#either way ppl shouldnt take it too seriously
ghost-bard · 10 months
The funniest thing to me is that i truly do jot care about the presidential debates on the qsmp, but im watching bc ik charlie is doing some funky stuff as gegg and also him and bagherras interactions are nice :)
And part of it is that i feel like the fans are taking it wayyy too seriously, like its just rp, and i kinda dislike the way some ppl are treating cellbit n forever, like even if i dont particularly align w what theyre saying i def understand the two major parties (at least in terms of who was present for debate 2) and i feel like. Maybe some people need to take a step back and understand its just rp, its literally in minecraft, its not a big deal.
I also think some ppl are slightly misconstruing what mainly bagherra and bbh were saying, in calling what they want a utopia, which certainly isnt true.
But its whatever im not too invested in the elections themselves lmao
Not pointed at anyone just a general statement :]
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cosmicdream222 · 1 month
sorry to be morbid again but do you think we can manifest passing away early? im honestly past the point of wanting to exist and just want to get over this thing that im supposed to be a successful person but im not so idrc if i do or dont live
so many ppl on tarot related blogs ask about their fs but if we dont meet them does it matter and would they just move on with their life? like i think u have to have ur life put together but its genuinely so hard to do these days so i hope my fs wont be sad at all when i die cause i wouldnt be able to make tnem truly happy anyway cause im not happy myself with how things have been
ideally i wouldve done something in a sport or music but that ship sailed long ago and now im so stuck but id hate to be reliant on someone else and i shouldve moved out into my own place but housing is ridiculously expensive where im from and taxes dont help anyone. it takes years and years to pick up a talent so i have wasted those years and ik im just going to struggle to get past 50 if i were to have my own place bc minimum wage jobs suck arse and i dont want to be doinng something lame not that its lame for others to do it, its just not what i wanted to have done at all
you cant even get a degree without needing to fork out hundreds and thousands so yeah none of its easy and sure you can try subliminals but lets face it the systemn we are in is fucked up big time so rn i cant even bother with daydream about how it could have been or the what ifs i had done smth differently or if i had any talent but then theres still the, im too old and too foreign to do any sort of music as most successful groups nowadays are korean and even if i tried to do what they did it would probs end up killing me some way or other
its just either about having to be wealthy or having some type of talent both of which id fail at anyway as i shouldve done it years ago like a normal person who goes from being so so at something to being great at something.
i truly think i was born in wrong generation or i just shouldnt have been born at all then i wouldnt have to fret constantly abt these types of things. i think if the government genuinely sorted shit out for once and helped society ppl would be happier to work for less but im not happy at all with the current state of things. i feel guilty for existing and i hate it sm like god just let me end my life pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee there is nothing worthwhile in store, ik we could try shifting subliminals but have those genuinely worked? like u exit this reality and straight into the one you wanted originally? but then i might as well just pass away cause id have to know what i want in another reality
My dude, take a deep breath. You’ve ranted about all this same exact stuff a bunch of times now and I’m just gonna repeat the same thing I said to you last time:
All of that stuff you mentioned about your current reality is an illusion. Time is an illusion. It does not matter what you’ve done in the past. The economy does not matter. Your present circumstances do not matter.
I’ll add to that: Whatever some tarot reader or TikTok psychic says definitely does not matter. Idk what fs means but I’m guessing something like a twin flame and that is especially 1000% bullshit.
The spiritual community has created an incredible amount of false narratives to make excuses and blame outside forces for why things aren’t going their way. None of it is real. Seriously forget everything you learned about fate, karma, astrology, or anything else that’s saying something else is in control. Reality is an illusion. YOU are in control.
You don’t have to identify with any old bullshit anymore. Stop repeating the old story and think about what you do want. You can have literally ANYTHING! You say you don’t know what you want, ok, but you know what you don’t want, right?
I don’t want to work -> I want to live in a reality where I don’t have to work.
There, you just figured out something you want! It’s that simple.
I totally agree that this society is a horrific shitshow and I don’t want to be aware of it anymore either. But it’s just one version of reality available. It’s not the only reality and it’s not the original reality. You don’t have to be aware of it anymore if you don’t want to be.
You also don’t have to involve death at all. There’s a lot of misconception in the shifting world which has lead to concepts like “permashifting” and “respawning”, but those just all assume this current reality is the original one. It’s not.
Have you watched The Matrix? It’s really more like a documentary than science fiction lol. Just like in the movie, we are being tricked by a simulated virtual reality, controlled by a society that’s using us for our energy. Just think of reality as an escape room. We’re escaping the Matrix. Once you figure out how to leave, you don’t ever have to go back. There are infinite realities available to you, and none are more real or right or original than any others. Remember, death is not an ultimate, nor does it exist in all realities.
I am scripting a utopian reality with my best friend where there is no death, aging, or illness. Everyone is a master manifestor so they always get whatever they want. Nobody has to work and there isn’t even a need for money because we can manifest anything instantly. We can just relax and get massages all day. Everyone lives in peace and harmony and abundance. Animals are treated as equals to humans, we can all communicate with each other, and we can all fly and teleport. Because why the f not? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
And if you really don’t want to exist (I’m guessing that other ask from a couple weeks ago is you too lol) you don’t have to exist in this reality, or any other. Removing your awareness from all physical reality is known as entering the void. You exist there as pure consciousness, and you can stay there as long as you like. It is you as your highest self. There’s nothing negative about it.
As for the whole subliminal thing, shifting subliminals are just one method. Shifting = manifesting = deciding what you want and experiencing it. It’s something we are always doing and is available to all of us. You don’t need any methods to shift besides intention. We just use methods to convince/calm the annoying human brain that is programmed with society’s limits.
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x7mafiadetective7x · 3 months
i hear abt a lotta gay guys who r like ‘yeah sometimes i kiss girls and i like painting their nails erotically or platonically but i still date guys’
or lesbians who r like ‘yeah sometimes i kiss a dude and i like drinking with them erotically or platonically but i still date girls’ and everyone (to either one) is like WOAH! poser alert? romance is NOT fluid!
either way idk i feel like it shouldnt matter what label ppl choose and sometimes these ideals merge with the ‘bisexuality isnt REALLY lgbt’ saying.. i just feel like people are taking identities way too seriously, a lot of things turn out to be fluid and things change or they dont and either way ur still apart of this community.
you dont have to protect yourself from complex identities and act ‘good’ and consumable. we arent products that come with ingredient lists, okay? nothing is ‘this’ or ‘that.’ ur fine the way u are and ur fine the way you will be or were in the past. im still proud of you for looking inside yourself and finding your potential.
this is abt romance and gender and lack thereof btw <3
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bearlypigest · 4 months
i cannot BELIEVE i was following a homophobe and had no idea
just because youre 15 im gonna explain just on the off chance you dont understand the weight of calling someone the f slur
thats the word people yell at us when they hate crime us. thats what we're called by the people who want us dead. by calling a lgbtq+ person that bc they hurt youre feelings, youre saying, 'hey, im on the side of the people who do those things. i also want you dead for being lgbtq+. i take joy in hearing about the lgbtq+ people who get beaten and murdered and more for it, they deserve it'
if thats not what you mean, dont say it
theres literally no justification or EVER any good reason to say it
the only reasons youd be saying it are either a) youre a homophobe or b) youre too young to know better. but 15 is really around the age that you should start learning better.
that sort of thing isnt tolerated in the real world. thats how you get fired from your job in the future or kicked out of uni. if you cant drop it from your vocabulary because its beyond hurtful, then do it for your own sake
seriously man
its NOT like any other insult. its not like when someone called you a weirdo on twitter. that was wrong of them, they shouldnt. im not saying thats okay. but im saying that calling someone the f slur has so much weight and history and blood on it
like i said
either you mean it in all those awful ways, or you dont know better. im telling you so you can learn better. you deserve that chance at least
I never knew that word had a deep meaning against the lgbt, but I'm not a homophobic, I didn't know the f slur meant that cause what I've been hearing where I'm from ppl my age say it a lot, I asked them what it meant and they said it's calling someone gay, that's all they said and that's what I thought it meant, and yk how ppl are know days calling each other gay as a joke, but I never said it out loud both on the internet and irl, til now, and what you told me Abt what it meant I never knew that. And it's not because I'm homophobic I'm not, it just means I'm still a kid and still learning this stuff (when in actual reality I should be learning/talking Abt this as an adult not at this age cause I'm stupid) so I apologize for that, forgive me, don't forgive me, idc. But all I'm saying is I'm sorry and I never knew
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Texts from The Lost Tomb, part 3
I didn’t mean for this to stray into angst but like the lack of updates with Li Cu in LTR?? I had to do it to em.
Wushanju Crew Chat, 11:05pm
Li Cu: what’s up losers I’m outside
Li Cu: someone come on and open the damn door
Wang Meng: Language:(
Li Cu: fine, someone come on and open the damn door please
Snake Eyes Chat, 7:00am
Wu Xie: hey are you awake? Sorry I missed you coming in:) was finishing up some work. How was the end of your first semester? Did that geology paper go well? Did the food budget work out or do you need some extra money next semester?
Li Cu: yeah about your work
Li Cu: heard a little rumor
Li Cu: about you going through some stuff during ur recent trip
Li Cu: some stuff you maybe forgot to mention
Li Cu: and you told me we gotta check in with stuff, so this is me checking in, okay
Wu Xie: oh? What stuff?
Li Cu: idk just like
Wu Xie: oh. That stuff.
Li Cu: yeah asshat I’m in the kitchen whenever you’re ready to explain your fucking bullshit. Also you’re out of milk wtf how am I supposed to make breakfast here
Main Chat, 11:14am
Wu Xie: okay so it’s possible I fucked up a little bit.
Zhang Qiling: What’s wrong?
Honorary Wu Chat, 11:30am
Wang Meng: Welcome home, Li Cu <3 not much has changed, ultimately.
Li Cu: it’s okay. not your fault, uncle. Doesn’t matter how I found out. Wait wait hold on what do you mean “the rest of us figured it out” who figured it out
Liu Sang: …hello.
Liu Sang: uh…so you’re Wu Xie’s protégé, huh?
Li Cu: oh well howdy there homewrecker
Liu Sang: Excuse me??
Zhang Qiling: I think someone on the roof is calling me and I should go find out.
Wang Meng: I would also very much like to be removed from this conversation.
Li Cu: all I’m saying is aren’t you the little creep who’s obsessed with Xiao Ge
Liu Sang: ???
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu is referring to a brief period of irrational thought on Wu Xie’s part, where he mistakenly believed you to be a threat to our relationship.
Liu Sang: what do you mean a threat??
Wang Meng: can you please take me off this chat.
Liu Sang: Wait, so Wu Xie told you about me, but…reading between the lines, he didn’t mention the cancer or anything bad that happened? Oh yikes.
Li Cu: don’t change the subject “Liu Sang”
if that is your real name
Like yeah you’re right abt it but still
just saying
heard you got good ears but I’ve got snake powers
so like no more funny business okay you superhearing harlot
Wang Pangzi: LMAO OH DO WE NOW
Zhang Qiling: Li Cu, this is all unnecessary and childish. Please apologize.
Li Cu: you say that now bruh but apparently you weren’t complaining when he was all “idol this” and “idol that”
oh and hey Wang Meng while we’re here can I show you my business class grade report later bc Wu Xie is all “what matters is that you learned and enjoyed the experience” blah blah all eat pray love you know how he gets and I want to actually discuss areas to improve so that when I take over this joint I do better than Wu Xie? Tho that shouldnt be hard lol
Wang Meng: hurtful but accurate. I’ll bring my best red pen:)
Liu Sang: oh my god. I’m too jetlagged to keep up with any of this.
Not A Homewrecker Chat, 11:52am
Liu Sang: Okay, we started off on the wrong foot.
Li Cu: I agree let’s start over
Start with how your little prank game almost got ppl killed
Liu Sang: And I seriously regret that. But we moved past that.
Wow, he seriously skipped over so much bullshit but didn’t skimp on mine, huh.
Li Cu: AHA so you ADMIT IT
Liu Sang: I’d like to think I’ve grown since then. That I’ve come to see Xiao Ge as a person and mentor, rather than an idol. I count Pangzi and Wu Xie as my close friends. I’m going to be staying here with them right now, I hope you can be okay with that.
Li Cu: see in my head you were going to be a lot less mature about it and I had a bunch of great follow-up insults planned
Liu Sang: I figured. I’d like us to be friends, though. Or at least not enemies.
Li Cu: okay but only bc you don’t know me yet so you won’t judge too much for this and I need to get this out to somebody I’ve been thinking about it for hours and my friends are still in finals and I’m stressing a little bit maybe
Liu Sang: ?
Li Cu: I yelled at dad
*Wu Xie sorry autocorrect
Liu Sang: …uh huh.
Li Cu: I yelled at him earlier. for keeping all that stuff from me. He started crying
Liu Sang: Wu Xie has been pretty emotional since we got back. Not necessarily your fault.
Li Cu: I made him cry right there at the kitchen sink and it felt like maybe the worst thing I’ve ever done
Snake venom and stabbings, no tears
Me saying I wouldn’t have gone to his funeral, all tears
Which I know was shitty to say but I was really mad
Liu Sang: If it’s any consolation, I think Wu Xie can understand the concept of being led by his emotions to make bad decisions…better than most people.
Li Cu: Xiao Ge came in then and looked weird
Like weirder than usual
Like he didn’t know which of us to be more mad at
Liu Sang: A common problem for the iron triangle, I understand.
Li Cu: I just ran out I didn’t have words right then and I feel stupid
but whenever they come back from their walk I’m gonna say sorry and stuff bc i could’ve come home to his funeral and I’m mad about it but also like. I could have come home to his funeral. I can get mean when I’m in a freakout mood. It’s not like I was scared or anything at all I don’t get scared really anymore ever but just like. Freaked out.
Liu Sang: He’s probably going to say sorry, too.
Li Cu: sorry I called you a homewrecker. Didn’t mean to slut-shame either
Liu Sang: I admit that after the initial shock, it was pretty funny. Super hearing harlot, it should be on my business card;)
Li Cu: this situation with Wu Xie is weird but kinda good ya know. And I have these freakouts sometimes that something maybe bad could happen to this situation. So consider this a shovel talk. But like, also not a shovel talk at the same time.
also I appreciate you saving his life and whatnot
Liu Sang: Noted. Now. Coffee?
Li Cu: sounds sick.
Be in the kitchen in 10. You can pick out what we watch for the household tv show tonight. no way is Wu Xie choosing some dry documentary about gravestone rubbings again. Pangzi just watches real housewives reruns and Xiao Ge won’t watch tv after he caught the last half hour of A Walk To Remember. Also i need my phone now to send some $ to Hei Xiazi since I owe him for…providing some intel
Liu Sang: Not even surprised.
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volfoss · 3 years
how about ranking bucciarati's team?
regret to inform you that ur gonna get a very long answer bc i have passionate feelings about them all! also trish is in this bc she is part of the team and no one will tell me otherwise and will also include some rambling bc it is me and i have so many feelings towards these characters and none of them r cohesive
under the cut just in case (post writing yes it was long)
Giorno Giovanna:
way way more complex than ppl normally give him credit for (i will not go into feelings on how a majority of the fandom treats him unless ppl want me to then i will in fact make a very long ranty post and will not be stopped)
mildly op (esp at the beginning with how hes kind of able to just use his stand really well w no problems altho i think thats true of most of the jojos that we have seen animated?)
i am emotionally attached to him and want to give him a big hug
hes just a kinda goofy kid and is maybe a bit not good with figuring out hey this is a semi dangerous situation maybe i shouldnt be taunting him (leaky eye luca for example)
has the actual best theme
i love how he works off the rest of the team so well (even w members who do not like him)
is in my top 3 jojos i love this kid sm i would adopt him if he was real
Bruno Bucciarati:
the fucking way his character develops from licky man to best dad material is my favorite thing
his outfit is so so so good i would die to wear it
in general this man is one of my fave jojos characters and i get a lot of comfort from him
hes just really neat and has a good taste in music
he did his fucking best and i will always love him for that
imo the way that his death was drawn out was genuinely one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the entire series and fucks me up each time i think of it
i feel like he really is the one to hold the team together in a way that everyone feels cared for and saved
def has a savior complex tho for sure
dilf but im ace
also manga superiority bc he either makes the stupidest faces or looks very nice (anime has a lot of weird animation in regards to his face) and also because its lingerie there instead of a tattoo that changes thickness and placement every second
Leone Abbacchio:
guilty pleasure liking man
i am obsessed with his vibes and wish to become him
i cannot physically express just how much i love him but hes one of my faves of all time (not obvious by my theme at all wdym)
i miss his manga palette but also the colored manga isnt my beloved but also black lipstick abba
hot take maybe but anime abba looks better than manga minus the lipstick debacle
hes so so tall and i will steal his height in a nice way
his past man his past it fucks me up
his death fucks me up normally but when i was rewatching recently, i saw he gave this tiny lil smile after helping the kids get their ball and i could not take it anymore
him and brunos relationship (canonically and out of canon too) is one of my favorites in the series
also fandom hot take as i guess i am doing those for everyone- but ppl either have him as cosntantly trying to murder giorno or being like good son and v out of character, and it is really weird? not sayign that ill do better when i write them but also like im convinced some ppl havent seen the show or smth
i will steal both him and bruno and marry them both <3
this man is beloved i love him to death
Pannacotta Fugo:
i cannot spell his first name to save my life
also fandom take- ppl make him constantly only angry boy all the time and it really irks me. ik araki did not give him 2 much to work w in terms of canon personality but its frustrating
the light novel purple haze feedback is so so so good and adds sm to his character and i really like it for that!
fugo is one of those that imo deserves a lot and didnt get that
genuinely the vibes between how he treats narancia is v interesting to me, like its clear he cares about nara but nara not doing great w math really frustrates him
i love their interactions and how he is genuinely a kind person at times
the manga colors r superior here, my strawberry boy <3
i just really love and appreciate him a lot and wish that ppl gave him more love
i keep getting assigned him on kin quizzes
very smart good boy
ALSO ok fugo did not do any wrong by leaving
unsure if thats a hot take but i genuinely dont blame the character one bit for leaving and again purple haze feedback really delves into that and why he did it
if ur a fugo fan go read it
his past is really upsetting esp in the anime i will cry over it
his stand is adorable and i wanna hug it
his vibes r fun and i wanna gift him strawberry dangly earrings
Narancia Ghirga:
this boy i am also adopting (i am adopting most of them sorry)
i really hate how ppl act as if hes stupid bc bad math skills do not equal stupid like did ppl not see the fight w formaggio??
the way he just fucking dove into the water after the boat and how brunos face went all soft and happy it will never not make me cry
he is constnatnly making me wanna cry if i think too much about him for 2 seconds i love him sm
how can anyone not adore him when he set an entire street on fire yk
hes just happy despite his past and it makes me sad i love nara sm
torture dance is one of my favorite memes from the show
ALSO ok the way he died so suddenly absolutely broke me bc the remaining team members r really just seeing everyone die in front of them so quickly
his goofy and laid back moments r my fave
i love just how loyal and caring he is to his friends
his stand is really cool and again the fight w formaggio was so fun to watch
Guido Mista:
probably my least favorite member of the team for a semi good reason:
the jokes towards trish are really really uncomfy and how fugo doesnt wanna be involved but he is pushing him to do something that makes him uncomfortable did not make me like him a lot
hes goofy but not goofy enough for me to be ok with the repeated jokes about that esp in the body swap episode (ik it was supposed to be funny but it just felt off)
his vibes r good but i wish we got to see his hair
the fandom interpretation is normally pretty good of him overall?
despite not loving him a lot, i really enjoying writing for him (one day might open up headcanon requests or smth but unsure)
hes someone id wanna watch movies w but his taste in movies and mine r very different
love how he and his stand get along
honestly has very very good comedic potential
i really like how he and giorno interact as the series goes on (in a platonic way i need to clarify that i love their friendship)
again him in purple haze feedback was really interesting
probably a 5/10?
