#eddie munson beeing lovely
r-anela · 2 years
Eddie finds you drunk, sitting on the sidewalk
summary: Eddie finds you drunk on the curb and takes care of you 
pairing: fem!reader x Eddie Munson  
word cound: 1,8k
warning: Alcohol, drunkenness, drug dealing, sexual harassment (Do not drink underage and always responsibly)
This is a story from the point of view of Eddie and yourself, Eddie's point of view is always written in italic
Likes, comments and reblogs are always highly appreciated.
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GIF is from @beskarrd​
Your head is heavy, everything feels like it's packed in cotton batting, the floor is swaying, and you just want to sit down. You stumble into the night onto the porch and down the stairs. Your bare feet touch the cold, wet grass and you just keep walking, not even thinking where your shoes have gone.
As you walk through the front yard you notice your body getting heavier and heavier, everything is blurry, so you sit down on the curb and put your head in your hands. All you wanted to do was sleep, you were so unbearably tired.
How he hated these kinds of parties, the entire high school elite gathered and invited all the girls that could somehow be persuaded to attend. Whether out of genuine interest or just to be part of it, almost everyone showed up.These parties served only one purpose, to get wasted with alcohol and drugs and afterwards to take a girl to bed with them, who might not even know it the next day. Although he was earning the most money with this kind of parties, it also went against the grain. He leaned against the back wall in the living room, where the light no longer shined and he kept an overview of the party. The metal lunch box stood between his feet on the floor.
He liked to watch the people, because in this state they didn't care if he was here or not, he wasn't Eddie the Freak anymore, he was just a person standing there in the corner or for some still the drug dealer. He had dressed as so often for this kind of parties, inconspicuous, a black hooded sweater and dark jeans, not as usual the jeans vest and leather jacket. 
Alone from the air in the room you could get drunk, it reeked of alcohol and sweating people. On the sofa sat a smooching couple, where he was sure that they had come to the party with other panthers earlier. Next to them laid an unconscious boy, he think his name was Chance, he belonged to Jason's squad. He decided that the operation was done for today, no one had bought from him for over two hours, so Eddie went into the kitchen to get himself a drink and then disappear. He looked to see if there were still sealed bottles in the fridge, the ones on the counter he didn't trust. With a Coke in his hand, he was about to head home when he saw a girl who looked familiar, he had seen her several times at Family Video, she was a friend of Robin and Steve and often walked around the school with her copy of the Hobbit. He had thought she was different, not like the other high school girls who get drunk at every party. But something struck him as odd, she had no shoes on and was walking towards the front door. He decided to follow her discreetly, he didn't want anything to happen to her.
You had just dozed off when you heard footsteps behind you, you just hoped it wasn't Andy, you didn't want to relive what had just happened. But you were too tired, your head was too heavy and everything was spinning, you didn't want to look up.
The person walked past you, put something on the floor that rattled metallically, and then squatted down in front of you. You lift your head slightly, as far as it goes without immediately feeling like throwing up again. You had just puked on Andy after he tried to kiss you and pull you into the bedroom. You looked into chocolate brown eyes that were focused on you with concern, in front of you sat Eddie Munson, the school freak and D&D Dungen Master from the Hellfire Club.
He had his head slightly tilted and his curls were in his face, his beautiful eyes fixed on you. You knew Eddie, as everyone here knew him, but you also knew him from Robin and Steve, he was apparently a very nice person, but you had never spoken to him. Now he sat in front of you and looked at you worriedly. Why necessarily now, why necessarily in such a way, you did not want that he gets to know you in such a fashion.
You knew from Robin that he was an absolute Lord of the Rings fan and you actually wanted to befriend him about that. Not sitting drunk on a curb, in a dress too short, without shoes in the middle of the night, looking into his chocolate brown eyes that radiated so much pain.
As he crouched in front of her, she slowly raised her head, looking at him with a painful, uncertain expression on her face. She looked so vulnerable as she sat there. "Hey, are you okay? Where are your shoes and aren't you cold?" What a stupid question, she was sitting on the curb in a skimpy, black, silky shiny dress, of course she is cold you complete idiot. 
He immediately regretted his statement and ran his hand through his curls uncertainly. But when she answered him she sounded friendly, very drunk, but also very friendly. "Very tired- drank way too much- Andy- kissing- what an ass- wanted to take me with him- threw up- lost shoes- tired" she slurred into her hand she was leaning into. Andy the bastard wanted to make her sleep with him, he would probably have to go in again and punch him in the face. He wouldn't know who done it tomorrow anyway. The anger that boiled up in him tasted sour in his mouth, but now he had to take care of you. He had made it his business to get you home safely, or wherever else you wanted to go. "Can I take you home? Do not worry I will not hurt you"
At this statement from him you had to grin broadly, of course you knew that Eddie would never hurt you, not like Andy or one of the other jerks there at the party. You tried to gather all your strength to come up with an answer that was understandable, "Sure Eddie, can I stay with you, parents strict, they think I'll spend the night at Clara's".
She wanted to stay with him? With him Eddie Munson, the school freak that everyone hated?He took her by the arm and pulled her up, with a questioning look on his face, "Eddie, I know you're a nice guy - it's all good" she pressed out. She must have interpreted his expression correctly.
You fell into Eddie's arms, your legs no longer holding you up properly. With your head against his chest you could feel his fast heartbeat, he smelled of musk, pine needles and cannabis. He held you tightly in his arms and pressed you against him, as if he wanted to assure you that you were safe with him.
He took you by the hands and looked at you again with his chocolate brown eyes, your stomach started to tingle, as if butterflies were flying around in it and you felt hot. Again you were embarrassed that Eddie saw you like this. But at that moment he handed you a Coke with the words "Don't worry, there's nothing in it, I actually got it for myself, but I think you need it more right now".
Sipping coke, holding Eddie's hand you slowly walked to his van, it was parked around the block so it wouldn't be noticed. But the walk wasn't far, after a few minutes you were standing in front of the van. Eddie opened the door for you with a bow, "After you, I'll find you a blanket, my princess," at these words you blushed again, but luckily it was dark enough here that Eddie hopefully didn't notice.
Your tiredness immediately rose again as you sat in the passenger seat, but the Coke had helped against your drunkenness, you felt better already. Eddie handed you a gray blanket from the back, it was thin but felt warm. Wrapped in the blanket you fell asleep before Eddie had even driven off.
He still couldn't believe it, sitting in his passenger seat asleep was Y/N, he had specifically not turned on any music so she wouldn't wake up. As he drove through Hawkins he kept looking over at her to make sure she was still asleep. She looked so peaceful and comfortable with her head leaning against the window and wrapped in the blanket. He wondered how he was going to get her into the trailer, he didn't want to wake her up. Besides, he was determined to sleep on the floor or in the living room, and just thinking about Y/N seeing his room made him queasy. He already liked her and had hoped to get to know her better under different circumstances.
Arriving at the trailer, he carefully opened the front door and put an old boot in front of it so it wouldn't fall shut. Then he carefully opened the passengers door and was about to take Y/N in his arms when she opened her eyes and looked at him dreamily, she mumbled " hmm- are we there yet ?".
After his nod, she slowly slid out of the van and fell into his arms. She was warm now, not as clammy as before. He hugged her tightly, she smelled of alcohol and a perfume, which reminded him of the smell of apple pie. Why hadn't he noticed that earlier?
You remembered getting out of the van and stepping into the trailer, but how you ended up in Eddie's bed, in an old t-shirt of his and a pair of sweatpants, was not so clear to you anymore, only fragments were left. But you didn't care, you were now lying in Eddie's bed, and you were happy. He had put an old blanket and the sofa cushions on the floor in front of it, because you had asked him not to leave you alone.
He had just gone back to the kitchen to get an old bucket in case Y/N got sick again tonight, he didn't want her to have to get up to run to the bathroom. When he came back into the room she was lying on her back with her eyes open looking at the ceiling. He put the bucket next to the head of the bed and lay down on the floor. "If anything happens you can always wake me up! And don't feel guilty, good night princess". "Can you hold my hand Eddie?" she murmured. He did not answer but took the hand she hung from the bed, settled it in his and squeezed it.
And so you fell asleep, with Eddie's hand in yours, happy and protected.
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My Dearest, Secret Admirer
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𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: eddie munson x fem!reader
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠: Eddie Munson, local freak, has found himself obsessing over the Hawkins princess, Y/n. After years of pinning, he finally decides to give her a letter, unknowingly starting a pen-pal-ship with two simple words; "secret admirer"
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: kinda stalker!eddie ig, completely fluffy tho, mostly not proofread
𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 1.1k
𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: so ik this is out late but i completely forgot and ive had like no inspiration to write the other parts so expect later updates than i said originally
**Love, Eddie part one**
Y/n leaned against her locker, books in hand as she talked to Chrissy about the upcoming basketball game. She tuned to her locker, unlocking it before pulling it open. A paper fell to her feet, messily placed in an envelope, smelling of smoke and grime.
She bent down to pick it up, eyebrows furrowing at the scribbled handwriting on the back.
'Y/n Y/l/n'
Y/n looked around for anyone who could've put it there, finding it empty spare a few freshmen running to their next class in the short passing period given, Chrissy long gone. She hummed, opening the letter carefully in fear of something jumping out at her. She gently opened it, being careful as to not break the beautiful blood red wax seal on the front.
Beautiful Y/n,
Your eyes sparkle like the very stars you hung in the sky. Your hair flows elegantly as you walk down the halls.
You're laughing now. Your laugh is like the songs of the angels above, your smile bright as the sun. I admire your beauty from afar, wishing to have your heart, to hold you close, to protect you from the cruelty that is the world around your love.
My dear princess, my queen, you have my own heart. You have me. I am yours. I assure you I mean no harm, I only wish to know your love.
Forever yours,
Your Secret Admirer
(p.s. check room 30)
Y/n chuckled as she looked around her once more, still finding no sign of the person that pit this letter in her locker–her secret admirer. She walked to class, her thought filled with guesses at who this could be.
She bit her nails as she watched the clock.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
Finally, the bell rang. Y/n stood up, speeding out if the class to search for room 30. She passed rooms 28 and 29 before finally stumbling into the abandoned classroom. "Hello?" She asked the empty room. She sighed to herself, rolling her eyes at the prank that was played on her before she caught sight of an envelope from the corner of her eye.
She hummed, walking toward it, looking around for anyone that could possibly pop out and scare the living shit out of her. She reached for the envelope, opening it the same as the last, preserving the wax seal.
She read the note to herself, a small smile on her face.
Dearest Y/n,
Her smile grew at the words. She looked around as though she would get caught reading something so harmless.
It would seem as though you enjoy this little game, otherwise why would you be here? Obviously if you weren't here you wouldn't be reading this so I think it's safe to assume you like this.
I hope you understand the effort it took just to get myself to do this, I was really nervous.
She chuckled at the person's cuteness. Her face heating with admiration.
Now, a few things;
1. If you wish to continue this, leave your own letter here (its a classroom so im sure you'll find paper) I'll check around 4:30 to make sure we don't cross paths.
Y/n looked up at the clock, realizing it was 4:00. She grabbed a paper from her notebook, ripping it off and getting ready to write, finishing the note first.
2. Look here every Wednesday between 2:30 and 3:00 pm for more notes, You leave notes every Thursday at the same time, good? I think a schedule would be best, no? If you wanna write to me more or something, just say the word and we can make it every other day.
She made a mental note in her head, memorizing the times.
3. If you wish to know my identity, you'll have to guess for yourself. No cheating!!
She let out a snort of laughter, shaking her head as she continued the letter.
And lastly...
Let the games begin,
Your secret admirer
Y/n took out a pencil from her bag, scribbling on the lined paper messily as the clock ticked.
She folded it up, running out of the classroom with a few minutes to spare, her smile wide as she thought of who it could be.
Eddie leaned against the wall behind the corner, peaking out to look back at Y/n's locker, watching as she opened it, his letter falling to her feet.
She smiled.
That was a good sign right?
She pealed it open, pocketing the wax seal before taking out the letter, she looked around and Eddie moved back behind the wall quickly. He heard a soft chuckle and his smiled, peaking back around the wall to watch the girl with admiration.
She finished reading, looking back around her before the bell rang and she ran to her last class.
Eddie walked around the school a bit, biting his nails until the bell rang. He checked his watch, the time reading 4:00. Eddie sighed, leaning back against the wall as he waited for the 30 minutes to be up.
