#dragon ball chimera
apis-azura-blog · 3 months
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ballwizard · 4 months
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happy flora friday!!!!
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namelesssaiyan · 1 year
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DB OC: Hiro (Super Saiyan) & Basara (Super Saiyan) - Chimera Link
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fleetways · 6 months
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response to this. chimera baby has her shounen moment
does she have what it takes? find out next time on dragon ball z @sonic-oc-showdown!
315 notes · View notes
blueathens · 10 months
Once Upon A Time - Chapter One
Summary: Charles was never allowed to leave the castle, until one day he, and his best friend Pierre, decided to break the rule and leave the castle walls, only to bump into the well-known criminal, Robin Hood, who doesn’t see them in the same golden light that they were raised within. But Charles decides to ignore her hatred and becomes the bane of her existence.
Song: Whistle Shop by Roger Miller Quote: ‘You’re invited to The Royal Leclerc’s Masquerade Ball.’ Word Count: 9819
TW: A direct narrator (only at times, then switches to third person - give the feel of a book being read to you like someone usual did for us when we were children), mention of death, mention of murder, 
A/N: Not proof-read or edited. A/N 2: Taglist and detailed references found in reblog!
Masterlist//Main Masterlist
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(Ah, where to begin? How about once upon a time…
…How many times have you heard that to begin a story? Let’s do something else.
In a far-off land, where – what? That’s been done too? In fairy tales? Ha, no, this story is far from a fairy tale, in fact it isn’t even one. Nor is it a legend or a myth, or even a bedtime story that you were grown and raised on as a child, this isn’t a story that you’ll know line by line, and this is not something that will be turned into a film or tv show.
This is simply life.
With our Planet Earth that holds vast oceans, forests, and lands such as England, Greece, Monaco, Zosnurg and – you’re kidding…you don’t have a country called Zosnurg on your version of Earth?
What about pirates? Mermaids? Sirens? Dragons? Fairies? Krakens? Vampire Mermaids? Chimeras?
So, this would be like one of your stupid fantasy books then? Okay…well, let’s just get some things straight then before we start this boo – these lives that I’ll be talking about.
(Which I suppose in some way is a story if I’m talking abo– I, as a narrator, will stop talking now…)
(I do apologise)
Rule One.
This is not a fairy tale.
Yes, we have witches and princes’, and balls, and enchanted forests, and adult-eating witches, and even the children-eating witches too, mermaids of all forms, dragons, chimeras, and even werewolves and lycans, pukwudgie, and dryads.
And yes there is a yucky love story.
And yes there are sword fights, and war, and love and hatred, and death and –
Alright, I know this may sound like a ‘fairy-tale’ but isn’t everything a fairy tale? You have two love interests who have to go through a lot to be together? Sounds kind of like one to me…Only difference is that we don’t need to battle a dragon, well talking to my mother sometimes feels like I’m battling a–
Anyways, life is a fairy tale, a rubbish one, but a fairy tale, nevertheless.
But this isn’t the typical annoying fairy tale where the knight in shining armour goes and rescues the princess from her tower and shares a true loves kiss once the dragon is slayed.
No, that’s just fucking lame.
Instead the prince befriends a dragon, and he doesn’t save a princess, there are no princesses, well there are, but they aren’t important, this isn’t about them.
This is about the prince and the criminal and – what on earth are you talking about? You’ve seen fairy tales like this before? Get lost.
I told you once, and I’ll tell you again, this isn’t a fairy tale – this is real, not make belief, but real.
This isn’t so called Aladdin or Rapunzel – I mean Tangled – this is real life.
This isn’t a fairy tale.
In fairy tales life is presented as blissful and magical and makes you want to gouge your eyes out because you know you can never live a life where birds will get you ready for the day. Whilst in other fairy tales you feel like you are on the spinning teacups, and nausea creeps up on you from what you’re experiencing.
(Cause I’ll come clean now, I’ve never had any of my grandmothers be swallowed up by a wolf or ever seen a man become blinded by brambles).
No, these lives I’ll be telling you about will either leave you crying or smiling or perhaps even laughing – but most likely you’ll be crying, cursing my name for ever telling you about these people.
I am not sorry.
But just a pre warning – this is not a fairy tale.
Rule Two.
Don’t worry, you won’t have to hear my lovely narration voice all the time, I chose not to.
(I don’t get paid enough for that).
But when I do decide to talk with you I will do so in italics and in brackets (as so illustrated) – I have a few notes about these people for example how bloody stupid our main female character is and –
Rule Three.
We do not, and I mean, do not break out into a musical number, we don’t do that here. Absolutely not. And no singing birds are going to help get anyone dressed either or clean their house – they aren’t lazy – life doesn’t allow anyone to be this lazy.
There are no such things as true loves kiss – a little kiss is not bringing anyone to life – unless magic is involved of course, but that’s an entirely different story.
There is no happy endings too, that doesn’t exist, never has, never will, people will die, we will cry, but then we’ll move on and carry them with us.
Even she will di–
Rule Four.
No spoilers.
(Now, that’s all the rules I can read in my messy handwriting across this coffee-stained napkin that obviously didn’t contain the pretty barista’s number.
There was no pretty barista
It was just Sue, the sixty-old woman who knows my order off by heart, but claims to dislike me – however, she did smile at me earlier after I spilt coffee all over myself, so guess she doesn’t hate me…)
Oh and –
Rule Five.
This is not a fairy tale.)
This is the story about a girl named Y/n and it starts with the sun.
Most are unaware how the once worshipped as a god by various of religions and cults ever came around, and just like the star that’ll burn the believers who venture too close, no one could remember how their King became King and when the Queen fell pregnant three times, gifting their world with three beautiful boys.
The first passed the crown down, the third shall remain a prince, and the second is deemed to be king one day.
To the world, this families beginnings felt like a fever dream – a gorgeous one though, and most carried such a strong love for them, but not all, some carried a strong hatred for them and had been wanting a revolution for ages.
A passerby once told his children, after a trip to Eynsworth one spring, that he never had much thought of their sun being a star, he knew it was, but he never felt like it was. Not until he, after meeting the royal family, had the pleasure in holding their second born, a few months after his birth, and my, the passerby never felt so close to the sun, nor did he fear being burnt. In his hands he was holding something golden; something godly. Just like the sun. But it wasn’t the sun, no, it was a gift from the golden beams above them, he was a star. He was their new star, their sun.
On the 16th of October a son was born. A prince. And he was given the name Charles.  
Their future king.
Our star, our sun.
It was hard not to love the prince who found himself trapped within castle walls, barely venturing out into the world, but when he does he’s constantly close to his father as they enter new lands (for him at least) where all hand his gifts to his knights – his protectors – with flowers and gifts. Only soft smiles were what he was allowed to retrieve, no other gifts of any sorts should be handed to him directly.
(There were many soft smiles which later turns into flirty looks from those his age as he grew up).
Along with growing older, where falling in love was more on someone’s mind, Charles never become blind in seeing how his best friend and his first knight-in-training, Pierre Gasly, wasn’t shy of the extra attention that was given when Charles was allowed to see the world outside the castle walls. Little winks thrown around and bright smiles whilst the prince watched in disgust before taking a strong interest in the world around him, watching how the clouds glided through the sky, forming different works of arts for all to enjoy, and how the branches of the trees waved them off for their travels, knowing the next time they are seen a new image will be formed, quite possibly a picture of what they saw on their travels.
(All in all, one person stayed on his mind, the one he meets growing up, the other main character of our stor–of these lives).
Once, at the age of seven, he saw the sea for the first time, and he wondered what it would be like to feel the salty air tickling his skin, embracing him in a warm hug where his cologne is replaced with the smell of the sea. He even wondered what life as a fish would be like, swimming endlessly through the waves as it dodged every obstacle in their way. He wondered if they felt lonely down there just as he does within the palace walls, hoping for a struck of bravery to hit him to just leave and see the world for a moment, even just for a second, just to go on an adventure without anything bothering him.
He wondered if the sea felt grateful to be holding such beauty in their arms, cradling it, kissing it, and bringing it deeper into their warmth, with some even grazing the sandy fingers of Poseidon. He imagines that the graze occasionally turns into a handshake, welcoming those to a new view, begging them to lie down in the pit of darkness to try and spot a single beam of light – they never do, they’re in too deep.
Charles questioned his breathing ability, the young boy would hold competitions in the pool at home where he timed himself on how long he could hold his breathe as he sits on the bottom, he thinks maybe one day he could be like those aquatic animals that reach the bottom to shake Poseidon’s fingers. Poseidon’s ‘spot the sun’ game would eventually become to easy then, as the sun would be in his grasp, smiling brightly at him as he whispers, “I did it.” And all Poseidon would do is nod as he looks at the boy’s eyes that (of right now) resembles the colour of the sea on postcards that grandparents send to their grandchildren.
The sun child even wondered if the sun felt any different if he was elsewhere, maybe it feels warmer if he was in a place he loves instead in one of the many gardens of his castle or the small amount of times he’s with his father in a different country doing something of work – which his father calls father and son bonding.
Maybe his skin becomes painted in various shades of gold, letting him stand with a cheery smile whilst looking like a lost jewel in a faraway land. Where he watches the clouds shift and change like a person’s mood and observes the sky’s colour platter shattering from the phenomenon of the sun setting.
The Prince of England, Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc of many of the Grandale Islands (a group of various places, islands, and countries that the family have ownership over. One of the most recent ones that the Leclerc’s took ownership of was when Charles was just five years old, after a neighbouring (and independent) country (Zosnurg) became littered with destruction, gore, and weapons as England battled them for land. (Charles’ second home country, despite being born in Monaco, his father decided to move the family to England after the birth of his last son) The air of Zosnurg was filled with numerous of smokes that contributed to the deaths of many on the battlefields. An army of rebels and an army of warriors would once constantly fight each other to the death for the land that both kings desired. It was unclear of what side would win; it formed a tiresome fear for those nearby as they dreaded to think of the war becoming never-ending. The fighters were grimed with pain, exhaustion, and their spirits were broken. The war was soon ended by King Raphaël (the father of the Leclerc’s) killing the King of Zosnurg with his sword.)
Charles recalls growing up with some of the kind souls around the castle, watching with a frown as the lower statuses had to clean the mess up, rebuild the economy that was destroyed by the war with the rich bossing them around. He remembers watching them nearly everyday from his bedroom window, or from the carriage as they rode through the towns like Aramore (a poor town that was mainly affected by the war as it was often targeted with bombs for a few months). Most of England was left undamaged though, only a small percentage of the country was damaged, it was Zosnurg that carried most of the destruction and those of Zosnurg had to rebuild their country like the first citizens of their country once did.
It was the Leclerc’s property now.
He wasn’t allowed to do anything about the mess, nor ask to help, or even ask his family about it. All he got told was it was not his business yet and that he was far too young to worry about such a thing.
So, growing up, trapped in the castle, and venturing out as little as possible, he watched as far as he could see get rebuilt, and become better than it once was. Soon, he was allowed out, it was about a year later, his godfather – his older brother’s best friend – Eric Russo– was given the permission to take him out karting in their city, Eynsworth. He grew to love the sport, later watching Eric, from the TV, travel the world to race.
Along with karting, the prince took up other activities to keep him occupied within the castle walls, even going as far as painting, but was quick to discover that was not his forte.
Charles was ten years old though when he first heard of a person who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. And it was a month after the discovery that he learnt how much his father hated this mysterious figure who’s blacked out silhouette littered the tea-stained wanted posters that was flown to country-to-country, hanging round in various places.
Wanted for £3000. Alive. Name: Robin Hood
That was the name the whispers would call them after the fourth robbery. It was a cool spring evening, and the robbery affected a close family friend, Mr Clive. They took anything that was valuable, and when discovered that there was a robbery, the bells of the townhall began to ring, people of Eynsworth then began to venture out and onto the streets in the early morning, sleeping dust prickling their eyes as they stood in the breeze. They were all dressed in their pyjamas as they watched Mr Clive – the man who was robbed – walk around in nothing but boxers as he stormed right towards the castle with his very young-looking wife begging him to do this at a better time.
No, the only good time was of right now. He demanded for the thief to be found, and the King agreed as he stares at the barely dressed man in the front gardens of his home from Arthur’s (his youngest son) bedroom window.
The following week new wanted posters were being sent out.
