#dude.. the last drawing i didn't realize that i drew him in like the same pose as the last one noooo😭
shiresmthn · 1 year
HELLO i am still very VERY much obsessed with this man
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mauesartetc · 1 year
I've seen it stated in a comment on reddit that Blitzo "deserved what happened to him at Ozzie’s. He forced himself on M&M’s date and then went out of his way to draw attention to himself KNOWING fizz was there. The entire event was a result of his own actions. Hell, Stolas treated it as an actual date and at least tried to make an effort to be sweet."
They also said:
""I’d like an acknowledgment of Blitz being the one who was in the wrong and admitting it himself. Stolas may be an out of touch rich aristocrat yes, but Blitz was neglecting him and taking advantage from the start. Stolas arguably had no reason to suspect that objectifying blitz was a problem considering he never seemed bothered by it until Ozzy’s. I’d like to think the hospital scene is what is starting the process of Stolas finally realizing blitz can’t be helped until he helps up himself and deals with his issues."
And I'm like: wtf? Are you seriously making Stolas into the injured party despite all the cr*p he has done? Hes the one who has apologizing to do; for objectifying and fetishizing Blitzo all while looking down on imps.
The last part stinks of not wanting white/privileged people to take accountability for microaggressions based on the excuse of them being "innocent".
Sorry, I know this is wildly beside the point, but:
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Dude, this is Tumblr, not TikTok. You don't have to censor yourself here. You don't have to make every word you write commercially viable. It's okay. Be free, little bird! Spew expletives left and right if you feel so moved!
I want everyone to feel free to speak their minds on this blog, and if that includes a few naughty words, so be it. Besides, I'm pretty sure no one's getting in trouble at work for reading a post that contained the word "crap".
Anyway, to the more pressing issue at hand: It's important to recognize at all times that these are fictional characters, not real people. They are puppets whose actions are dictated by writers. Yes, giving characters the illusion of agency when writing stories is a great way to engage your audience, but when analyzing stories, you have to focus on why the people who wrote them made the choices they did. Debating which character was in the wrong, or which character was more wrong, or which one should apologize, yadda yadda yadda, is a futile fucking exercise if you don't include the writers' intent in that conversation.
Let's look at Blitzo. He pretty objectively caused most of what went down at Ozzie's. He followed Moxxie and Millie, he invited Stolas, he drew attention to himself when he knew people who hated him were present. Now that last one seems pretty stupid, like the kind of mistake no one of sound mind in the real world would ever reasonably make. We could spend all day speculating what about his personality would lead him to do this, whether it's zero sense of self-preservation, a subconscious desire for self-sabotage, or simple inability to keep his damn mouth shut, but here's the thing: Other Helluva Boss characters have the same problem. To reiterate what I said here:
"Why did Octavia fully forgive her dad, no questions asked, even when he couldn't explain why he cheated on her mom? If Loona hates being around Blitzo so much, why didn't she just stay with the succubi on the beach? [...] Why did Moxxie make a huge romantic gesture in an environment where such gestures are frowned upon? [...] Why did Stolas bring an imp to a couples-only club despite knowing it'd ruin his reputation?"
The answer to all these questions is "because the plot demanded it." The writers wanted a certain outcome and wrote themselves into a corner before they could reach it organically. Instead of putting themselves into the characters' shoes or retracing their steps to make the endpoint feel like a logical conclusion, they just said "fuck it" and brute-forced the easiest solution, causing the result to make no goddamn sense.
Given the level this writing is on, it feels kinda pointless to argue with internet strangers over which character was in the right and which one wasn't. Subsequent episodes haven't addressed the events of "Ozzie's" (at least not in a way that means anything), leading me to believe the writers never cared enough about them to spark any sort of in-depth conversation. So why should we?
Honestly, this person just sounds like a Stolas simp. It's kind of a leap to assume they don't want real people of a certain race and class to bear responsibility for their actions. It's not that deep. None of this is that deep.
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azureaqua · 2 years
Oh my, She did it again! (a.k.a Ikevamp artbreeder edits this time - Pt. 2)
Yup, here we go, Part 2! Let's resume!
Part 1 here, if you missed it!