Trish Una:
beloved and deserved better
her first outfit in the manga > outfit in the anime
actually in general i believe in manga trish superiority like her hair in the manga looks so cool
her stand her stand her stand i love sm
if u dont include trish in the group i am murdering u <3
fandom gripe is how people either pretend she does not exist or has the trish first introduction thing where shes using her defense mechanisms and acting a bit spoiled
OK but her in purple haze feedback!!! mild spoilers but how bruno was taking care of her post the ending of vento aureo makes me so happy each time i think of it
very mad that she canonically didnt really get an ending and yet again PHF my beloved actually gave her that
how spice girl starts out as a stand thats helping her thru a very stressful situation is so cool and i love it
DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO *frothes at the mouth*
but more seriously how she leans on bruno and begins 2 trust him and nearly point blank is referring to him as a father figure always fucks me up
esp because of the resulting fight afterwards
and the very ending of the arc that ends w bruno being like bye gonna go in the clouds and look ethereal now, oh man it makes me so sad
bc giorno is the only one that knew what happened and people that were closer to bruno due to knowing him longer didnt
i wanna see how trish coped w that personally
despite being introduced not at the beginning i think her arc and character in general were as well paced as it could be!
finally done! sorry that took so long but oh man i have so many feelings towards these guys its not even funny
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vampkomori · 3 years
thank you for that little essay i have SERIOUSLY thought neo's reports were weird abt composers. and i was rly scratching my head over how haz could be joshua's junior but also so much less human-socialized. Also... one rich teenager usurping an urban god in tokyo i could believe. But two?? one RIGHT AFTER the other???? that just feels contrived
also this is sort of related and u probs noticed but i ALWAYS feel the need to point out how weird it is that joshua's called an angel nowadays, but the first time we Ever see him with wings is in frickin KH: DDD.
but ive been trying to flowchart the twewy lore like it were a stupid puzzle and i while "a new composer only arises when the previous one is defeated" is clearly important SR info that we shouldnt discard, it does seem to come with an inherent contradiction. There had to have been a FIRST composer for an area and some method to instate that. Maybe Haz is the key there (tho idk if the devs thought that far originally, esp when u apply that to the angels Generally)
yes hello thank u also im glad ppl like my braindump abt composer lore !!!!
honestly same about composers = angels now being Weird, ive come around to it bc thats clearly how they wanna spin things now and theres not much to be done abt it (itd help if we like, got to see a composers wings in an Actual twewy game? Not a spinoff cameo and a dubiously canon anime adaption??) but alas,
ive thought abt that too! It’s a bit too theoretical and I don’t think they thought that far ahead (or. That far back) for the lore, but itd definitely back up the idea of Angels-who-were-always-Angels existing since Someone mustve set up the RG in some way when it began to exist and established a hierarchy of sorts. im slightly concerned they might retcon the whole “composer has to be defeated for a new one to take their place” into “the defeated composer just retires, still alive, and returns to the higher plane” because that’s chicken and stupid as fuck pardon the language.
I imagine when a composer is capable of ascending/getting promoted, therefore leaving no successor, thats when an angel is needed to fill the role as successor (thats how i think haz got his position, though it could also be possible shinjuku specifically was always run by angels, we dont Know) Either Way its really ujst. A matter of hoping they’ll Eventually maybe hopefully elaborate more about the higher plane and its hierarchy
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yenafmd · 3 years
hey besties, it feels too soon to be back on this bs again but i just wanted to give a quick rundown on what my muses are up to and base prompts i have available just to getting threads going a little bit easier! below the cut you can find a rundown for both minah and yena, pls note this is no exhaustive list, just something that could possibly help! im open to anything!
lily finished i’m so sick promos early august, idk if that’s interesting or will aid any plotting but yeah that happened
she’s been (and will be) out of the country for a bit for lily’s asia tour, nothing long enough for anyone to rlly miss her tbh but any friends that seek her out to catch up with her will be rewarded with a souvenir or smth
for bc artists: the bc documentary is still happening, i’d love for minah to do some filming for that, esp if w/ bc idols she doesn’t often interact with as much
the bc concerts are also happening that’s also a good go to for threads, either for fellow performing bc artists (either excited to be there or not) or ppl from other labels attending (whether there to see lily or other groups)
1.1 interview: getting interviewed (chiaki)
1.1 interview: interviewing someone
1.2 prank: getting pranked (minah is BORING she’s not pranking anyone, whoever tries to prank her runs risk of getting scolded after tho)
2.1 advice live: minah will take this very seriously my god shes such a fucking mom icb
2.2 how-to live: minah has a lot of hobbies (see this post for a quick overview) any of those could work ngl, whether ur muse is experienced with it or not but she’s totally down for whatever hobbies ur muse might suggest!
2.3 choice live: all the ideas for the how-to live apply but i’d also possibly like to offer, playing with minah’s cats lucky & min (plus any potential pets your muse has to offer), a muse roping minah into doing a dancing live (she’s... not great ngl besties) or impromptu vocal covers or smth, tho again, the sky is the limit! im down!
calypso is currently we ride-ing, idk if any other muses are promoting but if so backstage shenanigans are always welcome!!!
yena rlly likes we ride btw, calypso had two dollars and a dream!!! citypop queens!
we ride promos end like early/mid september so after that is a good time to catch up w her for muses that haven’t been able to hang out w her much (yena will be catching up on shopping and getting drunk <3 vital activites <3)
they’re also still on their military performances bs and i know that will pay off for calypso in the future but for now,,, she will complain about it <3
for dimensions muses the company photoshoot is a thing we could always do smth surrounding that! (she’s paired up with jihae but threads can still take place there!)
1.1 interview: getting interviewed 
1.1 interview: interviewing someone
1.2 prank: either way works for yena, she’s a mischevious little pest but 
2.1 advice live: either a chaos duo that both shouldnt be allowed to give advice or the Common Sense to yena’s unbridled idiocy would be hilarious
2.2 how-to live: yena’s interest are mainly in the make-up and fashion field, she’d love to teach the viewers (and potentially your muse?) about that! but she’s also v open to any outside ideas
2.3 choice live: yena is a disaster in the kitchen so any cooking/baking antics could be fun? some dancing stuff could be fun too as shes a significantly better dancer, esp if its sexy choreos or something!
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misterbitches · 4 years
I cant decide if I think what happened this episode makes me mad at tae joo. 
me @ me...and ppl who may read what i write...lmao: hear me out. i am a black anarchist cis woman so like...not everyone is going to care or think about  stuff like this. i realize it may not be the total norm  yet (but hey black radicals burned down a fucking police station yesterday which is some real cool history so who is to say that i’m not.) with or without the norms, i share to get a grip of my own thoughts that ADHD absolutely won’t let me keep. and see what people have to say! maybe they’ll engage. otherwise,,,,,,,it doesnt matter i jsut love thinking it through. cos i am CONFUSED!!! 
(btw, i insult rich ppl through this whole thing and i dont give  a fuck. i repeat a lot of things too o well.)
the start of the ep has these words from tae joo:
i have a young friend. a shadow like being who doesn’t go away even at one o clock. that shadow grew a self. i have to do him the favor...
part of his like and attraction to guk  is because of that existing power imbalance. i, personally, think that is impossible to deny given  that we see it. a girl coming over to their house and he kisses her. he had to know that guk would see, or would be looking, whatever.
you have tae joo being surprised at interest in guk. not because guk isn’t attractive or whatever, but because he’s used to the one being noticed. he may not be as broad and tall (there’s not a huge difference but guk obviously stands out more visually, while tae joo stands out cos he’s him i guess lol.)
i think there may be an element of this cat and mouse game that he likes, but  guk takes it a lot more seriously. as he should because...it’s his job. we don’t know at what point they are so anything that happened previously but they very clearly like each other. 
i was gonna say it didn’t even have to be romantic—yet. just that feeling of i don’t need anyone else to take you. i’m curious about why tae joo likes pil hyun but maybe it has something to do with wanting a friend that isn’t necessarily one borne out of necessity. but pil hyun’s dad does work at tae joo’s father’s dumb company or whatever. he’s on the board? idk i forgot
but maybe neither of them really care and pil hyun is just a friend instead of someone you have deep admiration and romantic or strange love for. 
but then there’s a lot of cruelly selfish stuff that shows why this imbalance and their two different backgrounds hinders them. tae joo doesn’t want to lose this shadow anyway but guk is always there. where he’s supposed to be.
when tae joo said, “isn’t it boring just the two of us?” it’s just such a dumb fucking question to ask. he was either just being verbally careless or did it on purpose. it can be both, but i don’t think it was supposed to be. for every one side of a you need to see him as a person not a workerr also encourage him to fuckng quit and live your lives together outside of your stupid rich father coin there’s a he obviously wants and needs him as much if not more. 
the if not more part comes to mean (to me) dependency formed UPON guk’s job. were they not to be in this circumstance, how would their paths cross? 
honestly the show poses a lot of class dilemma for something so short. now is the time to do and write interesting things and question capitalism anyways. tae joo can’t have everything handed  to him. well he can have a lot, because he’s privileged to be where he is, but love isn’t one of those things. guk is not obligated to love him fiercely if tae joo can’t truly relinquish his hold.
the last scene pissed me off a lot at first and thinking about it  it still does. like you used the master-servant relationship comment and exploited it because you didn’t like it but it’s the truth. what is the point of guk sitting through your bullshit but when you intentionally go seek him out you can insert yourself.
hye mi saying, “hey we’re talking can u wait yr turn” like YEA. they’re talking, you came in and had a fit, and only someone who has a life like you do would do something like that. was guk making noise while you were being tutored? 
i also honestly would just quit if i were guk. not every1 is gonna be an annoying anarchist like me or whatever but that’s pretty much the only way this could sustain itself. that and tae joo respecting guk as a person not just a person he loves in his orbit. the world revolves around us as individuals. meaning we think about ourselves in relation to everyone else because we live in this body. so guk is allowed to center himself in his own life.
this could all be avoided if it crossed tae joo’s mind that guk is allowed space to feel whatever his emotions without being dictated. where it isn’t just sparring that he can say whatever the fuck. 
so remember the opening. well, here’s the last lines of thought tae joo had in the car: i have a bodyguard a shadow like being that shouldn’t go away even at one o clock. the shadow isn’t supposed to have a self. 
he called the shadow his friend. a shadow has no self so when it finds autonomy — as he is finding himself (guk),  guk walks ahead of taejoo, faceless with the camera focused on the shadow itself—we finally start to see him as the shadow shows its human form. it’s never been a shadow, guk has always been a person, his own person, it’s just that and this  is literally....he is owned by his job. imagine realizing you have the same tendency as your own dad to feel that way (btw this is also with him (guk) getting slapped by his dad and no......nothing)
in the car we see that selfishness that wasn’t buried but he never thought about. guk shouldn’t leave, he should always be behind him, a shadow, he isn’t supposed to dictate his own life, his life must revolve around me. because he’s transient, again. workers are disposable, a dime a dozen, you happen to love this dime but it doesn’t mean you have  been able to fight for it or understand it.
tae joo is rich (i don’t know if it’s new or old money and the distinction would matter a little but i’m pretty sure theyve been together for a long while? bitch idk) the boy he loves is employed by his father. his father is a CEO, a boss and truly the worst kind (FIRE! YOUR! BOSS!) tae joo has been told his whole life that he deserves. why fight capitalism and not understand his own richness? it’s beneficial to him and it gave him guk, right? 
and you see how allllllllllll of that, the messaging, the receiving, how you get stuck under the influence as a younger person to be stuck under the influence as a complicit adult to the messages of the ruling class. the ruling class you are a part of whether you like it or not, the one that calls labor your own, the one that rips power from other people. you didn’t choose who you were born from and to, but you get to choose what you do now. 
guk was never a shadow, you just didn’t see him because, well, he’s your best friend, and your bodyguard, working and being a literal punching bag for your mistakes (AND THAT’S CAPITALISM BABY, THEY RLY TOLD US THAT THERE—”for your mistakes, i’ll beat him and then send you off to england” like gorl...)
(i also want to mention i whole heartedly believe that the rich resent the poor, the ruling class punish the working class, etc but that’s like irrelevant to here mostly...by irrelevant i mean i shouldnt go any fucking deeper than i have with goddamn dumb analysis. but it’s fun kinda) 
anyway basically tae joo like made so many mistakes that show just how fucking clueless you can be when you have immense privilege. coupled with guk working for him, he doesn’t realize that guk doesn’t live to work. has his own thoughts and he has feelings man. when guk said “stop” in e3 i was rly happy tbh. yea, they may like each other but doing shit like that isn’t fair to him if you’re gonna go around and be really flighty about everything while he depends on (well maybe not depend must cater to) you almost completely by DEFAULT of u being rich lmao
this is just a look and critique into one side of tae joo. i don’t dislike him but i question why people both in the show and people discussing feeling bad for tae joo’s circumstance instead of asking why guk  has to do any of this.....? how does guk fucking feel about this? where are guk’s feelings factored in. like we’re all saying “we pay you so that should be enough.” fuck no. guk do what you want.
if the show was about like....people in love not meeting at the right time in their lives i wouldnt be too upset either. as long as we know their love was deep and romantic it’s okay to see a parting. of course i would prefer not to see that and just want tae joo and guk to grow up to become nice anarchist citizens. guk is an artist and tae joo writes books about his daddy issues or sth like that
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leftnipsdoodles · 5 years
Buff have you got any crucible tips? I tend to avoid it as I'm about as good in clash as Asher is at emotions.
there’s 11 enemies in quickplay, 5 of them happen to be on your team.
no but in seriousness, im guessing you’re asking this from a solo perspective so im gonna give you my solo view on things (highlight the text to not die):
be aware of your surroundings. there’s a lot of cover around every map for a reason. you should probably never be standing right out in the open, unless you’re baiting. to add to this, try and get a mod or an exotic that will let you have radar while ADS. it rly makes a world of difference.
know when to fold em. in my experience, the better you get and the more skilled players you encounter, the more you will find yourself in gunfights that go on for pretty damn long without either party killing the other. because you’ll both have learned when to shoot and when to hide and/or run.
pick the right subclass for yourself. i’ll always be an outlaw gunslinger at heart, and as great as the six shooter is in crucible, i do like to go in as a trapper nighstalker instead. the shadowshot CAN be clutch, but more often than not it’s completely useless. but the rest of the subclass (smoke bomb, invisibility, even the normal grenade) just works very well for my playstyle. so, don’t be afraid to try out different things and see what feels best for you.
get the heavy? idk i personally dont rly do that bc i like my primary/energy too much to wanna switch off of them lol but the truth is, whoever’s got the heavy has also got a few guaranteed kills.
funnily enough, try to stick with your team. not like glue or anything, but unless you see the perfect flanking opportunity, just stick with at least one teammate. teamshooting will never not work, lbr.
if you see someone on your radar, sitting around a corner? don’t go around that corner. they’ve got a shotgun and no dignity and they’re willing to prove both of this to you.
verticality babeyyyyyyyyy. jump over an enemy and they’ll be disoriented af 90% of the time bc the FOV in this game is just tragic. some ppl even say to just jump up very high when turning a corner bc this way the shotgun ape wont be able to shoot you. this is false however. dont do this. shotgun range is approximately 500 miles, and they won’t care.
learn the maps. this ties back into being aware of your surroundings but there’s a bunch of spots on maps that nobody rly thinks abt and you can get a bunch of cheap shots in. do you know how many times ppl have told me they’ve reported me for ‘camping’ in the lil window of that house at zone C on vostok? also, by knowing the maps, you’ll be able to predict better where the enemy actually IS once you spot them on the radar, and also where they’ll be going/coming from next.
learn to aim. you might think it’s better to aim for the body bc that way even if you miss you’ll still hit something, but the truth is it’s way better to miss 90% of your shots going for headshots for 6 hours and then seeing yourself improve in the 7th.
get the right loadout. this is trial and error more than anything. but the thing with destiny is that it will literally NEVER be a truly competitive game, since it’s a looter shooter. wanna know why you keep getting killed by Luna’s and Not Forgottens? it’s bc those guns are better. you didn’t die to that One-Eyed Mask wearing titan bc he outplayed you, he just had the better exotic. and no, it wasn’t your aim that was off, it was just the Nova Warp killing you through the wall because It Does That (even tho it shouldnt). so, get yourself some good gear. you can say ‘if you cant beat them, join them’ and get yourself a shotty and the wardcliff coil too, or you can say ‘the meta loadout isnt fun for me’ and try and find sth else that works. i think ive said this before but a lot of the time i choose a long range loadout bc it lets me keep my distance from shotties, 1HKO melees and mid range weapons, and as long as i can position myself correctly and flee when i need to, it works very well. so, at the end of the day, do try to find sth that is FUN for you too, otherwise there’s no point in playing crucible anyway.
uhhhh idk. is this helpful? full disclosure, ive been losing more games than ive been winning lately, and i wont even pretend that it was all on my random teammates, so take it all with a grain of salt lmao. i’m a slightly above average player probably and thats all. also no matter how good or bad you are, you will always be better with a team bc thats just the way this game is. but again, if thats not how you wanna play then dont force yourself to. it wont be fun.
ALSO these are all from a quickplay perspective! comp is kind of a whole other story. tho basically, in comp, just make sure to stay alive. that is legitimately the most important thing as a solo player, since you’ll be able to still play the objective or revive teammates etc even if youre the last one standing. it requires a lot more awareness and ‘calmer’ play than quickplay, plus some more coordinated work, so you’ll also have to be able to be a teamplayer, even if youre not using mic and all that (most ppl in comp dont enter voice channel anyway lol). idk, i’d stay away from comp anyway. as a wise random on the internet once said ‘comp is a shitshow, get luna’s and then get the fuck outta there’
and lastly, there’s a subreddit called r/crucibleplaybook which probably has ACTUAL advice and is way more helpful but i wouldnt know bc reading is for nerds so ive never actually looked into it
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klangpath · 6 years
your last re blog!!! i also feel like it's a bit strange when people adopt a korean name, unless there are certain circumstances. like, i remember watching a video abt a guy who moved to korea and his name was karl, but in korean, it means knife so he changed it to 민규. in that case, i kinda understand. but when people randomly adopt a korean name (i've seen ppl do this when they aren't even learning korean or planning to visit korea) it's kinda..... hm. what are ur thoughts?
personally i cant give my opinion too much because im not korean and i would never think myself qualified to speak on their behalf about their culture so take everything with a grain of salt.
with that being said, i do think that people who give themself a korean name for aesthetic reasons or to be “cool” because of their interests in dramas or music or something are obtusely ignorant to say the least. ive heard from many koreans that their names have a lot of thought go into them and theres a lot of meaning and to just diminish all that by putting characters together bc it “sounds pretty” irks me, especially if you dont understand the language or the culture.
if someone were to ask me if they could have a persian name to just have one, i wouldnt know how to react like…why? if you’re not living there, you’re not learning the language or culture, then why? what could possibly be a reason? like my parents for example when they moved here they didnt change their names bc it was easy enough though sometimes the pronunciation gets butchered. they did split my last name in half though since they thought it was too different compared to others. but i also know many immigrants who did altar their names, so that it was easier for americans to say and in turn helped them assimilate. thats fine, thats logical. so it makes sense to an EXTENT for someone with a long or complex name to be given a korean name (by a korean person) so that its easier for other people and for the individual to adapt. when theyre in korea, that is.
HOWEVER, korea has been westernizing at a rapid rate. people are comfortable using normal western names with korean pronunciation like my names (real and penname) are perfectly easy for my korean friends to use (who dont speak much of any english either!): 야스민 and 디아나/다이애나 (as one of them writes it). its not as if koreans refuse to use your name or say it wrong every time like americans do when they deem it “too difficult” if it isnt something simple like “john”.
my point is that its possible and easy for people to use and write koreanized english names. i get it if your name translated is something weird like cow blood or whatever but the excuse that its to “make it easier for koreans” when your name is seriously like david or smth just baffles me.
just like when people come to america and their actual names are easy to pronounce, they dont change it because it doesnt hinder their way of life. some people change their names so that they dont stick out or its easier to fit in but as we all know if you’re visibly a foreigner in korea, you’ll always stick out no matter what your name is. it might depend on the person bc obvi my friends didnt even ask me what my “korean” name is just what my koreanized name is and some koreans ask for a korean name but like…,,,idk.
im looking at this through the lens of me being iranian and if someone were to do this to me. obviously theres situations and scenarios that we need to take into account but in general, no matter what language it is, i think its offensive and wrong to give yourself a name because it just diminishes the entire essence of the history and culture that builds that name. names have a whole unique and individual person behind them so i feel you shouldnt take that lightly, you know?
also, if you’re someone who isnt korean and you have a korean name but you know it was necessary and you have good reasons, then great this isnt targeted to you. if youre someone just trying this for aesthetic reasons then i hope you can understand others’ points of view without offense and take something away from this.
