#ea rant
riverofjazzsims · 2 months
Me not having updated my game since sometime in January because EA just keeps insisting on breaking the already broken more...
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is it even safe now?? is there such a thing with Sims 4
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a-m-pyra · 1 year
Making Jacob Frye in The Sims was easy f-ing peasy. Pure pleasure. In contrast to Jorge Blanco.
Please, help me. I'm loosing my mind 😅
AND I HATE EA. Even if I don't really like this whole oneiromancer-kind-of stuff about Alice, I still wanted this game so bad.
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ride-a-dromedary · 7 months
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Oh, my friends, don't ask me what your sacrifice was for.
There is a burden to being the survivor.
The witness to other's tragedies.
It only grows heavier with time.
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murfeelee · 9 days
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EA, this is some goofy behavior, y'all.
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What happened to TS4 being effing empty and its mobile-game engine being weak AF (no CASt/color wheel, open world, FUNCTIONAL transportation, etc) so the game could run faster and perform better than TS3~!? 🤡
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Y'all only created a QA team NOW? After a effing DECADE? EA, you mean y'all've been IGNORING the complaints of your LOYAL (corporate for: naive) playerbase while scamming them out of all their effing money for BROKEN half-baked products?!
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So with well over $1,200 of TS4 packs, is there ANYTHING worth buying that ain't broke?!
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Well dang. U_U
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satureja13 · 1 month
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Just got a shock when I didn't find 'For Rent' in my expansions pack list. They thought it would be a good idea to move it at the top of the list.
How can this happen? It's a pack in a list where the next pack is just added at the end of the list! There's nothing to change or mess up or move around. Why do they mess this up anyway? Why? *sobs* 😭 Such careless, stupid actions just cost time and money and keep them from doing important stuff (like fixing the game!) And this is just the mess we notice -.-
C'mon EA!
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draconifay · 10 months
My partner told me about how EA won't let American McGee make the third Alice game but still won't let him have his IP, leading him to retire and not want anything to do with the game anymore, and honestly, that pisses me off so much
It sucks to me that companies, be it for animated shows or games, will screw over people like artists and developers and not allow them to see out their vision, but still keep the IPs locked away forever despite not planning on doing anything with them?
Imo I feel like it should be made illegal for companies to hoard IPs like that. Cuz it sucks how creators get all their hard work stolen away, and they can't even make something out of it once they leave the companies that screwed them over.
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baku-usagi · 2 months
Really wish we'd gotten the og wyll who was more morally dubias, who was in a relationship with mizora, with mizora not being such a total bitch. Wish we could have had a real healthy Canon poly relationship with wyll and mizora as we helped him untangle his guilt and lies, and get to become the facade he'd put up.
Don't get me wrong love love my prince architype wyll, he is wonderful, but as we all know he has sooo much less content then everyone else because he was fucking reworked half way through. Wish we could have stuck out the wyll from ea.
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tamiisnthere · 3 months
I hate to write some random rant, but I really wish players would start boycotting The Sims 4.
Each new patch/DLC brings more and more glitches and bugs which developers refuse to fix or accidentally(?) create more bugs to fix some. Like for example right now there is a missing moodlets bug that corrupts some saves and because of this these must be deleted.
DLCs (mainly kits) are bland, almost empty, poor quality and expensive junk while modders create huge CC packs and mods that are high quality and most importantly free and also they fix the bugs that EA made.
Still, I feel sorry for console players who don't have the option to fix/improve the game unlike PC players and it makes the game unplayable due to broken patches.
Then players are reporting to EA who gives empty promises that they will fix it and later next DLC drop and it's same crap. It goes on and on in a never-stopping cycle.
And what's the worst, what annoys me the most? That some players want more content into game and EA wants TS4 to continue on even after Project Rene (The Sims 5) is released. It's a huge red flag since what a horrible state the game is in right now.