• Leonardo da Vinci
(I admit I was worried about him, when I started. I couldn't convert his avatar into a semi-realistic guy in my head immediately, so I was unsure. But I went with it, kind of mindlessly and just enjoyed the ride. And it worked! I think he got that mature, older-man look! A relaxed but piercing stare at the same time, and a laid-back expression! His hair is nothing like the game design but you know... I don't hate the extra curls. ;))
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• Comte de Saint-Germain
(This is my take on him. It's not so good, not so bad, it's something... But I know I'll never be able to live down @redweed 's edit of him, that I saw once, it was utter perfection. He didn't even got the exact hair color, and its shape has a life of its own. Sorry, Comte. I went for and older, more mature look for him too, like Leo, since the dude's an ancient vampire, so might as well add some age to his gentlemanly features. Maybe his stare is a bit harsh? Not as welcoming and gentle, but a decent try from me!)
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• Jean d'Arc
(Again, that one guy with the eyepatch. But this time I didn't struggle that much when drawing it on after. Yeah, I also edited his hair... The other picture is the actual portrait I achieved in artbreeder, minus the eye color. His hair was impossible to do - for me at least -, so I didn't even try. Like with Comte. I went more for the hair color, instead. It's decent, I like his blank and stone-faced stare. And I like how the hair and eyepatch drawing came out! He looks nice!)
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• Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
(He was one of the first — IF NOT the first that I completed. I don't remember. His features overall seem a bit strange and a bit possessed, with this eye color. His hair is a tad bit longer than in the game, but I'm actually surprised and happy that I could keep the pure white and it doesn't fade into a grayish color midway, just at the neck area, where it's darker anyway, due to shadows and overlapping lol. I'm satisfied with it! He's a bit grumpy but isn't he always like that?)
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• William Shakespeare
(I admit, I kind of forgot about him, and I realized in the last minute that he's missing. Sorry, Shakes. He was similar to Leonardo, couldn't really imagine him right away, but as I searched and just went with it, it came out nice in the end! I went for a gentle look and longer hair, but damn— this time his hair came out really long XD. It looks like he has a long ponytail that reaches his shoulders, and it's a big unhinged, but it's okay since Will is unhinged too, sometimes. Even his mismatched eyes look nice, I like him!)
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• Vlad
(I REALLY wanted to go for that soft and pure smile he usually wears! But he also has strong features; a long, firm jaw and nicely curved mouth, so it took a while. But I achieved what I wanted! And in the end, his hair came out good too! By that time, I didn't even pay that much attention to hairstyles. But he looks decent nonetheless, in my opinion. I kind of messed up with his eye color, but nvm. He has that sweet, pure but adult-like, mature look at the same time.)
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• Johann Georg Faust
(Okay, OKAY. Everyone calm down! Don't lose control, I know he looks really good! XD. No, but for real, I didn't even spent that much time on him — with editing on glasses and all. AND HE CAME OUT LIKE THIS. AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO'S IN LOVE?? Be my husband, Faust. I was interested in him so far too, but NOW. Although the shape of his glasses are kinda off, you can see the general idea. I drew on his ear cuff and the small chain attached to it, connecting it with his specs, and edited his eyes, but I didn't even need to touch his hair! He just looks sooo good. And his strict, ruthless expression is one to die for too!)
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• Charles-Henri Sanson
(I wanted to make him soft, but not as soft as Vincent. And I wanted to add difference in his features too, of course. I unintentionally made his hair this curly, but it makes him cuter in my opinion. I wanted a semi-smiling, gentle expression on him. I didn't draw his earrings on, and his eyes don't pop as much as in the art. But he's precious, isn't he?)
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Yay, another one of the Ikemen games is done!
(Now I need to make one for the Sengoku guys, right? Well, who knows, my page is pretty messed up now in artbreeder lol.)
Overall I'm really satisfied with the whole gang, they look really nice!
And the realistic filter helped them a lot! <3
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catzula · 4 years
Don’t be late.
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Warnings: Cursing, 4.5 k words, fluff in general, Bakugou being a dumbass, reader is always late.
a/n: I genuinely had fun writing this fic and I hope you guys have fun reading it!
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Synopsis: you're a student at the support section and since Bakugou literally drove everyone else insane, you were the last person that would help him with his costume. Little did he know that you had a crush on this sparky sparky boom man.
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Everybody in the support section just hated that one guy. That guy named Bakugou who would practically harass people until he got what he wanted. Well, okay, almost everyone who knew Bakugou hated him but people in the support section hated him in a whole new level.
He was a nightmare. Nobody could even stand him.