He heard hurried footsteps running out the school and checked his watch once more. Eddie checked his watch again, the time now 4:27. He stood straight, walking slowly to the room till his watch beeped, signaling it was 4:30. He smiled slightly, picking up the pace until he was standing in front of the door.
He took a moment to calm himself, remembering that she may have just thrown it away. He opened the door slowly, checking around the room for the girl. The room was empty except for a small, folded, lined piece of paper. He knelt down to pick it up, realizing it must've fallen off the table.
He smiled, opening it slowly as though he was afraid it would be a letter of rejection or calling him a freak–which he was used to but something told him it'd hurt more coming from her–or a creep. He took a deep breath, reading it quickly.
Hello stalker secret admirer,
Firstly, thank you for the compliments.
Secondly, I've got a few questions before we start this for real;
1. Why me? There are so many other girls here, so why did you choose me?
2. What will we talk about? Just our day? Or will we have like a secret code or something? Just wanna know if this'll be fun, y'know?
3. How is it fair that you know my identity but i can't know yours?
4. Can I ask things about you? Like your hobbies, your hair color, who you are, etc. etc.
And lastly...
Let the games begin,
You know who
(p.s. "the word" ;) )
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thenarwhalgal · 2 months
Alright so this is possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever had. But like somehow it holds together almost too well.
Stranger Things crossing over with The 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee.
Please let me explain, this is a long one I’m sorry:
If you don’t know, the 25th (what I’m going to call it from now on) is about 5 strange kids from mostly broken families (and Chip) competing to win a spelling bee. It’s a great and really funny musical about trauma and innuendos and just how strange both spelling bees and the kids who compete in them are. Also it has 4 randomly chosen audience members come up to actually participate in the spelling bee itself (pretty cool).
Now here’s why the characters line up almost perfectly. (At least in my understanding of them all, if I’m wrong please argue with me lol I invite it.)
Let’s take the two main leads, Olive Ostrovsky and William Barfée. They line up stupidly well with Nancy and Jonathan. Olive is a pattern seeking brainiac whose only friend is the dictionary with incredibly negligent parents and a very strong desire to escape, which mimics Nancy’s need to hide herself in solving mysteries and finding stories to avoid her own trauma and the complete lack of anybody to ever stick up for her. They both bury themselves in gaining as much knowledge as they can because the worst thing that can happen is to be left with their own thoughts, Olive is also the emotional center of the show. Barfée is a pretty witty and weird kid who pushes everybody else away and holes up into his own little world but also has a heart of gold, mimicking Jonathan’s… well everything.
These two in the 25th end up with a really sweet friendship (and maybe romance?) by the end of the show, both finding understanding in each other for their mutual strangeness. Just like Nancy and Jonathan do. (Barfée is usually double-cast as Leaf’s dad).
Okay but what about the other 4 kids? I’m glad you asked!
Robin makes a wonderful Logainne (Schwartzy) SchwartzandGrubenierre. A very self-loathing loudmouth anxious perfectionist who is a constant disappointment to her parents but has really large dreams. Oh yeah, she also runs the gay-straight alliance at her school. She’s mocked by classmates and at one point during the show goes on a two minute (improvised?) rant about something to do with politics because she finds the bee unfair and wants to run for president one day. And she famously is the one who manages to annoy Panch enough to literally break him. Logainne really just wants happiness for the people around her, despite having a panic attack at the thought of losing she doesn’t want anybody else to lose either. I don’t know if I need to explain why Robin fits here lol but I will if pressed. (Double cast as Leaf’s mom usually.)
Steve! This one is somehow the best fit and I love them both for it. Steve makes a hilariously good Chip Tolentino. Athletic Boy Scout and the reigning champion of the spelling bee. He’s the most outgoing and social and least strange kid in the show but loses in the first act because and I’m not joking, he gets a boner. He sings a whole song about it actually. As he says, life is random and unfair. And he has a strong rivalry with Barfée (Jonathan) to the point they almost fight on stage and in most productions I’ve seen, is weirdly cordial with Leaf Coneybear. Again don’t think I need to explain this one, just change the girl he’s into from Leaf’s sister to Olive (Nancy) and we’re golden. Can’t go unmentioned that Chip’s actor is usually double-cast as Jesus fucking Christ.
Speaking of Leaf Coneybear! Who else but Eddie, like really? Who else but Eddie. Leaf is absolutely the one character confident enough in himself to jump up on a table and make a speech, he’s also totally the type to DM Dungeons and Dragons. Wears a cape he made himself, talks with a sock puppet sometimes, is friendly with everybody but also… is seen as a weird and stupid problem child by both his family and presumably everybody else at the Bee (Which I mean doesn’t fit his uncle but it does fit the town). He doesn’t win his hometown spelling bee and is only there because the two who placed above him had to go to a bat mitzvah. He worries he’s stupid and doesn’t belong there but finds peace in himself by the end. This delightfully mimics Eddie’s coward complex despite the fact he isn’t a coward??? And the fact he almost exists above social rules, uncaring of who anybody else is and usually judging them on character alone. Eddie and Leaf thrive in being strange. Leaf is also the sweetest character in the show you just can’t hate him. (Double cast usually as one of Logainne’s Dads).
This is probably the least good fit unfortunately, anybody who could fit Marcy Park fit in better elsewhere (Robin def would sing ‘I speak 6 languages’ and Nancy is very much the ‘best in everything but broken inside finding happiness in not winning’ girl). But Barb fits fine. She’s got that cold exterior somewhat disappointed in you never really happy with the fact she’s forced to fit in a box but does it anyway vibe. And would definitely purposefully lose and then celebrate like Christmas came early. Like it’s not perfect but it does work if you squint. (You could maybe cast Marcy as Chrissy Cunningham instead? They both do cry in bathrooms and feel trapped in their lives, happier letting go of expectations, Barb is just an easier character to characterize).
Now for the adults!
Best fit is definitely Mitch Mahoney and Jim Hopper. Like come on, this is the one where I was like… oh I’ve got something here. Gruff cop with rough exterior but a heart of gold who finds himself through comforting a lost kid and could easily be seen as a father figure? Please god that lines up so well with the ex-convict knows how rough the world is and wants the kids to know this isn’t that big a deal but finds being a comfort counselor actually fits him very well. Genuinely enjoying making sure these kids are alright and have a juice box. They’re both straight-up good people who just take a little bit longer than most to find their footing. Also Mitch being there for community service would line up with Hopper being there because Joyce dragged him into it. (Usually double cast as both Logainne’s other dad and as Olive’s pretend Dad).
Rona Lisa Perretti is the ‘could be seen as a mother figure’ counterpart to Mitch moderator of the Bee who sees herself in all of the kids and finds true joy in all of it. Joyce Byers might not line up perfectly but it’s such an easy placement okay? Like I mean, you can really tell she loves these kids, bending the rules for them even when she’s not supposed to. Also you cannot convince me Joyce isn’t the type of mom to sign up to run the school spelling bee her son goes to. (Usually double cast as Olive’s pretend Mom)
Vice Principle Douglass Panch is the only one I can’t figure out. It could be Murray, Bob, Clarke, Owens, Yuri, or even Ted (but please god no it’d fit but no) but none fit him well enough to make a call. Infatuated with Rona, had an incident as judge five years ago but claims to be in a better place now (he isn’t). Panch is a really fun character but he’s also the least mentally stable one. If I had to pick I think Murray would fit the established relationships in this crossover the most, and Yuri would fit his character the most. But again, I can’t make a good call on this one.
For the 4 audience members who fill in the ranks? Well, any ‘teen/young adult’ members of the show fit. Billy, Chrissy, Heather, Vickie, Argyle… take your pick.
— Additional stuff:
This could be easily played as a love triangle between Nancy (Olive), Jonathan (Barfée), and Steve (Chip) which works way too well for both sets of characters. It could also be played as Ronance (my personal pick lol) because Olive and Logainne I mean - if you don’t put Olive with Barfée that ship is like, right there. Olive helping Logainne through her panic attack it’s so sweet. And Olive x Her Dictionary hilariously lines up with Nancy x Her guns.
Again Chip and Leaf are weirdly friendly with each other and they’re also funfact the biggest ship on AO3 for this show which again is almost a perfect line up with Steve and Eddie. I have no words it’s just a funny coincidence. The gay ship between the weird stoner kid and the popular jock kid is universal I guess.
In other non-romantic funny coincidences:
Rona Lisa and Mitch Mahoney I’ve found usually play the good adults in the kids lives who step in and sometimes go as far as adopting some of the kids in many fanfics. Which I mean… yeah that sounds like Joyce and Hopper in the fandom as well.
Logainne has a very pronounced lisp and a tendency to overcomplicate which mimics Robins perpetual inability to stop rambling in front of pretty girls and in stressful situations.
Chip ends up forced to run the bake sale and complains about his ruined mojo, which again for some reason Chip and Steve just are perfect fits for no good reason. What a Little League champion.
Leaf and Marcy are the only two characters to lose and end up happy about it (Olive is a weird case), which is funny because Barb and Eddie are the only two characters here who die! Yay! ):
Nancy and Olive are both seen by everybody around them as the ‘sweet and lovely girl’, but are both intensely broken on the inside.
Marcy (Barb) is the character who gets to literally see Jesus, and Jesus is played by Chip (Steve). You could not have a funnier casting.
Like I mentioned above but it really needs to be highlighted, Chip and Barfée literally get as close to straight up fighting as possible. Chip at one point throws a bag of peanut M&Ms at him which if you don’t know, Barfée is allergic to, and Olive is the one who steps in. You couldn’t line it up better between these three.
The only relationship I can see that sadly doesn’t make it in here… is Robin and Steve . Chip and Logainne just don’t really talk much? I thought about shoving Robin in as Leaf for this reason and it’d work? But not nearly as well. I mean but like… this is my crossover damnit and if I want Chip and Logainne to somehow become absolute besties despite being complete opposites then I will make it happen. Chip really needs companionship and Logainne desperately needs at least one person in her life who supports her, and it’d be by far somehow the most perfect but completely alien from the outside friendship in the show. Which parallels Steve and Robin nicely (The added benefit that nobody would believe they weren’t dating if Robin wasn’t out as gay in this continuity).
So like, here’s the thing. I have spent way too long thinking about this, and I had to get it out there. Maybe it works as well as I’ve made it out to, maybe it doesn’t. The point is I think it’d be really funny, and as far as I know nobody has even brought it up so far. Which I get! Like I said, this is possibly the dumbest idea I’ve ever had. But it works way better than it should and I had to make other people understand my vision.
So thanks for reading all of this and please if you want to and have made it this far, give me your thoughts.
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hopping onto steddie week a few days late
idk if ill manage the rest of the week but heres one drawing
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*David Attenborough voice* The young adventurer discovers a Spikey Haired Creature living in the Mud
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lipstickmarks · 2 years
here’s what my ships are up to today:
eddie is teaching chrissy how to play the new zombie video game he got. she’s just smashing buttons left and right and hoping for the best. eddie is entranced. he’s never been more in love
rey and ben are fucking. i don’t have any artful prose or dreamy imagery. he’s pressing her so hard into the sheets that she’s seeing stars. the end.
adam and olive are in Vegas for a science conference. they hit up a casino with their friends afterward and olive found out adam is naturally lucky because he’s made $500 off a $20 bill. Olive teases him that he doesn’t need it and he just shrugs and tells her it’s going toward his Starbucks budget for her.
levi and bee are finishing up a busy day at work and then heading to the airport to go to Disneyland. bee really doesn’t like traveling but the tickets were a gift from someone at NASA and levi really wanted to go. he managed to entice bee by telling her he’d buy her a lightsaber at galaxy’s edge.
ty for coming to my ted talk 🫶🏻
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demobatman · 11 months
the way i feel about eddie munson is that bit in the fallout 4 monster factory when griffin sizes the husband character down super small and justins like "nobody move, ive lost both a contact lens and my husband"
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vyncentevelyn · 1 year
So like remember when I naively thought I was super close to finishing my fic about Eddie's childhood, essentially, and very specifically focused on his mother who I named Winnie?
I shared a snippet of it from Eddie's POV. And then I was like vote for Eddie's name, for which it was decided would be Rosalind Edward Munson. And then I was like randomly, what is Eddie's dad's name? And it became Charles "Chuck" David Walters.
The Appalachian, telling of the bees, fic? Do we remember this? Cause like it happened literally months ago.
Well about that...
It has not been forgotten. It has actually mutated.
It has become a monster.
It is written in 3 POVs. It promises Wayne. It promises Eddie. And it promises Winnie, who is someone I didn't expect to emerge as she has.
