#ehehehehe I love this sm!!!
salamandergoo · 2 months
hello again! i hope you had a wonderful past few days. I had another stoncy thought: Jon and Nancy both have matching hand scars after everything that happened at Jon's house in season one,right? well, i mean Steve was there for all of that too, he was a huge part of that whole night, but i cant decide if it would be romantic or too odd for them all to decide that Steve should have the same matching scar. i have this vision in my head of Jonathan holding him,kissing his neck, as Nancy cuts his hand. "oh Nance, his heart is beating so fast." or maybe better yet they all get small matching tattoos low on the soft skin beside their hip bones. any time they are in a crowd, they just have to wrap their arm low to pet above the others' clothing and they know the touch means i love you, and i can't wait to kiss this tattoo later.
Ohohohoho I love a little bit of fucked up kink. Blood kink/knife kink stuff is 👀 to me. Steve being breathless as he sits between Jonathan and Nancy, Jonathan’s arms tight around his waist and lips pressed to his pulse point. He’s got all the markings of a masochist, loves pain mixed in with his pleasure. Maybe Jonathan’s got a hand down Steve’s briefs as the knife presses against his palm.
Nancy likes the feeling of control, it gets her heart racing too and she can’t help the way she grins, sharp as the knife in her hand. She drags it across Steve’s palm, slow so she can draw out the moment, digging deep enough that blood blooms around the blade… it’s hot against Steve’s skin when she pulls the knife away and nearly spills over onto the sheets, but Nancy catches a bead with her thumb. She holds it up and eases it into Steve’s mouth and his cock jumps against Jonathan’s palm as he tastes the sharp iron of his own blood.
Nancy guides his bloody hand to her chest and tugs it so he smears blood from her breast to her belly, marking herself with his blood. Then she guides him by the wrist to reach back and cup Jonathan’s cheek, smearing it on him too. They’re bound by something that goes beyond words, marked by the very life that runs through Steve’s veins.
It heals nicely, leaving a pale scar that matches his partners, but every time he leans on it while it’s healing, feels that spark of pain, he feels it deep in his gut too, remembers how he was held and kissed and fucked.
The tattoos are Jonathan’s idea. He’s on the line between high and sober one night and tells Argyle he wishes there was something more than the scars. He loves the way it connects them, but a part of him is a little sad because he worries Steve might feel like an afterthought because of how much time passed between him and Nancy and then Steve’s cut. And Argyle is like “well there’s more than one way to draw blood, my man” and the idea sparks in Jonathan’s head.
He can’t stop thinking about it, about ink drawing blood. He’s not much of an artist, not like Will, but he can throw together little sketches. He thinks about that night, how Steve came back for them. How he saved them and turned over a new leaf, his first step in becoming the man he is now. That night was so many things to all of them.
So he draws the bear trap. Then he thinks about how he threw the lighter. And he adds some flames in the background. And then he remembers the nail bat, not that he could ever forget it. Forget the grim determination of making it, the spark of desire and the sheer relief that came from watching Steve wield it. So he adds a few nails scattered under the trap.
When he shows it to Steve, he’s immediately on board. Somehow, Jonathan knew he would be. Showing Nancy is what he’s less sure about. But she’s on board too, maybe they’re all adrenaline junkies now, searching for the next thing to get their hearts buzzing, but Steve is all too eager to drive them into Indy.
He’s already got a tattoo, a little ice cream cone on his wrist, Robin’s got a matching one and they’ll press them together all the time. He knows a guy who has a little machine and ink and uses clean needles. He doesn’t ask any questions, just raises an eyebrow when Steve insists they all want them in the same spot.
Nancy barely flinches, Steve has to hide a boner, and Jonathan makes Steve and Nancy hold his hands so he doesn’t try to squirm away. It’s frustrating as they heal, Nancy and Steve have to remind each other not to scratch at the healing tattoos, but the ink settles and stands out.
Nancy loves to press her fingertips to her boys’ tattoos, to cuddle up close when they’re sweaty and naked and just touch the skin. Steve leaves hickeys below them on Nancy and Jonathan. And Jonathan loves to just look. He’s got a number of photos that just barely skirt past being explicit. As much as he loves the photos, he loves seeing them on his partners more.
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emthimofnight · 25 days
Hiiiiiii, it's me. This isn't so much me asking you something, I just want to show you what I'm working on. I have this Sonic AU called Hearts of Chaos (I mish-mash Sonic and Kingdom Hearts together). This doesn't have any bearing on it, it's just for fun. Obviously, it's not done yet and I'm still working on Camellia's. I hope you like what's being cooked so far!
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greeb-theartist · 1 month
Posting this here bc Im proud
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I will stick to my guns about Wambus, i do not play about him
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dirty-trash-mongrel · 9 months
erm no actually! i won't dump i'll just shove this on here and leave forever again! hrm! i'm sorry for the "kick ass don't kiss it" thing I had a vision, this is how my aroace identity works for me
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i love pride flasg grr...... pretty.....................
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Soft Husband!Toji Headcanons I have because he means a lot to me 😭
He's a man of few words but his actions speak volumes.
