#dream of the endless x listener
dervampireprince · 2 years
ASMR | The Sandman - Date with Dream Escalates [M4A] [Spicy Preview]
Full spicy version of this audio is public on sound gasm (link in my pinned post).
[M4A] [Established relationship] [Romantic] [Dom speaker] [Sub listener] [First time] [You try and Netflix and Chill with Dream basically] [Body worship] [Oral on listener] [Listener is penetrated] [Non-specific penetration] [Praise kink (both ways, Dream has a praise kink too guys)] [Aftercare]
He's back, he's back, and I thought it was about time for another public NSFW audio. I welcome more ideas of what to do with Dream!
Custom audio commissions are open! Full spicy audios on sound gasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, exclusive  spicy audios and Discord on Patreon. I also stream on Twitch 3 times a week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios and videos]
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webonchin · 11 months
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Failed rizz
I'm not going to be fooled, I think Hob is a very chaotic individual if he sets his mind to it...
**Notice under the comments of the post**
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v4mp1res3verywhere · 2 years
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“You know me. We have met before” IM SCRNEKWAKAOAO
Bro don’t walk, run to spotify
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magnusbae · 2 years
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Judging ™ aka flirty glancing to confirm he agrees
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 1 year
“Friends meet more frequently than a hundred years, do they not?”
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A small but special contribution for @mr-sadman Dreamling week! Happy Dreamling Anniversary friends 🖤 go to sleep early so loser sad man blesses you in his special day!
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atr3ldes · 1 year
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"And, for my soul, what can it do to that, Being a thing immortal as itself?"
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questing-wulfstan · 2 years
While on the subject of trauma, do you ever think about how Hob Gadling waited 33 years for Morpheus to show up at the New Inn, and seemed determined to wait even longer if needed even as he was getting dangerously close to the longest he'd ever stayed in the same place, which had awarded him to be drowned as a witch ? And sure, British people no longer publicly drown witches in the year 2022, but that would not stop a traumatised Hob from dreading it. Nor would it stop bigots finding themselves a sudden dislike for a queer man marginalising himself from society just enough that he can fall off the face of the earth without too much trouble from not-publicly do other than drowning him ... What I'm saying is, it was not only incredibly patient and loyal for Hob Gadling to wait 33 years at the New Inn for Morpheus, it was also freaking brave and metal of him, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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trilobel · 2 years
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Morpheus have a lot of catching up to do.
For a hundred years he neglected to observe the culture. What do you think he's listening to?
Update - PREQUEL little comic here
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just-french-me-up · 11 months
(In)somnia Veritas
Fandom : The Sandman (AO3 link) Pairing : Dreamling (Dream x Hob) Rating : G | 1.8k Tags : Angst & Comfort, Retired Dream, Post Wake Fix-it, Established Relationship Summary : No longer Dream of the Endless, Morpheus spends his first night as a human at Hob's, struggling with his new condition. He can not sleep. He will not sleep. How could he, when wakefulness is all he has ever known?
Hob had expected the craziness of it all to keep him awake. The Kindly Ones. The Fates. Daniel Hall. Dream of the Endless, now, for all intents and purposes. It all whirled in his head as he settled in bed, Dream―Morpheus' form next to him, already still from sleep.
Hob's gaze lingered for a moment. He didn't look changed. Even like this, very much asleep and vulnerable, his lips slightly parted in a shallow, slumbering breath, Morpheus still looked like the powerful being he'd been, mere hours ago. Human. It hardly seemed thinkable. Hob had been around for a while, and never had a human ever looked like that. Yet another rule broken tonight, it seemed.
As his head hit the pillow, Hob could feel the heaviness of the day weighing on him, a crown of lead encasing his head, a migraine he resigned himself to fight all night. Instead, sleep took him the second he closed his eyes, his body melting away, as though engulfed by a wave.
The rest was for Dani―Dream of the Endless to know.
It was still dark when sleep loosened its grip around him. Disoriented, Hob rolled drowsily on the mattress, expecting to meet the cold yet substantial shape of Drea―Morpheus' body, yet only found more sheets.