Wanted for £10,000. Alive. Name: Robin Hood. Presumed Description: Professional man around the age of twenty to thirty, who’s a skilled thief, fighter, and archer.
The days after Mr Clive’s robbery, many more got robbed, some even finding arrows outside their houses or even watched how the thief dodged the thrown slippers, wooden spoons, chairs and even vases sent their way.
Many questioned on the presumed age of this criminal, but they never thought on the matter long as they presumed that due to everything happening so quickly they couldn’t quite judge on how old this criminal may be.
However, at first thought they believed the criminal was too small to be of around presumed age, but as mentioned before, they never allow themselves to dwell on the matter long enough.
The week after new wanted posters were sent out along with a new wanted poster for Robin Hood’s partner.
Wanted for £30,000. Alive. Name: Robin Hood. Presumed Description: Professional man around the age of twenty to thirty, who’s a skilled thief, fighter, and archer.
Wanted for £5,000. Alive. Name: Little John. Presumed Description: Professional man around the age of twenty to thirty, who’s a skilled thief and partner of the notorious Robin Hood.
It was discovered that the archer was partnered with someone after Mr Clive got robbed once more. After falling down his stairs, hurrying down to capture the intruders with a broken torch in his hand, he watched the moment he swung his front door open with a throbbing head, as the pair, already at such a great distance, carried sacks of money over their shoulders, laughing with their heads thrown back as they pushed the other around.
On his 13th birthday, the discovery of Robin Hood and Little John being children were uncovered. No one was quite sure who leaked this piece of information, some say that someone accidently let it slip, some even mentioned that perhaps the duo robbed them and then they caught sight of how young they looked, some even suggested that maybe the duo wronged the anonymous person and they wanted to get their revenge.
Charles believes none of the suggestion were the correct reasons.
Robin was 12, nearly 13, (an age that was incredibly shocking and was being slowly processed by the world) and Little John was just 15.
And once again, prices were raised.
“Your dad should hire them to be one of his knights,” Pierre suggested one night in Charles racing themed bedroom, all of his brothers, Pierre and Eric being locked in there whilst a meeting was being held right outside about Robin Hood and Little John after they easily battled and escaped the King’s best men – no injuries were occurred, nothing but bruised egos and dignities.
Lorenzo, Charles’ older brother, scoffs whilst Eric shook his head in disagreement. “Why would someone who sounds like they hate the rich, join them?”
“People change,” the young French boy tries to argue. “Right amount of money and he could be running to Raphaël’s side.”
“The price over their head is a lot already. I don’t think they–”
“He?” Charles arched a brow as he looked over at Pierre, who sat on his bed whilst Charles sat on the windowsill to watch the chaos below him. “What do you mean he? I don’t think it’s a he by how people talk of their movements.”
“It’s a kid our age, Charles, they’ve been doing this for years, they aren’t going to be noisy.”
“Still don’t think it’s a he though. Doesn’t make sense – maybe Little John is, but Robin Hood can’t be.”
“What are you–”
“I think Charles is right…” Arthur looked up from the game device he was playing on, handed by Lorenzo to keep the 11-year-old entertained. “I heard whispers that it is a she.”
“You went out?” Lorenzo’s firm voice came, laced with concern. “You’re not supposed to–”
“No way,” whistled Pierre. “Impossible.”
“Cool.” Charles nodded. “Maybe she can give you all a tip or two on how to fight, shoot an arrow and not be as noisy as a Heffalump.” He teased as he looked at Eric, Lorenzo, and Pierre as he mentioned the skills they’ve been lacking most in.
“Mate do not relate me to those things in the forest,” Pierre groaned. “They’re not cool.”
“How are purple elephants not cool?” Arthur piped in, furrowed brows as he stared down the older boy.
“Are you trying to say you are cool?” Eric smirked as he folded his arms.
Heffalumps are said to be dangerous creatures, but Lorenzo had told Charles about the whispers among the caring citizens (the poor who lived in their lack of riches town; Aramore) that those hunter’s stories are all false, that these creatures were actually rather friendly, and they are cruel to the hunters as they are the ones trying to kill them.
He even told Charles the story of how he even was lucky enough to meet and touch a Heffalump with these three children of Aramore that was around Charles’ age. It was a few years ago, but it was a memory Lorenzo would carry forever as for once he wasn’t treated as a prince, or a knight in training, he was just treated as himself, as Lorenzo.
He felt free.
Charles and Arthur envied him for it, envied how he was allowed to go out and do what he wishes whilst they befriended the paintings on the walls.
Charles looked away from the group and turned to look back out the window only to find a butterfly pressed against his window, his vibrant coloured wings not at show, and Charles begin to hate the insect he was staring at.
Hated how it was allowed to sore the grey skies, hated how it was allowed to taste the sweet nectar of the plants around and he wondered if he would ever be deemed lucky enough to taste something as lovely as that. He wondered if he was beautiful like a butterfly, if someone looked at him like Aphrodite herself, and be able to memorise every part of him with their eyes closed.
Charles doesn’t think he’ll ever be that lucky, so he left himself wondering if a butterfly knew everything about flowers, wondered if they knew which one had the sweetest nectar, and which ones to stay away from, he wondered if they ever felt safe in those cocoons they break out of after the transmission from a caterpillar to a butterfly was complete – he wondered if they felt that change, if they realised they were now a beautiful and elegant insect that everyone admired from afar but were too scared that a simple touch would shatter them.
It was a month after his birthday that two faces were placed onto the wanted posters after they attempt to rob from Eynsworth Castle. Failing to do so due to the amount of protection these places were gaining over the years, his home being the most. A knight caught them, and after a difficult battle that ended with an arrow in the Knight’s thigh, he was able to give the King and Queen a detailed description on their Robin Hood and Little John.
No name was given, and no name was being found out any time soon. But his parents and those of riches were ecstatic with this newfound information.
Wanted for £50,000. Dead or Alive. Name: Robin Hood. Age: 12 approx. Gender: Female
Above the silhouette changed to a drawn picture of the girl and the presumed personal description was ripped out and in came her age and gender. And after the attempted Eynsworth Castle robbery, King Raphaël and Queen Anna agreed that they didn’t not care how this archer was handed in.
Death may even be better as there was no way she would be able to escape.
Wanted for £10,000. Alive. Name: Little John. Age: 15 approx. Gender: Male
And just like Hood’s, his silhouette was changed to a drawn image of him.
Everyone was still in shock about the age, but now their shock grew at the thought that it was a female who was causing them so many problems for so many years. Charles and Arthur were the only ones who weren’t shocked as they collected their packets of chocolate buttons from those around the castle who all disagreed with the idea of Robin Hood being a female.
“It’s not really criminal though, is it?” Pierre asked as he, Eric, Lorenzo, Arthur, and Charles laid on the grass in one of the many gardens of the castle. “It’s more deviant, no?”
“I wouldn’t say it such a bad thing,” Lorenzo muttered, arms under his head as his eyes stayed on the stars above them.
“How bad is it out there? For the poor?” Charles asked curiously, never truly knowing how bad it was for them, only seeing small sights of it when he did go near those areas.
“They have it bad,” Arthur muttered, eyes closed as he too rested his folded arms behind his head. He could feel Lorenzo’s eyes burning into the side of his head at the mention of his little trips outside the castle walls without anyone. “It’s like dad forgets they exist and just shoves them to the side.” He shifts to French casually as his mind thought on the way they live.
“Oh,” he nibbles on his bottom lip as his eyes counted the stars.
He loves the stars, truly does, he wishes he could join them for a moment and just sparkle and dance up there as they guide people home, forming little imagery onto the sky too. He wouldn’t want to stay forever, would find it too boring, but he’ll like to know what being a star was like.
He even wanted to know how to find these constellations, he reads books and searches the web for tips on how to spot them, but still, as night passes he still finds himself struggling to even find the beginning of one.
“When I’m King I wouldn’t push them to the side…we’ll be equals.”
“Cute vision,” Eric utters in French. “But that isn’t as easy as you make it out to be.”
The boys laid in silence as they watched different things. Like for Arthur he was seeing those weird dots you see when your eyes are shut. For Lorenzo, he was still admiring the stars along with Charles. For Eric, he was watching the trees wave in the gentle breeze. And Pierre was sat up, knees brought to his chest as he pulled out strands of grass and twisted them around his fingers to act as a ring.
“She’s quite pretty, no?” Pierre whispered in French, loud enough for them to hear, but they knew the question was more aimed towards his best friend than any of the others.
“Who?” Charles asks, responding back in the same language, oblivious to what Pierre was getting at as he connected the dots his own way to form a future for himself.  
“This ‘Robin Hood’ girl.”
“Does it matter?” Pierre sighed as he looked up from the strand of grass, only to stare at his friend’s side profile as he babbled on in French and avoided a simple question. “I’d prefer if she’s a good person than if she looks nice.”
“But she’s pretty, no?” Pierre arches a brow, corner of his lip pointing up into a smirk as he hears his friend sigh and close his eyes.
                             Present Day – February.
 Leather boots walked among the cobblestones, dressed in a cream shirt, dark trousers, and a navy hooded jacket, with the hood over their heads, the two now fourteen-year-olds moved beneath the ever-blue sky with lacy, white-edged clouds that formed a perfect line-up in the blue, as if they were boats safely moored in a celestial harbour, with the singing birds soaring above as they acted as the fishes of the skies.
Across the cobbled streets, critters ran across, dodging the horses trotting down, nodding their heads side-to-side. One of the fourteen-year-olds had to resist the urge to stroke the horses’ head, as they didn’t know what would happen if they were caught outside the castle.
The two made their way towards a concluded alleyway and as they grew closer to the towering brick wall at the end, they decided they would climb over it once they reached that issue. The taller one of the pair, kneeled down first, linking his hands together as it hovered over his propped up knee, the other placed their foot on the other hands, feeling them boost them up for them to be able to grab ahold of the top edge of the wall, their hand brushed against a tea-stained paper hanging on the wall, but before it could move up any further, an arrow whistled past them, skidding the side of the shorter one’s fingers as it hit and wobbled in the poster beside him.
The action made the pair pause, the kneeled down one looked up whilst the other looked over his shoulder to try and find the one who shot the arrow. The taller one let the shorter one down before he takes a watchful step in front of him as they watched the alleyway’s self-crafted shadows in front of them carefully.
Approaching out the shadows was a slightly shorter, and hooded figure, the bow in their hand was still raised whilst the other was over their shoulders, plucking out another arrow from their brown quiver. They stepped into the light more as they nocked their arrow, drawing the string back as they made the pair their target. The archer was dressed in a dark forest green cape with black cargo trousers and ruined boots. Their clothes were already covered in mud, and they watched as the figure instructed with their head for the two to lower their hoods and raise their arms.
“Money, now.” The hooded figure demanded.
“You can shove that arrow right up where–”
“That’s not very princey of you,” they smirk under their hood. “Did the King never tell you how dangerous it was out here?”
“Princey isn’t even a word,” the tallest of the pair folded their arms, muttering.
“Money, now.” They released the arrow; it skimmed past and shot threw the first arrow they released.
One of the two threw a small satchel of coins and the hooded figure just sighed as they placed their bow over their head, nestling it at a safe angle across her back.
“You’re Robin Hood.” The Prince breathlessly says as he watches her pick up the small satchel of coins.
She hums, bowing down dramatically as she grins up at the pair. “It is I,” she then raises from her bowing position and places a hand on her chest as she takes a step closer to the two. “And you two are Prince Charles Leclerc and his…Pierre Gasly?” The figure now stands a few feet away from them now, pushing down her hood for the pair of them to look at her. “Shouldn’t you two be…I don’t know…anywhere but here?”
Pierre mouth fell agape at the sight of her.
“You must know,” she continues, “we don’t like your type very much?”
“And what is our type?” Charles arches a brow, arms mimicking his best friends as he folds them across his chest.
“Rich pricks,” she offers them a fake smile, as she rounds them, ripping the poster off from her arrows as she inspects it, the two boys didn’t dare to make a run for it. They knew the stories already, even if they ran she would still catch up with them.
Her brows raise. “Still just £50,000? Is that all I’m worth to you guys,” the corner of her lips quirk up. “Suppose I should do something soon to make that go higher, ay?” The pair stayed silent as she span on her heel and moved closer to the wall to take down the other poster from the wall.