It has side characters. Some who are familiar and some who are OCs.
It is at 150 pages and counting. This is the longest thing I have ever written. It is insane.
It has taken on a force of its own.
So this is me, telling the bees. It is coming. At some point. And I hope to share it very soon.
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
congratulations on 1k!!! that's soooo amazing!!! go you mwah mwah
could you give me a ship?? 💋
can be either gender, but this is me!! I'm an AHS fan, I love writing (obvs hehe) I have black hair but I usually have my hair split dyed!! I'm super inpulsive (tattoos, fucking up my eyebrows, random trips), I'm an Aquarius sun, Cancer rising and Gemini moon if you know about that stuff, I'm super cuddly and affectionate and my least favourite thing in the world is judgemental people 🤮 I'm a little on the chunky side also but it's hot ykyk
hi babe!!! thank you so much! that means the world to me 😘
okay, here’s what i have;
he would totally be down to watch ahs with you and would support all your writing! as a guy who loves all things fantasy, he might even start dabbling into his own writing. he’s got sweet tatties too so you guys could go get matching ones together! i don’t know much about the zodiac but this guy gives me major taurus sun vibes.
oh babe, my poor little touch-starved bean would love cuddles from you! and as a person who got judged a whole lot, he would know exactly how you feel, and if anyone judged you he’d happily beat the shit out of them 😌
he’s so hot, it’s everything. hottest couple in hawkins right here, ladies and gentlemen and everything in between 💋💋
the amazing boy i have chosen for you is the one, the only; eddie munson from stranger things! you guys would be the power couple of the century, and he’d even stay by your side after turning into kas! (he’d totally hide and nap in your shirt pocket or the pocket off a hoodie or the hood of your hoodie 🥺🥺
i would have shipped you with james march from ahs too but i thought that would be too obvious considering your username, so i thought outside of the box a little! i hope you like my decision!! mwah mwah! bisoux!! 💋💋
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yourpalheapass · 2 years
Nah bc thinking about the drive home after the events of what happened in ST4 episode 9 hurts
Like imagine you have been dating Eddie for a bit and you are still in shock, still trying to process everything. The radio is on and the song 'How Deep is your Love?' By the Bee Gees starts playing which snaps you out of your shock daze and you start tearing up because you start to remember that time where you slow danced to that song
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Joseph Quinn as Eddie Munson has reawaked the massive Bi in me
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steddiecameraroll · 1 month
Robin is gawking at him and he can’t figure out why.
“What??” Steve shrugs.
“Repeat what you just said.”
“What? That I’d kiss Eddie?”
What’s the big deal?
“Yes, yes that.” She narrows her eyes and leans over the counter. “Since when?”
“Since always?” He doesn’t understand what she’s not grasping. “Why are you so surprised? Don’t his lips look super soft?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never once clocked the smoothness of his lips.”
“Oh come on,” Steve scoffs. “You’re telling me after months of hanging out with him, you’ve not once looked at his mouth?”
“Oh I’m sure I’ve looked at his mouth. The man does not shut up, but I can say I’ve never noticed his lips.”
“Whatever, I don’t believe you, but OK.” He shrugs because there’s no point in arguing.
“Steve, I’ve never noticed any man’s lips. Including yours. And the fact that you have is what I’m trying to explore right now.”
“What do you mean?” He feels a weird twinge deep in his gut.
“What do you mean, what do you mean?” Her voice is oozing with disbelief. “How many other men’s lips have you noticed?”
“I don’t know, I don’t keep track.”
Obviously. That would be really hard to do. He’d have to have a notepad or something in his pocket at all times.
“You don’t keep track?” Her eyes look like they’re going to pop out of her head. “Wait, so you’re telling me there’s too many for you to remember?”
“Yes? I mean, even today there was that one customer with that jean jacket and that guy with the colts hat. And it’s only 11.”
“Oh my god.” Her jaw is on the floor.
“What? I don’t get it. We talk about customers we think are hot all the time?”
“OH MY GOD!” She slaps her hand over her mouth.
“What? I seriously don’t understand what’s happening right now.”
“Steve.” She swallows before continuing. “You’re attracted to them?”
“If they’re hot, they’re hot. What’s the big deal?”
“I have NEVER thought a man was hot. I can understand how they’re attractive but me myself and I, doesn’t get it.”
“Never?” That doesn’t make sense.
“Never. I’m a lesbian. That means I’m attracted to women. What you’re telling me, so very nonchalantly, is that you, Steve Harrington, have found men attractive. In fact, you’re telling me you find Eddie Munson attractive. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
“Not really.” He crosses his arms and cocks his right hip out.
“You’re not as straight as you might think you are, buddy.”
“What?” No.
“You find more than women attractive.”
“But I’d never date a guy?”
“Oh really? Tell me, have you ever thought what Eddie’s like as a boyfriend? Or like maybe how big his dick is?” She sounds frustrated.
“Well…kinda?” He remembers that one weekend he had everyone over to hang out at the pool, and the first time Eddie got out of the water. His swim trunks were wet and clinging to his body, and Steve’s eyes clocked the outline of the man’s dick. He did wonder if the man was a grower as well as a shower. “It was only because it was like right there.”
“You’re a disaster. What about the boyfriend thing?” She tilts her head and shrugs.
“Wait, so you’re telling me you’ve never thought what it might be like if we dated? Not even at Scoops?”
“Oh my god, no! Les-bee-an,” she waves her hands in front of her body.
“Whatever, it’s not like I’ve thought about marrying him or anything. Just kissing and like how sex would work, y’know between us. If he- or if I wanted him to- which doesn’t sound bad, I’ve just never done that so I don’t know if I’d like it. Would he like it?” Steve leans on his elbows over the counter, and almost gets lost in thought over the idea.
“Now you’re having sex with him?” Robin squeals.
“How do I know if I don’t like it if I don’t try it? Maybe I’d love it. This feels like a way for me to find out.”
“I think I need a break. Don’t follow me.” She points at him. “I’m happy you’re exploring this…thing, but I’m not equipped for this. My best friend likes boys.” She shakes her head and walks away murmuring to herself.
“I don’t know that I…,” he trails off when she disappears into the back room.
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Steve’s thumbing through one of the movie release magazines on the counter when the bell over the entrance catches his attention.
“Hey, big boy.” Eddie gives Steve a bright smile as he saunters up to the front counter.
“Hey, man.” Steve closes the magazine and stands up straight. Perfect timing. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Oh yeah? Missed me?” He leans over the countertop and looks up at Steve.
Steve rolls his eyes. This goofball. “Yes, I’ve got a question for you. Rob and I were talking earlier and she said she’s never checked out a guy before. That because she’s a lesbian, she’s not attracted to men, at all. But that makes no sense because I’ve found a ton of guys attractive and I’m straight. Maybe I’m not dating these men, but I’d definitely fool around with them. She’s lying right?”
Eddie’s staring at Steve with his mouth slightly agape. The smile is gone and Steve can see more of the whites in Eddie’s eyes, like he’s surprised or something.
“You get it, right? Am I crazy?” Steve’s heart is starting to pick up.
“F-fool around?” Eddie’s voice cracks a little.
“Yeah, like, hand jobs and making out or whatever. Maybe more? I don’t know, I’ve never done more than a blow job but I’ve thought about it.”
Eddie shoots up with a violent cough, like he swallowed wrong. He starts slamming his fist into his chest trying to catch his breath, and Steve stands there watching the guy have a coughing fit.
“You OK?” Should he get Eddie some water?
Eddie raises his finger asking for a second, and keeps slapping his palm against his chest. Steve stands there getting more and more self conscious as each second passes. After a good 20 more seconds Eddie seems to have caught his breath and gives Steve a small smile.
“Just for, uh clarifications sake, did you give the blow job or get the blow job?”
Who only receives and doesn’t pay back? That’s rude.
Eddie huffs and stumbles forward slightly catching his hands on the counter. He nods at Steve, then lets his head dip down, his hair falling down over his face.
“Right, obviously. Did, uh, did you enjoy it?” Eddie’s voice sounds strained.
“Yeah? Who doesn’t like sex? I haven’t done it a lot but yeah. Don’t you like it?” Is he missing something?
“Uh huh,” Eddie flips his head back and looks at Steve. “I like it a lot.”
Steve shrugs, and then watches Eddie drag his eyes slowly up Steve’s body like he’s cataloguing every inch of it. The direct attention catches Steve by surprise, and he can feel a blush spread across his cheeks.
“So, y-you get it, right?”
“Yeah,” Eddie sighs. “I just didn’t know you got it.”
“What? Of course. Doesn’t everybody find all hot people attractive?”
“Some of us,” Eddie’s voice is almost gravelly now, and it’s doing something to Steve’s body.
“Some? What do you mean?”
“Not everyone thinks like we do, Steve. Wow,” he shakes his head. “We. As in, you and I. As in you, Steve Harrington, pretty boy extraordinaire. Ohhh this changes everything.” Eddie murmurs almost to himself. “How did this, uh, topic come up with Robin?”
“We were talking about you, but hold on.” Steve waves his hands around. “Not everyone? You’re telling me that not everyone is attracted to everyone?”
“Me?” Eddie ignores Steve’s question. “What about me? You were talking about me?”
“Yes, I said you had kissable lips but go back. I don’t understand. I can name five guys right now who agree with me. I mean, two of them had girlfriends when we messed around. In fact, Stacy was there one time. She only watched but like, what are you saying?”
“Kissable lips? You think…? Wait, five? You’ve had a threesome?”
“I don’t think it’s a threesome if she didn’t get involved. Right?”
“Riiight, ok wow. So you’re straight, you say?”
“Yes, why is this so hard to explain? I figured if anyone would understand it would be you, because you said you’re bisexual. So you’re actually attracted to men and women as in you’d date them both.”
Eddie blinks at Steve a few times before nodding slowly. “Right, cause that’s what that means. Um, is Robin still here?” Eddie’s looking around the store now trying to find the woman.
“No, she had the early shift.”
“Ok, well, um so I’m gonna go home and blow my brains out, but uh if you want to…,” Eddie taps his fingers on the counter. “If you want to come over later and find out how soft my lips are, let me know.” He slaps his hand in the counter, and turns away heading toward the door without glancing back at Steve.
“Um, OK.”
“See ya, Harrington.” Eddie throws his hand over his head and pushes himself through the exit.
Steve shrugs and scoops the magazine back into his hands. Maybe he’ll get to see how soft Eddie’s lips are around his dick.
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r-anela · 2 years
Eddie Head Canons
Just because I fell asleep on the sofa again, here are some of my head canons.
Hope you like them, this is just something that popped into my head a few minutes ago.
When Eddie finds you sleeping on the sofa, the sofa is your favorite place for a little nap.
- He walks quietly past the sofa so as not to disturb you, he wants you to get the sleep you so desperately need.
- He forgets that you are sleeping on the sofa and comes out of the bathroom singing after the shower, to remember in the middle of his vocal performance that you are sleeping and he immediately holds his breath. But you continue to sleep undisturbed.
- If you are already asleep when he comes home from work, he carefully tucks you in and makes dinner. He wakes you up with a kiss and a plate full of food under your nose.
- When you fall asleep after dinner, he covers you up and takes care of the household. Only when everything is done, he wakes you up, so that you both can go to bed together.
- He takes pictures of you because he thinks it’s cute how you sleep. He has created a little photo wall especially for that.
- When you wake up when he gets home, he sits with you. Put your head on his lap and you tell each other about your day until you fall asleep on his lap.
- He has an extra pillow and blanket for you for the sofa, because he knows how much you like to take a nap there at noon or in the evening.
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ok i honestly love this back and forth between eddie and my oc 😭😭
"What are you doing?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Do you trust me?" "Not when you answer questions with questions." "Then you'll just have to learn." He smirked, pulling her to stand with him. "Walk with me?" "And why would I do that?" "Now who's answering questions with questions?"
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rainylana · 8 days
Taste on an Image: New neighbor
Eddie Munson x female reader
a little longer than my usually one of these! just a fluffy blurb! no warnings!
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“Why don’t you go say hi instead of standing there gawking.” Wayne shook his head, closing the door to the trailer as he gave his nephew a once over.
Eddie jumped, surprised by his uncle’s appearance. “I’m not gawking.” He swallowed. “I’m observing from afar.”
“Well whatever it is you’re doing is probably freaking her out.” Wayne pointed to you outside in the yard, a few trailers down the road as you hung clothes outside on your line.