If you have TS4 as your comfort game and it helps improve your mood, please try to play either previous The Sims games like The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 or a completely different game. The possibilities are endless.
I'm saying this (even I'm just screaming into void) bcs I just don't understand when everyone says EA is one of the worst AAA video game companies, people still buy their games and DLCs which are unfinished and buggy.
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densewentz · 4 months
im literally going to cry so. If anyone has any knowledge of Steam, EA, Controller Layouts, and Dragon Age 2 please help me out if you can. I've been playing DA2 for forever on my pc using Steam to have a custom controller layout (where I just did a nightmare of keybinding to let me use my xbox controller since the game itself doesn't have controller support). It's been working fine no problem for literally years. I just plug my xbox controller in, start up the game, and boom, works. It was in fact working last night. And then today out of nowhere, the game just. Refuses to use my Controller Layout for DA2. Steam SAYS it is, when I click in to see what layout is active. But instead of following my keybindings in-game, it just acts like its using the default desktop configuration. It has made the game literally unplayable to me (I cannot play kb+m guys please don't suggest that to me okay) and I am totally devastated. I've tried just about anything I can think of but still it doesn't work. (I also don't know how relevant this is, but I also can't shift+tab and see the Steam Overlay despite all the settings saying I should be able to). I'm at my wits end so if anyone knows how to fix it and is capable of explaining it to someone who is totally out of their depth I'd appreciate it. Might even offer art to anyone who can help me out lol.
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fallstaticexit · 6 months
*squints* wait a damn minute 😑… so the toddlers have these faux EA lashes now? That’s awful 😩😭😭 help
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kyriat-sims · 6 days
I'm a tiny bit frustrated atm, because I'm back after being abroad for a month, I have a few days available for self-indulgence and fun, and was looking forward to finally checking in on my beloved simmies. But I can't!!
After some heavy thunderstorm in our area, our the internet connection failed, and we had to wait almost a week for the technician to come and fix the problem. Then, when we finally were back online, I couldn't log in to the EA app! As it turns out the error (EC10500) is with EA, and is "a particularly stubborn issue", especially if you live in Norway and use the ISP Telia.
I'm sure it will all work again - some day in the future - most likely the day when my vacation is over. 😢
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sparkiekong · 8 days
If one were to stop updating the game, would it be prudent to move to permanent offline mode?
Also.. I understand that in doing something like never updating again... that mods will move forward and eventually become broken. Meaning I'd have to either get rid of ones that no longer worked or keep the old versions that work and just maintain my own cc and/or use bgc cc.
I'll be honest, I don't like the new direction this game is taking and I'm uninterested in buying anything new. I'd been thinking about not buying anything more because of the in game cart and adverts.
This new update further confirms my decision of no longer buying these game updates. This latest update is a primer for in-game purchase models. I've seen this happen too many times in games now to be optimistic about it.
I'm going to keep posting screens and stuff for now, but I'm losing the will to do it.
bit of rant under the cut - feel free to skip. I'm just venting...
This is how it starts... and this is how the game will go completely gacha.
1. Game starts adverts on front page
2. Game then gets adverts in game 
3. Game adds a "nifty" - in game menu where you can do things in game for free points to buy things. "It's totally free and you don't have to buy anything! All you need to do is login!!" 
4. Game let's that happen for a few months to get us used to it and then we stop complaining about it or lose the desire to fight them about it... either way in game store is not going away...neither are the adverts.
5. Game adds in some things that are really hard to get points up for but are really cool to make you want to buy extra coins to speed up the process.
6. Game adds in game purchases for coins because everything you do for free is just a coin or two less than what you need to get the coolest item and you'll always have to buy twice as much as what is needed because it'll be a "deal" to get more points. Which then will continue your new gacha habit because you'll still be a few coins shy next month.
Welcome to your new Gacha... you didn't see it happen. By the time you figure it out, you will have already bought into the in game purchases.
