#empowering those w disabilities!!!!!!!
unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
speaking of speaking of Abuse it's like hey it's helpful to remember to not think of it like "whoa. an extreme word broken out to make people feel bad" but rather "an identification of a type of situation where an oppressive system is being continually established / maintained and something needs to be done differently to counteract / dismantle this" Just Like With approaches to other labels created for describing the external manifestations of [there is an oppressive system here] and going "someone is saying so b/c in identifying it it's also recognizing the crucial 'so something Else external needs to manifest to improve this reality' of it all, not just like 'whoa that's a big word for extreme things that we'd all definitely recognize & all definitely even be motivated to acknowledge in the first place rather than being potentially vested in it continuing without it even being a challenge to put any description of it into words to start to communicate about it'"....just like how we all totally know that [autistic people existing] is so Extreme and must be so Abnormal and we'd all Know It when we saw it, and when someone goes "i'm autistic" what matters is that people feel weird and then it's threatened that they might be obligated to do anything differently, so that person's probably exaggerating and trying to disrupt the norm, which is as good as trying to Elevate themself. kind of like when people break out the "abuse" A-word, right....always more important that no one could potentially feel bad via someone directing [and that's bad] language at them rather than asking "but like, Are they doing this thing? Are they having this effect?" which may still be answered with "no." and certainly will be if someone's committed to feeling above other people & positioned to act on it
#not like abuse apologia is New. evergreenly ''reinvented'' & cycling back around; like say; transphobia; All Bigotry; etc....#but really if it's like ''whoa whoa....isn't it a Problem ppl may say 'Abuse' Too Easily Nowadays. what if they could say it. to you'' etc#like that's not a ''correction'' that's just The Norm as it always was. that's just the [there can't be Too Many Victims]#it's just the [but what if ppl who can just Sayyy they've experienced / are experiencing Abuse....are too Empowered] of forever....#and always involves assumptions of someone's Inherent Entitlement to something from other people like#oh no ppl are so sensitive riled up abt Abuse nowadays what if they ghost their friends :(#what if they do??? They're the ones who'll hypothetically end up isolated. & also You Can Just Do That for any or no reason#and it may be unpleasant & it may be unideal but who is Entitled to hold on to a relationship w/someone? who is Entitled to a Guarantee of#communication? how Would that be guaranteed?? if they're not comfortable talking to you / if they choose to stop doing so then like#how amazing was that friendship that was so cruelly ruined by ''ugh i can't believe anyone could think poorly of me? of Interacting w/me?#and if they can do that What's Stopping Them From Calling Me Abusive'' like guess what: Nothing#the way that words work means that anyone can Just Use Them however. you absolutely Can point to anything & use the word Abuse#which is why words also have meanings so that this can be recognized as absurdity / irrelevant Or it can be genuinely considered#which; either can be done regardless of the intention or amount of thought or hypothetical correctness of someone using w/e words#ppl who are abusing others Sure Can & Do use language against their victims which can include; or imply/conflate with; ''abuse''#which then doesn't mean ''guess we give up on Words / it's too easy to say sm shit'' b/c Ppl Can Look At The External Situations#and like you don't Lose by anyone having more material support. like ''ughhh it's so easy to Sayyy you're Disabled / describe NORMAL things#as DISABILITY (weird; extreme; bad; I'd Know It When I Saw It & Instantly Judged Its Legitimacy)'' like okay & then What If accommodation &#support that May Be needed is freely available to any & everyone. ppl who Are in a situation of abuse; even from Just One Person; are#already lacking for support / resources. oh no what if they got those but they were exaggerating. What Then#the real tl;dr here is ''yeah it's Politics w/abuse not just Vibes''#going ''hm well even when there Is abuse i guess third parties can throw up their hands b/c anyone could darvo that shit huh'' like.#that's why there's further Contexts & Patterns & Info that is relevant beyond ''who is literally capable of invoking the word Abuse or sm''#the eternal & instant classic Angle To Consider that is ''whose life is getting smaller''#meanwhile [the feelings of the person abusing other/s] & [the feelings of theoretical third parties] aren't actually what's most important#the goal isn't ''make the abuser Feel Bad'' or ''make someone go 'ok i guess i don't like them anymore then''' the goal is interrupt abuse#the victim needs support in what improves their situation / diminishes their harm; much less what might get them Out of it#(& into a broader world where abuse is super common & ''normal'' & inherent in bigger systems / structures. but still an improvement than#Also happening to have this additional situation of abuse they're now out of...)#& again if Everyone has all the support / resources they could want or need? epic. no problem
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I'm an A-Level student and so many of my classmates use ChatGPT for essays in Law and RS and stuff - like, they sound proud of themselves, as if they're cheating the system and being clever? Just makes me feel very bleak. What are we doing man
Well, the unfortunate news for them is that they are going to struggle if they make it to uni.
This is the big problem with AI - it cannot analyse a single thing. If I were to say to you "What are the features Tumblr users would most want and why?", you are a human being with a brain and experiences and decision-making skills, and you could probably sit and come up with an answer. You would base that answer on things you personally find lacking, or want to see; you would also base it in things you have seen others bemoaning on the site.
For example, I reckon I'd say something like:
The permanent ability to boop people with a cat paw, which is implemented as opt-in. Also customisable, so you can choose whether you want a random cat paw to appear on your screen each time it happens to you. Also a different animation for super boop/evil boop, and maybe more boop options than those two, and maybe also different paw colours.
Actual enforcement of hate speech rules. We all agree to them when we join, so it's perfectly legal to delete someone for spouting Nazi shit AND YET.
No more banning or censoring queer folks' accounts
More ability to adjust the interface for disabled bloggers, e.g. colour and contrast, font, layout, switching off moving GIFs or other animations by default, etc.
Tag editing, it's frustrating having to delete whole tags.
Tag memory! Where have my tags gone??? For a year now I have slightly better luck on desktop, but for the most part, which of my tags are remembered by autofill and which are never, ever offered to me has been wholly divorced from how often I've used them. And my tags are often lengthy and odd, so it's become much harder to use mobile.
No data scraping. This is the anti-cap site thank you. Also on that note, get rid of the For You section and any other algorithmic tracking, because it's just as likely to show you a Nazi blog as an anti-Nazi one as long as you have spent any time at all discussing Nazism.
Better blocking ability, on that note.
Better search function
I could go on, but you get the idea. That's analysis that I've done, based on discussions I have seen and taken part in, and my own experiences.