Their eyes were on her back as she looks down at both posters, they hear an airy laugh leave her lips.
She now turns back to face the two as she presented the two posters to them, as if it was the first time they ever saw them. “At least they can get my nose right,” she comments as she peers over at the other wanted poster. “Unlike Danny’s.”
“You just–”
“Told you Little John’s name?” She looks up, a smirk still playing at her lips. “Thought our little rat told the royals that already?” They shook their heads as she hummed in surprise. “Well, it be rude to not introduce ourselves, no? Considering we’ll be the ones who will take down your type of people.” She scrunches the posters up in her hands before stuffing it into her trousers pocket, she then holds out her hands for the pair to shake. “I’m Y/n – Y/n L/n, and my mate is Daniel Ricciardo.” She awaits for them to shake her hand, but their pair just stays staring at. “Suppose you don’t shake a peasant hand,” she puts her hand down, “proves to show why we don’t respect you.” She spat out before shrugging her shoulders as she too mimicked the way their arms were crossed against their chest. “Do what you wish with our names, no doubt that little mole be telling that King sooner or later.”
“You’ve got quite the reputation.” Pierre couldn’t help but say.
“Reputation?” She tilts her head, smirk still playing at her lips, they thought it was painted on as not once have they ever seen it fall, except the small falter of it when neither of them shook her hand. “I have a reputation?”
“Yeah, the steal from the rich and give to the poor reputation.”
She lets out another airy laugh.
“I’m just doing what the King can’t do.” Y/n half-shrugs as she pulls her hood back on. “We aren’t lucky like you, Princey.” Her eyes shifts to just focus on Charles.
“It’s still not a word,” Pierre comments next to Charles.
“Still don’t care,” she rubbed her dirty hand down her face. “We don’t have people running us a bath and we don’t have someone baking my bread, but at least I know that I earned that bread; and my god do I deserve it.”
“They say you’re a common theft.”
“Can’t be common with that price over my head.” She teased, sniffling her nose slightly as she looked around before looking at Charles again, the one who was mainly speaking to her now.
She noticed how clean the pair looked and how well put together they were. They didn’t look as slim as she did as they were able to get the food they needed. Their hairs were slightly longer than she expected it to truly be, she thought their highly paid hairdressers would be there giving them a nicer cut, but instead they looked like two teens who were just experiencing different styles for their hair.
The thirteen-year-old girl looked at the two fourteen-year-olds curiously, examining every difference they had over her. They held themselves tall, but their eyes held a sense of disorientation in them, it was like they were a lost puppy, not knowing what to do or where to go.
“Do you think I’m a criminal?” She questioned. “It wouldn’t matter if you do. We’re not going be friends,” she rambles. “Just curious to know how you see u–”
“No.” Charles answered over her short rambling, and she stopped and looked over at them. “I don’t think you’re a criminal for trying to keep everyone alive.”
Y/n titled her head to the side.
“You don’t know what it’s like do you?” She asked quietly, and for once in their meeting she wasn’t carrying that smirk. “You really don’t know how bad it is, do you?”
They just shook their heads.
“It’s best you don’t,” she cleared her throat. “Don’t need to save anymore of you guys.”
Pierre raises a brow. “Who have you saved?”
“Eric and Lorenzo,” she purses her lips, “more times than I can count on one hand.”
“My younger brother, Arthur,” Charles begins, “he hasn’t been around here, has he?”
“Why? Scared we’ll do something?” She rolls her eyes. “I haven’t seen him, but I hear he’s with Wyatt and Lando a lot.”
“Who are they exactly?”
“Good kids that you won’t ever go near,” she narrows her eyes at them. “In fact, it be best if the pair of you leave Aramore and don’t come back. Tell those three that too. Stick to your little rich friends and the things you know, alright? And I’ll go home and tell my folks that I hit the jackpot, that I robbed the Prince and his knight in training.” She takes one more step closer to them. “If this was a story, I’ll die in the end. You know, with being wanted and all. They know enough and I’m surprised they haven’t caught me at least once yet.” Y/n shook her head as she walks past the pair. “Go back to your little castle.”
“Huh,” Pierre unfolds his arms. “She really don’t like us.”
Charles shakes his head, “but perhaps we can change her mind.” He states as he too puts his hood back on, Pierre copying before they walk out of the alleyway. Despite her leaving mere seconds before them, she was nowhere in sight when they exited the one-way alleyway.
“Get your Daily News right here!” A voice yelled as he held a stack of newspapers whilst the boy next to him waved one in the air, holding his cap out for change to fall into. “Get your Daily–”
Charles hits Pierre in the arm, nodding his head towards the two, what he presumes, are twelve-year-olds. They swiftly make their way towards them, standing in front of them as Charles places two coins into their cap.
“Bonjour,” Pierre greets with a smile as he takes down his hood, watching as the boys faces drop at the sight of his hood falling, their eyes then switch to Charles, who also pushed down his hood. “We’ll like a paper, s’il te plait.”
The boys looked between one another in confusion before they handed the dark-haired boy a paper.
“Not to be rude but what you doing here?” One of the British boys asked as the other elbowed his side.
“Lando!” He whispered loudly.
“Wyatt – they shouldn’t be here. What if Y/n and Daniel–”
Pierre and Charles looks at one another at the mention of the boys names. These must be the ones that Arthur sneaks out to hang out with.
“Oh,” Pierre smiles, “we’ve met that Robin Hood friend of yours. Robbed us and everything.”
Wyatt looks into his hat with a frown, “clearly not well enough.”
Charles tucks the paper under his left arm.
Lando carefully looks around to see if anyone else has noticed the Prince and his Knight in training with them, he then leans forwards slightly to speak with them quietly. “Aramore doesn’t like your family very much, your highness,” Lando quips.
“But our Robin Hood and Little John have always held the highest of hatred for those in Eynsworth and spits at the names of the Leclerc’s who has wrong us all,” Wyatt continued off from Lando.
“My father is a good man,” Charles tries to convince the boy, perhaps even try and convince himself, but the two Aramore boys just shakes their heads with laughter.
“Suppose she is right after all. All you rich folks are as stupid as it comes.” Charles and Pierre share a look.
“But you met her?” Lando speaks up again. “Like you actually met her?”
They both nod.
“And she didn’t knock either of you out?” He watched the pair freeze. “Oh,” Lando pauses, “I only asked because of how much she hates your – your type. But Y/n isn’t a bad person. Sure, she’s made mistakes – but she’s a good person.”
“Thought you be more careful with sharing other’s names like that.”
Wyatt shrugs at Charles’ pointed look. “Don’t need to when the whole city now knows it,” he nods his head to the newspaper under Charles’ arms. “It’s the headline today – Y/n L/n and Daniel Riccardo are the Robin Hood and Little John. The King doesn’t want this shared with the whole world yet though, perhaps that’s the smartest thing he’s ever asked.”
“So the mole has already told my father?”
Wyatt only shrugs.
“You two should really leave though,” Lando stutters out slightly. “Aramore won’t be safe for either of you and when night comes it will only become even more dangerous.”
“It is a full moon,” Wyatt smiles and now Lando elbows his side.
“You saying that werewolves be out tonight?” Pierre laughs slightly. “Ah, werewolves don’t exist.”
Lando and Wyatt share a look.
“Just,” Lando starts again, “just return to your castle, your highnesses’.”
(As long as anyone could remember, it has always been the Leclerc’s throning their land, but it is to be known that they aren’t all as bad as Raphaël and Anna, in fact, they are the only two that anyone could remember being so terrible. His father was a good man – a good King who died far too soon, and then there was Raphaël’s older brother, but no one can remember what happened to him, one moment he was there preparing to be King himself, and the next thing they heard was that he left and wouldn’t be returning and that Raphaël shall be King instead.
Many things crumbled when Raphaël become King, our Robin Hood was about two years old when life become worst, never seeing what life was like before, only knew them from the stories others would tell her, and those stories sketched the idea of revolution into her brain, one could argue that it’s always been in her blood and all she needed was a single lit match to guide her to see it.
So, for as long as she could remember, she always had a desire for revolution, to overthrow Raphaël Leclerc in any way possible and bring back the life that only her ears were ever blessed with hearing. Bring back the world where one shouldn’t be afraid that in a matter of a second they could be stabbed, or questioning if that snap of a twig was a person following them instead of an innocent deer, and even bring back the world where everyone isn’t just waiting for another war too happen.
She wants to bring back the world where others were seen more as equals, the world where the poor was being helped and weren’t clinging onto their last seconds of life, and the world where the rich weren’t so greedy and treacherous and kissed the ground for a man who usurped the crown.
Robin Hood was the people’s only hope. She robbed from the rich to feed the poor. She was beloved by all people from England, and by the age of twelve, she was known and loved in other countries. Robin and her best mate Little John – also known as Y/n L/n and Daniel Ricciardo – are found hidden in Aramore, one of England’s poorest town’s.
King Raphaël has heard rumours on this information, but it is yet to be confirmed to the rich if it she truly awaits in Aramore.
You know, there’s been a heap of legends and tall tales about our Robin Hood. All different too. Well, fellow readers, here is the true version).
“This is the story of how I died.”                                                                                                  
“Y/n!” Daniel shoved the younger girl’s shoulder who was left chuckling at the frozen states of youngster’s with their mouths wide open.
“How can you be dead?” One questioned, tilting their head. “You look alive.”
“Because she is.” Daniel gave a short glare to his best friend before turning his head to beam at the kids. “She just messing with you,” he elbows her side. “Jokester this one.” The children looked between the two. “Now, Y/n, tell the real story.”
“Fine,” she rolls her eyes, “this one is more boring though – Once Upon A Time…”
(Y/n L/n and Daniel Ricciardo weren’t originally from Eynsworth, instead they were from a town called Neverland – which was a small island in the region of the Harsano Islands. They were both raised in an orphanage that was ran by some very cruel people. They all evacuated though when their country got overtaken by Raphaël.
They all escaped to England; Y/n was just nine).
The Orphanage – The Lost Boys – were a worldly known orphanage that many thought to be a good, well-run place, instead, for the children that lived there, it was like a game of survival. Y/n L/n and Daniel Ricciardo were always trouble, even back then, both being secretly taught how to survive by a woman who was only meant to teach them English, but instead she was their mentor for fighting, how to use a bow and arrow, and basic survival skills.
It happened away from eyes that would hurt them terribly if they ever discovered the truth, whether that was children that will tell on them or if it was Peter Pan and Cruella De Vil themselves catching sight of this little self-made club.
Growing up, they were taught on how to be everything wrong – in the eyes of the owners it was everything right – with being raised with the wrong thoughts of the poor and how they should be mistreated, that creatures out there should be killed, and even the fact that if one isn’t hurt then they will never learn.
Children shouldn’t have parents, and they shouldn’t grow up either.
They shouldn’t know how to survive in the real world, and they shouldn’t be able to protect themselves.
Y/n was told she was wrong in the way she thought, that children have a mind of their own, and that they will all grow up and leave Pan and Cruella here in this huge building alone – Pan didn’t like what the six-year-old was telling him, not one bit, so in front of everyone’s eyes, he bashed a rock into the side of her head until she fell unconscious, only waking up at the feeling of a cold flannel being pressed against her head by Daniel and their mentor – Tania – checking her over.
She still carries that scar on the top of her head.
She was six years old when Peter Pan and Cruella De Vil saw her as their main target to hurt, Y/n didn’t mind though, as long as the other children were left unharmed, then she’ll carry as many scars that will tell her tale.
“My mother wasn’t a good person,” Y/n mentioned one day in her training, when she was just seven years old, Tania raised her brows in surprise that Y/n knew this, she wasn’t meant to know but here she was talking about it, “She – it was mentioned in my file.”
“You read your file?”
She nods. “I just wanted to know more about…I just wanted to find out–”
“No,” Tania shook her head. “You shouldn’t have looked at that.”
“I didn’t think it be bad,” Y/n frowned, looking down at her feet as she kicked a piece of gravel from the ground away. “Why did you agree to do this after what my – what she did? I could be the same, you know.”
“You aren’t,” Tania was quick to mention. “You aren’t the same and you never will be. Your mother was a bad person, I know this to be true. I know this as she was the one who slit my daughter’s throat. But if I’d seen even an ember of that cruelty in you I never would’ve agreed to mentor you,” Tania took a step forwards, rubbing a gentle thumb across Y/n’s cheek before holding her hands in a motherly hold. “She may have given birth to you, but she doesn’t get to decide who you become – you do that.”