Well, nobody except for you. You thought of him as intriguing, as well as a pain in the ass. But even him being a pain in the ass could be justified in your eyes, you knew he was doing all this simply because he was a perfectionist. Of course he could tone it down a bit, but... That would.be very out of character, wouldn't it?
He thought of himself as the best and it shouldn't be a surprise, for him to want to have a hero costume that was also perfect. You could understand that, but it still didn't change the fact that he was the worst kind of customer anyone would ever have to work with.
He had never worked with you though, he was in class 1/A for gods sake, of course he didn't work with you... Well, that until he ran out of people that would help him willingly.
"You know what? I'm done. Go fuck yourself." Were the words that echoed in the room, suppressing even those deafening machine sounds. Your friend threw Bakugou's costume in his face harshly, still cursing under his breath.
"Tch, whatever! You're just some extra that can't even do what I asked for." You watched Bakugou as his upper lip curled threateningly, reminding you of a wolf, and boy did he look pissed. Like, really pissed. His crimson eyes glaring at the guy in front of him, who was packing his supplies and trying to get away from this angry dude as soon as possible.
"That's the thing, Bakugou! What you want doesn't exist! I don't have these miraculous powers that when I snap my fingers your costume just turns into something else. You have to give me details of what you're asking and you have to ask something that makes sense! Not just some dumb idea that popped into your mind!" Everybody knew that was a lie. Bakugou always had the most amazing ideas, so creative and so... Logical. It's just that they were too... Much. To much to execute, they were brilliant but not doable.
"First of all, it does make sense, it's you who can't understand! Second of-"
"Whatever, Bakugou. I'm done with this shit. Go find someone else to help you with your costume."
"Who the fuck are you to not let me fucking talk? I will fucking kill you-"
"That's enough Bakugou." A monotone voice that came from the door made Bakugou freeze. You knew this black haired guy, he was the Eraserhead! You saw him around the campus but never from up this close!
Bakugou looked at his teacher, never losing that wolfish expression on his face, and he exited the room without saying anything, which was a first for everyone in this room. Eraserhead also exited, looking like he was about to go in a coma.
The room was still silent, until it wasn't.
"Oh my God, what a fucking jerk."
"I can't even believe how you managed to put up with him that long."
"He's not even that good."
Lie. That was a big fat lie because Bakugou may not be a lot of things but he was that good. Still, you chose to stay silent, your eyes still glued to the door he just exited from.
He amazed you, really. You noticed him the first time he came to the support section, his aura screaming confidence. He started to come there frequently, making everyone else go crazy, but you just kept noticing small details about him every time he came there. He was an asshole, no one could deny that, but he was also amazing.
It was amazing how determined he was, even though it was a pain, his perfectionism also left you in awe, how smart he was, how confident he was, how strong he was...
You realized your big crush on him the day you saw him on that sport festival. The other people thought it was so unheroic of him to go that hard on Uraraka, which was so stupid. Didn't she also want to be a hero? Wasn't she going to the same school as him, going through the same trainings? It was only normal for him to beat her, because if he didn't, she would have beaten him. Would people tell her it was so rude of her to go that hard on him too? No, you thought he was astonishing to act the way he did.
Him being so proud, not accepting the first rank made your heart beat faster. He was just so strong, so proud, so vulnerable it made you want to hug him tightly and tell him that he was your hero.
Not that you would ever have the chance though, or so you thought.
He came back not even after a few days, making everyone groan in frustration. He went straight to the table that displayed the recent projects that were done. The table existed to give an idea of what anyone could do so they could choose along shit what they had in mind. So that meant, who's item he chose would have to work with him. All of you eyed him, waiting to see who was the very unlucky person.
He picked one invention of the table, looking somewhat intrigued, and looked around the room trying to guess who it belonged to. When he couldn't guess he went to the nearest person and shoved the invention in their face. "Who does this belong to?!"
The person he was holding eyed the object he was holding suspiciously, relief written on his face when he saw it didn't belong to him. "I think that's Y/N's."
You could hear the sighs of relief around the room. So did he, but he didn't seem to care. Instead he walked towards you, he was so close you could smell-
Why on earth did he smell like... Caramel?!
"Is this yours?" You felt the tingling sensation of excitement all over your body, giving you goosebumps. "It is." You answered, which made him narrow his eyes, looking at you suspiciously.
"Is it really yours? You did this?" Now that was straight up rude. "Yes, it's really mine, asshole. What kind of a question even is that?!"