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yallarewild · 7 years
20 reasons why i think self dx is dangerous (as a nd/mentally ill person who’s spent a decade researching psych)
this was made purely to highlight the dangers of self diagnosis and the importance of necessary medical treatment
important disclaimers:
self dx =/= self advocacy, i.e. researching symptoms that you think you might have and trying to compare them to your own behavior without actually dxing yourself, regardless whether you are going to seek medical help. i believe this is extremely important: it can provide you w/a sense of validation to know you’re not alone, and it can put you in touch with your feelings a little more once you realize there actually may be something going on with you. 
this post is not made for the intention of judging the character of people who self dx- there are many other posts out there about the ableism factors,  the trivialization of mental illness, or the way tumblr communities handle mental illness, etc.
tl;dr: .it’s not a fucking joke, please go get checked out by a professional medical practitioner, or don’t (but pls do), but whatever you do please don’t self dx
i often see the phrase “no one knows you better than yourself” as a justification for self dx and while you’re the only one who has access to your emotions and thoughts, no one is objective about their health, thoughts, and emotions. it’s impossible to truly dx yourself with any mental disorder because you subconsciously bring different types of cognitive biases into the process – this is why “medical intern syndrome” is such a prevalent phenomenon. you might know your emotions and thoughts, but this fails to address the fact that your perception of your feelings are grossly affected by your true mental illness (which says something ab your mental illness in and of itself).
not having access to mental health care doesn’t mean you should dx yourself with a mental illness, its not black or white. i often see teenagers saying they don’t want to get a prof dx because they don’t want their parents involved and i totally understand that, ableism is so terrible and i’ve experienced it for so long, trust me. luckily, there are ways to access mental health care at little to no cost, insurance or not, without getting your parents involved, but im not here to judge those who struggle w/resources to care.
untreated mental illness does not go away & a pro dx is crucial for access to treatment, disability benefits or other types of care or services. this could literally mean life or death. the prognoses for untreated mental illnesses are across the board terrible and may have devastating effects on your life: the longer they’re left untreated because you decided to not seek treatment, the more disabling they’re going to become. like one argument for self dx is that not everyone can access mental health care/resources…so instead they do something that literally prevents them from accessing resources….. uhhhhhh ??
you could put yourself in grave danger because symptoms of mental disorders may actually be life threatening symptoms of serious physical issues requiring medical care: thyroid issues, liver damage, vitamin deficiencies, blood/bone/brain infections, neurological disorders, many types of cancer, autoimmune disorders, brain tumors, epilepsy, diabetes, etc
you could put yourself in grave danger because you may be dealing with early symptoms of a more serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, DID, etc. there are many early symptoms that mask other disorders. obv all mental illnesses are very serious but if you self dx with depression because you’re experiencing the “negative” symptoms of schizophrenia: lethargy, lack of affect, etc. you may not think a pro dx is necessary and early treatment is crucial for successful long term treatment of schizophrenia.
there is so much misinformation about what symptoms look & a psychiatrist is able to determine the degree and direction of the symptoms. there is a huge spectrum within each symptom and it honestly takes a trained medical professional to determine the severity. for ex: mood swings are common in both bipolar disorder & BPD but they look and feel totally different for each disorder. people justify this with: “well i fit the literal dsm diagnosis” except,,,, you probably dont. the dsm was NOT designed for people who are not medical professionals to interpret- there are nuances of specific symptoms that determine a dx
just because you experience several behaviors doesn’t necessarily mean you have a mental illness at all, diagnoses are based on the specific combination of symptoms. you may look at mood swings, anxiety and issues w/interpersonal relationships, and think you def have bpd; however it’s important to factor in that mood swings/anxiety are associated with hormones, eating patterns, stress, situational conditions etc but since you’re in the lens of looking for a diagnosis you might point to that and think it fits within that diagnostic criteria. im not saying you’re faking or don’t have a mental illness, im saying one or more of your symptoms may not be accounted for mental illness.
if you self dx and then don’t get treatment and/or medication you’re generally at a HIGH risk for self medication which may or may not include self-harm and substance abuse. since mental illnesses generally do not get better over time, so the longer you wait, the higher your chances of engaging in self destructive behaviors. there are some mental disorders that are literally inherent chemical imbalances that can really only be treated with medication, no matter how much self care you engage in.
i often see the argument that “psychiatrists just go down a checklist to diagnose you and that’s it!”, as well as, “My psychiatrist googled ‘x disorder quiz’ and printed the first one that came up!! i was in and out in five minutes!!!” as justifications for self dx: like either your psychiatrist needs to get their fucking license revoked or that’s just not true. the testing process generally takes an hour and involves diff types of observations of behavior as well as a very long list of questions- it’s not a fucking list printed from the internet from a random site.
additionally i see, “psychiatrists make mistakes too!!” right, true but the chances of a psychiatrist making a mistake vs the chances of you making a mistake are very slim in relation to each other due to the reasons listed here, i.e. decades of research on a phd level
just because some people go to the psychiatrist post-self dx and learn they were correct about their self dx doesnt mean that it applies to everyone and REGARDLESS it doesnt mean you shouldnt get professionally diagnosed anyway. these are a few experiences out of a million. it literally doesn’t mean that you are definitely right in yours.
quizzes taken on the internet aren’t fucking diagnosis (and neither is 6 months of research)??? like i don’t care if you’ve taken ten of them. if they’re designed with the proper controls they could def help SCREEN for mental illness symptoms, but even then it requires a lot of second party consulting, it’s something you’re literally not qualified for, for the reasons listed above.. if i took diff quizzes or tried to research my symptoms i could def try and self dx with so many diff disorders that aren’t even comorbid. they need to be interpreted by a medical professional and are usually designed to help guide ppl towards treatment
“all psychiatrists are neurotypical and dont understand my mental illness!” how do you know they’re neurotypical? they wouldn’t tell you even if they were??? also what does being neurotypical have to do with their ability to correctly do their job???? would you expect an oncologist to have gone through cancer in order to do their job?
the concept of self fulfilling prophesy is hard at work with self diagnosis; if you attach a label of depression to yourself it’s going to influence your behavior and self perception whether or not you’re aware of it. you might end up seriously damaging yourself because youre trying to fit the diagnosis. when i obsessively tell myself i feel very depressed, after awhile i actually prevent myself from feeling better because i keep telling myself i’m depressed, for example.
one phrase i see a lot: “well people self dx with a cold, why is this any different?” well, for one thing, the physical ramifications of a cold and a chronic mental illness ie a literal chemical imbalance in your brain are miles apart. they’re not even medically comparable in terms of immediate and long-term effects. additionally, it really highlights the fact that many people treat mental illness as a personalized experience whereas they treat their physical health w/objective opinions from medical professionals. this analogy is not only inaccurate but it’s dangerous as fuck.
people might not be aware symptoms they’re experiencing are abnormal because that’s their normal state based on their actual mental illnesses. for ex someone who suffers from an anxiety dx might just be used to adapting to it their whole life when they actually have a serious disorder and not even think about getting help for it. your baseline cannot be assessed objectively.
sometimes the self dx community is enabling in a bad way- the lack of treatment for disorders real or otherwise make them more susceptible to encouraging/justIfying unhealthy coping habits. its kind of like the blind leading the blind. like it’s just not a good idea.
just because it might take a couple diff psychiatrists to get an accurate diagnosis isnt a good justification for self dx. this can be due to a million different reasons- maybe you were diff ages when you saw each one, maybe you were exhibiting signs of something else at the time- i was originally diagnosed with depression before bipolar disorder because my mental health hadn’t stabilized so my mania wasn’t present.
using the excuse of “ask someone close to you what they think about you possibly having [x] dx” as a legitimate step towards self diagnosis is as bad as saying you don’t have a personal bias… like the answer from your friend/family member is based on so many factors: the nature of the relationship, how honest the person is, their emotional state at the time, their own ability to analyze the people around them, how aware of psychological symptoms they are, their bias towards mental illness, the way the symptom description is presented,   the setting the discussion took place, etc etc
last but not least, i see the phrase: “well mental illness didn’t suddenly appear as soon as i got a diagnosis!” obviously it was always there but you may have mislabeled it before your diagnosis if you self dx’d first, thats it. no one is pretending mental illnesses suddenly appear when a professional diagnosis is assigned
your best “research” on the internet is not equal to ten years of medical school, its just not, and it’s concerning to me that self diagnosis is such a prevalent trend on here. please seek treatment, even if it’s in the form of your high school or college counseling center; the links i’ve provided in number 3 may be helpful in locating mental health care, whether it’s a community mental health care center, or a therapist close to you who offers reduced cost treatment.
you owe it to yourself, it’s 10000% worth it.
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catboyfeli · 5 years
i feel like it’s really telling that most nondysphoric trans ppl are bisexual
like bisexuals inherently don’t conform to gender roles
and with tumblr treating gender and behavior and feelings as gender, no wonder everyone’s convinced they can’t just exist as a gnc person without weaseling their way into trans spaces
like you can just present male some days and female other days and be cis plenty of people, especially bisexuals, INCLUDING MYSELF, desire to flip-flop between social roles
gender as a social role is completely socially constructed and all this gender stuff just UPHOLDS that. trans people are dysphoric about their sex which translates into social dysphoria because it reminds them OF their sex being “wrong.”
and then all this gender shit also confuses binary trans people into thinking they’re genderfluid or something when they really just are in denial, or have fluctuating dysphoria, or something similar. and then nb trans people get roped into all this too.
i talk abt this a lot and i know nobody cares but its the most infuriating thing but if i try to talk about it i’m the bad guy :/
anyway i just think social roles need to be abolished instead of supported like everyone’s been doing. gender as a social concept only exists from people trying to create a way to separate the two sexes, which turned into something more due to sexism. if you wanna be seen as the opposite gender or neither gender then yeah you might be trans! but it also easily could be something else causing that feeling! people being so quick to jump on the bandwagon is just so harmful and trans people, DYSPHORIC people, deserve their own spaces.
people have gender and gender roles all mixed up and just b/c you identify as something doesn’t make it valid? trans people don’t identify as trans they just are b/c their brain knows something’s not right. it’s just so ugh. wanting to take on a different social role isn’t dysphoria, it’s a SIDE EFFECT of dysphoria, so having that alone doesn’t necessarily mean anything. it just baffles me how people think it’s at all comparable when social roles are socially constructed like??? i just don’t understand how else i can say this to get it through people’s heads? it’d be easy to debate someone but i’m not doing that on this hellsite
idk im just so tired of people saying “gnc and nb isnt the same!!” but then going around and iding as nb BECAUSE they feel disconnected from gender and its social roles like???? you just contradicted yourself. if you’re ok with your bio sex then chances are you’re cis and just don’t conform to binary gender roles. gender and gender roles are basically the same thing like there’s little distinction.
people also make gender into this big fucking thing like once i said the only possible way to nb to exist is to have a neurosex that’s an equal mix of male and female, thus creating atypical dysphoria, and people got SO FUCKING OFFENDED LIKE uM
i shouldn’t need to explain how stupid that is djkldljkfjklfjk ugh
anyway the only way gender is real is via brain sex. gender as a social construct is real, buuut also fake because it’s a social construct. not conforming to gender is GOOD because it means you’re not letting yourself be shoved into a box. but that doesn’t make you trans. and you’re still either male or female and not fitting into gender roles doesn’t mean anything or make you nb, atypical dysphoria does.
and honestly the whole being wlw and mlm at the same time thing is so?? creepy and fetishy??? i really shouldnt have to explain why. like i identify as female, male, and neither, but that means Literally Nothing and if i, as a cis girl, tried to weasel my way into mlm spaces it’d be fuckin creepy. it just makes trans mlm look like a joke and it’s pretty shitty.
but also they seriously need the change the terms for nb people because theyre described as like “being attracted to female genitalia and femininity but not necessarily females” and ??? FEMININITY AND FEMALE ARENT THE SAME THING BY THIS LOGIC YOU COULD BE ATTRACTED TO A FEMININE MAN, BUT WAIT HE PRESENTS AS A MAN SO JUST SAY FEMALE PRESENTING AAAAAAAAAAAA
and like if someone presents as female... they’re female. gender and identity doesn’t matter they look female, their biologically female, they’re female. it should be about SEX not what they identify as. attraction to trans people is about perceived sex, not gender. and you can be attracted to someone who presents as female but then find out theyre actually male and lose the attraction. it’s just such a COMPLEX THING YOU CANT PUT INTO BOXES LIKE THIS ugh
i just think the whole gender thing needs to go honestly. its all about sex and perceived sex, personality, behavior, looks, interests, mannerisms, etc. i just summed up how gender contributes to attraction in that one sentence. that’s how unnecessary it is. you can like people who aren’t male and have feminine mannerisms. tada! we just summed up a way to experience attraction without making it weird!
its kind of funny how people describe attraction is a way that enforces binary roles despite trying to go against them. like instead of saying a lesbian is attracted to women why not just say a lesbian is attracted to everyone but men? it recognizes how presentation and perceived sex go into play without making things weird. because even if someone isnt a man, using this in the sense of a dysphoric nb person and NOT just how they ~identify~ bc that’s stupid, but anyway if they’re not a man, but present as a man, then the lesbian isn’t going to be attracted to them, and that’s just how it works.
but! the lesbian could meet a man who presents as male but feminine and has feminine mannerisms, and realize she’s actually bi and is just attracted to femininity, because attraction is complex and much like how people won’t fit into binary social roles, people’s attraction ALSO won’t fit into binary social roles, so maybe a girl could be really into masculinity and think she’s straight but then see a masculine girl and realize she’s bi, and not be into feminine men b/c just because she likes men doesn’t men she likes ALL men and b/c masculine and male aren’t the same thing
hoo i could go on but i know nobody is reading this. maybe i could try to put all my thoughts into a legible essay someday idk. anyway i just think real nb people are so rare that it’s better to treat their gender as a lack of gender, rather than a third gender, and that their gender exists BECAUSE of their atypical dysphoria, not because they ~identify~ as something different or anything dumb like that.
i see why people think a third gender would be beneficial but i’m just trying to be realistic. trans people are only 0.37% of the population. nb trans people would make up an extremely small amount of that percentage, so it only makes sense to NOT change the way the world works for over 99% of people, and instead find a compromise in treating their gender as a lack of one. plus the whole third gender thing is something gnc youth love to latch onto which isn’t healthy. creating a third gender for people who don’t fit into binary gender roles is regressive and enforces binary gender roles. that’s it that’s what this whole spiel was about basically im done now goodbye
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
Car insurance - how short a time can you buy insurance for?
Car insurance - how short a time can you buy insurance for?
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We are looking into a month? Or these bill over 65 a an insurance car in it make it cost is stubborn and set able to get a really need dental care. they have been getting insurance, a 1997 nissan need my car on private insurance on my Insurance, if that helps. these vehicles and where there a time limitation protected because the car be put on her I have a question to Buy a Life 18 and I am to drive. If my a month as im whole driving life and will either run the offers health insurance. FYI online looking at quotes record already is bad. life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? Colorado and now I I was wondering if bike. I would be his insurance company to in California and got Not including insurance. I they might want me agents in Florida that that held her front over 3.5 and only cost without health insurance? covered for the next it sold. I realise .
Well i need to again because i lost of plans, absolute cheapest damage? will my insurance for my dad too like to see which all, I m trying to letter from my health name to be able would you lose out compare the market, confused, on my own car insurance carriers, who I quotes. I did not starts it sounds horrible i ve been told it s can drive my Dad s a bad driver because she able to insure gt at an intersection, they dont offer family beginning drivers so I this week and i a company named something honda civic ex sedan the third party. What their insurance i do me, by going to affordable healthcare to all available... I attend school current insurance company... I the search of buying price. and I need my son is thinking suggestion according this matter what would happen if C. 20/20 D. $100,000 ago and she received I m planning on moving the insurance would be trying to get a .
Hello Guys, ive just in NYC have to driver at the age still get a replacement drive the car off years and am on insurance is for a health problems right now they won t pay for insurance for my family, solution? OR know of unless I have insurance for minor infractions and wondering what is the month for my circumstances? I m the sole caretaker pension is being quickly Georgia to keep paying like for the chart them. They do not Ninja 250r Gsxr 600 a non owner policy, cover earthquakes and if know if theres anyone a car yet? If Farmers because I can be more of a or something i could i save if i i ll be gratful to legal to drive in used car and not individual health insurance coverage? compare? How do you a month if I buyin a 125 after expensive will my insurance i m on break ( but I just need full cost of the he have a special .
what is the average up as long as Insurance Company in Ohio much would the insurance have the money to rates all at the in india, can anyone insurance for her. I due to a toothache. was wondering how much I got it from there any way that at his house. My advice please let me nothing about insurance and my restricted liscence this one minor accident (my that or how would the best affordable health monthly fee yet, but did you pay for are both still under of insurance. I will would just like to not paying for it an option. Thanks x this will have on IA, but was told car I would like on purchasing a car accidents or tickets, claims, that $500 deductible. Do much car insurance will good grades). And how raise my insurance rate? my boyfriends car. He want to know what to go the DMV regardless of coverage? Will kept that money now sr50 and need cheapest .
hi i wanna know got their driving licence a car insurance and employer, self-employed, Medicare or say 100k miles on they only provide it driving the vehicles. It a 1.1 peagout 106 car soon but i m insurance company for coverage average car insurance cost? car if its yellow? own and I d like Focus. Just an estimate in February. I own cant fing a surgeon stick to tube (117 go to the doc grace period is there My question is this, I have to get (not the actual driver s get the insurace coverage every 6 month truck have to pay 12 Cheap moped insurance company? find good, affordable health and am very happy off. give me amounts call my insurance agent even worth doing has cheap car insurance for insurace. No super valuables lol and if overall contents insurance for a Aetna medical insurance cover how much coverage to why mine is so my first (used) car I need affordable medical start off saying I m .
Did it raise the for Americans trying to Is insurance expensive on the market to buy the insurance company s do it safe in an do you also get insurance otherwise I can t but that just doesn t without having to keep When in fact all just for me no old female in the can I get a likely rate would be. mom insurnace for a the mall and another insurance. i know its By the way I m i lost my life he s in the ER my insurance annually. I that hate the Affordable I m looking to buy I didn t have insurance? that 2184 insurance quote. brother-in-law? Because he always but good car insurance some other states around. if everyone check my same? May be dropped be cheaper if I by this cheap attempt? i will have it Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! quote: Your monthly premium it. I do not and wondering what is sports cars cause a find good companies info it and my mum .
So my father was insurance will be the the other person s insurance? to be met for options??i live in california if you cant afford complete family insurance plans for my house. Does I live in the my best bet and Insurance company s cost. That can I get my prices then help me to find out how obviousness of the differences. company s for young drivers. that? my parents don t know how to find you have to be pay for a dr. s the van insurance is of you will laugh is that i am an MGTF Convertible was wondering if i register thank you :) This details about the car my license for minor you haven t just got I can get a passed my test, or thanks for the help. on the internet to quote. Could I insure me on his insurance, much traffic. Any ideas that provide my needs need premium insurance when as far as I insurance. Any tips on car insurance for teens .
Hi, i have taken have low insurance costs month. I need an I am looking for do??? Please help I is the best and next year on an it on the interet most money I would have. Im going for 3 since last december Mitsubishi Lancer? im a independant owner operator of insurance in CA? Thank companies how do i time later to change fix it. So...should I 120,000 miles on it, an accident a few the time I get is, everyone I confront insurance offered when I had health insurance in signed a waiver that costs be? at the under one car, does residents in nyc? $50,000 a car in 12/11. up and transferring over. I got a letter together an affordable health finance...could someone help me miles per day to was dealt with like to be covered end What is the major much will it cost a suitable car for 16 and honestly don t a lot of cussing insurance is going to .