“She doesn’t even know I’m here.” Eddie rolled his eyes, leaning against the mailbox. “Geez, she sure is pretty, ain’t she?”
“Yeah.” Wayne gave a gruff nod. “Go talk to her. Be neighborly. God knows no one else around here will be.” He patted his nephews shoulder and went inside, leaving the boy alone with his thoughts.
You’d moved in just a few days ago, gaining the attention of Eddie like bees to honey. You were gorgeous, and by the looks of it, single. He readjusted his jacket and slicked back his hair, wiping his mouth with his sleeve to make sure no absent crumbs were festering on his mouth. Last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself.
Eddie walked down the gravel road, waving awkwardly at the neighbors he past that were halfway drunk for the weekend.
“Hello.” He called out to you, standing near your mailbox.
You spun around, smile on your face that nearly made him fall flat on his back, and took a step forward. “Hi!”
God, he was in love already.
“Hi.” He repeated again, lifting up a hand he wasn’t sure what he was doing with. “Hi, I’m Eddie Munson. We’re neighbors. I live just a few trailers down.” He pointed down the road to his house, blushing as he did so.
“Oh, how nice!” You beamed, setting down your laundry. “I’m y/n.” You quickly walked toward him, extending your hand for him to shake. “Nice to meet you. It’s sweet of you to come introduce yourself. No one has yet. I was starting to think I wasn’t wanted.” You laughed, tucking your hands in your pockets.
Your authenticity of casualness made his nerves settle. “Yeah, well, the people are weary of strangers.” He shook his head. “There’s a lot of kids around here, too, so be careful when you leave. I almost run one over every time I pull out of my driveway.” He chuckled, brown eyes crinkling under the sun.
You laughed and he swore it made his heart swell. Two minutes in and he was already whipped.
“Is it just you?” He asked, peaking over your shoulder and back at your home.
“Just me.” You pursed your lips. “I’m from Chicago. I used to work in the news paper office downtown but decided I needed a change of scenery.” You shrugged your shoulders, the wind barely whistling over your words.
“I run the mechanic shop here in town with my uncle.” Eddie pointed over his shoulder down to his home. “I live with him. Have ever since I was a boy.”
“Well I’d love to meet him sometime!” You smiled. “Maybe you can show me around town later this week? If you don’t mind, of course.”
“I’d be honored to escort you.” He smirked, giving you a wink that made you snicker. “Just give me a day. There’s a great diner that I can sweet talk the waitresses in giving us free desert.”
“You seem like you’re good at sweet talking.” You give him a playful look, crossing your arms.
“Well, I don’t like to brag.” He held out his arms, closing his eyes briefly in a smug look.
You tucked your hair behind your ear, looking back to your clothes line that was blowing in the wind. “I’d invite you in for something to drink but I’m afraid I’m not quiet finished unpacking yet.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He held out a ringed hand. “You need any help? Wayne and I would be happy to assist.”
“No, thank you.” You shook your head politely. “I’ll be finished soon. It’s mostly just my clothes and some decorations. I really don’t have that much.”
He could almost feel his uncle’s eyes searing into the back of his head.
“Well, I just wanted to introduce myself.” He stepped back. “Let us know if you need anything. Oh! And remember,” He pointed to your car. “You’ve got a mechanic for a neighbor if you ever need one.”
He left while he was ahead, feeling confident that he hadn’t embarrassed himself. He smiled the whole walk home, fists clenched in a celebratory manor as he practically skipped inside.
“Well?” Wayne asked, leaning against the fridge.
“What do you mean well?” Eddie snorted. “Like you didn’t stare at us the whole time through the window.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The man hid his smirk behind his mud of coffee.
“She’s nice.” He plopped down on the couch. “She smiles a lot. She’s beautiful. I don’t know, Wayne, this might be the girl of my dreams.” Eddie laughed, shaking his head with pursed lips.
“Uh-huh.” Wayne rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t start planning a wedding yet, son.”
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lipstickmarks · 2 years
Hi Hellcheer friends 💕🖤
I am starting a new writing challenge for myself where I publish a 1K+ fic once every two weeks
It’ll mainly be Hellcheer but I might stray and write for Reylo or The Love Hypothesis, etc.
I plan on publishing the first fic sometime tomorrow !!! and then post every other Wednesday at 7:00 pm PST.
I’m doing this to hold myself accountable and get back into a writing groove.
I would love some asks/prompts to kickstart me! I write for Hellcheer (Eddie and Chrissy), Reylo (Star Wars Sequels), Adam and Olive (The Love Hypothesis), Levi and Bee (Love on the Brain), and Marvel characters!
Wish me luck! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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andvys · 11 months
Wicked Game E.M.
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Warnings: 18+, minors don't interact! angst, slightly mean!Eddie, enemies to lovers, smut, Eddie calls reader names, choking, Eddie spits in reader's mouth, masturbation, unprotected sex, jealous Eddie, jealous reader, Eddie calling himself freak, hurt/comfort, Eddie calls reader ‘bee’, it’s a nickname he gave her
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Your best friend Steve and his new friend bring someone into your life that you just can't stand, Eddie Munson. He teases you, he says mean things to you and as foolish as you are, you still desire him- just like he desires you.
Word count: 12.5k+
Note: @take-everything-you-can , thank you for this amazing request. I hope you're gonna like this one, I loved writing it!
stranger things masterlist
Tagging some people who might be interested 🥰 @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @corrodedcorpses @mysticmunson @aftermidnightwriting @bimbobaggins69
You and your best friend come as a package deal, wherever one goes, the other follows. There is not a single day you spend without each other, you do lunch breaks together, he comes over to hang out even when you’re busy studying or doing homework, you help him get ready for dates and he helps you pick out outfits for parties, when he’s sick, you take care of him and vice versa. You adore him. You are pretty sure that you will move in together if neither of you find a partner till then. 
You grew up together and always stuck to each other’s side. 
When your best friend found a second best friend, you were scared that you would lose him but luckily, that wasn’t the case, he didn’t leave, he didn’t abandon you like others would do after making new friends. You would always be his number one and he made that very clear and she became your best friend as well. Robin is amazing, you adore her just as much as you adore Steve. She is funny and sweet and you love spending time with her but you can’t stand her ‘forever’ best friend, Eddie Munson. 
That man had it out for you ever since he laid eyes on you, you don’t know what it is about you that makes him so mad but he never fails to make you feel irritated and angry. Eddie is not malicious in any way, he is no bully. He just makes his dislike for you very known. He teases you, makes sly and snarky comments, glares at you before you even turn to look at him. 
That was before your best friend became his best friend. 
Now it’s so much worse because not only do you have to tolerate him at school, you also have to tolerate him in your free time. 
While Robin is always sweet and supportive of you. 
Eddie is grumpy, mean and annoyed with you. 
You don’t know where it had all started, you can’t even remember if you ever even talked to him before he chose to hate you, all you remember is the cold shoulder he only ever gave you. 
You do wonder why he dislikes you so much, is it because you come from the popular crowd? Maybe. But Steve used to be the most popular guy in school and Eddie still gets along with him and likes him. Is it because you have wealthy parents? Because you live in a big house, wear fancy clothes and have a nice car? Possible. But Steve has it all too and he never gets shit from Eddie. Or are you just an unlikable person to him? Now, that would make you sad because that would mean that he would just hate you for the person you are, he would hate you for your personality, for being you. 
But then things take a small turn after a party at Steve’s place. You see a little deeper into his mind. 
“What’s with the scowl on your face, bee?” Eddie asks as he gets so close to your face that you can smell the disgusting beer and cigarettes. 
“Ew, get off,” you scowl as you push him away, “and stop calling me that, nerd.” 
Eddie hasn’t strayed away from that nickname ever since you had been stung by one when you were all out at the lake, you kept swatting away the bee that continuously made it’s way back to you, you called it annoying and hissed in pain when it had stung you. Eddie laughed at your demise, ‘you’re a bee too, annoying and ready to attack’.
He smirks, flicking your hair, he moves back and plops down on the bench beside you, he follows your gaze, he can’t even help but scoff when he sees what you’re looking at. 
Steve is talking to the girl that stood him up a week ago, calling off the date because of her upset stomach but then you and Robin ran into her at the store, she was with a different guy, he hugged her from behind and kissed her neck while she was picking out snacks, not looking sick at all. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, “jealous huh?” 
You scrunch your face up, tearing your eyes away from Steve, you turn to look at Eddie, “why would I be jealous?” 
He shrugs, leaning back, he blows smoke into your face and smirks when you begin to cough. 
“Because you’re in love with Steve.” 
A loud laugh falls from your lips, earning a few looks from the other partygoers who spend the night out in the garden rather than the crowded house. 
“I’m not in love with Steve,” you snort, shaking your head as your eyes flicker with amusement. 
It’s not the first time that someone assumed that you are in love with him or that he is in love with you. You get mistaken for a couple, all the time, sometimes you play along just for the fun of it but you and Steve are not into each other, at all. It has always been purely platonic between you two, there’s no feelings on his part and neither on yours. You are best friends, platonic soulmates. 
“Yes, you are,” Eddie says. 
Rolling your eyes, you sigh, “what makes you say that?” 
“Because you’re super close and you are fiercely protective of him, like in a way where you can just tell that you’re in love with him.”
“That’s such nonsense,” you scoff, “I’m protective, yes.” 
He nods, shrugging. 
“Because he is my best friend! One who got hurt by a girl he used to love, he got his heart broken, twice! I don’t want it to happen again, he deserves better.” 
Eddie thinks about your words, searching for something in your eyes, for a moment, you think that he believes you but then he shakes his head. 
“Yeah, you’re still in love with him.” 
You scoff, crossing your arms over your chest, you lean back, “okay well, then you’re in love with Robin.” 
Eddie laughs loudly, throwing his head back. You glare at him, growing irritated by his presence. 
“You’re funny, bee.” 
“Why am I funny? I mean, you’re just as close as Steve and I are,” you shrug. 
His brown eyes twinkle with amusement, he leans in closer. You ignore the way his cologne makes your head spin or the way his eyes flicker down to your lips or the way he– ‘Stop!’ you tell yourself. 
“Robin doesn’t swing that way, remember?” 
A breathy laugh leaves your lips and you smirk at him, “yeah but you do, right?” You ask, raising your eyebrows, “just because she isn’t into you or into men in general, doesn’t mean that you can’t have feelings for her. Unrequited love is a thing, you know that right?” 
His eyes darken, smirk falling from his lips, his expression hardens, he eyes your face slowly, nodding after a moment of silence, “yeah, it’s a thing. I know that,” he mumbles under his breath, bitterly. He clenches his jaw and looks away. 
You furrow your brows as you stare at his side profile. There’s something deeper behind his words, you know that but you choose to ignore it. 
“So, you are in love with her, huh?” You ask, smirking in satisfaction when you realize that you have successfully used his own teasing against him. 
He scoffs, putting his cigarette between his lips, he stretches his arm out behind you and looks up at the sky, “no, I’m not in love with her.” 
“Am I supposed to believe that?” 
“Okay,” you nod, shrugging, “well, then you gotta believe me that I’m not in love with Steve.” 
He snorts at you, “right, okay.” 
Placing your palms on the bench, you take a moment to look at him. It’s a hot summer night, the heat forced him to leave his beloved leather jacket at home or probably in the van. He wears a muscle shirt, some band logo you don’t recognize on the front. You let your eyes roam, eying his belt, you wonder if he had bought it that way or if he added the cuffs himself– wherever he got them from, either way, it looks good. He plays with the loose strings on his dark jeans, you notice a new ring on his middle finger, you look up, your eyes land on his pale neck. Squeezing your thighs together, you lick your lips and blink, pulling yourself out of your thoughts, your eyes meet his– he caught you staring. 
A smirk pulls at his lips, he eyes your flustered face, whether you realize it or not, you’re biting your bottom lip and squeezing your thighs together– oh, it seems like he found something new to tease you about. 
“Are you checking me out?” 
For the first time, you have nothing to say, nothing to fight back with, no snarky remarks or comments left for you to give. Instead of saying something, you scoff and roll your eyes at him before you jump up and walk away, leaving a satisfied Eddie behind. 
The next time Eddie sees you, you barely even look at him or acknowledge his presence and it pisses him off. It’s no secret that you don’t like him, you let him know any chance you get. You roll your eyes at him, you snap at him and refuse to sit next to him, even when it’s the only free seat left. Eddie takes it as a rejection, he thinks you are repulsed by him and by anything he does. 
