead of winning to save. katsuki protecting best jeanist against the nomu. katsuki coming to chase after izuku when he runs away from UA. katsuki (in a way) saving aoyama when its revealed he's the traitor. hell, katsuki saving ALL MIGHT as soon as izuku -- the savior -- begs someone to save his idol when he can't because he's too focused on trying to win.
so what changed?
what changed since the moment of chapter 285 was katsuki accepting his fears and anxieties. katsuki letting go of his aversity to working with deku. the reason katsuki started accepting the path of saving to win was because he TRUSTED deku to win where he couldnt.
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this is katsuki accepting that him and izuku already surpassed all might together.
but katsuki said it himself. it's not over. he accepts that him and izuku are finally on equal footing -- hell, he admits he's the one who needs to play catch up. it's not about katsuki conceding to weakness, but katsuki being able to trust in izuku to finish the job. the point is that they both will break and break until they win the way they choose to, and the other will be there to win while they save and save while they win. moreso, katsuki still wants to be number 1. he still wants to catch up and surpass deku. he wants to fight by deku's side. but ... as we've established:
deku will be quirkless soon.
my problem (or, i guess, curiosity?) with the path horikoshi seems to be going down for the end of this story is what happens to this end? what happens to the wonder duo? i believe in a quirkless deku plot as much as the next person -- but any reader would find it easy to see that once deku loses one for all, he will not be nearly as efficient nor quick nor capable of a hero as he once was. especially not against a developed katsuki with mastery over cluster explosions.
he will lose one for all and he won't ever be the pro-hero he was going to be before the final war arc. katsuki will get number 1 surely, but will he be happy about this resolution? i don't think so. All Might himself had said it when Katsuki spoke to him about his relationship to Izuku; that the twin stars reminded All Might very much of his own rivalry with Endeavor and the bitter feelings it created.
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endeavor expressed regret and a bitter end to their rivalry; the acknowledgement of the bitter truth that the only reason he was the number one hero is because all might lost his own quirk. he knew he didn't deserve the mantle all might had held for a long time before him. he knew that he was still only just playing catch up with the wisdom and understanding of heroicism that all might had in his heart from the beginning. endeavor will likely retire from being a pro-hero unsatisfied with this truth and his own victory at becoming the no.1 at the very end -- never feeling like he truly surpassed all might of his own accord. both enji and toshinori -- victims of their destiny.
is this the fate that will befall katsuki once izuku is quirkless for good?
There are many questions I have in wake of the recent chapter. The end of the series is here, and that's a whole can of worms i haven't touched in and of itself. We all saw this coming; some of us know that this was always going to be Izuku's fate since the beginning of the series. But now that it's more than just izuku's character involved in his dreams of being a hero -- i dont know how this series is going to conclude and if it will be satisfying to any means. there's a lot of questions i still have; bakugous arc feeling incomplete ever since he came back to life, the conclusion of all might and one for all's dreams now that they will disappear altogether. where does deku go after this? where does bakugou go? where do any of them?
i guess i gotta wait and see lol
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delawaredetroit · 4 months
Now that I have to see his face again, Bakugou isn't much a deuteragonist. He only really acts as deuteragonist in some school arcs until about halfway through the manga when the war arc begins. And in the arc where he is most relevant to the overall plot (the second war arc), he spends half of it as a corpse.
Shouto is deuteragonist of the Sports Festival Arc. Iida is deuteragonist of the Stain Arc. Mirio is the deuteragonist of the Shie Hassaikai Arc. If you consider Izuku the protagonist of the Kamino Arc (which there's a decent argument it's actually All Might), then Kirishima and/or Iida are closer to deuteragonists while Bakugou fulfills the role of the damsel in distress.
His record is dismal prior to the Paranormal Liberation Front War: The Battle Trials, the Midterms, Hero Licensing Exam/Deku vs Kacchan Part Two, and the Joint Training Arc (Endeavor Agency Arc is arguable, but the Hellish Todoroki Family took control of the plot for that one). Bakugou is somehow constantly present and almost completely irrelevant to the overarching plot for at least half the story.
And I can't tell if this is Horikoshi shoehorning him in because Bakugou was too popular but he didn't want to change the main beats of the story. Or if he was trying to make Bakugou grow into the deuteragonist role like Izuku and Shigaraki grow into the roles of "the hero" and "the villain" respectively. It wasn't well executed if that was the case. They had to grow into their societal roles through the story (so they could later overcome the roles of hero and villain), but Izuku and Shigaraki already fit the roles of protagonist and antagonist from the beginning, unlike Bakugou as a deuteragonist.
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doodlegirl1998 · 3 months
If Bakugou absolutely had to be redeemed, he should have been given Endeavor's character development.