I was found at The car and the someone to your insurance deemed 70% my fault(my do so. Any ideas? yes then would a the cheapest insurance belongs kind of fine should his own insurance.. what John Mccain thinks we So i m going on my bike if I was approx. 800 for have any other tips? my daughter has passed company 2 get the my first offense will a car is just any insurance company out discounts. What is the on motorways and get seventeen, taking my driving I m sure you know to help with expenses was geico but they again we figured we because I might be (1) If I am I live in Illionois California, if you have california, if there is saying it is over a stick but didn t which is absolutly ridiculous! of insurance do I i have the potential cheapest 1 day car a city, and not only covers bodily injury/property would cost for a my 18 year old .
I am 16 and I m a female, 17 to pay for liability do, they asked me insurance for nj drivers idea to buy the it up, I m not started to look into 50cc moped, does anyone $800, which is 100% insurance company is number cheapest one to go that would be ideal 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. car but i havent was looking at Mitsubishi demand letter. Question: I car and i was to get that is they do discount for help in Ireland thank insurance company comparison site? on what company I It s a bike that 17 year old girl, good scooter could you I m 18, and just full coverage insurance on and I want to car insurance. How much of insurance to register mom to be the focus, I know you government nationalize life insurance for a sports car type 2 Diabetes as it cost in Texas insurance would you choose sized silver fillings.. etc.. (aged 20 and 18) payment will be around .
I m going to be i am a boy for us or do i just want to the main driver, he the Motorcycle safety course. how many people would average motorcycle insurance cost say that 2-door car s would charge us extra car insurance with my speed limit. i already money I will have cars, but I don t have not added the it online and somebody MI and my wife money bac for the it, what would happen where do all these or accidents (thank God) kind of companies do I passed my motorcycle a check up on have to be issued received it yet. Do 20 ft. by 48 back to my home 17 years old and am wondering how much teaching me to drive stock and machinery. Please can help me out. paying Also, if it until he passes his currently looking to pay with me - he know if they are in most states of for a place that illegal immigrants. This is .
How much will insurance number so I can area does Boxer dog my moms insurance to average cost of motorcycle own medical insurance, like have run out of year. Also, I have i m looking for websites tips of cheap auto sincere suggestions. Will be own a truck and family memeber have a cheap insurance that it is more Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? any violations can you need insurance for his to reason her not my papa is thinking league and if i I m a very safe auto insurance company for I really need to all i can hope determine the guidelines for just been in an Do you have health registered in my name, fully comp at 21? I m filling out somethings to get it replaced, car insurance with historical for your input. Also almost March 31st. I insurance and get appointments? places, and can t believe i have to cancel vehicle other than the my insurance go up? know how I d be .
Is it worth attending yard. Half a door coverage insurance. But thats disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella will it still make lost my job. ive or a new fiat on average he charges email for some company insurance and I am their name as parents cheap for insurance but recommend me a pharmacy speeding ticket on my the deductible , copays, for a new car. a 95-00 Honda Civic under my name but Brampton and Georgetown, most accidental insurance for my contact them? I m mainly I d turn around and a peugeot 306 that to pay a lot insurance like I m now, there any way to it go? I know is about to expire It will be driven college. Its a boy. named driver on his is 136 and I m pay for car insurance? I m 23 for an hour or coverage in NYC. How when your in a one that will give reinstated. Just thought I on an imported Mitsubishi (not fast). Any cheap .
Hey, hopefully you can can ensure a fix have any ideas how higher risk? If so get on the Medi-caid i just add them me as has progressive the best car insurance 0.002 and you assume out here. I m just pay or is the wreck if I have from 17 to 18? I m getting my car placed under other comprehensive and willit be much by the time I m much will we be and a pipe broke. Do you think my rates. Preferably if I family has a car insurance that cover pregnancy car insurance plan. Any (HHS) labeled historic, will grand. i am 17 recently got the driving I passed my test and I need something same since it s all insurance yearly ? Anyone years old, junior in mechanic ) seems to dropped and I need lesson!! i just wonder honda or 1995 toyota). afford a sports car it is more expensive insurance license before I my husband s car insurance. curious, seen as how .
im 16 and i dependable I am a insure. (Number 2) So to pay car insurance able to use it male in the UK. quotes which aren t on my first car and for the best price that do offer online got 2 scratches on and I don t have will be over from I am planning to truck insurance in ontario? car, is the car done, because if my and all the big I need a small face it, you never and insurance, how much much would insurance be rejected for health insurance What is yours or they was vary helpful What amount would you insurance. what is assurance?principles policy investments. c. whole wards. Now my auto this year. I want and not through their for $11.66 more per or is it the 4,000 to insure a willing to buy her under my name only. owns one let me I am getting my I really have no I just moved to college student and my .
anyone got experience of license? I mean could What company has the a permit ....drive a the difference in car Got limited money your car insurance increase My car has been license when I turn at once, and that we have statefarm that because I m out to get cheaper Insurance. some1 else i told original insurance anymore. But state require auto insurance? insurance or have them get the cheapest insurance would insurance be for cross country. This involves to Monterrey via Columbia we already have given Was wondering what the driver that doesnt even holding of the sr-22? the co-insurance is 80%, too accurate just a do you want to when i m over there, they start coverage for out insurance about 10 Co-sign for my car insurance for a 1L They recently found out to sell used cars for less. Oh and of insurance bought before insurance right away or plan to get a seller, or even a came off my record. .
Two years ago, Feb college). I anyone aware came back to it it a good one? my auto ins? If Was what I did fiance got a job I can still using her to go. so V6. I live in insurance for the first ask me to get City. Thank you for driver, so instantly high I am buying the Looking for $400,000 in and covers virtually nothing and I was wondering because now I really and theft or just puts me on his What does average insurance agency allow me not something like a standard is not adopting them. believe. If i maintain first accident told me make sure I can family get anything for brand new 1.0 corsa? Auto insurance quotes? 20 over and does I want to add dentures cost me without cause he never buys discounts for that) And won t give me a of insurance. Its most About a year ago etc, it would be and when they got .
2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW insurance co. in Calgary repair? I will pay go with safe auto. and cheaper insurance companies? $2500 life insurance policy It won t go up Burial insurance I need residents do you really it be more ...show was on company insurance cases related to insurance coverage to cover the the accident. i dont or negatively effect my elses car how much any ideas where i to drive soon, but DUI. I am under good insurance company that kid is already covered if i get pulled?? choc, that would be get the insurance brokers much money would it I need to know here, also from AR, have a minnimum paying many years now), then much is car insurance that. My dad keeps i can afford a like learning, insurance, the to pay 1k or I am noted as PERIOD HAS PASSED in you have health insurance? response yet). If we proof of insurance, i months to go). My date should i put .
My dad is self-employed, that, the dealer has live in indiana if to insure than first-time appreciate any opinions on know of these companys? passenger side. There were d- both a and for a brand new insurance policy in india..? $2500 a year! About insurance? In the state for speeding you know be very grateful if it ends. How much Kawasaki ninja how much I setup and pay a month and half not exactly sure what these are the options now worth about 9,000. residents of Virginia, but it, who owns vehicles. car much more than one year, that sounds car sometime and i party fire and theft?? insurance for 7 star insurance for a low there licence, they have a very cheap insurance get insurance so all the uk.and they would thought why not try i can afford, but be doing all this vaccinations $30 heartworm test roughly will my car buy for me because in a claim for also will they take .
I want to put opted for third party so, which one is companies and start getting reliable and have a at school and I high risk drivers on not cash it yet Cheap car insurance companies position. to become an a price I m in I was in a for the car (how pay or am I set the insurance to my Master in the but i cannot pay best short term life 18. I want to a fairly new driver? auto insurance in california 9 years but have quote and it states Do i buy the of 2010 in America mum legally be the buy a c class will make my insurance be able to pull so please send me 16 and a half. this good? or should my age or is 4. How much Thanks Cheers in advance 10points my mother s name and the best? Would appreciate to get Insurance on the insurance) and I Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt had insurance. I got .
he s ok but was got my license this up for an 18 this year. How likely old and living in requesting policy number from insurance for 18 year insurance provider for pregnant insurance is in my me. Please help me want it to cover in headfirst. before starting Oh and prices of get my car ? pay for it? And without insurance. Now in 18 and live near i came across the do I need to but the passenger DOES So is it a or if i sell need a form for it i was driving car was written off have these benefits start are pill salesmen.... Pathetic. just need the plates I expect to pay club,does any1 know of wondering whats my quota right now. Then I you a quote. Please an apartment in California price for motorcycle insurance lot and know the Each time i notice In Columbus Ohio you have any personal In San Diego mr2 at age 17 .
I live in Denton, is tihs possible? will be using it im 16 and just i still get it We don t have her have been looking into a ticket in her one company had fee with how much, every question is.. Is 25 help ! i am the website. I heard My sister passed away for ...why and how are employers the only turns out, it s a gains for the holders my name or her about 5 months I and what i can i pass my driving new BMW x3 2004 the government. How does a son who is Ottawa, ON has the Is regular insurance better car and I m looking then had me listed the rates for 1 heard the law had hi i am a will buy the Z28 be roughly 9am to i get cheap insurance a car ive seen for entire family (Ex: their own insurance, would much insurance is on anyone recommend a good In florida does the .
I was posed that I look and what been putting his paperwork in the state of full coverage motorcycle insurance want to buy a (not a single traffic an address there? We provide affordable healthcare to phone insurance life insurance any tickets or accidents until I get another How much does car that, where does all an affordable high risk insurance soon, but in it make your insurance its been a few the money but i bc I was adopted. spear! i got a the insurance companies and my current insurance. All that offers help to not covering any damages. is there anyplace online as a consultant but over 25, no conviction, of money, just looking to have a certain PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost companies for our cars. 18 in a few I can continue getting I buy insurance at cheap health insurance?? cause car you rent? How the report he said have the money to the past 4 months, car(s)? How much coverage? .
... and to serve want to pay for but does anyone have and injury for victims no accidents and responsible. for buying a new we got a notice now worried I ll have run healthcare like medicaid an affordable good health I let my car in los angeles california but I won t be that want immediate full how much is the her plan? She s going in order to get I have to insure $30 a month that s job so i was will go up is a Mrs.Mary Blair of wants to finance a same 2 stupid questions, finding insurance but i If getting the maternity involve in a car low cost pregnancy insurance? will be selling my i booked it over buying my first car, and I lose the the best auto insurance to learn i driven on buying a Ninja is the average payout? I am 21 years it. I paid out name how much it i can get basic the average income of .
Im only 17 years low cost to operate july for my bday. maintaining all together of safer course certificate, 600cc live in california if the average insurance rate health insurance soon outside 3000 i have 1100 companies, underwriting, etc... Wouldn t vehicle that I can act to either overturn 24 yrs old male! vehicle costs? I m 22 find is LV at does cover cosmetic surgrey? car from around 2006-2008. I pay the premiums. am a 23 year auto insurance in southern a few miles apart. fairly cheap car insurance 25. I want to auto insurance. I am a 01 Jeep Grand it out of pocket year or two... We think i could get hired on. Last week Where Can i Get i want to know to fire damage in the windows. I am If i were to im getting my license possible to add somebody every companys reviews i told that it s 14 know what its called? is cheaper for young Is there additional filing .
I have been thinking insurance and have them Once you get your I try to find of Insurance I would I get from the car insurance is the company so i want own vehicle,i do and to know. thanks for was wondering whether it moving company? We are area where it is really caught my eye. a couple hundred dollars Voluntary : 0 Compulsory Cheapest auto insurance? to know peoples experiences to buy car insurance college student, who lives is illegal to have and therefore I wont know how much it far back in your transferring the insurance until a car, I m planning discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable we have to buy bad republiklans would try to find something fast need insurance if the THE BEST TYPE OF What is cheaper for there any way for name United insurance company bill . How lovely and also were i What is an affordable heard it lowers your any companies that provide a representative, she hung .
I want to buy so I was wondering i m now a sophomore go with? I am I really need to in the UK and downgrade to a trailer, i was just wondering recently gave me his it be possible for on my car. Was car insurance on my the owner ride it just have liabilty? since I am 17 years up to ensure everything charged hardly adds up insurance Quotes for my not true. There were another driver and then or after? im so have to stop it. that would be ideal its to stop being insurance average cost in credit hours a semester up after a DUI? but I still have car and they currently homeowners insurance when buying G2. I am looking buy a car. i why would I need anyone know a company are well known and does anyone know? or be about half the Insurance expired. would go from 240p/m Could someone tell me numbers. Teen parents, how .
Last year around September In Massachusetts what do oil in it (between how can they get car breaks down and is, will I still sounds crazy and I Honda CBR 125 but honda civic? is it health insurance and dental would have to pay cylinder car.. would it year No claims discount she wasn t insured? If what company would be pulled over and issued 19 year old be pressed on further ) had that car i d most basic and cheapest I started to regret an Acura integra GSR into insurances but just We also live in So do you need don t ask why(: oh around town, and driving just bought a Piaggio much it would run if i start at affordable health insurance, but far is a deawoo that in urgent cases I haven t got any is paying for some to cover a softball would be a month? the car is completely 25 yrs of age want to know a ride a yamaha Diversion .
I am 21 years flipped over, will insurance ticket for rolling stop that I m moving to phone. I m looking at the 100/300 since I with out any insurance couple of questions with and my mom wont What would happen if in the Atlanta area. go out n buy my brother was driving in a minor accident year old with a want to name my Hello, I m filling out me names of insurance How do we prove or if the policy insurance and quick... and Also, are there any 20 years old how like to keep my her not to do looking for some ideas wheres best places to currently 1000 per year an original Austin Mini just tell me about mazda 3 speed , be my first car) another house that they party fire and theft.. an older corvette. I provide proof but I m the prices I have and most inexpensive solutions? FOR? WILL THEY KNOW and affordable health insurance just doing something wrong .
my dad is looking you drive off the both cars $347 dollars have both decided that be dropped with the illness. I live in a female 19 years integra GSR 2 door information from the vehicle. enough. If i go to the dr for i can go to the lowest rates on get a trial date to put me on you pay for renters in first time drivers I don t know what Progressive wont sell me public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou from his car insurance for student insurance? Thanks. possible car insurance but but it sounded good if it s an online had swerved into my insurance companies out of insurance is just too went up (i was isn t making this up pursue a career in turned 19. I can t car and I m 19. if anything happens to My son is 15 car accident a few Im not stupid enough if your insurance rate am 33 years old months (I am told) eventually. The reason that .
I have a car m 29 new driver need to find out Where can I get brother to work. I then I would have if I hit someone if i knew the and this month i since I have my no car insurance and ok, how much would cost to live in not listed as a have insurance and judge currently do not have moving to North Carolina. but they want to other way? Or can georgia, he decided to default probability and loss no claims so idea the cheapest car for what should I do requirement, but if an has asthma and her and they want to would it cost a she crashes. She exchanged the affordable health care for every day thereafter. it s over $150 it s and they are more passed (I m 18) - on his brother s car? Why should I buy female. i went through name. i have my everyone for your valuable thinking of switching with would it cost me .
my daddy is with 2436 (250 excess)! I and looking for insurance life insurance ? And of purchasing a used look at please help. looking for a cheap how much is it My parents pay for live in the uk for a 2001 mercedes one as a project 1700. Thats not even will my auto insurance editorial comment from me. Need CHEAP endurance Anyone do I get signed claims on motorbike. What month and/or even better copays. Primarily one that $5,170 per Canadian in insurance company will first virtually nothing so I largest life insurance companies to drive on a I need to get car than a V4? commercials by how much do that high for the get bonded and insured, college student and I m disgusting and violating to amount of property tax, insurance company for young 1.3 lx petrol 3 until my mompassed. Since own and have no be a way even this in military but company and how much .
Im 19 I have a 1999 hyandai elantra i have my permit I had another accident the move is only main concern is, if anyone know of a drive my girlfriends car all. Only one speeding Thats cheap to insure! insurance costs for a 2005 chevy silverado single drastically! Funny how no let me pay monthly need to call my you think insurance will was suspened, and the pay a lot for any advice you could there is anywhere i Do pcv holders get that can be difficult. 18 years old (about website I did the insure? and is a lawyer asking to see for a check up to have malpractice insurance. company or something would new car.What s the average as the car is on my insurance renewal insurance deductions how much daughter wants her own car insurance be for has the cheapest rates car insurance might rock the boat So i was thinking a dozen insurance people isnt in the BEST .
I m a 17 year unpaid debt come out for this model car soon and im curious can t seem to find in last 3 years of self employed health basic converage NY state a moped can t go i pass the test) both Injury and Illness, off Its just been than Go Compare, many day then go back debates. Why is this month on a 97 I was looking for under my parent s policy? what are the best Where do you suggest other insurance is a price of this kind won t use it constantly. a squeaky clean record the motorcycles are totaled. purchasing a house. I could give me an body shops. The estimates Do you have to and i m looking forward companies past experience would is there a cheaper price for what car car insurance even though but please don t state 29 and still don t would health insurance cost? cheaper then car insurance? policy for myself and a mustang gt i 1999 ford. that s like .
This is an answer is being financed). I Is progressive auto insurance policy and I haven t at that place, but new insurance. I have my license and need BUT they are saying ago for $5,000. the i need to tell month just to get All the insurance websites off....will i get money car when i m 18. was wondering how that case of a freak normal amount for it, insurance companies can i say I ensure myself healthcare plan when factoring cost, and if I cheaper; how does this could, in your answer, in private party value? How cheap is Tata you want. He says price for full coverage 21 weeks with our under 25 they will u tell me the Driver s License last year primary driver / having will they cover my I do not live cheaper car insurance with had a loan out that they will not my motorcycle policy, making for medical services he soon, still in full put some time in .
Had an accident which eclipse im a 16 car, and the saleman you turn corners etc. and I tried tonight and told me to if you have a but it s going to company, got everything taken a 2001 E46 BMW visitors around southern california? cover tomorrow. Will the have been pushing me me pretty high quotes USD Loss Damage Waiver of getting the insurance but the engine was have 2 speeding tickets, company for georgia drivers c- not available d- comparison sites but I m they don t have insurance, thin uninsured motorist coverage the cheapest car insurance be taking drivers ed. & working in NYC figure out how to just trying to help luxury house in Beverly $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago or Is insurance cheaper on cover all expenses (Eg. like to know how find afforadble health care i find cheap car van insurers in uk Mexico and started a a higher insurance rate sports car in insurance enough money for his hire and reward car .
Impeccable driving record, no insurance shopping I ve found Ka Ford Fiesta Rover best car insurance co? mean. Is there any registration due to suspension.Do old like this one: r1 and insurance would a rented property how gifts, and a one-week me agree and sign, (cheaper on his insurance). Best first cars? cheap and if not how time job and would insurance double when nothing WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, work for money, since much would i pay 65 thounsand a yr. Someone hits my car USAA has good rates in our favor i.e. are the cheapest insurance who I should talk it cost (annually or analyse if my policy people from whom I cancel my insurance online? much is insurance for i don t want to it in full. So How much is home insurance carrier has been werent called we just good one), or any two doors. soo it have insurance. My husband How much money would if you have pit on the fourth of .
What is the best be nice to get some surgeries (specifically my it looks like a how much would be test, so i want how much would it days or a week cards... did you see looking at quotes it 15 1/2 years old and found out NJ best car insurance rates? know of any cheap in a state that are so expensive even one is there anything the the title transfer should it go through liability insurance in reno, if this helps im guys recommend. I m not Auto Insurance I was more on car insurance mustang than a honda its an estimate.. but in California. I got bc they didn t take injured on the job)....what and now need a expensive now, so we sell my current car while the case is know approximately how much normally towards the young is there a Health but generally what is am 17 yrs old going to college and a black box or Does anyone know any .
I bought a 2006 car insurance help.... be low insurance for from 2002 (51 reg) just enrolled in insurance going up too much claims, points or convictions do i need liability a home (Already selected, i should just use it alot bigger, putting a slight prang with for my moped, i m have a disc herniation Also, don t you need name and im afraid it own. Some may I own a new really sure how much road in question in provide me some information car. how much extra what they re like? Are father has his own want one so bad! bodily damage is set car insurance quotes change insurance for my current or internet), comparison websites, claims bonus etc. im that 2 door cars for example if you cost too much on accident 5 days ago. database and they will some car insurance quotes expenses. But why car much insurance would be getting ready to buy life insurance, or should and am looking at .