A part of him assumes that you think he is gross, after all, that’s what the girls at school say about him. They assume that he is unhygienic, that he doesn’t look after himself, that he doesn’t shower or washes his clothes and that’s why you refuse to sit next to him. 
Eddie was always an observer, a very good one, except when it comes to you. You refuse to sit next to him because his cologne makes you dizzy, in a way it shouldn’t because Eddie hates you, you shouldn’t like anything about him, you shouldn't have any positive feelings for him. 
Eddie thinks you laugh and giggle at the jokes people make about him, not knowing that you always defend him even when he still hates you. 
“Eddie,” Robin hisses, nudging his shoulder. 
“What?” He grumbles, still staring– glaring at you and your stupid smile as you look through the polaroid pictures you have taken with Robin earlier when you went out to a big flower field to take pretty pictures. 
“Stop looking at her like you’re trying to make her disappear.” 
“Maybe that’s what I’m trying to do,” Eddie shrugs as he reaches for the bag of M&M’s, opening the bag and putting the candy into the bowl that Steve had put out on the counter. 
Robin rolls her eyes, groaning in annoyance, “you know, if you just tried to get along with her, things could be so much easier.” 
Eddie hates the way his heart skips a beat when you throw your head back in laughter after Steve had whispered something in your ear. Jealousy rushes through him when Steve comes up behind you and lays his chin on your shoulder, looking at the pictures with you. 
Robin knows her best friend very well. She knows that he doesn’t hate you or dislike you in any way, he is intimidated by you, by the feelings he could have if he just let them in. Eddie had crushes before but they were all lighthearted ones, he, himself didn’t even take them seriously, he just admired that person and then moved on a few days later but you? He always had a thing for you, even before Robin befriended Steve, and you and Eddie were forced into each other’s lives. He always looked at you differently but compared to his other crushes, he never let you become one or at least, that’s what he made himself believe. You are more than just a crush. 
“Why me? She’s the one who’s being a bitch.” 
Robin scoffs, laughing at her best friend, “you’re not serious right now, are you?” 
Eddie’s brown eyes flash with annoyance, “I am serious.” 
Robin runs her fingers through her short hair, “you’re such an idiot, Munson.” 
He scrunches his face up, tearing his eyes away from you and Steve, he turns towards his best friend, “why am I an idiot?” 
“Because you’re the one who’s always being mean towards her for no reason, you act like a damn child who can’t deal with the crush he has on that one girl,” she says in a hushed whisper, glancing at you to see if you or Steve are looking, “you’re my best friend and I love you dude but grow up, you’re 20 for fucks sake!” 
Eddie raises his eyebrows at her, he’s not even hurt, just amused and surprised. 
“Oh and if you haven’t realized it yet, the thing you’re feeling whenever you look at her and Steve, it’s called jealousy,” she smirks as she grabs a few of the snacks they have prepared, “Steve is truly just a best friend, they’re purely platonic, with a capital P, like you and I,” she says, pointing between them, “but when she actually starts dating someone, imagine how you’ll feel then. So, you better get that stick out of your ass and start treating her the way you actually want to treat her.” 
She leaves him standing in the kitchen, smirking to herself when she notices the flustered look on his face. She knows that he likes you, just like Steve knows that you like Eddie. You’re both too stubborn to realize it. 
“Are we ready for movie night, or what?” Robin asks as she places the snacks on the table. 
“Yes!” You say, clapping your hands together, you start collecting the polaroid pictures. 
“What are we starting with?” Steve asks as he gets up to put the tape in, “the shining or the evil dead?” 
“Both are gross,” you shudder. 
“Aw, does the princess need protection?” Eddie asks as he walks into the living room. 
Steve chuckles, smirking at Eddie while you roll your eyes. You get up and walk past him with the pictures in your hand, you put them back in your little backpack, not noticing that you have left one on the floor. Eddie’s eyes fall on the picture, putting the bowl of M&M’s on the table, he bends down to pick it up, it’s a picture of you, it’s a little blurry but still sharp enough for him to see all your beauty. Your smile is bright, your eyes are squinted, the sun is shining down on you, making your skin glow. You’re wearing the same little sundress you’re wearing right now, flowers are tucked into your hair. Eddie can’t even help but smile, his heart beats a little faster. 
You are so beautiful. 
“Alright, let’s watch the movie!” Steve says, startling Eddie, who quickly puts the picture into the backpocket of his jeans, looking around to see if anyone has noticed anything but no one did. Steve settles on the couch, Robin plops down next to him, giving him a knowing smirk. Steve nudges her shoulder as he reaches for the bowl of popcorn. 
Eddie shakes his head, sighing. They are plotting something, he knows, they are. 
Sitting down on the other end of the couch, he leaves the spot next to Robin for you, already expecting you to complain about sitting next to him. To his surprise, you sit down next to him without a single complaint. 
Eddie is a little surprised. 
“Do you want cuddles, bee?” Eddie smirks. 
You roll your eyes as you look at him, “from you? No thanks.” 
He chuckles, “aw, come on, I’ll keep you safe.” 
“I’m not even scared.” 
As much as you love horror movies, some of them just scare you. You flinch at every jump scare, hide your face behind your hands and use every possible excuse to leave the room, whether it is to get snacks or having to use the bathroom and as though the darkness in Steve’s big house isn’t bad enough, it also starts storming outside. The winds are heavy and the thunder is loud, it begins to rain harder and harder. 
Your knees are pulled to your chest and you opt to look out the window instead of the TV screen, just as one of the characters starts screaming, Eddie pokes your waist, startling you. 
“Eddie!” You shriek, slapping his arm, you glare at him as he starts laughing at your reaction. 
“Eddie!” He mimics, pouting at you. 
You roll your eyes, clenching your jaw. 
“Leave her alone, Munson,” Steve chuckles as he throws some popcorn at him, some of it landing in your hair as well and your cleavage. 
Eddie snorts, looking down at his chest, he picks up some of the popcorn and pops it in his mouth, “thanks, I was just about to get some popcorn.” 
You shake your head when Steve throws more at him, ducking out of the way, you pick out the ones in your hair. Eddie snatches them out of your hand, “give them to me.” 
You furrow your brows, watching him eat them. 
“You want this one too?” You joke as you reach for the one that got stuck in your cleavage. 
His eyes widen, a smirk tugging at his lips, he looks into your eyes and you can already see the mischief, the kind of smile that tells that he is up to no good. He leans closer, instead of taking it with his fingers, he opens his mouth, waiting for you to place it on his tongue. 
You swallow nervously, your hand moves out of instinct, placing the sweet treat on his tongue, you gasp a little when he wraps his lips around your finger. 
What the fuck?
Your eyes widen, heat rushes to your cheeks and once again, Eddie forces you to squeeze your thighs together. His lips feel hot against your skin and he looks into your eyes as he licks your finger, you can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to feel his lips on other parts of your body, to feel his tongue on your clit and his ringed fingers inside of you as he looks up at you the way he does right now. 
Eddie smirks, he knows what he has done to you. He pulls away, feeling satisfied enough, for now. He leans back against the soft cushions and places his hand on his chest, looking back at the screen, he acts like nothing even happened, while you are left a blushing mess. 
You blink and stare at him in disbelief, goosebumps litter your skin and your heart beats fastly in your chest. As you come back to reality, you suddenly grow incredibly embarrassed, knowing that Steve and Robin most likely watched it all happen but when you turn to glance at them, you notice that Robin is fast asleep and Steve’s eyes are glued to the TV, though the smirk on his face tells you that he saw it all. 
For the rest of the night, you sit there with a flustered look on your face, waiting for it to be over.
The following weeks, Eddie continues to act the same way, mostly. 
He is still mean, snappy and annoying but on top of that, he added his teasing. You know it’s only to humiliate you, knowing that he can make you blush, that he can make you feel something other than anger towards him, he can see the way you react to his subtle touches and suggestive comments. A part of you thought that he would be less rude after realizing that he can get a different kind of rise out of you but you thought wrong, if anything, he becomes meaner and meaner and it all takes an unexpected turn at Tina’s annual Halloween Party. 
Eddie only came reluctantly, he never liked parties and only ever came to make money or to accompany his friends. Steve and Robin are on the dance floor, throwing back drinks, laughing at their own jokes and dancing with a group of drunk and giggling girls. 
Eddie rolls his eyes as he looks around, recognizing some jocks from school with their cheerleader girlfriends who give him nasty looks. He clutches the can of beer tightly against his chest, he tries to entertain himself by looking at all the different costumes but not even that will distract him from the awful music, the annoying people or you. 
You are wearing a fairy costume, a really exposing one. Clad in a short sage green dress, a tight corset, wings that are littered with rhinestones and glitter, heeled boots and a tiara, you look more beautiful than ever, magical. 
Eddie’s heart fluttered in his chest when he saw you as him and Robin waited for you and Steve. He was actually frozen in place and awestruck and so was the guy, you are heavily flirting with right now. 
Your back is pressed against the wall, you’re giggling and smiling at the guy in front of you, his hand is placed against the wall next to your head, he ducks down a little, leaning closer to you so he can hear you better over the loud music. 
Eddie clenches his jaw, anger flooding through his veins the longer he watches you flirt with the jock he can’t remember the name of. 
He puts his other hand on your waist and leans in to whisper something into your ear, you bite your lip and nod causing more anger to rush through Eddie. He can’t stand this, the sight of some asshole touching you, playing with your hair and making you giggle. 
Eddie grips his drink tighter, enough to almost crush it. He watches you with darkened eyes. 
The guy takes your hand and begins to pull you away, the blush on your face is deep and you fight the smile off your face, you don’t even acknowledge Eddie’s presence as you walk past him, hand in hand with the other man who leads you towards the stairs. 
Eddie feels incredibly angry. 
It’s the kind of anger he had never felt before. 
He knows exactly what will happen once the jock has you all to himself and Eddie can’t stand the thought of it. The fire inside of him becomes unbearable, he can’t let it happen. He slams the can of beer on a nearby table and follows you, stomping after you angrily. He pushes some drunk guy out of his way who stumbles back, slurring some curse word at Eddie who doesn’t even bother to look at him. Before you can even take a step further, Eddie reaches for your hand and pulls you back. Your hand slips from the other’s man’s grip and you stumble back into Eddie’s chest, yelping. 
Your confused face meets his, your lips part when you see the anger in his eyes. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asks, sounding like a man, possessed. 
You furrow your brows, “w-what?” 
Your new friend turns around, looking between you and Eddie. 
“Get lost,” Eddie snaps at him, glaring at the jock, not bothering to look back, he just pulls you along with him, rolling his eyes at your protests. 
“Eddie!” You slap his arm, “let me go!” 
He only shakes his head, walking towards the entrance with a determined look on his face, he opens the door and pulls you out with him. Shutting it behind you and standing it front it so you won’t be able to get back in. 
“What the hell is your problem!”
“What were you doing with that guy?” He asks, completely ignoring your question or the angry look on your face. 
He irritates you in the worst ways possible.
“That’s none of your business, Munson!” You yell, “why do you even care?” 
Eddie avoids eye contact, he looks down at the ground instead and sighs. 
“You do know that he just wants to fuck you, right?” He mumbles. 
“Yeah, you do know that maybe I wanted just that?” You retort, throwing your hands up, “if you haven’t noticed, I don’t really have a boyfriend, oh and might I add that it’s probably your fault?” 
To hear that you wanted to hook up with some random guy, some jock, makes him feel sick but to hear you saying that you don’t have a boyfriend because of him makes him smirk, he can’t even fight it off, not even when he looks up at you and feigns annoyance, “why me?” 
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, you can’t even feel the breeze on your exposed skin, you are too angry to notice anything. 
“Every time a guy even looks my way, you’re there, scaring them away! And god forbid someone even comes close to me or touches me in any way!” 
You are fed up with him and his stupid actions. 
You know why he is doing it, he wants to see you miserable and you are miserable, he knows that. He can see the longing looks in your eyes whenever you see a cute couple out on the streets, the sad smiles that pull at your lips whenever you see a guy getting his girlfriend flowers, taking her out on dates or even something as simple as opening the door for her and placing his hand on the small of her back. 
You crave intimacy, you crave having someone to call your own, being someone's favorite person. Yeah, you might be Steve’s favorite person, his girl but you won’t be forever, someday he is gonna meet that one girl that he will drop anyone and anything for, even you and when that happens, you won’t have anyone. 
You aren’t lucky in the dating department, at all. If it isn’t Eddie scaring the guys away, then it’s you, doing it for him. 
“Why can’t you just leave me alone?” You ask, “I know you hate me but god, when I hate someone, I stay away from them, why can’t you do the same for me?” 