He shrugged shit a smug grin on his face. His eyes wandered over you, looking at your (e/c) eyes, your face, your figure, and his grin grew wider.
"I haven't seen you around here before." Ah, the angry boy was back. His upper lip curled ever so slightly, looking at you like you were some lowly human. "Oh yeah? Well I have seen you quite a lot here. You know, while you were making everyone else go crazy."
Your answer turned his face red with anger but -a miracle- he was holding back! You could see it was really hard for him not to scream insults in your face but he was aware that you were his last chance. Oh didn't that just boost your ego. Now it was your turn to look at him with a smug grin on your face.
"Whatever." He mumbled pulling you to the nearest table. "What are you-" Before he even let you finish he shushed you and lay down the papers he was holding on the table. You looked at what's on the paper, it was a costume drawing, a really detailed one at that. As you got closer to the paper, inspecting it, he was watching your every move with narrowed eyes.
After you memorised everything on the paper you bir your lip, trying to hide your admiration. "Did you draw this? Are these all... Your ideas?"
The drawing wasn't amazing but it was neat, everything was calculated to the very core, the ideas were so clear on the paper, making you feel like you only had to follow these instructions and do nothing else. "Yes, of course I drew them! Everything you see there is mine." He said angrily but you could see he wasn't actually angry, just proud.
"Well, they're pretty good, if I'm going to be honest." You said trying to hide your excitement. You traced the drawing with your finger.
"I know they are. But can you do it?" His smug grin was back and you couldn't help but roll your eyes at him. Could you do it?
You smiled sweetly and surely enough he smiled back, already knowing your answer.
His smile dropped, leaving it's place to a furious look in his eyes. "You dumbass, then why the fuck are you wasting my fucking time?!" He screamed, people around you shot you a knowing look. He pulled the paper of the table harshly, about to leave when you held his wrist and made him stop.
"Can you stop for a fucking minute and listen?" His eyes widened when he heard you cursing, a big contrast to your sweet tone and face. "I can't do this, but neither can anyone else."
"What the fuck does that mean?" He screamed making you winch. "Can you just- shut up for a second? This is not possible, get that in your bigass head. But-" you stopped thinking for a second. You shuffled around the drawers in search of a pen. "But, I can do this instead. This would be much more possible, and it would give you what you were aiming for. Of course it wouldn't be the same but the end product will be helpful."
You said quickly sketching your idea on the paper, as quick as possible before you forget what you were thinking about.
When he saw what you drew his burrows furrowed and for a second you thought he was mad at you but instead he huffed. "Tch, not bad I guess." He said, but internally he was so impressed that you actually came up with this alternative in a few seconds of so.
"Wait, does that mean you'll work with me?" You said eyes open wide. Well the question was more as, would you work with him, but he didn't say that. "If you can do it, I will."
"That's amazing, now I finally have a worthy client!" You said excitedly and on of his burrows went up, sending you an questioning look. "Worthy of... You?"
You shot him a killing glare but stayed quiet. "Let's work on this idea a little more, what do you say?"
He shrugged. "It's too noisy in here. Lets go to the library." He said ready to pull you out of the room but you shot a glance at your phone, pouting. "Can't, I gotta finish this side project today. Meet me at the library tomorrow? How is 4pm?"
He wasn't really happy since you couldn't work on it immediately but he had to be a little nice to you, not just because you were the last person that would actually help him, but your idea was also pretty good. "Tch, whatever. Don't be late."
You smiled sweetly, making his heart beat a little faster. Why did his heart beat this fast? Was this your quirk or something?
"Bye Bakugou." You waved as you started to sketch something on a sheet of paper.
Bakugou was sitting in the library, shooting angry glances at the clock. When he saw you coming towards him with a big smile on your face, your hands full of papers, books and stuff, he felt his heart jump. This had to be your quirk.
"Hey! So I worked on this idea we talked about yesterday and-" Before you even sat next to him you started to talk without even stopping to breath. "You're late." He murmured with and angry look in his eyes, you looked at your watch and smiled apologetically. "Oops, sorry, I was with Shinsou about- well that's not important is it? It's 5 minutes anyway."
Bakugou had always been an angry individual but today he could practically feel his explosions itching for him to release them. You saw the look in his eyes and laughed, "Hey, chill out. I'm sorry, alright? I'll make it up to you with a coffee, how does that sound?"