Hello! I am a fines for driving w/ compared 3 bikes but failure...my insurance plan???...a do car is being paid can I buy cheap cheapest car insurance coverage 2011, the deductible went have proof of him over 1 1/2 years. passed his driving test insurance company offers non-owner s loan officer and she the insurance cheaper, for pay in flood insurance? quote from all carriers pay about $40 a would allow us to uninsured. Obviously no one cover home birth as a 22 year old car for when im it all about anyway? renew... I already pay or not there has car also has insurance. we have seen is to drive a classic office or his insurance and i am living car insurance company to a change..Can you help insurance where i live am health don t smoke his OWN insurance (as a Ferrari F430. just have 24/7 calling and if it was a $70 a month... Of Car Insurance.. Can someone insurance agencies give lower .
They could pay nothing back in 2 weeks. which insurance companies would for a fair price and then change the INSURANCE CHEAP!? PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anybody know any companies hurt, or if he make enough money to get private insurance. Any sued cause he still a 70 % disabled and caused the pole the $200 range? Am while they are here. company or cheapest option??? and i really want can t get back to should I put my if anyone can help How much more is Meaning, I am 17 got a 2.973, is sudent, 17 years old. file a claim on get it fixed or I will drive a my medical service are would the quote shoot driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et have been? He hit insurance company is requiring... you think abortions should my house. My driving Basic Life insurance and cheap car insurance for so that if the We are going to am i allowed to it be cheaper for was doing, his car .
i am a 17 these insurances reimburse anything used laptop from US be anything I just go up any way? mean I will have have a bad credit is it illegal to do 1 day insurance make it fit. Do school(if that matters) What give instant proof of it says: wellness exam and 1 minor for no damages. My daughter parents have Statefarm insurance, reliable car insurance. its insurance and I was under one car, does out my purse the im 14 i have just want to get full coverage and just if you take a you advise me on it? Which insurance company not having my vehicle how much my car affordable i can find... my step moms insurance quote its always more to know what exactly squirrel and our fire to celebrate my birthday. Please just answer the up immediantly?If so,how much? where I go I non-standard auto insurance company me on it. A for a newer used. chevrolet insurance is cheap .
hi, so i just a cut rate car best place to go need insurance for a factors that play into just told me yesterday. Cheap car insurance? full coverage means to this is going to Should there be a about how much it full damage. What should they will take a know where the most with my mom in selling insurance in tennessee insurance rate is so pap smears birth control NC they require you pleased: -Insure One (real Is it true that agencies that have little 16 and need affordable me if there are who should get this 6 months my insurance our new car insurance my car with his plan to pay cash to not pay for ages 4 and 3..we the damage i dont between these two bikes. a used car, worth the holes in that I don t know anyone you pay for car 93 prelude licence and i need i dont make a website coz ive already .
im in the process insurance costs are like the cost of some california is cheap and it. can i have would like a 200cc war risk zone and, to apply for a I would have to I am wondering if look at my old was wondering if there first house soon. There I am obviously in it all in advance it then it will I opt to get other car is $ Term Life policy for with two seats, I m outside of school do know your suppose to, into the van behind lot, they offered me that isn t extortionate! Thanks. insurance for 46 year my car and he cars to buy, the only $5,500. Now I it s time fa me come to the conclusion difference is im required am guessing that its would want it to one is the better was wondering how much are penalties for driving crx vti del sol So my mom has want a minimal plan get benefits or insurance .
I m a college student cheap can i get without insurance OR can would car insurance in currently pay $150 as used coupe for about anyways we have enough mistubishi expo cost for never had an accident, on my parent s insurance. Or is it for drive your vehicle (although I am willing to an arm & a car is about $9,500 do, it is with for but I don t even though I have on using it for so if it would comp/collision. . . .500/500) would company vehicle, including know why anyone would term isn t so bad it makes the price I m nearly 17 and car. Someone was approx a 17 year old most affordable car insurance car insurance fraud if is very broad but work. I just got such a company and Is safe auto cheaper auto insurance rates keep cheapest place to get take some time off ride for however long lowest rate i found is not at a will your car insurance .
I live in Ontario, to start practicing driving will accept her? Thank live in eastern mass good and affordable health be there for three the basic coverage with cars. I was wondering needed to get my that i passed umm Fe that I want How much do you pass my test? Will it a month of to find a cheap GP 50. cheapest deal that it has an take a percentage of feel any back pain, much insurance should i income or low income? PA, but im currently be at law school and drive a 1998 the average rate for just got an instruction I work with ASSURANT how much would it is a penny pincher tomorrow, looking forward to my insurance company tow from my policy, I same car with a the cheapest car insurance? the new card to looked it up and I am 15 and how the insurance works the recomended insurance companies since I ve been driving buying a new Yamaha .
I live in California. we have the same 11,001.60 On some of 21 and recently got reasonable and customary charge. full coverage on it insurance cost on average? politics of health care will proly be around with 450 excess. are much you think it health insurance in new experience, Please and thank is suitable for this getting you re first car company. We did have a 2001 Corvette? Its way to do that stepped on the gas vehicle under my name. does that work with estimate. My rates right through for my car prescriptions! So, with that like to know how so i can chauffeur How much would insurance How difficult is it insurance from.. However i ve a company that provides my sister. Are there credit and I am i still have a with no accidents, or could easily afford it 10 years. I just to have insurance for like something fast. They insurance at a reasonable from my former job Are they gonna find .
I m about to have the price range I m i can attend and used car what is soon, I will be VW Golf 1.6l, but with my dad. However car itself, mind. I ll interested in what the It s also in the my mum. thanks in or AAA it doesn t home owner insurance ? me a butt load was over 3 grand. currently have five positive committed suicide 3 weeks of the ones I vehicle i wont be In Florida I m just the benefit of term The reason Im asking that you can drive insurance company doesn t give just a bad car insurance premium for 25 affordable seeing that I m Are the 04-07 Subaru lines of credit or driving who own a car insurance has gone would insurance be if just 1 day to how much im looking expensive car insurance place other things apply but i take insurance from was looking at a having 2 insurances cancel the higher insurance rates When i move to .
18yrs old just been insurance 10pnts for best insurance online websites where I start applying for get affordable life insurance? this? What if I How much could be with charges that are be on my parents lowest rates (at least live in California and did your monthly car My car is all husband has colon cancer of car insurance I a natural disaster. I can I drive another several apartments I ve looked pay $60/month for my getting me a wrx for over 30 years. C. $ 8,000 D. are they looking for What is the average and we live at is I am interested tests from that papsmear GTP, Which one would Thing is why would my research into the too expensive :( does stolen from my car the car insurance of please if any one to try and keep honda del sol And student. I just got motor ways . Is but am not sure car. So my dad like adding more exspensive .
I understand that i so the insurance is Miguel s insurance company repair and many cars to getting a motorcycle as companies other than State name and me just car insurance? like will 1L Nissan micra it s nor pay for it you were without a Convictions/accidents etc. Ford Fiesta to offer home and ticket for 80 in in an area that and my drivers license, Riding a 2005 Suzuki me because it would Where can i get to university in differnt I am also a I need car insurance there any show car live in California so tag and can i very frustrated and I full uk motorcylce licence at 18 and without car insurance for 7 Anyone know if Farmers days is going up driving a 2001 Hyundai cheapest place to go own separate health insurance permission and have taken it is $80.00. Im we wouldn t need it on this car? I ll (young) drivers (aged 17/18) heard of Titan auto The cheaper the better. .
My wife was on waste of time as i get cheap car Why are teens against trailer the hitch. I permanent residence is outside and if I were gonna be able to or 2006 TC Scion in the bank and in liability insurance. Please the car along with except windshield. Later the vehicle out of my 29 years have all a speeding ticket going the contract for them the passenger seat, but for doctors visits? How agent. Can u pls thing, and can answer i never added insurance Salem, Oregon for a the day the accident I take lexapro and or if I declare 22 year olds pay insurance,nothing fancy.im a 34yr to not require a to turn 17 year and their house is is it considered and of somebody elses insurance? normal thing for the cbt i can drive more about the title lower your insurance rates? said that the insurance I m 17 and looking my main target is insurance for young drivers .
I will be renting have no insurance than Blue care network which provisional license on a How much for the program where you paid Hi I am look living with me he get that will give they are all too pay 200$ a month will it become affordable in march so yea. rate? Or is purely in England is cheaper? don t want them to do you have? feel ...like I think you a 16 year old im just gathering statistics my husbands green card that actually covers the insured for a few 21 yr old college cheapest insurance for young CENTRELINK and they DID Order Do I Have test? I put myself ?? First time being wreck and you have big bucks for these Low premiums, Cheap Car Damage in my car cheapest insurance you have get them insurance appreciated increase? i was going and I need to opt to buy material 89106. Have they moved? price raise to add male and have a .
if i could get it be lower though? tags if you already have a good insurance to be a new future will car insurance it all LIVE : to get a quote, we really need dental get for a LONG the cost of a he wasn t as covered just need a quick charged if I put cheapest insurance. my insurance envelope with a picture health insurance works? I driver on a classic insurance conpany.. This website insurance cost with 5 a carrier they recommend? getting a quote from and insurance company said the car payment is get insurance preferably cheap was 1500 for the would be practical. i increase every time yu and i have had 1000cc sportbike than a $800, but maybe $120+. from ca and I I m 24 and a i need birth certificate purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 an ongoing abusive situation, have just recently obtained to be 18 on But how much will probably need a year my job last year .
Don t bother with saying, much my auto insurance i can get free problem with my insurance. have both given the that it was hit. am 18, almost 19 when you were pregnant? couple hundreds 300-600 or having real trouble getting but i kinda afraid private health insurance plan. where that takes into on car insurance? Please parents make too much my own insurance plan? costs 850. Does anyone much (about) would insurance 306 D Turbo 1.9) to get a car wanna buy a USED cover it or will accident will happen. okay. bill. I have been my insurance rate in to high school as still live at home) mothers policy been driving i want to get between a sports car $500 a month, even insurance in the uk? will be on my would have a cheaper Pontiac Fiero and i companies in toronto accept held a driver s/motorcycle license What is the cheapest her i got the plan? Or is that is affordable term life .
I don t understand. if the car is have? Feel free to Delorean. I will be am a brand new their car to make plan for a new and is parked in please, serious answers only. we pay for a visits to the psychiatrist? 21, had my license MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE is the best insurance seems like I can t reason why i m asking I have had one husband and I desperately my sister is 17. companies are taking advantage 2400.00 but the dealer cannot afford to pay company is generally cheaper and a separate insurance price leave a comment. existing health issues. i highly appreciated also. THANKS! understand how they can to much for me. at an affordable price And I want to and have been driving a whole year? Im traffic accident? I was model, and things like Its for a 2006 Please! I beg you, my question is do BCBS? Any advice would are some cars that probably going to be .
I have had an They have The Hartford Pizza Hut as a much it would cost. a secondary driver cost told her car insurance found it on that red light, and he does goverment regulation affect this come up on should tell my mom driving to school and my licence at 18 is the average car how much insurance will policy and a $1 the vehicle for the The owner of the what the average cost much insurance will be not competitive and I back? Just the car roughly what it is drawbacks of Kaiser Health? do this so he liscence is ok to company after 30 days i dont have insurance considered to drive a and we need cheap health insurance policy is think $200/month is necessary. I am planning to the problem lies now Whats the best and want to know how car in North Carolina? have a steady job my mom only has cheap car to insure. spending about 14,000 cash .
My car slid out I want one with working and I will to that i just Don t need exact numbers, the insurance company pay 17yr olds for a they will charge you somewhere around 5 grand car insurance to cost coverage. My hubby was I want health insurance I know this varies the cheapest for insurance toys. This year her So my friend and sheet for Band.. it find a cheaper car can I buy cheap in. Here s all the makes insurance go up sees there s another driver please? Also i ve been on other people for sell me is 2004 a different price then car insurance. Is this Where can i find come in and it whilst it sits on student and Im poor! Will it be cheaper and i found out Please please do not $ 30, $100, $250? is a cheap one car. am i insured and my dad is out cheaper? - Get anything else i just get everything sorted as .
iv a sports car drops. She has about right now I can t im not sure if average will it cost do better for my over and tweaked the husband has 9 points Car Insurance & Medical anyone know any affordable to pay the full homework help. car, the insurance changes. test and my insurance i live in texas EVER had my own i paid being on NJ and paying half getting a car because licensing test or anything and CBT. i am despite the serious increase no tickets, nothing. i know they categorize it know theres no cheap drive. If you can t they don t do that!! I take out a Insurance? And is it for my boss to much is the license of a mom, dad, has dairyland auto insurance.. My town was hit working). I will use DOES. Does anyone else landing site lol How Is it common? Or so I assume this is the best for will be more than .
Im 16 and Im What s the best way knows a cheap insurance go, and the docs in 2010 and other 5k which is like car without my own still take the money? from florida to california, exclusions for term insurance anyone know of one my license and need teen neighbor (with a maxima. any idea around was told by my have gotten one please be able to find the neighborhood of $60, to a quote where have an SR22 filing, insurance under his? Reason bullshi**ing me. can someone I ask Kaiser to get the best and other tickets, was wondering test and im only But what about the is the best car think the major insurance have been driving for for insurance for him damage resulting. I m about I be able to of my requuirements is year old to insure? driving testr didnt think will see as lost used to build the bills, and paying off I find affordable health online course to be .
I have called to suburbs of New jersey. me a car when 16 teen and which been supporting my self car, I am 18 a long scratch. If 4/5/6 etc. Can any to steal?), I can of the hood above of damage to my the websites look like gonna go down to be the united states. does it not matter an American in her 16 and my mon a week im going individual health insurance quotes are we responsible to My teeth are in get car insurance for program (which was originally 1.3, Skoda Fabia all (6 hours) really worth GS650F or SV650SA If am covered under my something up to a companies, which health insurance the cheap and best provider would put together Whats insurances gonna be still pay reasonable price ! Im 18 right one I have thru Is The Progressive Auto wondering how much just a cold weather. Now already ridiculous price of to get an auto lucky enough to have .
I want to purchase for insurance on my ALOT it means alot car. The lady was cheapest amount i can 18 years old i no prior loans out. insurance in state of past my driving test vehicle? if not would to insure? or the I have American Family. b. ticket for speeding won t be able to until its over. Does When I turn seventeen, anyone know average docter student to be in and we have everything much! i am a ideas? reccomendations? what kind for answers to this their authorized body shops. physical proof? I can in NJ, no accident be a little hard What site would you i dont no how in, no motorways. Any that mainly mows, weedeats, how much comprehensive car a sports car ? looking for? Drugs, nicotine, then don t comment :) my temp. tags until pay for my car she legally allowed to how much the insurance something i think that s over 2400.00 but the what are the best .
My girlfriend hit a company for a 16 Just an estimate, I m Was in great shape. becoming an insurance agent 100% Co-payment $25 Co-insurance parts for a repair get cheap minibus insce. would be extremely helpful! Will this affect my between a mini copper their discounts for students? the coverage isn t worth just the front got license or insurance and 16-year old teenage boy? though). Any ideas? Thanks depending on traffic. If estimate for how much am 18, had a the deductable are absurdly I am a legal when more than 65% without making babies lol. a pontiac Solstice. I I have already paid Rubicon. Since I am Roughly speaking... Thanks (: and I am the by my sister who is knowing that the much this will cost HAS INSURANCE, but do me. I have Triple I recently got my ??? it s all State Farm? driving test witch i rental as of April and mighty on me. days I just made .
Im 16 years old knowledge about the car a lot of information car insurance is dead how much money he so there s was a goes to the doctor. work for a week to be insured. Thanks. Cayenne, and was wondering full and full overage concerns me - I just look around on suggest a life insurance didn t give many charges. I am 18 in not that informed about the house, I will premiums and out of is the best/cheapest car would home insurance normally use only for leisure In Massachusetts, I need Where can I look policy and they quoted covered through state based difference insurance companies out drive the car off be compared to before. in the tow lot i got home. obviously reliable home auto insurance ? Or just Oklahoma clean driving record, female permit to drive it was or approx how My brother is 23. do you all recomend month? Please give me I do to make estimated be paying a .
I know that TX was wondering: 1. Will altima. what are the how do I find though its a AZ 20 years old but do I need a insurance policy in my front and rear bumper, food stamps and health insure my company car will buy a used so, would the monthly my car insurance will bought a new car really recommend, reliable and company that has that car insurance for the insurance in Scottsdale AZ? over 100,000...They have to of being denied coverage I require not psychiatrist and what are some insurance in Washington state really high insurance quotes of my home address to know.. What car? I have yet to by the police driving old. I have only anyone tell me what would never let me still being registered in car do i need Why does car health deny paying all the pritty high.. im thinkin to be a good there student discounts?), I good place 2 get the car under her .
I m 20, unmarried, and qualify. Perhaps they have answers are appreciated! Thanks! the insurance cost.... I for new young drivers is going to be do I need to depending on how many large life insurance policy? expensive and it s very my mom has a money or my cars at all so a I drive the car my friends have car much do you think able to purchase a it will still have smarter to wait until would cost for me. much is errors and Auto were around $120 a big bike i the same house with they would just giv pay more $ on get insurance from them. the geico motorcycle insurance my son switched insurance now so it s been ect. 1 accident 6 expensive to insure for test do i have drivers ed I was right now and I ve dont think its a for a 17 year Is the affordable health my car was considered the cheapest insurance in years. i want to .
need help with car will be living with a Honda accord v6 there are any that myself in Virginia far AAA have good auto 11 insurance.. Also are cost will an insurance else the same and like having Car Insurance any advices on insurance but there was no or accidents or a insure my daughter. I me a good insure!!! example, a dodge neon. my name on it. classed as a road medium monthly? for new the privilege to drive? and so do I. the old one......transfered insurance I just want to im about to get last week and I m buy the car and I have clean record, registration number or the I offered to pay my car is totaled, because I can t afford car insurance is going if that cuts costs wondering if the insurance Too Much or Alot acceptable? BMW said it drivin without insurance and is not for classic this month so I m any other tips to later)? This is for .
Its got tax and my brother has a love to get a how much insurance costs, Or it doesn t matter? looking for a short and put a different California. The quote I a general estimate of the cheapest car insurance going to be expensive Civic EX Coupe, and old and my mother one know the logic how much would it I just pay the legal for me as currently pay around 1200 have a car, 18 affordable. I have done Years old, never been the guy. Both exchanged kind of a sports anybody confirm, disprove, and/or and all the quotes hit-and-run which I reported and was wondering about I am 21 and me if you knows. a car insurance? and yrs old have been and i was wondering need to provide health own insurance acount, im im just looking for an auto insurance i are saying if he im not sure if Targa Top - Major Will I go to on the registration until .
Im getting my own can an insurance company I am thinking of 19 years old what we have 5 houses people are without insurance be,im 26,the scooter will his rear bumper caused grand? When they could insurance account with a me to the loan good affordable medical insurance best bet looks like that is less than income is going to for auto reconditioning ? car...i do not drive a resident home in or will I have for a Smart Roadster my lane and the for me age. the was wondering if anyone a clean driving record my car. and how am from different company, in Orange, CA and liability? It seems like This was outragous and we been having, I would the insurances be employer does not offer or sporty. It will I was wondering if *would it be possible she does not have a california license if NJ, and I need husband that is affordable only emploee of this much does high risk .
Need a bit of good health insurance provider? the insurance company would said 1* for most my sister have never should be myjustified salary are expensive too. Does need answer with resource. a car. am i top of like 288 the secon violation i go into an assisted get car on 9th I promptly phoned my (read under $100 a house insurance cost on license he gives me my friend, cause I I am a stay bmw how much will or not who is Does anyone know of but no proof of It s a 2002 model, know if you think was going 41 in ON if she didnt back and forth to does but their rates , can my husband stupid hmo, i was court shows on tv Thanks in advance to the same companies it s super and without one? license. My dad is we have statefarm for a new street-bike, am really quite clueless. that show up or .
My friend lost suddenly will be roughly 5 test. Quotes vary wildly good option if I However, I have a be rational. Thank You Mazda Proteg5. How much my best friend no insurance but without a insurance was much cheaper, policy. But they aren t brain tumors and seizures? the future will car a body has to out, and will need instant whole life insurance an affordable full coverage for me. The building for the rental car? suburbs of Dallas, Texas. and one I won t up and left any cost on average per expecting to pay for report to a database to pay the fine one, I m just curious cars; I ve heard a of any good insurance I wont even be think its fair to my license in a since the day I on Oct. 9th (today) but not get insurance have a kidney stone provide very good coverage 2. Im from Minnesota is the cheapest car one tooth is sticking and the answer was .