He likes to randomly surprise you with flowers. It's not a regular thing, but sometimes if he's passing a flower shop he likes to get you a little bouquet of tulips.
He blushes every time you compliment him and looks away to hide it.
He speaks without thinking sometimes, which has hurt your feelings on some occasions, but he notices the shift in your mood immediately and always apologizes by kissing your head and pulling you into a hug and rephrasing what he said to be more considerate.
Going off the previous and first point, he doesn't really apologize verbally aside from maybe a grunted sorry. He instead apologizes with his actions by doing something nice for you or rectifying the problem and then some.
He always drives even if you insist.
He tries to help cook but he really only knows how to make basic meals. He's actively trying to learn though.
He likes it when you read to him.
His love language is physical touch.
He's really protective of you and gives a death glare to anybody looking your way. You tell him he needs to be nice and he says he is (because in his mind he's letting them live).
He always does the dishes.
He drinks his coffee black.
He never takes his wedding ring off. Ever.
He doesn't sleep very well so he usually wakes up at dawn, but he makes it a point to be extra quiet to not wake you up and sometimes surprises you with breakfast on the weekend.
He sleeps naked. 🤭
Okay that's all for now 💖🤭
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vilsoo · 9 months
im so tempted to buy those pheromone perfumes and wear it near my man to see how he reacts 👀
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lydiannettelizabeth · 10 months
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My ever-growing marihilda merch shelf eehehehhe
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stuffedc0rpse · 9 months
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ocs? what? cray cray.
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gorgeous-pearl · 5 months
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pufffinn · 6 months
it’s been a while since i got my account but now that i have it all set up;
hey guys! i have a toyhou.se now!!!
i have almost all of my ocs on there, including all the ones i’ve shared here on my tumblr!! i’m very excited about it it’s my pet project
( unfortunately i have my characters set to only be visible if you’re logged into toyhou.se, but if you don’t have an account and want one/want to see my characters, dm me and i can try and find an invite to the site for you!! )
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Guys I drew A Thing™
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Brought to you by my oc with tattoos
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epicene-humanoid · 2 years
happy will wood wthursday to all who celebrate 🧀 hope to see y’all on the other side of “in case i make it,” bc i may in fact not make it through this album fr 🫶
#wasssss that allll there wasss to thisss 😭😭 tearing up already jesus#YOOOO THE INSTFUMENTATION IN TRACK 2 HELLOOOOO#are you fucking kidding me. god fuck. i am a becoming the last names stan first and a human second.#it just feels inhumane to lose this much 😭🤞 CUZ WHEN YOU LEAVE TOU KNOW YOU TAAAKE MORE THAN YOUR LOOOOVE#literally sprinting to unplug my emotions so i can get through euthanasia in one piece 🏃‍♂️ i know it’s not true :( there’s just no more you#i need to listen to falling up 29 more times omg… is now really a good time for a new tattoo djdksk HUSH.#‘come on sweep me off my knees’ is SUCHH. a good lyric. also there’s so much gender in this i gottta examine later#alright who’s gonna fall in love with me so we can dance to um it’s kind of a lot 🤨 me and who. WHOM. ayayayayay.#vampire reference in a minor key has me by the THROAT. literally i’m so ready for halloween#twerks to you liked this 😫 literally such a banger#the main character makes me want to walk like a pixar villain oh my GOD#‘i’m the main character and you have to like me 😁😁’ WAAHA I LOVE THIS SONG SM#SORRY WAIT DID HE JUST REFERENCE DOCTOR WHO SHDKDKS EYO???#literally giggling and kicking my feet no literally i’m making the main character my ENTIREEEEE personality ehehehehe 🤭🤭#the claps in against the kitchen floor by will wood 🤝🤝 the claps in nobody by mitski#no bc how does he drop the lyric ‘make the closest thing to love that i’m capable of’ and then i’m just supposed to move ON W MY DAY???#i’m playing the last like 45 seconds of this song for my therapist if i ever get one djdkdk#A DATA ENTRY FIVE TO NINERRRR 📢📢📢#sex drugs and rock n roll song of the century methinks#the song title that starts ‘big fat bitchie’s blueberry pie’ takes longer to scroll through the title than the song is long 😭 obsessed#YOO WAS THAT MIRACLE MUSICAL ‼️ right at the beginning of willard! i stg omg#will wood can do a leitmotif like nobody else fr 🫶#in conclusion i’ll never be the same ♥️ my faves from the new releases are main character and becoming the lastnames for sure#ok now to listen to the whole thing 40 more times xoxoxo#is this anything
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
#idek anymore bro it def isn’t helping my work on this project the fact that i’m staying up until like 5#but 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 fucking brain doesn’t want to be efficient and do work i don’t fucking know 😭😭😭😭🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠#all my own fucking fault lmfao#i was gonna try to do some more but i can’t tell if it’s worth it i don’t think it is i don’t think i can rly add anything rn 😭😭😭#but i also feel like i should try since i’m relatively awake#i know that’s bullshit tho ok time to sleep 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i might have to i’m probably gonna turn in my stats hw due thursday late as well LMAO#🥳 30% off or sm for late for that but it’s fine i also get a hw drop#this project i might have to use both free late days#we did get a one day extension but i don’t know if that rly helping me 🤡🤡🤡#andfbsjiehdhdishdhrhehbddhjdhdh i can’t wait for this fuckjng weekend#which will be slightly stressful in it’s own right bc we’re doing like a travel show#but anyway#🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 if ur wondering no it’s not past 5am i’m fine :DDDDDD dwdw#jeanne talks#also da birds r chirping y are they chirping it’s dark out :c lol#love going to sleep w birds chirping outside eheheheh#bro just tryna make me feel bad abt the time >:((((#what even is time damn#also i am getting a little sleep :DDD bc i fucking fell asleep while i was trying to do work tonight and the past couple nights lmao 😭😭😭#so yeah it’s fine there is sleep sometimes :DDDDD
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swtnrcmnt · 1 year
୨୧ — s.r x singer!r; headcanons (2)
some more to feed into your daydreams ! thank u to honeybeespam for making the funniest reblog 😭🤍 enjoy !