Confused, he cracked an eye open, his hand instinctively patting the empty space, as though he would find Morpheus hidden between the folds somewhere. Nothing. Hob's heart jolted wildly in his chest, pumping bitter bile in his throat. The Fates changed their minds, panic whispered in his ear instantly. They've taken him back. They could not let him be.
Slapped awake, Hob sprung out of bed, blood thrashing in his ears. I've got to get him back, he kept thinking. I must get him back. He did not know where to start, how to work out any kind of summons or strike any sort of supernatural bargain (those had a tendency to find him, not the other way around), but he would figure it out, he had to, he would even call―
His hand still tense on the doorknob, Hob froze in his tracks.
In complete darkness, Morpheus was sitting on his couch, his thighs pressed against his chest, still wearing the old t-shirt Hob had given him as improvised sleepwear. He barely seemed to notice the interruption. He barely seemed to breathe, for that matter. He simply sat there, statuesque, his eyes burning a hole into the opposite wall.
Relief flooded through Hob at the sight, no matter how eerie it felt. He was there. He hadn't gone anywhere. His hand relaxed around the doorknob, though his heartbeat had trouble adjusting.
"You alright?" he asked quietly, his voice slightly hoarse.
There was no acknowledgment of his presence, or answer. Still as a rock, Morpheus kept staring at the wall, his face blank.
Hob dared a few steps closer.
"Can't sleep?" he tried again, cautious not to startle him as he neared the couch. He considered switching on the lights, but quickly decided against it. It felt like one of those matters that were best discussed under the cover of darkness. The constant London light pollution would have to do.
"It's all so... silent."
Hob stilled, caught off guard by the sound of Morpheus' voice. It was still his, undeniably, every note, every inflection, but it missed... something. An edge. A preternatural depth that rose from the dawn of times, when the first being laid down and dreamt on its first night. A human did not need such speech. Like the rest, it now belonged to Daniel.
Hob approached him, electing to sit at the edge of the couch rather than directly next to Morpheus.
"You think this is silent?"
He had grown used to the constant whir of London life, every new century bringing new sounds to the mix, but there was no ignoring the myriad of dogs barking outside, the drunk students talking much louder than social norms would allow during the day, and the ballet of bin lorries and automated street cleaners. Could Morpheus not hear that?
"How can you bear it?"
Slowly, Morpheus' eyes left the wall to settle on Hob, turning to face him. Even with the lack of proper lighting, Hob could see his eyes clearly. Blue, as the day they first met. And full of apprehension about this world he'd never had to navigate this way, even though his pride would not allow him to put it in such words. This, at least, had been his to keep.
Hob stared at Dream, at a loss for words. If this was silence for him, what hellish racket must have been filling his mind until then? How could he bear it?
"It's all I've ever known," he said, settling for something that felt true, in his core. "I'm sorry. I imagine it must be... jarring."
"It is... unnerving," Morpheus nodded slowly, looking down, as though he would not bear to admit it while looking at Hob in the eyes. "Isolating. Empty. And at the same time..."
"Deafening," Hob supplied helpfully. "I understand."
Of course it felt empty, he thought. When one had spent their entire existence with the collective unconscious at their fingertips, dreams and nightmares echoing into their ears every second of every day, being severed from it must feel like having your head dunked into a bucket of water.
"It is no wonder humans devised all matters of utensils to fill the silence," Morpheus mused faintly. "It kept them from going mad."
Them. Humans. Hob wondered how long it would take Morpheus to see himself as one. Never, perhaps. He struggled to see himself as other than what he was, originally. The only difference between them was that Hob had considerably benefited from the change. For Morpheus, this was hardly a step-up. It was free falling.
There was an urge there, lodged deep into Hob's chest, to reach for Morpheus' hand, to hold him close, to offer him all the reassurance he could provide and then more. But Morpheus was not there yet. This human body ached, Hob knew it. It was new, unused, unacclimated to the world it had been thrown into. It looked every way the body he knew, the one he'd touched, loved, held, once. Not quite, though.
"We could buy you a white noise machine," Hob suggested lightly, pushing down the emotion down his throat. He was here, safe, it was all that mattered, in the end. Hob just needed to be patient.
Morpheus frowned, confused.
"It's a box that makes noise. Some people use it to fall asleep."