Eddie frowns at your words, his eyes flash with guilt when he sees the tears in your eyes, you aren’t just angry this time, you’re also hurt. 
“Maybe I was just protecting you,” he shrugs. 
You scoff at his words, shaking your head, you pinch the bridge of your nose and close your eyes for a moment, “protect me,” you mumble, “right, am I supposed to believe that?” You ask as you look back into his eyes. You struggle to read him. Eddie’s walls are so high up, you can’t even sneak a peek. 
He nods, “yes, the guy is a jock, bee.” 
“He would just hurt you!” He says angrily, taking a step forward, “he would get his dick wet and leave you with nothing, then he would brag about it to his friends and I can assure you, that guy doesn’t even know how to make a girl cum, I did you a favor.” 
You raise your eyebrows, tilting your head, “do you?” 
He blinks. 
“Do you know how to make a girl cum?” 
He blushes at your words, drawing back a little, he straightens up and chuckles, “of course.” 
You lick your lips, looking him up and down. Eddie must be one of the only ones without a costume, you wonder why he isn’t wearing one, that guy is in love with his fantasy game, there is no way that he is no fan of Halloween and costumes. 
“Right,” you snort. 
“You don’t believe me?” He asks as he steps even closer to you. 
You shrug, “nope, I don’t believe you.” 
One moment, he was standing feets away from you and suddenly, he is right in front of you. Dangerously close. You have to tilt your head to meet his eyes and when you do, your heart skips a beat. His eyes are dark, pupils blown as he sneaks a look at your lips. 
You can smell his cologne, his aftershave, him. You would never tell him that but he drives you crazy, he makes your stomach flutter, he stays on your mind for too long, sneaking his way into your thoughts when you touch yourself at night. 
Eddie reaches his hand out to touch your face, he cups your cheek and lets his thumb rest on your bottom lip. Just like the night at Steve’s place, your breath hitches in your throat and you grow incredibly flustered. 
“Do you want me to show you?” He whispers. 
Your eyes widen, a small gasp falls from your lips. 
No way, did he just ask you that? 
He is playing with you, isn’t he? 
By now he knows the effect he has on you. He knows that you blush when he is around, he knows that you feel something when he touches you, he knows that you can’t get him off your mind. He knows it all and he decides to use it against you, he knows that he can humiliate you, he knows that he can hurt you and it brings him enjoyment. 
The smirk on his face and the amusement in his eyes tells you all that. Internally, he is making fun of you, he is satisfied that he ruined your night and as though that isn’t enough, he now uses your attraction towards him as a weapon, to laugh about you later on and make fun of you with his band buddies.
You slap his hand away, your brows draw together and your nervous stare turns into an angry frown, “don’t touch me, asshole.” 
Though he is a little surprised, he still chuckles. 
You shake your head and step away from him, turning around, you don’t even bother going back inside to let your friends know that you’re leaving or to get your jacket, you just want to be away from him. 
It’s late and it’s cold, you are scared to walk through the empty streets alone but you are too stubborn to back around. 
You roll your eyes at him and continue to walk. 
“Where are you going?” 
You don’t bother to answer, you hug yourself tighter to shield yourself from the cold, blinking away the angry tears. The streets are empty, aside from the many cars on the side of the streets, you walk past Steve’s car, suddenly regretting the decision to walk away and choosing to walk home alone, on Halloween night.
You hear his footsteps though and as much as you hate to admit it, you do feel at ease knowing that he comes after you. 
Eddie rolls his eyes at your silence but he admires the view in front of him. Your dress is a thin and flowy one, it swats from one side to the other with each step that you take, the wind causes it to lift up a bit, exposing your naked skin. Eddie almost growls at the side of it. 
“Stop calling me that, you dick!” 
Eddie snorts at you, your insults never hurt him, if anything, they amuse him. When you look at him with anger in your eyes and snap back at him, you look cuter than ever. He picks up the pace and just as you pass his van, he grabs your arm and pulls you back, smirking at your little yelp, he slams you against his van and steps in front of you, caging you against it. 
It’s dark and yet he can see the nervous and shy look in your eyes, he can see the way you tense up and press yourself against the van as though it will make you feel him any less against you. 
“Will you stop running away from me?” 
He places his hands on your waist, touching you in such a gentle way that it makes your knees buckle, almost. You look into his dark eyes, growing more and more irritated. Why can’t he just let you go? Why can’t he just stay out of your goddamn way? Why does he have to make things so hard for you? 
You hate him. 
“Will you stop sticking your nose into my business?” You ask angrily as you place your hand on his chest to push him away, as though you will find the strength to, “will you stop following me around just to piss me off? Seriously, what do you get out of this, huh?” 
Eddie shrugs, the smirk remains on his lips, he eyes the scowl on your face, the flash with irritation in your eyes, he looks down at your chest, watching the way it rises up and down heavily. 
“It’s fun to see you like this.” 
You clench your jaw and scoff. 
“It’s fun to ruin my life?” 
Now it’s his turn to scoff, he rolls his eyes at your words, “you’re so dramatic.” 
"Oh, am I?" You mumble. 
He nods, his grip tightens on your waist, butterflies flutter in your stomach and you despise it. You despise the emotions he causes you to feel. 
“Yeah, I ruined your life because you didn’t get to fuck that jock?” He snorts, narrowing his eyes at you, “you are dramatic, bee.” 
You close your eyes and lower your head, shaking it as you take deep breaths. 
“You are so annoying.” 
“Hmm, what was that?” Eddie whispers, placing his finger under your chin, he tilts your head up, “say that again.” 
You swallow nervously, not opening your eyes just yet, you lick your lips, “you are annoying.”
“Why?” You laugh in disbelief as you open your eyes to look at him. He is staring at you with curiosity on his face, tilting his head as he waits for your explanation. 
“You gotta be kidding me,” you scoff, pulling your hand away from his chest, you wrap it around his wrist instead and force his hand away from your face, “is that actually a serious question?” 
He purses his lips and nods, “yep.” 
“You’re an asshole, Eddie!” 
He rolls his eyes, “yeah, you said that before.” 
“Yeah and you don’t believe me! You treat me like shit–”
“No, I don’t!” 
“Yes, you do, Eddie!” You exclaim, “you say mean shit all the time, you make dumb comments and tease me and then act like nothing ever happened!” 
“Tease you how?” He smirks, completely ignoring the rest of your words. 
You squint your eyes, huffing angrily. Is he actually clueless or does he just want to see you so angry and embarrassed? Either way, he always gets what he wants. 
“You sucked on my finger and then you acted like nothing happened!”
Your angry pout makes his heart soar. 
“That’s what you’re so upset about?” He chuckles. 
His smirk causes the outburst of anger, you finally push him away from you. There is absolutely nothing amusing about this situation, at least not to you. 
“Wipe that smirk off your goddamn face, Munson! I can’t stand when you do that!” 
“Did you want me to do more than that?” He asks. 
“You wish,” you scoff, “you think I want you?” 
If you didn’t know any better, you would say that hurt flashed in his eyes but that can’t be, right? Why would he be hurt by anything you say? 
He chuckles bitterly and nods to himself. 
“No,” he mumbles, “I know you don’t want me. A fancy little princess like you wants someone like that jock, you want someone who will buy you shit, someone who will spoil you, take you on dates to Enzo’s or whatever, someone you can take home to your rich parents, someone you won’t feel embarrassed to be with, someone you can be seen with, someone you will have that ‘perfect’ future with.” 
Confused, you stare at him with a frown on your face. 
Eddie’s anger comes out of nowhere the way it always does. 
“But sweetheart, none of them can give you what you need.”
“W-What do I need?” You ask, waiting for him to continue. He watches the way your eyes flicker down to his lips before they meet his eyes again.   
“They can’t touch you like you crave to be touched, they can’t kiss you like you wanna be kissed, they can’t fuck you like you wanna be fucked, they can’t treat you like you deserve to be treated.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat, your lips part in surprise, your heart begins to pound against your ribcage. 
Eddie somehow made his way into your personal space again. He is close enough for you to feel his breath on your skin. 
“You need someone to put you in your place, you need someone to be rough with you, someone who can treat you like the little slut that you are,” he says, gripping your face in his large hand, “I see the way you look at me when you think that I’m not paying attention, I can see the way you squeeze your thighs together when you look at my hands, I bet you wonder what it would feel like if I touched you, huh? I bet you touch yourself and think about me, about my hands, about my fingers in your tight little pussy.” 
Your eyes widen, heat rushes to your cheeks, you are too overwhelmed to keep your eyes locked with his, so you look down. 
Eddie smirks but it’s a dark smirk, a bitter one. 
“Bet you are disgusted by yourself, huh?” He spits as he grips you tighter, “thinking about fucking the dirty town freak, I bet you hate yourself for wanting to ride my dick, that’s why you’re always such a bitch to me, right?” He asks angrily, “you take your anger out on me because you can’t stand yourself for wanting to fuck me?” 
You shake your head. He is wrong, so wrong. He is no dirty freak in your eyes and you are not disgusted by him, you are disgusted by yourself for wanting someone who hates your guts so much, not for who he is. Eddie is amazing to his friends but unfortunately, you aren’t one of them. 
You never hated Eddie, at least not until he forced you to hate him. 
“No?” He murmurs as he leans even closer to you, “you don’t think about me?” 
You shift, looking up at him with a shy expression, you don’t bother answering, your silence gives it away. 
You do think about him. He knows it. 
You hate the way he looks so sure of his words, the way he thinks that he has you all figured out, the way he thinks he knows everything about you. 
“Get away from me, Eddie,” you say with a shaky voice and an unsure voice, you both know that you don’t want it, you don’t want him to get away. 
He licks his lips as he stares down at you. The look in his eyes makes you cower back a little, it makes you feel nervous but also flustered. Eddie raises his hand up to your face, he tucks your hair behind your ear and leans down, surprising you by pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. 
Your lips part and you hold your breath. 
“Why?” He whispers as he kisses you again, higher this time, “scared that you will fall for the town freak?” His fingers play with the thin material of your dress, pushing it a little aside so he has more access to your shoulder, he presses his plump lips back against your shoulder, kissing you again and again, “scared that you will hate yourself for it?” 
You can’t even utter a single word, too many emotions rush through you. You are confused about this, you are angry about his words but you are also aroused and yes, you do hate yourself for it but not for the reason he thinks. 
His hand grips your waist, he pulls you flush against him and you gasp when you feel his bulge pressing against your stomach. Eddie attaches his lips to your neck, “scared that no one else will wanna touch you after the freak fucked you? What would they think if they already knew that you are fantasizing about it? I bet they would think you’re disgusting–” 
“God, shut the fuck up!” 
You push him away from you with force, your breathing is heavy, just like his. Eddie looks a little surprised by your sudden outburst, rejection crosses his features, his brows drag together and he opens his mouth to speak, probably to say something hurtful after you just pushed him away like that, he wants the upper hand but you won’t let him have it, not this time. 
“Just shut up,” you repeat. 
He presses his lips together in a straight line, he is tense, his eyes hold a combination of hurt and anger. The tension between the two of you is thick. Nothing else but you both exist in this moment. You don’t hear the faint music from the ongoing party, you don’t feel the cold wind on your exposed skin, you don’t hear the rustling of the leaves but you hear his heavy breathing, you hear the pounding of your heart, you feel the pull towards him. 
Eddie waits for you to say something, to do something. A part of him expects you to slap him for kissing you without permission, the other part expects you to hurt him with cruel words but neither of those things happen. 
You stare at him for what feels like forever. Your eyes flicker to his lips and back to his eyes, your stomach flutters and your knees feel weak, you’re angry but you also long for him. 
Fuck it. 
You take a step forward and look into his awaiting eyes. 
Fuck it, y/n.
You grab his face and pull him down, you close your eyes and slam your lips against his. Eddie’s eyes widen, he stares at you in shock and confusion. You are kissing him. You are kissing him! And your lips feel as soft as he always imagined them to feel like. His heart begins to race. 
Kiss her, idiot! He tells himself. He cups your cheeks and pulls you closer, closing his eyes, he finally kisses you back and if this isn’t the best feeling in the world then he doesn’t know what is. 
You slide your hands down to his neck, holding him tightly as you deepen the kiss. Eddie parts his lips, allowing you to slip your tongue past his lips. He moans at the feeling, his skin and his lips tingle, he already feels addicted to your touch. 
The kiss is nothing but passionate, it’s soft and gentle but you want more, you want to feel him closer and closer, you slide your hand down his stomach and wrap your arm around his waist, pressing him tighter against you. He moans at the feeling, his heart flutters. 
