#elle���s wine night
fbfh · 9 months
older!logan x reader hcs
wc: 1.6k
genre: age gap, sort of sugar daddy logan
warnings: big (but legal) age gap, logan is early 40s reader is like early 20s, brief odette mention, logan is a killer lawyer, rory kinda traumatized Logan lol, I haven't finished gilmore girls or ayitl yet so don't come for me lol, logan is obsessedddddddd with reader, mildly smutty, mentions of marriage and proposals, your relationship progresses really quickly
summary: you were reading in a coffee shop when a charming gorgeous much older guy decided to strike up a conversation. little do you know that within a very short time that same charming stranger will know your dress size, your shoe size, and your ring size.
song rec: off to the races - lana del rey
a/n: the choke hold older logan has on me..... euthanize me at this point lmao
tags @yesv01 @magcon7280
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As with all nsfw works, all characters are aged up to 18+ (like way over 18 in logan’s case lol)
That being said jesus christ let’s dive right into the brain rot
First things first, a little more about Logan
He’s in his early 40’s and aging like a fine goddamn wine
MEGA MEGA dilf vibes
After the whole millions of dollars sunken into a bad investment in his family’s massive media conglomerate mishap, he still faced a lot of pressure to join the family business
But with Rory rejecting his proposal, he felt so fucking down and beaten up by life
He just had two massive blows to his ego back to back
And he needed a win
Then the strangest thing happened 
He just got back from another late night of partying with his friends and switched on the tv so he wouldn’t have to fall asleep with his thoughts, and some random movie was playing
The girl in the movie is at dinner with her boyfriend and thinks he’s going to propose, but he breaks up with her instead
It hits a little too close to home and Logan’s about to switch it off
Then she decides to go to law school to prove herself
He finds himself getting more and more invested in this movie, relating more to Elle with every scene, and by the morning he confronts the idea he’s been shoving away for too long so he doesn’t rock the boat
He talks to his dad and they decide Logan will go to law school, but remain a prominent board member and shareholder of the family company
Mitchum is surprised by how responsible and well thought out Logan’s plan is
He’s forging a path to a very lucrative field - one Mitchum can tell he’s going to be very successful in - while still staying involved enough in the family business 
So Logan goes off to law school, and 20 years later he’s a total shark 
He’s a prestigious, expensive lawyer with a reputation for never losing and a long streak of killing it with really high profile cases
Now the Huntzberger name carries all the weight and power of his father’s media reach, and Logan’s success in the courtroom 
He’s excelling 
And he’s excelling enough to keep his family out of his personal life for a while 
He’s living the bachelor life until he hits 40
That’s when his parents decide it’s really unacceptable that he’s still not married 
So they tell him if he doesn’t get married soon they’ll arrange something
Some french heiress or something 
And Logan finds himself right back where he didn’t want to be
And then, like a gift from god, he sees you
Like I said in my initial drabble, Logan first saw you in a cafe reading some dusty novel no one actually reads like war and peace or crime and punishment or something
He's seen people your age do that before, reading complicated stuffy literature to seem smart and make some pretentious English class commentary that barely makes sense 
So he calls you on it
"War and Peace, huh?"
He’s expecting you to say something fake and pretentious
Some bullshit fake deep pseudo intellectual shit
But you look up at him, only pausing for a moment before you speak
You’re surprised to see such a gorgeous guy in a little cafe like this
Especially one that seems interested in talking to you
And god, the way you talk about it
The way your eyes light up
It takes him by surprise
He's not just interested
He's invested 
You start talking and realize that you've been talking for way longer than you expected to
And he wants more
He wants to know more about you, wants to see you sweet smile and hear your cute little laugh when he says something charming or compliments you
So he takes you out to dinner, his treat 
He guides you out the door and into his Porsche with his hand on your back 
It's a subtle gesture but it makes your stomach flip 
Then he buckles your seat belt for you
If you weren't sold before you sure are by now 
So he takes you to this nice fancy restaurant, wines and dines you, and he is laying on the charm thick
"Oh, come on. A pretty young thing like you must have a boyfriend."
"Really, you have excellent taste.”
You don’t miss the way he’s been eyeing you all night
And he doesn’t miss the way you squeeze your thighs together when he touches your face or plays with your fingers
One thing leads to another and after he pays the bill and leaves a generous tip, you find him ushering you back into his porsche
And yet again he closes your door for you and gets you all buckled in
This time when he drives his hand rests on your knee
He thinks he can handle this
He’s the biggest whore on the east coast /affectionate 
Then you grab his hand and move it up your thigh
There’s no going back now
He’s in just as deep as you are
Before you know it you’re tearing off each other’s clothes
His lips are all over you and motherfucker does he know what he’s doing
He worried for a moment he might have lost his edge
But as he lays you down into his big soft bed, your skin touching his silky sheets for the first time
But definitely not the last
As he finally touches you and feels how wet you are for him
He knows he didn’t peak in college
“Shh, listen,” he says between kisses that make you feel dizzy, “you’re gonna tell me if it’s too much for you, can you do that?”
You nod while he holds your face in his big hands
“You gotta say it,” he chuckles at how sweet you are, how well you respond to him, “use your words, baby…” 
You manage to choke out a desperate yes between kisses that makes his stomach twist
And that is the very beginning to your intense affair with Logan Huntzberger 
He’s desperate to see you again
He sends flowers and a dress and a gorgeous necklace to your apartment
And not the normal amount of flowers
The Logan amount of flowers
So a lot
And you can’t believe your luck finding a hot rich older guy that’s so into you 
You really like this attention
Your daddy issues are SCREAMING
And Logan likes having someone as gorgeous and intelligent and into him as you are
And he wants to do this right
But he’s rapidly approaching the deadline his family set
He doesn’t want to scare you off
GOD that’s the last thing he wants
But he is terrified of proposing and having it end up like it did the last time
Eventually he works up the nerve to talk to you about it 
He’s explaining everything to you while you pay your bills 
But it says they’re already paid
And your credit cards are paid off
And your debt has just disappeared
Even your student loans are gone
And there’s a fat deposit in your checking account 
He paid off all your debt and didn’t tell you
By the time he’s done explaining that you basically either need to get married asap or you can’t see each other anymore he still hasn’t brought it up
And you realize he’s not going to
He didn’t pay your bills to guilt you into anything
He’s not holding it over your head
He’s taking care of you
And all you’ve ever wanted is someone who will take care of you
Logan is surprised when you agree
But he’s even more surprised at how fast you agree
You sit in his lap and end up rambling about how much you love him, how you don’t think you’ll ever find anyone you like as much as him or anyone that treats you as well as he does
To no one’s surprise the conversation ends with him taking you on every surface of your apartment
Hours later you’re cuddling naked on your couch, resting your head on his muscular chest and listening to his heartbeat
“So like… are we engaged now?” you ask looking up at him
He laughs sweetly
“No, not yet. I have to actually propose first.”
You think back to your conversation earlier when you first said you’d want to marry him
“So that didn’t count before?”
His heart breaks at how little you ask for
“No, that didn’t count.” He kisses your head, “I’m going to take you out somewhere nice, give you a proper proposal, with a nice ring.”
You get butterflies thinking about it
You can’t believe how much he does for you
How much he wants to do for you 
You’re quiet for a moment, and he can feel you smiling into his chest
Your voice is so small and bashful, and he can hear you suppressing a flustered giggle
Fuck he can’t get enough of you 
He laughs and pulls you closer, grabbing your chin and makes you look up at him so he can kiss you 
You fall asleep in his arms
And you think that you won’t mind being married so young if it’s Logan you’re marrying
Logan is looking at you with so much love and adoration
And right before he falls asleep 
He thinks that maybe it’s not too late for him to find love after all
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pearl-blue-musings · 8 months
Aaaaaaa I love wine night 😭💖 (i fear i may have missed a couple in the past) but i’m here now! and with angsty alhaitham thots 🫣😈 how do you think a really bad argument would go with alhaitham and reader? like i’m just imagining so many scenario’s rn and i just wanna dissect this man. i’m just interested in a hc you have of angry alhaitham/how he would handle a fight with his s/o. ya know?
anyway i hope you’re having a wonderful night, mootie. i’ve missed you lots 💖
Z!!!!!! I have missed you so so so much!!! 💜💜💜 I’m always down for an angsty alhaitham you know how much I love him 🙈
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Kaveh hates having to be in the middle of arguments, so he’s finally not going to be. At first he wasn’t sure why you would date someone like Alhaitham but he’s not one to judge. Until tonight that is. He’s so tempted to leave his room but honestly his roommate had it coming.
“That scholar was absolutely flirting with you,” you almost scream. “How could you not tell?!”
Alhaitham rolls his eyes as he sits on the couch. “And like I’ve told you, there is nothing going on between us. Your insecurities are astounding.”
How dare he? Kaveh slaps his forehead at his roommates stupidity. “My insecurities?! You have got to be kidding me! Do you hear yourself? Says the person who got mad that Cyno asked for my expertise.”
“The general has had feelings for you for a long time,” Alhaitham responds, “everyone knows that. Why do you indulge him? Is it because he says those awful jokes? You have had such a terrible weakness for those.”
Kaveh can sense that you’ve rolled your eyes and start to pace. “And so what?! Everyone with eyes can see how attractive you are. You’ve had plenty of people confess to you but you were too stupid to realize it. You don’t hear what they say about me! That you should dump me, that I’m no good for the grand sage or grand scribe or whatever!”
“And why do you listen to them?” God, Kaveh wants to strangle his roommate. If he didn’t have a commission to finish up he’d be at your defense right now. “If they flirt with me then there’s nothing I can do. I can’t control them.”
“But you can at least reject their advances! Why can’t you see that? She kissed! Your! Cheek!”
“It was merely friendly.”
“A friendly kiss on the cheek?! Alhaitham do you hear yourself?! No one who is a friend should be kissing you like that!”
Kaveh is certain Alhaitham is about to say something incredibly stupid and hurtful. And unfortunately, he’s correct.
“Then should I not be giving you the same affection? You are my partner after all. I give or receive affection as it’s due.”
Kaveh actually slapped his face that time. With his ear pressed to the door, he can already hear you crying and haphazardly grabbing your things. “Your partner? Am I,” your voice breaks, “nothing more than a means to an end for you? Is this just another partnership to you? To achieve your goals?” By this point you’re openly sobbing and Kaveh wants nothing more than to hug you and slap his friend.
Alhaitham pauses to think. “I don’t think-“
“Fucking forget it,” you breathe out with exhaustion. “I’m out of here.”
“Sure, just walk away angry instead of talking about it like you always do.”
You push him then and make your way out of the house. The door slams quickly and that’s when Kaveh makes his move. “You’re a fucking idiot,” Kaveh sighs. “You basically said they’re not special to you and that you do this with everyone.”
Kaveh had never seen his roommate run so fast in his life, presumably to catch up to you and profusely apologize.
Elle’s Wine Night!!
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unfilteredaj · 6 months
The Blood Moon: Moon Knight
Pairing: Marc Spector X Steven Grant
(A/N: This oneshot is FLUFF CENTRAL. You’ve been warned.)