Bakugou didn't even like coffee but he couldn't refuse this offer either. "If you get there in time."
You laughed once again, a sweet sound that made Bakugou feel proud, even though he didn't even know why he was proud. "Yes, yes, I'll be there on time. But let's discuss this now." You lay the papers down, showing a few new sketches.
You both worked on it for a long time, even though it felt like a few minutes at most. You sometimes felt his gaze on you, instead of the paper in front of you, which made your cheeks flush red.
"So um-" you said, not really sure what to even say. "This was nice."
He had never heard anyone from the support section say that working with him was nice, but he still took the compliment. "Meet me at the coffee place tomorrow? Since it's weekend we can meet a little earlier too."
His eyes narrowed as he looked at you. It was weird having someone who actually wanted to work with him and it felt odd. A good type of odd, if he had to confess.
"Don't be late." He said.
You laughed. "I won't."
You were late.
Bakugou was about to go crazy waiting at the coffee shop. He felt so stupid for waiting for you but felt even worse for not being able to leave. His mind kept making you excuses, every time the door opened he felt his heart jump and that made him so angry at himself.
He was about to leave when the door opened once again, this time it was actually you entering. His eyes widened when he saw you, you looked incredibly pretty without any dust smeared on your face, your (h/c) hair in a cute style that enhanced your beautiful face and was that... Make up? He wasn't sure, hell, he never even realized any of these things before. But he couldn't take his eyes off of you and felt his anger die inside him.
You saw him and your eyes shined in a way that made him want to smile too, a cute smile was on your face when you came to his table.
"You're late!"
"That can't be I'm actually-" you checked the time and pouted. "Oh, I'm late."
His eyebrows furrowed, so he wasn't even important enough for you to actually show up on time? He was about to say something mean but held his tongue when you giggled. "I actually left the dorm an hour early to be here before you..." You shrugged. "Apparently I'm incapable of actually arriving anywhere at the time we agreed on. I hear this all the time, I just can't get anywhere on time!"
He felt a little better knowing it wasn't only him, but still. He was Bakugou Katsuki for Gods sake! He wasn't just someone, he was the future number one hero. Still, he couldn't help but feel good knowing you intended to be here early.
"Whatever." He said not looking at you. "No, I'm actually sorry!" You said biting your lip.
"It's whatever. Let's just get some coffee and get this shit done with." You felt a sharp pain in your chest, he wasn't wrong, but it felt bad hearing that from your crush. You should have known he wasn't actually interested in you, he wouldn't have chosen you if you weren't his last chance.
You still didn't let that spoil your mood, at the very end you were here, drinking coffee with him, weren't you?
"Well, what would you like to drink?" You asked, taking your wallet out of your handbag. His eyes shined with anger when he saw what you were doing.
"Like hell I'll let you pay for it!" He said, stopping you.
"But this is for making you wait yesterday!" Feeling his hand holding you made your heart jump. "And well... Today too." You added.
"I don't care, I said I won't let you pay, and I won't."
"Stop arguing for fucks sake!" You closed your mouth at that. "O-okay. Well I'll have (your favorite beverage)." You saw him smile at your answer and stood up.
You were trying to calm yourself while he was buying you coffee, didn't even realize someone was calling your name. "Y/N!"
A hand touched your shoulder, making you jump in surprise. It was a certain indigo haired boy who looked very much sleep deprived. "Oh, Shinsou!" You smiled sweetly. You have helped him a lot before, which ended with you guys being close friends.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, even though it was a stupid question, he was addicted to coffee. "Well, duh." He said, shaking the carton of coffee on his hand. You smiled at that. "But what are you doing here?" He looked around to see anyone familiar that you could be waiting for. He saw Bakugou ordering coffee, but it was such an impossible thing for both of you to be together so he didn't even think about it.
"Well I uh..." You didn't even have time to answer when an angry boy came close to your table. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"
Shinsou's eyes widened ever so slightly looking at the angry boy, and then back at you. "You're here with him?"
"You got a problem with that?" Bakugou asked, taking his seat right across you.
"Well, we're working on his costume." You said sensing the tension.
Bakugou scoffed, apparently not happy with your answer. "Well, okay. I'll see you around?" Said Shinsou, you could understand why he was walking away, since his motto was stay out of drama. "Yeah, sure!" You smiled sweetly, feeling a little bad because you felt like you were dusting him away.