There was a huff, and the first hint of a smile on Morpheus' lips since their encounter with the Fates.
"Of course you people fashioned a noise machine."
"Don't knock it 'til you've tried it," Hob smiled, purposefully stirring the conversation towards a lighter territory. "Whale songs might be just what you need."
"I doubt it will suffice."
In spite of Hob's best efforts, Morpheus' playfulness was short-lived. His face closed again, returning to its persisting melancholy. Hob leant towards him, inching closer, assessing his lover's reaction, any sign of recoiling.
"What's wrong?"
"I fear I may not be... welcome to the Dreaming."
The admission rolled out of him like a wound, bloody and raw, almost shameful. Hob furrowed his brows.
"You're afraid Daniel may not grant you entry?"
"No, I..."
Morpheus gave out a faint frustrated sigh.
"It is no longer mine to rule. Dream of the Endless endures, outside of me. Perhaps I do not... belong there. My presence could be ill-received."
"Love, I―" Hob bit the inside of his cheek, trying to find the words that would hurt the least. "You will have to sleep at some point. That's... I'm sorry, but that's part of... this."
"I know."
In the darkness, Hob could have sworn he saw a tear trail down Morpheus' cheek, glistening in the light of a nearby street lamp.
"I'm sure Daniel will go easy on you. He's a good kid."
Was a good kid, Hob reminded himself. Daniel was an empty name now. There was no more Daniel Hall. Not really. Dream was what remained.
"It is a terrible fate I have delivered onto him," Morpheus countered weakly. "It would be fair on his part to torment me for it."
Unable to help himself, Hob rested his hand atop Morpheus'. His skin was warmer than usual, he noticed. Human. Instead of pulling away, Morpheus leant towards him, almost nuzzling against his shoulder.
"I have never fallen asleep," he confided softly. "Never dreamt. Not once."
It had always felt odd to Hob that Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmares, did not sleep. How scary it must be, for someone who had never done it, to surrender yourself to the hand of another, in your most vulnerable state. Scary enough to leave the bed and avoid sleep altogether.
"I could hold you," Hob suggested gently. "Whatever happens in the Dreaming, it can't harm you here, can it?"
"No. Not really."
Not the most reassuring answer. Nor the clearest. Vagueness was a Morpheus trait, then, not a Dream trait. Good to know.
"I would like that. You, holding me."
"Come here, love."
It happened slowly, inch by inch, but Morpheus nestled into Hob's arms, resting his head in the crook of Hob's neck. Hob could feel his breath blowing against his skin, warm, regular, vital. It was odd, but far from unwelcome. More new than anything else.
"How does it happen? Do I merely close my eyes and wait?"
"Essentially. There is a relaxation aspect to it, though."
Clearly something Morpheus had no experience with either, considering how tense he felt against him.
"You could... breathe with me."
"Breathe with you?"
The suggestion sounded ridiculous in Morpheus' mouth, but Hob was not so easily deterred.
"Yeah, just... just humour me."
It was difficult, at first, for Morpheus to follow the rhythm of Hob's breathing. He was going either too fast or too slow, as though breathing did not come naturally to him, which, in fairness, it did not. It was a conscious effort, every time. After a few minutes of off-beat inhales and exhales, they came to a harmony, their chests rising and falling in tandem. Morpheus had only been pretending to sleep earlier, Hob understood. He could see it now, from the way his face truly relaxed, how his body became more pliant in his arms. If he was not fully asleep, he was getting there, at last.
Hob smiled at the sight, pressing his cheek against his lover's forehead. He could feel Morpheus' pulse where he held him, strong, regular, and undeniably human. Yet no less the man he loved, in spite of the changes.
"Sweet dreams, dear heart."
He raised his eyes to the ceiling, knowing full well there was no one to hear, and no one listening, but he could not help but add:
"Let him rest, will you? I don't think he's ever done that in his life. Might as well start this one with something new."