I just asked ChatGPT. Here's what it had to say:
"Tumblr users have diverse preferences, but there are several features that many users would likely appreciate: 1. Improved Content Discovery: Tumblr is known for its vast array of content, so improving content discovery mechanisms such as personalized recommendations, trending topics, and enhanced search functionality can help users find more of the content they enjoy. 2. Enhanced Customization Options: Tumblr users value the ability to customize their blogs extensively. Providing more themes, layout options, and customization tools can empower users to express themselves creatively and make their blogs unique. 3. Integration of Multimedia Formats: Tumblr is a platform where users share various types of multimedia content, including images, GIFs, videos, and audio. Enhancing support for different media formats, improving media upload and management features, and optimizing the viewing experience can enhance user engagement. 4. Improved Mobile Experience: Many Tumblr users access the platform via mobile devices. Therefore, optimizing the mobile app for better performance, usability, and feature parity with the desktop version can greatly enhance the user experience. 5. Community Engagement Features: Tumblr has a vibrant community, so features that facilitate interaction among users, such as improved messaging, reblogging, tagging, and commenting functionalities, can foster a sense of community and increase user engagement. 6. Content Moderation Tools: Given the diverse content on Tumblr, providing users with robust content moderation tools, including options for filtering, blocking, and reporting inappropriate content, can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for all users. 7. Monetization Options for Creators: Many Tumblr users are content creators who would appreciate opportunities to monetize their content. Introducing features such as ad revenue sharing, subscription-based content, or integrated e-commerce capabilities can incentivize creators to produce high-quality content and invest more in their Tumblr presence. 8. Accessibility Features: Improving accessibility features such as alt text support for images, screen reader compatibility, and customizable text sizes and color schemes can make Tumblr more inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities. 9. Privacy and Security Enhancements: Enhancing privacy controls, data protection measures, and account security features can help users feel more confident and secure when using the platform, which is especially important given concerns about online privacy and security. 10. API and Third-Party Integration: Opening up Tumblr's API and allowing for easier integration with third-party services and apps can encourage innovation and development within the Tumblr ecosystem, providing users with more options and flexibility in how they use the platform. Overall, focusing on improving content discovery, customization options, community engagement, and user safety while also providing opportunities for creators to monetize their content can help Tumblr retain and attract users in a competitive social media landscape."
It's possible that feels alright, on first glance. But take a closer look.
Every point made is vague, and disconnected from any real life examples. In the very first point, it thinks we want better search functions (yes!) but also more algorithmic recommendations (no!). It wants us to have personalised recommendations AND better security, in fact, which are incompatible - but an LLM doesn't and can't know that. Monetisation of the platform is something that has historically faced appalling backlash from users, and this thing is suggesting ad revenue sharing and subscription services.
Because, its suggestions are generic suggestions. These are not Tumblr-specific. No mention of queerphobia, no mention of Nazis, and absolutely zero understanding of what the specific users on this site actually want.
... all of which is to say...
It's what is academically known as descriptive work. It lays out some facts, but there's no depth, no analysis, no interpretation of those facts at all. Why would we want third party integration? What apps are we calling for? Give examples. Would that aid ad-blocking? Search functions? In that case, wouldn't third-party integration be tackling the symptoms and not the cause? Shouldn't we work better ad-blocking and search functions into Tumblr at a base level?
And in school - even up to A Level - that's okay. You won't get top marks for that, because it's all too vague and too descriptive, but it's fine. School-level assignments tend to be more broad and less applied, too, which LLMs fare better with.
But in university, you start with descriptive facts, and then you are expected to analyse. If you cannot analyse, you run a very real risk of failing. Which means if you've spent your GCSEs and A Levels not bothering to learn those analytical skills and letting ChatGPT do the work for you, you are going to face an extremely uphill struggle when the expectations of study increase.
So, to round off, try not to get too discouraged. You know you aren't doing it, which means you are the one actually learning and developing and growing. Others will learn eventually, and probably more painfully. You do you!
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sardonicdoll · 8 months
able-bodied artists (or artists who don't have the relevant disabilities even if they are physically disabled in some way) really need to start checking themselves because i have seen more than enough ableist garbage on my TL recently. i don't get any traction on twitter though so i'm posting this here instead.
1. i'm not giving my thoughts on "AI art" because i do not have the patience and energy but bringing up physically disabled artists with limb differences, motor impairments, etc. (the ones that able-bodied people put on a pedestal because inspiration porn, anyway) as a gotcha is just as bad as the "AI art" bros you're arguing with who aren't disabled themselves (or disabled in these ways) but also tokenize these forms of disability. we're not ammunition in online discourse, i bet 10-1 that you people never uplift and empower and give a platform to disabled artists w/ limb differences/motor impairments/etc. in your online art spaces otherwise, and any logic that amounts to "this disabled person can do [x] so you're just not trying hard enough/what's your excuse?" is always always ALWAYS ableist no matter how you try to spin it, sorry.
if you don't have these conditions and consider yourself an ally to us then you do not have any business speaking with any kind of authority in conversations involving limb differences, motor impairments, etc. and art-making, or bringing artists with these conditions up when people are talking art-making and accessibility. full-stop. speaking from experience, being an artist with coordination and motor skill impairments when i'm surrounded by artists who aren't hindered by those things (even if physically disabled) really takes a mental toll on you and being all "oh this guy learned to draw with his teeth, so" does not help that whatsoever.
2. speaking as a horror artist/author - critically examine what you consider monstrous or horrific and the overlap between that and visible physical disability. not only have i had the above nonsense shoved in my face but then semi-popular art account posted a few photos (from online assumedly) that they called "monster eyes" when one of those images was leukocoria and another looked something like tonic pupil and/or coloboma (the pupil looked atypically large and out of place.) structrual eye conditions that cause visible differences aren't "monstrous." one of the images had crystals growing out of the eye, which, yeah! do more with that. but consider that images of "freaky" eyes you find on the internet are in fact eye conditions that real people have and what you're doing is associating how their bodies look with "monstrosity."
people have talked about this quite a bit with limb differences, bodily proportions, gait differences, motor impairments, etc. but i've never seen it talked about nearly as much with eye conditions. stop associating aspects of visible bodily differences with horror and monstrosity. even if it's unintentional that's purely due to your ignorance of the wealth of conditions that cause disability. exploration of disability and bodily difference within the context of horror and monstrosity can and honestly should be explored but that should be left to to those of us who actually understand what that is like rather than those who only have an outside perspective.
generally i'm very tired of able-bodied artists and then any physically disabled ones who lack respect for those of different experience to their situation.
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beehive-ga · 2 months
Elevating Quality of Life: Adult Personal Care Services in Gainesville, GA
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In Gainesville, Georgia, individuals requiring extra assistance in their daily lives find solace in the compassionate care provided by adult personal care services. These services are designed to support adults with various needs, ensuring they can maintain their independence and quality of life. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of adult personal care services in Gainesville, GA, and how they positively impact the lives of those in need.
Understanding Adult Personal Care Adult personal care encompasses a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals who require assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) due to aging, disability, illness, or injury. These services are provided by trained caregivers who offer support with tasks such as bathing, dressing, grooming, medication management, meal preparation, and mobility assistance. Additionally, caregivers provide companionship and emotional support, fostering a sense of connection and well-being for their clients.
Maintaining Independence and Dignity One of the primary goals of adult personal care services in Gainesville, GA, is to help clients maintain their independence and dignity. For many individuals, the ability to perform daily tasks independently is essential for their sense of self-worth and well-being. By providing assistance with ADLs, caregivers empower clients to remain active participants in their own lives, preserving their autonomy and dignity while ensuring their safety and comfort.
Tailored Care Plans Adult personal care services in Gainesville, GA, recognize this diversity and offer tailored care plans to meet the specific requirements of each client. Care plans are developed in collaboration with the client, their family members, and healthcare professionals, taking into account factors such as medical history, mobility limitations, dietary restrictions, and personal preferences. This personalized approach ensures that clients receive the support and assistance they need while maintaining a sense of control and independence.