“Was my father a better person at least.”
“He was one of the greatest men I have ever met, he just, he fell for the wrong person and death caught up with him sooner than we would have liked.” Tania squeezes the youngster’s hand. “He would have loved you and would been so proud of you.”
“Maybe not,” Y/n shrugs, “maybe not because if he was still alive then I wouldn’t be here, I would be living with him and I would be a different person.”
Y/n was still seven years old when there was news that Cruella’s new fur-coat belonged to the creature that she yells to all on how she believes they’re all bad, and all should be skinned alive, she never was quiet on her hatred for werewolves. It was still the same day when a friend of hers questioned her opinion on werewolves – Wyatt Poitier.
“Are they bad?” The girl shoots them a confused look. “Werewolves? Are they bad? Cruella says they are – says they deserve nothing but painful death. She always said that when she finds one, she will kill it, and wear it as a fur coat.”
Y/n doesn’t think they are. Not all at least. She knows a few, all nice and all just scared humans who have extreme attributes that the average human do not carry, and perhaps their even more terrified of themselves than others are of them, because each time the moon is full they must go through the painful transition that causes others to call them a monster.
However, she was never clueless on the horrifying one that lived over in England.
Her werewolves’ friends never asked to be who they are though, they never asked to be something people find only in their nightmares. Where once someone discovers that secret, most will treat them differently, will want their death to full upon them, and some will begin to silently judge them before a simple hello is ever spilled again.  
“No,” she shakes her head. “I don’t think they are. They’re just people who also happen to be wolves. Some are good. Some are bad. Just like people.”
“Pan agrees with Cruella.”
“Well,” Y/n sits up, and leans her back against her headboard of her bed. “They would say that when they’re just the same as the bad wolves.”
The two days before they evacuated to England, Y/n and Daniel’s mentor was found dead, the news the next day insisted she died from the fire of the orphanage burning from the children – but Y/n knew it couldn’t be right as she knew no one was left in the building when she lit the match to start the amber glow.
Y/n carried the belief that it was Pan, Cruella, and the King – who was seen in Neverland earlier that week.
Y/n was just nine when she escaped to England, and she was still only nine when she become the Robin Hood who had revolution fogging up her brain.
 “And just at that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad, round eyes, and pleaded, ‘oh, please dear princess, only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell.’” Y/n spoke to the kids as she told them a story she had memorised in her brain due to the amount of times the children of the orphanage read it to one another. “And–”
There was a sharp three knocks that echoed throughout the small, stoned room, all the kids that sat cross-legged on the ground whipped their heads round to look at the door, whilst only Daniel and Y/n had to lift their heads up a little. They all await for the handle of the door to be pulled down, but yet, it never does, not until Daniel calls out a “come in,” did the handle move and the door was pushed open ever so slightly, enough for young Wyatt to nervously poke his head in as he looked at the duo.
“Er,” he looked over his shoulder at something, “you two won’t like this but,” he looks at them again, “there’s a visitor for you,” he mutters before moving away and slamming the door shut.
The pair moved away from the self-crafted beanbags as they moved towards the door, ignoring the pleads from the children as they asked them to come back and finish the story. Daniel was quick to reassure them that they be back after they see who was outside. Slowly, the children moved from the floor and went off to play with some of the toys in the room.
The two slowly moved out of the door, but a hand was quick to land on Daniel’s chest as they tried to push him back into the room before he could even close the door behind him.
“Wyatt what are you-”
“Change of plans, they only want to see Y/n right now.” Wyatt whispers as he pushes Daniel back into the room whilst Wyatt followed closely behind, closing the door as he goes, leaving Y/n outside, hands on her hips as she squinted to try and find this visitor.
“This is ridiculous where is,” her eyes fall on a slightly taller figure standing in front of her, her face scrunches up in disgust. “What are you doing back here?”
The figure removes his hood.
“I’ll keep my hood up if I were you, don’t want anyone to pass by and see who you are.” She utters as she takes a look around to see if anyone was close by whilst he pulls his hood back over his head. “I thought I told you earlier that you should return back to your castle. And where’s that friend of yours? Not out here is he? Better not be causing any trou– ”
Charles rolls his eyes. “He���s with the horses.” His fingers nervously reach to the side of his cloak, running up and down the steam of it as he looked at the girl in front. “I wanted to come back and apologise.” Y/n raised a brow. “Look, I just think we got off on the wrong foot.”
“Well, I think we did too.”
“But I appreciate your apology.”
“Apology?” Charles breathlessly laughs before scrunching his face up. “Who said anything about an apology? I was just saying–”
“Please don’t talk anymore, okay?” She crosses her arms over her chest as she turns to look away from him. “It’s only going to upset me.”
“Well you have already me upset so–”
“Is this about robbing you?” She turns to look at him, hands dropping to her side before raising her right hand to gesture towards him. “Come on, like that’s going to hurt your bank account.”
Charles chose to ignore this as he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, he held it out for Y/n to take.
“So you wouldn’t shake my hand, but you’ll happily hand me things?”
“Your really annoying, has anyone ever told you that?”
She pinches the other side of the envelope, leaving it to dangle down as she held it from a corner. “What is this?”
“Real mature–”
“Hey if you didn’t want to shake my hand, then I don’t even want to touch you.” She eyes the golden colour of it, it almost matching her reward posters. There was no cursive writing addressing to who it was for, but it did have the blue royal stamp sealing it shut. She had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at it, but she should have guessed it was an envelope from the Leclerc’s due to it being handed to her by one.  
As she ignores the colour of the envelope, she notices, without much surprise, that it was made of high-quality paper with a slightly rough feel to it – it wasn’t like the recycled stuff with bits in it like the people of Aramore use. It was just thick and heavy like letters from hundred of years ago.
Well, it be no shock if they were still using material for letters that they once did many times ago, the rich liked the traditional, they weren’t ones for big changes, so it should come to no shock that their paper felt like a rich metal, or that they weren’t even with the times and recycling their paper.
“I wanted to give you one,” Charles shrugs. “I thought it be a nice thing to do and–”
“This isn’t going to be the leading cause to my death is it?”
His eyes widen, “I hope not.” He responds in French, watching as Y/n’s face scrunches up from not understanding a word he just said. “Oh,” he frowns slightly, “I said I hope not.”
She clicks her tongue at the root of her mouth as she continues to eye the envelope and the boy in front. “Can you go now?” She questions, and before she could even watch if he does leave this time or not, she was already heading back inside to the small room she once was in, coming face-to-face with an annoyed Daniel and a Wyatt wouldn’t stop shifting on his feet.
“What’s that?” Daniel points to the thing that was still pinched in between Y/n’s thumb and forefinger.
“Poison,” she mutters, still eyeing it up in disgust.
“O-Oh, Y/n,” Wyatt stutters, “You must go,” The duo’s brows knitted together at Wyatt’s wording as they watched his eyes lit up at the sighting of what she was pinching. “You must! It be an amazing opportunity for you and, oh, Y/n, you can’t run forever; he’ll find you one day,” Wyatt warned. “Just go and have some fun and do what you do best; steal.”
“Who says I’m running?” Y/n lets out a scoff, which was slightly merged into an airy laugh too, “I’ve been here for the last five years, and if he ever gets the courage to come for me, I’ll still be right here.”
She understood that Wyatt must have figured out that this was from the royals, and by he, he must mean the King, and perhaps Wyatt thought this was a letter personally from the King, and maybe he believed this letter was going to mend everything.
But it wasn’t – that only happens in fairytales.
“But Y/n–”
Her finger slides underneath the lip of the envelope, tearing it open. She watches how the royal blue stamp that had a golden rose engraved onto it and is then surrounded with an aureate circular frame, splits into a near perfect half.
She tugs the folded black card out; she then holds it in one hand whilst the other crushes the envelope into a ball.
With her other hand, her thumb slips up from the bottom of the card, pressing down on the lined spine to open it up. Swiftly falling down like snow on a winter’s morning came two glistening silver and black tickets. The silver glitter littered across it shimmered like those elegant mirror balls found hanging from those darkened ceilings, producing thousands of different circular lights around the room.
She ignores them, but Daniel doesn’t as he bends down to collect them, eyes widening just like his friend’s as they read the same word, however one read it from the tickets, and the other read from the letter itself.
 You’re invited to The Royal Leclerc’s Masquerade Ball.
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References (in order of appearances): reference to chicken little || reference to tangled || reference to swan princess || reference to robin hood || reference to robin hood || reference to tangled || reference to robin hood || reference to tangled || reference to peter pan || reference to peter pan || reference to peter pan || reference to 101 dalmatians || reference to the princess and the frog || reference to anastasia ||
Detailed References and Taglist found in reblog Likes/Reblogs/Comments always appreciated along with any ideas one may have as this very long series proceed. 
Act One Masterlist//Character Profiles//Playlist
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
Imagine a Reader who makes... plushies!
They hand-make them, have original patterns, and have a variety of fabrics and materials, ranging from puff balls to felt to velvetine to fluffy to smooth, whatever you can imagine! They even have some faux furs and faux feathers for the hyper-realistic models, in various natural shades. Any color or shade or hue, they have it in stock and ready to cut. Threads, they have over twenty colors. When it comes to eyes, do they have them! Buttons, realistic eyes with irises, little black rounds, iron-on and sew-on patches too!
When it comes to designs and creations, Reader is never out of ideas. They have several styles of bears, cats, dogs, wolves, bunnies, deer, sheep, llamas... Other creatures such as snakes, lizards, geckos, chameleons, and turtles... Frogs and salamanders and newts and tadpoles and axolotls... All sorts of fish and sea life, sharks and rays and salmon and starfish and octopi and jellyfish, plus qhales and orcas and seals, too... Even dinosaurs and dragons and unicorns and chimeras... And a special project, little plush versions of the X-Men and Brotherhood...
And Reader's powers even center on their hobby, their art! The ability to bring their creations to life and puppeteer them, even other people and creatures. With only a flick of their hand, their life/will fills them, and so does complete and utter loyalty. Reader could be a hero or a villain, but enjoys making whomever they consider a friend a little companion or pet, something to keep them company so they don't feel alone...
(Fun facts:
• Reader likes to wear sweaters
• Reader sleeps in a pile of plushies
• Reader can have little strings appear when they've brought something to life and/or controlling something/someone
• They can use sewing needles as weapons
• They have a bubbly, happy personality, but they had a dark/traumatizing childhood
• Some of their favorite foods are maple sausage, fried eggs, and sweet tea and lemonade
• They give their friends hugs, lots of them
(They are also gender-neutral, or the gender of the Reader, okay? Like all of my other posts)
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seven-thewanderer · 3 months
Oki Imma start sharing some art that I planned to share, but I'm gonna split it up into sections
This first section will be: character designs (basically characters with my own lil design twist)
Im just gonna go in an order I think fits (cus I don't feel like trying to find the order of when I made em)
So firstly - I succumbed to drawing Banban characters (kinda)
I only drew Bittergiggle
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(and here's a version without the outfit and snake accessories) (by 'outfit' tho only the shirt)
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Since a lot of the Banban characters could be animals/creatures (bird, jellyfish, gorilla, fiddles, snail, toad, etc) I tried to think of one for Bittergiggle, and they honestly gave me Chimera-vibes :3
So ye chimera Bittergiggle
Secondly - I finally drew Bugbo
But I did like 4 versions:
Closer to canon
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2. Wings
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3. Tail
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4. Wings + Tail
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I also drew Hoppo!!
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(I couldn't draw her standing on all 6 legs like regular no matter how hard I tried, had to do the standing height, which I think was said to be "monstrously tall" or something like that)
Thirdly - SAMS/MGAFS
This one I just designed characters from the Sun and Moon Show & the Monty Gator and Foxy Show, with my own twists
Starting off strong with Jack 'O Moon (or as I'll call Jack'o to form a difference because somehow I made a SAMS Jack 'O Moon design before I could decide on my HW2 Jack 'O Moon design), who I also made a version of how they'd look in the dark!!
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Next, I finally found a Solar design!!
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(I kept trying to make my own look for Solar but I could never come up with one until now, and I really like it!! :3)
Next, I did Foxy and FC!!