- i left the other one off with hearing a sad song, but if you release something like “pov” by ariana grande (which lyrically is so beautiful it makes me wanna cry bc why can’t i have that) like because it gets so popular it’s playing everywhere and the team is having a field day teasing spence :((
- it’s basically canon that he mainly listens to classical music, imagine reader puts strings in her music and he’s just like I LOVE THIS
- mathematically breaks down the chords, beats, and tempo of the song lol
- singer!reader is rich as hell which = big house. he comes over and just sees this massive space that could be transformed into a library and is like “i’m moving in.”
- showing him red carpet outfits asking for his opinion but you still can’t choose because he thinks every single one is stunning >:(
- kittens everywhere because he finally has enough space to adopt some and somebody to watch them while he’s on a case (he’s a cat person, idc what anyone says)
- also as i said in the previous hc’s, she most likely moves in with him in dc, simply because it’s possible for her to work in somewhere that’s not la and would prefer to be home when spencer’s home
- elaborating on the freaky sound bites 🤭: picture those tiktok edits with reid’s breathing and whimpering in the background but she uses it in the instrumental of a song and only he knows about it ehehehehe
- if singer!reader does some acting on the side, best believe he watches every single movie she’s in the second it hits theatres ! supportive bf things
- lmfao her showing him edits or tiktoks her fans made of him and again, he’s flattered but extremely confused and concerned by their comments and captions. bless his heart :’)
- she probably has a lot of celebrity friends and penelope screams at spencer like “:o why didn’t you tell me that you were meeting a whole group of a-listers???”
- hates hearing people talk crap about you. he knows you’re numb to it because it’s the part that literally comes with fame: hate. but he can’t help it because he knows you personally and it hurts his feeling to hear people dislike you :(
- mr technophobe who buys all your album vinyls and gets them for free from you
- sending the team pr packages of merch and new stuff you launch !! and spencer wearing the hoodies you send him 24/7 and taking sm pride in it !
- filming tiktoks with him. even if he’s not exactly in the frame it could just be him adding a little cute comment to whatever you’re wearing :)
- is super super careful about telling people personal stuff about you especially because you’re globally known and have paparazzi on u left and right
- anytime there’s a particularly sadder song on an album he’s like “is this about me :(“ because he’s so so scared of fucking up and losing you
- the fear is also like 10x worse because he knows that if you two break up, it’ll be publicly displayed and he will literally see your face everywhere and hear your name all the time if you get with somebody new
- no no no cause, prison reid… and he has to take you off the visiting list because the guys around him keep making weird comments about you :’(
- a lot of really good angsty songs came out of those three months though hehe 🤭
here’s part one ! part three
that’s all i can think about right now ! hope u like :)
again, this reblog is everything to me 🫂🫧
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Every time I think I’m gonna be used to my bf switching up gender words for me I’m always wrong
“Handsome girlie” ehehehehe ^^
“Some boys [including me]…” kicking my feet & twirling my hair
Ugh. Love him sm <3
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Hello!!! :3
I bring ice cream and a question
If you had to take the place of one of the tf2 mercs which one would you take?
Ooo now that's a good question-
Ima have to go w Scout tbh, he's such a silly guy tho like hehe<33
Honestly probably wouldn't be as badass and silly as him but I have his vibe when u hang out w me irl
I'm horrible w guys when trying to ask em out (my bf was the one who asked me out so phew ToT), I kinda sometimes have that "in your face" attitude when I get a bit moody or talk about a guy/girl I hate sm (especially game characters) and literally, I'm just cool like that man (sometimes), but honestly, bats? Metal stuff? Wood??? Yeah bro you best better believe I'm about to bonk u w that stuff cuz whatever I find it's my new weapon, food, objects anything I'll use it (I like doing Scout's lil boink thingy as a taunt on my friend as a joke when they fall over or sit down) in which sadly I do not have a gif of waaaaa, but like I have his vibe every now and then otherwise it's either depression or medic vibes in Emesis Blue eheheheh
Also ty for the ice cream! I love ice cream<33 I appreciate it sm, tytyty! 🫶
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