Don't get me wrong, Endeavor's redemption still has a lot of issues. But unlike Bakugou's, there's actual thought put behind it. He made the choice to change without any prompting. Bakugou had to be given grace from everyone including his victim. Endeavor never made excuses for himself, he took Natsu's anger because he knew he deserved it. He willingly accepts accountability.
I hate a lot about how Hori handled Endeavor. I hate the retcons he made to make Endeavor seem more sympathetic. I hate how Rei and Fuyumi and Hawks were used as props instead of treated as characters with agency. I hate how Touya is demonized. I hate all of that.
But I can't deny that Horikoshi actually put effort into Endeavor. More than with most of his characters. If he had put half that effort into Bakugou instead of constantly glazing him and never holding him accountable for his actions, Bakugou's arc would have been a lot better
Hi @sapphic-agent 👋,
If Hori had to redeem Bakugou, said redemption should have been thought out like Endeavor's (without all the character props Endeavor had to try to make the reader like him.)
Here's how I would do it, using the reactions of the victims of Endeavor as framework.
His main victim Izuku should be allowed to be angry at him and have a life thriving away from Bakugou (like how Natsuo is angry at Endeavor and distanced himself from his dad in canon.)
A truly redeemed Bakugou should be sad but accept this in his stride, recognising that Izuku was his victim so owes him absolutely nothing - especially not a place in his life.
Kirishima should be allowed to feel disappointed in Bakugou's past actions, but like Bakugou has turned over a new leaf (like Fuyumi does with her Dad in canon.)
Mina, another supposedly staunch anti-bully character should be apprehensive / wary of Bakugou's "change" (like how Shoto is in canon with Endeavor.)
With a redeemed Bakugou, his friendship with Kirishima and the rest of the 'Kiri-Crew' should be him re-evaluating how he treats people and actively trying to be nicer.
This nuanced response and reaction to Bakugou's past as a bully as well as him trying to do better would have been a million times better than what we got in canon.
It would have made him feel worthy of being called a hero rather than a Gary Stu-esque villain cosplaying as a 'hero.'
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sapphic-agent · 8 months
You mentioned that you were not a fan of the Endeavor Agency arc, and I’m right there with you. So in your opinion, is there anything you would change to make the arc more worthwhile? Or would scrap that entire arc and have a brand new arc instead?
IMO, maybe have Midoriya focus on simply on trying to unlock and make Blackwhip under his control? Maybe because he felt that getting a hold of his powers trumps anything else? Or he doesn’t want to repeat what happened at the Joint Training fight? Or he doesn’t feel like there are any pro heroes that can help him get a hold of it, other than All Might?
Like I said, this was just an idea I thought of when I was getting ready to ask this, but what changes would you make for the Endeavor Agency arc?
This is a great question! Honestly, there's probably two ways I'd think about going about this.
1. Izuku doesn't join another work study at all
Instead, he takes some time to process everything he just went through. Not just everything that happened with Overhaul, but his entire awful experience with Nighteye. He bonds more with Eri, trains more with All Might, speaks with Yoichi in his dreams more often, and sees Hound Dog a few times to help cope with what happened. Even works more on controlling Blackwhip like you said. I also would have loved a scene where he confides in All Might about how Nighteye treated him and All Might reaffirms that he is worthy of One For All and that it wasn't Nighteye's place to decide that.
True, this would make for a slow arc. But I think taking some time to himself would have done Izuku well. The problem with this is that it might have put him behind his classmates, but he was only a first year. His work study could have been done at another time. It was never a requirement for first years in the first place.
From a narrative perspective, it would have been hard to place him in the Paranormal Liberation War. The UA students were only there because of their Work Studies. However, if Mirio who wasn't part of an agency at the time- and wasn't even technically an active UA student- could show up, there could have been a way to write him in somehow.
2. Izuku works under literally any other hero doing work studies
You can't tell me he wouldn't at least be considered by other heroes. He was the one who took down Overhaul and saved Eri, a mission both Fatgum and Ryuku were apart of. It should be common knowledge among the pros how skilled and capable he is. If other first year students got work studies so easily, you can't tell me that he couldn't have interned with anyone else.
(Perfect chance to have him bond with other 1A students by the way. Or even 1B students. Could have even had him work alongside Iida in Hosu. Hori, it's okay to have him spend time with people other than Bakugou)
I'm sorry, I just can't see Izuku willingly working under a man who abused his family and is practically the embodiment of corruption of hero society. Bakugou, sure, but not someone as moral as Izuku is. He was (rightfully) infuriated by Overhaul's treatment of Eri, why in the world would he tolerate Endeavor? And even if you make the argument that Endeavor's changing, Izuku would have no way of knowing that. Why wouldn't he at least try to reach out to other heroes?
Would have been even better if he at least tried to convince Todoroki to do the same. Would have shown that he really did care about his friend's well-being and wanted him to be free from his father's control.
But hey, what do I know🤷🏾‍♀️
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