Synopsis: Khonsu has called The Moon Knight system to a special meeting on the night of a rare Blood Moon, and offers them a favor. A night split apart, in their own bodies.
“Bloody ‘ell. You can do that?” Steven asked, Khonsu’s offer shocking him to front.
“I can. But only for tonight.” Khonsu replied. “In the morning, you’ll all three be right back in one body like nothing ever happened. It’s Blood Moon Magic.”
After a long moment of deliberation, Marc took over.
“And you don’t require anything from Steven and I? Only Jake going on this…business outing with you?” Marc restated Khonsu’s offer.
“I swear, I require nothing. You’ve all been through so much, you deserve to each have your own bodies. Even if only until dawn.” Khonsu said earnestly. “And Lockley and I have some mutually beneficial business, yes. Nothing he won’t enjoy doing.”
“Ok. Split us up. But if this backfires We’ll never work with you again.”
In a flash of blinding light, One body became three.
Steven, Slightly shorter than the others, hands wringing nervously, Marc, looking confident as ever, and Jake, hands wrapped like a Boxer’s.
“Hermanos! Good to be able to do this!” Jake teased, wrapping his arms around the others.
He grinned, playfully messing Steven’s hair in a noogie.
“‘S good to see you too, Jake. Be good tonight.” Steven warned.
“Yeah, don’t do anything we wouldn’t do.” Marc added.
The three looked at each other for a moment, and laughed.
“I’m sure You two can occupy yourselves for the night. Have fun. You deserve it.” Khonsu said, waving Jake away.
“Duty calls. You gotta tell me all about your nights tomorrow” Jake said, fist bumping his alters and following the god.
Jake and Khonsu disappeared, leaving Marc and Steven alone.
“Gods…this is strange. I still haven’t gotten over the first time.” Steven muttered.
“This time, we can actually enjoy it. No repressed memories, no innocent lives in danger.” Marc continued awkwardly.
“Marc?” Steven said. “I understand if you have things you wanna do tonight. I’ll be fine….”
Marc grinned, throwing his arm around Steven, who’s eyes widened with hope.
“You kidding? There’s no one I’d rather spend my night with.” Marc felt proud seeing how Steven’s eyes sparkled. And with Layla off doing missions with Taweret, it was the truth.
Steven beamed.
“I dunno about you, Bruv, but I’m itching for a drink and a nice night in.”
“That sounds nice. We could make dinner and play cards. I think I still have that Uno deck from when Layla and Taweret demolished us last month.”
In truth, Marc really need a nice quiet night in.
A little while later, the pair were in Steven’s small kitchen/dining room, and Marc plated up two burgers.
“I still don’t see how you eat that vegan meat.” Marc teased Steven, bringing the plates to the table.
“It’s good for you. It’s made from plants.” Steven quipped back.
Steven poured two glasses of wine, and the pair sat down together for a meal for the first time.
After dinner, Marc and Steven sat on the sofa, just hanging out and talking.
Steven filled their glasses, well on his way to tipsy.
“…That Romanian guy stil owes me $20.” Steven grumbled.
“I am Dracula, I vant to steal your pocket change.” Marc snickered in a bad Dracula impression.
Steven giggled, almost spilling his drink. Maybe they were both getting a bit drunk.
“We’re absolutely smashed, mate. I can’t remember the last time I had a good laugh like this.” He chortled.
“I don’t know the last time I heard you laugh, Steven…” Marc said seriously. “I wish I could hear it more.”
“Ok, you’re definitely drunk, Marc.” Steven’s cheeks flushed.
“I’m serious. We’re always fighting crime, or on business somewhere. We should laugh more. Enjoy life more…” Marc insisted.
“Then we will. Even when we’re back in one body, we should do this more often. At least once a month, just stay at home and enjoy ourselves.” Steven agreed. “But y’know what’s great about being split up?”
“Hmm?” Mark asked.
“I get to know you’re real. I can touch you.” Steven put a hand on Marc’s knee. “I can enjoy your company. When we were in The Duat, I was so terrified. In that dark sarcophagus, all alone… I thought I’d lost you. I thought I’d never hear your voice again, and then you found me and it’s like…”
“Like everything was right again.” Marc agreed.
Marc was arguably more sober than Steven, but he felt a little giddy that Steven truly enjoyed him being around.
“I mean, I love Jake to bits, and I feel awful for not letting him out too, but… something’s different with us. We’re a pair. Jake can work without either of us, but I felt so… complete when you found me in there.” Steven babbled. “Like everything that was wrong about me was made right, like I found something I never even knew I’d been missing.”
He shrugged matter of factly, draining his glass and putting it on the nightstand. Marc did the same before speaking up.
“Steven….. I… I know I’ve been harsh to you, and I pressured you at first, but I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. You are the glue that holds this system together. That holds me together…. You’re so good, and you keep going even if you have no idea where you’re going, or how to get there. You kept us alive in so many ways I couldn’t…”
Marc trailed off seeing Steven’s eyes going misty.
“You big softie. don’t go cryin’ on me, now, Grant.” Marc smiled, instinctively wiping the tear that threatened to fall from Steven’s eye.
Steven threw his arms around Marc’s neck in a tight hug, laughing off the emotional moment.
Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was how genuine and kind Steven was, but Marc realized in that moment, he was deeply, and terrifyingly in love with him.
“Steven…” Marc mumbled into his alter’s curly hair.
“Yeah?” Steven asked, pulling away.
Marc grew serious again, holding Steven’s face and looking him in the eyes.
“I love you. You don’t hear that nearly enough, but I do. When I gave you my heart in The Duat, that was for real. And no take backs, you’re stuck with it. You’re stuck with me.”
“I love you too, Marc…” Steven said, his words almost a whisper.
Before he could overthink it, Marc leaned in and kissed him. It was quick, but he put every ounce of himself into it, and Steven did the same.
“Blimey…” Steven muttered when they parted. “What are we going to do now? This is a huge change for us…”
Marc shrugged, lying back on their bed.
“We enjoy the rest of the night, together.”
Marc put an arm out, pulling Steven to lay next to him.
The pair lied with their hands entwined, and talked for hours, until sleep finally crept up on them.
They slept better than they had in years.
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critical-quoter · 8 days
May Books
I think I'm slowing down. A few of the books this month were rough and took so much longer than usual to get through.
Trick or Trucee - Kristen Granata ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Soldier for the Starling - Breanna Lynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Raiders of the Lost Heart - Jo Segura ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In Your Pucking Dreams - Sheridan Anne ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love Esq. - Devon Atwood ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Binding Rose - Ivy Fox ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mooning Over a Monster - Lauren Connolly ⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Playlist - Morgan Elizabeth ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Storms and Secrets - Claire Kingsley ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wild Love - Elsie Silver ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Handling Mr. Harper - Elle Nicole ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Viper - Margaret McHeyzer ⭐️⭐️ Arranged Deception - C. C. Monroe ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Flock - Kate Stewart ⭐️⭐️ Inevitable Ella - V. H. Nicolson ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Broken Strings - Pamela O'Roarke ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Only in Your Dreams - Ellie K. Wilde ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Assisting the Bosshole - Kristin MacQueen ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Hearts in Winter - Carrie Elks ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Before the Chaos - Maggie Radon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rival Hearts - Maggie Rawdon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ When the Night Falls - Nureyluna ⭐️⭐️ Con - B. J. Alpha ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Frozen Flames - V. H. Nicolson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Flames of Seduction - Belle Dawson ⭐️ Come Out, Come Out - Alexia Onyx ⭐️⭐️ Friday Night Lies - C. W. Farnsworth ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Camera Shy - Kay Cove ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Who's Your Daddy - Lauren Rowe ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Vicious - L. J. Shen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Defy - L. J. Shen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Breathe for Me - Brittany Ann ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lost in Him - Harloe Rae ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Demons and Roses - Beka Westrup ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ King of Wrath - Ana Huang ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Binding 13 - Chloe Walsh ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Keeping 13 - Chloe Walsh ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Swipe for a Cosmo - Megan Wade ⭐️⭐️ Meet Odin - J. Wine ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Odin - J. Wine ⭐️⭐️⭐️ King - S. J. Tilly ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Auction - L. Knight ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Whistleblower - Kay Cove ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Doing It Right - Harloe Rae ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wall St. Jerk - Megan Wade ⭐️⭐️⭐️ My Dark Romeo - Parker S. Huntington & L. J. Shen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lovestruck - Julie Capulet ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Moments of Malevolence - T. L. Smith ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ P. S. I Hate You - Winter Renshaw ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Devilish Ink - Sienna Blake ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dust Storm - Maggie Gates ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Read Between the Stars - Natalie Parker ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Wrong Bride - Catharina Maura ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Man of Action - Elle Rivers ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Once You're Mine - Morgan Bridges ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Now You're Mine - Morgan Bridges ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Strung Along - Hannah Cowen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Wall of Winnipeg - Mariana Zapata ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Escape the Light - A. R. Thomas ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Brutal Prince - Sophie Lark ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wanted - A. M. Wilson ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Consider Me - Becka Mack ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Mayhem and Minnie - Veronica Lancet ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Don't Let Me Down - Kelsie Rae ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
64 total books read for May 2024
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ishwritesablog · 1 year
The Evening Before 22
My birthday is tomorrow. Naturally, I have some thoughts.
This is the Evening Before 22:
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Mismatched socks, side of the road rug, white wine, doctored leftovers. This is what I am saying: I am a child who is being forced into being an adult. And forced is the most intentionally chosen word of that sentence; I do not want this. My laundry needs to be shifted from the washer to the dryer. I must take a break.
To return, in my walk to the laundry room in the basement of this apartment building, I was thinking – what role does 22 play in the cultural zeitgeist? I know nothing other than Taylor Swift, whose bubblegum pop joy is no where close to capturing the paralyzing fear I fear as someone who has barely been able to recognize any of the patterns of life yet. Google's first result is Elle Woods, and seeing as I decided quite literally three hours ago that I would not be applying to graduate school this year this upsets me. Other than that, I get the Kicking and Screaming cast, Ben from The Graduate, those I haven't seen yet: St. Elmo's Fire, Reality Bites, and Adventureland.
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Extra points for Jesse Eisenberg wearing my college's tee shirt.
So obviously, through merely listing all those people, it seems as though 22's main significance, aside from "We're happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way / It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah" appears to be college graduation. Go figure. 21 is drinking, debauchery, youth; 22 is mowing your parent's lawn and drinking wine from a mug. While your wet laundry seeps on a table because all the dryers are full for the next 13 minutes.
I have a tangent: aside from the depressing rut any birthday evokes in a person, we are complicit in forcing a birthday celebrator into an unimaginable rut sometimes. If you are throwing a surprise party, there will come a time when on that person's birthday, they are left to sit at home, alone, depressed, confused, questioning everything, as they wonder how they got to the place in which all of their friends are 'busy' on the night of their birthday. And even if you kind of know this is happening, there will come a time in the night in which all of your friends are hanging out (setting things up) without you, and you must walk, alone, to wherever this is happening. You stare yourself in the mirror and wonder: 'how did I become this?' 'I am 22 and forget to brush my teeth most nights of the week.' 'will I be okay?'