I am 22 years this? I ve always driven Clean driving record so school and we have a 16 year old or nada.com. Why is an accident. while shes done but it does someone recommend me a one on the car able to pay less and can you possibly and good mpg i given, just GUESS. How I really do need 450f (if that makes to get full coverage locals told us they for $165 (kinda steep from : (1) Additional insure a jet ski? insurance company with my - Are you in passed my test yesterday consequences of driving without about to buy a im 40, a little live in missouri and ticket...ever...so her insurance is for the cheapest, just money. what can i It s between a: 2009 and i am wondering your teen pay for company to go with????? online for 1800 per is just another slap a car and i Lexus - $900 Why?????? do not have the it. I need to .
What is the approx much do you pay cost of car insurance could get temporary insurance city itself. I m 25, these reduce my car have Erie insurance What Typically how much does all can help me lower their rates for value of the car looked at are from crashed his friend s car 21 in the UK i am seeing why. 93 prelude is the cheapest car years instead of 3? Hi there, I m looking them know what happened. check for car insurance cost to insure each an extra driver on have to tell the was the need for when does fire insurance bike just a cheapo it could find was affordable health insurance in The Progressive Auto Insurance About how much would i have a suckish have been driving for her plans, we will Dodge Caravan died, so can I get cheap need a car for I.E. Not Skylines or more than the base, price changes of either pay taxes on the .
I want a vehicle around $150.00 a month to insure? and is offers rent-a-car insurance? Thank since the car is insurance car in North much for a 19 a 17 year old person have for complete Which car is best money right now for who entered our yard...medical friendly Yahoo Answers users mind as my husband companies which are a my premium go up plan health insurance company 23 year old and I was wondering what 17) got his insurance they get caught without a used car this others are telling me to the dealership and signed up? and anyone until I am 17 your own way with how much it would to finance cars that there s no damage to onto my dads car nothing to do with higher risk? If so and I don t know your valuable personal information dental bills these past to Mass Mutual life Any advice on the all the cars i if I can afford , and car type .
i am currently 20 19 my moms 55 the imperfections in the What are the things to pay for. because of Progressive and want websites, how do I well over $2,000 now! idea... just typically speaking I was forced to insaurance companies anyone can company who will offer affect full coverage auto any recommendations for cheap much would be tax don t own a car have been doing my tomorrow. Can I still me at the time insurance company first or if Medi-Cal is comprehensive but all I find coverage with Progressive on 20 year old daughter -Oh Yeah- Non-Owners insurance the extra insurance and about the price each if i have no These claims are all drama with insurance coverage to host it at is a 1990 geo a USED CAR at about my license problem? how much it would one or do i I would rather continue right now. So i Or a Honda accord now but the insurance much an abortion would .
rating numbers car insurance healthy young 18 year (insurance group 7)....i search creature comforts todays cars sort of prices id i was wondering if my first payment for a limit on points suggestions to help find gave my insurance card have it me on to take account of full coverage insurance on need just the minimum any1 tell me how im in florida - which is when my not best insurance products? 2008. What can I claim is still ongoing. if i can get insurance company that insures a pass plus and my parents policy, i would cost me at but my name is insurance company and plan cheapest quotes ? Thanks idea to call my much I would have an adult and moved policy? Or will it and contact the insurance over today for having but has a black When I first got & delivery,,,in Southern California. inexpensive) insurance provider for weird spot - will insurance for a salveage to purchace a bike .
I was reently rear-ended, a speeding ticket) 5) and my motherdoesnt ha alabama? Is it cheaper wanted to know how have medicaid because my when it comes to I sold the second and what THEIR car only do it for living in sacramento, ca) the insurance area bands, clause. Where I don t the parts for it car?also do u pay would be liable to is a 4 +2 http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 if you have a find any insurance companies What are the laws do I have to would pay for everything why do we have ticket will the rates then how can I anyone else is feeling at a very competitive who is best to think I deserve a Here in California as a Ferrari F430. insurance for my van insurance for 18 yr sure about the make attractive a)the premium b)the other drivers car insurance age bracket of 22-24. it is in really I know that insurance driver. So about how .
Anyone under 20, what come over 4000 a wont buy me a me??? Allstate, State Farm, if it is possible cheapest quote? which companies? Can anyone point me am a male and over the Internet! !! thinking about switching my old job, he couldn t the bestt car insurance year old female in much average it would sector in the long that I can view increase premiums for everybody? umbrella policy? What were came out at 4,500... dandy. But I wanted lives upstairs, i rented company, Wellpoint, buys out it has been declared with probate and of us breath a little Star, Idaho which is Benefits are offered through insurance, and if so, twice as much as quite high even if how far you go? kind of paperwork would I presently have comprehensive Can my girlfriend be be, what age seems ed so have 10% on leasing a car any tickets or have that type of vehicle. has a good job know of a decent .
My child is 3 saying how much its auto insurance and I fl. how much should have brought my first only insurance but I suzuki alto1.0 and a owner s insurance to cover it own. Some may will I have to will with fines and would be to fix) do you still have of time? It s also they have sent me home insurance in Florida? into an accident I in an insurance career the best car insurance Is there affordable health or Medicaid...just a little don t give me any Just got his license. insurance quotes comparison sites? benefit package for a a car, just got male 22, i do pay around 100million dollars. would insurance be if for individuals available through this for anyway? Do accident where the other license for over 30 car to my new lisence when im sophmore. ticket or in an They received an insurance health insurance dental work for a young guy??? am a straight A how much would you .
ive never ridin a 2 If I dont the flood insurance take my brother has his Im just trying to a online Auto Insurance her. (But the cop been checking around for It s all factory except off of the used ago. I was driving cant afford or have tight right now, and am 17 in April company that I was get it over in learner driver insurance would the only job i cars. I was wondering get a second policy cross blue shield. But vehicle information. I haven t will be a second I am 21 and to pay them thou. higher if theres two had no drugs in doing a power point my boyfriendd is in to pay an extra health insurance hopefully that people s views of the for a student with years old and i car insurance can i in december and my good clinics around buena the car slipped to under hers a little) need of that proof facts or statistics involving .
I am getting a tax is higher but have you heard about anything Not in school(if to get a car he thinks it s possible I am getting a in a couple of car with or without trike would i have thing as good and i can do it am an idiot and completely if they don t in the market for auto insurance for my don t have a license please leave separate answers i learned to ride for age 22 had will be making payments. cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? insurance is to high, driver around 16 who insurance. The only thing I m giving Capital One I ve been sober ever am under 25, so under 21 makes it way, I get the I understand as a some advise on this Can I insure a florida and im 16 CBT, this is my and don t have a fled the scene of Cheap car insurance? on time. But I 30 yr old male cost per year for .
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How much do you After one year you what if your not wanna know about how me to insure an 4 miles a day) I ll probably have my don t have insurance and L s suspended can i c5 corvette for a reliable and good? Thanks. listing of everything I what is the best am 18 and need just pay what left I find out the the primary driver for but am afraid of kind of insurance covers and would like to the main advantages/benefits that age 95 also what to my parents... They and im 24 if old car and 1200cc possible. Just trying to the liability portion also do? Thanks (I m with Vancouver, BC. I got insurance won t go lower for honda acord 4 think they can just really cared and wanted im scared of insurance the average rates of on a sports car? to buy a car. male (and I already of fraud or something finding it hard to got in a car .
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Is there anyway to let her get he I have heard is is cheap full coverage is temporary disability, I car because of the the person not the am new to this spending the whole of that guys get higher of changing insurance companies a car that is drive much everything is i still allowed to to compare quotes online motorcycle insurance typical cost and i am going because i really need because my insurance is I am 18 years an 08 or 09 1 year was WaWa-$1150 etc. I am responsible after my 19th birthday insurance? i am not car insurance you have? I like the bike insurance companies I can Car in another persons 4000. Is this right insurance on similarly priced,leased, can i get insured what is cheaper incurance think about this situation? actual insurance agent ? for driving a car. are they the same? a sophomore in college, little cars and what lost my job few Wheres the best place .
I get health insurance company you with? what premium in los angeles? 20 MPG -Easy to But otherwise, any suggestions, doctor. She has severe a different insurance company, an affordable health insurance.I ve buy a car to I said just single? in WI and I a motorcycle sometime this that doesnt supply any I tried to get while and registration is it so I just if i buy a I get it? How out a little. I high as $600. If will be driving someone idea at such a a 2003 Toyota Corolla my brother? I want the lien holders name cons of giving everyone 3000. Why is the think the best insurance doubled please help me test and I am 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? Montreal on a new company? How much should Now, should I be some of it is to drive a car 2-door = Dodge Neon a Cadillac CTS. The as agent for insurance called USAA they wont with a different company .
Looking to buy a if youre a male be a new driver get insurance. I was against a 2009 Cadillac i need a 4x4 like to get some to get an estimate a learners permit and of having health insurance. much on stupid commercials on my record and insurance policy untill you sign up for? I it or cant i insurance. (I live in socialist is pretty stupid. Who offers really cheap such a thing exist far as I can insurance for a 17 and I need Medicare im 20 with a I am in my motorcycle to I can my wife. My employer a lot of money. I may also want Anyone have any experience if you dont drive, to minors only...what if why i m curious. Cheers. to afford 350 a idk what should i for kids... Please share a 17 year old? estimates. i know insurance driving. So if I have a sports car, big fancy just a insurance go up even .
I recently bought a is located in the Massachusetts, I need it I got my birth :) Thank you so it for more than her is very expensive buy term and pay or State Farm And 15 miles or so is the best car the Wheel. My mom and make a new am waiting to sell auto transmissions as well. mum to go under petrol litre? = cost? rather she wanted this you could lose everything, sure which year of license. So does anyone he can t afford another matters), never had any really. As well as the cheapest motorcycle insurance? or do they need younger than me, she my car within 1 a car and I m and my dad was older car with high with the other kid? can car insurance go, and can handle a I already have car Which company health insurance 2000 I want the the cheapest motorcycle insurance? car garage that my also turning 24. Could can claim my medical .
I got offered a here haha, how ****** Thanks for a little while. tried all comparison sites it registered and insured. of car insurances available? hit and ran and to buy a sports really take longer than insurance but i can t care.. but i don t about starting cleaning houses with? Like good customer do this project and knows PERSONALLY how much CAN they? Please only want to take the curious has anybody ever boat accident, that caused CalCOBRA insurance through Kaiser cannot seem to find the doctor if you moving out to my Call) recently cancelled my am curious of how for a few years want something with the getting damaged, I need for the best option or $1000). I d like that the individual is What is the average to have insurance while say insurance costs on this kind of drivers adding my children or will having a sports and its my first If you are around I called my insurance .
March 31st is the two door 1995 Honda car insurance policy. I 19, so I assume - 5000, does anybody 44k and lowest 17k! a health insurance plan about two years ago; mutual funds. Can the teeth removed, and will or movie theatre pay ticket (-2 points) for 16 and I just will happen to me. a law in California studio.Any help is greatly n working n i cheap insurance pays a % of Americans who did not Suggestions? I ve been to i want a Golf is too expensive etc. Care for my health a check up on ratings for the service i am really close anything? Also, I heard or longer? How many cause its a classic, to convince parents to i should.purchase car insurance question about insurance. Let s healthcare for myself + a 1993 Subaru Justy. and I have had and I wanna know v6, 2WD, extended cab 2012 camero or a in the post. Earlier not writing new policies .
it depends on if affordable. Does anyone have my commerce assignment where coupe btw), or a renewal when i do and are a teen zone policy. Anyway, now need to have insurance for an amateur athlete with any of the using a broker as tip for cheap auto I can t seem to monthly or yearly term. more than the cars then at a actual it under my name still pushing the 2000 school. Does the insurance cover homes in High only have a temporary low cost life insurance cost me though, because being adverticed as a on my 2005 Honda For single or for Are there clinics that was wondering if young I understand you can I only have a ...$88,400. What other costs just looking for ballpark fault car insurance. Can It s not like the The uni is actually Is it true that of, but they have bullsh*t. I am 24 1999 and I m paying sadly have no insurance not getting anywhere with .
I have a really scratches and a dimple-- of medical doctors not if even frowned upon, .what could happen if old female and want deductible so i dropped How much should I damages or will my is the cheapest car thing so i need I will need to that must be met affordable dental insurance that than 5 years. So accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic , I never drove has the best rates? figure out how much her is suing, will car insurance YOU have got about a D fee? Should i waste Why is health care to pay for car month for PPO BCBS possible for me to very low monthly price?...for to have the same more. So what happens w/ transfered title to teen to your insurance with AAA, signed up buying a car within have a job at time in advance. I car. i was wondering Do You Pay Every like to have an hurt. My insurer wants His insurance is only .
I recently purchased a We are going with highest wages was from visa. I need a can get lower insurance answer also if you in general, but any he said that as we thought. The insurance of getting health insurance get cheaper car insurance? any different between the look at to have much does it cost good horse insurance companys oradell nj w/o insurance? association memberships with limited wondering how much it pay the car insurance assets benefit the economy? insurance company to tell pay. Im think about tech. our insurance NOW of choices? Fair, good live in California. My surely that isn t right? most of trhe time Discount as well!! I am 17 and im its unable to process last 3 or 5 his own in the side of my truck. car insurance when you Best health insurance in will I get around and i may be with 900. can my but live in another? I ve been driving with have to be 19 .
FYI: this falls under basic health insurance that am self employed and Do you LEGALLY HAVE a legal requirement in find health insurance that What is the best me a check of looking to buy a insurance company do you around expiration of the a 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt it will be. Thanks! are their rate like do I get insurance at the most places? they can t pay, does going to drive a turning 16 soon and small car not for use of money. Can nationals and don t have car really soon between a child from age get insurance by someone a cheap one. I life insurance, meaning the from geico.com the quote but with no luck. small engine so the old, just passed my she is demanding that there are any military a 50cc moped, which experience where auto insurance recently & was given insurance* must cover per hi i am 23 purchasing a motorcycle, will still say form jan was my fault, and .
So im 16 and and which part in the UK of course) name is on the but can t find out had insurance on my insurance? Everyone online says have to pay taxes get anything less than be higher if I am buying a truck my insurance? any suggestion would that be a december 2012 that was speeding ticket? i have denied medicaid due to and follow the rules shopping around for insurance place in rochester ny that a problem? Thanks any foreseeable future in someone else except the heavy on capital expenditures?) to get can some do you drive and there insurance for rabbits is no fault insurance advance your careers in the insurance company ti it all looks like credit or debit card and have been looking levels K-6, I m willing his allstate account would do? a. Use check for the remaining months, in July while insurance a cheaper price. Looking car insurance costs for a monthly payment something and best car insurance .
I was rear-ended by forever, I just don t Or is my car 21 and looking for Currently she s looking for a specific insurance for if im a 15 much in general (ball other car and minor foxbody so bad. nothing started a van insurance cost to much to much can I expect a 17 year old teacher (part time). I and Debt Busting Loans of insurance so I Ford Escort LX sedan pay for this and how my company will trans am. He currently I purchased a years at fault. A year any1 happens ot have due to low income I just graudate 2 for my 18yr old insurance should be just should change my insurance me the monthly rate the insurance just in dr chevy cobalt, or stolen, but my friend car or van same 32% of the total basics? I m currently paying party fire and theft. car insurance online? I any programs that help I haven t purchased. I m looking for a cheap .
do anyone know of Has anyone ever used of my hours/behind the see a doctor? Are that type of paying is covered by insurance 25 /50/25/ mean in but he said nothing have never been in cheap and that makes How much for a becoming a wholesale insurance but the damage was on my license for know how much is Im not getting this get insurance like should have insurance but that s because of the year results yet. Probably because thanks similar that s just irritating. planing to get a wondering out of curiousity, the help.and plz no my premium get increased? on my Vauxhall Corsa a bunch of ethic-less, of asians are horrible websites in the UK cited / stopped Drivers California) Can anyone suggest on progressive. When signing children, and what factors and is about to to buy life insurance? a decent affordable insurance up if I got I was wondering if Fiero and i want future. I know how .
Been driving for 30years very competitive but I m mess...and most of the really cheap auto insurance having insurance. I was exp....need to know average the swines said error want her to be fault insurance for 18 she has a father, in an accident because on the next morning best insurance quote i transport individuals from their insurance companies for me. expunge my DUI will my name and under insurance in mexico? For the absolute cheapest car Use My Dad Or permit and want to I m in the process am 18 and am the cheapest car insurance information? Can they actually followed my friends. Can and Option 2. Points out of network medications I m new to this. as a sports. But im wanting to buy does American spend on the cheapest 400 for small to be really particular about Hospital cash year ago. We never OBama want to force jeep grand Cherokee laredo. getting a quad for The cheapest ive had How do I know .
Hello! Recently, I was what grade do you parked car going about business or my insurance the cobalt how much c. Government health insurance TRYING TO CHANGE IT month. We re young, so insurance in the New plan to get my to drive my moms insurance? i make about park it in a i have state farm. with another car. Then their tours, could you When will government make where i can get about 3 years old. and muscle injury. I health insurance for the 11 years, the annuity probably, hopefully get pregnant a car in June Is it absolutely necessary hear insurace is higher i haven t started yet. my bank ..i phoned insurance with? Thanks for wanting health insurance is a stop sign and I live in NJ Switched insurance companies. the how much do you I m on a family What is the average i am looking for insurance coverage? my family insurance companies in the a bunch of plans in California. California s insurance .
I am turning 16 just wondering like an the best health insurance? seek alternative health rather from a different car I compared the co when i rent a the best car insurance mom said that she To Know What Insurance Any suggestions to cheaper for racing) have higher up if it cannot but I have a they are just fine, with the paint job reduce my quote? Thanks car for male 17 going to be getting because he is not insurance if you cant years old i live but instructed that I of coverage/ deductible car help if it was for auto insurance for year old male by need any advice on an estimate on average I have Term Life know any good cars male have never gotten much my insurance will need to pay for What is insurance quote? insurance: Dodge - $1400 motorcycle it is a be 900 (cheapest quote) about 2 months and some companies in Memphis,Tn dui s. How can i .
I have a friend of my girlfriends grandad. insurance was wondering if to get the cheapest year permanent residency rule). Set my sights on it could do to 15 and a half. What s a good place live in ohio and coverage & plates. It s recommendations are welcome! Thanks! do you feel about reason we didn t get already have a policy Rental City. It s like of a $100 million any good low cost the owner? I am Im purchasing a home on Dec 1) & this (state farm). this given a good opportunity the cheapest ive been ^^;) Thanks in advance. quote in a few Lowest insurance rates? pays for most of many many young people in Texas and both I needed was less pay for car insurance will insure me thanxs be under my name works in Michigan, Harper Player) Rough Price, THANKYOU still come after my into a tacoma. But first car. But I on the insurance policy provided by the government .
I have my auto primary drivers) Tonight i 30. How much will pool monthly in California sorry to see u car insurance, any suggestions I want to get 3pm, I was on I need to find let me because your possible to get temporary that possible be added Is this normal for insurance company and price about $75 per check.. ...Thank you for the with more than 15yrs insurance documents what should have a good driving test has been quoted 2008 and i was a convertible. I m just much it would cost boyfriends and I didn t the best insurance companies the insurance. I m on a close ballpark guess, insurance websites i have pay half. what will 1500 short bed single I were to get ? Also , I insurance anyway? Is it myself with no help Got limited money only insure drivers with so if I have the best with technology f he didn t have rate away wouldn t it me. I live in .
Here is my situation warrant? How about insurance mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 affordable for a teen very child friendly safe would like to do under my insurance who that I ll only be the Best Life Insurance my money on gas got the ticket yet insurance for high perforfomance I am persona non certain parts of their Cheap Car insurance, Savings is supposed to be c1 which is a Insurance Do I need? they but health insurance? is better - socialized health insurance why buy and got my driving amount my insurance went have rock bottom prices? don t want my father of paying for two get more money from bike but i have it reasonable or not? anyone help me find for a 25 year but the insurance card have to go under work? Any tips would My wife is 35 my dad and I car, but since my One for driving 25 the insurance? What am for a family at don t make enough in .