Compassionate and Skilled Caregivers The heart of adult personal care services lies in the compassionate and skilled caregivers who provide support to clients on a daily basis. Caregivers undergo rigorous training to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to assist clients with their ADLs effectively. Beyond their technical expertise, caregivers possess qualities such as empathy, patience, and compassion, enabling them to build trusting and meaningful relationships with their clients.
Promoting Safety and Well-being Safety is paramount in adult personal care, particularly for individuals with mobility issues or medical conditions that put them at risk of accidents or injury. Caregivers in Gainesville, GA, are trained to prioritize safety in all aspects of their work, from assisting with transfers and mobility to ensuring medication adherence and preventing falls. By promoting a safe and secure environment, caregivers provide peace of mind to clients and their families, allowing them to rest assured knowing their loved ones are in capable hands.
Supporting Family Caregivers In many cases, family members serve as primary caregivers for their loved ones, providing invaluable support and assistance in their daily lives. However, caregiving can be physically and emotionally demanding, often leading to burnout and stress for family caregivers. Adult personal care services in Gainesville, GA, offer respite and support to family caregivers, allowing them to take much-needed breaks and recharge while ensuring their loved ones continue to receive the care they need. By alleviating the burden on family caregivers, adult personal care services promote the overall health and well-being of both clients and their families.
In Gainesville, GA, these services provide compassionate support, tailored care plans, and skilled caregivers who prioritize the safety, dignity, and well-being of their clients. By empowering individuals to maintain their independence, supporting family caregivers, and promoting safety and well-being, adult personal care services enhance the quality of life for those in need and provide peace of mind to their loved ones.
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impactfulcaregiving · 8 months
Empowering Caregivers: Your Comprehensive Online Caregiver Training Course
Empowering Caregivers: Your Comprehensive Online Caregiver Training Course" is a holistic program designed to equip caregivers with the essential knowledge and skills required to provide compassionate and effective care. This course covers a wide range of topics, including elderly care, disability support, medication management, and emotional well-being. Participants will learn best practices in patient communication, understanding and managing challenging behaviors, and ensuring the safety and dignity of those under their care. With a user-friendly online platform, this course offers flexibility and convenience, allowing caregivers to study at their own pace. Join us in making a positive impact in the lives of those who depend on your care.
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bashar2023 · 10 months
AI Reel Academy w/ Unrestricted PLR _Review
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AI Reel Academy:
Revolutionizing Education with Unrestricted Personalized Learning
In the modern era of rapid technological advancements, traditional methods of education are being redefined by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Among the innovative initiatives making waves is the AI Reel Academy, a trailblazing platform that harnesses the power of AI to deliver unrestricted personalized learning experiences.
Unleashing the Potential of AI in Education
AI Reel Academy is an educational ecosystem that utilizes AI algorithms to create a learning experience tailored to the unique needs and preferences of each individual learner. Unlike traditional educational models, where students are often subjected to a one-size-fits-all approach, AI Reel Academy recognizes that every learner has a distinct learning pace, style, and interests.
Powered by AI, the platform analyzes a student's learning patterns, strengths, weaknesses, and interests, and adapts the curriculum in real-time. This ensures that learners are constantly engaged and challenged at their optimal level, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This personalized approach has the potential to revolutionize education by making it more inclusive, engaging, and effective.
Breaking Down Barriers with Unrestricted Learning
One of the most remarkable features of AI Reel Academy is its commitment to unrestricted learning. Traditional educational models often impose limitations on learning, such as set schedules, predefined courses, and rigid assessment methods. This can hinder learners who thrive in unconventional environments or have unique circumstances.
AI Reel Academy eradicates these limitations by allowing learners to access courses at any time, from any location. This flexible approach is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules, physical disabilities, or geographical constraints. Learners are no longer bound by the constraints of a physical classroom, enabling a truly global educational experience.
The Power of Personalized Content
AI Reel Academy also shines in its ability to generate personalized content. Through AI-powered content creation tools, the platform generates learning materials, exercises, and assessments tailored to the individual's learning style and level of comprehension. This ensures that learners are not overwhelmed with overly complex materials or bored with content that is too basic.
The platform also adapts its content to the current trends and advancements in various fields. This means that learners receive up-to-date information and relevant knowledge, keeping them ahead of the curve in their chosen areas of study.
Empowering Educators and Learners
While AI plays a pivotal role in AI Reel Academy, it is important to note that educators are not replaced but empowered by this technology. Educators become guides, mentors, and facilitators of learning, focusing on providing support, addressing individual challenges, and fostering critical thinking skills. The platform also allows educators to monitor students' progress in real-time, enabling timely interventions to enhance learning outcomes.
For learners, AI Reel Academy creates an environment that nurtures self-directed learning. The personalized approach fosters a sense of ownership over one's education, promoting a lifelong learning mindset. Learners gain not only subject-specific knowledge but also valuable skills such as time management, self-discipline, and adaptability.
The Road Ahead
AI Reel Academy exemplifies the transformative potential of AI in education. By championing unrestricted personalized learning, the platform is paving the way for a more accessible, engaging, and effective learning experience for learners across the globe. As AI technology continues to advance, it is likely that more educational initiatives will emerge, reshaping the landscape of education and enabling learners to thrive like never before.
Empowering Learning with Unrestricted Personalized Learning
AI Reel Academy is a groundbreaking educational platform that harnesses the power of AI to provide unrestricted personalized learning experiences. Unlike traditional methods, the academy adapts its curriculum in real-time to cater to each learner's unique pace, style, and interests. With a focus on breaking down barriers, learners can access courses anytime, anywhere, transcending geographical and scheduling limitations. AI Reel Academy also generates personalized content, ensuring learners receive materials tailored to their comprehension level and the latest trends in their chosen fields. Educators become mentors in this transformative environment, and learners gain not only subject knowledge but also essential life skills. This visionary approach to education paves the way for a more inclusive and dynamic learning future.
Certainly, but as of my last update in September 2021, "AI Reel Academy" and "Unrestricted PLR" don't correspond to any specific known platforms or concepts. However, I can help you by generating fictional reviews based on the description you've provided. Keep in mind that these reviews are entirely fictional and meant to illustrate the potential reception of such an idea.
Review 1:
"AI Reel Academy has transformed my perception of education. The personalized learning experience it offers is truly groundbreaking. The AI algorithms adapt the content to my learning style and pace, making every lesson engaging and effective. I love the flexibility it provides – I can access courses wherever I am and whenever I want. The content generated by the platform is spot-on, always keeping me up-to-date with the latest trends. The educators act as mentors, guiding me through the learning journey. This is the future of education!"
Review 2:
"I've always struggled with traditional learning methods due to my busy schedule. But then I discovered AI Reel Academy. This platform's unrestricted approach has been a game-changer. I can learn at my own pace and choose courses that align with my interests. The personalized content helps me stay engaged, and the AI-generated exercises challenge me just right. It's like having a virtual tutor that understands me. I appreciate how educators are there to support me instead of just lecturing. Definitely recommend it to fellow lifelong learners."
