#early vegetables
magazynkulinarny · 20 days
Sałata z młodych ziemniaków, kalafiora i zielonych szparagów z sosem jogurtowo-kurkumowo-curry
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Trudno im się oprzeć! Są delikatne, jędrne i rozpływają się w ustach! Młode warzywa: ziemniaki, kalafiory, marchewki, pietruszka, kapusta, bób, burak ćwikłowy itd. Do kompletu krótkosezonowe szparagi. 
Przypominają o tym, że czas płynie szybko i trzeba się nimi cieszyć, bo za chwilę przeobrażą się w starsze wersje siebie, już mniej nieskazitelne, mniej niewinne, nieco bardziej gruboskórne, ale za to pełniejsze zdrowia i smaku.
Warto pamiętać, że większość dostępnych w sprzedaży nowalijek uprawiana jest szklarniowo z zastosowaniem nawozów azotowych. Brakuje im słońca, a ich dojrzewanie przyspiesza się umieszczając w płytkim podłożu lub jedynie w roztworach soli mineralnych (hydroponika), co zmniejsza przyswajalność wartościowych związków.
Tylko bez paniki. To nie jest tak, że nowalijki są niezdrowe. Posiadają cały przekrój witamin i minerałów, są źródłem błonnika oraz przeciwutleniaczy. Należy jednak zadbać to, by przed spożyciem dobrze je opłukać, wybierać drobniejsze sztuki, unikać przechowywania w foliowych torebkach (bo uwalniają się szkodliwe azotyny) i decydować się na warzywa z ekologicznych upraw. Z kapusty czy kalafiora można wycinać głąb, oskrobać ze skórki warzywa korzeniowe, gdyż to tam gromadzi się sporo niezdrowych substancji. 
Zanim się obejrzymy pełne wibrujących barw i soczystości nowalijki przeminą i docenimy dojrzalsze, wartościowsze pod każdym względem warzywa. To one będą nam służyły przez większość roku. Potem się pomarszczą, stracą część wody, a niektórym wyrosną pędy. Co z nimi wówczas zrobimy?
Niedawno odkryłam w wiklinowym koszu takie ziemniaki. W moim rodzinnym domu zostałyby obrane i wylądowały w zupie lub obok kotleta, w kluskach lub pyzach. Ja - patrząc na nie ze smutkiem - wrzuciłam do kubła na śmieci.
Dobrobyt nie służy naszej wrażliwości.
7-8 drobnych młodych ziemniaków 1/2 główki młodego kalafiora pęczek zielonych szparagów kilka gałązek kopru
Sos jogurtowo-kurkumowo-curry ok. 300 ml jogurtu naturalnego łyżeczka soku z cytryny 1/2 łyżeczki kurkumy 1/2 łyżeczki curry sól i czarny pieprz do smaku
Warzywa dobrze wypłukać. Kalafior podzielić na różyczki. Jeśli kalafior jest duży, głąb usunąć. Szparagi jeśli nie są cienkie obrać. Odciąć twarde końcówki. Główki odciąć o odłożyć na bok.
Ziemniaki ugotować w osolonej wodzie. Gdy będą miękkie, wyjąć je łyżką cedzakową na duży talerz. Do tej samej, gotującej się wody wsypać łyżeczkę cukru i włożyć szparagi. Gotować dwie, trzy minuty. W ostatniej minucie dorzucić główki. Szparagi powinny pozostać jędrne. Odcedzić.
Mniej więcej w tym samym czasie, gdy będą się gotowały szparagi, do niedużego garnka włożyć sitko do parowania, wlać wodę poniżej poziomu sitka i wsypać różyczki kalafiora. Przykryć pokrywką i gotować ok. trzy minuty. Warzywa wyjąć z garnka.
Ziemniaki pokroić na talarki, szparagi na 3,5-cm kawałki, a koper drobno posiekać.
Jogurt połączyć z sokiem z cytryny i przyprawami. Dosmakować solą i pieprzem. Przelać do sosjerki.
Na talerze wykładać warzywa, obsypać koprem oraz świeżo zmielonym pieprzem, z boku wlewać po kilka łyżek sosu. Podawać.
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
I wish there were more restaurants with affordable prix fixe or tasting menus. I would love for nice but not ridiculously fancy restaurants to basically say "here is what we're sure is good today, you can eat that or maybe one or two other things. Otherwise come back in 2-3 days and see if that's more interesting."
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happyheidi · 2 years
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knownoshamc · 5 months
question: how does the "...losing several of our men, by the way" "mm kinda their job. they're pirates" exchange & Ed's face to Izzy being an angry little due and resigning, translates to izzy was manipulating Ed and he always had the upper hand? cause to me they seem like that old married couple, with the wife complaining about how she does everything around the house & takes care of the kids and the husband doesn't seem to give a fuck, right until she says she's leaving him
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heckyeahponyscans · 28 days
I love long, meadow-y grass so I don't mow my lawn. (Except the strip by the sidewalk, which is part of the public right-of-way.)
Today I discovered a ground nesting bird (a dark eyed junco) has built a nest on my yard, hidden by the long grass! Several little eggs in it.
