error-ha · 3 months
Время ДРИМА из моей вселенной CuteCruel
Согласитесь он милый, но если есть другое мнение, можете конечно высказат под постом, хех.
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И Доп контент ради для вас, с большей милотой и... Насилием!?!?!?
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Его немного жмыхнуло, но жить будет, конечно.. Я надеюсь, врач Найт ещё никого не терял!
До следующих персов.
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a-whispering-echo · 8 months
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Inktober: Day 5 - Apple
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 months
woa…- dremtale gin…
Didn’t know yet made apple flavoured gin
apple flavored gin..................................
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neogabu99 · 4 years
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Iba a hacer un comic más largo pero me quede en blanco en medio del proceso ;3; lo siento, pero al menos hice esto, que en un principio lo iba a dejar
Y sé que no es la gran cosa
-Nightmare by @jokublog
-Cross by @jakei95
-Neo by me
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Comet: [Can we go out to ice cream?]
Dream: Did you ask Nightmare?
Comet: [He said no]
Dream: Then why did you ask me?
Comet: [He’s not the boss of you]
Dream, internally: it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a trap
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rumiko-sayuri-blog · 6 years
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Lil stars 💕
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Day 1
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lucifeniia · 7 years
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Welp~ I have the idea to make a mini comic about Dream and Hope’s job~ Then let’s say it’s the cover of a new comic who will come one day “ Hopes and Dreams “ x)  Dream belongs to @jokublog
Hope belong to me~
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spamtonromantic · 2 years
had a nightmare where an au sans (possibly an underswap variant?) called moonberry found himself in the classic undertale sans' house after apparently some sort of symbiote virus had overtaken his au (or more specifically his brother) and he begged classic for a place to stay for the night because he was exhausted from running from the virus (he by luck teleported to the og undertale) and sans was like yeah sure whatever but it turns out sans was studying said virus and it escaped shortly after moonberry got there and thats where i woke up in a panic trying to find the closest exit to climb out of
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socksandbuttons · 3 years
What if i shared art and talked about things??? UNLESS...
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error-ha · 1 year
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Нутмер >:∆
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Dream Sans ( Yes,hands of ЖОПЫ Grows )
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solyayo6 · 3 years
Rem sans dremtale
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cat-kleog · 4 years
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Desireverse! AU and desing belong to me Dremtale| Nightmare!Sans belong to @jokublog
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undertaleandyou · 4 years
Outer codes when (the kid is in there teens and can travel aus) runs away? Reactions is they find them both dead and alive? Thank you! ((Outercodes are Dream, Night, Ink, Error, and can you please add Fresh too?))
I thought Dream and Night were a part of Dremtale? And where did Outercodes come from - I thought it was Underverse? Was I wrong the whole time? Is Underverse it’s own thing? Have I messed up my tags? ;0; ~ Mod Goblin
At first, Dream wouldn’t understand why his child would run away. He thought he had a pretty good relationship with his child...
He gives them about two days to come back. Maybe they just needed some time alone? But after two days, something has to be wrong.
He’s not sure which AU to look into first, so he’ll ask Ink for help.
Ink helped for a while, but his attention would be spotty so Dream would have to remind him of what they’re trying to accomplish.
If found alive, Dream would be so relieved and brings his child back home, gets them cozy and lets them feel safe before giving them a long-winded lecture.
If found dead, Dream breaks down. If only he looked for them sooner! Where they kidnapped and brought here?! Who would even do this?!
This becomes an issue that Ink addresses. He and Dream both start investigating who did this and how to stop them so no one else gets hurt.
He honestly wouldn’t be surprised if his kid hated him. Not that he’s a shitty parent, but probably because his kid found out that he didn’t want kids in the first place and took it the wrong way.
Night instantly goes to find him so he can explain himself. Sure, he didn’t want kids at first, but then they came along!
He tries to find them on his own, but with little to no luck. He tries to remember what universe he showed his kid.
If he finds them, he’ll explain that he has changed his mind and, after all, did he ever make them feel unloved? I mean, look at them, they’re doing pretty damn well! 
He gets his kid home, have a little father/child talk. 
“Oh, by the way, you’re grounded for two days for scaring me like that.”
“.... Fair enough.”
If found dead, Night becomes... Cold. Something snaps in him, but he doesn’t know what. He ends up disappearing.
You call Dream, but he doesn’t know what happened either.
Where could they both be....?
Ink isn’t exactly the best parent. He does try, but his attention flies when a new AU is created, so he’ll need some help from his S/O to keep him on track.
Because of this though, his child may run off because they’re feeling neglected. 
Ink immediately is worried for their safety and does everything he can to look for them through the various AUs.
If/When he finds them, he apologizes to them. This is his own fault and his child should have never felt like this in the first place. He’s going to make things right from here on out.
If he finds his child fall victim to fate, he’s horrified. He blames himself for having this happen in the first place.
He disappears for a while, but he eventually comes back. Something about him has changed, but you don’t know what. He’s more... Focused...
I have this headcannon that Error could not bring himself to raise a baby and probably becomes more of a dad when his kid is older, mostly because he’s so scared of fucking up and making his kid as unstable as he is.
His kid probably ran away thinking they were unloved and unwanted by their father that they just ran away so they wouldn’t burden their other parent.
You call Error, panicking that your child just up and ran away.
Error panics too because even though he’s not the greatest dad, he’s still a dad and goes to search for the kiddo instantly. 
If he finds them, he’ll know it’s his kid due to their Soul. He tries to explain to them why he and you did what both of you did. It was to protect them from him.
Though seeing his kid now, maybe it’s finally okay to step in and help raise them. Maybe it’s finally the right time...
If he found his child dead, he probably wouldn’t recognize them since their Soul is gone. So he’ll keep looking... The universe is endless and they just have to be in one..
He can be a bit insensitive to some topics, so he and his kid probably got into an argument and his kid stormed off to cool down. 
He leaves them be for a while, needing to chill out himself. 
The hour is late... Where are they? He goes outside, calling for them. When they don’t show up or respond, now he’s getting worried. 
He goes off, hopping in different universes, pestering anyone and everyone who will listen to find his kid. Are they avoiding him? Are they lost?
When he finds them, he latches onto them and starts rambling about how worried he was and how scared he was that something happened to them.
They go back home, say their apologies and chill out the rest of the night.
If his kid falls victim to fate, he takes it hard. He comes back home and locks himself up.
He wants these emotions out! He wants to rip them out of his rib cage and stomp on them. This twisted, sickening feeling of guilt coils inside him and he just wants it all to stop. Things were so much better when he couldn’t feel...
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error-ha · 1 year
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И вот немногое продолжение
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