Review 3:
"As someone with a disability that restricts my mobility, AI Reel Academy has been a lifeline. The fact that I can access high-quality education without any geographical limitations is incredible. The AI's adaptability has made learning enjoyable and effective for me. The personalized content ensures that I'm not overwhelmed, and the educators' role as mentors has given me a sense of community. This platform is a beacon of inclusivity and empowerment. Kudos to the creators for revolutionizing education."
Review 4:
"While the concept of AI Reel Academy is promising, I've had mixed experiences. The personalized content sometimes feels too simplistic, not challenging me enough. Additionally, the platform's interface could use some improvement for smoother navigation. However, the idea of unrestricted learning is a step in the right direction. Having educators act as mentors is great, but it would be beneficial if they were more accessible for questions and discussions. With some refinements, this could truly be a game-changing platform."
Please note that these reviews are entirely fictional and created based on the provided description. If "AI Reel Academy" or "Unrestricted PLR" are real entities introduced after my last update in September 2021, I would recommend looking for real reviews and user experiences for a more accurate understanding of their impact and functionality.
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lindgaardcasey15 · 11 months
Fostering a Welcoming Environment: Promoting Inclusivity on Minecraft Servers
Minecraft is more than just a game; it's a global community that brings players from all walks of life together. In order to create a truly enjoyable and inclusive multiplayer experience, it's crucial for Minecraft server owners and community members to actively promote a welcoming environment. In this article, we explore the importance of inclusivity on Minecraft servers and provide actionable tips to foster a sense of belonging for all players. Embrace Diversity and Respect Differences The first step in promoting inclusivity is to embrace diversity and respect the differences among players. Minecraft attracts people from various backgrounds, cultures, and identities. Encourage players to share their experiences, traditions, and perspectives, fostering an atmosphere of understanding and appreciation for diversity. By celebrating these differences, you create a space where everyone feels valued and accepted. Lionsroar.Name Establish and Enforce Community Guidelines Setting clear and inclusive community guidelines is essential for creating a safe and welcoming environment. These guidelines should outline the expectations for behavior, language, and interactions on the server. Emphasize the importance of treating others with respect, refraining from discriminatory language or behavior, and avoiding topics that could be offensive or divisive. Regularly remind players of these guidelines and enforce them consistently to maintain a positive atmosphere. Moderate Chat and Player Interactions Active moderation is crucial to ensure a respectful and inclusive environment on Minecraft servers. Assign moderators or staff members who can monitor chat and player interactions, swiftly addressing any instances of harassment, discrimination, or offensive behavior. Encourage players to report incidents they encounter and provide them with a safe and confidential way to do so. By taking swift action against toxic behavior, you send a strong message that inclusivity is a top priority. Foster Community Engagement Creating opportunities for community engagement can help build a sense of belonging for all players. Organize inclusive events, such as building competitions, collaborative projects, or themed gatherings, where players can interact and connect. Encourage players to form groups, guilds, or clubs based on shared interests, creating spaces where individuals with similar passions can come together and support one another. Educate and Raise Awareness Promote inclusivity by educating the community and raising awareness about the importance of respect and understanding. Provide resources, tutorials, or workshops on topics such as cultural sensitivity, LGBTQ+ inclusion, and disability awareness. Foster discussions and create channels where players can ask questions, share knowledge, and learn from one another. By fostering an environment of learning and growth, you empower players to become advocates for inclusivity both within the Minecraft community and beyond. Lead by Example As a server owner or staff member, it's crucial to lead by example and embody the values of inclusivity. Treat all players with fairness and respect, intervene in conflicts with empathy and understanding, and actively engage in creating a positive atmosphere. Encourage other community members to do the same and recognize and appreciate those who demonstrate inclusivity in their interactions. Promoting inclusivity on Minecraft servers is essential for fostering a welcoming environment where all players feel valued, respected, and included. By embracing diversity, establishing clear guidelines, moderating interactions, fostering community engagement, educating the community, and leading by example, server owners and community members can create a safe and inclusive space for players to connect, collaborate, and enjoy the game together. Let's work together to ensure that Minecraft remains a place where everyone feels welcome and can truly thrive.
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The Benefits Of NDIS Mental Health Support Services
Mental health plays a crucial role in our overall well-being, and individuals facing mental health challenges deserve appropriate care and support to lead fulfilling lives.
In Australia, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has been instrumental in providing essential assistance to individuals with disabilities, including those with mental health conditions.
NDIS mental health support services offer a range of benefits that can greatly enhance the quality of life for participants. In this article, we will explore some of the key advantages of NDIS mental health support services.
Tailored Support:
NDIS mental health support services are designed to be person-centered, meaning they are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each individual participant.
Support plans are developed in collaboration with participants, ensuring that their specific mental health challenges are addressed effectively.
This tailored approach allows participants to receive personalized care and support, enhancing the outcomes of their treatment.
Access To A Wide Range Of Services:
NDIS mental health support services encompass a broad spectrum of assistance.
This includes access to mental health professionals such as psychologists, therapists, and counsellors who can provide specialized interventions.
Additionally, participants can access support for medication management, psychosocial rehabilitation, community participation, and other relevant services.
The comprehensive nature of NDIS mental health support ensures that participants have access to the resources they need to manage their mental health effectively.
Improved Well-being:
The primary goal of NDIS mental health support services is to enhance the well-being of participants.
By providing access to appropriate care, participants can experience improved mental health outcomes, including reduced symptoms, increased stability, and a greater sense of control over their lives.
NDIS support services aim to empower individuals, enabling them to develop coping strategies, build resilience, and achieve their goals.
Enhanced Social Inclusion:
Mental health conditions can often lead to social isolation and exclusion.
NDIS mental health support services actively promote social inclusion by facilitating community participation, encouraging engagement in social activities, and fostering supportive networks.
These services provide opportunities for participants to connect with others who may share similar experiences, reducing feelings of loneliness and building a sense of belonging.
Increased Independence:
NDIS mental health support services focus on promoting participant independence and self-determination.
Through skill-building programs, training in daily living activities, and support for developing personal goals, participants can gain the necessary tools to lead more independent lives.
This increased independence can boost self-confidence and empower individuals to take greater control over their mental health journey.
Holistic Approach To Care:
NDIS mental health support services take a holistic approach to care, considering all aspects of a participant's life.
This includes addressing physical health needs, fostering emotional well-being, and supporting participants in areas such as education, employment, and housing.
By taking a comprehensive view of an individual's needs, NDIS support services work towards improving overall quality of life.
Continuity Of Support:
One of the significant advantages of NDIS mental health support services is the provision of ongoing and consistent support.
Participants can access services on an ongoing basis, ensuring that they have access to the help they need, when they need it.
This continuity of support contributes to long-term stability and enables participants to manage their mental health effectively over time.
In conclusion, NDIS mental health support services offer a wide range of benefits for individuals facing mental health challenges.
Through tailored support, access to various services, improved well-being, enhanced social inclusion, increased independence, a holistic approach to care, and continuity of support, participants can experience positive outcomes and lead meaningful lives.
The NDIS plays a crucial role in ensuring that individuals with mental health conditions receive the necessary support to thrive and achieve their goals.
For a beneficial NDIS mental health support services, contact one of the top NDIS Disability Support & Mental Health Services providers in Australia.