I don't have much more to say, because it is the night before. I'm sure tomorrow will be its own unexpected trove of disappointment and newfound questioning.
Here's to 21 being the last birthday you celebrate before birthdays just become you getting closer to death.
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openingnightposts · 3 months
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chrancecriber · 1 year
1.FM - Chillout Lounge Radio (January 15, 2023)
23:58 4tunes - Where Are You Now (Feat Hed) (Kandi Hotel Enigma Mix) 23:53 Fenena Garcia Mijas - Anja (50 Sunset Classic Lounge Edit) 23:47 Naoki Kenji - Bedtime 23:42 Pensees - She 23:38 Lowland - Cafe Del Mar 23:34 Chungking - Voodoo 23:28 Moby - Into The Blue 23:22 Frank Borell - Landpartie (A Touch Of Gregori 23:17 Wine Lounge - Dollars 23:11 Banderas - This Is Your Life (Easy Life Mix) 23:04 Nautic - Freedom Of The Floor (Open Space Remix) 22:58 Michael E - Sark Of Searenity 22:54 The Charly North Michael E Project - The Rapture 22:48 Jazzy Pecada - Slow Down 22:45 Synthetic Substance - Eternity 22:38 Frontera - A Baia 22:35 Viejo Abasto - G Spliff 22:27 Groove Armada - Inside My Mind 22:20 Deep-dive-corp. - Enjoy 22:17 Simone Fedi - Bitter Devotion 22:12 Mahoroba - Atmospheric Pearls (Wide Open Space Cut) 22:06 Guenter Haas - Ai Fu Lin 22:00 Victor G. De La Fuente Feat. S - Tu Despertar (Original Chill M 21:53 Chicane - Saltwater 21:49 Alain Sylvain - Doux Mystere Iv 21:46 Koop - Waltz For Koop 21:41 Blank And Jones Ft M Francis - Someone Like You 21:36 Night Loungers - A Little Lazy Morning In Paris (French Kiss Del Mar Instrumental) 21:31 Autopilot - Seen It All 21:27 Pete Tong & Chris Cox - Ku Da Ta 21:22 Leaking Shell - Easy G 21:15 Hot & Chilled - Follow The Sun (Day At The Beach Mix) 21:09 Steen Thottrup Ft. A. Berg - Save A Little Prayer 21:01 Chilloutlounge - Track 7 20:56 Jeff Bennets Lounge Experience - Sympathy 20:49 Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae (Peter Visti's & Stella Polaris Remix) 20:42 Chillsurfer Armada - Relax Your Mind (Cafe Buddha Del Mar Luxury Lounge) 20:37 Mahoroba - Faire On Tour (Jazzmatic Lounge Mix) 20:34 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 20:28 Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson - Love On My Mind 20:27 Klf - Trancentral Lost In My Mind 20:23 Jens Buchert - Sunrider 20:18 Coastline - Adriatic Sea - Dj Lounge Del Mar Vs. Milews Ambience Mix 20:11 Sweet Velvet - La Realidad (Feat Debora Vilchez) (Ibiza Del Mar Cafe Lounge Vocal Mix) 20:06 Ltj Experience - Moonbeat 20:01 Sam Swift - Wonderful World 19:56 Liquid Kings - Hang Up, Feel Free (Lounge Mix) 19:50 Goloka - Give Me Loving 19:45 Dj Milews - Sunset At Palm Island 19:40 Omnimotion - Cozy Life 19:34 Man In The Moon Feat.debora Vilchez - Fragil 19:29 Kalliope - Lunar Landings 19:24 Brooke - 1 Want To Know What Love Is (Balearic Hypno Dub) 19:18 Synthetic Substance - The Depth Of Ocean 19:14 Lounge Worship - Serve Somebody 19:06 Joey Fehrenbach - Being Around You 19:03 Jjos - Back To Me 18:59 Appreciation - Jelly & Fish 18:55 Ceci Low - Ceci Low 18:50 Pacific Coast Academy - Into The Blue 18:47 Ebb - Im All Made Music 18:38 Solid Sessions - Janiero (Chiller Twist Blue Line Remix) 18:33 Fusiontalker - Lost Message (Jazzy Del Mar Mix) 18:25 Nore Elle - Desert Storm 18:15 Two Lone Swordsmen - Rico's Helly 18:10 Wonderphazz - Memories (Chill Guide Mix) 18:05 Blues States - The Trainer Shuffle 18:00 Floatation Feat. Pierre - Beautiful (Dub) 17:54 Chill Bros. - Cafe Del Mare 17:50 Jupiter Jack - Ghosttown 17:46 Paul Murs - Sun Goes Down 17:42 1.fm Promo - Our Words 17:38 Aimee Sol - Daylight (Bar And Piano Lounge Edit) 17:32 Réve De Cabaret - Trust Me 17:28 Chicane - Barefoot 17:24 Chilling Crew - For Better Moments 17:19 Rhian Sheehans - Garden Childre 17:16 Synthetic Substance - Out Of Other 17:11 Eden - All I Need 17:07 Sonar - Sentimental Journey 17:01 Frank Borell - Somber Moods 16:55 Citrus Jam - Pacific Snow 16:48 Hugh Mane - Control Drama 16:43 T Mo - La Ritournelle 16:39 Oyasama Feat. Miyabi - Sakura 16:35 Dj Pippi Ft Rebeka Brown - A New Day 16:29 Jazz L'amour - Summer Dreams - See The Light Mix 16:25 Jamlimmat - Higher (Feat Crystal) 16:21 Deise Mikhail - Silent Sound 16:15 Sine - To The Sky (Original Mix) 16:10 Zero 7 - Passing By 16:04 Luminius - Hold On 15:57 Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes (Gabriel And Dresden Chillout Mix) 15:52 Air - La Femme D'argent 15:48 Shakes Seven - Best Friends 15:42 Angels Landing - Salt Tank 15:39 Charity Children - Whispering Still 15:33 4tunes - Where Are You Now (Feat. Hed) 15:27 Alpha X - Nocturnal Trip 15:22 Tennishero - Alone 15:17 Un Homme Et Une Femme - Une Rose Pour Emily (Cafe Hotel French Del Mar Mix) 15:11 Seyton Vs Tyler Michaud - Ze Big Divide 15:08 Michael Wik - Waiting 15:03 Lemongrass - Body Building 14:59 Wharmton Rise - Sunflight 14:54 Sunlounger - Another Day On The Terrace (Chill Out Mix) 14:50 Starlive Cafe - Playa Del Mar (Chillout Mix) 14:46 Afterlife - Espalmador 14:40 Emotional - Daylight (Jazz Chill Mix) 14:35 Uomo - Mad World 14:27 Deep-dive-corp. - Bassic (Flow Mix) 14:22 Chris Coco - Cape Clear 14:18 Lemon Sol - Beautiful Morning (Piano Cafe Chillout To Ibiza Del Mar) 14:12 Blue Chakra - Free From You (Half Tempo Long Chill Mix) 14:06 D&m Fundation - Relaja Tu Mente 14:02 Gelka - Have You Kept Your Ticket 13:59 Claes Rosen & Natalie Peris - Stay 13:53 Gxr - Ultramarina 13:46 Low Motion Disco - Love Love Love (Soft Rocks Remix) 13:39 Fresh Moods - The Touch (Enchant Mix) 13:34 Yuri Petrovski - True 13:29 Max Sedgley - Slowly 13:23 Wharmton Rise - Deep Blue Sea 13:18 Cats Love Dogs - Sunpearls (Paradise Lounge) 13:11 Pep Llado - Vai Vedere 13:03 Toka Kakabadze - Urban 12:58 Sleepingroom Armada - Hope - Easy Erotic Groove Lounge Mix 12:55 Jamie Lancaster - Boys Don't Cry 12:51 Weekend Players - Higher Ground 12:48 Emapea - Jazzy 12:46 Isan - No. 1 (Lent Et Douloureux) 12:41 Amethystium - Calantha 12:37 Five Seasons - In Your Town 12:31 Alucidnation - Give Me A Reason 12:25 Man In The Moon Feat.debora Vilchez - Another Way 12:18 Jean Martin - In My Dreams (Extended Remix) 12:12 The Bria Project - Ticon - The First Moment 12:07 Blank & Jones - Desire 12:02 Cameo Culture - Told You So (Original Mix) 11:57 Sunyata Project Feat. Miyabi - Inner Lights 11:49 Youandewan - 1988 11:44 Nylon - Rio70 11:39 Guss - Milesing 11:35 Ultraviolet - Ready Or Not (Chilled Out Mix) 11:31 Supreme Beings Of Leisure - Ghetto 11:28 Beta Band - Troubles 11:22 Tosca - Mango Di Bango 11:16 Afterlife - Breather 11:12 Ravi Costes - Lion Sleeps - Cafe Groovera Hotel Bar Del Mar Mix 11:07 Moroccan Blonde - Mirage 11:03 Plasma - Spring 10:58 Louie Vega Pres. Luisito Quinteri Ft. Anane - Our Love 10:53 Solanos - Shameless 10:46 Reflekt Ft. Delline Bass - Need To Feel Loved 10:40 Joey Fehrenbach - Edison Cylinder 10:33 Ltj X-perience - Empty Street 10:28 Hannah Ild - Right Beside You 10:22 Three Drives - Greece 2000 10:18 Out Of Sight - Comfort (Afterlife Mix) 10:14 Afterlife - A Little Bit Of Love 10:08 Jjos - Foolish Game (Feat. Deary's) (Evolution Vocal Mix) 10:04 The River Gods - Acadia House 09:59 Gary B - Set Me Free 09:53 Ascension - For A Lifetime 09:48 Bay Area - Santa Monica Blvd (No 17 Mix) 09:45 Röyskopp - Remind Me 09:40 The Sura Quintet - Lampedusa (Sunset Session) 09:35 Jeff Woodal - Your Love (The Dark) 09:28 Deep-dive-corp. - The Island 09:25 Oh Wonder - Technicolour Beat 09:20 Air - Alone In Kyoto 09:15 Brazilian Love Affair - Georgy Porgy 09:09 Jean Thibault - Trip To Infinity 09:04 Collective Sound Members - Journey To A Dream (Original) 09:00 Jjos - Breathe 08:56 Thomas Lemmer - Savannah 08:49 Phil Mison - Lula 08:44 Gifuto-chekku - Yasui 08:40 Melibea - Lamento (Al Ponerse El Sol) 08:35 Amethystium - Isabliss - Strangely Beautiful 08:30 Wharmton Rise - The Abyss 08:25 Mister Paul - You Don't Know (Comfort Version) 08:18 Jerome Isma-ae - Underwater Love 08:14 Direct To Dreams - Adagio For Strings Barber Remi 08:10 Ac - Meditarrean Sundance 08:06 Scubba - Fool 2 Cry 08:00 Peter Pearson - Smooth Talking (Moonrise) 07:56 Cafe Easy - Summerbreeze 07:50 Le Vent - Le Vent M'a Dit 07:45 Juan Belda & Carlo Galimberti - Wine Sessions 07:40 Merge Of Equals - Clear Blue Sky (Original Mix) 07:35 James Bright - No Better Feeling 07:31 Khruangbin - August 10 07:25 Henderson - Rain (Desansis Chill Out Mix) 07:17 Steely M - Summer Breeze 07:13 D Note - Sylvia 07:08 Kitty The Bill - Mister Mista 07:02 Aurosonic, Denis Karpinskiy & Kate Louise Smith - They Wait For Us (Chill Out Mix) 06:59 Mel T. Waters - Welcome Blue Hour 06:55 Navdeep - Immigrance 06:50 Blue Six - Love Yourself 06:46 Asle Bjorn B - Joe Dubcola (Asle's Stella Polaris Edit) 06:39 Joey Fehrenbach - Particles 06:32 Kansai - Remember This Night 06:26 Blue Lagoona - Going Outside (Nu-lounge Experience Mix) 06:20 Melibea - Antologia 06:14 Sweet Velvet - Recalling The Rising Sun 06:09 Coolinar - Wednesday Night 06:04 Zenyatta - Swimming Into Vibrations - Ibiza Downbeat Vocal Mix 05:58 Deep-dive-corp. - Trippin' 05:52 Gary B - Set Me Free 05:49 Sued - Feel Me 05:46 Mark Moon - To Another World 05:42 Sunlounger - Balearic Breakfast(Chill) 05:35 Jazzanova - Bohemian Sunset 05:26 Moby - The Lonely Night (Moby's January 14th Mix) Ft Mark Lanegan 05:22 Moon Tribe - Moon Tribe 05:18 Rainman - Riding On A Cloud - Ibiza Mix 05:14 Ingo Herrmann - A New Day Is Dawning 05:10 Tape Five - Longitude 05:09 Costes - Stéphane Pompougnac - Green Tree 05:03 Scott Simmons - Children (Mediterr-asian Chill Mix) 04:58 Kitty The Bill - Cabriolet Tour 04:54 Uko - Sunbeams 04:51 Clouded Leopard - Hua-hin 04:45 Soft Wave - Plenitude Part 2 04:39 Joey Fehrenbach - Ghosts 04:35 Engine-earz Experiment, Kate Havnevik - Blue Moon - Kinobe Remix 04:31 Alain Paris - Summer 78 - Chill Tribute To Yann Tiersen 04:24 Pacator - Tränen (Marcielo Ambient Mix Instrumental) 04:20 Caia - Remembrance 04:15 Lol Hammond - Baby Piano 04:09 Milews - Miami Beach View - Sunset Del Mar Cafe Lounge Mix 04:05 Va - For Want Of Her 03:57 Kosta Rodriguez - Purple Sky 03:52 Soulavenue - Try (Original Mix) 03:45 Leama & Moor - Coming Of Age 03:39 Afterlife & Kid Stone - Sleazebag 03:34 Coco Steel And Lovebomb - Yachts 03:30 Ralph Myerz And The Jack Herren Band - L.i.p.s.t.i.c.k. 03:24 Landslide - Tumbling 03:22 Costes - De-phazz - No Jive 03:17 Ralphie B - Icarus (Chill Out Mix) 03:13 Alex Baratini - My Play (Chill Out Mix) 03:09 Tiger Tanaka - Aki 03:05 Tall Paul Vs Inxs - Precious Heart 03:01 Deeb - Rooftops 02:53 Psoi - Evolution Of The Merkaba 02:48 Listening Deluxe - Guitar Dreams (Short Aqua) 02:37 Sangar - My Breeze 02:32 Vargo - The Moment 02:28 Quantic - Gecko Turner - Limon En La Cabeza (Quantic Dub Mix) 02:21 Simon Bareilles - The Sound Of Silence (Feat. Sara Keys) 02:15 Chilloutlounge - Breather 2000 (Arithunda Mix) 02:10 Poly Sphere - Child Play 02:05 Lux - Head Centre 02:01 Re:locate Vs Robert Nickson - Resource (Rechill) 01:57 Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar 01:53 Canis - La Strada (Turn Off The Lights) 01:49 Muki - Track 6 01:45 Sunset People - Summer Madness (White Sand Cut) 01:39 Son Que Son - Manon ( Instrumental Mix) 01:33 Omni Trio - Native Place 01:29 Synthetic Substance - Resignation 01:20 Puff Dragon - Qi Gong 01:15 Bent - Beautiful Otherness 01:09 Katcha - Touched By God (Katcha's Quiet Storm Mix) 01:03 Calido - El Calor (Patrick Marsh Chill Out Mix) 01:00 Dragon Lounge - Saigon Sundown (Asia Cut) 00:57 Thomas Prime - Breakfast (Feat. James Rose) 00:52 Conjure One - Make A Wish 00:47 A Guy Called Gerald Feat. Louise Rhodes - Humanity 00:42 Ohm-g & Bruno - Jungle Light 00:38 Nightmares On Wax - Nights Interlude 00:34 Airstream - Electra 00:28 Manoa - Jumaira Drive 00:22 Timewarp Inc - Epic Tones Feat. Rxn (Sundayman Remix) 00:19 Urban Phunk Society - Spring 2 Summer 00:13 Elcho - Lazy Summer Days 00:10 Amethystium - Berceuse 00:05 Polished Chrome - Beautiful 00:01 Vibraphile - Waiting For You (Instrumental)
0 notes
storiesofsvu · 2 years
Bend & Snap
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Rafael Barba xfem!reader Warnings: language, non sexual teasing. (a/n: updating links so i can finally delete the old blog. feel free to ignore. or have a lil refresher!)
“No. Absolutely not.” Rafael chuckled in protest, “have one of your girls and wine night this weekend and watch it.”
“Rafa…” you whined, “come on!” Pouting, you shot him your best puppy dog eyes as your crossed your arms over your chest.
“You remember that I’m a lawyer, right? Who actually went to Harvard, practices law every day.”
“Yes! It’s just a movie, you said I could pick tonight, and I wanna watch Legally Blonde!”
“You mean make me suffer through it.”
“You made me suffer through a documentary about birds last week.”
“That we didn’t even make it halfway through because someone couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.”
“I was bored! And I didn’t hear you complaining at the time.”  You smirked. And he playfully rolled his eyes at you.
“Do I get to call out all the horrible inaccuracies?” 
“If you do we’re not debating over the movie, it’s getting paused and will take three times longer to get through.” You counter offered.
“You’re lucky I love you.” He muttered and you squealed, jumping against him in a hug, peppering his face in kisses.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You paused to give him a deeper kiss, “if you really can’t stand it I’ll make it up to, promise.” With a wink you grabbed your wine glass and skipped off to the living room, quickly pulling the movie up on the t.v.
You were pleasantly surprised when Rafael’s commentary only popped up once in a while, at least at the beginning quarter of the movie there wasn’t much law stuff to argue about. He honestly thought it seemed like another average 2000’s teen girly movie so far, and was just determined to make it through it as quick as he could.
“She’s seriously going to law school to chase after a boy?” He scoffed and you swatted at his chest.
“She got in, didn’t she?”
“I seriously doubt that would ever happen.” 
His mouth opened again to continue but with the glare you shot him it closed and you smiled, snuggling back up against him. He shifted slightly a little bit later to refill your wine glasses and then started up again.
“Okay, I’ll give it to you, this Vivian girl’s a bitch.” You giggled at that one, “and Warner? Pretentious douche bag, what does Elle even see in him?”
“He was her first love!” You protested.
“She really needs to get focussed on school if she wants to even think about passing the first term.”
“Just shut up and watch.” You laughed, pecking his cheek gently.
“Now this Emmett guy I can get behind.” You practically snorted at that one, 
“Of course you can.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He chuckled, turning to look at you.
“Oh, cute little nerdy law loving boy? Wonder where you’ve experienced that before?” You giggled, pinching at his cheeks.
“I was not a nerdy little law boy!”
“So if I ask Calhoun you’re saying she won’t have a million embarrassing stories about it?”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He glared and you laughed again.
“I think that’s all the evidence I need Counsellor.”
He only spoke again once the bend & snap scene started playing, 
“As cheesy as this is, this part isn’t too bad.” He joked, smirking down at you and you rolled your eyes.
“Perv.” He chuckled, kissing the top of your head in response. When the end was coming up with the big courtroom scene you tilted your head up, “keep your mouth shut, let me live my pink and blonde law fantasies okay?”
“Ok Carino.” He laughed, wrapping his arm around you tighter. There were more than a few moments that you hear him sigh wearily, or let out a huff of breath, you could almost feel him rolling his eyes at the structure of the hearing. But he kept his thoughts to himself otherwise and you thanked him for it, not having to pause or miss any of the climax of the movie.
As the credits started to roll you sat up properly stretching and popping at your stiff muscles and joints, turning toward Rafael, surprised to find a small smile on his face. You tilted your head, brow quirked at him.
“That smile cause it’s finally over?”
“Not entirely.” He laughed, pulling you to him for a soft kiss, “it wasn’t that bad…”
“You liked it!” You gasped, eyes wide and bright with excitement as you bounced toward him for another kiss, “just wait til Calhoun gets a word of that.”
“Hermosa!” He called, a warning tone in his voice as you padded toward the kitchen with the empty wine glasses.
“I’m only kidding Rafi.” You smirked, “but if it happens to just come up in conversation…” you shrieked as he lunged for you, wrapping his arms around you and picking you up off the floor while one of his hands started to tickle at you. “Raf! Stop! Please!” You giggled out, legs flailing, “I’m kidding! I’m kidding.”
“You sure?” He cocked a brow, placing you back on the floor but not letting you go just yet.
“Yes.” You kissed the tip of his nose, “besides it’s not like I hangout with Rita, the only time I see her is when I’m with you and she comes to torment you as you call it. You can admit you liked it, secret’s safe with me. Promise.”
“Okay.” He smiled, meeting you for a gentle kiss, “it was much better than I thought it would be.” Smiling, you wrapped your arms around his neck, lips meeting his tenderly as if a reward for telling the truth.
A few weeks later you came home to a note on the fridge, telling you there was a new dress waiting for you on the bed, and to put it on and get ready for a night out. Rafael surprised you an hour later with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a delicious dinner date, but the biggest surprise was when rather than turning back toward home, he turned you towards Broadway. A grin on his face as he revealed he’d gotten tickets for the Legally Blonde Musical to round out your evening.
Though it was much to his dismay upon exiting the theatre you ran into Rita and her date. He sighed at the devilish grin on your face as you greeted the other woman and before he knew it he was left in your dust with her date as the two of you headed down the street arm in arm. The knowing cackles echoing between you that his secret was actually, no longer safe. At the very least all he could do was smile softly, knowing that the love of his life and his best friend were actually getting along, even if it was at his torture.