"Are we gonna start working or not?!" You flinched when you heard him scream, a sinking feeling reminding you once again, he wanted nothing to do with you other than working on his costume.
"Sorry." You mumbled. "So I um, worked on this a little more after you left and I think it would be much better if we changed this to this. Because otherwise it would be too heavy."
Bakugou scoffed. "Hah, I can handle heavy." You glanced at him, surprised by his unnecessary narcissism. "Yeah, I know. But still, wouldn't it be better if it were lighter?" He stayed still for a while then shrugged.
"Tch, whatever." Oh, you were starting to see a pattern here. Maybe it wasn't just unnecessary narcissism, but more like... Trying to impress you?
"Are you training today too?" You asked, just testing the waters. "Of course I am! If I'm going to be the number 1 hero, I gotta train every fucking day."
You tapped your chin with your finger. "That's true. Although I've seen you train before and it looked pretty intense." And that was true. He was training so hard it made you shudder just thinking about it.
"Oh, you were watching me?" Oh, shit. You tried to ignore the heat rushing to your cheeks. "Well I wasn't watching you specifically, but it was so... Extra so I may have looked your way once or twice." You tried to cover. But the smug grin on his face told you he didn't believe it a bit.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say."
"So, what do you think? Should I change this part? Oh and I thought it would be better if we did this too-" You stopped talking when you felt his eyes lingering on you, instead of the paper. "Bakugou?" You said smiling. "Why are you staring at me?"
"I'm not staring at you!" He shouted, your smile dropping almost instantly. "Why the fuck would I even stare at you?!" His hands were tight fists on the table, his red eyes reminding you of flames. Your eyes widened at his response and you forced a laugh.
"Well, ouch." You said with the same forceful laugh. "I- I wasn't implying anything, you know..." You mumbled.
"I- I..." This was the first time you have seen Bakugou in a loss of words. You shrugged. "Yeah, I know, you want to get this over with as soon as possible."
That was far from what he wanted to say but he accepted it nonetheless.
You both worked on it for hours, once again the time passed quickly, felt like it was a blink of an eye. "That was intense." You said while stretching a bit.
"Well, that was it. We finished the whole design and idea process and I'll take it from here."
His brows furrowed. "What do you mean by I'll take it from here?"
You shrugged. "I just have to actually do this now, so we don't really have to meet like this." Why did Bakugou feel that sting in his chest? For Gods sake, what the fuck was your quirk?
"Y/N." He said that made you stop stretching. Hearing your name from him made your heart beat faster. "What the hell is your quirk?"
"My quirk?" You asked, a little surprised at the sudden question.
"Well it's not a big quirk. I can manipulate shadows." You shrugged. Your quirk had never came off as handy but it was fun to change the shapes of people's shadows and seeing their reactions.
Bakugou desperately tried to find a relation with your quirk and this weird sensation he felt every time you smiled but he couldn't find any.
"That's a dumb quirk." He said instead. You giggled, surprising him. "It is, but I don't really need a quirk to be special, I can work without it just fine."
His brow quirked up at your response. "If you say so."
Everyday for the next week, Bakugou had visited you in your workspace. "I want to see if you're doing a good fucking job." He said when you asked him why.
He stayed with you as long as he could, telling you about his day, about those damn extras in his class, with the exception of "Deku." He was talking about Deku like he wasn't even a part of the class. You knew he was talking about Izuku Midoriya, that green haired shy guy who broke a limb every time he used his quirk. Oh, Bakugou talked about him a lot, with great hatred too.
But even though he was just rambling, you loved to listen to him. And even though he never even implied it, you knew he liked watching you work too. It was probably because he was interested in how his costume was coming up but you still enjoyed it very much.
But the truth was that he had almost completely forgotten about his costume. He was coming to see you every day, every chance because you... You just understood him. But Bakugou was so foreign to these feelings, it made him feel scared and vulnerable.
You weren't aware of any of this, of the internal crisis he was having, so you were surprised when he suddenly stopped showing up.
You couldn't really work too, since your eyes were practically glued to the door, waiting to see a glimpse of the spiky blonde hair, but you never did.
The day you were done with the costume, you texted him. You tried to look as good as you could, cleaned the dust off of your face and your uniform, wore your best perfume only to see someone else who came instead of him to pick the costume up.
It was Kirishima, you had chatted with him before, he was a pretty cute guy, and you knew from your daily chats from Bakugou he liked him too. So just seeing him reminded you of Bakugou which made your mood even worse.