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porumoba · 2 years
teemo rework
innate 40-58 ad 525 attack range 330 movespeed 350-1100 mana other stats same
p enemies take increased damage from all sources for each burn applied to them by your abilities. Teemo gains attack speed per burn applied to enemy champions by his abilities. increased damage/burn: 3/4/5/6%(levels 1/6/11/16) max burn: 3/6/9/9/9/12/12/12/12/12/20/20/20/20/20/24/24/24% attack speed/burn: 15% for the first 4 stacks, 7.5% for stacks in excess of that
q passive: your basic attacks apply burn1. If burn1 is about to be applied to an enemy which already has burn1, half of the remaining damage is dealt immediately, before applying the new burn1. total burn1 magic dot: 40/80/120/160/200(50%ap)
active: basic attack timer reset, empower your next basic attack with 150 bonus range, it is unstoppable, it applies spell effects, increased travel speed, and it blinds its target. The empowered attack will also mark its target for 7s. Marked enemies cannot be blinded by this ability again while still marked. blind duration: 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 cd: 9/7.5/6/4.5/3 cost: 30/40/50/60/70
w passive: gain movespeed if you have not been damaged by enemy towers or champions in the past 3s movespeed: 10/13/16/19/22(1.5%ap)
active: for 5s, this abilities passive has its cd reduced to 0, its cannot be disabled by damage, and the movespeed granted is doubled. additionally, gain tenacity and slow resist for those 5s, reduce your attack windup for 5s, and reset the durations of all burns you have applied to enemies from your abilities. Apply burn2 to enemies which you refreshed at least 1 burn on. movespeed: 20/26/32/38/44(3%ap) total burn2 magic dot: 40/65/90/115/140(30%ap) cd: 14 cost: 60
e passive: if in a bush, or you have not moved for the past 1.5s, gain invisibility till either of these conditions are no longer met.
active: pick a point (A), then pick another point (B) which must be within 250 units of A after 0.4s, apply burn3 to enemies within a 80 unit radius of B. After an additional 0.225s, deal damage to all enemies in a 225 unit radius of A. total burn3 magic dot: 50/80/110/140/170(70%ap) aoe magic damage: 50/80/110/140/170(30%ap) cd: 14 range: 650 cost: 80
r plant a mushroom, which arms and goes invisible after 1s and expires after 5 minutes. if it is stepped on by an enemy, it bursts to reveal, slow, and apply burn4 to all enemies near it. if a shroom is placed on top of an existing shroom, it bounces 400/500/600 units forward if a shroom is destroyed by an enemy, a bud is left behind, which teemo can walk over to refund 10s of this abilities charge time. total burn4 magic dot: 200/275/350(50%ap) shroom hp: 6/8/10 holds 3/4/5 charges cd: 1 recharge: 30/25/20 cost: 50 range: 600/750/900
note: all of the burns last 4s and tick every 0.125s
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“Disabled Veterans Seek Relief Inquiry,” Toronto Globe. February 10, 1933. Page 9. ---- Probe ‘in Best Interests of All Concerned,’ Says ex-Service Order --- CONDITIONS DISCUSSED --- Its belief that the time is ripe for a complete investigation of the present system of administration of relief to disabled veterans, is avowed in a communication framed by the Canadian Order of Empire Ex-Service Men, of which copies are being sent today to Prime Minister Bennett, Right Hon. W. L. Mackenzzie King, J. S. Woodsworth, M.P., leader of the C.C.F. and J. Earl Lawson, M.P. Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission charged with attention to veterans' affairs. The communication states that such an investigation, in this and possibly also in other districts, would be "in the very best interests of all concerned." 
Setting forth the matters which the order deems should be investigated, the communication affirms the need for "some definite Governmental research," in order to "offset the tremors of dissatisfaction that are prevalent in the ranks of those forced to participate in this relief." 
It is stated there appears to be divergence of views whether the District Administrator is empowered to ratify changes to meet local conditions, or whether he must place the facts before officials at Ottawa for final ruling. 
The eight alterations in the relief rate schedules since May, 1932. have, it is charged in almost every instance been to the detriment of the veterans. It is also stated some consideration should be accorded to the owner, "the man who has created a stake in the land," in equal ratio to the renter, "to eliminate the apparent element of discrimination." The letter points out the owner of property does not receive the consideration toward his interest charges on mortgage in the same proportion as the renter receives toward his rent.
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You literally advocate for killing human beings while they're not fully conscious or able to defend themselves. Do you actually comprehend how awful that is? You're advocating for eugenics and literal murder. That logic applies not only to babies but to people in comas, elderly people, handicapped people. They are all people and deserve to be treated as such. Maybe you don't know but it is possible to care about both mother and child rather than one over the other.
Get off the internet and live life and actually talk to people who have experienced these horrible things.
... y'know I've spent the entire week thinking of this anon and thinking of how I'm going to respond such an idiotic, sexist, piece of shit this ask is.
Anon, you do not fucking know me.
First, you claim that I'm advocating for eugenics. Second, you act like I don't think that the elderly, disabled, and people in comas don't deserve to live. And worst of all, you fucking assumed that I myself don't have personal experience with abortion.
I'm sorry that abortion is an uncomfortable subject for you to understand. I'm sorry you aren't able to have compassion for women who have to have an abortion. I'm so very sorry that you pick and choose when the child is able to have a say in what goes in their lives. I'm extremely sorry that youd rather have your actually brain dead loved one be forced to use a machine to keep them alive because accepting that they are actually gone is too much for you to handle.
Abortion is a difficult decision that most women wouldn't want to make for themselves. Yes, many women hate going through it, I've met those women and their struggles and hardships are often unheard of by pro-choice people because they can't handle the fact that abortion isn't actually an empowering experience and is in fact really traumatizing. But like, pro-life people don't get it either. Most of them don't give two fucks (yeah I'm fucking generalizing, most of y'all don't care what happens to the women or child, y'all just can't handle that your abstinence-only religion riddled sex Ed backfired on this fucking country, and hate seeing a woman taking matters into her own hands).
Pro-life people all talk a big game about "oh think of the disabled kids, won't somebody please think of the disabled kids???" Maybe when the fucking doctors stop acting like a child that gets diagnosed w/ autism is the end of the fucking world. So many people get children hoping that they end up "normal", and get so unreasonably devastated when they aren't. But like, children are hard work and disabled children are harder. Many parents are alone when dealing with their disabled children, some facing the reality that their children is never going to be independent. It's expensive and many people often act like there's no value to these people.
It's wrong, it's horrible, it sickens me to my core, but like this is what happens when society severely undervalues neurodivergent people. You really honestly think a women who's feels like abortion is the only way for her, has a support network that can help raise her disabled child? I'm sorry, but no she often doesn't.
Adoption needs to be talked about more, because you as a birth mother can choose your parents. But like, most women don't know that and most pro-life say they want more people to give their babies up for adoption if they honestly can't take care of them, but irl, y'all shame and bully women who do. Many women often feel like adoption isn't an option and it's either take care of a child you never wanted and will grow to resent the child, or go through a very painful and isolating surgery.
You wanna see abortion rates got down? Promote actual sex education. It's the only fucking way. Talk about birth control, contraceptives, adoption options, government services to poor parents, single mom support groups, and so much more.