______________ @bisexualcrowley @detective-giggles @teamsladsandgents @averyhotchner @glimmerglittergirl @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @whimsicallymad @prurientpuddlejumper @letsdisneythings @neely1177 @angieed @alexusonfire @mrsrafaelbarba @justfangirl-stuff @ele-esposito @lv7867 @bisexual-dreamer02 @skittle479 @fanficfaeriesrafaelbarbalibrary @amelia-song-pond @madamsnape921 @lawandorderimagines @fandom-princess-forevermore @caracalwithchips @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @chasingeverybreakingwave @michael-rooker @rafivadafreddy @darkheart-brightsmile @australiancarisi @tinyboxxtink @sia2raw @lannister-slings-and-arrows @poisonedcrowns @anlin2058
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silkchifffon · 2 years
The Complete Taylor Swift/John Mayer Timeline aka John Mayer Is An Asshole
May 5 2008 Taylor and John meet at the Met Gala. “I was starstruck by the fact that he came up and introduced himself to me. I just respect him so much, I was rattling off quotes that he said in his blog, and he was probably like thinking that I’m a stalker. But he was amazing and sweet.”
“Mayer, 30, returned the compliment by telling the young singer that he’s enjoyed watching her career blossom. “I was like, ‘what, you know my name?'” said Taylor. “I’m such a fan of his writing and everything so it was really cool to get to meet one of my heroes.”” (link)
February 8 2009 John and Taylor are photographed talking backstage at the Grammys.
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March 2009 John tweets “Waking up to this song idea that won't leave my head. 3 days straight now. That means it's good enough to finish. It's called Half of My Heart and I want to sing it with Taylor Swift. She would make a killer Stevie Nicks in contrast to my Tom Petty of a song."
May 22 2009 John performs with Taylor at the Staples Center on her Fearless tour (White Horse) (Your Body Is a Wonderland)
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May 23 2009 John tweets a photo of Taylor with the caption “I couldn’t get Taylor Swift on my record so I found the world’s greatest impersonator, Laura Jacksheimer.”
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June 2009 Taylor in the June issue of Elle magazine: “I freaked out when I heard, because I've been such a big fan of John for such a long time. I'm really excited about just the idea that he would even mention me in his Twitter!" (link)
November 5 2009 Half of My Heart leaks on Perez Hilton (link)
November 17 2009 John’s album Battle Studios, featuring the collaboration, is released
John gives an interview to Access Hollywood about Taylor (link)
December 8 2009 Taylor and John are photographed together at the launch of VEVO, where they are seen “chatting it up in a booth.” (link)
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December 11 2009 Taylor and John perform Half of My Heart at Z100’s Jingle Ball (video)
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December 29 2009 Us Weekly announces Taylor Squared have broken up (link). “It wasn't really developing into anything, and wasn't going to, so they decided they were better as friends. There was no chemistry."
“He liked her more than she liked him. He went everywhere he could to see her, but she didn't travel much to see him.”
January 6 2010 OK Magazine reports ​​“Did John Mayer break up Taylor Squared? Probably not, but John Mayer asked Taylor Swift to sing on his single “Half of My Heart” and a ‘pal’ says he has a crush on her. In a daring move, Swift rejected Mayer’s advances, but Taylor Lautner is still ‘devastated.’” (link)
Taylor and John have dinner together in Los Angeles. Star Magazine reports “Fresh off of her breakup with Taylor Lautner, Taylor Swift shared an intimate dinner with serial heartbreaker John Mayer…They were spotted at Italian bistro Il Ristorante di Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica on January 6, following Taylor’s win as Favorite Female Artist at the People’s Choice Awards.” (link)
“They came in together and got a private table in a corner of the restaurant. They seemed to really enjoy each other’s company.”
“The pair lingered for almost two hours, with John sipping wine. The duo headed out into the night together around 10 pm.”
“They definitely looked like a couple. John was telling stories, and she was hanging on every word!”
January 19 2010 John’s interview with Rolling Stone is published. He talks about how much he masturbates and finding “the Joshua Tee of vaginas.” (link)
January 24 2010 the two enjoy dinner in Nashville with a group of friends (link)
January 25 2010 John and Taylor get coffee in Nashville (link)
January 26 2010 Taylor attends John’s taping of a CMT Crossroads special (with Andrea) According to Lainey Gossip: “Taylor Swift attended amid speculation that she and Mayer are now dating. My sources tell me she was backstage before the show, totally crushing on him, very “smitten”, flirting, like a young girl intoxicated by attraction to an older man, too young to separate artistry from douchery.” (link)
“On Monday night, Taylor and Mayer went out for dinner with a large group. I’m told this is how she gets around her mom. Momma Swift is a wary parent and some say Taylor arranges their time together in crowds so as not to hear it from her mom later on. There are some rumours that John was seen at her place afterwards. This has not been substantiated.”
“At the performance however her affection for him was undeniable. She was cheering enthusiastically in the audience, making hand hearts at him constantly, and the buzz among industry insiders and crew is that they’re definitely dating. Some have even told me that this is why she called it off with Taylor Lautner. Because while there was no spark with Tom Cruise’s mini me, she was compelled to explore the intensity of her feelings for John.”
February 1 2010 Lainey posts “Finally...about this business with Cory Monteith – they sat together at a pre-Grammy party on Saturday after being spotted out for dinner last week so now of course she’s totally going to marry him…More likely however – it’s a conveniently cutesy coverup for the f-ckery that’s happening with John Mayer. I’m told they went out for coffee together in Nashville, she and John, the morning after a group dinner with friends when he was alleged to have been seen at her house. If she’s smart enough to stay away from that douchebag, all the offkey business is totally forgotten.” (link)
February 2 2010 HollywoodLife reports, “Taylor and John are absolutely more than ‘just friends.’ They aren’t ‘boyfriend and girlfriend’ or anything as provincial as that, but they have taken their friendship to the next level.” (link)
A second source says, “Cory is just a decoy. She isn’t really dating him. They’re friends.”
February 5 2010 In Touch reports that John told a friend that he and Taylor hooked up in January in Nashville. “According to a source, the couple met up several times, in public and private, and were first seen getting cozy in a recording studio. “She was sitting on John’s lap, her arms were around him, and she was talking in his ear,” says the source. They were acting like teenagers.””(link)
“That night, John, 32, and Taylor, 20, dined at the restaurant Cabana and were joined by friends afterward. The couple left alone and went back to The Hermitage Hotel, where they arrived in the loading dock to avoid being spotted and were escorted to John’s suite, the source claims. Both of their reps deny the story. But the source claims, “Taylor spent the night and enjoyed mid-morning room service before leaving his suite the next day.””
“Though the source says that Taylor “adores” John, it seems the womanizer is up to his old ways, involving yet another starlet in boosting his career. When asked by a friend how his night with Taylor went, John laughed, and boasted, “How do you think it went?””
The National Enquirer reports Andrea confronted John about his relationship with Taylor at the CMT taping. (link) “Andrea pulled John aside and told him point blank to back off. She said a friendship was fine, but there was no way he’d get close enough to Taylor to break her heart if she had anything to say about it."
“With a string of ex-girlfriend…along with his reputation as a partier and pot smoker, John is hardly Andrea’s idea of a dream date for her little girl. John did not help his cause with Andrea when he recently appeared shirtless on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine and made shockingly candid statements about casual sex.”
“Right after John performed, Andrea pulled him aside and basically told him to keep his hands off her daughter. She’s all for music collaborations, but she couldn’t get past his baggage."
"All John could do was to offer Andrea a compliment on raising a lovely daughter. He said he understood completely, and it was an honor enough to call Taylor his friend."
February 9 2010 John tweets “What's that song that goes "It's a quarter after one, I just huffed a can of ceiling paint and I need you now?" I like that one.” (link)
Lainey reports, “I can assure you that many Nashville insiders saw them making out in town while he was there for Crossroads. Many.” (link)
February 10 2010 John’s hectic, racist Playboy interview is published (link)
March 4 2010 Taylor’s April Elle interview, conducted in December (a few weeks before she broke up with Taylor L), is published (link). She plays the MASH game with the writer and names John as one of three hot guy candidates. “Now for the tough part: Three guys you think are hot? “Like, how do you mean?" she asks, scrunching up her face. She knows how I mean. "Um, well...Taylor Lautner," she says finally, a certain nervy resolve in her voice.””
“Back to the game: Swift name-checks John Mayer and Carter Jenkins, another Valentine's Day costar, as her remaining hotties.”
March 23 2010 On break from touring, Taylor goes bowling with friends including Cory and Selena Gomez (video)
March 24 2010 Taylor has lunch with Andrea, Taylor L, and their publicists. (link)
Lainey Gossip points out John is performing in LA at the same time and says it isn't a coincidence Taylor is in town. (link)
April 19 2010 Lainey reports “My sources tell me she’s still seeing John Mayer on the low whenever they get the chance.” (link)
April 30 2010 Star magazine reports they are still on: “Friends say that Taylor Swift is still having a love affair with notorious ladies’ man John Mayer – and they fear she’s bound to get hurt! And so will her “legit” love, Glee star Cory Monteith, who has no clue that Taylor has been flirting with John for months.” (link)
“Taylor will drop anything to see him. They’ve been meeting up all over the country!”
“And all John has to do to get Swifty to come running is text her, says another source – no matter what time it is!”
“Sometimes they meet in Hollywood or Beverly Hills… Taylor doesn’t like going to his house in LA. He always has his buddie staying with him and there’s no privacy.”
“She used to be infatuated with him. When she was 17, she used to tape his pictures to her wall and stare at his face.”
“Taylor’s mom isn’t happy about Taylor’s relationship with this “too old” Mayer, and “Taylor’s friends tell her he’s too old, but she says she’s an adult and wants to see where things go. She hopes this will turn into something real. She’s trying to guard her heart, but if John dumps her, she’ll be devastated.””
June 9 2010 Taylor and John are both at the CMT Awards, and Taylor writes The Story of Us based on this event. “She says Dear John and The Story of Us are about the same person. And her lyrical code for the latter spells out "CMT AWARDS," where she and Mayer both performed in June.” (link)
"The Story of Us is about running into someone I had been in a relationship with at an awards show, and we were seated a few seats away from each other. I just wanted to say to him, 'Is this killing you? Because it's killing me.' But I didn't. Because I couldn't. Because we both had these silent shields up.”
Lainey says “Swifty has been extra extra careful about whatever undercover business she has going on with John Mayer the last few months. They are super stealth about their movements, smart not to let anyone catch them connecting, but I’m told last night there was an arrangement for after. Keep you posted on whether or not they pulled it off.” (link)
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June 17 2010 John presents Taylor with an award at the Songwriters Hall of Fame, saying "You could put her in a time machine in any era and she would have a hit record. Don't confuse everybody loving one thing as hype. Sometimes that's everyone agreeing that it's fabulous." And that they were like two black swans. (video)
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June 21 2010 Half of My Heart is released as a single
October 17 2010 the New York Post quotes Taylor, “There’s actually no surprise person on this record. I will be excited for you to hear that song, though.” (link)
October 18 2010 Taylor’s interview with Yahoo Music’s Chris Willman is published. She says her songs aren’t hard to interpret: “They’re all made very clear. Every single song is like a roadmap to what that relationship stood for, with little markers that maybe everyone won’t know, but there are things that were little nuances of the relationship, little hints. And every single song is like that. Everyone will know, so I don’t really have to send out emails on this one.” (link)
“But, I said, by necessity of her fame and that of her recent boyfriends, she is past the point of using proper names in the lyrics now.