No thanks. I'm done. This is exactly the wrong direction for me to enjoy this game. The ads are for sure not going away now and they're only going to get worse. It's a shame because I really enjoyed Sims 4... it was a good avenue (A little stressful at times because of mods being broken each update) for inspiring my writing. I'm highly disappointed in this direction.
I don't know if I want to keep doing story driven screening simblr stuff anymore. I want to keep telling the story of Cat and the gang, but these new changes are sapping my will to continue using the sims as an avenue for story-telling. I'm not sure what that means for me yet... but when I know you'll know.
The least these shady gaming companies could do is be up front about in game purchases instead of this underhanded bs where they sneak it in.
Fuck, even tumblr has this gacha model on it... "Ad-free 5 bucks" "badges in the store you want to look cool right?"
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simm-mouse · 5 months
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Erm, hello?🤨
Grim Reaper eyes glitch👁️👁️💀
It only happens with female sims, because when I had the same top on Wolfgang, his eyes were fine
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This Sim I'm using is my makeovered Morgan Fryes. This is what she usually looks like in my game
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The reason why I say Grim Reaper eyes, is because the sim modeling the hoodie in the screenshots is supposed to be Grim unhooded
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And they got big ol eyes. Hope this gets fixed soon
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ladytee918 · 3 months
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EA you Raggedy bitch. I’ve been trying to fix my game since I came home from work. I will never update again. 😒😒😒 I swear if paralives or life by you is good it could possibly be the end of the sims. As an avid 2k player I started playing NBA live 95 on the Super Nintendo. (Yes I’m that old) when Sega went defunct and NBA and NFL 2k was available for other consoles they quickly became the superior game. EA did a cut throat move getting the exclusive rights to the NFL and its players so no other company could make NFL game, while nba 2k over took nba live that they shelved it 2010 brought it back 2013 and shelved it again in 2018. Unfortunately I can see that happen to the Sims.
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fadedflora · 5 months
it sucks to have to be scared to update the game, no matter the size of the update, because you have no idea if it's going to break your game or not (not to mention going through the process of updating your mods)
#sims rant incoming!#i think a lot of sims fans (regardless of the game(s) they're a fan of) are just tired#tired of updates breaking their sims / their saves / their cc#tired of ea releasing broken buggy messes and having the audacity to make us PAY just for something to not work#tired of simulation lag making the game unbearable (especially for lower end devices)#tired of bugs that cause sims to get stuck on top of furniture / eyebrows/hair colors to change randomly / sim faces getting warped#idk it just sucks so bad to be a sims fan bc the only thing holding this community (and the games themselves) together are the mods#without mods and cc the sims (especially 4) would be unplayable because of how boring it would be#having to have mods to fully disable pack/base game features because they're not even slightly tuned (think fears/dust/etc)#or alternatively having to have mods to add in certain features or make certain features work properly (or better)#tired of bugs NEVER getting fixed and being fully ignored for months or even YEARS#and they don't even tell us they know about it so they can get away with ignoring it for as long as possible#not to mention the fact that TO THIS DAY if you want lgbtq+ rep in your game you have to PAY for it bc none of the lgbtq+ sims are base gam#(unless they changed sexualities of base game townies and idk abt it)#idk overall the sims (specifically 4) feels like a dumpster fire#i personally have no interest in a sims 5 because whats the point#why are so many simmers willing to scoot all the shit thats happened with the sims 4 under the rug under the guise of the sims 5 being good#do we really think the sims 5 will be any better when half the decent features are locked behind packs#certain features people paid for in packs are now base game so what was even the point in paying (like hot tubs)#idk everything about the sims 4 and the way it's continuously handled is so poor that i have no hope for any good quality content#maybe we'll get a decent kit or stuff pack here and there#but if we can't even purchase them without an item FULLY WARPING your sims face (ON RELEASE MIND YOU) what is the goddamn point
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cetology · 5 months
hsr is so fun when u dont have the misogynists bitching in ur ear abt how much better the guy characters are
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