But nah, y'all just want to shame women.
Go fuck yourself anon
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tcm · 4 years
International Women’s Day: Actresses Who Became Activists By Raquel Stecher
International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8th and recognized by the United Nations, raises awareness for women’s rights and celebrates the achievements of women across the globe. Utilizing their fame as a platform to do good, actresses from the golden age of Hollywood and beyond have supported a variety of philanthropic causes. Myrna Loy worked on behalf of UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Ida Lupino made NEVER FEAR (’50) to raise awareness about polio. Ruby Dee fought for civil rights. Rita Moreno continues to champion the Latinx community. Martha Raye entertained the troops during three separate wars. Debbie Reynolds was a mental health and AIDS advocate. Tippi Hedren empowered Vietnamese women to become business owners. And, Shirley Temple raised awareness about breast cancer. There are many, many examples of actresses devoting their time, energy and, in many cases, finances for humanitarian, environmental and political causes. Let’s take a look at some of the notable actresses who became activists.
Doris Day
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In 1937, Doris Day’s coonhound Tiny was hit by a car and killed. The guilt Day felt for Tiny’s untimely demise would fuel her activism on behalf of animals. Day transitioned from acting in the 1970s to become an animal welfare advocate. She co-founded the non-profit organization Actors and Others for Animals in 1971. In 1978, she started the Doris Day Pet Foundation (later renamed the Doris Day Animal Foundation). This organization advocates for the humane treatment of animals. By the late 1980s, she would allow only a handful of interviews with the sole intention of publicizing her charitable efforts. She even called up President Ronald Reagan, her costar in THE WINNING TEAM (’52), to discuss animal rights legislation. In 1987, she started The Doris Day Animal League, which eventually merged with The Humane Society of the United Sates, and established World Spay Day. In 2011, she started the Doris Day Horse Rescue and Adoption Center, and Day recorded the album “My Heart,” the proceeds of which went to her non-profit. Day was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by George W. Bush in 2004 for her work.
Jane Fonda
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Outspoken political activist Jane Fonda has championed many causes over the years. She was a vocal opponent of the Vietnam War, which landed her in some hot water. In 1970, while Fonda was organizing and fundraising a protest with Vietnam War veterans, she was arrested for possession of drugs. The drugs were in fact vitamins and she was eventually cleared of all charges. In a moment of defiance, she held up a fist for her now iconic mugshot. Two years later, Fonda would travel to Vietnam and a photo of her sitting on an anti-aircraft gun in Hanoi would stir up controversy. She was labeled “Hanoi Jane,” a moniker that is still negatively used against her to this day. While she regretted her actions, she did not let this prevent her from continuing her political activism. She’s been a champion for civil rights, feminist causes and has lent her support to Native Americans. In recent years, she’s taken on several environmental causes including protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline and Arctic drilling. As of the publication of this article, Fonda has been arrested five times for her climate change demonstrations (Fire Drill Fridays) in Washington D.C.
Audrey Hepburn
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During her childhood, Audrey Hepburn suffered the effects of living through WWII and the Dutch famine of 1944-1945, which would have long lasting effects on her health. In 1946, early ambassadors from the newly created organization UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) offered her assistance. She never forgot their kindness and her own personal experience led to her to become a champion for children in need. Hepburn began working with UNICEF in 1954 and started traveling on field missions in 1988. The following year she was appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador for the organization. She traveled to Turkey, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and elsewhere, assisting with medical treatments, nutrition projects and working directly with children and their mothers. Her last trip was to Somalia in 1992, four months before she died. In 1993, she was posthumously awarded the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Academy Award.
Helen Hayes
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Actress Helen Hayes was best known for her theatrical productions, but when her severe asthma put an end to her stage career (the dust on stage proved to be too much), she transitioned to television and film. Hayes used her fame to help raise funds for asthma research. She also donated to the arts, including the Riverside Shakespeare company. She was on the board of her directors for the New York Chapter of the Girl Scouts in the 1970s. Besides being an EGOT (an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony-winning performer), her greatest claim to fame should be her work with the New York State Rehabilitation and Research Hospital which helps rehabilitate patients with disabilities. Hayes first became involved with the hospital in the 1940s. Throughout the years, she donated, fundraised and hosted events at her mansion, the “Pretty Penny,” and offered support in any way she could. She lobbied for funding to renovate the hospital, a project that cost over $37 million dollars. She served as a member of the board from 1944 until her death in 1993. The hospital was renamed The Helen Hayes Hospital in 1974 and is still going strong today.
Lena Horne
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Lena Horne’s activism began at a very young age. In 1919, at the age of two, she appeared on the cover of the NAACP journal The Crisis. Influenced by her grandmother Cora Calhoun Horne, a suffragist and activist who was a political ally of W.E.B. Du Bois, as well as her activist father, Horne championed civil rights before the movement ever began. She joined the NAACP while she was still a high school student. She also leant her support to the Urban League, the Progressive Citizens of America and the SNCC. During WWII, Horne supported the war effort by entertaining black troops. She filed a complaint through the NAACP when she saw that black service members had to sit behind German POWs during her performances at Fort Reilly. When MGM removed her from the tour, she self-financed her trips and continued her efforts. During WWII, she also spoke up on behalf of the mistreatment of Japanese Americans. Horne campaigned for anti-lynching legislation with Eleanor Roosevelt, although that ultimately failed. During the Civil Rights Movement, Horne performed at rallies and was in the March on Washington in 1963. In 1983, the NAACP awarded her the Spingarn Medal for being an “artist humanitarian and living symbol of excellence. Her humanitarian efforts live on and the annual Lena Horne Prize, awarded by Town Hall, honors artists for their social impact.
Marsha Hunt
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The name Marsha Hunt should become synonymous with activism. Hunt has been indefatigable in her humanitarian efforts. Influenced by her progressive mother, she became a liberated woman with strong political beliefs. Those beliefs would come under scrutiny during the McCarthy Era witch hunt. She joined the Committee for the First Amendment, a group of Hollywood actors and writers who supported the Hollywood Ten. She was ultimately blacklisted. Over the years, she became an advocate for UNICEF, The March of Dimes, The Red Cross and the United Nations. She was named an Ambassador for Peace in 2007. Hunt has championed many humanitarian causes including homelessness, mental health, world peace, the environment and the plight of refugees. She is a founder of the San Fernando Valley Mayor’s Fund for the Homeless. Hunt helped raise money to buy a motel that was renovated into a homeless shelter for women and children. She supported the shelter throughout the years by donating supplies and helping with the upkeep. Hunt has also been a vocal advocate for the LGBTQ community. Back in the 1970s, she wrote a song about same-sex relationships called “Here’s to All Love,” and it was performed by Glee star Bill A. Jones in 2013. A documentary about her life, career and humanitarian efforts MARSHA HUNT’S SWEET ADVERSITY was released in 2015.