Eddie walks you back and slams you against his van, earning a whimper from you. You kiss each other until you are both short of oxygen and gasping for air but even as he pulls away, his lips keep touching yours. You breathe into each other’s mouths, keeping each other close as your eyes lock again. 
He wants you, you can see it in his eyes. 
This time it’s him who initiates the kiss, he slams his lips roughly against yours causing you to let out a loud and needy whimper, you can feel him smirking against your lips. 
This kiss is rough and angry. Your lips smack loudly against each other, your teeth clash but neither of you care, you pull his hair and make him growl. He digs his ringed fingers into your waist as he pushes his knee in between your thighs. 
“Eddie,” you gasp as he starts kissing his way down to your neck. 
“I know you hate me,” you whisper as you close your eyes and put your hand in his hair, holding onto his curl as he begins to suck on your sweet spot. 
No, he doesn’t hate you. How could he? Instead of telling you this, he keeps quiet, choosing to continue kissing you. 
“Show me.” 
“Show you what?” 
“Show me how much you hate me,” you whisper, “please.” 
Eddie opens his eyes and he pulls away from your neck to look at you. He can see the look in your eyes, the intrigued and needy one. 
You want him just like he wants you. 
“Are you sure?” 
For a split second, you see a different side of him, a soft one, a caring one. 
You nod. 
He grabs your jaw, tilting your head up so you are forced to look at him, “I need words, sweetheart.” 
You nod again, “yes, I’m sure.” 
Without wasting another second, Eddie unlocks his van and pushes you into the back, closing the door behind him. He fumbles around in the dark for a moment until he finds the switch that turns on the little light.
Looking around, you raise your brows, feeling a little impressed by the lack of the mess you expected. A few pillows are laying around, blankets, even a few comics. You know that he and Robin used to go to the drive-in movie theaters a lot but you can’t help but wonder if he ever brings other girls in here. If he brought the pillows and blankets here just for them so they can feel comfortable. You wonder how he treats them, does he tease them like he teases you? Does he kiss them like he just kissed you? Is he mean to them? Or is he sweet to them? Does he treat them better than he treats you? 
Suddenly, you feel yourself frowning and growing insecure and unsure. Do you really want to fuck the guy that hates you with a passion? 
But you never answer your own question. Eddie grabs your face and pulls you back in for a heated kiss. You kiss back without a moment of hesitation. 
His scent, his taste, his touch, you are addicted already and you feel the hatred for yourself growing. You don't know that he feels the same about you, that he loves the way you taste, that he loves the way you smell so sweet, you don't know that he just loves you.
You push his jacket off his shoulders while he fumbles with the wings on your costume, surprising you by taking them off carefully so he doesn’t break them. Something about the way he parts from the kiss, to put the wings down gently, makes your heart flutter. 
You blink, forcing yourself to look away from him. You take the tiara off your head and place it on the ground as well, reaching for the zipper on your dress– “stop, let me.” Eddie mumbles as he reaches around you to undo it. You stare at him, admiring the way his brown eyes shine so beautifully beneath the dim light. He pushes your dress down to your stomach, his eyes flickering with something you cannot read. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles as he eyes your lacy bra, your boobs, your soft skin, “you’re so sexy,” he breathes, forgetting about the hate he is supposed to show to you, “so beautiful, shit..” 
Eddie doesn’t notice the emotions in your eyes, the lingering sadness and the insecurity. You distract yourself by kissing him again and again, reaching for the hem of his shirt, you take it off of him. He throws it behind him on the floor. 
You place your hands on his pale chest, taking in the sight of his tattoos, you feel the urge to kiss every single one of them. 
Eddie admires the way you look at him, the way your lips part and your eyes flash with emotions. He touches your cheeks, moving your hair out of your face. You look up at him with big eyes, “touch me.” 
He smirks, “don’t have to ask me twice.” 
He pushes you down carefully, making sure that you lie your head on the pillows, your back meets the soft cushions and you sigh as you feel his cold hands on your stomach, you’re almost too shy to look up at him but when you do, your heart stops. 
Eddie stares down at you in awe, he bunches your dress up on your waist and eyes you up and down, from your pretty face to your chest, your stomach and your clothed pussy. He pushes your legs apart and settles in between them, putting your legs over his, he spreads you open and stares at the wet spot on your pink panties. 
“Fuck,” he growls, all his blood rushes to his dick, as though he wasn’t hard already, he feels himself growing harder, “I’m gonna ruin your pussy, baby.” 
Your cunt clenches around nothing, you take in a sharp breath as his eyes meet yours, “take your bra off,” he orders. 
You bite your lip, pushing yourself up on your elbows, you do as he said, pushing the straps of your bra down first, you watch the way his eyes darken when you reach behind you to unclasp it. You blush, feeling yourself getting shy under his gaze. 
“Show me your tits, pretty girl.” 
You hate him, you hate him so much.
You throw your bra to the side and lie back against the pillows.
He grips your thighs tightly, eyes flashing with hunger, “perfect fucking tits,” he murmurs as he slides one hand up to touch your boobs. 
“Eddie,” you whimper. 
He adjusts your legs, wrapping them around his waist, his clothed dick brushes against your pussy, making you both moan in pleasure. He leans down to kiss your chest, taking one nipple in his mouth, he begins to suck on it. 
“Oh.. Eddie,” you moan as you throw your hand in his hair, “i-is that how you treat people you hate?” 
He chuckles against you, pulling away from you, he gives you a suggestive look as he sits back up, he shakes his head at you, “just you, baby,” he says. 
“Touch yourself.” 
You blink. 
He looks down, bringing his hand to your aching pussy, he touches you over your panties, rubbing your clit teasingly, smirking at your little whine. 
“Touch yourself or I won’t fuck you.” 
You swallow nervously, slipping your hand down your stomach, you close your eyes and touch yourself over your panties, spreading your legs wider, you start rubbing your clit. 
“Open your eyes,” he demands, catching you off guard by smacking your ass. You gasp and open your eyes, seeing the dark look in his eyes makes you even wetter, “look at me when you touch yourself.” 
You nod. 
“Show me how you touch yourself when you’re all alone, baby. Tell me what you think about.” 
A shiver runs down your spine. You always thought about this, about him. It’s hot to see him so rough and dominating but a part of you hates that he gets to have all the control. You push yourself up a little and bring your hand up to his lips, looking into his curious eyes, you smirk, “spit on them.” 
He raises his brows, eyes flashing with surprise. He does it without questioning you. Spitting onto your fingers.
“Thanks,” you mumble. You push your panties to the side and touch yourself with your spit covered fingers, letting out a loud moan as you run your fingers through your wet folds before you begin to rub your aching clit. 
Eddie’s dick twitches in his pants as he watches you. 
“Such a pretty pussy, fuck,” he grunts, fighting the urge to bury his face in your cunt. 
“You wanna know what I think about when I touch myself?” 
“Yes.. fuck, yes. I wanna know.” 
You smirk at him. You won’t give him what he wants, you won’t let him hear what he wants to hear. Why should you? He is gonna treat you even worse when this is over, why should you give him the truth? 
“I-I think about Steve,” you moan as you push a finger inside of you, “I think about my best friend fucking me with his big fat cock.” Lies. You think about him fucking you, you think about him splitting you open, you think about him eating you out, fingering you with his rings on, making you his slut. 
Eddie’s smirk falls from his face, his eyes darken. 
You add a second finger and push it in and out of your wet pussy, moaning at the feeling, “I think about him making me cry as he takes me from behind, as he– fuck.. as he slaps my ass and does whatever he wants.” 
You are lying, he knows you’re lying. The look on your face tells him that but he still grows angry and jealous. 
You fuck yourself on your fingers, throwing your head back in pleasure as you move them in and out, “I think about riding his dick, about how he would cum inside of me and fill me up until I’m–” 
“Shut the fuck up, you little whore,” Eddie growls, grabbing your wrist, he slams it against the floor and replaces your fingers with his, pushing his long and thick fingers into your hole. 
You gasp loudly, squeezing your eyes shut as you finally feel his fingers inside you, finally getting to feel what you always dreamed about.
His other hand grabs your cheeks, squishing them together roughly, “I told you to look at me!” 
Your stomach clenches as does your cunt, your mouth waters at the feeling of him spreading you open. 
“Open your eyes, brat.” 
You open your eyes to look at his angry ones. You have never seen him this angry before. You should be scared, you know that. But instead you feel yourself getting more needy, more wet, more aroused. You moan even louder than before and grind back against his fingers. 
“Now tell me the truth,” he says through gritted teeth as he starts to fuck you with his fingers, “who do you think about?” 
You push yourself up on your elbows to watch him, to see how they move in and out of you. 
He slaps your cheek lightly causing you to whimper. 
“Liar,” he grunts, he leans over you, wrapping his hand around your neck, he slams you back down and looks into your needy eyes as he continues to slam his fingers in and out of you. 
“Eddie,” you whimper.
“That’s right,” he grunts, “say my name.” 
He adds a third finger, thrusting them in and out of you. His fingers reach deeper than yours, they reach the spot that you can’t, his rings and the coldness of them just bring more pleasure to your body. You lose yourself in the feeling, you close your eyes despite him telling you not to, your lips part and you chant his name like a prayer. You arch your back in pleasure, tears well up in your eyes. 
Eddie stares at you, he watches the way your chest rises up and down, the way you flinch a little when his hand leaves your neck to touch your boob, to play with your nipple. Your stomach tenses up, your pussy clenches around his fingers, you are so wet, he can feel your juices dripping down his fingers, the squelching noises and your moans just make it all even more erotic. 
You whimper his name so beautifully. 
“Eddie, please.” 
“Please what?” 
“I wanna cum,” you please, “please let me cum.” 
A devilish smirk appears on his face, “oh, you’re gonna cum, baby.” 
His words should intimidate you, they should leave you feeling nervous but instead they make you crave him even more. 
Eddie leans down and as you feel him shifting, you open your eyes to look at him. He picks up the pace, fucking you harder and faster on his fingers as he presses his tongue against your sensitive clit. 
“Oh fuck! Eddie!” 
“Mhmm,” he hums against you, looking up at you as he licks your clit, “taste so sweet.” 
You spread your legs wider for him and push your hand in his hair, tugging at his dark curls. 
“I can feel you clenching around my fingers, baby,” he murmurs against you, “you wanna cum for me? Do it.” 
It doesn’t take long for you to reach your high, you cum around his fingers just as he tells you too, you moan loudly, gasping for air but Eddie doesn’t stop there, he pulls his fingers out. He throws your legs over his shoulders and before you can even react, he buries his face in your pussy, slipping his tongue into you, he moans loudly. 
“Eddie,” you whine as you watch him through blurry eyes, his rough hands dig into your thighs as he holds them wide open, his eyes are closed as he eats you out, “oh my god.” 
Eddie loves the way you taste, the way you sound, the way you feel, the way you beg for him. 
“Feels so good…” 
He loves knowing that he is the one making you feel so good. 
He opens his eyes to look at you, you’re staring at him already, barely able to keep your eyes open, you hold onto his hair so tightly. A single tear slips down your hot cheek. 
“You taste so good, sweetheart,” he breathes, smirking at you when he spits on your clit before he places his thumb against it. 
Your eyes roll back and you throw your head against the pillows, you try closing your legs but Eddie is stronger than you. 
“P-Please..” You sob, pulling at his hair even harder causing him to growl in response. He flicks his tongue inside of you and presses harder against your clit and before you know it, you cum again. 
Tears run down your cheeks, you are so sensitive already. 
“No more,” you whimper as he continues to lick your pussy, “please.. I just want your cock.” 
Eddie smirks at you, pulling away, he sits back up. 
Your heart flutters as you look at him. His cheeks are flushed, his curls are messy, his chin is glistening from your juices, saliva dripping down his chest. 
You look so fucked out already, sweat coats your forehead, your breathing is heavy and you push your thighs together as you look up at him. Eddie unbuckles his belt, pushing his jeans and boxers down just below his ass, his dick slaps against his stomach.
You push yourself up on your elbows, biting your lip as you stare at him, “do you want me to suck your dick?” You ask as you reach your hand out to wrap your fingers around his thick cock, you lick your lips, pre cum is rolling down his length and it takes everything in you not to take him into your mouth. 
Eddie hisses at your touch, his eyelashes flutter. 
“Do you want to fuck my face?” You ask, innocently. 