"Um," she responded, "there's still names that I used. Wait till you hear those."”
Willman publishes lyrics to Dear John in the article, which is followed by many articles about the song lyrics and her relationship with John.
October 19 2010 Taylor tells People magazine, “A lot of times when people’s relationships end, they write an e-mail to that person and say everything that they wish they would have said. A lot of times they don’t push send. This was a tough one to write, and I guess putting it on the album was pushing send.” (link)
October 20 2010 Taylor tells the New York Times “I feel like in my music I can be a rebel. I can say things I wouldn’t say in real life. I couldn’t put the sentence together the way I could put the song together.” (link)
October 21 2010 PopEater reports, “Everyone knows John "loves publicity and lives for this" type of situation, a giddy friend of John's tells me.” (link)
"She can bet that right now he is sitting in his apartment thinking of some witty way to respond. Writing a response to 'Dear John' called 'Dear Taylor' would be too obvious, so expect something much bigger than that."
“And although John's friend has no idea exactly what the crooner will do, his history with the ladies should give Taylor reason to worry.”
"Sure Taylor has a right to say whatever she wants but she needs to know she is playing with fire.”
October 25 2010 Speak Now is released.
June 6 2012 John talks to Rolling Stone and says that he was “really humiliated” by Dear John.“It made me feel terrible. Because I didn’t deserve it. I’m pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do.” (link)
“I never got an e-mail. I never got a phone call. I was really caught off-guard, and it really humiliated me at a time when I’d already been dressed down. I mean, how would you feel if, at the lowest you’ve ever been, someone kicked you even lower?”
When asked about the song’s line, “Don’t you think I was too young to be messed with?” Mayer says, “I don’t want to go into that.”
“I will say as a songwriter that I think it’s kind of cheap songwriting. I know she’s the biggest thing in the world, and I’m not trying to sink anybody’s ship, but I think it’s abusing your talent to rub your hands together and go, ‘Wait till he gets a load of this!’ That’s bullshit.”
June 7 2012 The New York Post reports that on the day the article was published the two had a run-in in Los Angeles. “According to the New York Post, Swift walked into the hangout and noticed Mayer, who was there with a friend. "Taylor very visibly — in front of the entire restaurant — demanded to be moved to the other side," the eyewitness said. "The bar's usually an oasis of calm and privacy for celebrities and power players, but this was drama central." But according to a Swift source who spoke with Gossip Cop, there was no nasty confrontation and while the singer was at the bar, it's not even confirmed whether they saw each other.” (link)
Us Weekly reports “A Swift pal scoffs at Mayer’s counterpunch. “I can’t believe he is trying to play the victim!”” (link)
““John was a player and treated her like s–t,” another source tells Us. “He looked at her as a conquest.” After the Rolling Stone interview, “Taylor is going to think even less of him now!” the source adds.”
September 30 2012 Taylor’s November cover story for Glamour is published and she has the following exchange with the writer:
Glamour: And "Dear John," also about a failed relationship, still seems to be resonating strongly. Does that surprise you?
Taylor Swift: I think that song really hit home with a lot of girls who had been through toxic relationships and had found their way to the other side of it. I've never looked out while singing a song during a concert to see so many girls crying.
Glamour: You never identified who it was about, but John Mayer recently told Rolling Stone that it was him.
Taylor Swift: How presumptuous! I never disclose who my songs are about.
Glamour: He said he felt…
Taylor Swift: No! I don't want to know, I don't want to know.
Glamour: You don't? [Mayer told Rolling Stone that he was "humiliated" by the song, and that Swift's releasing it was "a really lousy thing for her to do."]
Taylor Swift: I know it wasn't good, so I don't want to know. I put a high priority on staying happy, and I know what I can't handle.
October 22 2012 Taylor has an interview with Katie Couric. Katie brings up John “feeling humiliated” “Oh come on!” Taylor retorts. (video)
“Do you ever hear from these dudes, like ‘Yo Taylor, guess what, I didn’t really appreciate this.’ Do they ever get in touch with you?” Well some of them like to write really long emails.”
April 7 2013 John and Taylor separately perform at the ACM Awards
April 16 2013 Grazia reports “Sources claimed to Grazia that they spotted each other on the red carpet and were later "deep in conversation" at an after party. (link)
"They snuck off to a corner and were all over each other. At one point she had her hands on his knees, with him holding her waist – they were so deep in conversation."
“‘Taylor spotted John on the red carpet, but it was only at the party that they got talking,’ a source told Grazia magazine.” (link)
“It allegedly turned into an all-night reunion as Taylor invited John for breakfast at her hotel room at The Orleans.”
Taylor’s camp issues a denial: “There is no truth to this... whatsoever.”
April 22 2013 Us Weekly reports “One insider says Swift, 23, put on “a stink” about her ex-boyfriend’s performance. “She said she had to go on earlier than him,” the source tells Us of the songwriter.” (link)
“The country star got her way in the end, but a second insider says Swift “was just really bitter that night” — especially after she didn’t win anything. Adds another source: “John just being there irked her.””
June 18 2013 John releases Paper Doll, an apparent response track to Dear John (link)
July 5 2013 John performs Paper Doll on the Today Show. When asked "There's been some speculation from the press that it might be about someone. True or false?" He responds “Yeah, songwriters write songs because of people, about people. Anything someone else wrote is their reception of a song; I don’t get involved in it. It’s none of my business.” (link)
October 7 2013 Taylor and John (and Katy Perry) both spend the day at Disneyland but don’t have any run ins (link)
August 20 2014 both dine at the Chateau Marmont. HollywoodLife reports “When Taylor saw John it was as if she saw a ghost. She was horrified and, for a moment, contemplated leaving. Cooler heads prevailed and she acted as if she didn't see him but she totally knew he was there and was uncomfortable."
“Our source goes on to confirm that the two are “in no way dating, and they didn’t share any conversation at all.”” (link)
February 7 2015 hosting the Late Late Show, John jokes in his monologue “You can see me at the Grammys doing what I do best: being avoided by Taylor Swift. That won’t make the internet at all.” (video)
March 6 2015 John tells Ronan Farrow ​​“We have to be able to talk about Taylor Swift professionally.” (video)
“Artists need the person with the loudest voice to speak for them. You can go to the Met Ball. That’s great. That’s a great way to use your voice is to go ‘I’m wearing Valentino.’ Or you can use your voice to give things.”
On Paper Doll: “The song never got listened to as a song. It became a news story because of the lyrics. I’m not in the business of telling people what the song’s about. Now I can just go, ‘Look, I can say the name Taylor Swift.’ She’s an artist. I’m an artist. Everybody stop, nobody’s got cancer. We’re rich people who get to live out our dreams. Let’s just stop it. I’m a musician who’s bigger than one song or one record.” (video)
April 28 2016 both attend Gigi Hadid’s birthday party (link)
October 23 2016 both attend Drake’s 30th birthday party (link)
October 24 2016 Page Six reports, “[Taylor and Katy] were put on opposite sides of the room and didn’t even look at each other. Taylor came through the front door with Karlie Kloss and the Haim sisters while Perry entered through the back with a gang of friends, who were inappropriately dressed for the formal affair. Katy and John chatted, but Taylor avoided both of them.” (link)
December 13 2016 John tweets "Tuesday, December 13, may be the lamest day of the year, conceptually." Deletes it, and follows it up with "NOPE. No. Nuh-uh. People I am 39. I am deleting those tweets. Come right at me for doing so. Absolutely no shade." He deletes that tweet and then tweets a screenshot of the original tweet. (link)
December 6 2017 John likes tweets defending Taylor’s Time Person of the Year cover (link)
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October 25 2018 during a concert John tells fans that he “was thinking about reputation” when working on his song New Light. “Not the album, but that’s still fine. That’s a fine piece of work.” (link) (video)
November 17 2019 A week after his Lover remix is released, Shawn Mendes participates in an instagram live with John, who mocks the lyrics to Lover. "[It's] insane. Everyone keeps their Christmas lights up until January. And I go, 'Can you really?' Because normally I take my Christmas lights down on December 29. We can keep the Christmas lights up 'til January. And then about January 5, we'll take the lights down. And then we'll put 'em in a box and we'll label that box 'Christmas lights.' Yeah, we'll put 'em in the attic until next December. Well, that's a crazy love, I'll tell you." (link) (video)
February 22 2021 Andy Cohen asks John "If an ex of yours comes out with a song, do you ever wonder is that about me?" John replies, "Sometimes, I hope it's about me. Sometimes, it's a really good song. I don't think it's a dirty admission. Sometimes, a song is so good, I go, 'Man, I hope that's about me.'" (link)
March 1 2021 John joins Tiktok and the Swiftie response is not great (link)
November 15 2021 a particularly aggressive Swiftie sends threatening DMs to John and he responds. They post the messages in a tiktok. (link)
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November 16 2021 Life & Style magazine reports that a source said “Even though [John is] a pretty open minded guy, he disagrees with the way Taylor goes about targeting exes in her music, especially with all the online trolling and bullying that goes on these days. He acts like he doesn’t care but of course he finds it hurtful.” (link)
After Red TV’s release on Friday, November 12, “the insider noted that Mayer has “no time” for Swift and that they “aren’t friends” at the moment.”
“John is extremely wary of Taylor. He‘s convinced that she’s trying to bring him down. Whenever she’s about to drop a new song or album he becomes nervous that it could be about him. It’s a horrible feeling.”
Us Weekly reports “John is trying his best to avoid the attention he’s been getting from Taylor’s new album. He’s not going to make any public comments directly related to her songs or album.” (link)
“Mayer has “been through it all” after being bombarded with comments from Swift’s listeners in recent days, the insider tells Us. “It’s like he’s faced with the humiliation [of the split and song about the drama] all over again.” “[He] would prefer he was left out altogether,” the insider tells Us, noting that Mayer “hasn’t spoken to her in forever, so he learns about her feelings towards him through her music. What’s new to everyone else is new to him.” The Connecticut native “said what he needed to say years ago and is trying to just let bygones be bygones,” the source adds.”
December 15 2021 DeuxMoi publishes a fanfic tip that John will play guitar on Dear John (Taylor’s Version). It is shortly debunked when a fan tweets “i’m so tired of seeing that stupid screenshot about john on dj (tv) why are y’all ACTUALLY falling for it or even sharing it… este haim would fucking never” and Este likes the tweet, as well as the Haim band account.
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pearl-blue-musings · 1 year
Hi! For your wine night option one:
Monoma from mha and Key lime pie
Thank you 💕
Hi Jackie!!! I hope you know how much I LOVE Monoma!!! So I’m very excited to do this
As per usual, minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact
Tears roll down the cheeks of the tied up blond as he writhes and pulls against his restraints. He whimpers as the paddle leaves his ass and his dick twitches against his chest. His lips tremble as he looks up at you.