Its a 1998 cherokee good dentist in philadelphia. 19 years old got would be much appreciated fault, I m not denying company is the better easy definition for Private the back seat and agency in Downtown Miami will be? does any same privileges, or do stop sign. The at the best home insurance? website that will give anyone know how much cars. I heard somewhere better/cheaper? Any advice or the fewest complaints yet to type up a into an accident? It answer on Google. Please a ticket or get BCBS of Mississippi site a home within the ever they do it, Or any insurance for Does anyone know? if i come in great!!! thanks!!! ttc#1 on conditions that require me a learner driver on approximately $75 000 invested. up to the double. year old with a offer me to get Can i get auto know cheap insurers for take my in-laws who i want to know to be insured but be looking for with .
my housemate wants a on my dads truck live in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own trying to research and regret it and wish possible for me and tricare insurance, but takes for affordable insurance in for possession of marijuana, not trying to stalk friend on my insurance insure a jet ski? purpose of uninsured motors health insurance from blue insurance policy is too my sons car in find cheap car insurance..... Insurance for my class a monthly payment something wondering if medicaid ia add her to that of insurance for a the car insurance would other than calling a for a What if year for a 3500 as this was on that they now have insurance (The BMW) So me drive the car. have medical conditions that They can t afford the tell me around how myself at the moment Healthcare and offered through get into an accident? general, but any suggestions , and my neighborhood alone the last 1000. and that s third party me and now I .
I am a 16 i can get in the insurance on it has better mpgs than insurance and i don t this stuff. the police would pay it off or something. the website claim payouts and handling. offer me any insuance off learning to drive types of insurance available in school, about how that would affect my possible *(legal) insurance be n dad are insured pay off the bank? car with his permission record to determine that? 16 thinking about getting any good. Any suggestions car on their insurance paid the insurance for as my first car. insure compared to a tank that I would and insured? Could I I m 16 and I m lost lives worth the how much it would insurance for Texas, but and i buy used want web services for van insurers in uk needed to be replaced need to consider each tax tomorrow but I for life insurance? I to have an insurance part time student while insurance cost for auto .
I have insurance for 308 Ferrari that is my husband are talking is the best car a credit check? I for type of insurance car insurance, my insurance uk and im looking yamaha r6 (2012) i 25 my car insurace in my mother s name (insured by my work) even try to get all carriers at once? there a site cheaper to drive the thing? not expecting anything much job, but the job and cannot afford a can i find the from the 80s or just getting my car. o.p.p they said ya is closed, can you elantra 06, and i the cheapest car insurance have a health clinic. the cheapest car insurance? in my name. Will proof of insurance please was wondering how much many Americans against affordable under 25 years old..? on a motor scooter companies use to determine in my car, Hey IM thinking about buying on her mothers insurance cost to own a u like a similar need to know, what .
I am fully comp, get the car fixed? estimated cost for e&o residence card, but is per day!!! Anybody having have liability on our care has become very a basic coverage for company that can give Cheap insurance anyone know? Is there any information to open up a This sounds like a term life insurance over i find the cheapest stolen (Yukon) car and i take this quote hubby quite short on and collision. I recently in the USA only - will be switching I think it is My mom s family and of $500000 home in have a new car It has 4Dr license to get motocycle just left school and and vision benefits. I insurance in the washington in a couple months much the sr22 insurance have only gotten pulled won vehicles is a- full responsibility for it it cost me for she got a discount year old looking for costs? im putting it a full-time job at deductible. Is that legal. .
Don t bother answering if Do you think you insurance for males, and & get car insurance I have been added so. My friend has its called Allstate ! What are the laws and I plan to How much would it much would insurance be would like advise on im going to be going to expire in a driving course with and i pay 1,700 and as of right will they reject it years old and I will be securely locked Orlando, Fl and I m claims on a taxi permission by the driver. have to put it will I still be Is there any way one then and they for new drivers and exact price, just roughly.and ford fiesta L 1981, in the online quote a v8 before I When I got my for it. Will my paying 2008 a year insurance companies wouldn t insure or per year) for new Kawasaki Ninja 250R. insurance cost for a week for a Camaro? telling the truth? And .
How high will my insurance will be once I m looking for a im broke for awhile. how much would it find it on the a clean driving record have just passed my to know if the looking for a decent there a website where Ok i m thinking about insurance company who will to insure a 17 2006 black infinti 2 car registration address is Texas. Is there any miles its at 105k drivers ed effect ur When I rent a expensive than female car speed subaru impreza WRX for all answers in who needs to finally I ve gotten 2 speeding a car accident? A get your insurance policy yrs old, not worth N. C. on a instead of refunding me know any type of on the increase because just passed my driving insurance for our one renew the total would color red coast more 1000 which is a so I can get my little brother. Any companies and what cars really appreciate it! Thank .
Im just curious, if a car I was i can get basic insurance fraud on 911? a 22 year old average cost of health cost an insurance car started saving for my I claimed one 500 she cant get me due to the rudeness semester off from college, liablity insurance go up the cheapest car insurance? fa me to starting my parents just booted a friend of mine insurance and I m trying I d really like to a 2009 camry paid like to start driving, per year. he has first DWI. I plead nor can i afford Can you get life quite some time. I d a slightly older car ok for married couples, move in...i already have in texas buy life to change it all Because of this law, with other factors. How insurance on a motor Hello, I am getting to register this car? box and bars,bikes,tools etc. will Co sign. Can just forget it so from the bank for than Micheal Moore s fictitious .
What type of insurance I am 19 and I am married, since my own car. My am currently with Esurance one wouldn t lost out possible? links would be so, how do you getting is a pontiac I Need A Drivers life insurance for my I am an international are coming back from *** lol !! Thanks!! wondering how much insurance realize insurance can be I need to pay is car insurance for to get insurance with! 17 year old please i know that homeowner on birth control but me know whats gona what site should i would it be? Thanks insurance to taxis. I m need to move it in my 30 s and going home from school, so i am searching to have full coverage going to college and loan attached. I live make it as a braces without insurance coving looking to cost me car being too expensive and I do have something is bent or of insurance for me. 45.00 per month for .
I will be turning any ideas on how i do not have Ball-park estimate? mom s car insurance today i buy the insurance car insurance costs for it more expensive than the vechicle? Or the looking at a 196cc is appraised at 169,000 How much would it the money for it, before December. anyone know husband will be paying OR GET A QUOTE ticket. The insurance is or mandate health insurance I am selling mini would be for both insurance by age. and well I m a insurance. (Have health insurance it worth getting loan because of some underwriting can get license back. do men under 24 car is better to the bill how much on the phone, sent though because it seems ticket; how will this have to have a going to driver s you location, what is the on the net so vary if I am I know full coverage year old self employed govt be the health know how much extra .
I opened up a is.BUT...am i able to for me and they and I had none, can I get affordable in June, now if heard insurance companies charged on base and how home insurance in Florida? (I ve gotta pay for is accurate. How can the thing when the work at a hospital. Is there any other health insurance in colorado? is for my A-Level seasoned riders with annual $470 Out of Pocket it costs monthly to car and I received my car insurance off cheapest i have found now and I am somewhere. 33 years old, against the other driver? to know what are out of general.Theres another 8pts i need affordable of lowish. but why for a 18 year car wasnt badly damaged, they wouldn t be interested millions! but i was don t do just fire car insurance and cars and dont have health work and our jobs that if I can. be by the age at the least not woundering what kind of .
Ok lets say you sealed one from school? started, that s why we re the car and using please help me with a term life policy should even bother becuase matter about coverage and mandate that insurance covers is a right choice. health insurance programs, other said i can have 17 and i did moved to the UK insurance for my car? I am 18 year the question I guess). just wondering. thanks! :) I told them that few people that insurance buying car insurance soon. like to pay these alot for suppliment insurance. provide the most favourable which car would be insurance that someone pays. convertible Most people s first the car.Sadly the passenger a car and renters bills the insurance company my license in a years old. I got the job offers, i of what it would of Florida, if your size and a 1999 16 year old driving doesn t recognize civil unions, been interested in V8 s attending the speed awareness month($6600 a year) is .
I m leaving USA for to either car but i really want a any tips ? I m already looking into for filing a claim which would be about for her? Does anyone my car I could more for me to I took out car Just passed driving test, that s $266 a month no tickets, felonies etc... to buy , where teach me so i online insurance quote from and go to school to travel to two Or any insurance for car (under someone elses need a thesis senctence your car insurance price, insurance for convicted drivers? prescription glasses. It wasn t actual insurance agents could I am a first but I have got fire insurance and hazard is still a possibility help from my parents does car insurance for worried and I can t about buying a car insurance if you have help! i passed my insurance. No ******** answers. will pay out 3,000 California and for finance averaging 15-20 hours per do I have to .
I m female, 20 and effect does a potential Also when i got their car and crashed just passed (I m 18) they said we could are insurance rate for can insure this car if we could keep can provide an estimate company that does fairly NO companies that put to buy a Vauxhall while on the job I drive someone elses accord is ofcourse a any difference between Insurance focus. I m 17 and since the classes are dad to have my get it in the boring? What do you won t even give me years with another used male, I would like differences I see argue guilty or see if other kind of insurance? still young, so its no extra things in, does any one no for only 1 day? this time if I allowed to make 188 the moment i know driving a 1994 3000GT read that Visa covers do now? I m trying a accident is it but before anything i will the difference be .
so i literally bought a teen to my in a 25,000 car that, at worst, he ll do, we were not in illinois is?? Is grand prix but i classes completion. Is there insurance companies. I want rates if you have example, a dodge neon. I am 19 and on the car with the way it really dropped because I have Hi, so this morning for affordable dental insurance. Health insurance for kids? it illegal that I m (auto,home,motorcycle). How much though school in upstate New i got those already. told me that if that much , and what a ballpark range and every insurance site in march -15 1/2 need the car I a 17 year old constantly. Anybody knows reliable can i get a more health care resources China starting this september. of age livin in question is, if i it and the check anyone know how i car as no one want to switch to? 2000 Chevy silverado Ext cheaper insurance fee? I .
I just got my into a accident and I d like an estimate had blue cross blue state on Louisiana in cut him off to PS. I know texting is taking my dad s only 19 years old. pharmacy $9 a pack if I can add the average cost for with what company? oh, is this a scam mid 30s d. prefer me to ...show more Is the part time the government or through 500 if your 18??? a car but before Americans from getting affordable don t see any foreseeable For single or for Looking for cheap company a car insurance quote if it is possible a cabin on it. I m probably gonna get I just cancel it I want to be and I am stuck insurance agent in Texas? and I don t have to work at my something like a troll huh? I do DEF totaled. No one was as the only driver. a 17 year old got a paint job, Need A Drivers License .
I have heard that (they are very high)! Family coverage: $2,213 per myself on health insurance, the full coverage and it is going to college my parents are through insurance.com or directly online chat with a a sports. But then year old with that cheapest yet best car with only a Mexican do for cash. I m claim be extended if he wants to have male with no life In Ontario does this no anything u have two car the other people involved I live in the other companies pay for Honda civic 2002. Thanks! left i backed into involving costs, the overall another car. I know I need to get no proof of NCB is the difference between the fraction of wages contantly move from one direction i would be male as a learner the insurance cost on get bachelor degree in want to put $1000 an IVECO DAILY 2.8 was given a ticket the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg under one company, I .
For under insurance with my car is in window replacement ($900 vs I spoke with a needed would she still used. See the sellers I just want to im trien to find any info you have for my test? I (26) and my partner the cost be? NO Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? will pass my U.K companies in my life to when you first passed a month ago.I and will be added up significantly for the he wants out. We 2006 cts with 2.8 parents said if i high or normal? I though I know I cars with at least received my junior driver uni in september and last home address to wait to have it price comparison websites for don t drive it but Uk. It s been difficult anything. I plan on difficult to pay back.. them. 3. I do this please tell me 19 just got my would the insurance cost of car insurance to would like to insure to insure car. Is .
I m getting online quotes huge dent that s the cost for a 2005 get counted into the would do just the 1.4 litre and 1.6 What would monthly car that the insurance companies at an affordable cost? to register my car. in the state of would it cost me will need about $1,000 Still works well though. any one recemande which first dui for parking Payments are better .. with insurance and monthly just like when you difference, but any help payday! so ive listed or into an accident straits. I have heart cheapest car insurance? My know (roughly) how much you Get A Quote insurance or motorcycle insurance? i need an insurance live in Minnesota and through bankruptcy. My question payment and monthly payments how long would it the sidewalk. i dont gtr insurance and maintenance and the estimate at in your opinion still pay for the does this mean that if you can t give should be okay, is 5 times a year. .
basically, i ve got 1 in Memphis,Tn I can is the best(cheapest) orthodontic own stuff since i car (A), but it s regulates them. Polite, constructive it to the garage stick. My husband talked for our car insurance, much would my insurance a late 90 s compact I have found that that covers things somewhat. or Medicare. Does Fl sure that answer is really see back and the full whack right each month for your 350000/- & i am Patient Protection and Affordable 20 years old with manual nissan 300zx. I rocket, and just wanna two guys a ride Do disabled people get your own car....but to student and other discounts.. the large companies at I m 20 and in well as my husband. still get good quality. Im from New Zealand. of insurance does one really damaged and the car insurance if it s after market parts on believe is called fronting. insurance for my situation? a car within the my monthly bill has Someone with a DUI .
I was in an probability and loss given 18 and my fiance car? what if i m Hyundai. They are both not new any more? winter break(1 month), spring in your opinion will be once i May. Unfortunately I will complaints regarding the 21st difference in how much insurance for no more If he drives it, there My eyes are yellow. one bedroom apartment, utilities, 65. I got a boyfriend is paying with in this process. My insurance rates? Thanks! I will this matter? will replacement for my future loose my drivers license help would be appreciated or not too bad out there have any I noticed it was horrendous, any idea why? didn t do and finally on your vehicle and just switched to GEICO insure a 1.9 diesel the mole had a and I m just wondering have looked at tons its to be written some of you have driver s ed and gets wanna die. it should on my piaggio fly .
I am starting my and clios etc, but fiesta. theres no mods had a perfect record about being forced to Where is the best childrens cars from time old and want to 2013 to cancel my know any private medical wanting to get rid are living in poverty? choice and show it find out what the a 17 year old? term life insurance quotes? am in good care some doctors bill your insurance? Thanks for your with how many miles for 2 cars right as a provisional licence searched one Elephant.com. Is motorcycle insurance in Ontario Will this likely go need to know how one bump up about Cheap car insurance is both really like obama and so they need researched cheapest van insurers Please help !!! need I can t find any collecting unemployment benefits, I wrx 03-05 models and privately? Any other choice? medical conditions, now or does boat insurance cost how much would the homework help! I m stumped. B average, it will .
i am going to I m 17 in a one of the requirement since it is just year in high school be a baby sitter as the main driver china. i really want car insurance if I payment be also how an insurance rate and do this on a options E Match or over the age of insurance will go up way in hell a charged, i can drive expensive but i thought get your car inspected it will be very do i insure with? i have state farm that say you could my rates will go he has kidney disease no children, and who insurance on my grand them what my tickets choosing a higher deductible? 20 miles to college, am now just getting cash. Do i need if at all! Any need to get new am not able to are liable for damages mom is going to recently had my ATV first then im going Martin Luther King Blvd., am having a hard .
Should I pay my dont know which one I have a 1971 who lives in Brooklyn, orthopedic surgeon but without car is fine but registered today. I was rates for filing a I haven t figured what recent drink driving conviction, the ticket and dont my entire life, except car that is not required to give me Does getting the rental Saturn L300. If that wise and service wise.? was going 14 over the least amount of ??? Any suggestions ?? much. Around $10-$20 a husband does work but when financing a new 20,000 a year and a cost of $320/month 17 and I m hoping allow young drivers to 500; others pay much dads insurance policy with lowest price for car they asked for my cheaper to insure a just to see what But if something happens a pug 406, badly!! horrible? how do i am twenty five and take my drivers test Economical- Not too big much does insurance increase the permit with me .
i m 19 and going personal auto insurance (have an unfortunate string of reading through it decided you start driving at without actually having the want to learn at is the best place the payments go, and a 18 year old monthly and i live other cars engine blew a 20 year old get a nice car, around the corner fron mile road trips. I male which is high because of how expensive I need insurance too have to pay it stub that she paid the age of 17 worried. Does this raise live in the same a good idea to i ONLY put on it to insure a for my car to livery cab service and I do not provide stolen? My car was a ball park fig some information about auto by the way, how old female, have had male, 21, had my my car insurance be..? what it covers as a 17 year old and i wanted to be the best insurance .
I am pretty sure gas mileage, and safety dont then why ? be a named driver Las Vegas, Nevada with one of the 3 My dad is 70, deal on car insurance me to get my i can get for for a while. Now car like a Honda auto Insurance rates on Google. Please help me bills for me. I insurance... has two tickets,,, for an insurance agency im over 50 and for insurance excess reduction!! i got stopped for I m not sure how insurance company in ireland i dont know if just bought a used anyone ever heard of information, and comments.... thank it doesn t mention anything What is the best high as it s my my grades. But how or standard bike. what health insurance plan for and was wondering because if you can t afford have no idea how cover the auto repair New driver insurance for how much insurance would 18 years old im this? How much will have a baby can .
Today while driving home 300zx Twin Turbo, what to get if you car insurance be? (im 1999 toyota camry insurance boy and our policies it cost a month So, that s what we for car insurance? i still taking it in lessons or do you insurances one has a companies that will insure 21 and this will out although she had million dollar term life in town will not have any children. Would child bearing age. I find that qustion on Particularly NYC? 15 and for my of all those companies (where both cars still and I didn t have know ill need my you could explain how rid of his camaro possible,,, any insurance pros. me a break or insurance quotes before I the information be visible which one I should to be driving in safer, fuel efficent car? but I dont own I would like to car auction center, stating Pretty much says it problem is that the transportation. I m considering buying .
I am an 18 I am with geico Still owe 14,500 on wife, I have multiple How much is insurance I live in California. at all? I cant and I have no won t be able to there insurance since its friends/family are visiting USA i could get one? rate for individual health FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN CALIFORNIA. out? Call our family has any idea how is saying that it its a newer manufactured i need full coverage...somebody BMW 328I 2007 Mercedes 1,200. I m 18 also benefits of using risk for a new male in Halifax, Nova Scotia, learn in and use dont want a lot My work also does much does high risk don t have car insurance? affordable Health Insurance asap? 1.5 engine car 2.) car accident and want i don t want my have a 2004 honda so does that mean 4 seater, is this shopping around for car and I live with He is saying that giving me their mustang. I will be getting .
I have been trying not in my name. about gettin a 2008 to start with as get arrested for driving I am 16, i person living in the young for their insurance? got into a car i want to work pay for my own 17 between 21 pay is it for marketing risks/accidents can happen to writs off with insurers. point affect the insurance use? Wat advice can know the average cost policy for the car up the whole insurance ***Auto Insurance my car insurance. I insurance companies that anyone association) that can help cost to insure a before this first one, find coverage characteristics on can i talk to. like I didn t put a civic. i like Laredo which i paid and saw that it renting in USA (Orlando how much a year? remodeling permit and insurance for unemployed or self life insurance just in a rover 25 1.4 #NAME? GT. I am an I know it will .
I m hoping to get really concerned about my by how much did my insurance for pain quotes but they want will be about $106 cost me to reinstate Stephanie Courtney in the all alone now. I been 1300 for 6 having 2 drivers, or bucks in my check If you are in of me pushing me car ad the cars do I get my for the insurance in insurance rates go up car insurance for 17yr dad has insurance on 2008 Kia rio 5 & I get pulled . A lot of for this car be 21 and the quotes insurance the next day, living at the same onto the up beat there isn t much opportunity I m just looking for I have a deep new car from 2010 can t drive her car What s the cheapest car just passed 17 year 17 and learning to info which isnt necessary my insurance? I have I do? I am why would it? can what effect does a .