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dervampireprince · 1 year
ASMR | The Sandman - Dream x Listener NSFW Dreaming and Waking [M4A] [Spicy Patreon Preview]
[M4A] [Somnophilia - Dream is having sex with your sleeping body on Earth while you're consciously having sex in the dreaming] [Biting] [Possessive] [Hypnosis] [Light pet play] [Possessive Dream] [Light breeding kink] [Non-specific penetration] [Coming inside]
So... this audio was posted on December 24th and I just forgot to crosspost it to Tumblr and I only just realised that it wasn’t here when updating my masterlist.
The second of this month's two fledgling audios. This has been requested a lot over the last couple of months ever since I suggested the idea in a previous Dream audio.  Theo Valentine requested "more dream", Tiffany Boyer requested "I would love a dream x listener where listener in the dom and surprise dream in the dream world", Emily requested "Some spicy Dream", luvplr requested "i would love another dream!".
Custom audio commissions are open! Full spicy audios on soundgasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, exclusive  spicy audios and Discord on Patreon. I also stream on Twitch 3 times a week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios/videos]
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roguelov · 1 year
Imagine you found a new musical, a new tune to sing as you do chores in your apartment or wondering the Dreaming
You were captivated by the retelling of an old Greek story, you were enthralled by the music and devotions of love, and you were brought to your knees by the tragedy. And you were utterly oblivious, and were not explicitly told yet, that Orpheus was Dream’s child.
So, one day, you were in the Dreaming with earbuds in, mindlessly doing a random hobby - crocheting, doodling, knitting, just anything to keep your hands busy - in your shared bedroom. You started to sing under your breath, singing about a love who is saying to wait for them, they will find them again.
Dream then strolled into the bedroom, seeking you out.
Your voice was soft, and a low mumbling in hopes of matching the beautifully music. Under your breath, you sang, “Wait for me, I’m coming/ Wait, I’m coming with you -“
Dream froze.
He knew that song. He knew all of it. He heard the first note constructed so long ago in a dream. And just like then, his heart ached.
Feeling a presence, you glanced over and smiled. “Hi, Dream.”
However, your eyes quickly noticed a crack in his statuesque features. A frown weighed on the corners of his lips, his eyes were distant and gazed ahead locked on somewhere you could not see. He was thrown back into time, trapped in old painful memories.
You stood up, dropping your things on the couch. Your earbuds jammed into your pockets, pausing the heartbreakingly sweet music. “Dream?”
His eyes swiveled, locking back onto you - you who was directly in front of him. He said nothing. His throat constricted, betraying him.
“Are you okay?” You asked, concerned.
Pushing down his emotions, he spoke calmly, “I am.”
Your lips thinned, unconvinced.
“Can -“ His request was on the tip of his tongue. He hadn’t thought of Orpheus in so long, and his heart broke all over again as if he heard the devastating news for the first time. “- can I listen to your music?”
“Oh? Uh, sure.”
It was an odd request, but you wouldn’t deny him. You had shared your music before countless times. However, you knew there was something else, some other reasoning. One you would not pry right now. You pulled out one earbud and passed it over. Once you both had a bud in, you pressed play on your phone.
The music cut back to life.
Dream closed his eyes, listening to the story he knew well.
He opened his eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You just seem … off,” you pointed out.
“I am.” He repeated his answer from earlier. You nodded in defeat. So instead, you fell back into the music until Dream spoke up. “Could you sing for me?”
You stared at him dumbfounded. You laughed once, “Why? I’m not even half as good as the actual singers.”
“You are good enough for me.”
You blinked, and soon your surprise melted into adoration. You shocking your head, smiling, “You really want me to sing?”
“Just for a bit.”
His eyes begged.
“Ok, only for you.”
You began to hum under your breath, and slowly but quietly sing along with the music.
Dream smiled to himself. A sorrowful one. His boy, his little Orpheus, was alive, just for this small moment. He was beside his father, inspiring just like his mother.
Dream would later tell you everything. He would spill into every childhood story about Orpheus, to all of his hobbies and interests. And you would be there hanging onto each of his words, and comforting Dream when he asked.
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the-rainbow-meme · 2 years
Dream: did you just flirt with me?
Hob (amused): I've been flirting with you for the past 500 years, thanks for noticing.
Dream, connecting all the dots at once: IM IN LOVE WITH YOU?????
Hob: fucking finally
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miss-cydonian · 2 years
Me and Hob, listening to Shattered Dreams for the 100th time and thinking about the goth man not showing up in 1989.