“P-please, I didn’t m-mean to! H-have mercy, my love!”
That earned him another smack as more precum escapes his slit. He bites his lip hard as you tut at him and slowly stroke his cock. “Aw, is my baby boy sorry? Are you sorry for disobeying mommy?” Monoma hurriedly nods and wriggles his hips.
“I’m s-sorry! I thought y-you had Al -ah- already had your slice!” You know that he’s sorry, but key lime pie is your favorite and you had an exhausting day. To come home and see your hero boyfriend eating your saved slice sent something off inside you. Usually you plan your more ineptness sexual adventures but this was turning you on so much. You had considered pegging him but he didn’t prepare, so you’ll save it for another night. Right now, you needed to fuck him.
You grip his chin and forcefully kiss him. “That’s not how you address me.” You straddle his waist and begin to rock your hole against the tip of his cock. You hear him whimper and buck against you, the coil inside you getting flicked and messed with making you horny. “Fuck, you want mommy to fuck you?” Monoma nods underneath you as he ruts against you.
“Yes please! I’m your good boy, I’m so sorry for eating your pie! I love you!” Your eyes soften as he says that and you gently kiss his lips. As you do that, you settle over him and sink onto his hard cock. Both of you moan from finally breaking the threshold.
“I love you too, Neito. Now be good for mommy and let me fuck you.”
Elle’s Wine Night! NSFW
Elle’s Wine Night! NSFW
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officialleotolstoy · 3 years
Oh Anatole Brainrot* We’re Really In It Now, aka Anatole playlist annotations!
*I only have brainrot about him in terms of his relationships with Hélène and Dolokhov idc about him on his own 🤢
This playlist is infuriating because it has so many good songs on it and he does NOT deserve to have a playlist that slaps so hard :/
My Type - Saint Motel
“You’re just my type; you’ve got a pulse and you are breathing”
The lyrics are literally just I Will Have Sex With Anything That Breathes which is Anatole’s only personality trait. It just is.
Fool For Love - Lord Huron
“I’m asking her to be my bride, I know there’s another man but he ain’t gonna delay my plans”
This song is about eloping with a girl who already has a boyfriend, it is THE Comet section Anatole song. Which angers me because it’s such a good song, it doesn’t deserve to be associated with him in my head.
The Cult of Dionysus - The Orion Experience
“Wine and women and wonderful vices”
HEDONISM BABEY!!! Also the phrase “wine and women” with “he spends his money on women and wine” in Comet...makes ya think.
Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic
“Look so good I might die, all I know is everybody loves me”
You know that quote that’s like “[Anatole] cultivated an air of superiority blah blah blah whatever” (paraphrased)? This is that in song form.
Bedroom Hymns - Florence + The Machine
“The wine and the women and the bedroom hymns”
Thottery AND the phrase “wine and women”? Anatolecore.
Talk - Hozier
“I’ll try to talk refined for fear that you find out how I’m imagining you”
I think if he needs to, Anatole can sugarcoat carnal desire with pretty words. It kind of comes down to “I’m pretending to be eloquently and romantically interested in you but I really just want to have s*x with you”. He might not have that much self-control, but the bottom line is that this song is horny and so is he.
Someone New - Hozier
“I wake at the first cringe of morning and my heart’s already sinned”
All my notes say is “commitment issues thot anthem” which is fair. I think it’s physically impossible for him not to fall in love with someone new every week, which is the entire point of this song. Also “you knew who I was with every step that I ran to you” tracks, Anatole doesn’t really try to hide it.
Paradise City - Guns N’ Roses
“Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty”
I won’t lie, I’m not sure if this is what the song is actually about but that bit at least has hedonism energy. Also this came up on genius lyrics and it feels like something Anatole would do:
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Hallelujah - Panic! At The Disco
“I got caught under the covers with secondhand lovers”
Ok whore. But also the vibes of knowing you’re a sinner and reveling in it feels like Anatole. It’s the complete lack of shame for me.
Why Should I Worry - Billy Joel
“Why should I worry? Why should I care?”
Has he ever actually cared about anything other than his own personal wellbeing? Jury’s still out. This song implies he has street smarts which may not be true but not every lyric is gonna work 😔✌🏻
Only The Good Die Young - Billy Joel
“I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun”
The entire song is just seducing a devoutly Catholic girl, and it doesnt exactly work but I always assign this in my head to that time he tried to marry Marya B. But just in general, the reckless seduction vibes work.
Mambo No. 5 - Lou Bega
“To me flirting is just like a sport”
Unironically this is such an Anatole song. Listing off all his different lovers and their attributes is absolutely something he’s done. This is just a carefree thot song which is his vibe.
Ex’s and Oh’s - Elle King
“Ex’s and oh’s they haunt me like ghosts”
This is also on the Hélène playlist but this time the ex messing things up is his wife (not that any of that was her fault). I also think the general vibes of “I’m gonna make you want me so much and then leave you” are Anatoleish
Rasputin - Boney M.
“Russia’s greatest love machine”
LOOK ME IN THE EYES AND TELL ME THIS DOESN’T WORK. It’s about the seduction of upper-class Russian women come ON
I’m Born To Run - American Authors
“I’m gonna live my life like I’m gonna die young”
This is almost a more wholesome version of his careless hedonism, more skewed toward seeing the world rather than just having drunken fun but the energy is still there
Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
“Tonight I’m gonna have myself a real good time”
It’s the “having fun is the only thing that matters” mindset. He doesn’t deserve this song 😔
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
I don’t have a lyric for this one, it’s just like. Yes I am a professional flirter! He is not this into commitment but i imagine he tells a new person this every week.
Oops!...I Did It Again - Britney Spears
“But to lose all my senses, that is just so typically me”
The lack of commitment and not treating relationships seriously is very Anatole, and so is the refusal to take responsibility for the heartbreak you directly caused.
How Bad Can I Be? - The Lorax
“How bad can I be? I’m just doing what comes naturally”
I KNOW I KNOW. HEAR ME OUT. This is pretty much Tolstoy’s “defense” of him verbatim. It’s the idea that he’s just so naturally like this it has never occurred to him to be any other way or to think about other people’s wellbeing. Anatole is the Onceler and Natasha is a straight girl on tumblr circa 2012.
Runaway Baby - Bruno Mars
“When I play, I never stay”
He would never be this self-aware, but otherwise it fits. The whole thing is about an inability to commit and a propensity for causing heartbreak. Also, I’ve had a grudge against this song for years and the blind rage it fills me with is reminiscent of the blind rage Anatole fills me with.
California Girls - The Beach Boys
“I’ve been all around this great big world and I’ve seen all kinds of girls”
This song is like, “What if we objectified every woman ever but made it a bop?” which is massive Anatole energy I think.
Girls, Girls, Girls - Motley Crüe
“I just need a new toy”
Literally the exact same justification as California Girls
It’s Raining Men - The Weather Girls
If I’m gonna add songs about objectifying women, I’m gonna add songs about objectifying men too. Equal opportunity whorery.
Parental Guidance - Judas Priest
“You say I waste my life away but I live it to the full”
This is just him to Vassily. Refusing to be controlled by your parents’ expectations and just going off to have fun is Vassily’s whole gripe with him and also the point of this song.
How To Be A Heartbreaker - MARINA
“You gotta have fun, but baby when you’re done you gotta be the first to run”
The bits about not getting close to anyone because you’re afraid of getting hurt don’t really apply but the “here’s how to make people like you and also we are for sure not staying together this is just for fun” definitely fit.
The STD Song - Top Memes
“Sinning with your naked bod is evil and atrocious”
I uh. I forgot this was on here but I was RIGHT when I added it. This is the lecture Vassily gives him after his Polish wife debacle-
“I’m only doing anything I want to do because I do it all the time”
He literally just does whatever he wants without thinking about the consequences. It’s just got huge entitled kid thot energy which is Anatole’s whole character. And the line “I’m taking your girl and I’m making her mine” is deeply Anatoleish.
Until The Night Turns - Lord Huron
“I got a helluva view for the end of the world, I've got a bottle of booze and a beautiful girl”
This doesn’t fit into any particular situation but I do think if the world was ending and Anatole was drunk with a pretty lady he would have this exact reaction. Also the repetition of the word sunrise (which is what the name Anatole means) is just a fun little extra bit.
Girls - The 1975
“What’s the fun in doing what you’re told?”
Rebellious kid energy! Also “she can’t be what you need if she’s 17” is everyone with morals @ him about Natasha (I know she was 19 at the time shh it’s about the energy).
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) - The Offspring
“In his own mind he’s the dopest trip”
This man is The Worst but he really thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips huh! Literally everyone can tell he’s not the brightest bulb in the bunch EXCEPT HIM. Smh.
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openingnightposts · 3 months
0 notes
ellewritesfix05 · 4 years
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The Sweet Stuff 🌺
Make It Better
Dean comes home to a heartwarming image
Cotton Candy
Wine, boredom, and sassy Winchesters become the Reader’s recipe for disaster. Written for those of us who’ve made bad decisions during quarantine.
Dean supports the Reader’s endeavors in the sweetest way.
Taking Care of You (Comfort!Dean)
Reader is feeling unwell, but it’s nothing a little bit of soup with a side of Dean can’t fix.
Broken Silence (Implied Smut)
Taking a break from hunting seems like a good idea, if it weren’t for the Reader’s least favorite thing, Silence. After the boys come home, a simple misunderstanding leads to her breaking her greatest silence yet, and turning over a new leaf with the love of her life.
Coming Home
She fell in love and paid for it. Now, centuries later, what will happen when a hero finds her and vows to protect her from a gruesome death, whatever it takes? This is written for @superfanficnatural and @impala-1979’s “Mert and Pala’s Celebration Challenge”
Toes In The Sand
A quick getaway is just what the boys need, and it’s exactly what the Reader intends on giving them.
When You Least Expect It - Part I, Part II
Not everything is as it seems, and the Reader finds the hard way that getting her way isn’t always what’s best. Then again, when your boyfriend is Dean Winchester, there’s really not much to worry about.
Let’s Cry Together 💔
Following a tragic loss for the Reader, Dean tries his best to be there for her. Time runs out and Dean finds himself in what may be the worst time of his life.
Girl Next Door
Marriage and career on the line, the Reader’s plan to surprise Dean backfires, forcing her to come face to face with heartbreak and the hardest decision she never thought she’d ever have to make. Written for @flamencodiva ‘s “1700 Celebration Challenge”
One Last Time
She left to protect him from himself. He thought she’d be safe, but there are demons even he can’t exorcise. 
Feelin’ Spicy 🔥
The Bet (Fluff, Angst, Smut)
A night out with Dean leads to confessions and a long-awaited romantic encounter.