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(fun fact: I based their designs on real foxes - mainly just their ears tho - so Foxy is a Red Fox, while FC is a Bat Eared Fox)
Finally (and probably the most confusing), I drew Vegeta
(not the actual canon Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, the one that's Monty's child on the Monty Gator & Foxy Show)
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Since I struggled too hard with his design I just said "screw it" and animaled him (honestly his model on the show kinda gave me penguin vibes, so I based him on a Rockhopper Penguin)
Anyways, that's all the designs Im pretty sure I did while gone!! (also, sometimes I call FC "Effcey" to make it look more like a name, and disguise the fact that his name is literally just "Foxy's Child", and I call Vegeta "Veggy" cus they call him that on the show, and also so it's not confused with the actual Vegeta)
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osatokun · 8 months
⚫️🎱🪩 for Charlie!
oh, there was plenty!
8 Ball- What situation was your OC lucky to escape from or get out of? What or who helped them unexpectedly? oh, there was plenty! For example the time when Veronica helped Charlie to survive rage of the very angry changeling boy!~
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The Dragon, Glinda's then-husband and jailer, talked young changeling Troy into attacking Charlie. He knew that one of the changelings died/fell asleep, and he pointed on Charlie. He didn't know for sure, he just wanted to get rid of pesky vampire who keeps on texting his prisoner. But Charlie really blamed himself for the death of this changeling. Long story short-little changeling ( Jean-Luc ) was kidnapped by a fomori, and aged form 8 to 60 years old. He escaped but started to go crazy. Charlie and Veronica tried to figure out how to help and return time to the poor changeling.We ended up killing fomori and making a deal with technocrats, who agreed to return the time to the boy in exchange for the fomori's heart. Charlie could stop everyone from dealing with technocrats, but he didn't. They gave him pills that should've returned boy's time. And Charlie gave them to Jean-Luc. They worked, yes, but the changeling in boy fell asleep. Charlie should've know better that technocrats sees changelings as an illness that should be cured. They did help the boy. They freed the human from his changeling self. And Charlie helped them. He will always blame himself. Well, let's get back to Troy. He came to the hospital Charlie and Veronica worked in. Charlie tried to dominate the boy away, but failed. Then he wanted to talk to him, but in the moment Veronica Charlie and Troy entered an empty room, Troy attacked Charlie and pierced Charlie's chest and almost killed him in one (!) hit. 7 damage of 8 hit points! And he said... You will die, dead man! I was very very scared as a player but Charlie...Laughed. It was hilarious for him, you will die, dead man! Charlie would die in this moment, but Verconica stopped the boy and Troy agreed to let Charlie live, for now. But he had to come to the changeling court in 7 days, and be judged for killing Jean-Luc. The rest of the story.. I think I described the court several times by now haha. Later in the game Charlie helped to return Troy's chimera, mr. Soft Paw (the plush bear) to life, spending the last changeling healing he had on him. And Troy became good friend for Monica and Joshua (her werewolf bf) so we keeps on seeing him from time to time. He is a very strong little changeling, Charlie respects him and happy thatMonica has such a loyal friends.
bonus picture by Veronica's player, @maria-ruta !
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Timeline leading up to ODF
This is the official timeline which I will work with for Oh Dragon Fly. I changed some things around and prolonged certain points to fit stuff better for the Story. I will also add to the timeline once the Story progresses, as to give as little spoilers as possible.
June 2004- Bloom (16) meet's Stella (17)
September 2004- Start of Alfeas academic year
January 2005- Holidays and the Shop incident
March 2005- Diaspro incident/ Bloom leaves, Trix come after her
March-early May 2005- fighting against Army of decacy
July 2005- Aisha get's trapped by the Shadow Phoenix
Late August 2005- they find Aisha in the woods
September 2005- first trip into the Underground/ meeting "Avalon"
December 2005- Avalon starts "helping" Bloom with her past
February 2006- Diaspro get's kidnapped/saved
March 2006- first Dark Bloom appearance
May 2006- Bloom is kidnapped
May 2006- defeat of the Shadow Phoenix
May -July 2006- Bloom and Winx stay in Alfea to make sure there are no backlash from interacting with the Shadow Phoenix
Sky and Bloom break up (mutually)
late July 2006- Trix break Valtor out of his ice prison
August 2006- Valtor get's noticed on Andros
August 2006- Stella's princess ball
September 2006- Winx get told what is happening on Andros by Aisha
September 2006- fight on Andros Bloom officially meet's Valtor/ Aisha get's her Enchantix
late Oktober 2006- The Millennium Ball on Eraklyon, Stella get's her enchantix
Bloom is suspended by the Board of Governors due to her connection to Valtor
November 2006- Valtor takes over Cloudtower
late November 2006- Attack on Alfea-Musa get's her enchantix, Faragonda is turned into a tree
December 2006- Bloom is returned to Alfea to heal Faragonda (doesn't work)
December 2006- They go to Lynphea to find the Weeping Willow, Flora gains her Enchantix
late February 2007- Andros is about to be destroyed Tecna gains her Enchantix, "dies"
March 2007- Bloom goes to Pyros on Faragonda behest to gain better control of her grief, possibly get Enchantix
April 2007- Stella breaks Valtor's curse on Sky
Late April 2007- Timmy get's a signal from Tecna
May 2007- Winx go to rescue her
late May 2007- Bloom returns finds out her friends have been missing for a week
June 2007- Return from Omega
July 2007- War officially announced for the whole Dimension
September 2007- they free Cloudtower
December 2007- Stella's father is freed from Cassandra and Chimera's curse
March 2008- Valtor steals Agadors box
April 2008- June 2009 Valtor and Trix wreck havoc and steal magic, make deals
late August 2009 The High Council Meeting where the Marriage is proposed. Start of ODF
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apis-azura-blog · 5 months
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
Archivist, I'd like to request ownership of the third sewing kit. The colour changing thread will come in handy, and I have a few other thread-work related objects to make use of the rest of it quite well. In return, I offer a spool of red thread to start kit number four; stitched into clothing, it's quite visible no matter the colour of the fabric, but wrapped around a limb it's near imperceptible. Make of that what you will, but it's not the only spool I have. - Estien
Good news - or maybe terrible news, I don’t know - It’s yours!
Contents of the Crazed Sewing Kit III:
Silver thread-of-starlight
Chameleon thread which changes colors when held up to a color palette
Bright golden thread, hot to the touch but allegedly ‘worth it’
Translucent white thread which can sew itself, desires to be part of a garment, and resents any length of it at all being thrown away
A spool of thread which, on being cut, will immediately vanish all stitches and return to its unused form
Iridescent thread of summer rains
Thread of long black hair, in the process of melting
An endless ball of yarn
Crimson ribbon which will show a safe path forward
A copper needle, through the eye of which one can always view a facsimile of the sun
The pins and needles from a lap full of sleeping cat
A half-dozen silver needles so thin and piercing as to be invisible unless the light hits them just right
A needle which ensures nothing it is used to stitch together will ever, ever part again
A needle always threaded just enough in just the right color to finish the seam and match the project
A needle of what is apparently snow leopard ivory
A thousand pins wrapped up in a scarf, once used to hold things close to the heart
Two weaving tablets of chimera bone, which lend impossible colors to what is woven upon them
A hedgehog-shaped pin cushion I have been calling Gladys, who has a tendency to wander out of reach and drop pins everywhere. However, if you can catch her, the right pin or needle always first to the touch. I’d recommend a terrarium or something
A pincushion of a little mascot character, jarringly enthusiastic
The dice from several magic eight balls, strung together like beads or buttons
A mason jar of buttons, which will always have the right button, but only once you’ve search to the point where you’re about to give up
A dragon-forged thimble, especially advisable with the Very Thin Needles above
Skissors which never dull, and gild the edges of what they cut, but which will curse you if you don’t pronounce their name right
Silver shears in the shape of a heron, which will always cut true
Quilter’s tape of leather, marked with a script that can only be read when it’s in use
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psychewritesbs · 9 months
Hello, Gege's unpredictability aside (cause they might decide to just up and kill Megumi or Sukuna next chapter🥹) given the recent developments in jjk regarding Sukuna and Megumi, I'm curious as to what you think of the old theory that Sukuna might be grooming Megumi to be the next king of curses?
Cause tbh I can kinda see it but at the same time not. Sukuna's too elusive for me, and I'm confused whether it's just my interpretation clouding my judgment but in the earliest parts of the manga, Sukuna and Megumi's dynamic (though interactions happened sparingly) gives me a pseudo mentor/mentee vibe. And we see Megumi taking Sukuna's words as advice and even improves on his technique because of it. I find it esp. interesting that during Megumi's first deployment of Chimera Shadow Garden, despite the flashback to Gojo's training, it wasn't until he remembers Sukuna's words during their fight at the detention center that Megumi decided not to use Mahoraga. In a way, he kinda responds more to Sukuna's observations than Gojo's. So yeah I can see it.
But then we get to the current stuff in the manga and it seems that Sukuna's fixation with Megumi is a lot simpler than what I had in mind. Megumi had potential as a vessel but he is not a cage like Yuji, Megumi's 10 shadows is a good counter to Gojo and then there's Mahoraga. So maybe it's as simple as that.
But then there's Sukuna. He still remains a mystery to me. Idk how to perceive him. Gege, despite writing Sukuna with the typical one-note villain traits, it's flashbacks like Yorozu's that offers the possibility of there being something more to this 4-armed godly figure than what is initially presented to us. And I'm stuck between dismissing it as Yorozu's own wishful thinking or entertaining it as an intentional narrative hint from Gege. Cause if this turned out to be some sort of vague misdirect just to milk a reader's curiosity and tendency to look for meaning in everything then I'm up for another disappointment. This wouldn't be the first time Gege made an emotional or narrative build up towards something only to throw it to the side and proceed with the story as if nothing happened.
I guess, in the end, this theory relies heavily on whether or not we've seen all of Sukuna. But nonetheless I'm still interested on your thoughts cause I need someone to overthink things with 😅.
HOLA anon!
Well... regarding your comment about Gege's unpredictability and the possibility of him deciding to "just up and kill Megumi or Sukuna next chapter🥹"... considering you sent your ask before chapter 236 dropped, I gotta say your concern aged quite well 😂.
To be honest, I didn't know that such a theory existed! It makes so much sense that it does. I thought the theories regarding Sukuna and Megumi mostly revolved around Megumi getting eaten, which we all saw how that went.
But a theory about Sukuna grooming Megumi, as you say, does and doesn't make sense it actually pains me to say that it reminds me of Orochimaru/Sasuke. It is actually something I had speculated in private conversation with moots myself.
Let's taco'bout it and overthink the hell out of it further under the cut.
Why it doesn't make sense that Sukuna is grooming Megumi as the next King of Curses
I think Sukuna is far too selfish for that.
Not only that. The mindset that Heian sorcerers have around power is specifically based on their desire to come alive in the face of death. Like in Dragon Ball Z, Heian sorcerers take great joy and honor in battling stronger opponents.
Based on what we do know about Heian sorcerers and their desire to battle to the death, it would make more sense to think that Sukuna is grooming Megumi as a worthy opponent. Therefore, you could say it would be in Sukuna's best interest for Megumi to get stronger. This is actually what I mean when I say Sukuna is too selfish.
From my perspective, I don't necessarily think that Sukuna is selfish in the sense that he wouldn't want to hand over his title, but rather that Sukuna would want to fight someone who can challenge him and make him smile like only Sukuna can smile when he's enjoying himself in battle.
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In other words, Sukuna would want to fight Megumi to death.
I also think at this point it's safe to say Sukuna's interest in Megumi was primarily 10s, more specifically because he saw an opening to take it by force.
As for Megumi, I wonder if more than seeing Sukuna as a mentor-like figure, he took his words (and Gojo's) as validation that his sense of self was limiting what he thought he could accomplish--the pinnacle of sorcery, Domain Expansion.
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The way I see it, if this calamity, the King of Curses himself, told you that you have wasted your potential, it is sure to make you think twice about how you see yourself and what you can accomplish.
And here's the kicker...
So why does it make sense that Sukuna is grooming Megumi?
I wonder whether your intuition isn't picking up on one possible outcome for Megumi's fate.
I personally hope that Sukuna taking 10s from Megumi will backfire on him as it has likely given Megumi the opportunity to learn how to master the technique considering Sukuna is doing with it what Megumi had yet to accomplish.