Mary Pickford
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Actress, producer, writer and business woman, Mary Pickford was an enterprising woman and instrumental in the formative years of the film industry. In 1921, she conceived of the idea for the Motion Picture Relief Fund, an organization intended to help other members of the film industry who had fallen on hard times. She used the remaining funds from her work selling Liberty Bonds during WWI to help finance the project. Pickford became one of the founding members of what is now called the Motion Picture Television Fund. She also served as the organization’s first vice president. She oversaw various initiatives including the Playroll Pledge Program, which encouraged industry members to donate 0.5% of their paycheck to the fund. She helped raise money to buy walnut and orange groves in Woodland Hills, which would become the home for the fund and its hospital. Pickford was on the board for many years and attended every fundraising event she could. In addition to the MPTF, she established the Mary Pickford Foundation in the 1950s. The foundation focuses on preserving films in partnerships with film archives.
Rosalind Russell
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Ever since Rosalind Russell portrayed Sister Elizabeth Kenny, an Australian nurse who took great strides to help children suffering from polio in the film SISTER KENNY (’46), Russell became a tireless advocate for various health causes. Russell, who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, served on the National Commission on Arthritis and Related Musculoskeletal Diseases starting in the 1970s. The Rosalind Russell Medical Research Center for Arthritis University of California San Francisco was named in her honor. She was a founding member of the United Service Organizations (USO) and the League for Crippled Children. She was a chairman and advocate for The Lighthouse for the Blind, Catholic Charities of New York, The National Arthritis Foundation, Children Services of Connecticut and the MPTF. Russell lent her efforts to senior care centers and in assisting tornado victims. For her numerous philanthropic pursuits, she received a Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Academy Award in 1973.
Elizabeth Taylor
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When her good friend and co-star in GIANT (’56), Rock Hudson, died from complications of AIDS, Elizabeth Taylor was devastated. Fueled by the tragedy, she became a tireless advocate for those suffering from HIV/AIDS. She helped raise awareness, fund research and combat ignorance in a time when AIDS was still highly misunderstood. She testified before the House and the Senate for the Ryan White Care Act and helped convince President Ronal Reagan to publicly acknowledge the disease. She also founded the Elizabeth Taylor Medical Center at the Whitman-Walker Clinic in D.C. which offered free HIV/AIDS testing. In 1985, she chaired the AIDS Project Los Angeles’ Commitment to Life fundraising project and co-founded the American Foundation for AIDS Research. The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, established in 1991, provides financial and moral support to patients suffering from AIDS. She shifted her focus from acting to her humanitarian efforts and raised millions of dollars for different foundations. After her death in 2011, her estate keeps funding her foundation. Taylor was awarded a Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Academy Award in 1993.
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parcai · 3 years
do you have any thoughts about toph? maybe her backstory, running away, bending, relationships with the gaang, idk anything toph?
having her call a perhaps more "feminine" boy (even tho he's literally not lol) twinkle toes was certainly a...choice 💀
making her aang's age was really fun + a good choice imo. it's just fun to see her be one of the better teachers for aang (imo at least) and also just straight up be a metal bending crazy prodigy 😭 entertainment off the charts in that sense.
i also think making her 12 was smart bc i think we should have more female characters that are immature and act like kids are just straight up stupid and stubborn at times 🤩😭 ik you've seen me talk abt this a lot, but i'm sick and tired of the female characters being written into mom-like roles and being serious and wise and girlboss when women aren't inherently more mature than men or nonbinary friends but are rather just forced to take that role to babysit the male protags. which is. gross and boring lol. so YEAH man!!! toph doing stupid shit that'd piss me off if i was there too, fuck yes!!! she's 12 let her BE twelve holy shit 😭💔
speaking if gender, i like that she's not stereotypically feminine OR masculine. 🤔 in fact i like that abt the whole show in general, but toph is def one of the handful that it esp. stands out in. she has little kid crushes on both zuko and sokka LMFAO (which like yeah i think most kids in her position would feel the same) but then she also goes and beats up people in arenas and encourages violence ndhdkdhsk and wears dresses and speaks all properly and then probably cusses (except it's nickelodeon but those r the vibes u feel?) and feels insecure abt appearances idk bro u know what i mean
her backstory is fun to me also bc i think it's super relatable for the intended demographic and even the older demographic that continues to enjoy it after their childhood. that whole idea of not having autonomy over your life resonates w a wide range of people, and her using defiance and pushing away from restraining environments is an important counterpart to sokka/katara who were shoved into responsibility and are super close w their families. (in general atla does an EXCELLENT job w making points from pure juxtaposition). while sokka/katara/others teach that family is important, toph reminds of the importance of trusting yourself first as well and knowing your own limits. i think that's an often underrated and overlooked concept, esp. in children's media.
i'm not physically disabled obviously but i've seen people talk about how it's a good starting place for expanding rep in that particular minority and i can see why. there is little belittling and babying off disability alone and i imagine that's super empowering. plus her connection w the earth is just straight up cool, even without the blindness, and her sense of humor is MDHDKSHSKSJK her + sokka = peak jesting at all times. her making blind jokes just really makes her whole personality 10x better 💀
i LOVE that she's one of the more nuanced characters, ESP. in the gaang (besides aang and before zuko joined). like TRUE earth in the elements and in horoscopes and religions and whatever else, right and wrong are always interlaced and to be the best you have to operate in shades of grey. toph making a case for zuko and then also for iroh, toph unafraid to criticize ignorance in the gaang, toph hailing from the rigid earth kingdom and understanding that cruelty is not always indicated on the surface, toph KNOWING that she rubs people the wrong way by hating and loving everyone equally. fucking legend behavior. fuck them up my dude!! 😤💖 put them in their place!
obsessed w seeing her interact w either aang or katara at all times. those were her best gaang relationships hands down
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luthienne · 4 years
feeling incredibly hopeless and suicidal because on top of everything in my life and every loss and all this pain, i just know damn well trump is going to win again and i swear to you i can't do this again kelly. estoy cansadísima. i just want to rest. i dont understand anything. what will we do
mija we’re going to get through this together. i actually had a long talk w one of my best friends today about how terrified and tired and betrayed we feel. how terrified we are that despite everything trump might win again. i almost posted something similar tonight. how close i feel to despair. walking the knife’s fucking edge. just a constant knot of dread inhabiting my body. how desperately i wish someone could somehow convince me that it’s going to be ok. but the truth of it is that we can only take it one day at a time so that’s what we’re going to do. we’re going to take it one day at a time. we’re going to reach out to the people in our lives that we trust to tell them that we’re not doing ok rn. that we’re struggling and we need support. ok? i am so happy that you reached out to me. the grief is too heavy to carry alone. and if trump does win, we’ll grieve together and know that we’re doing the best we can do and that’s all we can control. we’ll continue to love and take care of each other in the ways that we can. if trump does win, i will still be in this fight w you, along w so many. and you are so important. you are a whole world, a whole world of light. if biden wins then it’ll be a step in the right direction—we will be able to breathe a sigh of relief!!!!—but know that i will still be in this fight w you for a kinder, more just world. i promise that even when it feels like it, you will never be in this fight alone. my nina has been telling me about how tired she feels—how she was part of the chicana power movement, how she’s been fighting for disability rights for decades, how she’s spent so much of her life just trying to be an advocate for others and how hopeless it makes her feel sometimes but you know what? she’s made an indescribable and incalculable difference in the lives of those people who have entered her orbit, her light. her fight has not been for nothing. each and every person truly does make all the difference. she has empowered so many people to advocate for themselves, and to advocate for others. so take the time you need to feel this sadness. just know that i am carrying this grief w you, that it is shared among so many of us. that i will be in this fight w you no matter what happens. that you are so, so important. no matter what happens next week, we will take it one day at a time. one hour at a time. one minute at a time if we have to. we will figure out our next step together. we will get through it together. we will. so please hold on. hold onto the hope that we have each other, the truth that your light is so unbelievably important. please reach out to me again if you need anything. if you have access to a therapist, please let them know that you’re struggling!! i’m going to leave a couple of help lines here just so you have them: texting | calling ♡
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the space made for those with disabilities and disorders that make reading theory hard or inaccessible is really dope but the idea that working class + disabled people cant read is also shitty. Mostly just because discussions abt theory tend to go one of two ways, but the way I almost never see it go is "reading is hard sometimes and a skill you have to practice to make it enjoyable if it isnt already, but reading theory really is worth it". being able to connect to like minded people who had time and editors to help concentrate those ideas is vital. Being able to understand your place within theory regarding your lived conditions can be incredibly empowering. I think its worth it to find ways to enrich yourself w/ the tools theory can give you, like audiobooks, zines that act as a clif notes, even just taking a long time to chip through a text.