The One Who Got Away (Angst, Fluff, Smut)
Dean Winchester was not a commitment man, at least that’s how he thought of himself until he met her. However, after a failed shot at normalcy, he soon finds himself in the role of Death, a role that not only brings him face to face with the woes of mortality, but with the one who got away. Based on S6 E11 “Appointment in Samarra” this story was written for @idreamofplaid ‘s “Thanks for the Memories Challenge.
I Still Don’t Like You (Slight Angst, Fluff, Smut)
Dean Winchester might be the most infuriating man on earth. Or the only one she’s ever loved. The line between love and hate has never been thinner. Written for @negans-lucille-tblr ‘s SPN Secret Santa Fanfic Exchange.
Nothing (Some Fluff, Angst, Smut)
Happiness is fleeting, as the Reader learns the hard way. Written for @negans-lucille-tblr ‘s 6k Roll The Dice Challenge.
Regarding Sian and Dean (fluff, smut)
Set in S12 episode “Regarding Dean” this story follows OC Sian (@deanwanddamons) and the adventure she embarks on in a fight against the clock to save the love of her life. Written for my “Elle reaches 100” Challenge.
Moon of His Life (Fluff, Smut)
There’s few things in life Dean allows himself to have. Lydia is one of them. Written for my dear friend (@downanddirtydean), this is the story of a special morning where, much like many others, Dean expresses love and devotion for his soulmate.
Extra ✨Rated R✨
Secret Rendezvous (Demon!Dean)
Heartbroken after Dean’s disappearance, the Reader tries to understand why he left her. That is, until he comes back to claim what’s his... or does he?
The One With The New Boss (AU)
Dean Smith arrives at Sandover Bridge and Iron Inc. with high expectations and goals. Little does he know that he’ll get more than he bargained for when his new assistant (Reader) agrees to help relieve some stress for the ambitious new Director of Sales and Marketing.
Angels and Demons (Demon!Dean)
Halloweens are hardly ever eventful for the Reader, but that changes the moment a handsome stranger takes to her liking and shows her how unforgettable All Hallows’ Eve can be.
Pride is her enemy, jealousy her friend. Dean isn’t having any of it, and he wants everyone to know
Sympathy for the Devil
Reader spends the best night of her life at the hands of two of Hell’s most wanted.
They say you don’t know what you have until it goes away, but Dean isn't willing to find out. 
Midwife Crisis
No Forgetting You
Watch This
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ellexreynolds · 3 years
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FIRST: Elle’s first kiss was with none other than Charlie North. She had been so scared, worried that she wouldn’t be any good at it, and that he would laugh at her. But it turned out to be perfect. Kissing Charlie North changed the game for Elle, only because it gave her a confidence boost like she’d never thought possible.
LAST: Her last kiss, she doesn’t remember much at all. Lost beneath the fog of too much cheap wine, the night she spent with Mack and Noah isn’t much more than an indecipherable blur.
FIRST: At an event held by her parents at the Reynolds home, Elle and Beau somehow managed to get their hands on some of that weird coloured bubbly drink that every adult there seemed to have a glass of in their hand. Wanting to find out what the big deal was, the siblings, aged 10 and 12, took matters into their own hands. Hiding out under a table, they took their first taste and spent the rest of the night wondering why it was so popular.
LAST: As a way to keep herself somewhat numb, Elle often finds herself ending the day with a drink or two or seven.
FIRST: The first time Elle ever experienced heartbreak was the morning she woke up and found a note from Beau saying that he’d left town. It wasn’t that he left, it was left without giving her a real goodbye. They had been best friends, each other’s ride or die, and without her other half, Elle’s world began to crumble. While she talks to him a lot, she hasn’t seen him since.
LAST: Elle’s heart breaks a little every day.
FIRST: When Elle was younger, she always dreamed of growing up and being a famous pop star. But, since she couldn’t really sing, and the piano lessons she took never seemed to take, she figured she needed to settle for something more achievable. So, up until the age of 17, she planned on being a lawyer. But, after her brother left and she found out that her family had no money, she let that go too.
LAST: Now all Elle dreams about is getting through each day in one piece.
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romillys · 3 years
hi everyone! so glad this is back!
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romilly ‘mila’ van der woodsen was spotted in the fashion district adorning the jimmy choo thyra 100 jewel-embellished suede heeled sandals , with some airpod pros on . they’re most likely listening to blinding lights - acoustic by victoria voss . you may know them as romillys or as that casimere jollette lookalike . their twenty fourth birthday just passed . while living in  the upper east side , they’ve gained a bit of a reputation . they’re known to be defensive but on the other hand hard-working . wonder if they’ll be the next person to hit the headlines . ( cis woman / she/her + elle / 23 / she/her )
* character questionaire .
01. if you have three words to describe yourself , what are they ?
focused, daring, confident.
02 . what is your favourite alcoholic drink ?
it’s definitely wine. i used to only drink white but i’ve become really fond of red. my grandpa gave me a bottle of  1982 latour for my twenty first birthday and that was easily the most impressed i’ve ever been with wine. i’m not going to be basic and say dom perignon.
03 . what is your favourite season and why ?
i’ve always loved winter because of the associations of ballet and the performances of the nutcracker. it’s always help a special place in my heart and i continue to feel the same after all these years. plus, i love the parties and dressing up, feel like i can go more glam with more diamonds and sparkles than in the summer.
04 . what’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done ?
it would have to be when i drunkenly booked a vacation to dubai for myself and a few friends after a wine and movie night. i spent a ridiculous amount but the trip was fun and i can safely say my friends and i still talk about it.
* character biography .
the only grand daughter of olivier van der woodsen, romilly would grow up surrounded by luxury olivier was the founder and controlling shareholder of woodsen enterprises, a company has investments in various industries including auto parts, energy, metals, rail cars, casinos, food packaging, real estate, and home fashion. it was more than enough for him to provide for his son and daughter-in-law and now his grand-daughter. like her parents before her, romilly was born into privileged and lived comfortably in an upper east side penthouse where she was waited on by endless nannies and housekeepers. her father was involved in the family business, hoping to be handed olivier’s shares one day but the other showed no sign of willingly stepping down any time soon; her mother a self-absorbed socialite that had her own ideas of how to dominate society meant that childcare did not land with either of them.
her parents were difficult to communicate with and this lead to many nannies leaving just when romilly had started to become attached. they were the closest thing to love that she had received but as they left constantly she would grow up with a great sense of inadequacy. they weren’t in love and it seemed the both of them only valued their own sucesses, not each others. as she grew up, she would become her grandfather’s favourite and it would leave both her parents with green eyes...
romilly always liked dancing and had a special connection with music. every time she heard it she wanted to move. she was too young to understand it but she had natural musicality. when they realised that it was harder for the help to stay, they pushed her onto olivier with the hope that she’d be a distraction to pressure him into taking a step back. The man, although one of the most powerful people in New York City, did have a soft spot for his granddaughter. he was the one that saw potential in her dancing as a child. he was quick to enroll her when she was six and everything else followed.
from that moment on, she would only look forward to dance and seeing her grandfather. he was the only one who understood her passion and was the one encouraging her at every stage. however, her parents were quick to criticise performances or her facial expressions when performing. no matter how hrd she tried, it wasn’t enough to impress them. she started distancing from them after that, only talking to her grandpa and looking to him when she needed emotional sport.
being accepted into the summer intensive programme for the school of american ballet was a game changer for her. she made good friends and loved breathing dance and being surrounded by people who had the same passion. she attended the same intensive two years running and her place there just felt right. the next year, she was enrolled as a full time student at the school of american ballet and moved into halls. it was a freedom she never had before and felt like it was her very first chance to have a real sense of community and support.
romilly worked extremely hard and was definitely one who focused on her success; that had seeped its way through from her parents. she was one of the lucky ones to become an apprentice at new york city ballet and the staff definitely took note. her skill level had almost been at prodigy level and she always maintained a ‘can-do’ attitute. she wouldn’t simply bend into the background.
this year, she became one of the youngest principal dancers in the company and it was the best day of her life. she had become a successful professional ballerina. she has also assisted with some choreography as her creativity has blossomed over the years. now her parents wanted to be proud of her and they did make an effort to see her, although it felt really strained from their side. they had ulterior motives but she wasn’t sure what.
romilly was hit hardest after the announcement of the death of olivier van der woodsen, her grandpa who she had loved so much. after the loss and added pressure, her personality has somewhat shifted. she’s out a lot more in clubs now, making out with people and deciding to lessen her control over herself. besides, she’s now a billionaire in her own right but can even comprehend how much money she actually has. she is more defensive and snaps at her co-workers a lot more. she’s secretive and does keep most things to herself. she’s embarrassed that she’s involved in family disputes over money that she never asked for and now worried that stories are leaking on the internet about her and have the ability to tarnish her image in the ballet world. she feels like if she doesn’t fix it soon, she’ll be on her way out of the company. still, she doesn’t help herself and continues to party and drink a lot more than she should do which leads to easily avoidable drunken stumbles that hurt her...
* extras .
Full Name: romilly annabeth van der woodsen
Nickname(s): mila, tiny dancer, ro
Age: twenty four
Date of Birth: december 19, 1996
Hometown: new york city, new york
Current Location:  new york city, new york  
Ethnicity: white
Nationality: american
Gender: cis woman
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bi romantic & bi sexual
Religion: none
Political Affiliation: none
Occupation: principal ballerina at new york city ballet
Living Arrangements: upper east side penthouse previously owned by olivier van der woodsen
Language(s) Spoken: english, french, chinese
Hair Colour: blonde
Eye Colour: blue
Height: 5′4″
Build: slender
Tattoos: none
Piercings: ears
a fully stocked wine cabinet, diamante earrings, chanel pumps, silk crop tops, crystal embellished stilettos, a pile of pointe shoes discarded in the corner of the main room, marble flooring, roof to floor windows, bobby pins gathering at the bottom of her purse, quickly applying glitter eyeshadow with her fingers, a collection of nude palettes and diamante earrings, deleting emails without reading them, golden chandeliers, rejected calls from parents, tops with puffed sleeves, berets, nineties colored purses, twenty hour days and booking trips aborad while under the influence.
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tempe-brennans · 3 years
a-z playlist tag
thank for you tagging me angel💕💓 @helahades
no pressure tags: @barnesnroses @luminousbarnes @ayybtch @sventeen-daybreak
A. all three- noah cyrus
B. blinding lights- the weeknd
C. come to me- the goo goo dolls
D. dead in the water- ellie goulding
E. each coming night- iron & wine
F. funeral- james bay and maisie peters
G. galway girl- ed sheeran
H. hard act to follow- billy lockett
I. issues- julia michaels
J. jackie and wilson- hozier
K. kansas city- the new basement tapes
L. layla- derek & the dominoes
M. my love took me down to the river to silence me- little green cars
N. nothing's gonna stop us now- starship
O. opaline- nova armor
P. pompeii- bastille
Q. ??
R. radio ga ga- queen
S. somebody to you- the vamps
T. teeth- 5 seconds of summer
U. u + ur hand tonight- p!nk
V. vienna- billy joel
W. without me- halsey
X. ex's & oh's- elle king
Y. youngbloog- 5 seconds of summer
Z. ???
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