In other words, Megumi is learning from Sukuna. It's not a formal mentor/mentee dynamic in the strictest sense of the word, but there may be an exchange of valuable learning happening regardless.
The thing is that Megumi and Sukuna share an inner domain, so we can assume Megumi is watching everything from inside the domain since Sukuna specifically killed Tsumiki with the express purpose of having Megumi witness her death at his own hands.
Anyways, that's my hc and specific hope for Megumi, as well as my interpretation to your question.
Sukuna, the one-note villain
I think we're in for a treat regarding his character. That's how I see it anyways since I am a Sukuna simp.
Also, part of the issue with Sukuna is that Gege has kept his symbolism and his philosophy rather tightly guarded. He only reveals bits and pieces about him, but it's always enough to make me want more.
I also have to admit I love that Yorozu's words just keep reverberating, so I'll probably write more about it for chapter 236.
Here's to us getting a payoff on "ultimate strength and the loneliness that it brings".
Thanks for reaching out overthinking-anon!
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snippychicke · 1 year
For the Sake of a Smile (v.2) Chapter Six
Title: For the Sake of a Smile (Revised)
Overall Rating: Mature (18+)
Chapter Rating: T for teen. Some violence, and some innuendo
Trigger warnings: Nothing beyond the child abuse hinted in the series, though we do explore the consequences a bit more.
Main Pairing: Balam Shichiro/Reader
Summary: Hell on earth was your motto for your job. Granted, you were pretty sure earth really was hell, considering the shit you had seen in your life. And the fact your coworker was a child. 
A child named Suzuki Iruma, in fact. A kid who’s life was decidedly worse than yours, but yet he smiled despite everything. It wasn’t long after meeting him that you decided you’d do a lot for his smile. Including summoning a literal demon and signing your soul away.
But as it turns out, hell (The Netherworld, actually) was a lot better than living on earth. Demons were more humane than a lot of humans you knew.
And Iruma’s smile wasn’t the only one that would change your life.
Masterlist | Ao3| Mairimashitai! Simps Discord
The beast that took the dragon's place was by far more terrifying, with the multitude of void-black eyes and its piercing shriek. 
"Stay back!" Balam shouted as he quickly moved between you and the beast. You instinctively pulled the three teens closer to you, shielding them with your body as you both saw and felt the beast ready its magic. 
It was like someone had magnified the power of the sun, both its brightness and heat. Yet… it didn't burn like you expected it to, and faded quickly. Part of you wondered if it was thanks to Balam's magic as well as the Runes that still marked your skin.
Then you looked behind you, and saw Opera as well as Ameri flanking either side of Balam. You couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as you let the three teens go (and only half listening to Sabnock and Az balk from being protected in such a way.) 
"My lady, are you and Iruma injured?" Opera asked, turning their attention away from the beast. 
"We're good. But, how did you find us? And where's dad?" 
There was a glint in Opera's eyes. "Your perfume is very… unique. As for Lord Sullivan, he is assisting elsewhere."
Perfume? You didn't wear any perfume… except for the one that hid your human scent. But why did they say it as if it was a bad thing?! Did it smell that strongly?! Did it smell bad?! 
"Well, this is interesting," Balam mused as he surveyed the beast as it continued the mindless destruction of the park around it as you had a brief panic of smelling as if something died. "A chimera of summoned beasts."
"I didn't think such a thing was possible," Opera added as if commenting on the weather. 
"So, on a scale of one to ten, how fucked are we?" You asked, already trying to figure out how to get the kids away as you watched Ameri unite with the other teens. 
Balam's hand settled on your head reassuringly. "While it may be a challenge, I believe between Opera and myself we can deal with the Chimera. Though I would feel much better if you and the students weren't so close." 
Opera gave a faint smile as he held up a summoning seal. The one Iruma had explained that he was more or less forbidden by Kalego to use. "I believe between the three of us, it would be far easier…" 
It didn't take long for you to deduce what the scarlet haired demon meant. Especially considering how fast they moved to place the seal on Iruma's hand. 
The infamous Fluffego. Of course you had heard the rumours and stories of Iruma being the first 'demon' to be able to summon another demon as his familiar. Of how the tall, brooding, and strict demon became a ball of fluff that vaguely resembled a baby chick (which apparently was a reflection of Iruma's inner self. That revelation was far less astonishing. Because of course Iruma would be soft, fluffy, and harmless). 
Seeing the infamous Professor Fluffego you had heard many rumors about was an experience you did not expect to have today - Nor was watching both Opera and Balam go crazy over the cute little fluffball something you expected.
"You must feel how fluffy he is!" Both Balam and Opera insisted, holding the very dour looking Fluffego towards you. Despite the inherent cuteness, his dark eyes were filled with rage and the promise of death, so you tried to settle for a quick ruffle.
But, oh, his fur was like velvet mixed with silk. So thick, soft, and fluffy. You were hypnotized by the feel, your fingers running through the fluff. "Oh. Wow. He is fluffy."
"There is a magical beast raging and you are all obsessed with how fluffy I am?!" Kalego raged, though it only halfway broke the trance.
"Well, to be fair, you are impossibly cute and fluffy," You couldn't help but tease. "I think its more impressive than the chimera somehow." 
"Absolutely!" Balam agreed before the said Chimera roared, blasting a nearby building as if it could hear what you were saying. 
The moment broke as reality asserted itself. "Take cover with the students," Balam instructed, once more serious while Opera pestered Fluffego. "I don't want you or anyone else hurt in the crossfire." 
"I'll keep them safe," You assured without even questioning how, considering the children in question were all far stronger than yourself. "You three focus on beating that thing… but be careful too." 
The tall demon said nothing, though you had a feeling he was smiling behind his mask as he smoothed down your hair, tucking a wild strand behind your ear, making you blush. 
You refused to think about the possibility it could be the last time you had the opportunity to indulge in his skinship habit, and instead turned and focused on the group of teens and smaller children, now that Agares had joined the crowd. "Let's stand back, okay?" 
You tried not to show your fear as you watched the three demons (two demons and a demon-familiar?) approached the chimera. But would they really be able to defeat that thing? It was so much larger than the dragon had been. Behind you, Asmodeus and Sabnock sounded low-key excited to see them fight, citing the high-levels of the three. 
A hand wrapped around yours, and you looked over to see Iruma at your side. He gave a reassuring smile, as if he could tell how you really felt as he squeezed your hand. 
You expected a long fight, even as Nigyul returned to his massive form, and Cerberion appeared, looking less like a fierce crackling hellhound and more like a three-headed puppy eager to play. 
The three attacked at the same time. Opera jump-kicking the beast, the attack boosted with their mana. Cerberion slashing the beast with their claws, and Nigyul's vines wrapping and crushing the chimera. And between the three, the chimera was left a crumpled mess, twitching but otherwise unmoving. 
"Devi, those three are something else," You heard Sabnock swear, and you couldn't help but agree. 
Yes you had seen displays of power at the school, watching the students work on their homework, or the faculty helping you with the Library. But this….this was as awe-inspiring as it was terrifying. 
Just as you thought things were finally over, the chimera began to glow, quickly becoming blinding. You could almost feel the mana radiating from the beast. 
"It's going to self-destruct!" You heard someone shout ,causing your stomach to drop. Self destruct? Like a bomb? 
As large as the thing was, you could only imagine how much damage the thing could create. Especially if you could feel the mana it held. 
"Agares!" Kalego shouted, and before you could wonder why, the earth rumbled, and a larger crater appeared as if it had always been there. "Get in! It'll provide some shelter from the blast!" 
You trusted Iruma would do as he was told, that he would have a shred of common sense, and focused on the crying children on Agares' cloud since a few were panicking. 
Two of them jumped from the magic cloud as Agares hurried to the base of the crater, and began running away from the safe area. You raced after them and plucked them from the ground and held them tightly in your arms as you slid down the steep side of the crater. 
You settled them back on Agares' cloud, shushing them with empty promises before even thinking it was odd Iruma wasn't helping you. 
A shadow fell over you, and for a moment you thought it was your son. Except it turned out to be Balam, a grim expression on his face. 
"Where's Iruma?" You asked as you looked around for a hint of blue amongst the dirt and destruction. 
That's when you saw him dashing up the steep wall of the crater. "Iruma!" You screamed as you moved to run after him, fear and confusion gripping your heart. What the hell did he think he was doing?!  That thing was going to explode! It was a magical bomb waiting to go off, and he was running towards it. 
You barely took one step before Balam's arms wrapped around you, bracing you to his chest. 
"Let me go!" You screamed as you fought against Balam's grip, though to no avail. His arms were easily as strong as they looked, considering how thick they were. Yet you continued to kick and squirm as you shouted: "Iruma! IRUMA! Damn it, let me go, Balam!"
"I'm sorry, but it would be suicide,” He offered, his voice rumbling through his chest and into your back as much as it echoed into your ears. “I can't allow both of you to die."
"Damn it! No! Please!" You repeated, looking over to Opera and Kalego, hoping, praying, they would do something. Anything.
Yet, they seemed as resigned as they stood, somber expressions on their faces. 
Maybe… maybe there really wasn’t anything anyone could do.
Despair crashed down as you sagged against Balam, who's embrace went from restraining to supporting you seamlessly. 
How? How could it end like this? You had both finally had a life that seemed better than you could ever hope for. The future had looked so bright, and now….
Now it looked grim. 
You turned and pressed your face into Balam's chest, fingers digging into his shirt as you sobbed. Why? Why would Iruma be so foolish? Surely he recognized he couldn't stop that? Especially when even the adults called it impossible? The same adult who had taken it down with one blow. 
Balam's hand ran through your hair, the other rubbing your back slowly. Yet after a moment, he paused. 
"Look," Balam encouraged, though it was his amazed tone as he said your name that compelled you to look up.
A giant… cartoon animal? had appeared in the sky, its cute maw opening wide, inhaling deeply. Inhaling the mana of the chimera-bomb as it exploded. 
Impossible. There was no way. 
Balam freed you from his grip, and you raced up the edge of the crater, to see your boy and Ronovoe on the ground, looking dazed but unharmed. 
"You dumbass!" You screamed as you tackled him, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug as everyone else emerged from the crater. "Suzuki Iruma, don't you ever, ever, scare me like that again!" 
“Did you doubt our ability to take care of Master Iruma?” Opera asked.
You weren’t exactly sure what had all happened, in retrospect. It felt like one minute you were celebrating the fact everyone had lived. Your son and his classmates being hailed as heroes, and the next somehow a grande parade had been arranged and you were corralled into joining.
So, here you were, on one of the floats hanging near the back with Opera, Kalego, and Balam. The last of which, had one arm wrapped around your shoulders as you leaned against him.
The runes had faded, but had left you feeling exhausted. Or maybe that was the multiple near-heart attacks you had today. Either way, it felt nice barely supporting your own weight. 
“What? No! Nothing like that," You spluttered as your brain finally caught up with Opera's words. And the fact Kalego was looking toward you as well, expectanting an answer. "I just saw the news and panicked! And then, well, you know how dad gets….”
“Both of you are very overprotective,” Kalego sighed, shaking his head. “I’m not sure how Iruma ended up with such a martyr complex between you two always coddling him.”
“Well, that’s a long story…” You trailed off, hoping he would let it slide. After all, Kalego was the only one among the three who didn't yet know the truth. 
Balam's hand rubbed your shoulder, as he continued to wave to the crowd below.  You couldn't help but smile and mindlessly reached up to touch his arm that reached across your chest.
Instead of touching his glove as you expected, your fingers brushed something… leathery. You frowned as you shifted to look, heart dropping yet again that day and you noticed the torn, singed state of his glove, and what you presumed was discolored burnt flesh beneath.
"Balam!" You scolded, presuming he was being what you took as a 'typical male' and ignoring any injuries. Your assumption disappeared quickly when you realized his skin wasn't burnt, but his forearm was a lot like his legs; scales and leathery flesh.
Your fingers brushed the yellow flesh that felt rather like soft leather, before skimming over the green scales that were hard as bone.
It took a long moment before you realized what exactly you were doing.“I-I am so sorry!” You yanked your hands away, flushing as you looked up at his face, which was just as red as yours. “That was completely inappropriate of me. Oh my devi, I'm so sorry! I swear I just wanted to make sure you were okay!”