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huntersapprentice · 7 months
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day 16: objecthead technically an objecthead?? wahh
head full of bedazzle and doodads
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curioscurio · 4 months
sometimes dinner NEEDS to be a carton of plain mushrooms, butter, and shallots ....
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specterofyou · 4 months
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deancaskiss · 1 year
gonna become the captain of the ‘deancas ranch universe’ because it’s so Them to retire to a ranch with gardens and bees and horses and cowboy boots and lassos and cattle and dean gets to be a cowboy and cas gets to have land to tend and it’s perfect for them
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oh-he-grows · 5 months
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never started this early before, this will force me to work on the garden so I have somewhere to transplant these guys when it's time
Onions, spinach, broccoli raab for now, I'm really trying to simplify the number of varieties I'm growing simultaneously. Aside from peppers and tomatoes, I think I'll stick to one variety each (for now).
Now that I've plotted out what I have left in my seed box, I can get a cart of the things I'm missing. The only things I can think of at the moment are Broccolini and decorative pumpkins, but I'm sure the seed catalogs will entice me into getting more.
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mokutone · 2 years
A dumb lil headcanon I have is that Yamato was assigned Naruto’s legal guardian in shippuden. (And that before it was Hiruizen, then Kakashi, then Jiraiya) just for convenience because he’s watching over Naruto all the time anyways.
oh god. sorry my response got really long but the fact is anyone even breathes a word of yamato being fatherly to naruto and i lose my shit and start beating my fist against the earth sobbing and shaking and etc.
now TO BE FAIR. i think if anyone should be naruto's legal guardian it should probably be iruka because iruka was the one who took care of naruto when naruto needed it most, and canonically naruto thinks of iruka as a father figure so much that he like, asks him to act as his father at his wedding, and he has this whole moment as a kid
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THAT SAID. i like ur ask, and when it comes to the idea of legal responsibilities, i find the idea of Yamato being granted (even temporary) guardianship over Naruto to be extremely funny and entertaining.
i think yamato would personally take a lot of pride in that and really enjoy it. i think he would love nothing more than to have a practical, obligatory tie to enable him in his desire to take care of the people he loves. i also think that he would be obnoxious about it, at least a little bit. partially because his sense of humor is a little weird, and partially because he has no idea how to act as a guardian figure.
like i think he'd say shit like "bedtime! that's an order!" and naruto would be like "oh, piss off!" and then yamato would use his scary face and naruto would get even more frustrated, and the whole time yamato would be like "wow, naruto is a great kid (if a little disobedient!) and this is such a fun game we are playing, even if it tires me out :)"
unfortunately i think, out of all the guardian/mentor figures that naruto has had, (sandaime, iruka, kakashi, jiraiya, tsunade, those elderly frogs, yamato...) i think yamato is the one he is least close with, and would least like to be a permanent fixture in his life.
i'm not saying that he doesn't like yamato, just that...i would be really surprised if there's a point after yamato gets captured, where naruto is like "man, we should really save yamato!" y'know?
i could be wrong! i haven't gotten there yet. but like. i'm not anticipating it. thats okay tho i love naruto and hes got a lot going on.
picture below is more related to the tags than the text
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#yamswers#agstudio9#sorry for SUCH a long response but i am constantly thinking about them bc yamato seems to care so much abt his stepstudent#that said. the idea of a story where yamato gets put in charge of naruto PURELY bc he has the mokuton + naruto has the 9tails#and naruto confuses and entertains tenzō#and tenzō upsets and frustrates and unnerves naruto#is an EXTREMELY funny concept to me.#especially if it happens before the shippuden timeline. now. listen. im being very silly here...but hear me out#imagine your name is [actually you don't have a name] and your ninja president tells you its time to be a ninja guardian to this ninja kid#and the kid is freaked out by you because you're impossible for him to get a read on and you scare him sometimes#and on top of that your former captain is laughing at you and the young man who was taking care of this kid is pissed and maybe jealous?#like it has all the makings of one of those wacky early 2000s movies about fail dads and their rebelious children#''THIS SUMMER...WATCH AN OUT OF TOUCH BLACK OPS SOLDIER TRY TO RAISE...KONOHAS DEMON FOX????''#now in theatres!#oh agstudio9. now im thinking on this. now im really dwelling on it.#iruka being over all the time bc he does not like the way this is shaping out and feels frustrated that naruto's guardian was assigned—#—not based on care or relationship to the boy. but on kekkei-genkai. but trying not to take it out on tenzō whose just Doing His Job#tenzō who has to learn how to make food more complex than vegetables in a pan/reheated frozens/Survival Gruel#ah. and. and maybe kakashi + tenzō dual-leading team 7 from the get-go... :) bc sasuke needs a sharingan-using teacher :)
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teplavecernice · 1 year
there is something so eastern european about may
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ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: January 17
"Stage Fright" by The Band
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ancientorigins · 1 year
The roots of civilization supposedly lie in the transition from hunters and gatherers to farming life. But research shows the farming life wasn’t as easy as the nomadic lifestyle. So why the change? This researcher believes we need to look elsewhere to find the real roots of civilization.
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seaside-sapphy · 5 months
an oc interaction based on prev
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halleehalfgallon · 2 years
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