He growls, eyes darkening, he shakes his head, “next time, baby. I need to be inside of you,” he says. 
“Condom?” You ask. 
He closes his eyes, cursing at himself, “I don’t have any.” 
You raise your brows, “what do you mean, you don’t have any?” 
“It means I don’t have any!” He snaps at you. 
“Don’t you use condoms when you fuck?” 
A loud laugh falls from his lips, he opens his eyes, shaking his head, “when I fuck? Sweetheart, I don’t get laid very often. I have a whole unopened box of condoms at home,” he snorts. 
“You don’t fuck girls in your van?” 
“Y/n, the last time I fucked someone, I stole a condom from Jeff and no, I don’t fuck girls in my van.”
Relief floods through you, here you thought that he was fucking girls in his van and getting laid every weekend.
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pull him down against you, catching him by surprise. He presses his hands against the floor and looks down at you. 
“And I’m not really into fucking random girls,” he adds. 
Your eyes widen a little, “am I not a random girl?” 
He chuckles, shaking his head. 
You could never be a random girl. 
“No, you’re my enemy,” he says before he slams his lips against yours. 
You whine against him and kiss him roughly, digging your feet into his ass, you pull him even closer until you feel his cock rubbing against your pussy. He moans in pleasure, gripping your hips tightly. 
“Fuck me, please. I don’t care about the condom, just fuck me,” you murmur against his lips, holding his neck tightly, “please.” 
“Are you sure?” He asks, eying your expression, slowly. 
You nod, “very sure.” 
Eddie pecks your lip softly. For someone who wanted to fuck you, he sure is a little soft with you. 
He leans back, staring down at you in awe, he grabs your waist, licking his lips. You watch him, looking at the way he wraps his ringed fingers around his cock, he slides it through your wet folds, teasing your clit with the tip. 
“Shit,” he shudders, “you’re so wet. All for me, right?” 
You bite your lip, furrowing your brows as you gulp, nodding. 
“Say it’s all for me,” he demands. 
“It’s for you,” you whine, “all for you, asshole!” 
He chuckles darkly, shaking his head at you. You open your mouth again but before you can say anything, Eddie grabs you tighter and in one motion, he thrusts into you, earning a loud gasp from you. 
He whimpers at the feeling of your tight walls, leaning down, he buries his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Fuck…” You whimper, wrapping your arms around him, “Eddie.” You clench around his cock and hold him tightly. 
“You’re so tight and wet,” he grunts against your shoulder, “‘m not gonna last long if you keep clenching around me like this.” 
“I told you to show me how much you hate me, Eddie,” you breathe, digging your nails into his back, “so far you’re not doing a good job.” 
Something inside of him snaps, he pulls back, placing one hand around your neck, he puts the other one on the pillow next to you. He glares at you. 
“You’re a brat, you know that, right?” He growls as he begins to thrust into you. 
You gasp at the feeling, taking a deep breath. 
“Always getting on my goddamn nerves,” he grunts as he tightens his hold on your neck, he pulls out and pushes back inside of you, roughly. “You have no idea how many times I wanted to do this.” He thrusts deeper, rougher, faster. “How many times I wanted to fuck your needy little pussy and watch you cry for more.” 
You look down, watching the way he fucks you roughly on his cock. He moves his hands down to grab your hips with both hands. 
“Look at me, baby,” he moans as he starts to pound your pussy, “look at the way you’re taking my cock.. Your pussy was made for me, you were made for me.” 
The knot in your stomach tightens, the fire inside of you burns. You feel him in your stomach. You wrap your legs tighter around him and throw your hand back to wrap it around his wrist, “fuck me harder!” You beg, despite the overwhelming sensation in your bones. 
“Harder?” He chuckles, “I’ll give you harder, you little brat.” 
He enjoys the way you squirm under his body, the way you struggle to take his big cock and yet ask for more. For a moment, he just watches you, he watches the way his cock disappears in your body, the way your juices drip down on the blanket beneath you, the way you throw your head back in pleasure and cry for him, the way your boobs bounce as he ruts into you. You are struggling, your moans are getting high pitched, tears are streaming down your face as you move your head to the side. 
“Feels so good, Eddie,” you whimper. 
His mouth waters, his stomach clenches as your pussy flutters around his dick. He moans desperately, closing his eyes for a second as he feels himself getting closer. He leans down, grabbing your face, “look at me,” he whispers, “open your eyes and look at me.” 
You grip his wrist tighter and open your eyes to look at him, your breathing stutters as you see the way he looks at you, there is something in his eyes you haven’t seen before but you decide to ignore it. 
“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out.” 
Your eyes widen but you do as he says, opening it, you stick it out for him and maintain eye contact. 
He grabs your chin, smirking at you before he spits in your mouth. 
Now, if anyone else had done that to you, you would spit it right out and slap them across the face but something about him doing it to you makes you clench even harder around him, the moans you get from him make you shiver. 
“Fuck, you like that huh?” He mumbles as you swallow it, he pats your cheek, “you filthy little slut.” 
“Mhmm, I like it,” you smirk and pull him down for a kiss. 
You can feel his dick twitching inside of you, his thrusts are getting sloppier and his moans are getting louder and more desperate. You kiss each other roughly and hold each other tight. His chest is pressed against yours, he pulls his wrist out of your grip to hold your hand instead. 
You jolt as you feel his fingertips on your clit. 
“Cum for me,” he mumbles against your lips, “cum on my dick.”
You moan loudly as you cum around him, you scratch his back as you dig your nails into his skin causing him to groan loudly. You clench hard around him and pull him even closer. 
“Baby.. fuck.. fuck,” he whimpers against you, “I’m gonna cum,” he warns, unsure of where you want him. 
“Cum inside me… ‘wanna feel you, Eddie.” 
His heart flutters and his eyes widen as he looks down at you, “you sure?” 
“Mhmm, please…” 
“Fuck… okay.. shit, baby,” he whimpers as he picks up the pace again, “you want me to breed you, huh? You want me to fill you up with my cum, shit.. I will. I’m gonna leave you dripping for days.. I’m gonna make you mine.” 
“No one’s ever touching you again,” he moans, “gonna– oh fuck…” He grunts as he places his fingers back against your clit. 
“Eddie!” You sob, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel an even stronger sensation in your lower belly. He drills in and out of you in such a rough way, you can’t even feel your legs anymore or the tears that stream down your cheeks all you feel is him. 
“I know you got one more in you, baby,” he grunts, kissing your lips, “cum with me.. one more time.” 
“I can’t!” You sob. 
“Yes, you can, I can feel it, you’re getting tighter around me, just let go for me.” 
You can’t even help it, you bite his shoulder and cage him in against you with your legs. He grunts in pain and whimpers in pleasure, he thrusts into you once, twice– “cum with me!” 
You let go and cum around him as he releases inside of you, filling you up with his seed. 
He whimpers into your neck, holding you tightly as he moans at the feeling. His hips stutter and he finally falls against you. You’re drooling on his shoulder, whimpering at the feeling of his twitching cock inside your pussy. Eddie breathes heavily, not pulling out just yet, he slumps against you and presses lazy kisses on your shoulder. 
“Fuck,” he sighs with a grin on his face that you can’t see. 
You’re barely able to keep your eyes open, letting go of him, you drop your arms to your sides and close your eyes. 
“I can’t feel my legs,” you whisper. 
Eddie smirks, “guess I fucked you good, huh?”
You roll your eyes but can’t help but smile, “guess so…”
“What do you mean ‘guess so’?” He scoffs as he pulls himself up a little to look at you, “you came four times, you brat.” 
“Should’ve made that five times,” you shrug. 
Eddie shakes his head at you, though he can’t help but smirk, you’re a mess. Your hair is disheveled, your cheeks are wet from the tears, your body is hot and shaking from all the orgasms he just pulled out of you. 
Grabbing your cheeks, he turns your face towards him, “does that mean I get to make you cum again?” He smirks. 
You lick your lips, staring at the spot on his shoulder that you dug your teeth in, you reach out to touch it, “if you want to,” you shrug, acting like it means nothing to you. 
“If I want to?” He asks, “what about you, do you want to?” 
You are too scared to show him that you do but right now, he isn’t scared to show you how vulnerable he can be. His eyes that usually only ever hold anger for you, hold nothing but hope, it confuses you a little. 
You furrow your brows, “I-I don’t know,” you whisper, unable to look into his eyes any longer, you push him back, “get off, please.” 
He shakes his head and cups your cheeks, “no, look at me,” he demands, softly. 
You blink, swallowing nervously as you look back into his eyes, “you got what you wanted, Eddie.” 
“What do you mean?” He frowns. 
“You fucked me, put me in my place or whatever, now you can move on to someone else.” 
He scoffs, “is that what you think of me?” 
You shrug, looking at him with uncertainty in your eyes, “can you blame me?” You whisper, “you treat me like shit.” 
His eyes flash with guilt, he nods to himself. Without another word, he pulls away from you, pulling out with a hiss, he puts your panties back in place and puts his boxers and jeans back on. 
He fucked up, he knows it. Eddie always struggled with the feelings he had for you. Robin was right when she called him immature for treating you like this– the girl that he secretly loves. He hoped that this would change something but he thought wrong, if anything, he had made things worse for himself, knowing that he got to have you this once and probably never again, breaks his heart. 
Eddie hates himself at this moment. 
You glance at him as you put your dress back on, not bothering with your bra. Eddie’s hair is a mess, his cheeks are still red, his shoulder and neck littered with bite marks from you. He blinks fastly, as though he tries to blink tears away, it makes your heart clench in your chest. You want to pull him back into your arms and kiss him. Is it a good idea though? Probably not. 
You fix your hair and smooth out your dress. Eddie puts his shirt back on, sniffling quietly. 
Tears well up in your eyes as you remember all the times that he made you feel bad, all the times he pissed you off and made you angry, all the times he made you feel insecure, yet nothing, absolutely nothing made you feel worse than this. 
You leave. You get out of the van on shaky legs, placing your feet on the concrete floor, you blink the tears away as you step away from the van and from him. Now you feel the cold wind and the lonely feeling inside of you. You don’t wanna go, not after you had a taste of what it could be like if he just loved you. 
You halt in your tracks, closing your eyes, you take a deep breath. 
You can’t walk away, not from him. 
You turn back around and just as you take a step forward, Eddie suddenly jumps out of the van with a panicked look on his face and tears in his eyes. Surprised by your presence in front of him, he stares at you for a moment before he reaches out to grab your waist, you let him pull you closer, “please don’t go,” he whispers, “give me a chance, sweetheart. I'll fix things between us, I will, I promise, I will."
He pleads with his eyes and holds you tightly against him, afraid that you will disappear any moment. 
Your heart stutters and your knees almost buckle. 
“I-I know I fucked up but please–”
You kiss him for the hundredth time tonight and wrap your arms around him. He responds instantly, kissing you back softly and pressing your back against his van just like before, only this time, the kiss is sweet and filled with longing. 
“I’m crazy about you too,” you admit. 
“You are?” He asks. A smile tugs at his lips, happiness crosses his features. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. Placing your palms against his chest, you peck his lips again, “and I never think about Steve,” you mumble, cringing at the words that you have given him before, “he is my best friend and I never ever wanted him and he doesn’t want me either, Eddie.” 
He believes you. 
“I always just wanted you,” you whisper. 
His heart soars at your words, his gaze softens, he could melt right there and then, “do you still want me?” 
“Yes,” you whisper, “do you want me?” 
You look shy and uncertain of your words, you’re about to look down and break eye contact but he stops you from doing so, tilting your head up, he kisses your lips, “more than anything, sweetheart.” 
Robin smirks at Steve who holds your jacket in his hand. 
“I think you owe me 50 bucks.” 
Steve rolls his eyes as he watches you and Eddie making out against his van, “no, I don’t. We don’t know who made the first move.” 
Robin laughs, crossing her arms over her chest, “I’m saying she did, so..” 
Steve shakes his head, “no, Eddie was the one who made moves on her all this time, it was definitely him.” 
“You know what?” Robin tears his eyes away from you and Eddie and looks back at Steve, “I bet they’re gonna keep this a secret.” 
Steve smirks, shaking his head when he sees Eddie picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder, taking you back to his van. 
“Yeah and they’re definitely gonna slip up in the next two weeks.” 
Robin shakes her head, “no, y/n can keep a secret, I’m giving them three.” 
“Let’s bet on that then.” 
“Okay,” Robin nods, “let’s make it 100 bucks.” 
Steve sighs, “alright then, say goodbye to your money, Buckley.” 
“You wish.” 
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