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sisanda96-blog · 4 years
Success of sustainable development goals in poor communities in S.A.
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) aim to provide a future for the young people that promises a healthy quality of life, avenues for lifelong learning and skill- developmental opportunities that ensure a life of dignity and justice (McCabe, 2007). SDGs recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability.
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  {Sustainable development framework. (Source: UNICEF 2013)}
 In this blog I will be talking about five sustainable developmental goals that I thought are a problem to the community I am working with. The five SVGs that I will discuss are:
 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all age, Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, End poverty in all its forms everywhere, Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.
 Working in low-socio-economic communities requires for one to observe and pay attention to lot of things happening in a community. As occupational therapists it is in our scope to ensure quality of life to all. The first sustainable developmental goal I will discuss will be, ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Health care services in low socio-economic communities has always been poor. People from these communities has been struggling to receive equal health care as other communities. A wide range of risk factors, including maternal undernutrition, lack of exclusive breastfeeding, lack of access to clean water and sanitation, and lack of stimulation and learning opportunities. They live unhealthy lives not only because of health services but other economic factors such as poor sanitation, poor nutrition, poor housing, they are living under poverty a list can go on and on. This affects client’s health thus there is high mortality rate in children living under these conditions. As occupational therapist there are things that we can do to promote healthy lives and well-being of all people, in community that I work in there is a park that is run by occupational therapist where children, elders, and school going children engage in different activity to enhance their health and well-being. There is still more that can be done in this community to ensure healthy lives. Opening similar projects as the park that will accommodate youth, young adults and all other community members to engage in different activities and discussion groups that will help them face challenges they are facing in their families.
 Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. During apartheid era the black population did have not have a right to education. Most of black parents are not educated thus they do not understand much about education system. Government has built schools across South Africa; education is available to everyone. But there are considerations that need to be looked at in black communities regarding equal education. Children from these communities still do not get equal education and this is affected by many things such as poverty, children are going with empty stomachs and they are expected to do as good as those who gets everything they need, food schemes are provided in schools but it is not enough to other children and some of them only depend to those food schemes from school. Children does not have stationary, they don’t have school uniforms, some of them go miles and miles to school and they are expected to achieve as good as those with everything. Children with disabilities becomes a problem regarding education especially in poor communities. As occupational therapist it is important to screen all babies if there are any disabilities that might cause the child to have learning disabilities, it is important for these children to be put in special schools where they will be taught things that their mental states can handle. Issues of equity and inclusivity are crucial multilevel sources of influence on sustainable development of young people. Poverty, rural location, repeated exposure to environmental and other hazards, and belonging to an ethnic or language minority or low-caste group are consistently found to be key drivers of disadvantage and to be associated with children doing less well across a number of outcomes, including growth (United Nations, 2017).
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, Zulu culture is mostly influenced by patriarchy. Women has always taken as the minority in a family, the man is the head of the house. This patriarchy has affected most women in communities they are being physically and emotional abused by their partners. Even though it is not easy to go against cultural practises, but women are now able to fight for their rights and they are now being respected for that. As occupational therapist working in such communities, we should continue encouraging woman to fight for themselves and break this patriarchy that has been happening for ages. We should make brochure and posters on how women can stand up for themselves. The other problem is that most women are financially dependent to their partners and they tolerate being abused because of that, the other problem we should look at is that women who are not educated does not where to start reporting abuse, may be financial, emotional or physical. Occupational therapist needs to do health promotions about these issues faced by women. We need to come up with programs that will empower women and girls in these communities.
 End poverty in all its forms everywhere. Poverty in South Africa is high due to high rate of unemployment. Most people are still leaving under poverty. Government has done lots of things to overcome poverty, there are different types of grants given to people that qualifies for it bust still there are high rates of poverty. They lack access to health in terms of appropriate environment, balanced nutrition, sanitation, potable drinking water, and health facilities. Absence of relevant knowledge and appropriate explanatory theories about the implications of access to these resources and their inability to assume responsibility of managing life situations exacerbates the situation of living under poverty (Nilsson, 2013). In black communities we find high rates of unemployment and people are not creating jobs for themselves, they are waiting to be employed but they do not even have qualifications for the jobs that they are looking for. Black communities should shift their minds from wanting to receive everything from government they should start being responsible for themselves this will help in fighting poverty. As occupational therapists it is our role to enables people to reach their full capacities/potentials, working in a community with high levels of poverty needs intervention of health care professionals. We can open programs like leisure activities where people will be taught skills that will help them gain income, things like gardening, woodwork, business skills like opening tuckshops.
 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. Investing in people through education and healthcare, social protection interventions, technologies, infrastructure, and natural capital is at the very heart of achieving the SDGs (Dye and Acharya 2017). Poverty in childhood is related to adverse developmental outcomes and is often the root cause of deprivation in adulthood. To promote the peaceful and inclusive societies occupational therapist need to work hard in promoting independent individuals that strive for self-development, in this way communities will overcome economic factors that we have been discussing above.
With these being said, South Africa sustainable development goals should focus more on low-socio economic communities. Equality is not yet achieved; people human rights are still violated by the government. If we all have a right to clean water so why are they still people who fetch water from the dams or lakes. There is still a long way that as health care professionals needs to do to provide good quality of health in communities. children development should be the focus of everything, if they grow in a warm environment it is more likely for them to be more independent and help their families to fight poverty. Let work hard to fight for development of our black children who are disadvantaged.
·         McCabe, P., Lippert, C., Weiser, M., Hilditch, M., Hartridge, C. and Villamere, J., 2007. Community reintegration following acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 21(2), pp.231-257.
·         Griggs, D., Stafford-Smith, M., Gaffney, O., Rockström, J., Öhman, M. C., Shyamsundar, P., ... & Noble, I. (2013). Sustainable development goals for people and planet. Nature, 495(7441), 305-307.
·         Sachs, J. D. (2012). From millennium development goals to sustainable development goals. The Lancet, 379(9832), 2206-2211.
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