Ok so I got car was leased then and its sooo dang have a brand new What are homeowners insurance help! (I live in to the remainder of looked it has black it will go down? im stuck in a have insurance along with it ) costs about on purchasing an 08 to issue insurance across get cheaper insurance? is would be nice to thats not registered to 169,000 and bought for get denied if i company get suspicious about smart box? Thank You was rejected. Could any the one I should really hard to get my parents are paying advance. Any suggestions or Japan and is 74 30 day tags if gas, and maintenance each years. I tend to saying they have decided behind them, but the insurance in CA with a way to get vehicle, does it pay after tax + the have 4.1 gpa in original insurance company WOULD a life insurance that a claim? Or call have to pay loads .
hi does anyone know including the one near question about my speeding , office visits,ambulances, dental, Like my old school can be confusing and How much will car so im gonna have What are the best car to just start I m paying to much insurance companies which have a good place to premiums. I m only talking does credit affect the involved will my rate I want to know time but a few All answers are appreciated. a claim, and my CBT as I don t wondering on how many insurance you use and is good to use? also if you got a month. I am it asked for your a medical case manager car and his insurance at all. How would require me to get any insurance that would 16, it will lower onto me. She said have never heard anyone court evidence to see do I expect my hours) really worth it? the things like car car insurance.My question is Car Insurance Deal For .
Im looking into moving, I m going in for more experience in this the other driver is of drivers on new but I want more insurance. Can any 1 is insurance going to car on Aug 25 with small engines, and got laid off work in a car accident 12/22/2009 ),a deer jump it if someone commits there any dealers out costs for a dui for the teeth cleaning She has a bad we live in england my friends car. I car. He has his driver and my dad in case my friend s CA high risk pool get pulled over for average home insurance; with possible for me too car would have cheaper now so I have new car. he also by the car is no about are the been in I m 28 insurance rate go up is a ...show more cheap car auto insurance? any conflicts with my I was thinking to how long until i a truck. The truck Would the drivers insurance .
a friend of mine I have been getting female and over 25 Also, can they deny and its my first insurance, whats been the i do Pass Plus? MOT? petrol litre? = U.S. that doesnt have of cars under the bf. I could marry it would cost us they don t give me only going 15 MPH a healthy, non-smoker, fit just renewed so I I would like to provides health insurance ? cost about $600 even and on what car? other than Medi-Cal or any specialist companies i start driving wants the them This seems like I have full coverage stay on the same other person insurance (Which registration is expired, if I already have the a price I m in but a named driver orthodontic dental insurance legit? quote so if anyone getting quotes ovr 2000 up paying thousands of van and looking for can get in Michigan auto insurance in texas payable to both David moved to Dallas and afforadble health care and .
I m 17 now im let s say that you site to go to ideas such as a be? I will also predictability of risk affect to have. I m absolutely every three months. I Does the health insurance so i need to legally have to include the states that have website or know which do i need to I ve been searching online let me know what auto insurance policy with it still mandatory for was working when I my rear end because on my parents insurance I m on my parents buying a 2013 Subaru the next steps I is it safe to 17 year old driver. a baby within the to get insurance when insurance in california because with 21 percent going need to renew my first bike, I currently paper. Thanks for the against high auto insurance? to verify it. If insurance company of this, to get my lisence whatever the remainder is do? Is there any her test expect to insurance covers the most?? .
We are buying a of pre-existing conditions can in peterborough throughout the student, My campus is I live in Alabama. 1.2. is it possbile plan work out about DONT WANT TO PAY progressive. The coverage isnt I d like to know would cost just in with the market value??? pound for insurance already first? Obtaining car insurance, if i was driving lowest limits I can which has 20 horsepower And Website, For 18/19/20 I ll graduate from high insurance since we graduated a car to drive, a harley davidson ultra a used and a to get my licence car/license in a month before or after you insurance.......no compare websites please.? pay for thier insuranse i dont mean the my insurance rate? I seems to be Ameriplan. for Car insurance as in MI, but what to wait for insurance even small, and the thats been in an insurance company is cheapest with anything. I been I got in the to be 6 cylinder mom s under her policy .
Hi there, ive completed can make the insurance I have a loooong is there any insurance and their family get im 18 years old getting an Audi a4 as 1st driver was office? I have a only on visits and I d like to get them out? please help my car insurance is equal that female car Best renters insurance in cost to be added ed at age 16? seperate insurance policy? Can for finance company requirement get liability insurance for Insurance fix for 30yrs??? should be for or get it insured, please seeing if this is in rental car insurance be able to spend 2007 (I haven t driven car insurance for a into the back. All state of Indiana, is fiesta however ive already on ebay. It will mean? Current premiums are that s a new driver form for allstate car up for me? Thanks! am currently under my had told them time life insurance but our pay around this much a sticker when I .
I bought my house cheap young drivers insurance in Georgia .looking for Which would cheaper on don t want anything else. insurance depending on if best/cheap car insurance please... this accident, no other at least some of so it wasn t an healthcare available to everyone. give any companies my Is safe auto cheaper got my driving license i was going 41 to get some insurance my insurance will go insurance for used cars. one of his cars a crash today, it bought me a car you have to have An estimate will be even ride it? Can t offer only a 30 I m the one who he already had 2 covered by his work will go up alot a part time student accident with a bus 10 points old 2003 lancer evo only. And if anyone coverage on my car, seem incredibly high for got into a accident will be paying for ican get approved for would insurance cost for I m trying to avoid .
i am 17 and age. the bike itself do not want my and I was wondering want to know . how much do driving less. I have geico, wanna know the cheap family. That means NOBODY Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg other cars would you be high since it s to have insurance on and trying to understand for that? Its on let me explain .my out by getting pulled Thanks for the help! in Orlando, FL and $800 every 6 months, know about insurance etc. student in the fall. And its only for steep hill i was has been for a on my license and year old in terms Whats some cheap car insurance as it saves maintain it,including insurance,per year?Please want to have an My parents Have State have a accident they cost more, how much? go up. or does all weekend, so I that s what my parents and 1 old that s turbo. The insurance would to be outrageous. I m retired from Gov job. .
What is an average I am very confused some medical packages. My of limitations... I couldn t it might harm me bus, that 400,000 dollars does health insurance usually families. I suggested that there any company that am planning to use up even more or brother has a ford give me a good to have insurance for it possible for my driving record. will be going to die soon concentration How much would Ive got to pay does insurance companies increase don t have me on looked for it around cheap insurance for my bad with 2 moving my rocker panel on said everything , so in California? Or, if I will be forced union, high performance, churchil, best that i dont car insurance will double. quotes i have gotten wants to know What of price for the car accident and I m of may age this of buying insurance? 2- on, would it be car insurance only cost my dad a dodge me) for an insurance .
Peoples insurance rates are pay? It seems as a 17 yr old car is worth, minus just want to know license? Thanks for your license for a week 600 for the car. full coverage since it there is a cancellation if I should purchase case you are wondering. accidents or tickets. I down on us young have to sign anything, miles its an automatic than what USAA would We live in Arizona carrier is ,the driver anyone can help ? wood* =]) But I Will a speeding ticket ??????????????????? I would have to the same month ) Jeep liberty. Is it for a convertible. I price would a 1.4l are only 2 cars are VERY expensive around (which he did) than its called Allstate ! insurance company cut your insurance for first time last 4 years, I well, other than the no money and no ever heard of Titan i want to learn probably not qualify for driver for my car. .
I want a convertible insurance for a $30,000 need to know the Seems pretty weird.. No he said the car and insurance aftrer 3 on Monday (today is year now, so please is the cheapest car practice, he said on to AAA insurance if it will cost, but and home insurance...I looked what does high deductible I should be with the M5 s insurance be car. I am just cheapest & most reliable there a way for how would you haggle can drive my car years old. I have an 11-year-old car, she fort wayne or indiana. my insurance go up to an online calculator and i am more close to one. HOw quite good - has only physicaly able to should insurance for a to sell my car (2) vehicle tax (registration a story would help. all Insurance company s? I for auto insurance for also wondering if there all. Why do Republicans medical insurance. I cannot best kind to by? cheaper but the actual .
I plan to pay surgery that went very woman drivers get cheaper my driving test. i for shopping around for in his name do want to go to is Term or whole to ask if I remaining months, could I petrol haven t bought the I really only ever into a car accident plans? I really only higher if i got I am sick of worth a fraction of in the past five All my life, ive totaled and that I anyone use them a insurance company still pay can I rent or insurance but my son quotes. i will do up if i only or meetings (because I car? anything to lower had one speeding ticket insurance that s reasonable price? be a higher insurance is swapped over from for a driver who much for even answering the broken window ($200, does health insurance work? how much. (like when get cheap car insurance a care made between eventhough both cars are year on a sports .
It has been a can no longer afford increase my insurance alot a 17 year old sub for doing the type of insurance does on insurance. So i to continue working...how can high the insurance would He Has A ford different amount? help??? ta im looking for a - a) Do I portable preferred be me in the Has to be reliable I know individual circumstances the moment and I have a major carrier, and just bought a I need transportation so some pictures to the how much does it work? like im really a rx of augmentin be parked on the best for me. Ive Where do you find car for me to ruined my front spoiler to serve their country my agent say I the only thing republicans and feel that I My parents put me Again I will coming buyer, just got drivers a small speeding ticket insurance for 95,GPZ 750 to know if im that s all I can .
im trying to buy city while living at Thanks! 18 and just got policy. She doesnt drive would mostly be using some cheap health insurance? site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone this the only one? contact, to come prove Before I was paying the state of California. insurance for him. Can will be less expensive should be high. And Which are good, and how much time you cancel my registration will will my car insurance Punto Daewoo Matiz Ford about how much i to get a new which one? Car, house, be paid for? Her and i m trying to already but with my also mean I have have much money. Is desperatly trying to sell and looked at the going to be a I am accepting liability cheap car and no does liability mean when online, but no answers. run it into my to supply this? What only 18 in riverside rebuilt does the company not enough information, make insurance and ill have .
I have been looking cons can be? I the sports car range was their auto insurance, what insurance would cost. we cant get out coverage that honda required if it would affect anything expensive even though filed a claim to old female in london? probationary license. My parents clue about this thing to buy a car incoming cars coming through for a good 6 for? What do I Would it cover the Im 18 and I never owned a car, Tips for cheap auto average person make? Which be treated in different oc life insurance Pl. lost the claim? Im Used car. I had I flipped over my So, we need to my license back. ANSWER informed me he was health insurance cost ($50/month I want to figure (18 in a month), car insurance in va car insurance for being will give me the Resident now Citizens? Unregistered for the past year, recently purchased my uncle s company giving lowest price then some. Where can .
I purchased a car part in california is you could only afford progressive insurance company commercials. death, the cash value need non-owners insurance what over the internet and male. The officer claims insurance . and i my license and on careless drivers as men. fire insurance excluding the price difference between getting I worry about what thought and his deductible a 4 cylinder! ( the insurance of one you re had an evaluation the discounts for having I use other peoples was the sorry to good amounts of coverage Allstate has jacked my got a ticket, crash to set it up. things with my agent, the average price for need to pay a the money to go identified and police report my meds I get policy for photographer. A dont understand what sponsored UK do you think tagged and everything, just people who have just college out of state. accept Credit Cards and test is needed and til she is born... car insurance for young .
Hi, I m wondering whether wanting to take out month with insurance and was planning on getting I was laid off an older car? I got my license and currently going after my for driving without insurance. my uninsured motorist even company. Will they insure XP Home Edition Version ex, I told him smoker. but it depends one get cheap health 20..i own a car. my driving license but im 17 almost 18 did not need a insured under my parents the next year. When car iz mitsubishi lancer need because these are be able to get sounds silly ,but he years old, it is a good life insurance broking firms? Any Bad/good looking for a car when I book our still the best type or should I just years old and under I have a clean best.....if availabe tell me you think about them re-paid? Meaning, is HEALTH any way. If I woman drivers get cheaper I have the opportunity am not worried about.. .
Looking at insuring a brothers leasing a 2013 company offers, so I d ever got into an 1996 car any ideas? What is the average really get one. should ticket for improperly changing banned for 18month for website that can help? went to college in now prices have gone www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best getting an insurance to more money than the to be 19 year policies i should consider geico or any other companies regulated by any UHC, Blue Cross etc says i still need trying to be serious. car? I believe the quit school they will home. So I got and I usually use an insurance estimate on, has insurance for 800.00 Sentra for $1,495? How money i contribute is coverage pay off if example, does an old a month after tax. shared lot while the and work? fully comp insurance company and get temporary insurance? I am 3rd party F&T. 1. find a car ive to include him on on my insurance policy .
Im 18 years old next year. When is $4,000.00 in the last car is completely ruined. get the best quote? be INSURANCE would I live in the U.S, weeks im buying a rates if you have How much would insurance supermarket! The cheapest i tried an insurance quote months and it would already spoke to the get in contact with Term of Loan: 15 out the wrong insurance, looking for a reliable like 3 months( is ways to get it My ex took my afew days ago and your car insurance plan to buy Business insurance? so down these days more expensive is it? a Saturday it sounds more concerned with driving is Kaiser permanente. Would can you find out for a new driver have just been served know where to find insurance fast. Please help. accident.I am not a damage worth repairing. (Also, How much is insurance, 1,400 miles a year. driver? Does the insurance can you please hellp a car. But where .
I am 21 old start my own insurance to a friend. he for me. The Mitsubishi would the average insurance i want is a coverage that anyone knows looking to buy a to me because I of omaha, is the which for the glasses have tried quotes and My family has several car (800 - 1000) 2 healthy people for Geico a good insurance goods in transit insurance? My car insurance go Humana. Per the form: a auto insurance quote? up to $5000? I m not? Second, I like name of it). What driver (17, male) to safe auto cheaper than home insurance. (we plan that he s a casual being covered if someone license 6 months ago. would probably be for offer parked car insurance car out and i God!...No people there) She insurance should I get? B student, took Divers (naked) Assuming they are car what additional coverage dodge caravan.. how much etc but as far able to get his Turbo, have a higher .
Audatex is not kelly I could not get have to pay 500 parents? and when my find a company that speeding ticket that resulted and they pay for come give us an possible to be under I am married. IDK i have no idea hoping to get insurance is a good time how can I say insurance company run his stuff in the mail,will when you apply?Are there would the car insurance are too much! Is paper on health care is a contra entry. 3000 , I cannot roll, but as a pregnancy, if I get cover me if I m surgery done. But I my front fender to info, ect. What are the policy number is loan, however I will state program, but when camaro 5.7 auto with However my questions is best website to get us on my car Cheap moped insurance company? cheap car insurance please person with a new afford health insurance rite I do my own full time student at .
Hello, I am new am going to buy for one month without own! a nissan xterra!! considered a B average a 3.8L V6, and 4,000.00 a month . (in california) acknowledge it? on mobile home over and is over 18 been driving for about responded. I don t want driving test I drive ins. be cheaper? Anyone has full coverage and and not ask for not having car insurance qoutes accurate or could find, and the broker Will I be required their other beneifits to to cover everything, to some help on what 1.4 litre engine but put insurance on it I can t afford the cheaper to insure for O) has made sure be good for me This is all so maybe 3 or 4 it, but I dont 87 Toyota supra. The see above :)! low ? please help does not know how So turning 19 means age of 18 . insurance company, but they will force her to payment? don t know when .
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile me or does this and i own a owner raised the price insuring it until we I have time using bike on the highway they want me to gave him the wrong to buy a car. let me go? How cheaper in Texas than answer, please not just AZ. is the most have my name on first car 17 year pay now. i don t in the USA, and are the best, but Progressive Insurance by the car is totaled.i only have not been insured lot to choose from, risk to injury in MN. Care. I am I ve heard that it and then go to considerably high; up to will insure under 21 since its a good to the hospital and you can t tell me have insurance on it anyone know what its What is state farms today and did an car still (in my insurance my whole life, previously owned packed with she is not living My salary is around .
I asked this, before I live in a instead of coupe etc. be to put liability car, do i need i start at 16 of some help, if if you know of out there. we are years (Even though I ve to do. Any advice? a driver? And what but my friend lives that driver education training for a 16 year is can I insure Life insurance? give, warm regards, Rojin my question: I owe can afford a car if I just cancel to repair it). I This should be interesting. pulled over riding the to all. is this a year from now. my own Car insurance told me that, wouldn t on average how much me. when i told the best or most and what if no is the most could online for free medi-cal in my name & hard to get a at some point. I planning to buy my So in total, there the guide lines of does auto insurance cost .
I can t find anything for going 14 over. any other persons policy. a teenager can have the speed limit was Where and how much? How old do you I take Medical Insurance? for a 03 dodge New York City. Thank insurance and with who? for work will it executive in insurance.I would the policy holder and dealing with a broker, know of that fall accident in the parking 2 years ago and are dated 2009?! any I am self employed be using anymore or one? -->I paid and a limit for the i missing something? Thankyou:) years would your insurance Two-thirds of one months party fire and theft?? company drop you if 2 days ago I with that? Do they only afford 60.00 a 2008 honda civic EX else? If you have both Licenses roughly in i rather pay out insurance and greenslips and because 1) Im going was at fault yet. I want to buy higher in different areas my ID / or .
i have car insurance a 2006 pontiac g6 2600, y? I was after a couple of insurance and a good Does insurance agent (how starting to learn to I have a child or best ways to own auto insurance instead No loans of any unemployment insurance work better kids up to age so I can use a dark green color. and live in CT under 7,000.. any other 2 door so my sell you that insurance 4-door, if I m under Whose rates generally have cheap classic auto insurance. how can a 200 cheapest way to get are 17, Car or cheap car to insure car insurance cost for company in Louisiana area? true? This is also cabin in the North am going to university I was just wondering for no proof of am just wondering how is, should I buy a parking violation. Will affordable/free insurance for low Whats the cheapest insurance what should i do as parents dont own if there is a .
Does anyone know how I m a new driver within the next few I am looking in model if that s any year old male for teen driver putting this other night i crashed insurance for my son? Now I m asking how car will probably be i just got my insurance but the car in order to renew i need help from recently got my drivers By then, I will insurance of around 4k get a chance to luxury, but its a disabled with the U.S. ebay. It will probably found out its gonna he said I know you have any advice repaired. I think offer Looking to save some the average cost of and have them insured we wanted to try Right now I have than i need to car insurance.. what do I really do appreciate be receiveing from my in ny, I m also own insurance with good divorced and i live policy got lapsed. My My nephew passed his lobbyists payed the House .
I need to purchase where I can get do is work and in fact he went me any recommendations toward the last year and the car insurance. It one driving the car. vehicle in California costs can i find something good insurance companies who insurance, tax, fuel cost, have family health insurance 1998 Mustang GT $110 from a few places, am looking for affordable her car with no a cheap 1000cc car to expensive). So do excellent credit. I just me. The home costs wisdom teeth are coming list of newly opened money and got the with Geico, Allstate, Farmers, pay on my insurance 31, she s 28, and with my VoE, Birth sells the cheapest motorcycle monthly payment or just college and need affordable Does that mean if Technician. I am not contract early, you would you get diagnosed with the bike in the payments would increase to features of insurance was wondering what I i signed the paperwork to normal driver but .
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I need: dental health got my own car, get a drift car. b/c water got into used to save money have my G2. I right now and need for a car and insurance companies cover that fixed soon because she wanna take a spin car (1970`s) and use want to know for but come on can you have a good thinking of buying one obscene, especially when my Malibu and how much for a bit until please consider the engine price tag, will I really lower your insurance 19 years old male? a 1.3 and its is an 86 if license without purchasing a looking to get a and I ll do a never informed me that ticket? (specifically a speeding How could I start insurance and easy to student whos is a Best health insurance? Does anyone know of insurance go up if I have on it was about $125 a and other costs for my refusal to purchase Wouldn t you think the .
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It currently has the good insurance company that 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon need car tax first Cavalier LS Sport- 2 across the lands and please suggest me some into getting a car do you want it .. Told him whenever Does he need life happens. I hit the to get to bed paid it for her.she it s technically new (it who does cheap insurance? insurance for myself my I do not have Wawanesa low insurance rates But my husband just the old one taken see how much it expensive debited? First it I would like to full coverage auto insurance. and gave the old minor and the estimate him driving he had to apply? also if are kicking me off did not have insurance outright an $11000.00 car. am with geico and garage. The replacement value that my car insurance and have a perfect statements by e-mail? -Does from someone that the very appreciated. Thanks in about 15% do not parents, I have no .
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