“It’s…” Balam started, but paused when Kalego made an odd noise. The dark-haired teacher turned the other way, but you could see his shoulders were shaking slightly.
The professor shook his head before taking a deep breath and returning to normal. Still, he looked rather… amused as he looked down at you. “I never thought I’d see someone apologize to Shichiro for touching.”
“It is rather ironic,” Opera agreed, their ears betraying their own amusement. "And adorable."
"I'm not--! It's not--!" You stuttered, your face feeling hotter than the carmine dragon's fiery blast. Your gaze happened to meet Balam's, and couldn't stand it anymore. You covered your face with your hands as you whined, wishing you had some sort of magic to just disappear.
Beside you, hidden by his mask, Balam was smiling slightly, though he avoided looking at you as well. 
Opera was right, you were rather adorable. Though he did miss your comforting weight against him. No one else not only tolerated his skinship habit, but seemingly welcomed it as much as you and Iruma. 
Which, he hoped that today wasn't an indication about how often you and Iruma were going to give him heart attacks in the future. He had just met the two of you, but mere thought of losing either of you filled him with dread. 
His gaze focused on Iruma amongst the rest of the students, Lord Sullivan cheerfully standing amongst them. Humans were so much more than he could have ever imagined. More reckless. Braver. So very compassionate.
He had to do his best to protect both of you. 
The dining hall was a ruckus between the misfit class telling each other their adventures and devouring the banquet before them. Sabnock and Asmodues arguing loudly as they retold their own fight against the dragon. 
Which was about as loud as the others as they retold their own fights (or, for Opera's 'team' taking shelter and the spontaneous concert from the demidol, Kuromu.)
You smiled, amused by the antics of the teens, happy to see Iruma so happy as he laughed and joined in the fun. But yet, you couldn’t help but notice that not only was Balam absent, but so was Kalego.
“Kalego likely snuck away to Shichiro’s room,” Opera offered quietly after noticing you looking for the two demons. “He doesn’t do well with crowds, and Shichiro can be quite shy eating around others.”
You couldn’t hide your dejection when you realized what Opera said was indeed true. As much fun as it was watching the teens, you had to admit, you did miss being around others your own (presumed) age. Granted, there was Opera, but their focus - as always - was on Sullivan and Iruma.
“Kalgeo doesn’t like sweets, however,” Opera continued, their gold eyes twinkling with mischievous light. “I’m sure Shichiro would be happy if you brought him a couple pieces of that chocolate cake.”
��You think Miss Azazel would let me steal a few?” You partially joked back, watching the fiery-haired demoness protect the decadent cake with the same passion you saw her use at school during arguments.
That mischievous glint had returned to Opera's expression, and before you knew what was really going on, you had a tray full of sweets, cake included along with a bottle of some kind of alcohol Ronovoe's father had encouraged you to take when you said you were taking it to the teachers.
So, once more, you found yourself awkwardly waiting in front of Balam’s door, wondering if you could disappear before the door opened. After all, what were you going to say? "Hey, I know we just had a whole life-threatening ordeal, but I kinda missed you at supper. And Kalego, I guess. So I brought dessert! And alcohol."
Except it wasn't Balam who opened the door, but Kalego. His dark expression did little to help your nerves, and if anything made you feel even smaller.
“Er, hi,” You greeted as you held up the rather heavy tray you had carried. “ I brought…”
You were interrupted as Kalego picked up the bottle, looking mildly interested as he studied the label. “This would actually pair well with our meal. Don’t you agree, Shichiro?”
Kalego turned, holding up the bottle up for Balam to see. You couldn’t help but peek inside the room just as Balam turned around in the middle of slurping noodles. His eyes met yours, quickly growing in surprise… and dread. 
Balam quickly moved to cover his face, but you had already seen. 
The large prominent fangs. The scar that covered nearly half his face. 
“Ow,” You whispered, touching your own face in sympathy. "That.. didn’t happen today, did it?”
“Hardly,” Kalego scoffed, grabbing the cuff of your top to drag you inside before you could do anything. And then closing the door behind you, efficiently making any decision about staying for you. 
Though, while he returned to the table you stayed near the door, not sure you were entirely welcomed. Not from the way Balam was quickly searching for his mask, one hand still trying to hide the scar.
“I could leave, if you would prefer,” You offered as you looked anywhere but him. The last thing you wanted to do is make your friend uncomfortable, especially after saving your life today. Several times, in fact. And the whole debacle of freaking out about his torn glove. 
Today was certainly not the nice relaxing day you had hoped it'd be. 
“It’s not that I don’t want you here,” Balam answered distractedly, sounding as if he was still looking for his mask. "It’s just I don’t want to… disturb you." 
“You won’t,” You answered quickly. “I’ve been around some rather disfigured individuals at my old job, so I kinda got used to… those kinds of things.” Was that rude? Awkward? Okay, it was definitely awkward, but was it especially awkward for him?
“She has cake,” Kalego pointed out offhandedly. You glanced briefly at him and saw he had gathered a few glasses and settled at the table across from Balam.
And was pouring the alcohol between the three glasses. As if he had already made the decision and was waiting for you and Balam to concede.
Kalego's words apparently caught Balam’s attention, his expression shifting from panicked to interested as he peeked back at you. You worried your lip before tilting the tray carefully, allowing him to see the dozens of different sweets that sat on it alongside the decadent-looking cake. 
There was no missing the conflicted expression in his eyes as he stared, clearly entranced by the offer but worried about his appearance.
“I could leave this for you guys if that makes you more comfortable?” You offered after a moment, feeling bold enough to take a few steps forward. 
Balam hesitated before lowering his hand, revealing his scar in its full glory. It looked like someone had ripped part of his lips and cheek away, exposing his large, sharp teeth. You refused to allow yourself to react, and instead made your way to his side and offered the tray, holding his gaze evenly as you smiled.
And, slowly, a smile spread across his own face, making your stomach twist. Even with the scar, he… he really was handsome.
As soon as you thought that, you felt your cheeks flush. Obviously the day was wearing on you despite catching a second-wind of energy. 
“You can stay if you want,” Balam finally decided, scooting slightly to give you space at the table--notably the side where you wouldn’t see his scar.
You pointedly didn't hesitate before you took the seat. Setting the tray down on the table next to the spread of other dishes. Kalego just as quickly set a wine glass in front of you and Balam, full of the deep burgundy alcohol. 
It was likely meant as a sign of acceptance, or simply him being hospitable. Had it been a glass of water or any other liquid, you probably would have seen it as such. 
But, unfortunately, while it wasn't the liquor your old coworkers were fond of, you still had flashbacks of when you first started your job. The hazing you had went through as you tried to join their cliques before realizing you were better off alone. 
They'd set their drinks of choice before you with their wicked grins, daring you to be 'man enough' to down it without so much as a grimace. 
You had always met their challenges head on. After all, in the human realm you could garner at least a little respect with a few straight shots in a row.
Except tequila, vodka, and sake had nothing on demon liquor. There was no burn that ripped down your throat. Instead the warmth was smooth like honey that flowed down into your stomach and spread your body, wrapping both it and your mind in a cozy blanket.
You were barely aware of shifting into Balam's side, tempted by the warmth he radiated, or when his arm naturally curled around you. But you were aware of looking up at his face and smiling reassuringly at his worried expression. 
He really was handsome in a way. Both inside and out.
“That isn’t the kind of drink one usually takes shots with," He said, his worry apparently not eased by your smile.
“Remind me never to give her the high-quality stuff again,” Kalego mumbled, sipping at his own glass. “It would go absolutely wasted.”
“Oh,” You mused, a vague feeling of guilt trying to creep up your spine as you looked over at the darker demon. “I, uh, didn’t know that. I’ll remember that next time.”
“Have you had… alcohol before?” Balam asked, mulling over his choice of words. While he trusted Kalego explicitly, he wasn’t sure how the other demon would react to finding out your secret.
Would you be able to choose your words wisely in this state? It was easy to see how quickly it had sunk into your system. Especially as you nestled against him and lazily picked at the tray of food before you without care.
Wait, was their alcohol even safe for humans to consume?!
“Not since moving in with Lord Sullivan,” You answered sleepily. “But before that I would indulge occasionally. Usually when I somehow got roped into attending an event with my lovely coworkers. They always wanted me to prove myself or some other shit.”
Kalego's lips twitched, though Balam couldn't tell if it was to frown or smile faintly. Granted, Balam wasn't sure how he felt himself, hearing how your old coworkers had treated you. Angered on your behalf, amused by your uncharacteristic derision in your voice. 
"While the faculty occasionally has gatherings involving alcohol," Kalego stated after a moment. "If one of them tries to coerce you into a drink, that is highly frowned upon. You would be completely within your right to refuse, or better yet, throw the drink in their face."
Your bark of laughter echoed through the room, making Balam's heart jump. Even if it wasn't full of humor, but oddly dark. 
Balam tried to reinforce the idea as he petted your hair, catching your attention once more. "You don't have to prove anything to anyone, least of all us."
Your lip quivered at his words, tears gathering in your eyes before you buried your face in his shoulder. "You guys are the best, I swear," you mumbled against him. "I-I will fight whoever argues otherwise."
Kalego snorted, amused by your declaration. "I think I would be willing to pay to watch that."
Balam, however, had a feeling he would have a heart attack if you ever even thought of actually following through with that promise. 
"... which only proves that next semester they need to be pressed harder. If these first years are capable…" Kalego trailed off, though Balam had stopped paying attention a few moments earlier. It was hard to focus on anything else when you had shifted to sit with you back to the table, curled into his side under his arm and face buried into his chest. "Is she… going to sleep?"
You hadn't been very active in the conversation - whether it was the exhaustion after everything combined with the glass of wine - but you had been listening as you munched at various foods.
"I think so?" Balam murmured, feeling his heart thump in his chest as you nuzzled against him before falling still.
He… he was not used to this. Animals, yes - once he carefully gained their trust. But he never had someone else be so… cuddly with him. Granted, you were usually more accepting of his skinship habit, but this… this was new.
 You were so vulnerable. You knew that he was aware of how weak you really were, and yet still trusted that he would not harm you. That he would protect you from anything. 
Devi, he would. His arm wrapped around your waist. He'd protect you from the whole Netherworld if he had to. 
"Well, perhaps I should retire for the night as well," Kalego said as he stood, causing Balam a brief sense of panic. 
What was he supposed to do? You were asleep! You were Lord Sullivan's daughter! He wasn't blind to how the situation would look. 
Kalego smirked, apparently not feeling an ounce of pity as he gave a conspiratorial wink. "Have fun getting her to bed."
Balam looked down at where you were curled up in his lap, your head resting against his chest as you slept. He would happily just sit in the same place all night while you slept, if it meant holding you. 
He muttered your name, stroking your hair hoping to wake you gently. You grumbled and buried your face deeper against him, and either didn't hear or ignored any further attempts of waking you. 
Did all humans sleep so deeply? You had explained things weren't as safe and peaceful as he had imagined, though still not as intrinsically dangerous as the Netherworld. But was it still a place you could sleep in relative safety? 
Or did you really trust him that much? 
Still, he didn't want to cause any misunderstandings. You whined slightly and curled closer as he carefully picked you up, an arm under your knees and one cradling your back, before standing. 
Your eyes opened blearily as you looked up, sleepy confusion evident. "Hmm?" 
He paused, taking a deep breath to try and calm his heart. Devi you were so absolutely adorable. Simply the cutest thing in the world. "I was just taking you to bed, little one."
"Oh, okay," You sleepily, nestling your head against his chest once more. He wondered if you could hear how hard and rapid his heart was beating. Did it bring you comfort to hear another's heartbeat? 
He barely took a few steps before you spoke again. "Hey Balam?"
"Hmm?" He hummed as he looked around for his still missing mask. Where had he placed it? Had he really been that excited when Kalego had shown up with the figurative buffet? 
"I don't smell do I?"
"Huh?" Balam paused, looking down at you. Your eyes were cracked as you rested your head on his shoulder.
"Opera said they followed the odor of the masking cologne to find us. Does that mean I stink? I mean, I haven't noticed anything, but is it just something demons sense? Do I really smell? Like-like stinky blue cheese?"
You… you were crying. Or about to. He felt himself panic as he hurried to reassure your fears. "N-no! You don't smell! Well, you don't smell bad! You do have a very unique scent, both you and Iruma, but it's nothing bad!"