"Is... Is Bakugou okay?" You asked.
You saw the uncomfortable look on his face and you knew Bakugou was avoiding you. "He- he- he is okay... He's just-" You sighed but smiled nonetheless. "It's okay, I understand." His eyes widened. "You do?!"
You shrugged. "He's done with me, I see that. I had the same treatment from some other students too, although it's not very nice, is it? Still, say hi to him for me please."
"It's- it's not like that, he's just-" Kirishima looked a little embarrassed but mostly panicked and you couldn't help but giggle. "It's okay, I'm just happy I could help him."
When Kirishima went back to the dorms, only to find Bakugou on the couch looking at his phone, he was pissed.
"Dude you must be the dumbest person alive."
"Who the fuck are you calling dumb, shitty hair?!" Bakugou jumped from the couch, about to end Kirishima once and for all but Kirishima wasn't having it. "You! I'm calling you dumb! I took your costume from YN, the girl you have been avoiding like the plague, and I was embarrassed for you!"
Kirishima saw Bakugou stiffening as he mentioned your name and smiled knowingly. "Bakugou, if you don't go there and talk to her I will kick your ass."
"You can't kick my ass, idiot." Bakugou answered gruffly.
"Oh but I can. Go fucking talk to her dude! She asked about you, you know? What you're doing is so fucking unmanly." Kirishima gave Bakugou the costume he was holding and Bakugou could swear he could smell your scent on it.
"You call me unmanly one more fucking time and you won't have a tongue to call anyone unmanly. I am the definition of manly."
"Not with that attitude you're not."
"Who the fuck are you, my mother or something?" But Bakugou knew Kirishima was telling the truth, and he just couldn't get rid of this stupid feeling in his chest. Yet, he had thought that if he just stopped seeing you, he would never feel this way ever again. He was wrong. Oh, he had thought of you almost every second of the day, his heart feeling heavier with every second he didn't see you and it was more than he could bear.
He knew what he had to do, he just didn't have the courage before.
"I think- I have to go." He said practically running to the door. He passed the now entering Kaminari with such force and speed, Kaminari almost lost his balance. "Woah, where the fuck is he going?" He asked looking at the grinning Kirishima.
"You'll see." Was his answer.
You were about to leave the workshop, later than usual but you didn't really mind working a little longer, anything that would take your kind off of him, you accepted gratefully.
All of that until you heard his voice.
You jumped not expecting this at all. Your eyes widened when you saw the face you had longed to see for almost a week, and there he was, cheeks flushed like he had ran all the way here.
And you knew why he was here. You weren't stupid, the look in his eyes just gave it away. So a smile found its way on your lips, the sweetest smile he had ever seen that made him feel like he could die right than and there.
"Bakugou!" You said, walking towards him. "You're late."
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Chapter III | Towards the Stars
//TW: Mentions of PTSD episodes and suicide
The day Francis so anxiously awaited finally came. “FRANCE!? FRANCIS!” An English voice called out, jarring him from his sleep. That's when he knew.
“Here..here! Angleterre!” He tried to sit up from the cot. Suddenly he heard dogs barking. The ones he knew Germany had put in front of the door so he couldn't escape. “Arthur the do-!” Before he could finish he heard gunshots and canine whimpers. England barged in through the door.
“FRAN- BLOODY HELL.” He laid eyes on his neighboring nation. Now bruised and bandaged. France looked away in shame as England averted his gaze and cleared his throat. “Come on now. You get to go home.” He came over and helped his Allie stand up. Francis wrapped his arms around him and sobbed.
“Oh Angleterre I'm sorry for the horrible things I've ever said about you! I'm sorry for all of our fights! I-I!”
Arthur looked at him stunned. “Oh well..it's alright you..I mean old chap.” He decided now was not the time for teasing. “Come on. Someone wants to see you.” Francis sniffled and nodded allowing himself to be helped down the stairs.
Once outside England wrapped a blanket around his shoulders. Francis hadn't noticed as he paid close attention to America shouting at Germany and Prussia. Both were on their knees in handcuffs, guards surrounding them so they couldn't escape. The younger brother noticed France and glared at him. Francis shied away feeling Ludwig's ice blue eyes dig into his very soul. “Nevermind him.” Arthur turned him to another direction, immediately he saw Belgium who was wrapped in a blanket as well.