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 1 year
sandman fandom i need your help with something! so quick back story I bought the individual issues of the whole brief lives arc! the thing is this are from an original 1995 run and from an editorial in my country that no longer exists ——>
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i realized that in the back of the final issue there’s a collection of illustrations by various sandman artists which is pretty cool! BUT here’s the rub who is this guy???
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caption for this is “ aesthetic gentleman” artist unknow mixed media 1889 which leads me to believe that —- this is Hob Gadling???? I’m pretty sure too that this is an illustration by Michael Zulli who did the art for A Men of Good Fortune??? And in so happens that this particular artists loves adding a lot of symbolism for his work and it’s responsible for this two infamous pieces THAT ALSO have flowers/ roses symbolism in them??
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Am I crazy? What do you guys think? Does anybody can confirm if this is Hob? I’ve asked other people if their copies of Brief Lives have this illustration but nobody seems to know anything about it!
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wolfgirl-valentine · 1 year
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Retired Dream AU, lyrics from “(I love you) For Sentimental Reasons” by Nat King Cole
It was a quiet evening, the interior of the apartment warm and cozy in contrast with the freezing temperature outside. 
It felt…domestic. A concept that was still a novelty for Morpheus. A companionable quietness  between them as they prepare dinner together, only the sound of the utensils as they are used and the music coming from Hobs speaker breaking the silence. 
Morpheus have acclimated to his new…situation, more easily that he expected, and he is sure Hob have played a key role in that. They have rekindled their friendship before his change of status, and when he and Death have showed at his doorstep a rainy night, he only looked at his drenched, shivering and very human shape before opening his home for him.
It was supposed to be a temporary thing, only until he found his footing, but the more Morpheus spent time with him, the less he wanted to leave.
When after a year living together, he confessed his change in feelings (so tentatively, so scared of rejection) and Hob responded with a bright smile and teary eyes so full of love, Morpheus feel his chest filling with a warmth that has stayed ever since.
Right now he can feel it from the tip of his toes to the top of his head, as he help chopping the vegetables meanwhile Hob stir the pots on the stove. It pulses as a beating heart as Hob places a sweet kiss on his cheek when he comes closer to pass the cut carrots to be added to the stew.
The song from the speaker ends, and as Hob places the lid of the pot and adjust the heat another begins.
"Oh I love this song!" Suddenly Morpheus founds himself being dragged to the middle of the small kitchen, embraced by the warm of Hob arms, being rocked softly to the rhythm of the music, Hob humming quietly next to him.
" I have told you Hob, I do not dance." There is not real heat behind his remark, and by Hob chuckle he knows that.
" Ah but we are not dancing Love, we are…just embracing in our kitchen, moving together, with background music…" Morpheus huffing gains him another chuckle, and he lets himself enjoy the moment, so many things he is experiencing at the side of this ridiculous, wonderful man.
When the next verse starts, Hob voice joins it, and as Morpheus finally pay attention to the lyrics, a coil starts to burn in his chest.
"I love you,
and you alone were meant for me,
please give your loving heart to me
and say we'll never part"
Morpheus vision becomes blurry, and he is mortified to realize he is crying, but this time there is no negative feeling involved, just warm, Hobs warm, the comfortable warm of their kitchen, and the warm inside Morpheus own chest, and he realize that warm is love, a sob left his lips, but a smile is stretching them, and Hob just hug him tighter("It's ok love"), still rocking him as he whispers the next verse, and Morpheus only let the tears run free, because he can have this, Hob, their home, their love…nothing, nobody is going to take this from him, and as the last line repeats again, he joins Hob voice, his own hoarse but firm.
"I've given you my heart"
(sorry for any grammatical error, english is not my first lenguage)
(photos of my drawings taken with my phone)
This idea make me get out of my bed at 3 am, going to let it in pencil because I’m sure if I try to ink it I’ll make it worse.
Dedicated to my people in the “Dreamling con ñ” server
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et-in-arkadia · 2 years
"The love of your life," Dream says softly. "That is quite a declaration to make, Hob Gadling, when one considers how many lives you've lived, and how many still await you."
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