You sniffed as you glanced up at him. "So… I smell nice?"
"Y-yes," He stuttered, well aware of his face turning red and the fact he didn't have his mask to hide behind. "You smell very, um, nice." 
Yes, the cologne that masked your human scent was very… unique. Not in a bad sense, but he didn't know quite how to explain that it marked you as Lord Sullivan’s kin. You and Iruma wouldn't have to say anything, and anyone with a nose would know you were a part of Sullivan’s family. And that alone protected you. It was like a warning sign, threatening any that would harm you.
You had explained a while back that humans couldn't detect pheromones, which he still had a hard time comprehending. Pheromones were a basic part of communication in the Netherworld. So much of society was built on the inherentness of it. It marked families, large and small. Territories. When an evil cycle was approaching, or when one was interested in a mate…
But, underneath the 'cologne' was your own scent. It was faint, but still there and utterly unique. He found himself enjoying it more often than not whenever he was around you. 
It was… warm. Inviting. It invoked the feeling of being welcomed home. Like returning to his nest after a long, stressful day, able to relax and let the stress melt away. 
It was alluring, just like everything else about you. Just like the smile you gave him before settling yourself against him once more. 
After a little help from one of the hotel's attendants (who had froze at the sight of his unmasked face before quickly obliged to his request). The attendant even opened and held the room door for him before making themself scarce.
The room was just as richly decorated as the others, the bed large enough for even a giant of a demon, let alone a human such as yourself. It was obvious you had indulged in a nap between the parade and dinner, the covers still rumpled. 
He set you down on the plush mattress before fussing to make sure the pillows and blankets were just right. Did humans nest? Burrow in their blankets like some demons? Curl protectively? Did you lay on your back in order to be able to see as soon as your eyes opened? Or did you sleep on your stomach to protect yourself better?
Balam watched, both to take notes on how humans slept, and because you were rather cute as you tossed and turned before you opened a bleary eye and held out a hand towards him, making a grabby motion. "Can you hold me a little while longer?" You asked innocently "Just until I fall asleep? I-I really liked when you did that..."
You were going to be the death of him between your request and the blush of your face looking absolutely adorable. Yet he obliged without protest, carefully crawling onto the bed and sitting against the headrest of the bed. You needed no prompting before you returned to your previous place nestled against his chest.
You fell back asleep within minutes, but he didn't move. He was too enraptured by how you had snuggled into him, the soft noises you made with every breath, how peaceful you looked.
Giving into impulse he allowed his wings to emerge and curl around both of you. He could only hope Lord Sullivan would let him explain - let alone understand. 
--+-- Su-Ki-Ma --+--
The staff of Rosevelt Hotel liked to gossip. After all, it was a very high-end hotel with usually famous, or at least rich and powerful, patrons. 
Like the Heroes of Walter Park themselves. Stories and rumors of the Misfit class quickly spread through the different divisions, mostly innocent things like the adorableness of Lord Sullivan's grandson, or how some of the students had broken into their teacher's room, or wild guess that one of the ladies was actually the devidol Kuromu. 
But then there was a decidedly not so innocent one involving the teachers.  
"You're lying," A cook swore at one of the attendants that roamed the higher floors. 
"I saw it with my own eyes! First Naberius left the room, looking rather self-satisfied, and then the other teacher, Balam, came out with Lord Sullivan's own daughter passed out his arms!"
"Lord Sullivan has a daughter?" The dish washer asked later as the cook recounted the story. It made sense, he had a grandson, but…
"Yes! She's the librarian of Babyls! But that's not what's important! Balam didn't have his mask and you should have seen the marks on his skin! One can only imagine what they were up to in there."
"But where was he taking her?" The housekeeper asked as the dishwasher sat across from them in the breakroom. 
"So apparently back to her room, but he didn't come out until just before dawn, looking all flustered! Lady Sullivan didn't emerge for hours later, and I heard her complain about her body hurting to Lord Sullivan's Security  Devil." 
"I bet! Can you imagine handling both the Guard dog of Babyls and its White Gargoyle? She should be glad her back isn't broken!" The doorman laughed at the housekeeper as she mopped the floor.  
"Sounds like Lord Sullivan may have some more grandchildren in the future," Ronove Rosevelt himself laughed as the doorman caught the manager of Walter Park up on the gossip. 
"Devi no, daddy!" Romiere gasped when his father spilled the tea later in the summer. "I refuse to believe that Ms. Suzuki would ever do such a thing!"
"Why not, my boy?" Rosevelt asked, "Desire, as you know, is a strong and beautiful thing! There is nothing wrong with indulging in urges such as love!" 
"Because you do not know how much Professor Kalego avoids the entire Sullivan family!" Romiere explained. //I've heard him doing some very outlandish things just to avoid Lord Sullivan and Opera! Professor Kalego would never!//
//But what about Ms. Suzuki and Professor Balam?// One of his classmates typed into the group chat, created by Romiere to prove that the gossip was devibullshit. //They seem very fond of each other.// 
//Yeah, I think Ms. Suzuki actually likes Balam's skinship habit…//
And thus, The Rumor was born.
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takearisk-x · 1 year
If you’re a fan of Ron Weasley share one positive headcanon about him
why did i read this like you’re gate keeping led zeppelin or something oh yeah, if you like their music, name three of their albums i’ll do tpfy headcanons since that’s where my headspace is at rn
with his amiability and eye for strategy, ron carves out a niche for himself in the department. robards makes him the go-to auror for all things logistics and coordinating with other branches of the ministry. got a foreign dignitary coming in? better get weasley to sign off on it. hosting an offsite event with public attendance? you’ll never get the go ahead until weasley takes a look. planning a raid to find illegal dragon eggs? weasley’s gotta go with you.
the other departments PRAY ron weasley gets assigned to their events. and he gets a little air of fascination about him with the workplace gossip spreading like wildfire: “he’s so fun and easy to work with.” “last minister’s ball he put together a secret trivia bracket that you had to have a two passwords and a sponsor to join!” “i heard he caught that escaped chimera single handedly” “he’s single right?” “no use, belinda. i already tried”
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bluehairlaunch · 1 year
7 Worst Dragon Ball Characters (objective)
Honorable mention, Master Roshi. So here's the deal, I actually like Roshi. I actually like Roshi A LOT when he's being the offbeat martial arts master, but for the most part he's a serial sex offender, and the anime adds even more sexual assault for lulz.
Like a bad relationship, I try to remember the good times
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So y'know how I basically said there were aspects to Roshi's personality I really enjoyed, which is why he's not on the list proper? That's not the case with Oolong. There are definitely aspects to Oolong I like -- I like Piggy from Journey to the West and I think it's hilarious that Toriyama dressed him (and Mai, for some reason) like Chairman Mao. I also have to credit him with saving the world, although idk how Pilaf would have actually held onto his world empire with people like Goku around. Regardless, his character is another vehicle for sexual assault humor.
And yes, the English dub fucked up and made him sound like an adult. The joke is that he's a child that acts like a perverted adult, but because he's a child, he's just kidnapping girls to clean his house and be his mom, basically (Bulma pretty much even adopts him). Sexual assault humor is still sexual assault humor, though, so Oolong sucks
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He's just gross. I really hate this dude
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Garlic Jr.
Who stans a poser? In DBZ Abridged, they rip on Lord Slug for being EXACTLY King Piccolo, but the only difference between Slug and Garlic Jr. is that Lord Slug knew his place well enough to stay out of the anime.
Lemme start tho with the things I actually like about this guy. 1) he's a demon, I think. Toriyama introduced the concept with King Piccolo, backtracked, then reintroduced it with Dabura. Dragon Ball Xeno Heroes or w/e later realized this was free real estate and expanded on the idea to the point of nausea, but until then, Garlic and his henchmen and Dabura were your only demons, if that's something you found dope.
Other than this, Garlic Jr. steals Pilaf's design, but instead of remaining a lil' gremlin, he goes the filler route and beefs up like a Broly. He has a past connection with Kami like King Piccolo and successfully uses the Dragon Balls like King Piccolo. He then uses the Jr. like Piccolo. Get your own fucking thing. ALL YOU HAVE IS BEING THE SON OF KAMI'S RIVAL
And what really gets me is that he would be an okay filler villain if he wasn't just a chimera of better, actually canon characters, but as he is, the only things I like about his movie and arc have nothing to do with him.
Fwiw this is the only character on this list that's filler/not a part of Toriyama's original run. If this included GT, then there would be nothing but GT. As far as Super goes, I like the characters or at least their concepts (looking at you Zamasu), and the shit part is in the execution.
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He and Yamu serve to showcase Babidi's power of mind control, but in doing so we're forced to witness the most pointlessly brutal, one-sided beatdown in all of Dragon Ball. I think the anime even devoted an entire episode to this ffs
We later learn that you have to already be a prat to fall under Babidi's powers, so there's nothing even tragic about his brainwashing and ultimate demise. He sucked before, he sucks now, he's a bad character.
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First off, it really doesn't make sense that a kid's division was introduced, does it? Most of the top fighters in the World Martial Arts Tournament were underage
Second, look how cute that girl in the top right is
Ok ok. As I made this list I began to realize there weren't a lot of characters in Dragon Ball that I actually hated. Some I definitely liked less than others, but few were so bad that I would remove them if I could. This chick is definitely one of them tho.
The Anti-Chi-Chi, Idasam raised two little brats that ig she loves and supports, which is the only thing she has that going for her. Besides that, she's mean to Bulma and even tried to physically assault her until the Mother of our Saviour Chi-Chi stepped in
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Pirate Robot
Admit it, you thought he was filler. He looks like Third Form Frieza fucked some Saiyan armor. I've seen people try to salvage pirate robot by saying he's Android 2, but no, he's not, General Blue had no idea about this underwater pirate cave, and it doesn't make sense for Dr. Gero to squirrel away a dragon ball down here. Sometimes the things you love just disappoint you
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Super Buu
I'm not sure this if this is a controversial opinion, but Super Buu is trash, his arc is trash, and everything he does will be done better later by Janemba in a fucking filler movie.
Before his introduction, Gohan failed, Vegeta failed and failed and failed, Gotenks fucked around and found out, and Goku wasted his time on a useless transformation like Future Trunks did in the Cell Saga (if he had been alive, Gohan would be trained and he would have realized SSJ3 wasn't a real transformation). Then Hercule came along and WON. The champ did it, he beat Majin Buu (with kindness). And that's great. If the Buu arc ended there, it would've still had several loose ends, but Z has loose ends as it is (imo another saga was needed to complete Gohan's character arc).
But then Toriyama (I'd rather blame his editors, but I've never seen anyone credit Super and Kid Buu to editorial interference) Ctrl-Z's Hercule's victory and we get Super Buu, a Perfect Cell wannabe that does nothing but crack his neck and murder Marin and everyone else too ig with his admittedly dope human extinction wave.
I have nothing but issues with this guy. His arc is way too long, his design is generically cool like a filler character, he steals Cell's powerset, he steals everybody's clothes, and he murders most of the cast while having little to no personality, so I can't even hate him for it
Go crack your neck more, you're the worst character in Dragon Ball
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
no but imagine like little armadillo lizard hybrid reader and everyone thinks they’re a dragon and they’re just like ‘:p no thoughts, brain empty, smol lizard’. Especially funny if one of the adults is like a dragon hybrid so they just take reader in and are like ‘my child’
Ohoho! Now that I haven't thought of! But that would be a fun idea!
Armadillo/Lizard Witch! Reader, who has some plated armor and a long, scaly tail, who is constantly falling asleep in a curled up ball if there's sunlight. They'd be the sort who trips over their tail multiple times in a day, but come out just fine (thank you armadillo armor!). They'd enjoy eating dried crickets and chamomile cookies, as well as drinking mocha. Fairy-like chimera they are, is Armadillo/Lizard Witch! Reader😊
The platonic yan dragon witch/es woukd be doing their best to adopt then and get them in their coven. Surprise, they have perfect napping nooks! They have padded stairs and furniture furniture if you fall, you won't get hurt! Oh, someone was bothering you? Not anymore! They would believe for the longest time Reader is just a slightly weird dragon witch. The moment they find out they are a armadillo/lizard hybrid, they'd still make plans to have Reader join them, they'd just be upset they can't teach them to fly or terrorize annoying people.
May I call you Armadillizard Anon? Or just Armadillo Anon or Lizard Anon?
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