“Emma! You're OK!” She looked up and came over.
“France!” The Belgian smiled. “You're OK too!”
Those were a few pleasant memories. Unfortunately for France though, the bad outweighed the good.
It had been nearly twenty years since then. One day, England had decided to come over and check on him. “France?” He unlocked the door with the key Francis let him have. He heard sobbing coming from a distance. So he decided to check upstairs. “Oh no..” He went towards the noise, which was his bedroom. “France?” He asked again, peering into the room. “It's alright-” Francis tossed and turned in his sleep. Arthur realized. “He's having another night terror..” England sighed and suddenly jolted from his thoughts as the Frenchman began to scream. He knew you shouldn't wake someone up but he couldn't leave him to recall such dark memories. He rushed over and immediately helped him sit up. “Sh. France it's OK. You're home now.” He spoke softly as the other man continued to cry. England noticed him beginning to wake up. “Here.” He went into the next room to grab something, he knew this was Francis’s gallery. He saw something small enough to grab and rushed back in. He handed him his sketch pad that had a drawing of Joan d'arc on it.
Francis clung to the drawing and began to calm down. “Look at all the marvelous stars you drew.” England tried to cheer him up as France looked down at his art work. “You know you'll never see the same star twice. Each night is fresh with different kinds of stars of all shapes and sizes. This is your chance to meet new people. Get out and see the world. If you're up to it you can start attending the world meetings again.”
“Merci Angleterre.” He wiped his tears as he came to his senses.
In the neighboring country, unlike France, Germany had no one to comfort him. Everyone was still angry at him. And the only person who did care about him was locked away behind a brick wall.
Ludwig held his ears in agony. “I'M SORRY I'M SORRY.” He shouted, he couldn't recall when the episode started, all he heard were countries shouting and screaming at him. Calling him names and teasing him. He slid to the floor. “I KNOW I KNOW..I'D BE BETTER OFF DEAD!” He suffered until the voices finally left him alone.
A few months later, Francis was doing much better with the help of his friends. The doctors told him it would be long lasting but he knew he had support. He heard his phone ring and ran to pick it up. “Salut-” America cut him off.
“Yo French fry could you go check up on Germany for me? We got into an argument a little bit ago and he said he'd call me back and the dude hasn't yet.”
“Maybe he just needs some space America.” After all this time France had found it in himself to forgive Ludwig. He had thought long and hard about what he had said the first day of his captivity. “Besides it would take me awhile, even by plane to get from my house to his.”
“Aw come on dude! You do this for me and I'll stop calling you French fry!”
“DEAL!” France shouted, he hated that nickname with a passion. He slammed the receiver down and went to pack a suitcase.
“He better keep his promise!”
It took a few hours for Francis to actually get to Ludwig's house. He finally made it however and knocked on the door. “Lud..Ludwig..?” When he received no response he rang the doorbell. Nothing. He grew concerned and looked around. The car was parked in its place. “Strange..” He decided something was wrong, and it needed investigating. Francis walked around the house, he was in luck, a living room window was open to let in some fresh air. “This is crazy but..” He climbed through.
“Allemagne. It's me, France.” He announced his presence. “Maybe that was a bad idea..he's probably still remorseful.” He walked into the kitchen, remembering that Ludwig liked to cook. Maybe he was distracted. He stepped in and looked looked around. “Ger-” He let out a girlish scream. “GERMANY!” He rushed to his side. Ludwig was unconscious on the floor. “Wha..what? How did this happen!?” He looked around for an explanation. He noticed a pill bottle on the counter. “Please..don't tell me..” He looked in the bottle of Bayer aspirin. Empty. He ran to find a phone. Luckily the operator could speak French and understand the scared and rambling man.
An ambulance came and took Ludwig. Francis was sure to follow in his car. The thought dawned upon him as to why he should care at all. He should be happy shouldn't he? But he wasn't. Quite the opposite, yet he didn't know why.
Francis stayed at the hospital right outside his room while they tried to drain the drugs from his body. Once he got the OK from the nurse he went inside. He looked over to see Ludwig's side of the room had a window. Francis smiled. “Good. Now he can look up at the stars and have hope.”
A policeman came up to France. “Sir?”
He turned around. “Oh. Oui?”
“We found this on the counter. It was addressed to you and an Emma.” He handed Francis the note which was inside a plastic evidence bag. He promptly took it out and read it.
“Oh Ludwig..”
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